Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: IMAIL -> AD

2004-02-10 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> 1) Envelope rejection (and all that comes with it).

Already extant, as previously discussed.

> 2) SMTP AUTH (so it can co-exist on the same server as IMail, and handle 
> hosted accounts with redundancy).

This is going to be very difficult relative to the other ideas, if you
continue  to  resist AD. With AD as the back end, you can authenticate
to  SMTP using any valid credentials in any permissioned context. It's
already  done  like  this  by  people  who  run  Exchange  and want to
instantly offload SMTP AUTH sessions from their mailbox servers.

I do not think that adding an additional out-of-context authentication
method is going to be worth attempting.

> 3) An external application handler that would allow for things like 
> Declude JunkMail, Virus, and Message Sniffer.

Well...we're basically already doing this with a transport event sink.
I  didn't want to mention it yet, but I've been using our own external
tests under MS SMTP for the past month on one server, for example.

> 4) A message splitter, so actions can be based on individual addresses 
> instead of individual messages.

Easy  enough  to  code  within  an event sink, though I've never had a
desire for this because the overhead could be crippling and it's quite
counter to SMTP as a protocol.

Giving  Declude  the ability to (a) natively interpret a single RFC822
file  with  MS headers, as passed by MS SMTP (right now, you'd have to
write  out  a  dummy Q file, which is easy but an admitted extra step)
would  be  nice  to have. And being able to disable all daisy-chaining
with  a  GLOBAL.CFG  setting, since MS will automatically proceed with
message processing once control is returned to the service, would make
SMTP32 log errors go away. IMO+E, none of this requires anything crazy
to   be   done   by   SortMonster  or  Declude--except  for  licensing
clarifications! :)


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: IMAIL -> AD

2004-02-10 Thread Pete McNeil
Sorry about that - I seem to have stepped into a bit of a tiff. I was 
skimming and saw a Sniffer reference and jumped in - I shouldn't do that (I 
should get more sleep). At any rate, the pattern matching engine can run at 
any point... Sniffer as it is packaged now runs after submission, but the 
engine can easily be used up-front during the SMTP conversation before or 
after DATA. That's just not how it's currently packaged.

The pattern matching engine came from my robotics research and was later 
adapted to fast interpreted scripting engines in he early 80s (When cpus 
and memory were slow and bulky). The concept for robotics was that a 
complex hierarchical reflex mechanism capable of real-time responses would 
be continually tuned by slower analysis engines. What is now inside Message 
Sniffer was once designed to interpret a wide array of sensor data and 
produce complex, directed real-time responses under the guidance 
(symbiotically anyway) of a goal seeking machine learning system. It was a 
kind of autonomic nervous system with a bit of brain-stem attached.

If anybody cares to take the technology to the SMTP end of an email 
application (or even level 3 routing / filtering / switching) it can be 
done extremely well... We have to start somewhere though... So we filter 
spam - go figure.

Anyway, as has been pointed out, for this application there are tools 
available that need no repackaging or development. (even if it might be fun)

At 11:46 PM 2/10/2004, you wrote:

Everything  that  Sniffer  does  is  after  submission,  so  it really
wouldn't apply.
It could be adapted to any application where a rapid recognition and 
response to data patterns is required. For example, picking an email 
address out of an SMTP envelope, or for that matter implementing the entire 
protocol (though that might be a silly thing to do). It does spam filtering 
after submission right now just because it's packaged that way. (I'm not 
bad, I'm just drawn that way... Jessica Rabit)


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.
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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: IMAIL -> AD

2004-02-10 Thread Sanford Whiteman

Everything  that  Sniffer  does  is  after  submission,  so  it really
wouldn't apply.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: IMAIL -> AD

2004-02-10 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> To  be  honest, yes, I don't think I saw that in your messages. Take
> it  from  a  fellow could condense things from time to
> time...and  maybe  spend  less  time describing how I'm wrong or how
> impossible a task might be :)


> I  saw  a reference to an "everybody but" blacklists, but their help
> file makes no such reference. I suppose that you inquired about this
> functionality?  My  read  of  their help file shows that it might be
> possible  to  blacklist everything, and then whitelist the addresses
> that you want to accept...if they process the whitelist first.

It's  simple  and built-in functionality, not a tweak or anything like
that  all.  You  simply  enable  the recipient blacklist button in the
"everybody  but these people" mode (one of two modes). There's no need
to  worry  about processing order. All addresses are in plain-text and
will reload when the ORF service restarts. It's exactly what your spec


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: IMAIL -> AD

2004-02-10 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> If  VAMsoft builds this, please let me know. If I find that there is
> no interest on the part of my friend in programming this, I may very
> well  think  about  going  the  LDAP  route  for lack of the "proper
> cable."

Did  you  fail  to read (twice) the part of my posts about the "accept
only for these users" option in ORF, which is loaded from a text file?

This has nothing to do with LDAP.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: IMAIL -> AD

2004-02-10 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> My friend is one of the most capable programmers that you will find,
> he's  done  a  great  deal  of  work  in  the  last  5  years within
> Microsoft's framework, and I don't expect for this to be a challenge
> for him.

This  is  not  at  all a comment on his skills--many of us program for
Win32 as well--but you're talking about an OS platform whose companion
mail  platform  (Exchange) had no way (zero) to reject at the envelope
until last year.

> In  terms  of  scale, I would expect to see a server handle not much
> more  than 500,000 messages in a full Declude/IMail environment, and
> with  an average of more than 10 pieces of spam per address per day,
> a  solution  of  this sort would need to effectively resolve against
> 50,000  or  so  E-mail  addresses.

