error while installing Debian 2.2

2000-08-29 Thread Patrick Olson

NOTE:  Please cc me as I am not on the list due to the high volume of

I'm getting the following error while trying to install Debian 2.2:

ioctl:  LOOP_CLR_FD:  Device not configured

The attempt to extract the Rescue Floppy from disk failed

I start the install from a 1.44MB rescue floppy, put in the root floppy,
initialize the partition 'as ext2 for kernel 2.2 or better' (and
initialized the swap partition).  Then I ask it to install operating
system kernel and modules from the CD-ROM.  It works on that for a while
and then stops with an error.

>From the Alt-F3 virtual console:

installing kernel and modules from

/target/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.17: Input/output error

extracting Rescue Floppy from non-floppy device
/instmnt/dists/potato/main/disks-i386/current failed with 1

The attempt to extract the Rescue Floppy from disk failed.

>From the Alt-F4 virtual console:

kmod: runaway modprobe loop assumed and stopped
kmod: runaway modprobe loop assumed and stopped

The system is a K6 CPU in a socket 7 motherboard, (4) 8MB 72-pin SIMMs,
modem, NE2000 clone Ethernet card, Hercules monochrome or similar video
card, Western Digital 1 gig hard disk, 4x CD-ROM.  This system runs Debian
2.0 and 2.1 just perfect. 

The CD is "Debian 2.2 CDR (6 D Set)" from LSL.

Any suggestions for getting this to work would be greatly appreciated.

Patrick Olson

Re: Printing problem with HP LaserJet IIP

1999-09-09 Thread Patrick Olson

> I recently got a printer from someone who wasnt using it. He lost all the
> manuals but claims the printer used to work correctly under win 95/98. The
> printer is an HP LaserJet IIP (Plus). Now here is the problem I get: I tried
> setting up apsfilter and magicfilter, using the filter ljet2p, ljet2plo and
> ljet2plus, I tried lpr and lprng, and each time I get exactly the same error:
> the text prints out correctly but is output 4 times!

I have an old Star laser here that emulates a LaserJet IIP and it works
great with the ljet2p filter.  I would expect a genuine IIP to work just
as well.

When you say it prints four times, do you mean four copies of the same
page?  If so, that might be a setting in the printer's menus.  Those
things usually have a control panel on the front of the printer.  I have
seen several lasers, including a LaserJet III that have a number of copies
option that can be accessed using that control panel.  If you are getting
duplicate pages, you might want to make sure that is set to one.

I saw a situation with the LaserJet III where if the OS specified the
number of copies, it would obey.  If the OS does not specify, the printer
uses its setting.  I had a surprise one day because someone had set the
printer to 10!  Apparently the program I was using only specifies number
of copies if you want more than one.  Since I wanted one, the program did
not tell the printer and the printer spit out ten copies. 

> Another strange thing: if I try using it via samba from a windoze box (using
> the printer 'raw', thus without filter), I get only one page, then 4 blank
> pages. This is better but still annoying. 

No idea on the blank pages.  The OKI I have now has an option in its menus
to kill blank pages, but I haven't needed to use it.  I used this printer
for a while with the ljet2p filter because i was too lazy to change the

Hope this helps,

Re: nas???

1999-09-06 Thread Patrick Olson

On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, John Gay wrote:

> Thanks for the offer. I can ping between both PC's, it is just ftp and
> telnet that only work one way. I don't know a lot about networking so I
> read the net3 HOW-TO and set up some files for the I.P. Addresses and
> route. I don't know what is configured as far as the I.P. setting. I.E.
> Masquerading and such. I don't have E-Mail set up on the Linux box yet,

The fact that you can ping both ways is good.  What concerns me is the
fact that you can only telnet and ftp one way.  Every Debian installation
I've seen automatically includes and sets up incoming telnet and ftp.  The
packages are netstd (for ftp) and telnetd (for telnet).  Are those
packages installed?   Something makes me think there is a connection
between this and nas refusing the connections, assuming those packages got

I'm going to guess that you probably don't have any firewalling on either
PC, but let me know if you have used any ipchains of ipfwadm commands.

So far, I think you have been trying to ping, telnet and ftp between the
two PCs, and can only get connections one way.  This may seem weird, but I
think it could help isolate the problem.  Get on the one that won't let
you in (the 486 I think) and try to get it to ping, ftp and/or telnet to
"localhost" which will effectively make it talk to itself.  If that works,
try getting the machine to ping, ftp and/or telnet to its own IP address
(not localhost or  If you get different results then when you
try to hit it from the PII, the 486 probably has a configuration problem.
Let me know the results of this, and I will do my best to figure out what
is causing the trouble.

Have you changed the files /etc/hosts.allow or /etc/hosts.deny at all?  My
network seems to work fine and I have not touched those files, but did
have to put the names of the machines in the /etc/hosts file.

> I am using E-Mail at work right now. It just seems strange that X would
> work but not nas? As I understand it, nas works just like X, the server
> runs on the local PC, providing access to the hardware, in this case the
> sound card. The client then runs on the remote PC to interface with
> whatever programme is using the sound interface. When the 486 powers up,

To be honest with you, I haven't touched X networking or nas, ever.  I'm
hoping it is something with the network and not with these programs.  That
way, I might be able to help you solve it since I do know a little bit
about networking.

> I log in as root, the only login on the PC. During bootup the PC reports
> that the nas services started, but when I use the command auinfo, to get
> the information on th audio server, I get connection to server refused.
> This is just local to the PC. When I do this on the PII, I get loads of
> information about the audio server. Both systems have the same base
> installation of Debian 2.1, then the 486 only has the minimum X server
> installed. I then used dpkg -i to install nas on both PC's. This
> installed and configured nas on both PC's with no complaints. 

My theory is that making ftp or telnet work in both directions might also
nail the auinfo "connection refused" message.

> On a related issue, I am a little worried that I can telnet into the PII
> from the 486 without having set up any type of security. I wouldn't want
> anyone being able to telnet to my PC when I'm on-line. Right now I use
> wvdial to connect to my isp, then run Netscape for general surfing. I
> can also ftp to various sites to download kernels and such. I'm sure
> there is an easier way, but as I said, I'm new to all this. I have
> noticed that several ftp sites won't let me connect because they can't
> resolve my address, or something like that. Is this a problem with my
> setup or my ISP? 

I frankly like that feature.  When I go home to visit my parents, I tell
cron to get on the Internet at a certain time of the day, and have the
thing rigged to e-mail the IP address to my Yahoo account.  Then I can
telnet in to my Linux box from their Windoze box and do all my mail in
Pine.  That way all the e-mail to this stays on one computer and all the
commands stay the same.  Sorry, got a little off topic.

I think you are right to be concerned about security.  However, when you
telnet into the PII, it should not let you log in as root.  Anyway, mine
doesn't.  If it does allow that, then something is broken.  That is at
least some security.  Also, it should insist on a valid user name and
password.  To get more security than that, I suggest asking the mailing
list for ideas, as telnet is not really my area of expertise.

That "could not resolve" message might be a DNS problem, but I would need
a more exact error message to know for sure.  I'm sorry, but that one just
isn't enough data for me to figure out where the problem lies.

> Well, work calls. Thanks again for all the help.

Glad to help.  I just wish someone one the list could jump in and go "this
is what's wrong and here's

Re: Good books

1999-09-04 Thread Patrick Olson

On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, R. Brock Lynn wrote:

> There is a book about Debian specifically, called "The Debian Linux Users
> Guide". I don't know the web address, but I'm sure you can find it if you
> *really* want it. ;)

click on books, then on "click here for free distribution version."

I must warn you that it's a 375K HTML file and thus takes a while to load.

> > and ultimately, if I have enough with
> > the system I've got, to install and use Netscape for UNIX and STAR Office.
> I'd give up on StarOffice unless you have 144 meg of ram and a FAST CPU. 
> 'cause
> my experiences with StarOffice were SLOW and HUGE MEMORY FOOTPRINT.

I'm afraid I must disagree just a bit.  I tried the latest free version of
StarOffice on a K6 200MHz with 32MB of RAM and it wanted about 64MB.  I
think it would have been happy if I had 64MB of RAM.

To those who remember my "more RAM = more speed" question:  I was going to
throw more RAM in this one instead of my P-133 since SDRAM is cheaper, but
this K6 200 has some kind of hardware problem.  Now I am working on
figuring that out before I do the RAM upgrade.

boot from hd (was RE: Why use Debian? Why not Red Hat?)

1999-09-03 Thread Patrick Olson

> 2. Said it would make my HD bootable, didn't.  I still boot from floppies so
> if anyone can tell me where to look to change this...  It's not bad because
> I almost never have to reboot :)

What does it do when you try to boot from the HD?

You might take a look at the LILO mini-HOWTO at

I've heard that some systems do not like lilo, so this may not work out.
lilo has worked on every system I've tried it on though.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.  I'm sure either myself or
someone else on this list will be happy to help.

Hope this helps,

Re: Printer configuration

1999-09-03 Thread Patrick Olson

> I would like to know what I have to do to configure a printer. I need to
> configurations:
> 1) A local printer attached to a parallel port.

I personally like magicfilter.  For a local printer, I think it is as
simple as

1. installing the package "magicfilter" 
2. running "magicfilterconfig"
3. answering the questions it asks.

> 2) A remote printer that is accesed through a local area network.

I don't know how to do network printing.  Sorry.  I'm sure there is a way
to do it though.

Hope this helps,

Re: more net install

1999-09-03 Thread Patrick Olson

On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Ron Stordahl wrote:

> Perhaps youi can suggest how one would do that Jason.  You see I am in the
> middle of an install from CD, and in order to take advantage of the
> pre-rolled profiles (Standard, Development, Workstation, etc) I must answer
> Y to the question do I wish to use pre-rolled profiles.  Believe me I do as
> a novice, otherwise I am faced with making choices from 2500 packages, most
> of which I know nothing about.  Once having made the choice 'Y' I am kicked
> immediately into dselect and the Select step is performed automatically.
> dselect is running now and if I abort it I will lose the pre-rolled profile.
> Perhaps you know a way around this while preserving the profile I have
> selected?

Are you sure you will lose the pre-rolled profile?  It seems to me that
once the Select step is done, dselect saves the list of packages
somewhere.  I think I can go into the Select step, choose something, and
then choose "Quit" instead of the Install step and it will remember that I
want that package next time I run dselect.  Your mileage may vary though,
as I know nothing about apt. 

Hope this helps,

Re: Problem with open_1.40-10_i386.deb

1999-09-03 Thread Patrick Olson

I don't know why he wants it, but I was hoping to use it so that could log
into one VC and then open up 3-4 others.  I usually log into 4-5 VC's at a
time, and it would be nice not to have to type my user name and password
every time.  However, it only works if I am root.  I don't know if this is
a bug or what.

By the same token, I thought about using the slay package on myself as a
quick logout.

I finally decided it would be just as secure to use vlock, and a lot less
work, but I haven't tried it yet.

That's just my two cents worth on the subject.


On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Eric G . Miller wrote:

>   My guess is, you have gotten much response because few people are
> familiar with that package.  Out of curiousity, why would you want such
> a thing?

Re: ipchains firewalling question

1999-09-03 Thread Patrick Olson

> Yes.  It's a protocol which allows a system to ask a system with which
> it has a TCP connection to give it some information about who's on the
> other end of that connection.  This is useful for auditing purposes,
> although you can only trust the information as much as you can trust the
> remote site (and some sites refuse to give out any useful information).

Thanks for mentioning that.  I had absolutely no clue about it.  How's

# allow ident connections
ipchains -A input  -d 0/0 113 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -s 0/0 113 -j ACCEPT

> If you accept correct local packets first and then ban anything else
> it's fairly simple, although my firewall trusts local machines entirely
> so I may be missing something.

Half the purpose of my firewall is to ban e-mail since there is no way to
prevent local machines from using a SMTP server they shouldn't be using. 
If someone on a local machine found an open SMTP server and fed it a load
of SPAM, it would probably look like it came from this host's dynamic IP
address, with the masquerading and all.  I have to be careful though as I
still want to be able to use this machine to do my e-mail. 

Lets say that a packet with an IP address of 192.168.1.? came in on ppp0. 
Now, that is supposed to be a local address on eth0.  Would adding a rule
like this catch it?

ipchains -A input -s -i ppp0 -j DENY

> What I do is to deny any packets with addresses in my private network.
> A more paranoid thing would be to use the ip-up and ip-down scripts to
> add and remove the appropriate rules each time.  It's not that much of a
> problem because the remote end of the link will probably do a fair bit
> of the work for you.

I think I just tried to accomplish that with the rule above.  I don't
think I'll fool with the ip-up and ip-down business for now.  I'm sure the
ISP does some filtering, but it is my goal to prevent anything on the LAN
from using my host to do things on the ISP's server that they wouldn't

> > # allow me to use fetchmail
> > ipchains -A input  -d localhost 110 -s 110 ! -y -j ACCEPT
> > ipchains -A output -s localhost 110 -d 110 -j ACCEPT
> You can't use localhost like that.  Any packets going out over PPP are
> not going to have a source address of localhost (think about where
> answers are going to get sent to).

I was afraid of that.  Is this better? 

ipchains -A input  -s 110 -i ppp0 '!' -y -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -d 110 -i ppp0 -j ACCEPT

> Also note that ! is a shell metacharacter, so you need to say '!' rather
> than !.

Thanks, that would have caused me much frustration if you hadn't mentioned

> Assuming they can't log into your machine, you could reject all SMTP and
> POP traffic not on loopback or PPP and control the remote address (but
> not local) for traffic going over PPP.

I think that is what I have done with the lines above (for pop) and these
two for SMTP.  Did I goof anything up? 

# allow outgoing SMTP
ipchains -A input  -s 25 '!' -y -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -d 25 -j ACCEPT

As far as SMTP on the loopback, I think this one takes care of it. 

# allow anything local
ipchains -A input  -s -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -d -j ACCEPT

> A useful trick when building firewalls is to use tcpdump to see what's
> flowing over the interface and compare that to your expectations.

Between that and "ipchains -C ...", relatively thorough testing should be

There is one question that has been bugging me.  These two rules allow
everything on port 80: 

ipchains -A input  -d 0/0 80  -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -s 0/0 80  -j ACCEPT

And then these four would turn around and block it if it were from or 

ipchains -A input  -s -j DENY
ipchains -A output -d -j DENY

ipchains -A input  -s -j DENY
ipchains -A output -d -j DENY

Now if a packet arrived at my port 80 from, I think it
would match both of these rules:

ipchains -A input  -d 0/0 80  -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input  -s -j DENY

Which one would be used? 

