Partition chiffrée

2014-12-29 Thread Raphaël POITEVIN

J’ai une demande d’installation Debian Jessie avec partition
chiffrée. J’ai utilisé l’installeur et fait le partitionnement manuel et
créé un volume pour chiffrement avec les options par
défaut. L’instalation faite, je suis un peu perplexe. Comment utiliser
cette partition ? Comment faire en sorte qu’elle soit montée au
démarrage ?

En renvoi vers une doc me va.

Merci et bonne fin d’année.
« Tout chercheur plongé dans la science subit une poussée de bas en haut 
susceptible de lui remonter le moral. »
Monsieur Cyclopède

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Re: Digikam-4.6 et Jessie

2014-12-29 Thread Vincent Danjean
On 20/12/2014 18:13, maderios wrote:
 On 12/19/2014 03:37 PM, Sylvain L. Sauvage wrote:
Alors quoi ? Tu veux discuter de la procédure de gel ? En plus
 du fait que ça ne semble pas réellement être ton propos, je vois
 mal en quoi une discussion de café du commerce ici, sur debian-
 USER-french, la liste des utilisateurs, ceux qui s’entraident
 dans l’utilisation de Debian, peut avoir la moindre chance de
 faire changer ce que les développeurs font et décident (surtout
 qu’ils ont la queue courte par ici, les DD). À la rigueur, en
 tant qu’utilisateurs, pourrions-nous discuter des avantages et
 inconvénients pour nous d’une proposition pour une meilleure
 procédure. Alors, où est-elle cette propal ?
 Geler ce qui est gelable, être plus souple  concernant les
 versions de paquets arrivant dans une zone de maturité. Autrement
 dit, laisser rentrer dans la future stable le plus tardivement
 possible des versions stabilisées par les dev des programmes

Essaie de fixer les nouvelles règles que tu voudrais voir
appliquer. Je suis développeur et je ne vois rien de constructif
dans ta proposition. C'est beaucoup trop vague pour susciter
un début d'argumentation. Et quand tu auras une proposition
qui te semble tenir la route pour l'évolution de testing en
période de gel, propose-là sur debian-devel, ie la liste où
on discute des évolutions techniques de Debian (ou,
éventuellement, sur debian-project). Mais il faudra argumenter
beaucoup plus qu'avec un simple exemple comme digikam.

Non, j’suis bête, les DD sont, tout le monde le sait, chacun
 dans sa tour d’ivoire, absolument inconscient ou inintéressé des
 problèmes du commun des utilisateurs, il faut donc absolument
 qu’on se plaigne, de la manière la moins constructive possible,
 sur cette liste francophone à laquelle tous les DD sont obligés
 de participer…

 J'ai bien écrit précédemment  Loin de moi l'idée de critiquer
 le boulot des empaqueteurs... Les DD suivent des règles. Depuis
 la naissance de Debian, ces règles ont évolué et elle continueront
 à évoluer. On touche ici les limites d'un système d'organisation
 vertical. Si tous les utilisateurs pouvaient émettre leurs opinions,
 Debian y gagnerait. Certains chefs de projets prêtent une oreille
 attentive aux critiques/suggestions des utilisateurs de leurs
 programmes et tout le monde s'y retrouve.

Loin de moi l'idée de critiquer mon boulanger mais son pain est
vraiment trop cuit. Je pense que mon boulanger se sentirait
critiqué, même avec le début de la phrase...


Vincent Danjean   GPG key ID 0xD17897FA
GPG key fingerprint: 621E 3509 654D D77C 43F5  CA4A F6AE F2AF D178 97FA
Unofficial pkgs:
APT repo:  deb unstable main

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Re: Authentification webmail

2014-12-29 Thread Vincent Danjean
On 11/12/2014 15:36, BERTRAND Joël wrote: a écrit :
 On Thursday 11 December 2014 13:29:49 BERTRAND Joël wrote:
 Pour roundcube, j'ai ceci :
 Dec 11 13:23:37 rayleigh imapd-ssl: couriertls: accept:
 error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1
 alert unknown ca

 On dirait un problème de protocole SSL dans imapd-ssl.

Il y a eu des changements dans les (sous)protocoles SSL
supportés dans les différentes bibliothèques suite à des failles
dans les protocoles eux-même.
  C'est possible qu'un protocole qui était utilisé soit maintenant
interdit par le client et/ou le serveur et qu'ils n'arrivent pas
à ce mettre d'accord sur un autre protocole commun.
  Ceci dit, il faudra fouiller plus pour avoir l'info complète.
J'ai mis ici tout ce dont je me souviens de mémoire.


Vincent Danjean   GPG key ID 0xD17897FA
GPG key fingerprint: 621E 3509 654D D77C 43F5  CA4A F6AE F2AF D178 97FA
Unofficial pkgs:
APT repo:  deb unstable main

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Re: Zimowisko Linuksowe 2015 - CFP.

2014-12-29 Thread Krzysztof Zubik

W dniu 15.12.2014 o 22:58, Krzysztof Zubik pisze:
 W dniu 12.12.2014 o 10:46, Grzegorz Borowiak pisze:
  Nadeszła długo oczekiwana chwila - wiemy już, kiedy będzie 
Zimowisko Linuksowe 2015. Będzie 6-8 marca 2015. W związku z tym 
otwieramy Call For Papers.

  Metoda jest inna niż ostatnio. Korzystamy z formularza Google pod 
następującym adresem:
  Zapraszamy wszystkich wykładowców i prowadzących warsztaty do 
zgłaszania abstraktów.

 Ok zeby nie odwlekac przekazuje wiadomosc dalej.
 Termin od 6 do 8 marca i link do call for papers w cytacie powyzej.
 Dodam jescze link do witryny zimowiska, ktora niedlugo
 bedzie zaktualizowana t.j.
 Miejsce. Powiatowe Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego w Pucku.
 Kolejne wiadomosci beda pozniej.
Juz jest zaktualizowana witryna
pod Ja przed chwilka dodalem wiadomosc
pod oraz zalozylem wydarzenie na fb. pod

Open Source jest dziś największym i najważniejszym nurtem w sektorze IT 
- albo dasz się ponieść na fali, albo utoniesz próbując płynąć pod prąd...

Konczac Pozdrawiam. Krzysztof.

Registered Linux User: 253243
Powered by Aurox 11.0, Ubuntu Studio 8.04 i Fedora 9.0
Krzysztof Zubik. | |

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Re: [OT] Es mejor un archivo grande o muchos pequeños

2014-12-29 Thread Edwin De La Cruz
El día 20 de diciembre de 2014, 21:10, Eduardo Jorge Gil Michelena escribió:
 Con fecha Martes, 16 de Diciembre de 2014, 02:52:01 p.m., Edwin,
 Actualmente para este fin uso PostgreSQL, sin ningun problema, pero
 o que necesito es hacer la aplicacion mas independiente y facil de instalar, 
 configurar, etc.
 He pensado en usar XML para cada registro que la aplicacion genera,
 de este modo ya no hay peligro de corrupcion de datos, como podria suceder 
 en el caso de SQLite.
 La Pregunta es la siguiente: ¿es pesado (lento) para el procesador
 el tener que leer o copiar cientos o miles de archivos individuales,
 lo pregunto porque me ha pasado que cuando copio alguna carpeta que
 contiene ciento de archivos, todos menores a 10K, el proceso es muy
 muy lento.?

 Te voy a responder la pregunta: SIEMPRE es más pesado usar muchos archivos
 chicos que uno grande. Salvo en casos muy puntuales usar archivos
 grandes es mejor.

 Por supuesto que hay excepciones y si te das suficiente maña para
 programar usando los datos en discos separados o bien sabiendo
 exactamente donde apuntar al dato los archivos chicos responden mejor
 pero esto es una excepción y no la regla.

 Mira... cuando yo trabajo en video y fotografía profesional manejo archivos 
 GRANDES (de video, que pueden llegar a tener 10 GBytes o más) y
 archivos relativamente chicos (fotografías que rondan los 50
 MBytes). Cuando hago B-Uk veo, ahora sin mucho asombro que los
 archivos de video se transfieren casi al límite de la red (es una red
 de Giga) usando muy poco microprocesador y cuando paso los archivos
 chicos la transferencia se hace mucho más lenta y el uso del micro
 salta por las nubes. Si esto sucede en un simple traspaso de datos,
 imagínate que podría suceder cuando esos datos deben ser procesados.


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Me he decidido por SQlite en lugar de usar varios archivos separados.
Habia hecho algunas pruebas caseras copiando unos cuantos cientos de
archivos pequeños y realmente el proceso es muy lento, en cambio si
por ejemplo comprimo la carpeta contenedora y ese tar comprimido lo
copio, entonces la copia es muy rapida.
En relacion a SQLite lo he incluido en un micro servidor HTTP para
guardar los logs de varios hilos concurrentes y me ha sorpendido ya
que no resulta casi nada de peso para la aplicacion, ha funcionado
bien, sin perdida de datos.
Gracias a todos por sus respuestas, me ha servido de mucho, unas
felices navidades y prospero año nuevo 2015.

Mis proyectos de software libre en:

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Re: error keymap compiler (xkbcomp)

2014-12-29 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:30:23 -0300, Alexis Saucedo escribió:

 El día 26 de diciembre de 2014, 13:22, Camaleón
 El Tue, 23 Dec 2014 21:17:27 -0300, Alexis Saucedo escribió:

 Un dato mas acabo de hacer rm -r  /tmp/.X11-unix/ y levanta con un
 startx tanto la sesion de root como la mia pero al reiniciar el mismo
 problema aparece.

 Hum... dos cosas:

 1/ Manda la salida de los permisos de esos dos directorios concretos y
 de los archivos que contienen:

 sm01@stt008:~$ ls -la /tmp/.*-unix sm01@stt008:~$ ls -la /tmp | grep -i

 Interesa ver la salida de esos dos comandos en las dos situaciones: a)
 cuando no inician las X y b) cuando tras eliminar los archivos puedes
 levantar el entorno gráfico con startx.

 2/ ¿Cómo montas /tmp? ¿Usas alguna configuración concreta (p. ej.,

 Perdón por la tardanza y aprovecho para desearles felices fiestas a

Igualmente :-)

 no lo monto de ninguna forma, jamas hice una modificacion solo
 instalar y desinstalar cosas, 

Manda la salida del comando cat /etc/fstab para asegurarnos. Y también 
lo que te pedía en el punto 1/

 segun lei en internet hay un problemas que presenta VNC con este,
 instale vnc y lo desinstale sera acaso por eso?.

Puede ser... ¿es la parte cliente o la parte servidora? En cualquier caso 
no es necesario que lo desinstales, simplemente no lo ejecutes al iniciar 
la sesión y listo; al menos así podrás afinar más sobre el culpable.



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Instalar Debian en disco eMMC

2014-12-29 Thread Josu Lazkano
Hola a todos,

Tengo un problema con un mini PC que he comprado, el ECS Liva:

El problema es que no puedo instalar Debian en el disco eMMC de 32GB que trae.

Lo estoy instalando desde un disco USB, he probado tanto con Wheezy
como Jessie, pero en la parte donde toca particionar el disco, solo me
muestra el disco USB del instalar, nada del disco interno eMMC de

SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 2.0 GB Kingstone DataTraveler 2.0

He probado con Xubuntu 14.04 y funciona sin problemas (lo he instalado
desde un lector de CD), esto es la info que puedo sacar sobre el

$ df -h
S.ficheros Tamaño Usados  Disp Uso% Montado en
/dev/mmcblk0p227G   3,9G   22G  16% /
none 4,0K  0  4,0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev 935M   4,0K  935M   1% /dev
tmpfs190M   1,0M  189M   1% /run
none 5,0M  0  5,0M   0% /run/lock
none 946M80K  946M   1% /run/shm
none 100M24K  100M   1% /run/user
/dev/mmcblk0p1   511M   3,4M  508M   1% /boot/efi

$ ls -l /dev/mmcblk0*
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  0 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  8 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0boot0
brw-rw 1 root disk 179, 16 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0boot1
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  1 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0p1
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  2 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0p2
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  3 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0p3
brw-rw 1 root disk 179, 24 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0rpmb

¿Alguien sabe como puedo instalar Debian en este PC?

La verdad que estoy un poco perdido con el tema, agradezco cualquier ayuda.

Saludos y hasta pronto.

Josu Lazkano

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Re: Instalar Debian en disco eMMC

2014-12-29 Thread Manolo Díaz
El lunes, 29 dic 2014, a las 19:26 horas (UTC+1),
Josu Lazkano escribió:

Hola a todos,

Tengo un problema con un mini PC que he comprado, el ECS Liva:

El problema es que no puedo instalar Debian en el disco eMMC de 32GB que trae.

Lo estoy instalando desde un disco USB, he probado tanto con Wheezy
como Jessie, pero en la parte donde toca particionar el disco, solo me
muestra el disco USB del instalar, nada del disco interno eMMC de

SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 2.0 GB Kingstone DataTraveler 2.0

He probado con Xubuntu 14.04 y funciona sin problemas (lo he instalado
desde un lector de CD), esto es la info que puedo sacar sobre el

$ df -h
S.ficheros Tamaño Usados  Disp Uso% Montado en
/dev/mmcblk0p227G   3,9G   22G  16% /
none 4,0K  0  4,0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev 935M   4,0K  935M   1% /dev
tmpfs190M   1,0M  189M   1% /run
none 5,0M  0  5,0M   0% /run/lock
none 946M80K  946M   1% /run/shm
none 100M24K  100M   1% /run/user
/dev/mmcblk0p1   511M   3,4M  508M   1% /boot/efi

$ ls -l /dev/mmcblk0*
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  0 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  8 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0boot0
brw-rw 1 root disk 179, 16 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0boot1
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  1 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0p1
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  2 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0p2
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  3 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0p3
brw-rw 1 root disk 179, 24 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0rpmb

¿Alguien sabe como puedo instalar Debian en este PC?

La verdad que estoy un poco perdido con el tema, agradezco cualquier ayuda.

Saludos y hasta pronto.

Alguien ha abierto un informe de error al respecto, de momento sin
respuesta, pero en el comenta como logró la instalación de Debian con
ayuda de Ubuntu.

Manolo Díaz

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Re: Instalar Debian en disco eMMC

2014-12-29 Thread Josu Lazkano
Gracias Manolo,

Si, acabo de ver el informe, pero no entiendo como instala Debian,
pone que cambia el formato de sistema de ficheros.

¿Podria borrar todas las particiones de /dev/mmcblk0? ¿Que pasaria si
elimino estas particiones?

Gracias por todo,

El día 29 de diciembre de 2014, 19:56, Manolo Díaz escribió:
 El lunes, 29 dic 2014, a las 19:26 horas (UTC+1),
 Josu Lazkano escribió:

Hola a todos,

Tengo un problema con un mini PC que he comprado, el ECS Liva:

El problema es que no puedo instalar Debian en el disco eMMC de 32GB que trae.

