Re: dpkg-ftp/dselect timestamping

1996-12-03 Thread Andy Guy
Christopher W Hafey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> dpkg-ftp, dselect --
> Is there a way to get these programs to timestamp 
> /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/debian/frozen/binary-i386/admin/* (and others)
> to what they are on
> (I'm doing 1.2 this weekend; so far, it's been not only flawless, but 
> improved advice given during the installs -- thanks all).
> When I use this method to upgrade, I usually backdoor the ftp'd
> files off the /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/ tree, into my permanent
> ftp archives, and thus slowly achieve a mirror of sorts.
> I'd like to see dselect offer the root account a way to
>   -specify where the "temporary" archives (*.deb) are stored,
>when using the ftp method of upgrading

This should already be possible (which version are you using?)

>   -specify whether to use current time as the timestamp, or
>mirror the archive's idea of the timestamp

The .deb files will never change after they have been released so this
shouldn't really be needed.  (Also getting it right is difficult in
all cases (the ftpd needs to support mdtm but that still gives you
local time.)

> Is this something I can specify outside dselect/dpkg-ftp?  As
> an environment that tells the underlying ftp mechanism to dupe
> the timestamps from the source server?

The underlying librarys I am using don't provide this functionality easily.

> Does dselect, when using the ftp method, ftp as root?

Err, no it ftps as whoever you tell it too (normally anonymous).  The
process is root but that shouldn't cause any problems.


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Re: dselect via ftp probs

1996-12-03 Thread Andy Guy
Richard Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi folks, sorry to bring up a quasi newbie prob, but here goes.  I had a
> buzz setup with 2.0.24, and after reading various messages about dselect I
> decided to go to the frozen level. Here is my trouble so far, I didn't
> have dpkg-ftp, so I went and got it, only it wouldn't configure.  Needed 
> perl, which I have, but didn't install with dselect.  Naughty me.  So, I 
> tried to grab the deb perl, and install it, but it needs libdl1.  
> Where is libdl1?  
> I've looked, to no avail.  
> The funny thing is, I think dpkg-ftp did install, because ftp is now an 
> option in dselect, only it doesn't seem to work.  It isn't getting the 
> packages files.  It connects, logs in as anonymous, changes to dir, exits, 
> but no new packages are available in the next step.  

You have to do:

 Setup - asks user for various pieces of info and only checks to see
if the distributions you asked for are there.
 Update - this downloads the package files and uses dpkg to update the
available package lists

 Select - (nothing to do with dpkg-ftp)
 Install - should then download any new packages and install them

Which option failed to work and which version are you using?


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(dpkg-ftp) Re: dftp and some problems

1996-11-28 Thread Andy Guy
"Brian C. White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >  >  I tried to connect and then choose ftp from the dselect access menu but
> >  > I couldn't get the pppd to connect right. as far as I can see everything
> >  > is exactly the same (Except lots of stuff that should be in /usr/bin and
> >  > /usr/sbin is in /bin and /sbin instead.. pppd and chat are in /usr/sbin
> >  > though)
> If you are using "dselect", then you mean "dpkg-ftp" as opposed to "dftp"
> which is a self-contained program.

pppd and chat should be in /usr/sbin.  They are on my system.  It is
very unlikely a downloaded package that has been corrupted will not
then be rejected by dpkg-ftp. And for the corruption to just move a
few files around - even more improbable.


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Re: cron problem

1996-11-21 Thread Andy Guy
Lawrence Chim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [1  ]
> Rick Macdonald wrote:
> > 
> > Lawrence Chim wrote:
> > >
> > > I don't know why cron always send mail to root with the following
> > > body.  Any idea?
> > >
> > > Subject: Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> run-parts /etc/cron.daily
> > > X-Cron-Env: 
> > > X-Cron-Env:
> > > 
> > > X-Cron-Env: 
> > > X-Cron-Env: 
> > >
> > > getopt: illegal option -- o
> > 
> > You might want to post the file "/etc/cron.daily" so we can see
> > what the problem is.
> Here is the files in /etc/cron.daily.  Sorry if it is too many.
> [11 smail ]
> #!/bin/sh
> # Run the Smail error checking script and rotate the logfiles.
> # We have to rotate the logs as root as otherwise we can't fix the
> # timestamps, and so we might as well add the checkerr script here
> # too.
> test -f /usr/sbin/smail || exit 0
> cd /tmp
> su mail -c /usr/lib/smail/checkerr
> set -e
> cd /var/log/smail
> savelog -o root -g mail -m 644 -c 7 logfile paniclog >/dev/null
this is the culprit, change the -o to -u.  I think it has already been
reported as a bug against smail.  Also look in /var/log/smail and
remove the droppings.