Thank you very much to all who have been involved in this thread.  I
appreciate learning what mistakes I have made without so much trial and
error, which would have been mostly error given the rules I started with.

Patrick Olson

Re: ipchains firewalling question

1999-09-03 Thread Patrick Olson

On Fri, 3 Sep 1999, Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:

> accordingly to the man page (ipchains(8)):
>  --destination-port [!] [port[:port]]
>   This  allows  separate  specifiction  of the ports.
>   See the description of the  -s  flag  for  details.
>   The flag --dport is an alias for this option.
> # ipchains --version
> ipchains 1.3.8, 27-Oct-1998
> so --dport should be ok.

Thanks for pointing that out.  I am running stable and get this:

# ipchains --version
ipchains 1.3.4, 19-May-1998

You must be running potato, and that must be one of the differences
between version 1.3.4 and 1.3.8 of ipchains, as it doesn't like this

# ipchains -A input --destination-port 20 -j ACCEPT
ipchains: Unknown option `--destination-port'
Try `ipchains -h' for more information.

However, I think this would be equivalent:

# ipchains -A input -d 0/0 20 -j ACCEPT


Re: Block stupid/annoying sites

1999-09-03 Thread Patrick Olson

> Read the IPCHAINS HOWTO. I think you can do something like:
>   ipchains -A input -s -j DENY
>   ipchains -A output -d -j DENY
> You probably want to tailor the above to meet your needs.
> This will block *any* kind of connection to/from that site, although DNS
> lookups will still work. Your browser will probably complain of timeout
> connecting to that site or something. I'm not quite sure about a cleaner
> solution.

What about using REJECT instead of DENY?  That way the browser should
immediately be told that the destination (in this case
could not be reached.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this.  I'm just in the process of
setting up my system using the IPCHAINS HOWTO, so I'm sure not an expert!

Hope this helps,

Re: pascal for linux

1999-09-02 Thread Patrick Olson

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999, Johann Spies wrote:

> I have a program called PTOC which I have downloaded more than a year ago.
> The README provides an email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I did
> not use it a lot, but it was a lot better than a program called p2c which
> was available as a debian package long ago.

Thanks for the lead.  After a quick AltaVista search, I found Knizhnik's
home page at the address below.  If you scroll most of the way down,
there's a "ANSI/Turbo Pascal to C/C++ converter" section with links to the
source in .tar.gz

Hope this helps,

Re: ipchains firewalling question

1999-09-02 Thread Patrick Olson

> > I have the following specific questions:
> > 1. Have I made any mistakes that could cause really annoying problems?
> >(perhaps unintentionally blocking something that shouldn't be blocked) 
> if you use dhcp for anything, you must enable source/destination for
> as well as the routes for this. This caught me some time
> ago :(

I don't think I use dhcp, but I'm not really sure about PPP.  When using
pon to get a dial-up connection to my ISP, I certainly get a dynamic IP.
Is that done with dhcp?

> > 2. Is it safe to allow all input from localhost and output to localhost
> >as I have done?
> I think that this is indeed a must for certain apps. IIRC named need it.

I kind of thought it might be necessary for something.

> > 3. Are the lines that allow ICMP the right thing to do so ping will work?
> >(also, the HOW-TO warned about not blocking ICMP type 3).
> > 4. Are the SMTP and POP3 ports as secure as possible while still
> >allowing fetchmail and sendmail to work?
> maybe you could specify the source/destination for this rule.

I'm not sure if I should do that on the ICMP one.  I meant to do that on
the SMTP and POP3 ones, but I obviously didn't!

> > 5. Will my lines to block all communication with work?
> >(If I had a fast Internet connection, I wouldn't mind banner ads)
> > 6. Any other comments or suggestions?
> seems to me that the syntax is wrong. ipchains syntax for setting
> destination port is --dport. -p is for protocol.

You're right, I was using port numbers as if they were protocol numbers.

Unfortunately, ipchains does not like --dport:

# ipchains -A input --dport 20 -j ACCEPT
ipchains: Unknown option `--dport'
Try `ipchains -h' for more information.

> > ipchains -A input  -p 20 -j ACCEPT
> ipchains -A input --dport 20 -j ACCEPT
> or 
> ipchains -A input -p ftp-data -j ACCEPT

Looking at it again, I think -p is for protocol, and ftp-data is a
something (packet type?) that uses the TCP protocol.  I think I have to do

ipchains -A input -d 0/0 20 -j ACCEPT

> > # allow me to use fetchmail
> > ipchains -A output -p 110 -j ACCEPT

How about:

ipchains -A input  -d 0/0 110 -s 110 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -s 0/0 110 -d 110 -j ACCEPT

That should allow fetchmail to work.  I don't see why my ISP would try and
initiate a pop3 or SMTP connection.

> > # allow outgoing SMTP
> > ipchains -A output -p 25 -j ACCEPT

How about:

ipchains -A input  -d 0/0 25 -s 25 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -s 0/0 25 -d 25 -j ACCEPT


Re: ipchains firewalling question

1999-09-02 Thread Patrick Olson

> > if you use dhcp for anything, you must enable source/destination for
> > as well as the routes for this. This caught me some time
> > ago :(
> Make sure you're allowing ident connections.  Even if you don't answer
> them, you want to refuse connections rather than dropping the packets.
> Some systems will timeout the connection attempt.

I'm a little confused here, what is an ident connection?  After looking
through /etc/services and /etc/protocols, my best guess was you meant the
auth port, 113.  Is this what you meant?

> You may also want to reject packets from IP addresses you own and from
> the private IP addresses that aren't arriving on appropriate interfaces,
> and anything going out of your network that doesn't have the IP address 
> of the masquerading host.  The -i option is useful for this.

I don't actually own any IP addresses, as far as I know.  You're right
about things arriving on the wrong interface, I'll have to take care of
that.  I think it's going to significantly increase the number of rules,
so I'll wait until I have these right before adding more.

How would I prevent things going out that don't have the IP address of the
masquerading host since it gets a different IP address on ppp0 every time
it connects?  Can I get away with using "localhost"?  I'm sure I don't
want outgoing packets to have the IP address of eth0!

> > > 4. Are the SMTP and POP3 ports as secure as possible while still
> > >allowing fetchmail and sendmail to work?
> > maybe you could specify the source/destination for this rule.
> Instead of allowing all traffic in both directions, you could allow
> only the correct side of the connection to initiate a connection (look
> at the -y option for this).

Would something like this work?

# allow me to use fetchmail
ipchains -A input  -d localhost 110 -s 110 ! -y -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -s localhost 110 -d 110 -j ACCEPT

# allow outgoing SMTP
ipchains -A input  -d localhost 25 -s 25 ! -y -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -s localhost 25 -d 25 -j ACCEPT

I'm especially sensitive about e-mail, as I am the only one here who has
an e-mail address.  I can't block all SMTP, or I wouldn't be able to send. 
I am trying to avoid letting any of the other computers on the LAN send
mail at all, because it would probably look like it was coming from me
since they don't have any e-mail addresses. 

> For this (and POP, which I've managed to delete) you also want to accept
> incoming packets.

That's not the only mistake I made on SMTP and POP, I also meant to
specify the source/dest.

> > > # allow communication with my ISP's proxy
> > > ipchains -A input  -p 3128 -j ACCEPT
> > > ipchains -A output -p 3128 -j ACCEPT
> Similarly, you could control who gets to connect which way.

How's this?

ipchains -A input  -s 3128 ! -y -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -d 3128 -j ACCEPT


ipchains firewalling question

1999-09-01 Thread Patrick Olson

I am thinking of using IP chains to tighten security a little on my Debian
2.1 box.  Currently, I have it set up as follows:

ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

Below is a much more involved setup I created based on the information in
the HOW-TO. The goal is to cut off access to any ports that I never use,
and limit access to some of the ports I do use.  Could you please take a
look at it and let me know what you think? 

I have the following specific questions:
1. Have I made any mistakes that could cause really annoying problems?
   (perhaps unintentionally blocking something that shouldn't be blocked) 
2. Is it safe to allow all input from localhost and output to localhost
   as I have done?
3. Are the lines that allow ICMP the right thing to do so ping will work?
   (also, the HOW-TO warned about not blocking ICMP type 3).
4. Are the SMTP and POP3 ports as secure as possible while still
   allowing fetchmail and sendmail to work?
5. Will my lines to block all communication with work?
   (If I had a fast Internet connection, I wouldn't mind banner ads)
6. Any other comments or suggestions?

--- begin list of ipchains commands ---

ipchains -P input DENY
ipchains -P output DENY
ipchains -P forward DENY

# allow anything local
ipchains -A input  -s -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -d -j ACCEPT

# allow ICMP
ipchains -A input  -p icmp -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -p icmp -j ACCEPT

# allow FTP, telnet, DNS, WWW and IRC in both directions
ipchains -A input  -p 20 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input  -p 21 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input  -p 23 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input  -p 53 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input  -p 80 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input  -p 194 -j ACCEPT

ipchains -A output -p 20 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -p 21 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -p 23 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -p 53 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -p 80 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -p 194 -j ACCEPT

# allow me to use fetchmail
ipchains -A output -p 110 -j ACCEPT

# allow outgoing SMTP
ipchains -A output -p 25 -j ACCEPT

# allow netbios stuff on eth0
ipchains -A input  -i eth0 -p 137 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input  -i eth0 -p 138 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input  -i eth0 -p 139 -j ACCEPT

ipchains -A output -i eth0 -p 137 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -i eth0 -p 138 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -i eth0 -p 139 -j ACCEPT

# allow communication with my ISP's proxy
ipchains -A input  -p 3128 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -p 3128 -j ACCEPT

# kill some of those annoying banner advertisements
ipchains -A input  -s -j DENY
ipchains -A output -s -j DENY

# anything that makes it through the input and output filters can be
# masqueraded for certain local systems

ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

--- end list of ipchains commands ---

I would really appreciate some feedback on this so that I will know if I
am getting it right or making mistakes.  

Thanks in advance,
Patrick Olson

Re: pascal for linux

1999-09-01 Thread Patrick Olson

On Wed, 1 Sep 1999, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

> I was looking at porting a pascal program from dos to linux.  Besides
> having to write a device driver (as it twiddles the printer port
> directly) I would have to fix all references to the Borland runtime lib
> stuff.  I don't think that dosemu would fix all this (does dosemu allow
> direct access to hw?).  I think I might just re-write the thing into C
> and have an easier time.  (Wasn't there a Pascal-to-C converter package
> somewhere?  Thought I saw it in Bo or Hamm)

I kind of doubt dosemu would be happy about your program trying to access
the hardware directly, but I don't know for sure.  There is f2c, a
Fortran-to-C converter, but I am not aware of one for Pascal-to-C.  If
you're feeling ambitious, I'm sure no one would mind if you wrote a
converter.  Wish I could help, but I don't really know programming.

Re: Netscape Communicator

1999-09-01 Thread Patrick Olson

> I allready did get the xpm4.7 installed it correctly *I think*, still no
> success
> with the communicator libc5 version, then I did as you suggest and
> downloaded
> the libc2 and is working very fine at the moment. But..

I'm glad you got it working, but I can't understand why the libc5 version
would not go.  I've seen quite a few e-mail's on this list from people who
are using it.

> I do not understand this libc5 and glibc2 what are they and their
> difference?

That's a good question.  In other words, I don't really know.

There is a Glibc 2 HOWTO at

Part 1.1 explains it better than I could.  You can find that explanation

I think Debian version 2.1 "slink" uses glibc 2.0 and Debian "potato" uses
glibc 2.1.

Hope this helps,

Re: pascal for linux

1999-09-01 Thread Patrick Olson

> I have Pascal for Dos, but my OS (Sistema Operacional) is Linux, and I
> like how install in linux.

Debian has a Pascal compiler.  Look for the package gpc (and gpc-doc for
the doc's).

Alternatively, if you really want to run your DOS Pascal, you might try

Hope this helps,

Re: Netscape Communicator

1999-09-01 Thread Patrick Olson

> Hi, I downloaded and installed Netscape Communicator
> 'communicator-v461-export.x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz'
> Now I get the error that it can't load
> but that file is in /usr/X11R6/lib
> can anyone help me?

For that flavor of Netscape, you probably need to install the package
"xpm4.7" from oldlibs which will put the file in

I have /usr/X11R6/lib/ and it works fine with

Basically, it seems that your version of Netscape doesn't match your
version of  So, you either want to get that xpm4.7 package or
install communicator-v461-export.x86-unknown-linuxglibc2.0.tar.gz.

Hope this helps,

RE: FTP Install

1999-08-31 Thread Patrick Olson

>   Thanks for your response, For the info of everyone it seems that FTP
> install capabilities are not yet a reality for debian. In my experience
> installing debian is no longer a reality. I have in my possession three
> different debian CD's. One I created on the ftp site, one from cheap bytes,
> and one from the Debian GNU / Linux; Guide to installation and usage. I have
> tried to install all of these CD's on three different machines. I have yet
> to be successful. All of my machines get hung up on the "now booting the
> kernel.." message. I am at a lose for what to do. Maybe I have just been
> spoiled by the ease of which freebsd installs itself. 

It sounds like the kernel doesn't like something in you're hardware.  I'm
at a loss as to what to suggest on that.  The address below has some BIOS
settings suggestions.  Maybe it doesn't like something in your BIOS
settings.  Other than that, i just don't have any ideas.

I put the Debian list on the cc line in hopes someone there will know

Sorry I don't know more,

Re: ftp can build data connection - masquerading problem?

1999-08-31 Thread Patrick Olson

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Guilherme Soares Zahn wrote:

> Hi there,
> Lately I've been facing a strange and very annoying problem... When
> I try to do FTP from a site, it will almost surely drop my connection
> out when I try to build a data connection (either through a 'get',
> 'retr' or just a harmless 'dir') with a message like:
> ftp> dir
> 200 PORT command successful.
> 425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused
> On other systems I've had a 'address already in use' or something, so I
> felt it could have to do with the IP Masquerading... I can't say for
> sure if it started just after we set our Linux router to do IP
> Masquerading or not, but I feel it was 'almost at the same time', so
> maybe I've just overlooked something when I did that... HTTP connections
> AND apt-get run just fine, though...
> Any ideas??

I have that problem with my IP Masquerading too.  Since I'm too lazy to
fix it, I just tell the ftp program to use passive ftp.  The command
should look like:

ftp> passive

The thing is, you have to do that every time you start the program (or is
it every time you connect to an FTP server) because it doesn't remember. 

