RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Jörg Schmidt

> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Fisher [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 10:14 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
> fixed position

> > I think a good approach is the Scrum backlog 
> prioritization. A issue up the list, may be ranked as 
> important, but still a developer can pick a lower ranked 
> backlog point, if he can fix it, but not the above ones.
> > 
> > And maybe a higher one needs some sort of support, 
> additional information, research for it to be fixed. Not 
> every Issue takes the same skill or experience.
> Making a list of easy to fix issues for developers new to 
> OpenOffice would help recruitment.

+1 ... right, but I don't think that's enough in practice.
There should be a buddy who takes care of potential new programmers and paves 
the way for them, both in technical and organisational questions.

For example, it is an illusion to believe that a newcomer who knows C++ and has 
understood the content of an issue can start programming immediately. No, he 
must first get an overview of the entire code in order to find the right place 
and he must familiarise himself with the processes in the project.
How long does that take? And please keep in mind that we are talking about 
volunteers who are only here in their spare time. 2 weeks? 4 weeks? Who takes 
on this effort without being sure beforehand that they want to participate 

If we want to attract people who are not yet sure if they want to work 
permanently, I'm afraid we have to find ways to make it even easier to get 


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RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Jörg Schmidt

> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Kovacs [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 9:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
> fixed position

> Thanks, this is awesome.
> What error handling is needed? 

I'll have to think hard about this to give a complete answer, but for example, 
it is necessary to have an error routine for when the user enters text in 
error. On the other hand, text input can also be a desired feature, in which 
case one must ensure that if text is entered, it is automatically treated 
differently from a numeric value.

> What 
> license do you prefer?

Personally, I usually prefer LGPL 2.1 (only 2.1!), MIT and ISCL, but for such a 
small tool I don't care, so we can use Apache License.

> I would prefer with an ASF Repo, but I feel that we had so far no 
> agreement to this. Is there any opposition if we create an 
> "OpenOffice 
> Extension" Organisation That then collects extension code?
> This is just a wild Idea. 

This is an idea that Mechtilde and I had already discussed on and I think it could be useful if done properly. 
Doing it spontaneously will not lead to success, as negative experiences from 
the project should have shown us.
I would therefore like to take up this idea in a new thread to discuss it 
systematically. Please be patient for a few days until I open this thread - I 
have to think about it first.

> Anyone on an Idea how to make an extension multilingual?

The 'extension mechanism' offers clear possibilities for this, but they are 
rarely used in practice because the technical effort for small extensions is 
relatively high. In practice, this is therefore often done manually directly in 
the macro.


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RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Joerg

> On 04/28/2021 5:31 PM Jörg Schmidt  wrote:

> Somehow I don't understand the discussions at the moment, sometimes the talk 
> is that the whole thing is unnecessary, sometimes I'm accused of talking 
> about the wrong topic...

I apologize for not noticing that you had provided a file with macros that had 
another solution for the issue.

If you are moving ahead with an extension, please add a dialog to allow the 
user to select the number of decimal places.

Best regards,

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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Peter Kovacs

On 28.04.21 22:13, Dave Fisher wrote:

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 28, 2021, at 12:25 PM, Peter Kovacs  wrote:

On 28.04.21 17:38, Pedro Lino wrote:
Hi all

On 04/28/2021 4:16 PM Jörg Schmidt  wrote:

Peter is looking for a function with which he can achieve that when typing:

the cell contains the value 12.34.

That is correct. I just learned that Excel has such an Advanced feature which 
is disabled by default.

My answer to Peter was to the point that although this feature seems useful for 
some users, I'm not sure we (as a project) have the manpower to allocate to 
such a task and therefore I suggested a solution (sometimes called a hack or 
workaround) which involves simply having an extra formula in a separate column.

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of our Bug reports.

There is a nice talk from fefe, a german developer, who talks on anti patterns. 
Sadly the talk is only available in german. (link at [1] who understands german 
and wants to watch it.)

One of his anti pattern is prioritization, because that means all other non 
prioritization issues never get fixed.

I think a good approach is the Scrum backlog prioritization. A issue up the 
list, may be ranked as important, but still a developer can pick a lower ranked 
backlog point, if he can fix it, but not the above ones.

And maybe a higher one needs some sort of support, additional information, 
research for it to be fixed. Not every Issue takes the same skill or experience.

