
2001-06-08 Thread Richard Espinoza

Re: /etc/aliases con numeros

2001-06-08 Thread Fernando
Hue-Bond wrote:
 Fernando, jueves 07 de junio de 2001 a la(s) 17:14:27 +0200:
 No me genera ningun log, osea que el mensaje se manda a alguna parte.
  Cuando el mensaje se envía, también hay logs.

Efectivamente, hay logs en /var/log/exim y dicen que el mensaje ha sido

en /etc/aliases

fernan_movil[EMAIL PROTECTED]

en /var/log/exim/mainlog

2001-06-07 16:59:43 1581GB-0004nU-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
U=fernando P=loc
2001-06-07 16:59:44 1581GB-0004nU-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED] R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp
2001-06-07 16:59:44 1581GB-0004nU-00 Completed

se ve que hace la conversión del alias y se envia correctamente.

Sospecho que como en las cabeceras del mensaje aparece en el campo
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] que no es la dirección, los de movistar
puedan estar tirando el mensaje.

 ¿ Alguna idea ?
  Busca bien ;^).

Estoy haciendo unos scripts para que me manden cosas a moviles y me
gustaría usar los aliases.

Alguna idea más, y esta vez esfuerzate un poco ;-)


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Pregunta ...

2001-06-08 Thread Imobach González Sosa
08/06/2001 4:35:20, José Luis Fernández Barros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sí, con ispell tambien se puede... pero tienes que decirle que está en latin1.
La verdad es que no recuerdo como, pero por ahí van los tiros.

El Jue 07 Jun 2001 22:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
 ¿Cómo puedo corregir las faltas ortográficas de un documento escrito en
 latex? ¿Ispell?

Una de las formas más rápida y sencilla:

xemacs fichero.tex

y pulsas el icono del librito.

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V__)_   pingüino bebiendo... cerveza
Imobach González Sosa
osoh en irc-hispano

Linux user #201634

Actualización de mi Debian Potato 2.2.

2001-06-08 Thread Imobach González Sosa

  Saludos de nuevo, me gustaría saber si es fiable una actualización a
de Internet de mi Debian Potato 2.2.

  Lo digo porque tengo un modem de 56Kbits, con una conexión entre 5 y 6KB/s
mi pregunta es si realmente conviene actualizar así o es preferible que me
una distribución nueva en CDs.

  En el caso de que lo hiciera a traves de Internet, que pasaria si se
cortara la
conexión en medio de la actualización? Se puede ir actualizando poco a poco

  Y lo ultimo, es si se debe hacer con el apt-upgrade, o es de otra manera?

Gracias por adelantado.

Jose Velasco Lopez
Estudiante Ing. Tecnica Informatica de Sistemas
Universidad de Murcia

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: /etc/aliases con numeros

2001-06-08 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 08:45:01AM +0200, Fernando wrote:
 Estoy haciendo unos scripts para que me manden cosas a moviles y me
 gustaría usar los aliases.
 Alguna idea más, y esta vez esfuerzate un poco ;-)
Lo mejor: usa qmail y utiliza una dirección usuario-movil, en el
$HOME del usuario pones un .qmail-movil
|preline /home/USUARIO/bin/resendmail -t [EMAIL PROTECTED]

El resendmail es un programita que me hice que parte el correo
(recuerda la limitación de SMS de 160 caracteres) y lo envia a la dirección
específicada (hasta un máximo de cuatro cachos, para no saturar el movil)

Lo envío adjunto.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Lee la entrada estandard corta las cabeceras de correo
# y coge el subject y el mensaje reenviandolo a
# la direccion indicada

# Autor: Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
# Distribuido bajo la GPL, ver

use Getopt::Std;
getopts ('m:svht:');
if ( $opt_t and !$opt_h) {
$send_to = $opt_t;
else {
print EOM;
Uso: $0 [-hv] -t direccion de mail
Reenvia un mail
\t-h\testa ayuda
\t-t\tdirección de correo
\t-s\tSaca la salida por standard input
\t-v\tMensajes de depuracion activados
exit 1;
$myself= jfs;
$myself = $opt_m if $opt_m;
my $mensaje = ;
my $subject = ;
my $mail_program =/usr/bin/mail;
# Máximo número de octetos a enviar
$MAX_OCT = 90;
$MAX_PART = 5;;
$PRE_PART =  (p ;
$POST_PART =  );

my $head = 1;
print Leyendo cabeceras\n if $opt_v;
while ($head) 
$line = STDIN;
chomp $line;
# Cabeceras
if ( $line eq  ) 
$head = 0;
if ( $line =~ /^Subject:\s(.*)$/ ) {
$subject = $1;
print El asunto es $subject\n if $opt_v;
if ( $line =~ /^From:\s(.*)$/ ) {
$origin = $1;
print El origen es $origin\n if $opt_v;
if ( $line =~ /^[\w-]+:\s.*$/ or $line =~ /^\/ )
{ # El resto de las cabeceras se eliminan
print No añadirá al mensaje $line\n if $opt_v;
print Leyendo cuerpo\n if $opt_v;
while ( $line =STDIN) 
# Cuerpo
chomp $line;
# Y sino se guardan como mensaje
$mensaje = $mensaje.$line.\n;
print Añadi $line al mensaje\n if $opt_v;

if ( $origin !~ /movistar\.net/ and $origin !~ /DAEMON/ and  $origin !~ 
/$myself/) {

$mensaje = (de $origin) .$mensaje;

if (length $mensaje  $MAX_OCT)
{ print Es necesario partir el mensaje\n if $opt_v; }

my $posicion = 0 ; my $part = 1;
while ($posicion  length ($mensaje) and $part$MAX_PART) {

$partMensaje =substr ($mensaje, $posicion, $MAX_OCT);
$partMensaje = $partMensaje.$PRE_PART.$part.$POST_PART;
$posicion = $posicion + $MAX_OCT;
$part ++;
# TODO: Debería comprobar que el mensaje + el PRE_PART y POST_PART# y el número 
no se sale de MAX_OCT
# TODO: Poner un límite máximo al tamaño del mensaje (o decidir no poner
# PRE y POST si está en ciertos márgenes)
print Voy a enviar con $mail_program a $send_to el mensaje: 
$subject\n if $opt_v;
if (! $opt_s ){
open (MAIL, | $mail_program $send_to -s \$subject\) 
|| die (No puedo abrir el programa de correo $mail_program: $!);
print MAIL $partMensaje;
close MAIL;
else {
print $partMensaje;
print \n

# Para que no nos carge la cosa
$subject =  if $part 1;


exit 0;

Re: Sobre la Lista de La Espiral

2001-06-08 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
Si no recuerdo mal se estaba moviendo la lista a ...
Más info en

On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 07:24:12PM +0200, Aurelio Díaz-Ufano wrote:
 ¿alguien sabe si le ha pasado algo a la lista de La Espiral?... No recino 
 nada nio de matrio ni de

Re: /etc/aliases con numeros

2001-06-08 Thread Fernando
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 08:45:01AM +0200, Fernando wrote:
  Estoy haciendo unos scripts para que me manden cosas a moviles y me
  gustaría usar los aliases.
  Alguna idea más, y esta vez esfuerzate un poco ;-)
 Lo mejor: usa qmail y utiliza una dirección usuario-movil, en el
 $HOME del usuario pones un .qmail-movil
 |preline /home/USUARIO/bin/resendmail -t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 El resendmail es un programita que me hice que parte el correo
 (recuerda la limitación de SMS de 160 caracteres) y lo envia a la dirección
 específicada (hasta un máximo de cuatro cachos, para no saturar el movil)
 Lo envío adjunto.
  Name: resendmail
resendmailType: Plain Text (text/plain)
  Encoding: 8bit

Muchas gracias por el programita :-)

Bueno, yo uso exim, no tengo nada contra qmail pero no tengo ganas de 
cambiar ahora.

De todas formas no tengo intención de crear un usuario a cada movil,
mi idea era crear en /etc/aliases un alias con las direcciones de toda
la gente a la que quiero que llegue el mensaje, pero esto no funciona.

Sigo investigando, ya os contaré.

Saludos y gracias de nuevo.


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: /etc/aliases con numeros

2001-06-08 Thread Javier Coso Gutierrez
Podrias hacerte modificando un poco el programa ese que el
correo arranque ese programa [1]. Despues ese programa te cogeria una
base de datos al estilo del /etc/aliases donde tendrias usuario:telef.


[1] Eso lo puedes hacer con el propio /etc/aliases poniendo una linea
del estilo...
usuario: | /usr/local/bin/reenvia

Javier Coso Gutierrez   Centrocom:
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Agencia de Comunicación Interactiva

La felicidad solo se encontrara en el amor verdadero

Re: mirror debian...

2001-06-08 Thread ciph3r
Carles, creo que el mirror que estás buscando es:

Un saludete.

- Original Message -
From: Carles Pina i Estany [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:09 PM
Subject: mirror debian...


 Cual era el mirror de Debian que hacia imagenes no oficiales los domingos
 por la tarde de testing y unstable?

 Era un, pero no me acuerdo.


 Carles Pina i Estany - #Linux User: 87347 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Pinux
Debian Woody Kernel 2.4.5 @ PentiumII 450MHz 128MB ReiserFS Multihead
Debian Woody Kernel 2.4.4 @ Laptop Pentium 166MHz 48MB
Debian Potato Kernel 2.4.5 @ Pentium 233MHz 96MB ReiserFS
Llegué, engañé, vencí - Bill Gates, 1995

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Comprobaciones de Hardware

2001-06-08 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 08:41:34PM +0200, Toni B wrote:
 Hello compañero,
 Me acuerdo de tu email i siento que no te lo hayan solucionado. A tu primera 
 pregunta no se exactamente lo que deseas pero si quieres forzar el hardware 
 te recomiendo que no lo hagas o esperate a que conozcas mas bien el que 
 tienes para conocer bien los riesgos i posibilidades de hacerlo DANGEROUS!

Hombre... si me cargo algo porque no estaba en condiciones... es problema de
ellos. El ordenador está en garantía. Mi problema con las comprobaciones es
que no se muy bien que tipo de cosas se pueden comprobar aparte de compilar
el kernel para ver que la memoria y el micro están bien. Eso es lo que
pregunto realmente, 

¿Qué tipo de cosas se pueden hacer con una potato
instalada para comprobar lo que le han vendido a uno?

