Script .... ¿perl?

2000-07-07 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola lista!!
Necesito que alguien me de alguna sugerencia. Quiero hacer un script o
algo así para el curro. Esto es lo que tiene que hacer:
conectarse mediante telnet a un router (Cisco C7507), ponerlo en modo
'enable' (ejecutar un comando una vez en la sesión), sacar el 'show log'
(otro comando) y la salida de ese comando (digamos que sería capturar la
salida standard +/-, ¿no?) guardarla en un archivo de texto. Luego,
salir de la sesión telnet y una vez de vuelta en la Debian/Woody (otra
vez en casa ;-) procesar ese archivo y extraer ciertos datos.
Yo he pensado en Perl, porque es un lenguaje que me encanta. No tengo
problema en principio con lo de procesar el archivo, pero el tema está
en conectar el script al telnet y capturar lo que me devuelve 'show log'
a un archivo local (osea, fuera de la sesión telnet, donde se ejecuta el

¿Alguien me puede dar una idea, o decirme al menos si se puede hacer o
no? Sería muy interesante, sobre todo para empezar a hacer ver por aquí
lo necesario que nos es utilizar Linux.

Muy agradecido:

Juan Carlos Muro

Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-07 Thread Peter Plys
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 08:33:05AM -0500, JFreak wrote:

 Para configurar la tarjeta ethernet tendrás que tener un fichero 
 /etc/init.d/network tal que este:
 ifconfig lo
 route add -net
 ifconfig eth0 `hostname` netmask up
 route add -net netmask dev eth0
 donde deberás poner el número de IP de tu red en vez de

¿y si en vez de una ip fija necesito usar la que me proporcione un 
servidor dhcp?

-Peter Plys

RE: Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-07 Thread larocha

--- Original Message ---
Peter Plys  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Fri,  7 Jul 2000 08:13:38 +0100
On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 08:33:05AM -0500, JFreak wrote:

 /etc/init.d/network tal que este:

¿y si en vez de una ip fija necesito usar la que me proporcione
servidor dhcp?

Lo siento, no puedo ayudarte, no tengo ni idea.
Seguro que alguno de los colisteros si que puede.


Luis Arocha, -Data-

Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-07 Thread Peter Plys
JFreak escribía...

 espero que puedas ayudarme, por lo pronto mañana voy a tener que 
 reinstalar el CorelLinux en el servidor porque mi jefe olvido el 
 password de root y sin ese no puedo cambiar algunas cosas que 
 necesito, si sabes de alguna manera de obtener este password te lo 

Lo de obtener la password es un poco más complicado, así que nos vamos a 
centrar en como poner una nueva, sin necesidad de reinstalar todo el 

Hay varias maneras de solucionarlo. La más sencilla es reiniciar el 
sistema en modo monousuario: 

1.Reinicia el sistema 
2.En el prompt LILO boot: teclea linux single y presiona ENTER. 

Esto te debe botar directo a un shell como root. Aquí cambias tu 
password de root con el comando passwd. 

Si no tienes LILO instalado, usa un diskette o CD de arranque (de 
GNU/Linux, claro) y monta el sistema de ficheros raiz. Edita el fichero 
/etc/passwd con vi y elimina la contraseña de root.
Te quedará algo así como

Ahora root no tiene password; al rearrancar desde el disco duro deberías 
ser capaz de hacer login como root y poner la password que desees
utilizando passwd.

Peter Plys

Por el intercambio de conocimientos en el uso del software libre:
Foro GUGS  -

Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-07 Thread Darlock
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, JFreak wrote:

  Antes que nada quiero darte las gracias por la ayuda, encontre algunos 
problemas en los que
  talvez puedas ayudarme:
  Luis Arocha -data- ha escrito:
 Para configurar la tarjeta ethernet tendrás que tener un fichero
/etc/init.d/network tal que este:
   ifconfig lo
   route add -net
   ifconfig eth0 `hostname` netmask up
   route add -net netmask dev eth0
  donde deberás poner el número de IP de tu red en vez de
  hice esto pero ¿como puedo probar si mi tarjeta esta configurada ?? hay 
algun comando o algo
  parecido ??

En principio hay varios pasos para comprovar que una tarjeta funciona:

1. Comprovar que esté el modulo en el kernel
2. Comprovar que funciona en modo 'loopback'
3. Comprovar que funciona normalmente

1. El modulo seguramente sera el ne2k-pci, o sea que haz un lsmod y
buscalo. Si lo encuentras, perfecto, sino añade una linea en /etc/modules


Despues grava y ejecuta el comando update-modules, despues reinicia la

Para comprovar que ha detectado correctamente la tarjeta ejecuta el
comando 'dmesg' y busca unas lineas así:

ne2k-pci.c:vpre-1.00e 5/27/99 D. Becker/P. Gortmaker
ne2k-pci.c: PCI NE2000 clone 'RealTek RTL-8029' at I/O 0x6400, IRQ 11.
eth0: RealTek RTL-8029 found at 0x6400, IRQ 11, 00:00:B4:98:93:E2.

Si las encuentras, perfecto.

2. Ahora el módulo tiene que estar cargado, solo falta darlo de alta con
los pasos que tienes arriba, para ver si ha funcionado este paso ejecuta
el comando 'ifconfig -a', te tienen que salir dos interficies 'eth0' y

Para ver si la tarjeta funciona correctamente ejecuta el comando:

hostname:~$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=2.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1.9 ms
(CTRL+C) para parar.

Si te ha salido esto perfecto, siguiente paso...

3. Para comprovar que funciona correctamente la eth0 y la red en general
si la acabas de montar, haz 'ping' hacia otro ordenador que esté
correctamente configurado (Te recomiendo un guindous con TCP/IP activado,
así sabes que si hay problemas sera culpa del linux), haz:

hostname:~$ ping direccion_ip

En teoria ya te has asegurado con todas las de la ley que todo funciona
correctamente... si quieres puedes ir más rápido haciendo el último paso y
en caso de problemas tirando pa' tras hasta encontrar el problema... ;-)
  Como imagino que no tendréis un servidor de nombres ni cosas de esas
  necesitarás configurar el fichero hosts, donde pondrás algo como esto localhost localhost.localdomain doramas speedy piolin coyote silvestre correcaminos jerry tom
  con los numeros de ip y los nombres de los pc de tu jefe, el tuyo y el
  de tus compañeros.
  Con esto ya deberías poder hacer ping a las máquinas de tu red.
  Una vez que el ping te funcione ya tienes comunicación y empieza la
  configuración de las aplicaciones, www, ftp, etc.
  hice esto pero no funcionó me parece que el problema es la tarjeta de 
red, cuando arranca
  Debian recibo este mensaje:
  Unknow Interface (refiriendose a la tarjeta de red  -- eth0) y cuando 
escribo ping recibo
  este error: Network is unreachable.
  hay algun lugar donde debian guarde los mensajes que da antes de iniciar 
la sesion ?? hay mas
  mensajes pero no me alcanzo a copiarlos...

El comando es el ya comentado 'dmesg', y lo de network unreachable
seguramente sea por culpa de que no tienes el modulo de la tarjeta cargado
(es como un driver de guindous), mirate el primer paso que te he
comentado, a ver si te funciona así...
  espero que puedas ayudarme, por lo pronto mañana voy a tener que 
reinstalar el CorelLinux en
  el servidor porque mi jefe olvido el password de root y sin ese no puedo 
cambiar algunas cosas
  que necesito, si sabes de alguna manera de obtener este password te lo 
No hace falta reinstalar el Linux...  hay un truquillo muy bueno para
arrancar sin que te pida password, pero no me acuerdo ( a ver si alguien
se acuerda y lo comenta por aki... era algo así como init=/bin/vi o algo
así...) lo que hago yo es arrancar desde CDROM con la Debian y cuando me
sale la primera pantalla de la instalacion ctrl+F2, enter y despues
monto la particion primaria de linux (mount /dev/hdaX /mnt) editando el
fichero de passwords (vi /mnt/etc/shadow), borrando el password de root

Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-07 Thread Darlock
On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Peter Plys  wrote:

  Si no tienes LILO instalado, usa un diskette o CD de arranque (de 
  GNU/Linux, claro) y monta el sistema de ficheros raiz. Edita el fichero 
  /etc/passwd con vi y elimina la contraseña de root.
  Te quedará algo así como
Las instrucciones que te he mandado para cambiar el password son para
cambiarlo si tienes la opcion shadow passwords. Si la tienes, en
/etc/passwd tendras una 'x' en el segundo campo en lugar de un password
encriptado, y tendras que editar el /etc/shadow y borrar el segundo campo,
tal y como te he comentado en el mail anterior.

Que tengas suerte!

Josep Llauradó Selvas  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Registered User #153481
The only intuitive interface is the nipple.
After that, it's all learned.
(in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.)
FP: 199E 7539 13B7 AA30 0B0C  263E 5991 03A7 625F B24F

RE: Re: Intranet Linux

2000-07-07 Thread larocha

--- Original Message ---
JFreak [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote on 
Thu, 06 Jul 2000 15:53:19 -0500
Antes que nada quiero darte las gracias por la ayuda, encontre
algunos problemas en los que
talvez puedas ayudarme:


hice esto pero ¿como puedo probar si mi tarjeta esta configurada
?? hay algun comando o algo
parecido ??

Una vez que el ping te funcione ya tienes comunicación y empieza
configuración de las aplicaciones, www, ftp, etc.

hice esto pero no funcionó me parece que el problema es la tarjeta
de red, cuando arranca
Debian recibo este mensaje:
Unknow Interface (refiriendose a la tarjeta de red  -- eth0)
y cuando escribo ping recibo
este error: Network is unreachable.
hay algun lugar donde debian guarde los mensajes que da antes
de iniciar la sesion ?? hay mas
mensajes pero no me alcanzo a copiarlos...

espero que puedas ayudarme, por lo pronto mañana voy a tener
que reinstalar el CorelLinux en
el servidor porque mi jefe olvido el password de root y sin ese
no puedo cambiar algunas cosas
que necesito, si sabes de alguna manera de obtener este password
te lo agradeceria.


Se me olvidaba ! Tienes que cargar el módulo 
correspondiente a tu tarjeta de red. Eso se hace en el 
fichero -creo recordar- /etc/modules.

De todas manera yo te recomendaría lo siguiente: crearte
un script con los comandos que necesitas para configurar
la red. Sobre este script vas modificando y probando, y
una vez que lo tengas claro pasas los comandos correspon-
dientes a los ficheros de configuración correctos.
El fichero de script debería tener:

modprobe modulo que corresponda a tu tarjeta de red
routes .
ping a la máquina de pruebas (solo numero de ip,
no nombre de máquina)

El modulo que necesitas en modprobe depende de tu tarjeta
de red. Para averiguar que tarjeta tienes puedes usar
el comando dmesg, que te muestra los mensajes del arranque,
donde probablemente el kernel te sacará algún mensaje
informativo de la tarjeta. Claro que lo ideal sería
que supieras marca, modelo e irq exactos.

Si quieres ver los mensajes de error y demás puedes 
mirar el fichero /var/log/syslog, aquí lo tienes todo.
Incluso puedes hacer lo siguiente: En una consola pruebas
y modificas el script y en otra usas el comando 
tail -f /var/log/syslog, con lo que vas viendo los mensajes
de error de tu script.

Para saltar de una consola a otra con Alt-F1, Alt-F2,Alt-F3,

Para saber cual es el módulo no se me ocurre otra cosa que
mirarte el Ethernet howto.

Ten en cuenta que para que este script tenga exito el ping
tiene que enviar paquetes y no recibir respuesta. Esto
significaría que tu máquina ya está configurada y que la
otra no responde -hasta que la configures también-.