Any decent FTP client has a way to do passive mode, so it should work from
other FTP clients as well, such as ncftp and maybe even Windoze garbage.

I'm afraid this isn't the *right* way to fix it, but it makes it work.

Hope this helps,

Re: Netscape

1999-08-28 Thread Patrick Olson

On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

> Here's a question: does anyone's NS handle large combo boxes in HTML
> forms correctly?  Whenever I need to select an item off a very large
> combo box (like states in an online order form: multiple popup windows
> created), my keyboard stops working, at least within NS.  This has been
> consistent over different Window Managers and versions of NS.

When I have that problem, I click (once, not a double-click) on the title
of the Netscape window and that brings the keyboard back to life.  YMMV

Hope this helps,

Re: more RAM = more speed?

1999-08-26 Thread Patrick Olson

> There are several solutions to your problem:
> 1- Buy a new and better computer(i know that might an expensivesolution)

Wish I could :)

> 2- Add more RAM and change your motherboard. At the same time reduce the 
> size of swap memory(this is to force the applications to use any free 
> physical RAM)

Will keep this in mind, thanks.

> 3- Try changing your window manager, specially if you're using KDE, it tends 
> to eat-up memory(try something simpler and new since new WM have improved 
> memory managment features)

How is WindowMaker on eating up memory?  I really like it compared to
others I've tried.


Re: more RAM = more speed?

1999-08-25 Thread Patrick Olson

Thanks for the reply.

> In your case of course, more memory would show *huge* speed increases. It
> looks like another 32 megs would stop the immediate swapping problem. If you
> want to run StarOffice, I imagine another 16 to 32 megs above that is
> required. I don't have star office installed myself, so I can't check for
> you. :( (one more week... :)

I have StarOffice on a very similar machine.  This is the report it

 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 30264  29616648  24884128  17600
-/+ buffers/cache:  11888  18376
Swap:   128484   5192 123292

I got there by this:
1. boot Linux (was running DOS game, sorry)
2. log into xdm and start StarOffice
3. open a new (empty) text document
4. switch to tty1 and login to run free

It looks like StarOffice is quite a memory hog too.  It sounds like 64MB
is enough to make Netscape happy.  

Based on the free output above, do you think 96MB would be enough to keep
swapping to a minimum with StarOffice thrown in?  If you're not sure, I'd
be happy to wait a week or so until you have StarOffice installed. 

> If you can afford it, the new mobo+cpu+ram would probably be the right thing
> to do.

Actually, my crazy idea was running my existing CPU in a new board for a
while until I want to (and can afford to) upgrade it.  But unless the new
board has 3 ISA slots, I don't think I want to do that.  Adding a net
card, sound card and 56K modem to about $280 for the board, CPU and RAM is
a bit to much. 

Thank you,
Patrick Olson

Re: more RAM = more speed?

1999-08-25 Thread Patrick Olson

Thanks for the other info on RAM, it will be very useful.

> Add a second hard drive on the second ide channel(hdc) It is good to
> have a swap partition on a different controller channel with each
> partition having equal priority. The kernel will use the partition
> which will provide the best performance.

I don't know much when it comes to drives in Debian, so I have a few

1.  hdc has been a CD-ROM since the second I booted the Debian install CD. 
Will anything bad happen if hdc is suddenly a hard disk and hdd is now the
CD-ROM?  I haven't actually used the CD-ROM since I finished installing,
so the only possible trouble spot might be booting. 

2.  Is there a a how-to or some doc's for this?  I made a swap partition
with cfdisk in the beginning and let the (excellent) install program
figure out the rest.  Thus, I never learned much about swap.

3.  Since any drive I add will be old and slow (<200MB), is it worth it?

That is interesting that when both are given equal priority, the kernel
figures out which one is best.  I didn't know about that feature. 

Thank you,
Patrick Olson

more RAM = more speed?

1999-08-25 Thread Patrick Olson

I have Debian 2.1 running on a P-133 with 32MB of RAM and a 6.4GB Western
Digital IDE, but it is awful slow when I have a lot of stuff running,
including a few Netscape Communicator web browsers.  Specifically, it
likes to keep me waiting while it stops and runs the hard disk in the
middle of a program, or sometimes when I switch to a virtual console that
has been idle for a while. 

Based on the report below, I think a RAM upgrade might reduce swapping,
which should speed things up.

$ uptime
  8:10am  up 11 days, 15:11,  5 users,  load average: 1.10, 1.21, 0.83
$ free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 30964  30408556  14472652  14928
-/+ buffers/cache:  14828  16136
Swap:   128484  32196  96288

On top of this, I plan to install StarOffice and try and run it without
exiting any other programs.  Could someone take a moment and give me some
advice on this issue.  I can think of four specific questions: 

1.  Am I barking up the wrong tree with the idea of a RAM upgrade?

2.  Is it a bad idea to buy RAM for a P-133 since it only takes 72-pin?
Instead, should I upgrade to a motherboard that can handle a newer
type of RAM?

3.  If I upgrade nothing but RAM, how much do I need to have enough to cut
down on the swapping it does now and keep it to a minimum even after I
load StarOffice 5.1?  Keep in mind that although my budget is limited,
so is my patience with this old hardware.

4.  Is there something else I should upgrade?

Your response is appreciated.

Thank you,
Patrick Olson

Re: Network Tangle

1999-08-25 Thread Patrick Olson

> I have re installed a number of times trying to get access via the proxy to
> the local Australian Mirror site.

Two questions:

1. Can you ping
2. Can you ping

If #1 is a no, but #2 is a yes, then you have a DNS problem.  If both are
a yes, then I don't know what to say.  If both are a no, then I guess data
isn't getting from your computer to theirs and back.  Given that
additional info, it should be easier to figure out what is going wrong. 

I'm not sure what to make of this:

$ ftp
ftp: connect: No route to host

Are you sure that's the right hostname?

Hope this helps,

Re: apache/lynx problem - this is driving me crazy...

1999-08-24 Thread Patrick Olson

> I believe the error is the /www/ settings. This looks like an
> invalid http format. Unfortunately I cannot find the file which is
> controlling this.

Probably should be

Look in /etc/lynx.cfg for a line that begins


and I think that will be the line you want to change.

Hope this helps,

Re: Communicator 4.6.1 Segfaulting under slink

1999-08-24 Thread Patrick Olson

> I'm trying to run Communicator 4.6.1 (downloaded 128 bit, non-glibc
> version), and every time I try to start up, it waits a few minutes and
> segfaults.  Hints as to what to do next?  Do I download and use glibc,
> or pull their 56 bit exportable version?  Is this likely a Debian
> problem or a Netscape problem (or both)?  Posting to the Netscape
> support group didn't get any support.  If this won't work, is there any
> Netscape version that will work with reasonable stability?

I downloaded mine from

and installed by putting it in /tmp/ and installing the package
"netscape4" from dselect.  It's been running since sometime on 8/21 and
this is 8/24, so I would consider that pretty stable.  It must be good
software when X, WindowMaker and Netscape 4.61 can all run for several
days without crashing.  Don't try this with Windows...

Anyway, I suppose it might be worth trying.  I hope you can have the same
good experience with it.

Hope this helps,

Re: xf86setup q's

1999-08-24 Thread Patrick Olson

> i've got vga monitor, which plugs into a port at the back of the
> computer.  i don't have a video card for the monitor, meaning that the
> monitor connects to the motherboard via ribbon from the port.

OK, you have an on-board video card (built into the motherboard).  There
are several motherboards like this, so it will take more specific
information.  Perhaps the name of the motherboard would be enough. 

> i also have a  3-button, genius net mouse.
> what selections do i make for these items in xf86setup?  specifically,
> what monitor card do i select and what mouse dev name do i select?  i
> learned the cd dev name by scrolling through the boot messages.  but, i
> don't think i can do that for the mouse dev name.

If you have a PS/2 mouse, I think it would be /dev/psaux

If you have a serial mouse, these are the equivalents to DOS/Windows

DOS Linux

There is also the possibility that it is a bus mouse, or some other kind
of mouse I don't know about. 

Hope this helps,

Re: X-window install - newbie

1999-08-22 Thread Patrick Olson

> xfree86-common_3.3.2.3a-11.deb
> I would have thought using dpkg -i on this would have installed x-
> windows, or at least the relevant components.  Seems not to.  

That is just one piece of the pie.  There's a lot more than one package to
XFree86.  If you try to install the package "xbase", it will give you a
whole mess of packages that xbase needs in order to install.  That list is
what you need to run Xfree86, at a minimum.

Add to that the appropriate xserver for your video card, as well as
xserver-vga16 and xf86setup to make life a lot easier.

Once all of that is installed, try running XF86Setup.  Note that it is
very picky about case: xf86setup is not XF86Setup.  The former is the name
of the package, but the latter is the name of the program you run.
Anyway, if XF86Setup likes your video card, then you're well on your way
to a working graphical user interface.

> I suspect I've missed an obvious step somewhere.  So, can some 
> kind soul give me the step by step real easy don't assume I know 
> things list of how to get this thing happening.

I tried, but I may not be real good at giving instructions.  Any
questions, feel free to ask me and/or the list.

> (So far I have two sets of instructions how to install X-windows in 
> Debian, both of which seem to not match what's happening on my 
> system.)

There's more than one way.  That's what makes Linux so versatile, but also
can confuse people.

> (Somehow this is still more satisfying than keeping our Windows 
> systems happy) (I was overjoyed to discover that the up and down 
> arrow keys would step through all of the recent commands I had 
> issued, AND let me edit them! - what a wonderful idea!!)

You think that's great, try typing part of a command and hitting tab.  For
example, I don't type "dselect" I type "ds" and when I hit the tab key it
finishes the word.  If it beeps, I haven't typed enough letters and
there's more than one possibility.

Hope this helps,

Re: Suggested GUI to apache and GUI to ftp?

1999-08-22 Thread Patrick Olson

>   GLIBC2 distribution (for RedHat, Mandrake, Suse, Caldera, etc.) 
> IglooFTP-PRO-0.9.1-linux-ix86-glibc2.tar.gz 

glibc2 is the latest.  If you are running a recent version of Debian,
this what you want.  I'm running 2.1 and glibc2 is the one I go for.

>   LIBC5 distribution (for Slackware) 
> IglooFTP-PRO-0.9.1-linux-ix86-libc5.tar.gz 

libc5 is an older library than glibc2.  Probably only for Debian versions
older than 2.0 (such as 1.3.1).

>   RPM package (for RedHat, Mandrake, etc.) 
> IglooFTP-PRO-0.9.1-1.i386.rpm 

You could install this one with alien or whatever, but I wouldn't know
whether this one would use glibc2 or libc5 libraries, so I can't say much

> Though I'm completely unfamiliar with the other two packages (GLIBC2 &
> LIBC5) so I have no clue what I need to do to make them debian-friendly.
> I'm guessing they are a form of the C programming language, which are not
> installed on my debian version.  Hopefully I don't need to learn to program
> in C to be able to download and use the software. :(

Usually, it's not too difficult as long as you d/l the right one.  I think
it is safe to say the program is written in C, but beyond that I don't
know.  I think you can do OK without having to learn too much C
programming.  Can't say for sure as I am (slowly) learning C.

Hope this helps,

Re: er - how to print?

1999-08-22 Thread Patrick Olson

On Sun, 22 Aug 1999, Martin Waller wrote:

> My father-in-law just hgave me an OKI OL600ex laser printer.

I have an OkiPage 10ex that emulates a LaserJet 5.  Your OKI might emulate
a LaserJet of some sort also. 

> Doing any prinitng (e.g. cat afile.txt > /dev/lp or echo hello > /dev/lp 
> does nothing - lpq just says:
> waiting for lp to become ready (offline?)

I had a similar problem this morning (don't remember the message) and it
turned out that the lpd daemon was not running.  I had no idea WTF made it
stop running, as it was working the night before.  Anyway, these commands
might be useful:

/etc/init.d/lpd start
/etc/init.d/lpd stop
/etc/init.d/lpd restart

I recommend you use magicfilterconfig to set it up.  I happen to be using
the ljet2p (LaserJet IIP) filter because I was too lazy to change when I
got this printer.  It didn't break, so I didn't fix it!

Anyway, I think your OKI might emulate some form of LaserJet, so you might
want to try magicfilter with the various ljet filters.  Also, make sure
you're telling it the right port.  I think mine is /dev/lp0.

Hope this helps,

strange lynx behavior

1999-08-22 Thread Patrick Olson

I am having a very strange problem running Lynx on my other computer.  I
downloaded the .deb from Debian stable to this computer.  Here, it runs
fine as a normal user (haven't tried it as root).

Then I use FTP to transfer the .deb to my other computer over my LAN. 
dpkg -i lynx.deb worked without any complaint.  Lynx runs
fine as root, but when I try to run it as a normal user, it just sits
there.  I type lynx and hit enter, and the cursor moves to the next line
and nothing more happens.  I find the info below rather interesting as

$ uptime
 10:02am  up 46 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.15

after 1 minute:

$ ps
 1058   1 S0:00 -bash
 1063  p0 S0:00 -bash
 1070   1 R1:00 lynx
 1075  p0 R0:00 ps
$ uptime
 10:03am  up 48 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.63, 0.20, 0.19

Now, it looks like Lynx has ran the CPU quite a bit, but the computer
hardly even bothers to access the hard disk during this time.  This is an
AMD K6 under rather light load.  Lynx loads in well under a minute on my
old 386!

I have a hard time believing a software bug, as I believe lynx used to run
just fine on this machine.  I had goofed something up yesterday, so I
dumped everything and re-installed.

Here's the before and after on the memory:

$ free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 30264  26352   3912   8920380  21188
-/+ buffers/cache:   4784  25480
Swap:   128484   1076 127408
$ free
 total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
Mem: 30264  26356   3908   8936380  21188
-/+ buffers/cache:   4788  25476
Swap:   128484   1072 127412

Any suggestions that might help me get to the bottom of this would be
greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Patrick Olson

Re: Problems with the samba update

1999-08-21 Thread Patrick Olson

> > I am going to assume that version is from unstable (also known as potato) 
> > since my Samba is older.  In that case, there was mention of a bug in that
> > version of Samba that makes it need a 2.2.x kernel.  The message at this
> > address has a better explanation than I can give:
> So... I guess I need to downgrade to the version from Slink (I'm not
> planning to move to 2.2 since some other stuff I use won't work with it).
> Can I then mark it somehow as "non-upgradeable", so apt won't automatically
> upgrade it later?

