HiveException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient

2019-03-07 Thread mark pasterkamp
Dear all,

After force quiting a query because it took too long I am unable to run any 
queries or commands on hive because it keeps throwing a hive exception: unable 
to instantiate session hive meta store client. What would be the best way to 
solve this issue? I am using the derby database as a metastore.


Serialization of HiveRelNodes

2019-02-18 Thread mark pasterkamp
Dear all,

First of all, I am sorry if I sent this message twice, I received no 
confirmation of my previous email actually reaching the mailing list.

For my project I want to be able to access the HiveRelNodes for some extended 
semantic analysis. By extending the hookcontext and adding a new hook I have 
been able to access them serverside.

To gain access to them from a client perspective I was thinking about 
serializing them and then deserialize them from the client (perhaps by storing 
the serialized form in a table). Since the RelNode and HiveRelNode classes do 
not implement the Serializable interface I thought maybe I could use the 
RelJsonWriter and RelJsonReader instead. However the RelJsonWriter is not able 
to convert the HiveRelNodes into a json format.

Would anyone perhaps know of a different solution to serializing and 
deserializing these HiveRelNodes?

With kind regards,


Accessing Calcite RelNodes

2019-01-27 Thread mark pasterkamp
Dear all,

For a project I want to retrieve the Calcite RelNodes during the execution of 
the queries (perhaps even before query optimisation if possible) and perform 
some analysis on those RelNodes. However, I am a bit stuck with the best way to 
approach this. Has something similar already been done which I can leverage?

Looking at the Hive Hooks, there exists a HookContext which contains the query 
state as a property. From there you can initialise a CalCitePlanner and call 
the genLogicalPlan function using an ASTNode. Would the original ASTNode of the 
query be stored somewhere? Is this also the preferred approach to get access to 
these calcite logical plans?

With kind regards,


Creating materialized views error acquiring locks

2019-01-16 Thread mark pasterkamp
Dear all,

I am trying to execute queries to create materialized views in Hive to see how 
they affect the relational Calcite plan because of the query rewriting system 
in Hive.

I copied the TestColumnAccess class
I have defined materialized view mv1 as "select * from t1 join t2 on (t1.id1 = 
I have modified table t1 and t2 to be stored as ORC and also set the table 
property "transactional" to true. In the HiveConf I set the HIVE_TXN_MANAGER to 
"org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager" and set the 

However, when I then run the test I get the following error "Error in acquiring 
locks: Need to record valid WriteID list but there is no valid TxnID list". Can 
someone perhaps explain to me what is going wrong and what steps I can 
undertake to resolve the issue?

With kind regards,


Candidate materialized views from query history

2018-12-02 Thread mark pasterkamp
Dear all,

For research purposes I have been looking into finding potential materialized 
views based on a given set of queries. For instance, if you have 2 queries 
joining table A and B, perhaps it would be advantageous to materialize said 
join and utilise Calcite's ability to rewrite queries to use this newly formed 
materialized view.

I have been looking these past few weeks into the Hive source code but I must 
admit, I am a little overwhelmed with the code base. I was wondering if someone 
could perhaps point me to a few classes of interest to get me started.

I have posted a similar question by accident on the user list. I'm sorry if it 
seems like I am spamming the mailing lists because of this.

With kind regards,


Importing into eclipse

2018-11-05 Thread mark pasterkamp
Dear all,

Sorry if this is not the right communication channel for this type of question 
but I am a bit stuck.
I am trying to import Apache Hive into eclipse using the Apache Hive developers 

In my eclipse workspace, I cloned the github repository.
I removed the .m2/repository/org/apache/hive folder.
I executed the described maven command: "mvn clean package eclipse:clean 
eclipse:eclipse -Pitests -DskipTests -DdownloadSources -DdownloadJavadocs".
Then I tried to import the project into the workspace first as an existing 
maven project from the root folder and when that did not work I tried it as an 
existing project which also did not work.

Running maven install to try and resolve the issues in eclipse fails because of 
failing tests in the hive query language project. Upon further inspection it 
seems to fail because hadoop_home and hadoop.home.dir are unset at 
However, hadoop_home is set in my path (version 3.1.1).

Again, I'm sorry if this is not the right place for these types of questions. I 
am a bit new to hive (and hadoop in general) but I would greatly appreciate it 
if someone can recognize what I did wrong and what I can do to resolve it.

With kind regards,