En cuanto a la reinstalación probablemente no sea necesaria,
si tienes un diskette de rescate o el CD de COLOS sirve
como disco de rescate. Si es así sólo tendrías que arrancar
con uno de ellos, montar la partición donde esté el direc-
torio /etc, por ejemplo con algo así

   mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /mnt

y modificar el fichero etc/password, en la linea del root.
Creo que te aparece algo así:
Lo siguiente que hay después de los primeros dos puntos es
la clave, si lo borras y lo dejas así
el sistema no pedira clave para root al arrancar.

Disculpa las inexactitudes, pero te estoy escribiendo esto
en un Windows. No tengo a mano mi Debian. :-(

Luis Arocha, -Data-

Sent using ( http://MailStart.Com/welcome.html )
The FREE way to access your mailbox via any web browser, anywhere!

Dos preguntas

2000-07-07 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Hola a tod*s,

a ver, dos preguntas, creo que facilitas ...

1) ¿Qué fichero de configuración hay que tocar para darle permisos a mi
usuario normal de trabajo para que pueda parar la máquina desde Gnome
con el gshutdown? Se me ha ocurrido que podría montarlo con el sudo,
pero supongo que debe haber un fichero de configuración general del
gshutdown (yo no lo he encontrado en ningun sitio, ni leyendo la escasa
documentación del gshutdown) donde se pueda especificar la lista de
trusted users.

2) Para alguien que trabaje con el kernel-package y tenga un portátil
... ¿Cómo demonios conseguir que al ejecutar make-kpkg config_modules
conteste de forma interactiva a las preguntas de configuración para
compilar los módulos PCMCIA? Es que quiero cambiar las opciones por
defecto. Por otra parte, al instalar el paquete .deb generado con
make-kpkg modules_image y tras haber seleccionado (cambié el fichero
donde guarda las respuestas por defecto para poder modificar la
configuración) la opción build trusted versions para las herramientas
(cardctl y cardmgr) que manejan el PCMCIA para que así puedan ser usadas
por usuarios normales (no necesariamente root), NO me las compila ni
me las instala (no están en el paquete .deb). ¿Acaso es que he de usar
la vieja fórmula tradicional para compilar las PCMCIA y olvidarme del

Muchas gracias a tod*s por vuestra ayuda y por vuestro valioso tiempo.


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I You are my faith,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  and when there's darkness all around
CASTELLON, 12071. shine bright for me,
Phone: +34 964 728361   you are the guiding light.
Fax: +34 964 728435 To me, to me, to me,
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   you are a tower of strength to me.
Wayne Hussey (The Mission)
- Tower of Strength, Children, 1988, Phonogram -

Re: Script .... ¿perl?

2000-07-07 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
 ... el tema está
 en conectar el script al telnet y capturar lo que me devuelve 'show log'
 a un archivo local (osea, fuera de la sesión telnet, donde se ejecuta el
Como en perl siempre hay 50 formas de hacer la misma cosa, me imagino
que hay varias formas, pero a mí se me ocurre solamente una forma:

open (TELNET, '| telnet lo-que-sea archivo.local');
print TELNET 'show log';
close TELNET;

Probablemente tengas que usar show log\n en vez de 'show log' (no lo
he experimentado). Mira man perlipc para mas detalles.

Jaime Villate

Re: Ayuda con PCMCIA SCSI

2000-07-07 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Juan C. Amengual wrote:

 Hola a tod*s,

 estoy teniendo problemas con una tarjeta UltraSCSI Adaptec SlimSCSI
 1480A. Os cuento. He compilado los fuentes del PCMCIA para el kernel
 2.2.15 de la Potato, por supuesto activando soporte SCSI en el núcleo,
 pero sin elegir ningún low-level driver. En el Configure del PCMCIA,
 he seleccionado la opción Cardbus, antes de compilar. La compilación la
 he hecho, como siempre, utilizando el kernel-package. Pues bien, cuando
 inserto la tarjeta, me dice que:

 aic7xxx: Adaptec PCMCIA SCSI controller at PCI 35/0/0
 aic7xxx: I/O ports already in use, ignoring.   ¡aquí está el
 scsi : 0 hosts.


al final parece que la cosa se soluciona ... Os envío la solución por si a 
alguien le sirve
de ayuda. A ver, me suscribí temporalmente a la lista de debian-users y tampoco 
me dieron una
solución satisfactoria. Desesperado y temiendo que esto era un bug del sistema, 
envié un
bug-report hace 2 días. He aquí la respuesta:

 It is an aic7xxx driver issue.  It worked on the Mandrake system
 because it had a pre-2.2.15 kernel.  The aic7xxx driver in newer
 kernels requires a 3.1.14 or later PCMCIA package.

 -- Dave

Luego, ya sabéis. Si tenéis esta PCMCIA SCSI y un kernel 2.2.15 o posterior, 
tendréis que
usar la versión 3.1.14 de las PCMCIA. Que, por cierto, está en Woody ... Por si 
quiere consultar en bugtrack el número de bug es el 66754.


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I You are my faith,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  and when there's darkness all around
CASTELLON, 12071. shine bright for me,
Phone: +34 964 728361   you are the guiding light.
Fax: +34 964 728435 To me, to me, to me,
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   you are a tower of strength to me.
Wayne Hussey (The Mission)
- Tower of Strength, Children, 1988, Phonogram -

Re: Dos preguntas

2000-07-07 Thread Luis Taboada
Hola Juan,
Juan C. Amengual 2) Para alguien que trabaje con el kernel-package y tenga un 
Juan C. Amengual ... ¿Cómo demonios conseguir que al ejecutar make-kpkg 
Juan C. Amengual conteste de forma interactiva a las preguntas de 
configuración para
Juan C. Amengual compilar los módulos PCMCIA? Es que quiero cambiar las 
opciones por
Juan C. Amengual defecto.

Ponte en el directorio de las fuentes de pcmcia y ejecuta su
./configure a mano.

Cuando se ejecute make-kpkg modules_image tirará del nuevo fichero que
hayas creado.


[plip] Opciones en el kernel

2000-07-07 Thread Manuel Jiménez
Quiero conectar el portátil con el ordenador nodriza con un cable Laplink.
Creo que entiendo lo fundamental del HOWTO.

Lo que no tengo claro es si debo activar en el kernel opciones como el 
network_firewall. ¿Es mejor coda que nfs para montar sistemas de ficheros
entre los dos ordenadores?

Es la primera vez que me meto en el asunto de las redes y
estoy pegado. Gracias por los consejos.

Un saludo: Manuel
Usuario de Debian GNU/Linux, Potato.
Registro 90705 en
ICQ UIN: #63192058

Migrando de NT a Linux?

2000-07-07 Thread Diego Mariani
Hola  a todos:

Hace muy poco que estoy con linux y de ahi esta pregunta. Doy
soporte a varias companias y todas ellas con Windows NT. Una de ellas debe
regularizar su software (todo, luego de una inspeccion) costo total 27.000
dolares americanos, al dueño casi le da un infarto. Sugeri Linux!. Tengo
seis meses para implementar todo. Voy a detallar la configuracion  actual de
la empresa y quisiera que alguien me cambie lo que puse en mayuscula por su
mejor contraparte en Linux si existe.

Dos servidores  uno para servidor de archivos (S1) otro para
comunicaciones (S2)en S1 tengo 
WINDOWS NT (SBS) con SQL SERVER , ARCSERVER para los respaldos en un tape
drive, en el otro tengo (S2) tengo EXCHANGE , INTERNET INFORMATION SERVER,
PROXY SERVER, los pcs 30 tiene todos WINDOWS NT WKS , MICRSOFT OFFICE 97, y
una pequeña aplicacion VB cliente servidor , se conecta al SQL SERVER.Ademas
tienen PROXY CLIENT para salir a internet y un EXCHANGE CLIENT , que le
permite enviar y recibir tanto correo interno como de internet a travez del
EXCHANGE SERVER.EL sito se esta armando con IIS.

Es posible tener exactamente esta misma configuracion con linux?

Gracias a todos

Re: Compilando el Kernel para obtener sonido con oss

2000-07-07 Thread JFA
On Mon, Jul 03, 2000 at 09:07:35PM -0700, Julián Armando Mena Zapata wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 Llevo unos buenos dias tratando de configurar la tarjeta de sonido, una
 AudioPCI (es1370).
 El nucleo 2.2.x soporta esta tarjeta y por tanto lo compile.
 Bajo la batuta de JFA logre obtener sonido, pero por cambiar de núcleo el apt
 no funciona pues no detecta los cambios de CD-ROM una vez instalo un nuevo
 paquete. Igual no funcionan unas aplicaciones del KDE (kdvi entre otros).
 Imagino que esto sucede por incompatibilidad de alguna libreria de debian con
 el nucleo 2.2.x 

Hombre, verás, yo era un asiduo usuario de slink hasta que un amigo me pasó
un programa que necesitaba, no recuerdo cual era, y no me tiraba por el
rollo de las dependencias. Me dijo tranquilo, te paso este paquete, y este
otro y ya está; pues no estaba, esos paquetes dependían a su vez de otros
... en fin, que me pasé a potato, y hace muuucho tiempo, de hecho no
recuerdo cuanto ( ya, ya se, tengo muuy mala memoria :) ), pero una vez
pasado el primer susto te digo: en cuanto pueda me paso a woody, porque ya
de aquellas Potato era bastante estable (nunca me dio ningún problema) ... y
pasé a estar siempre a la última, se me acabaron los problemas de
dependencias, ahora es una gozada, y usar el apt, sin problemas de
dependencias es ... bueno, hay que probarlo para entenderlo ;) es coña.
Asique mi consejo es que consigas potato ya, o mejor woody 8), yo me voy a
cambiar en cuanto pueda - de este mes no pasa - y por experiencia vale la
Otra solución nada novedosa es recompilarlo todo. ¿ Tienes los fuentes no ?
pues valen justo para eso ... de hecho en el último caso solo había un
paquete que no te corria, recompila los fuentes y san se acabó.
Espero haber ayudado ( de nuevo ;) )

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen) T2 !   | -- JFA --

Re: [plip] Opciones en el kernel

2000-07-07 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 01:35:00PM +0200, Manuel Jiménez wrote:
 Quiero conectar el portátil con el ordenador nodriza con un cable Laplink.
 Creo que entiendo lo fundamental del HOWTO.
 Lo que no tengo claro es si debo activar en el kernel opciones como el 
 network_firewall. ¿Es mejor coda que nfs para montar sistemas de ficheros
 entre los dos ordenadores?

Te incluyo mi fichero config. Es para la versión 2.2.16 del kernel.
En el creo que podrás encontrar lo que necesitas. Es un kernel para un
portatil Toshiba Pentium, sin pcmcia, con conexión plip y con soporte para
conexión por modem. Espero que te sea util.

En cuanto a la conexión por nfs o coda. Yo uso nfs y me va estupendamente,
no he visto la necesidad de mirar coda.

 Es la primera vez que me meto en el asunto de las redes y
 estoy pegado. Gracias por los consejos.