Maybe temporarily.  The maintainer knows about it, it's listed at 

I guess the web server is case sensitive, as I had to type it in with the
capital B in Bugs to make it work.  Darn picky thing.

There might be an alternative to a downgrade.  After looking at the bug
report, it looks like the problem is when it's built on a system running a
2.2.x kernel and glibc2.1 but only if you're running a 2.0.x kernel.  To
me, that means it might work if you got the source and built it yourself. 

If you were using dselect, you could use = to put a hold on the package
once you've downgraded it.  I'm afraid I don't know much about apt. 

Could someone enlighten both of us as to the method of putting a hold on
packages when apt is involved?

Hope this helps,

Patrick Olson

Re: how to format mySeagate ST33210A

1999-08-20 Thread Patrick Olson

> > Jumping in the middle here, so pardon me if I'm way off.  Is your Seagate
> > ST33210A an IDE drive?
> Yes

That makes it easier for me.  I know a bit about IDE, but nothing about

> > Debian 1.0?  I'm going to assume you mean 2.0, in which case I have the
> > same disks...
> No, I labeled them Debian 1.0 when I created them.  I might have
> mislabeled
> them, though.

If they are really Debian 1.0, I would really suggest getting a newer
Debian!  The first Debian I saw was 1.3, so I don't even know 1.0.

> No, I see that the dmesg report doesn't see the drive, and the BIOS
> doesn't
> detect it, either.  I also notice that the HDD light on my generic
> (Kenitec)
> case stays constantly lit when the new drive is installed.  I don't know
> what
> to do about it, though.

If I recall correctly, the discussion mentioned looking for a /dev/hdd. 
If it is set to slave, hooked to your secondary IDE controller and has
power, I don't know what to say.  It almost sounds like a hardware thing
since the BIOS doesn't detect it.  If there is no master on the secondary
IDE controller, the drive may not be willing to run as a slave to an
invisible master.

> > If you can run without the CD-ROM temporarily, how about setting the
> > Seagate as primary slave in place of the CD-ROM which is now /dev/hdb
> I'll give that a try - I seldom use the CD anyway (sounds not working
> either).

If you try setting it as slave, hooking it up in place of your CD-ROM, and
it still doesn't work, I would begin to wonder about the drive!

Hope this helps,

Re: how to format mySeagate ST33210A

1999-08-19 Thread Patrick Olson

Jumping in the middle here, so pardon me if I'm way off.  Is your Seagate
ST33210A an IDE drive?

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Ralph Winslow wrote:

> > What do you mean by "using the second"?
> I mean the second, Ramdisk, diskette.

You mean the disk it asks for after you boot the 'rescue" disk, right?

> I tried re-running it three times.  I'm reluctant to report a bug on
> Debian 1.0
> software, though.

Debian 1.0?  I'm going to assume you mean 2.0, in which case I have the
same disks...

> > What does dmesg report?

Your dmesg report doesn't mention /dev/hdd or the Seagate drive at all.  I
think that is the problem right there.  /dev/hdd would be secondary slave
IDE I think.  Can anything (maybe the BIOS) find the drive?

If you can run without the CD-ROM temporarily, how about setting the
Seagate as primary slave in place of the CD-ROM which is now /dev/hdb

Again, I'm sorry if I'm way off on this, I just finally saw something I
thought I might be able to answer.

Re: confusing X problem

1999-08-19 Thread Patrick Olson

On 18 Aug 1999, Colin Marquardt wrote:

> I would first get rid of xdm, then run 

I'll remove the package for now.

>X -probeonly 2> my_x-probe.log

Console screwed up vertically when command prompt returned, as usual. 
Monitor power light goes dim when I just run "X".  As always, XF86Config
posted at

> Then post the file my_x-probe.log (which shouldn´t be too long) here.

It is attached, rather than in the message.  It doesn't show the strange
"POWER ON" and "POWER OFF" messages that I get when running X without

> What is printed on the biggest chip of this card (or have you already
> posted this?)

To be honest, I just wrote down the name (Diamond Viper Pro Video) and
stuffed the thing in the computer.  I'll look...

Several large chips:
1.  IBM chip with these numbers on it:
8190429   9314

2.  Weitek Power 9100
N4E (Greek letter delta) 9447B

3.  I think this is the clock chip (it's smaller than I expected):
IC Designs 2061ASC-1

I just noticed that while the BIOS chips says "Viper Pro Video" the card
says "Viper Pro PCI".

There's another chip on the other side.  It's very similar to the other
Weitek chip. 

Weitek Video Power
P1DL (Greek letter delta) 9445P

While I'm at it, the FCC ID is FTUPCI91K525 

> Maybe also worth trying: I don´t know whether the big hardware support
> database at is also available in english---if not, I could
> look it up for you.

I started at but the actual database is at

The results:

"This component is probably supported by XFree86 (since version 3.3.3),
module svga"
"This component is supported by Accelerated-X"

Thank you,
Patrick Olson

XFree86 Version 3.3.4 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: July 13 1999
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.0.36 i686 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  SVGA: server for SVGA graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0):
  ET4000W32i, ET4000W32i_rev_b, ET4000W32i_rev_c, ET4000W32p,
  ET4000W32p_rev_a, ET4000W32p_rev_b, ET4000W32p_rev_c,
  ET4000W32p_rev_d, ET6000, ET6100, et3000, pvga1, wd90c00, wd90c10,
  wd90c30, wd90c24, wd90c31, wd90c33, gvga, ati, sis86c201, sis86c202,
  sis86c205, sis86c215, sis86c225, sis5597, sis5598, sis6326, sis530,
  sis620, tvga8200lx, tvga8800cs, tvga8900b, tvga8900c, tvga8900cl,
  tvga8900d, tvga9000, tvga9000i, tvga9100b, tvga9200cxr, tgui9400cxi,
  tgui9420, tgui9420dgi, tgui9430dgi, tgui9440agi, cyber9320, tgui9660,
  tgui9680, tgui9682, tgui9685, cyber9382, cyber9385, cyber9388,
  cyber9397, cyber9520, cyber9525, 3dimage975, 3dimage985, cyber9397dvd,
  blade3d, cyberblade, clgd5420, clgd5422, clgd5424, clgd5426, clgd5428,
  clgd5429, clgd5430, clgd5434, clgd5436, clgd5446, clgd5480, clgd5462,
  clgd5464, clgd5465, clgd6205, clgd6215, clgd6225, clgd6235, clgd7541,
  clgd7542, clgd7543, clgd7548, clgd7555, clgd7556, ncr77c22, ncr77c22e,
  cpq_avga, mga2064w, mga1064sg, mga2164w, mga2164w AGP, mgag200,
  mgag100, mgag400, oti067, oti077, oti087, oti037c, al2101, ali2228,
  ali2301, ali2302, ali2308, ali2401, cl6410, cl6412, cl6420, cl6440,
  video7, ark1000vl, ark1000pv, ark2000pv, ark2000mt, mx, realtek,
  s3_virge, AP6422, AT24, AT3D, s3_svga, NM2070, NM2090, NM2093, NM2097,
  NM2160, NM2200, ct65520, ct65525, ct65530, ct65535, ct65540, ct65545,
  ct65546, ct65548, ct65550, ct65554, ct6, ct68554, ct69000,
  ct64200, ct64300, mediagx, V1000, V2x00, p9100, spc8110, i740,
  i740_pci, Voodoo Banshee, Voodoo3, generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keymap: "xfree86(us)" (overrides other XKB settings)
(**) Mouse: type: MouseSystems, device: /dev/ttyS0, baudrate: 1200
(**) Mouse: buttons: 3
(**) SVGA: Graphics device ID: "My Video Card"
(**) SVGA: Monitor ID: "My Monitor"
(--) SVGA: Mode "800x600" needs hsync freq of 64.02 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1024x768" needs hsync freq of 62.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1152x864" needs hsync freq of 62.42 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1280x1024" needs hsync freq of 64.25 kHz. Deleted.
(--) SVGA: Mode "1024x768" ne

Re: newbie install problem with CD-ROM mount

1999-08-18 Thread Patrick Olson

> I am totally new to linux and debian. I tried to install from CD-ROM but
> it (a Hi-Val (MITSUMI) FX400) wasn't recognized. Following the
> installation instructions I tried the second choice of booting in
> DOS/Win first and copying installation files to the C: partition. This
> works OK, but still, when I get to the part about mounting the CD-ROM it
> fails with no indication of why. How can I trouble-shoot this?
> Is there a way to shell out of the installation menus to try a manual
> mount? or where do I look to see why the CD-ROM fails to mount? I
> believe the driver was installed when I was prompted for that in a
> previous step, but can I check somewhere that it actually was? Is it
> possible that this CD_ROM is not supported by LINUX? What info should I
> post to this list so someone can undertand exactly where my problem
> lies? (I know you can't guess at it from my limited descriptions here).
> Thanks very much for your time, Dave

It can be done.  I have two systems, both with the FX400.  One of the
drives even came as part of a Hi-Val multimedia kit.  From the system

Aug 10 09:56:19 picard kernel: hdc: FX400E, ATAPI CDROM drive

Linux auto-detected this thing hooked to my secondary IDE controller.
Here's how I set it up:

1. I did not connect the CDROM drive's IDE cable to the sound card.
2. I think I set a jumper on the sound card to disable IDE or some such
3. I set the jumper on the CDROM to "master"
   (it might work as slave too, I don't know)
4. I connected it to the motherboard's "secondary IDE" connector.
5. It magically worked.  If it hadn't, I wouldn't have known what to do.

Note that in my system, there are two IDE devices.  The CD-ROM is the
master on the secondary IDE controller.  My hard disk is the master on the
primary IDE controller.  There are no slave drives in my computer.

I don't know if this chart will help, but here goes:
/dev/hdaprimary master (usually a hard disk)
/dev/hdbprimary slave
/dev/hdcsecondary master (in my case, a CD-ROM drive)
/dev/hddsecondary slave

If you still have difficulty getting the CD to mount, make sure the CD in
the drive is a Debian binary, not Debian source.  Also, I think it would
be helpful to know how your CD-ROM drive is connected and how many IDE
controllers your system has (usually 1 or 2, not counting sound cards).

Hope this helps,

Re: Looking for Help w/ xfs

1999-08-18 Thread Patrick Olson

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Vaughn J Lujan wrote:

> reinstalling.  However, now when i got to start up xfs it tells me the 
> following:
> xfs error: CONFIG: can't open configuration file 
> "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs/config"
> xfs error: fatal: couldn't read config file
> I took a look at the man pages and it tells me the config file is usally
> a symbolic link to etc/X11/xfs/config.  sure enough the file doesn't
> exist.  the problem is I have no idea how to recreate that file. If
> anyone could help, I'd appreciate it much.  thanks.

I think this will work:
1. If package xbase is installed, remove it.  According to what I have
   read, it isn't needed any more.
2. Make sure you have a way to get the xfs package so we can re-install it
   (this will be xfs_3.3.3.1-10.deb if you are running potato)
3. purge package xfs
4. install package xfs
5. choose "config" from dselect or run dpkg --pending --configure

Once xfs is purged, it will have to make new configs when re-installed.

Note that this is a horrible Microsoft way to do things (re-install), and
there is probably a way to make it re-configure, but I don't know it.

Hope this helps,

Re: HELP: X window Setup Problem

1999-08-18 Thread Patrick Olson

There are several ways to do this:

1. Write the XF86Config file manually (not a lot of fun!)
2. Install package "XF86Setup" and run it (graphical set up program)
3. run "xf86config" (not so nice as the graphical program, but will make
you a config file)

Hope this helps,

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, Kim, Jeong-Hwan wrote:

> Hi, Everyone
> I'm novice in Linux (DEBIAN) and I am
> setting up my PC with debian.
> I installed the debian with Admin. option.
> But I have a problem with Xwindow.
> When the system boots, it tells me "file" cannot be found.
> Also when I type "startx" in shell, it tells me "XFree86Config" file cannot 
> be found.
> I installed twm, xbase-clients, xdm, xfree86-common, xfs, xmh, xproxy,
> xserver-common, xsm, xlib6g.
> Why cannot the system find the "Config" file?
> The booting message is as follows :
> :
> :
> :
> Starting x font server : xfs.
> Starting x TrueType Font Server : xfstt.
> Starting /usr/sbin/xntpd...
> Starting NFS server : .
> Starting additional networking services : .
> Starting filtering proxy server : junkbuster.
> Starting deferred execution scheduler : atd.
> Starting periodic command scheduler : cron.
> Checking For valid XFree86 server configuration ... file not found.
> Not starting X display manager.
> :
> :
> :
> I hope your advices.
> Thanks in advance.

Re: Xemacs Prcs problem (still persists)

1999-08-18 Thread Patrick Olson

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Prashanth Mundkur wrote:

> Setting up prcs (1.2.11-7) ... 
> install/prcs: Byte-compiling for emacsen flavour xemacs20 
> Compiling /usr/share/xemacs20/site-lisp/prcs/prcs.el...
>   ** Variable reference to constant :buffer 
>   ** Variable reference to constant :force
> [...]
>   ** Variable reference to constant :get-descriptor-too 
> Wrote /usr/share/xemacs20/site-lisp/prcs/prcs.elc
> Done

I don't know much about this message.  Is there a file named

You can check using a command like
ls /usr/share/xemacs20/site-lisp/prcs/prcs.e*

It should list both prcs.el and prcs.elc.  If prcs.el does not exist, you
might try "dpkg --pending --configure" but I'm afraid if that doesn't work
I don't know much more.

> Remarkably, xemacs still doesn't find it. It does
> [strace o/p]
> stat("/usr/share/xemacs20/site-lisp/octave/prcs.elc",0xbfffe510) = -1 ENOENT 
> (No such file or directory)
> stat("/usr/share/xemacs20/site-lisp/octave/prcs.el",0xbfffe510) = -1 ENOENT 
> (No such file or directory)  
> but it doesn't look in 
> /usr/share/xemacs20/site-lisp/prcs
> Is there a way of getting xemacs to look in the
> right place? 

ln -s /usr/share/xemacs20/site-lisp/prcs/prcs.elc

ought to make it find at file, getting rid of one of the two "No such file
or directory" messages.

Warning:  This may not be the right way to fix it.  I don't actually know
anything about emacs.  ln -s is just a command to make a link from the
actual location to the place where the program is looking.

Please someone else jump into this thread if there is a better answer!

