[sc-dev] Re: Insert Sheet - Before or After?

2011-04-08 Thread tora - Takamichi Akiyama

Hello Niklas,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

On 2011/04/08 18:08, Niklas Nebel wrote:

On 08.04.2011 07:15, tora - Takamichi Akiyama wrote:

Could it be better if the default choice is ( )After current sheet,
instead of (x)Before current sheet?

Could it be better if Calc will remember what a user chose?

That might be something for the "better defaults" list at 

That is what I wanted.
Well, I am poking disc...@ux.openoffice.org.

I wish you and Calc team members have a good weekend!

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[sc-dev] Insert Sheet - Before or After?

2011-04-07 Thread tora - Takamichi Akiyama


In there any idea to make it easier to work with Calc?

 1. Start your task with Calc.
 2. Done with Sheet1
 3. Done with Sheet2
 4. Done with Sheet3
 5. Insert - Sheet; [OK]
  Oops, Sheet1 Sheet2 [Sheet4] Sheet3
  Move the Sheet4 after Sheet3.
  Now, Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3 [Sheet4]
 6. Done with Shee4
 7. Insert - Sheet; Now I know the option;
  Choose (x)After current sheet; [OK]
  Good! Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3 Sheet4 [Sheet5]
 8. Done with Sheet5
 9. Insert - Sheet; Hey, why don't you remember what I chose last time!
  Choose (x)After current sheet again; [OK]

Could it be better if the default choice is ( )After current sheet,
instead of (x)Before current sheet?

Could it be better if Calc will remember what a user chose?

The phenomenon above is confirmed with OOo 3.3.0 Windows and DEV300_m100 
Solairs Intel.

I am not a specialist of Calc, but certainly love it. :-)

Best regards,
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[sc-dev] Issue 95405 - hard to use Collaboration on UNIX

2008-10-24 Thread tora - Takamichi Akiyama


Could you please take care of an issue 95405?

One of the new features implemented in 3.0
- Spreadsheet Collaboration Through Workbook Sharing -
seems not to easily work on UNIX variants.


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Re: [sc-dev] Our plan to improve Calc functionality related tophonetic text

2007-08-21 Thread tora - Takamichi Akiyama
Hi Eike,

Your idea, a factory pattern and Run-Time Type Information (RTTI),
will certainly work well.

Another idea, a phonetic guide text included in OUString, may be
one of the possible ideas. Kohei gave us a practical, experimental
way of implementation at

Copying a text with phonetic guide text from Word to Excel, vice
versa, works well. Word and Excel always memorize what a user
typed - phonetic guide text - for getting a Japanese text - base
text - thorough the Input Method. Excel Japanese seems to always
save the memorized phonetic guide text as well as base text into
a file regardless of user interaction.

It would be better to handle a text with a phonetic guide text
at more fundamental layer like OUString instead of handling them
at each application in individual ways.


Eike Rathke wrote:
> No, it results in complex code analysis. You will have to find the
> places anyway where you want to add ruby to string cells. Once changed
> to a factory pattern the resulting code will be not more complex than
> changing calls of
> ScStringCell* pCell = new ScStringCell(someText);
> to calls of
> ScStringCell* pCell = ScStringCell::createInstance(someText,maybeRuby);
> that returns a new'd ScRubyStringCell if maybeRuby is not empty, and
> ScStringCell otherwise. A ScRubyStringCell should still have the
> eCellType member variable set to CELLTYPE_STRING so you wouldn't need to
> adapt the zillion places where that is used, but should be
> distinguishable by means of RTTI where needed.

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Re: [sc-dev] Our plan to improve Calc functionality related tophonetic text

2007-08-21 Thread tora - Takamichi Akiyama

Thanks to the Kohei's good example, I have made a similar example
of Excel 2003 binary format. See an example of i80764.

A base text is followed by a phonetic guide text.

When a user fills a cell with a text, Excel Japanese version seems to
always append a phonetic guide text even though a text is consisted of
only ASCII letters, regardless of the activation of the Input Method.

When a user pastes a cell with a text copied from another application,
Excel Japanese version seems not to append a phonetic guide text.

What we have learned is that Excel Japanese version always memorizes
a phonetic guide text if a user types. Therefore, if a user types texts
into cells from scratch, 100% of the cells have a phonetic guide text.


Kohei Yoshida wrote:
> As for the OOXML file, the texts with ruby are represented as follows.
> http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main";
> count="2" uniqueCount="2">
> 吉田浩平
> ヨシダ
> コウヘイ
> 私は今アメリカで働いています。
> ワタシ
> イマ
> ハタラ

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Re: [sc-dev] How to specify a default printer with Calc?

2007-03-15 Thread tora - Takamichi Akiyama
tora - Takamichi Akiyama wrote:
> What we did:
>  1. Hided the tool bar button "Print file directly" system-widely.

for x in `grep -l PrintDefault 
echo $x; perl -i.bak -pe 's{(


Make it sure that no user has customized their corresponding tool bar.
grep -l PrintDefault 

>  3. Removed printer related information from system-wide template
> files.

