LZMA tar balls ?

2008-12-28 Thread Ian Holsman


I've noticed that some tar balls are getting created using the lzma 
format as a download option (ftp.gnu.org and Imagemagik being the latest 
two I've noticed) with the file size being significantly smaller than bz2.

I just did a very scientific benchmark on compression tools (that is ran 
them once on a single fileset), and noticed that  with the latest httpd 
tar ball I can achieve a 1M reduction in filesize (~20%) when using 
lzma. the only downside about using lzma is that it is S*L*O*W to 
compress files (seems fast enough in decompression though)

The lzma format is supported in the latest version of gnutar (1.21) as 
an option 'J' and there are windows versions of it out there as well, 
but it is not a standard package in most distributions yet.

anyway.. I thought I'd start a thread about it. 20% savings seemed 
pretty big to me.


Re: svn commit: r693697 - in /httpd/sandbox/mod_valid_utf8: ./ README mod_valid_utf8.c

2008-09-10 Thread Ian Holsman

Thanks for the feedback.

I'll fix the code soon.

Nick Kew wrote:

On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 03:54:00 -


Author: ianh
Date: Tue Sep  9 20:53:59 2008
New Revision: 693697

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=693697&view=rev
initial check in.
this filter validates that the incoming request contains valid UTF8


Last time I looked, incoming charsets were indeed a problem area,
but a browser submitting an HTML form would de-facto use the
same charset as the form.  Not necessarily utf-8.

Not to mention the many other use cases for sending non-utf8 data.


+static char* validate_buffer( apr_pool_t *p,  const char* inbuf,
apr_size_t* length) +{

Looks like a potential util_ function.  Cousin to both apr_uri
and apr_xlate.


+if (inbuf[i] == '%' ) {
+if ((i < len -2 ) && ishexnumber( inbuf[i+1]) &&
ishexnumber( inbuf[i+2])) {

... is all very well, but


+else {

Shouldn't that at least be marked /* FIXME */
where you potentially let through the chars you're
supposed to block ?


+ap_hook_pre_connection(utf8_pre_conn, NULL, NULL,
+ap_register_input_filter(utf8_filter_name, utf8_in_filter, NULL,

Huh?  Isn't that before mod_ssl, let alone mod_deflate, mod_charset?
And no excape path for binary data either.  It'll cripple any server
with it loaded!


Re: [PROPOSAL] merge mod_limitipconn into httpd

2008-06-19 Thread Ian Holsman (Lists)

My only concern with the module is that it can't be used across servers.
So I am not sure how useful it would be non-trivial sites. with 
stateless load balancing. (where the IP is not guaranteed to visit the 
same machine for the next request)

Have you given any thought of using memcache or something to share the 
state across a farm so that it could be useful in those situations?

Niklas Edmundsson wrote:

Hi all!

I would like to propose to merge (or rather, add) mod_limitipconn
(http://dominia.org/djao/limitipconn2.html, changelog at
http://dominia.org/djao/limit/ChangeLog) into httpd.

In short it's a module that limits the number of concurrent connections
from a single IP address, something that most servers that provides file
downloads are interested in due to the fact that there are numerous
"download managers" out there that essentially DOS's your server (our
record is some 500 connections from a single host in China I think).

It also has some features for mime-type based limits.

It has proven stable for us on ftp.acc.umu.se in conjunction with my
recent patches to make it play well with mod_cache, and I really think
that it would be useful for a lot of httpd users.

The author (David Jao, also CC:d) would be glad to contribute it,
provided that it is of interest for the httpd community.

Since I don't know exacly how this procedure works (do we vote, or do
the PMC just make a decision, etc), I hope that the PMC can step up and
provide directions here :)


Re: "Better" mod_unique_id

2008-04-29 Thread Ian Holsman

Hi Konstantin.

I'm about to look at the same issue for my employer.

for my version I was planning on using apr_uuid_get that uses 
uuid_create / uuid_generate function to generate a unique value.

have you looked at this function?


Konstantin Chuguev wrote:


I'm developing a solution generating unique IDs for the requests to 
websites that are not only clustered but also geographically 
dispersed. This implies the following:
- the website's virtual host section on each Apache server has the 
same ServerName which is mapped by DNS to different IP addresses using 
various methods, geo-proximity, round-robin, etc.

- the virtual host's IP address is normally but not necessarily *;
- the actual IP address the Apache listens to for this virtual host is 
normally, but not necessarily, an intranet address (behind a load 

After analysing the format of the ID generated by mod_unique_id, and 
reading the module's source code, I have a feeling that this module 
has serious flaws if used in my situation.
No offence to the authors, I'm sure the module serves its purpose just 
right for the majority of its users. But as it seems that it doesn't 
do this in my case, I thought I'd better ask if someone knows why.

I understand that the module is relatively old and likely has been 
ported from a pre-2.0 version, when no APR library existed, and this 
might explain its design. I'd be glad if someone could either confirm 
this or

explain why it has been done like that.

Now to the point of my question. The unique_id_rec structure that 
contains the binary representation of the unique ID consists of the 
following fields:

unsigned int stamp;
unsigned int in_addr;
unsigned int pid;
unsigned short counter;
unsigned int thread_index;

1. Why use unsigned int timestamp when there exists apr_time_t which 
is 64 bit and seems to be at least 1 microsecond accurate? Surely 
there is unsigned short counter which helps if there is more than one 
request coming to the same IP address / PID / thread per second, but 
still I can hardly see this as a better design.

2. Why use unsigned id pid plus unsigned int thread_index if there 
exists long r->connection->id? thread_index is in fact produced by 
doing htonl((unsigned int)r->connection->id), but MPMs seem to ensure 
the child_id is included there already! While it is just 4 bytes long 
compared to the 8-byte pid/thread_index combination, still it is 
guaranteed to be unique among all worker threads of the Apache server 
in the system. And I don't think this particular field needs 
converting to the network byte order.

3. Using unsigned int in_addr with the server-side IPv4 address works 
well in the single cluster in the IPv4 network only. What if only IPv6 
is being used in the intranet? What if multiple dispersed clusters 
with exactly the same intranet IP addressing schemes serve the same 
website? Please correct me if I'm wrong but I think the following 
structure would represent the unique website more correctly:
- union {struct in_addr, struct in6_addr} local_ip_addr: the IP 
address of the local side of the HTTP connection;
- union {struct in_addr, struct in6_addr} dns_ip_addr: one (any?) of 
the IP addresses that are mapped to the website's domain name in DNS. 
The latter can be omitted if the former IP address is public.

Does anyone see any flaws in the design where the following structure 
is used?

apr_time_t stamp;// 8 bytes, converted to network byte order
long connection_id;// size depends on architecture: normally 4 
or 8 bytes, doesn't need htonl
union {struct in_addr, struct in6_addr} local_ip_addr;// 4 to 
16 bytes
[union {struct in_addr, struct in6_addr} dns_ip_addr;]// 0 to 
16 bytes

Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Konstantin Chuguev
Software Developer

Clickstream Technologies PLC, 58 Davies Street, London, W1K 5JF, 
Registered in England No. 3774129

Re: Apache 3.0

2008-04-13 Thread Ian Holsman

Paul Querna wrote:

For those who were not there, slides from Roy's keynote at ApacheCon EU:

I've got a couple of naive questions about 3.
My apologies.. but i'm only looking at the slides, not the speech itself.

What will the role of apache 3 be. on slides 10 thru 13 you show the 
history and it's uses, I'm just wondering if you have any dreams on how 
this will make the internet a better place to be.

Or are you intending 3.0 to be more of a consolidation/simplification of 
the codebase to base new ideas on?

you mention 'adult serfs' in the slide, but you don't really go into 
it.. how are these going to change my life. (my life being as a 
sysadmin/module developer/reverse proxy user)

if v3 will be waka only, what will happen to POP3, FTP and the other 
protocol support?

waka .. would i be wrong in saying that waka is a compressed version of 
http 1.x ?
what other things does it give me (a application developer or a browser) 
that http doesn't give.
Is the main aim to reduce the size of the header, if so what have you 
done about cookies/state passing, which take up most of the space on 
some domains.

have you got one of the browser groups onboard to write something that 
talks "waka"?

is waka stateless?

multi-language support. are you planning on integrating multiple 
language support into it from the onset?

It looks like a cool idea, i'm still trying to wrap my head around how I 
would use it to make my system design better than what I have today, but 
I did the same thing when I first heard about 2.0



Re: Integrity of Apache source code

2007-12-20 Thread Ian Holsman

While open source is fantastic, and provides highly visible means.
It can still be hacked.

I can describe what has happened in this case:

1. joe hacker hacks one of the 'open source groups' machines.

at this point he is assumed to have access to the source code repository.

2. assume he figures out how to change the source code in the repository 
in some weird way, or then modifies the tarball.

a. he modifies the tarball and inserts some trojan.

at this point in time people will be downloading the trojan, and it will 
start infecting people who are lazy. The non-lazy people (and there are 
people out there who do this) will check the MD5 & GPG-Key of the 
tarball, and will verify that the code matches the signatures. when it 
doesn't they complain VERY LOUDLY. They even complain when the GPG key 
is not signed with enough people who have enough trust.

so as long as you and your employer always verify with the GPG-key of 
the tarball that it is signed correctly, then this is not such a big issue.

b. he modifies the source code in the repository directly and in a 
manner that doesn't generate an email/commit message.

when something like this occurs ( I'm not even sure if it is possible in 
SVN, but I think it was in CVS) then the next time one of the core 
developers update their version of the code they will see the code has 
been changed. It is then up to the developer to review the change or the 
file being changed and to see what has happened. Our developers are 
alert, and most will question what is going on... but it is a risk.


Jim Jagielski wrote:

On Dec 17, 2007, at 6:22 PM, Andrew Beverley wrote:


I hope that this is the correct mailing list for this question, and 
that you can

easily provide a quick response.

I am currently working within the UK Ministry of Defence, and am 
trying to get
Apache web server accredited as software able to be installed on one 
of our
defence networks. However, one of the barriers I am coming up against 
is the
argument that, because it is open source, that someone could 
contribute a Trojan
horse to the code and that the code could be included in the official 

What I would like to know, so that I can dispel this, is what 
procedures are in
place to prevent this happening? I know that all downloads are 
digitally signed,
but what other procedures are in place? For example, how is code 
signed-off for

inclusion in production releases?

I am going to a meeting about this very shortly so would appreciate a 


In one word "visibility".

Since all development is done in the open, and since all code
is vetted by at least 3 committers on the project and all commits
are viewable via subversion, the risk associated with this
is pretty pretty small.

Re: Proxying subrequests

2007-11-01 Thread Ian Holsman

Akins, Brian wrote:

-1 from me (if that counts.)

Using ProxyPass should be fine for 95% of the use cases??

ProxyPass /cnn http://www.cnn.com/


if you:
a. have a static small number of hosts
b. those hosts don't change often

if either of these 2 conditions aren't met, then proxypass is next to 

Re: Proxying subrequests

2007-10-31 Thread Ian Holsman

Nick Kew wrote:

Our subrequest API currently handles only local subrequests,
so for example mod_include doesn't support

Re: svn commit: r569204 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk/modules/experimental: config.m4 mod_rewrite_filter.c mod_sedfilter.c

2007-08-24 Thread Ian Holsman

Ruediger Pluem wrote:

On 08/24/2007 05:30 AM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Roy T. Fielding wrote:

On Aug 23, 2007, at 7:21 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Joshua Slive wrote:

On 8/23/07, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I changed it, I'll be happy (urp) to change it again

  [ ] mod_pcre_filter
  [ ] mod_text_filter
  [*] mod_subst_filter
  [ ] mod_rewrite_filter

or [*] mod_substitute
or [*] mod_regex_replace, or ...

[*] mod_substitute


I'm the same as Ruediger, but would also suggest mod_replace.




Re: OS/X + Cisco VPN == trouble

2007-08-23 Thread Ian Holsman

Graham Dumpleton wrote:

On 24/08/07, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This one is frustrating me to no end, and was wondering if some BSD/OSX
guru can help  me out a bit.

I'm using the trunk, and trying to start apache, but I keep getting a
lock/sem problem

[Fri Aug 24 10:51:53 2007] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't
create accept lock

this only happens if I have run the VPN. when I reboot it works great
(until I check into the VPN).

from what I can see this error is usually caused by running out of
sempahores, but ipcs doesn't show any.
and to make matters worse, it only started happening about 2 weeks ago.

As a workaround while you resolve why you are running out of mutexes
and/or how to increase the number, use AcceptMutex directive to have
it use a different mutex mechanism.


This question was perhaps more appropriate for user list and not
developers list.



Thanks Graham,

I'll remember the users list in the future. as I was using the trunk, I 
thought it might have been a recent patch to apr/httpd which has caused 
it, thats all.

BTW.. the acceptmutex works for stock apache, but not for mod_python 
which doesn't have the ability to change the mutex mechanism it uses.

OS/X + Cisco VPN == trouble

2007-08-23 Thread Ian Holsman


This one is frustrating me to no end, and was wondering if some BSD/OSX 
guru can help  me out a bit.

I'm using the trunk, and trying to start apache, but I keep getting a 
lock/sem problem

[Fri Aug 24 10:51:53 2007] [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn't 
create accept lock

this only happens if I have run the VPN. when I reboot it works great 
(until I check into the VPN).

from what I can see this error is usually caused by running out of 
sempahores, but ipcs doesn't show any.

and to make matters worse, it only started happening about 2 weeks ago.


Re: mod_atom

2007-06-27 Thread Ian Holsman

Tim Bray wrote:

On Jun 27, 2007, at 12:44 AM, Paul Querna wrote:

As it is currently written, I don't think it makes too much sense to put
it into httpd -- but if we could work on abstracting down a core, and a
set of separate hooks for storage + maybe a way to easily build end user
display, I think it would be a very cool thing to include.

We'll have to think about that.  The whole point of APP is so dumb 
clients like cellphones and blog-authoring packages can push bits at a 
server and leave the server in control of where things go.  I'm trying 
to imagine what the storage hooks might look like.  As for end-user 
display, I doubt it; there are all sorts of excellent blogging & 
publishing engines out there that take care of that for you and httpd 
doesn't need to compete with.  APP & mod_atom are narrowly focused at 
the problem of resource CRUD.

If I am understand Paul correctly,

what Paul is meaning on the storage side is so  I can add a module to say:

"I want these things stored on a file system"
or add a different one
"I want these in a database"
and possibly have a 3rd party developer decide.
"This is really cool. I want the data to reside in Bigtable"

this decision would be hidden from the user. just as it is hidden from 
the user in the SVN client at the moment.


Re: [Fwd: Apache httpd vulenrabilities]

2007-05-29 Thread Ian Holsman

Hey Bill

just to clarify these are LOCAL DoS attacks? ie you need access to the 
machine (or the ability to execute php) in order for this to be an issue?

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

Published - ergo moving discussion from security@ to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Of course if in the course of this discussion, you uncover a new
edge case, feel free to move that thread back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to discuss your new discovery.

Apache httpd vulenrabilities
Tue, 29 May 2007 20:00:42 +0200 (CEST)


PSNC Security Team has got the pleasure to announce that, as a result 
of Apache httpd server (ver. 1.3.x, 2.0.x and 2.2.x) source code 
analysis, several vulnerabilities have been found that make it 
possible to perfom a DoS attack against the services and the system 
that the application is running on. Below the basic information on 
found vulnerabilities may be found:

Httpd Server DoS
Test environment: ver. 2.0.59, 2.2.4, prefork mpm module

An appropriate code run in the worker process context makes it 
possible to kill all worker processes with simultaneous blocking of 
creating new worker processes by the master process. As a result, the 
server stops to accept and handle new connections.

