OLPC XO-3 on slashdot front page right now

2012-01-07 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys. The news about the OLPC XO-3 has hit Slashdot's front page again.


Here's another good chance to fight FUD & tell more people about stuff
that's going on & answer their questions. Do post before it gets
buried into yesterday's news. There's some interest about developing
for the XO from at least 1 guy so I posted about the contributors



carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

re: XO-1.75 power testing

2011-12-05 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Will reflash Bonnie, the 1.75 1B1 after the auckland game developer
meetup & do power testing on latest 11.3.1 build, mostly for read &
standbye, hibernate etc times.

Tried running it idle the other day in Sugar overnight in idle.

After some time, it automatically went into hibernate (blinking LED),
and then when I woke up in the morning, it had shut down, but still
had quite some juice in the battery, something I found curious.

This was yum updated though.

Was this on purpose or a glitch?

carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

11.3.1 b17 XO 1.75 rpmfusion

2011-12-04 Thread Carlos Nazareno
okay, this is the one:

Error: cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for
repository: rpmfusion-free. Please verify its path and try again.

Tried installing rpm fusion fresh off yum update as per instructions
on the rpmfusion site.

F14 Arm/OLPC 1.75 repos problem?

Worked fine on XO-1.

calling it a night.


carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

initial report post-flash 11.3.1 build 17

2011-12-04 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys.

XO 1.75 1B1 (a B1 with non-membrane keyboard & no SD, right?)

Note: Fresh off flashing & first boot, was unable to connect to Wifi
network multiple times. Switched to Gnome, same.

After rebooting, managed to connect to wifi, but not sending/receiving
packets. Disconnecting & reconnecting fixed it.

Interestingly, the 1.75 1B1 with me seems to be detecting less
networks than the XO-1. Where the XO-1 can see 3 (house + neighbors),
the 1.75 only sees one (house).

Yum update just ran nicely after being able to connect (ran it under gnome).

Is anyone interested in the out-of-the-box yum update logs? Tom?
I can post them somewhere.

carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

re: XO 1.75 B1 11.3.1 testing

2011-12-03 Thread Carlos Nazareno
oh, I think it was 11.3.1 build 16.

My settings in Sugar says "build 16 customized"

carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

XO 1.75 B1 build 11.3.1 testing

2011-12-03 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Some results that might be of interest. Not sure which build of 11.3.1
is installed, will confirm with Tom.

Will do more extensive testing on read in sugar, but running the
machine in idle with wifi on I think (will retry), brightness 0, pdf
reader on -> started at 90% battery, after 6 hours, indicator said it
still had 30% battery. pretty interesting battery performance compared
to the XO-1.


- one time I shut down from gnome, the LED was orange and did not turn off.
- Another time, Gnome, I tried attaching an external hard drive, then
after selecting "safely remove hard drive" and removing the hard
drive, the machine seemed to have hung.

There's quite a bunch of stuff that's not available with the Fedora
arm repositories (or at least that can be seen by Yum out of the box
on 11.3.1) so contrary to what was mentioned by someone before, there
are some challenges to getting some x86 programs & packages to run.


carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

Award-winning energy harvester brings practical applications closer

2011-12-01 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Of interest, guys.

Award-winning piezoelectric energy harvester brings practical
applications closer


carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

report: OS 11.3.0 XO-1 + Gnome + Auckland game jam?

2011-11-29 Thread Carlos Nazareno
ere too and showed the XO-1 tue
last week, some newer membes were pretty ecstatic about checking it
out (we had a mini netbook running different linux distros + android
show and tell over at a corner, heh). Some of these guys might be
interested in jamming/additional volunteer devs.

Guys from Christchurch NZ Open Source Society were also in town that
day, got to have interesting discussions & meet more awesome people :)

That's it for now. Cheers!


carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

XO 1.75 battery life?

2011-11-29 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys.

Been away long, really busy.

How's the battery life on the 1.75 going for Read, web browsing &
suspend? (3 of the most important functions) Anyone doing tests on
these yet?

Read with wireless off?

How about compatibility with FOSS dev tools since it's ARM & a number
of those are X86-based?

OLPC is one of the bastions of hope for getting "Full proper Linux"
running & being developed well on ARM since that area's pretty wild


carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

Article: Why wireless mesh networks won’t save us from censorship

2011-11-29 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Interesting article from someone who's tried it with the best of
people as a reactionary piece to Reddit's plans to put up a Darknet
due to SOPA.

Not being my area at all, what do you guys think?

Why wireless mesh networks won’t save us from censorship
Or “why the reddit ‘Darknet Plan’ is a fun but misguided solution to
the wrong problem”.

Do the same problems/principles apply to the XOs?



carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

Re: 11.3.0 -> SD Card?