Hope this helps,

Re: confusing X problem

1999-08-17 Thread Patrick Olson

> The only way I know to approach a problem like this is to get the system
> to a known state, and then proceed with a step-by-step analysis to reduce
> the number of variables, and isolate the problem. I would suggest
> something like the following:

That sounds good, but I'm not really sure how to accomplish step-by-step
analysis with X.  Everything seems to be just fine until I try to run X.
Even then, everything seems fine except for the "power on" and "power off"
entries in /var/log/xdm.log and the fact that the monitor does just that.

Given my limited knowledge, it seems that the only variables are the SVGA
server and the XF86Config file.  I don't know what else could cause such
weird behavior.

> Verify whether the current version of stable does have support for your
> card. If so, purge your current xserver pacakges, and reinstall them. Make
> sure that the package dependencies are all met during the installation,
> and that any packages that were not configured get configured (run dpkg
> --pending --configure).

The current version of stable does not support this card, that is why I
have tried dropping in SVGA server binaries from the newer versions.  

> Gather together all the relevant docs, HOWTO's, man pages, etc. Now begin
> the X configuration process. At each step, read the relevant portion of
> the docs to verify that the correct data is entered, and that the system
> gives the correct response. Assuming all goes well, run it.

I finally see how a step-by-step analysis could help.  I think it is safe
to say that the mouse and keyboard settings have nothing to do with our
problem.  The monitor is clearly capable of what I am telling the
xf86config program.  I have the specifications for the monitor right here. 
According to to the card list on, SVGA is the right server
to use.

Now we get into things where I'm not quite so sure.  In case the card
doesn't really have 2MB, I'll set it to 1MB.  It certainly has that.
Since I have not been able to find the specifications for the card on the
Internet, I can only assume that the SVGA server is detecting the RAMDAC,
clockchip and chipset correctly.  That could be where the problem lies.

Both Windows95 and the SVGA server say it's a 2MB card with an IBM-RGB525
RAMDAC, so it was probably safe to put those in the config file (although
it didn't fix the problem).

Taking it like that, the problems might be:
1. wrong clockchip
2. wrong RAMDAC
3. wrong X server
4. wrong amount of video RAM
5. wrong chipset
6. something else

Is this the kind of analysis you were suggesting?  Any ideas for finding
the specifications on this card?  Diamond seems rather tight lipped about
the specifications of its cards.

> Now observe what does or does not happen. Note the specific errors and
> where in the process they occur. Go back to the docs and read the relevant
> sections. As you attempt to resolve each error, again note what happens
> and try to find out why. In this way, the the potential problem areas are
> narrowed down and hopefully isolated. If not, it is much easier to ask
> someone to help when the problem has been clarified.

Same old problem.  What sections are relevant to the monitor turning
itself off and the messages "power on" and "power off" in xdm.log?  I have
certainly read the troubleshooting sections of all documents I have come
across.  As far as clarifying the problem, about all I know is that it
seems to succeed except for those strange messages in xdm.log and the
monitor turning itself off.

> If this sound like a lot of work, well, it is. But IMHO it is easier than
> trying to solve a difficult problem intuitively. Taken a step at a time,
> it comes together easier than it might seem.

I have plenty of time and don't mind the work.  I just wish that both the
configuration process and the documentation were a little more user

Here is some additional information that will hopefully give someone an
idea as to the problem:

I have noticed a couple of interesting symptoms during additional attempts
I have made.  I started with no one logged in on VC's 1-6 and xdm not
running.  I telnetted in from another machine so that I would still be
able to issue commands after starting xdm.  Of course, when I started xdm,
the screen turned

Even so, I thought I might be able to log into xdm.  Sure enough, ps aux
now lists /usr/bin/X11/twm!  That tells me that xdm is indeed working,
albeit invisibly.

I decided to also try mode switching with the Ctrl Alt + and Ctrl Alt -.
That produced two new lines in /var/log/xdm.log (the first was already

Mode switch failed because of hardware initialisation error

In addition, stopping X produced something I had not thought to mention:
All 6 VC's are now messed up vertically.  The top and bottom lines are off
the screen and there is a blank gap slightly above the middle.  They are
fine horizontally though.

Thank you,
Patrick Olson

Re: Xemacs Prcs problem

1999-08-17 Thread Patrick Olson

That file is in a package named prcs.  If you go into dselect and install
the prcs package, it should be able to load prcs.el.

On Tue, 17 Aug 1999, Prashanth Mundkur wrote:

> Hi,
> My slink xemacs-nomule tries to load the prcs.el
> package whenever I load any file. 
> However, this file doesn't seem to be a part of
> any of the following:
> xemacs20-bin
> xemacs20-nomule
> xemacs20-support
> emacs19-el 
> emacs19
> emacsen-common
> How do I fix this? I'm assuming if someone can
> email me this file, along with where I need to put
> it, the problem will go away...

Re: confusing X problem

1999-08-17 Thread Patrick Olson

> How old is your version of Debian? Did you install the XF86_SVGA from a
> debian package or compile it from source? 

I started from a Debian 2.0 CD, but did not install X from there.  I
pointed dselect to for
updating the stuff that installed off the CD and then adding X.  So, I
_think_ everything is up to date with dists/stable.

I have tried three XF86_SVGA binaries.  The first (3.3.2) came as a .deb
package from somewhere under dists/stable.  The other two (3.3.3, 3.3.4)
were from a .tgz file pulled from a mirror of

That brings to light the question of whether or not I can get away with
downloading a server binary and dropping it on top of an older version of

Also, I just noticed something about my monitor.  The specs say, "Plug and
Play: 1/2B."  I don't have a clue what that means, but could that have
anything to do with it?  It is an NEC MultiSync XV15+.  I can try it with
a different monitor if that might help, but I don't have any sort of specs
or docs on the other one, as it just says "Tangent Computer."

I hope some of this information helps bring to light whatever stupid
mistake I am making!  As always, I appreciate all of the people who take
time to help me with this.


Re: Rage128 Video Card

1999-08-17 Thread Patrick Olson

Assuming the system has Windows 95 on it, look around in the Windows
display settings.  Somewhere, it should say the proper name of the card.

Alternately, we can use the process of elimination:

There's a whole mess of ATI cards in the card list at

If you narrow it down to the ones with Rage in the name, you get:

ATI Mach64 3D RAGE II  ..  XF86_Mach64
ATI Mach64 3D RAGE II+DVD  ..  XF86_Mach64
ATI Mach64 3D Rage IIC  .  XF86_Mach64
ATI Mach64 3D Rage Pro  .  XF86_Mach64
ATI Mach64 GT (264GT), aka 3D RAGE, Int. RAMDAC    XF86_Mach64
ATI Pro Turbo+PC2TV, 3D Rage II+DVD    XF86_Mach64
ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] PCI and AGP, 3D Rage Pro    XF86_Mach64
ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED], 3D Rage Pro    XF86_Mach64

Now since the list on their web site is probably the latest version,
chances are that if this card is supported, is will work with XF86_Mach64.

I would start by trying XF86_Mach64 and seeing if it works.  If not, it
may work better if you download the latest XF86_Mach64 binary from or one of their mirrors.

This is about all I know, but I hope it helps.


On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, westk wrote:

> I've recently acquired a new Gateway computer that has a video card that I 
> can't 
> locate the specs on. I've cracked the case and found that it's an ATI and it 
> has 
> a paper label on one of the chips that says "R128  52001". I lifted the label 
> and the markings on the chip are "ATMEL  AT49F512  90JC  9911". The other 
> major 
> chip, which is much larger, has a heat sink on it, so I can't read the actual 
> chip markings, but the heat sink is labeled "Graphics by Rage 128". The paper 
> work that came with the PC says it has an ATI AGP card, and the Gateway part 
> number on the paperwork and on a label on the card is 6001129. I've tried 
> Gateway's web site, but apparently their web designer doesn't keep up with 
> the 
> latest and greatest, because neither their search engine nor their video card 
> section mentions such a part number. I couldn't find an email address for 
> Gateway tech support, and so far I haven't been able to get to anyone via the 
> telephone.
> Assuming that this card is properly referred to as an "ATI Rage 128", I can't 
> find such a card/chipset listed in the XF86 card database (when running 
> XF86Setup or xf86config).
> I'm running a fresh install of Slink (with 2.0.36 kernel) from a "Slink 
> Special 
> Edition" CD set distributed at last June's USENIX conference, which has 
> XFree86 
> I hope someone can tell me what I need to do to get this card working pr

Re: help meeee.

1999-08-17 Thread Patrick Olson

There is a StarOffice 5.1 Personal Edition available from them free of
charge, but it is restricted to non-commercial use.  My opinion is that
you should go for that if your use qualifies as non-commercial.  There is
more info on their web site at

Hope this helps,

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, rod mccarthy wrote:

> I have 2 harddrives the master has win98 the slave has caldera open
> linux 2.2, which I just purchased. So I installed it and then noticed
> the 30 day limit on my staroffice 5.0 and that I need to register. Where
> do I register and do they send me the code, Im on the internet thru
> win98 (master drive). Not on the internet thru linux yet..Please
> help...thank you

Re: confusing X problem

1999-08-17 Thread Patrick Olson

> I took a look at your files on the web. A quick check of
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards indicates the following:
> NAME Weitek P9100 (generic)
> CHIPSET Weitek P9100

Thanks for that info.  I didn't even know that file was there, but it
wouldn't matter much since mine is old and doesn't have that entry.  Did I
do something bad by just getting a new XF86_SVGA and not upgrading
anything else?

I noticed that the NOCLOCKPROBE and tried putting that in the config file.
It definitely didn't like that.  Is there a way to tell it not to probe
the clock?

> I noticed you have a RAMDAC entry and a Clocks entry in your XF86Config.
> It may be that the card does not like to be probed (the commented VideoRam
> entry would suggest this). If you haven't already, try removing those
> entries and see what happens. Beyond this I'm out of ideas. Just read,
> read, read  :-)

Thanks for the idea.  I tried commenting those out as well as setting both
RAMDAC and Clockchip to the values the it normally detects (ibm_rgb525 and
icd2061a, respectively).  None of these made any changes.

I also tried specifying Chipset "p9100", but it complained about rendition
being an unknown chipset and then proceeded to detect the P9100!  That
seemed really strange, but I won't claim to know what it means.

Patrick Olson

Re: kernel, libncurses4-dev_4.2-3.2.deb, and all kinds of fun.

1999-08-16 Thread Patrick Olson

This is just a guess:  Are you sure your FTP program is in binary mode?
That may sound silly, but I've made the mistake of being in ASCII mode a
few times myself.

Hope this helps,

On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, Cheshire wrote:

> won't work so I've downloaded the potato version. A lot of times. On the
> ftp the file is listed as 511408 bytes, and every time I download it I
> end up with a 511405 byte file. It's the only thing I can think of, with
> my limited experience, that results in this error when trying to install
> it:
> # dpkg -i libncurses4-dev_4.2-3.2.deb 
> (Reading database ... 17235 files and directories currently installed.)
> Unpacking libncurses4-dev (from libncurses4-dev_4.2-3.2.deb) ...
> dpkg: error processing libncurses4-dev_4.2-3.2.deb (--install):
>  corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive
> dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
> Errors were encountered while processing:
>  libncurses4-dev_4.2-3.2.deb
> Can someone please help? I promise, last question this weekend, honest
> :)

Re: Problems with the samba update

1999-08-16 Thread Patrick Olson

I am going to assume that version is from unstable (also known as potato) 
since my Samba is older.  In that case, there was mention of a bug in that
version of Samba that makes it need a 2.2.x kernel.  The message at this
address has a better explanation than I can give:

Hope this helps,

On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, peter karlsson wrote:

> Hi!
> A recent samba update (in potato) rendered all my shares non-functional. For
> some reason, no-one can mount anything, not even using the correct
> passwords, and if I try to browse my computer (from a Windows machine), it
> claims that I have to enter a password for \\computername\IPC$
> I've tried fiddling around with the configuration file, and also to move the
> old shares to the end of the new template configuration file, but I cannot
> get it to work. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?
> Samba version is 2.0.5a-2

Re: confusing X problem

1999-08-16 Thread Patrick Olson

Thanks for taking the time to reply.  I think I am closer to having a
working setup, but not there yet.

> What does SuperProbe say about your video card??

First video: Super-VGA
Chipset: Tseng ET4000 (Port Probed)
Memory:  256 Kbytes
RAMDAC:  Generic 8-bit pseudo-color DAC
 (with 6-bit wide lookup tables (or in 6-bit mode))

I have no idea if that's right.  The new XF86_SVGA server says the chipset
it a Weitek P9100, which agrees with Diamond's Windows drivers for the
Viper Pro Video.

> The SVGA server can only see that you have got 64k video ram.
> Try uncomment out the line:
>   #VideoRam2048
> in your XF86Config file.

Umm, this was sort of fixed when I installed the newer SVGA server.  It
now sees all 2048K. Should I still make the change?

> You might also try out the latest server from

I think this was the most helpful change.  Now it tries to run 800x600,
but for some strange reason, the monitor turns off when xdm starts.  That
is, the power light on the monitor gets dimmer after a few seconds, then
goes off after another few seconds.  I think these two pieces of the
/var/log/xdm.log may be relevant: 

(--) SVGA: Virtual resolution set to 800x600
(--) SVGA: SpeedUp code selection modified because virtualX != 1024
(--) SVGA: Using XAA (XFree86 Acceleration Architecture)
(--) SVGA: XAA: Solid filled rectangles


System: `/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp -w 1 -R/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb -xkm
-m us -em1 "The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:" -emp "> "
-eml "Errors
from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server" keymap/xfree86
compiled/xfree86.xkm'POWER OFF
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

[end of /var/log/xdm.log]

Can someone tell me what that "POWER OFF" and "POWER ON" means, and what I
should do?

I have never seen that in output from X before!  The monitor is shutting
itself off, so I think something is probably wrong in my XF86Config, but
at least the newer SVGA server that likes this chipset.  By the way, the
monitor is an NEC MultiSync XV15+

As always, my XF86Config and xdm.log are at:

Your help is greatly appreciated,
Patrick Olson

Re: confusing X problem

1999-08-16 Thread Patrick Olson

> You can find documentation at Check
> out the Installation and Getting Started Guide, and the X HOW-TOs.

Thank you for the information.  However, I have tried to make sense out of
the information and still can not get anything better than 320x200

The Installation and Getting Started Guide referred to two documents
which apparently did not get installed on my system:  VideoModes.doc,
modeDB.txt.  As such, I couldn't find the information that is apparently
necessary to continue.  

