Re: Installation minimaliste

2024-03-24 Thread Klaus Becker
Tu peux installer Debian avec un environnement graphique léger comme Lxde ou 
xfce4, puis tu installes les paquetages dont tu as besoin.
Ce n'est pas bien compliqué.


Re: [testing] plus de session graphique !

2024-03-17 Thread Klaus Becker
Non, il faut chercher la commande correspondante pour gnome, à lancer en tant 
que utilisateur. Ou lightdm ou qc de ce genre pour lancer le gestionnaire de 
connexion graphique installé.

Mais si X ne fonctionne pas du tout, ça ne peut pas fonctionner non plus


Re: [testing] plus de session graphique !

2024-03-17 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 17/03/2024 um 15:53 schrieb Gaëtan Perrier:


Suite à la mise à jour d'aujourd'hui et au nettoyage de deux paquets
libt* (je ne me souviens pas du nom exact) qui étaient indiqués comme
plus disponibles j'ai perdu ma session graphique. Elle s'est fermée
pendant la mise à jour ...
Depuis elle ne démarre plus mais je ne vois pas d'erreur dans syslog ou
dans journalctl.
J'utilise les pilotes nvidia-legacy-driver-390xx.
J'ai juste le service ocserv qui est failed mais je ne pense pas que ça
ait un lien ?
Bref j'aimerai remettre ces 2 paquets libt* mais pas moyen de les
retrouver. J'ai regardé sur la machine depuis laquelle j'écris et qui
est sous stable mais je ne vois pas de paquet pouvant correspondre ...

C'était un nom court et dans un des deux il me semble qu'il y avait 64.

Si quelqu'un a une idée je suis preneur.



j'ai parfois un problème du même genre sous instable. Comme workaround, 
je démarre XFCE4 en tty avec "startxfce4".



Re: Debian bookworm: reboot required

2024-02-12 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Hi Andy,

thanks for your helpful response.

Andy Smith wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 11:49:18AM +0100, Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> These files are created by the postinst script of individual Debian
> packages. See for example the output of:
> $ grep reboot-required /var/lib/dpkg/info/*

On my Debian Bullseye machine, where I got also a new kernel, I see this:

# grep -l reboot-required /var/lib/dpkg/info/*

→ no kernel package.

But on this machine the content of reboot-required.pkgs is today (after I got a 
new kernel):

# cat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs 

So I doubt, that the file is only (!) created by /var/lib/dpkg/info/*, as the 
grep lacks of this output: linux-image.postinst

> None of my kernel-related packages have a postinst that creates
> these files, so I'm not sure that installing a kernel package has
> ever done that.


> I think if you install the unattended-upgrades package it will
> create those files after a kernel upgrade. I do not use that, which
> is why I see nothing cresting those files. Perhaps you have that
> installed elsewhere but not on this machine.

Yes! This was a good pointer. Indeed the unattended-upgrades was installed on 
my Bullseye host, but not on my Bookworm host.

> Are you thinking of update-notifier-common which used to be installed
> by default but was removed entirely in Debian jessie? An approximate
> replacement for this is the package "reboot-notifier".

I'm not searching for kind of notifier, instead I want to lookup the reboot by 
my own (shell) script, like via existance of a file.

I'll install unattended-upgrades now, and will see, if it helps at next kernel 

Thanks for your help. Great job.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Debian bookworm: reboot required

2024-02-12 Thread Klaus Singvogel


in the past Debian Distributions there were two files in the system, when a 
reboot was necessary:
/run/reboot-required  /run/reboot-required.pkgs

I installed today a new kernel under Debian Bookworm, which requires a reboot, 
but this system lacks of both files. They aren't present.

How can I find out, if there is a system reboot necessary, in a similar way, as 
it was possible in the past?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Copy from Firefox and paste into Terminal with Vim

2024-02-06 Thread Klaus Singvogel
David Christensen wrote:
> On 2/5/24 21:45, wrote:
> > Try ":set mouse=" and see whether it helps. Perhaps it's that.

That's the way. That's the fix for the root cause.

> I am unable to correlate that Vim setting change to the Vim paste problems.

But it's vim, which is changing the way how Copy is handled for its input.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Script BASH gestion des espaces des noms de fichier

2024-02-02 Thread Klaus Becker
Detox est ton ami


Re: I've an editable .pdf form I need to fill out

2024-01-21 Thread Klaus Singvogel
John Hasler wrote:
> Klaus writes:
> > Did you notice, that I was talking about the reduced, crippled OpenSource
> > browser: chromium
> In what way is it crippled?

Properietary parts are missing, which require a fee to ship, like Widevine.

In the past I couldn't watch Video on Demand with chromium, whereas chrome was 
capable. Currently I don't watch any more, can't say much about current 

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: I've an editable .pdf form I need to fill out

2024-01-21 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Bret Busby wrote:
> On 21/1/24 18:36, Bret Busby wrote:
> > On 21/1/24 18:16, Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> > > 
> > > If the PDF is editable (has the option to fill out the blanks), I
> > > use often chromium.
> > > 
> > My understanding of the nature of chromium, is that it retrieves all the
> > data that is input to chromium, and onsells it.
> > 
> > chroming is dangerous.


Did you notice, that I was talking about the reduced, crippled OpenSource 
browser: chromium, which is based on chrome. But I was not talking about the 
chrome itself.

AFAIK are these Google related parts removed in chromium; at least they were 
several years ago.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: I've an editable .pdf form I need to fill out

2024-01-21 Thread Klaus Singvogel
gene heskett wrote:
> I'm trying to get our states Attorney General to exert some influence over a
> cell phone bill I don't owe. The AG has sent me a form letter PDF with fill
> in the blanks for all the info.

If the PDF is editable (has the option to fill out the blanks), I use often 

> Do we have an editor in our arsenal that can do that to a pdf?

I bought Master PDF Editor, but even the commercial Qoppa looks quiet 

My experience is, I can use MasterPDF Editor on two machines (i.e. Desktop and 
Laptop), which is a requirement for me. Some times I need to reinstall the 
Debian Packages again, because it "forgets" its license or has issues with Qt5 
- so I kept the original Debian Packages, as I didn't want to buy it again. I'm 
using Master PDF Editor on Debian now over various Debian versions, and over 
various machines since several years. Not renewing the lincese means only that 
I'm kept away from the latest features, but not from the original progam.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Re : Re: Copier un système (Debian) sur un disque plus grand.

2023-12-19 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 19/12/2023 um 14:39 schrieb benoit:

Merci pour votre réponse,
Petite précision, c'est un ordinateur portable avec un « disque » nvme, qui ne 
peut en contenir qu’un seul.

Je pense à une solution intermédiaire inspirée de votre piste de réflexion…

- Sauvegarder /etc et les données non synthème(telles que /home, etc)...
- Sauvegarder la liste des paquets installés :

aptitude -F "%p" search ~i\!~M > paquets.list



tu connais

$ dpkg --get-selections > selections
$ dpkg --set-selections < selections
# apt-get dselect-upgrade?

Cela liste tous les packets. Pour trouver les packets installés 
manuellement, 2 fichiers :

- /var/lib/apt/extended_states
- /var/lib/aptitude/pkgstates

On peut effectuer un backup/restore directement à partir de ces fichiers 
ou utiliser "apt-mark", par ex :

# apt-mark showauto >
# apt-mark showmanual > pkglist.manual

Ce sont des notes que j'ai prises, je ne connais par expérience que 
"dpkg --get-selections" etc. Pour le reste, je n'en sais pas plus



Copier un système (Debian) sur un disque plus grand.

2023-12-15 Thread Klaus Becker

Pour la copie du système, fsarchiver est très bien.  Tu peux créer la partition 
de démarrage avec cfdisk.


Re: openssh: missing kex_exchange_identification ssh error messages with 1:9.5p1-2?

2023-12-14 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> I have the latest version!!! I recall that this is a Debian/unstable
> machine, which I upgrade regularly. So, everytime I get such an error,
> I have the latest client.
> Note also that this is an error that occurs randomly.

Then I'm sorry, that I can't help you more on this topic.
The given information is not enough to debug, and I'd never seen any other 
connection failure cases.

My advice is, even it's annoying to see a lot of verbose output on your 
terminal, that you can use options "-vvv" in your ssh call, like: ssh -vvv 
user@host date

As you have as well good as bad connections, try to compare that output from 
both types of ssh connections.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: openssh: missing kex_exchange_identification ssh error messages with 1:9.5p1-2?

2023-12-14 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> Since 2 years (from early 2022 to 2023-11-26), I've got recurrent
> errors like
> kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
> Connection reset by x.x.x.x port 22

This sounds most likely that your SSH client (program at your local machine) 
has an outdated SSH implementation. Try to update this program first.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Kernel Update: missing /run/reboot-required.pkgs

2023-12-14 Thread Klaus Singvogel

I update my packages on Debian Bookworm, and one of them was the Linux kernel: 
6.1.0-15 --> 6.1.66-1

I see that file /run/reboot-required exists, but I miss file 

Has Debian removed in Bookworm naming the packages, which require a reboot, or 
will the linux-image package never be included in reboot-required.pkgs?


Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Backup système

2023-12-05 Thread Klaus Becker
Fsarchiver ? Très simple et fiable, en ligne de commande.


Re: Recommended simple PDF viewer to replace Evince

2023-12-05 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Tom Browder wrote:
> I would like to use another program which is similar but has good
> documentation. I don't need a heavy duty program like LibreOffice,
> Just something for viewing and printing.

Don't know, if it fits your requirements, but I'm using frequently: chromium

Though chromium is a web browser, it can display PDFs quiet properly and can 
fillout formulars, print PDFs, etc.

For my daily reading I want a lightweight viewer, so I use evince, but for 
filling out formulars I use chromium.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Password managers

2023-11-13 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Erwan David wrote:
> Note that you may have less dependencies with kpcli (a cli client for
> keepass password files)

I always was peering at kpcli.

Do you have any experience switching between the CLI (kpcli) and the GUI 
(keepassxc) version frequently?

Is this flawless possible to switch from the one to the other and back, or is 
it something which can't easily to be done?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: CVE-2023-5217 unimportant for firefox?

2023-09-30 Thread Klaus Singvogel
hede wrote:
> Hi, 
> does anyone know why CVE-2023-5217 (critical vp8 encoder bug) is rated as an 
> "open unimportant issue" for firefox-esr? Currently it is not fixed in 
> bookworm and newer [1]. Mozilla itself rates it as "critical" [2].