Vuln #2
SIGUSR1 killer
Test environment: ver. 2.0.59, 2.2.4 prefork mpm module

An appropriate code run in the worker process context makes it 
possible to send SIGUSR1 signals by the master process (that runs with 
root credentials) to an arbitrary process within the system.

Vuln #3
SIGUSR1 killer
Test environment: ver 1.3.37

An appropriate code run in the worker process context makes it 
possible to send SIGUSR1 signals by the master process (that runs with 
root credentials) to an arbitrary process within the system.

Vuln #4
System DoS
Test environment: ver 2.0.59, 2.2.4 prefork mpm module

An appropriate code run in the worker process context makes it 
possible to force the master process to create an unlimited amount of 
new worker processes. As a result, the activity of the whole system 
may be blocked.


Disabling the possibility of running the user.s code in the worker 
process context. An especial emphasis should be put on programming 
languages that may be configures as an Apache module (like mod_php, 
mod_perl etc.) in order to block dangerous functions, e.g. dl(), 

The information on the vulnerabilities above was sent to Apache 
Software Foundation on 16 May, 2006. For over 1 year no official patch 
has been issued. PSNC Security Team is currently working on its own, 
unofficial patches. Our patches will be published on 18 June, 2007 on 
the team webpage (http://security.psnc.pl). On 20 June, 2007 the 
detailed information on the found vulnerabilities will be issued.

PSNC Security Team

Re: Question about httpd / APR version relationship

2007-05-10 Thread Ian Holsman

Guenter Knauf wrote:


On 5/9/07, Guenter Knauf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Apache 2.0.x -> has to use APR 0.9.x
Apache 2.2.x -> has to use APR 1.2.x
Apache 2.3.x -> has to use APR 1.3.x

is this now a mandatory relationship, or is it valid to:

build Apache 2.2.x with APR 1.3.x


This would likely work, but I wouldn't recommend it for official
builds.  You wouldn't want module authors to start depending on new
functionality in APR 1.3.x when most versions of Apache 2.2.x don't
have that.


build Apache 2.3.x with APR 1.2.x


That /might/ work, unless Apache is depending on new functionality in
APR 1.3.x, which it very well might be.  One of those "YMMV, if it
breaks you get to keep both pieces" kind of situations.

ok, that's exactly what I thought too - thanks for confirming

So how about the future? Will this relationship continue?
there is no guarantee of this. APR might slow down it's development and 
2.4 might ship with APR 1.3. it really depends on what new versions of 
httpd require from the portability layer.


thanks, Guenter.


Re: Question on multi-process CGID

2007-03-29 Thread Ian Holsman

tackling this another way.
how hard would it be to use something like mod_fastcgi of instead of  
the standard CGI interface?

On 21/06/2006, at 8:00 AM, Paul Querna wrote:

Mendonce, Kiran (STSD) wrote:

We tried using mod_cgi with worker. And its very slow. So that's  
not an

option we have. Currently we have only worker MPM supported on HP-UX
which is why I tried the multiple cgid approach.

Ah. Now it makes sense.  My experiences with this have only been on
Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris.  It is very much a possibility that fork()
on HP-UX really sucks.

And the solution that was discussed then was also to provide multiple
CGI daemons. Will this be a feature that will be available sometime ?

I don't think anyone is currently working on it. Feel Free to post
patches :)

Also, I'd like to know if any benchmaking results for CGI has been
published with comparisons between the different Apache MPMs.

Never done it on HP-UX.  On Linux 2.6 the experimental Event MPM is
fastest, then the Worker MPM and then the Prefork MPM.


Re: flood: enhancement - random string substitution in URL

2006-10-04 Thread Ian Holsman

Hi Guy.

unified diff format is preferred. you can email it to the list, or  
put it in a bug (or both)

I'm not sure, but I think flood is maintained on a different list..  
(it's been a while)

On 05/10/2006, at 10:24 AM, Guy Ferraiolo wrote:


I've developed some additional functionality for flood: random text
substitution in the URL.  It has been in use here for several  
years.  I
think this is a very useful addition and I'd like to see it become  

of flood.

The feature works in this way: the URL contains a string of the form
'${subst_var}'.  On each generation of a URL, that entire string is
replaced by a line randomly chosen from the so-called substitution  
This file consists of Unix text delimited by newlines.  The  

file is paired with the substitution variable (in this case subst_var)
via a subst_list xml construct in the flood config file.  An arbitrary
number of variable - file pairings can be defined in the config file.
Additionally, this functionality can substitute text in all or part of
the POST payload.  In that case the metasymbol '\r' will be  
replaced by

newline (\012).

3 things are necessary for the feature to work:
1.  You must use a 'requesttemplate' to hold your URL
2.  You must supply a 'subst_list' xml construct in your flood
config file.
3.  You must supply a 'substitution file' containing the lines that
will be randomly substituted.

I can provide much more documentation about the feature and advice on
its effective use.

A patch is ready, including a revised version of flood.dtd.

How can I submit this?


PS - The original flood.dtd does not serve to validate because it
contains the line:
.  That problem has been fixed.  There is  
also no

mention of the 'configversion' attribute which the code expects.  That
has not been fixed.

Guy Ferraiolo   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Performance Measurement & Analysis  http://CNET.com
1200 Route 22 East  fax: 1.908.575.7474
Bridgewater, NJ 08807   cel: 1.732.618.0250

Ian Holsman
http://parent-chatter.com -- what do parents know?

Re: Memory usage in apache

2006-08-23 Thread Ian Holsman

I'll see if I can apply those to mod_python.


On 23/08/2006, at 2:27 AM, Joost de Heer wrote:

Joost de Heer schreef:
Once you load something like mod_python or mod_perl, it's not  
really "Apache memory" that's your problem.
Philippe Chiasson gave a really interesting talk at ApacheCon  
Europe about memory management for mod_perl. His slides are online  
somewhere, but I can't find the URL right now. Perhaps someone  
else has them?

I just realised I had the URL on my work computer. Here it is:

http://gozer.ectoplasm.org/Talks/talks.html (Talk is 'mod_perl for  
speed freaks!')

Ian Holsman
http://car-chatter.com/ where car fanatics meet

Memory usage in apache

2006-08-21 Thread Ian Holsman


now that I am a 'founder' of my own and using shared hosting, and no  
longer have millions of machines to play with I am starting to notice

how much memory apache is using.

most shared hosting providers who actually let you run apache usually  
limit the memory you can use to something like 40 or 80m. which when  
you install
mod_python means about 2 instances of apache. Others flat out refuse  
to even let you run apache and force you to use something else  
unspeakable and

run your applications via fastcgi
which I think is yuk... especially since the fastcgi processes seem  
to die on me regularly as well.

so.. I was wondering if anybody has looked at a lightweight apache,  
or other ways to reduce it's memory footprint.

Ian Holsman

Re: [Patch]: Do not compress bodies of header only requests in mod_deflate

2006-07-17 Thread Ian Holsman

On 18/07/2006, at 8:06 AM, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

(I can't think of any which do this BTW)

are you seeing a problem somewhere Ruediger?

The biggest problem at the moment is that I fear that I do not get  
your point correctly :-).
So some explanations from your side would be very helpful to get  
myself on the correct track.

the question i'm asking is why bother.

how many HEADs would a typical site get?
I'd imagine about <1%.  and i'm also guessing that most of these  
would be from robots (who don't care about response time)  so this  
patch will have little or no impact on resource utilization on the  
machine itself.

Is this a DoS threat your trying to avoid?
I think there are easier ways to DoS a httpd server, so it's not this

so my question again

are you seeing a problem?

because if there isn't a problem all you are doing is adding another  
code path and potential entry point for bugs.

Thanks and regards


Re: [Patch]: Do not compress bodies of header only requests in mod_deflate

2006-07-17 Thread Ian Holsman
personally I think GET & HEAD processing should be identical until  
the very last moment.
this avoids bugs creeping in which process the body for some reason  
and add a header after mod_deflate is run

(I can't think of any which do this BTW)

are you seeing a problem somewhere Ruediger?

On 18/07/2006, at 3:28 AM, Ruediger Pluem wrote:

The following patch avoids that the deflate output filter wastes  
cycles in
compressing the body of a header only request that gets thrown away  
by http

header filter afterwards anyway.
OTH a HEAD and a GET request differ regarding regarding the T-E and  
C-L headers
(everything else is the same). So I am not sure if this patch  
breaks RFC2616.


Index: modules/filters/mod_deflate.c
--- modules/filters/mod_deflate.c   (Revision 422739)
+++ modules/filters/mod_deflate.c   (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -397,8 +397,6 @@

 /* We're cool with filtering this. */
 ctx = f->ctx = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(*ctx));
-ctx->bb = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
-ctx->buffer = apr_palloc(r->pool, c->bufferSize);

 zRC = deflateInit2(&ctx->stream, c->compressionlevel,  

c->windowSize, c->memlevel,
@@ -418,11 +416,6 @@
 return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);

-/* add immortal gzip header */
-e = apr_bucket_immortal_create(gzip_header, sizeof  

-   f->c->bucket_alloc);
 /* If the entire Content-Encoding is "identity", we can  
replace it. */

 if (!encoding || !strcasecmp(encoding, "identity")) {
 apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Content-Encoding",  

@@ -432,6 +425,24 @@
 apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, "Content-Length");

+ * Do not waste cycles on compressing bodys of header only  
requests as

+ * the body data is dumped later anyway.
+ */
+if (r->header_only) {
+ctx->bb = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
+ctx->buffer = apr_palloc(r->pool, c->bufferSize);
+/* add immortal gzip header */
+e = apr_bucket_immortal_create(gzip_header, sizeof  

+   f->c->bucket_alloc);
 /* initialize deflate output buffer */
 ctx->stream.next_out = ctx->buffer;
 ctx->stream.avail_out = c->bufferSize;
  return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);


Index: modules/filters/mod_deflate.c
--- modules/filters/mod_deflate.c   (Revision 422739)
+++ modules/filters/mod_deflate.c   (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -397,8 +397,6 @@

 /* We're cool with filtering this. */
 ctx = f->ctx = apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(*ctx));
-ctx->bb = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
-ctx->buffer = apr_palloc(r->pool, c->bufferSize);

 zRC = deflateInit2(&ctx->stream, c->compressionlevel,  

c->windowSize, c->memlevel,
@@ -418,11 +416,6 @@
 return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);

-/* add immortal gzip header */
-e = apr_bucket_immortal_create(gzip_header, sizeof  

-   f->c->bucket_alloc);
 /* If the entire Content-Encoding is "identity", we can  
replace it. */

 if (!encoding || !strcasecmp(encoding, "identity")) {
 apr_table_setn(r->headers_out, "Content-Encoding",  

@@ -432,6 +425,24 @@
 apr_table_unset(r->headers_out, "Content-Length");

+ * Do not waste cycles on compressing bodys of header only  
requests as

+ * the body data is dumped later anyway.
+ */
+if (r->header_only) {
+return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);
+ctx->bb = apr_brigade_create(r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
+ctx->buffer = apr_palloc(r->pool, c->bufferSize);
+/* add immortal gzip header */
+e = apr_bucket_immortal_create(gzip_header, sizeof  

+   f->c->bucket_alloc);
 /* initialize deflate output buffer */
 ctx->stream.next_out = ctx->buffer;
 ctx->stream.avail_out = c->bufferSize;

Re: [PATCH] Compilation on Solaris

2006-06-16 Thread Ian Holsman

why is the licensing terms stopping us recommending something?

we recommend VC2005 for windows and that it commercial, I don't see  
the difference.
(and yes.. I saw mads's comment that this studio is free if your  

On 17/06/2006, at 4:56 AM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

On 6/16/06, Shanti Subramanyam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Here is the patch :

--- README.platformsFri Jun 16 09:12:33 2006
+++ README.platforms.orig   Thu Jun 15 13:13:50 2006
@@ -95,12 +95,4 @@


  (That patch works with many recent levels of Apache 2+.)
-  Solaris:
-On Solaris, much better performance can be achieved by using the
Sun Studio compiler
-instead of gcc. Download the compiler from
-Use the following compiler flags: -XO4 -xchip=generic

Actually, if I read the license, I'm not sure this is a great idea to
recommend now:


Specifically, it says:

Permitted Use: Provided that You are a participant of the OpenSolaris
community, You may use the software for Research and Instructional,
Individual, and Commercial Use to design, develop, test, or otherwise
engineer software.

In the loosest terms, that *might* be true.  But, I'm not quite so  

Roy?  -- justin

Re: Email address on mail archive (fwd)

2006-04-28 Thread Ian Holsman

On 29/04/2006, at 4:30 AM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

Welcome to the big bad Internet.  Not everyone is nice.  It's a
valuable lesson to learn.

We can do all of the obfuscation we want in mod_mbox, but spambots
*do* just subscribe to the lists.  (We see them in the subscriber
lists.)  So, we can't obfuscate those addresses in the emails everyone
receives.  -- justin

Justin. we *want* people to use our bug system and our mailing lists.

Some of the subscribers may not be as experienced as you. They are  
just after a certain level of comfort.

By obfuscating their email address on web pages and bug reports we  
give the comfort to them, and they in turn feel more comfortable  

It doesn't matter if we don't stop *all* bots, what is being asked  
for is the status quo.
The status quo on nearly all web-based products is to hide the email  

and actually I think you could design the mailing list software *to*  
obsfucate personal

email addresses (similar to what gmane does).

It is just that the status quo isn't there yet for mailing lists.

Ian Holsman
Never forget that you are unique, like everyone else.

Re: RFC: make selecting virtual host a hook

2006-04-27 Thread Ian Holsman

This sounds like a good idea.

are you thinking of it being a config-time hook or a additional hook  
in the request-processing stage?

I can see cases where you might want both.


On 27/04/2006, at 11:54 PM, Brian Akins wrote:

As most things are now in hooks, why not make virtual host  
selection a hook as well?  I have a few really strange setups that  
would be alot easier to configure if I could override how the  
virtual host is selected.


Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Ian Holsman   ++61-3-9818-0132
"in this place it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the  
same place." - Lewis Caroll

Re: Summer of Code 2006 -- a link

2006-04-18 Thread Ian Holsman

Be careful when it comes to scoping work.
I found last year that some students last year will do what is asked  
for, not more.

On 19/04/2006, at 9:59 AM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

On 4/18/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

it sounds like we have got some pretty good ideas so far.
the next step is to put them on the Wiki Page (or create a 2nd wiki
page just for httpd and APR projects to reduce the clutter

the URL is here:

I've posted one of my ideas to that wiki page: creating a set of test
cases for mod_cache.  That'd be really really nice to have and has the
'right'-ish scope.  If they breeze through those, they can create
proxy tests.  ;-)  -- justin

Ian Holsman  ++61-3-9818-0132
If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough. -  
Mario Andretti

Re: mod_deflate patch

2006-04-18 Thread Ian Holsman

+1 from me.

On 19/04/2006, at 4:37 AM, Brian J. France wrote:

This was talked about a few weeks back but I don't think anything  
ever came of it.  The patch below would allow mod_deflate to  
compress internal redirects while still skipping sub requests.

I have been running this on my personal server for a few weeks now  
with no issues.

Let the voting begin.


