Package qui bloque pendant un upgrade

2010-08-28 Thread Zuthos

Je suis en stable.
J'essaye de faire un aptitude safe-upgrade.

Malheureusement, voici le message d'erreur:
Dépaquetage de libisc52 (à partir de 
.../libisc52_1%3a9.6.ESV.R1+dfsg-0+lenny2_amd64.deb) ...
dpkg : erreur de traitement de 
(--unpack) :
 tentative de remplacement de « /usr/lib/ », qui appartient aussi 
au paquet libisc50 1:9.6.1.dfsg.P1-3
 Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Si quelqu'un à une idée??
Merci d'avance

Si tu t'appelles Capitaine Crochet, évites de te gratter les couilles.

Description: Digital signature

[Resolu]: install squeeze sur acer aspire one

2010-08-28 Thread Yann Cohen

Le Fri, 27 Aug 2010 08:30:57 +0200,
Yann COHEN a écrit :

 Le Thu, 26 Aug 2010 23:57:35 +0200,
 Grégory Bulot a écrit :
   Le Thu, 26 Aug 2010 19:58:13 +0200,
   Yann COHEN a écrit :
   Nouveau blocage...
 Je continue donc mes recherches...
Donc le boot.img.gz (version de juillet 2010) se bloque sur cette
machine et rien ne passe après.

Pas réussi à forcer le démarrage sans attendre en essayant de mettre un
timeout dans les fichier cfg,

Alternative :
- utilisation de unetbootin pour créer une clé bootable à partir de
  l'iso d'installation = échec démarre pas...
- utilistion de unetbootin pour créer un clé bootable d'installation et
  ensuite copier l'iso dessus = la procédure de d'installation démarre

Installation :
- les cartes SD ne sont pas visibles dans le gestionnaire de partition
  = installation système minimal sur le SSD de 8G interne.
- l'installation démare depuis un disque dur (/dev/sda1) et non un CD
- premier passage sur WIFI = pas arrivé au bout
- second passage en ethernet = installation du système de base et grub

Oups Pb avec Grub = il est installé sur le /dev/sda c'est à dire la
clé USB d'installation ! = sans la clé point de boot...

Reboot avec la clé et le grub installé dessus = Ok

réinstallation de grub sur sda (maintenant c'est bien le SSD interne):
grub-install /dev/sda = Ok reboot sans la clé

Carte SD de 16 Go à gauche
un fdisk -l montre qu'elle est reconnue ainsi que celle de droite.
- reformattage en deux partition jfs : une pour /var et l'autre
  pour /home
- déplacement de /home sur la partition et enregistrement
  dans /etc/fstab, mise de /tmp en ramdisk puis mount -a = ok
- reboot sur une live debian pour déplacer /var et modifier /etc/fstab
  = ok
- reboot final sur cible = ok

Continuation de l'installation :
- tasksel en cours...

En conclusion la machne semble fonctionner, mais je n'est pas encore
vérifier le WIFI qui semble correcte dans la live debian mais pas vu
sur la cible...

C'est sur la bonne voie !

merci pour les infos...

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Re: Package qui bloque pendant un upgrade

2010-08-28 Thread Julien Valroff
Le samedi 28 août 2010 à 09:03:43 (+0200), Zuthos a écrit :
 Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 09:03:43 +0200
 From: Zuthos
 To: Liste Debian
 Subject: Package qui bloque pendant un upgrade
 Je suis en stable.
 J'essaye de faire un aptitude safe-upgrade.
 Malheureusement, voici le message d'erreur:
 Dépaquetage de libisc52 (à partir de 
 .../libisc52_1%3a9.6.ESV.R1+dfsg-0+lenny2_amd64.deb) ...
 dpkg : erreur de traitement de 
 (--unpack) :
  tentative de remplacement de « /usr/lib/ », qui appartient aussi 
 au paquet libisc50 1:9.6.1.dfsg.P1-3
  Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
   E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 Si quelqu'un à une idée??

Voir :


Julien Valroff
GPG key: 1024D/9F71D449
17F4 93D8 746F F011 B845  9F91 210B F2AB 9F71 D449

Description: Digital signature

Re: Package qui bloque pendant un upgrade

2010-08-28 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Zuthos a écrit :
 Je suis en stable.
 J'essaye de faire un aptitude safe-upgrade.
 Malheureusement, voici le message d'erreur:
 Dépaquetage de libisc52 (à partir de 
 .../libisc52_1%3a9.6.ESV.R1+dfsg-0+lenny2_amd64.deb) ...
 dpkg : erreur de traitement de 
 (--unpack) :
  tentative de remplacement de « /usr/lib/ », qui appartient aussi 
 au paquet libisc50 1:9.6.1.dfsg.P1-3

Le message de la dernière ligne me paraît clair. Reste à trouver la
raison de la présence de ce paquet libisc50 qui n'existe pas dans la
révision actuelle de lenny (l'actuelle stable). D'après l'historique de
bind9, le paquet source dont il est issu, il n'y a pas eu non plus dans
lenny de version 9.6.1.dfsg.P1-3. Par contre il y a eu cette version de
bind9 dans squeeze (l'actuelle testing) en 2009 et peut-être dans

Voir si la suppression de libisc50 n'entraîne pas de conséquence négative.

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Re: Problème avec les outils google

2010-08-28 Thread Yannick Beynet
Personne ne rencontre donc ce problème ?
Le 12/08/10, Yannick a écrit :
 certes ...
 et pourtant le problème est là. Je précise que je suis en unstable.
 Bizarre mais reproductible ...

 Le 12 août 2010 15:37, Kevin Hinault a écrit :

 Le 12 août 2010 14:59, Yannick Beynet a écrit

 Depuis quelques mises à jour de mes debian quand j'upload une photo
 def) dans picasaweb via chrome ou via picasa (j'ai essayé les deux) je
 retrouve avec des images déformées (en fait je pense qu'elles ne sont
 envoyées en entier).
 Si j'upload via firefox çà marche. Je pense donc à une librairie commune
 picasa et chrome qui serait défaillante ; librairie non utilisée par
 Qu'en pensez vous ?

 Jj'en doute. Le Picasa Linux fourni par Google est la version Windows
 mais avec juste une sous-couche Wine. Si tu ouvres le deb de picasa, tu
 trouveras un wine complet. Alors que Chrome, de mémoire, est une appli
 autonome compilé pour Linux.

 Tu as tenté Chromium ?
 Sinon le paquet kipi-plugin permet d'envoyer des photos sur la plupart
 plateformes de photos en lignes directement depuis Gwenview, Digikam et
 d'autres si tu es sous KDE. L'équivalent Gnome doit exister.

 Contributeur Mozilla
 Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » - - -

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Soucis de configuration réseau sur un serveur avec DMZ

2010-08-28 Thread Jack.R

La configuration est la suivante:
- srv_firewall avec 3 interfaces réseau, une vers une freebox (dhcp,
IP publique), une vers un réseau privé (, une vers une DMZ
(, Debian Lenny à jour. dnsmasq sert de serveur dns et de
serveur dhcp
- srv_web relié directement à srv_firewall sur l'interface DMZ
( Debian Lenny à jour
- cli_portable relié à srv_firewall via un switch. Obtient une IP par
le dhcp de srv_firewall (configuré pour être toujours la même,, Debian Squeeze à jour

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp

# The local network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

# The DMZ network interface
allow-hotplug eth2
iface eth2 inet static

Depuis cli_portable, je peux faire du ssh sur srv_firewall mais plus
sur srv_web. Erreur Protocol major versions differ: 2 vs. 1 alors que
sshd est en protocole version 2 sur srv_firewall et srv_dmz.
Depuis cli_portable, je ping srv_firewall et srv_dmz et se sont bien
leurs IP privées qui s'affichent.
Depuis cli_portable, un nslookup sur srv_firewall et srv_dmz renvoi
bien leurs IP privées.
Depuis cli_portable, un traceroute -I srv_firewall est OK.
Depuis cli_portable, un traceroute -I srv_dmz me permet de voir que
l'on sort vers l'extérieur au lieu d'atteindre directement srv_dmz via

Un route sur srv_firewall donne:
Table de routage IP du noyau
Destination   Passerelle Genmask   Indic Metric Ref  Use Iface*   U 0 0 0 eth0
IP publique*   U 0 0 0 eth1*   U 0 0 0 eth2
default   x UG0 0 0 eth1

Si dans /etc/hosts de cli_portable, je rajoute les correspondances IP
privées / nom de machine pour srv_firewall et srv_dmz, tout fonctionne
correctement (ssh et traceroute)

Je n'arrive pas à voir où je me suis trompé dans la configuration de
srv_firewall pour que ssh ou traceroute depuis cli_portable à
destination de srv_dmz sorte vers l'extérieur.

Des idées ?


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Problemas drivers propietarios nvidia con Geforce2 mx/mx 400

2010-08-28 Thread Ric M

Tengo una tarjeta nvidia  Geforce2 mx/mx 400, la tenia funcionando con
los drivers nvidia instalados con el module-assistant,  pero en una de
las actualizaciones que hice dejo de funcionar.

Tengo debian sqeeze con sid para poder descargar los drivers de nvidia.
Decidí instalarmelo descargandolo de la página de nvidia, la versión
que requiere mi tarjeta es la 96.xx, me descargué
Con /etc/init.d/gdm stop paré las x
Con aptitude desinstalé los paquetes de nvidia y con sh ejecuté la instalación.
En principio me daba un mensaje del compilador, decía algo así como
que la versión del compilador actual no era la misma con la que se
había compilado el kernel. mirando en /usr/bin vi que tenia las
versiones gcc-4.3 gcc-4.4 y un enlace gcc apuntando a gcc-4.4. Borré
el enlace y con ln -s gcc-4.3 gcc cree uno a la versión anterior, con
lo que en el mensaje (warning) dejo de salir y la instalación finalizó

inicio las x con previa configuracion del fichero /etc/X11/xrog.conf
/etc/init.d/gdm start y todo parece funcionar correctamente pero al
reiniciar, ya no vuelve a arrancar el entorno gráfico, da unos
pantallazos como intentando arrancar pero no lo hace. Mirando el
archivo log de xorg no da errores solo algunos warnigs que yo creo no
son importantes para que arranque, y el caso es que la primera vez.

¿Puede que al desintalar los paquetes nvidia instalados con m-a
quetara algo necesario?

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Re: Problemas drivers propietarios nvidia con Geforce2 mx/mx 400

2010-08-28 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 28/08/10 10:01, Ric M escribió:
 ¿Puede que al desintalar los paquetes nvidia instalados con m-a
 quetara algo necesario?

Si te pide en el tema del GCC, no hay problema que teniendo tu kernel
que tienes, le indicas al instalador de NVidia, que no compile con el
GCC del kernel, que lo haga con el que tienes instalado.

En cu anto a los WARNING's y que no te vuelve a arrancar el servidor de
las X, me parece que es un problema de hardware que otra cosa. Yo que
tú, en mi caso, llamo directamente con 'startx' en modo consola sin
gestor de entorno de sesión con lógin. Vamos, que no me hace falta.

Hay veces, que por gestor de sesiones (GDM; KDM; EDM;...), que fallan a
la hora de ejecutarlos, sean por permisos o no.

Hasta ahora, con nVidia que tengo (que es una 8600 GTX, no me falla
hasta la fecha (eso sí, portátil).

Va muy bien.