That's fixed in Debian Bullseye.
If I look into /usr/share/doc/firefox-esr/changelog.Debian.gz, I find this 
entry on top:

firefox-esr (115.3.1esr-1~deb11u1) bullseye-security; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release.
  * Fix for mfsa2023-44, also known as CVE-2023-5217.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Letting Windows go: scanning

2023-09-20 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Michael Kjörling wrote:
> On 20 Sep 2023 12:26 -0500, from (Tom Browder):
> > “Laser Jet Pro 400 MFP m425dn”
> doesn't seem to have heard of it, unfortunately:

Unfortunately you made only the first step and not all.

Looking at

will lead you via "Supported Devices"-link to

At HP's website you'll search and find the information that it is Full 

HP LaserJet 400 MFP m425dn
Min HPLIP Version: 3.12.6
Chrome OS Support: Yes
Driver Plug-in: Yes
Supported Level: Full
Print Model: Mono
Scan PC: Yes

So, install the required hplip packages for Debian (OpenSource) and see that it 
is supported.

Can't tell more about the process, as I possess a different, older HP printer.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: disque dur mort ?

2023-09-17 Thread Klaus Becker

⁣Télécharger BlueMail pour Android ​

Le 13 sept. 2023, 18:16, à 18:16, hamster  a écrit:
>Le 13/09/2023 à 11:50, Klaus Becker a écrit :
>> Salut,
>> Mon dd sata est reconnu par le bios, mais sinon inaccessible. Au
>> démarrage, grub apparaît, mais il refuse de booster. Il dit qu'il n'y
>> pas de disque système.
>> Sous Knoppix, j'ai essayé avec cfdisk, gparted, smartmontools,
>> manuel, rien à faire. Une clé USB avec une image ISO d'installation
>> Debian ne reconnaît pas le dd non plus.
>> Thunar sous Knoppix affiche les partitions du dd, mais il ne peut pas
>> les monter.
>> Je crains devoir faire le deuil de ce dd, mais je suis preneur pour
>> conseils
>Ce que tu dis pas c'est si y'a des données importantes a récupérer ou
>tu cherche juste a savoir si le disque est mort.
>A faire sous knopix ou autre sytème live :
>### Cas ou tu te fous des données, tu veux juste juger la santé du
>disque :
>- Verifier que le disque est vu avec la comande lsblk (a priori oui vu
>que thunar voit les partitions).
>- Regarder les données smart, si ca dit qu'il y a plein de messages
>d'erreur, c'est pas bon.
>- Lancer badblocks sur ce disque (avec les options -s et -w).
>### Cas ou tu cherche a récupérer les données :
>- Verifier que le disque est vu avec la comande lsblk (a priori oui vu
>que thunar voit les partitions).
>- Regarder les données smart, si ca dit qu'il y a plein de messages
>d'erreur, c'est pas bon.
>- Essayer de cloner ce disque avec ddrescue. Une fois le clone fait ne
>plus toucher au disque.
>- Faire une copie du clone.
>- Essayer de réparer les systèmes de fichiers qui sont dans les
>partitions avec fsck sur la copie du clone. Si ca marche tant mieux,
>accès a tes données. Si ca marche pas, tu peux supprimer la copie du
>clone, en faire une autre, re-essayer fsck.
>- Si ca marche toujours pas, tu peux essayer de lancer photorec sur le
>- Une fois que tu a soit récupéré tes données, soit atteint la
>qu'elles sont perdues, tu peux retourner a l'étape ### cas ou tu te
>des données.
>- Quand tu aura soit

disque dur mort ?

2023-09-13 Thread Klaus Becker

Mon dd sata est reconnu par le bios, mais sinon inaccessible. Au démarrage,
grub apparaît, mais il refuse de booster. Il dit qu'il n'y a pas de disque
Sous Knoppix, j'ai essayé avec cfdisk, gparted, smartmontools, montage
manuel, rien à faire. Une clé USB avec une image ISO d'installation Debian
ne reconnaît pas le dd non plus.
Thunar sous Knoppix affiche les partitions du dd, mais il ne peut pas les

Je crains devoir faire le deuil de ce dd, mais je suis preneur pour des


Re: Unable to ssh to Debian 9 from 9 or 11

2023-07-16 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Roger Price wrote:
> After the restart, I tried to ssh from Debian 11 to that Debian 9 machine
>  rprice@titan ~ ssh -v rprice@kananga
>  ssh: connect to host kananga port 22: Connection timed out
> So it's something else?  Roger

Sorry, but I didn't follow the whole thread complete. Maybe parts of this were 
already asked...

• Can you check on the host kananga, if sshd is running and really listening on 
port 22?

  Can you (as root) on host kanaga, and send us the output:

lsof -P -i -n | grep ssh | grep root | grep LISTEN

  Check especially, if ssh is listening for all hosts (indicated by an asterisk 

• Can you check, if there are no Firewall restrictions for Port 22 on host 

  Do as root:

iptables -L -n | grep dpt:22

• Check, if there are no Firewall restrictions regarding the host on host 
kanaga for your host titan:

  Do as root:

for i in `host titan | awk '{print $NF}'` ; do iptables -L -n | grep $i 
; done

• Finally, if you didn't get the answer yet, check on host titan, what ssh is 
really doing, with lots of more verbose messages:

ssh -vvv rprice@kananga date


Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: python3-uno

2023-05-22 Thread Klaus Jantzen

On 5/21/23 21:48, Greg Wooledge wrote:

On Sun, May 21, 2023 at 05:40:06PM +0200, Klaus Jantzen wrote:

Setting up python3-uno (1:7.0.4-4+deb11u6) ...
+ [ configure = configure ]
+ ucf --three-way /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/.registry/pyuno.xcd
+ ucfr --force python3-uno /etc/libreoffice/registry/pyuno.xcd
+ which py3compile
+ py3compile -p python3-uno
E: py3compile:272: Requested versions are not installed
dpkg: error processing package python3-uno (--configure):
  installed python3-uno package post-installation script subprocess returned
error exit status 3
Errors were encountered while processing:

You sent this to me privately, apparently, but I'm Cc-ing the list.
There is nothing private here.

Now, I'm not really much of a python guy.  So I googled for your error
text, and got this result:

The second answer (which has a green checkmark but has a lower score)
suggests that this can result from having the /usr/bin/python3 symlink
pointing to the wrong version of python.

What version of the python3-minimal package do you have installed, and
what does your /usr/bin/python3 point to?

Thank you for your valuable hints.

Sorry for sending my reply to your private address. That was not 
intended; I just hit the reply key without looking at the address.

The link you sent clarifies the problem: I am running python3.11 with 
the link python3 pointing to python3.11. I did not realize (know) that 
python3.5 is the default for Debian.

I will change that.

Thanks again for your help.



2023-05-21 Thread Klaus Jantzen


lately when running apt upgrade and apt autoremove I get an error 
message in resp. to python3-uno:

dpkg: error processing package python3-uno (--configure):

installed python3-uno package post-installation script subprocess 
returned error exit status 3

So far the  upgrades seem to be OK; the upgraded system (Bullseye) works 
without any problems.

Does that mean that dpkg has a problem that might result in problems 
with upgrades in the future?

Can I do anything to avoid that problem?


Re: No space left on device ...

2023-05-15 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Joe wrote:
> First thing to try is to boot back into Windows and see if there is a
> message about the drive. If so, let Windows 'fix' it. I've had cases
> where the drive was not cleanly unmounted and Linux has mounted it
> read-only. Windows was able to repair it, whatever the problem was.

Oh! Reminds me on the fact, that Fast Boot of Windows locks the disk devices,
and they can't be accessed by any other system on the same computer, even after
Windows shutdown - to avoid disk corruption.

Did you disable the Fast Boot feature in Windows?

Best regards,

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Lenovo IdeaPad 3 Chromebook [HS]

2023-03-18 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 18/03/2023 um 14:32 schrieb ajh-valmer:

On Friday 17 March 2023 18:51:34 NoSpam wrote:


ChromeOS est un système d'exploitation propriétaire développé par Google
depuis 2009.
Là on quitte carrément le logiciel Libre et Opensource.

On est pas dans un [HS] mais dans un [SHSP],
Supra Hors Sujet Provocateur.

N'importe quoi!
J'utilise Debian depuis environ 20 ans, j'ai demandé entre autres si on 
peut installer Debian sur un chromebook. Provocateur ???



Le 17/03/2023 à 18:29, Klaus Becker a écrit :

je cherche un portable, uniquement pour regarder des films et vidéos
dans mon jardin où je n'ai qu'un groupe électrogène pour avoir de
En ce moment, le Lenovo IdeaPad 3 Chromebook est à 230 € à
Ce qui compte pour moi, c'est la possibilité de regarder des films et
l'autonomie de la batterie qui ici, est annoncée à 10h.
Est-ce que qn a de l'expérience avec un chromebook?
Si possible, je préfère installer Debian bien sûr, mais sinon je me
contenterais de chromeOS.

Lenovo IdeaPad 3 Chromebook [HS]

2023-03-17 Thread Klaus Becker


je cherche un portable, uniquement pour regarder des films et vidéos 
dans mon jardin où je n'ai qu'un groupe électrogène pour avoir de 

En ce moment, le Lenovo IdeaPad 3 Chromebook est à 230 € à

Ce qui compte pour moi, c'est la possibilité de regarder des films et 
l'autonomie de la batterie qui ici, est annoncée à 10h.

Est-ce que qn a de l'expérience avec un chromebook?

Si possible, je préfère installer Debian bien sûr, mais sinon je me 
contenterais de chromeOS.



Re: solution to / full

2023-03-01 Thread Klaus Singvogel
lina wrote:
> Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/nvme0n1p2   23G   21G  966M  96% /
> /dev/nvme0n1p3  9.1G  3.2G  5.5G  37% /var
> /dev/nvme0n1p5  1.8G   14M  1.7G   1% /tmp
> /dev/nvme0n1p7  630G  116G  482G  20% /home

> I have done some purging already.
> :/usr# du -sh *
> 742M bin
> 8.1G lib
> 3.4G local

Perhaps it might be a solution to
- move your /usr/local to /home  (do as root: mv /usr/local /home)
- create a symlink from /home/local to /usr/local (do as root: ln -s 
/home/local /usr/)

I can't recommend this to do it with /usr/*bin oder with any /usr/*lib* 
directories, as booting might not work anymore, or at least not properply.

I can't say for sure that my solution has no impact on starting services in 
your system, as the risk exists, that starting some services from /usr/local 
might happen before mounting /home at system start.