Index: modules/filters/mod_deflate.c
--- modules/filters/mod_deflate.c   (revision 394996)
+++ modules/filters/mod_deflate.c   (working copy)
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
 const char *encoding;
 /* only work on main request/no subrequests */
-if (!ap_is_initial_req(r)) {
+if (r->main != NULL) {
 return ap_pass_brigade(f->next, bb);

Ian Holsman
Zilbo.com / (425) 296-6771 USA/ ++61 (03) 9818-0132 Australia

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take -- Wayne Gretzky

Re: It's that time of the year again

2006-04-17 Thread Ian Holsman

yeah.. thats the hard part of SoC.
not coding it yourself in 20 minutes, and leaving it for your student  
to do ;-)

On 18/04/2006, at 5:43 AM, Brian Akins wrote:

Parin Shah wrote:

I have liked the idea of mod_memcached. I can work on it with you (if
we have Soc student for this project, I can work with him as well )

To clarify, I really meant to say mod_memcache, the client part,  
not the server.

Was just an idea, I can help in some way as well.  I have a working  
prototype now.

Brian Akins
Lead Systems Engineer
CNN Internet Technologies

Ian Holsman  ++61-3-9818-0132
Good judgment comes from experience, experience comes from bad judgment.

It's that time of the year again

2006-04-16 Thread Ian Holsman

Google is about to start it's summer of code project

what does this mean for HTTP/APR ?

we need:
- mentors
- project ideas.

so.. if there is any niggly things or cool projects you haven't got  
the time to do yourself, but could devote 2-3 hrs/week to help  
someone else do, and could be accomplished by a good student in  

now's the time.

ideas so far (half joking):
- mod_ircd
- implementing a UDP protocol
- a caching module implement CML (cache-meta-language)
- a SEDA type MPM

last year's SoC produced:
- mod_smtpd
- mod_mbox enhancements
- mod_cache_requestor (which i don't think really took off)
and 2 active comitters.

so.. lets get brainstorming. Let's see HTTP get the prize for most  
ideas (and beat those java weanies)


Ian Holsman   ++61-3-9877-0909
"in this place it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the  
same place." - Lewis Caroll

Re: mod_cache_shared?

2006-03-11 Thread Ian Holsman
My only thoughts is that if you could integrate with ICP (which squid 
uses) it might make it easier to get mod_cache_shared installed, tested, 
and used in large organizations who already use a caching solution.

That way they could put a single mod_cache_shared into their existing 
pool and see how it works/compares to squid, and then slowly move their 
existing base to mod_cache_shared if it is better.

Inventing yet another protocol is not going to help people switch over. 
(and it is bound to get complex quickly as all the boundary cases get 
added into the protocol)


(same thing can be applied to HTCP or CARP.. I'm protocol agnostic when 
it comes to choosing, but -0.5 on inventing another one)

Paul Querna wrote:
I have been thinking about some ideas for allowing multiple 
mod_disk_cache instances to share their cache.

There are existing 'solutions' to 'this' problem:
  - HTCP, RFC 2756, http://www.htcp.org/
  - ICP, RFC 2186 and RFC 2187, http://icp.ircache.net/
  - CARP, http://icp.ircache.net/carp.txt

I've only done a quick look at each, and they all seem to be overly 
complicated.  If anyone has experience with these or other methods, 
please speak up :)

HTCP seems like the best pre-designed solution at this time.  It doesn't 
look like it got much adoption from any other proxy/cache servers. 
Anyone know why?

But, the 'lets do this quickly and make it work' part of me says, we can 
design something very simple and 'stupid', that uses the knowledge of 
how mod_cache works.

What we would do is create a new mod_cache backend, 'mod_cache_shared'.

It would run in the Quick Handler, after the other cache methods.  This 
mod_cache_shared would use some communication protocol to request this 
document from its peers.

If no peer replied in 5 ms, we would DECLINE the quick handler, and 
continue on the normal path of a cache miss. Of course, giving-up 
timeout would be configurable.

If a peer replied with 'yes we have this', we would fetch it from there, 
and *also* insert the required output filters, to add it to our local 



Re: how does this get changed?

2006-02-16 Thread Ian Holsman
maybe if mod_access_compat is included by default statically into httpd 
itself? (unless explicitly disabled)

we could make it optional in 2.6 (and remove docs on it), and remove in 
2.8 or something. this will give people plenty of time to switch over.

David Reid wrote:

Joshua Slive wrote:

On 2/16/06, David Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Rather than try and piece it together, can someone simply answer this
simple question? Maybe then this mail and your reply will help other
poor souls trying to make the change.

Convert this

Order deny,allow
Deny from all

Require all denied

But David, you should really just be including mod_access_compat.  I
think there are plenty of people here who are going to vote against
any release of 2.4 unless configurations like the one above work out
of the box with mod_access_compat included.  So if you are having
problems, it is better to identify them now.

I have been using the compat module (which actually worked this time)
but I've run into a SIGBUS or SIGILL (latter if not debug build) using
the module.

Also, unless there is an "upgrade" path that make sense, is well
documented and tested the new auth stuff might as well never have been

The last set of auth changes left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths
 - shall we try and avoid that this time round?


Re: Change in how to configure authorization

2006-01-26 Thread Ian Holsman

Hi Joshua:

httpd.conf.in has the new structure
httpd-std.conf (the one I was looking at) didn't ;(


Change in how to configure authorization

2006-01-25 Thread Ian Holsman


It looks like recently some people have changed how authorization is 
working on the trunk.

Could those people please

1. add a note to docs/upgrading.html to document what us idiots need to 
do to get our config to work again?

2. change httpd-std.conf so it doesn't reference the depcreated stuff

3. fix core.html.en so it has the 'satisfy' directive (my version doesn't)

a bit angry with myself for not paying enough attention to the list ;(

Re: [PATCH] mod_disk_cache: store/read array & table

2006-01-24 Thread Ian Holsman

Brian Akins wrote:
This is a rather nasty patch (sorry).  Basically, it changes the way 
arrays and tables are stored on disk.  This allows us to do a much 
cleaner and quicker read_array and read_table.  It cuts down 
significantly on the number of disk reads for header files (one big one) 
and the number of strdup's (it used apr_table_addn, for example).

Bottom line is alot fewer system calls and allocations.  It gives me a 
5% increase in mod_disk_cache across the board.

does anyone have any objections to this patch?
5% is a pretty nice gain imho.

if I don't see anything in the next couple of days I'll commit it.

--- mod_disk_cache.c.orig   2006-01-18 13:44:55.0 -0500
+++ mod_disk_cache.c2006-01-20 09:48:23.0 -0500
@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@
  * Format #1:
  *   apr_uint32_t format;
  *   apr_time_t expire;
- *   apr_array_t vary_headers (delimited by CRLF)
+ *   apr_array_t vary_headers (delimited by '\0')
  * Format #2:
  *   disk_cache_info_t (first sizeof(apr_uint32_t) bytes is the format)
  *   entity name (dobj->name) [length is in disk_cache_info_t->name_len]
- *   r->headers_out (delimited by CRLF)
- *   CRLF
- *   r->headers_in (delimited by CRLF)
- *   CRLF
+ *   length of r->headers_out
+ *   r->headers_out (delimited by '\0')
+ *   length r->headers_in
+ *   r->headers_in (delimited by '\0')
 module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA disk_cache_module;

@@ -60,8 +60,12 @@
 static apr_status_t recall_headers(cache_handle_t *h, request_rec *r);
 static apr_status_t recall_body(cache_handle_t *h, apr_pool_t *p, 
apr_bucket_brigade *bb);
 static apr_status_t read_array(request_rec *r, apr_array_header_t* arr,
-   apr_file_t *file);
+   meta_file_t *file);
+static apr_status_t meta_file_close(void *data);

+static apr_status_t meta_file_open(meta_file_t **m, const char *file, 
apr_pool_t *pool);
+static apr_status_t meta_file_read(meta_file_t *m, void **buf, apr_size_t 
+static apr_status_t meta_file_seek(meta_file_t *h, apr_off_t offset);
  * Local static functions
@@ -195,46 +199,43 @@
  * file for an ap_cache_el, this state information will be read
  * and written transparent to clients of this module
-static int file_cache_recall_mydata(apr_file_t *fd, cache_info *info,
+static int file_cache_recall_mydata(meta_file_t *fd, cache_info *info,
 disk_cache_object_t *dobj, request_rec *r)
 apr_status_t rv;
 char *urlbuff;
-disk_cache_info_t disk_info;
+disk_cache_info_t *disk_info;
 apr_size_t len;
 /* read the data from the cache file */

 len = sizeof(disk_cache_info_t);
-rv = apr_file_read_full(fd, &disk_info, len, &len);
+rv = meta_file_read(fd, (void **)&disk_info, &len);
 if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
+/* Log error? */
 return rv;
 /* Store it away so we can get it later. */

-dobj->disk_info = disk_info;
+dobj->disk_info = *disk_info;
-info->status = disk_info.status;

-info->date = disk_info.date;
-info->expire = disk_info.expire;
-info->request_time = disk_info.request_time;
-info->response_time = disk_info.response_time;
-/* Note that we could optimize this by conditionally doing the palloc
- * depending upon the size. */
-urlbuff = apr_palloc(r->pool, disk_info.name_len + 1);
-len = disk_info.name_len;
-rv = apr_file_read_full(fd, urlbuff, len, &len);
-if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
-return rv;
-urlbuff[disk_info.name_len] = '\0';
+info->status = disk_info->status;
+info->date = disk_info->date;
+info->expire = disk_info->expire;
+info->request_time = disk_info->request_time;
+info->response_time = disk_info->response_time;
+len = disk_info->name_len;
+rv = meta_file_read(fd, (void **)&urlbuff, &len);
 /* check that we have the same URL */

-/* Would strncmp be correct? */
-if (strcmp(urlbuff, dobj->name) != 0) {
+if (strcmp(dobj->name, urlbuff)) {
+  ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, 0, r->server,
+   "disk_cache: name mismatch: %s != %s",
+   urlbuff, dobj->name);
 return APR_SUCCESS;

@@ -347,7 +348,7 @@
 static int open_entity(cache_handle_t *h, request_rec *r, const char *key)

-apr_uint32_t format;
+apr_uint32_t format, *tf;
 apr_size_t len;
 const char *nkey;
 apr_status_t rc;
@@ -387,28 +388,32 @@
 dobj->hdrsfile = header_file(r->pool, conf, dobj, key);

-rc = apr_file_open(&dobj->hfd, dobj->hdrsfile, flags, 0, r->pool);
+rc = meta_file_open(&dobj->mf, dobj->hdrsfile, r->pool);
 if (rc != APR_SUCCESS) {
+ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
+ "di

[patch] FCGI -- pass path-info to FCGI process

2006-01-05 Thread Ian Holsman

this allows you to pass a 'path' to the fast cgi process
to use:
ProxyPass  /forum fcgi-tcp://

/forum/zx will have a path_info of /foruX/zx

posting it as a patch, as the code is a bit fugly.

Index: mod_proxy_fcgi.c
--- mod_proxy_fcgi.c(revision 366086)
+++ mod_proxy_fcgi.c(working copy)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
static int proxy_fcgi_canon(request_rec *r, char *url)
char *host, sport[7];
+char *path;
const char *err;
const char* scheme;
apr_port_t port = 8000;
@@ -62,8 +63,13 @@
host = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, "[", host, "]", NULL);

-r->filename = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, "proxy:", scheme, host, 
sport, "/",
+path = ap_proxy_canonenc(r->pool, url, strlen(url), enc_path, 
0, r->proxyreq);

+if (path == NULL)
+r->filename = apr_pstrcat(r->pool, "proxy:", scheme, host, 
sport, "/", path,

else if (strncmp(url, "local://", 8) == 0) {
url += 6;
@@ -130,6 +136,7 @@
const apr_array_header_t *envarr;
const apr_table_entry_t *elts;
+char *path;
struct iovec vec[2];
fcgi_header header;
apr_size_t bodylen;
@@ -143,6 +150,18 @@

+if (r->path_info) {
+apr_table_setn(r->subprocess_env, "PATH_INFO", r->path_info);
+else {
+path = ap_strchr_c( r->filename,'/');
+if (path) {
+path = ap_strchr_c( path,':');
+if (path) {
+apr_table_setn(r->subprocess_env, "PATH_INFO",  
ap_strchr_c(path, '/'));

/* XXX are there any FastCGI specific env vars we need to send? */

/* XXX What if there is over 64k worth of data in the env? */


2006-01-04 Thread Ian Holsman
I'm not sure why we aren't just reading the plen at the same time as the 
clen... but as is when the 2nd header is read, it is not in sync (out by 
padding-len bytes)

this patch makes it read at the same time, and it seems to make the 
handler work for larger responses (as the following header is now synced 
up properly)


Index: mod_proxy_fcgi.c
--- mod_proxy_fcgi.c(revision 365863)
+++ mod_proxy_fcgi.c(working copy)
@@ -517,15 +517,15 @@
 plen = fheader[6];

 ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, 0, r->server,
-"type %d request-id %d clen: %" APR_SIZE_T_FMT " plen %d",
+"type %d request-id %d content len: %" APR_SIZE_T_FMT " 
padding length %d",

 type, rid,
 clen, plen
-if (clen > sizeof(readbuf) - 1) {
+if (clen +plen> sizeof(readbuf) - 1) {
 readbuflen = sizeof(readbuf) - 1;
 } else {
-readbuflen = clen;
+readbuflen = clen+plen;

 /* Now get the actual data.  Yes it sucks to do this in a 

@@ -582,11 +582,11 @@

 /* If we didn't read all the data go back and get the
  * rest of it. */
-if (clen > readbuflen) {
+if (clen +plen > readbuflen) {
 clen -= readbuflen;
 goto recv_again;
 if (plen) {
 readbuflen = plen;

@@ -595,6 +595,7 @@
 } else {
 b = apr_bucket_eos_create(c->bucket_alloc);

@@ -611,6 +612,9 @@

 /* XXX TODO FCGI_STDERR gets written to the log file. */
+ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r->server, "%*s",
+readbuf );


Re: What do you want in HTTPD 2.4/3.0/X/GREEN?

2005-12-03 Thread Ian Holsman

Garrett Rooney wrote:

On 12/3/05, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd also like to brainstorm a better solution to running Rails/Django
applications inside of the httpd process than the SCGI/FastCGI solution
which most people use.

Out of curiosity, what do you think is wrong with the current FastCGI
method of running them?

for example in order for me to get typo running on my blog, I need 4 
rewrite rules. (and when I tried to do something slightly different, it 
took me a good hour to configure it properly with all the rewrite magic)

also when applications 'experts' like scott (the creator of typo) have 
issues like 

i think it isn't easy enough to run.
what I am after is something as simple as

RailsApp /foo/ rails-controller.rb [cache] [ENV=production]

which would just work as a in-process application...
making it as simple as running a PHP application is the goal.

I don't like the trend i see with rails & django people saying apache is 
hard to use and switching to other web servers.


Re: What do you want in HTTPD 2.4/3.0/X/GREEN?

2005-12-03 Thread Ian Holsman

Paul Querna wrote:

My intention is for this to be a wide open brainstorming thread.

I expect that we will be able to discuss several ideas in much more 
detail at the Hackathon next week, but I really want to get all ideas 
'on the table'.

I have a few things I would like to see, but I am sure there are perhaps 
hundreds of other major features that other people want.  It helps to 
know what everyone else is thinking about new features, rather than one 
person going off an doing it all by themselves. (not that I'll stop 
anyone from that either).

Here is my list:

* Async/Event MPM: Complete Async pipeline for static files.  I believe 
we can seriously give every existing single-threaded-event-based server 
a run for their money on every existing benchmark.  Toss in some dynamic 
content, and a hybrid Event/Worker has serious potential.  Some of this 
work is ongoing in the async-read dev branch, but there is plenty more 
to do.