 He aquí tu otro problema;
 Si tienes la factura bien detallada con todos los componentes -si no es asin 
 es culpa suya- comprueba i reclama dentro de la garantia i si no quieren 
 hacerse responsables de sus ventas; libro de reclamaciones i pregunta por la 
 defensa del consumidor.

Desde luego, la próxima vez que vaya a la tienda es por donde voy a empezar!

Creo que con esto si es culpa suya se daran buena 
 prisa en solucionarlo i es que tu no necesitas conocer el hardware que te 
 instalan por ello optas por un ordenador preconfigurado por ellos i son ellos 
 los responsables dentro de la garantia.


Ignacio García Fernández

'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
buscando un gato negro que no está allí'

C. Darwin.

Re: Pregunta ...

2001-06-08 Thread Ignacio García Fernández
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 10:20:38PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hola a todos,


 ¿Cómo puedo corregir las faltas ortográficas de un documento escrito en 
 latex? ¿Ispell?

Yo tengo un alias (lo mismo que te han comentado en el script, pero en un

Pero con emacs (sin x) puedes elegir el idioma (siempre que tengas instalado
el paquete ispanish) y con edit-spell-check buffer te lo corrige de
maravilla. Yo hace tiempo que lo uso y mi marido ha dejado de roncar! ;-)

Ignacio García Fernández

'Un matemático es un ciego en un cuarto oscuro
buscando un gato negro que no está allí'

C. Darwin.

Re: Actualización de mi Debian Potato 2.2.

2001-06-08 Thread Jon Bengoetxea
creo que no deberias preocuparte por si la linea se corta ya que apt o
dpkg te empezaria descargando desde el punto en que se corto.

Respecto a la actualizacion de la distribucion deberias usar apt-get dist


- Original Message -
From: Imobach González Sosa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Lista Debian
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 7:30 AM
Subject: Actualización de mi Debian Potato 2.2.

   Saludos de nuevo, me gustaría saber si es fiable una actualización a
 de Internet de mi Debian Potato 2.2.

   Lo digo porque tengo un modem de 56Kbits, con una conexión entre 5 y
 mi pregunta es si realmente conviene actualizar así o es preferible que me
 una distribución nueva en CDs.

   En el caso de que lo hiciera a traves de Internet, que pasaria si se
 cortara la
 conexión en medio de la actualización? Se puede ir actualizando poco a

   Y lo ultimo, es si se debe hacer con el apt-upgrade, o es de otra

 Gracias por adelantado.

 Jose Velasco Lopez
 Estudiante Ing. Tecnica Informatica de Sistemas
 Universidad de Murcia

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Apagado por Hardware

2001-06-08 Thread Jon Bengoetxea

Hola a todos.

Conoce alguien algun sistema con el cual se pueda 
apagar un servidor linux sin teclado ni monitor, o sea un boton, pulsador o 
algun sistema, que al accionarlo haga el proceso de CTRL+ALT+SUPR y me indique 
que puedo apagar la mquina.

Bua...esta vez me he pasaoo!!


Que mala memoria :-/

2001-06-08 Thread Fernando

Habia por ahí un programa que permitia pasar de forma 
automatica datos a programas interactivos.

Pero ya no recuerdo su nombre :-/

Una ayudita.


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Que mala memoria :-/

2001-06-08 Thread Fernando
Fernando wrote:
 Habia por ahí un programa que permitia pasar de forma
 automatica datos a programas interactivos.
 Pero ya no recuerdo su nombre :-/
 Una ayudita.

Ya me han respondido. Era expect y no lo encontraba
por que no lo tenía instalado.

A esto se le llama memoria colectiva ;-)



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Apagado por Hardware

2001-06-08 Thread Manuel Silva Extraviz


Un botón de shutdown con LED para conectar al interfaz RS232 , por Guido 
En este artículo vamos a diseñar un pequeño botón para conectar al puerto 
serie de nuestro servidor. Puede usarse para hacer una parada ordenada del 
servidor, lo que es muy útil en ordenadores sin teclado

puedes encontrar como hacerlo
viene el esquema y el soft

At 12:50 08/06/01 +0200, Jon Bengoetxea wrote:

Hola a todos.

Conoce alguien algun sistema con el cual se pueda apagar un servidor linux 
sin teclado ni monitor, o sea un boton, pulsador o algun sistema, que al 
accionarlo haga el proceso de CTRL+ALT+SUPR y me indique que puedo apagar 
la máquina.

Bua...esta vez me he pasaoo!!


Instalación automática

2001-06-08 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero
Existe alguna forma de pasar un script en los discos de instalación para
que se instale automáticamente (igual que kickstart de redhat)..


Re: Que mala memoria :-/

2001-06-08 Thread javi

Efectivamente, el lenguaje es expect, para generar scripts en expect de
forma interactiva instalate expect y luego pasate a /usr/doc/expect*/examples,
copiate el programa autoexepect a tu PATH y luego por ejemplo para generar
un script en expect que te entre por telnet:
autoexpect telnet localhost
 Te genera un script llamado script.exp o algo asi,
si lo ejecutas hara un telnet, donde dice telnet dice cualqwuier programa,
incluido dselect, fdisk, ect.
Un saludo!!

Fernando wrote:
Habia por ah un programa que permitia pasar de forma
automatica datos a programas interactivos.
Pero ya no recuerdo su nombre :-/
Una ayudita.
 "Hackers do it with fewer instructions."
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LInuxeros LOcos
Tfno curro: 915866123

Re: Unidentified subject!

2001-06-08 Thread Hue-Bond
Andres Burgos, viernes 08 de junio de 2001 a la(s) 01:06:51 -:

hola . necesito informacion sobre tarjetas de video ¿es posible?.
caracteristica, tipo,ventajas etc.

 Ve a cualquier kiosco y píllate la M$^H^HPC-Actual.

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Manipulando WAV ...

2001-06-08 Thread Miguel Aguilar Molina
Hola a todos.
Necesito un programa del estilo del WavStudio para
Linux. ¿Conocéis alguno que tenga más o menos esa
funcionalidad? ... 

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Messenger: Comunicación instantánea gratis con tu gente -

Re: /etc/aliases con numeros

2001-06-08 Thread Hue-Bond
Fernando, viernes 08 de junio de 2001 a la(s) 08:45:01 +0200:

Alguna idea más, y esta vez esfuerzate un poco ;-)

 A  ver qué  te  parece  ahora :^).  He  creado  un alias  hmm
 apuntando a la dirección de correo que me da jet. La cosa sale así:

#Received: from ( [])
#by (8.9.3/8.9.1) with ESMTP id RAA02515
#for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 8 Jun 2001 17:07:55 +0200 (MET DST)
#Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
#by (8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian 8.9.3-21) id RAA27620
#for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 8 Jun 2001 17:07:57 +0200
#Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 17:07:57 +0200
#Subject: test
#Mime-Version: 1.0
#Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
#Content-Disposition: inline
#User-Agent: Mutt/1.2.5i
#Organization: Cyberchat 2000 -
#X-Operating-System: Debian GNU/Linux
#X-UIDL: efa27e958323d52f1c288ffa9dd6b13c
# David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

 O  sea, el  To:  no se  altera, sólo  cambia  la dirección  del
 envelope de forma que el mensaje  llega donde tiene que llegar pero
 prácticamente intacto. Temo que tu sospecha es cierta. Yo que tú lo
 intentaría mirando  alguna de las posibilidades  de reescritura que
 pueda tener exim (no lo uso).

 ¿Mejor ahora? :^P.

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

Dos redes, firewall y samba

2001-06-08 Thread Jaume Sabater

Un poquitin de ASCIART :-)

|RED  | | RED   |
|| |  |
|| |  |
|  Servidor SAMBA:   | |   Clientes Winbugs   |
|| |  |
|| |__|

Tengo dos redes ( y y de momento me rutea bien, 
puedo lanzar pings y telnets de una red a la otra. También me he asegurado 
que los puertos 137, 138 y 139 puedan pasar por el cortafuegos. El problema 
que tengo es que los clientes winbugs no pueden ver al servidor que está en 
la otra red. Me ha parecido leer que tengo que montar un servidor WINS en el 
servidor SAMBA para que de esta forma los clientes de la otra red lo puedan 
ver, pero no estoy seguro de que sea asi (mi inglés es bastante malo...). O 
quizás el servidor WINS lo debo montar en el cortafuegos? No tengo muy claro 
como debo hacerlo, eso del protocolo NetBEUI es una casa de locos...

Gracias por el cablecillo ;-)


   Jaume Sabater Lleal
   ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics

   Sant Pere, 39 - 08911 Badalona
   Avgda. Marquès de Comillas, s/n 
   (Recinte Poble Espanyol) - 08038 Barcelona

   Tel: 93 292 41 00
   Fax: 93 292 42 25

apt en gnome

2001-06-08 Thread Agustin Garcia

Hola amigos. 
En la revista SOlo Linux he concontrado una imagen 
de gnome apt, un instalador grafico para apt. Perono se donde conseguirlo. 
Lo he buscado en, pero nada. ¿Aguien sabe algo de 
esteinstalador? ¿Merece la pena?¿es válido para la Potato? 

Razones para no usar qmail (era Re: /etc/aliases con numeros)

2001-06-08 Thread Gunnar Wolf
 Muchas gracias por el programita :-)
 Bueno, yo uso exim, no tengo nada contra qmail pero no tengo ganas de
 cambiar ahora.

Yo quisiera usar qmail - Por lo que he leído, es un MUY buen reemplazo de
cualquier MTA, MUY bien construído. Sin embargo, no uso qmail pues no es
software libre. Tiene (al igual que varios otros programas de su autor,
Dan J. Bernstein) una licencia que no permite la distribución de fuentes o
binarios modificados, sólo permite que el autor genere las versiones y él
dicta qué puede y qué no puede ser distribuído. Creo que este es un punto
muy importante especialmente para el grupo de usuarios de Debian,
reconocido por su cuidado por mantener libre su software.