And as a final word: even this/my suggestion might not work forever, as your / 
partition is really small (btw, your /tmp either). I would suggest to buy and 
install a second 500 Gb disk (don't do that much segmentation on the disk and 
use LVMs) and work on that disk instead. You might use the current disk later 
as backup space, or for a raid-1.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: locating blocked port

2023-01-31 Thread Klaus Singvogel


Haines Brown wrote:
> I have an  application that refuses to start because  its port is 
> blocked. But I have difficulty knowing what port it is
>   $ strings $(which jabref) | wc -l
> 56

This "56" does NOT mean, jabref is listening on Port 56.
It only means, that the jabref command contains 56 lines of human readable 

You might want to look out for a config file for jabref to get the port number, 
or read the source code, especially for lines like: listen() or bind().

Sorry, but your way wasn't that helpful to get some clues about the required 

Btw. ports below 1024 are only allowed for system services. Which means they 
require adminstration rights (= you must be root), to get such a port.
I doubt that this is the case here.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: installer un paquet sans accès root?

2023-01-19 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 19/01/2023 um 18:31 schrieb Bernard Schoenacker:


Je recherche à confirmer une commande :

dpkg -i package.deb --force-not-root --root=$HOME

source de l'information :

Est-ce encore valide ?

Merci pour votre aimable attention

Bien à vous


Suffit d'essayer...


Re: need kino. or a substitute that can work with a sony hi-8 metal720 by handicam.

2023-01-11 Thread Klaus Singvogel
gene heskett wrote:
> Installed all that I *think* about 30 pkgs, dmesg says new device fw1, and
> it exists now in /dev/, but VLC can't open device, see logs but other than
> the plug in report, no connection.

The advice of Jeffrey Walton to change the permission would be my first help 

fw1 indicates to be a FireWire device, so I'm out; never possessed one.

But I stumble about the uncommon naming: usually it's fw0, not fw1.
Do you have a second FireWire device already plugged in, or can the naming 
somehow else be explained (by slot number)?
If not, I would suggest a reboot of the machine, because I assume a jam in the 
kernel then.

But as said, no experience here.

Maybe someone else can step in?

Best regards,

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: need kino. or a substitute that can work with a sony hi-8 metal 720 by handicam.

2023-01-11 Thread Klaus Singvogel
gene heskett wrote:
> What happened to kino? That was an all in one package, and while kdenlive is
> pretty, it can't capture from the camera...

Thought everyone is using VLC for video stuff.
At least vlc is capable to do so, see screenshot.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: SID Xorg Erreur Segmentation

2023-01-08 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 08/01/2023 um 19:49 schrieb Orion:

merci pour vos réponses!

J'ai un peu de mal à m'en souvenir, mais il me semble avoir eu le même 
problème sous unstable il y a qq semaines, et la solution était de

revenir à une version antérieure de xorg.

Mais le problème a peut-être était résolu depuis, au moins sous 
unstable. Il me semble qu'il y avait un report de bug, ça doit se 
trouver facilement.


~$ apt-cache policy xserver-xorg
  Installé: 1:7.7+23
  Candidat: 1:7.7+23
 *** 1:7.7+23 500
500 unstable/main 
amd64 Packages

100 /var/lib/dpkg/status


Customize XFCE4

2022-12-27 Thread Klaus Jantzen


I, finally, installed Bullseye with XFCE4 as desktop environment.

On the desktop, how do I change the color of the text under the icons 
(which is now white) to black?

The information about themes I found is somewhat confusing as there are 
references to GTK-2.0 and to GTK-3-0.

Which GTK is actually used?

Thanks for any hints.



Re: Dell Precision 3570 - Debian instead of Ubuntu

2022-11-28 Thread Klaus Singvogel

B.M. wrote:
> Since all our other computers are happily running Debian, I'd like to replace
> this Ubuntu by Debian Testing (later Bookworm). I've already decided to run it
> on a single btrfs partition and learn something about subvolumes... I assume
> the machine should work well - but who knows? How would you proceed?
> b) replace Ubuntu by Debian, fiddling around issues if there are any later

Yes. This would be my way.

I would replace the include NVMe by larger, similar one, and install Debian 
Bullseye on it.

Because this URL confirms, that Debian Bullseye is working without issues, if 
you can have access to the Linux firmware, like by USB stick.

Therefore I would replace the NVMe by a similar, larger one. Have a look into 
the "Precision 3570 Setup und technische Daten" document, which can be found a 
the Dell website, for all the technical details for the NVMe (table 13 + 14).

Then replace it, like it is described in the Precision 3570 Service handbook, 
found again at the Dell website.

If you fear, that you will still need the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and need the access 
to it, install old NVMe into a NVMe case with an external USB connection.

But, as said above, Debian Bullseye should work without any adaption.

Good luck.

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: ping

2022-11-13 Thread Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> root@joule:/home/root# /bin/ping -c 3
> PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.079 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.114 ms
> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.113 ms
> --- ping statistics ---
> 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2041ms
> rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.079/0.102/0.114/0.016 ms
> root@joule:/home/root# echo $PATH
> /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:.
> root@joule:/home/root# which ping
> /bin/ping
> root@joule:/home/root# ping -c 3
> No response.
> Ideas?

Strange that "which ping" is reporting /bin/ping and not /usr/bin/ping as first 
executable. The strange thing is that /usr/bin/ping is locate before /bin/ping 
in your $PATH and both are the same files in a standard installation (the 
inodes are identical).

So I assume, there is something utterly broken with your system (or your 
report), because of this.

But my hottest solution in your report is an alias.
Having an alias of ping will never be reported by "which" neither. So I can 
imaging you've defined ping as an alias.
And as Greg said, try "type ping" to find this out (and not "which ping").

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: can't unpack an .zx

2022-08-17 Thread Klaus Singvogel
gene heskett wrote:
> gene@coyote:~/PublicB/rock64-next-try$ xz -d --arm --keep
> Armbian_22.05.4_Rock64_jammy_current_5.15.48_xfce_desktop.img.xz
> xz: Armbian_22.05.4_Rock64_jammy_current_5.15.48_xfce_desktop.img:
> Permission denied

The "Permission denied" arises when creating the file, not when reading the 

Maybe the directory lacks of the required permissions, where you're unpacking.

Maybe you used the wrong user for unpacking?

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: No upgrade from 11.3 to 11.4 with apt update/upgrade

2022-08-04 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Johan Kröckel wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I am missing something minor but I don't get it.

Whereas I missed: apt-get dist-upgrade

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Problem with csh

2022-07-02 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
> comp@AbNormal:~$ csh
> Bad : modifier in $ '/'.

A colon ":" is a modifier in the tcsh for variables.

For instance:
set f=file.c
echo $f:r
  --> output: file  [note the missing ".c", only root name]
echo $f:e
  --> output: c [note that "file." is missing, only the extension]

So, I assume, you used somewhere a ":/" in the script and "/" is no valid 

Maybe you should run the script under a csh [comparable with sh], and not a 
tcsh [comparable with bash]?
csh has no modifiers, but tcsh has.


Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Printing the old way

2022-06-14 Thread Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> Back in the dark days of early Linux, before CUPS, we printed with
> printers all the time. There was an infrastructure for doing this. Does
> anyone remember how that worked? As in, what packages were needed, etc.?

LPRng was the most common printing spooler before CUPS.

Additional you needed printer specific drivers, if you don't have a
PostScript capable printer.

But I cant remember anymore how to setup these things - around 20 years
have passed.

I have doubts that programs like libreoffice, gimp, or PDF readers will
still work without CUPS. But don't know for sure.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: wtf just happened to my local staging web server

2022-05-05 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Wed, May 04, 2022 at 07:38:35PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > My young childre read -user. They asked me what "wtf" means. Please,
> > explain, for the benefit of us civilised and acronymn-challenged
> > users, what it stands for.
> Clearly just a really bad typo for "what".

I learned, it is usually an acronym for "well that's funny,"

Sometimes its also "what the freak", "what the failure", "world trade
federation", or "world taekwondo federation".

I think there are more.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

HS : traduction de CherryTree en français

2022-04-24 Thread Klaus Becker

apt-cache show cherrytree
Description-fr: application de prise de notes hiérarchique
CherryTree est une application de prise de notes hiérarchique, incluant
du texte riche, la coloration syntaxique, la prise en charge des images,
les hyperliens, l'import et l'export avec gestion de plusieurs formats,
la prise en charge de plusieurs langues, et plus.

J'apprécie bcp ce logiciel dont je suis le traducteur français depuis
des années, mais je n'arrive plus à assurer faute de temps.

Est-ce qu'il y aurait un volontaire pour prendre le relais ?

Pour vous donner une idée du travail à faire, ci-joint le dernier
fichier à traduire (en part

Re: My printer doesn't work for bullseye's cups

2022-02-24 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Hi Gene, showed me, that your printer Brother MFC-J6920DW is
listed as paperweight only, regarding Open Source drivres.

But a quick search with Google showed me this promising site with Linux

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: [OT] Online CPU configuration tool

2022-02-22 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Grzesiek wrote:
> I'm looking for a tool listing CPUs by different criteria like the number of
> cores, number of memory channels clock speed etc. Is there any web page
> capable of that? I tried to google, no luck.

What's wrong with Wikipedia?

grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo| uniq

and search for the output on

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Re : Environnement de bureau léger pour personnes venant de Windows

2022-02-13 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 13/02/2022 um 18:49 schrieb yamo':

Salut, a tapoté le 13/02/2022 15:20:


Oui, très bon compromis.
Je n'utilise plus que XFCE depuis que je connais cet environnement de

Moi itou. Je l'utilise avec cairo-dock, ça donne un beau panneau de 
menus à la Mac.

Il y a aussi qc de ce genre en plus simple et moins gourmand, mais j'ai 
oublié le nom.


Re: addendum, Re: One-user system.

2022-02-11 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 06:37:04PM -0800, wrote:
> > root@joule:~# su peter
> > peter@joule:~$ firefox-esr --display=:0
> > Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyUnable to init server: Could not connect: 
> > Connection refused
> > Error: cannot open display: :0
> > 
> > peter, logged in directly, can run firefox.
> > root, logged in directly, can run firefox.
> > The above is from a security mechanism in firefox?
> No, you simply haven't provided enough credentials to the X server.
> It's the X server who's rejecting connections from "peter", because
> "peter" has not presented the correct MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE (auth token).

A different solution, with less security, especially on multi-user system might 
enable access for a specific user by "xhost".

In your case, do before "su peter", as user root:
xhost +si:localuser:peter

This prevents the X server security mechanism, which Greg explains.