I've always wanted to (but not had free time) to write a SEDA-type mpm. 
the SEDA is slightly different to the async/event mpm in that a given 
hook/filter would process multiple events/requests at the same context 
switch. This is what the apr_queue stuff was initially designed for.

I'd also like to brainstorm a better solution to running Rails/Django 
applications inside of the httpd process than the SCGI/FastCGI solution 
which most people use.

Configuration .. make it configurable. by that I mean allowing people to 
use LDAP or a DB to hold the configuration files, and not a flat file. 
This is mainly intended for large server farms. Currently the main 
reason for logging onto a webserver is to change it's configuration (and 
bounce) .. if we could reduce that to just 'bounce' it might make life 
easier. (or some method where it checks configs every X minutes and 
autobounces..removing the need to log onto the machine at all ;-)

Configuration .. make it easier..I can't think of anything on how to do 
this off the top of my head, but it seems to be a common complaint.

Logging/debugging .. changing the log system to use something like Log4C 
for errors.. this way the module developer can easily turn on/off 
various information on a live system when he is having issues.

wish I could attend the ApacheCon.. if there was a ApacheCon OZ I'd be 
there ;-)


Re: mod_auth[nz]_dbd password caching

2005-12-03 Thread Ian Holsman

Hi Phil,
A while back I wrote a auth wrapper which used a MD5 hash inside a 
cookie  to determine if the user was authenticated. If the cookie was 
invalid or not present it would fall back to the regular auth method (in 
your case a DB hit).
It also had a bit which sat just after the authentication section which 
would create the cookie on successful authentication.

If you would like I could see if I can find this.. I don't think I 
actually made use of it after I wrote it ;(

Phil Endecott wrote:

Dear All,

First of all, congratulation on the release of 2.2.

I use mod_auth_pgsql at http://anyterm.org/my.html, and found a problem 
earlier in the year.  To get reasonable performance you need to use the 
module's caching mechanism, but this cache is not flushed or updated 
when the database changes.  So things don't work properly when the user 
changes their password.

I started to think about fixing it myself but quickly realised that both 
the database and authentication frameworks were changing in 2.1+ and 
decided to wait before doing anything.  I now see that 2.2 has 
mod_auth[nz]_dbd - great!

However, as far as I can see from 
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_authn_dbd.html and the source, 
this new module doesn't do any caching.  Is this true?  To get the sort 
of performance that I need for my site I really need in-memory caching 
of passwords, but I also need to solve mod_auth_pgsql's non-updating 
problem.  The solution to this is to use PostgreSQL's asynchronous 
notification mechanism: the module issues a "LISTEN" command and is then 
notified when the password table changes.  I don't know if the APR DB 
interface has any support for this (it doesn't seem to be documented at 
all at http://apr.apache.org/docs/apr-util/modules.html); even if it 
does, it is not portable to other databases.

Has anyone looked at this?  If no-one is working on this and you think 
it would be a useful feature to add, I may be able to write something 
with a bit of help.



Re: apr_socket_sendfile not found on OS/X?

2005-12-03 Thread Ian Holsman

Thanks Paul,
I didn't realize the trunk wasn't 2.2.x.. otherwise I would have just 
fixed it myself ;-)

Paul Querna wrote:

Paul Querna wrote:

Ian Holsman wrote:


I just checked out the latest trunk of apr & httpd on my mac, and 
can't build it anymore. it is complaining about apr_socket_sendfile 
not being defined.

so I checked .. and apr.h has APR_HAS_SENDFILE as 0.

the problem is sendfile_nonblocking calls apr_socket_sendfile ;(

mac/darwin doesn't support sendfile at all.

I don't know how you are getting sendfile_nonblocking called at all, 
since it is all wrapped by #if APR_HAS_SENDFILE



Someone didn't wrap sendfile_nonblocking itself under APR_HAS_SENDFILE 
when they re-factored it :-)

Fixed in trunk/r351997.


apr_socket_sendfile not found on OS/X?

2005-12-03 Thread Ian Holsman


I just checked out the latest trunk of apr & httpd on my mac, and can't 
build it anymore. it is complaining about apr_socket_sendfile not being 

so I checked .. and apr.h has APR_HAS_SENDFILE as 0.

the problem is sendfile_nonblocking calls apr_socket_sendfile ;(

Re: What's up for mod_mbox ?

2005-09-29 Thread Ian Holsman

Maxime Petazzoni wrote:


It's been one month that my SoC project is now over. I even received
the money from Google. Thanks again to all of you for your help and
support during the summer.

For now, I would really like to see something moving around
mod_mbox. I did not get any news from the httpd-mbox-search guy, nor
from my vote about merging my changes to mod_mbox's trunk.

So, what's up ? Have my changes been reviewed ? Or at least tested ?

Please note that I plan to merge my changes myself on Saturday,
October 1st (one month after the SoC deadline, 100 days after SoC
begining). I really want to see this stuff setup and available to
m-a.a.org users.

+1 on merging the branch.


Thanks for your attention,
- Sam

Re: mod_dbd

2005-09-09 Thread Ian Holsman

I don't see why not.


Brian J. France wrote:
Any reason why this patch couldn't be applied to allow the option of 
building mod_dbd?

The title might need a little tweaking.


  - with no commit access

Index: modules/experimental/config.m4
--- modules/experimental/config.m4  (revision 279774)
+++ modules/experimental/config.m4  (working copy)
@@ -13,5 +13,6 @@
 APACHE_MODULE(case_filter, example uppercase conversion filter, , , no)
 APACHE_MODULE(case_filter_in, example uppercase conversion input 
filter, , , no)

 APACHE_MODULE(filter, smart filtering module, , , no)
+APACHE_MODULE(dbd, Apache DBD Framework, , , no)


Re: Proposed connection state diagram

2005-09-05 Thread Ian Holsman

Brian Pane wrote:
On the subject of asynchronous write completion, I've drawn a connection 
state model that
combines the current state transitions of the event MPM with new states 
for write completion

and the handler phase.

Comments welcome... Am I missing any state transitions (particularly for 
error cases)?
Should there be an "access logger" state?  Are there other good use 
cases to consider

for a nonblocking handler feature, besides mod_proxy?


It's late over here.. so I'm sure I'm being stupid.. but here are some 
things I can't see transitions for:

are you missing the case where the client disconnects mid-request 
(CONN_STATE_READ_REQUEST_LINE -> Connection_deleted)

and when the client disconnects mid-response?

case where the client connects/disconnects (TCP-port check)

as for
non-blocking cases.. when the module needs to issue a TCP/UDP connection 
to a 3rd party. (eg.. gets a stock quote or performs a LDAP check for 
authorization, or wordpress doing a trackback/pingback)

what about mod-rewrite spawning a program to do a rewrite mapping?

like I said at the start.. I'm sure I'm being stupid and not 
understanding the questions ;-)


Re: Doxygen

2005-08-28 Thread Ian Holsman

Hi Neale.

I'll go through and review the patch today.
I'll try to get it commited in a couple of hours.

Neale Ranns wrote:


I put a patch here (http://www.ranns.org/~ndrr/apache2/), it's kinda big
to be emailing to all. There is also a tar ball there of the html files
if anyone would like a copy.
i am working from an up to date version of the svn trunk.


On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 19:05, Sander Temme wrote:

Hi Neale,

On Aug 19, 2005, at 7:55 AM, Neale Ranns wrote:

Over the past few days i've been reading around the source code and
improving the doxygen documentation. You can see the results here.

Very cool. Could you produce a patch using diff -u? What version of  
the source code are you working with?



Essentially what i have done is:
 1) change all the @package (since these generate "Namespaces") to
@defgroup (which produces the grouping in the "Modules" page)
 2) Added lots more @defgroup to get the module grouping on the
"Modules" page
 3) Add a @file and @brief to each header file to improve the "File
List" page
 4) Did some improvements to function and struct declarations;  
though by

no means all. There is a long way to go.
 5) lastly i changed the doxygen.conf file:
a) to make the output searchable
b) to extract everything (otherwise the undocumented stuff is  
left out)

c) added a hack so the CORE_PRIVATE stuff is included
d) fixed the STRIP_FROM_PATH problem, by setting it to
"STRIP_FROM_PATH=" which implies, the directory from which doxygen is
run. It is possible to do with autoconf but more complicated.

comments always welcome :)


Re: What happened to the "Apache 2 cross reference"?

2005-08-28 Thread Ian Holsman

Brandon Fosdick wrote:
For a month or two now I've been using the cross reference that was 
linked from the developer documentation page. Then it went away for 
awhile and now its back with some weird crippled version that can't do 
wild card searches for identifiers. The source navigation is broken too. 
eg. If you try to decend into the modules/dav/fs directory you get sent 
back to the top.

What happened?

If you are refering to http://docx.webperf.org & http://lxr.webperf.org
they suffered a machine move.

http://docx.webperf.org is back up now (and looks a bit prettier IMHO)
http://lxr.webperf.org will be fixed in the next week or so.

I'm might take Rachel's queue and stick some ads on the page, I can use 
the extra $1 or 2 it will make.


Re: CTR policy for experimental modules in A2.0?

2005-08-09 Thread Ian Holsman

Jim Jagielski wrote:

I have a bug I'd like to squash in mod_auth_ldap.c in 2.0 that doesn't
exist in 2.1/2.2 (non-existent authn_ldap_request_t req struct during
auth check)... since the module is experimental, can I assume CTR ?

Hey Jim
can you post the patch ?

while this discussion about RTC/CTR is fantastic and all..
I'd love to get the patch into the code..
so post it.
we can all review it onlist (like the good ol days) and give you some 
+/- 1's /feedback on here.

(speaking with my ldap-user hat on)

Re: How long until 2.2

2005-08-08 Thread Ian Holsman

Akins, Brian wrote:

As I sit here debugging our home grown proxy code for 2.0, I wonder how long
until 2.2?  We wrote our own proxy because the cool 2.1 stuff was not out at
the time.  The new proxy stuff would be wonderful for us, but noone wants to
run alpha code in production.  (However, we are quick to run homegrown

So, please, I be you -- give us 2.2 ;)

May I suggest you put the following proposal to your management.

cost of devoting a senior engineer for the next month or two to help 
'field test' apache 2.2 in a high scale environment, identifying and 
submitting patches to 2.2 is Y.

This should be considered a sunk cost. you will have to perform this 
test now, or in 2-3 months time when we officially release it as 2.2.

The only advantage of waiting is that you hope someone else will find
the same problems as your team would.

The disadvantages of waiting
- your changes you testing find might not be able to be applied to the 
main core, as altering a 'production' system takes more checks and 
paperwork than a developmental one. so you will be stuck in the same 
situation you are now.. maintaining a patched up apache.

- If you get organized now, you might be able to distribute the testing 
phase with other large companies in a similar situation to you. This 
might reduce the cost of 'Y', or allow you to concentrate on the 
features you care more about, knowing that other people will be doing 
other parts of the testing as well. (ie.. sharing the cost of 'Y' over 
multiple companies).

so to summarize.. get your testing team into the 2.1 code now, and you 
will have a more stable 2.2 when it comes out, and you might even 
convince your management that version numbers don't mean squat in a open 
source world.




Re: [PATCH] Improved doxygen output for http_connection.h

2005-08-05 Thread Ian Holsman

Hi Neale
what does removing the package line do?

doesn't it remove the function from their grouping on the modules page?
and the removal of the deffunc prototype... why?

Neale Ranns wrote:


I'm new to the project and have been reading the code to see how it all
works and i've been fixing the doxygen (version 1.4.4) tags as i go.

attached a patch for http_connection.h based on the version on the trunk
i checked out from subversion this morning.

If it's useful and you'd like more let me know. If someone else is
already working on this, then I'll just read.



Index: include/http_connection.h
--- include/http_connection.h   (revision 227319)
+++ include/http_connection.h   (working copy)
@@ -14,6 +14,11 @@
  * limitations under the License.

+ * @file  http_connection.h
+ * @brief Apache connection library
+ */
@@ -25,9 +30,6 @@

 extern "C" {

- * @package Apache connection library
- */
  * This is the protocol module driver.  This calls all of the
@@ -36,10 +38,13 @@
  * @param csd The mechanism on which this connection is to be read.  
  *Most times this will be a socket, but it is up to the module

  *that accepts the request to determine the exact type.
- * @deffunc void ap_process_connection(conn_rec *c, void *csd)
 AP_CORE_DECLARE(void) ap_process_connection(conn_rec *c, void *csd);

+ * Flushes all remain data in the client send buffer
+ * @param c The connection to flush
+ */
 AP_CORE_DECLARE(void) ap_flush_conn(conn_rec *c);

@@ -70,10 +75,12 @@
  * if it encounters a fatal error condition.
  * @param p The pool from which to allocate the connection record
+ * @param server The server record to create the connection too. 
  * @param csd The socket that has been accepted

  * @param conn_id A unique identifier for this connection.  The ID only
  *needs to be unique at that time, not forever.
  * @param sbh A handle to scoreboard information for this connection.
+ * @param alloc The bucket allocator to use for all bucket/brigade creations
  * @return An allocated connection record or NULL.
 AP_DECLARE_HOOK(conn_rec *, create_connection,
@@ -89,7 +96,6 @@
  *Most times this will be a socket, but it is up to the module
  *that accepts the request to determine the exact type.
  * @return OK or DECLINED
- * @deffunc int ap_run_pre_connection(conn_rec *c, void *csd)
 AP_DECLARE_HOOK(int,pre_connection,(conn_rec *c, void *csd))
@@ -100,12 +106,10 @@

  * to handle the request is the last module run.
  * @param c The connection on which the request has been received.
  * @return OK or DECLINED
- * @deffunc int ap_run_process_connection(conn_rec *c)
 AP_DECLARE_HOOK(int,process_connection,(conn_rec *c))
-/* End Of Connection (EOC) bucket */

+/** End Of Connection (EOC) bucket */
 AP_DECLARE_DATA extern const apr_bucket_type_t ap_bucket_type_eoc;

@@ -119,7 +123,6 @@
  * Make the bucket passed in an End Of Connection (EOC) bucket
  * @param b The bucket to make into an EOC bucket
  * @return The new bucket, or NULL if allocation failed
- * @deffunc apr_bucket *ap_bucket_eoc_make(apr_bucket *b)
 AP_DECLARE(apr_bucket *) ap_bucket_eoc_make(apr_bucket *b);
@@ -128,7 +131,6 @@

  * that the connection will be closed.
  * @param list The freelist from which this bucket should be allocated
  * @return The new bucket, or NULL if allocation failed
- * @deffunc apr_bucket *ap_bucket_eoc_create(apr_bucket_alloc_t *list)
 AP_DECLARE(apr_bucket *) ap_bucket_eoc_create(apr_bucket_alloc_t *list);

Re: mod-cache-requestor plan

2005-07-19 Thread Ian Holsman

Parin Shah wrote:

you should be using a mix of

# requests
last access time
cost of reproducing the request.

Just to double check, we would insert entry into the 'refresh queue'
only if the page is requested and the page is soon-to-be-expired. once
it is in the queue we would use above parameters to calculate the
priority. Is this correct? or let me know If I have mistaken it.

thats the idea.
refresh the most-popular pages first.

see memcache_gdsf_algorithm() in mod_mem_cache.c for an implementation
of this, which assumes 'length' of request is related to the cost of
reproducing the request.

the priority queue implementation is sitting in mod_mem_cache, and could
be used to implement the 'refresh' queue I would think.

I feel comfortable with mod-cache and mod-mem-cache code now. but we
also need to start new thread/process for mod-cache-requester when
server starts. I am not too sure how we could implement it. any
pointers to the similar piece of code would be really helpful to me.

I don't have any code which does this to share with you (others might 
know of some).



