Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration -> Multiple Exit Codes

2010-05-05 Thread Pete McNeil
Title: Release 4.10.42

On 5/5/2010 4:05 PM, Andy Schmidt wrote:


golden rule for external tests and for RBLs is – if
you have multiple lines using the SAME “command”
(e.g., the 18 “SNF” lines), or referring to the same external
program (e.g., 5 invURIBL lines), or referring to the same blacklist
(10 lines
checking different return values), THEN only the FIRST line will
actually “run”
the test against that resource (e.g., run the external program, lookup
the IP
in the RBL). The OTHER lines will just evaluate the return code
without rerunning the test.
with the internal Sniffer implementation, we have three DIFFERENT
commands (SNF, SNFIP, SNFIPREP). So it’s worthwhile confirming whether
the same golden rule applies here even though these are NOT
lines of the SAME command.

The same rule applies --- Run the test once, use the results of the
test many times.

However in the case of SNFIP and SNFIPREP the cost of the test is so
small that it cannot be measured. The IP reputation database is local
(in memory) and immediately accessible (there is no delay or network
traffic involved). The only work that gets done is a little bit of math.



MicroNeil Research Corporation

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RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration -> Multiple Exit Codes

2010-05-05 Thread Andy Schmidt
Thanks Pete.


Hopefully these discussions (and seeing your responsiveness) will convince
more folks decide to give Sniffer a try!


>> I'm not completely sure what you are asking <<


The golden rule for external tests and for RBLs is - if you have multiple
lines using the SAME "command" (e.g., the 18 "SNF" lines), or referring to
the same external program (e.g., 5 invURIBL lines), or referring to the same
blacklist (10 lines checking different return values), THEN only the FIRST
line will actually "run" the test against that resource (e.g., run the
external program, lookup the IP in the RBL). The OTHER lines will just
evaluate the return code differently without rerunning the test.


Now with the internal Sniffer implementation, we have three DIFFERENT
commands (SNF, SNFIP, SNFIPREP). So it's worthwhile confirming whether the
same golden rule applies here even though these are NOT multiple lines of
the SAME command.


From: [] On Behalf Of Pete
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration -> Multiple Exit Codes


On 5/5/2010 3:24 PM, Andy Schmidt wrote: 

Hi Dave (just in case this got overlooked - or I missed the answer),


>> Also even though there are multiple entries the test only runs once and
the resulted exit code is the triggered. <<

I know that all 18 "SNF" rule lines only require one invocation of Sniffer -
which are then evaluated 18 different way. Fair enough.

I also know that the 3 "SNFIP" rule lines are only one invocation - which is
evaluated 3 different ways.

And then there is the "SNFIPREP" rule.


So I need to clarify this in my head. Will all 22 "SNF." rules (even though
they are using 3 different commands) evaluate ONE invocation of Sniffer
(just different return fields) or is EACH of these 3 command groups (SNF,
SNFIP, SNFIPREPS) a separate entity that requires additional overhead?

If I may -- I'm not completely sure what you are asking -- but if your
concern is that the test for SNFIP and SNFIPREPS represent additional
overhead then I can answer that. The amount of code that is run to execute
these tests is vanishingly small. You should consider the overhead required
to run all three tests as being no more than running the SNF pattern scan.
The other two (SNFIP and SNFIPREPS) require so little work that their
overhead is virtually impossible to measure.


MicroNeil Research Corporation

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Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration -> Multiple Exit Codes

2010-05-05 Thread Pete McNeil
Title: Release 4.10.42

On 5/5/2010 3:24 PM, Andy Schmidt wrote:


  (just in case this got overlooked – or I missed the
Also even though
there are multiple entries the test only runs once and the resulted
exit code
is the triggered. <<
know that all 18
“SNF” rule lines only require one invocation of Sniffer –
which are then evaluated 18 different way. Fair enough.
also know that the 3
“SNFIP” rule lines are only one invocation – which is
evaluated 3 different ways.
then there is the
“SNFIPREP” rule.
I need to clarify this in
my head. Will all 22 “SNF…” rules (even though they are using
3 different commands) evaluate ONE invocation of Sniffer (just
different return
fields) or is EACH of these 3 command groups (SNF, SNFIP, SNFIPREPS) a
entity that requires additional overhead?