Beaware, it's more dangerous, opening it X this way.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Printing lots of pages skips a few

2022-02-01 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Pankaj Jangid wrote:
> In my case though, I had verified that the output of find is okay for
> xargs. Then I added | xargs lp.
> But could this be cause of missing page. The output of find is:
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> six of them were not printed.

Can you look at the webinterface of CUPS regarding the missing jobs?


-> Printer -> select your default printer (if more) -> finish job (or similar)

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: TDE File Manager options

2022-01-20 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Hans wrote:
> Reading these, and I am also very old school, with my first linux 
> installation 
> of SuSE 6.0 in 1986, I am asking myself: What is better, working fast or 
> working with nice tools?

1986 seems to be a bit too early to me, since the first SUSE Linux (1.0)
was released 1994.
S.U.S.E. 6.0 was released Dec '98 and S.U.S.E. 6.1 released in Aug '99.
Maybe that's the year you wanted to tell.


My first Linux installation was a Power Linux from LST around 1996;
because I knew founders and team of LST personally.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Mythweb

2022-01-16 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 16/01/2022 um 16:38 schrieb BERTRAND Joël:

Klaus Becker a écrit :

Am 16/01/2022 um 11:32 schrieb BERTRAND Joël:

Klaus Becker a écrit :



sous unstable, Mythweb ne fonctionne plus depuis php8 (actuellement
php8.1), je reçois le message suivant :

"Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table
'mythconverg.music_songs' doesn't exist in
Stack trace: #0
mysqli_query() #1 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Database.php(263):
Database_Query_mysqlicompat->execute() #2
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Database.php(326): Database->query()
#3 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/music/init.php(15):
Database->query_col() #4
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Modules.php(30): require_once('...')
#5 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Modules.php(50): Modules::load() #6
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/mythweb.php(30): Modules::getModule() #7
{main} thrown in
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Database/Query/mysqlicompat.php on
line 68".

Il y a bien eu récemment une mise à jour de Mythweb, mais cela n'a pas
résolu le problème.

J'ai vu une discussion à ce sujet sur la liste Mythtv avec un
"workaround", mais cela me semble dépasser mes compétences.

Aussi sur la liste Debian allemande, je n'ai pas reçu de réponse,
certainement parce que personne ne la connaît.

Est-ce qu'il y aurait qn ici avec une idée ?

 Je ne connais pas cet outil,

C'est une interface web conviviale sous localhost pour gérer Mythtv.

  mais l'erreur me fait tiquer :

Table 'mythconverg.music_songs' doesn't exist

 Par ailleurs, le nom du fichier mysqlicompat.php me fait penser que
mythweb utilise plusieurs schémas de base de données. N'existe-t-il pas
un utilitaire capable de convertir le schéma de la base ? On dirait que
ton schéma est trop ancien et que le programme ne sait plus faire. Sans
indiscrétion, est-ce qu'il existe dans la base de données une table
music_songs ?

J'ai regardé avec phpmyadmin, je n'en ai pas trouvé.

La bd doit quand même être correcte, elle fonctionne sans problème sous
Mythtv qui l'utilise.

Aucune raison. Les outils permettant d'attaquer la base de données ne
sont pas les mêmes. Et je persiste à dire que l'erreur est claire, il
manque une table dans la base de données (et mythtv peut visiblement se
débrouiller sans)...

Est-ce que je peux me permettre de rajouter cette table manuellement 
pour tester ? Bien sûr, j'ai une sauvegarde de la bd.


C'est par là que je chercherais.



Re: Mythweb

2022-01-16 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 16/01/2022 um 11:32 schrieb BERTRAND Joël:

Klaus Becker a écrit :



sous unstable, Mythweb ne fonctionne plus depuis php8 (actuellement
php8.1), je reçois le message suivant :

"Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table
'mythconverg.music_songs' doesn't exist in
Stack trace: #0
mysqli_query() #1 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Database.php(263):
Database_Query_mysqlicompat->execute() #2
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Database.php(326): Database->query()
#3 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/music/init.php(15):
Database->query_col() #4
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Modules.php(30): require_once('...')
#5 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Modules.php(50): Modules::load() #6
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/mythweb.php(30): Modules::getModule() #7
{main} thrown in
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Database/Query/mysqlicompat.php on
line 68".

Il y a bien eu récemment une mise à jour de Mythweb, mais cela n'a pas
résolu le problème.

J'ai vu une discussion à ce sujet sur la liste Mythtv avec un
"workaround", mais cela me semble dépasser mes compétences.

Aussi sur la liste Debian allemande, je n'ai pas reçu de réponse,
certainement parce que personne ne la connaît.

Est-ce qu'il y aurait qn ici avec une idée ?

Je ne connais pas cet outil,

C'est une interface web conviviale sous localhost pour gérer Mythtv.

 mais l'erreur me fait tiquer :

Table 'mythconverg.music_songs' doesn't exist

Par ailleurs, le nom du fichier mysqlicompat.php me fait penser que
mythweb utilise plusieurs schémas de base de données. N'existe-t-il pas
un utilitaire capable de convertir le schéma de la base ? On dirait que
ton schéma est trop ancien et que le programme ne sait plus faire. Sans
indiscrétion, est-ce qu'il existe dans la base de données une table
music_songs ?

J'ai regardé avec phpmyadmin, je n'en ai pas trouvé.

La bd doit quand même être correcte, elle fonctionne sans problème sous 
Mythtv qui l'utilise.






2022-01-16 Thread Klaus Becker


sous unstable, Mythweb ne fonctionne plus depuis php8 (actuellement 
php8.1), je reçois le message suivant :

"Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table 
'mythconverg.music_songs' doesn't exist in 
Stack trace: #0 
mysqli_query() #1 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Database.php(263): 
Database_Query_mysqlicompat->execute() #2 
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Database.php(326): Database->query() 
#3 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/music/init.php(15): 
Database->query_col() #4 
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Modules.php(30): require_once('...') 
#5 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Modules.php(50): Modules::load() #6 
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/mythweb.php(30): Modules::getModule() #7 
{main} thrown in 
/usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/classes/Database/Query/mysqlicompat.php on 
line 68".

Il y a bien eu récemment une mise à jour de Mythweb, mais cela n'a pas 
résolu le problème.

J'ai vu une discussion à ce sujet sur la liste Mythtv avec un 
"workaround", mais cela me semble dépasser mes compétences.

Aussi sur la liste Debian allemande, je n'ai pas reçu de réponse, 
certainement parce que personne ne la connaît.

Est-ce qu'il y aurait qn ici avec une idée ?

bon dimanche


Re: Paquet gksu

2022-01-02 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 02/01/2022 um 16:08 schrieb Thierry:

Bonjour et bonne année à tous

je viens de constater que le paquet gksu (pour la commande gksudo) n'est 
plus disponible depuis Buster.

Pour quelle raison? et y a-t-il une commande équivalente?


$ apt-cache search lxqt-sudo
lxqt-sudo - frontal graphique en Qt pour sudo pur
lxqt-sudo-l10n - paquet de langue pour lxqt-sudo

bonne année


Re: Logiciel pas pour couper de la vidéo

2021-12-16 Thread Klaus Becker

Am 16/12/2021 um 12:10 schrieb benoit:

Bonjour à tou·te·s

Je recherche un logiciel pour couper et rabouter des vidéos.
En paquet Debian, facile à utiliser et si possible en ligne de commande.

Merci d'avance


pas en ligne de commande, mais assez simple : avidemux


Re: Disable S3 Wakeup for USB devices

2021-12-14 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> Maybe the BIOS / UEFI Firmware has options for this?

The solution was found by "acpitool -w".

Several of the devices were enabled at my host.

By try I figured out which one is my keyboard (XHC1) and which one
my mouse (PTXH).

I disabled it those by:
echo XHC1 > /proc/acpi/wakeup
echo PTXH > /proc/acpi/wakeup

...but "acpitool -W " should also capable.


Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Disable S3 Wakeup for USB devices

2021-12-13 Thread Klaus Singvogel


my brand new computer (amd64, Bullseye) can be suspended to ACPI Mode S3 by 
"acpitool -s" under Debian.

But whenever the USB mouse is moved (even a jiggle is enough) or the USB 
keyboard a key is hit, the computer wakes up from S3.

In Windows this behaviour can be disabled per device in the system settings:

(I'm sorry to offer screenshots only in German)

How can this wakeup behaviour by USB devices be disabled under Debian?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Late encryption of /home Partition

2021-11-18 Thread Klaus Singvogel

thanks for all your help. It's working now as expected.

Fun fact: Had a small issue with the UUIDs, where I added a quote on left
side to a system config file, but none was allowed there. Therefore
(auto-)mounting failed (/dev/disk/by-uuid/\x22...) and it took some time
till the system came up without mounted /home.

For the sake of completeness: data loss was never possible, as it was a
fresh installed machine, which was never used productively.

Thanks again.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Late encryption of /home Partition

2021-11-18 Thread Klaus Singvogel


I installed Debian 11 (bullseye) on a fresh PC.
I created 3 partitions: /, swap, /home.

...and forgot during installation dialog to encrypt the /home partition.

- how can I encrypt the /home partition now?
- In such a way that the password is asked for manual input during every boot?

- does it make sense to use a LVM atop? How?

I usually prefer using shell commands before graphical stuff, but will accept 
GUI tools either.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel.

Re: Vieille version de knoppix

2021-10-22 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 22/10/2021 à 16:03, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside a écrit :


On 2021-10-21 8:38 a.m., Grégoire Scano wrote:

Bonjour Didier,

la liste debian-l10n-french est consacrée à la traduction de Debian en
français, je redirige donc ton message vers la liste debian-user-french
dédiée à aider les utilisateurs et dont les membres pourront sûrement

Merci de ne pas m'inclure dans le fil de discussion,

On 10/21/21 3:56 PM, Didier Romieu wrote:

Sur un vieux portable (Pentium III 2.5Ghz, 256Mo de RAM, 60GO de disque)
qui ne peut booter que sur une disquette ou un cd (rw max 700Mo), j'ai
installé sur le disque dur Knoppix 6.7 !
La connexion réseau fonctionne par un clé USB wifi.
Tout est pour le mieux.
Mais peut-on encore utiliser les commandes de mise a jour "apt-get
update et upgrade" ?
J'obtiens des messages d'erreur comme :
"Impossible de récupérer
404 Not found [IP : 80]

Je peux déjà vous dire que cette référence est erronné.
En effet, la version stable actuellement est de loin plus récente que
Knoppix 6.7 !

