Re: latex

1999-02-19 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
David Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I would imagine \paragraph{} is (like \mbox{} for maths) to put you in paragraph mode when, for some reason, you weren't already. Unfortunatelly, You're wrong. \paragraph is a command just like \section or \subsection, and it is useable for naming a

Re: LaTeX and PDF question

1998-11-20 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
Maria Rightley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I need to get a paper, produced in LaTeX, into pdf form for a set of proceedings. Everything is fine in doing that (I use pstoedit to convert from ps to pdf) except for a few small things: As others said, I would suggest to use pdfTeX, it's in

Re: KDE library problems

1998-09-25 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
Richard Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: kdemultimedia, kdegraphics, and kdeutils. They're all version 980710-1.0-1. I would run ldconfig - as root - first. I don't really know, if dpkg run ldconfig itself, or each package should care about that ldconfiging just after new libraries were

Re: Yet another WindowMaker question...

1998-08-19 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
Marcelo E. Magallon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Debian Apps OPEN_MENU menu.hook Yes - that's exactly what I wanted to get. Thank You a lot. e) Optionally, if you want to add your own items to the Debian Apps menu, create files in /etc/menu/ for the items you want there. (And read the

Yet another WindowMaker question...

1998-08-17 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
I don't know where to put my own menu items. I don't see here any of documentation for such thing like Adding new menu item - please point me to docs. Thank you in advance, Waldemar Żurowski PS. I have ii wmaker 0.17.3-1 Yet another window manager. This the next st

Re: Printing .tex files

1998-07-15 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
Hello, Dennis Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I type gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=printer -sOutputFile=\|lpr Perhaps it is not quite good advice, but I suggest to install magicfilter package. It will allow you to install some filters, which would handle conversion from PS to

Re: No debian, but laTeX(2e)......

1998-07-15 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
phillip Neumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 1 hello 2 hola 3 hi 3.1 hi but, blablas Hello, You have 2 option. 1) Change book class to article class, depending what you really want to do. I mean, are you going to write a book, or just something like article or report. Report has its

Re: IP address printing w/ LPRng

1998-07-08 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
you in advance, Waldemar Żurowski -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] /dev/null

Re: Man + Latex

1998-06-29 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
Dennis Dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: On Jens Ritter suggestion, I downloaded the 'sgml-tools' package which has the file 'linuxdoc-sgml.sty'. This not working, I renamed the 'linuxdoc-sgml.sty' file to 'linuxdoc.sty', which also didn't work. Hello, Perhaps you should just make an symbolic

Re: auctex not happening

1998-06-09 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
Noel Yap [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: .emacs file. I believe this qualifies as a Debian bug (for the auctex package?). AFAIK it is not. AUCTeX is separate package for Emacs, and there is native(?) tex-mode in Emacs. In other words, if someone wants to use AuCTeX, she/he should put require

Q: How to get class String from libg++272 with Debian2.0

1998-05-29 Thread Waldemar Żurowski
really want to do that. Please, help me. Thank You in Advance, Waldemar Żurowski. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]