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Re: dpkg problems

1996-11-17 Thread Andy Guy
Martin Konold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Hi there,
> > how to resolve
> > 
> > Odd number of elements in hash list at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install

This is a bug in dpkg-ftp shown up by the latest version of perl -
don't worry it is still doing things correctly.  It is fixed in the
latest version 1.4.7.


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Re: Deselect issues(was R: Is `.deb' still better than `.rpm'?)

1996-11-16 Thread Andy Guy
Brian K Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Paul Christenson writes:
> >
> >On Wed, 13 Nov 1996, Mark Carroll wrote:
> >
> >My only complaint is that it autoinstalls updated packages.  There have
> >been a number of times that I wanted to grab one new package via ftp
> >install, and came up with 10 megs of updated packages.  (Not bad at work,
> >but can be annoying on a 28.8 connection.)
> >
> >
> >Paul
> >
> Here, here...I second this.  I know you can confirm what to get but
> maybe there should be single question to overide this default behavior
> or something.  My $.02.

I am a little confused here - dpkg-ftp prompts you if it should get
all the new packages marked for installation or if it should prompt
for each one separately.   What more do you want?  Should the
questions be worded better?


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Re: dselect ftp method broken

1996-11-15 Thread Andy Guy
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matt Bartley) writes:

> >From dselect, when I select
>  0. [A]ccess  Choose the access method to use.
> and then
>   ftpInstall using ftp.
> I get the following errors:
> syntax error at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/setup line 112, near "print"
> Execution of /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/setup aborted due to compilation 
> errors.
> query/setup script returned error exit status 2.
> Press RETURN to continue.
> I'm tracking rex, contrib, and non-free from, and
> because of this problem I can't change that.
> ii  dpkg1.4.0.3Package maintenance system for Debian Linux
> ii  dpkg-ftp1.4.6  Ftp method for dselect.

Yes, this is serious and already in the bug system.  I plan to release
a 1.4.7 for this reason tonight.


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Re: Mail is messed up!!

1996-11-03 Thread Andy Guy
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (George Bonser) writes:
> Hmmm, I seem to have the same problems even after NOT moving anything. I made
> a mistake and ended up downloading several things from unstable and after
> that elm cannot read mail and tkmail cannot write lock files in
> /var/spool/mail.  I too have tried everything that I know of as far as 
> permissions go to no avail.
> Any help here would be really nice. Pine seems to work fine, BTW.
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen Pitts) writes:
> > 
> > --f2P==9pricKk5mwQ
> > 
> > I managed to totally mess up my mail spools while moving my Debian 
> > system to anothe hard drive. Several other things were also messed

The perms on /var/spool/mail should be:

frodo:~$ ls -la /var/spool/mail
total 2
drwxrwsr-t   2 root mail 1024 Nov  2 19:56 ./
drwxr-xr-x  15 root root 1024 Oct 18 01:34 ../
-rw-rw   1 andy mail0 Nov  2 19:59 andy

Anything else will cause problems.


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Re: Caching-only "named": where is the cache? (fwd)

1996-11-03 Thread Andy Guy
fabrizio carraro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The cache is in RAM. It can get large, too! I consider this a bug in
> > named. 
> There is the directive limit, for example:
>  limit  datasize 64M
> I would consider a bug the fact that you can save the database in a file
> (kill -SIGINT does that, whitout actually killing named), but apparently
> there is no way to reload the saved database after rebooting. 

It is used for debugging purposes - why would that be a bug?

SIGTERM is used to dump the databases in a fashion to be read in again
- but this is a compile time option which I believe the debian package
dosn't have.


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Re: How can I 'logically' provide a package?

1996-11-03 Thread Andy Guy
Benedikt Eric Heinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   [  I really hope I didn't miss something in the documentation and FAQ, 
>  since I can't imagine noone else ever thought about this, but...
>  So - if this is somewhere in the doc or FAQ, please don't respond
>  to the list, but mail me directly and hand me a pointer to the 
>  info I'm looking for ].

No you didn't this is a problem.

>   is it (easily) possible within dselect to permanently 'provide' a
> package, without actually installing it?

Here is a way to do it (someone should write this up as a simple

create a file local-pkgs/DEBIAN/control with:
Package: local-deps
Version: 1.0
Provides: emacs, or-what-ever
Description: stuff I already have
Maintainer: me
Architecture: all
Section: local

(note the final new-line and the fact that it is in two dirs).

do dpkg-deb --build local-pkgs

this will create a local-pkgs.deb file.