Re: svn commit: r219372 - in /httpd/httpd/trunk: CHANGES include/ap_mmn.h modules/proxy/mod_proxy.c modules/proxy/mod_proxy.h

2005-07-17 Thread Ian Holsman

William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

At 12:12 AM 7/17/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Author: ianh
Date: Sat Jul 16 22:12:10 2005
New Revision: 219372

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs?rev=219372&view=rev
This patch adds a new hook (request_status) that gets ran in proxy_handler
just before the final return.  This gives modules an opportunity to do
something based on the proxy status.
new hook -- so mmn bump.. i made it a major one, hope thats ok 

We only bump major when we -change- an existing API or drop an
API which is no longer supported.  E.g. anyone using the old
major might have been using something we no longer provide.

I'll go fix the structure.
I wasn't sure what the difference was.

A new structure member (at the end of an httpd-allocated structure)
or new function are minor bumps; which this patch falls under.
The user updating should not need to update their module, because
the expectations when such modules were built have not changed.


Re: [PATCH] new proxy hook 2.1

2005-07-16 Thread Ian Holsman

Akins, Brian wrote:

This patch adds a new hook (request_status) that gets ran in proxy_handler
just before the final return.  This gives modules an opportunity to do
something based on the proxy status.

A couple of examples where this is useful:

-You are using a caching module and would rather return stale content rather
than an error to the client if the origin is down.

-you proxy some subrequests (using SSI - mod_include) and do not want SSI
errors when the backend is down. If you would normally return
HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, you may have a module that serves some other content.

This feature is one of the features of our in house proxy module that keeps
us from moving toward the "stock" 2.1 proxy.

Thanks Brian.
I applied this patch, and also bumped the mmn # for the new hook


Re: mod-cache-requestor plan

2005-07-16 Thread Ian Holsman

Parin Shah wrote:

On 7/15/05, Colm MacCarthaigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 01:23:29AM -0500, Parin Shah wrote:

- we need to maintain a counter for url in this case which would
decide the priority of the url. But mainting this counter should be a
low overhead operation, I believe.

Is a counter strictly speaking the right approach? Why not a time of
last access?

I havn't run a statistical analysis but based on my logs the likelyhood
of a url being accessed is very highly correlated to how recently it has
been accessed before. A truly popular page will always have been
accessed recently, a page that is becoming popular (and therefore very
likely to get future hits) will have been accessed recently and a page
who's popularity is rapidly diminishing will not have been accessed

Last Access Time is definetaly better solution when compared to
counter mechanism. Would like to know other ppl's opinion too.

you should be using a mix of

# requests
last access time
cost of reproducing the request.

see memcache_gdsf_algorithm() in mod_mem_cache.c for an implementation 
of this, which assumes 'length' of request is related to the cost of 
reproducing the request.

the priority queue implementation is sitting in mod_mem_cache, and could 
be used to implement the 'refresh' queue I would think.


Re: mod-cache-requestor plan

2005-07-14 Thread Ian Holsman

This was a private message. I will continue this one offline.

Akins, Brian wrote:

On 7/13/05 6:36 PM, "Ian Holsman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi There.

just remember that this project is Parin's SoC project, and he is
expected to do the code on it.

sure.  I am expected to do what's best for my employer and the httpd

While normally I think it would be great to get a patch, we need parin
to do the work on this, otherwise he might get a bit upset when it comes
to getting paid.

He can have the patch.  I just want to see it done right.

Re: mod-cache-requestor plan

2005-07-14 Thread Ian Holsman

Akins, Brian wrote:

On 7/13/05 6:41 PM, "Ian Holsman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

a pool of threads read the queue and start fetching the content, and
re-filling the cache with fresh responses.

How is this better than simply having an external cron job to fetch the
urls?  You have total control of throttling there and it doesn't muck up the
cache code.

A good idea may be to have a "cache store hook" that gets called after a
cache object is stored.  In it, another module could keep track of cached
url's.  This list could be feed to the above cron job.  I know one big web
site that may do it in a similar way...

that wouldn't keep track of the popularity of the given url, only when 
it is stored. I'm guessing the popularity of news stories in CNN
is directly proportional to if they are linked off one of the doors or 
if they have just been published.

other large sites (for example product reviews, or things like 
webshots.com) get most of their traffic indirectly via searches, and not 
directly from a link on a door for example. and have traffic patterns 
more like a ZipF distribution. The priority re-fetch would make sure the 
popular pages are always in cache, while others are allowed to die at 
their expense.

BTW. I'm not saying it's better, I'm just saying it's different, and 
news sites aren't the only large sites in town who need caches.


Re: mod_mbox: js speed and mbox size

2005-07-13 Thread Ian Holsman

Bill Stoddard wrote:

Maxime Petazzoni wrote:


As I already said, the AJAX browser in mod_mbox relies on a hidden
XmlHttpRequest and on Javascript processing of the replied XML
document to generate the message list.

After setting up a browser stub, I'm not going to concentrate on
compatibility and speed problems before continuing. In fact, there are
two main problems implied by the current mechanism :

- On large mailboxes, the /ajax/msglist query reply can get *very*
  large. As an example, this mailing list's 2001-08 archives contains
  1708 messages, and the corresponding XML is 452492 bytes big. This
  is too much. As a comparison, the old mod_mbox resulting page for
  the same month is "only" 311 KB big.

mod_deflate should be able to help with that. XML (or any text) 
compresses real well.

  As a solution to this, Ian advised the use of LiveGrid
  (http://openrico.org/livegrid.page). It fetches only the piece of
  data that need to be displayed (ten, twenty, ... rows instead of the
  whole 1700+). I don't really like this solution because the user
  must scroll the table, and then wait for the data to appear,

Isn't this where XmlHttpRequest comes in handy?  Asynchronously fetch X 
(a hundred?) rows forward from where the user is currently looking in 
anticipation that that user will scroll forward. So you don't slurp down 
the whole mailbox at once, but you try to stay ahead of what the user 
might be expected to do and always have some data ready to display.

That is what openrico do I'm guessing. they just provide a set of higher 
level API's to manage that.

And that we don't get the whole list (no in-page search for

  Another solution would be to use a page system as in the Debian
  mailing list archives, displaying 100 or 200 messages per page
  only. This would reduce bandwidth usage, but it will also make things
  harder when updating the context box. For the moment, the message
  list is fetched once, and all operations are made on this stored
  list. When updating the context box, we just take -3 to +3 messages
  from the list. With the page system, we'll experience problems while
  approaching the end of a page ...

- The second problem is brought by the first one. On large mailboxes,
  the Javascript processing takes too much time. Building all elements
  each time the message list is displayed (at loading time or when you
  close a message box) does not make the application usable.

would preprocessing (and caching) some of this stuff on the server help?
it might make your 450k XML file larger, but you could provide some of 
the thread info in the XML file itself.

  Of course, the paging system would solve this problem, too. In
  addition to this, my Javascript code may not be the most optimized
  we could find.

- Concerning compatibility problems, the whole thing does not work
  nor with IE, neither with Opera, although both of these browsers
  does not comply against any javascript error.

  Any JS compatibility expert in the house ?

yes. I've done a bit, and it is yuk

this is why I suggested openrico .. they have done all of this for you, 
and have their code used by a wider range of people. the code has a ASL2 
licence.. it is perfect for httpd.

Heh, you wish :0

This is a cool project, glad it's on the httpd dev list.


Re: mod-cache-requestor plan

2005-07-13 Thread Ian Holsman

What my initial idea for this was:

we feed the 'soon to be expired' URLs into a priority queue. (similar to 

a pool of threads read the queue and start fetching the content, and 
re-filling the cache with fresh responses.

the benefit of this method would be that we control exactly how hard we 
had the back ends, as well as fetching the important stuff first.

this is slightly different than where this thread is going.

I'm open to both, but I think the method below could still result in 
swamping the backend server when lots of unique URLs get requested.


Parin Shah wrote:

We have been down this road.  The way one might solve it is to allow
mod_cache to be able to reload an object while serving the "old" one.


cache /A for 600 seconds

after 500 seconds, request /A with special header (or from special client,
etc) and cache does not serve from cache, but rather pretends the cache has
expired.  do normal refresh stuff.

The cache will continue to server /A even though it is refreshing it

As Graham suggested, such mechanism will not refresh the pages those
are non-popular but expensive to load. which could incur lot of
overhead. But, other than that, This looks really good solution.

Also, one of the flaws of mod_disk_cache (at least the version I am looking
at) is that it deletes objects before reloading them.  It is better for many
reasons to only replace them.  That's the best way to accomplish what I
described above.

If we implement it the way you suggested, then this problem would
automatically be solved.


Re: mod_mbox user interface

2005-07-11 Thread Ian Holsman

This mockup looks great Sam.
it is a definite improvement to what is there (which wasn't hard)
+1 from me.

are you going to be making a AJAX and a XHTML version of the same page?
you might want to concentrate on the XHTML version first and we could 
get that out the door quickly.

Maxime Petazzoni wrote:

Hi again,

The homepage of a mailing list archive will display the list of
available mailboxes (as it does now), and for each mailbox, it will
propose something like this :

July 2005Browse (242 messages)
(or browse by date, author or thread)

Each of the three bottom links (date, author, thread) are links to the
simple interface. This line may be displayed smaller than the "main"

After a quick chat with chipig on #apache-modules, we found a better
solution : these links will be build via Javascript. If the browser
can do Javascript, the 'Browse' link will be displayed (and the three
others in small under it). Otherwise, only the three browsing method
links will be shown.

+---+  ++
| Box list  |  | Message list  Threads | Authors | Date |
+---+  +--+--+--+
| Jul 2005  242 |  | Maxime Petazzoni | mod_mbox | Jun 26th |
|*Jun 2005**561*|  | Paul Querna  |   Re: mod_mbox   | Jun 27th |
| May 2005  478 |  |

I've made a small and simple mockup in order to give a better idea of
what it could look like. You can find it at

- Sam

Re: mod_cache new directive

2005-07-03 Thread Ian Holsman

Sergio Leonardi wrote:

Hi all

I'm a newbie and I'd like to plan to add to mod_cache a directive like this
one, if possible.

What could be the correct procedure to do it? Am I sending the message to
the wrong place?

Hi Sergio.

It sounds like a great idea.

How do you plan on implementing such a beast?

Last Time i checked (a while ago) mod_mem_cache was process-based memory 
(not shared). So I'm just a bit unsure how a single request is going to 
flag to the other processes that it needs to clear a regex pattern,

or are you planning on implementing this just for disk-based cacheS?




CacheClear Directive


Clear the cache for the URI that matches the pattern


CacheClear uri-pattern


CacheClear /.*







More detail will be added here, when the function is implemented.

CacheClear /daily_scripts/.* 




Re: mod_smtpd project planning

2005-06-29 Thread Ian Holsman

Roy T. Fielding wrote:

On Jun 28, 2005, at 4:20 PM, Paul Querna wrote:

So, to accommodate this, we would need a mod_smtpd space in subversion 
and a [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

-1.  The point of SoC is to get more people involved in open
source projects, not to encourage the ASF to accept
non-collaborative code bases in exchange for a bit of cash.
Use the main dev list and encourage the students to participate
in the larger project as well as the specific one.


and where do we put the code?

we've got another SoC project in the same spot.
httpd-bandwidth-limit. (one to limit DoS/bandwidth hogs)

Roy.. are you recommending we put both modules in the experimental area?

Re: Monitoring HTTP error logs

2005-06-29 Thread Ian Holsman

Henri Gomez wrote:

Hi to all,

Did you know a tools on Unix/Linux system, which should be able to
monitor in real-time the error_log of Apache2 servers and for example,
send email/syslog message when a [error] string is detected ?

Regards and thanks for your help

look for a tool called 'logtail' '
It will remember the last position it was in the file its tailing (and 
start from there the next time).

I also have some perl scripts which do counts on regex matches in error 

I can scratch around for you if SEC/Swatch isn't working out.


Apache Webserver Usage Survey

2005-06-21 Thread Ian Holsman


I am conducting a survey about what users want out of a webserver
and how the Apache webserver ranks as far as fulfilling those needs.

In order to get a better understanding of it, I thought I would ask
you guys what was important to you.

The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.


I wish I could say there was a prize being given away if you fill it
out, but there isn't..

This is 'opensource' research.. I don't have a marketing budget ;-)


Ian Holsman

Out of Office AutoReply:

2005-05-05 Thread Ian Holsman
Title: Out of Office AutoReply: 

i am currently out of the office until May  23rd.
if the matter is urgent, please contact tech-pma or
my manager Paul Osterhus

Re: Actively Promoting Apache 2

2005-03-01 Thread Ian Holsman
The biggest hurdle 2.0 has had to face IMO is:
- 1.3 isn't broken
- we run 1.3 already
- module XYZ only runs on 1.3
- 2.0 doesn't do anything that 1.3 doesn't do anyway
What I would suggest for your marketing campaign would be to write and 
submit several technical articles about apache2 and how its new features 
and speed can help you save money, reduce administration time, and 
enable a whole heap of new features from already written modules which 
you would have had to custom develop yourself in 1.3.

Also I would start discussing with some of the other 1.3-only module 
writers out there on how to port their stuff to 2.0, or port it for them.

Marketing is about knowing your customers, and servicing their needs. It 
is not about selling products or brainwashing ;-)

Wayne S. Frazee wrote:
I entreat each potential responder to this email to please read it all 
the way through and THEN respond rather than knee-jerk something based 
on only the first paragraph or two...
As I sat reading the responses to the new development thread on 
acceptance of Apache 2 and some users' regression to 1.3, it struck me 
when someone mentioned that they believed part of the problem to be 
marketing.  Mozilla advertised firefox with a large one-time investment 
into a celebratory ad denoting the release of Firefox 1... why not build 
a similar effort in the Apache community to promote support and upgrade 
to Apache 2?
Use the web-media and the advertising avenues in many high-traffic sites 
dealing specifically with web development, web hosting, ISP hosting, et 
al.  Launch limited time and expense ad campaigns using media provided 
and "approved" by the community.  Use funding from a community Apache 
Promotion drive.
I was thinking something like this:
1) Launch fundraising / contest website for Apache 2.x ad blitz promotion.
2) Announce contest to have your flash ad featured on websites around 
the web in the Apache 2 Promotion ad campaign.  Vehicle to submit ad, et 
3) Announce fundraising effort to support above-mentioned ad with funds 
being specifically earmarked for this effort.  If the effort is done by 
someone or a group of someones in the community, accounting needs to be 
very transparent and availible for public view in terms of limited 
statistics on the fundraising status.  Donators who wish may have thier 
names or pseudo-names credited to a list of donators, sorted by 
contribution size or something of that nature?
4) At the end of the flash ad submission period, contest judges from the 
apache community select the editors top 5 or whatever for each ad 
format.  For an announced period of time, the community at large is 
welcome to vote for thier favorite among the ads in essentially a web poll.
5) Following ad selection, collected funds are assessed, donations are 
no longer accepted, and a panel of whoever is working on the effort 
assesses the best ad channels and the panel comes to an agreement on the 
allocation of specific fund segments to various ad campaigns that are 
deemed to be the most effective channel for the selected ads.
6) Ad campaigns are run until budget is met, project over.
High visiblility from tech news organizations covering the drive, 
similar to the mozilla projects' fundraiser.
Targeted advertisements for the apache 2 project with a credits page for 
each selected ad awarded to the contest winner(s).
The message of upgrade to apache 2 is out there, hopefully with good, 
professional-looking ads contributed by the community, et al.
Numerous, I am sure.
Looking for feedback, legal, devils advocate, et al on the concept, if 
not the execution.
Wayne S. Frazee
"Any sufficiently developed bug is indistinguishable from a feature."