Lo estoy instalando desde un disco USB, he probado tanto con Wheezy
como Jessie, pero en la parte donde toca particionar el disco, solo me
muestra el disco USB del instalar, nada del disco interno eMMC de

SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 2.0 GB Kingstone DataTraveler 2.0

He probado con Xubuntu 14.04 y funciona sin problemas (lo he instalado
desde un lector de CD), esto es la info que puedo sacar sobre el

$ df -h
S.ficheros Tamaño Usados  Disp Uso% Montado en
/dev/mmcblk0p227G   3,9G   22G  16% /
none 4,0K  0  4,0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev 935M   4,0K  935M   1% /dev
tmpfs190M   1,0M  189M   1% /run
none 5,0M  0  5,0M   0% /run/lock
none 946M80K  946M   1% /run/shm
none 100M24K  100M   1% /run/user
/dev/mmcblk0p1   511M   3,4M  508M   1% /boot/efi

$ ls -l /dev/mmcblk0*
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  0 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  8 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0boot0
brw-rw 1 root disk 179, 16 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0boot1
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  1 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0p1
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  2 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0p2
brw-rw 1 root disk 179,  3 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0p3
brw-rw 1 root disk 179, 24 dic 29 19:20 /dev/mmcblk0rpmb

¿Alguien sabe como puedo instalar Debian en este PC?

La verdad que estoy un poco perdido con el tema, agradezco cualquier ayuda.

Saludos y hasta pronto.

 Alguien ha abierto un informe de error al respecto, de momento sin
 respuesta, pero en el comenta como logró la instalación de Debian con
 ayuda de Ubuntu.

 Manolo Díaz

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Josu Lazkano

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Re: Instalar Debian en disco eMMC

2014-12-29 Thread Manolo Díaz
El lunes, 29 dic 2014, a las 20:27 horas (UTC+1),
Josu Lazkano escribió:

Gracias Manolo,

Si, acabo de ver el informe, pero no entiendo como instala Debian,
pone que cambia el formato de sistema de ficheros.

¿Podria borrar todas las particiones de /dev/mmcblk0? ¿Que pasaria si
elimino estas particiones?

Gracias por todo,

Lo de cambiar el sistema de fichero de ext4 a btrfs es porque lo
prefiere, es de suponer. La partición UEFI puede ser necesaria, ni idea,
nunca he tenido que vérmelas con UEFI. Parece que que tras dejar
instalado Ubuntu desktop forzando UEFI, el instalador de Debian deja
de fallar en el paso del particionado, no sé porqué.

Manolo Díaz

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OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

2014-12-29 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
Estoy tratando de bajar el repositorio de manjaro desde mi pc en debian y me 
da error el  comando rsync, he tratado de encontrar el error pero parece que 
mis neuronas hoy no dan para más.

el script es el siguiente:
# Sincroniza el repositorio de Arch del servidor ''
# con el directorio /repositorio

# Definición de los parámetros usados:
# a, -archive - archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)
# v, -verbose - increase verbosity
# r, -recursive - recurse into directories

rsync -arv \
-delete-after \
-exclude=iso \
-exclude=x86_64 \
-exclude=images \
-exclude=other \
-exclude=release \
-exclude=unstable \
-exclude=testing \ \

Y el error que me da es el siguiente:

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
Unexpected remote arg:
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1232) [sender=3.0.9]

Alguien me podría dar un empujoncito a ver si puedo hechar a andar el 

Desde ya Gracias


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Fw: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

2014-12-29 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: Ismael L. Donis Garcia

Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 3:18 PM
Subject: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

Estoy tratando de bajar el repositorio de manjaro desde mi pc en debian y 
me da error el  comando rsync, he tratado de encontrar el error pero 
parece que mis neuronas hoy no dan para más.

el script es el siguiente:
# Sincroniza el repositorio de Arch del servidor 

# con el directorio /repositorio

# Definición de los parámetros usados:
# a, -archive - archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)
# v, -verbose - increase verbosity
# r, -recursive - recurse into directories

rsync -arv \
-delete-after \
-exclude=iso \
-exclude=x86_64 \
-exclude=images \
-exclude=other \
-exclude=release \
-exclude=unstable \
-exclude=testing \ \

Y el error que me da es el siguiente:

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
Unexpected remote arg:
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1232) [sender=3.0.9]

Alguien me podría dar un empujoncito a ver si puedo hechar a andar el 

Desde ya Gracias


Modifiqué el script quedando de la siguiente forma:

# Sincroniza el repositorio de Arch del servidor ''
# con el directorio /repositorio

# Definición de los parámetros usados:
# a, -archive - archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)
# v, -verbose - increase verbosity
# r, -recursive - recurse into directories
#-exclude=iso \
#-exclude=images \
#-exclude=other \

rsync -arv \
-delete-after \
-exclude=x86_64 \
#-exclude=release \
#-exclude=unstable \
#-exclude=testing \ \

Y ahora el error que me da es el siguiente:
root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
sending incremental file list
rsync: link_stat /mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux/-delete-after failed: No 
such file or directory (2)

sent 12 bytes  received 12 bytes  48.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) 
(code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.9] 20: not found


Saludos Reiterados


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Re: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

2014-12-29 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: Ismael L. Donis Garcia

Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 3:34 PM
Subject: Fw: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

- Original Message - 
From: Ismael L. Donis Garcia

Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 3:18 PM
Subject: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

Estoy tratando de bajar el repositorio de manjaro desde mi pc en debian y 
me da error el  comando rsync, he tratado de encontrar el error pero 
parece que mis neuronas hoy no dan para más.

el script es el siguiente:
# Sincroniza el repositorio de Arch del servidor 

# con el directorio /repositorio

# Definición de los parámetros usados:
# a, -archive - archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)
# v, -verbose - increase verbosity
# r, -recursive - recurse into directories

rsync -arv \
-delete-after \
-exclude=iso \
-exclude=x86_64 \
-exclude=images \
-exclude=other \
-exclude=release \
-exclude=unstable \
-exclude=testing \ \

Y el error que me da es el siguiente:

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
Unexpected remote arg:
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1232) 


Alguien me podría dar un empujoncito a ver si puedo hechar a andar el 

Desde ya Gracias


Modifiqué el script quedando de la siguiente forma:

# Sincroniza el repositorio de Arch del servidor 

# con el directorio /repositorio

# Definición de los parámetros usados:
# a, -archive - archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)
# v, -verbose - increase verbosity
# r, -recursive - recurse into directories
#-exclude=iso \
#-exclude=images \
#-exclude=other \

rsync -arv \
-delete-after \
-exclude=x86_64 \
#-exclude=release \
#-exclude=unstable \
#-exclude=testing \ \

Y ahora el error que me da es el siguiente:
root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
sending incremental file list
rsync: link_stat /mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux/-delete-after failed: No 
such file or directory (2)

sent 12 bytes  received 12 bytes  48.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) 
(code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.9] 20: not found


Saludos Reiterados


He seguido probando ahora el script es:

rsync -arv \
--delete-after \
--exclude=x86_64 \
--exclude=testing \
--exclude=unstable \ \

Y el error que me da es:
root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
sending incremental file list
rsync: link_stat /mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux/-delete-after failed: No 
such file or directory (2)

sent 12 bytes  received 12 bytes  48.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) 
(code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.9] 20: not 

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
rsync: getaddrinfo: 873: Name or service not known
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(122) 

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
rsync: - unknown option
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1453) [client=3.0.9]
root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
rsync: Failed to exec xclude=unstable: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: error in IPC code (code 14) at pipe.c(84) [Receiver=3.0.9]
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(605) 

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# man rsync
root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
ssh: Could not resolve hostname http: Name or service not known
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(605) [Receiver=3.0.9]

Saludos Reiterados


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Re: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

2014-12-29 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: Ismael L. Donis Garcia

Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

- Original Message - 
From: Ismael L. Donis Garcia

Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 3:34 PM
Subject: Fw: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

- Original Message - 
From: Ismael L. Donis Garcia

Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 3:18 PM
Subject: OT Descargar repositorio de Manjaro desde Debian

Estoy tratando de bajar el repositorio de manjaro desde mi pc en debian 
y me da error el  comando rsync, he tratado de encontrar el error pero 
parece que mis neuronas hoy no dan para más.

el script es el siguiente:
# Sincroniza el repositorio de Arch del servidor 

# con el directorio /repositorio

# Definición de los parámetros usados:
# a, -archive - archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)
# v, -verbose - increase verbosity
# r, -recursive - recurse into directories

rsync -arv \
-delete-after \
-exclude=iso \
-exclude=x86_64 \
-exclude=images \
-exclude=other \
-exclude=release \
-exclude=unstable \
-exclude=testing \ \

Y el error que me da es el siguiente:

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
Unexpected remote arg:
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1232) 


Alguien me podría dar un empujoncito a ver si puedo hechar a andar el 

Desde ya Gracias


Modifiqué el script quedando de la siguiente forma:

# Sincroniza el repositorio de Arch del servidor 

# con el directorio /repositorio

# Definición de los parámetros usados:
# a, -archive - archive mode; same as -rlptgoD (no -H)
# v, -verbose - increase verbosity
# r, -recursive - recurse into directories
#-exclude=iso \
#-exclude=images \
#-exclude=other \

rsync -arv \
-delete-after \
-exclude=x86_64 \
#-exclude=release \
#-exclude=unstable \
#-exclude=testing \ \

Y ahora el error que me da es el siguiente:
root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
sending incremental file list
rsync: link_stat /mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux/-delete-after failed: 
No such file or directory (2)

sent 12 bytes  received 12 bytes  48.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) 
(code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.9] 20: not found


Saludos Reiterados


He seguido probando ahora el script es:

rsync -arv \
--delete-after \
--exclude=x86_64 \
--exclude=testing \
--exclude=unstable \ \

Y el error que me da es:
root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
sending incremental file list
rsync: link_stat /mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux/-delete-after failed: No 
such file or directory (2)

sent 12 bytes  received 12 bytes  48.00 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) 
(code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.9] 20: 
not found

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
rsync: getaddrinfo: 873: Name or service not 
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(122) 

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
rsync: - unknown option
rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at main.c(1453) [client=3.0.9]
root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
rsync: Failed to exec xclude=unstable: No such file or directory (2)
rsync error: error in IPC code (code 14) at pipe.c(84) [Receiver=3.0.9]
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(605) 

root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# man rsync
root@clt_iyc_03:/mnt/datos/instalaciones/linux# sh
ssh: Could not resolve hostname http: Name or service not known
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(605) [Receiver=3.0.9]

Saludos Reiterados


Si pongo en el script:

rsync -arv \

Re: (Solucionado) Obligado a degradar Libreoffice al actualizar el sistema

2014-12-29 Thread Damián Naya

El 28/12/14 a las 14:18, Eduardo Rios escribió:

El 28/12/14 a las 13:49, Camaleón escribió:

Oye, acabo de ver que hay problemas de dependencias con el paquete de LO
de los backports, sería conveniente que esperaras a que lo arreglaran.

Eso mismo voy a hacer yo. Esperar. No será tan importante ni urgente 
la actualización ;)

A ver si va a ser una inocentada por parte del equipo Debian... :-D

Solucionados los problemas de los backports, parece...
Me ha cargado la versión de LibreOffice.

Por cierto, para los backports, he visto estos repositorios:

deb wheezy-backports main non-free
deb-src wheezy-backports main non-free

Y estos, donde solo se añade contrib:

deb _ wheezy-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src _ wheezy-backports main contrib 

¿Qué es más correcto?

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Re: (Solucionado) Obligado a degradar Libreoffice al actualizar el sistema

2014-12-29 Thread Manolo Díaz
El lunes, 29 dic 2014, a las 23:22 horas (UTC+1),
Damián Naya escribió:

El 28/12/14 a las 14:18, Eduardo Rios escribió:
 El 28/12/14 a las 13:49, Camaleón escribió:

 Oye, acabo de ver que hay problemas de dependencias con el paquete de LO
 de los backports, sería conveniente que esperaras a que lo arreglaran.

 Eso mismo voy a hacer yo. Esperar. No será tan importante ni urgente 
 la actualización ;)

 A ver si va a ser una inocentada por parte del equipo Debian... :-D

Solucionados los problemas de los backports, parece...
Me ha cargado la versión de LibreOffice.

Por cierto, para los backports, he visto estos repositorios:

deb wheezy-backports main non-free
deb-src wheezy-backports main non-free

Y estos, donde solo se añade contrib:

deb _ wheezy-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src _ wheezy-backports main contrib 

¿Qué es más correcto?

El último: te evita problemas de dependencias si quieres instalar
paquetes de la sección non-free de backports de los que dependa alguno
de la sección contrib.

Por cierto, ¿necesitas los fuentes? En caso contrario, si solo
necesitas los binarios (lo más común con diferencia), puedes borrar las
entradas deb-src.

Manolo Díaz

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Re: (Solucionado) Obligado a degradar Libreoffice al actualizar el sistema

2014-12-29 Thread Damián Naya

El 29/12/14 a las 23:34, Manolo Díaz escribió:

El lunes, 29 dic 2014, a las 23:22 horas (UTC+1),
Damián Naya escribió:

El 28/12/14 a las 14:18, Eduardo Rios escribió:

El 28/12/14 a las 13:49, Camaleón escribió:

Oye, acabo de ver que hay problemas de dependencias con el paquete de LO
de los backports, sería conveniente que esperaras a que lo arreglaran.

Eso mismo voy a hacer yo. Esperar. No será tan importante ni urgente
la actualización ;)

A ver si va a ser una inocentada por parte del equipo Debian... :-D

Solucionados los problemas de los backports, parece...
Me ha cargado la versión de LibreOffice.

Por cierto, para los backports, he visto estos repositorios:

deb wheezy-backports main non-free
deb-src wheezy-backports main non-free

Y estos, donde solo se añade contrib:

deb _ wheezy-backports main contrib non-free
deb-src _ wheezy-backports main contrib

¿Qué es más correcto?

El último: te evita problemas de dependencias si quieres instalar
paquetes de la sección non-free de backports de los que dependa alguno
de la sección contrib.

Por cierto, ¿necesitas los fuentes? En caso contrario, si solo
necesitas los binarios (lo más común con diferencia), puedes borrar las
entradas deb-src.


Muchísimas gracias !!!

Dejaré este repositorio entonces para los backports:
deb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free

Aprendiendo de vosotros... un novato encantado con Debian.


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[OT] gnome en wayland

2014-12-29 Thread Juan Lavieri

Hola listeros.

Hoy estaba intentando jugar un poco con gnome en wayland, pero no pude 
hacer nada ya que no me aparece el puntero del ratón por ningún lado.

Googleando un poco conseguí el reporte de algunos problemas 
relacionados con la velocidad del ratón y el touchpad, pero no pareciera 
tener relación con mi problema ya que en mi caso el puntero desapareció 
y cuando muevo  el ratón o el touchpad hay evidencia de dicho movimiento 
a la velocidad normal.

En concreto quisiera saber si alguien ha utilizado wayland bajo jessie y 
si tuvo que hacer algún ajuste para que funcionara.


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Re: Flash på debian

2014-12-29 Thread Flemming Bjerke



On 28-12-2014 14:01, Anders Ellenshøj Andersen wrote:

Testet på debian Jessie med iceweasel 31.3.0 -

Virker fint, med lyd og det hele. Får ingen advarsler.

Mvh Anders

Den 27-12-2014 kl. 18:23 skrev Flemming Bjerke:

Sådan har det også været for mig indtil for nylig. Nu kommer der en
surly hver gang, suk.

Anders, har du nogle problemer med at iceweasel giver en surly og vil
ikke bruge pluginet pga. sikkerhedshul.


On 27-12-2014 14:01, Anders E. Andersen wrote:

Den 27-12-2014 kl. 12:47 skrev Flemming Bjerke:

Der er øjensynlig en bug i adobes flashplugin. Man bliver så henvist
til en adobeside der kræver en apturl ... og så går der ged i den ...
Jeg kan i hvert tilfælde ikke finde ud af at få en brugbar deb-pakke
frembragt. (Man kan selvfølgelig bruge tar-pakken, men så er man jo
ude på skråplanet ;-)

Hvad gør I andre når I f.eks. vil se youtube eller dr på debian, og må
have en brugbar flashplugin til iceweasel.