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52)5623-1119
Desarrollo y Admon. de Sistemas en Red - FES Iztacala - UNAM
Departamento de Seguridad en Computo   -   DGSCA-   UNAM

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Comando/Aplicación run

2001-06-08 Thread Aurelio Díaz-Ufano
Hola. He oído de esta aplicación y me interesa. Pero al buscar en Freshmeat 
para bajármelo, he encontrado que sólo existe en RPM. ¿Dónde puedo conseguirlo 
como DEB o TAR? O mejor... ¿hay en Debian algún comando semejante?
Un saludo


ICQ Nº 31089968

No es oro todo lo que reluce ni toda la gente errante anda
perdida... J.R.R. Tolkien El Señor de los Anillos

Re: apt en gnome

2001-06-08 Thread Rodrigo Moya
On 08 Jun 2001 17:42:21 +0200, Agustin Garcia wrote:
 Hola amigos. 
 En la revista SOlo Linux he concontrado una imagen de gnome apt, un 
 instalador grafico para apt. Pero no se donde conseguirlo. Lo he buscado en, pero nada. ¿Aguien sabe algo de este instalador? ¿Merece la 
 pena? ¿es válido para la Potato? Saludos
está tanto en stable como en unstable, es el paquete gnome-apt. Aunque
creo que hace mucho tiempo que no se saca ninguna versión nueva.
Pero si quieres un programa de ese estilo, prueba Red Carpet. Pon, en tu

deb stable main

y luego:

apt-get install red-carpet


Re: Apagado por Hardware

2001-06-08 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Jon Bengoetxea y dice ¿Apagado por Hardware? 

 Hola a todos.
 Conoce alguien algun sistema con el cual se pueda apagar un servidor linux 
 sin teclado ni monitor, o sea un boton, pulsador o algun sistema, que al 
 accionarlo haga el proceso de CTRL+ALT+SUPR y me indique que puedo apagar la 

Los UPS (fuentes de alimentacion ininterupmida.) si no son smart, se 
comunican con el PC cortocicuitando determinadas patillas del puerto serie, 
para asi indicar cuando esta bajo de baterias o fallo la corriente.

Como los UPS ante un fallo de tension pueden iniciar el apagado de la
maquina, es posible con la adecuada configuracion del demonio del UPS, y con
un pulsador conectado al puerto serie hacer eso que tu dices.

Osea que si se puede, aunque creo que comercialmente no hay nada de eso.
en cualquier caso tienes un howto-ups que explica las conexiones, como
configurarlo y todo lo demas.

Mr. Worf, fire phasers at @FN@ ... Zap!

Grettings of  _   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  REGISTER   Lic. Piloto 
Saludos  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX  ISPA #963210
de  / _` | / -_) _` |  USER   EC-ALE
\__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#40922797  #66734
Para obtener Llave Publica GnuPGP un mail con subject: enviar clave pub

Re: Apagado por Hardware

2001-06-08 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Alvaro Alea wrote:
 Y entonces, va Jon Bengoetxea y dice ¿Apagado por Hardware?
  Hola a todos.
  Conoce alguien algun sistema con el cual se pueda apagar un servidor linux 
  sin teclado ni monitor, o sea un boton, pulsador o algun sistema, que al 
  accionarlo haga el proceso de CTRL+ALT+SUPR y me indique que puedo apagar 
  la máquina.
 Los UPS (fuentes de alimentacion ininterupmida.) si no son smart, se
 comunican con el PC cortocicuitando determinadas patillas del puerto serie,
 para asi indicar cuando esta bajo de baterias o fallo la corriente.
 Como los UPS ante un fallo de tension pueden iniciar el apagado de la
 maquina, es posible con la adecuada configuracion del demonio del UPS, y con
 un pulsador conectado al puerto serie hacer eso que tu dices.
 Osea que si se puede, aunque creo que comercialmente no hay nada de eso.
 en cualquier caso tienes un howto-ups que explica las conexiones, como
 configurarlo y todo lo demas.

Si tiene configurado APM en la máquina, puede instalar jslaunch y asi
apagar la computadora con un botón de algún joystick (eso tengo yo en un
servidorcito por si las dudas: no tiene tarjeta de video ni teclado).

Linux User #98419 -o)| Similitudes entre mujeres y  /\| computadoras 3. Te dejan colgado en
ICQ 94335020  _\_v   | el momento más inoportuno 4.
Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de| Frecuentemente hacen lo que les da 
referencia en | la gana 5. Siempre nos acordaremos

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Get your free address at

Re: apt en gnome

2001-06-08 Thread GustavoCR
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 05:42:21PM +0200, Agustin Garcia wrote:
 Hola amigos. 
Pero no se donde conseguirlo. Lo he buscado en, pero nada. 

apt-get install gnome-apt 0:)

¿Aguien sabe algo de este instalador? ¿Merece la pena?

Nunca lo he usado, pero supongo que será parecido al kpackage, un dselect 
pero con ventanas y dibujitos.

To Bill or not to Bill, datis de cuestion.

Re: Apagado por Hardware

2001-06-08 Thread GustavoCR
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 12:50:34PM +0200, Jon Bengoetxea wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 Conoce alguien algun sistema con el cual se pueda apagar un servidor linux 
sin teclado...

Si el servidor es más o menos reciente y soporta ACPI, instalando el demonio 
acpid, lo puedes apagar con el boton de power :), el demonio al detectarlo hace 
un apagado ordenado.

To Bill or not to Bill, datis de cuestion.

Re: Dos redes, firewall y samba

2001-06-08 Thread Carlos López
Pues no te has equivocado. Necesitas un servidor wins.
Hace cosa de 9 meses me encontré con esta misma
situación con la que te encuentras tú, solo que el
software utilizado era diferente: HP-UX 10.0 con
Checkpoint Firewall-1 y un servidor Windows NT Server
Bueno resultó que abrí en los firewalls los puertos
que nombras tú y añadiendo a todos los clientes la
dirección del servidor wins. Finalmente conseguí que
los clientes conectaran con el servidor NT, pero lo
que es que el servidor sea visualizado por el browser
de red de los clientes windows fue sencillamente tarea
imposible ...
Lo que te puedo decir es que parce ser que con Windows
2000 Server y Advanced si que funciona.

--- Jaume Sabater [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:  Enas.
 Un poquitin de ASCIART :-)
 |RED  | | RED   |
 || |
 || |
 |  Servidor SAMBA:   | |   Clientes
 Winbugs   |
 || |
 Tengo dos redes ( y y
 de momento me rutea bien, 
 puedo lanzar pings y telnets de una red a la otra.
 También me he asegurado 
 que los puertos 137, 138 y 139 puedan pasar por el
 cortafuegos. El problema 
 que tengo es que los clientes winbugs no pueden ver
 al servidor que está en 
 la otra red. Me ha parecido leer que tengo que
 montar un servidor WINS en el 
 servidor SAMBA para que de esta forma los clientes
 de la otra red lo puedan 
 ver, pero no estoy seguro de que sea asi (mi inglés
 es bastante malo...). O 
 quizás el servidor WINS lo debo montar en el
 cortafuegos? No tengo muy claro 
 como debo hacerlo, eso del protocolo NetBEUI es una
 casa de locos...
 Gracias por el cablecillo ;-)
Jaume Sabater Lleal
ARGUS Serveis Telemàtics
Sant Pere, 39 - 08911 Badalona
Avgda. Marquès de Comillas, s/n 
(Recinte Poble Espanyol) - 08038 Barcelona
Tel: 93 292 41 00
Fax: 93 292 42 25
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe

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Re: Pregunta ...

2001-06-08 Thread Enrique Marcote Peña
Hue-Bond wrote:

 Enrique Marcote Peña, viernes 08 de junio de 2001 a la(s) 00:40:35 +0200:
 ispell -d espa~nol -T latin1 $1
 y lo llamo
 $ espell documento.tex

  Para eso  te viene mejor un  alias o una función,  que consumen
  menos recursos al no tener que invocar una shell nueva (y bash pesa
  cosa de 2 meguillas de nada).

Totalmente de acuerdo, pero es que llevo algún tiempo siguiendo las
discusiones sobre profile, bash_profile...etc., y todavía no tengo nada claro
donde definir los alias para que me funcionen siempre y en todo

En Red Hat no tenía problemas, pero desde que me pasé a Debian no acabo de
aclararme con este asunto.



RE: Configuración de email interno

2001-06-08 Thread Carlos Martinez
 si no es molestia, tambien me gustaria recibir esa media chuleta

Otra para mí, please (o para la lista, y acabas antes).

Calidad de impresión

2001-06-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hay alguna forma de bajar la calidad de impresión?
Tengo una Epson 400 configurada con magicfilter.
Para imprimir uso lpr archivo.
Gracias, saludos.

   //   Santiago Pastorino   \\
  (   Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   )

cfdisck y mac-fdisck

2001-06-08 Thread Richard Espinoza
Hola listeros,

Soy un novato en Linux y se me ha ocurrido meter Debian en un Mac que tengo,
pero no he tenido suerte buscando informacion en espanol sobre cfdisck y

Quien tenga algo, le agradesco me la envie,

#.-. #Richard Espinoza
#/v\L   I   N   U   X#Estudiante de Ingenieria
#   // \\  Ich bin das nicht   #Comercial cuasi titulado
#  /(   )\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #en busca de empleo !
#   ^^-^^#Chile.-


2001-06-08 Thread Pablo Serrano

Re: Processador Geode

2001-06-08 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Raphael D Pereira wrote:

 Olá pessoal,

 Alguém pode me informar até que ponto este processador é compatível com o
 Linux (isso se ele for)?

pelo que diz na hp ( ele
implementa a arquitetura IA-32 (x86). lá também diz que ele suporta

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 Windows NT in non PC applications; along with Windows CE
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 QNX Software Systems QNX
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 Caso sim, alguém já o viu em funcionamento?

nunca tinha ouvido falar, até o seu email.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

instalacao via rede

2001-06-08 Thread cosmo

Por acaso alguem saberia me informar onde eh que eu encontro
texto/informacao de como instalar o debian atraves da rede. Eh que eu estou com
um micro sem drive de cdrom e queria instalar o debian. O micro tem duas placas
de rede, vai servir de proxy para uma conexao speed. Outro inconvente eh que o
hd do micro eh so de 80 Mb, vou deixar 5 Mb de swap e os 75 Mb restantes vai ser
utilizado para o linux.

Desde ja obrigado !!

[ ]'s

Hack Hour Inc.

Re: instalacao via rede

2001-06-08 Thread Jackson Gois

Oi povo.

Soh aumentando a pergunta, eu tenho o potato 2.2.17 e preciso de um mais 
atualizado, e por isso estou tentando instalar via rede. Qual a ultima 
versao do potato e como faco para instala-lo ? 

Valeu !!