Re: Apache HTTP Server 2.1.2 tagged...

2004-12-13 Thread Ian Holsman
Paul Querna wrote:
+1 for promoting it to beta status.
+1 for making it beta.. time to get some more people to shake the bugs out.
been using it on OS/X for a while now and it seems not to crash every 5 
seconds ;-)


2.1 build broken ?

2004-11-27 Thread Ian Holsman
I'm building from a clean slate (new box) and am having issues building it.
It seems not to be including the stuff in listen.c
its OS/X 10.3.6 with november's gcc patch.. no fink on it either.
/ex/build-1/libtool --silent --mode=link gcc -faltivec -mcpu=7450 
-mtune=7450 -mpowerpc -mpowerpc-gfxopt -g -O2  -faltivec -mcpu=7450 
-mtune=7450 -mpowerpc -mpowerpc-gfxopt  -L/ex/lib  -L/ex -o httpd 
modules.lo -export-dynamic server/libmain.la 
modules/aaa/libmod_authn_file.la modules/aaa/libmod_authn_default.la 
modules/aaa/libmod_authz_host.la modules/aaa/libmod_authz_groupfile.la 
modules/aaa/libmod_authz_user.la modules/aaa/libmod_authz_default.la 
modules/aaa/libmod_auth_basic.la modules/filters/libmod_include.la 
modules/loggers/libmod_log_config.la modules/metadata/libmod_env.la 
modules/metadata/libmod_setenvif.la modules/http/libmod_http.la 
modules/http/libmod_mime.la modules/generators/libmod_status.la 
modules/generators/libmod_autoindex.la modules/generators/libmod_asis.la 
modules/generators/libmod_cgid.la modules/mappers/libmod_negotiation.la 
modules/mappers/libmod_dir.la modules/mappers/libmod_imap.la 
modules/mappers/libmod_actions.la modules/mappers/libmod_userdir.la 
modules/mappers/libmod_alias.la modules/mappers/libmod_so.la 
server/mpm/worker/libworker.la os/unix/libos.la 
/src/asf/httpd/srclib/pcre/libpcre.la /ex/lib/libaprutil-1.la -ldb-4.3 
-lexpat -liconv /ex/lib/libapr-1.la -lpthread
ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _regcomp
/src/asf/httpd/srclib/pcre/.libs/libpcre.a(pcreposix.o) definition of 
_regcomp in section (__TEXT,__text)
/usr/lib/libpthread.dylib(regcomp.So) definition of _regcomp
ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _regexec
/src/asf/httpd/srclib/pcre/.libs/libpcre.a(pcreposix.o) definition of 
_regexec in section (__TEXT,__text)
/usr/lib/libpthread.dylib(regexec.So) definition of _regexec
ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _regfree
/src/asf/httpd/srclib/pcre/.libs/libpcre.a(pcreposix.o) definition of 
_regfree in section (__TEXT,__text)
/usr/lib/libpthread.dylib(regfree.So) definition of _regfree
ld: Undefined symbols:
make[1]: *** [httpd] Error 1
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
Helios:/src/asf/httpd ianh$

Re: More musings about asynchronous MPMs Re: Event MPM

2004-11-24 Thread Ian Holsman
Bill Stoddard wrote:
Brian Pane wrote:
Paul Querna wrote:
Paul Querna wrote:
 > A thread per-connection that is currently being processed.
Yeah, SEDA's model of processing "stages"--basically a succession of 
thread pools through
which a request passes, each with a queue in front--looks like a 
promising way of mixing
event-based and non-event-based processing.

Thread context switches will suck performance out of any SEDA 

If I remember correctly SEDA got around this by passing the thread 
through if the queue was empty, and batching up requests so that instead
of processing one request in a stage you would handle X at a time.

For sure.

Re: Whitespace strip filter for httpd v2.1

2004-11-22 Thread Ian Holsman
Cliff Woolley wrote:
On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, Graham Leggett wrote:

I have attached a small filter module that strips leading whitespace
from text files. This would typically be used to remove the "indenting"
whitespace found inside HTML files, resulting in a significant reduction
in network traffic for some sites. I didn't bother to include trailing
whitespace removal, as this involved buffering (leading whitespace
removal requires no buffering).

Well, we've had people submit modules in the past that stripped the
extraneous whitespace from HTML files, and we rejected them.  Check the
archives for messages from a guy named fabio rohrich, who wrote a module
called mod_blank to see why that might have been.  I don't completely
remember the details.
In a nutshell,
it is very hard to strip whitespace out of HTML, and have the resulting 
file still be as valid as the old one. Browsers are very forgiving on 
something and not on others. for example,
you should not strip code inside of javascript, or 'pre' tags.


Re: People still using v1.3 - finding out why

2004-11-18 Thread Ian Holsman
Matthieu Estrade wrote:
I think people rely on apache 1.3 stability and security.  many people 
consider httpd-2.0 as too young and don't try to understand why it's 
Does somebody have some percentage about 1.3 use and 2.0 ?
I don't think 1.3 is still here because of modules, there is too many 
modules and too many kind to use apache (perl, php, proxy, cache + 
deflate, etc...)
Is php not stable with 2.0 prefork ???

It is stable. I'm sure you can get it to segfault if you tried, but the 
same goes with 1.3.

But what i don't understand, is how people can say apache 1.3 is better 
to code with, than apache 2.0.
filters are so usefull. it's a pleasure everyday to code with apache 2.0 :]
I never thought it was a matter of coding, It's more a matter of porting.
From the conversations I hear/see it is the module developer who runs 
1.3 and is quite happy with it for their needs.

The other factor I see in the 'auth' category of modules is that the API 
has changed radically in 2.1, and so some people have just skipped 2.0 
for their modules.

I'm waiting for the people still using v2.0 when 2.2 goes stable.

Re: 2.2 roadmap meeting tomorrow

2004-11-17 Thread Ian Holsman
Cliff Woolley wrote:
For any committers interested: we're going to do a lunch meeting tomorrow
(Monday) over lunch.  Place TBA.  I propose Hamburger Mary's since it's
close and I haven't been there yet this year.
would you care to post a abbreivated dialouge/notes from the meeting up 

(for us poor slobs not able to go to Vegas this year)

Re: make the server not to start in case the Initialization is a failure

2004-09-10 Thread Ian Holsman
Hi All,
I am trying to write a sample Plugin on APACHE 2.0 which does some
I am attaching the code portion for the same.
static void mod_register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p)
ap_hook_child_init(mod_init_Child, NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST);
ap_hook_check_user_id (mod_auth,NULL,NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST);
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA sm_mod_auth = {
NULL,   /* create per-dirconfig structures */
NULL,/* merge  per-dirconfig structures */
NULL,   /* create per-server config structures */
NULL,/* merge  per-server config structures */
NULL,/* table of configuration directives   */
mod_register_hooks  /* register hooks */

static int mod_init_Child(server_rec* pServerRec, apr_pool_t* pPool)
  int nRet = FALSE;
printf("Inside Child Auth Module\n");
  nRet = InitConfigFile(pPool);
  if (nRet == FALSE)
  return FALSE;
return TRUE;
How do make the server not to start in case the Initialization is a
The same used to work on apache 1.3x in case I returned exit(2), but its
not working with apache 2.0.
Any help ???
can you init the config file in a post-config hook instead of the child?
that can cause the apache to not start.
FWIW.. you haven't considered the case where init-child is executed on a 
running server for a new-process. would you like the entire server to 
fail because it couldn't spawn a new process for example? (even though 
the other children are quite happily serving requests)

Thanks in advance

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The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this 
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for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain confidential or privileged 
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you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender at Wipro or [EMAIL 
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and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Re: mod_cache 2 questions

2004-09-08 Thread Ian Holsman
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On Tuesday, September 7, 2004 2:48 PM +1000 Ian Holsman 

Not really, but I'd like to see a patch posted to this list first before 
committing it.  There's a couple ways I could see implementing this, but 
not sure which way you are intending to do this.  -- justin

here is the patch I initially did, but I like Bill's idea about adding a 
default expiry as well... which could be done in a different way.

ianh:/src/httpd-2.0/modules/experimental ianh$ cvs diff -u
Index: mod_cache.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-2.0/modules/experimental/mod_cache.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.64.2.14 mod_cache.c
--- mod_cache.c 26 Aug 2004 16:59:44 -
+++ mod_cache.c 8 Sep 2004 06:13:12 -
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@
 /* if a broken Expires header is present, don't cache it */
 reason = apr_pstrcat(p, "Broken expires header: ", exps, NULL);
-else if (r->args && exps == NULL) {
+else if (r->args && exps == NULL && (conf->no_expires == 0)) {
 /* if query string present but no expiration time, don't cache it
  * (RFC 2616/13.9)
@@ -747,6 +747,9 @@
 ps->complete_set = 0;
 ps->no_last_mod_ignore_set = 0;
 ps->no_last_mod_ignore = 0;
+ps->no_expires_set = 0;
+ps->no_expires = 0;
 ps->ignorecachecontrol = 0;
 ps->ignorecachecontrol_set = 0 ;
 return ps;
@@ -781,6 +784,12 @@
 (overrides->no_last_mod_ignore_set == 0)
 ? base->no_last_mod_ignore
 : overrides->no_last_mod_ignore;
+(overrides->no_expires_set == 0)
+? base->no_expires
+: overrides->no_expires;
 ps->ignorecachecontrol  =
 (overrides->ignorecachecontrol_set == 0)
 ? base->ignorecachecontrol
@@ -800,7 +809,19 @@
 return NULL;
+static const char *set_cache_ignore_no_expires(cmd_parms *parms, void 
+int flag)
+cache_server_conf *conf;
+conf =
+  &cache_module);
+conf->no_expires = flag;
+conf->no_expires_set = 1;
+return NULL;

 static const char *set_cache_ignore_cachecontrol(cmd_parms *parms,
  void *dummy, int flag)
@@ -942,6 +963,10 @@
set_cache_ignore_no_last_mod, NULL,
   "Ignore Responses where there is no Last Modified 
+ AP_INIT_FLAG("CacheIgnoreNoExpires", set_cache_ignore_no_expires, 
+  "Ignore Check on which forces expires to be present"),
Index: mod_cache.h
RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-2.0/modules/experimental/mod_cache.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -u -r1.36.2.8 mod_cache.h
--- mod_cache.h 26 Aug 2004 18:35:13 -
+++ mod_cache.h 8 Sep 2004 06:13:12 -
@@ -130,6 +130,10 @@
 /** ignore the last-modified header when deciding to cache this 
request */
 int no_last_mod_ignore_set;
 int no_last_mod_ignore;
+/** disable check of expires header */
+int no_expires_set;
+int no_expires;
 /** ignore client's requests for uncached responses */
 int ignorecachecontrol;
 int ignorecachecontrol_set;

mod_cache 2 questions

2004-09-06 Thread Ian Holsman
ok.. so I've started playing with mod-cache again, and I noticed the 

- there is no way to cache something with query-args which doesn't 
return a expires tag.

proposal: add a CacheIgnoreNoExpires directive so that we can cache them
- Even if we add a optional function to ignore the query-args, we still
  check the args to see if the thing is cacheable. I'm not sure what to
  do about this.. maybe move some more functionality into the key-gen
  code... I don't know.
any objections to adding yet another config option to mod-cache?

Re: mod_cache performance

2004-08-03 Thread Ian Holsman
Brian Akins wrote:
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
That brings it in line with mod_disk_cache in maxing out my network.  
Time to craft some better tests or find a faster network...  -- justin

I can probably help with the latter :)
Can you send me details of your setup and I'll try to test later this week.

we have some boxes with a GigE network as well. (set up to use flood 
with 10 PC's generating the load)

also .. we might have 1-2 amd-64 boxes I could presuade the higher ups 
to use.

Re: [PATCH] mod_cache fixes: #6

2004-08-03 Thread Ian Holsman
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On Monday, August 2, 2004 11:44 AM -0400 Bill Stoddard 

These are debug messages so not sure why they are a problem.

The logging code is expensive to call for every request like that as 
many times as it does.  IMHO, there's no benefit to such a verbose log.  
More judicious use of logging would be fine, but what's there now is 
inappropriate. -- justin

In mod-proxy they use a macro called 'DEBUGGING' and if-def all the 
really verbose log messages with that.. maybe you should apply this here?

Re: building php5.0 as an apache module, with mysqli functionality

2004-07-19 Thread Ian Holsman
try raising a bug with PHP or mailing php-internals (which you didn't 
seem to crosspost to?)

It looks like configuring with --with-mysql and --with-mysqli is 
probably the problem, but I'm not familiar with enough with mysqli & 
php5 to really comment.

bruce wrote:
this is cross posted to a number of lists as it seems to touch on all the
that said. i'm trying to build the PHP-5.0 version to run as an Apache mod.
i need to work with mysql to get the "mysqli" function.
i have rh8.0 linux. i'm using
-httpd-2.0.50 (built from both rpm/src)
-php-5.0 (building from source)
-MySQL-4.1.3 (beta) tried with src/rpms..
my dir structure is pretty much the default
i'm trying to build php using the following process
.make clean
make install
i'm trying to use the following "configure"
./configure  --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-config-file-path=/etc --with
-mysql=/usr/include/mysql  --with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config -
-with-ldap --with-pgsql
./configure  --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-config-file-path=/etc --with
-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/include  --with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_co
nfig --with-ldap --with-pgsql
the issue i'm having is that i can't get make portion to work without
returning "multiple define" errors like
[EMAIL PROTECTED] php-5.0.0]# make
/bin/sh /usr/src/php-5.0.0/libtool --silent --preserve-dup-deps --mode=link
gcc -g -O2 -prefer-pic  -rpath
/usr/src/php-5.0.0/libs -avoid-version -module -L/usr/local/mysql/lib  -R
/usr/local/mysql/lib ext/libxml/libxml.lo ext/ctype/ctype.lo
ext/dom/php_dom.lo ext/dom/attr.lo ext/dom/document.lo
ext/dom/domerrorhandler.lo ext/dom/domstringlist.lo ext/dom/domexception.lo
ext/dom/namelist.lo ext/dom/processinginstruction.lo ext/dom/cdatasection.lo
ext/dom/documentfragment.lo ext/dom/domimplementation.lo ext/dom/element.lo
ext/dom/node.lo ext/dom/string_extend.lo ext/dom/characterdata.lo
ext/dom/documenttype.lo ext/dom/domimplementationlist.lo ext/dom/entity.lo
ext/dom/nodelist.lo ext/dom/text.lo ext/dom/comment.lo
ext/dom/domconfiguration.lo ext/dom/domimplementationsource.lo
ext/dom/entityreference.lo ext/dom/notation.lo ext/dom/xpath.lo
ext/dom/dom_iterators.lo ext/dom/typeinfo.lo ext/dom/domerror.lo
ext/dom/domlocator.lo ext/dom/namednodemap.lo ext/dom/userdatahandler.lo
ext/iconv/iconv.lo ext/ldap/ldap.lo ext/mysql/php_mysql.lo
ext/mysqli/mysqli.lo ext/mysqli/mysqli_api.lo ext/mysqli/mysqli_prop.lo
ext/mysqli/mysqli_nonapi.lo ext/mysqli/mysqli_fe.lo
ext/mysqli/mysqli_report.lo ext/mysqli/mysqli_repl.lo
ext/pcre/pcrelib/maketables.lo ext/pcre/pcrelib/get.lo
ext/pcre/pcrelib/study.lo ext/pcre/pcrelib/pcre.lo ext/pcre/php_pcre.lo
ext/pgsql/pgsql.lo ext/posix/posix.lo ext/session/session.lo
ext/session/mod_files.lo ext/session/mod_mm.lo ext/session/mod_user.lo
ext/simplexml/simplexml.lo ext/spl/php_spl.lo ext/spl/spl_functions.lo
ext/spl/spl_engine.lo ext/spl/spl_iterators.lo ext/spl/spl_array.lo
ext/spl/spl_directory.lo ext/spl/spl_sxe.lo ext/sqlite/sqlite.lo
ext/sqlite/sess_sqlite.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/opcodes.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/parse.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/encode.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/auth.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/btree.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/build.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/delete.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/expr.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/func.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/hash.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/insert.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/main.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/os.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/pager.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/printf.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/random.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/select.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/table.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/tokenize.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/update.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/util.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/vdbe.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/attach.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/btree_rb.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/pragma.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/vacuum.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/copy.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/vdbeaux.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/date.lo
ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/where.lo ext/sqlite/libsqlite/src/trigger.lo
regex/regcomp.lo regex/regexec.lo regex/regerror.lo regex/regfree.lo
ext/standard/array.lo ext/standard/base64.lo ext/standard/basic_functions.lo
ext/standard/browscap.lo ext/standard/crc32.lo ext/standard/crypt.lo
ext/standard/cyr_convert.lo ext/standard/datetime.lo ext/standard/dir.lo
ext/standard/dl.lo ext/standard/dns.lo ext/standard/exec.lo
ext/standard/file.lo ext/standard/filestat.lo ext/standard/flock_compat.lo
ext/standard/formatted_print.lo ext/standard/fsock.lo ext/standard/head.lo
ext/standard/html.lo ext/standard/image.lo ext/standard/info.lo
ext/standard/iptc.lo ext/standard/lcg.lo ext/standard/link.lo
ext/standard/mail.lo ext/standard/math.lo ext/standard/md5.lo
ext/standard/metaphone.lo ext/standard/microtime.lo ext/standard/pack.lo
ext/standard/pageinfo.lo ext/standard/parsedate.lo
ext/standard/quot_print.lo ext/standard/rand.