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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Re: Problemas drivers propietarios nvidia con Geforce2 mx/mx 400

2010-08-28 Thread AngelD
El Sat, 28 Aug 2010 10:01:57 +0200
Ric M escribió:

 Tengo una tarjeta nvidia  Geforce2 mx/mx 400, la tenia funcionando con
 los drivers nvidia instalados con el module-assistant,  pero en una de
 las actualizaciones que hice dejo de funcionar.
 Tengo debian sqeeze con sid para poder descargar los drivers de
 nvidia. Decidí instalarmelo descargandolo de la página de nvidia, la
 versión que requiere mi tarjeta es la 96.xx, me descargué
 Con /etc/init.d/gdm stop paré las x
 Con aptitude desinstalé los paquetes de nvidia y con sh ejecuté la instalación.
 En principio me daba un mensaje del compilador, decía algo así como
 que la versión del compilador actual no era la misma con la que se
 había compilado el kernel. mirando en /usr/bin vi que tenia las
 versiones gcc-4.3 gcc-4.4 y un enlace gcc apuntando a gcc-4.4. Borré
 el enlace y con ln -s gcc-4.3 gcc cree uno a la versión anterior, con
 lo que en el mensaje (warning) dejo de salir y la instalación finalizó

Este mensaje o lo ignoras en el instalador, o fuerzas la
versión de compilador exportando la variable de entorno CC= apuntando
a la versión correcta de este. No borres enlaces para cambiar la
versión de 'gcc', o usas la variable, o usas [1]'update-alternatives'
para cambiar el compilador por defecto.

 inicio las x con previa configuracion del fichero /etc/X11/xrog.conf
 /etc/init.d/gdm start y todo parece funcionar correctamente pero al
 reiniciar, ya no vuelve a arrancar el entorno gráfico, da unos
 pantallazos como intentando arrancar pero no lo hace. Mirando el
 archivo log de xorg no da errores solo algunos warnigs que yo creo no
 son importantes para que arranque, y el caso es que la primera vez.

No entender. ¿Cambias el fichero por uno que funcionaba y
luego no rearranca?. Si miras el fichero /var/log/Xorg.0.log, y ves
el error que te muestra seguro podemos ver algo más. 

 ¿Puede que al desintalar los paquetes nvidia instalados con m-a
 quetara algo necesario?

Posiblemente quitaras el módulo del kernel para las tarjetas
nvidia, pero si usas el instalador nvidia, este lo genera y lo pone en
su lugar.

Vuelve a realizar el proceso de instalación, y si falla al
arrancar las X, mira el en log para ver que te falta.

Saludos --- Angel


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[OT] Acortamiento de URL (era: WIFI DELL Latitud D600)

2010-08-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 28 Aug 2010 00:29:49 +0200, AngelD escribió:

 El Fri, 27 Aug 2010 23:01:05 +0200 Santiago José López Borrazás 
 ¿Has pensado que tengo una extensión para el Firefox/Flock/Iceweasel
 que hace mención para acortar las direcciones largas (TinyURL Generator
 multiplataforma) ? sé tú, mucha gente está utilizando todos estos
 servicios. No sólo yo...muchísima gente. Muchos usan, por
 ejemplo...muchos sitios acortadores de páginas. :-P Pero ya los hay a
   Si, ya se que existen, pero no les veo utilidad, en este caso.
 Por un lado elimina el hyperenlace, enmascarándolo por medio de un
 servidor, haciendo inútiles las posteriores indexaciones porque el
 enlace no apunta al recurso, sólo apunta al distribuidor de
 mini-enlaces. También hay implicaciones de seguridad en estos enlaces,
 porque se puede cambiar la redirección.
   Repito, ¿qué utilidad tienen estos enlaces?.

Sirven para los servicios que limitan la cantidad de caracteres que 
puedes teclear, como Twitter o para enviar un SMS.

También sirven para evitar que los clientes de correo o los archivos de 
las listas rompan los enlaces extra-largos (cuando saltan a varias 
líneas) forzando al lector a copiar/pegar el texto de la URL completo.

Tiene su uso, pero creo que a la larga son un problema más que una 
solución. Por ejemplo, Twitter podría no contabilizar las URL como 
texto eliminando esa restricción y tanto los clientes de correo como 
los archivos de las listas deberían ser capaces de renderizar las 
direcciones largas sin mayores problemas.



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Re: Problemas drivers propietarios nvidia con Geforce2 mx/mx 400

2010-08-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 28 Aug 2010 10:01:57 +0200, Ric M escribió:


 inicio las x con previa configuracion del fichero /etc/X11/xrog.conf
 /etc/init.d/gdm start y todo parece funcionar correctamente pero al
 reiniciar, ya no vuelve a arrancar el entorno gráfico, da unos
 pantallazos como intentando arrancar pero no lo hace. Mirando el archivo
 log de xorg no da errores solo algunos warnigs que yo creo no son
 importantes para que arranque, y el caso es que la primera vez.

Puedes intentar algo sencillo, y es arrancar sin archivo /etc/X11/
xorg.conf. Renombra el archivo e intenta iniciar, a ver qué pasa.

La sugerencia que te comenta Santiago José también me parece buena idea: 
si lanzas startx desde consola al menos podrás ver el error que te 
aparece :-?



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Re: Problemas drivers propietarios nvidia con Geforce2 mx/mx 400

2010-08-28 Thread Ric M
El día 28 de agosto de 2010 12:09, AngelD escribió:
 El Sat, 28 Aug 2010 10:01:57 +0200
 Ric M escribió:

 Tengo una tarjeta nvidia  Geforce2 mx/mx 400, la tenia funcionando con
 los drivers nvidia instalados con el module-assistant,  pero en una de
 las actualizaciones que hice dejo de funcionar.

 Tengo debian sqeeze con sid para poder descargar los drivers de
 nvidia. Decidí instalarmelo descargandolo de la página de nvidia, la
 versión que requiere mi tarjeta es la 96.xx, me descargué
 Con /etc/init.d/gdm stop paré las x
 Con aptitude desinstalé los paquetes de nvidia y con sh ejecuté la instalación.
 En principio me daba un mensaje del compilador, decía algo así como
 que la versión del compilador actual no era la misma con la que se
 había compilado el kernel. mirando en /usr/bin vi que tenia las
 versiones gcc-4.3 gcc-4.4 y un enlace gcc apuntando a gcc-4.4. Borré
 el enlace y con ln -s gcc-4.3 gcc cree uno a la versión anterior, con
 lo que en el mensaje (warning) dejo de salir y la instalación finalizó

        Este mensaje o lo ignoras en el instalador, o fuerzas la
 versión de compilador exportando la variable de entorno CC= apuntando
 a la versión correcta de este. No borres enlaces para cambiar la
 versión de 'gcc', o usas la variable, o usas [1]'update-alternatives'
 para cambiar el compilador por defecto.

 inicio las x con previa configuracion del fichero /etc/X11/xrog.conf
 /etc/init.d/gdm start y todo parece funcionar correctamente pero al
 reiniciar, ya no vuelve a arrancar el entorno gráfico, da unos
 pantallazos como intentando arrancar pero no lo hace. Mirando el
 archivo log de xorg no da errores solo algunos warnigs que yo creo no
 son importantes para que arranque, y el caso es que la primera vez.

        No entender. ¿Cambias el fichero por uno que funcionaba y
 luego no rearranca?. Si miras el fichero /var/log/Xorg.0.log, y ves
 el error que te muestra seguro podemos ver algo más.

No, lo que digo es que, después de la instalación todo funcionó
correctamente y al reiniciar la maquina ya no funcionó sin mas, sin
cambiar nada.

Mando el log.

 ¿Puede que al desintalar los paquetes nvidia instalados con m-a
 quetara algo necesario?

        Posiblemente quitaras el módulo del kernel para las tarjetas
 nvidia, pero si usas el instalador nvidia, este lo genera y lo pone en
 su lugar.

        Vuelve a realizar el proceso de instalación, y si falla al
 arrancar las X, mira el en log para ver que te falta.

        Saludos --- Angel


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Description: Binary data

Re: Problemas drivers propietarios nvidia con Geforce2 mx/mx 400

2010-08-28 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 28/08/10 12:43, Ric M escribió:
 No, lo que digo es que, después de la instalación todo funcionó
 correctamente y al reiniciar la maquina ya no funcionó sin mas, sin
 cambiar nada.
 Mando el log.

Algo tienes mal. Veo que tienes varias líneas con WARNING:

(WW) The directory /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.

Has de instalar las xfonts-cyrillic

Tienes otro Warning:

(WW) AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse' or
'vmmouse' will be disabled.

Pónlo en AllowEmptyInput a off para que no te pida eso. Si no tienes la
línea, te la doy:

En la sección 'ServerFlags' del fichero xorg.conf, pon esta línea:

Option AllowEmptyInput false

Te aparece que te deshabilita el Keyboard0:

(WW) Disabling Keyboard0

Y también el Mouse0. Te recomiendo que hagas lo que he dicho arriba,
poniendo esa línea.

Por lo demás está todo bien.

Por cierto. Te recomiendo que no hagas como inicio la entrada a GDM.
Hazme caso, que yo entro como usuario normal con 'startx' y me va de
madre. Te doy un comando para que dejes libre la consola para cerrarla
con CTRL + D:

sleep 3  startx 

Con '', lo que le haces, es liberar la consola, para luego cerrarla
cuando quieras sin esperar a ver los errores que te muestre en cada momento.

En mi caso comprobado. No me falla ni a la de tres, y entro
perfectamente, ni se cuelga. Es más seguro así.

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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Re: Problemas drivers propietarios nvidia con Geforce2 mx/mx 400

2010-08-28 Thread AngelD
El Sat, 28 Aug 2010 12:43:54 +0200
Ric M escribió:

 El día 28 de agosto de 2010 12:09, AngelD escribió:
  El Sat, 28 Aug 2010 10:01:57 +0200
  Ric M escribió:
  Tengo una tarjeta nvidia  Geforce2 mx/mx 400, la tenia funcionando
  con los drivers nvidia instalados con el module-assistant,  pero
  en una de las actualizaciones que hice dejo de funcionar.
  Tengo debian sqeeze con sid para poder descargar los drivers de
  nvidia. Decidí instalarmelo descargandolo de la página de nvidia,
  la versión que requiere mi tarjeta es la 96.xx, me descargué
  Con /etc/init.d/gdm stop paré las x
  Con aptitude desinstalé los paquetes de nvidia y con sh ejecuté la instalación.
  En principio me daba un mensaje del compilador, decía algo así como
  que la versión del compilador actual no era la misma con la que se
  había compilado el kernel. mirando en /usr/bin vi que tenia las
  versiones gcc-4.3 gcc-4.4 y un enlace gcc apuntando a gcc-4.4.
  Borré el enlace y con ln -s gcc-4.3 gcc cree uno a la versión
  anterior, con lo que en el mensaje (warning) dejo de salir y la
  instalación finalizó correctamente.
         Este mensaje o lo ignoras en el instalador, o fuerzas la
  versión de compilador exportando la variable de entorno CC=
  apuntando a la versión correcta de este. No borres enlaces para
  cambiar la versión de 'gcc', o usas la variable, o usas
  [1]'update-alternatives' para cambiar el compilador por defecto.
  inicio las x con previa configuracion del
  fichero /etc/X11/xrog.conf /etc/init.d/gdm start y todo parece
  funcionar correctamente pero al reiniciar, ya no vuelve a arrancar
  el entorno gráfico, da unos pantallazos como intentando arrancar
  pero no lo hace. Mirando el archivo log de xorg no da errores solo
  algunos warnigs que yo creo no son importantes para que arranque,
  y el caso es que la primera vez.
         No entender. ¿Cambias el fichero por uno que funcionaba y
  luego no rearranca?. Si miras el fichero /var/log/Xorg.0.log, y
  ves el error que te muestra seguro podemos ver algo más.
 No, lo que digo es que, después de la instalación todo funcionó
 correctamente y al reiniciar la maquina ya no funcionó sin mas, sin
 cambiar nada.
 Mando el log.