On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, cosmo wrote:

 Por acaso alguem saberia me informar onde eh que eu encontro
 texto/informacao de como instalar o debian atraves da rede. Eh que eu estou 
 um micro sem drive de cdrom e queria instalar o debian. O micro tem duas 
 de rede, vai servir de proxy para uma conexao speed. Outro inconvente eh 
 que o
 hd do micro eh so de 80 Mb, vou deixar 5 Mb de swap e os 75 Mb restantes vai 
 utilizado para o linux.
 Desde ja obrigado !!
 [ ]'s
 Hack Hour Inc.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Jackson Gois


Re: instalacao via rede

2001-06-08 Thread Eduardo
Vá em, lá tem o manual de instalação que fala como instalar
pela rede. O manual está disponível em português; em html, pdf ou txt.
Só para ir adiantando, vc precisará de 5 discos; um de boot, um de root, e
com todos os drivers necessários pra botar tudo funcionando (controladores
ide, placa de rede, etc).
Qualquer dúvida mail-me!
[] 's


- Original Message -
To: linux-debian
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 2:05 PM
Subject: instalacao via rede


 Por acaso alguem saberia me informar onde eh que eu encontro
 texto/informacao de como instalar o debian atraves da rede. Eh que eu
estou com
 um micro sem drive de cdrom e queria instalar o debian. O micro tem duas
 de rede, vai servir de proxy para uma conexao speed. Outro inconvente eh
que o
 hd do micro eh so de 80 Mb, vou deixar 5 Mb de swap e os 75 Mb restantes
vai ser
 utilizado para o linux.

 Desde ja obrigado !!

 [ ]'s

Sobre sylpheed.

2001-06-08 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

   Olá Pessoal.

   Estou usando o sylpheed, mas antes eu usava o pine. Eu gostava no 
 pine o fato de ele me perguntar se eu queria ou não colocar a mensagem
 original quando fazia um reply. Alguém sabe me dizer se o sylpheed tem 
 esta opção? Se sim, como ativa-la? Se não, o que posso fazer?
||  /\ ||  Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3||  _  || 
|| /@@\||  Linux lottar 2.2.18pre21  || () ||
||/(__)\   ||Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb||/(_)\||
|| ^  ^||  Fabiano Manoel de Andrade ||_/ \_||
|| || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || ||

re: Re: Apresentação e Sugestão.

2001-06-08 Thread Hilton Fernandes

estou fazendo uma divisão dos textos a traduzir/revisar.  Em breve
vou/vamos pedir sua ajuda.


[]s, Hilton

P.S.: gostaria de falar mais sobre sua página, mas creio que seria
muito offtopic.  Falarei pessoalmente, em email à parte.

--- Xamã [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Salve 1 e Todos.
 Yeap. Grato pela acolhida!
 Ainda que a sugestão não seja perfeita, fica aqui registrada
 a intenção de ajudar: se houver algum 'naco' de texto 
 para traduzir que me ajude no processo de aprendizado, terei
 o maior prazer em fazê-lo.
 Exemplo ? Estou terminando de ler o seguinte 'naco' de um dos guias, 
 e está me sendo útil no processo de aprendizado do linux:
 Aproveitando a oportunidade e falando sobre começos, como vcs 
 começariam a montar uma estação de desenvolvimento Debian?
 Qual Motherboard, CPU, RAM e Adaptador de vídeo encontrados hoje
 merecem destaque?
 Luís Cleber, de Goiânia/GO.
 (Hilton... Ahrém... cof!
 'Noviciato' é neologismo, mas foi escolhido
 pq 'Noviciado' poderia parecer um convite para a agremiação
 de ocultistas adictos em substâncias não canônicas.
 A rigor, não era minha intenção mandar ESTAS
 minhas referências à lista, mas já que foi...
 agradeço as sugestões.)
 This is your life... and Y're spending it one minute at a time...
 Tyler Durden.

 Yahoo! GeoCities
 Tenha seu lugar na Web. Construa hoje mesmo sua home page no Yahoo!
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Leitor de DVD.

2001-06-08 Thread Nivaldo Antonio Portela de Vasconcelos

alguém conhece um programa que toca DVD disponibilizando os canais de

Muito obrigado.

Re: Sobre sylpheed.

2001-06-08 Thread Fábio
Fala Fabiano,

 Estou usando o sylpheed, mas antes eu usava o pine. Eu
 gostava no pine o fato de ele me perguntar se eu queria
 ou não colocar a mensagem original quando fazia um reply.
 Alguém sabe me dizer se o sylpheed tem esta opção?
 Se sim, como ativa-la? Se não, o que posso fazer?

Clique em: Configuration - Common Preferences 
- Aba Compose: Marcar opção Quotate message e tal...

Fábio Berbert de Paula [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SysAdmin  *UNIX* DeveloperLinux Solutions
(021) 526-7262 ramal 21
  Yes, I have a Palm  

core? 500% OFF-TOPIC

2001-06-08 Thread Nitrogen

Já ví várias vezes em meu sistema um arquivo chamado core. Estava
programando agora no gcc quando, como resultado de uma falha no código, ele
deveria gerar uma saída em um arquivo core para ser analisado com o gdb,
porém isto não aconteceu. O que será que esta havendo de errado?!? Alguém
tem idéia de como eu poderia gerar esta saída corretamente?!?

Leonardo Custodio

Conteúdo do arquivo 1.c
/* ** */
static void fun1(void) {
char *cp=0;
*cp='!'; /* pegue isso */

int main(int argc, char **argv){
return 0;
/* ** */

gcc -g -D_GNU_SOURCE 1.c -o 1

Suposto arquivo de saída: core

Edit mime types no gmc

2001-06-08 Thread Rodrigo Gruppelli
Hash: SHA1

Gente, to com um probleminha estranho, que eu tinha desde o mandrake :),
acho que e' pq falta algum pacote do gnome, nao sei.. o que acontece e' o

O Edit mime type do gmc abre o gnomecc na parte de File Types and
Programs, certo? Pois e'.. O que acontece e' que nao esta'
abrindo.. Simplesmente imprime uma @ no xterm.. Muito estranho..

O mais estranho e' que se eu abrir o gnomecc manualmente e editar ali os
file types o gmc nao pega as novas configurações ... vcs ja passaram
por isso? Provavelmente falta algum pacotinho do gnome ne'? 


Rodrigo Gruppelli ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   Computer Science - UCPEL - RS - Brazil
   ICQ: UIN 4511364
   IRC: #Mundo #GameROM #Canguçu #Linux #Linux-RS
BrasNET IRC Network 

   Registered Linux User #81719

/ \

  Close the window$... Open the doors of perception :)-
 Ride a linux machine!

*  Eu sou inteiramente contra as drogas meu filho... *
*  É por isso que eu não assisto nem a Globo, nem o SBT  *
*  nem a Record.  (Marcelo Nova) *

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: pgpenvelope 2.10.2 -


Re: core? 500% OFF-TOPIC

2001-06-08 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
On Sat, 9 Jun 2001 00:36:26 -0300
Nitrogen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Já ví várias vezes em meu sistema um arquivo chamado core. Estava
 programando agora no gcc quando, como resultado de uma falha no código, ele
 deveria gerar uma saída em um arquivo core para ser analisado com o gdb,
 porém isto não aconteceu. O que será que esta havendo de errado?!? Alguém
 tem idéia de como eu poderia gerar esta saída corretamente?!?

   Tente usar na compilação o parâmetro -ggdb, por exemplo
  gcc -O3 -Wall -ggdb -o exe source.c
  e rode o executável dentro do gdb
  gdb exe

  Acho qu evai funcionar.


 Leonardo Custodio
 Conteúdo do arquivo 1.c
 /* ** */
 static void fun1(void) {
 char *cp=0;
 *cp='!'; /* pegue isso */
 int main(int argc, char **argv){
 return 0;
 /* ** */
 gcc -g -D_GNU_SOURCE 1.c -o 1
 Suposto arquivo de saída: core
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

||  /\ ||  Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3||  _  || 
|| /@@\||  Linux lottar 2.2.18pre21  || () ||
||/(__)\   ||Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb||/(_)\||
|| ^  ^||  Fabiano Manoel de Andrade ||_/ \_||
|| || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || ||

IP Masq IP addresses but no Telnet or Domain Names

2001-06-08 Thread Stephen Handley
Hi there,

I'm trying to get IP Masq up and running and am very close. I can ping IP
numbers from my Masqd machine but have not telnet capability. Futhermore I
can't see domain names from my debain machine or the masq'd machine. 

Any ideas.

One thing I've noticed is that I currently have no rc.firewall file. But
from what I remember the last time I did this, Debian had the equivalent in
a different file .. am I remembering correctly?

Thanks for your help


printer (EPSON 780) setup

2001-06-08 Thread Jack

In my dmesg I got this:

Starting kswapd v 1.5 
parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778) [SPP,ECP,ECPPS2]
parport0: detected irq 7; use procfs to enable interrupt-driven
Detected PS/2 Mouse Port.

All my try of configuring failed,  some useful results:

   .  kups reports: there is no printer detected.
   .  installed cupsys,  however, the configuring web localhost:631
  doesnot work.  Even after restart cupsys.

BTW,  I don't know the correct input to magicfilterconfig for my EPSON
STYLUS PHOTO 780 printer.  Any one does?

Thans a lot,

compiling ics openmotif on sid fails

2001-06-08 Thread Martin Maciaszek
I have been trying to compile ICS openmotig on my sid box. I used
the same way that is used in the spec-file which is used to
create the rpms files. After issuing the make World command it
pretty quick dies with the following error message:

gcc DefaultGcc2i386Opt-I../../include -I../../imports/x11/include/X11  -I../
.. -I../../exports/include -I../../imports/x11/include  -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_PO
EDEPEND   -DCPP_PROGRAM=\/lib/cpp\   -c -o imake.o imake.c
gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple compilations

I have been searching in the motif/config/cf directory for any
configuration option that might cause this but couldn't find
the cause. Has someone managed to successfully compile openmotif
on sid?


PS: I know that there is a Debian-package of ICS Openmmotif but I
needed to add some special build options that I need so some
programs to compile. (btw, I couldn't even find the sources for
this debian package)

MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGED -- The Pershing II missiles have been launched.

Description: PGP signature

CTRL-ALT-Fn doesn't work (potato, sparc)

2001-06-08 Thread Erik Steffl
  I have a sun sparcstation with debian potato installed. everything
works (so far) but ctrl-alt-fn has strange effect - it switches to given
virtual console (few times) but then the only effect is having strange
characters (two per keystroke usually) displayed on the screen, I cannot
login (enter does not work, even though usually some of the keys works
as enter the login is never successfull).

  is there any help?