Har du prøvet flashplugin-nonfree fra contrib?

Det plejer at virke for mig.

Mvh Anders

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Installation på Acer Extensa?

2014-12-29 Thread Jacob Sparre Andersen
Er der nogen af jer der kan pege på en god vejledning i at installere 
Debian på en Acer Extensa EX2509-C0YR?

Jeg er kommet så langt at jeg kan starte installationsprogrammet fra en 
USB-pind og vælge sprog og tastatur.

Det næste trin i processen (»Led efter cd-rom drev og montér cd«) 
fejler, og jeg kan heller ikke selv finde filsystemerne på USB-pinden 
fra installationsprogrammets kommandofortolker, så nu er gode råd dyre. :-(

På forhånd tak for hjælpen,

Warning: Dates in calendars are closer than they appear.

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Re: Installation på Acer Extensa?

2014-12-29 Thread Flemming Bjerke

Jeg bruger altid:
til at lave usb-pind. Installation plejer altid at virke (incl. 
CD-detektering) uden problemer. Også på de to billige Acer jeg har 
installeret debian på for nylig.

apt-get install unetbootin

På de to Acer var der for ubuntus vedkommende lige et trick med at den 
skulle have en særlig boot-partition (ikke /boot). Jeg brugte 5 MB. Det 
ser ud til fungere fint. Hvis man ikke gør det, booter den ikke hver 
gang. Jeg tror også problemet gør sig gældende for Debian (lidt usikker 
på det da den næsten blev genstartet, indtil den blev udsat for 'fysisk 
vold') - men det var altså en ubuntu-installation som gjorde mig 
opmærksom på sagen (da jeg havde manuelt partitioneret færdig!!!). Jeg 
har ofte både en ubuntu og debian installation på hver sin partition.

Du skal ikke regne med at wifi fungerer under installation, så slut til 
ethernet. Men hvis du installerer contrib og non-free, fungerer wifi nok 
efter installation og genstart.


On 29-12-2014 22:09, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote:

Er der nogen af jer der kan pege på en god vejledning i at installere
Debian på en Acer Extensa EX2509-C0YR?

Jeg er kommet så langt at jeg kan starte installationsprogrammet fra en
USB-pind og vælge sprog og tastatur.

Det næste trin i processen (»Led efter cd-rom drev og montér cd«)
fejler, og jeg kan heller ikke selv finde filsystemerne på USB-pinden
fra installationsprogrammets kommandofortolker, så nu er gode råd dyre. :-(

På forhånd tak for hjælpen,


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Re: Installation på Acer Extensa?

2014-12-29 Thread Jonas Smedegaard
Hej Jacob,

Quoting Jacob Sparre Andersen (2014-12-29 22:09:37)
 Er der nogen af jer der kan pege på en god vejledning i at installere 
 Debian på en Acer Extensa EX2509-C0YR?
 Jeg er kommet så langt at jeg kan starte installationsprogrammet fra 
 en USB-pind og vælge sprog og tastatur.
 Det næste trin i processen (»Led efter cd-rom drev og montér cd«) 
 fejler, og jeg kan heller ikke selv finde filsystemerne på USB-pinden 
 fra installationsprogrammets kommandofortolker, så nu er gode råd 
 dyre. :-(

Hvilken version af Debian prøver du at få installeret?

Installerer du med UEFI eller BIOS?  På nyere laptops der understøtter 
UEFI bør du prøve både med emuleret BIOS og UEFI (sammen med et nyligt 
snapshot af installationsrutinen).  Jeg har ikke meget erfaring med det, 
men såvidt jeg husker (da jeg testede for 6 måneder siden) fungerer 
nogle UEFI laptops kun med UEFI og nogle kun med BIOS emulering.

Hvilken installationsrutine bruger du, og hvordan har du puttet den på 
en USB-nøgle?  Modsat Flemming vil jeg foreslå dig først at prøve med 
det officielle netinst systemaftryk og kopiere det råt over på 
USB-nøglen med cat-kommandoen¹.

Mvh. Jonas

¹ dd-kommandoen kan også bruges, men det er en skrøne at den er bedre, 
og muligvis slider den endda hårdere på USB-nøglen, afhængigt af hvilke 
options der angives til dd kommandoen.

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist  Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

 [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private

Description: signature

Re: Zoneminder -- KITs CFTV

2014-12-29 Thread Rodrigo Cunha
Então Mario, mas pelo que eu vi, estas cameras tem um aparelho
concentrador, o que eu pensei em fazer era conectar, de alguma forma o
zoneminder nestes aparelhos.

Se isso fosse possível iria ser um excelente redutor de custos, porque
estas cameras são muito mais baratas e eu as utilizaria apenas para matar
pontos cegos.

No meu ambiente, eu consegui com uma certa facilidade implementar o zm para
cameras ip, são muito fáceis de se instalar pelo software.

Em 29 de dezembro de 2014 02:15, mario sergio kirdeika junior escreveu:

 oi Rodrigo


 se vc tiver uma placa de captura, tipo as baseadas em bt878, com várias
 entradas de video voce vai poder usar estas cameras com a interface
 video4linux que está disponível na última versão do zm.

 isto numa instalação para pc. quanto ao gravador, precisa de mais
 informações se linux e zm podem ser instalados nele.

 se vc ainda vai comprar, leia mais sobre o zm. cameras ip sao as ideais.
  Em 27/12/2014 09:06, Rodrigo Cunha

 Alguém ai sabe se tem como utilizar estes Kits de CFTV no zoneminder;
 Segue um modelo de exemplo:


 Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

Rodrigo da Silva Cunha

Re: laptop desligando

2014-12-29 Thread Antonio Terceiro
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 01:14:08AM +0100, G.Paulo wrote:
 Tive insucesso com a instalação do Debian Wheezy num laptop e recorro a vocês 
 em busca de ajuda. Esse é o caso: um laptop Toshiba Sattelite A300. Desde 
 2008 utilizo nele o Debian Squeeze com bons resultados (era o testing da 
 época, hoje é old-stable). Como o usuário é meu filho (de 7 anos, que usa 
 para vídeos, web etc.) tive que fazer um upgrade porque o iceweassel era 
 versão antiga, alguns sites reclamavam, alguns travavam ... imaginem a dor de 
 Fiz o upgrade para o Wheezy. Desde então, o computador passou a funcionar por 
 alguns minutos e desligar sozinho (não um shutdown regular, mas um turn-off 
 direto mesmo). Pensei que pudesse ser aquecimento e, por isso, limpei-o 
 (removi 6 anos de poeira), reapliquei pasta térmica etc., mas continuou 
 desligando sozinho, mesmo bootando em monousuário como root e sem rodar 
 qualquer aplicativo. Ao mesmo tempo, por sem um dua-boot, tem um Windows 
 Vista instalado (vade retro!) que funciona muito bem, durante horas ou dias. 
 Em suma, somente no Wheeze o problema aparece. Suspeito (sem muita base 
 técnica) que seja o kernel 3.2 (ao invés do velho 2.6) o responsável. 
 Alguma sugestão sobre o que fazer agora?

é possível que esteja superaquecendo, e é possível que seja um problema
com o kernel: em vários laptops o ventilador é controlado por software.

Tenta ver a saída do `dmesg`, especialmente se você conseguir as
entradas próximas ao horário em que ele desliga, pra confirmar.

tentar também abrir um terminal e logar a temperatura, com algo assim:

$ while true; do acpi --thermal; sleep 2; done

(ou qualquer outra coisa que te mostre a temperatura)

uma forma mais trabalhosas de testar isso é colocar o laptop com o
dissipador virado pra um ventilador bem forte, ou a saída de um ar
condicionado, pra evitar que ele superaqueça e ver se ele dura mais do
que o normal sem desligar.

confirmado o que problema é esse, talvez o kernel 3.2 tenha uma
regressão com o seu modelo específico de laptop. A primeira coisa que eu
faria seria tentar um kernel mais novo do backports.

Outra coisa que a essa altura é seguro de faer é atualizar para o jessie
que já está em freeze pra ser lançado muito em breve.

Antonio Terceiro

Description: Digital signature

Re: laptop desligando

2014-12-29 Thread Antonio Terceiro
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:55:48AM -0200, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 01:14:08AM +0100, G.Paulo wrote:
  Tive insucesso com a instalação do Debian Wheezy num laptop e recorro a 
  vocês em busca de ajuda. Esse é o caso: um laptop Toshiba Sattelite A300. 
  Desde 2008 utilizo nele o Debian Squeeze com bons resultados (era o 
  testing da época, hoje é old-stable). Como o usuário é meu filho (de 7 
  anos, que usa para vídeos, web etc.) tive que fazer um upgrade porque o 
  iceweassel era versão antiga, alguns sites reclamavam, alguns travavam ... 
  imaginem a dor de cabeça.
  Fiz o upgrade para o Wheezy. Desde então, o computador passou a funcionar 
  por alguns minutos e desligar sozinho (não um shutdown regular, mas um 
  turn-off direto mesmo). Pensei que pudesse ser aquecimento e, por isso, 
  limpei-o (removi 6 anos de poeira), reapliquei pasta térmica etc., mas 
  continuou desligando sozinho, mesmo bootando em monousuário como root e sem 
  rodar qualquer aplicativo. Ao mesmo tempo, por sem um dua-boot, tem um 
  Windows Vista instalado (vade retro!) que funciona muito bem, durante horas 
  ou dias. Em suma, somente no Wheeze o problema aparece. Suspeito (sem muita 
  base técnica) que seja o kernel 3.2 (ao invés do velho 2.6) o responsável. 
  Alguma sugestão sobre o que fazer agora?
 é possível que esteja superaquecendo, e é possível que seja um problema
 com o kernel: em vários laptops o ventilador é controlado por software.

 Tenta ver a saída do `dmesg`, especialmente se você conseguir as
 entradas próximas ao horário em que ele desliga, pra confirmar.
 tentar também abrir um terminal e logar a temperatura, com algo assim:
 $ while true; do acpi --thermal; sleep 2; done
 (ou qualquer outra coisa que te mostre a temperatura)
 uma forma mais trabalhosas de testar isso é colocar o laptop com o
 dissipador virado pra um ventilador bem forte, ou a saída de um ar
 condicionado, pra evitar que ele superaqueça e ver se ele dura mais do
 que o normal sem desligar.

e claro, antes de tudo isso checar se o ventilador está rodando OK no
Windows;  se estiver OK lá e não estiver no Debian, o problema de
software está confirmado. :)

Antonio Terceiro

Description: Digital signature

Re: laptop desligando

2014-12-29 Thread P. J.
É realmente seria bom vc monitorar temperatura,

Verfificar se é problema de hardware ou software.

Já vi problemas semelhantes com fabricante HP com determinados modelos
de notes... já tentou usar com algum livecd por algum tempo para ver
se o problema persiste?

Em 29/12/14, Antonio escreveu:
 On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 11:55:48AM -0200, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 01:14:08AM +0100, G.Paulo wrote:
  Tive insucesso com a instalação do Debian Wheezy num laptop e recorro a
  vocês em busca de ajuda. Esse é o caso: um laptop Toshiba Sattelite
  A300. Desde 2008 utilizo nele o Debian Squeeze com bons resultados (era
  o testing da época, hoje é old-stable). Como o usuário é meu filho
  (de 7 anos, que usa para vídeos, web etc.) tive que fazer um upgrade
  porque o iceweassel era versão antiga, alguns sites reclamavam, alguns
  travavam ... imaginem a dor de cabeça.
  Fiz o upgrade para o Wheezy. Desde então, o computador passou a
  funcionar por alguns minutos e desligar sozinho (não um shutdown
  regular, mas um turn-off direto mesmo). Pensei que pudesse ser
  aquecimento e, por isso, limpei-o (removi 6 anos de poeira), reapliquei
  pasta térmica etc., mas continuou desligando sozinho, mesmo bootando em
  monousuário como root e sem rodar qualquer aplicativo. Ao mesmo tempo,
  por sem um dua-boot, tem um Windows Vista instalado (vade retro!) que
  funciona muito bem, durante horas ou dias. Em suma, somente no Wheeze o
  problema aparece. Suspeito (sem muita base técnica) que seja o kernel
  3.2 (ao invés do velho 2.6) o responsável.
  Alguma sugestão sobre o que fazer agora?

 é possível que esteja superaquecendo, e é possível que seja um problema
 com o kernel: em vários laptops o ventilador é controlado por software.

 Tenta ver a saída do `dmesg`, especialmente se você conseguir as
 entradas próximas ao horário em que ele desliga, pra confirmar.

 tentar também abrir um terminal e logar a temperatura, com algo assim:

 $ while true; do acpi --thermal; sleep 2; done

 (ou qualquer outra coisa que te mostre a temperatura)

 uma forma mais trabalhosas de testar isso é colocar o laptop com o
 dissipador virado pra um ventilador bem forte, ou a saída de um ar
 condicionado, pra evitar que ele superaqueça e ver se ele dura mais do
 que o normal sem desligar.

 e claro, antes de tudo isso checar se o ventilador está rodando OK no
 Windows;  se estiver OK lá e não estiver no Debian, o problema de
 software está confirmado. :)

 Antonio Terceiro

|  .''`.   A fé não dá respostas. Só impede perguntas.
| : :'  :
| `. `'`
|   `-   Je vois tout

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Retirar e-mail do Grupo.

2014-12-29 Thread Unicred Campinas - Maiko Akihito Takemoto
Bom dia.
Gostaria de sair deste grupo.
Alguém poderia me ajudar?
Muito obrigado.

Maiko Akihito Takemoto
Analista de Suporte - TI

Av. Barão de Itapura, nº 950
7º Andar - Guanabara - Campinas/SP
Tel (19) 3731-2723
Visite nosso site:

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Re: Retirar e-mail do Grupo.

2014-12-29 Thread Thiago Zoroastro
Olhe ali embaixo de qualquer e-mail:
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.orgwith a subject of "unsubscribe"
Não funcionou, retorna o e-mail.
Thiago Zoroastro

De: Segunda-feira, 29 de Dezembro de 2014 13:58Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.orgAssunto: Retirar e-mail do Grupo.Bom dia.Gostaria de sair deste grupo.Alguém poderia me ajudar?Muito obrigado.Att.Maiko Akihito TakemotoAnalista de Suporte - CAMPINAS - SEDEAv. Barão de Itapura, nº 9507º Andar - Guanabara - Campinas/SPTel (19) 3731-2723Visite nosso site: To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-portuguese-requ...@lists.debian.orgwith a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.orgArchive:

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Re: Retirar e-mail do Grupo.

2014-12-29 Thread Enio Climaco Sales Junior

Basta ler o rodapé da mensagem.
On 29-12-2014 11:58, Unicred Campinas - Maiko Akihito Takemoto wrote:

Bom dia.
Gostaria de sair deste grupo.
Alguém poderia me ajudar?
Muito obrigado.

Maiko Akihito Takemoto
Analista de Suporte - TI

Av. Barão de Itapura, nº 950
7º Andar - Guanabara - Campinas/SP
Tel (19) 3731-2723
Visite nosso site:

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Re: Retirar e-mail do Grupo.