El log que mandas intuyo es el de la vez que arrancas  bien,
porque no tiene errores (estos comienzan por (EE)), y los warnigs (WW)
referidos a las fuentes se pueden ignorar. Mira el
'/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old', y presta atención a las lineas que empiecen
por (EE), que seguro te dicen el error.

De todas formas, si tras la instalación funciona, y tras el
rearranque no, posiblemente sea un módulo que con se carga, en concreto
el módulo de 'nvidia'. Fuerza su carga en el añadiendo 'nvidia' al
'/etc/modules'. Para asegurarte que este módulo se compila tras
cualquier cambio de kernel, puedes instalar 'nvidia-kernel-dkms', que
compila el módulo cada vez que se requiere.

Saludos --- Angel

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Re: Problemas drivers propietarios nvidia con Geforce2 mx/mx 400

2010-08-28 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 28 Aug 2010 12:43:54 +0200, Ric M escribió:

 El día 28 de agosto de 2010 12:09, AngelD escribió:
        No entender. ¿Cambias el fichero por uno que funcionaba y
 luego no rearranca?. Si miras el fichero /var/log/Xorg.0.log, y ves
 el error que te muestra seguro podemos ver algo más.
 No, lo que digo es que, después de la instalación todo funcionó
 correctamente y al reiniciar la maquina ya no funcionó sin mas, sin
 cambiar nada.
 Mando el log.

No veo errores en el log, pero parece que está cortado:

SELinux: Disabled on system, not enabling in X server
(II) Initializing extension GLX

No es normal que finalice ahí, falta la inicialización del ratón y el 
teclado, salvo que lo hayas omitido expresamente :-?

Ah, no, parece que están desactivados:

(WW) AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse' or 
'vmmouse' will be disabled.
(WW) Disabling Keyboard0
(WW) Disabling Mouse0

Recuerda que también puedes usar el driver libre (nouveau, pero necesita 
KMS) y no sé si aún seguirá disponible el anterior (nv).



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OFF TOPIC Problemas con Google Docs

2010-08-28 Thread Sergio
Hola gente, disculpen el Off Topic pero no sé a quién preguntar en forma 
masiva. Los que usan Google Docs ¿Han experimentado problemas para subir 
nuevos arcivos? Parece que los amigos de Google andan haciendo reformas 
y el link para subir archivos dejó de funcionar. No sé si es problema 
del navegador. Uso Firefox 3.6.8 versión Mozilla bajo Debian Testing. No 
lo probé con el IE en Win, no sé si tendrá algo que ver.

Gracias y nuevamente disculpas por el off topic.

Saludos cordiales

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: OFF TOPIC Problemas con Google Docs

2010-08-28 Thread Santiago José López Borrazás
Hash: SHA512

El 28/08/10 14:31, Sergio escribió:
 Hola gente, disculpen el Off Topic pero no sé a quién preguntar en forma 
 masiva. Los que usan Google Docs ¿Han experimentado problemas para subir 
 nuevos arcivos? Parece que los amigos de Google andan haciendo reformas 
 y el link para subir archivos dejó de funcionar. No sé si es problema 
 del navegador. Uso Firefox 3.6.8 versión Mozilla bajo Debian Testing. No 
 lo probé con el IE en Win, no sé si tendrá algo que ver.
 Gracias y nuevamente disculpas por el off topic.
 Saludos cordiales

No tiene nada que ver. Debería funcionarte correctamente, tanto para una
plataforma, como para otra. Al menos, yo tengo para poder leer, tanto
con OpenOffice, como a través de Google Docs (el OpenOffice es un poco
tocho, pero vale para lo que se merece :P ).

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.


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Re: OFF TOPIC Problemas con Google Docs

2010-08-28 Thread Sergio Bess

Santiago José López Borrazás escribió:

Hash: SHA512

El 28/08/10 14:31, Sergio escribió:

Hola gente, disculpen el Off Topic pero no sé a quién preguntar en forma
masiva. Los que usan Google Docs ¿Han experimentado problemas para subir
nuevos arcivos? Parece que los amigos de Google andan haciendo reformas
y el link para subir archivos dejó de funcionar. No sé si es problema
del navegador. Uso Firefox 3.6.8 versión Mozilla bajo Debian Testing. No
lo probé con el IE en Win, no sé si tendrá algo que ver.
Gracias y nuevamente disculpas por el off topic.

Saludos cordiales

No tiene nada que ver. Debería funcionarte correctamente, tanto para una
plataforma, como para otra. Al menos, yo tengo para poder leer, tanto
con OpenOffice, como a través de Google Docs (el OpenOffice es un poco
tocho, pero vale para lo que se merece :P ).

- -- 
Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.
De acuerdo, Santiago, opino lo mismo. Pero lo que necesito saber es si a 
otro usuario de Google Docs le pasa lo mismo, es para descartar que sea 
algo en mis navegadores. Ya lo probé en 3 equipos y me pasa igual y en 
todas tengo la misma configuración y distribución. Por eso me sería útil 
saber si a alguien más le pasa eso, de que no pueda subir archivos a 
través del link provisto por Google Docs.

Gracias y saludos.

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: OFF TOPIC Problemas con Google Docs

2010-08-28 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/8/28 Sergio Bess

 Santiago José López Borrazás escribió:


 Hash: SHA512

 El 28/08/10 14:31, Sergio escribió:

 Hola gente, disculpen el Off Topic pero no sé a quién preguntar en forma
 masiva. Los que usan Google Docs ¿Han experimentado problemas para subir
 nuevos arcivos? Parece que los amigos de Google andan haciendo reformas
 y el link para subir archivos dejó de funcionar. No sé si es problema
 del navegador. Uso Firefox 3.6.8 versión Mozilla bajo Debian Testing. No
 lo probé con el IE en Win, no sé si tendrá algo que ver.
 Gracias y nuevamente disculpas por el off topic.

 Saludos cordiales

 No tiene nada que ver. Debería funcionarte correctamente, tanto para una
 plataforma, como para otra. Al menos, yo tengo para poder leer, tanto
 con OpenOffice, como a través de Google Docs (el OpenOffice es un poco
 tocho, pero vale para lo que se merece :P ).

 - -- Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.

 De acuerdo, Santiago, opino lo mismo. Pero lo que necesito saber es si a
 otro usuario de Google Docs le pasa lo mismo, es para descartar que sea algo
 en mis navegadores. Ya lo probé en 3 equipos y me pasa igual y en todas
 tengo la misma configuración y distribución. Por eso me sería útil saber si
 a alguien más le pasa eso, de que no pueda subir archivos a través del link
 provisto por Google Docs.

Hola Sergio, yo no tengo problemas para subir ficheros. Acabo de subir un
pdf. ¿Has probado con otra cuenta? quizás te has pasado de cuota o tengas
alguna restricción o problema particular.


Re: OFF TOPIC Problemas con Google Docs

2010-08-28 Thread Sergio Bess

Marc Aymerich escribió:

2010/8/28 Sergio Bess

Santiago José López Borrazás escribió:


Hash: SHA512

El 28/08/10 14:31, Sergio escribió:

Hola gente, disculpen el Off Topic pero no sé a quién
preguntar en forma
masiva. Los que usan Google Docs ¿Han experimentado
problemas para subir
nuevos arcivos? Parece que los amigos de Google andan
haciendo reformas
y el link para subir archivos dejó de funcionar. No sé si
es problema
del navegador. Uso Firefox 3.6.8 versión Mozilla bajo
Debian Testing. No
lo probé con el IE en Win, no sé si tendrá algo que ver.
Gracias y nuevamente disculpas por el off topic.

Saludos cordiales

No tiene nada que ver. Debería funcionarte correctamente,
tanto para una
plataforma, como para otra. Al menos, yo tengo para poder
leer, tanto
con OpenOffice, como a través de Google Docs (el OpenOffice es
un poco
tocho, pero vale para lo que se merece :P ).

- -- Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.

De acuerdo, Santiago, opino lo mismo. Pero lo que necesito saber
es si a otro usuario de Google Docs le pasa lo mismo, es para
descartar que sea algo en mis navegadores. Ya lo probé en 3
equipos y me pasa igual y en todas tengo la misma configuración y
distribución. Por eso me sería útil saber si a alguien más le pasa
eso, de que no pueda subir archivos a través del link provisto por
Google Docs.

Hola Sergio, yo no tengo problemas para subir ficheros. Acabo de subir 
un pdf. ¿Has probado con otra cuenta? quizás te has pasado de cuota o 
tengas alguna restricción o problema particular.

Gracias Marc. Pero nada de eso. Simplemente dejó de funcionar el 
viernes. Además tengo muy pocos archivos, o sea, que tengo mucho espacio 
todavía sin usar.

Me acaban de contestar también en el foro de usuarios de Google Docs y a 
uno le pasó lo mismo, usó IE8 en Win y le funcionó perfectamente. Espero 
que los amigos de Google no hayan declinado ante el poder del monopolio. :(

Gracias y saludos.

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: OFF TOPIC Problemas con Google Docs

2010-08-28 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/8/28 Sergio Bess

 Marc Aymerich escribió:

 2010/8/28 Sergio Bess mailto:

Santiago José López Borrazás escribió:


Hash: SHA512

El 28/08/10 14:31, Sergio escribió:

Hola gente, disculpen el Off Topic pero no sé a quién
preguntar en forma
masiva. Los que usan Google Docs ¿Han experimentado
problemas para subir
nuevos arcivos? Parece que los amigos de Google andan
haciendo reformas
y el link para subir archivos dejó de funcionar. No sé si
es problema
del navegador. Uso Firefox 3.6.8 versión Mozilla bajo
Debian Testing. No
lo probé con el IE en Win, no sé si tendrá algo que ver.
Gracias y nuevamente disculpas por el off topic.

Saludos cordiales

No tiene nada que ver. Debería funcionarte correctamente,
tanto para una
plataforma, como para otra. Al menos, yo tengo para poder
leer, tanto
con OpenOffice, como a través de Google Docs (el OpenOffice es
un poco
tocho, pero vale para lo que se merece :P ).

- -- Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.

De acuerdo, Santiago, opino lo mismo. Pero lo que necesito saber
es si a otro usuario de Google Docs le pasa lo mismo, es para
descartar que sea algo en mis navegadores. Ya lo probé en 3
equipos y me pasa igual y en todas tengo la misma configuración y
distribución. Por eso me sería útil saber si a alguien más le pasa
eso, de que no pueda subir archivos a través del link provisto por
Google Docs.

 Hola Sergio, yo no tengo problemas para subir ficheros. Acabo de subir un
 pdf. ¿Has probado con otra cuenta? quizás te has pasado de cuota o tengas
 alguna restricción o problema particular.