"Impossible de récupérer
Ce qui semble normal au vu de l'ancienneté du logiciel.
Mais existe-t-il une solution de secours ?

Trouvez quel est le dépot auxquel Knoppix 6.7 se réferrait (la version
de Debian si les dépots standard étaient utilisé) puis modifier le
"stable" pour la référence de cette version.

En vous remerciant.

*Didier ROMIEU*


Knoppix n'est pas faite pour des mises à jour.

C'est un ingénieux mélange de source stable, testing et instable qui 
fonctionne à un moment donné seulement.

Je l'ai déjà essayé : ça peut fonctionner (avec une version récente), 
mais on risque de perdre une partie des particularités de Knoppix.

Donc à déconseiller.


Re: Your Thoughts on Printer Replacement

2021-09-18 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Charles Curley wrote:
> I print rarely. Inkjet or laser? Or other? The carts on the L7700 tend
> to go bad before they empty, 

Rarely printing? I would suggest a laser, even if the price for printouts
is higher.

Brand? The situation current is this, that only HP released their printer
drivers as Open Source (at least 99% of them). This means that you will
get forever support for these printers with OpenSource - at least in
theory. :-) Think: Even after the CUPS has been replaced in Debian or CUPS
is changing it's internal data/communication/API, the source can be
adapted by someone, who can program, even if HP won't.

Also a printer, which is capable of PostScript oder PDF, should be an
invest in future. As PostScript (PS) is still the most supported printer
language at the moment - PDF is/was only a derived language from PS.

On the other side: I own two lasers from HP because of the OpenSource
situation. I'm not so happy with my MFP device (CM415 - comparable with
MFP 227), as the scanner (!) part is cheap and shows this after some time:
a limited number of pages can be scanned by the sheet-fed and then its no
longer working (typical: 1000 pages), the scans are a way too light by b/w
only pages.

Real PostScript laser printers by Kyocera are not cheap, even I had a very
good experience with them under Linux in a former company.


It's not easy to recommend a good printer model.

I would never recommend to buy a printer, where you don't get OpenSource
drivers. I'm not speaking of Linux drivers, I speak of Open >Source<

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Debian 11: evince and apparmor flood kernel log

2021-09-17 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Roger Price wrote:
> In Debian 11, evince has an appamor profile which floods the kernel log with
> hundreds of messages of the style:

Not only at Debian 11, even Debian 10 has it.

>  (evince:2869): GVFS-WARNING **: 22:18:18.510: can't init metadata tree 
> /mnt/home/rprice/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/home: open: Permission denied
> Is there some way of calming evince+appamor?

The location of your home is uncommon (as on my side).

Fix: edit /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home.d/site.local

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: bluetooth keyboard

2021-08-09 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
> On 2021-08-08 6:14 p.m., mick crane wrote:
> > I like the little generic bluetooth keyboards but it is annoying that
> > when they go to sleep it takes a few seconds for everything to wake up
> > so you can commence typing.
> It's also one of the
> reason that make it impossible to use a Bluetooth keyboard to
> communicate with GRUB or another bootloader or simply access the system
> configuration of your PC.

This means, that I can't change nor access my BIOS / UEFI settings by a BT 

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Makefile help

2021-07-23 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Grzesiek wrote:
> 1.Recreate the sub-directory structure of the source_dir inside of the
> dest_dir
> 2. Each file found in source_dir should be converted to a new format using
> some command CMD in the following way:
> CMD source_dir//.src dest_dir// name>.dst

It's not common practice to do so, and think you might have missed

But anyway, lookout for function: "mkshadow" in package/tool: shtool
Maybe it's doing what you want.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: scanner recommendation

2021-04-19 Thread Klaus Jantzen

On 4/18/21 9:57 PM, Default User wrote:


It may be time for a new scanner.

For years I have used a Visioneer OneTouch 7100 usb flatbed scanner on
various x86 computers running various versions of Debian and

Debian Unstable (updated, of course)
Linux 5.10.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-1 (2021-04-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Cinnamon 4.8.6-2
Dell Inspiron 3542 (laptop, circa 2015), 64-bit
Scanner software: simple-scan, from Debian Unstable repositories
Use case: light duty home use.

For years it worked "okay".  But it suddenly started producing scans
with a narrow pink stripe down the left side of the scan image

I tried installing xsane (too complicated for me), which I did not
configure at all.  And if I just clicked the scan button in xsane it
would "dim out" and then do nothing.  As a bonus, simple-scan then no
longer worked; upon clicking scan in simple-scan it would just do
nothing, with a rotating "activity busy" circle displaying

So I uninstalled (purged) both xsane and simple-scan, re-installed
simple-scan, then rebooted.
Simple-scan now "works", but still produces the pink stripe down the
image left side, just as before.

: (

Note: the scanner is (about) 20 years, so no parts or service
available from Visioneer.

: (

So . . .
Can anyone recommend a good replacement scanner?

I am really hoping to get something that works "out of the box", with
little or no configuration, etc.

I am using a CanoScan LiDE 400. I bought it because they have a (very 
simple) Linux support.

The software is a not very clever but works nicely. The images (jpg, 
pdf) are good. There are a lot of buttons on the machine but you cannot 
use them.

I tried to use xsane but that does not know the scanner.



Re: DNS problems on Raspberry Pi 400 (Debian 10.9)

2021-03-31 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Moritz Kempe wrote:
> I noticed the problem, while i was browsing the internet and got confused
> because after a while some domains could not longer be found/connected to by
> the browser. (On both, Firefox and Chromium)

I had similar issues, when I changed DNS configuration at my DSL router.

I enabled on my DSL router: TLS for DNS, and, parallel, switched to
public, non-censored DNS servers, as suggested by a large German computer

Those DNS servers were independent and respect more privacy, compared to
my ISP. But after a while I noticed, that those public DNS servers drop
requests and I saw your error messages at my side too, especially if there
were a lot of name resolutions in a short time period.

Those errors vanished after a while (several minutes) and everything
worked as expected. But then, when resolving again a lot of domain names,
the issues were back. Especially when I download from S3 Amazon, because
the IP address for s3.[...] changes every 10 seconds or so.

Don't know, if both are related.

But my suggestion is to look at your DSL router: if you changed the
defaults for DNS, and, if so, switch back to original, default setting for
testing purpose.

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Package release number.

2021-03-20 Thread Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> How is the "version number" interpreted?
> "1:" ?


Epochs can help when the upstream version numbering scheme changes, but
they must be used with care. You should not change the epoch, even in
experimental, without getting consensus on debian-devel first.

> "3.1" qemu release number?

upstream version. Indeed the qemu release number.

> "dfsg-8" ?

“+dfsg.N” is a conventional way of extending a version string, when the
Debian package's upstream source tarball is actually different from the
source released upstream. This is typically because upstream's source
release contains elements that do not satisfy the Debian Free Software
Guildelines (DFSG) and hence may not be distributed as source in the
Debian system.

> "deb10u8" Debian 10, update 8?

Yes, debian version: Debian 10, update 8

> Additional ideas?

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: lpoptions

2021-03-02 Thread Klaus Singvogel

I think you forgot the printer name (destination).

Best regards,

Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> hi,
> trying to configure the lpr output, I found that on the linuxquestions site:
>  lpoptions -o page-left=40 -o page-right=20 -o page-top=40 -o page-bottom=10
> but it doesn't work.
> can anybody tell me how to make it to work?
> thanks in advance.
> best regards,
> -- 
> Pierre Frenkiel

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Xorg

2021-02-13 Thread Klaus Becker
07.406] (II) UnloadModule: "modesetting"
[  3407.406] (EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.
[  3407.406] (II) UnloadModule: "fbdev"
[  3407.406] (II) UnloadSubModule: "fbdevhw"
[  3407.407] (EE)
Fatal server error:
[  3407.407] (EE) Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify 
busIDs    for all framebuffer devices

[  3407.407] (EE)
[  3407.407] (EE)
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
  for help.
[  3407.407] (EE) Please also check the log file at 
"/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.

[  3407.407] (EE)
[  3407.409] (EE) Server terminated with error (1). Closing log file.


est-ce que un des 3 packetages suivants est installés :

-xserver-xorg-video-ati - serveur X pour – enveloppe pour les 
pilotes d'affichage AMD/ATI

 -xserver-xorg-video-radeon - serveur X X.Org − pilote vidéo AMD/ATI Radeon

- firmware-amd-graphics - Binary firmware for AMD/ATI graphics chips

Dans le doute, j'essayerais les 3



Re: editer un pdf

2021-02-12 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 12/02/2021 à 18:08, elguero eric a écrit :

bonjour à tous,

et désolé si ma question n'est pas
très spécifique de Debian.

on m'a envoyé un formulaire à remplir
au format pdf. Je sais qu'il est éditable
parce qu'une collègue en a rempli une
partie. Mais je ne sais pas avec quel
outil je pourrais le faire.

j'ai essayé Libreoffice draw comme
recommandé ici ou là, mais si j'essaie
d'ouvrir le fichier pdf avec draw, il
appelle automatiquement writer et
je suis coincé.

j'ai essayé inkscape mais il ne peut
importer qu'une page et il y en a 9,
et je ne sais pas comment les recoller
ensuite (et puis c'est moche).


- concaténer les fichiers du répertoire courant :"pdftk *pdf output out.pdf"

- pdfchain

Pourquoi ce serait moche ?



quel logiciel me conseilleriez-vous ? (gratuit
sinon libre)


Re: [Hors sujet et dérive sur les licenses] Re: Possible missing firmware

2020-12-25 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 25/12/2020 à 13:02, Bernard Schoenacker a écrit :

- Mail original -

De: "benoit" 
À: "liste.debian" 
Envoyé: Vendredi 25 Décembre 2020 12:41:20
Objet: Re: Possible missing firmware

Mais pourquoi dans nonfree ?

Les pilotes graphiques d'Intel ne sont-ils pas open source ?


ne pas confondre Open Sources et Free Software

le pourquoi du logiciel libre :

la définition de Open Sources :

la différence entre Open Sources et Free Software :

ensuite, la distribution Debian est restrictive sur certaines
partie des logiciels et voici la raison :

une autre distribution dérivée de Debian a une politique et une
démarche plus "propriétariste" peut te convenir si tu cherches
simplement à ne pas te poser les bonnes questions sur la liberté

le discours de RMS sur le sujet :

la position de la FSF:

désolé pour la pique, mais il faut remettre les choses en place et ne
pas se voiler la face ...

merci pour ton aimable attention

bien à toi


Bravo pour ton commentaire !