The Byterange filter -- a new design -- feel free to rip it to shreds

2004-07-11 Thread Ian Holsman
ok, now before I start this let me say one thing, this is not for *ALL* 
requests, it will only work for ones which don't have content-length 
modifiable filters (like gzip) applied to the request, and it would be
left to the webserver admin to figure out what they were, and if you 
could use this.

at the moment when a byterange request goes to a dynamic module, the
dynamic module can not use any tricks to only serve the bytes requested,
it *HAS* to serve the entire content up as buckets.
what I am proposing is something like:
1. the filter keeps a ordered list of range requests that the person 

2. it keeps state on how far it has processed in the file. thanks to 
knowing the length of the buckets processed so far.
  Q: when do the actual headers get put in.. I think they are after no?

3. it then examines the bucket + bucket length to see which range 
requests match this range, if some do it grabs that range (possibly 
splitting/copying if it meets multiple ranges) and puts it on the right 
bits of each range request.

4. if the top range request is finished, it passes those buckets through.
5. repeat until EOS/Sentinel, flushing the ordered list at the end.
now . for part 2, we would need a method of telling the byte-range 
filter that the incoming brigade only has parts X, Y, Z in it. The 
easiest way for something like mod-proxy to do this without a API change
would be for it to create a dummy bucket with the correct length, 
knowing that this would never be read. (yes I know it's a hack)

now.. this assumes that splitting a bucket (and copying) is a zero cost 
operation which doesn't actually *read* the bucket, is this true for 
most bucket types?

would this kind of thing work?

Re: 2.0.50 tarballs available for testing

2004-06-29 Thread Ian Holsman
Graham Leggett wrote:
Joe Orton wrote:

The vote is in STATUS, the patch has been shown to work independantly by 
one of the testers, could someone please add the last +1 so I can commit 
this trivial fix.

Pretty please?
your welcome.

Re: multithreaded mpm's and mod_php

2004-04-19 Thread Ian Holsman
Enrico Weigelt wrote:
Hi folks,

does mod_php work w/ multithreaded MPMs ?

It can,
but it really depends on what libraries you link in, but yes it does 
work if the linked in libraries are thread safe.


Re: [PROPOSAL] Move httpd to the subversion repository

2004-03-14 Thread Ian Holsman
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andre Malo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> * Aaron Bannert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 02:04:09PM +0100, Sander Striker wrote:
> > > I hereby would like to propose that we move the HTTP Server project
> > > codebase to the Subversion repository at:
> > >   http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/.
> > 
> > -1
> > 
> > This will, at least for now, raise the bar to entry for contributors.
> Why?
> nd

your going to be forcing people to install some other piece of software.
while this might be fine for a lot of people, some won't or can't.
Some IDE's don't have SVN support yet, and some people have to deal with 
sysadmins who think redhat 5.2 is acceptable work environment to develop 

I'm -0.5 on the issue overall. I can't see what benefit it will give 
httpd overall at this stage.

Re: [Q & PATCH] - mod_cache - Cache Control: no-cache/no-store

2004-01-09 Thread Ian Holsman
Jean-Jacques Clar wrote:

These are comments copied from ap_cache_check_freshness()
line 163 cache_util.c:
 * - RFC2616 14.9.4 End to end reload, Cache-Control: no-cache. 
no-cache in
 * either the request or the cached response means that we must
 * revalidate the request unconditionally, overriding any expiration
 * mechanism. It's equivalent to max-age=0,must-revalidate.
 * - RFC2616 14.32 Pragma: no-cache This is treated the same as
 * Cache-Control: no-cache.
RFC2616 14.9.4:
_End-to-end reload_
The request includes a "no-cache" cache-control directive or, for 
compatibility with HTTP/1.0 clients,
"Pragma: no-cache". Field names MUST NOT be included with the no-cache 
directive in a request. The
server MUST NOT use a cached copy when responding to such a request.
1- Cache-Control: no-cache, I don't thing the no-cache case is taking 
care of in ap_cache_check_freshness().
2- _*Please comment*_: I might be wrong, but this is the way I think it 
should be done:
+1 I don't think it should be removed either. (BTW.. it wouldn't remove 
it completly from the webserver anyway.. as mem_cache stores the details 
in a process specific manner)

Re: Save brigade and buckets

2004-01-07 Thread Ian Holsman
Brian Akins wrote:
This may not be apache-dev related, but I do not know where else to ask it.

Is it possible to save an entire bucket bridade (including it's buckets) 
across requests.  I looked at  ap_save_brigade, but I'm sure that will 
work.  It seems that the brigades are always tied to a connection.


Hi Brian.
you may want to look at how mod_mem_cache handles storing buckets for 
longer periods that than the request itself.


Re: filtering huge request bodies (like 650MB files)

2003-12-10 Thread Ian Holsman
Cliff Woolley wrote:

Which is exactly what is supposed to happen.

Obviously it's not how things work at the moment, as the memory is never
freed (which could probably be dealt with), but the real problem is that
no data will leave the server out before it was completely read in.

Yes, that would be the real problem.  So somewhere there is a filter (or
maybe the proxy itself) buffering the entire data stream before sending
it.  That is a bug.
do the server's reply to you have a content-length header?
if so .. this is probably what is holding up the request in the server.

mod_mem_cache & pools

2003-12-09 Thread Ian Holsman

I was wondering if the queue/hash routines in mod-mem-cache could be 
reverted to using the pool based ones, instead of the malloc-based ones.

and possibly change some of the object creation to pool based as well.

this would leave the headers/content as malloc'd

2 reasons I can see for this:
- pool's are faster than malloc
- code duplication is ugly.

I know it initally was using apr's hash, but we moved it to malloc due 
to the increasing size problem (I think)


Re: cvs commit: httpd-2.0/modules/generators mod_autoindex.c

2003-11-20 Thread Ian Holsman
André Malo wrote:
* "Paul Querna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003 07:18:55 +0100, André Malo wrote


 mod_autoindex: new directive IndexStyleSheet
Hmm, why not new IndexOption? Isn't that what Indexoptions are for?

You mean somthing like:
IndexOpion StyleSheet:/style/mystyle.css

More consistent with the rest of the indexoptions ;-)

IndexOptions CSS=/foo/bar.css

This hat btw the advantage that you can easily turn off the css for
particular locations (because of the nature of IndexOptions).

I guess you could do it with that as well.
my personal preference is a seperate directive, but I'm easily swayed

Re: [PATCH] Add IndexStyleSheet to 2.0/2.1

2003-11-19 Thread Ian Holsman
Commited to the 2.1 branch.

Thanks guys!

Paul Querna wrote:

Based on the Patch by Tyler Riddle for 1.3, these patches add an
IndexStyleSheet for mod_autoindex in 2.0 and 2.1.
The version for 2.1 also handles XHTML.

-Paul Querna

also online:

[Fwd: cvs commit: httpd-test/specweb99/specweb99-2.0 mod_specweb99.c]

2003-11-19 Thread Ian Holsman
this commit reminds me..
weren't we going to do something similiar to this in 2.1 for the default 
file handler? (replace the 'stat' with a 'fstat')

Will .. do you remember the whole details? it was something about 
putting the handle into the request_rec or something

 Original Message 
Subject: cvs commit: httpd-test/specweb99/specweb99-2.0 mod_specweb99.c
Date: 19 Nov 2003 20:55:58 -
Organization: Holsman.NET
Newsgroups: server.http.apache.testing.cvs
gregames2003/11/19 12:55:58

  Modified:specweb99/specweb99-2.0 mod_specweb99.c
  customadscan:  use apr_file_info_get (a.k.a fstat) rather than apr_stat
  for about a 7% improvement in conforming connections.
  The box is an aging RS/6000 with a single 375 MHz ppc604e, .5G of RAM,
  AIX 5.2
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.30  +3 -3  httpd-test/specweb99/specweb99-2.0/mod_specweb99.c
  Index: mod_specweb99.c
  RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-test/specweb99/specweb99-2.0/mod_specweb99.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.29
  retrieving revision 1.30
  diff -u -d -b -u -r1.29 -r1.30
  --- mod_specweb99.c   7 Aug 2003 21:21:57 -   1.29
  +++ mod_specweb99.c   19 Nov 2003 20:55:58 -  1.30
  @@ -882,11 +882,11 @@
   X = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%1d", (adid % 36) / 9);
   Y = apr_psprintf(r->pool, "%1d", adid % 9);
  -if ((rv = apr_stat(&s, fname, APR_FINFO_SIZE, r->pool)) != 
   rv = apr_file_open(&f, fname, APR_READ, APR_OS_DEFAULT, r->pool);
   if (rv != APR_SUCCESS)
  +if ((rv = apr_file_info_get(&s, APR_FINFO_SIZE, f)) != APR_SUCCESS)

   len = s.size;

Re: Apache + Windows

2003-11-18 Thread Ian Holsman
Jess Holle wrote:
In other words, you can choose free, open-source software applications 
[client or server], but if you want a Microsoft server then you still 
have to pay for a Microsoft server OS.

This makes some sense -- all the more reason for the cost sensitive 
(among others) to use something else.

Jess Holle
have you seen the price of the 'server' version of any of the major 
linux vendors?
I think MS Server may be cheaper if you want a supported corporate type 

Re: caching includes parse tree

2003-11-17 Thread Ian Holsman
Brian Akins wrote:

Any thought into parsing the results of the includes filter (offsets, 
etc.).  In our environment, parsing the includes files is a huge 
performance hit.

We are willing to help in any way.

Hey Brian,
it has been discussed before, and the two approaches is what I recall
we store the parse results in a cache similiar how mod_mem_cache does it

run 2 mod-includes with a cache in between them. the reasoning for this 
is that 90% of the work assembling the page can be done once, and there 
is a small part which needs to be done which is user specific

FWIW .. you couldn't cache the offsets of a dynamic (cgi/java/php) page 
as the offsets would/could change every time.

Re: consider reopening 1.3

2003-11-16 Thread Ian Holsman
Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

I have always had the feeling that Apache2+prefork was a bit of a 
second-class citizen.  I have tested it periodically over the past 2 years 
and it has never gotten anywhere close to Apache1 in performance.  I ran 
another test of 1.3.29 vs 2.0.48-prefork just now just to make sure I 
wasn't blowing pure smoke here and here is what I got:


Document Path:  /bench_main.php
The benchmark itself is a standard little PHP thing I use to test stuff, 
so it may be that our Apache2Handler for PHP is crap and we aren't smart 
enough to write a decent Apache2 module.
I don't think it is due to you guys not having smart people rasmus, more 
a question of priorities, your focused on 5.0 right now, and most people 
are doing that. as the general impression I've seen on the php lists is 
that no one is using 2, no one is interested in spending the time in 
getting it to run faster.

maybe a better test would be to re-write your benchmark program in 'c'
and to the 1.3/2.0 module interface directly so you can then do remove 
factors like this out of the equation.

I've never seen what use req/sec is on benchmarks.
most people have thier testing machine sitting on the other end of a 
switched 100mbs/1G network and just bang away.
what I see more interesting is:
	- #reqs/sec @ 30% cpu utilization, where the testing machines
	  are on medium-low bandwidth rate limiting
	- possibly where the meltdown point is. ie.. how many concurrent
	  requests can this server takes before it gets unusable (say
	  >1sec response time)
	- cost of a server farm using server X to serve my business.

I belive 2.0 beats 1.3 on these metrics, but like everyone here, Ihave 
no more energy proving/disproving which is faster.. 2.0 works for me, 
and thats all I really care about, not who else is using it.


Re: consider reopening 1.3

2003-11-16 Thread Ian Holsman
Glenn wrote:

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 09:35:20AM +1100, Ian Holsman wrote:

Glenn wrote:

I have some different ideas.  One is to distribute APR with 1.3 so
that modules developers could incrementally move their modules to APR.
why can't you just link APR into your 1.3 module? I don't think there 
would be any technical reason not to.

Because then I would have to require that APR be installed, which is a
lot harder than just requiring say apache-1.3.30.
Right now, most people do something like rpm -Uvh apache-1.3.29rpm
and things work.  If APR were distributed with apache-1.3.30, then I
could say "requires apache-1.3.30" and it would not be much of a stretch
to have them install it.

you can get APR rpm's now.
and you can build the APR independant of httpd (and have it sit in 
/usr/local )
and thanks to apr-config/apr-util-config it's pretty dang easy to build 
with them.

It should be possible for many modules to keep a single codebase for
both Apache 1.3 and Apache 2.x, with minimal #defines around areas
that manipulate BUFF vs filters and brigades.  Right now, it is not.
these minimal changes is where the bugs come in.
if people aren't willing to move from their apache 1.3.26, they aren't 
doing to upgrade to this.

I'm -0.5 in opening up the 1.3 tree, as I see it as dead, the same as I 
see redhat 7.x is.
I'm not saying that people don't run production systems on it,
or don't rely on it, but that they are in *maintenance mode*. I don't 
think anyone proposes to run new sites with redhat 7.x now do they?

having 2 seperate active code bases is just going to mean that 2.x is 
going to have less people working on it, as they are going to have to 
spend time fixing/maintaining all the new stuff being added/breaking in 1.3

does anyone have any stats on how long it took to migrate from 1.2.x to 

from what I can see three reasons why people don't move
* things are running fine
* too hard to migrate the modules
* Freebsd threading
as for migrating the modules, you'll just have to bite the bullet one 
day, as you will when you migrate off platform X when it is EOL'd.