Even after all of this reading, I simply do not understand what is wrong
with the configuration.  There are several 800x600 mode lines for X to
choose from, and the screens section has both 640x480 and 800x600 listed
under each of the four color depths (8, 16, 24, 32).

That led me to the device section, where everything looked OK, except that
for some strange reason, VideoRam 2048 was commented out.  Unfortunately,
fixing that didn't change the resolution it chose.

It simply makes no sense to me why it is rejecting 640x480 and 800x600
modes without giving any errors about those modes.

Since I clearly don't know what I'm doing, or not doing, could someone
please take a minute to point out the mistakes in my config file?

By the way, my /etc/X11/XF86Config and /var/log/xdm.log are at:

Thank you,
Patrick Olson

Re: confusing X problem

1999-08-16 Thread Patrick Olson

> Um, I've got only good to say for the xserver that nvidia has released,
> which your video card might like. I hear "diamond viper" so I'm guessing
> a tnt chip. Beyond that, you really should have the specs of your
> monitor handy, as that has always for me been the part that needed the
> endless testing of capable modes. You can get that xserver at
> if you're interested, btw.

Unfortunately, the Viper Pro Video (or at least this one) uses a Weitek
P9100.  I tried the nvidia server and had exactly the same problem as with
the SVGA server that comes with dists/stable: stuck in 320x200 even though

I told xf86config everything I knew:

-that I want 800x600
-horizontal frequency range of 31-65
-vertical frequency range of 55-120
-2MB video RAM

It is running 800x600 under Win95, so I know the hardware can do it.  That
makes this even more frustrating, since the hardware can clearly do
800x600, I told xf86config everything, and it randomly picks 320x200.

I can understand why the logfile shows it rejecting modes higher than
800x600 because they are outside the monitor's frequency range, but it
does not even bother to say why it refuses to run 800x600.

The file /etc/X11/XF86Config is at

The file /var/log/xdm.log is at

Could someone please take a look at them and help me understand how to get
it working?

confusing X problem

1999-08-15 Thread Patrick Olson

I have been trying all day to get XFree86 running, but have simply
had no luck getting any resolution other than 320x200.  I would like it to
do 800x600 with 256 (or more) colors.  The video card does that just fine
under Windows95, so I know the hardware is capable, although maybe not
very compatible. 

I wasn't sure about using a lot of bandwidth on this list since the config
file is about 20K, so I have put it on my ISP's server along with the
output.  They are at these two addresses:

I would really appreciate any help, or pointers to documentation that
would help.  If anyone would like me to e-mail them the config file or the
output, I will be happy to.

XF86Setup could not successfully switch into graphics mode with the VGA16
server; it just put a grey background on the screen and nothing else.  The
configuration file was originally made using xf86config, and I have made
some changes to try and get 800x600 (without any success). 

The video card is a 2MB Diamond Viper Pro Video, and is a PCI card.  I
have been trying to use the SVGA X server. 

Please help me figure this out so I don't have to run Win95 on this
computer :-)


Re: hard drive error

1999-08-13 Thread Patrick Olson

> > hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
> > ide0: reset: success
> > 
> I don't really know what causes this error, but I receive it also.  The only
> cure I've found was to recompile the kernel with "Use DMA by default when
> available" /disabled/.
> I've been told that this can be fixed with the hdparms package, but it's
> never worked correctly for me.

For what it's worth, I had this error back in the days of Debian 1.3 (I
don't remember the kernel version, probably 2.0.something).  It finally
got to the point that the computer wouldn't do anything, not even root
login or shutdown.

I turned the computer completely off for about 5 minutes, checked all the
IDE cables for loose connections, and haven't had the problem since.  If
your system is on all the time, it MIGHT be worth a try, although I fear
that it was probably just something weird that the computer did.

Re: ugh!! Why does my time keep resetting?!

1999-08-12 Thread Patrick Olson

I'm sure not an expert, but from what little I understand of the mail
headers, it looks OK.  Judging by the mail headers of other messages,
debian's server puts GMT timestamps on messages.

Run the command "date" and see what it says.  If it indeed shows the wrong
time, then I must apologize for being wrong.  If things are working right,
it will say something like "Wed Aug 11 19:05:40 PDT 1999"

By the way, does anyone know how to make the date command "7:05 PM" or
just "7:05"  instead of "19:05" 

On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Aaron Solochek wrote:

> My /etc/defaults/rcS has the GMT= "" set, so shouldn't my system realize
> that the hardware clock is set to local time?  Each time I boot into
> linux it screws me up, and I don't realize it until I receive a message
> that I sent to this list  So sorry about screwing up everybodies
> incoming mail.

Re: soudblaster live and modules in general

1999-08-12 Thread Patrick Olson

I think you need to run "make modules" and "make modules_install" from the
same directory as the other make commands ("make config" and so on).  The
purpose of this is to create the stuff needed for "sound as a module." 

I'm not real familiar with sound, so that's about all I can say.  I hope
that helps.

On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, Aaron Solochek wrote:

> I've read the readme, and I can't get through all how-to's.  I have a
> slink system with 2.2.10, and until today I have never used modules.
> I always just compiled everything I wanted into the kernel.  But When my
> soundblaster live arrived this morning, I realized that was going to
> have to change.  I downloaded the drivers from and followed
> their instructions.  I compiled the kernel as it said, sound as a
> module, no specific drivers, I couldn't locate the SMP support option,
> and I compiled without version information.  I had to create a
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/, there was only a 2.0.36 ( I assume this is because
> I never used modules)  and I stuck the appropriate file in
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc.  I cut the end of the name off the file so
> that it was simply emu10k1.o.  I also created a modules.dep in
> /lib/modules/2.2.10.  It has only one line:
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/emu10k1.o:
> There were no other soundcard refrences in conf.modules, but I added
> "alias sound emu10k1" to /etc/modutils/aliases and ran update-modules.
> Now when I issue the command "modprobe emu10k1"  I get this:
> leko:~/emu10k1-0.3# modprobe emu10k1
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/emu10k1.o: unresolved symbol
> unregister_sound_dsp
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/emu10k1.o: unresolved symbol
> unregister_sound_midi
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/emu10k1.o: unresolved symbol register_sound_dsp
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/emu10k1.o: unresolved symbol
> register_sound_mixer
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/emu10k1.o: unresolved symbol
> unregister_sound_mixer
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/emu10k1.o: unresolved symbol
> unregister_sound_special
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/emu10k1.o: unresolved symbol
> register_sound_special
> /lib/modules/2.2.10/misc/emu10k1.o: unresolved symbol
> register_sound_midi
> leko:~/emu10k1-0.3#
> I have no idea where to go from here, aside from asking on this list :)

Re: dpkg -S

1999-08-11 Thread Patrick Olson

> Grab debian/dists//{main,contrib,non-free}/Contents-.gz .
> It may be in a slightly different place, but that should be what you need.

Thanks for the info (and the quick reply).  I grabbed

I think it has all three (main,contrib,non-free).  It works perfectly:

$ grep Contents-i386
lib/   oldlibs/ncurses3.0

This is exactly what I need.

Thanks again,

dpkg -S

1999-08-11 Thread Patrick Olson

On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:

> 02:29am ~$ dpkg -S /usr/bin/top
> procps: /usr/bin/top
> 02:29am ~$ dpkg -S /bin/ps
> procps: /bin/ps

I have a question about using dpkg -S.  Today, when I tried to install the
software for my UPS, it complained that it couldn't find
"" so I thought I would try

picard:~# dpkg -S
dpkg: ** not found.

As you can see, it didn't help me any.  I ran it again after installing
ncurses3.0 (which happened to be the right package) and it worked: 

picard:~# dpkg -S
ncurses3.0: /lib/

As such, it seems that dpkg -S only works on packages that are already
installed.  Is there something I can use to determine which package needs
to be installed when a program complains about a particular file?

Patrick Olson

Re: Problems with fetchmail.. can anyone help?

1999-08-10 Thread Patrick Olson

On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, Colin McMillen wrote:

> I am trying to get my mail from a remote server rather than through
> Netscape Mail. I have the fetchmail package installed, but it can't seem
> to get mail from my server. Can someone point out what I am doing wrong?
> (The username and mail server are correct, by the way)...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] fetchmail -u mcmi0037
> Enter password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
> fetchmail: No mail for mcmi0037 at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] fetchmail -u mcmi0037
> Enter password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
> fetchmail: No mail for mcmi0037 at
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] fetchmail -u mcmi0037
> Enter password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
> 1 message for mcmi0037 at (645 octets).
> reading message 1 of 1 (638 header octets) fetchmail: SMTP listener
> doesn't like recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> fetchmail: can't even send to shadow!
> fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
> fetchmail: Query status=10

I think a mail-transfer-agent (smail, sendmail or one of the others) needs
to be listening on port 25.  Try this and see if you get anything: 

telnet localhost 25

For example, mine says:

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian/GNU; Tue, 10
Aug 1999 13:55:05 -0700

then I have to to Ctrl ] to get out of it.

If yours does not connect, you probably need to install, configure or
start a mail transfer agent.

Hope this helps.

Re: lynx limit of 10 refresh URLs

1999-08-10 Thread Patrick Olson

> This made good sense to me, too.  I set it to 20 with the command line
> parameter, and it still barfed after ten redirections:
> "Redirection limit of 10 URL's reached."
> This is a strange one.  Lynx is so configurable, I couldn't fathom this
> being a static setting...
> Thanks much for taking a stab at it.  Any other guesses?

Unfortunately, I have since read the docs.  /usr/doc/lynx/changelog.gz
says something about it being an arbritrary limit.  If that is so, it
might take a change in the source code to get around it.

However, there is a page at

which mentions the problem.  It seems to indicate the problem would be
with the address, or the web page, not the browser.  Could it be possible
that the problem is with the web page and that you don't really need that
many redirections?

Re: lynx limit of 10 refresh URLs

1999-08-10 Thread Patrick Olson

On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Brian Butler wrote:

> Hello.  I want to use lynx to visit a group of sites.  After login, there is
> a cookie-setting ritual involving many redirections.  After ten of these,
> lynx complains that its limit of ten refresh URLs has been reached.  Then it
> stops.
> I would like to increase this limit.  Reading  the man page (man lynx)
> and searching some lists and newsgroups have yielded close but no exact
> information.   I suspect it's a lynx.conf thing, and just need a pointer to
> the variable to set or the command line switch to throw.

I think it is the DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE parameter in /etc/lynx.cfg for two

1. It appears to default to 10

2. It says the "minimum allowed value is 2, for the current document and
at least one to fetch."  I would tend to guess that it might want to hold
all the documents in cache until it reaches a final URL.

Before modifying the lynx.cfg file, the easy way is to try the command
line argument -cache=NUMBER.  For example,

lynx -cache=10

wouldn't help because 10 is the existing limit.

I hope this helps,

Re: Installing Netscape

1999-08-09 Thread Patrick Olson

> When I startx I see navigator in the menu  (fvwm2) but when I 
> select it nothing happens.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I think you have it installed right, but maybe the fvwm2 menu is not set
up right.  From an xterm, try typing


at the shell prompt.  On my system, that is how I start Netscape since I
haven't bothered to put it on my window manager's menu.  Note that the
above command will keep the xterm tied up until you exit.  To prevent
that, you can do

netscape &

If that starts Netscape, then it is a matter of changing the menu, which
is something I do not know.

Hope this helps,

Re: saving dselect lists?

1999-08-09 Thread Patrick Olson

dpkg --get-selections > /usr/local/dpkg_packages

will save the list of packages you have selected to a file named
/usr/local/dpkg_packages and then

dpkg --set-selections < /usr/local/dpkg_packages

will select packages based on that file.  I would expect that any filename
could be used.

The example command lines are from a recent message on this mailing list
"Re: Disk drive: going, going, ..." so this is really someone else's
knowledge just being passed along.

On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Dan DeMond wrote:

> Is there any way I can save a dselect configuration and use it in
> another install?

Re: How to boot to text mode?

1999-08-09 Thread Patrick Olson

On Mon, 9 Aug 1999, Godric wrote:

> Apologies for what may be a very simple question - but I'm new using
> Debian (migrated from Suse  which I've  had only been using for a while)
> but what file do I have to change in Debian 2.1 so that on booting I go
> straight to text mode to login rather than the graphical login? I know
> in Suse its the /etc/rc.config
> Any help appreciated thanks.

The following address points to a message that should be helpful.

Re: Printing Broken After Upgrade to 2.2.10 Kernel on slink

1999-08-08 Thread Patrick Olson

Maybe it was my imagination, but I think I had to change "/dev/lp1" to
"/dev/lp0" in my /etc/printcap after upgrading from a 2.0.x kernel to
2.2.1. I am still at a loss as to what caused this. 

You might want to try changing it, as you can always change it back if it
doesn't help.  I think the printer daemon has to be re-started for changes
to printcap to take effect.  For me, that is /etc/init.d/lprng restart (I

I hope this helps.

On Sun, 8 Aug 1999, Kristopher Johnson wrote:

> I've upgraded my slink system to a 2.2.10 kernel, by downloading
> the kernel sources and using make-kpkg.  I also upgraded to the
> new versions of netbase and dhcpcd, and almost everything works
> fine.
> The only problem I've seen is that I cannot print anymore.  After
> attempting a print job, lpq shows me this:
> Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'HP DeskJet'
>  Queue: 1 printable job
>  Server: pid 17924 active
>  Unspooler: pid 17926 active
>  Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured',
> attempt 2, sleeping 20 at 11:25:08
>  Rank   Owner/ID   Class Job  Files  
> Size Time
> active  [EMAIL PROTECTED] A  923 (stdin)   
> 322 11:24:58
> Here is my /etc/printcap file:
> # This file was generated by /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig.
> #
> lp|hpdj|HP DeskJet:\
>   :lp=/dev/lp1:sd=/var/spool/lpd/hpdj:\
>   :sh:pw#80:pl#66:px#1440:mx#0:\
>   :if=/etc/magicfilter/dj550c-filter:\
>   :af=/var/log/lp-acct:lf=/var/log/lp-errs:
> Everything worked fine under the 2.0.36 kernel.  /dev/lp1 does
> exist, and when I built the 2.2.10 kernel, I included parallel
> port support.  Is there something else I need to do?
> Thanks,
> Kris

Re: Error of compilation of the kernel.

1999-08-08 Thread Patrick Olson

I believe I saw somewhere that the package "bin86" must be installed to
compile the kernel successfully.  If you don't have bin86, I would suggest
trying that.