2014-12-29 Thread Samir Patrice
No rodapé da mensagem:
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Em 29 de dezembro de 2014 10:58, Unicred Campinas - Maiko Akihito Takemoto escreveu:

 Bom dia.
 Gostaria de sair deste grupo.
 Alguém poderia me ajudar?
 Muito obrigado.

 Maiko Akihito Takemoto
 Analista de Suporte - TI

 Av. Barão de Itapura, nº 950
 7º Andar - Guanabara - Campinas/SP
 Tel (19) 3731-2723
 Visite nosso site:

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Samir Patrice
Analista de Rede


2014-12-29 Thread Flavio Menezes dos Reis

Eu tenho utilizado o jmtpfs (linha de comando) e gostado muito. Além disto
reconhece o meu ASUS Zenfone 5, coisa que o gmtp não faz.


Em 24 de dezembro de 2014 13:32, Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro escreveu:

 Quando eu tiver um tempo vou trocar tudo pelo Jessie e não me preocupar
 mais com essa história.

 Obrigado a todos pelas dicas e orientações.

 Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro.
 Em 24/12/2014 11:33, Paulo Roberto Evangelista

 Essa não é a única diferença amigo! Essa é TODA a diferença! No debian 7
 não tem suporte MTP legal. A única solução que encontrei e que funcione
 legal é essa. Se você usa o debian Jessie, então não deve haver problema
 algum pois ele já suporta MTP nativo.

 Em 24 de dezembro de 2014 10:24, P. J. escreveu:

 Velho, não precisa essa volta toda, eu usei no gnome tb, praticamente
 só instalo o gmtp, agora eu tenho instalado o gvfs-backend, mas era
 para outra coisa, montar pastas compartilhadas M$-Windows com o
 cliente do samba.

 A única diferença é q eu uso o Debian Jessie, tanto com o nautilus no
 gnome e xfce não tenho problemas, se tiver oportunidade experimente o
 Debian Jessie, ele já faz algum tempo que está congelado.

 Em 23/12/14, Paulo Roberto escreveu:
  Você vai precisar instalar as dependências e em seguida executar o
  que está disponível para download no site. O procedimento é simples e
  funciona no debian wheezy perfeitamente. Outro detalhe que não informa
  site é que para utilizar o comando com qualquer outro usuário que NÂO
  o usuário root, você terá que adicioná-lo ao grupo 'fuse'
  Por exemplo:
  #gpasswd -a paulo fuse
  Em seguida faça novamente login no sistema e execute o comando para
  o dispositivo, conforme as instruções do site do desenvolvedor.
mkdir xoom
go-mtpfs xoom 
cp -a ~/Music/Some-Album xoom/Music/
fusermount -u xoom
  Boa sorte.
  Em 23 de dezembro de 2014 14:54, Paulo Roberto Evangelista escreveu:
  Após executar as instruções, conforme o site do desenvolvedor, você
  poder acessar o dispositivo no terminal ou de qualquer navegador de
  arquivos, pois o ponto de montagem é definido por você. Eu utilizo e
  funciona. Utilizei durante muito tempo com meu Moto G e agora estou
  utilizando com meu Moto X 2014, sem problema algum.
  Em 23 de dezembro de 2014 14:26, Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro escreveu:
  Paulo Roberto, esse go-mtpfs vai fazer o dispositvo aparecer no
  (por exemplo)? Ou vou ter que ficar utilizando terminal para
  Já encontrei problemas logo de cara nas instruções Install libmtp
  files o pacote mostrado no exemplo (do ubuntu, imagino) não tem no
  repositórios do debian.
  Realmente, Márcio, o gvfs já estava instalado... e não achei nada com
  gvfs-mtp em
  Sério, é muito transtorno para algo que parece mega simples em outros
  ambiantes/sistemas. =/
  - - - ·
  Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro
  Em 23 de dezembro de 2014 15:09, Márcio de Araújo Benedito escreveu:
  Você precisará do gvfs-mtp, que não está nos repositórios oficiais
  distribuição estável. Talvez alguém tenha feito um backport, dê uma
  Esta mensagem não contém nenhuma informação confidencial,  pois se
  para ser  confidencial não poderia ser transitada  por  e-mail em
  pública. Portanto você pode  fazer  qualquer coisa com esta
  incluíndo esta sátira à  notas de copyrights  ridiculas, que eu não
  nem aí!!!
Em Terça-feira, 23 de Dezembro de 2014 15:00, Márcio Vinícius
  Pinheiro escreveu:
  Só o thunar, não adianta, talvez eu tivesse que instalar todo o
  Programa em java só pra isso não faz muito sentido pra mim (eu
  quero distância de Java, e aparentemente o Java também quer
  Linux ou o Linux dele). Instalei tudo que tinha mtp no nome e nada
  Nem o mtp-tools funcionou. O único que ainda lê o Moto G é o gMTP e,
  eu disse, muito mal.
  Vou tentar instalar esse tal gvfs (havia descartado, por que andei
  por aí que para ele funcionar com MTP precisaria de um pacote
  gvfs-mtp que não tem nos repositórios do debian).
  - - - ·
  Márcio Vinícius Pinheiro
  Em 23 de dezembro de 2014 14:23, Rodolfo
  Pode ser que sim, porque eu uso o Debian 7, e faço transferências de
  arquivos do Android pro Debian sem problemas, inclusive deleto,
  sem dificuldades e sem lentidão 

Re: laptop desligando

2014-12-29 Thread G.Paulo
On Mon, 29 Dec 2014 11:55:48 -0200
Antonio Terceiro wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 01:14:08AM +0100, G.Paulo wrote:
  Tive insucesso com a instalação do Debian Wheezy num laptop e
  recorro a vocês em busca de ajuda. Esse é o caso: um laptop Toshiba
  Sattelite A300. Desde 2008 utilizo nele o Debian Squeeze com bons
  resultados (era o testing da época, hoje é old-stable). Como o
  usuário é meu filho (de 7 anos, que usa para vídeos, web etc.) tive
  que fazer um upgrade porque o iceweassel era versão antiga, alguns
  sites reclamavam, alguns travavam ... imaginem a dor de cabeça.
  Fiz o upgrade para o Wheezy. Desde então, o computador passou a
  funcionar por alguns minutos e desligar sozinho (não um shutdown
  regular, mas um turn-off direto mesmo). Pensei que pudesse ser
  aquecimento e, por isso, limpei-o (removi 6 anos de poeira),
  reapliquei pasta térmica etc., mas continuou desligando sozinho,
  mesmo bootando em monousuário como root e sem rodar qualquer
  aplicativo. Ao mesmo tempo, por sem um dua-boot, tem um Windows
  Vista instalado (vade retro!) que funciona muito bem, durante horas
  ou dias. Em suma, somente no Wheeze o problema aparece. Suspeito
  (sem muita base técnica) que seja o kernel 3.2 (ao invés do velho
  2.6) o responsável. 
  Alguma sugestão sobre o que fazer agora?
 é possível que esteja superaquecendo, e é possível que seja um
 problema com o kernel: em vários laptops o ventilador é controlado
 por software.
 Tenta ver a saída do `dmesg`, especialmente se você conseguir as
 entradas próximas ao horário em que ele desliga, pra confirmar.
 tentar também abrir um terminal e logar a temperatura, com algo assim:
 $ while true; do acpi --thermal; sleep 2; done
 (ou qualquer outra coisa que te mostre a temperatura)
 uma forma mais trabalhosas de testar isso é colocar o laptop com o
 dissipador virado pra um ventilador bem forte, ou a saída de um ar
 condicionado, pra evitar que ele superaqueça e ver se ele dura mais do
 que o normal sem desligar.
 confirmado o que problema é esse, talvez o kernel 3.2 tenha uma
 regressão com o seu modelo específico de laptop. A primeira coisa que
 eu faria seria tentar um kernel mais novo do backports.
 Outra coisa que a essa altura é seguro de faer é atualizar para o
 jessie que já está em freeze pra ser lançado muito em breve.
Obrigado, meus caros, pelo retorno. Eis, agora, o meu retorno:

De fato, havia inicialmente superaquecimento. Por isso, há alguns dias, 
desmontei o laptop, limpei muita poeira e reapliquei pasta térmica. A 
temperatura antes chegava a +85 C, que era o valor crítico do processador. 
Agora fica em torno de +50 C em repouso. Mas era justamente nesta nova condição 
que o Debian Wheezy falhava (o laptop desligava). Para verificar a temperatura 
utilizei /usr/bin/sensors.

Alias, o ventilador deste laptop Toshiba sempre funcionou a plena carga com 
Linux. Já com Windows, ele modula a velocidade de acordo com a temperatura do 
momento. Mais ainda, na minha limitada experiência, Linux e Toshiba formam um 
casamento turbulento e trabalhoso...

Fiz um dist-upgrade, removi o Gnome (o Gnome 3 do Wheezy sempre me causou 
problemas, por isso só uso o excelente Fluxbox em outro laptop). Depois disso, 
*parece* que está funcionando normalmente, mas preciso de alguns dias mais para 
ter certeza. Inclusive submetê-lo-ei a um stress-test nas mãos de gente da 
pesada (meu filho de 7 anos). Se não funcionar, farei upgrade para o Jessie. Se 
não der certo, farei teste com algum liveCD. Quem sabe, experimentarei o 

É isso. Obrigado pelas sugestões. Se tiver novidades, darei notícias.

[]'s, G.Paulo.

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Re: Possible incompatibility between wheezy gnome and wheezy-backports libreoffice

2014-12-29 Thread Miguel Ortiz Lombardía

Sorry, I was too fast: 1:4.3.3-2~bpo70+2 didn't make it yet to the
repositories, so I was simply repeating the same thing. Will get for
this fix before trying again upgrading.

Thanks to all who responded.


El 28/12/14 a las 22:37, Miguel Ortiz Lombardía escribió:
 Not true in the case that I reported. Even after apt-get update, I get
 the same messages and gnome is marked to be removed... Looks like a
 different problem that the one found by Chris.
 El 28/12/14 a las 19:17, Sven Joachim escribió:
 On 2014-12-28 18:40 +0100, Chris Swenson wrote:

 I'm having the same issue with libreoffice. I cannot upgrade it because
 it is looking for libc6 = 2.19, which is unavailable. It appears it was
 compiled with libc6 at this version instead of the one available in
 debian (2.13-38+deb7u6). Perhaps we should contact the libreoffice

 That's probably not necessary, this mistake seems to have been corrected
 in version 1:4.3.3-2~bpo70+2[1].




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Re: wifi connection tool?

2014-12-29 Thread Hans
Did you read this article?

There is another blog, you might find interesting:

And last but not least, maybe this blog might bve also usefull:

Good luck!


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Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/29/2014 1:22 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 10:58 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 5:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Sunday 28 December 2014 00:20:20 Celejar wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:02:52 -0500

 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 1:23 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Thu 11 Dec 2014 at 12:11:26 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I often give presentations with my notebook.  If I'm lucky, I get
 10-15 minutes to set up.  If I'm not, less than 5 minutes (i.e.
 another presenter ahead of me).  I use Linux whenever possible, but
 since my time slot is limited, I can't wait for fsck to complete.

 Your type of situation is well understood and there is sympathy
 for it.

 I appreciate that - but unfortunately, sympathy doesn't solve the

 Someone may have suggested this, and I know it doesn't really solve the
 core problem, but perhaps consider suspending (to disk or ram) instead
 of shutting down when you have a presentation scheduled?

 Again, that is a way round the problem not a solution to it.

 A facility that was available no longer is.  Whether it should be, is an
 entirely different question.



 While I agree it's only a way around a problem and not a solution, I do
 appreciate people trying to help out.

 And while I would prefer a solution, it looks like that's not going to
 happen.  So, unfortunately, after many years as a Debian user, I'm
 looking at other options.  My clients are looking, also, although not
 every one has made the decision to switch yet.
 What's wrong with sticking with Wheezy for the next couple of years?? I
 haven't had my ext4 file system want to fsck in eons. Several times I
 have MADE it do a check on the next boot, just to check, and a Tbyte of
 storage was fscked in about 10-15 seconds.

Not as easy as you think.  I write device drivers; for instance, one of
my customers manufacturers microprocessor-based systems.  Right now they
are using Debian, but are now looking for another distro.  It's not
something they do lightly or quickly; even now they may not have time
before service is dropped for Wheezy.  And I need to be running the same
software they are.

 Besides, I never did buy that bit about doing a complete dist-upgrade to
 Jessie (testing!) and then expecting to do a presentation to clients
 without a complete shakedown. I'd shoot myself first. I know you know

Where did I ever say I wouldn't do a complete shakedown?  But this is
the type of bug which can bite you weeks or months after the install.
It doesn't occur minutes, hours or even days later.  And Murphy says it
will happen at the worst possible time.

 Can we not let this pitiful excuse for a thread JUST DIE?? :/ Ric

This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
you started complaining about the thread.


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Re: Debian on iBook G4 Running OSX Tiger

2014-12-29 Thread Joel Rees
On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Joel Roth wrote:
 Graham Todd wrote:
 I have recently obtained a Mac iBook G4 running OSX Tiger, and after
 very good experiences
 using Debian on a Windows laptop, I tried to get my head round the
 instructions without success, I wonder if some kind soul could give me
 easy instructions on how to install it on a Mac iBook G4.

 I found this:

Wow. That's old and not very informative.

The link on that page to the installation guide does get you more
up-to-date information, however:

Shoot. That has a lot of old information in it, too. And I think all
the people who could update it are busy or have left, or both (like

Still, take the hour or two to scan through that and note the stuff
that seems to be PPC specific. You won't understand the openfirmware
notes, I suppose, but read them anyway.


 I dont have any Tiger installation disks

Well, that's no fun.

Does Tiger boot? Do you trust it not to have malware that would
install backdoors on Linux installation CDs?

If you use Mac OS to download and burn he install CDs, you need to be
careful how you do it.  The easy way to save an install imge to a CD
or DVD ends up just saving an install image to a CD or DVD. I think
you have similar problems on MSWindows systems.

I think my memory tells me that you can right-click the image file and
get a menu that inlcudes the option to burn the image to disk. Or
select the image file and look in the menu bar menus for an entry that
says it will burn the image to disk. I think there's one other way,
but it's not coming to me, and, frankly, I'm demotivated to try
installing Jessie on my one remaining functional PPC Mac to remind
myself how.

I think you can burn the install CD on a Linux system without too much
fuss. CDs are cheap enough, give it a try.

 and I'm not sure if any
 specific versions of Debian are required.

No. Any version that includes PPC should fly. I've done it with wheezy
and squeeze.

 I intent to partition the
 hard drive for Debian only.

That eases things up a bit.

 Can this be done

Of course.

 and can easily understood instructions be referred to
 to help me?

Don't think too hard about it, for starters.

Now that you've read the stuff on the debian site tell yourself it's
mostly old information. If you can get the network install image
burned on a CD properly, boot it with the magic keys.

(What were those? oh, yeah, according to my ancient blog post about
doing this with Fedora on a clamshell, it's just holding the C key
down while the machine boots with the install CD in the CD drive. If
you are interested, that post is here:

It may explain some things, may confuse you with unnecesary information.)

Once the installer is booted, just answer the questions. Since you
don't want to dual-boot, you really shouldn't have to pay too much
attention to things. Don't worry that it seems to need one or two more
partitions than it should, you won't run short of partitions. Don't
worry about openfirmware, the way they have it set up to relay through
the partitions should make booting automatic.

Oh, there is a PowerPC list for debian. I'll cross-post this to it, to
save you some trouble finding it.

