Re: Postfix automatisch konfigurieren?

2003-01-23 Thread Ulf Rompe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kai Großjohann) writes: Reicht denn nicht ein Mailserver und evtl. ein oder zwei Fallbacks? Ja, aber auf den anderen Rechnern wollen wir ja auch ein Postfix haben, das zumindest Mails verschicken kann. Du wirst sicher Deine Gründe haben, warum Du dafür unbedingt Postfix

Re: grip und ide-scsi

2003-03-04 Thread Ulf Rompe
H.Felder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: wenn ich auf rippen gehe, dann geht er die Tracks in Sekundenschnelle durch, aber er lädt und bearbeitet sie nicht... Vermutlich hast Du nur keine Zugriffsrechte auf das raw device. Um das genau sagen zu können, solltest Du grip einmal im Terminal starten.

Re: Welches dpkg-reconfigure ist fr $dateizustndig?

2003-03-11 Thread Ulf Rompe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Küster) writes: Ich weiß aber, dass es irgendein Paket gibt, das einen bei der Installation nach der IP-Adresse und so weiter fragt, und daraus wird dann wohl die Datei generiert. Aber welches ist das? Das dürfte base-config sein. Package: base-config Description:

Re: [RE: Kernel-Headers]

2002-08-16 Thread Ulf Rompe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: JAP ist an der TU Dresden beheimatet. [...] Wenn man jetzt davon ausgeht dass der Debian mirror im selben Keller steht Glaube ich eigentlich nicht - zumindest hier resolvet (tolles Wort) auf einen Rechner im Netz der TU München. OK, da hat's ja

Re: Bill Gs Rache - Leerzeichen in Dateinamen

2002-08-19 Thread Ulf Rompe
Dirk Haage [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Was mich mal interessierten würde ist, wie man die Leerzeichen da möglichst einfach wieder rausbekommt, also z.B. gegen _ austauscht. find . -name '* *' | while read bla; do mv $bla `echo $bla|tr \ _`; done [x] ulf -- Artificial Intelligence is no

Re: Bill Gs Rache - Leerzeichen in Dateinamen

2002-08-20 Thread Ulf Rompe
Dirk Haage [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Ah ja. Hab mir grad mal die Manpage zu tr angeguckt, sehr praktisch. Ich dachte schon, ich müsste bei Zeiten mal wild mit sed rumwerkeln. Wie findet man eigentlich solche Programme, wenn man nicht weiss, wonach man suchen muss? Indem man einfach das

Re: libdvdread2

2002-08-21 Thread Ulf Rompe
Malte Thoma [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Während apt-get upgrade bekomme ich die folgende Meldung auf den Schirm: [...] Run `/usr/share/doc/libdvdread2/examples/' to download and install it. leider gibt es bei mir kein Verzeichnis /usr/share/doc/libdvdread2/examples Diese

Re: Frage zu T-DSL (nun Zwangstrennung)

2002-08-22 Thread Ulf Rompe
Peter Blancke [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Warum wird dann die Prozessliste nicht einfach nach dem pppd durchsucht? Sinngemaess: * * * * * ps ax | grep [p]ppd || /etc/init.d/ppp start /dev/null So geht's, oder eben das Interface überprüfen: */2 * * * * /sbin/ifconfig | fgrep -q ppp0 ||

Re: Datenträger ID einlesen

2002-08-27 Thread Ulf Rompe
Alois Stöckl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Wie kann ich die Datenträger ID einer CD einlesen. (für die die schon mal w. gesehen haben, das was beim Laufweksbuchstaben bei steht.) #!/bin/bash bsize=2048 bskip=16 dev=${1:-/dev/cdrom} n=/dev/null t=/tmp/iso.$$ function die { echo $*; exit 1; }

Re: Dual-Athlon...

2002-09-20 Thread Ulf Rompe
Michelle Konzack [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: (Ich glaube mit rund 4800 zeigt er aber zu wenig an, denn mein K6/200 hat ja schon 399,76 BogiMIPS) Und nun rate mal, warum die Dinger BogoMips heißen und nicht ExpressiveMips oder so... Hier lesen: [x]

Re: Mit grep Deutsch - Englisch - Englisch Definition

2002-11-29 Thread Ulf Rompe
Matthias Kirschner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: jetzt noch ne Frage: kann ich da was mit grep machen sowas in der richtung: dict Auto | dict-gcide ausgabe von dict Auto??? Warum nicht etwas wie dict -d dict-gcide Auto? Ob die Datenbank wirklich dict-dcide heißt, weiß ich nicht, weil ich die