 Gracias Marc. Pero nada de eso. Simplemente dejó de funcionar el viernes.
 Además tengo muy pocos archivos, o sea, que tengo mucho espacio todavía sin

 Me acaban de contestar también en el foro de usuarios de Google Docs y a
 uno le pasó lo mismo, usó IE8 en Win y le funcionó perfectamente. Espero que
 los amigos de Google no hayan declinado ante el poder del monopolio. :(

Antes lo había subido con el chromium, que es mi navegador por defecto.
Ahora lo he probado con el firefox y no he podido. Parece que si que es un
problema de compatibilidad con firefox. Lo he probado con esta versión:


Re: OFF TOPIC Problemas con Google Docs

2010-08-28 Thread Sergio Bess

Marc Aymerich escribió:

2010/8/28 Sergio Bess

Marc Aymerich escribió:

2010/8/28 Sergio Bess

   Santiago José López Borrazás escribió:


   Hash: SHA512

   El 28/08/10 14:31, Sergio escribió:

   Hola gente, disculpen el Off Topic pero no sé a quién
   preguntar en forma
   masiva. Los que usan Google Docs ¿Han experimentado
   problemas para subir
   nuevos arcivos? Parece que los amigos de Google andan
   haciendo reformas
   y el link para subir archivos dejó de funcionar. No
sé si
   es problema
   del navegador. Uso Firefox 3.6.8 versión Mozilla bajo
   Debian Testing. No
   lo probé con el IE en Win, no sé si tendrá algo que
   Gracias y nuevamente disculpas por el off topic.

   Saludos cordiales

   No tiene nada que ver. Debería funcionarte correctamente,
   tanto para una
   plataforma, como para otra. Al menos, yo tengo para poder
   leer, tanto
   con OpenOffice, como a través de Google Docs (el
OpenOffice es
   un poco
   tocho, pero vale para lo que se merece :P ).

   - -- Slds. de Santiago José López Borrazás.

   De acuerdo, Santiago, opino lo mismo. Pero lo que necesito
   es si a otro usuario de Google Docs le pasa lo mismo, es para
   descartar que sea algo en mis navegadores. Ya lo probé en 3
   equipos y me pasa igual y en todas tengo la misma
configuración y
   distribución. Por eso me sería útil saber si a alguien más
le pasa
   eso, de que no pueda subir archivos a través del link
provisto por
   Google Docs.

Hola Sergio, yo no tengo problemas para subir ficheros. Acabo
de subir un pdf. ¿Has probado con otra cuenta? quizás te has
pasado de cuota o tengas alguna restricción o problema particular.

Gracias Marc. Pero nada de eso. Simplemente dejó de funcionar el
viernes. Además tengo muy pocos archivos, o sea, que tengo mucho
espacio todavía sin usar.

Me acaban de contestar también en el foro de usuarios de Google
Docs y a uno le pasó lo mismo, usó IE8 en Win y le funcionó
perfectamente. Espero que los amigos de Google no hayan declinado
ante el poder del monopolio. :(

Antes lo había subido con el chromium, que es mi navegador por 
defecto. Ahora lo he probado con el firefox y no he podido. Parece que 
si que es un problema de compatibilidad con firefox. Lo he probado con 
esta versión: 3.6.8

Bueno y como frutilla del postre, lo probé con Seamonkey y anda 
perfecto. Aparecen los botones de exploración y todo para subir 
archivos. Las pruebas empíricas arrojan que estos tipos metieron los 
dedos y cambiaron algo. Esperemos que lo arreglen pronto.

Por mi parte cierro el tema para no llenar con un OT.

Gracias y saludos.

Sergio Bess
Buenos Aires. Argentina
skype: sergio.bess
Linux counter: 486274

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Como se faz o upgrade de versão

2010-08-28 Thread Gunther Furtado
A mensagem veio só para mim. Estou socializando!

Em Fri, 27 Aug 2010
22:58:29 -0300 Marcos Vasconcellos de Andrade

 Dá uma no Release Notes assim que sair a nova versão, vem instruções
 para atualização de versão, se não me engano o squeeze já tá
 congelado, devem liberar logo. Um abraço, Marcos.
 Em 27 de agosto de 2010 15:09, Gunther Furtado
  Em 27 de agosto de 2010 07:28, Diác. Moretti
   Estou usando a versão Debian 5.0 Lenny com desktop gnome.
   Minha duvida é a seguinte:
   Quando estiver liberada a versão Debian 6.0 Squeeze
   como faço para atualizar para está nova versão?
  Se você quiser, é possível armazenar a lista de pacotes instalados
  no seu sistema:
  # dpkg --get-selections  /tmp/pacotes.txt
  e reinstalar de novo ou em outra máquina
  # dpkg --set-selections  pacotes.txt
   Na  certeza  de  nossa  imortalidade, seguimos
   nosso caminho fazendo o bem, desejando bem
   e sendo a paixão única de nosso Deus.
  ...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em
  Gunther Furtado
  Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
  To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of
  unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Usar o drive fglrx

2010-08-28 Thread Ronaldo Reis Junior

Tentei fazer isto, mas ao tentar carregar o drive tenho este erro:

[  644.159956] [fglrx:firegl_init_device_list] *ERROR* No supported 
display adapters were found

[  644.160037] [fglrx:firegl_init_module] *ERROR* firegl_init_devices failed
FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/misc/fglrx.ko): 
No such


Qual poderia ser o motivo de tal erro?


Em 23-08-2010 16:33, Rodolfo escreveu:
Tenta colocar o drive radeon genérico na blacklist, isso faz com que 
ele não seja carregado no boot.

Agora não lembro qual arquivo que faz isso, eu tinha essa placa de 
vídeo, mas nunca consegui instalar ela.

2010/8/23 Ronaldo Reis Junior


estou com um Compaq Presario V2000, minha placa de vídeo é:

01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon
XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
   Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device 3091
   Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 66, IRQ 17
   Memory at c800 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=128M]
   I/O ports at 9000 [size=256]
   Memory at c010 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
   [virtual] Expansion ROM at c012 [disabled] [size=128K]
   Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 2
   Kernel driver in use: radeon

Não consigo ativar o 3D dela, tentei inclusive instalar os drives

r...@mobilix:/home/ronaldo# dpkg -l | grep fglrx
ii  fglrx-atieventsd 1:10-7-1
ii  fglrx-control1:10-7-1
ii  fglrx-driver 1:10-7-1
ii  fglrx-glx1:10-7-1
ii  fglrx-kernel-2.6.32-5-6861:10-7-1
ii  fglrx-source 1:10-7-1

Mas ele continua usando o drive radeon e mesmo colocando um
xorg.conf ele não consegue usar o drive fglrx, diz que não tem
nenhum dispositivo.

Alguem tem alguma dica de como melhorar o suporte a esta placa?


Segue o meu lsmod e meu xorg.conf que nao funcionou.


r...@mobilix:/home/ronaldo# lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
vboxnetadp  5118  0
vboxnetflt 12633  0
vboxdrv   126494  2 vboxnetadp,vboxnetflt
powernow_k8 9832  0
cpufreq_conservative 4018  0
cpufreq_userspace   1480  0
cpufreq_stats   1940  0
cpufreq_powersave602  0
parport_pc 15799  0
ppdev   4058  0
lp  5570  0
parport22554  3 parport_pc,ppdev,lp
radeon509635  1
ttm33378  1 radeon
drm_kms_helper 18305  1 radeon
drm   112020  3 radeon,ttm,drm_kms_helper
i2c_algo_bit3497  1 radeon
sco 5857  2
bnep7444  2
rfcomm 25167  0
l2cap  21705  6 bnep,rfcomm
crc16   1027  1 l2cap
bluetooth  36327  6 sco,bnep,rfcomm,l2cap
uinput  4796  1
fuse   43758  1
loop9757  0
firewire_sbp2   9647  0
snd_atiixp_modem6691  0
snd_atiixp  9093  1
snd_ac97_codec 79148  2 snd_atiixp_modem,snd_atiixp
ac97_bus 710  1 snd_ac97_codec
snd_pcm47214  3
snd_seq35463  0
snd_timer  12258  2 snd_pcm,snd_seq
snd_seq_device  3673  1 snd_seq
arc4 974  2
ecb 1405  2
snd34363  9

joydev  6771  0
b43   132595  0
rng_core2178  1 b43
mac80211  123266  1 b43
cfg80211   87625  2 b43,mac80211
ac  1640  0
yenta_socket   16403  1
i2c_piix4   7076  0
i2c_core   12696  5
rsrc_nonstatic  7057  1 yenta_socket
k8temp  2415  0
battery 3782  0
video  14605  0
button  3598  0
processor  26615  2 powernow_k8
soundcore   3450  1 snd
shpchp 21220  0
tifm_7xx1   3014  0
rfkill 10264  3 bluetooth,cfg80211
pci_hotplug18065  1 shpchp
snd_page_alloc  5045  3 snd_atiixp_modem,snd_atiixp,snd_pcm
tifm_core   3260  1 tifm_7xx1
wmi 3575  0
pcspkr  1207  

Re: Como se faz o upgrade de versão

2010-08-28 Thread Alexandre Brito
Eu utilizei o procedimento do link abaixo para fazer do Etch para o Lenny.
Alexandre R. Brito
Linux user #279787 []
--- Em sáb, 28/8/10, Gunther Furtado escreveu:

 De: Gunther Furtado
 Assunto: Re: Como se faz o upgrade de versão
 Cc: Marcos Vasconcellos de Andrade
 Data: Sábado, 28 de Agosto de 2010, 8:31
 A mensagem veio só para mim. Estou
 Em Fri, 27 Aug 2010
 22:58:29 -0300 Marcos Vasconcellos de Andrade
  Dá uma no Release Notes assim que sair a nova
 versão, vem instruções
  para atualização de versão, se não me engano o
 squeeze já tá
  congelado, devem liberar logo. Um abraço, Marcos.
  Em 27 de agosto de 2010 15:09, Gunther Furtado
   Em 27 de agosto de 2010 07:28, Diác. Moretti
Estou usando a versão Debian 5.0 Lenny com
 desktop gnome.
Minha duvida é a seguinte:
Quando estiver liberada a versão Debian 6.0
como faço para atualizar para está nova
   Se você quiser, é possível armazenar a lista
 de pacotes instalados
   no seu sistema:
   # dpkg --get-selections  /tmp/pacotes.txt
   e reinstalar de novo ou em outra máquina
   # dpkg --set-selections  pacotes.txt
Na  certeza  de  nossa 
 imortalidade, seguimos
nosso caminho fazendo o bem, desejando bem
e sendo a paixão única de nosso Deus.
   ...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em
   Gunther Furtado
   Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
   To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of
   unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 ...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em
 Gunther Furtado
 Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil
 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

[DEBIAN] Off-Topic - Como se faz o upgrade de versão

2010-08-28 Thread

oi galera,

Pelo o que tenho entendido, ao acompanhar os amigos, 
se eu pegar meu ubuntu 9.10, e apontar para os repositórios do 10.x

ele vai ser atualizado, (praticamente) como se fosse o próprio 10.x??
vai trazer tudo 100% ???