On Sun, 8 Aug 1999, Rafael Eduardo [iso-8859-1] Martín Candial wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have installed the base of Debian 2.0 (kernel 2.0.34) and it works.
> I need compile the kernel (2.0.36) for add new properties but after the
> configuration I executed "make dep ; make clean: make zImage" and showed
> an error. This error is "as86 - Command not found".
> It is produced while is executing "make zImage".
> Why is produced this error? How can I resolve it?
> I have installed "as" but not "as86".
> Thanks in advanced.
> Rafael Martín Candial.

Re: Font editor?

1999-08-08 Thread Patrick Olson

> > I'm not sure if this will do the job or not.  It is a font editor, but it
> > says .fnt instead of the .psf you mention.  I don't know much about fonts
> > so maybe I should have kept my mouth shut :-)  Hope this info is helpful. 
> Seems to be about what I wanted. Thanks.
> Hmm, on exit it messed up my fonts even more than they were before. Now I
> can't reload anything. *sigh*

That doesn't sound good.  Guess I didn't know what I was recommending! 

> Why won't setfont or mapscrn load the mappings file I tell them to? They say
> they do, but they don't. Nothing happens. *sigh*

This "Esc ( K" thing might be the trick:

   `trivial' mapping is assumed.  In  any  case  the  mapping
   table  just  loaded  is activated by outputting the string
   Esc ( K.  Giving a -m none argument inhibits  the  loading
   and  activation  of a mapping table.  The previous mapping
   table can be saved to a file using the  -om  file  option.
   These options of setfont render mapscrn(8) obsolete.

I hope that is more helpful than what I came up with last time.

Re: Font editor?

1999-08-08 Thread Patrick Olson

I'm not sure if this will do the job or not.  It is a font editor, but it
says .fnt instead of the .psf you mention.  I don't know much about fonts
so maybe I should have kept my mouth shut :-)  Hope this info is helpful. 

fonter - Interactive font editor for the console

Fonter is an interactive console font (8x16 .fnt) manipulation tool. It's
a linux-console-only program that displays all 256 characters of the font
on screen and lets you edit them in realtime. 

On Sun, 8 Aug 1999, peter karlsson wrote:

> Hi!
> Is there a font editor included in Debian to let me edit the console fonts
> (.psf) (and unicode mappings) in a sensible way? I'd like to take the font
> on my video card and remap it to Latin-1 so I can use it as a console font.
> (And I need to fix the unicode mapping, since they seems to be all messed up
> in potato, whereas they worked in slink).

lprng problem

1999-08-07 Thread Patrick Olson

I am having a hard time getting lprng to work.  I am pretty sure the
problem is in my /etc/lpd.perms file.  With the default /etc/lpd.perms
file, things print just fine.  However, I want to restrict who can use my

The configuration below pretends to do exactly what I want it to, but
print jobs are never actually printed, they just disappear.  Other
configurations I have tried give messages which clearly indicate that they
won't work.

This is what I am trying to accomplish:
1.  Requests must originate from this host.
2.  Root can do anything.
3.  Only certain users can print.
4.  Jobs can only be removed by user who created them (or root).

I am not too concerned about who can connect, do lpq or status request
(services X, Q and S, respectively), but would prefer restricting those to
the users who can print, if possible.

Any help in correcting my mistakes would be greatly appreciated.

#allow all users on local host to connect, get status and queue

#allow root to do anything

#allow certain user(s) on local host to print

#allow same user on local host to remove job

#all other access denied

Re: stop bringing up X window when Linux booting

1999-08-06 Thread Patrick Olson

If you remove the package 'xdm' it will have to stop doing that.  I'm not
sure it that's the recommended way or not.

Or you could hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 when X it starts.  That leaves X running, but
switches you to another virtual terminal that is not running X. 

On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Daniel Yang wrote:

> When my Linux boots, it  starts X window automatically. I don't know how to 
> stop it. 
> Thanks
> Daniel

Re: Configuring a monitor?

1999-08-04 Thread Patrick Olson

> Exactly. The power goes off while booting. It has something to do with
> BIOS settings, I think, (not linux) (PnP BIOS) All the 'Advanced power
> management...' and so on are 'disabled'. No 'power-saving features are
> compiled in'. It seems to be the case that if I shut down the machine
> completely before booting linux it normally works. I think that I just
> forgot again to stop the machine completely (just rebooted win and hit F8
> while rebooting to get into DOS. There is win95 installed on the same
> hd and I'm using 'loadlin'. (It was impossible to get lilo working
> with this machine.) With win95 the power goes off automaticly, when I stop
> the os.) 

I wouldn't put it past Win95 to try and use APM even though you have it
turned off in the BIOS.  One thing that might be worth a try is going into
Control Panel, double click on "Power" and un-check the box next to "Allow
Windows to manage power use on this computer."  I'm not sure if that would
help or not, but I don't know what it could hurt.

smail problems

1998-10-20 Thread Patrick Olson

A problem has shown up all of a sudden on my Debian 2.0 system.
Everything worked fine until yesterday.

Now when I try to send mail, about half the time it spits out

ROUTER:smart_host TRANSPORT:smtp ERROR:(ERR164) transport smtp: BIND
server failure: : Connection timed out

into /var/log/smail/logfile almost immediately after I hit send and the
message is "deferred" and sits in my outgoing mailq for a long time.

I had not changed any settings, so I am at a loss as to what broke.   I
just tried messing with bindconfig and smailconfig some and nothing

Any ideas?

386 mass storage

1998-10-11 Thread Patrick Olson

At the moment I'm running Debian 2 on a 386/33 with only 600MB of hard
disk space (400MB master, 200MB slave).

What I'm looking for is a way to allow this machine to take over as
fileserver.  The current fileserver is a 386/33 running Windows 3.11
between crashes.  It can access its 6.4GB drive only because of Ontrack
Disk Manager.

I'd like to put an external drive (about 6.4GB) on this 386.  Does anyone
have any suggestions for doing this within the parameters that the 386
must be able to make full use of the drive under Linux?

Ideas I've had include

1. Using Ontrack Disk Manager with Linux.  Can it be done?

2. Would the 386 BIOS limit of 1024 cylinders apply to a SCSI drive?

3. Does Linux have a way around this 386 BIOS and it's 1024 cylinder

Of course, I'm open to other ideas as well as feedback on my ideas.


Re: scripting help

1998-08-07 Thread Patrick Olson

Your script worked great.


On Fri, 7 Aug 1998, Lee Brinton wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 06, 1998 at 08:11:36PM -0700, Patrick Olson wrote:
> > 
> > My script doesn't quite work.  Could someone tell me what I've done wrong?
> > 
> > The problem is that it displays the file as soon as it has a nonzero
> > length. I would like the script to wait until the file is 95 bytes long.
> > 
> > My script:
> > 
> > -
> > until test -s filename
> > do
> > sleep 5s
> > done
> > 
> > cat filename
> > -
> > 
> Try this:
> MAX=10
> ITER=0
> BYTES=`wc --bytes filename | awk -- '{print $1}'`
> while test $BYTES -lt 95 -a $ITER -lt $MAX
> do
>   sleep 5s
>   let ITER=ITER+1
>   BYTES=`wc --bytes filename | awk -- {print $1}'`
> done
> cat filename
> -- 

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: ppp connection speed

1998-08-07 Thread Patrick Olson

That fixed it.

Many thanks,

On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Marsh Ray wrote:

> Try putting the 'REPORT CONNECT' at the beginning?
> - Marsh
> >/usr/sbin/chat -v -r /home/patricko/speed   \
> >TIMEOUT 60  \
> >ABORT   '\nBUSY\r'  \
> >ABORT   '\nNO CARRIER\r'\
> >ABORT   '\nNO DIALTONE\r'   \
> >ABORT   '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r'\
> >''  ATDT$1  \
> >CONNECT ''  \
> >ogin:--ogin:$ACCOUNT\
> >assword:$PASSWORD

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

scripting help

1998-08-07 Thread Patrick Olson

My script doesn't quite work.  Could someone tell me what I've done wrong?

The problem is that it displays the file as soon as it has a nonzero
length. I would like the script to wait until the file is 95 bytes long.

My script:

until test -s filename
sleep 5s

cat filename

Many thanks to those of you who have responded to my past questions and
any who respond to this question.


P.S. Is there such a thing as a scripting how-to?  If so, I missed it. 
Either way, it would be great to know where I can read about it, either
from a how-to or something else.  It might even save me the embarrassment
of asking an incredibly obvious question. 

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: ppp connection speed

1998-08-06 Thread Patrick Olson

On 21 Jul 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Add 'REPORT CONNECT' to your chatscript and call chat with 
> '-r /etc/ppp/report' and the 'CONNECT' string reported by your modem will
> appear in /etc/ppp/report.  Add 'X4' to your modem init string and it will
> report the connect speed.

I tried this and it didn't exactly work.  Could you tell me what I've done

The chatscript, report file and part of ppp.log are below.


/usr/sbin/chat -v -r /home/patricko/speed   \
ABORT   '\nBUSY\r'  \
''  ATDT$1  \

Opening "/home/patricko/speed"...
Closing "/home/patricko/speed".

/var/log/ppp.log shows that the modem is reporting the connect speed
Aug  6 09:27:40 server2 chat[5567]: send (ATDT316-0123^M)
Aug  6 09:27:40 server2 chat[5567]: expect (CONNECT)
Aug  6 09:27:40 server2 chat[5567]: ^M
Aug  6 09:27:59 server2 chat[5567]: ^M
Aug  6 09:27:59 server2 chat[5567]: CONNECT -- got it
Aug  6 09:27:59 server2 chat[5567]: send (^M)
Aug  6 09:27:59 server2 chat[5567]: report (CONNECT)
Aug  6 09:27:59 server2 chat[5567]: expect (ogin:)
Aug  6 09:27:59 server2 chat[5567]:  24000^M
Aug  6 09:28:01 server2 chat[5567]: Visit the City of Salem and Marion
County H
Aug  6 09:28:01 server2 chat[5567]: ^M
Aug  6 09:28:01 server2 chat[5567]: ^M
Aug  6 09:28:01 server2 chat[5567]: Salem-6 (line 137) login: -- got it

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Re: messages that jam mail readers

1998-08-05 Thread Patrick Olson

On Wed, 5 Aug 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:

> > 1. It has no provision for the possibility of fetchmail still being in
> > action after 5 minutes (for example someone attaches a large file to an
> > e-mail)
> > 
> > 2. It has no way of handling a situation where fetchmail has stalled and
> > needs to be restarted.
> > 
> > Obviously, my scripting skills aren't that great.
> I just thought of an interesting fix for this...

for my scripting skills or the problem with my script? :)

> (note my shell scripting sucks...but you should be able to
> get the general idea from this..also I just cooked this up...pulled
> it right out of my ass)

Hey, at least you had an idea.  I'm not even sure what all of it means.

> #!/bin/bash
> # note im not making ppp-mail is just a place holder
> # ...its an example anyway ;)
> if [ -f /var/run/ppp-mail ]
>   fetchmail 
>   rm -f /var/run/ppp-mail
>   exit 0
> fi

This checks to see if /var/run/ppp-mail exists as an ordinary file, then
runs fetchmail if it is.  When fetchmail finishes, it deletes
/var/run/ppp-mail.  Right?

Does the exit 0 end the script right then and there or what?

> touch /var/run/ppp-mail

This creates an empty /var/run/ppp-mail file, right?

> $0 & # If you didn't have the test above this would make a mess

What's the $0 & for?

> exit 0

Hmm... another one of these.  I think it makes sense to have one at the
end of the script, although mine doesn't and it works.

What I don't understand (because I'm clueless), is what testing for,
removing and creating /var/run/ppp-mail would accomplish.

Below is my script (with the boring connect/disconnect stuff removed).
Any input is welcome.  If you can give me a clue as to how your idea would
fit into this mess, that would be great.

# Stuff to initiate ppp connection
# /home/pppusers/pppd.log is created by ip-up when connection
# is established.  This waits for that to happen.

until test -r /home/pppusers/pppd.log
sleep 5s

fetchmail &

sleep 4m

killall fetchmail

# Stuff to kill ppp connection below

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Re: messages that jam mail readers

1998-08-05 Thread Patrick Olson

On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Taren wrote:

In my case, I don't think it's a problem with fetchmail itself, because
any email that hangs fetchmail just happens to hang Hotmail when Hotmail
tries to display it after retrieving it from my ISP via POP.

> The situation where fetchmail hangs is something which needs to be addressed
> with the package maintainer/software developer.
> Taren

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Re: messages that jam mail readers

1998-08-05 Thread Patrick Olson

On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Taren wrote:

> I just went through the same exact situation with sendmail/procmail.  The
> problem isn't with your system, or any software you're running on it.  What
> is happening is that you're receiving email from either spoofed addresses
> which can't be resolved by your DNS server, or from site(s) on the net which
> are currently unreachable (which was my case).  If it's the latter, wait
> a while (maybe up to several days), until the net problem is resolved.

The problem is, when it can't get a particular e-mail, it can't get any
e-mail that arrives at my ISP after that particular one.  I don't know of
anyone who wants to leave their e-mail sitting for several days.  I much
prefer just deleting that particular e-mail and moving on to the rest of
my e-mail.

Unfortunately, the script I created (ppp-mail) calls ppp-on, waits until
ip-up creates a file (as a signal that the connection is up), does
"fetchmail &", sleeps for 5 minutes then does a killall fetchmail and
ppp-off doesn't do two things: 

1. It has no provision for the possibility of fetchmail still being in
action after 5 minutes (for example someone attaches a large file to an

2. It has no way of handling a situation where fetchmail has stalled and
needs to be restarted.

Obviously, my scripting skills aren't that great.

BTW, if someone else has created a script (or program or whatever) called
ppp-mail, I'm sure this is a different one.  I made this from scratch and
just gave it whatever name came to mind.

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Re: messages that jam mail readers

1998-08-04 Thread Patrick Olson

On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Johann Spies wrote:

> > Has anyone else had this problem with their mail?  Could someone who
> > understands what is causing this problem explain it to me?
> I receive mail from this list in digest form and did not experience such
> problem with mail from the list.  However the same thing happened to me
> several times caused by spam.  Every time I have to phone in to my ISP and
> ask them to delete the message as they do not allow me to telnet and do it
> that way.

That's interesting that it was caused by spam.  I've never had any
_technical_ problems with it.  Even if it doesn't jam up my computer, spam
is annoying.

What program are you using for mail?  I've found a way to get fetchmail to
delete these messages, although it's not the most graceful:

1. Interrupt fetchmail with Control C

2. Start it again.  When it starts, it says it is flushing message 1
because it has been seen.  This is always the message it stalled on last
time because it has already flushed all the previous messages after
retrieving them.

