bug in /etc/hosts: hostname in loopback address

2002-01-02 Thread Benjamin Low

After just installing debian/unstable, I've found my /etc/hosts file
contains the line  preston localhost

This is invalid, the "hostname" address shouldn't be mapped to the 
loopback address. (I can provide authoratitive references stating as 
such, if required).

Now, the thing is I don't know which package to report the bug 
against, any ideas?



Ben Low
"The truth is more important than the facts." - Frank Lloyd Wright

Re: Fonts

1999-09-15 Thread Benjamin Low

Craig B wrote:
> I type this message, and other times they look really crappy.  The
> biggest problem I have is with Netscape Navigator.  Sometimes the fonts
> are too small and sometimes they are just distorted.  I have tried all

I believe the problem arises due to the good old HTML H tags, and FONT
SIZE tag - these tell the browser to scale the font up/down by a certain
amount. The problem is these scalings often end up scaling a bitmap X
font - leaving you with a poor result.

A simple workaround, other than running a true-type font server as
suggested by others, is to tell Netscape not to scale the fonts so much.
Put this in your .Xdefaults/.Xresources:

Netscape*documentFonts.sizeIncrement:   5

The value '5' may need to be toyed with for best results.


Debian terminfo's (was Re: xterm/rxvt screen clearing / restoration)

1999-09-15 Thread Benjamin Low

"T.E.Dickey" wrote:
> it's an faq (the alternate screen behavior)
... I wrote:
> >I'm running Debian 2.1, and have an annoying problem with xterm 
> >and rxvt where often the screen fails to be restored properly 
> >after running vi/vim/elvis/less/anything else which ordinarily
> >restores the terminal screen after exiting.

As per the xterm FAQ, I've tried the XTerm*titeInhibit X resource. This
seems to work around the issue well for xterm. However, rxvt does not
support this feature.

Setting the resource

  XTerm.termName: xterm1 (xterm1 is from the ncurses-term pkg)

seems to work around the problem for both xterm and rxvt. However, you
lose the debian term 'features' (at least Home and End keys, what
else?). ncurses-term has about a bazillion variations on xterm and rxvt,
I've not tried them all.

Given the above, I am led to believe this must be a result of dud Debian
terminfo descriptions? I've just mailed the ncurses-base maintainer,
hopefully he may be able to shed some light...

The xterm FAQ discussion re. termcap/terminfo modifications is unclear
to me (I know next to nothing about terminfo databases), and it seems
the 'untic' program is not present in Debian 2.1. tic is in ncurses-bin,
but I can find no reference to untic. Can tic 'untic' given appropriate


Ben Low

xterm/rxvt screen clearing / restoration

1999-09-10 Thread Benjamin Low

I'm running Debian 2.1, and have an annoying problem with xterm and rxvt
where often the screen fails to be restored properly after running
vi/vim/elvis/less/anything else which ordinarily restores the terminal
screen after exiting.

When I say 'fails to be restored', it's kind of like the current input
line is moved up the window, mixed in with the previous shell output.

I'm guessing this is a termcap issue - I don't know much about
termcap/terminfo stuff, but from the terminfo man page I see there's a
restore_cursor capability, amongst others. I've tried setting my TERM
variable to variations of xterm, xterm-debian, rxvt, etc, but without

Any suggestions?


Ben Low

xterm-debain termcap?

1999-08-25 Thread Benjamin Low

Why is there a separate xterm-debian termcap entry? It is kind of
annoying, as when I brint up a shell to another (non-debian) machine
TERM is still set to 'xterm-debian', which of course the other box
doesn't know about...

Setting the XTerm.termName xresource to 'xterm' works around the
problem, however you seem to lose the use of (at least) the 'Home' and
'End' keys.

What is the difference between xterm and xterm-debian, and indeed
xterm-xfree86 which is also present in /etc/termacap/x/?



Re: ftp via proxy server, for dselect

1999-08-25 Thread Benjamin Low

I too have a proxy, and also had a no-go using ftp access w/
dselect/dpkg (slink). I found that if I used a http access pointing to
the ftp site, all works well (provided the site allows http to their ftp
site, as most debian sites seem to).


here's my /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://ftp.au.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb http://ftp.au.debian.org/debian-non-US stable non-US

It seems there is a ftp.nz.debian.org, if your email address reflects
your location :-)


perl: installing w/ PREFIX...

1999-08-22 Thread Benjamin Low

I want to install various perl modules local to my home account, the
standard perl MakeMaker allows the following

~/local/src$ perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=~/local/

does not work under Debian 2.1, It seems that no matter what I set
PREFIX to, Install.pm wants to put it in /usr/local/lib/site_perl.

I've never come across this behaviour from perl before, I presume this
is some Debian thing? (I've been a debian user for 2.5 days :-)

Also, even if I concede and (as root) install my modules in
/usr/local/lib/site_perl, the man pages go to /usr/man/man3 rather than