A mandar.
Luis Arocha Hernandez data  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Islas Canarias - SpainICQ UIN: 72307025
\ | / |  
-( )-/|\   
/ | \   /_|_\  
-\ o  o  o  )--
GNU/Linux Debian Potato,kernel 2.2.16,Toshiba 220CS.Usuario #69587
# Automatically generated make config: don't edit

# Code maturity level options

# Processor type and features
# CONFIG_M386 is not set
# CONFIG_M486 is not set
# CONFIG_M586 is not set
# CONFIG_M686 is not set
# CONFIG_2GB is not set
# CONFIG_MTRR is not set
# CONFIG_SMP is not set

# Loadable module support

# General setup
# CONFIG_PCI_GOBIOS is not set
# CONFIG_MCA is not set
# CONFIG_VISWS is not set
# CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE is not set

# Plug and Play support
# CONFIG_PNP is not set

# Block devices

# Please see Documentation/ide.txt for help/info on IDE drives
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD_IDE is not set

# Additional Block Devices
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XD is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DAC960 is not set
# CONFIG_PARIDE is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_CPQ_DA is not set
# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD is not set

# Networking options
# CONFIG_FILTER is not set
# CONFIG_IP_PNP is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ROUTER is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set
# CONFIG_NET_IPGRE is not set
# CONFIG_IP_ALIAS is not set

# (it is safe to leave these untouched)
# CONFIG_INET_RARP is not set

# CONFIG_IPX is not set
# CONFIG_ATALK is not set

# Telephony Support
# CONFIG_PHONE is not set
# CONFIG_PHONE_IXJ is not set

# SCSI support
# CONFIG_SCSI is not set

# I2O device support
# CONFIG_I2O is not set
# CONFIG_I2O_PCI is not set
# CONFIG_I2O_BLOCK is not set
# CONFIG_I2O_SCSI is not set

# Network device support

# ARCnet devices
# CONFIG_ARCNET is not set
# CONFIG_BONDING is not set
# CONFIG_NET_SB1000 is not set

# Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit)

# Ethernet (1000 Mbit)
# CONFIG_SK98LIN is not set
# CONFIG_FDDI is not set

# CCP compressors for PPP are only built as modules.
# CONFIG_SLIP_SMART is not set
# CONFIG_NET_RADIO is not set

# Token ring devices
# CONFIG_TR is not set

Re: Migrando de NT a Linux?

2000-07-07 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 09:27:36AM -0300, Diego Mariani wrote:
 Hola  a todos:

Hola Diego,

 soporte a varias companias y todas ellas con Windows NT. Una de ellas debe
 regularizar su software (todo, luego de una inspeccion) costo total 27.000
 dolares americanos, al dueño casi le da un infarto. Sugeri Linux!. Tengo
 seis meses para implementar todo. Voy a detallar la configuracion  actual de

Me parece muy bien. Es un reto muy interesante, pero vas a tener un montón
de ayudantes. :-)

   Dos servidores  uno para servidor de archivos (S1) otro para
 comunicaciones (S2)en S1 tengo 
 WINDOWS NT (SBS) con SQL SERVER , ARCSERVER para los respaldos en un tape
 drive, en el otro tengo (S2) tengo EXCHANGE , INTERNET INFORMATION SERVER,
 PROXY SERVER, los pcs 30 tiene todos WINDOWS NT WKS , MICRSOFT OFFICE 97, y
 una pequeña aplicacion VB cliente servidor , se conecta al SQL SERVER.Ademas
 tienen PROXY CLIENT para salir a internet y un EXCHANGE CLIENT , que le
 permite enviar y recibir tanto correo interno como de internet a travez del
 EXCHANGE SERVER.EL sito se esta armando con IIS.

Bien te propongo sustitutos:
Windows NT  Cualquier distribución Linux
SQL Server  Postresql
Arcserver   Hay varias utilidades para hacer las copias de 
No uso ninguna pero creo que no vas a tener 
ningún problema
en encontrarlas o preparar algunos scripts de 
ExchangeAquí probablemente te iria bien un servidor pop, como 
ejemplo ipopd o qpopper. Con esto perderías 
alguna de las
funcionalidades del exchange que nunca se usan 
-los votos,
las agendas compartidas, etc-. Tendrías las 
cuentas de correo.
IIS Apache si es un sitio Web de verdad, Boa si es 
una intranet
o un sitio web más ligerito, o que está empezando.
Proxy ServerSquid
Windows NT WKS  Cualquier distribución Linux (Idealmente la misma que en los
servidores para facilidad de configuración)
Office 97   Staroffice
Proxy clientNo se necesita nada similar.
Exchange client Cualquier MUA (Mail User Agent), los hay a patadas. Probable-
mente kmail de KDE sea lo que más cómodo sea 
para usuarios 
acostubrados a productos MS.
Aplicación VB   Nueva aplicación en Perl/Tk, Perl/Gtk, Tck/Tk. Esta te la 
tendrás que hacer a manini.

Como ves tienes alternativa para todo. Además el cambio no tiene que ser
radical, puedes cambiar los servidores y dejar los clientes como están, e
ir cambiándolos poco a poco, según avance la formación.

Las funcionalidades son similares en todos los casos, pero puede haber 
peculiaridades a tener en cuenta, sobre todo en el caso del Exchange y de 
la aplicación en VB.

Saludos y suerte.

Luis Arocha Hernandez data  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Islas Canarias - SpainICQ UIN: 72307025
\ | / |  
-( )-/|\   
/ | \   /_|_\  
-\ o  o  o  )--
GNU/Linux Debian Potato,kernel 2.2.16,Toshiba 220CS.Usuario #69587

Re: [plip] Opciones en el kernel

2000-07-07 Thread JFA
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 01:35:00PM +0200, Manuel Jiménez wrote:
 Quiero conectar el portátil con el ordenador nodriza con un cable Laplink.
 Creo que entiendo lo fundamental del HOWTO.
 Lo que no tengo claro es si debo activar en el kernel opciones como el 
 network_firewall. ¿Es mejor coda que nfs para montar sistemas de ficheros
 entre los dos ordenadores?
lo del network_firewall es indiferente. En cuanto al mejor sistema de
archivos para exportar, te diré que coda no lo conozco, pero nfs tiene fama
de muuuy inseguro. ¿ Se te ha pasado por la cabeza usar samba ?

Saludos a tos tos

Javier Fafián Alvarez   | Te pasas la vida haciendo planes,
en un AMD-K6II a 350| pero la vida ya tiene sus 
RAM 64 Mb kernel 2.2.16 | propios planes ...
Con Linux Debian Potato (frozen) T2 !   | -- JFA --

redireccionar informacion de puerto serie a puerto tcp

2000-07-07 Thread Pablo Vazquez
es posible redireccionar un terminal que entra al linux por serie a un
puerto de red
ejemplo por el serie me conecto a un terminal de una central telefonica me
gustaria direccionarlo a un puerto tcp para ,a traves de la red accederlo.
espero se alla entendido
Clave publica

[no subject]

2000-07-07 Thread Diógenes Zárate


Re: [[plip] Opciones en el kernel]

2000-07-07 Thread Pablo Faundez
Manuel Jiménez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Quiero conectar el portátil con el ordenador nodriza con un cable Laplink.
Creo que entiendo lo fundamental del HOWTO.

Lo que no tengo claro es si debo activar en el kernel opciones como el 
network_firewall. ¿Es mejor coda que nfs para montar sistemas de ficheros
entre los dos ordenadores?

Es la primera vez que me meto en el asunto de las redes y
estoy pegado. Gracias por los consejos.

Un saludo: Manuel
Yo no se mucho de firewall y eso pero para establecer una coneccion por
el puerto paralelo debemos seleccionar la opcion plip en el kernel, yo 
personalmente la dejo como modulo.
para configurar la coneccion hago:

insmod plip
ifconfig plip1 {IP o HOSTNAME del equipo al que te conectas} pointopoint {IP o
HOSTNAME de tu equipo} up

Con esto la conección queda funcionando.


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Re: Setting up network

2000-07-07 Thread Mike Werner
maynord wrote:
 Also, I often find it necessary to use ctrl-alt-f1 to open a virtual 
 terminal and do some work.  I can never get back to the Gnome desktop.  
 Any way to do that without shutting down X?

You should be able to switch back to X by hitting alt-f7 (presuming you've
not enabled more VT's than what comes stock).  Having said that, is there a
particular reason you don't just use an xterm (or rxvt or eterm or ...)?
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: Making my own /etc/init.d/local and setting up links

2000-07-07 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 11:27:10AM +0930, Mark Phillips wrote:
 Debian really should automatically set up for you, a /etc/init.d/local
 file with all the appropriate links to /etc/rc*, but it doesn't.
 So I want to set up my own.  But I'm a bit unsure about what links I
 should put where.  Can anyone tell me?

Actually Debian can do this for you:

(as root)

update-rc.d local defaults

Bainbridge Island, WA

Re: Offering external services, rlogins, smtp etc: how does it work?

2000-07-07 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 09:02:39AM +0930, Mark Phillips wrote:
 I've heard it said that rlogin has security problems, but I don't
 understand why?  And surely if there are problems, these would be
 fixable?  Isn't Debian supposed to be extra security fix aware?

the r* commands are flawed by design, you cannot fix a flawed design,
only start over and replace it.  

 Now you say to use ssh or telnet, but then say this is just as risky!
 Why not use rlogin if it is no more risky than the alternatives?

no he meant telnet is just as risky, he phrased it badly though.  ssh
is fine just so you configure it properly and don't permit lame

 The point is that I need to offer the functionality of rlogin.  When I
 am elsewhere and I want to do a remote login to my machine, then I
 need rlogin or some equivalent.  If rlogin is currently insecure, why
 don't people make it secure?  What makes it so hard?

people have made rlogin, rsh, and rcp secure, the secure versions have
a new name however:

slogin, ssh, and scp.  all can be found in the ssh package.  

the problem with the r-commands is primarly they transmit everything
including passwords in plain text, allowing the session and all
passwords to be captured.  plain text sessions also allow for session
hijacking.  telnet is guilty of the plaintext problem as well.  

the worse problem with r-commands is they trust remote machines based
on the fact that they open ports below 1024.  they also allow
passwordless authentication from hostnames or IP addresses.  this is
inherently insecure.  (granted you could refrain from doing this) 

the r-commands are also all suid root and must be this way to
function.  the less suid binaries you have the better off you are.
(ssh does not need to be suid, unless you use the rsh backword
compatibility mode) 

overall there is nothing you can do with rlogin, rsh, and rcp that you
cannot do with ssh.  ssh is secure, r* is not.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: a lazy question

2000-07-07 Thread john smith

Yes. I like it. Thanks

To: john smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: a lazy question
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 08:05:19 +0700 (JAVT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from [] by (3.2) with ESMTP id 
MHotMailBB2BD2C1000DD820F3B1CA9B3203A6250; Tue Jul 04 17:56:35 2000
Received: from ([]) by 
 (InterMail vK. 201-232-116-110 license 
a212841b0ee5bb3891811f2d671669ca)  with SMTP id 
[EMAIL PROTECTED];  Wed, 5 Jul 2000 
07:54:04 +0700

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Jul 04 17:58:55 2000

On Tue, 4 Jul 2000, john smith wrote:
 and what's a good pdf viewer anyway? xpdf perhaps?



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Samba Headache

2000-07-07 Thread Jay Kelly
Hello All,
Well Im still working on getting samba to work with Windows 98. I have
configured the smb.conf to share my home directory on the linux box.
Then I open Network Neighorhood in windows and can see the linux box.
I then try to Map a drive on the linux box and get a error. Windows 
pops up a dialog box saying: \\Neutec is not accessible
The computer or sharname could not be found. Make sure you typed it
correctly, and try again Now when I change the Window Primary Network
Logon from Windows Logon to anything else I can no longer see the Linux box.
This cant be that hard, what am I doing wrong ? I tried to install
Swat but I couldnt get it to work as well, I was received a error
connection refused.
Thanks for you help guys

settings to log 

It feels so good, It's a marginal risk, when I clear off windows with fdisk 

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux.