[]s  Sena

Alexandre Brito wrote:

Eu utilizei o procedimento do link abaixo para fazer do Etch para o Lenny.
Alexandre R. Brito
Linux user #279787 []
--- Em sáb, 28/8/10, Gunther Furtado escreveu:


De: Gunther Furtado
Assunto: Re: Como se faz o upgrade de versão
Cc: Marcos Vasconcellos de Andrade
Data: Sábado, 28 de Agosto de 2010, 8:31
A mensagem veio só para mim. Estou

Em Fri, 27 Aug 2010
22:58:29 -0300 Marcos Vasconcellos de Andrade

Dá uma no Release Notes assim que sair a nova

versão, vem instruções

para atualização de versão, se não me engano o

squeeze já tá

congelado, devem liberar logo. Um abraço, Marcos.


Em 27 de agosto de 2010 15:09, Gunther Furtado


Em 27 de agosto de 2010 07:28, Diác. Moretti



Estou usando a versão Debian 5.0 Lenny com

desktop gnome.

Minha duvida é a seguinte:
Quando estiver liberada a versão Debian 6.0


como faço para atualizar para está nova


Se você quiser, é possível armazenar a lista

de pacotes instalados

no seu sistema:

# dpkg --get-selections  /tmp/pacotes.txt

e reinstalar de novo ou em outra máquina

# dpkg --set-selections  pacotes.txt


Na  certeza  de  nossa 

imortalidade, seguimos

nosso caminho fazendo o bem, desejando bem
e sendo a paixão única de nosso Deus.


...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

with a subject of

unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

...agora, só nos sobrou o futuro..., visto em

Gunther Furtado
Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Re: Network Access Protection

2010-08-28 Thread Helio Loureiro
 A microsoft comercializa uma ferramenta chamada NAP (Network Access
 Protection), alguem na saberia me diser se existe alguma alternative livre a
 essa ferramenta?

Precisaria entender melhor a tecnologia por trás da propaganda, mas
aparentemente é uma mix de autenticação em rede 802.1x com auditoria de
sistema operacional.

802.1x é baba fazer funcionar, dependendo mais do suporte dos switches na
rede.  E dá pra integrar fácil na rede, usando radius+ldap.

Já a parte de auditoria de sistemas Windows, isso eu não conheço mto por não
usar.  Lembro de algumas soluções, como da Novel/Suse baseada em Zen Works,
mas gratuito e livre, não me recordo de nada.

Helio Loureiro

Re: Network Access Protection

2010-08-28 Thread hamacker
Creio que não totalmente.
Voce tem parte ali como 802.1x,ipsec,radius,vpn,... que você tem no
linux, mas tem outra parte dedicada a rede de contenção (quarentena ou
dmz para alguns) que só funciona com estações 100% windows porque o
admin pode escolher que só máquinas que sigam um certo padrão possam
ser autenticadas na rede (antivirus atualizada, com SPn instalado,
etc...) enquanto não cumprirem os requisitos ficam nessa rede de
contençao e não tem acesso a rede com os servidores verdadeiros -
creio que essa parte é só MS mesmo porque foi feita pensando em
clients Windows.

Em 27 de agosto de 2010 10:23, Leandro Moreira escreveu:
 A microsoft comercializa uma ferramenta chamada NAP (Network Access
 Protection), alguem na saberia me diser se existe alguma alternative livre a
 essa ferramenta?


 Leandro Moreira
 Network Administrator
 LPIC1 - Linux Professional Institute Certified
 Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

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OFF: ação á favor dos direitos do consumidor

2010-08-28 Thread Edson C da Silva
Boa noite.

Inicialmente, desculpem pelo OFF topic - mas gostaria de compartilhar com os
membros da lista que está havendo uma movimentação em algumas redes sociais
( facebook, twitter) para que a Motorola volte atrás na decisão de não
oferecer update do SO para diversos aparelhos vendidos no Brasil (milestone,
quench, dext e backflip).

Como forma de protesto os proprietários de aparelhos iniciaram postagens nas
redes sociais divulgando a hashtag #motofail - foi também foi criado um
perfil @motofail_br para facilitar a disseminação da campanha.

Após o inicio do protesto a Motorola anunciou que iria analisar a
possibilidade de atualizar o Milestone mas nada disse sobre os outros
aparelhos. Então quem quiser se informar mais pode consultar os links no
final da mensagem.

Toda ajuda é bem vinda para lembrar as empresas como a Motorola que não se
deve tratar seus clientes dessa forma.

Perfil Motofail_br: para demonstrar a intenção de update
dos diversos modelos: matérias na mídia:

Edson C da Silva
skype: edsonc.silva

I can't see my /etc/ldap/slapd.conf file after upgrade testing

2010-08-28 Thread Eric KOM
I'm trying to solve this problem but not result.
After upgrade testing, I can't  fund the /etc/ldap/sdapd.conf but the
server is still running.

Thank you in advance

Yours truly,
Eric KOM

Phone: +27 (0) 788 791 334
Fax: +27 (0) 865 563 009
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Re: Using an advanced video editor under Debian Lenny

2010-08-28 Thread Merciadri Luca
godo wrote:
 On 08/27/2010 09:02 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:
  Months ago, I looked for an advanced video editor for Debian. Here is
  what I found:
  * PiTiVi: I can't make it work once installed. Many buttons are
  I can't understand it. Maybe it's too simple for me (I tend to
  misunderstand simple things, seriously)!
  * Cinelerra: Nice, but there is not yet any Debian Lenny version. I
  tried to install it from source weeks ago, and I remember that
  compilation went terribly bad because some packages were too
  I also tried from other repo, but to no avail;
  * Avidemux: Not a sufficient amount of functionalities;
  * Kdenlive: Looks nice (not tested yet), but I'm using GNOME. So, if
  there's another tool, better to install a GNOME tool;
  * Kino: for IEEE-1394, no interest for me;
  * LiveS: Looks really nice. Tried to install from source (with `jack*'
  stuff), but gives
  * OpenShot: Looks nice, but packages are for Ubuntu. I might consider
  compiling this one from source (but dependencies problems will be
  tedious to solve);
  * openmovieeditor: why not!
  * Kino: I can't get it to work as I want.
  Many years ago, under Windows, I was using Sony Vegas, and it looks
  Cinelerra is the one which looks the most like Vegas. Any suggestions?
  All the best,
 I'm using Kdenlive (Squeeze KDE box) for video editing and it's more
 than enough for me.
 Just for trans-coding: ffmpeg, ffmpeg2theora and Avidemux.

 If you want OpenShot look for Build
 Wizard on the page. It is python script for installation on Debian.

Thanks. The problem with the `Build Wizard' tool is that this looks to
be done for Ubuntu. I don't like messing with Ubuntu when I'm under
Debian. As a first question I'm asked which version of Ubuntu I'm
running. But I'm running Debian Lenny!

The problem with Kdenlive is that this is not available under Lenny. =(

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living
at doing what they most enjoy. (Malcolm Forbes)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Using an advanced video editor under Debian Lenny

2010-08-28 Thread godo

Thanks. The problem with the `Build Wizard' tool is that this looks to
be done for Ubuntu. I don't like messing with Ubuntu when I'm under
Debian. As a first question I'm asked which version of Ubuntu I'm
running. But I'm running Debian Lenny!

That's really nice, on the site is written Debian / Ubuntu.

The problem with Kdenlive is that this is not available under Lenny. =(

If you want (and if you can use it that way) you can download from their 
site VirtualBox image.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: I can't see my /etc/ldap/slapd.conf file after upgrade testing

2010-08-28 Thread Jordon Bedwell

 On 8/28/2010 1:23 AM, Eric KOM wrote:

I'm trying to solve this problem but not result.
After upgrade testing, I can't  fund the /etc/ldap/sdapd.conf but the
server is still running.

Thank you in advance

Try: find / -name sdapd.conf

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Re: What is Recommend CLI Package Manager Tool for Newb?

2010-08-28 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Vi, 27 aug 10, 07:23:20, Tom Browder wrote:
 I have to say I'm getting confused.  I'm in the middle of setting up
 my first Debian server  (which used to be Ubuntu).
 I will be administering it remotely and would like to use the best
 tool for the job.

For a stable server it probably doesn't matter, though apt-get might be 
faster than aptitude on the command-line. apt-cache certainly is faster 
for simple searches.

On a testing, sid or mixed system I'd definitely recommend aptitude's 
interactive mode.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

03:02.0 Unassigned class [ffff]: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI [1814:0301]

2010-08-28 Thread abdelkader belahcene
What is the meaning of
03:02.0 Unassigned class []: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI [1814:0301]

I got the line with lspci,  ( wireless card)
while  with  hardinfo
no line for the card is dsiplayed.

So physically the card is detected ???  but not by the kernel ??? or what

The driver for the card is installed , (ralink ).  I installed the same card
with the same kernel on other machine, it is detected correctly.

instead of   * Unassigned class []: RaLink. ,
   I got Ethernet Controller  RaLink*

thanks for help
best regards


Re: Get a list of obsoleted packages

2010-08-28 Thread Alain Baeckeroot
Le 28/08/2010 à 02:49, T o n g a écrit :
 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 14:04:15 -0600, Javier Vasquez wrote:
  . . . Aptitude call a
  obsolete when it is installed/configured but it is no (longer)
  available from any of your configured sources.
  Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.
  Well, similar to the last definition is orphan.  I'm not sure if that
  is what's been looked for...  In that case, I suggest deborphan.

What is your problem here ?
one the one hand you ask for advices for choosing tools like a newbie
on the other hand you seems to know them rather well and need precise
details, but you don't read the documentation.

my advide is rtfm, and use your favorite search engine, and last ask
on the list :-)


PS : i am not a english native speaker, i may lack subtle words.
my intend here is to be clear, not rude.

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Re: I can't see my /etc/ldap/slapd.conf file after upgrade testing

2010-08-28 Thread Eric KOM
hank you for your response.
This is the output for this cmd:

find / -iname slapd.conf


Really, i'm still search the file!

   On 8/28/2010 1:23 AM, Eric KOM wrote:
 I'm trying to solve this problem but not result.
 After upgrade testing, I can't  fund the /etc/ldap/sdapd.conf but the
 server is still running.

 Thank you in advance

 Try: find / -name sdapd.conf

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Yours truly,
Eric KOM

Phone: +27 (0) 788 791 334
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Re: Re: network wl card is not dtected as it, is it a bios problem?

2010-08-28 Thread abdelkader belahcene
thanks for answer.
It was a stupid problem !!!
The slot is bad !!, when I changed the slot everything is now working

thanks for all
best regards

Re: debian-reference suggestion

2010-08-28 Thread Osamu Aoki

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 05:13:52AM +, T o n g wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 12:52:48 +0900, Osamu Aoki wrote:
 May I suggestion one minor amend to debian-reference?
 About having N/A for 'aptitude why' with apt-get/apt-cache, how about at 
 least put 'apt-cache rdepends' there? That's what I've been using before 
 'aptitude why'.

I understand.  Thanks for your suggestion.

apt-rdepends -r  does more but not exactly the same.

Question is do I add value to document by adding this here for novice.
Maybe no.  I can not come up with good way to update all en fr it ja
documents with minimum damage.  This provides related informatio but
this does not match text in description. (IMHO, suggesting people to use
apt-cache to do such task is counter productive. DR does not describe
everything by policy.)

I for now will not add this.

But if you find something which you think useful, please file a bug on
debian-reference with concrete suggestion.  (Not just I want this
described but with exact replacement text.)



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Mounting new external storage device with same volume label as old one (want to lose the -1)

2010-08-28 Thread J.A. de Vries

Due to a hardware failure I have bought a new external harddisk. I gave this 
disk the same volume name as the one it replaces. This is convenient for me, 
because I use the automatically generated mountpoint in some scripts [1].

