Re: [FORGED] Website owner survey data on identity, browser UIs, and the EV UI

2019-10-08 Thread Paul Walsh via dev-security-policy

> On Oct 2, 2019, at 3:52 PM, Peter Gutmann  wrote:
> Paul Walsh ​ writes:
>> I would like to see one research paper published by one browser vendor to
>> show that website identity visual indicators can not work.
> Uhhh... are you serious with that request?  You're asking for a study from a
> browser vendor, a group who in any case don't publish research papers but
> write browsers, indicating that their own UI doesn't work?

[PW] I see where you are coming from Peter. I wouldn’t expect any browser 
vendor to provide studies or evidence to explain why they’re implementing 
features. And separately, I wouldn’t expect Google to provide anything to 
anyone for any reason, because they pretty much do what they do for profit. 
Chrome dev is directed by advertising dollars, not by privacy or user safety. 

However, I'd love to think that the Mozilla team still care about the developer 
community and end users more than they care about profit [1] or following other 
browser vendors. Firefox isn’t the “leader” it was, but I still love the brand 
and cause.  

I’m sure you don’t need to be reminded that Mozilla is a foundation, but I 
personally wanted to remind myself of their core values. So with this in mind, 
I’d like to think that the team would stop and rethink decisions that have a 
massive impact on stakeholders and end-users. And when asked for some 
supporting evidence, they wouldn’t fall silent but engage in a meaningful 

It has been a long time since my team or I were involved in any way, so this 
might have changed. 

>> I’d love you to show me the type of research I’ve asked for. I’m open to
>> learning more. I’m not new to this game. I worked on integrated browsers and
>> search engines in the 90’s at AOL.
> If it's OK to cite peer-reviewed papers from universities published at
> conferences and in journals, I can dig up a few of those.

[PW] If you ever do find the time to dig them out, please do. No pressure.

- Paul

> Peter.

dev-security-policy mailing list

Re: [FORGED] Website owner survey data on identity, browser UIs, and the EV UI

2019-10-08 Thread Paul Walsh via dev-security-policy

> On Oct 2, 2019, at 4:05 PM, Ronald Crane via dev-security-policy 
>  wrote:
> On 10/2/2019 3:27 PM, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>> Ronald Crane via dev-security-policy  
>> writes:
>>> "Virtually impossible"? "Anyone"? Really? Those are big claims that need 
>>> real
>>> data.
>> How many references to research papers would you like?  Would a dozen do, or
>> do you want two dozen?
> One well-done paper would do.
>> I'm pretty sure I haven't been phished yet.
>> How would you know?
> Since most phishing appears to be financial, I would expect unauthorized 
> withdrawals from financial accounts, unauthorized credit card charges, 
> unordered packages showing up, dunning notices from the IRS because I filed 
> my tax returns with a phisher, etc. I haven't observed these indicia of 
> getting phished.

[PW] I agree that financial is a good incentive. But it’s by no means the only 

According to Verizon, 93% of data breaches start with phishing - to steal 

Here’s what happens:

Marriott Starwood Hotels, Aadhar, Exactis, MyFitnessPal and Quora were breached 
last year.
Over 2 billion records were compromised.

Most people changed their password on the site that was compromised.
Most people use the same password for many services.
Most people didn’t change their credentials on sites that weren’t compromised.
Threat actor searches a one or more databases for a company or person and buys 
their credentials. Or just buys them in bulk.
Threat actor tries the person’s credentials on internal systems or services 
with sensitive information.
Another company is comprised.

While the media talks about hacking and breaches and other cool “cyber” terms, 
what they’re not saying, is that social engineering is at the core of many of 
these attacks. Social engineering is cheaper, quicker and easier than trying to 
find computer or network based vulnerabilities. 

The latter does happen and there are many amazing security professionals 
building systems to detect and prevent those types of attacks. I’m not one of 
them because I’m not smart enough to address those weaknesses. 

>> And how does this help the other 7.53 billion people who
>> will be targets for phishers?
> Alas it doesn't. We do need better phishing prevention. Do you have a 
> suggestion?

[PW] While phishing detection and prevention is improving all the time, it will 
never be good enough. It’s much easier for a user to know that is 
who they think it is based on a visual indicator, than it is to detect the 
14,000 PayPal phishing sites with a Let’s Encrypt DV certificate. 

Yes, I just went there :)

- Paul

>>> In any case, have we ever really tried to teach users to use the correct
>>> domain?
>> Yes, we've tried that.  And that.  And that too.  And the other thing.  Yes,
>> that too.
>> None of them work.
> Please cite the best study you know about on this topic (BTW, I am *not* 
> snidely implying that there isn't one).
> -R
> ___
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