RE: Samba Headache

2000-07-07 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \(Patrick\)
Which version of Samba are you running...I would suggest that you use the
latest (2.0.7) as I understand the earlier versions had some
problems..similar to what you have described!


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 1:26 PM
 Subject:  Samba Headache
 Hello All,
 Well Im still working on getting samba to work with Windows 98. I have
 configured the smb.conf to share my home directory on the linux box.
 Then I open Network Neighorhood in windows and can see the linux box.
 I then try to Map a drive on the linux box and get a error. Windows 
 pops up a dialog box saying: \\Neutec is not accessible
 The computer or sharname could not be found. Make sure you typed it
 correctly, and try again Now when I change the Window Primary Network
 Logon from Windows Logon to anything else I can no longer see the Linux
 This cant be that hard, what am I doing wrong ? I tried to install
 Swat but I couldnt get it to work as well, I was received a error
 connection refused.
 Thanks for you help guys
 settings to log 
 It feels so good, It's a marginal risk, when I clear off windows with
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: Setting up network

2000-07-07 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \(Patrick\)
Firstly, if you are using Debian, all you need to edit are the following

/etc/networking/interfaces  you should include the proper lines so that
the system can locate your eth0

eth0 inet static
(I think I am missing another part here)

/etc/resolv.conffor resolving hostnames by pointing
to the nameserver...but if you are running bind locally, then the
ip should be first before the network nameserver ip.

/etc/hosts  for resolving local computer names to local
ip addresses i.e. before the dns (bind).

As for returning to X, use Ctrl F7


 -Original Message-
 From: maynord [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 6:42 AM
 Subject:  Setting up network
 Dear Debian Friends:
 I am working on converting several machines running W95 to a Debian 
 system running Helix-Gnome. My plan is to use Samba to talk to the 
 existing NT server. However, I am unsure as to what the best tool is for 
 network configuration.  Some Linux distributions use linuxconf or 
 netcfg. Is there such a tool in Debian?  Or should I just edit the 
 network, hosts, and ifconfig files?  
 Also, I often find it necessary to use ctrl-alt-f1 to open a virtual 
 terminal and do some work.  I can never get back to the Gnome desktop.  
 Any way to do that without shutting down X?
 I very much appreciate any suggestions!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

malloc failed

2000-07-07 Thread Nick

what does this mean:
VM: Killing process
malloc failed: Cannot allocate memory

maybe out of ram or swap space??


RE: Setting up network

2000-07-07 Thread CHEONG, Shu Yang \(Patrick\)
 As for returning to X, use Ctrl F7

Oops or is it Alt F7! It's been awhile since I have used the Penguin!

 -Original Message-
 From: CHEONG, Shu Yang (Patrick) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 1:52 PM
 To:   'maynord'
 Cc:   ''
 Subject:  RE: Setting up network
 Firstly, if you are using Debian, all you need to edit are the following
 /etc/networking/interfacesyou should include the proper lines so that
 the system can locate your eth0
   eth0 inet static
 (I think I am missing another part here)
 /etc/resolv.conf  for resolving hostnames by pointing
 to the nameserver...but if you are running bind locally, then the
 ip should be first before the network nameserver ip.
 /etc/hostsfor resolving local computer names to local
 ip addresses i.e. before the dns (bind).
 As for returning to X, use Ctrl F7
  -Original Message-
  From:   maynord [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent:   Friday, July 07, 2000 6:42 AM
  Subject:Setting up network
  Dear Debian Friends:
  I am working on converting several machines running W95 to a Debian 
  system running Helix-Gnome. My plan is to use Samba to talk to the 
  existing NT server. However, I am unsure as to what the best tool is for
  network configuration.  Some Linux distributions use linuxconf or 
  netcfg. Is there such a tool in Debian?  Or should I just edit the 
  network, hosts, and ifconfig files?  
  Also, I often find it necessary to use ctrl-alt-f1 to open a virtual 
  terminal and do some work.  I can never get back to the Gnome desktop.  
  Any way to do that without shutting down X?
  I very much appreciate any suggestions!
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: menuconfig won't start

2000-07-07 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega

Hash: SHA1

just install the ncursesX.XX-dev
(current X.XX version). U can see on the descripton ion the package just is 
the header and developments files.


At 02.32 7/7/00 +0200, Philipp Schulte wrote:
I just wanted to get a new kernel for my Debian-Potato. I downloaded
2.2.16 and wanted to configure it but menuconfig aborts with this

nepomuk:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig
rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
gcc -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE
-DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c -o lxdialog.o lxdialog.c
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

It seems like curses.h is misssing. Does anyone know why this
happens and how it can be solved?
Thanks a lot,

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Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use


Re: Ethercard Plus Elite 16: (WD/8013

2000-07-07 Thread virtanen
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

 You should have the disk with drivers for your card. On that disk could be
 something called ezstart (or of the kind), thats a program to setup the

OK I'll try to find that disk. But at this place it will be difficult. 

(Nobody wants here any debian, because then the instructers, who are
responsible for keeping the machines in working conditions are worried
that sooner or later they have to learn installing and instructing people
using linux... It is anyway so much cheaper and better... But it means new
work.  When a winmachine starts working happily without any installation
disks for the devices (as it was done with this
machine) the thing can be forgotten and the installation disks are
disappearing in a black hole.)


Re: anyone know ipmasqadm

2000-07-07 Thread Alberto Rodríguez Ortega

Hash: SHA1

Check the PATH

It's posible ipmasqadm reside in a directly which is not on your path.

have u check with 'locate'?
'which or just trying to execute the command it's not as u must look for a 


At 18.53 6/7/00 -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
ipmasqadm is contained in the Debian netbase package (for potato, at

On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 05:58:50PM -0700, Nick wrote:
  anyone know how to setup ipmasqadm?
  so far i got a hold of a rpm package and aliened it
  installed it and i have problems using it.
  no man
  no ipmasqadm utiliy
  what gives?
  anyone know of a deb that works???

Bainbridge Island, WA

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Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use


explanation pls on postscripts,ghostscripts printing

2000-07-07 Thread Joseph de los Santos

  Can someone please enlighten me regarding these subjects? I know that
postscript is a programming language that describes the appearance of a
printed page developed by Adobe in 1985 etc, and Ghostscript is an
interpreter for the PostScript language, but how do I use it for printing?,
doesn't the magicfilter package already supports gs/ps? I mean, right now I
am using magicfilter for my hp deskjet printer but when I print something
the fonts look ugly...kind of like fonts from the console and it also
doesn't print in color plus pics printed also look bad when compared to
those printed from a windows machine. perhaps that is my problem?  if so,  I
hope someone can lend me a helping hand in this matter.

Thank you.

RE: Samba Headache

2000-07-07 Thread Andrew McRobert
hi Jay

First of all, I'd recommend subscribing to [EMAIL PROTECTED] It's a general
mailing list for SAMBA-related issues, and the people on it r very helpful
(generally :) ).

Ok, when you ran sambaconfig, did you specify the INETD option or to 'run as
daemon' option. In your case, if you're running the samba server on a home
network I'd go for the INETD option. Basically INETD will listen for SMB
session requests on port 139 and start up a smbd for the relevant
authenticated user. Setting up the INETD option can involve a little bit
more tinkering that the daemon option though, so I guess the second option
has convenience on its side.

Your problem at the moment sounds like the samba box isn't running SMB
services (ie. Samba as a daemon or through INETD). What happens when you
click on the linux box in Network Neighborhood?

ALso, do you have the 'homes' share configured? What security mode are you
using (SECURITY=USER?), and have you added users to the smbpasswd file (in


-Original Message-
From: Jay Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 1:26 PM
Subject: Samba Headache

Hello All,
Well Im still working on getting samba to work with Windows 98. I have
configured the smb.conf to share my home directory on the linux box.
Then I open Network Neighorhood in windows and can see the linux box.
I then try to Map a drive on the linux box and get a error. Windows
pops up a dialog box saying: \\Neutec is not accessible
The computer or sharname could not be found. Make sure you typed it
correctly, and try again Now when I change the Window Primary Network
Logon from Windows Logon to anything else I can no longer see the Linux box.
This cant be that hard, what am I doing wrong ? I tried to install
Swat but I couldnt get it to work as well, I was received a error
connection refused.
Thanks for you help guys

settings to log

It feels so good, It's a marginal risk, when I clear off windows with fdisk

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: explanation pls on postscripts,ghostscripts printing

2000-07-07 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Joseph,

On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Joseph de los Santos wrote:
   Can someone please enlighten me regarding these subjects? I know that
 postscript is a programming language that describes the appearance of a
 printed page developed by Adobe in 1985 etc, and Ghostscript is an
 interpreter for the PostScript language, but how do I use it for printing?

You are perfectly right, Ghostscript is the interpreter for PostScript.
You only need this interpreter if you want to view PostScript on a device,
which doesn't natively support PostScript. There are several (usually more
expensive) Printers on the market, which have a built-in PostScript
interpreter, so you could send a PostScript file directly to the Printer.
However, if you want to print on a printer which doesn't have this
interpreter built in (or if you want to preview your PostScript file on
screen) you need something like Ghostscript, which will translate
Postscript into the device's native language.

 doesn't the magicfilter package already supports gs/ps? 

magicfilter relies on ghostscript (and several other graphics conversion
programs) to translate your PostScript files for the printer (if it
doesn't have PostScript support built-in). In fact, it is more or less
some kind of collection of scripts, which try to determine the file type
of the things you want to print and invoke conversion programs with the
correct options automagically.

 I mean, right now I
 am using magicfilter for my hp deskjet printer but when I print something
 the fonts look ugly...kind of like fonts from the console

Might be, that you sent a plain text file to your printer? Try to print a
PostScript file.

 and it also
 doesn't print in color plus pics printed also look bad when compared to
 those printed from a windows machine. perhaps that is my problem?

Might also be, that you chose the wrong filter in magicfilterconfig.
(if you haven't used magicfilterconfig, try 'man magicfilterconfig').
So, if you give more specs about your printer, the commands you used to
print and the files you tried to print, maybe someone on the list could
help you.

Helix Gnome Updater

2000-07-07 Thread Mark Herrick
I've installed Helix Gnome on my potato system using:
apt-get install task-helix-gnome

and it works great, but does anyone know where I can get debs for the
Mark  Herrick - Liverpool - England
mark at blacksky dot co dot uk
Pick two: Good, Fast, Cheap

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Re: menuconfig won't start

2000-07-07 Thread Philipp Schulte
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 08:37:22AM +0200, Alberto Rodríguez Ortega wrote:

 just install the ncursesX.XX-dev
 (current X.XX version). U can see on the descripton ion the package just is 
 the header and developments files.

It was called libncurses5. Now it seems to work fine. Any ideas, why
this was not installed before?

host.conf vs nsswitch.conf

2000-07-07 Thread Markus Stausberg
Hi List,

I'm running a debian 2.1 system and found that the resolver has
redundant configuration information in 'host.conf' and 'nsswitch.conf' .
The documentation describes both properly but I found no hint which 
one is the  relevant.

regards, Markus

named.conf vs named.boot

2000-07-07 Thread Markus Stausberg
Hi List,

I found redundant information in the BIND 8 Configuration Files
'/etc/named.conf' and '/var/named.boot' (or other files included in the latter).
Which is relevant ? Why does the other one exist ? What role plays the
(undocumented) program 'bindconfig' ?

regards, Markus

Re: named.conf vs named.boot

2000-07-07 Thread Darlock
On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Markus Stausberg wrote:

  Hi List,
  I found redundant information in the BIND 8 Configuration Files
  '/etc/named.conf' and '/var/named.boot' (or other files included in the 
  Which is relevant ? Why does the other one exist ? What role plays the
  (undocumented) program 'bindconfig' ?