However when I mount the new disk it gets a suffix appended to it volume name 
(/media/mydisk-1 instead of just /media/mydisk). I presume the UUID of the old 
disk with the same volume label is retained somewhere causing the system to 
append the suffix in order to generate a unique name.

Could someone tell me how to get rid of this? I did some searching under /etc 
and with Google, but my Google-foo must be lacking.

[1] I know I could list it in fstab by UUID and explicitly assign a 
mountpoint, but then I would have to do that on multiple systems.

Grx HdV

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Re: Mounting new external storage device with same volume label as old one (want to lose the -1)

2010-08-28 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 28 aug 10, 11:48:25, J.A. de Vries wrote:
 Due to a hardware failure I have bought a new external harddisk. I gave this 
 disk the same volume name as the one it replaces. This is convenient for me, 
 because I use the automatically generated mountpoint in some scripts [1].
 However when I mount the new disk it gets a suffix appended to it volume name 
 (/media/mydisk-1 instead of just /media/mydisk). I presume the UUID of the 
 disk with the same volume label is retained somewhere causing the system to 
 append the suffix in order to generate a unique name.
 Could someone tell me how to get rid of this? I did some searching under /etc 
 and with Google, but my Google-foo must be lacking.

It might depend on your (auto)mount method.

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Re: Mounting new external storage device with same volume label as old one (want to lose the -1)

2010-08-28 Thread J.A. de Vries
Hi Andrei,

I use the KDE device notifier to mount the disk. I am not really sure if that 
has its own automount mechanism though.

Grx HdV

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Heads up: restart aptitude after this upgrade

2010-08-28 Thread Andrei Popescu
Hi everyone,

While I do expect people running sid to be able to deal with stuff like 
this, I thought it wouldn't hurt to mention it here.

After upgrading aptitude and all apt-related packages (yes, the 
transition is finally over) I encountered very strange error from 
aptitude on 'update' (something about GPG and 'var' not having an 

I had a quick look at the bug pages for apt and aptitude since I 
expected this to be already reported. Because nothing was there I knew 
it had to do with my setup so I checked that /var is not full and then I 
remembered that aptitude was not restarted after the upgrade (yes, I 
have it running most of the time in interactive mode).

So, don't forget to restart running programs affected by an upgrade, or 
you might experience interesting failures :)

The checkrestart script in debian-goodies is a great help here ;)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Using an advanced video editor under Debian Lenny

2010-08-28 Thread Merciadri Luca
godo wrote:

 Thanks. The problem with the `Build Wizard' tool is that this looks to
 be done for Ubuntu. I don't like messing with Ubuntu when I'm under
 Debian. As a first question I'm asked which version of Ubuntu I'm
 running. But I'm running Debian Lenny!

 That's really nice, on the site is written Debian / Ubuntu.
Yes, but when you execute the Python script, there is no more mention of
any Debian stuff.
 The problem with Kdenlive is that this is not available under Lenny. =(

 If you want (and if you can use it that way) you can download from
 their site VirtualBox image.
Yes, but performances are going to be extremely bad, aren't they?

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so
regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has
opened for us. (Alexander Graham Bell)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Mounting new external storage device with same volume label as old one (want to lose the -1)

2010-08-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 11:48:25 +0200, J.A. de Vries wrote:

 Due to a hardware failure I have bought a new external harddisk. I gave
 this disk the same volume name as the one it replaces. This is
 convenient for me, because I use the automatically generated mountpoint
 in some scripts [1].
 However when I mount the new disk it gets a suffix appended to it volume
 name (/media/mydisk-1 instead of just /media/mydisk). I presume the UUID
 of the old disk with the same volume label is retained somewhere causing
 the system to append the suffix in order to generate a unique name.

Enforce the use of the label in /etc/fstab and mount the disk out of /
media which is handle automatically by udev. Static mount point should 
be defined in /etc/fstab. 

You could also create your own udev rule to supersede the auto-renaming 
of udev system.

I assume the nature of the udev /media mount point is precisely to 
avoid name collisions.



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Re: Mounting new external storage device with same volume label as old one (want to lose the -1)

2010-08-28 Thread J.A. de Vries
Hi Camaleon,

 Enforce the use of the label in /etc/fstab and mount the disk out of /
 media which is handle automatically by udev. Static mount point should 
 be defined in /etc/fstab. 

Yes, I know that is an option, but as I wrote I don't want to have to edit 
fstab on all the systems involved. If possible I'd like to remove the 
reference to the old disk so the '-1' suffix won't be used anymore.

Grx HdV

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[Solved] Mounting new external storage device with same volume label as old one (want to lose the -1)

2010-08-28 Thread J.A. de Vries
Hi all,

The problem is solved. While digging around I noticed there was an empty 
mydisk directory under /media even when none of the disks with that volume 
label were attached to the system. It must have been an artefact left over 
from some previous failure of the old disk. After removing that directory all 
is back to normal again.

Ah, well. Should have known to check there first. It's always the simple 
solutions that get overlooked...

Thanks to those that tried to help!

Grx HdV

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New Debian Server: Add/Remove Applications Hangs, Blocks Other GUI Apps

2010-08-28 Thread Tom Browder
On my freshly installed Lenny 5.0.5 box. I have my network working
enough to get new packages, browse, and ssh to other hosts, but i  am
having trouble with some administrative GUI apps.

When I try to use the Add/Remove Applications it chugs for a while,
then, after I enter the password, it opens.  Then it says the list of
apps is out of date, asks if it can be updated, grays out and it hangs
and I can't kill it without logging out and back in.

And while it's hanging, I can't use Synaptic Package Manager or the
root terminal.

After  I log out and back in, I can use Synaptic Package Manager and
the root terminal okay.

As the doctor said when the man complained when it hurt after some
action, don' t do that.

And I could do the same, but I want to do that.

Any ideas?



Thomas M. Browder, Jr.
Niceville, Florida

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Re: SERPENT implementation in debian

2010-08-28 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 11:52:31PM +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
 On Thu, 2010-08-26 at 17:43 -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
  I presume you mean the cipher by Anderson, Biham and Knudsen.
 Yep  was there another one of the same name?

The linux kernel tree has crypto/serpent.c .

  I'm unaware of one, but I think it is a fairly bad move to use
  algorithms other than standard ones. Unless you have very good reason
  to use something eperimental, I would stick to AES.
 I plan to use them stacked ... so that shouldn't be a problem IMO.

What do you hope to gain by that? Not performance. What do you hope to
get that you can't get from the standard AES-256?

 Any why should it be just experimental,... wasn't it very well analysed
 during the AES selection process?

Yes, it was. But the specific implementation you use wasn't as
well-analyzed as current implementations of AES are.

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best|| friend

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Re: Using an advanced video editor under Debian Lenny

2010-08-28 Thread godo

If you want (and if you can use it that way) you can download from
their site VirtualBox image.

Yes, but performances are going to be extremely bad, aren't they?

I really don't know, that depends on your hardware and what you want edit.
I have Squeeze and Kdenlive on IBM R51 laptop CPU=1.6 RAM=1024 but I 
only edit sometimes small movies from camera.
I guess if you have any modern CPU and 2-3gb RAM it would be enough for 
VB+Kdenlive, but video editing is always CPU and RAM hungry.

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: 03:02.0 Unassigned class [ffff]: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI [1814:0301]

2010-08-28 Thread Wayne Topa

On 08/28/2010 03:17 AM, abdelkader belahcene wrote:

What is the meaning of
03:02.0 Unassigned class []: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI [1814:0301]

I got the line with lspci,  ( wireless card)
while  with  hardinfo
no line for the card is dsiplayed.

So physically the card is detected ???  but not by the kernel ??? or what

The rt2561 may not be supported.  Have you Googled that card and found 
that is it supported by linux/debian?

The driver for the card is installed , (ralink ).  I installed the same card
with the same kernel on other machine, it is detected correctly.

I can't find a driver for that card in my current kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64

I do see that the firmware-ralink package is available though. That is 
not the driver.

Try doing

dmesg |grep -i rt2561  to see if the card is picked on booting.

I am running Testing.  You should have let us know what you are running 
and whose wireless card you have.  We can't really help much if you 
don't supply us with all the information related to your problem.



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Inkscape 0.48

2010-08-28 Thread John Culleton
Inkscape 0.48 has been recently released. I am considering putting up  
a Debian-family partition just to house this release.  But is it in 
any Debian repository yet? If so which one?
John Culleton
Wexford Press
Create Book Covers with Scribus
Printable E-book 38 pages $5.95

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Re: 03:02.0 Unassigned class [ffff]: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI [1814:0301]

2010-08-28 Thread Wolodja Wentland
On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 08:17 +0100, abdelkader belahcene wrote:
 What is the meaning of
 03:02.0 Unassigned class []: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI [1814:0301]

Please check [1] and follow the steps outlined there. Let me know if you
still have problems. You might want to solve problems like this
yourself in the future, or?

Just go to [2] and/or [3] to gather information about specific devices.
Have fun!

  .''`. Wolodja 
 : :'  :
 `. `'` 4096R/CAF14EFC 
   `-   081C B7CD FF04 2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

Description: Digital signature

Re: Inkscape 0.48

2010-08-28 Thread godo

On 08/28/2010 07:26 PM, John Culleton wrote:

Inkscape 0.48 has been recently released. I am considering putting up
a Debian-family partition just to house this release.  But is it in
any Debian repository yet? If so which one?

it is in experimental

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: Get a list of obsoleted packages

2010-08-28 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Alain Baeckeroot wrote:
Le 28/08/2010 à 02:49, T o n g a écrit :
 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 14:04:15 -0600, Javier Vasquez wrote:
  . . . Aptitude call a
  obsolete when it is installed/configured but it is no (longer)
  available from any of your configured sources.
  Well, similar to the last definition is orphan.  I'm not sure if that
  is what's been looked for...  In that case, I suggest deborphan.

What is your problem here ?
one the one hand you ask for advices for choosing tools like a newbie

Newbies are not the only ones can can get use out of new tools.  Even experts 
should be comfortable enough to ask questions; no one knows everything.  I 
feel very comfortable using aptitude and there are very specific features 
(like this one) that I don't know how to reproduce in with the apt tools.

on the other hand you seems to know them rather well and need precise
details, but you don't read the documentation.

No, rather, I've read the documentation and I *still* don't think apt can do 
this simply.

The aptitude UI displays obsolete packages by default.  The aptitude command-
line for showing them is simple: (aptitude search '?obsolete').  Viewing one 
results of apt-cache policy on one of these packages gives an idea of how 
aptitude is finding them; they only have one available version: 
/var/lib/dpkg/status a.k.a. now.  Still, apt-cache and the other apt tools 
don't seem to have a way to search for packages based on their lack of 
available versions that I can find.

So, let me ask the question again, more clearly:  What is the apt equivalent 
of aptitude's (aptitude search '?obsolete')?
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: What is Recommend CLI Package Manager Tool for Newb?

2010-08-28 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Ron Johnson wrote:
On 08/27/2010 02:24 PM, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:, Chance Platt wrote:
 I say pick one and stick to it.  Apt and aptitude are close to parity
 feature-wise anymore (I'm sure others will disagree and it depends on
 how you define features) and there's some disagreement if aptitude
 really is the better choice even for dist-upgrades.
 Does apt-get have an interactive (dependency/conflict) resolver?