Trop souvent, on confond "Open Source" et logiciel libre, même sur des 
listes Debian. Cette différence est pourtant essentielle.

bonne fin d'année


Firefox 78.5.0esr

2020-12-13 Thread Klaus Jantzen


I have the feeling that Firefox ist deteriorating.

In 'Preferences' I have set FF to be the default browser. But whenever I 
open FF on a link in an e-mail  FF tells me that it is not set as 
default browser and asks me to make FF the default browser.

Having opened a link in an e-mail I can open another link in an e-mail 
only by copying that link, go to FF and  click on 'Paste & Go' in the 
address field.

Can this behavior be changed or is these features?



Re: telecharger video

2020-12-12 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 12/12/2020 à 22:06, hamster a écrit :

Le 12/12/2020 à 21:30, Kohler Gerard a écrit :

j'aimerai pouvoir télécharger des vidéos sur youtube (tutoriel de
bricolage et électronique),

Pour télécharger sur youtube, j'ai installé 2 extensions dans firefox :
easy youtube video downloader express
youtube downloader
en général, selon les pages, y'en a toujours au moins une des deux qui
pour les soustitres y'a une autre extension :
youtube subtitle downloader

Mais pour télécharger (et visionner aussi) on peut utiliser invidious :

par exemple si on veut télécharger cette vidéo :


Je télécharge ça très simplement avec Download Helper pour Firefox :


Re: Problem with Xserver

2020-12-04 Thread Klaus Jantzen

On 12/4/20 2:04 PM, Dan Ritter wrote:

Klaus Jantzen wrote:


yesterday I encountered a problem with using the console with zsh.

In the internet I found a "solution": modify 'allowed_users' in

I made the change and that was it.

Now the autlogin does not work anymore. Instead the normal login screen is
shown. But the login as the normal user results in

a short blank screen and a new login screen is shown (obviously the system
does not like me anymore); i.e. I cannot log in as user.

I can log in as root and can do whatever I want there.

I am using Debian Buster AMD64 (updated weekly), XFCE4 desktop with lightdm.

Does anybody have a suggestion on how to solve this problem?

Obviously, some users are not allowed_users.

man Xwrapper.config says:

 allowed_users = rootonly|console|anybody

 Specify  which  users may start the X server
 through the wrapper. Use rootonly to only allow root, use console to
 only allow users logged into a physical console, and use anybody to
 allow anybody.  The default is console.

Have you set it to "anybody"?


Thanks for your quick reply.

Originally the setting in Xwrapper.config was 'allowed-users=console'.

I changed that to '...=anybody' and that 'killed me'.

Even a 'dpkg-reconfigure ..' as recommended in the comments of 
Xwrapper.config did not help.

Looking further I found a rather brutal solution to the problem:

==> remove ~/.Xauthority

I did that, I can login, autologin works: my machine accepts me as user 

The original problem still exists, but that seems to be a 
zsh/xorg-problem. I will have to see how that can be resolved.


Problem with Xserver

2020-12-04 Thread Klaus Jantzen


yesterday I encountered a problem with using the console with zsh.

In the internet I found a "solution": modify 'allowed_users' in 

I made the change and that was it.

Now the autlogin does not work anymore. Instead the normal login screen 
is shown. But the login as the normal user results in

a short blank screen and a new login screen is shown (obviously the 
system does not like me anymore); i.e. I cannot log in as user.

I can log in as root and can do whatever I want there.

I am using Debian Buster AMD64 (updated weekly), XFCE4 desktop with 

Does anybody have a suggestion on how to solve this problem?



Re: Plus de son avec Debian Sid

2020-11-05 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 05/11/2020 à 14:33, David BERCOT a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Depuis ce matin, je n'ai subitement plus de son (et, dans Gnome, aucun 
périphérique n'est proposé)...

Je suis en Sid, noyau en 5.9.

J'ai bien sûr déjà fait un certain nombre de tests et notamment ceux 
évoqués ici :

Deux petits retours :

$ cat /proc/asound/modules
  0 snd_hda_intel

$ aplay -l
 Liste des Périphériques Matériels PLAYBACK 
carte 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], périphérique 0: ALC3271 Analog [ALC3271 

   Sous-périphériques: 1/1
   Sous-périphérique #0: subdevice #0
carte 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], périphérique 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
   Sous-périphériques: 1/1
   Sous-périphérique #0: subdevice #0
carte 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], périphérique 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
   Sous-périphériques: 1/1
   Sous-périphérique #0: subdevice #0
carte 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], périphérique 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
   Sous-périphériques: 1/1
   Sous-périphérique #0: subdevice #0
carte 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], périphérique 9: HDMI 3 [HDMI 3]
   Sous-périphériques: 1/1
   Sous-périphérique #0: subdevice #0
carte 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], périphérique 10: HDMI 4 [HDMI 4]
   Sous-périphériques: 1/1
   Sous-périphérique #0: subdevice #0

Bref, est-ce que je suis le seul dans ce cas ?
Auriez-vous une idée / une piste ?

Merci d'avance.



j'utilise également unstable, j'ai actualisé mon système ce matin et le 
son fonctionne toujours:

$ cat /proc/asound/modules
 0 snd_hda_intel
 1 snd_ca0106

J'utilise XFCE4


Re: rsync --delete

2020-10-16 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Mike McClain wrote:

> A section of the backup script is so:
> Params=(-a --inplace --delete);

Use instead:
Params=-a --inplace --delete

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: /home as a symlink?

2020-10-16 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Jesper Dybdal wrote:
> On 2020-10-16 11:45, Yoann LE BARS wrote:
> > On 2020/10/16 at 11:23 am, Jesper Dybdal wrote:
> > > Can I simply move the files and then make /home a symlink to /disk2/home?
> > You can, but I think a better way is to simply mount the partition as
> > /home.
> Thanks for your response.  That would be the natural way of doing it if I
> were partitioning a new disk.  But I don't want to do that, and the target
> disk also has other data, so /home cannot be a complete partition.

I'm already running my Debian with $HOME set to a different path:

All I needed to change was the /etc/passwd entry: to the new, different
location; nearly eveything worked fine since then.

I started with this constellation years ago and never changed the path
afterwards. So I don't have any experience in case of a move.

The only "program" which caused issues in the past was apparmor.
For this, I modified: /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home.d/site.local
and added: @{HOMEDIRS}+=/home.disk2

For the future, I see with doubts that systemd wants to make the home
directory portable and if this will cause issues for my constelation.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: gutenprint is a no op here, why?

2020-10-09 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 October 2020 11:43:34 Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> > Gene Heskett wrote:
> > > Stretch, uptodate. amd64
> > >
> > > I have installed all of the gutenprint packages.
> > >
> > > I have a Brother MFC-J6920DW printer, with the Brother drivers
> > > installed.
> >
> > I'm wondering that it works somehow with Gutenprint, as this printer
> > isn't in the list of supported printers of Gutenprint:
> >
> >
> > I think that you installed and use the drivers from Brother, which are
> > not related to the Gutenprint drivers [and are not aware of it].
> >
> > Please, can you cite the line(s) "*cupsFilter: [...]" in your PPD
> > file: /etc/cups/ppd/.ppd
> *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 
> brother_lpdwrapper_mfcj6920dw"

Yes, you're using a Brother driver, which is (to my knowledge) not
capable of the Gutenprint/GIMP printing extensions.

Sorry for bad news.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: gutenprint is a no op here, why?

2020-10-07 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Gene Heskett wrote:
> Stretch, uptodate. amd64
> I have installed all of the gutenprint packages.
> I have a Brother MFC-J6920DW printer, with the Brother drivers installed. 

I'm wondering that it works somehow with Gutenprint, as this printer isn't
in the list of supported printers of Gutenprint:

I think that you installed and use the drivers from Brother, which are not
related to the Gutenprint drivers [and are not aware of it].

Please, can you cite the line(s) "*cupsFilter: [...]" in your PPD file:

Thanks in advance.

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Partial Mouse Lockup

2020-10-06 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Thomas George wrote:
> Mouse clicks don't work though mouse moves the pointer.
> This happens infrequently, once in a day or two. I am using two pc's, a
> raspberrypi and a Ubuntu Studio each with its own Logitech usb keyboard and
> have experienced  this problem on both systems.

I noticed this issue either, but only on my PC. The issue was related that
the frequency of my wireless mouse from Logitech interferred with the SATA

A small adapter, which extends the distance between mouse receiver and USB
port by 5 cm, solved the issue for me. This adapter was enclosed in the
package of my Logitech mouse.

BUT as you experienced this issue either on the Raspi, which doesn't have
a SATA connection, it's very likely, that this is not the right solution
for you.

Obvious thougts:
- tried to connect your mouse via external USB hub at the PC?
- used different USB ports?
- replaced the batteries of your mouse with fresh ones? 

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: "ps -o %mem" and free memory in Linux

2020-09-29 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Victor Sudakov wrote:
> > Perhaps because the php-fpm workers were forked from the same parent
> > and so a lot of theie 'physical' RAM is actually the same RAM as each
> > other, because it's not been modified?
> I see your point, but ps(1) talks about real physical RAM:
> %mem%MEM  ratio of the process's resident set size  to the 
> physical memory on the machine, expressed as a percentage.  (alias pmem).
> If those php-fpm workers share a lot of virtual (?) memory between one
> another, shouldn't `ps` show it as such?

You sum up this:

< php-fpm individual 1><   php-fpm      shared  >
< php-fpm individual 2><   php-fpm      shared  >
< php-fpm individual n><   php-fpm      shared  >

You summed up with awk: indivual[1..n] + n * shared

But the real memory sum is:  indivual[1..n] + 1 * shared

Do you see the difference?
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Security Vulnerabilities with Nginx v1.14.2 and GNOME Evolution

2020-09-15 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Hi Revanth,

Suryadevara, Revanth wrote:
> Hi  Klaus,
> Just needed to re-confirm couple of things here
> 1. I understand that the NGINX version shipped by default is secured and will 
> be updated with patches should there be some security issues. But my question 
> is, Can we expect the latest version of NGINX(i.e. v1.18.x) to be available 
> in Debian 10, soon ? If yes, when ?

As others said, and I explained already: no.

Debian 10's version of a package will never change. No new features, no
loss of features, no new syntax of configurations, no other changes.

> 2.  Please provide some kind of confirmation on CVE-2020-11879
>   If Vulnerability was already addressed, please point me to some article 
> which confirms the same.
>   If not addressed, please confirm on when can we expect 3.35.91 or 
> greater version to be available in Debian 10?