Named.conf is the new version of Bind configuration system, and named.boot
is the previous version of it, the only usefull is the named.conf.
Josep Llauradó Selvas  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Linux Registered User #153481
The only intuitive interface is the nipple.
After that, it's all learned.
(in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.)
FP: 199E 7539 13B7 AA30 0B0C  263E 5991 03A7 625F B24F

Re: Setting up network

2000-07-07 Thread maynord

Yes, I am setting up a variety of machines where I need to do things 
like change the default screen resolution for X.  I need to be able to 
try XF86Config without re-booting the entire machine. I am using Gnome 
in multi-user mode.  Hopefully, I will be able to close Gnome, re-open 
and check new settings



On Thu, 06 Jul 2000 23:25:35 Mike Werner wrote:
 maynord wrote:
  Also, I often find it necessary to use ctrl-alt-f1 to open a virtual 
  terminal and do some work.  I can never get back to the Gnome desktop.  
  Any way to do that without shutting down X?
 You should be able to switch back to X by hitting alt-f7 (presuming you've
 not enabled more VT's than what comes stock).  Having said that, is there a
 particular reason you don't just use an xterm (or rxvt or eterm or ...)?
 Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
   |  As far from Redmond as possible!
 '91 GS500E|
 Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Problems Installing PHP 4.0

2000-07-07 Thread Antxon Alonso Lopez

I'm triying to install in my Debian system PHP4 with Apache and Interbase

I follow the Installation Instructions for PHP 4.0.:

 $gunzip php-4.0.x.tar.gz
 $tar -xvf php-4.0.x.tar
 $./configure --with-interbase --with-apxs
 $make install

Then I modify httpd.conf adding the following lines:

 LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/


AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Then I try to restart the service:

 /usr/sbin/apachectl restart

And I get the following error

 Syntax error on line 100 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
 Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ into server:
/usr/lib/apache/1.3/ undefined symbol: _dl_default_scope

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

Antxon ALonso

Re: Offering external services, rlogins, smtp etc: how does it work?

2000-07-07 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 09:02:39AM +0930, Mark Phillips wrote:
 Andrew Sullivan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Use ssh, or telnet, if you must (although that's just as risky).
 I've heard it said that rlogin has security problems, but I don't
 understand why?  And surely if there are problems, these would be
 fixable?  Isn't Debian supposed to be extra security fix aware?

It has to do with the way the r* services were designed.  The idea was to
allow seamless use between trusted hosts and for trusted users.  But the
trust system is almost trivially easy to compromise, and so rlogin is just a
huge hole.  There isn't a way to make it secure: it's unsecured by design.

 Now you say to use ssh or telnet, but then say this is just as risky!
 Why not use rlogin if it is no more risky than the alternatives?

Sorry, that's why I quoted myself above.  I was ambiguous in what I said. 
Allowing telnet is just (well, almost) as risky as allowing rlogin.  Use
ssh.  It's much safer, and if you set it up very carefully, is extremely
difficult to compromise.  (Never say impossible.)


Andrew Sullivan  Computer Services
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Burlington Public Library
+1 905 639 3611 x158   2331 New Street
   Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 1J4

Re: Looking for a package, but don't know what to call it

2000-07-07 Thread Peter Kovacs
On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Mike Werner wrote:

 Markus Fischer wrote:
  On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 02:53:18PM -0400, Mike Werner wrote : 
   Now, from any of those labs when you logon, you basically get
   connected automatically to naur.  All of the account info is (I presume)
   stored on naur as well.
  This basically sounds like NIS (Network Information
 It does seem to be what I was looking for ... thanks for the pointer.  Now
 I've another question - how in the hell does this thing work?!?  The docs
 that come with the package are a joke.  I've read and reread the NIS-HOWTO a
 number of times now to no avail.  Everything seems to be running, but I just
 can *not* figure out how to get my laptop (the NIS client) to realize that
 the login I'm trying to do is over on the desktop box (the NIS server).  I
 went through and did the adduser on the desktop, did the diddling with
 /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow as per the HOWTO, but the laptop still gives me
 the Login incorrect message every time.  I'm not even seeing an attempt at
 network traffic from the laptop when I try and login.
 Anyone here ever gotten NIS working?  I sure can't.

Yeah, we use it at work, however in order to get it to work we had to
change the nsswitch.conf from:

passwd: compat
group:  compat


passwd: files nis
group:  files nis

Keeping everything else the same.  It worked after we did that.  We're not
using shadow passwords either, in case that makes a difference to you.  I
did not set it up, but I'm fairly certain that was all it took to get it
to work.

Try logging in as root and running the command 'ypcat passwd'.  If that
doesn't work, then you're setup is incorrect.


Peter D. Kovacs LLC
Lead Engineer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mod_backhand on Debian

2000-07-07 Thread George Chavdarov

Any one have expirience with compiling and using mod_backhand 
with debian ?

George ChavdarovSystem Administrator -

Soundblaster and a Firewall

2000-07-07 Thread Peter O
I installed Corel Linux and would like to install Soundblaster drivers
so I can play my CD Roms.  Anyone know where to get the drivers?

I would also Like to set up a firewall, anyone know where to get the



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Making new /dev entries

2000-07-07 Thread Walter Williams
Good Friday Morning

Does anyone know where I can find info on how to
make my own /dev entries. I am trying to setup
an old 386 as a 4 port print server and would like to
create an lp3 device file. 

I am only asking for someone to direct me to the 
instructions, this way I will learn more on the subject.

Walt Williams

Re: Soundblaster and a Firewall

2000-07-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
Peter O said:
 I installed Corel Linux and would like to install Soundblaster drivers
 so I can play my CD Roms.  Anyone know where to get the drivers?
 I would also Like to set up a firewall, anyone know where to get the

Grab some kernel source and rebuild it with support for your sound card and
IP firewalling.  For more detailed information, read the Sound-HOWTO and
Firewall-HOWTO, both of which are in the doc-linux-html and doc-linux-text
packages (depending on whether you prefer HTML or plain text) or can be
turned up pretty easily with a web search.  (I'd recommend installing one of
the doc packages, though - there are a _lot_ of HOWTOs, all packed with good
information, so you'll probably want them as close and easily found as

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Soundblaster and a Firewall

2000-07-07 Thread Frodo Baggins
Dave Sherohman scripsit:
Peter O said:
 I installed Corel Linux and would like to install Soundblaster drivers
 so I can play my CD Roms. 

Grab some kernel source and rebuild it with support for your sound card and
IP firewalling. 

 sorry, but... why firewalling? could you explain it?


Leo TheHobbit

Re: Making new /dev entries

2000-07-07 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 08:21:01AM -0600, Walter Williams wrote:
 Good Friday Morning
 Does anyone know where I can find info on how to
 make my own /dev entries. I am trying to setup
 an old 386 as a 4 port print server and would like to
 create an lp3 device file. 
 I am only asking for someone to direct me to the 
 instructions, this way I will learn more on the subject.


Bainbridge Island, WA

Re: Soundblaster and a Firewall

2000-07-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
Frodo Baggins said:
 Dave Sherohman scripsit:
 Peter O said:
  I installed Corel Linux and would like to install Soundblaster drivers
  so I can play my CD Roms. 
 Grab some kernel source and rebuild it with support for your sound card and
 IP firewalling. 
  sorry, but... why firewalling? could you explain it?

Not sure whether your question was intended for me or Peter, but the reason I
told him to put it in his kernel is that the part you *snip*ped was:

Peter O said:
 I would also Like to set up a firewall, anyone know where to get the

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

RE: Making new /dev entries

2000-07-07 Thread Walter Williams

Just makedev lp3? This is the part that I am a little
vague on. Isn't there parameters to include with this?
How does it know how which piece of hardware it is 
intended for? Or am I making this harder (in my head) 
than it really is? 

And you said FreeDSB? I'm wanting to do this in Linux.

Thanks in advance

-Original Message-
From: Adrian Thiele [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 07 July, 2000 8:28 AM
To: Walter Williams
Subject: RE: Making new /dev entries

Check out the MAKEDEV command , I use it under FreeBSD, go to the dev
directory and try MAKEDEV lp3. First , read the man pages in case I`m wrong
in the exec method.

Adrian Thiele
Tec America, Inc.
Thermal Printer Division
phone: (770) 449-3040 ext. 177
fax: (770) 242-9992


 -Original Message-
 From: Walter Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 10:21 AM
 To: Debian ListServer (E-mail)
 Subject: Making new /dev entries

 Good Friday Morning

 Does anyone know where I can find info on how to
 make my own /dev entries. I am trying to setup
 an old 386 as a 4 port print server and would like to
 create an lp3 device file.

 I am only asking for someone to direct me to the
 instructions, this way I will learn more on the subject.

 Walt Williams

HD Troubles

2000-07-07 Thread Matt Kopishke
Hi, I have been having a odd hd problem.

I have a machine that has 2 Promise Ultra 66 cards installed plus the
on board interfaces.  The first card (hde - hdg) works fine.  The second
card (hdi - hdl) on the other hand does not.  When booting the kernel
finds the card, and the hard drive attached and sees the partition on
it.  When I go to format the partition it says that the device is not
configured.  fdisk also fails.  The devices are there (in /dev), I created
them with MAKEDEV after installing the card.

This is a bit frustrating, it seem like it should work!



RE: Problems Installing PHP 4.0

2000-07-07 Thread Jason Holland
  PHP needs the apache source dir to properly compile.  Your php configure
line should look more like this

$./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.12 --with-interbase --with-apxs
$ make
$ make install

You then must tell apache to use the php4 module

$ cd ../apache_1.3.12
$ ./configure --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libphp4.a

You neglected to mention if you are using a package of apache, or if you
have the source available.  So i assumed you have the source dir somewhere.
Hope this helps you out.



 I'm triying to install in my Debian system PHP4 with Apache and Interbase

 I follow the Installation Instructions for PHP 4.0.:

  $gunzip php-4.0.x.tar.gz
  $tar -xvf php-4.0.x.tar
  $./configure --with-interbase --with-apxs
  $make install

 Then I modify httpd.conf adding the following lines:

  LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/


 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

 Then I try to restart the service:

  /usr/sbin/apachectl restart

 And I get the following error

  Syntax error on line 100 of /etc/apache/httpd.conf:
  Cannot load /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ into server:
 /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ undefined symbol: _dl_default_scope

 Can you help me?

 Thanks in advance.

 Antxon ALonso

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-07-07 Thread Wesley A. Wannemacher
I am looking for the RSAREF library source. Can anyone point me in
the right direction? Thanx!


Wesley A. Wannemacher
Instructor, Network Administrator
Northwestern College

ftape woes

2000-07-07 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I compiled ftape into my kernel (actually as a
module). I have an Eagle TR-3 type drive on my floppy
controller which is the on-board unit (can handle 2.8
mb floppies).  The ftmt status command never
completes, taring a backup to the tape drive doesn't
work either.  What happens is that the tape moves 3 or
four times and stops.  After a long while it fails
with 'io error' or 'write error'.  The tape drive is
factory jumpered, and exists with both a 3.5 (A:) and
5.25 (B) floppy disk drives.  The same tape drive was
working fine with the same setup (on a different
computer) under windows with the windows software (so
I believe the drive is ok).  Has anyone else got ftape
(2.2.14 kernel source) to work with a similar drive?  