Install it with
dpkg-deb -i local-pkgs.deb

voila - to remove just use dselect as per normal (look in section local);


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Re: time problems (forwarded)

1996-10-09 Thread Andy Guy
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce Perens) writes:

> Kevin is one of two people who are currently _still_ unable to post, so
> I am forwarding his message. :-(
> From: Account for Debian group  mail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I use a program call "nist - timestanderization under Linux" by Frank
> Brokken.  This program works well for maintaining the clocks on my
> systems.  The program gets the time information from a standard on the
> Internet and and updates the system time.  Then you run the "clock -w"
> command to update the CMOS clock.
> This has worked fine on all my systems until I tried to run it on the new
> Debian box I just put together.  When it updates the CMOS clock it sets
> the year to somewhere in the 21st century and the rest of the time
> information is all screwed up as well.  What needs to change to make this
> utility work properly?

I am using nist v1.02 with debian, kernel 2.0.21 (compiled myself)
with no problems.  Note: there have been problems with clock recently.


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Re: Passive ftp with dselect?

1996-09-19 Thread Andy Guy
Mikko Suonio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  System is running fine, thank you! A question: Can I do ftp in passive
> mode with dselect ? It does not seem to rely on .netrc, so I can't give
> passive command there. I also tried dftp, but it seemed too complicated
> (did not read .dftprc etc).
>  (I would like to update my machines both at home and work to newest
> Debian. Behind a firewall this is always a bit strange. The only thing
> that seems to work is to use ftp in passive mode.)

Sorry, I havn't been able to get passive mode to work using the perl
Net::FTP module.  It is on my todo list.


Re: dselect ftp went bye bye

1996-08-13 Thread Andy Guy
Joel Zimba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

This is becoming a FAQ - why is this happening?

> after running dselect and installing a bunch of stuff.
> I finished install.
> Now I can't find the ftp option when I go back into dselect.
> why?

Not sure (it is included in the base set but seems to get uninstalled
rather easily).

> how do I get it back.

Go to your favourite debian ftp site and look for it in
project/experimental.  Download it and install it with dpkg -i

> how do I ftp with dpkg, is it possible?

You can only do it with dselect.


Re: Ftp method in dselect

1996-08-07 Thread Andy Guy
Al Youngwerth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I also just purged dpkg-ftp accidentally but I can't find it
> anywhere! Is dpkg-ftp only in the base package included on the boot
> floppies?

look in project/experimental.

Guy: could you move dpkg-ftp into unstable, this would avoid these


Re: dpkg-ftp or installing via FTP

1996-08-03 Thread Andy Guy
Ricardo Kleemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I grabbed and installed dpkg-ftp. But I see no mention of any ftp usage
> when I run dpkg --help.  Is there supposed to be a separate binary called
> dpkg-ftp? Because I can't find any...
> I'm trying to download the latest Debian distribution via FTP, but I've
> had problems both with ncftp and with dftp. I was hoping dpkg-ftp would
> be a better solution...
> Another suggestion was to mirror debian. How much space is required to 
> mirror? Can a mirror be partial?
> Lastly, once I've gotten all that's required from FTP, is dselect a good 
> method to use for performing the install?

dpkg-ftp provides a new 'method' to dselect.  After installing
dpkg-ftp run dselect and when you choose the Access function it will
prompt for a method  select ftp, it will then prompt for ftp
site/dir etc.  After that run Update, Select, Install etc.


Re: dpkg-ftp troubles

1996-05-25 Thread Andy Guy

Joe Reinhardt writes:
>I am having trouble with dpkg-ftp 1.4.0.  I repeatedly get this error
>when trying to install:
>Processing status file...
>Processing Package files...
> unstable...
>Argument "" isn't numeric in ncmp at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install
>line 99,
> chunk 1441 (#1)
>Argument "" isn't numeric in ncmp at /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install
>line 99,  chunk 1441.
> non-free...
> contrib...

Just ignore them, they don't do any harm.

It is on my list of bugs to fix (I thought I fixed it in 1.4.1 but I
still get them.)


Re: dpkg-ftp troubles

1996-05-25 Thread Andy Guy

Kevin Dalley writes:
>Try replacing cmpvers in /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install with the
>following function.  While the maintainer has not yet blessed this
>change, it seems to work for me.
># compare two versions (taken from dpkg docs)
>sub cmpvers {
>($a,$b) = @_;
>my ($cm, $ad, $bd);
>if( defined($a) && !defined($b)) { return 1; }
>if(!defined($a) && !defined($b)) { return 0; }
>if(!defined($a) &&  defined($b)) { return -1; }
>do {
>$a =~ s/^\D*//; $ad= $&; $ad =~ s/\W/ /g;
>$b =~ s/^\D*//; $bd= $&; $bd =~ s/\W/ /g;
>$cm = $ad cmp $bd;  return $cm if $cm;
>$a =~ s/^\d*//; $ad= $&;
>$b =~ s/^\d*//; $bd= $&;
>$cm = $ad cmp $bd;  return $cm if $cm;
>} while (length($a) && length($b));
>return length($a) cmp length($b);

Changing <=> to cmp changes the ordering I think.  My newest
version (not yet out) will use dpkg --compare-versions to get it
really right.