And have fun.


 bGraham Todd/b
 Joel Roth

Joel Rees

Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
Look first in your own heart,
and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.
Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well.

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New Kernel but there is no screen... :(

2014-12-29 Thread Gábor Hársfalvi

I succesfully updated my Squeeze's Kernel version from 2.6 to 3.2, but
after restarting the system its all after booting the black screen...

When I delete the xorg.conf it loads the screen with a minimal resolution
and loads the desktop, but I would like to use this  - my previous fully
working - xorg.conf:

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings:  version 295.59  (  Wed Jun  6 22:30:33
PDT 2012

Section ServerLayout
Identifier Layout0
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard
InputDeviceMouse0 CorePointer
Option Xinerama 0

Section Files

Section InputDevice
# generated from default
Identifier Mouse0
Driver mouse
Option Protocol auto
Option Device /dev/psaux
Option Emulate3Buttons no
Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

Section InputDevice
# generated from default
Identifier Keyboard0
Driver kbd

Section Monitor
# HorizSync source: xconfig, VertRefresh source: xconfig
Identifier Monitor0
VendorName Unknown
ModelName  CRT-0
HorizSync   30.0 - 82.0
VertRefresh 50.0 - 75.0
Option DPMS

Section Device
Identifier Device0
Driver nvidia
VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
BoardName  GeForce 8600 GT
BusID  PCI:5:0:0

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Device0
Option TwinView 1
Option TwinViewXineramaInfoOrder CRT-0
Option metamodes CRT-0: 1920x1080 +1440+0, CRT-1:
nvidia-auto-select +0+0
SubSection Display
Depth   24

Please help with use this configurations with my new kernel!

Re: wifi connection tool?

2014-12-29 Thread Vincent Lefevre
On 2014-12-29 12:04:24 +0100, Hans wrote:
 Did you read this article?

This is for Network Manager (which I'm not using since it handles
the full network configuration, but I already have my own for
Ethernet, and I don't want it to be broken).

 There is another blog, you might find interesting:

It seems to be for a machine that uses wifi only.

 And last but not least, maybe this blog might bve also usefull:

It suggests either Network Manager (not OK) or wicd (buggy).

Now, concerning wicd, I've written a patch last night (the upstream
one doesn't solve the problem), and I'm still waiting for the next
disconnection to see if it works...

Vincent Lefèvre - Web:
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog:
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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Re: New Kernel but there is no screen... :(

2014-12-29 Thread Hans
Hi Gabor,

you might need to build new kernel modules for nvidia cards.
The easiest way is to install nvidia-kernel-dkms and module-assistant. 

The command m-a gives you a nice ncurses gui, where you can easily prepare 
your system. It will then download and install all needed packages.

After that it should automatically build and install the nvidia-kernel module.

Make sure, you have the nvidia-glx-package installed ( I am not sure, the 
package ios called ligbgl1-nvidia-glx, depending on your card).

Hope this helps.

Good luck!


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Re: Debian on iBook G4 Running OSX Tiger

2014-12-29 Thread Herminio Hernandez Jr.
If you are looking for debian install walk through for PPC then checkout these 
two places.


Sent from my iPhone

 On Dec 29, 2014, at 7:21 AM, Joel Rees wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Joel Roth wrote:
 Graham Todd wrote:
 I have recently obtained a Mac iBook G4 running OSX Tiger, and after
 very good experiences
 using Debian on a Windows laptop, I tried to get my head round the
 instructions without success, I wonder if some kind soul could give me
 easy instructions on how to install it on a Mac iBook G4.
 I found this:
 Wow. That's old and not very informative.
 The link on that page to the installation guide does get you more
 up-to-date information, however:
 Shoot. That has a lot of old information in it, too. And I think all
 the people who could update it are busy or have left, or both (like
 Still, take the hour or two to scan through that and note the stuff
 that seems to be PPC specific. You won't understand the openfirmware
 notes, I suppose, but read them anyway.
 I dont have any Tiger installation disks
 Well, that's no fun.
 Does Tiger boot? Do you trust it not to have malware that would
 install backdoors on Linux installation CDs?
 If you use Mac OS to download and burn he install CDs, you need to be
 careful how you do it.  The easy way to save an install imge to a CD
 or DVD ends up just saving an install image to a CD or DVD. I think
 you have similar problems on MSWindows systems.
 I think my memory tells me that you can right-click the image file and
 get a menu that inlcudes the option to burn the image to disk. Or
 select the image file and look in the menu bar menus for an entry that
 says it will burn the image to disk. I think there's one other way,
 but it's not coming to me, and, frankly, I'm demotivated to try
 installing Jessie on my one remaining functional PPC Mac to remind
 myself how.
 I think you can burn the install CD on a Linux system without too much
 fuss. CDs are cheap enough, give it a try.
 and I'm not sure if any
 specific versions of Debian are required.
 No. Any version that includes PPC should fly. I've done it with wheezy
 and squeeze.
 I intent to partition the
 hard drive for Debian only.
 That eases things up a bit.
 Can this be done
 Of course.
 and can easily understood instructions be referred to
 to help me?
 Don't think too hard about it, for starters.
 Now that you've read the stuff on the debian site tell yourself it's
 mostly old information. If you can get the network install image
 burned on a CD properly, boot it with the magic keys.
 (What were those? oh, yeah, according to my ancient blog post about
 doing this with Fedora on a clamshell, it's just holding the C key
 down while the machine boots with the install CD in the CD drive. If
 you are interested, that post is here:
 It may explain some things, may confuse you with unnecesary information.)
 Once the installer is booted, just answer the questions. Since you
 don't want to dual-boot, you really shouldn't have to pay too much
 attention to things. Don't worry that it seems to need one or two more
 partitions than it should, you won't run short of partitions. Don't
 worry about openfirmware, the way they have it set up to relay through
 the partitions should make booting automatic.
 Oh, there is a PowerPC list for debian. I'll cross-post this to it, to
 save you some trouble finding it.
 And have fun.
 bGraham Todd/b
 Joel Roth
 Joel Rees
 Be careful when you look at conspiracy.
 Look first in your own heart,
 and ask yourself if you are not your own worst enemy.
 Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well.
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Re: New Kernel but there is no screen... :(

2014-12-29 Thread Curt
On 2014-12-29, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:


 I succesfully updated my Squeeze's Kernel version from 2.6 to 3.2, but
 after restarting the system its all after booting the black screen...

You need to update your nvidia driver as Hans has suggested.

Here's a helpful wiki that could light the way:

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Re: /var/lib/dpkg/status strangeness

2014-12-29 Thread Simon Bell
 SMART Error Log Version: 1
 No Errors Logged
 SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
 Num  Test_DescriptionStatus  Remaining  LifeTime(hours)  
 # 1  Short offline   Completed without error   00% 14025 -
 # 2  Extended offlineCompleted without error   00% 14024 -

That all looks good.

 It still seems like a big coincidence that the word airdrawndagger
 appeared there as this machine never in it's life saw that
 wifi. Although The smart TV it's connected to via HDMI did...

It is strange.  I don't know what more to suggest.  And apparently no
one else does either because there are no other comments.

Among the last hints I can provide would be to install mcelog to make
sure that any machine check exceptions are logged.

  # apt-get install mcelog

It would also be possible to 'grep' through your swap partition just
to see if there are interesting things there.  For example if you
found airdrawndagger there or other things then that could be a
useful clue that it came through there.  For example, I am just
brainstorming, haven't thought about it much:

  # LC_ALL=C grep -a airdrawndagger /dev/mapper/v1-swap
Or perhaps:
  # strings /dev/mapper/v1-swap | grep airdrawndagger

But since then it could have been overwritten too.  So even if nothing
found it doesn't say much.  Again, to me this feels like flaky
hardware more than anything else.

 Is it too paranoid to consider some kind of malware from another
 machine on the network?

Some would say that it is impossible to be too paranoid.  But it is
all a long gray scale.  It all depends.  If this is simply your
desktop and it lives on a private home network then I probably
wouldn't be too paranoid.  If you are running a banking system and it
is handling credit card data on the hostile Internet then for that I
would be quite a bit more paranoid.  It all depends.

It doesn't feel like an attack since an attacker would have no
knowledge of that old wifi ssid either.  So at least not directly
using that data.  So far too many unknowns.

I still think that somehow the string was still in the swap partition
of the disk after all of this time and therefore got sucked into
memory that way somehow.  I think if we knew exactly how it happened
we would be amazed at the coincidences needed to have it occur.

It feels more like a random machine failure due to the consumer grade
hardware which we are all using these days.  It isn't required to run
faster than the bear.  It is only required to run faster than the
other person who is also running from the bear.  Therefore hardware
vendors don't make great reliable Unix server quality hardware these
days.  Instead it is mosly MS quality hardware.  Almost no desktops
have parity anymore for example.  Because of this the hardware just
isn't ultimately reliable.  You will drive yourself crazy if you try
to chase down every odd thing.


Thanks a lot, I'll defo get mcelog installed

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Re: New Kernel but there is no screen... :(

2014-12-29 Thread Gábor Hársfalvi
Hi all,

I did all what the Hans and the wiki-site suggested - Installed dkms, and
the header file too - and it updated the initramfs too.

But after restarting I still get the black screen :(

If I booted to the previous working - kernel 2.6 version - with grub it
succesfully load my xorg.conf.

Please Help

2014-12-29 17:38 GMT+01:00 Curt

 On 2014-12-29, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:
  I succesfully updated my Squeeze's Kernel version from 2.6 to 3.2, but
  after restarting the system its all after booting the black screen...

 You need to update your nvidia driver as Hans has suggested.

 Here's a helpful wiki that could light the way:

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Re: New Kernel but there is no screen... :(

2014-12-29 Thread Diogene Laerce

On 12/29/2014 06:19 PM, Gábor Hársfalvi wrote:
 Hi all,

 I did all what the Hans and the wiki-site suggested - Installed dkms,
 and the header file too - and it updated the initramfs too.

 But after restarting I still get the black screen :(

 If I booted to the previous working - kernel 2.6 version - with grub
 it succesfully load my xorg.conf.

Did you clean before : apt-get --purge remove nvidia* ?
Or either try to install with the proprietary script from nvidia website ?

Anyway its always a good idea to do a good sweep before. ;)

Good luck

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

  Diogene Laerce

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: New Kernel but there is no screen... :(

2014-12-29 Thread Hans
Am Montag, 29. Dezember 2014, 18:19:52 schrieb Gábor Hársfalvi:
 Hi all,
 I did all what the Hans and the wiki-site suggested - Installed dkms, and
 the header file too - and it updated the initramfs too.
 But after restarting I still get the black screen :(
 If I booted to the previous working - kernel 2.6 version - with grub it
 succesfully load my xorg.conf.
 Please Help
To clear things: Do you get blank screen while booting, or when the graphics 
driver is loaded.

In the first case, it might help, to delete the nouveau module of the kernel 
(alternatively move it out of the way).

It might also be, that the initrd does not include the right vesa driver or 
the nvidia driver is still not in the initramdisk.

To say more to this, we need more information.

1. Do you use grub-legacy or grub-pc?

2. Try to add or remove the vga=XXX option in the grub commandline and see 
what happens.

3. Try to remove the nvidia-kernel-module and add the nouveau kernel module 
instead and see what happens.


If you mean, there is a blank screen when the graphic driver is loaded, try 

1. Remove nouveau (as above)

2. Move /etc/init.d/kdm (gdm,xdm) what ever out of the way. When you are in 
command prompt, you can do a startx and see the message output.

What graphic chip do you use? The command lspci is telling more.

Good luck


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Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Ric Moore

On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 12/29/2014 1:22 AM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 12/28/2014 10:58 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 12/28/2014 5:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Sunday 28 December 2014 00:20:20 Celejar wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:02:52 -0500

Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 12/11/2014 1:23 PM, Brian wrote:

On Thu 11 Dec 2014 at 12:11:26 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

I often give presentations with my notebook.  If I'm lucky, I get
10-15 minutes to set up.  If I'm not, less than 5 minutes (i.e.
another presenter ahead of me).  I use Linux whenever possible, but
since my time slot is limited, I can't wait for fsck to complete.

Your type of situation is well understood and there is sympathy
for it.

I appreciate that - but unfortunately, sympathy doesn't solve the

Someone may have suggested this, and I know it doesn't really solve the
core problem, but perhaps consider suspending (to disk or ram) instead
of shutting down when you have a presentation scheduled?

Again, that is a way round the problem not a solution to it.

A facility that was available no longer is.  Whether it should be, is an
entirely different question.



While I agree it's only a way around a problem and not a solution, I do
appreciate people trying to help out.

And while I would prefer a solution, it looks like that's not going to
happen.  So, unfortunately, after many years as a Debian user, I'm
looking at other options.  My clients are looking, also, although not
every one has made the decision to switch yet.

What's wrong with sticking with Wheezy for the next couple of years?? I
haven't had my ext4 file system want to fsck in eons. Several times I
have MADE it do a check on the next boot, just to check, and a Tbyte of
storage was fscked in about 10-15 seconds.

Not as easy as you think.  I write device drivers; for instance, one of
my customers manufacturers microprocessor-based systems.  Right now they
are using Debian, but are now looking for another distro.  It's not
something they do lightly or quickly; even now they may not have time
before service is dropped for Wheezy.  And I need to be running the same
software they are.

Besides, I never did buy that bit about doing a complete dist-upgrade to
Jessie (testing!) and then expecting to do a presentation to clients
without a complete shakedown. I'd shoot myself first. I know you know

Where did I ever say I wouldn't do a complete shakedown?  But this is
the type of bug which can bite you weeks or months after the install.
It doesn't occur minutes, hours or even days later.  And Murphy says it
will happen at the worst possible time.

Can we not let this pitiful excuse for a thread JUST DIE?? :/ Ric

This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
you started complaining about the thread.

There we differ. You consider it a bug, and I consider it a feature. 
When I googled on the topic there was a Hail Mary chorus shouting DO 
not interrupt fsck! It's BAD!. Ergo the consensus of opinion that if it 
is critical enough, do not allow it to be interrupted. Tough titties, as 
the process is for your own good.

It's a small price to pay when you look back at the days when a Windows 
server HAD to go down at 3AM for maintenance (defrag, which took quite 
awhile) while we laughed and laughed at the stupid lamers who used it 
and suffered. I know I did.

But, you sure as hell wouldn't interrupt a Windows full defrag process 
half-way through, would you? We've had it easy, so I consider it a 
feature. I'll take a 20 second inconvenience any day. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Ric Moore

On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
you started complaining about the thread.

I don't think I'm the only one complaining about this Saint Jude lost 
cause. If only we put as much effort into World Peace. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
Linux user# 44256

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


multiple versions of python

2014-12-29 Thread Boruch Baum
Hello everyone,

I'm preparing two bug reports, and in trying to sort one of them out, it
seems that it may be linked to an incompatibility of a script with
python2.7 (see bug #659831). So, in test that possibility, what I would
like to do is install some other version of python (I see 2.5 and 2.6 in
the repositories), in order to see whether the package works with
another version.

My questions revolve around how time-consuming and worthwhile this
exercise will be:

1] Can I have multiple versions of python simultaneously?

2] Is there a way to specify that one package use a non-default version
of python? (I don't want to set an old version of python as default, if
that risks having other packages, depending on 2.7, break).

3] Is this a quick, straightforward install? Or is it going to be
something like an emacs install, with all kinds of time-consuming,
interminable local compilations and configurations?

Please respond to me directly, and on list. Thanks.