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

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2000-07-07 Thread Alwahab, William
Looking for drivers NuSound that work with WINNT 4.0 if any. 
Alwahab, Wm. S.  MCP

Tech Tools.gif
Description: GIF image

RE: Making new /dev entries

2000-07-07 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 07-Jul-2000 Walter Williams wrote:
 Just makedev lp3? This is the part that I am a little
 vague on. Isn't there parameters to include with this?
 How does it know how which piece of hardware it is 
 intended for? Or am I making this harder (in my head) 
 than it really is? 
 And you said FreeDSB? I'm wanting to do this in Linux.

it is MAKEDEV (all caps).  The script is in /dev and you have to be in /dev
when you run it.  MAKEDEV reads some magic files and contains some magic data,
so when you say 'MAKEDEV sound' it knows to make /dev/dsp, /dev/audio,
and /dev/mixer.

RE: Making new /dev entries

2000-07-07 Thread Walter Williams
So it sounds like there are files containing
pre-defined information for making /dev entries.
I would therefore conclude that it knows that 
lp3 would be a printer port and configures 
it accordingly.

That helps immensely, thank you

I would presume that to learn more about this 
subject I would have to delve into kernel
construction. I should count my blessings
that it was made this easy.


-Original Message-
From: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 07 July, 2000 11:45 AM
To: Walter Williams
Cc: Debian ListServer (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Making new /dev entries

On 07-Jul-2000 Walter Williams wrote:
 Just makedev lp3? This is the part that I am a little
 vague on. Isn't there parameters to include with this?
 How does it know how which piece of hardware it is 
 intended for? Or am I making this harder (in my head) 
 than it really is? 
 And you said FreeDSB? I'm wanting to do this in Linux.

it is MAKEDEV (all caps).  The script is in /dev and you have to be in /dev
when you run it.  MAKEDEV reads some magic files and contains some magic
so when you say 'MAKEDEV sound' it knows to make /dev/dsp, /dev/audio,
and /dev/mixer.

upgrading postgresql 6.5.3 - 7.0.2

2000-07-07 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


I successfully built postgresql 7.0.2 from source
(dpkg-source -x postgresql.dsc; debian/rules binary).
Now I would like to upgrade the existing version (potato -
What's the best and smooth way to do this?
I've tried dpkg -i all_postgresql_stuff.deb and it failed due
dependencies error.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

RE: Making new /dev entries

2000-07-07 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 07-Jul-2000 Walter Williams wrote:
 So it sounds like there are files containing
 pre-defined information for making /dev entries.
 I would therefore conclude that it knows that 
 lp3 would be a printer port and configures 
 it accordingly.

files in /dev are special files.  if you ls -l one:

crw-rw1 root audio 14,   4 Jun 23  1999 /dev/audio

you see the normal permission info, who owns it, date touched, etc.

But note the extra data '14, 4'.  These are major and minor numbers.  These
numbers map into a table in the kernel.  So 14,4 - sound module.

brw-rw1 root disk   8,  16 Mar  3  1999 sdb

8,16 second scsi disk and so on.

This file existing only means that you can try to access the device.  The
kernel must be configured to support a device (having the sound module) and the
actual device support must be configured (what sound module? what irq?).

Re: apt-move, merge ??

2000-07-07 Thread Jarkko Niemi
 But here's the deal. I have multiple debian (potato) machines on my
 network, and only one with the disk space for a mirror. It's a server
 and doesn't have X installed. However, pretty much all the other Linux
 boxen on the net will have X installed.
 apt-get wouldn't work in the first place). Is there a straightforward
 way to merge the debs on the client box into my partial mirror on my

I have tried that but...

first I would download X to server, by just adding extra switch, which
just makes apt-get just download, not install.

apt-get install -d xserver-server_type

man apt-get says:
   -d, --download-only
  Download  only;  package  files are only retrieved,
  not unpacked  or  installed.   Configuration  Item:
and next I would move those packages to local partial mirror by
apt-move. Propably these are good candinates.

apt-move move

   move   Moves  a collection of packages into the local mir-
  ror tree.  Uses existing master files (see get)  to
  repair any mangling done to the package names.  Any
  packages that aren't listed  in  the  master  files
  will be left in the file cache directory.
apt-move packages

  Builds  new  local  versions  of  Packages.gz   and
  Sources.gz files.

or, if you want make deletions automagically, then:
apt-move local

   local  This  is an alias, equivalent to 'move delete pack-
Jarkko Niemi   Happy Debian GNU/Linux user

getting data into mails

2000-07-07 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi all

If I wanted to put some lines of text from, say a manual page, into an
email that I compose (in mutt/vi), how would I best / most easily do this?

I know about vi's :r! command which places the output of a program 
into the current file.

I'm not using X here, just plain console with exim / fetchmail /
procmail / mutt / vim. :)

S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

What to use as an MTA

2000-07-07 Thread Viktor Rosenfeld
Hello folks,

in the exim Texinfo file it says:

 Exim is designed to work efficiently on systems that are permanently
 connected to the Internet and are handling a general mix of mail. 

My question is: If I have a machine that's _not_ permanently connected
to the internet, ie. if I'm using dial-up, is exim still a good choice,
or are there better MTAs for that purpose.

Are there alternatives that work best with demand dialing with ISDN (no
delay when connecting)?

Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What to use as an MTA

2000-07-07 Thread Mike Werner
Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
 Hello folks,
 in the exim Texinfo file it says:
  Exim is designed to work efficiently on systems that are permanently
  connected to the Internet and are handling a general mix of mail.   
 My question is: If I have a machine that's _not_ permanently connected
 to the internet, ie. if I'm using dial-up, is exim still a good choice,
 or are there better MTAs for that purpose.
 Are there alternatives that work best with demand dialing with ISDN (no
 delay when connecting)?

I'm on a regular dial-up here - going through a demand-dialing firewall /
router - and have been using exim with no troubles.  At one time I was using
our ISP's SMTP server as my smarthost, but am currently doing my sending
direct.  Occasionally I have troubles with sending to sites that use MAPS,
but I manage.

So I'd say go ahead and give exim a whirl.  I found it quite easy to
configure, and use its built-in filtering capability to sort my email into
seperate directories.  Quite easy to deal with, and I found the syntax of
the filter easier to understand than procmail's.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
  |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: What to use as an MTA

2000-07-07 Thread Phillip Deackes
Viktor Rosenfeld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My question is: If I have a machine that's _not_ permanently connected
 to the internet, ie. if I'm using dial-up, is exim still a good
 or are there better MTAs for that purpose.
 Are there alternatives that work best with demand dialing with ISDN
 delay when connecting)?

I have a machine, like your's, which is set up for dial-on-demand
dialing to my ISP. Exim works fine here and only attempts a connection
itself when there is outgoing mail in the queue. I manually fire up
fetchmail to collect mail from my ISP's POP3 server and, if I have just
written an email, I can manually get Exim to send it which causes my
machine to connect.

Works very nicely here . . .

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

RE: Making new /dev entries

2000-07-07 Thread Lehel Bernadt

On 07-Jul-2000 Walter Williams wrote:
 So it sounds like there are files containing
 pre-defined information for making /dev entries.
 I would therefore conclude that it knows that 
 lp3 would be a printer port and configures 
 it accordingly.
 That helps immensely, thank you
 I would presume that to learn more about this 
 subject I would have to delve into kernel
 construction. I should count my blessings
 that it was made this easy.

There are no such files, the information is in MAKEDEV, which is a script, so
look into it ! Each device has a major and a minor number (just do an ls -l in
/dev, these numbers are after the user  group names). The only thing MAKEDEV
knows is that lp3 is major 6, minor 3; the rest is on the parport driver, who
registers itself as handler of major 6 devices. When a process opens lp3, the
kernel sends the request to the driver who handles the #6 devices, and passes
the minor number to it as an argument. Thus the parport driver will know that he
was requested to open the fourth parallel port.


apt-get upgrade: now I can not login at ALL!!!help

2000-07-07 Thread Jose M de Aguiar

I have my Debian kernel 2.2.14. Today, as I periodically do, I run
apt-get update
then apt-get upgrade. During the process I answered ALL QUESTIONS WITH
upgrade, I was not able to use Real Audio. My default windows manager
fvwm95. I restarted the windows manager and doing a login in Debian, as
But the windows manager was twm. I DID NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES AT ALL

I decided to reboot the machine. It did go well, however once xdm starts
now I
don't have the Debian Login Window. Instead, now it comes XWindow.
But the worst is: I CAN NOT LOGIN AS USER OR ROOT. It is really serious.



Please, URGENT reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks a lot!!!

Re: What to use as an MTA

2000-07-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
Viktor Rosenfeld said:
 in the exim Texinfo file it says:
  Exim is designed to work efficiently on systems that are permanently
  connected to the Internet and are handling a general mix of mail.   
 My question is: If I have a machine that's _not_ permanently connected
 to the internet, ie. if I'm using dial-up, is exim still a good choice,
 or are there better MTAs for that purpose.

I've used exim for the last year or so on a box that does dial-on-demand and
it worked quite well.  You'll also need to use fetchmail (or similar) to
retrieve your mail from your ISP, since you can't receive it via SMTP when
you're offline (and I assume you don't have a static IP address anyhow).

There are three potential issues that I encountered:

1)  In the default Debian install, exim wants to pass mail on immediately and
will bring up the line to do so.  Personally, I found this to be a desirable
behaviour, but a lot of people don't like it.  I'm sure there are fairly easy
workarounds, though I couldn't tell you what any are.

2)  Unless you've registered your own domain and it can accept mail, the
configuration generated by eximconfig won't quite work out of the box.
Specifically, if you tell it you're it will assume that all
addresses are local, preventing you from sending mail to other users who have
the same ISP as you.  If you go through the config by hand, though, the
comments in the generated file make it fairly clear how to fix this.

3)  (Not a problem with exim, but rather with dialup access...)  Some ISPs
put submit their entire dialup pool to the RBL.  If you're using one of these
ISPs, you'll have to use their mail server as a smarthost.

Have fun!

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: What to use as an MTA

2000-07-07 Thread Sven Burgener

On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 03:29:16PM +0200, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:

 My question is: If I have a machine that's _not_ permanently connected
 to the internet, ie. if I'm using dial-up, is exim still a good choice,
 or are there better MTAs for that purpose.

I am using the combination Exim / fetchmail / procmail / mutt / vim here
and am absolutely happy with that.

Previously to using this setup, I ran sendmail (suse at the time) and
I wasn't able to config' it myself; had to use
tools for that, so I say Exim is easy and nice to configure.

When installing Exim a script gets placed into /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/. That 
script sends all pending mails when PPP is up, which is neat.

Also nice is the ability to get statistics on a daily basis. Look at 
/etc/cron.daily/exim for that. (You simply need to uncomment a few lines)

Good luck
S. Burgener
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.2

su question

2000-07-07 Thread tom
 howdy guys,

This is one of those things that has
been pestering me. while logged in as a user in x, how can I
edit files that require su privilages? (like /etc/fstab). I
usually su from eterm and jed filename. can I su from within
emacs? nedit?





Re: su question

2000-07-07 Thread Ron Rademaker
Perhaps sudo can help you, with sudo you just do: sudo command and it's
executed with root privileges (after ofcourse you have given the user
permission to use sudo).

Ron Rademaker

On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, tom wrote:

  howdy guys,
 This is one of those things that has
 been pestering me. while logged in as a user in x, how can I
 edit files that require su privilages? (like /etc/fstab). I
 usually su from eterm and jed filename. can I su from within
 emacs? nedit?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: apt-get upgrade: now I can not login at ALL!!!help

2000-07-07 Thread Ron Rademaker
Try booting with the lilo option: init=/bin/sh 
This will provide you with a root shell where you can try to fix things...