I have created the following a Perl script tool to do that.

# remove-printer-related-entries-from-starsuite-file.pl
# Usage: remove-...pl starsuite_file...

# http://search.cpan.org/dist/Archive-Zip/
use Archive::Zip;

@Items = qw (

sub work {
my $file = shift;
my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
$zip->read($file) == AZ_OK or die "$!: $file, stopped";
my $contents = $zip->contents("settings.xml");
my $original = $contents;
map {
if ($contents =~ s{]*?)>([^<>]*?)}{}) {
print "Entry '$_: $2' has been successfully removed.\n";
if ($contents =~ s{]*?)/>}{}) {
print "Entry '$_' has been successfully removed.\n";
} @Items;
if ($original ne $contents) {
$zip->contents("settings.xml", $contents);
$zip->overwrite() == AZ_OK or die "$!: $file, stopped";
else {
print "No printer related entry was found. The file is not changed.\n";

sub main {
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {



Kind regards,

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Re: [sc-dev] How to specify a default printer with Calc?

2007-03-15 Thread tora - Takamichi Akiyama

Thank you for your attention. This is just information.

Here is what our system integrator team did for the system with
170 SunRay terminals and 3 Sun Fire T2000 servers.

 Both Calc and Writer of StarSuite PU5 seem to use both a printer
 name and settings recorded in the file settings.xml of ODF file
 regardless of the status of an option "Load user-specific setting
 with the document" in the dialog Tools/Options/Load/Save/General.

 The information on a printer in the file settings.xml points to
 the printer that a user who saved the ODF file used. The default
 printer of other people normally defers from the one that the
 creator used.

 Network connected printers can be accessed by any user wherever
 the printers are.

 A tool bar button "Print file directly" does not give a chance
 to a user to confirm if a chosen printer name is a correct one
 for the user who is currently working on the document.

What we did:
 1. Hided the tool bar button "Print file directly" system-widely.

 2. Asked the customer to instruct their users to confirm every
time if a printer name is a correct one by choosing File/
Print when the users open a document that other people created.

 3. Removed printer related information from system-wide template

Kind regards,

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[sc-dev] How to specify a default printer with Calc?

2007-03-07 Thread tora - Takamichi Akiyama

Primary question:
  How to specify a user's default printer with Calc?

  A municipal office in a small town of Japan is now introducing
  StarSuite 8 PU5 on a newly purchased server system with 170 SunRay

Current problem:
  StarSuite 8 PU5 Calc running on Solaris 10 SPARC seems not to follow
  a choice of user's default printer. Calc shows a printer name defined
  in a system wide template file, instead of user's choice of the default
  printer name defined in a file $HOME/.lpoptions: "Default printername"
  which is automatically written by an application of the CUPS system.
  All application except Calc works fine with the file .lpoptions which
  will be loaded by the shared library files of the CUPS system.

  The SunRay system has introduced Sun Desktop Manager to centrally
  manage configuration settings of StarSuite 8 and other applications
  on Sun Java Desktop System. The default template file for Calc is
  specified by the system and is accessible for all users. The template
  file of Calc has only a sheet, which is requested by the customer.
  They do not want to check empty sheets named sheet2 and sheet3 every
  time as they open an Calc file.

  Unfortunately, the Calc template file has information on a printer
  that was coincidently chosen when the template file was prepared.
  An internal file settings.xml of the Calc template file has two
  elements PrinterName and PrinterSetup.

  Normally, such information will be ignored if an option "Load user-
  specific setting with the document" in the dialog Tools/Options/
  Load/Save/General is disabled. The option is enabled by default.
  The option, however, has to be disabled to avoid another problem
  and has been already disabled through the Sun Desktop Manager.

  Another problem is that:
1. User A creates a document and prints and saves it in his office
   on the first floor.
2. User B opens the document and click an icon to print on the
   tool bar in her office on the second floor.
  She will never have her handout. It will be found in a printer bin
  in his office on the first floor. Why? Because settings.xml in the
  ODF file remembers the last printer and OOo/SO/SS uses it, instead
  of her default printer. How to avoid such a problem? The easiest way
  might be to disable the option mentioned above.

Current status:
  Our system integration team has found a quick solution to solve the
  problem around the default printer. The problem was, in short, only
  Calc did not recognize user's default printer and used a printer
  specified in the template file as a default printer. To solve it,
  we have removed two elements PrinterName and PrinterSetup from the
  system wide default template file for Calc by hand.

  The template file will be maintained by the customer after our team
  finishes system integration.

Two problems that still remain:
  1. Calc seems to ignore the option mentioned above and to use printer
 name specified in a Calc file, instead of user's default printer.
 That will lead a big problem.
  2. If the customer want to replace the template file by themselves,
 they will find difficulties to remove information on the printer
 from the template file. This might be a small problem. Our team
 has already developed a small Perl script to do that.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance,

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