#  of  messages has no intrinsic relationship to # of users. These are
different  requirements, though they are related insofar as the former
predicts  the  number  of simultaneous lookups against the data source
that  must  be  completed  without  quenching  socket,  memory, or CPU

In  any  case,  you're  defining this requirement: "Must support up to
50,000  addresses."  That's  fine  for  you.  MXs  we  support service
millions  of  accounts  in  constant  flux  due  to  adds and changes.
Something  built  to your requirements would not be sufficient for us.
As  I  mentioned,  however, _even you_ have no need to build anything:
ORF already does what you need.

> While I'm not at all sure how to properly index this information for
> rapid  use,  I  do  know that you could split the data into user and
> domain,  and  first  query  the  domain, and then the user, and that
> would  likely  mean  for the most part that you would need to do one
> query  (full  string match) on about 1,000 domains, and then another
> query on an average of maybe 50 user addresses.

You're goldmanning--I guess that's the opposite of strawman :)--one of
a  zillion  use  cases to match your design, so that's not an accurate
general  depiction  of  MXs  that accept mail for 50,000 accounts. Our
largest  installations by user count have very small numbers by domain

> Pete over at Sniffer has figured out how to search the entire source
> of  a  message  with  tens  of  thousands  of  rules  complete  with
> wildcards,  and  he does that quite efficiently considering that the
> application  loads  the entire rule base every time it is hit with a
> message.

A   very   different   task.   I   won't  bother  you  with  any  more
differentiators.  Suffice  it to say that tens of thousands of objects
is  not a realistic target for a scaleable mail application. It may be
a  realistic  target for a particular deployment. I am not questioning
that it may work for you, but (see below) there's nothing to build!

> I  think  a  capable  programmer would not at all be bothered by the
> demands. There's absolutely no reason why this couldn't be done.

My  ultimate  point  is  that  _there  is no reason for anything to be
written_.  If  you  want  50,000 users and text file input is what you
want,  use  ORF. Geez, it's 99 bucks. Vamsoft has done a very fine job
with their product.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: IMAIL -> AD

2004-02-10 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> However,  had  the  proper  cable been available, we would have been
> greatly overly complicating matters.

Indeed,  your  "proper  cable"  already  exists  in  the  form  of the
"everything  but"  recipient  list  in  ORF, as I mentioned in my last
message. I think you should use it.

> I  guess  what  I'm  saying  is  if  you  can  do it without LDAP or
> ActiveDirectory,  why  not  do  it  without LDAP or ActiveDirectory.

There's  a  difference between doing it and doing it right, of course.
For your environment and traffic, ORF alone might well do it right, so
go for it. My issue is with encouraging the _development_ of subpar or
non-scaleable  solutions.  If the application _already exists_, on the
other  hand,  it should be used and tweaked in as many ways as you can
(witness our continued use of IMail!). :)

> I  just  think  that  supporting  a  distributed LDAP environment is
> unnecessary  if  done  solely  for  the  purpose  of storing several
> hundred to several tens of thousands of E-mail addresses.

Several  hundred  in  an unindexed in-memory array would probably work
jsut  fine.  Tens of thousands is a very, very different story. Again,
you  seem  to  be  missing  the point in thinking these two situations
don't  present  different  requirements.  "Solely  for  the purpose of
scaleability" is one of the purest and most commendable motivations in
application  design, since it encompasses both "in the wild" stability
and  performance  under  a  simple  umbrella.  Far  from a dirty word,
scaleability  is  what  makes so many open-source projects work in the
enterprise,   despite  their  many  other  foibles.  If  you  start  a
development  project  with  an express disregard for it, count out the
most capable programmers.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: IMAIL -> AD

2004-02-09 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> I'm  not  dumping on LDAP, I think it can be very useful, however in
> this  case,  is  it really necessary? Why not just support loading a
> text  file  into  memory  and  using  that?

Because it's poor architecture that I wouldn't trust on my mailserver.

> It's   the  lowest  common  denominator...

Yep, that's the problem, all right. :)

> The  only  reason  not  to  use  text  files  would  be  a technical
> limitation,  but  I'm  not  suggesting  that it be accessed once per
> message, so that isn't at issue.

Then  you  clearly  don't see the _other_ technical problems involved.
Disk I/O is not the primary problem.

> I  would  certainly  look  to  VAMsoft  for this application if they
> supported text files...

Well,  you  _can_  use  ORF  for  this! Just use their "everybody but"
recipient  blacklist,  whose addresses are stored in the .INI file and
read once at service start (ORF service, not SMTP service). Every time
you  update the file, net restart ORF. It's _already_ there for you in
ORF if this is the way you want to swing it.

I  believe that if you have a single domain, AD via LDAP is the better
way  to go. As a longtime LDAP user, I believe your concerns about the
complexity  of  having  a  built-in LDAP service running with the sole
purpose of MX user lookup are unfounded.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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Re[2]: [Declude.JunkMail] OT: IMAIL -> AD

2004-02-09 Thread Sanford Whiteman
> I  think what he meant was that you would import the data from IMail
> into  AD.  IMail  would  still  use it's own methods for storing and
> accessing  account  information,  but  ORF  would make use of the AD
> stuff that you exported to it.

Nope,  it's total and automatic synchronization of the userbase, which
can then be replicated to as many LDAP slaves as necessary. That's the

> Personally, I don't use AD on my server because it doesn't seem to offer 
> me anything of value and adds complexity.

LDAP is its thing of value. :)

> The  server  is a stand-alone box, and from a security standpoint, I
> believe it is best for it to remain that way.

You  can  still  run AD on a standalone DC, like I mentioned. Restrict
LDAP queries to the MXs, etc.


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.

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