If I may -- I'm not completely sure what you are asking -- but if your
concern is that the test for SNFIP and SNFIPREPS represent additional
overhead then I can answer that. The amount of code that is run to
execute these tests is vanishingly small. You should consider the
overhead required to run all three tests as being no more than running
the SNF pattern scan. The other two (SNFIP and SNFIPREPS) require so
little work that their overhead is virtually impossible to measure.


MicroNeil Research Corporation

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RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation -- Graduated Weight Scheme

2010-05-05 Thread Andy Schmidt
Yes, Declude already has TWO weights associated with SNFIPREP (one for
positive, one for negative). 


Just as you said, but multiplying with the positive or negative weight, as
need be, one would get two linear slopes from the center point.


On top of that, Dave has a "basepoint" option that can shift the center
point left or right.


So - it's 99% there. It just needs to "prorate" the +/- weights (=
multiplying) rather than use them absolute values.


From: [] On Behalf Of Pete
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation -- Graduated Weight


On 5/5/2010 1:30 PM, Andy Schmidt wrote: 

Hi Dave,


Hm - yes,I think if you added 21 lines (from -10 to 0 and to +10) to the
config file, you would have could cover the reputation range from -1 to +1
in 0.1 step increments.


Not elegant - but would have the same effect as multiplying the reputation
range with the defined max weight.

I hate to muddy the waters further -- but we solved this problem once when
developing the envelope management bit of GBUdb.
It might be complicated to explain, but suppose you define the slope at a
given point for each line you specify and then have the resulting weight be
a linear transform (as was discussed before).

Then you would need only two entries by default...
One that describes full-scale + and another that defines full scale -.
If you find the need to alter the slope then you can add additional points
in between.
The math works by drawing a straight line from 0 to the next defined point,
and from that point to the extreme, and so on.

Personally I think it is overkill -- but if you're going to talk about
making many many lines for this then the multi-point curve interpolation is
the way to go.

In practice the best way _seems_ to be to provide only two slopes -- one
positive going, one negative going -- and to establish a weight based on
those slopes. Theoretically that could be defined on a single Declude test
definition line.

Is there some constraint that I don't know about causing folks to consider
more complexity?

Hope this is helpful,


MicroNeil Research Corporation

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RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration -> Multiple Exit Codes

2010-05-05 Thread Andy Schmidt
Hi Dave (just in case this got overlooked - or I missed the answer),


>> Also even though there are multiple entries the test only runs once and
the resulted exit code is the triggered. <<

I know that all 18 "SNF" rule lines only require one invocation of Sniffer -
which are then evaluated 18 different way. Fair enough.

I also know that the 3 "SNFIP" rule lines are only one invocation - which is
evaluated 3 different ways.

And then there is the "SNFIPREP" rule.


So I need to clarify this in my head. Will all 22 "SNF." rules (even though
they are using 3 different commands) evaluate ONE invocation of Sniffer
(just different return fields) or is EACH of these 3 command groups (SNF,
SNFIP, SNFIPREPS) a separate entity that requires additional overhead?

Since there is some possible overhead between:

SNFIPREP (which evaluates the GDUdb) and SNFIP (which also evaluates the
GDUdb) and SNF-IP-RULES and SNFTRUNCATE (which also evaluate the GDUdb) -
and I'm wondering if eliminating the SNFIP and SNFIPREP and just sticking
with the SNF rules (which already has exit codes 20 and 63) will reduce the
Sniffer overhead by 2/3?


Best Regards,



From: [] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 11:14 AM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration -> Global Exit Code


The test works as an internal test and not as an external test. The main
difference being the location of the exit code. See external is the 1st
variable whereas the internal it is the 2nd variable and the NONZERO does
not work for that.


SNIFFER   external   nonzero
"C:\Smartermail\Declude\Sniffer\xxx.exe xxxabc123"12

12   0


Also even though there are multiple entries the test only runs once and the
resulted exit code is the triggered.



From: [] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 10:31 AM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration -> Global Exit Code


Hi Dave,


Thanks for taking the time to explain it. I see that the sample on your web
site has already been corrected to read "IPREPUTATIONSNFIPREP " and I
was simply working off an earlier copy.


For the "SNF" test type, is there a way to have a "global" match (e.g.,
NONZERO), instead of having to specify each of the 18 (current) return codes
one at a time? The external Sniffer simply allow me to code:


SNIFFER   external   nonzero
"D:\IMAIL\Declude\SNF\SNFClient.exe"10   0


Best Regards,



From: [] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration


SNFIPBLACK  SNFIP   the 2nd variable value is 5 = Block and works as
an exit code.