No: no new version.

If you're unhappy with that, think about these choices:

- install upcoming Debian 11 (Testing, Bullseye) and live with the changes
  of packages and possible errors in the system. Release date unknown.

- install Debian Sid (Unstable) and live with many more changes

- if both are not fullfilling your needs, think about a different
  distribution: LFS (Linux from Scratch), or Yocto, or commerical one.

  But beware of the security updates. AFAIK both, LFS and Yocto, needs
  your effort to keep your machine(s) secure.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

[SOLVED] Re: VirtualBox - vboxpci

2020-09-15 Thread Klaus Jantzen

On 9/6/20 11:17 AM, Klaus Jantzen wrote:


I am trying to run VB 16.1.14 r140239 on my laptop under Debian Buster.

After sucessfully signing vboxdrv, vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp I 
installed the extension package.

Now I have to additionally sign vboxpci.

However, this module was not installed. Where do I get it from?

The reply by Eike Lantzsch showed me that I adressed  the wrong mailing 

I installed the VB deb-package downloaded from VixtualBox. That's why I 
mentioned this strange release number.

Thank you all for trying to help me.



Tel.: +49-{0}7034-929651

Re: Security Vulnerabilities with Nginx v1.14.2 and GNOME Evolution

2020-09-15 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Hi Revanth,

as you might have found out now, the Debian Security team is backporting
security patches to older versions of OpenSource software, and Debian 10
isn't insecure.

The advantage of backporting is, that you don't have to adapt config files
to latest syntax on an update, nor introduce incompatible libraries to
your system on update.

So, don't worry about the older versions of software regarding security.
They are getting regular patches by the Debian Security team, even when
the package maintainer doesn't support this version anymore.

I want to thank here the Debian Security team for there excellent job they
did in the past and the future. Thank you.

Regarding missing CVE-2020-11879 for GNOME Evolution: I don't have the
proof, but I think this points out to the fact the shipped version isn't

Best regards,

Suryadevara, Revanth wrote:
> Hi Klaus,
> 1.) Pertaining to Nginx there is no CVE-ID, main concern is, 
> According to nginx download page, ( Nginx 
> 1.14.x is no longer supported and will not be getting regular patches. So, if 
> any security Vulnerabilities arise then system would be at high risk as the 
> vendor no longer provide updates.
> 2.) Pertaining to GNOME Evolution , the CVE-ID is  CVE-2020-11879 . This ID 
> isn't present in the links which you've shared.
> Thanks,
> Revanth.
> -Original Message-
> From: Klaus Singvogel  
> Sent: 15 September 2020 13:32
> To: Suryadevara, Revanth 
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Security Vulnerabilities with Nginx v1.14.2 and GNOME Evolution
> Suryadevara, Revanth wrote:
> > 
> > We have a system running on Debian 10 with Nginx v1.14.2, GNOME Evolution 
> > v3.30.5-1.1 installed along with other packages.
> > 
> [...]
> > When can we expect latest versions of Nginx and GNOME Evolution to be 
> > available in Debian 10 ?
> Which security bugs do you think are in the Debian 10 version of Nginx
> v1.14.2 or GNOME Evolution v3.30.5-1.1 not fixed?
> Please name us the CVE identifiers, which you believe Debian 10 is affected 
> by.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
>   Klaus.
> -- 
> Klaus Singvogel
> GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: Security Vulnerabilities with Nginx v1.14.2 and GNOME Evolution

2020-09-15 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Suryadevara, Revanth wrote:
> We have a system running on Debian 10 with Nginx v1.14.2, GNOME Evolution 
> v3.30.5-1.1 installed along with other packages.
> When can we expect latest versions of Nginx and GNOME Evolution to be 
> available in Debian 10 ?

Which security bugs do you think are in the Debian 10 version of Nginx
v1.14.2 or GNOME Evolution v3.30.5-1.1 not fixed?

Please name us the CVE identifiers, which you believe Debian 10 is affected by.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: VirtualBox - vboxpci

2020-09-06 Thread Klaus Jantzen

On 9/6/20 12:27 PM, Georgi Naplatanov wrote:

On 9/6/20 12:17 PM, Klaus Jantzen wrote:


I am trying to run VB 16.1.14 r140239 on my laptop under Debian Buster.

After sucessfully signing vboxdrv, vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp I installed
the extension package.

Now I have to additionally sign vboxpci.

However, this module was not installed. Where do I get it from?


I use Virtualbox 6.1 on my computer without any problems.

I don't understand what your problem is.

I have added the following line to /etc/apt//sources.list

deb buster contrib


Kind regards

My problem is not the installation of VB.

After the installation I defined a Windows10-machine. When I start this 
machine VB indicates that the kernel driver ist not installed and 
recommends to run '/sbin/vboxconfig'.

vboxconfig request the signing of four modules, one of them is vboxpci. 
And this module has not been installed.

So I wonder where I can  find this module.



VirtualBox - vboxpci

2020-09-06 Thread Klaus Jantzen


I am trying to run VB 16.1.14 r140239 on my laptop under Debian Buster.

After sucessfully signing vboxdrv, vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp I installed 
the extension package.

Now I have to additionally sign vboxpci.

However, this module was not installed. Where do I get it from?



Re: Free, IP fixe et IPv6

2020-08-27 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 24/08/2020 à 18:26, Erwann Le Bras a écrit :


pour quel usage l'IP statique?

  * L'IP fixe externe est à demander dans ses paramètres de gestion de
compte (
  * L'IP fixe du client se configure sur l'interface de la freebox
(, réseau local -> DHCP -> baux statiques

Au niveau du client, rester en DHCP, vu que c'est la Freebox qui 
poussera la config réseau



Salut Erwann,

j'ai besoin d'une adresse IP fixe pour mon réseau local, pour gérer 
d'autres ordinateurs à partir de mon ordi principale à moi par ssh ou 
pour y accéder par scp ou ftp.



Re: Comment interdire certains sites web à un utilisateur donné ou limiter le temps d'utilisation ?

2020-08-24 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 24/08/2020 à 17:56, Olivier a écrit :
Je viens de découvrir l'existence de modules pour limiter liste de sites 
par liste de site, le temps d'utilisation du navigateur (LeechBlock NG)

J'ignore si ces logiciels savent interdire des choses comme youtube.* 
(.fr, .com, .be, ...) mais si les collèges avaient pris l'habitude de 
n'utiliser que des ressources informatiques dédiées à l'enseignement, ça 
nous faciliterait bien la tâche.

Le lun. 24 août 2020 à 16:22, Olivier <>> a écrit :

Le lun. 24 août 2020 à 14:51, Michel Memeteau - EKIMIA>> a écrit :

Pour le temps d'utilisation : 
( version next ) 

timekpr-next n'est empaqueté que pour Bullseyes
Ses dépendances telles qu'elles sont listées dans Bulleyes, existent
dans des versions "très proches" dans Buster.


CTparental, facile à trouver avec une recherche sur le web


Re: Free, IP fixe et IPv6

2020-08-18 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 17/08/2020 à 23:35, NoSpam a écrit :

Le 17/08/2020 à 22:40, Klaus Becker a écrit :
Si ton PC ne récupère pas d'adresse ipv6 c'est peut être qu'il n'est 
pas configuré pour accepter cela. Fais un ip -6 a pour vérifier si tu 
as une ipv6

Attention, avec IPv6 tu n'est plus protégé par le FW de la box, il te 
faut des règles FW sur *chaque* machine récupérant une adresse ipv6

merci de la réponse, mais je comprends de moins en moins..

"ip -6" me renvoie toutes les options, il manque certainement qc. Je 
ne connaissais pas cette commande.

Le Monsieur a écrit ip -6 a ou ip -6 addr dans son format complet ;)


Ca donne :

$ ip -6 addr
1: lo:  mtu 65536 state UNKNOWN qlen 1000
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp3s0:  mtu 1500 state UP qlen 1000
inet6 2a01:e0a:3a6:3f50:82ea:a590:bf5f:4b31/64 scope global dynamic 

   valid_lft 86169sec preferred_lft 86169sec
inet6 fe80::ded4:fe2a:da12:8e8/64 scope link noprefixroute
   valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


Re: Free, IP fixe et IPv6 [résolu]

2020-08-17 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 17/08/2020 à 22:02, NoSpam a écrit :


tag HS absent, c'est les vacances ;)

Le 17/08/2020 à 21:03, Klaus Becker a écrit :


depuis peu, j'ai une Freebox Delta S. Sur, j'obtiens 
un débit de téléchargement jusqu'à presque 800 Mo/s ce qui n'est pas 
rien. En DHCP.

Je vois:
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
nameserver fd0f:ee:b0::

C'est très bien, mais je n'arrive pas à passer en ip fixe. J'ai fait 
ça il y a longtemps chez Free sans difficulté, mais il y a peut-être 
des choses qui ont changé.
Tu es en IP fixe. Sauf que c'est ta FB qui a l'IP et non tamachine car 
tu es en mode routeur et non bridge. D'ailleurs tu n'a pas le 65535 port 
à ta disposition, uniquement 1/4 d'entre eux.

Sous unstable et XFCE4, j'essaye avec networkmanager.

J'indique l'adresse IPv4 à l'intérieur de la "Plage d'adresses IP du 
DHCP" que je trouve sur mon espace perso chez Free : 192.168.0 
Puis la passerelle 192.168.0 que je trouve au même endroit sous 
"Adresse IP de la Freebox". 
Tant que tu es en mode routeur c'est la FB qui gère ton IP publique, pas 
Je donne comme masque de réseau. Networkmanager la 
corrige ensuite en 24, mais ce n'est pas ça le problème à mon avis.

Non car c'est la même chose :)

Avec cette config, je n'ai plus de connection au web. Un "ping" fonctionne, mais pas avec une autre adresse. Qu'est-ce qui 
cloche là?