Making a list of easy to fix issues for developers new to OpenOffice would help 
+1, but I only have one other on my mind. And one that needs some more 
work. Both have testing issues.

This is the Way!

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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Dave Fisher

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 28, 2021, at 12:25 PM, Peter Kovacs  wrote:
>> On 28.04.21 17:38, Pedro Lino wrote:
>> Hi all
 On 04/28/2021 4:16 PM Jörg Schmidt  wrote:
>>> Peter is looking for a function with which he can achieve that when typing:
>>> <1><2><3><4>
>>> the cell contains the value 12.34.
>> That is correct. I just learned that Excel has such an Advanced feature 
>> which is disabled by default.
>> My answer to Peter was to the point that although this feature seems useful 
>> for some users, I'm not sure we (as a project) have the manpower to allocate 
>> to such a task and therefore I suggested a solution (sometimes called a hack 
>> or workaround) which involves simply having an extra formula in a separate 
>> column.
> It is easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of our Bug reports.
> There is a nice talk from fefe, a german developer, who talks on anti 
> patterns. Sadly the talk is only available in german. (link at [1] who 
> understands german and wants to watch it.)
> One of his anti pattern is prioritization, because that means all other non 
> prioritization issues never get fixed.
> I think a good approach is the Scrum backlog prioritization. A issue up the 
> list, may be ranked as important, but still a developer can pick a lower 
> ranked backlog point, if he can fix it, but not the above ones.
> And maybe a higher one needs some sort of support, additional information, 
> research for it to be fixed. Not every Issue takes the same skill or 
> experience.

Making a list of easy to fix issues for developers new to OpenOffice would help 

All the Best,

> All the best
> Peter
> [1] 
> -- 
> This is the Way!
> -
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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Peter Kovacs

On 28.04.21 17:38, Pedro Lino wrote:

Hi all

On 04/28/2021 4:16 PM Jörg Schmidt  wrote:
Peter is looking for a function with which he can achieve that when typing:

the cell contains the value 12.34.

That is correct. I just learned that Excel has such an Advanced feature which 
is disabled by default.

My answer to Peter was to the point that although this feature seems useful for 
some users, I'm not sure we (as a project) have the manpower to allocate to 
such a task and therefore I suggested a solution (sometimes called a hack or 
workaround) which involves simply having an extra formula in a separate column.

It is easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of our Bug reports.

There is a nice talk from fefe, a german developer, who talks on anti 
patterns. Sadly the talk is only available in german. (link at [1] who 
understands german and wants to watch it.)

One of his anti pattern is prioritization, because that means all other 
non prioritization issues never get fixed.

I think a good approach is the Scrum backlog prioritization. A issue up 
the list, may be ranked as important, but still a developer can pick a 
lower ranked backlog point, if he can fix it, but not the above ones.

And maybe a higher one needs some sort of support, additional 
information, research for it to be fixed. Not every Issue takes the same 
skill or experience.

All the best



This is the Way!

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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Peter Kovacs

On 28.04.21 09:20, Jörg Schmidt wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Peter Kovacs []
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 4:28 AM
Subject: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a
fixed position

Hello all,

I have been asked on Facebook, and I found a forum thread if
there is a
feature that interprets the entry of numbers the last 2
numbers as digits.

So if you enter 1234 calc will enter 12.34 in the cell. This
is good for
accountants to enter a lot of numbers. (Need to think less, which I
appreciate when I have to do a lot repeated tasks.)

Excel does this with some complicated menu.

I could not find any feature or extension. Adding this as a extension
sounds great to me and this sounds not to complicated.

I would go for

# a extension config which sets up the digits to be moved.

# a button to toggle the feature

# a small macro that divides by the setup amounts if the cell is
overwritten. (don't know if this definition can be used)

Any Ideas, or inputs? Does LO maybe have done this? (I could not find
any hints.)

How we could take care the extension gets translated? (we =
community, I
do not think this needs to be an ASF extension.)

This is simple. You need the following working macro (the macro still needs 
some error routines):

Sub Main
addr = Thiscomponent.getCurrentSelection
If addr.supportsService("") Then
Thiscomponent.getCurrentSelection.Value = 
End If
End Sub

and these two macros to activate and deactivate the function:

Sub activate_special_input()
Dim mEventProps(1) as new
mEventProps(0).Name = "EventType"
mEventProps(0).Value = "Script"
mEventProps(1).Name = "Script"
mEventProps(1).Value = 

End Sub

Sub deactivate_special_input()

End Sub

I have uploaded a draft here:

Please note the menu "Special Input" included in the file.