> I would also like to know how this can be solved.

We could always go back to using smoke signals :)

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Re: messages that jam mail readers

1998-08-04 Thread Patrick Olson

On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Peter Granroth wrote:

> > Has anyone else had this problem with their mail?  Could someone who
> > understands what is causing this problem explain it to me?
> Of course I forgot to write down the error message, but I also had problems 
> getting fetchmail to get three messages  (they were all from the same 
> person). 
> The error message was something like:
> SMTP error: hostname must resolve
> and it promptly refused to fetch any mail. 

I don't know if it's the same thing.  Mine didn't bother to give me an
error message.  Fetchmail just sat there in the middle of retrieving
the message like time was frozen.  After waiting long enough to be quite
sure it wasn't going to continue, I hit Control C to get out of it.

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messages that jam mail readers

1998-08-03 Thread Patrick Olson

I have received several e-mails from this list that cause fetchmail to
stall.  There is something wrong with the individual e-mails, as Hotmail
can't quite handle them either. Although Hotmail retrieves them from the
POP server, the web browser stalls while displaying them.

I just deleted the first three (by hitting control C then typing
"fetchmail" again, then it regards the message as seen), but decided to
look at the last two and find out what was going on.  They're both from
this list, and both have "WYSIWYG Word Processor" as their subject. 
What's more, both stall while loading after the lines "-BEGIN GEEK
CODE BLOCK-" and "Version 3.1"

I'm going to guess that this "geek code block" is responsible for the
problems, since both Hotmail and fetchmail have problems with the same
messages.  I'm not accusing anyone of doing this on purpose or anything.

I would like to stay on this list, but it's not worth putting up with
e-mail problems.  Please do your best to make sure that what you send is
not going to cause anyone problems.  If e-mail you have sent is the
culprit, you will be receiving e-mail from me politely asking you not to
jam up my e-mail and asking for information that will help me piece
together the cause of the problem. 

Has anyone else had this problem with their mail?  Could someone who
understands what is causing this problem explain it to me?

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Re: Drive mounting

1998-08-03 Thread Patrick Olson

I don't know anything about the EtherPCI II card itself, but I have an
EtherPCI card working with the Tulip driver.  I don't know what the
difference between my EtherPCI and your EtherPCI II is.  If they are
really similar, yours might work with the Tulip driver.

On Sat, 18 Jul 1998, Cristov Russell wrote:

> One more.  I have a Linksys EtherPCI II Lan card in my system.  They
> say that I should choose the NE2000 driver.  When I choose the driver
> and try to install it, setup says that the I/O address must be
> specified.  I know what IRQ (9) the card is using and I can look in
> Windows for the I/O settings it's using (6400 starting) but I still
> can't install the driver.  Any suggestions?

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Re: samba printing problems

1998-07-27 Thread Patrick Olson

On Mon, 27 Jul 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Do the apps that create the problems have an option for 'background'
> printing or something similiar?  They send the print data to the
> spooler in chunks when the program is not busy.  That might be
> something to look for.

Nope.  Paintbrush has very few options, none of which are anything like
that.  It's built into Windows 3.1 (c:\windows\pbrush.exe on my computer),
so it's a pretty simple program.

Good idea though.


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Re: Getting Samba working on BO

1998-07-27 Thread Patrick Olson

On Sun, 19 Jul 1998, Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:

> This is probably a stupid question, but I guess I'll ask it anyways.

Not as bad as some I've asked :)  Sorry to take so long to reply, I am
sometimes really slow about reading the mailing lists I'm on.

> How do I get Samba working on my BO system.  I used dselect to download and
> install it.  I have looked through the files but I have not seen anything with
> debian specific information in it.  I have a win95 system on the same network
> and it does not seem to see the debian system.  Is there a file telling me who
> extra steps need to be done to enable it?

I'm going to take a guess that samba is working and that maybe your Win95
machine needs a kick in the seat.  I hope this helps...

1.Go into Control Panel, click Networks

2.Find the box that has the phrase "The following network components are

Note: You can have lines I don't even mention and not have a problem.  I
think what matters is that the following IS there.

3.There should be:
   - a line that says "Client for Microsoft Networks"
   - a line with the name of your network card
 (example: "NE2000 Compatible")
   - a line that says "TCP/IP ->" followed by your network card
 (example: "TCP/IP -> NE200 Compatible")

4.Click on the TCP/IP -> your network card line, then click the Properties

5.At the top of the "TCP/IP Properties" window, click the "Bindings" tab.

6.The words "Client for Microsoft Networks" should be there and the little
box next to it should have a check mark in it.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask...

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Re: samba printing problems

1998-07-27 Thread Patrick Olson

On Thu, 23 Jul 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Turn off print spooling on the Win machine. I forget exactly the proce
> dure for this on Win3.1, it has been to long.  It thinks it is printing
> to a local printer and is sending the data in chunks to the printer,
> which is fine for a directly connected printer.  The Win machine does
> not need to spool, that is what lpr is for.

I don't think print spooling is on.  The "Use Print Manager" checkbox, is
off.  That was un-checked before this all started, so if that is how print
spooling is turned off, that wasn't the problem. 

I have some new symptoms that might make good brain candy for anyone who
understands this:

It has NEVER had a problem printing from Netscape 3.x.  The problem always
crops up when I'm trying to print a .PCX (screen-shot) file from

Since Netscape 3.x doesn't seem to like .PCX files or .BMP files, I
haven't found a way to load the image in Netscape and print it from there,
or I'd try that and see what happens.

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Re: samba printing problems

1998-07-23 Thread Patrick Olson

On Wed, 22 Jul 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Another way to test the source of the problem is to print to a file on
> Win3.1. Then send the print file directly to the printer by 'cat
>  > /dev/lpN'  where N is probably 1 for 2.0.X kernels and 0
> for 2.1.X kernels.  This will eliminate samba and lpr.  If that works
> then redefine the 'print command' in your smb.conf to something like the
> above 'print command = /bin/cat %s > /dev/lpN'.  If that works then it
> is lpr.  Probably a filter. You should be passing the samba print data
> directly to the lp device. I.E. no 'if' in the printcap file for the
> printer used for samba.

print command = /bin/cat %s > /dev/lp1

in smb.conf just sends the print jobs into oblivion.  At least now it's
not wasting paper with the garbled printouts. :(

cat file > /dev/lp1

worked, but it's a pain to ftp the file to Linux, telnet in and run cat
every time I want to print anything with graphics in it.

Here's /etc/printcap and as you can see, there is no 'if'

(I've also tried it without the df= and tf= lines, but it didn't help.)

stylus|Generic dot-matrix printer entry:\

The output of lpq is sure interesting!

The junk below is all from ONE print job from ONE Win3.1 computer.  Think
this could be part of the problem?  Note that I had to take the printer
offline to get all the pieces to be in the queue together.

server2# lpq -Pstylus
stylus is ready and printing
Rank   Owner  Job  Files Total Size
active compman254  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140884096 bytes
1stcompman255  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140882304 bytes
2ndcompman256  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140884096 bytes
3rdcompman257  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140882048 bytes
4thcompman258  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140883584 bytes
5thcompman259  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140884096 bytes
6thcompman260  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a14088256 bytes
7thcompman261  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140884096 bytes
8thcompman262  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140883328 bytes
9thcompman263  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140884096 bytes
10th   compman264  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140882560 bytes
11th   compman265  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140882560 bytes
12th   compman266  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a140882816 bytes
13th   compman267  /tmp/HYUNDAIXXX.a14088164 bytes

Sorry to anyone who finds this a little long.  Normally I wouldn't send
such big chunks of files and screen output to the list like this, but I'm
so confused at the moment that explaining anything would be difficult (and
prone to error). 

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samba printing problems

1998-07-22 Thread Patrick Olson

I'm trying to print from Windows 3.1 to an Epson Stylus Pro connected to
my Linux computer (using samba).

Whenever I print anything very complicated (graphics, high-res text), it
comes out with blank spaces, pieces missing, etc.

I know it's something on the Linux computer because the printouts come out
perfectly when I connect the printer directly to the Win3.1 computer.

Since it does fine with simple jobs, I'm getting the idea that the problem
is caused when a large amount of data needs to go to the printer.

Any help in getting Linux to pass the jobs through intact would be

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Re: tail and grep

1998-07-09 Thread Patrick Olson

On Thu, 9 Jul 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> I think you need to somehow ensure that tail isn't used until
> that line isn't written in the log; -f will get it to wait, but will
> never get you any output in the dynamic.IP file.

That makes good sense.  I never thought about doing it that way (and don't
have the foggiest idea how.  

Craig Sanders sent me what looks like some good advice but I haven't
figured out how to implement it.  I will take a moment to figure it out
before asking any silly questions :)

I did notice that I am using a script called 'ppp-on' instead of 'ip-up'
so I have to wonder if that is part of the cause of my confusion.

If I had a way to make the ppp-on script wait until the connection was
established before going on past

exec /usr/sbin/pppd debug lock modem crtscts /dev/ttyS1 38400 \
asyncmap 20A escape FF kdebug 0 $LOCAL_IP:$REMOTE_IP \
noipdefault netmask $NETMASK defaultroute connect $DIALER_SCRIPT

to the rest of the script, I could just put tail in after the line above
and it wouldn't be run until the connection was established (and the
information was in /var/log/messages).

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Re: Hard lock-up crashes, need some clues!

1998-07-09 Thread Patrick Olson

I don't know if this will help you any, but it's worth a shot:

When mine was overheating recently, it was the RAM chips that were getting
too hot.  The way I figured that out is the side of the case right where
the RAM chips are was quite warm to the touch.  The chips themselves were
too hot to touch except by the edge of the SIMM.

Maybe the P233 is tired of running at 114% of the speed it wanted to run.

On Mon, 6 Jul 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Well, I am overclocking my P233 to 266, and have been doing so since
> March or so. I took off the case cover and the cpu wasn't even hot, I
> could grab the sides of the fan-heatsink.  I will keep an eye on this
> and see I can find a pattern of some sort.  

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Re: a user list too big, a suggestion

1998-07-09 Thread Patrick Olson

On Sun, 5 Jul 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

> eg mutt, gnus. You can delete whole threads with one keystroke after
> you discover you don't want to read it in mutt (Control-D).
> I have no trouble keeping up with debian-user, debian-devel,
> policy, mentors, etc with this.

Just wanted to point out that in pine, hitting $ o  (SortIndex,
OrderedSubj) from the folder index (NOT the folder list) seems to do a
fair job of sorting them out.

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Re: tail and grep

1998-07-09 Thread Patrick Olson

> > tail -f /var/log/messages | grep "local  IP" > /home/pppusers/dynamic.IP
> > 
> > it does nothing but create a 0 byte file.
> "tail -f" will run forever; output to the file won't be flushed until you've
> written a certain amount to the file -- one line obviously isn't enough.
> The screen on the other hand is flushed immediately. I suspect you don't
> really need the -f for tail, especially if you are just running this
> from the ip-up script or something.

If I ran tail from the script without the -f, it would terminate
immediately.  Since tail would terminate before the chat part of the
script has even finished, it would never see the string I'm looking for.

Am I making any sense here?

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tail and grep

1998-07-08 Thread Patrick Olson

when I try tail -f /var/log/messages | grep "local  IP"

it prints (with a real IP address instead of

Jul  7 20:06:00 server2 pppd[587]: local  IP address

on my console.  That's exactly what it should do.  But if I try to
redirect it to a user's file (so he can see what his dynamic IP is) using

tail -f /var/log/messages | grep "local  IP" > /home/pppusers/dynamic.IP

it does nothing but create a 0 byte file.


1. What am I doing wrong?

2. Is there a way I can put this in the background so I don't have to
remain logged in as root?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: kernel canot find map file

1998-07-07 Thread Patrick Olson

> -> I get this in /var/log/messages:
> -> 
> -> Jul  6 16:59:56 server2 kernel: Cannot find map file.
> -> 
> -> when my computer boots with the new kernel.
> when you compile the kernel, copy vmlinux or arch//boot/zImage to
> /boot and don't forget (from/usr/src/linux) - that's the map
> file; you should probably use name /boot/ for this
> kernel... that should be enough.

Thanks for the reply.  That file is what it was missing.  I didn't know I
needed to copy it.  Now I have 2.0.34 running with exactly the drivers I

Thanks again.

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kernel canot find map file

1998-07-07 Thread Patrick Olson

With your help I have successfully compiled kernel 2.0.34 now that my fan
is blowing through the computer.  Obviously a temporary solution, but
that's not why I'm writing this message...

I get this in /var/log/messages:

Jul  6 16:59:56 server2 syslogd 1.3-3#17: restart.
Jul  6 16:59:56 server2 kernel: Cannot find map file.
Jul  6 16:59:56 server2 kernel: Loaded 43 symbols from 4 modules.

when my computer boots with the new kernel.

Does this mean I have done something wrong (again)?  

If you need more info, feel free to ask.  I haven't the foggiest idea what
a map file is...

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Re: problem compiling kernel 2.0.34 under Debian 1.3.1

1998-07-06 Thread Patrick Olson

On Mon, 6 Jul 1998, Shaleh wrote:

> > gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11
> sig11 (signal 11) is often a sign of a hardware problem.  Either you
> machine is over/under clocked, over heating, has a memory glitch or
> something.  Sig 11 can also be one of the problems that appears and then
> never re-appears.

The sysetm is not over or under clocked as far as I know.  I will double
check.  However, I think it is overheating because I have been looking at (as suggested by someone else on the list)
and got the idea to try make repeatedly.

Sure enough, it stalls quicker and quicker every time I try it, but if I
leave the system idle for a few minutes then try again it goes a little

Thank you to all who responded.  Now I just have to figure out WHAT is

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problem compiling kernel 2.0.34 under Debian 1.3.1

1998-07-06 Thread Patrick Olson

I've been running Debian 1.3.1 with kernel 2.0.29

I decided to upgrade to kernel 2.0.34 but it fails during make zImage with
an error message.  Can anyone help?

Here's the error message and a few of the lines before it:

gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.0.34/include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strength-reduce -pipe -m486 -malign-loops=2
-malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586  -c -o file.o file.c
gcc: Internal compiler error: program cc1 got fatal signal 11
cpp: output pipe has been closed
make[3]: *** [file.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.0.34/fs/ext2'
make[2]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.0.34/fs/ext2'
make[1]: *** [sub_dirs] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.0.34/fs'
make: *** [linuxsubdirs] Error 2

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