Re: IP Masq IP addresses but no Telnet or Domain Names

2001-06-08 Thread Nicholas
Hash: SHA1

- - Masquerade connection from internal network to Port 23
- - Allow connection out TO port 23
- - Allow connection in FROM port 23

- - Masquerade connection from internal connection to your DNS Server port 53
- - Allow connection out TO DNS Server Port 53
- - Allow Connection in FROM DNS Server Port 53

YMAMV tho'

On Friday 08 June 2001 04:35, Stephen Handley wrote:
 Hi there,

 I'm trying to get IP Masq up and running and am very close. I can ping IP
 numbers from my Masqd machine but have not telnet capability. Futhermore I
 can't see domain names from my debain machine or the masq'd machine.

 Any ideas.

 One thing I've noticed is that I currently have no rc.firewall file. But
 from what I remember the last time I did this, Debian had the equivalent in
 a different file .. am I remembering correctly?

 Thanks for your help

Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


List new packages after an apt-get update

2001-06-08 Thread Graham Williams
After doing an apt-get update there are two types of packages I'm
particularly interested in: newly available packages (new to Debain
since the last time I did an apt-get update) and packages I have
already installed but that have been updated since the last time I did
an apt-get update. (I.e., ignore packages that have been updated but
not since the previous time I did an apt-get update)

Are there any simple command line methods for getting these two lists
(or do I need to persist in learning what seems to me to be the quite
un-intuitive interfaces in deity and aptitude).

Many thanks in advance,

woody install from Windows partition: HELP

2001-06-08 Thread Lars Jensen

I have a problem getting woody installed from a windows partition using
loadlin. I first download the rescue.bin, root.bin and drivers.tgz
as well as the dosutils, and then put them in the appropriate paths on
the windows partition. The installation process starts up OK, but when I
get to the point when the installer wants to install the base system I
am stuck - I don't know what to enter here - apparently there is no way of
getting the base system over a ppp connection??

Is there a base.tgz file like base2_2.tgz for potato? 
Can I use base2_2.tgz for woody?
Do I necessarily have to install potato first and do a apt-get dist-upgrade?
-Or how do I proceed?


Lars Jensen, Truckee Meadows Community College, Reno NV 89512-3999. 
Tel: 775.673.7113 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SVGATextmode and Banshee

2001-06-08 Thread ricky
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 07:51:18PM -0500, the person known as Jorge Santos 
 Some file in the SVGATextmode mentions it is not supported anymore,
 one reason for that is that you can change resolution for the console
 from the kernel (but, alas, only at boot time I gather) so just give
 the 'vga=ask' parameter to the kernel at boot time to get a list of
 available resolutions (check
 /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.4/Documentation/svga.txt (fill in your
 kernel version)).

Thanx Jorge, now I can read my mail in console mode, so I don't need an xterm 
for that. Now trying to find out how I can
load an sharper font and I again a bit further.
Again thanx



Gnu PG- key:0F16EB250A16
Icq:16345639 (invisble)
Mark Lamers Fotograaf 00 31 71 5120308

Re: bttv and 2.4.5

2001-06-08 Thread Michal Szczotka

It seems that you also need msp3400 module for sound (for haupage cards)
it should be under soundcards section in kernel
give it a try

Brian Stults wrote:


Last night I upgraded from kernel 2.4.1 to 2.4.5 and now bttv is not
working properly.  The modules all load fine, and the picture quality is
great.  However, I just get static for audio.  The modules are:


I know the module options are correct.  When I go back to 2.4.1
everything works again.  I am using xawtv, but I also tried gnomovision
and that also had static under 2.4.5.  I also tried 2.4.3 and 2.4.4, and
got static there, too.  I need to use 2.4.3 or higher so I can use
win4lin 3.0.

Any ideas?

Spojrzenie Z Oddali
Milo, czyste spojrzenie
  Iskierek oceanicznych oczu
Co dzisiaj znaczy?
  Harmonia Twych ruchow uroczych
Absorbuje calkowicie ma dusze
  Lagodnie zmieniajac jej rytm.

Weather checking program

2001-06-08 Thread Cameron Matheson

I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that would check the
weather, and display a map w/ cold front's, rain, etc.

Cameron Matheson

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Re: Text Processing Question

2001-06-08 Thread Adahma
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 01:29:42AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 The shell will do nicely:
 #! /bin/sh -e
 cat $1 EOF
 export DBUSER
 Error detection is left as an exercise for the reader. :) ('sh -e' is a
 good start, though - the script will terminate if any command in it

Worked like a charm.  Thanks tons.


Re: SVGATextmode and Banshee

2001-06-08 Thread ricky
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 08:52:05AM +0200, the person known as David Knudsen 
 Thanx Jorge, now I can read my mail in console mode, so I don't need an xterm
   for that. Now trying to find out how I can
 load an sharper font and I again a bit further.
 Again thanx
 Please do report your results here.  What do you answer to vga=ask, how do
 you find and install a new font etc.  That would be very helpfull to a
 Banshee-owning Linux-newbie as myself.  :)


Up till now I only change to the biggest screen in Vga mode. I did an scan on 
the prompt but nothing really changed. But my
first goal was to find an bigger screen, so I could read and write mail easier 
in Mutt. But I try to remember your question

regards Mark


Gnu PG- key:0F16EB250A16
Icq:16345639 (invisble)
Mark Lamers Fotograaf 00 31 71 5120308


2001-06-08 Thread Markus . SEIDEL
hi there,

i´ve tried to add rtl8139 within the make menuconfig dialogue to my 2.2.19
but it isn´t there
further i could not find a header file for the rtl8139.c file

can anybody help me on this


Re: rtl8139

2001-06-08 Thread Fabbione
You should enable Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers
in  Code maturity level options  ---   menu.

Then it should appear in the
network device support - eth 10/100 - EISA, VLB, PCI and on board


 hi there,
 i´ve tried to add rtl8139 within the make menuconfig dialogue to my 2.2.19
 but it isn´t there
 further i could not find a header file for the rtl8139.c file
 can anybody help me on this
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
 Debian GNU/Linux Testing/Unstable Kernel 2.4.3
 Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs

Re: bttv and 2.4.5

2001-06-08 Thread Matthias Richter
Michal Szczotka wrote on Fri Jun 08, 2001 at 02:29:58AM:
 It seems that you also need msp3400 module for sound (for haupage cards)
 it should be under soundcards section in kernel

You're right. And ... to be able to use msp3400 one also needs to have set:

# I2C support

Then and only then the option CONFIG_SOUND_TVMIXER (which is msp3400)
can be used in more recent kernels.

Matthias Richter --+- stud. soz.  inf. -+--
--GPG Public Key:

Description: PGP signature

Re: rtl8139

2001-06-08 Thread Matthias Richter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Fri Jun 08, 2001 at 09:22:58AM:
 i´ve tried to add rtl8139 within the make menuconfig dialogue to my 2.2.19
 but it isn´t there
 further i could not find a header file for the rtl8139.c file

IIRC the driver is now 8139too and you need to have set:
# Code maturity level options

to use it.

Matthias Richter --+- stud. soz.  inf. -+--
--GPG Public Key:

Description: PGP signature

The easiest way to have XFree 4.0.x runing on Potato?

2001-06-08 Thread Steve Kieu
Hi all,

I am not sure if this question has been asked , if
someone know please direct me. I think I could compile
from source but will gnome apps and kde app run well
after that upgrade?

Cheers, Steve


_ - Yahoo! Messenger
- Voice chat, mail alerts, stock quotes and favourite news and lots more!

Re: Weather checking program

2001-06-08 Thread Colin Marquardt
Cameron Matheson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that would check the
 weather, and display a map w/ cold front's, rain, etc.

I use the gnomecam_applet and connect to any site that has such
information (I like's satellite pics and the
humidity radar).


mssql support for php4

2001-06-08 Thread Teun Vink


I'm writing an intranet application in php4 which has to access a ms
sqlserver. I know that in php4 there are functions for mssql support, but
when I try to use them (mssql_connect) I get a message stating that it is
a call to an undefined function, so I probably need to install a library
for mssql support. but... I can't find this in potato. Is there a debfile
for mssql support in debian, or does someone have one?



Teun Vink - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - icq: 15001247 -

Re: XF86Setup problem

2001-06-08 Thread Nick
Hash: SHA1

I assume you're using server ver. 4.x
try apt-get install xserver-XFree86 then install the client - apt-get 
install xbase-clients / xclients-base ??
do xf86config.. your RIVA TNT2 card will be listed there.

On Friday 08 June 2001 03:48, Joel Mayes wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 10:50:58PM +0200, Jeroen Valcke wrote:
  I already asked this question in my local linux ng, but the answer were
  not that helpfull. So I hope somebody can give me an answer here.
  I would like to reconfigure X windows on my machine. Especially the
  grafical settings need some finetuning. I would like to change
  resolutions and add virtual screen. So I start XF86Setup as root, but I
  get this error:
  Tomsk:~# XF86Setup 
  [1] 23274
  Tomsk:~# Error in database, invalid reference: ET4000/W32 (generic).
  Error in database, invalid reference: ET4000/W32 (generic).
  Error in database, invalid reference: ET4000/W32 (generic).
  Error in database, invalid reference: Generic VGA compatible.
  Error in database, invalid reference: Generic VGA compatible.
  Warning CHIPSET specification missing in Card database entry S3 Savage4
  (line 1442).
  Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
  TGUI9420 (generic) (line 2186).
  Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
  TGUI9440 (generic) (line 2191).
  Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
  TGUI9660 (generic) (line 2196).
  Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
  TGUI9680 (generic) (line 2201).
  Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident Cyber
  9320 (generic) (line 2218).
  Any idea what the problem is?
  Also some guy suggested using xf86config instead. So I tried this too.
  However, when I restart gdm using the new XF86Config file I get a black
  screen, so no X. Actually there is a small '+' sign in the upper left
  I guess this has someting to do with the graphical card I choose from the
  I have an Nvidia Riva TNT II Pro. In the specs of my graphics card I also
  find 128-bit high performance accelarator. In the database there is
  RIVATNT2 and RIVA128. I don't really know which one to choose. I tried
  both but none seem to work.
  Any suggestions here?
  Thanks, Regards
  Jeroen Valcke
  ICQ# 30116911   Home page:
  Phone +32(0)56 32 91 37 Mobile +32(0)486 88 21 26

 G'day Jeroen,

 I'm guessing but it looks like your using X 3, and if your video card
 wasn't detected during the original install xserver-vga16 will be the
 only xserver-??? installed, and it doesn't contain wupport for most
 modern video cards, Nvidia TNT 2 is supported under X 3 by xserver-svga
 if you installed this with apt-get install xserver-sgva and try to
 configure X again it should work, You probably want the RIVATNT2 driver.


Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: help me about adsl

2001-06-08 Thread Wenzhuo Zhang
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 05:19:31PM +0800, wayne wrote:
 i have setup two linux servers,one is used debian 2.2 r2,the other is redhat 
 7.1,but both of two servers display a same problem,when i use rp-pppoe,it 
 display connected,but i can not get reply from any internet ip address,also i 
 have no dns,but when i use adsl-setup,i type the dns server.the server is 
 compaq Ml350,i use 3com 3c905b for pppoe connection.please help me resolve 
 this problem.thanks a lot.

Is your ppp interface up? (/sbin/ifconfig ppp0).

What is logged? (tail -f /var/log/messages)

Have you tried export DEBUG=1; adsl-start?

Are the IP addresses you entered as the DNS servers correct? Try ping


Re: Low Memory Install?

2001-06-08 Thread Martin Feeney
On Thu, 07 Jun 2001 20:04:55 Geordie Birch wrote:

 i have a 486 laptop with 4MB RAM and 125MB HDD.  average free disk space
 is around 10MB!
 it swaps a lot but otherwise works fine.

What do you use it for?

I have a similar machine (486sx25/4MB/250MB) that I'm thinking of using as
a NAT/DHCP/DNS machine for LAN parties (as it's easy to carry). I've
already put a minimal 70MB slink install on it, but I haven't really tried
using it yet.

dselect is a pain as it swaps like mad whenever the
recommends/suggests/depends screen comes up.

One thing to mention about the low memory slink install is that it doesn't
always activate the swap partition correctly, so if you're seeing errors
or a lack of disk activity during the install, switch to v22 and do a
swapon /dev/hda2 (or whatever you've set up your swap partition to be).


ip masq

2001-06-08 Thread Derya PALANCI

Hi all there,

I'm working at a school and we have a debian 
server. We use ip masq for more than one hundred Windows NT . Last week i get an 
empty PC and installed debian to it. Now i have a problem. I want to find a way 
to connect to my second debian from my home but it doesnt have an IP of its own 
its under the main server. So can i do something to say to the main server that 
whenever a " " request comes it has to go to that machine? Sorry 
for my terrible techn eng. but this is all i know... :(

Thanks in advance


2001-06-08 Thread vester

hi everyone!

i foolishly deleted /etc/init.d/gdm -- could anyone send me that script
or tell me how to re-install it?

also, does anyone know whether or not it is possible have gdm welcom text
with a line break? the corresponding line in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf is:

Welcome=your welcome message here

is it possible to have a line break in this message?



Re: gdm

2001-06-08 Thread John R Lenton
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 12:37:03PM +0200, vester wrote:
 i foolishly deleted /etc/init.d/gdm -- could anyone send me that script
 or tell me how to re-install it?

apt-get install --reinstall gdm

John Lenton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) -- Random fortune:
Each Friday his engines abort,
But Scotty is never caught short.
He fills his machines
With space-navy beans,
And farts the ship back into port.

Description: PGP signature

Re: debian cvs server setup -- howto?

2001-06-08 Thread Joerg Johannes
Not Debian-specific at all, but may help you


will trillich wrote:
 okay, i've got cvs working client-side just fine. now i'd like
 to try setting up a server for a small in-house project, mostly
 to see if it can be done...
 i've seen
 which presume a few utilities/applications that i can't find via
 apt-get install... and some which i downloaded and compiled (ver
 non-debianish, don't tell anybody) aren't sufficient to get this
 the standard documents
 show how to use cvs as a client, but not how to set it up as a
 server.  is there a debian-friendly intro to setting up a secure
 cvs server? thanks--

Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: package libcommonc++-dev kept back

2001-06-08 Thread Alex Suzuki
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 01:15:16AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 It turns out that the bug is a build problem with autoconf 2.50, so I
 think you can safely ignore that and install the package from unstable.

Thanks : )

Alex Suzuki | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
To send me an email, remove NOSPAM from the above address

testing package of php 4.0.6RC2

2001-06-08 Thread Petr Cech
I've just done caudium changes and prepared 4.0.6RC2 testing packages at
  not apt-able, because of the testing.

Mainly sablot and curl (old version in the archive) are broken. I'll try to
do php4-pgsql shortly
Petr Cech
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer - www.debian.{org,cz}

Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation.  

Mail indexing

2001-06-08 Thread oivvio polite
A long time ago when I was using an other OS I also used Altavista Personal 
to index my email. Worked great. I've found a couple of tools (htdig, 
glimpse)  for linux that index files. I haven't researched theese tools that 
deeply because it seams like they both index entire files rather than 
separate email messages within a large mbox file.

Ideas, anyone?
oivvio polite

cell +46 (0)709 30 40 30 / phone +46 (0)8 669 64 18 / fax +46 (0)8 84 00 18
varvsgatan 10A / s-117 29 stockholm / sweden

Mounting an Audio CD

2001-06-08 Thread Michael Powell
Is there a special command to mount an audio CD?  I am having trouble getting 
any of the CD-Players to find the CD-ROM drive (they say it is not mounted), 
and have not been able to find the proper file system type to mount it with.

I am thinking I may possibly need a symbolic link to '/cdrom' or '/dev/cdrom' 
to simply fix the problem, but wanted to verify that there was nothing else 
that I needed to do.  My CD-ROM is usually mounted as '/cdimage' as that is 
what my Libranet/Debian distro looks for in some of its scripts.  Also, it is 
device '/dev/hdd'.  These are the reasons that I was thinking a symbolic link 
might fix it.


 Get your FREE web-based e-mail and newsgroup access at:

 Create a new mailbox, or access your existing IMAP4 or
 POP3 mailbox from anywhere with just a web browser.

Re: Matrox G400 3d HW acceleration under Woody

2001-06-08 Thread Thibaut Cousin
Hash: SHA1

  You need to change things in two places :

1) In XF86Config-4, section Module, add a line :
Load dri
  and in section DRI add a line :
Mode 0666

2) In /etc/modules, you must load two modules so add two lines :

  Note : for point 2) you must have 2.4 kernel, as the mga driver in 2.2 
kernel is too old (have a look in the logs : version 2 expected, version 1 
found, or something similar). You also need to have a file /dev/agpgart. If 
it does not exist, just go in /dev and type :

MAKEDEV agpgart

  All this is exactly what I did with my own G400, and it worked. Don't 
hesitate to mail me (I'm not in the mailing list) for more questions.
  See you,

- --
Thibaut Cousin
web   :
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Mounting an Audio CD

2001-06-08 Thread Sebastian Drews
Michael Powell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there a special command to mount an audio CD?  I am having trouble getting 
 any of the CD-Players to find the CD-ROM drive (they say it is not mounted), 
 and have not been able to find the proper file system type to mount it with.

You don't have to (and generally shouldn't) mount an audio CD.
 I am thinking I may possibly need a symbolic link to '/cdrom' or '/dev/cdrom' 
 to simply fix the problem, but wanted to verify that there was nothing else 
 that I needed to do.  My CD-ROM is usually mounted as '/cdimage' as that is 

Common CD players expect /dev/cdrom to be a symbolic link to the CD-ROM

 what my Libranet/Debian distro looks for in some of its scripts.  Also, it is 
 device '/dev/hdd'.  These are the reasons that I was thinking a symbolic link 
 might fix it.

It should.
ln -s /dev/hdd /dev/cdrom

checking for emacs... no
checking for xemacs... no
checking for xemacs yow... checking for fortune... fortune

OK, I need some help

2001-06-08 Thread Christopher Aiken
I must have installed Debian 2.2_r2 at least a dozen
times on different PC's w/o any problems until now.

I have a system that has no network, only a dialup
connection to an ISP.  I can't ping anything.  I've
checked my pppconfig (and chat scripts) and all looks
OK.  I tried wvdial, again all looks OK.  I checked
my /etc/resolv.conf file and my ISP's nameserver
addresses are there and OK.  Both wvdial and pon both
connect OK, but I can't ping anything.   Anyone have
any suggestions as to what to look for now?

Debian 2.2_r2

Re: Mounting an Audio CD

2001-06-08 Thread Jason Collison
make sure your user is in the cdrom group. then to mount (in
libranet) just type mount /cdrom (you don't need to specify anything else
because lilo sets up this info durring installation).


On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Michael Powell wrote:

 Is there a special command to mount an audio CD?  I am having trouble getting 
 any of the CD-Players to find the CD-ROM drive (they say it is not mounted), 
 and have not been able to find the proper file system type to mount it with.
 I am thinking I may possibly need a symbolic link to '/cdrom' or '/dev/cdrom' 
 to simply fix the problem, but wanted to verify that there was nothing else 
 that I needed to do.  My CD-ROM is usually mounted as '/cdimage' as that is 
 what my Libranet/Debian distro looks for in some of its scripts.  Also, it is 
 device '/dev/hdd'.  These are the reasons that I was thinking a symbolic link 
 might fix it.
  Get your FREE web-based e-mail and newsgroup access at:
  Create a new mailbox, or access your existing IMAP4 or
  POP3 mailbox from anywhere with just a web browser.
 The archive is at
 To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of UNSUBSCRIBE.

multiple copies of mailing list messages

2001-06-08 Thread Rob Mahurin
Has anyone else been receiving multiple copies of some messages (like
those attached)?  A glance at the headers shows that
sent this one four times to


If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people?
Hello patrick,

Sunday, May 27, 2001, 2:13:22 PM, you wrote:

pq --- Arian Novruzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to configure my ppp in my new Debian 2.2 (well, I think
 developers guys can make more easy the installation ;-)
 My modem is a lucent one and I use the appropriate package to install
 I'm using the same script which worked perfectly in RH6.2.
 Running ppp-on gives these messages:
 /usr/sbin/pppd: The remote system is required to authenticate itself
 /usr/sbin/pppd: but I couldn't find any secret (password) for it to
 use to
 do so
 /usr/sbin/pppd (none of the avalaible passwords would let it use an
 Thanks for any suggestion how to establish my ppp connection.
hi all,
Under woody, I use apt-get installing  imp and horde.
After installing,I find there isn't horde database in mysql.
So imp cann't run normally.
My operation steps are:
apt-get install apache mysql-server php3 phplib
apt-get install imp horde
Under potato,I installed imp successfully with the above steps.
Why not successfully under woody?