Thanks, this is awesome.

What error handling is needed? Can you add the error handling? What 
license do you prefer?

It would be great if this can be an extension, that users can add if 
they whish.

I think it is to early to add the extension to the installer, but if 
there is interest within the user - community why not.

can we publish the code on github?

I would prefer with an ASF Repo, but I feel that we had so far no 
agreement to this. Is there any opposition if we create an "OpenOffice 
Extension" Organisation That then collects extension code?

This is just a wild Idea. Maybe it is bullocks. I am just flashed on 
Jörgs Macro :). And would like to game with the abilities. It helps me 
too to learn more on OpenOffice.

Anyone on an Idea how to make an extension multilingual? I will ask on 
forums, too. Havent forgot forums. Just thinking in Project terms first, 
before looking into individual solutions.

All the best


This is the Way!

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Re: [VOTE] Release AOO 4.1.10-RC2 as GA

2021-04-28 Thread Jim Jagielski
Well... it takes *time* to do the release, since there are uploads, and sync, 

> On Apr 28, 2021, at 1:12 PM, Marcus  wrote:
> Am 28.04.21 um 13:47 schrieb Jim Jagielski:
>> The VOTE is scheduled to close today... anyone opposed if I keep it open for 
>> another 24-48 hours?
> then we will do the release on the weekend. Just to keep in mind ...
> Marcus
>>> On Apr 25, 2021, at 4:15 PM, Jim Jagielski  wrote:
>>> I am calling a VOTE on releasing the source and complimentary community 
>>> builds of
>>> Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10-RC2 as GA.
>>> These artifacts can be found at:
>>> Please cast your vote:
>>> The Release Candidate is good for production/GA:
>>> [ ] yes / +1
>>> [ ] no / -1
>>> My vote is based on
>>> [ ] binding (member of PMC)
>>> [ ] I have built and tested the RC from source on platform [ ]
>>> [ ] I have tested the binary RC on platform [ ]
>>> This vote will be open for the normal 72hrs.
> -
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Re: AOO blog karma

2021-04-28 Thread Marcus

Am 28.04.21 um 19:21 schrieb Matthias Seidel:

Am 28.04.21 um 19:09 schrieb Marcus:

Am 28.04.21 um 17:16 schrieb Carl Marcum:

On 4/27/21 2:58 PM, Marcus wrote:

Am 27.04.21 um 20:56 schrieb Carl Marcum:

I thought I would work on the blog post for 4.1.10 if you haven't
If I get an account in time.

Infra can only add you when you login for a first time. Otherwise
you are not "known" in the Roller system.

Please can you login?

Daniel got me fixed up.
I can author now and can work on the draft posting later today.

Thanks for your help!

great to know, now we have an author more. :-)


Thinking about it: Are all these people really still Blog authors?

good catch. It was outdated and is now up-to-date again.


On 4/27/21 12:54 PM, Marcus wrote:

Am 27.04.21 um 14:53 schrieb Carl Marcum:

How does one request blog author karma?

it seems you have no account to get any permissions.
But I also cannot add you to the Roller instance.

So, I've created a Infra ticket [1] to get your account added.


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Re: AOO blog karma

2021-04-28 Thread Matthias Seidel
Hi all,

Am 28.04.21 um 19:09 schrieb Marcus:
> Am 28.04.21 um 17:16 schrieb Carl Marcum:
>> On 4/27/21 2:58 PM, Marcus wrote:
>>> Am 27.04.21 um 20:56 schrieb Carl Marcum:
 I thought I would work on the blog post for 4.1.10 if you haven't
 If I get an account in time.
>>> Infra can only add you when you login for a first time. Otherwise
>>> you are not "known" in the Roller system.
>>> Please can you login?
>> Daniel got me fixed up.
>> I can author now and can work on the draft posting later today.
>> Thanks for your help!
> great to know, now we have an author more. :-)


Thinking about it: Are all these people really still Blog authors?