Ron Rademaker

On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Jose M de Aguiar wrote:

 I have my Debian kernel 2.2.14. Today, as I periodically do, I run
 apt-get update
 then apt-get upgrade. During the process I answered ALL QUESTIONS WITH
 upgrade, I was not able to use Real Audio. My default windows manager
 fvwm95. I restarted the windows manager and doing a login in Debian, as
 But the windows manager was twm. I DID NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES AT ALL
 I decided to reboot the machine. It did go well, however once xdm starts
 now I
 don't have the Debian Login Window. Instead, now it comes XWindow.
 But the worst is: I CAN NOT LOGIN AS USER OR ROOT. It is really serious.
 Please, URGENT reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thanks a lot!!!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: su question

2000-07-07 Thread Walter Williams
When you bring up your xterm window you first 
have login as su then give the root password. 
The system is done this way because Linux is a 
secured system, that and you don't want regular
users messing with necessary system files like
/etc/fstab in a LAN environment.


-Original Message-
From: tom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 07 July, 2000 7:15 AM
To: debian-user
Subject: su question

 howdy guys,

This is one of those things that has
been pestering me. while logged in as a user in x, how can I
edit files that require su privileges? (like /etc/fstab). I
usually su from eterm and jed filename. can I su from within
emacs? nedit?





Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Walt Williams
Mountain CAD 
(719) 593-8820

RE: su question

2000-07-07 Thread Bruce Sass
Sorry for messing up the thread,
I accidentally deleted the original post.

I was going to suggest chgrping everything to staff then add
yourself to group staff, but that would mess with stuff in groups:
dip, shadow, ... and result in breakage.

How much would this break?

chown -R operator /etc/* ; adduser someluckyguy operator

- Bruce

 -Original Message-
 From: tom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, 07 July, 2000 7:15 AM
 To: debian-user
 Subject: su question
  howdy guys,
 This is one of those things that has
 been pestering me. while logged in as a user in x, how can I
 edit files that require su privileges? (like /etc/fstab). I
 usually su from eterm and jed filename. can I su from within
 emacs? nedit?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Walt Williams
 Mountain CAD 
 (719) 593-8820
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null



Initial Load, X Issues

2000-07-07 Thread Ethan Pierce
Greetings all, I have just installed Debian via the apt method.  Im not even 
sure what this did but it seemed to go right into the compilation where dselect 
from the cdrom was near impossible for me to figure out.  Anyhow, while it was 
compiling it kept asking me if I wanted this WM or that, I was waiting for 
enlightenment to show up so I kept saying NO (apparently E doesnt come with 
2.1).  So now everything is installed, im on the net and in a console.

A few questions:
1) how should I go about getting X working?  I understand how to use 
xf86config, but it doesnt seem to support my newer TNT2. I have the Xfree86 4.0 
DEB package and I definately want to install that.  Where do I put it to have 
dselect recognize it.  Or should I compilie X4.0 from source.

2) How do I get my window manager working when/if I get X running correctly?  
Is it just a simple matter of editing .xinitrc in homedir?

3) I want enlightenment WM, I used it b4 in mandrake, but could never compile 
it from CVS because of the way RPMs are strewn about the system in mandrake.  
Ive been told that getting E through CVS in Debian was a snap.  Any tips on 

4)  Lastly, I want to upgrade the kernel.  Should I do that first before 
anything else?  I am familiar with this process.

Thanks for your help guys, Im coming to Debian because it was highly 
recommended to me and well maintained.  I dislike the way Mandrake sets files 
and packages about the system in disorganization.  Please help me convert to 
Debian.  Appreciations, Ethan

RE: su question

2000-07-07 Thread Bruce Sass
On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Bruce Sass wrote:
 How much would this break?
   chown -R operator /etc/* ; adduser someluckyguy operator

Doh!  Forget it, please :).
I guess one cup'o'coffee ain't enough.

- Bruce

Unresolved Symbol?

2000-07-07 Thread Thorsten Clever


I just build a 2.4.0-test2 kernel by doing the usual 
make dep ; make clean ; make bzImage ; make modules ; make
then i copied the image and the file to /boot an reran lilo.
While rebooting with the new kernel i got a lot of 'unresolved symbol' 
error on pretty much all modules. depmod -a gives me the same errors.
I'm unsing debian/woody on a Athlon 
It would be cool if someone could help me with this. :)

thanks, Thorsten

Re: Unresolved Symbol?

2000-07-07 Thread Rolf Schillinger
Are you running on IDE? IF yes: SHUTDOWN AND PRAY immediately :)
Maybe the information hasnt so wide spread yet but test2 is bound to
corrupt your filesystems.
take care, Rolf

On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Thorsten Clever wrote:

 I just build a 2.4.0-test2 kernel by doing the usual 
 make dep ; make clean ; make bzImage ; make modules ; make
 then i copied the image and the file to /boot an reran lilo.
 While rebooting with the new kernel i got a lot of 'unresolved symbol' 
 error on pretty much all modules. depmod -a gives me the same errors.
 I'm unsing debian/woody on a Athlon 
 It would be cool if someone could help me with this. :)
 thanks, Thorsten
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Brazilian mirrors (was: Re: Kernel Source Code [New User])

2000-07-07 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jul 04 2000, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
 :: On Tue, 4 Jul 2000 15:18:33 -0300, Rogerio Brito [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Hi Roger.

Hi, Jeronimo.

  Don't use that site. Use instead
  (where xx is your country code) to let the community mirror it
  In the same way, don't use Use some mirror
 BTW, have you had any success acceessing {http|ftp} I
 tried the Brazilian mirrors several times a few months ago and gave

Indeed the mirrors are not working because the Brazilian
mirror had a disk crash (the mirror is one of the computers
at the Physics Institute of USP and they've been having
problems with their power plant and now that it is solved,
with bureaucracy).

And it appears that it won't be usable any time soon. :-(

 What's the best option for us, in case the .br.debian really doesn't

I've been using the US mirrors. Since is
not just one machine (half a dozen or so), if you have
problems downloading from the site (like slow connection),
just disconnect and try again. apt will probably use another

That said, sometimes I've had better luck with the us.debian
sites than with br.debian when it was operational.


You're welcome, friend!

[]s, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

Re: apt-move, merge ??

2000-07-07 Thread Rogerio Brito
On Jul 06 2000, Pann McCuaig wrote:
 apt-move rocks! The idea of building a partial local mirror using
 debs downloaded by apt-get is right on.

Indeed it does. It's a great idea to manage debs downloaded.
That means that it also saves me from typing apt-get
autoclean. :-)

I usually build a partial local mirror and then burn copies on
CDs so that I can give them to friends (with some extras like
StarOffice and Helix Gnome).

 So how do I download those packages only once?

I usually use

# apt-get -d install package

It only downloads the packages and then I use apt-move to move
them to my local mirror.

Hope this helps, Roger...

  Rogerio Brito - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Nectar homepage:

Re: su question

2000-07-07 Thread gianluca
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 03:14:55PM +0200, tom wrote:
  howdy guys,
 This is one of those things that has
 been pestering me. while logged in as a user in x, how can I
 edit files that require su privilages? (like /etc/fstab). I
 usually su from eterm and jed filename. can I su from within
 emacs? nedit?

I use this method

[Gianluca][~] = xhost + localhost
localhost being added to access control list
[Gianluca][~] = su
[ROOT][gianluca] # 



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If we have to file a thousand lawsuits a day, we'll do it.
It's less expensive than losing CONTROL of YOUR creative works.
---Jack Valenti, President and CEO, Motion Picture Association of America

apt-get upgrade problems

2000-07-07 Thread Dave Sherohman
I just did an apt-get upgrade (to frozen) for the first time in several
months.  Unlike most of the people who say things like that around here,
everything is still (mostly) functional, but it has acquired a few
unpleasant quirks...

1)  I used to have SSH set up so that I could jump between the boxen on my
LAN without having to reenter passwords.  This no longer works.  I had
previously arranged it using /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv, which probably isn't the
best way to do it anyhow.  Although my primary interest is in not having to
retype my password constantly, I would also like to find out how to do this
the 'right' way.

2)  When connecting with SSH, after entering my password, I get a couple of
shell-init: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent 
directories: No such file or directory
job-working-directory: could not get current directory: getcwd: cannot access 
parent directories: No such file or directory

3)  When I open an Eterm (within wmaker, if that makes a difference), the
shell opens up in the directory for the Eterm's active theme instead of the
user's home directory.

Suggestions, anyone?

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: su question

2000-07-07 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 11:22:38PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 03:14:55PM +0200, tom wrote:
   howdy guys,
  This is one of those things that has
  been pestering me. while logged in as a user in x, how can I
  edit files that require su privilages? (like /etc/fstab). I
  usually su from eterm and jed filename. can I su from within
  emacs? nedit?
 I use this method
 [Gianluca][~] = xhost + localhost
 localhost being added to access control list
 [Gianluca][~] = su
 [ROOT][gianluca] # 

sudo alleviates the need for this. I suggest using that where you are
interested in an easier method. Also, sudo requires a password just like
su, but caches that access. This means that you can use sudo again within
like 15 minutes (configurable) without having to type your password again.
Plus sudo allows you to use your own password, as opposed to the root


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: apt-get upgrade: now I can not login at ALL!!!help

2000-07-07 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 12:44:17PM -0700, Jose M de Aguiar wrote:
 I have my Debian kernel 2.2.14. Today, as I periodically do, I run
 apt-get update
 then apt-get upgrade. During the process I answered ALL QUESTIONS WITH
 upgrade, I was not able to use Real Audio. My default windows manager
 fvwm95. I restarted the windows manager and doing a login in Debian, as
 But the windows manager was twm. I DID NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES AT ALL
 I decided to reboot the machine. It did go well, however once xdm starts
 now I
 don't have the Debian Login Window. Instead, now it comes XWindow.
 But the worst is: I CAN NOT LOGIN AS USER OR ROOT. It is really serious.
 Please, URGENT reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Have you tried switching to a console (ctrl+alt+F1) and logging in there?

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: apt-get upgrade problems

2000-07-07 Thread Gary Hennigan
Dave Sherohman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I just did an apt-get upgrade (to frozen) for the first time in several
 months.  Unlike most of the people who say things like that around here,
 everything is still (mostly) functional, but it has acquired a few
 unpleasant quirks...
 1)  I used to have SSH set up so that I could jump between the boxen on my
 LAN without having to reenter passwords.  This no longer works.  I had
 previously arranged it using /etc/ssh/shosts.equiv, which probably isn't the
 best way to do it anyhow.  Although my primary interest is in not having to
 retype my password constantly, I would also like to find out how to do this
 the 'right' way.

I think the preferred method of accomplishing this is using the
ssh-agent. I believe on Debian, if you're using a login manager, wdm,
xdm, etc., the agent is started when you log in. Read the ssh-agent
man page for more info. The idea is to have the agent at the root of
your login session.

First make sure all the machines have the line 
RSAAuthentication yes
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. I believe this is the default setting.

Next you'll want to make sure you've generated your keys and given a
passphrase. Do this with ssh-keygen. You only have to do this once and
after that only when you want to change your passphrase. 

After the keygen you'll have a file called ~/.ssh/ Copy
the contents of that file and add it to the file on remote machines
called ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Now, when you log in you just add your passphrase to the cache that
the ssh-agent maintains via the ssh-add command. You'll be able log in
to remote machines, running sshd, without a password, or passphrase,

It's not quite as easy as the method you used, but it's certainly more

[snip #2 and #3]

 Suggestions, anyone?
[sorry, no idea on #2 and #3]


Sparc SUN

2000-07-07 Thread Malishkin, Jake
does debian have a sparc version for a ultra1 sparcstation...

if it does where can i get it from and how do i put it on..