Puis j'essaye en vain de configurer une ip fixe en IPv6. L'adresse et 
la passerelle sont certainement les mêmes qu'en IPv4,

Surement pas !
mais je ne peux pas indiquer de préfixe IPv6. Le champ de 
networkmanager n'accepte que des chiffres alors que sur le site de 
Free ce préfixe contient des lettres, des ":" et même ":::/". Je 
trouve cela sous "Gestion Freebox - Afficher mon adresse IP et les 
caractéristiques de ma ligne".
Si ton PC ne récupère pas d'adresse ipv6 c'est peut être qu'il n'est pas 
configuré pour accepter cela. Fais un ip -6 a pour vérifier si tu as une 

Attention, avec IPv6 tu n'est plus protégé par le FW de la box, il te 
faut des règles FW sur *chaque* machine récupérant une adresse ipv6

J'ai trouvé : sur le site de Free, dans "Baux DHCP permanents", il 
fallait ajouter l'adresse IP fixe que je veux utiliser. Ca fonctionne 

je pourrai ronfler tranquille :-)


Re: Free, IP fixe et IPv6

2020-08-17 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 17/08/2020 à 22:02, NoSpam a écrit :


tag HS absent, c'est les vacances ;)

Le 17/08/2020 à 21:03, Klaus Becker a écrit :


depuis peu, j'ai une Freebox Delta S. Sur, j'obtiens 
un débit de téléchargement jusqu'à presque 800 Mo/s ce qui n'est pas 
rien. En DHCP.

Je vois:
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
nameserver fd0f:ee:b0::

C'est très bien, mais je n'arrive pas à passer en ip fixe. J'ai fait 
ça il y a longtemps chez Free sans difficulté, mais il y a peut-être 
des choses qui ont changé.
Tu es en IP fixe. Sauf que c'est ta FB qui a l'IP et non tamachine car 
tu es en mode routeur et non bridge. D'ailleurs tu n'a pas le 65535 port 
à ta disposition, uniquement 1/4 d'entre eux.

Sous unstable et XFCE4, j'essaye avec networkmanager.

J'indique l'adresse IPv4 à l'intérieur de la "Plage d'adresses IP du 
DHCP" que je trouve sur mon espace perso chez Free : 192.168.0 
Puis la passerelle 192.168.0 que je trouve au même endroit sous 
"Adresse IP de la Freebox". 
Tant que tu es en mode routeur c'est la FB qui gère ton IP publique, pas 
Je donne comme masque de réseau. Networkmanager la 
corrige ensuite en 24, mais ce n'est pas ça le problème à mon avis.

Non car c'est la même chose :)

Avec cette config, je n'ai plus de connection au web. Un "ping" fonctionne, mais pas avec une autre adresse. Qu'est-ce qui 
cloche là?

Puis j'essaye en vain de configurer une ip fixe en IPv6. L'adresse et 
la passerelle sont certainement les mêmes qu'en IPv4,

Surement pas !
mais je ne peux pas indiquer de préfixe IPv6. Le champ de 
networkmanager n'accepte que des chiffres alors que sur le site de 
Free ce préfixe contient des lettres, des ":" et même ":::/". Je 
trouve cela sous "Gestion Freebox - Afficher mon adresse IP et les 
caractéristiques de ma ligne".
Si ton PC ne récupère pas d'adresse ipv6 c'est peut être qu'il n'est pas 
configuré pour accepter cela. Fais un ip -6 a pour vérifier si tu as une 

Attention, avec IPv6 tu n'est plus protégé par le FW de la box, il te 
faut des règles FW sur *chaque* machine récupérant une adresse ipv6

merci de la réponse, mais je comprends de moins en moins..

"ip -6" me renvoie toutes les options, il manque certainement qc. Je ne 
connaissais pas cette commande.

Donc si j'ai bien compris, configurer une IP fixe avec IPv6 n'est pas 
indispensable, IPv4 suffit?

Dans ce cas, je m'en passerai...

On verra ensuite pour le reste.


Free, IP fixe et IPv6

2020-08-17 Thread Klaus Becker


depuis peu, j'ai une Freebox Delta S. Sur, j'obtiens 
un débit de téléchargement jusqu'à presque 800 Mo/s ce qui n'est pas 
rien. En DHCP.

Je vois:
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
nameserver fd0f:ee:b0::

C'est très bien, mais je n'arrive pas à passer en ip fixe. J'ai fait ça 
il y a longtemps chez Free sans difficulté, mais il y a peut-être des 
choses qui ont changé.

Sous unstable et XFCE4, j'essaye avec networkmanager.

J'indique l'adresse IPv4 à l'intérieur de la "Plage d'adresses IP du 
DHCP" que je trouve sur mon espace perso chez Free : 192.168.0 Puis 
la passerelle 192.168.0 que je trouve au même endroit sous "Adresse 
IP de la Freebox". Je donne comme masque de réseau. 
Networkmanager la corrige ensuite en 24, mais ce n'est pas ça le 
problème à mon avis.

Avec cette config, je n'ai plus de connection au web. Un "ping" 
fonctionne, mais pas avec une autre adresse. Qu'est-ce qui cloche là?

Puis j'essaye en vain de configurer une ip fixe en IPv6. L'adresse et la 
passerelle sont certainement les mêmes qu'en IPv4, mais je ne peux pas 
indiquer de préfixe IPv6. Le champ de networkmanager n'accepte que des 
chiffres alors que sur le site de Free ce préfixe contient des lettres, 
des ":" et même ":::/". Je trouve cela sous "Gestion Freebox - Afficher 
mon adresse IP et les caractéristiques de ma ligne".

Il y a certainement des gens ici qui peuvent me renseigner à ce sujet.

bye bye

Re: Need help with PATH variable (i3/debian buster)

2020-07-30 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Greg Wooledge wrote:
> Every type of login follows a completely different set of steps for
> configuring your environment.  Reconciling these and achieving a uniform
> environment across all possible login types is *extremely* difficult,
> if not impossible.

It's more or less a layer model with different entry points into different

A GUI login performs a login type with more graphical features. Therefore,
when starting a shell is a subprocess of an already performed login, and a
.*login isn't required anymore.

Login on console instead executes the login shell.

Same is for a remote login like SSH (and for the old men: rsh).

And: a .profile (or .rc) is always executed, as it isn't related to
the circumstance, if it's a login process or a subprocess of a login.

Note: I'm starting a tcsh not a bash as my (login) shell. Therefore I'm
writing the file names in a more abstract way to fit for both.

Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: psu or firmware?

2020-07-18 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Graham Seaman wrote:
> > Maybe the CMOS battery empty?
> Why would the CMOS battery affect the main battery? (not being sarcastic - I
> really don't know enough about this to know whether it would or not)

That old machine has stored most settings in the BIOS. It's not unlikely,
that a new CMOS battery might help, but surely depends on vendor/model
and BIOS itself.

Look here:

Another way to check state of CMOS battery: unplug and replug AC (and
battery at same time - to be sure) for a few seconds. Check afterwards
if machine keeps time and date.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: psu or firmware?

2020-07-18 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Graham Seaman wrote:
> I'm running Debian on an old Dell Vostro 1520 - old and slow, but has been
> working fine. Recently the PSU has stopped charging. It is genuinely empty;
> if I power down and then try to boot with no power cable attached the laptop
> is completely dead.

Maybe the CMOS battery empty?
Try to measure the voltage, if you're eligible with this.

If low and depending on price for replacement, I would give it a chance.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: workstation buying advice

2020-07-15 Thread Klaus Singvogel
Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> lina wrote:
> > Supermicro CSE-732i-R500 [...] 500W
> If already your CPUs are specified to have a TDP of 150 W each then a 500 W
> power supply appears dangerously close to the minimum requirements:
>   "We find an idle power draw of 132 watts and Peak of 394 watts to be
>quite common"
> That was with 130 W Xeons.


But did you notice that the Supermicro comes with a redudant power supply?

I wouldn't care about your concerns "close to the minimum requirements" here.

As long as the machine didn't need an extra graphic card or any other "power
hungry" devices, everything seems to be fine to me.

Experience with SuperMicro:

The customer of the company I'm working for, is sharing a test rack with
us. There is a SuperMicro rackmount WIO model built-in, running an
outdated Linux system. It's running flawless since years now.

Except the fact that the fans are a bit noisy, we are deeply contented
with this machine.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: what calculator do you use?

2020-07-13 Thread Klaus Singvogel wrote:
> From the command line: bc -l (the -l doesn't something useful (to me) but I 
> forget what ;-)

I'm using "bc -l" either.

"-l" is including the math lib, for functions like exp, sin, cos, etc.

"bc" can calculate with arbitrary precision length.

Ever wanted to calculate with long, long numbers (i.e.: 2^256) or want to
edit a long input line (i.e.: 1.99*12+3*2.49+7*.79*1.16... ), then try it.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
GnuPG-Key-ID: 1024R/5068792D  1994-06-27

Re: /sbin -> usr/sbin

2020-07-11 Thread Klaus Becker

Le 11/07/2020 à 15:06, Charles Plessy a écrit :

Le Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 10:10:52AM +0200, BERTRAND Joël a écrit :

Au lieu de faire cela, les devs de Debian seraient inspirés d'avoir un
répertoire /rescue avec le contenu de /bin, /sbin et le gestionnaire
de paquets compilé en statique.

Bonjour Joël,

une image Grml prête sur une partition de secours ne serait-elle pas
suffisante ?

Bon week-end,


Pas besoin de partition de secours. Il suffit de mettre l'image Grml à 
/boot/grml et de faire "update-grub".



Re: Buster boot messages

2020-07-10 Thread Klaus Jantzen

On 7/10/20 4:14 PM, Sven Hartge wrote:

Klaus Jantzen  wrote:

On 7/10/20 11:48 AM, Sven Hartge wrote:

Klaus Jantzen  wrote:

the first messages that appear on the screen during the boot process
seem to be messages from the BIOS;
they have a different format than the subsequent messages from buster
and they begin with 'ACPI  '.
As they disappear so fast, I cannot read them.
Where are these messages logged or what should I do to log these messages?

"journalctl -b" will have the messages from the most recent boot.

Thanks for the pointer.
These are the messages I was looking for:
AMD-Vi: Unable to write to IOMMU perf counter.
ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve [\_SB.PCI0.GPP0.VGA.LCD._BCM.AFN7], 
AE_NOT_FOUND (201810/psargs-330)
ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_SB.PCI0.GPP0.VGA.LCD._BCM, 
AE_NOT_FOUND (20180810/psparse-516)
ACPI Error: Evaluating _BCM failed (20180810/video-370)
Failed to start Show Plymouth Boot Screen.
Do I have a problem with my system?

No. The ACPI tables in PCs are usually shoddy and produce many warnings
by the strict parser in the Kernel.

Windows also often experiences the same parse errors, but decides to
hide them deep in the Event Log.

Both operations system work around the these errors, anticipating the
bad craftsmanship of the mainboard/system manufacturers.

Unless you have very specific problems which you explicitly can link to
such errors, I would not worry.

Sometimes a BIOS/Firmware update fixes some errors, but don't get your
hopes up.


Thank you. That was helpful.



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