> Marcus
 On 4/27/21 12:54 PM, Marcus wrote:
> Am 27.04.21 um 14:53 schrieb Carl Marcum:
>> How does one request blog author karma?
> it seems you have no account to get any permissions.
> But I also cannot add you to the Roller instance.
> So, I've created a Infra ticket [1] to get your account added.
> [1]
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [VOTE] Release AOO 4.1.10-RC2 as GA

2021-04-28 Thread Marcus

Am 28.04.21 um 13:47 schrieb Jim Jagielski:

The VOTE is scheduled to close today... anyone opposed if I keep it open for 
another 24-48 hours?

then we will do the release on the weekend. Just to keep in mind ...


On Apr 25, 2021, at 4:15 PM, Jim Jagielski  wrote:

I am calling a VOTE on releasing the source and complimentary community builds 
Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10-RC2 as GA.

These artifacts can be found at:

Please cast your vote:

The Release Candidate is good for production/GA:

[ ] yes / +1

[ ] no / -1

My vote is based on

[ ] binding (member of PMC)

[ ] I have built and tested the RC from source on platform [ ]

[ ] I have tested the binary RC on platform [ ]

This vote will be open for the normal 72hrs.

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Re: AOO blog karma

2021-04-28 Thread Marcus

Am 28.04.21 um 17:16 schrieb Carl Marcum:

On 4/27/21 2:58 PM, Marcus wrote:

Am 27.04.21 um 20:56 schrieb Carl Marcum:
I thought I would work on the blog post for 4.1.10 if you haven't 

If I get an account in time.

Infra can only add you when you login for a first time. Otherwise you 
are not "known" in the Roller system.

Please can you login?

Daniel got me fixed up.
I can author now and can work on the draft posting later today.

Thanks for your help!

great to know, now we have an author more. :-)


On 4/27/21 12:54 PM, Marcus wrote:

Am 27.04.21 um 14:53 schrieb Carl Marcum:

How does one request blog author karma?

it seems you have no account to get any permissions.
But I also cannot add you to the Roller instance.

So, I've created a Infra ticket [1] to get your account added.


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RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Jörg Schmidt

> -Original Message-
> From: Pedro Lino [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 5:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
> fixed position
> Hi all
> > On 04/28/2021 4:16 PM Jörg Schmidt  wrote:
> > Peter is looking for a function with which he can achieve 
> that when typing:
> > <1><2><3><4>
> > 
> > the cell contains the value 12.34. 
> That is correct. I just learned that Excel has such an 
> Advanced feature which is disabled by default.
> My answer to Peter was to the point that although this 
> feature seems useful for some users, I'm not sure we (as a 
> project) have the manpower to allocate to such a task and 
> therefore I suggested a solution (sometimes called a hack or 
> workaround) which involves simply having an extra formula in 
> a separate column.

mmh ... I had already created and linked a solution this morning. Currently in 
a file so that you can test it directly:

(Please note the menu "Special Input" included in the file.)

I can also put it in an extension and we could then integrate it into the AOO 
installation package or upload it to the extension directory.

Somehow I don't understand the discussions at the moment, sometimes the talk is 
that the whole thing is unnecessary, sometimes I'm accused of talking about the 
wrong topic...


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RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi all

> On 04/28/2021 4:16 PM Jörg Schmidt  wrote:

> Peter is looking for a function with which he can achieve that when typing:
> <1><2><3><4>
> the cell contains the value 12.34. 

That is correct. I just learned that Excel has such an Advanced feature which 
is disabled by default.

My answer to Peter was to the point that although this feature seems useful for 
some users, I'm not sure we (as a project) have the manpower to allocate to 
such a task and therefore I suggested a solution (sometimes called a hack or 
workaround) which involves simply having an extra formula in a separate column.

Best regards,

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RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Jörg Schmidt

> -Original Message-
> From: DaveB [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 1:25 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
> fixed position
> On 28/04/2021 11:55, Jörg Schmidt wrote:
> >  
> > 
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Dave Barton [] 
> >> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 12:30 PM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
> >> fixed position
> >>
> > 
>  Or a more simple solution = Format Cells
> >>>
> >>> Really not, no formatting is able to change a value. Sure, 
> >> you can compensate for this during further calculation (for 
> >> example =SUM(D1:D10)/100 instead of =SUM(D1:D10)), but who 
> >> wants to work like that? 
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> greetings,
> >>> Jörg
> >>
> >> You are creating an issue where a problem does not exist.
> > 
> > I don't think so.
> I do, because you are not dealing with the original issue.