For background, the python bug is in package reportbug, WHEN BEING USED
IN TEXT MODE (See below for version information):

$ reportbug --ui=text libpam-mount

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/reportbug, line 38, in module
from reportbug import utils
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/reportbug/, line 70,
in module
import debbugs
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/reportbug/, line 40,
in module
import debianbts
  File /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/, line 33, in module
import SOAPpy
  File usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/, line 5, in
from Client  import *
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/SOAPpy/, line 59, in
from Parser  import parseSOAPRPC
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/SOAPpy/, line 10, in
from wstools.XMLname import fromXMLname
  File usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/, line 6,
in module
import WSDLTools
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wstools/, line 15,
in module
from Utility import Collection, CollectionNS, DOM, ElementProxy,
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wstools/, line 30,
in module
from httplib import HTTPConnection, HTTPSConnection
ImportError: cannot import name HTTPSConnection

dpkg -l |grep reportbug
4715:ii  python-reportbug
6.6.1  all  Python modules for
interacting with bug tracking systems
4951:ii  reportbug
6.6.1  all  reports bugs in the
Debian distribution

dpkg -l |grep python2.7
3170:ii  libpython2.7:amd64
2.7.8-11   amd64Shared Python
runtime library (version 2.7)
3171:ii  libpython2.7-dbg:amd64
2.7.8-11   amd64Debug Build of the
Python Interpreter (version 2.7)
3172:ii  libpython2.7-dev:amd64
2.7.8-11   amd64Header files and a
static library for Python (v2.7)
3173:ii  libpython2.7-minimal:amd64
2.7.8-11   amd64Minimal subset of
the Python language (version 2.7)
3174:ii  libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64
2.7.8-11   amd64Interactive
high-level object-oriented language (standard library, version 2.7)
4795:ii  python2.7
2.7.8-11   amd64Interactive
high-level object-oriented language (version 2.7)
4796:ii  python2.7-dbg
2.7.8-11   amd64Debug Build of the
Python Interpreter (version 2.7)
4797:ii  python2.7-dev
2.7.8-11   amd64Header files and a
static library for Python (v2.7)
4798:ii  python2.7-doc
2.7.8-11   all  Documentation for
the high-level object-oriented language Python (v2.7)
4799:ii  python2.7-examples
2.7.8-11   all  Examples for the
Python language (v2.7)
4800:ii  python2.7-minimal
2.7.8-11   amd64Minimal subset of
the Python language (version 2.7)

CA45 09B5 5351 7C11 A9D1  7286 0036 9E45 1595 8BC0

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread William Unruh
From: Ric Moore
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
Subject: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 19:50:02 +0100
X-Amavis-Spam-Status: No, score=-6.989 tagged_above=-1 required=5.3 
tests=[BAYES_00=-2, DKIM_SIGNED=0.1, DKIM_VALID=-0.1, DKIM_VALID_AU=-0.1, 
X-Policyd-Weight: using cached result; rate: -7
Dkim-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; 
X-Received: by with SMTP id bv4mr74736371pad.15.1419877803735;  
  Mon, 29 Dec 2014 10:30:03 -0800 (PST)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/685146
Lines: 105
Organization: linux.* mail to news gateway
X-Original-Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:27:59 -0500
Xref: linux.debian.user:140641

On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 1:22 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 10:58 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 5:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Sunday 28 December 2014 00:20:20 Celejar wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:02:52 -0500



 While I agree it's only a way around a problem and not a solution, I do
 appreciate people trying to help out.

 And while I would prefer a solution, it looks like that's not going to
 happen.  So, unfortunately, after many years as a Debian user, I'm
 looking at other options.  My clients are looking, also, although not
 every one has made the decision to switch yet.

 What's wrong with sticking with Wheezy for the next couple of years?? I
 haven't had my ext4 file system want to fsck in eons. Several times I
 have MADE it do a check on the next boot, just to check, and a Tbyte of
 storage was fscked in about 10-15 seconds.

 Not as easy as you think.  I write device drivers; for instance, one of
 my customers manufacturers microprocessor-based systems.  Right now they
 are using Debian, but are now looking for another distro.  It's not
 something they do lightly or quickly; even now they may not have time
 before service is dropped for Wheezy.  And I need to be running the same
 software they are.

 Besides, I never did buy that bit about doing a complete dist-upgrade to
 Jessie (testing!) and then expecting to do a presentation to clients
 without a complete shakedown. I'd shoot myself first. I know you know

 Where did I ever say I wouldn't do a complete shakedown?  But this is
 the type of bug which can bite you weeks or months after the install.
 It doesn't occur minutes, hours or even days later.  And Murphy says it
 will happen at the worst possible time.

 Can we not let this pitiful excuse for a thread JUST DIE?? :/ Ric

 This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
 users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
 you started complaining about the thread.

There we differ. You consider it a bug, and I consider it a feature. 
When I googled on the topic there was a Hail Mary chorus shouting DO 
not interrupt fsck! It's BAD!. Ergo the consensus of opinion that if it 
is critical enough, do not allow it to be interrupted. Tough titties, as 
the process is for your own good.

It's a small price to pay when you look back at the days when a Windows 
server HAD to go down at 3AM for maintenance (defrag, 

Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Raphaël Halimi

On an amd64 Sid system, steam (i386 only) depends on xterm |
x-terminal-emulator. I already have mate-terminal installed, which
provides x-terminal-emulator, but both apt and aptitude don't care and
want to install xterm along with steam.

Shouldn't apt be happy with mate-terminal:amd64 and install steam
without pulling xterm in ?

Raphaël Halimi

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Gary Dale

On 29/12/14 03:35 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:


On an amd64 Sid system, steam (i386 only) depends on xterm |
x-terminal-emulator. I already have mate-terminal installed, which
provides x-terminal-emulator, but both apt and aptitude don't care and
want to install xterm along with steam.

Shouldn't apt be happy with mate-terminal:amd64 and install steam
without pulling xterm in ?

Apparently not.

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Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Raphaël Halimi
Le 29/12/2014 21:52, Gary Dale a écrit :
 On 29/12/14 03:35 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

 On an amd64 Sid system, steam (i386 only) depends on xterm |
 x-terminal-emulator. I already have mate-terminal installed, which
 provides x-terminal-emulator, but both apt and aptitude don't care and
 want to install xterm along with steam.

 Shouldn't apt be happy with mate-terminal:amd64 and install steam
 without pulling xterm in ?

 Apparently not.

Wow, very useful answer. Thanks a lot !

Raphaël Halimi

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: multiple versions of python

2014-12-29 Thread Alex Mestiashvili

On 12/29/2014 09:17 PM, Boruch Baum wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm preparing two bug reports, and in trying to sort one of them out, it
seems that it may be linked to an incompatibility of a script with
python2.7 (see bug #659831). So, in test that possibility, what I would
like to do is install some other version of python (I see 2.5 and 2.6 in
the repositories), in order to see whether the package works with
another version.

My questions revolve around how time-consuming and worthwhile this
exercise will be:

1] Can I have multiple versions of python simultaneously?

2] Is there a way to specify that one package use a non-default version
of python? (I don't want to set an old version of python as default, if
that risks having other packages, depending on 2.7, break).

3] Is this a quick, straightforward install? Or is it going to be
something like an emacs install, with all kinds of time-consuming,
interminable local compilations and configurations?

Please respond to me directly, and on list. Thanks.

It sounds like you need virtualenv:


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Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2014-12-29 21:35 +0100, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

 On an amd64 Sid system, steam (i386 only) depends on xterm |
 x-terminal-emulator. I already have mate-terminal installed, which
 provides x-terminal-emulator, but both apt and aptitude don't care and
 want to install xterm along with steam.

 Shouldn't apt be happy with mate-terminal:amd64 and install steam
 without pulling xterm in ?

No, because (unlike xterm) mate-terminal is not marked as
Multi-Arch: foreign and thus cannot fulfill dependencies of
packages from a different architecture[1].



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Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Bob Proulx
Sven Joachim wrote:
 Raphaël Halimi wrote:
  On an amd64 Sid system, steam (i386 only) depends on xterm |
  x-terminal-emulator. I already have mate-terminal installed, which
  provides x-terminal-emulator, but both apt and aptitude don't care and
  want to install xterm along with steam.
  Shouldn't apt be happy with mate-terminal:amd64 and install steam
  without pulling xterm in ?
 No, because (unlike xterm) mate-terminal is not marked as
 Multi-Arch: foreign and thus cannot fulfill dependencies of
 packages from a different architecture[1].

Interesting.  I am learning about multi-arch.  Does this mean that
mate-terminal should be marked as foreign and it was simply something
that was missed there?  Or is not being marked foreign an intentional
choice here so that (in the above amd64 + i386 example) it doesn't
pull in an entire i386 desktop?


Description: Digital signature

Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Raphaël Halimi
Le 29/12/2014 22:31, Sven Joachim a écrit :
 On 2014-12-29 21:35 +0100, Raphaël Halimi wrote:
 On an amd64 Sid system, steam (i386 only) depends on xterm |
 x-terminal-emulator. I already have mate-terminal installed, which
 provides x-terminal-emulator, but both apt and aptitude don't care and
 want to install xterm along with steam.

 Shouldn't apt be happy with mate-terminal:amd64 and install steam
 without pulling xterm in ?
 No, because (unlike xterm) mate-terminal is not marked as
 Multi-Arch: foreign and thus cannot fulfill dependencies of
 packages from a different architecture[1].

Thanks, that was the information I was looking for. So if I understand
correctly, the bug relies in mate-terminal's packaging ? Is there a way
to check a control file's Multi-Arch field without downloading the
source package ? apt-cache show doesn't display it.

Raphaël Halimi

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2014-12-29 22:45 +0100, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

 Le 29/12/2014 22:31, Sven Joachim a écrit :
 On 2014-12-29 21:35 +0100, Raphaël Halimi wrote:
 On an amd64 Sid system, steam (i386 only) depends on xterm |
 x-terminal-emulator. I already have mate-terminal installed, which
 provides x-terminal-emulator, but both apt and aptitude don't care and
 want to install xterm along with steam.

 Shouldn't apt be happy with mate-terminal:amd64 and install steam
 without pulling xterm in ?
 No, because (unlike xterm) mate-terminal is not marked as
 Multi-Arch: foreign and thus cannot fulfill dependencies of
 packages from a different architecture[1].

 Thanks, that was the information I was looking for. So if I understand
 correctly, the bug relies in mate-terminal's packaging ?

Yes, mate-terminal could probably safely be marked as
Multi-Arch: foreign.  Feel free to file a bug for that.

 Is there a way
 to check a control file's Multi-Arch field without downloading the
 source package ? apt-cache show doesn't display it.

If the Multi-Arch field is present, apt-cache displays it.


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Help me run an old Windows game. PlayOnLinux? Wine?

2014-12-29 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
I have an image of the old Windows 98 Entertainment Pack floppy.  I'd like
to run one of the games that's on it, TIC.EXE.  It's not in PlayOnLinux's
list of applications or games, and I'm completely new to trying this.

I could use help, advice, warnings or pointers to a better place to get


++ kevin

Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Raphaël Halimi
Le 29/12/2014 23:05, Sven Joachim a écrit :
 Thanks, that was the information I was looking for. So if I understand
 correctly, the bug relies in mate-terminal's packaging ?
 Yes, mate-terminal could probably safely be marked as
 Multi-Arch: foreign.  Feel free to file a bug for that.

That's what I intended, but I had a doubt about which package, hence the
original post.

 Is there a way
 to check a control file's Multi-Arch field without downloading the
 source package ? apt-cache show doesn't display it.
 If the Multi-Arch field is present, apt-cache displays it.

Right, before I asked I tried with a couple of packages, but in my haste
I didn't see it with xterm, as it was below the description.


Raphaël Halimi

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Help me run an old Windows game. PlayOnLinux? Wine?

2014-12-29 Thread Francesco Ariis
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 02:58:00PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 I have an image of the old Windows 98 Entertainment Pack floppy.  I'd like
 to run one of the games that's on it, TIC.EXE.  It's not in PlayOnLinux's
 list of applications or games, and I'm completely new to trying this.

I remember this one! Wine should really do the trick: `apt-get install wine`
and then `wine TIC.EXE`.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Marc Auslander
Long ago, I decided that inconvenient fsck's were not what I
needed. And that cancelling them was not an option - I run quasi
headless so there's no way.

So - I use tune2fs to set a ridiculous reboot count for automatic
fsck.  Then a run a cron job the does a reboot with the -F option once
a month in the middle of the night when I don't need the machine.

systemd won't change a thing for me.

cron job follows.  it actually checks for a disk that needs an fsck.

#check for fsck needed and force it and reboot if needed
[ $1 = -force ]  force=yes
month=$(date +%b)
while read disk rest
lastfsck=$(tune2fs -l $disk | grep 'Last checked:')
[ $lastfsck = $month ] || reboot=yes
done  --end
$(df | egrep '^/dev')
if [ $force != yes ]
[ $reboot = no ]  exit
if [ -n $(who) ]
echo 'Not rebooting because of logged on users'
echo 'checkfsck rebooting' | mail -s checkfsck root
# -F below forces check of all filesystems, not just root
echo 'checkfsck rebooting'
shutdown -rF now
sleep 120
echo 'shutdown seems to be broken again'
shutdown -nrF now
sleep 120
echo 'shutdown -n seems to have failed'
sleep 120
touch /forcefsck
sync;sync;sync;sleep 60;reboot -f
sleep 120
echo 'it just wont die - need help'

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Re: Help me run an old Windows game. PlayOnLinux? Wine?

2014-12-29 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Francesco Ariis wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 02:58:00PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
  I have an image of the old Windows 98 Entertainment Pack floppy.  I'd
  to run one of the games that's on it, TIC.EXE.  It's not in PlayOnLinux's
  list of applications or games, and I'm completely new to trying this.

 I remember this one! Wine should really do the trick: `apt-get install
 and then `wine TIC.EXE`.

I'm not sure I can do that.  I have the install disk image, and the file
names are slightly mangled, and I suppose the actual files are too.
I need to run SETUP at least, and I'm just hoping it will work.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Re: Help me run an old Windows game. PlayOnLinux? Wine?

2014-12-29 Thread Doug

On 12/29/2014 06:55 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Francesco Ariis wrote:

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 02:58:00PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 I have an image of the old Windows 98 Entertainment Pack floppy.  I'd like
 to run one of the games that's on it, TIC.EXE.  It's not in PlayOnLinux's
 list of applications or games, and I'm completely new to trying this.

I remember this one! Wine should really do the trick: `apt-get install wine`
and then `wine TIC.EXE`.

I'm not sure I can do that.  I have the install disk image, and the file names 
are slightly mangled, and I suppose the actual files are too.
Ineed to run SETUP at least, and I'm just hoping it will work.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Well, the infamous setup.exe (all different but the same name!) frequently 
runs in Wine--try it and see what happens.


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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


Re: Help me run an old Windows game. PlayOnLinux? Wine?

2014-12-29 Thread Doug

On 12/29/2014 07:04 PM, Doug wrote:

On 12/29/2014 06:55 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Francesco Ariis wrote:

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 02:58:00PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
 I have an image of the old Windows 98 Entertainment Pack floppy.  I'd like
 to run one of the games that's on it, TIC.EXE.  It's not in PlayOnLinux's
 list of applications or games, and I'm completely new to trying this.

I remember this one! Wine should really do the trick: `apt-get install wine`
and then `wine TIC.EXE`.