Re: fwbuilder 1.0.7 - segmentation fault

2002-12-12 Thread Ulf Rompe
Thomas Grieder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Sobald ich speichern oder speichern unter wähle, den Dateinamen eingebe und dann auf OK klicke, erhalte ich ein segmentation fault. Helfen kann ich Dir da nicht, aber vielleicht hilft es Dir ja zu wissen, dass das Phänomen hier auch auftritt. Debian

Re: fwbuilder 1.0.7 - segmentation fault

2002-12-12 Thread Ulf Rompe
Thomas Grieder [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Helfen kann ich Dir da nicht, aber vielleicht hilft es Dir ja zu wissen, dass das Phänomen hier auch auftritt. Debian Sid tagesaktuell, fwbuilder 1.0.7-1 Läuft bei dir KDE 3.0.x ? Nein, nur Gnome2. Der Fehler ist aber auch schon als #170908 bzw.

Re: de_DE@euro unbrauchbar in woody?

2002-10-08 Thread Ulf Rompe
David Elze [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: LANG=de_DE Das stimmt ja noch. Nur nachdem ich den GDM starte und mich einlogge war's das wieder und ich habe LANG=de_DE@euro. Yup, GDM. Hattest du nicht erwähnt ;-) Soweit ich weiß (benutze keinen {x|k|g}dm) musst du dem Start-Script von GDM in

Re: scrolling trough the argument of a command

2003-01-29 Thread Ulf Rompe
Pierre Burri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: with another flavour of linux, I can scroll trough the argument of bash command with Page Up instead of scrolling the whole commands (with Arrow Up) saved in the history. Put this into your /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc : # PgUp/Down searches history in

Re: find a command i have recently used in bash

2003-01-31 Thread Ulf Rompe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: tcsh has a far more elegant (tm) approach to the problem. Typing lsALT-P (or META-P) will get you only all the commands that begin with ls (eliminating such oddities as echo lst.txt). If somebody knows the precise bash equivalent of this, let me know. As I wrote

Re: filename completion with nfs

2001-07-10 Thread Ulf Rompe
Richard Froehning [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I have troubles using filename completion on nfs-mounted filesystems with woody. It generally works. But it seems some dirs are not seen... . The directories are working and I can use them. But a cd (with using TAB with bash) does not work. Maybe

Re: apache 1.3.9/stable

2001-07-18 Thread Ulf Rompe
Jens Gecius [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: does anybody have a clue regarding user-authorization in apache-stable? I would do everything for a look into your Bilderalbum. ;-) I'm trying pretty hard to get it to work on my box, but it just doesn't work. Not with access.conf entries nor with

Re: Debian as multimedia system - startup and shutdown

2001-10-31 Thread Ulf Rompe
Meir Kriheli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Is there a way to log in and start a X session (I prefer not to use KDM/GDM etc. I know I can use them-at least KDM), and when exiting the session shutdown the machine ? Maybe you want a system that logs you on when switched on and powers down on logout?

Re: Backup of debian

2002-02-13 Thread Ulf Rompe
Al Nikolov [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: So, I thought to take the information about the running system from the file /var/lib/dpkg/status, and just backing up those files deviating from the packages default-configs (the full files, no diffs). Additionally, /home gets backed up, perhaps some

Re: Passwordless connection to ssh-nonfree 1.2.27

2002-02-26 Thread Ulf Rompe
Noah Meyerhans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Creating an SSH key with a blank passphrase is *absolutely* the wrong way to go about this. Yes, it will work, but if anybody ever manages to get their hands on the private key, they've got access to your account on the remote machine. Passphrase

Re: Help!!! undelete for ext3fs!!!

2002-03-01 Thread Ulf Rompe
Sebastiaan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Is there any way to undelete in ext3fs? I'm not shure if this works but I would give the normale recover for ext2 a try. Before using it you should umount the partition. And in the meantime you should use the partition read-only to get a chance that the

Re: Gimp and gif

2001-05-07 Thread Ulf Rompe
Thomas Wegner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I' ve installed gimp1.2 and gimp1.2-nonfree with gif support. Now I'm a little bit confused because it is not possible to save any file as a gif-file. GIF uses a color map. Did you reduce the number of used colors to 256 by converting the image to

Re: galeon crashes when running as user

2001-05-17 Thread Ulf Rompe
Thomas Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I think I have to switch back to mozilla 0.8.1 to use galeon and skipstone properly. Galeon 0.10.6 claims to support Mozilla 0.9. But don't expect too much of it, I tried it and it crashed regularly. The crashes seem to be UI related. While the rendering

Re: grep question

2002-04-08 Thread Ulf Rompe
Johann Spies [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: In the grep's info page I find the following which works as said. But I want to know why. What does the [c] do in this case? [...] ps -ef | grep '[c]ron' It defines a character class containig a c as it's only member. The expression [cp]ron

Re: xpdf missing a font?