Re: consider reopening 1.3

2003-11-16 Thread Ian Holsman
Glenn wrote:

On Sun, Nov 16, 2003 at 03:37:19PM -0500, Jim Jagielski wrote:

Oh, how about my (effectively) 2-line patch which adds vhost
to the error log, which I have posted to this list NO LESS THAN 6 TIMES
and spaced out over the past 6 MONTHS in three different formats, using
a global, expanding server_rec, and with #defines.
this is not a 1.3 thing, this is a dev@ thing.
your patch could have been posted for 2.0 and got the same response.
(and I'm not saying you should not be pissed off, just that this is not 
a 1.3 thing)
I have some different ideas.  One is to distribute APR with 1.3 so
that modules developers could incrementally move their modules to APR.
why can't you just link APR into your 1.3 module? I don't think there 
would be any technical reason not to.

Please note: I'm not in favor of implementing major changes to 1.3 that
are not in-line with Apache 2.x, but am in favor of continuing bug fixes
and making the eventual transition to 2.x easier.

Re: ScriptLog

2003-09-06 Thread Ian Holsman
Astrid Keßler wrote:

Cliff wrote:

On Sat, 6 Sep 2003, Astrid Keßler wrote:

+1 for ScriptLog and RewriteLog(Level), although I'm not sure this is
easy to implement. As I know, all log files are opend at server start.
Allow directory based logging would mean to open and close log files per

Yes, it would.  But for a debug log it's a price I'm willing to accept.

Just an unformed idea: allow these directives within  (and
?), but not within .htaccess files. The log file could be
opened as usual.

If you have access to the main configuration file, you can just put the 
scriptlog/rewritelog in there ;(

Re: ScriptLog

2003-09-06 Thread Ian Holsman
Cliff Woolley wrote:
It's too bad you can't set the ScriptLog in a per-dir context -- that
would allow an individual user (aka myself) to debug their own cgi scripts
into their own error log even though there's no global ScriptLog enabled.

Hey Cliff,
I guess the other one I'd like to see is rewritelogging/loglevel from 
inside a .htaccess file.
It's a real bitch trying to debug rewrite rules inside this (and in 
rules inside of directory/location blocks)


Re: Fw: apr_shm_create

2003-08-21 Thread Ian Holsman
Nedelcho Stanev wrote:

sending this twice, since i did'n get this in mail list.
may be there are some problem
mailing list is probable VERY slow, thanks to all the worms

to clean up your shared memory, try looking at ipcs and ipcrm.
you need to remove the shared memory segments from ther via ipcrm.
man ipcrm/ipcs for more info.
(just be careful to remove only the ones you created ;-)
- Original Message - 
From: Nedelcho Stanev 
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 2:43 PM
Subject: apr_shm_create

Hello All,

i have this problem when i use shared memory with Apache.
Apache is 2.0.47, compiled on Red Hat linux 8 with kernel 2.4.18-14.
Same module and same Apache on Windows work perfect, but on linux
i have some problems.
so ...
i create shared memory block with 
sts = apr_shm_create(&client_shm, shmem_size, MOD_MQUBE_SHMEMFILE, ctx);
in initialize_module of my module.
in same function i add cleanup callback with  apr_pool_cleanup_register
in this callbeck i do cleaning with
client_shm = NULL;

when i stop and start apache properly all works perfect :) but
if server crash, or i kill it with -9 , then in /tmp directory i still have MOD_MQUBE_SHMEMFILE 
file still. and this is ok, because cleanup callback is not called
but when i start again apache apr_shm_create doesent work.
goin in a deep, i see that in sorce of this function ( unix/shm.c)
problem come from here :
if ((new_m->shmid = shmget(shmkey, new_m->realsize,
befor this line we have
status = apr_file_open(&file, filename, 
and this create file correctly
but shmget return error - File exists

so, does anyone know why this happens? :)
btw , same effect is if i don't delete this file from tmp directory
but, even if i delete it apache cannot allocate shared memory.

Re: strip rewritelog functionality per compiler option

2003-08-05 Thread Ian Holsman
André Malo wrote:
On high-traffic production sites it is unlikely that RewriteLog will ever be
used, so it may be desirable to strip the code entirely per compiler option
from mod_rewrite.
-0 from me.

from a high-traffic site's perspecitve, I don't think we would use this 

we use the rewritelog directive for debugging sometimes, and having a 
common binary makes our lives a bit easier.

the only thing that someone noticed over here is that the file is opened 
if the directive is present, which is kinda annoying.

are you seeing some performance problems here?

FWIW.. our main webservers are usually run with light loads, to help 
handle flash crowds, and to have some breathing room when network/other 
hiccups occur in our environment

This shortens the binary (here, DSO) about 10k and saves a lot of cycles
(because there's still some logic there, even if RewriteLog is turned off).
A patch could look like the attached one. What do you think? Objections
Thanks, nd

AddOutputByType and the proxy

2003-07-18 Thread Ian Holsman
hey guys.
I'm trying to add the DEFALTE filter like this
Addoutputbytype DEFLATE text/html

and it works spiffy for most things.

except for reverse-proxied stuff

now before I go patching things, I was wondering if this was desired 

I'm thinking that it should be changed way down in 

does anyone know why we change for if the request is proxied in this 
function? (server/core.c)

and would this patch break anything ?

Index: core.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/httpd-2.0/server/core.c,v
retrieving revision 1.239
diff -u -r1.239 core.c
--- core.c  20 Jun 2003 12:53:52 -  1.239
+++ core.c  18 Jul 2003 16:59:15 -
@@ -2801,11 +2801,10 @@
conf = (core_dir_config *)ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,
-/* We can't do anything with proxy requests, no content-types or if
+/* We can't do anything with no content-types or if
 * we don't have a filter configured.
-if (r->proxyreq != PROXYREQ_NONE || !r->content_type ||
-!conf->ct_output_filters) {
+if ( !r->content_type || !conf->ct_output_filters) {

[PATCH] UDP Listeners (was Re: DNS+HTTP redirection system insidean Apache module)

2003-07-14 Thread Ian Holsman
Very interesting Michal.

I would like to commit your UDP listener patch to apache 2.1's source tree.

(providing other people don't have any major objections)

Of course.. I would need your permission to do this first.

Michal Szymaniak wrote:


for those of you who are interested in doing weird things in Apache,
I would like to advertise NetAirt -- a brand new redirection system inside
an Apache module. It supports both DNS- and HTTP-based redirection,
and can be used to implement Akamai-like 2-level redirection system.
And yes, it implements a UDP server inside an Apache module (although
with a few-lines patch).
As for replica selection, NetAirt can select topologically-proximal
replica servers based to network distance (AS-hops); classical stuff,
such as normal DNS operation (name-to-IP), and round-robin address
selection is also supported.
Available at: http://www.globule.org/netairt/
(src, docs, relevant papers)
Live demo: http://lotus.cs.vu.nl/

Comments welcome :-)

Michal Szymaniak | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cs.vu.nl/~mszyman

diff -rc httpd-2.0.46-orig/include/ap_listen.h httpd-2.0.46-patched/include/ap_listen.h
*** httpd-2.0.46-orig/include/ap_listen.h   Mon Feb  3 18:31:29 2003
--- httpd-2.0.46-patched/include/ap_listen.hTue Jun 17 12:30:03 2003
*** 65,70 
--- 65,72 
  typedef struct ap_listen_rec ap_listen_rec;
  typedef apr_status_t (*accept_function)(void **csd, ap_listen_rec *lr, apr_pool_t 
+ typedef apr_status_t (*socket_process_function)(void *csd, ap_listen_rec *lr, 
server_rec *s, apr_pool_t *ptrans);
+ #define AP_LISTEN_REC_KEY "A key to the ap_listen_rec structure NetAirt attaches to 
the transaction pool"
   * Apache's listeners record.  These are used in the Multi-Processing Modules
*** 88,93 
--- 90,99 
  accept_function accept_func;
+  * The 'process connection' function for this socket
+  */
+ socket_process_function process_func;
+ /**
   * Is this socket currently active 
  int active;
*** 98,103 
--- 104,110 
   * The global list of ap_listen_rec structures
  AP_DECLARE_DATA extern ap_listen_rec *ap_listeners;
+ AP_DECLARE_DATA extern ap_listen_rec *ap_old_listeners;
   * Setup all of the defaults for the listener list
diff -rc httpd-2.0.46-orig/server/core.c httpd-2.0.46-patched/server/core.c
*** httpd-2.0.46-orig/server/core.c Tue May 13 18:01:04 2003
--- httpd-2.0.46-patched/server/core.c  Tue Jun 17 12:33:32 2003
*** 4196,4202 
apr_bucket_alloc_t *alloc)
  apr_status_t rv;
! conn_rec *c = (conn_rec *) apr_pcalloc(ptrans, sizeof(conn_rec));
  c->sbh = sbh;
  (void)ap_update_child_status(c->sbh, SERVER_BUSY_READ, (request_rec *)NULL);
--- 4196,4212 
apr_bucket_alloc_t *alloc)
  apr_status_t rv;
! conn_rec *c;
! ap_listen_rec * lr = NULL;
! rv = apr_pool_userdata_get((void**)&lr,AP_LISTEN_REC_KEY,ptrans);
! if (rv == APR_SUCCESS && lr && lr->process_func) {
! apr_pool_userdata_set(NULL,AP_LISTEN_REC_KEY,NULL,ptrans);
! lr->process_func(csd,lr,server,ptrans);
! return NULL;
! }
! c = (conn_rec *) apr_pcalloc(ptrans, sizeof(conn_rec));
  c->sbh = sbh;
  (void)ap_update_child_status(c->sbh, SERVER_BUSY_READ, (request_rec *)NULL);
diff -rc httpd-2.0.46-orig/server/listen.c httpd-2.0.46-patched/server/listen.c
*** httpd-2.0.46-orig/server/listen.c   Mon Mar 31 06:30:52 2003
--- httpd-2.0.46-patched/server/listen.cTue Jun 17 12:36:36 2003
*** 72,77 
--- 72,78 
  #include "mpm_common.h"
  ap_listen_rec *ap_listeners = NULL;
+ ap_listen_rec *ap_old_listeners = NULL;
  static int default_family = APR_UNSPEC;
*** 79,85 
  static int default_family = APR_INET;
- static ap_listen_rec *old_listeners;
  static int ap_listenbacklog;
  static int send_buffer_size;
--- 80,85 
*** 218,224 
  server->accept_func = NULL;
  return APR_SUCCESS;
--- 218,224 
  server->accept_func = NULL;
! server->process_func = NULL;
  return APR_SUCCESS;
*** 294,305 
  /* see if we've got an old listener for this address:port */
! for (walk = &old_listeners; *walk; walk = &(*walk)->next) {
  sa = (*walk)->bind_addr;
  /* Some listeners are not real so they will not have a bind_addr. */
  if (sa) {
  apr_sockaddr_port_get(&oldport, sa);
! if (!strcmp(sa->hostname, addr) && port == oldport) {
  /* re-use existing record */
  new = *walk;
  *walk = new->next;
--- 294,305 

Re: mod_deflate and load

2003-07-03 Thread Ian Holsman
Bill Marrs wrote:
I'm cross posting this to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I had been a user of Apache 1.3 and mod_gzip, but I recently upgraded to 
Apache 2.0 and I'm trying to use mod_deflate.

I got it working fairly well, but it's causing high load and page 
timeouts during peak periods of operation for my site.

The output I'm compressing is generated from mod_perl scripts.

mod_gzip had not had this problem.  It's possible that there are other 
factors (the whole system was upgraded), so I can't absolutely blame 
mod_deflate, but removing it certainly fixes the load problem.
sounds like a cpu load issue.

I've been dropping the DeflateCompressionLevel, which seems to help, but 
I'm already down to 2 and I'm still getting timeouts.
I find that surprising.. the reason I do is when I put it on one of our 
production machines we saw a 10% in cpu load, but no timeouts (we used 
the hard-coded value of '1' then)

what do you mean by 'timeouts'.

Is there any other way I can improve the efficiency of it?
first.. I would examine the cpu utilization/throughput of your box.
maybe even reverting to 1.3.x/mod_gzip for a period and see if that 
works for you.

Would changing DeflateBufferSize from 8096 to something else, help?

Are there any plans to improve the efficiency of mod_deflate in the future?
not directly.. most of the time spent is in zlib's library, and the 
standard filter routines that apache uses.
I'm running Apache/2.0.46 (prefork MPM) and mod_perl-1.99_09 on Red Hat 
9.  Server has dual 800Mhz CPUs and 1.5GB ram.
may I suggest you move to the worker MPM, I'm thinking you don't have 
enough ram in your machine for a pre-fork/mod-perl combo.
we run with 32 threads, and it seems ok most of the time.
just be careful of your 3rd party perl modules.. some may not be threadsafe.
([EMAIL PROTECTED] would be the appropiate place to ask about that)




Re: Scoreboard failure: v2.0.45 won't start on RH v7.3

2003-04-05 Thread Ian Holsman
Hi Graham...
we see this often on unclean shutdowns
one of our developers (hi Blaise) over here wrote this script (we start as user 'httpd', not root BTW)

just be carefull if anything else is running as the same user.

# find shared memory ipcs
shmipcs=$(ipcs -m | egrep -v 'Shared|shmid' | grep httpd | tr -s ' ' | \
 cut -d ' ' -f 2)
# find semaphore ipcs
semipcs=$(ipcs -s | egrep -v 'Shared|shmid' | grep httpd | tr -s ' ' | \
 cut -d ' ' -f 2)
# see what's going on
set -x
# remove ipcs
[[ -n $shmipcs ]] && ipcrm shm $shmipcs
[[ -n $semipcs ]] && ipcrm sem $semipcs
Graham Leggett wrote:
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

Well, you don't need to use named-based scoreboard on Linux.  Just 
remove the ScoreBoardFile directive.

Cool, that works. :)

Even though, named-based scoreboards should work.  But, you need to 
indicate which shared memory system your APR is using.  Then, you need 
to see where exactly the error is coming from within APR - what system 
call is returning it?  What does the man page say for that call?

No idea unfortunately, the call returns possibly errors in a number of 
places, but doesn't indicate which error actually triggered the problem. 
Will have to look at it closer in a debugger and see where it is going.

It could be that your system is out of semaphores.  You may want to 
see what ipcs reports and perhaps delete a bunch of stale ones 
(mod_rewrite eats semaphores for lunch).  That's a pretty common 
occurrence.  -- justin

P.S. The fact that your system is complaining that the pid file is 
overwritten may indeed mean that there is another httpd running.

This was caused by httpd shutting down uncleanly during startup.


Re: mod_deflate -- File size lower bound needed?

2003-03-31 Thread Ian Holsman
Stephen Pierzchala wrote:

A question for discussion: should a lower bound be set in mod_deflate?

I just ran a test using the Linux Documentation Project files and found
that some of the files in the test group were quite small, less that 100
bytes. When mod_deflate tackled these files, I saw a file sized increase
of between 12 and 15 bytes.
Doesn't sound like a lot, until maybe you start to add up all of those
HTML error pages we all send.
I open the floor to debate. :-)


while this may be easy for the cases where the filter gets passed a
content-length header, it may be harder for the ones where it doesn't
know the size of the page before it starts compressing..
I'm cool with putting in a directive, but not sure how to write the doc's up
to say that this is a 'guidance' only and that it might be ignored.
we should also put in a directive to only compress when system load is below a certain
level. (but we would need a apr_get_system_load() function first .. any volunteers? )

2 off-topic questions

2003-03-27 Thread Ian Holsman
1. does anyone know of a tool which can replay http traffic caught via tcpdump, 
and possibly
change the hostname/ip# of the host.
2. I heard mention of a module which logs post-data (and works in apache2) can 
anyone remember the

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