I'm not sure I can do that.  I have the install disk image, and the file names 
are slightly mangled, and I suppose the actual files are too.
Ineed to run SETUP at least, and I'm just hoping it will work.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Well, the infamous setup.exe (all different but the same name!) frequently 
runs in Wine--try it and see what happens.


You probably should copy the disk to the hard drive where the setup file can 
find the files.  --doug

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Re: Help me run an old Windows game. PlayOnLinux? Wine? (SOLVED)

2014-12-29 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:24 PM, Francesco Ariis wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 02:58:00PM -0800, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
  I have an image of the old Windows 98 Entertainment Pack floppy.  I'd
  to run one of the games that's on it, TIC.EXE.  It's not in
  list of applications or games, and I'm completely new to trying this.

 I remember this one! Wine should really do the trick: `apt-get install
 and then `wine TIC.EXE`.

 I'm not sure I can do that.  I have the install disk image, and the file
 names are slightly mangled, and I suppose the actual files are too.
 I need to run SETUP at least, and I'm just hoping it will work.

 Please consider the environment before printing this email.

It did!!!  I mounted the floppy image, cd to it, and ran
  wine SETUP
and it said it was installing, and that the programs would go in C:\WEP
So I ran
  wine C:\\WEP\\TIC
and lo and behold! it ran.

From my point of view, even better, the program I'm working on beat the
Windows program's expert mode handily.

That's what I wanted to find out.

Maybe I'll try that tictactoe thing too, but it wants to install a HUGE
list of packages (150 or so) that I'm not so sure I want.  Qt things.
Unity things.  libgweather??? I'm actually running Xubuntu for a reason.
Maybe I'll do it in trial mode from a live disk first.  If ever.

Kevin O'Gorman
#define QUESTION ((bb) || (!bb))   /* Shakespeare */

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/29/2014 1:31 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
 users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
 you started complaining about the thread.
 I don't think I'm the only one complaining about this Saint Jude lost
 cause. If only we put as much effort into World Peace. :) Ric

You're the only one complaining about those of us who don't like it
trying to help each other out.


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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/29/2014 1:27 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 1:22 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 10:58 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 5:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Sunday 28 December 2014 00:20:20 Celejar wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:02:52 -0500

 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 1:23 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Thu 11 Dec 2014 at 12:11:26 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I often give presentations with my notebook.  If I'm lucky, I get
 10-15 minutes to set up.  If I'm not, less than 5 minutes (i.e.
 another presenter ahead of me).  I use Linux whenever possible,
 since my time slot is limited, I can't wait for fsck to complete.

 Your type of situation is well understood and there is sympathy
 for it.

 I appreciate that - but unfortunately, sympathy doesn't solve the

 Someone may have suggested this, and I know it doesn't really
 solve the
 core problem, but perhaps consider suspending (to disk or ram)
 of shutting down when you have a presentation scheduled?

 Again, that is a way round the problem not a solution to it.

 A facility that was available no longer is.  Whether it should be,
 is an
 entirely different question.



 While I agree it's only a way around a problem and not a solution, I do
 appreciate people trying to help out.

 And while I would prefer a solution, it looks like that's not going to
 happen.  So, unfortunately, after many years as a Debian user, I'm
 looking at other options.  My clients are looking, also, although not
 every one has made the decision to switch yet.

 What's wrong with sticking with Wheezy for the next couple of years?? I
 haven't had my ext4 file system want to fsck in eons. Several times I
 have MADE it do a check on the next boot, just to check, and a Tbyte of
 storage was fscked in about 10-15 seconds.

 Not as easy as you think.  I write device drivers; for instance, one of
 my customers manufacturers microprocessor-based systems.  Right now they
 are using Debian, but are now looking for another distro.  It's not
 something they do lightly or quickly; even now they may not have time
 before service is dropped for Wheezy.  And I need to be running the same
 software they are.

 Besides, I never did buy that bit about doing a complete dist-upgrade to
 Jessie (testing!) and then expecting to do a presentation to clients
 without a complete shakedown. I'd shoot myself first. I know you know

 Where did I ever say I wouldn't do a complete shakedown?  But this is
 the type of bug which can bite you weeks or months after the install.
 It doesn't occur minutes, hours or even days later.  And Murphy says it
 will happen at the worst possible time.

 Can we not let this pitiful excuse for a thread JUST DIE?? :/ Ric

 This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
 users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
 you started complaining about the thread.
 There we differ. You consider it a bug, and I consider it a feature.
 When I googled on the topic there was a Hail Mary chorus shouting DO
 not interrupt fsck! It's BAD!. Ergo the consensus of opinion that if it
 is critical enough, do not allow it to be interrupted. Tough titties, as
 the process is for your own good.

I agree it's not a good idea to interrupt fsck WHEN IT IS FIXING A
PROBLEM.  A routine test when there is no indication of a problem is a
completely different story.

 It's a small price to pay when you look back at the days when a Windows
 server HAD to go down at 3AM for maintenance (defrag, which took quite
 awhile) while we laughed and laughed at the stupid lamers who used it
 and suffered. I know I did.

It can be a HUGE problem.  For instance - maybe I'm getting ready to
make a presentation to a VP of a client's company.  The success of this
project depends on my presentation being more successful than another
consultants.  fsck running right then can easily cost me tens of
thousands of dollars over the course of the contract.

Are YOU willing to reimburse me for that loss?

 But, you sure as hell wouldn't interrupt a Windows full defrag process
 half-way through, would you? We've had it easy, so I consider it a
 feature. I'll take a 20 second inconvenience any day. :) Ric

I can, and I have, when it runs at an inconvenient time.  Windows allows
this, and terminates the defrag gracefully.  That's one thing Windows
has on Debian.

Just because it's OK for YOU to have fsck to run any time it wants does
NOT mean it's ok for everyone else.

And that's what this thread is all about - how to stop it from happening.

But it will probably not matter to me, anyway.  My clients are looking
for alternatives to Debian just because of crap like this.  And we're
talking a lot of Debian systems running in dedicated controllers.


To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to 
with a subject of 

Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread William Unruh
On 12/29/2014 1:27 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 1:22 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 10:58 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 5:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Sunday 28 December 2014 00:20:20 Celejar wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:02:52 -0500

 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 1:23 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Thu 11 Dec 2014 at 12:11:26 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I often give presentations with my notebook.  If I'm lucky, I get
 10-15 minutes to set up.  If I'm not, less than 5 minutes (i.e.
 another presenter ahead of me).  I use Linux whenever possible,
 since my time slot is limited, I can't wait for fsck to complete.

 Your type of situation is well understood and there is sympathy
 for it.

 I appreciate that - but unfortunately, sympathy doesn't solve the

 Someone may have suggested this, and I know it doesn't really
 solve the
 core problem, but perhaps consider suspending (to disk or ram)
 of shutting down when you have a presentation scheduled?

 Again, that is a way round the problem not a solution to it.

 A facility that was available no longer is.  Whether it should be,
 is an
 entirely different question.



 While I agree it's only a way around a problem and not a solution, I do
 appreciate people trying to help out.

 And while I would prefer a solution, it looks like that's not going to
 happen.  So, unfortunately, after many years as a Debian user, I'm
 looking at other options.  My clients are looking, also, although not
 every one has made the decision to switch yet.

 What's wrong with sticking with Wheezy for the next couple of years?? I
 haven't had my ext4 file system want to fsck in eons. Several times I
 have MADE it do a check on the next boot, just to check, and a Tbyte of
 storage was fscked in about 10-15 seconds.

 Not as easy as you think.  I write device drivers; for instance, one of
 my customers manufacturers microprocessor-based systems.  Right now they
 are using Debian, but are now looking for another distro.  It's not
 something they do lightly or quickly; even now they may not have time
 before service is dropped for Wheezy.  And I need to be running the same
 software they are.

 Besides, I never did buy that bit about doing a complete dist-upgrade to
 Jessie (testing!) and then expecting to do a presentation to clients
 without a complete shakedown. I'd shoot myself first. I know you know

 Where did I ever say I wouldn't do a complete shakedown?  But this is
 the type of bug which can bite you weeks or months after the install.
 It doesn't occur minutes, hours or even days later.  And Murphy says it
 will happen at the worst possible time.

 Can we not let this pitiful excuse for a thread JUST DIE?? :/ Ric

 This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
 users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
 you started complaining about the thread.
 There we differ. You consider it a bug, and I consider it a feature.
 When I googled on the topic there was a Hail Mary chorus shouting DO
 not interrupt fsck! It's BAD!. Ergo the consensus of opinion that if it
 is critical enough, do not allow it to be interrupted. Tough titties, as
 the process is for your own good.

I agree it's not a good idea to interrupt fsck WHEN IT IS FIXING A
PROBLEM.  A routine test when there is no indication of a problem is a
completely different story.

 It's a small price to pay when you look back at the days when a Windows
 server HAD to go down at 3AM for maintenance (defrag, which took quite
 awhile) while we laughed and laughed at the stupid lamers who used it
 and suffered. I know I did.

It can be a HUGE problem.  For instance - maybe I'm getting ready to
make a presentation to a VP of a client's company.  The success of this
project depends on my presentation being more successful than another
consultants.  fsck running right then can easily cost me tens of
thousands of dollars over the course of the contract.

Are YOU willing to reimburse me for that loss?

 But, you sure as hell wouldn't interrupt a Windows full defrag process
 half-way through, would you? We've had it easy, so I consider it a
 feature. I'll take a 20 second inconvenience any day. :) Ric

I can, and I have, when it runs at an inconvenient time.  Windows allows
this, and terminates the defrag gracefully.  That's one thing Windows
has on Debian.

Just because it's OK for YOU to have fsck to run any time it wants does
NOT mean it's ok for everyone else.

And that's what this thread is all about - how to stop it from happening.

But it will probably not matter to me, anyway.  My clients are looking
for alternatives to Debian just because of crap like this.  And we're
talking a lot of Debian systems running in dedicated controllers.

That seems to be cutting off you nose to spite your face. As many have
told you, the default 

Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/29/2014 9:33 PM, William Unruh wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 1:27 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 1:22 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 10:58 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 5:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Sunday 28 December 2014 00:20:20 Celejar wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:02:52 -0500

 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 1:23 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Thu 11 Dec 2014 at 12:11:26 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I often give presentations with my notebook.  If I'm lucky, I get
 10-15 minutes to set up.  If I'm not, less than 5 minutes (i.e.
 another presenter ahead of me).  I use Linux whenever possible,
 since my time slot is limited, I can't wait for fsck to complete.

 Your type of situation is well understood and there is sympathy
 for it.

 I appreciate that - but unfortunately, sympathy doesn't solve the

 Someone may have suggested this, and I know it doesn't really
 solve the
 core problem, but perhaps consider suspending (to disk or ram)
 of shutting down when you have a presentation scheduled?

 Again, that is a way round the problem not a solution to it.

 A facility that was available no longer is.  Whether it should be,
 is an
 entirely different question.



 While I agree it's only a way around a problem and not a solution, I do
 appreciate people trying to help out.

 And while I would prefer a solution, it looks like that's not going to
 happen.  So, unfortunately, after many years as a Debian user, I'm
 looking at other options.  My clients are looking, also, although not
 every one has made the decision to switch yet.

 What's wrong with sticking with Wheezy for the next couple of years?? I
 haven't had my ext4 file system want to fsck in eons. Several times I
 have MADE it do a check on the next boot, just to check, and a Tbyte of
 storage was fscked in about 10-15 seconds.

 Not as easy as you think.  I write device drivers; for instance, one of
 my customers manufacturers microprocessor-based systems.  Right now they
 are using Debian, but are now looking for another distro.  It's not
 something they do lightly or quickly; even now they may not have time
 before service is dropped for Wheezy.  And I need to be running the same
 software they are.

 Besides, I never did buy that bit about doing a complete dist-upgrade to
 Jessie (testing!) and then expecting to do a presentation to clients
 without a complete shakedown. I'd shoot myself first. I know you know

 Where did I ever say I wouldn't do a complete shakedown?  But this is
 the type of bug which can bite you weeks or months after the install.
 It doesn't occur minutes, hours or even days later.  And Murphy says it
 will happen at the worst possible time.

 Can we not let this pitiful excuse for a thread JUST DIE?? :/ Ric

 This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
 users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
 you started complaining about the thread.

 There we differ. You consider it a bug, and I consider it a feature.
 When I googled on the topic there was a Hail Mary chorus shouting DO
 not interrupt fsck! It's BAD!. Ergo the consensus of opinion that if it
 is critical enough, do not allow it to be interrupted. Tough titties, as
 the process is for your own good.

 I agree it's not a good idea to interrupt fsck WHEN IT IS FIXING A
 PROBLEM.  A routine test when there is no indication of a problem is a
 completely different story.

 It's a small price to pay when you look back at the days when a Windows
 server HAD to go down at 3AM for maintenance (defrag, which took quite
 awhile) while we laughed and laughed at the stupid lamers who used it
 and suffered. I know I did.

 It can be a HUGE problem.  For instance - maybe I'm getting ready to
 make a presentation to a VP of a client's company.  The success of this
 project depends on my presentation being more successful than another
 consultants.  fsck running right then can easily cost me tens of
 thousands of dollars over the course of the contract.

 Are YOU willing to reimburse me for that loss?

 But, you sure as hell wouldn't interrupt a Windows full defrag process
 half-way through, would you? We've had it easy, so I consider it a
 feature. I'll take a 20 second inconvenience any day. :) Ric

 I can, and I have, when it runs at an inconvenient time.  Windows allows
 this, and terminates the defrag gracefully.  That's one thing Windows
 has on Debian.

 Just because it's OK for YOU to have fsck to run any time it wants does
 NOT mean it's ok for everyone else.

 And that's what this thread is all about - how to stop it from happening.

 But it will probably not matter to me, anyway.  My clients are looking
 for alternatives to Debian just because of crap like this.  And we're
 talking a lot of Debian systems running in dedicated controllers.

 That seems to be cutting off you 

Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Ric Moore

On 12/29/2014 08:51 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 12/29/2014 1:27 PM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 12/29/2014 1:22 AM, Ric Moore wrote:

On 12/28/2014 10:58 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 12/28/2014 5:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:

On Sunday 28 December 2014 00:20:20 Celejar wrote:

On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:02:52 -0500

Jerry Stuckle wrote:

On 12/11/2014 1:23 PM, Brian wrote:

On Thu 11 Dec 2014 at 12:11:26 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:

I often give presentations with my notebook.  If I'm lucky, I get
10-15 minutes to set up.  If I'm not, less than 5 minutes (i.e.
another presenter ahead of me).  I use Linux whenever possible,
since my time slot is limited, I can't wait for fsck to complete.

Your type of situation is well understood and there is sympathy
for it.

I appreciate that - but unfortunately, sympathy doesn't solve the

Someone may have suggested this, and I know it doesn't really
solve the
core problem, but perhaps consider suspending (to disk or ram)
of shutting down when you have a presentation scheduled?

Again, that is a way round the problem not a solution to it.

A facility that was available no longer is.  Whether it should be,
is an
entirely different question.



While I agree it's only a way around a problem and not a solution, I do
appreciate people trying to help out.

And while I would prefer a solution, it looks like that's not going to
happen.  So, unfortunately, after many years as a Debian user, I'm
looking at other options.  My clients are looking, also, although not
every one has made the decision to switch yet.

What's wrong with sticking with Wheezy for the next couple of years?? I
haven't had my ext4 file system want to fsck in eons. Several times I
have MADE it do a check on the next boot, just to check, and a Tbyte of
storage was fscked in about 10-15 seconds.