IPREPUTATION works differently.


x   0   10  -5 this should be the default.


SNFIPREP  represents a scale of   -1- 0 - 1  when the 2nd variable
(BASEPOINT) is set to 0 this will convert the IP reputation to this scale as
the examples below:


If final score is 0 no score is added to the email

dec0430.log1842   04/30/2010 00:01:20.700 49319588 SNFIPRep the
Value of Result = 0.00


If final score is + the 3rd variable score is used in this case 10

dec0430.log7351   04/30/2010 00:07:14.043 49319625 SNFIPRep the
Value of Result = 0.267262


If final score is - the 4th variable score is used in this case -5

dec0430.log1192604/30/2010 00:08:50.340 49319647 SNFIPRep the
Value of Result = -0.267262


The BASEPOINT is the point value at which an email will be considered "Good"
if the result is to the left or "Bad" if to the right.






0.267262  x 10 - 0 = 2 This is positive then the test is triggered for 10

0.267262  x 10 - 1 = 1 This is positive then the test is triggered for 10

0.267262  x 10 - 2 = 0 Not Triggered.

0.267262  x 10 - 3 = -1 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

0.267262  x 10 - 4 = -2 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.


-0.267262  x 10 - 0 = -2 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 1 = -1 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 2 = 0 Not Triggered.

-0.267262  x 10 - 3 = -1 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.

-0.267262  x 10 - 4 = -2 This is negative then the test is not-triggered for
-5 points.


David Barker
VP Operations Declude
Your Email secur

Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation -- Graduated Weight Scheme

2010-05-05 Thread Pete McNeil

On 5/5/2010 1:30 PM, Andy Schmidt wrote:


  Hi Dave,
  Hm –
yes,I think if you
added 21 lines (from -10 to 0 and to +10) to the config file, you would
have could
cover the reputation range from -1 to +1  in 0.1 step increments.
elegant – but would
have the same effect as multiplying the reputation range with the
defined max

I hate to muddy the waters further -- but we solved this problem once
when developing the envelope management bit of GBUdb.
It might be complicated to explain, but suppose you define the slope at
a given point for each line you specify and then have the resulting
weight be a linear transform (as was discussed before).

Then you would need only two entries by default...
One that describes full-scale + and another that defines full scale -.
If you find the need to alter the slope then you can add additional
points in between.
The math works by drawing a straight line from 0 to the next defined
point, and from that point to the extreme, and so on.

Personally I think it is overkill -- but if you're going to talk about
making many many lines for this then the multi-point curve
interpolation is the way to go.

In practice the best way _seems_ to be to provide only two slopes --
one positive going, one negative going -- and to establish a weight
based on those slopes. Theoretically that could be defined on a single
Declude test definition line.

Is there some constraint that I don't know about causing folks to
consider more complexity?

Hope this is helpful,


MicroNeil Research Corporation

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RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation -- Graduated Weight Scheme

2010-05-05 Thread Andy Schmidt
Hi Dave,


Hm - yes,I think if you added 21 lines (from -10 to 0 and to +10) to the
config file, you would have could cover the reputation range from -1 to +1
in 0.1 step increments.


Not elegant - but would have the same effect as multiplying the reputation
range with the defined max weight.


Best Regards,




From: [] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation -- Graduated Weight


Just a thought. We would have to test it but do you think the same thing
could be achieved using:


IPREPUTATION-3   SNFIPREP   x   -3   0  -5

IPREPUTATION-2   SNFIPREP   x   -2   0  -5

IPREPUTATION-1   SNFIPREP   x   -1   0  -5




IPREPUTATION+3   SNFIPREP   x   3   5   -5


This way the further an IP is on the scale the greater the credit or
additional score. This would have to wait till we implement the - negative
for the BASEPOINT.




From: [] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 4:52 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation -- Graduated Weight


Hi Dave,


I'm breaking this into two discussions as they are two different topics.


The REAL point of Pete's input (and my suggestion) for SNFIPREP is that the
reputation scale of -1 through +1 should NOT just result in either ONE
positive or ONE negative weight option.  


Your example:




only result in either a "10" being added or  a "5" being subtracted. So you
are turning a continuous scale of -1 to +1 into two discrete values - losing
all the key benefits of having the reputation scale in the first place. 


You already have the SNFIP return codes, if someone wanted a "fix" value for
a particular "level" of reputation.



To really make use of the GBUdb, there should be a continuous weight from 0
to 10 for "bad" reputation and 0 through -5 for "good" reputation (using
your sample of 10 and -5).