2002-04-12 Thread Ulf Rompe
Jeroen Valcke writes: I'm using xpdf and notice some kind of font is not displayed. For example. In the pdf file I can't see the commands in the example code. I don't know the answer but maybe I know the reason. You can start xpdf with

Re: GnusXEmacs

2002-04-22 Thread Ulf Rompe
Joachim Trinkwitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 'Window height 0 too small (after splitting)', I can't open the individual mails. Argh. I always got this error message when trying to switch over to one of the Gnome variants of XEmacs; when I went back to xemacs21-[no]mule (without Gnome), gnus

Re: crashme

2002-05-02 Thread Ulf Rompe
Oki DZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Unfortunately, this machine is down for about every week (if not five days). I don't know what happens. I'm still looking for the culprit. BTW, some of the oops files said about Java and mgetty processes that caused the oops. It makes me wonder... Check your

Re: Multi-Gnome-Terminal Copy/Paste

2002-05-02 Thread Ulf Rompe
Carlos A P Gomes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I can only copy/paste from a Gnome App to Multi Gnome Terminal and not from Multi Gnome Terminal to a Gnome App like Gvim or AbiWord. Inside Multi Gnome Terminal I can copy/paste to any application. Is it a bug or is there any configuration I'm

Re: Multi-Gnome-Terminal Copy/Paste

2002-05-03 Thread Ulf Rompe
Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Maybe you could file a bug about the package urgency. That copy/paste bug has been _really_ annoying. It's unlikely to help - woody won't be updated any more except, perhaps, for critical problems (certainly security problems). Oh, you are right. Well,


2002-05-15 Thread Ulf Rompe
Tommi Komulainen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 1. There is irssi-gnome and irssi-gtk in Debian also but they are *ancient*. Don't use them. What I love about irssi-gnome is it's panel applet. I tend to keep some not really busy channels open while doing my work. Doing work needs screen real

Re: Recover root password

2002-06-13 Thread Ulf Rompe
Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Somebody should point out that you can use your ordinary Debian Rescue Disk to do this maintenance. Just boot into the normal install process. As soon as the installation menu occures

Re: so how do the pros read all those .gz docs, zless?

2002-06-14 Thread Ulf Rompe
Chris Gushue [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I wish more things supported transparently viewing gzipped files :) I remember there once was a library which overloaded the original libc functions for opening files. You had to preload it by setting the variable LD_PRELOAD to this lib (like you do with

Re: Kupdated

2002-06-17 Thread Ulf Rompe
Tinus Kotzé [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Can somebody help me with the kupdate daemon' problem. I looked around but could not find a understandable page that could help me. The kupdated process takes about 1/3 of my cpu and can't be killed. You shouldn't kill processes just because you don't

Re: fbset for all ttys?

2002-06-20 Thread Ulf Rompe
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (andrej hocevar) writes: I thought I was clever and added an init script for setting the concole with fbset. I've figured that fbset -t 13334 144 24 29 3 136 6 yields the best results. But it affects only the first console -- I have to run the script every time I log in.

Re: backup all the changes I made to the virgin debian system

2002-06-25 Thread Ulf Rompe
Hi, about three months ago I wrote some related thoughts in article [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Four weeks ago I got the first and only reply to it - must be because of the quality and my good english. :-) But hey, I don't give up, so here is an extract of my thoughts *again*, still untested, but it may

Re: make-kpkg problem

2002-06-25 Thread Ulf Rompe
Joel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: i tried to compile package a custom built kernel and encountered this error. [...] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/kernel-dev/linux-2.5.6/linux$ make-kpkg clean dpkg: warning, architecture `i386-none' not in remapping table Your architecture seems to be

Re: Alternatives To NFS?

2002-09-20 Thread Ulf Rompe
Charlie Grosvenor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Is there any alternative to NFS that I can use to mount my home directory on my server? If you have enough space on your client machines there are always the distributed filesystems: OpenAFS, CODA, Inter-Mezzo. They keep your filesystem on both ends