Kernel problems (was: Re: Unresolved Symbol?)

2000-07-07 Thread Jeronimo Pellegrini
:: On Fri, 7 Jul 2000 23:11:01 +0200 (MET DST), Rolf Schillinger [EMAIL 

Oh, well, I suspected it could be the kernel. Indeed - I tried test2
twice, and had some serious filesystem problems at both times. I also
thought it could be UDMA66 (I'm now using that new VIA IDE driver 
rewritten Vojtech Pavlik), or maybe something else...

Anyway... In which of the test3-preX was the problem fixed? I wasn't
yet able to compile any of these test3-pre kernels... They all stop in
the sound module, complaining about something undefined
(THIS_MODULE, I think).


 Are you running on IDE? IF yes: SHUTDOWN AND PRAY immediately :)
 Maybe the information hasnt so wide spread yet but test2 is bound to
 corrupt your filesystems.
 take care, Rolf

 On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Thorsten Clever wrote:

Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil

software watchdog

2000-07-07 Thread Robert Waldner


My home-debian-box starts to behave rather odd lately, now and then it 
will freeze completely.

The only thing working is ICMP, I can´t even get a TCP connection open, 
the screen is frozen, neither mouse nor keyboard will generate any 

I´ve already tried changing all I have on spare (read RAM and graphics 

Since there´s not even a single syslog-entry, I don´t really know where 
to start debugging. Would it make sense if I installed the software 
watchdog into the kernel in this case, so that the machine would 
(eventually) reboot when it hangs? This would be great because I´ll be 
on a trip next week and my girl-friend needs the debian-box as gateway/
mailserver in the meantime...


Re: Samba Headache

2000-07-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
include your smb.conf with a report like this and include settings from
file/print sharing on the win98 box.


On Thu, 6 Jul 2000, Jay Kelly wrote:

neutec Hello All,
neutec Well Im still working on getting samba to work with Windows 98. I have
neutec configured the smb.conf to share my home directory on the linux box.
neutec Then I open Network Neighorhood in windows and can see the linux box.
neutec I then try to Map a drive on the linux box and get a error. Windows 
neutec pops up a dialog box saying: \\Neutec is not accessible
neutec The computer or sharname could not be found. Make sure you typed it
neutec correctly, and try again Now when I change the Window Primary Network
neutec Logon from Windows Logon to anything else I can no longer see the Linux 
neutec This cant be that hard, what am I doing wrong ? I tried to install
neutec Swat but I couldnt get it to work as well, I was received a error
neutec connection refused.
neutec Thanks for you help guys
neutec settings to log 
neutec -- 
neutec It feels so good, It's a marginal risk, when I clear off windows with 
neutec Powered by Debian GNU/Linux. 
neutec -- 
neutec Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

4:24pm up 28 days, 2:58, 1 user, load average: 0.01, 0.06, 0.01

apache segfaults

2000-07-07 Thread Marcin Kurc
Does anyone have problems with apache after todays upgrade?
It segfaults for me while running php-mysql scripts.
I've noticed that libmysqlclient9 was updated today, could it be its fault?
I'm running
libmysqlclient9 3.23.20-1
php4-mysql  4.0.1-2
php4-cgi-mysql  4.0.1-2
apache  1.3.12-1

here is the log

[Fri Jul  7 18:26:58 2000] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) Debian/GNU PHP/4.0.1 
configured -- resuming normal operations
[Fri Jul  7 18:26:58 2000] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: 
[Fri Jul  7 18:27:11 2000] [notice] child pid 245 exit signal Segmentation 
fault (11)
[Fri Jul  7 18:27:12 2000] [notice] child pid 246 exit signal Segmentation 
fault (11)
Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

Re: software watchdog

2000-07-07 Thread Jeff Green
Have you checked the processor fan?

Robert Waldner wrote:
 My home-debian-box starts to behave rather odd lately, now and then it
 will freeze completely.
 The only thing working is ICMP, I can´t even get a TCP connection open,
 the screen is frozen, neither mouse nor keyboard will generate any
 I´ve already tried changing all I have on spare (read RAM and graphics
 Since there´s not even a single syslog-entry, I don´t really know where
 to start debugging. Would it make sense if I installed the software
 watchdog into the kernel in this case, so that the machine would
 (eventually) reboot when it hangs? This would be great because I´ll be
 on a trip next week and my girl-friend needs the debian-box as gateway/
 mailserver in the meantime...
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: software watchdog

2000-07-07 Thread paul
rw wrote:
 My home-debian-box starts to behave rather odd lately, now and then it 
 will freeze completely.
Is there anything consistent about the behavior?  How long between reboot 
and freeze?  Are there any error messages during startup?  What 
applications are running when the machine freezes?  (my bet is netscape)  
What Debian version are you running (Slink, Potato)?  What kernel version 
are you running?  Have you tried telneting to the machine to see if it is 
a console only problem?  Is the behavior in ANY way predictable? More info 
is necessary if anyone is to be able to help.

I've had uninterpetable (for me) problems on systems in the past, I'd try 
booting into single user mode, and fsck all partitions (except /) to check 
for and repair filesystem problems.  If my /usr, /var, /tmp, and /home 
partitions were severely hosed (usually from running a hosed kernel with a 
buggy HD / BIOS combo) I'd then use a rescue disk to clean up the / 
partition.  This usually would work somewhat.  For some reason, upgrading 
to Potato helped with my current el-cheapo box ($40 motherboard, $45 
processor, and $90 hard drive) but YMMV.

The lack of syslog entries is something I've never experienced, so I can't 
help you there.

miscelaneous endeavors

samba Passwords

2000-07-07 Thread Jay Kelly
Hello Group,
Well thanks to the list I got Samba working for the most part.
It seems I didnt have the smb.conf configured right. I have a shared 
directory that I can access fine but when I try to access the
/home/user directory I am promt for a password. I then enter
the password but it fails. I looked in the smbpasswd file but its
empty. So I tried smbpasswd neutec but after entering the pass I
receive an error that it failed to add it. So my first question is
how to add new users to Samba ? And I read somewhere that if I want to
share a CD-Rom I will need to add something to the fstab file. What
do I need to add there ? I cant find the man page on this. And for
my last question, Does anyone know where I can get some info on
setting up Samba as a Domain Controller?
Thanks again guys for all your help.
Its been great

It feels so good, It's a marginal risk, when I clear off windows with fdisk 

Powered by Debian GNU/Linux.

Re: Sparc SUN

2000-07-07 Thread paul
 does debian have a sparc version for a ultra1 sparcstation...
 if it does where can i get it from and how do i put it on..


This doc should answer your questions.

miscelaneous endeavors

equivs problem-o

2000-07-07 Thread Michael O'Brien

I'm trying to use equivs to update the debian database so that I can once
again use apt-get. Essentially, I have an NVidia card so I had to install
XFree86 4.0 and NVidia's OpenGL implementation.

I use equivs-control to build a ctl file. I remove the Readme, Changelog, and
Extra File lines. equivs-build complains:

parsechangelog/debian: error: badly formatted trailer line, at changelog 
line 5
dh_installchangelogs: changelog parse failure
make: *** [binary-arch] Error 1
Error during the build process: Illegal seek at /usr/bin/equivs-build line 
162, IN chunk 44.

Anyone else seen this? I've tries everything from leaving the Changelog: tag
in but blank and building a bogus Changelog file.

I'm using equivs 2.0 (but this problem also occurs w/ 1.9x.


strange problem with man

2000-07-07 Thread Philipp Schulte
if I try to load a man page that does not exist I do not get the usual
No manuel entry for XXX but this:

nepomuk:~# man foo
man: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/cvsconfig.1.gz: whatis parse for

What's going in here? And what has CVS to do with it?

need help with installing potato(on line)

2000-07-07 Thread Kahro Raie
I have a 200mmx pentium dell
network card: NE2000 compatible

all the installation seems to go well except for thenetwork d and sound

What I did/do?

I downloaded all files form /debian/dists/potato/main/disks-i386
then copied the inside folder current to my harddisk
Then I did boot to dos and ran the install.bat file so i got into the
installation system.
i did all steps just like I used to with slink and arrived a problem
when i try to install the ne driver-NE1000/2000 support, I get the errors:

Note: /tarket/etc/modules.conf is more recent than /lib/modules/2.2.15/modules.d
/lib/modules/2.2.15/net/ne.o: init_module: Device or recourse busy
Hint: this error can be caused of incorrect module parameters, including invalid
IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.2.15/net/ne.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.15/net/ne.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.15/net/ne.o: insmod ne failed

Installation failed.

I left the paremeters blank but also tried io=0x300 irq=10 and many
other variants of these lines.

Sound: joy-creative - Creative Labs Blaster

Note: /tarket/etc/modules.conf is more recent than /lib/modules/2.2.15/modules.d
/lib/modules/2.2.15/misc/joy-creative.o: init_module: Device or recourse busy
Hint: this error can be caused of incorrect module parameters, including
IO or IRQ parameters
/lib/modules/2.2.15/misc/joy-creative.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.2.15/misc/joy-cre
ative.o failed
/lib/modules/2.2.15/misc/joy-creative.o: insmod ne failed

Installation failed.


Compaq Armada 1750

2000-07-07 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all Debian users,
I have to install Debian at a Compaq Armada 1750. I cant get the network
pcmcia card to work. Anyone can help on this?
Thanks, Paulo Henrique

Re: samba Passwords

2000-07-07 Thread C. Falconer

1) As root, runsmbpasswd -a newusername
That will add newusername to the smbpasswd file and set the password for you.

Make sure your /etc/fstab contains a line like this
/dev/hdd  /cdrom  iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto 0   0

then make sure theres a section like this in /etc/samba/smb.conf

; A sample share for sharing your CD-ROM with others.
   comment = Samba server's CD-ROM
   writable = no
   locking = no
   path = /cdrom
   public = yes
; The next two parameters show how to auto-mount a CD-ROM when the
;   cdrom share is accesed. For this to work /etc/fstab must contain
;   an entry like this:
;   /dev/scd0   /cdrom  iso9660 defaults,noauto,ro,user   0 0
;   /dev/hdd/cdrom  iso9660 defaults,noauto,ro,user   0 0
; The CD-ROM gets unmounted automatically after the connection to the
; If you don't want to use auto-mounting/unmounting make sure the CD
;   is mounted on /cdrom
   preexec = /bin/mount /cdrom
   postexec = /bin/umount /cdrom

That will automatically mount the cd if a client machine requests it.

3) Samba as a domain controller.

Firstly samba CANNOT act as a PDC for a NT network, neither can it partake 
in elections as a BDC to an existing NT server.

What samba can do is use an existing NT server to authenticate usernames 
and passwords from, or it can act as a domain controller for win9x clients 
(that means not NT or 2000 (not sure about ME))

My suggestion is to look at either buying Using Samba by O'Reilly or look 
at the samba website

At 04:39 PM 7/7/00 -0700, you wrote:
...I have a shared directory that I can access fine but when I try to 
access the

/home/user directory I am promted for a password. I then enter
the password but it fails. I looked in the smbpasswd file but its
empty. So I tried smbpasswd neutec but after entering the pass I
receive an error that it failed to add it. So my first question is
how to add new users to Samba ? And I read somewhere that if I want to
share a CD-Rom I will need to add something to the fstab file. What
do I need to add there ? I cant find the man page on this. And for
my last question, Does anyone know where I can get some info on
setting up Samba as a Domain Controller?


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