Best regards,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---End Message---
Hello patrick,

Sunday, May 27, 2001, 2:13:22 PM, you wrote:

pq --- Arian Novruzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to configure my ppp in my new Debian 2.2 (well, I think
 developers guys can make more easy the installation ;-)
 My modem is a lucent one and I use the appropriate package to install
 I'm using the same script which worked perfectly in RH6.2.
 Running ppp-on gives these messages:
 /usr/sbin/pppd: The remote system is required to authenticate itself
 /usr/sbin/pppd: but I couldn't find any secret (password) for it to
 use to
 do so
 /usr/sbin/pppd (none of the avalaible passwords would let it use an
 Thanks for any suggestion how to establish my ppp connection.
hi all,
Under woody, I use apt-get installing  imp and horde.
After installing,I find there isn't horde database in mysql.
So imp cann't run normally.
My operation steps are:
apt-get install apache mysql-server php3 phplib
apt-get install imp horde
Under potato,I installed imp successfully with the above steps.
Why not successfully under woody?

Best regards,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---End Message---
Hello patrick,

Sunday, May 27, 2001, 2:13:22 PM, you wrote:

pq --- Arian Novruzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to configure my ppp in my new Debian 2.2 (well, I think
 developers guys can make more easy the installation ;-)
 My modem is a lucent one and I use the appropriate package to install
 I'm using the same script which worked perfectly in RH6.2.
 Running ppp-on gives these messages:
 /usr/sbin/pppd: The remote system is required to authenticate itself
 /usr/sbin/pppd: but I couldn't find any secret (password) for it to
 use to
 do so
 /usr/sbin/pppd (none of the avalaible passwords would let it use an
 Thanks for any suggestion how to establish my ppp connection.
hi all,
Under woody, I use apt-get installing  imp and horde.
After installing,I find there isn't horde database in mysql.
So imp cann't run normally.
My operation steps are:
apt-get install apache mysql-server php3 phplib
apt-get install imp horde
Under potato,I installed imp successfully with the above steps.
Why not successfully under woody?

Best regards,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

---End Message---
Hello patrick,

Sunday, May 27, 2001, 2:13:22 PM, you wrote:

pq --- Arian Novruzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to configure my ppp in my new Debian 2.2 (well, I think
 developers guys can make more easy the installation ;-)
 My modem is a lucent one and I use the appropriate package to install
 I'm using the same script which worked perfectly in RH6.2.
 Running ppp-on gives these messages:
 /usr/sbin/pppd: The remote system is required to authenticate itself
 /usr/sbin/pppd: but I couldn't find any secret (password) for it to
 use to
 do so
 /usr/sbin/pppd (none of the avalaible passwords would let it use an
 Thanks for any suggestion how to establish 

Re: mssql support for php4

2001-06-08 Thread ktb
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 10:55:49AM +0200, Teun Vink wrote:
 I'm writing an intranet application in php4 which has to access a ms
 sqlserver. I know that in php4 there are functions for mssql support, but
 when I try to use them (mssql_connect) I get a message stating that it is
 a call to an undefined function, so I probably need to install a library
 for mssql support. but... I can't find this in potato. Is there a debfile
 for mssql support in debian, or does someone have one?

I always forget which combo I need to install for this.  I should write
it down but try installing -

I don't know if you have tried searching for packages at -
but it is a great resource.

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: multiple copies of mailing list messages

2001-06-08 Thread ktb
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 07:26:32AM -0400, Rob Mahurin wrote:
 Has anyone else been receiving multiple copies of some messages (like
 those attached)?  A glance at the headers shows that
 sent this one four times to
 If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people?

Once in a while it seems duplicates start coming though the list.  I
guess I don't pay much atention why I just stick this in my procmail
lists.rc to take care of it -

# weed out duplicates
:0 Whc: msgid.lock
| formail -D 8192 msgid.cache


 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Best way to setup a Soundblaster Live card

2001-06-08 Thread Robert Martinovic

I would like to know what is the best (or easiest) way to setup a
sblive card. I know there is alsa and the kernel drivers.



fetchmail:cannot create lock file

2001-06-08 Thread Sebastian Canagaratna
I am using debian and after upgrading to testing I am having
problem with fetchmail. My mail is on another server and I have
used fetchmail to get the mail successfully before. I am using
mutt. I was foooling around with .muttrc to get IMAP to work.
I don't know whether this has any connection with the fetchmail
failure. I am unable to see any messages in any log file. 

I tried to reinstall fetchmail using apt-get, but it wanted to 
remove several packages  and warned me about it, so I did not

Any suggestions about rectifying this problem?


Sebastian Canagaratna
Department of Chemistry
Ohio Northern University

Re: ip masq

2001-06-08 Thread will trillich
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 01:25:43PM +0300, Derya PALANCI wrote:
 Hi all there,
 I'm working at a school and we have a debian server. We use ip
 masq for more than one hundred Windows NT . Last week i get an
 empty PC and installed debian to it. Now i have a problem. I
 want to find a way to connect to my second debian from my home
 but it doesnt have an IP of its own its under the main server.
 So can i do something to say to the main server that whenever
 a  request comes it has to go to that
 machine? Sorry for my terrible techn eng. but this is all i
 know... :(

there may be other ways -- but the way i do that is to set up

where the main contact/server is


and a behind-the scenes localnet addres you're trying to reach
from outside might be

http://xyz.somesite.tld:12345/ -

this will have your server at, which doubles as, say, on your internal lan, forward any request that comes
in on port 12345 (via the interface) to machine port  --

For 2.2x kernels, replace 'ipportfw' and 'ipautofw'
with 'ipmasqadm portfw' and 'ipmasqadm autofw'

# ipportfw -A -t -R
where -t is tcp, or replace it with -u for udp

# ipautofw -A -r proto low high -h
where proto is tcp or udp, low is the first port, and high is
the last port (ipautofw is good for a contiguous group of ports) gleaned from

so, for my potato on 2.2 i'd use

apt-get install netbase   # probably have this already
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L 12345 -R 

to learn more, try

ipmasqadm portfw -h

Where is the DOCUMENTATION? It's all over the place... and there's
lots of it. Much was written for non-debian distributions, and
much was written long, long ago. But try these anyhow: on your
own system, try man and info and apropos, and also look
under /usr/share/doc/package* ... Online, there's,, and of course.  Also try

Also see ...

Re: Text Processing Question

2001-06-08 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 11:43:36PM -0700, Adahma wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 01:29:42AM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
  The shell will do nicely:
  #! /bin/sh -e
  cat $1 EOF
  export DBUSER
  Error detection is left as an exercise for the reader. :) ('sh -e' is a
  good start, though - the script will terminate if any command in it
 Worked like a charm.  Thanks tons.

don't forget there are security issues with putting
username/password into an environment variable.

$ ps ew

for example.

Is there a good place to learn snarky PERL TECHNIQUES? One of
my favorites is, where Randall Schwartz
contributes a monthly sample, explaining line-by-line what his
code does, and why. (Look under Programming with Perl in the

Also see ...

Re: IP Masq IP addresses but no Telnet or Domain Names

2001-06-08 Thread will trillich
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 09:35:00PM -0700, Stephen Handley wrote:
 Hi there,
 I'm trying to get IP Masq up and running and am very close. I can ping IP
 numbers from my Masqd machine but have not telnet capability. Futhermore I
 can't see domain names from my debain machine or the masq'd machine. 
 Any ideas.

my main ideas would be

apt-get install ipmasq

and sit back and relax. usually works wonders for me.
(you need /etc/network/interfaces to be set up to properly
reflect your network connections/setup; see man interfaces for
the full scoop.)

 One thing I've noticed is that I currently have no rc.firewall file. But
 from what I remember the last time I did this, Debian had the equivalent in
 a different file .. am I remembering correctly?

Wondering what COMMANDS you have at your disposal? Try pressing
the TAB key at the command line. For example, aptTAB will
show you all the commands that start with apt. (This is called
completion if you want to look it up in your shell's manpage.)
(Different implementions have the TAB completion set up
differently -- you may need to press TAB twice.)

Also see ...

statusoverride how to fix??????

2001-06-08 Thread Debian User
dpkg --install file.deb keeps giving a statusoverride error.  How to fix 

Re: OK, I need some help

2001-06-08 Thread D-Man
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 08:19:52AM -0400, Christopher Aiken wrote:
| I must have installed Debian 2.2_r2 at least a dozen
| times on different PC's w/o any problems until now.
| I have a system that has no network, only a dialup
| connection to an ISP.  I can't ping anything.  I've
| checked my pppconfig (and chat scripts) and all looks
| OK.  I tried wvdial, again all looks OK.  I checked
| my /etc/resolv.conf file and my ISP's nameserver
| addresses are there and OK.  Both wvdial and pon both
| connect OK, but I can't ping anything.   Anyone have
| any suggestions as to what to look for now?


Do you have a PPP interface?  Ex:

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P: Mask:
  RX packets:2310 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:3702 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:10


Re: [OT] windows networking issue

2001-06-08 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 09:18:44PM -0400, D-Man wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 10:09:10AM -0400, Rob Mahurin wrote:
 | Here's a tcpdump | grep gow with the static IP, watching gow boot up.
 | [tcpdump]
 Apparently I don't have tcpdump on my system.

Packet sniffers are quite useful to have around.

 |  If you want more specifics on how I configured the doze systems I can
 |  turn one on tomorrow and see what it says.
 | This would be wonderful, thank you.
 On the Windo~1 98 box I have :
 right-click on Network Neighborhood and click Properties 
 (can get here from control panel also)
 Under the Configuration tab I have :
 Client for Microsoft Networks
 Microsoft Family Logon
 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
 TCP/IP - 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
 File and printer sharing to Microsoft Networks

I lack the family logon and the file sharing; the former I've never
seen before and the latter I'll enable when ping works.

My ethernet card is detected as
3com EtherLink III ISA (3c509b-TPO) in PnP mode

There's also some Infrared PnP Serial Port (*PNP0510) that is
apparently part of the motherboard; I can't hardware disable it and if
I delete it it reinstalls itself.  It has a Fast Infrared Protocol.

 Properties for Client for Microsoft Networks :
 Quick Logon selected under Network Logon options, nothing
 else selected.