Is there a description or screenshot of it somewhere?  Can I easily engage it 
from the command-line?  I'd like to play with it and see if it is as useful as 
the aptitude one.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Setting default GNOME settings with XDG_DATA_DIRS

2010-08-28 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 18:53:22 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:

 On Fri, 2010-08-27 at 22:27 +, Camaleón wrote:


 The fisrt one is already set but seems to have not effect (it is still
 looking for /usr/share/gnome/applications/defaults.list and the
 second one is for configuration files... so, what we are missing here?
 I don't think it is required an additional command to populate the
 changes :-?
 Exactly, that's the question.  Thanks - John

There is somethig weird here.

On a test system (running squeeze) I've set:


(with its correspondent application folder inside and a 
defaults.lists file with just one defined application)

[Default Applications]

After re-login, I checked that the environment variable had the correct 
value and as expected, it returned *just* the above path. I expected a 
bit of mess and no shortcut working at all but, no... all seems to be 
just fine, as before. No change has been done, applications are still 
launched with their matching programs... and *.html files are being 
opened with Epiphany, despite my custom setting.

So I wonder what is the true role of that env. variable (XDG_DATA_DIRS) 
and if it is being used (how/for what) at all :-?



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Re: Setting default GNOME settings with XDG_DATA_DIRS

2010-08-28 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Sat, 2010-08-28 at 20:22 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 18:53:22 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
  On Fri, 2010-08-27 at 22:27 +, Camaleón wrote:
  The fisrt one is already set but seems to have not effect (it is still
  looking for /usr/share/gnome/applications/defaults.list and the
  second one is for configuration files... so, what we are missing here?
  I don't think it is required an additional command to populate the
  changes :-?
  Exactly, that's the question.  Thanks - John
 There is somethig weird here.
 On a test system (running squeeze) I've set:
 (with its correspondent application folder inside and a 
 defaults.lists file with just one defined application)
 [Default Applications]
 After re-login, I checked that the environment variable had the correct 
 value and as expected, it returned *just* the above path. I expected a 
 bit of mess and no shortcut working at all but, no... all seems to be 
 just fine, as before. No change has been done, applications are still 
 launched with their matching programs... and *.html files are being 
 opened with Epiphany, despite my custom setting.
 So I wonder what is the true role of that env. variable (XDG_DATA_DIRS) 
 and if it is being used (how/for what) at all :-?
From one of the bug reports I read trying to track this issue, it
appears that /usr/share and /usr/local/share are always searched but
after the directories assigned to XDG_DATA_DIRS.  I have not
experimented to confirm that - John

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System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Merciadri Luca

Last day, feeling bored, I thought about activating the Debian's Sytem
sounds: for logging in, logging out, making a warning message, etc. I
found it under System  Preferences  Sound  Sounds tab, I enabled
`ESD' and `Play system sounds,' but I can't hear any predefined system
sound (there is, facing each system sound type, a «Play» button that I
press frenetically). Besides that, I can hear music, etc., or even other
programs' sounds. Which package should I install to get all these
sounds? I see predefined wav files for each system sound type:
toggled.wav, generic.wav, warning.wav, etc., though.


Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 17:10:06 -0400 (EDT), Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Last day, feeling bored, I thought about activating the Debian's Sytem
 sounds: for logging in, logging out, making a warning message, etc. I
 found it under System  Preferences  Sound  Sounds tab, I enabled
 `ESD' and `Play system sounds,' but I can't hear any predefined system
 sound (there is, facing each system sound type, a «Play» button that I
 press frenetically). Besides that, I can hear music, etc., or even other
 programs' sounds. Which package should I install to get all these
 sounds? I see predefined wav files for each system sound type:
 toggled.wav, generic.wav, warning.wav, etc., though.

Lenny or Squeeze?
If it's Lenny, try visiting
and see how I did it on my IBM ThinkPad 600.  Obviously it won't be
an exact match to your computer but maybe it will be close enough to
give you the right idea.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Merciadri Luca
Stephen Powell wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 17:10:06 -0400 (EDT), Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Last day, feeling bored, I thought about activating the Debian's Sytem
 sounds: for logging in, logging out, making a warning message, etc. I
 found it under System  Preferences  Sound  Sounds tab, I enabled
 `ESD' and `Play system sounds,' but I can't hear any predefined system
 sound (there is, facing each system sound type, a «Play» button that I
 press frenetically). Besides that, I can hear music, etc., or even other
 programs' sounds. Which package should I install to get all these
 sounds? I see predefined wav files for each system sound type:
 toggled.wav, generic.wav, warning.wav, etc., though.

 Lenny or Squeeze?
 If it's Lenny, try visiting
 and see how I did it on my IBM ThinkPad 600.  Obviously it won't be
 an exact match to your computer but maybe it will be close enough to
 give you the right idea.
Dead link? Does not load here!

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 23:10:06 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Which package should I install to get all these
 sounds? I see predefined wav files for each system sound type:
 toggled.wav, generic.wav, warning.wav, etc., though.

esound, gnome-audio and libesd-alsa0 do the trick.



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Re: System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Merciadri Luca
Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 23:10:06 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Which package should I install to get all these
 sounds? I see predefined wav files for each system sound type:
 toggled.wav, generic.wav, warning.wav, etc., though.

 esound, gnome-audio and libesd-alsa0 do the trick
I've just installed esound (the rest is installed), but I've got libesd0
at the place of libesd-alsa0. But I'm using OSS, so, there should be no
problem! Any idea?

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 17:37:06 -0400 (EDT), Merciadri Luca wrote:
 Stephen Powell wrote:
 If it's Lenny, try visiting
 and see how I did it on my IBM ThinkPad 600.  Obviously it won't be
 an exact match to your computer but maybe it will be close enough to
 give you the right idea.

 Dead link? Does not load here!

Works for me.  Try using a US proxy.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 23:50:44 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 23:10:06 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Which package should I install to get all these sounds? I see
 predefined wav files for each system sound type: toggled.wav,
 generic.wav, warning.wav, etc., though.
 esound, gnome-audio and libesd-alsa0 do the trick
 I've just installed esound (the rest is installed), but I've got libesd0
 at the place of libesd-alsa0. But I'm using OSS, so, there should be no
 problem! Any idea?

Dunno. Try firt by keeping libesd0 (do not install libesd-alsa0) and 
see if it works.



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Re: System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Merciadri Luca
Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 23:50:44 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 23:10:06 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Which package should I install to get all these sounds? I see
 predefined wav files for each system sound type: toggled.wav,
 generic.wav, warning.wav, etc., though.
 esound, gnome-audio and libesd-alsa0 do the trick
 I've just installed esound (the rest is installed), but I've got libesd0
 at the place of libesd-alsa0. But I'm using OSS, so, there should be no
 problem! Any idea?

 Dunno. Try first by keeping libesd0 (do not install libesd-alsa0) and 
 see if it works.
I should have mentioned it, but it still does not work.

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its
limits. (Albert Einstein)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: What is Recommend CLI Package Manager Tool for Newb?

2010-08-28 Thread s. keeling
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
  Is there a description or screenshot of it somewhere?  Can I easily
  engage it from the command-line?  I'd like to play with it and see
  if it is as useful as the aptitude one.

See the -s switch, just like aptitude.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)  Linux Counter #80292
- -, don't Cc: me.

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Re: System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 00:11:52 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:


 Dunno. Try first by keeping libesd0 (do not install libesd-alsa0)
 and see if it works.
 I should have mentioned it, but it still does not work.

It is working here :-?

Have you re-login in your GNOME session?



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Re: System sounds: what do I need to install?

2010-08-28 Thread Merciadri Luca
Camaleón wrote:
 On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 00:11:52 +0200, Merciadri Luca wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:

 Dunno. Try first by keeping libesd0 (do not install libesd-alsa0)
 and see if it works.
 I should have mentioned it, but it still does not work.

 It is working here :-?

 Have you re-login in your GNOME session?
I had to re-login to make it work. Sorry, I thought it would have no
incidence on it. Thanks all!

Merciadri Luca
I use PGP. If there is an incompatibility problem with your mail
client, please contact me.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

install lenny on Dell

2010-08-28 Thread Tom Poe
I bring up stuff on my computer, and it has an icon with CD-RW/DVD-ROM 
drive.  I downloaded a lenny i386 iso image, and used brasero to burn it 
to a Memorex DVD+RW disc.  I shut down computer, started computer, got a 
blinking cursor for a few seconds, and then moved to ubuntu (installed 
operating system).  Does this sound like I have to go buy some other 
discs, because my drive is too old, and can't read the DVD?


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Re: install lenny on Dell

2010-08-28 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 19:54:01 -0400 (EDT), Tom Poe wrote:
 I bring up stuff on my computer, and it has an icon with CD-RW/DVD-ROM 
 drive.  I downloaded a lenny i386 iso image, and used brasero to burn it 
 to a Memorex DVD+RW disc.  I shut down computer, started computer, got a 
 blinking cursor for a few seconds, and then moved to ubuntu (installed 
 operating system).  Does this sound like I have to go buy some other 
 discs, because my drive is too old, and can't read the DVD?

You did say in the subject line that you have a Dell computer, but other
than that you have given no hardware information.  I can't say for sure,
but I had a situation where I burned a CD on one computer and the CD drive
couldn't read its own writing.  But another computer could read it!
Go figure!  Try burning the CD on another computer.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: install lenny on Dell

2010-08-28 Thread godo

On 08/29/2010 01:54 AM, Tom Poe wrote:

I bring up stuff on my computer, and it has an icon with CD-RW/DVD-ROM
drive. I downloaded a lenny i386 iso image, and used brasero to burn it
to a Memorex DVD+RW disc. I shut down computer, started computer, got a
blinking cursor for a few seconds, and then moved to ubuntu (installed
operating system). Does this sound like I have to go buy some other
discs, because my drive is too old, and can't read the DVD?

Sorry for stupid questions but did you hear the DVD spin? Is CD/DVD 
first in bios boot options?

Goran Dobosevic
Registered Linux User #503414

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Re: install lenny on Dell

2010-08-28 Thread Tom Poe

godo wrote:

On 08/29/2010 01:54 AM, Tom Poe wrote:

I bring up stuff on my computer, and it has an icon with CD-RW/DVD-ROM
drive. I downloaded a lenny i386 iso image, and used brasero to burn it
to a Memorex DVD+RW disc. I shut down computer, started computer, got a
blinking cursor for a few seconds, and then moved to ubuntu (installed
operating system). Does this sound like I have to go buy some other
discs, because my drive is too old, and can't read the DVD?

Sorry for stupid questions but did you hear the DVD spin? Is CD/DVD 
first in bios boot options?

Godo:  I'm the one asking stupid questions.  Checked boot sequence, and 
drive is first.  I'm now going to try writing .iso file to image.


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Re: install lenny on Dell

2010-08-28 Thread Tom Poe

Tom Poe wrote:

godo wrote:

On 08/29/2010 01:54 AM, Tom Poe wrote:

I bring up stuff on my computer, and it has an icon with CD-RW/DVD-ROM
drive. I downloaded a lenny i386 iso image, and used brasero to burn it
to a Memorex DVD+RW disc. I shut down computer, started computer, got a
blinking cursor for a few seconds, and then moved to ubuntu (installed
operating system). Does this sound like I have to go buy some other
discs, because my drive is too old, and can't read the DVD?

Sorry for stupid questions but did you hear the DVD spin? Is CD/DVD 
first in bios boot options?