Basically, for positive GBUdb values, multiply with the "10" (getting a
value from 0 to 10 depending on "how bad" the reputation is), for negative
values multiply with "-5" to get a weight from 0 to -5 (depending on "how
good" the IP is).


This would make the test really useful because it would only cause BIG
weight changes for BIG GBUdb values.


Best Regards,



From: [] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 3:40 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation for "white" listing


As Pete already provided input on this. I am not going to prolix the answer
other than to say when implementing Message Sniffer we abided by the Pete's
advice "Since many legitimate ISPs also produce a lot of spam it might be
useful to apply a bias to this weight so that these systems appear closer to
zero." So currently we do not allow for a negative value as a BASEPOINT,
with that said if you think it is really important to be able to use a
negative value as you have described in your post, let me know and I can add
it to the dev list.


David Barker
VP Operations Declude
Your Email security is our business
978.499.2933 office
978.988.1311 fax



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RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation -- Graduated Weight Scheme

2010-05-05 Thread David Barker
Just a thought. We would have to test it but do you think the same thing
could be achieved using:


IPREPUTATION-3   SNFIPREP   x   -3   0  -5

IPREPUTATION-2   SNFIPREP   x   -2   0  -5

IPREPUTATION-1   SNFIPREP   x   -1   0  -5




IPREPUTATION+3   SNFIPREP   x   3   5   -5


This way the further an IP is on the scale the greater the credit or
additional score. This would have to wait till we implement the - negative
for the BASEPOINT.




From: [] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 4:52 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation -- Graduated Weight


Hi Dave,


I'm breaking this into two discussions as they are two different topics.


The REAL point of Pete's input (and my suggestion) for SNFIPREP is that the
reputation scale of -1 through +1 should NOT just result in either ONE
positive or ONE negative weight option.  


Your example:




only result in either a "10" being added or  a "5" being subtracted. So you
are turning a continuous scale of -1 to +1 into two discrete values - losing
all the key benefits of having the reputation scale in the first place. 


You already have the SNFIP return codes, if someone wanted a "fix" value for
a particular "level" of reputation.



To really make use of the GBUdb, there should be a continuous weight from 0
to 10 for "bad" reputation and 0 through -5 for "good" reputation (using
your sample of 10 and -5).


Basically, for positive GBUdb values, multiply with the "10" (getting a
value from 0 to 10 depending on "how bad" the reputation is), for negative
values multiply with "-5" to get a weight from 0 to -5 (depending on "how
good" the IP is).


This would make the test really useful because it would only cause BIG
weight changes for BIG GBUdb values.


Best Regards,



From: [] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 3:40 PM
Subject: RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer IP Reputation for "white" listing


As Pete already provided input on this. I am not going to prolix the answer
other than to say when implementing Message Sniffer we abided by the Pete's
advice "Since many legitimate ISPs also produce a lot of spam it might be
useful to apply a bias to this weight so that these systems appear closer to
zero." So currently we do not allow for a negative value as a BASEPOINT,
with that said if you think it is really important to be able to use a
negative value as you have described in your post, let me know and I can add
it to the dev list.


David Barker
VP Operations Declude
Your Email security is our business
978.499.2933 office
978.988.1311 fax



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RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration - Bad snf_engine.xml

2010-05-05 Thread David Barker
Yes you are correct this was reported to us . The file should have been
updated with this release. I will ensure this is resolved.  To correct this.
In the snf_engine.xml change  To 


From: [] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 8:57 AM
Subject: [Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration - Bad snf_engine.xml
Importance: High




Pete has helped me figure out that your XML samples, e.g.:


is NOT a valid XML file.


Specifically, the closing tag for the "node" element is invalid.


It MUST be:



(Currently it is "").


Consequently, opening this file with an xml parser (even just IE) will
result in parser errors.


I suppose everyone should double-click that XML file and see if it actually
opens (assuming that this bug has been there since day 1).


Best Regards,




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[Declude.JunkMail] Sniffer Integration - Bad snf_engine.xml

2010-05-05 Thread Andy Schmidt


Pete has helped me figure out that your XML samples, e.g.:


is NOT a valid XML file.


Specifically, the closing tag for the "node" element is invalid.


It MUST be:



(Currently it is "").


Consequently, opening this file with an xml parser (even just IE) will
result in parser errors.


I suppose everyone should double-click that XML file and see if it actually
opens (assuming that this bug has been there since day 1).


Best Regards,




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