Peter wrote literally:

"I have been asked on Facebook, and I found a forum thread if there is a 
feature that interprets the entry of numbers the last 2 numbers as digits.

So if you enter 1234 calc will enter 12.34 in the cell."

in my words, it means:
Peter is looking for a function with which he can achieve that when typing:

the cell contains the value 12.34. 

> Please do not lecture me on such things, I have been involved 
> with this
> software since 2001 and a long term user of Star Office before that.

and I've been around since 2004 and have written the best-selling 
German-language book on Calc:

But are these the criteria that decide here, in this discussion? I think not.


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Re: AOO blog karma

2021-04-28 Thread Carl Marcum

Hi Marcus,

On 4/27/21 2:58 PM, Marcus wrote:

Am 27.04.21 um 20:56 schrieb Carl Marcum:
I thought I would work on the blog post for 4.1.10 if you haven't 

If I get an account in time.

Infra can only add you when you login for a first time. Otherwise you 
are not "known" in the Roller system.

Please can you login?

Daniel got me fixed up.
I can author now and can work on the draft posting later today.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,



On 4/27/21 12:54 PM, Marcus wrote:

Am 27.04.21 um 14:53 schrieb Carl Marcum:

How does one request blog author karma?

it seems you have no account to get any permissions.
But I also cannot add you to the Roller instance.

So, I've created a Infra ticket [1] to get your account added.


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Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] Release AOO 4.1.10-RC2 as GA

2021-04-28 Thread Carl Marcum

Hi Jim,

On 4/28/21 7:47 AM, Jim Jagielski wrote:

The VOTE is scheduled to close today... anyone opposed if I keep it open for 
another 24-48 hours?

That's fine with me.


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Re: [VOTE] Release AOO 4.1.10-RC2 as GA

2021-04-28 Thread Jim Jagielski
The VOTE is scheduled to close today... anyone opposed if I keep it open for 
another 24-48 hours?

> On Apr 25, 2021, at 4:15 PM, Jim Jagielski  wrote:
> I am calling a VOTE on releasing the source and complimentary community 
> builds of
> Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10-RC2 as GA.
> These artifacts can be found at:
> Please cast your vote:
> The Release Candidate is good for production/GA:
> [ ] yes / +1
> [ ] no / -1
> My vote is based on
> [ ] binding (member of PMC)
> [ ] I have built and tested the RC from source on platform [ ]
> [ ] I have tested the binary RC on platform [ ]
> This vote will be open for the normal 72hrs.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Aivaras Stepukonis

Dear Peter,

The community support forum 
is a better place to raise and discuss this [type of] topic.



2021-04-28 05:27, Peter Kovacs rašė:

Hello all,

I have been asked on Facebook, and I found a forum thread if there is 
a feature that interprets the entry of numbers the last 2 numbers as 

So if you enter 1234 calc will enter 12.34 in the cell. This is good 
for accountants to enter a lot of numbers. (Need to think less, which 
I appreciate when I have to do a lot repeated tasks.)

Excel does this with some complicated menu.

I could not find any feature or extension. Adding this as a extension 
sounds great to me and this sounds not to complicated.

I would go for

# a extension config which sets up the digits to be moved.

# a button to toggle the feature

# a small macro that divides by the setup amounts if the cell is 
overwritten. (don't know if this definition can be used)

Any Ideas, or inputs? Does LO maybe have done this? (I could not find 
any hints.)

How we could take care the extension gets translated? (we = community, 
I do not think this needs to be an ASF extension.)

All the best


Re: Issue with Windows builds and Cygwin 3.2.0

2021-04-28 Thread Matthias Seidel
Hi all,

Even after I updated the corresponding "binutilities" the build stops at
So I downgraded to Cygwin 3.1.7 for now since a build without threads
just takes too much time.

Anyone with insight on the timing issue?