Godo:  I'm the one asking stupid questions.  Checked boot sequence, 
and drive is first.  I'm now going to try writing .iso file to image.


That didn't work.  Guess I'll try purchasing a CD after the 1st of 
September.  Thanks for the helpful suggestions.


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Re: install lenny on Dell

2010-08-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat August 28 2010 04:54:01 pm Tom Poe wrote:
 I bring up stuff on my computer, and it has an icon with CD-RW/DVD-ROM
 drive.  I downloaded a lenny i386 iso image, and used brasero to burn it
 to a Memorex DVD+RW disc.  I shut down computer, started computer, got a
 blinking cursor for a few seconds, and then moved to ubuntu (installed
 operating system).  Does this sound like I have to go buy some other
 discs, because my drive is too old, and can't read the DVD?

I've had that happen to me once or twice and sometime after all works as 

You could also try booting the installer from a USB stick if the CD can't be 
made to work. That's generally what I do these days rather than messing with 

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Re: install lenny on Dell

2010-08-28 Thread Tom Poe

Alan Ianson wrote:

On Sat August 28 2010 04:54:01 pm Tom Poe wrote:

I bring up stuff on my computer, and it has an icon with CD-RW/DVD-ROM
drive.  I downloaded a lenny i386 iso image, and used brasero to burn it
to a Memorex DVD+RW disc.  I shut down computer, started computer, got a
blinking cursor for a few seconds, and then moved to ubuntu (installed
operating system).  Does this sound like I have to go buy some other
discs, because my drive is too old, and can't read the DVD?

I've had that happen to me once or twice and sometime after all works as 

You could also try booting the installer from a USB stick if the CD can't be 
made to work. That's generally what I do these days rather than messing with 

My daughter has a USB stick, I think.  Does the computer see it as an 
icon like the CD/DVD drive?  I just double-click, and the default burner 
lists the stick as a device option?


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Re: install lenny on Dell

2010-08-28 Thread Alan Ianson
On Sat August 28 2010 06:54:47 pm you wrote:
 Alan Ianson wrote:
  On Sat August 28 2010 04:54:01 pm Tom Poe wrote:
  I bring up stuff on my computer, and it has an icon with CD-RW/DVD-ROM
  drive.  I downloaded a lenny i386 iso image, and used brasero to burn it
  to a Memorex DVD+RW disc.  I shut down computer, started computer, got a
  blinking cursor for a few seconds, and then moved to ubuntu (installed
  operating system).  Does this sound like I have to go buy some other
  discs, because my drive is too old, and can't read the DVD?
  I've had that happen to me once or twice and sometime after all works as
  You could also try booting the installer from a USB stick if the CD can't
  be made to work. That's generally what I do these days rather than
  messing with CDs

 My daughter has a USB stick, I think.  Does the computer see it as an
 icon like the CD/DVD drive?  I just double-click, and the default burner
 lists the stick as a device option?

I installed mine with a net install image following the instructions I found 

I'm sure there are more ways to do it but that worked for me.

One thing I noticed was that the installer scans the hard drives looking for 
an iso to use for the install. In my case it found one and it would have been 
good to use but it was located on a drive I wanted to mount at /usr/local so 
the install wouldn't proceed. If you have iso images you don't want the 
installer to find you might want to rename them before you proceed.

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Re: Heads up: restart aptitude after this upgrade

2010-08-28 Thread T o n g
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 13:31:36 +0300, Andrei Popescu wrote:

 While I do expect people running sid to be able to deal with stuff like
 this, I thought it wouldn't hurt to mention it here.

Thanks a lot for the heads up!!

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: Fascinating problem with bash

2010-08-28 Thread Bob Proulx
Bob McGowan wrote:
 All this got me to wondering, so I looked at the two links Bob provided.
  And, I did some tests of my own.
 First, I think there's an error on the SubShell page, in the example
 of the difference between a subshell and a full child process, at
 the end.  The author uses double quotes for the subshell, then single
 and double quotes for the child process.  It's the single quotes that
 prevent evaluation of $a, not the child process versus subshell.

I think you misunderstand.  The example is okay.  The single quotes
keep the text verbatim for passing as an argument to the sh -c 'cmd'
or they would have been expanded by the current shell.

  $ a=foo
  $ echo $a
  $ sh -c echo $a

Here because double quotes were used the $a was expanded in the string
argument before it was passed to the 'sh' program.  The result was
actually sh -c echo foo and the 'sh' program never saw the dollar
sign and would not expand the variable.

Therefore the argument to the subshell needs to be quoted with single
quotes to prevent the expansion.  Then when the subshell interprets
the string it will have a $a and the subshell will expand it.

  $ sh -c 'echo $a'

 If you use single quotes in the subshell line, the $a is printed as is:
   $ (echo 'a is $a in subshell')
   a is $a in subshell

Right.  But then the single quotes prevent the $a from being expanded.

 Since the double quotes in the child process example are not needed,
 removing them and replacing the single quotes with double quotes results
 in output with $a replaced by it's value, 1.
   $ sh -c echo a is $a in child
   a is 1 in child

Here your example expanded the $a in the parent shell before passing
the string to the subshell.  The subshell did not expand any

Also if the 'a' variable contained whitespace then because it isn't
quoted the whitespace will be eaten by the shell like a turnip due to
the IFS.  You can verify that by putting something into a that
contains more than one space.

  $ a=one   two

  $ (echo a is $a in the subshell)
  a is one   two in the subshell

  $ (echo a is $a in the subshell)
  a is one two in the subshell

See how the spaces were lost in the insufficiently quoted example?

In any case I think the point of the example was to illustrate the
difference between exported variables and unexported variables.
Normally child processes will only have access to exported variables.
But shell sub-shells are a fork and have access to the shell's
internal state including unexported variables.  If you export 's' in
the previous example then the sh -c 'echo $a' case will have access
to the value of 'a' but normally doesn't because it isn't exported.

 Getting quoting right in shell scripts is often difficult.  ;-)

Yes!  But it isn't terrible.  There are rules.  After those are known
then everything else follows.

 This is the code used for my testing.  Note I use double quotes only and
 backslashes when I want to quote specific single characters to prevent
 evaluation.  The quoting forces the use of 'eval' in the 'while' loop's
 first echo, to force variable substitution to happen when the loop is
 run, otherwise the output would be strings, $$ and $SHLVL, literally.

I didn't quite understand what you are trying to say there.  Sorry.

   SHLVL=1 # I'm using ksh which is setting this to 2, in GUI env.
   # This also means you may not want to trust the value, in some cases.

For the most part I always ignore SHLVL. (shrug)

   for n in 1
 echo iteration: $n pid1 is $$ SHLVL is $SHLVL

Sure.  I mostly put this line here so that my next comment won't be
confused with having anything to do with the for loop.  :-)

 echo $n | while read m

That pipe means that the loop will occur in a child process.  Any
variables set within that loop will evaporate when the child process
exits.  The parent outside the loop will not contain any setting from
the child process.

   MyVar='while loop'
   eval echo iteration: $m and pid2 is \$$ SHLVL is \$SHLVL

Shouldn't that be:

  eval echo iteration: $m and pid2 is \$\$ SHLVL is \$SHLVL

Because otherwise dollar-space is expanded, which isn't a variable so
isn't expanded.  But in principle I think it should be quoted too if
you don't want the $$ to be expanded.

But I don't understand why you are using eval there.  It is equivalent
to this, isn't it?

  echo iteration: $m and pid2 is $$ SHLVL is $SHLVL

Because the first pass across the line with the eval is going to
change it from this

  eval echo iteration: $m and pid2 is \$$ SHLVL is \$SHLVL

Into this

  echo iteration: 1 and pid2 is $$ SHLVL is $SHLVL

And then the second pass across the line will expand those arguments
into something like this, with appropriate number values

  echo iteration: 1 and pid2 is 5577 SHLVL is 1

And then the echo will emit that string.  The variables will have been
expanded before the echo is invoked.

   bash -c echo parent is $$ I\'m 

Re: static compile unable to find gnutls dev files

2010-08-28 Thread Bob Proulx
Jordon Bedwell wrote:
  I was wondering if anybody could help me figure out a problem with  
 static compiling:

The problem is that the archive library doesn't contain the same
symbols as the shared library.  I think that is probably a bug.  But
mostly for things like that the shared library is the best one to use
since if a security vulnerability is found then updating the shared
library fixes all uses of it.

But at the low level detail the configure script creates the following
test case.

  #include gnutls/gnutls.h
  #include gnutls/x509.h
  int main() {
  gnutls_x509_crt_sign2(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  return 0;

Then it tries compiling it.  Here is an example.

  gcc -std=gnu99 -o conftest -g conftest.c -lgnutls

That works.  But when you add -static to the options:

  gcc -std=gnu99 -o conftest -g -static conftest.c -lgnutls
In function `gnutls_x509_crt_set_serial':
  (.text+0x16): undefined reference to `asn1_write_value'
In function `gnutls_x509_crt_set_key_purpose_oid':
  (.text+0x1a7): undefined reference to `asn1_create_element'
  ... and many, many more ...

At one level it is because this is failing.

 I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on.  I don't usually  
 static compile but in this case I decided to try out the new PHP 5.3.3  
 with CHROOT and CHDIR which requires me to static compile msmtp (or  
 sendmail but lets be realistic about a full static compile on an MTA for  
 a shared server) so that users don't have to rely solely on SMTP (we use  
 smart hosting with msmtp ~ which again is unrealistic for a shared  

You do not need to statically compile msmtp (or sendmail).  You just
need to install the shared libraries in the chroot too.

How are you setting up the chroot?  Personally I like using
debootstrap and setting up a chroot managed by dpkg and apt.  In which
case installing packages and dependencies is as easy as

  apt-get install msmtp

Personally I always set up nullmailer in chroots and configure it to
deliver to the localhost.  Then the host's main MTA handles delivery

 My only other solution is to manually CHROOT the entire server,

That didn't parse.  Sorry.

 however, I'm trying to avoid such a situation at this time since it
 would just decrease my reasons to switch to 5.3.3 when 5.4 is right
 around the corner.

I recommend just setting up a chroot with debootstrap so that you can
install packages and dependencies easily with apt.

I do this all of the time, including once for PHP4 to work with a
close source proprietary library in one case.  It was handed to me and
I wrapped it into a chroot to keep it contained until I could make the
entire thing go away.


Description: Digital signature

Re: install lenny on Dell

2010-08-28 Thread Erwan David
Le Sat 28/08/2010, Stephen Powell disait
 On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 19:54:01 -0400 (EDT), Tom Poe wrote:
  I bring up stuff on my computer, and it has an icon with CD-RW/DVD-ROM 
  drive.  I downloaded a lenny i386 iso image, and used brasero to burn it 
  to a Memorex DVD+RW disc.  I shut down computer, started computer, got a 
  blinking cursor for a few seconds, and then moved to ubuntu (installed 
  operating system).  Does this sound like I have to go buy some other 
  discs, because my drive is too old, and can't read the DVD?
 You did say in the subject line that you have a Dell computer, but other
 than that you have given no hardware information.  I can't say for sure,
 but I had a situation where I burned a CD on one computer and the CD drive
 couldn't read its own writing.  But another computer could read it!
 Go figure!  Try burning the CD on another computer.

I also know one particular Dell model where the lenny kernel (and the 
installation kernel) cannot use the DVD drive.


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