Mine has an unchecked logon to Windows NT domain box and the radio
button for Network Logon Options is set to Logon and restore
network connections.  This is probably what's sending those netbios
requests on bootup.

 Properties for 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter :
 Driver Type :
 Enhanced Mode 32bit and 16bit NDIS driver
 (only choice)

I have two real mode (16 bit) drivers, one which is NDIS (using it
doesn't change anything that I can tell), and one which is ODI, which
I wasn't able to use because the system asked me for a Novell disk I
don't have.

 Bindings :
 TCP/IP - 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter


 Advanced :
 Early Tx Threshold : 10
 Link Speed / Duplex Mode : Auto Mode
 Network Address : Not Present

My only property is Maximum Transmits, which is set to Not
Present.  I can make it an arbitrary integer.  Don't know what it does.

 Properties for TCP/IP - 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter :
 IP Address : 
 Specify an IP address (radio button selected)
 IP Address :
 Subnet Mask :

Same, but  ( is a subnet of the broader permitted on the 10... private networks).

 WINS Configuration :
 Disable WINS Resolution


 Gateway :  (my Debian box)  (bravo)

 DNS Configuration :
 Enable DNS
 Host :  Compaq   (yeah I know, real original names)
 Doman : blank
 DNS Server Search Order :  (the server from school, my ISP)

Domain:  study
DNS Server:, which will run bind

 Bindings :
 Client for Microsoft Networks
 File and printer sharing to Microsoft Networks

Haven't installed the second one yet; it wouldn't work without TCP/IP.

 Identification :
 (this is stuff for samba only, doesn't really matter what
 names you fill in)

For the record, I have:

Host:  gow
Workgroup:  WORKGROUP
Description:  blank

Changing this hostname to dude (the name of the cat who says gow)
broke ping gow, but not ping, and didn't fix ping, which still says Request timed out.

Adding the three local machines to c:\windows\hosts restored ping
gow and made ping peon fail with Request timed out rather than
Unknown host peon.

 If you need any more info/detail just let me know.

I'd really like to see a tcpdump from your (or any working) network;
I'm still curious about that icmp router solicitation, which, after
a 15-second power outage that deleted my previous fscking response,
resolves to

08:46:57.211735  ALL-ROUTERS.MCAST.NET: icmp: router solicitation

Using tcpdump -n, it's the same that I was wondering about


Very much, thank you.  I have to go to work now, but I'll play with
this again tomorrow.  


The problem with any unwritten law is that you don't know where to go
to erase it.
-- Glaser and Way

Re: Weather checking program

2001-06-08 Thread D-Man
On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 12:36:38AM -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote:

I wrote a little weather checking program for my brother -- he had to
do a lab in Earth Science (high school) where he needed to collect
stuff like temperature, wind speed, air pressure, etc.

My script went to a website (, grabbed the data, strip out
the relevant stuff and dump it (with a little formatting) into a text

| I was wondering if anyone knew of a program that would check the
| weather, and display a map w/ cold front's, rain, etc.

Not quite that advanced :-).


Re: statusoverride how to fix??????

2001-06-08 Thread Colin Watson
Debian User [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
dpkg --install file.deb keeps giving a statusoverride error.  How to fix 

Do you mean the 'file' package, or is that just a way of saying any
package? Please show us the *full* error message.



Re: compiling ics openmotif on sid fails

2001-06-08 Thread Colin Watson
Martin Maciaszek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
PS: I know that there is a Debian-package of ICS Openmmotif but I
needed to add some special build options that I need so some
programs to compile. (btw, I couldn't even find the sources for
this debian package)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ apt-cache showsrc openmotif
Package: openmotif
Binary: motif-doc, libmotif-dbg, libmotif-dev, motif-clients, libmotif
Version: 2.1.30-3
Priority: extra
Section: non-free/libs
Maintainer: Gerd Knorr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Build-Depends: debhelper, xlibs-dev, bison
Architecture: any
Standards-Version: 3.0.1
Format: 1.0
Directory: pool/non-free/o/openmotif
 56bd2333f9617be74e0430e05fd77e5b 675 openmotif_2.1.30-3.dsc
 1b4cf98fe62ead4c2444ec4a2c5ca2ec 17618579 openmotif_2.1.30.orig.tar.gz
 ff36f06ae51bd1969a05106236832711 59634 openmotif_2.1.30-3.diff.gz

Taking the Directory: line there, you find the sources in Or you could
just 'apt-get source openmotif', assuming you have a deb-src line for
non-free in /etc/apt/sources.list. After that, you can tweak
debian/rules to add your compiler options and dpkg-buildpackage the



Re: Audio CDs [solved]

2001-06-08 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Thu, Jun 07, 2001 at 01:05:41PM -0700, David Nusinow wrote:
 It depends on which environment you're using. 
   KDE: kmix
   Gnome: gmix
   Anything else: xmix
 I don't know of any console based ones, although I know they're out there.





2001-06-08 Thread Fernando Alvarez Moreno
Hola, me llamo Fernando.
Me gustaría que me resolvierais una serie de 
dudas, que creo, sois los más indicados para 

Quiero instalar linux en mi ordenador, pero 
no sé que distribución me conviene. Me han 
hablado de la vuestra #8220;Debian#8221; y 
de #8220;Hispafuentes#8221;.
Sobre la vuestra he leído algunas cosas, 
entre ellas que es de las más complicadas 
de instalar y manejar. Pero también he leído 
cual es la forma de desarrollarla y la filosofía 
que aplicáis y que es la más estable y 

Lo que pasa es que yo no soy un experto 
informático y tampoco es mi fuerte el inglés, 
por lo que no sé si sería mejor empezar con 
una distribución más simple y más 
castellanizada. O ¿la Hispafuntes no lo es 
más que la vuestra?

Otra pregunta es:
¿Cómo particionar los discos duro? Teniendo 
en cuenta que quiero también tener 
Windows y habría dos usuarios. (Os mando 
una idea que he tenido pero que no sé si es 
posible y lógica). 

Quizá os venga también bien saber como es 
mi ordenador y el uso que le doy y que 
quisiera darle.
-   Pentium II a 350
-   64 Mb de Ram
-   Disco de 4 Gb pero tendré que 
instalar otro de ± 30 Gb
-   S3 Virge 4 Mb
-   Sound Blaster 36x
-   Escáner IBM Ideascan 2000
-   Impresora Lexmark Z11
-   Grabadora Acer 10x8x32
El resto supongo que no es trascendente.

El trabajo que hasta ahora he venido 
haciendo ha sido mero uso de Office (lo 
siento, ya sé que os hiere), tratamientos de 
fotos con Photoshop, escaneado, dibujos 
con Autocad y otro programa de 2D, 
escuchar y hacer música, grabar CDs...
Pero también lo usa mi hermano, bueno 
realmente es suyo.

El uso que quisiera darle, a parte del que le 
doy ahora, es el que haría un ingeniero 
(espero serlo dentro de poco). Dibujo, 
cálculo de estructuras, elementos finitos, 
cálculo de conducciones hidroneumáticas, 
maquinaria y otros que no se me ocurren. 
También estoy pensando en conectarme a 
Internet (sé que es fundamental).

Por ultimo, quiero aplaudir vuestra forma de 
trabajo y filosofía. Simpatizo con la idea del 
software libre y con su desarrollo altruista. 
Creo que el sistema de distribuciones y la 
posibilidad de bajar de la Red paquetes es 
la única manera de que la gente conozca las 
autenticas posibilidades de la informática ya 
que en unos CDs o navegando un poco se 
obtiene gran cantidad de software de 
calidad y con muy diferentes posibilidades.

Después de este e-mail, quisiera seguir en 
contacto con vosotros porque, aunque no sé 
muy bien lo que será de mí en unos meses, 
creo que me gustaría ayudar de alguna 
forma a la causa.

Ya sé que es difícil ser objetivo pero os pido 
un esfuerzo.

Agradezco de antemano la ayuda y la 
Hasta pronto y gracias, de Fernando.

Tu correo gratis en MixMail
Entra en la fiesta de Levi's:
attachment: Disco.jpg

Console Terminal Colors

2001-06-08 Thread Christopher Aiken

I have a tripple boot system at home. W98/FreeBSD/Debian.
Yeah, I know, but I enjoy the punishment.

In FreeBSD I can use the vidcontrol command to change
my non-GUI consoles to a black background with a green
foreground.  It is much easier on the eyes for me.  Can
this be done in Debian Linux, or for that matter, any
flavor of Linux?

BTW... Thanks D-Man  Matt Chipman for the tip on the ifconfig
command from my previous post.  I never thought about that.
I'll check when I get home from the office tonight.
Debian 2.2_r2

RE: mssql support for php4

2001-06-08 Thread Teun Vink

 -Original Message-
 From: ktb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 2:44 PM
 Subject: Re: mssql support for php4
 On Fri, Jun 08, 2001 at 10:55:49AM +0200, Teun Vink wrote:
  I'm writing an intranet application in php4 which has to access a ms
  sqlserver. I know that in php4 there are functions for 
 mssql support, but
  when I try to use them (mssql_connect) I get a message 
 stating that it is
  a call to an undefined function, so I probably need to 
 install a library
  for mssql support. but... I can't find this in potato. Is 
 there a debfile
  for mssql support in debian, or does someone have one?
 I always forget which combo I need to install for this.  I 
 should write
 it down but try installing -
 I don't know if you have tried searching for packages at -
 but it is a great resource.

Hmm thats mysql, I'm looking for mssql support... (Microsoft SQL Server).


xinedt: can't get client address

2001-06-08 Thread will trillich
- Forwarded message from root [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 08:02:02 -0500
Subject: server 06/08/01:08.02 system check

Unusual System Events
Jun  8 08:01:08 server xinetd[11305]: warning: can't get client address: 
Invalid argument
Jun  8 08:01:08 server xinetd[11305]: warning: can't get client address: 
Invalid argument

- End forwarded message -

any translation as to what this means? (11305 is the pid of
xinetd, of course -- how can i find what invalid argument it's
talking about?) or maybe there's an option i need to turn on (or
off) to silence this...?

What TERMINAL TYPES are available for export TERM=xyz?  Look in
/etc/terminfo or /etc/termcap and pick one similar to your
terminal emulator's capabilities. Common ones are linux (for
console), xterm, vt102 and rxvt. See man terminfo or man
termcap if you're determined to learn the nitty-gritty.

Also see ...

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