Am 30.03.21 um 14:36 schrieb Matthias Seidel:
> Hi all,
> I have always done my Windows builds with:
> build --all -P2 -- -P2
> Now, after updating Cygwin to 3.2.0 the build stops at module soltools.
> When continuing the build with:
> build --from soltools
> it seems to build to the end (build is still running).
> If the build is successful, I will try again with a simple "build --all".
> I assume a timing error. Can someone with knowledge have a look at it?
> Thanks!
> Matthias

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread DaveB
On 28/04/2021 11:55, Jörg Schmidt wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Dave Barton [] 
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 12:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
>> fixed position
 Or a more simple solution = Format Cells
>>> Really not, no formatting is able to change a value. Sure, 
>> you can compensate for this during further calculation (for 
>> example =SUM(D1:D10)/100 instead of =SUM(D1:D10)), but who 
>> wants to work like that? 
>>> greetings,
>>> Jörg
>> You are creating an issue where a problem does not exist.
> I don't think so.

I do, because you are not dealing with the original issue.

>> Using your
>> example Cells D1:D12 formatted as numbers with zero decimal 
>> places means
>> that only integer values are entered in those cells. Fill cells D1:D10
>> with the integer value 1234 and in cell D12 enter =SUM(D1:D10) which
>> returns the result 12,340
> Right. And?

And that answers the issue Peter raised.

> In this case 12,340 means the value 12340, the "," is NOT a decimal separator 
> but the thousands separator (in an English localised OO).

Please do not lecture me on such things, I have been involved with this
software since 2001 and a long term user of Star Office before that.

> But what was the question?
> Peter wants a solution how to enter 1234, but the value 12.34 should be taken 
> over.

And I gave the correct answer.


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RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Jörg Schmidt

> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Barton [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 12:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
> fixed position

> >> Or a more simple solution = Format Cells
> > 
> > Really not, no formatting is able to change a value. Sure, 
> you can compensate for this during further calculation (for 
> example =SUM(D1:D10)/100 instead of =SUM(D1:D10)), but who 
> wants to work like that? 
> > 
> > 
> > greetings,
> > Jörg
> You are creating an issue where a problem does not exist.

I don't think so.

> Using your
> example Cells D1:D12 formatted as numbers with zero decimal 
> places means
> that only integer values are entered in those cells. Fill cells D1:D10
> with the integer value 1234 and in cell D12 enter =SUM(D1:D10) which
> returns the result 12,340

Right. And?

In this case 12,340 means the value 12340, the "," is NOT a decimal separator 
but the thousands separator (in an English localised OO).

But what was the question?
Peter wants a solution how to enter 1234, but the value 12.34 should be taken 


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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Dave Barton
On 28/04/2021 10:53, Jörg Schmidt wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: DaveB [] 
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 11:25 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
>> fixed position
>> On 28/04/2021 09:59, Pedro Lino wrote:
>>> Hi Peter
 On 04/28/2021 3:27 AM Peter Kovacs  wrote:
 I have been asked on Facebook, and I found a forum thread 
>> if there is a 
 feature that interprets the entry of numbers the last 2 
>> numbers as digits.
 Any Ideas, or inputs? Does LO maybe have done this? (I 
>> could not find 
 any hints.)
>>> That is a simple calculation that can be done in two 
>> columns. Just type the number in one column without the dot 
>> (although I don't see that pressing an extra key would slow 
>> down any typist) and then on the next column divide it by 100.
>>> I think this is a simple user problem, not a dev issue...
>>> Regards,
>>> Pedro
>> Or a more simple solution = Format Cells
> Really not, no formatting is able to change a value. Sure, you can compensate 
> for this during further calculation (for example =SUM(D1:D10)/100 instead of 
> =SUM(D1:D10)), but who wants to work like that? 
> greetings,
> Jörg

You are creating an issue where a problem does not exist. Using your
example Cells D1:D12 formatted as numbers with zero decimal places means
that only integer values are entered in those cells. Fill cells D1:D10
with the integer value 1234 and in cell D12 enter =SUM(D1:D10) which
returns the result 12,340


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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Dave Barton
On 28/04/2021 10:52, Pedro Lino wrote:
>> On 04/28/2021 10:24 AM DaveB  wrote:
>> Or a more simple solution = Format Cells
> Format cells changes the appearance, not the value. How would you use Format 
> cells to modify the last two digits?

Go back to the issue Peter raised; "If you enter 1234 Calc will enter
12.34 in the cell". When cells are formatted as numbers with zero
decimal  places, typing 1234 will NEVER change the value to 12.34. The
cell value will always be an integer.