Not as easy as you think.  I write device drivers; for instance, one of
my customers manufacturers microprocessor-based systems.  Right now they
are using Debian, but are now looking for another distro.  It's not
something they do lightly or quickly; even now they may not have time
before service is dropped for Wheezy.  And I need to be running the same
software they are.

Besides, I never did buy that bit about doing a complete dist-upgrade to
Jessie (testing!) and then expecting to do a presentation to clients
without a complete shakedown. I'd shoot myself first. I know you know

Where did I ever say I wouldn't do a complete shakedown?  But this is
the type of bug which can bite you weeks or months after the install.
It doesn't occur minutes, hours or even days later.  And Murphy says it
will happen at the worst possible time.

Can we not let this pitiful excuse for a thread JUST DIE?? :/ Ric

This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
you started complaining about the thread.

There we differ. You consider it a bug, and I consider it a feature.
When I googled on the topic there was a Hail Mary chorus shouting DO
not interrupt fsck! It's BAD!. Ergo the consensus of opinion that if it
is critical enough, do not allow it to be interrupted. Tough titties, as
the process is for your own good.

I agree it's not a good idea to interrupt fsck WHEN IT IS FIXING A
PROBLEM.  A routine test when there is no indication of a problem is a
completely different story.

It's a small price to pay when you look back at the days when a Windows
server HAD to go down at 3AM for maintenance (defrag, which took quite
awhile) while we laughed and laughed at the stupid lamers who used it
and suffered. I know I did.

It can be a HUGE problem.  For instance - maybe I'm getting ready to
make a presentation to a VP of a client's company.  The success of this
project depends on my presentation being more successful than another
consultants.  fsck running right then can easily cost me tens of
thousands of dollars over the course of the contract.

Are YOU willing to reimburse me for that loss?

But, you sure as hell wouldn't interrupt a Windows full defrag process
half-way through, would you? We've had it easy, so I consider it a
feature. I'll take a 20 second inconvenience any day. :) Ric

I can, and I have, when it runs at an inconvenient time.  Windows allows
this, and terminates the defrag gracefully.  That's one thing Windows
has on Debian.

Just because it's OK for YOU to have fsck to run any time it wants does
NOT mean it's ok for everyone else.

Running ext4, the only time it has run fsck for me is when it had to. 
Otherwise I run it manually just to be sure.

And that's what this thread is all about - how to stop it from happening.

But it will probably not matter to me, anyway.  My clients are looking
for alternatives to Debian just because of crap like this.  And we're
talking a lot of Debian systems running in 

Re: Fwd: Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/29/2014 9:33 PM, William Unruh wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 1:27 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 1:22 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 10:58 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 5:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Sunday 28 December 2014 00:20:20 Celejar wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:02:52 -0500

 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 1:23 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Thu 11 Dec 2014 at 12:11:26 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I often give presentations with my notebook.  If I'm lucky, I get
 10-15 minutes to set up.  If I'm not, less than 5 minutes (i.e.
 another presenter ahead of me).  I use Linux whenever possible,
 since my time slot is limited, I can't wait for fsck to complete.

 Your type of situation is well understood and there is sympathy
 for it.

 I appreciate that - but unfortunately, sympathy doesn't solve the

 Someone may have suggested this, and I know it doesn't really
 solve the
 core problem, but perhaps consider suspending (to disk or ram)
 of shutting down when you have a presentation scheduled?

 Again, that is a way round the problem not a solution to it.

 A facility that was available no longer is.  Whether it should be,
 is an
 entirely different question.



 While I agree it's only a way around a problem and not a solution, I do
 appreciate people trying to help out.

 And while I would prefer a solution, it looks like that's not going to
 happen.  So, unfortunately, after many years as a Debian user, I'm
 looking at other options.  My clients are looking, also, although not
 every one has made the decision to switch yet.

 What's wrong with sticking with Wheezy for the next couple of years?? I
 haven't had my ext4 file system want to fsck in eons. Several times I
 have MADE it do a check on the next boot, just to check, and a Tbyte of
 storage was fscked in about 10-15 seconds.

 Not as easy as you think.  I write device drivers; for instance, one of
 my customers manufacturers microprocessor-based systems.  Right now they
 are using Debian, but are now looking for another distro.  It's not
 something they do lightly or quickly; even now they may not have time
 before service is dropped for Wheezy.  And I need to be running the same
 software they are.

 Besides, I never did buy that bit about doing a complete dist-upgrade to
 Jessie (testing!) and then expecting to do a presentation to clients
 without a complete shakedown. I'd shoot myself first. I know you know

 Where did I ever say I wouldn't do a complete shakedown?  But this is
 the type of bug which can bite you weeks or months after the install.
 It doesn't occur minutes, hours or even days later.  And Murphy says it
 will happen at the worst possible time.

 Can we not let this pitiful excuse for a thread JUST DIE?? :/ Ric

 This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect Debian
 users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least until
 you started complaining about the thread.

 There we differ. You consider it a bug, and I consider it a feature.
 When I googled on the topic there was a Hail Mary chorus shouting DO
 not interrupt fsck! It's BAD!. Ergo the consensus of opinion that if it
 is critical enough, do not allow it to be interrupted. Tough titties, as
 the process is for your own good.

 I agree it's not a good idea to interrupt fsck WHEN IT IS FIXING A
 PROBLEM.  A routine test when there is no indication of a problem is a
 completely different story.

 It's a small price to pay when you look back at the days when a Windows
 server HAD to go down at 3AM for maintenance (defrag, which took quite
 awhile) while we laughed and laughed at the stupid lamers who used it
 and suffered. I know I did.

 It can be a HUGE problem.  For instance - maybe I'm getting ready to
 make a presentation to a VP of a client's company.  The success of this
 project depends on my presentation being more successful than another
 consultants.  fsck running right then can easily cost me tens of
 thousands of dollars over the course of the contract.

 Are YOU willing to reimburse me for that loss?

 But, you sure as hell wouldn't interrupt a Windows full defrag process
 half-way through, would you? We've had it easy, so I consider it a
 feature. I'll take a 20 second inconvenience any day. :) Ric

 I can, and I have, when it runs at an inconvenient time.  Windows allows
 this, and terminates the defrag gracefully.  That's one thing Windows
 has on Debian.

 Just because it's OK for YOU to have fsck to run any time it wants does
 NOT mean it's ok for everyone else.

 And that's what this thread is all about - how to stop it from happening.

 But it will probably not matter to me, anyway.  My clients are looking
 for alternatives to Debian just because of crap like this.  And we're
 talking a lot of Debian systems running in dedicated controllers.

 That seems to be cutting off you 

stopping a problematic process.

2014-12-29 Thread peter
  strace LooseCannon 
produces 100 k lines of output but the user is primarily 
interested to see the first 1 k lines.  
  strace LooseCannon | head --lines=1000
might work but waste time and resources.  How can the 
process be stopped without losing the strace output and 
before excessive waste?

Thanks,   ... Peter E.


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Re: Skipping fsck during boot with systemd?

2014-12-29 Thread Jerry Stuckle
On 12/29/2014 10:05 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 08:51 PM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 1:27 PM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 06:44 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/29/2014 1:22 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 10:58 AM, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/28/2014 5:54 AM, Lisi Reisz wrote:
 On Sunday 28 December 2014 00:20:20 Celejar wrote:
 On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:02:52 -0500

 Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 On 12/11/2014 1:23 PM, Brian wrote:
 On Thu 11 Dec 2014 at 12:11:26 -0500, Jerry Stuckle wrote:
 I often give presentations with my notebook.  If I'm lucky, I
 10-15 minutes to set up.  If I'm not, less than 5 minutes (i.e.
 another presenter ahead of me).  I use Linux whenever possible,
 since my time slot is limited, I can't wait for fsck to

 Your type of situation is well understood and there is sympathy
 for it.

 I appreciate that - but unfortunately, sympathy doesn't solve the

 Someone may have suggested this, and I know it doesn't really
 solve the
 core problem, but perhaps consider suspending (to disk or ram)
 of shutting down when you have a presentation scheduled?

 Again, that is a way round the problem not a solution to it.

 A facility that was available no longer is.  Whether it should be,
 is an
 entirely different question.



 While I agree it's only a way around a problem and not a solution,
 I do
 appreciate people trying to help out.

 And while I would prefer a solution, it looks like that's not
 going to
 happen.  So, unfortunately, after many years as a Debian user, I'm
 looking at other options.  My clients are looking, also, although not
 every one has made the decision to switch yet.

 What's wrong with sticking with Wheezy for the next couple of
 years?? I
 haven't had my ext4 file system want to fsck in eons. Several times I
 have MADE it do a check on the next boot, just to check, and a
 Tbyte of
 storage was fscked in about 10-15 seconds.

 Not as easy as you think.  I write device drivers; for instance, one of
 my customers manufacturers microprocessor-based systems.  Right now
 are using Debian, but are now looking for another distro.  It's not
 something they do lightly or quickly; even now they may not have time
 before service is dropped for Wheezy.  And I need to be running the
 software they are.

 Besides, I never did buy that bit about doing a complete
 dist-upgrade to
 Jessie (testing!) and then expecting to do a presentation to clients
 without a complete shakedown. I'd shoot myself first. I know you know

 Where did I ever say I wouldn't do a complete shakedown?  But this is
 the type of bug which can bite you weeks or months after the install.
 It doesn't occur minutes, hours or even days later.  And Murphy says it
 will happen at the worst possible time.

 Can we not let this pitiful excuse for a thread JUST DIE?? :/ Ric

 This is a Debian User list.  Why don't you want bugs which affect
 users discussed here?  And that's what I have seen here - at least
 you started complaining about the thread.

 There we differ. You consider it a bug, and I consider it a feature.
 When I googled on the topic there was a Hail Mary chorus shouting DO
 not interrupt fsck! It's BAD!. Ergo the consensus of opinion that if it
 is critical enough, do not allow it to be interrupted. Tough titties, as
 the process is for your own good.

 I agree it's not a good idea to interrupt fsck WHEN IT IS FIXING A
 PROBLEM.  A routine test when there is no indication of a problem is a
 completely different story.

 It's a small price to pay when you look back at the days when a Windows
 server HAD to go down at 3AM for maintenance (defrag, which took quite
 awhile) while we laughed and laughed at the stupid lamers who used it
 and suffered. I know I did.

 It can be a HUGE problem.  For instance - maybe I'm getting ready to
 make a presentation to a VP of a client's company.  The success of this
 project depends on my presentation being more successful than another
 consultants.  fsck running right then can easily cost me tens of
 thousands of dollars over the course of the contract.

 Are YOU willing to reimburse me for that loss?

 But, you sure as hell wouldn't interrupt a Windows full defrag process
 half-way through, would you? We've had it easy, so I consider it a
 feature. I'll take a 20 second inconvenience any day. :) Ric

 I can, and I have, when it runs at an inconvenient time.  Windows allows
 this, and terminates the defrag gracefully.  That's one thing Windows
 has on Debian.

 Just because it's OK for YOU to have fsck to run any time it wants does
 NOT mean it's ok for everyone else.
 Running ext4, the only time it has run fsck for me is when it had to.
 Otherwise I run it manually just to be sure.
 And that's what this thread is all about - how to stop it from happening.

 But it will probably not matter to me, anyway.  My clients are looking

Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Gary Dale

On 29/12/14 04:27 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

Le 29/12/2014 21:52, Gary Dale a écrit :

On 29/12/14 03:35 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:


On an amd64 Sid system, steam (i386 only) depends on xterm |
x-terminal-emulator. I already have mate-terminal installed, which
provides x-terminal-emulator, but both apt and aptitude don't care and
want to install xterm along with steam.

Shouldn't apt be happy with mate-terminal:amd64 and install steam
without pulling xterm in ?

Apparently not.

Wow, very useful answer. Thanks a lot !

Given that most packages are trivially small compared with disk space 
and memory these days, especially on gaming computers, the question 
itself is almost pointless. Just pull in the dependency and forget about it.

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Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread The Wanderer
On 12/29/2014 at 11:48 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

 On 29/12/14 04:27 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:
 Le 29/12/2014 21:52, Gary Dale a écrit :

 Apparently not.
 Wow, very useful answer. Thanks a lot !
 Given that most packages are trivially small compared with disk space
 and memory these days, especially on gaming computers, the question
 itself is almost pointless. Just pull in the dependency and forget
 about it.

It's far from pointless if you're wanting to try to _understand_ what's
going on and why, which is an eminently reasonable goal and one which
should be encouraged rather than treated dismissively.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: stopping a problematic process.

2014-12-29 Thread John Hasler
peter writes:
  strace LooseCannon 
 produces 100 k lines of output but the user is primarily 
 interested to see the first 1 k lines.  
  strace LooseCannon | head --lines=1000
 might work but waste time and resources.  How can the 
 process be stopped without losing the strace output and 
 before excessive waste?

strace LooseCannon  21 | ( head -n1000 ; killall LooseCannon )

Note that this will leave the terminal in whatever state LooseCannon put
it in.
John Hasler
Elmwood, WI USA

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Re: Question about MultiArch and dependencies

2014-12-29 Thread Gary Dale

On 29/12/14 11:59 PM, The Wanderer wrote:

On 12/29/2014 at 11:48 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 29/12/14 04:27 PM, Raphaël Halimi wrote:

Le 29/12/2014 21:52, Gary Dale a écrit :

Apparently not.

Wow, very useful answer. Thanks a lot !

Given that most packages are trivially small compared with disk space
and memory these days, especially on gaming computers, the question
itself is almost pointless. Just pull in the dependency and forget
about it.

It's far from pointless if you're wanting to try to _understand_ what's
going on and why, which is an eminently reasonable goal and one which
should be encouraged rather than treated dismissively.

I read it as a complaint, not a question. He didn't ask why didn't it, 
just shouldn't it. He didn't say it created any problems with his 
desktop environment, just frustration that he needed two xterms.

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Re: stopping a problematic process.

2014-12-29 Thread Bob Proulx wrote:
   strace LooseCannon 
 produces 100 k lines of output but the user is primarily 
 interested to see the first 1 k lines.  
   strace LooseCannon | head --lines=1000
 might work but waste time and resources.  How can the 
 process be stopped without losing the strace output and 
 before excessive waste?

Personally I almost never run strace foo unless it is a very simple
thing and I just want a quick look.  Instead I almost always log to a
file with strace -o foo.strace.out foo instead.  Then I browse the
log file.

Actually I almost always run strace with -e such as this way.  I am
often only concerned about file operations and so strace=file.  There
are other options too depending upon what I am trying to understand.
Reducing the output to only what I care about makes understanding it
much easier.

  strace -v -e strace=file -o foo.strace.out foo fooargs

And also with -v to avoid abbreviated output so that all of the
details are seen.

Then afterward or concurrently in another window I can browse the
output file.

  less foo.strace.out

Another advantage is that it runs without interfering with the
display.  And mostly runs full speed since the output is to a file.


Description: Digital signature

Develop ineo 25e printer and CUPS

2014-12-29 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby

Hi all,

I have a  Develop ineo 25e printer, and want to set it up with CUPS.
I connect to http://localhost:631/ and add the printer, with uploading 
the PPD available here:
(English, Linux, version 1.1 dated 2012)

The printer is network connected, and the connection is

job-sheets=none, none media=iso_a4_210x297mm sides=one-sided

I tried several combinations, with or without the PPD, socket:// or 
ipp://,... no way:
The test page prints OK, but any other page is a kind of source code I 
could not define.

Would you know what option could save me?


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