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RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Jörg Schmidt
> -Original Message-
> From: DaveB [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 11:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
> fixed position
> On 28/04/2021 09:59, Pedro Lino wrote:
> > Hi Peter
> > 
> >> On 04/28/2021 3:27 AM Peter Kovacs  wrote:
> > 
> >> I have been asked on Facebook, and I found a forum thread 
> if there is a 
> >> feature that interprets the entry of numbers the last 2 
> numbers as digits.
> > 
> >> Any Ideas, or inputs? Does LO maybe have done this? (I 
> could not find 
> >> any hints.)
> > 
> > That is a simple calculation that can be done in two 
> columns. Just type the number in one column without the dot 
> (although I don't see that pressing an extra key would slow 
> down any typist) and then on the next column divide it by 100.
> > 
> > I think this is a simple user problem, not a dev issue...
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Pedro
> Or a more simple solution = Format Cells

Really not, no formatting is able to change a value. Sure, you can compensate 
for this during further calculation (for example =SUM(D1:D10)/100 instead of 
=SUM(D1:D10)), but who wants to work like that? 


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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Pedro Lino

> On 04/28/2021 10:24 AM DaveB  wrote:

> Or a more simple solution = Format Cells

Format cells changes the appearance, not the value. How would you use Format 
cells to modify the last two digits?

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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread DaveB
On 28/04/2021 09:59, Pedro Lino wrote:
> Hi Peter
>> On 04/28/2021 3:27 AM Peter Kovacs  wrote:
>> I have been asked on Facebook, and I found a forum thread if there is a 
>> feature that interprets the entry of numbers the last 2 numbers as digits.
>> Any Ideas, or inputs? Does LO maybe have done this? (I could not find 
>> any hints.)
> That is a simple calculation that can be done in two columns. Just type the 
> number in one column without the dot (although I don't see that pressing an 
> extra key would slow down any typist) and then on the next column divide it 
> by 100.
> I think this is a simple user problem, not a dev issue...
> Regards,
> Pedro

Or a more simple solution = Format Cells


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Re: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Pedro Lino
Hi Peter

> On 04/28/2021 3:27 AM Peter Kovacs  wrote:

> I have been asked on Facebook, and I found a forum thread if there is a 
> feature that interprets the entry of numbers the last 2 numbers as digits.

> Any Ideas, or inputs? Does LO maybe have done this? (I could not find 
> any hints.)

That is a simple calculation that can be done in two columns. Just type the 
number in one column without the dot (although I don't see that pressing an 
extra key would slow down any typist) and then on the next column divide it by 

I think this is a simple user problem, not a dev issue...


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RE: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a fixed position

2021-04-28 Thread Jörg Schmidt

> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Kovacs [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 4:28 AM
> To:
> Subject: Feature: automatic enter of a decimal point at a 
> fixed position
> Hello all,
> I have been asked on Facebook, and I found a forum thread if 
> there is a 
> feature that interprets the entry of numbers the last 2 
> numbers as digits.
> So if you enter 1234 calc will enter 12.34 in the cell. This 
> is good for 
> accountants to enter a lot of numbers. (Need to think less, which I 
> appreciate when I have to do a lot repeated tasks.)
> Excel does this with some complicated menu.
> I could not find any feature or extension. Adding this as a extension 
> sounds great to me and this sounds not to complicated.
> I would go for
> # a extension config which sets up the digits to be moved.
> # a button to toggle the feature
> # a small macro that divides by the setup amounts if the cell is 
> overwritten. (don't know if this definition can be used)
> Any Ideas, or inputs? Does LO maybe have done this? (I could not find 
> any hints.)
> How we could take care the extension gets translated? (we = 
> community, I 
> do not think this needs to be an ASF extension.)

This is simple. You need the following working macro (the macro still needs 
some error routines):

Sub Main
addr = Thiscomponent.getCurrentSelection
If addr.supportsService("") Then
Thiscomponent.getCurrentSelection.Value = 
End If
End Sub

and these two macros to activate and deactivate the function:

Sub activate_special_input()
Dim mEventProps(1) as new
mEventProps(0).Name = "EventType"
mEventProps(0).Value = "Script"
mEventProps(1).Name = "Script"
mEventProps(1).Value = 

End Sub

Sub deactivate_special_input()

End Sub

I have uploaded a draft here:

Please note the menu "Special Input" included in the file.


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