2011-11-03 Thread Carlos Nazareno
On 11/4/11, Gonzalo Odiard  wrote:
> Why not install the image in the local flash and use the SD to save the
> content?
> Gonzalo

Well, doesn't also work when users install a number of activities and
applications if they switch to Gnome :-/

(like JDK which is now very large... Processing which can be taught to
older kids is about 80MB when unpacked (minus JRE))

Another reason is that if too many sectors on local flash become bad,
the ability to run from SD is a big plus - as we all know flash
storage has a read-write lifespan and web-centric behavior these days
tends to be cache-heavy on read-writes (browser cache, streaming
video, audio, etc)

As an aside, I'd like to give kudos again to you guys who keep making
this happen -- the advantage of the XO over something like Android is
that you can actually use it to build apps to run on itself (beyond
Javascript), and nowadays, I think it's what separates "devices" from
"computers" given that devices these days have insane amounts of
horsepower (and apps still manage to run like crap).

I think most average developers these days don't know how to optimize
stuff for performance (or even care for that matter) and have gotten
lazy from Moore's law. It's become more relevant today than ever now
that computing has started shifting more to mobile space and it's
becoming the norm, and lazy reliance on Moore's law is a vicious cycle
which has a horrific effect on the environment & sustainable computing
(e-waste, power crisis).



carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

11.3.0 -> SD Card?

2011-11-03 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Congratulations on the release guys!

Q: is there a way to install 11.3.0 on an SD card for the XO-1 like
with alternate OSes on XOs instead of using the local flash storage?

Unfortunately, what's left over from the 1GB is barely enough anymore
once people putting a lot of content on their machines like video.
With the price of SD cards being relatively more affordable in SE
Asia, it's an ideal solution.



carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

toolchain for sugarizing local browser apps, game jam

2011-11-02 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys.

Currently in Auckland, NZ now.

Went to the game developer meetup last night and tossed the idea of an
OLPC game jam for students and pro/hobbyist game developers to Stephen
Knightly (chairperson of the NZ Game Developers Association ->
http://twitter.com/sknightly )

Problem is that there aren't enough Python coders and not everyone has
the luxury of learning python.

Perhaps other platforms that can run on the XO?

For you guys who've been doing this, like in Nepal, Is there any good
documentation out there for Sugarizing Javascript/CSS/Canvas/HTML5
apps or any "web bundles" (Java applet/Flash applet packages) in
general? Something that people with *zero* Python experience and who
work on Windows & Mac can use.

Another reason I'm big on cross-platform stuff for the XO is that so
OLPC kids do not become "digital 2nd hand digital citizens" - they
should be able to enjoy the same apps "the cool rich kids" use.

We're looking at a possible pitch for the idea to at the auckland game
dev meetup on January as a talk. Game jams are big right now, esp with
http://ludumdare.com and for people who're into the demo scene
http://scene.org instead of building some stuff just to show off mad
skillz for free anyway, how about tapping them and building stuff for
kids? Even interactive digital art stuff?

Hope everyone is well,


carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

Re: harvesting energy

2011-10-27 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Wow! De ja vu! I think I asked some of the exact same questions ages
ago here and have been discussing the exact same harvesting methods
with friends when hanging out:)

I think the biggest problem about these are currently cost and

The recess/lunch/playtime thing and strapping the harvesters to kids
and letting them run out and play in schools I would discuss in what
if scenarios with friends and they'd give me strange looks like it was
child exploitation :P

Soccer/basketball, I asked the exact same questions, and I think it's
a question of fragility... *A LOT* of force is generated kicking and
bouncing these balls. Any electronics with moving parts (which is what
typical commercial personal human kinetic energy harvesters use today)
I think will break if you stick them in these balls.

Another problem is the mechanism for storing the electricity and then
getting it out afterwards. Like if you put a depressed plug like where
you pump in air. Has to be extremely robust though. IMHO it can be
done though, but it sounds very expensive.

The playground merry go-round etc -> that seems the easiest route, and
funding for experimentation on building things like these can probably
be sourced from the entities/groups/donors in charge of parks and
playgrounds who're interested in that stuff for their kids. Prototypes
can start as "art installations" and from there build efficiency and
experimentation on how to make this kind of energy-harvesting activity
fun for children and not be work and for them to do it over and over
again? Most obvious is like maybe putting blinky lights and things and
gameifying it somehow. The good thing with this approach is that
whatever is developed + lessons in "the first world" with parks,
playgrounds & schools as laboratories and can be brought to more
remote areas after. The problem with going direct with these to the
remote areas is that you need to be already based there and have
access to all the materials & funding needed to R&D these to
optimization. If you are already based in these areas however and
access to materials... stuff like this can be built garage style :)

An extension of this project is harvesting energy from vanity
institutions like gyms or any teen-adult activity like sports. Gyms
and "excess exercise" can actually worse for the environment than
driving cars sometimes. Sounds counter-intuitive, but this is the
Math: what is the cost of growing, raising transport, carbon
emissions, farm runoff waste (factory farming & fertilizers cause a
lot of environmental pollution), etc of the food you consumed and are
now just burning into heat and sweat? It's why biking to work can
actually be worse than using cars like say if you carpool passengers.

Anyway, that way, all that "vanity" energy waste can be harvested a
little, maybe. Attaching them to gym equipment would probably be
easier to implement and be less damageable than with the dance/bag
hiking accessory harvesters (dunnow if those can withstand high impact

Big question: obviously there's a lot of this excess energy among the
more affluent, and for less fortunate demographics for whom wasting
food & energy in such activities may not be affordable... if
environmental-minded "affluent" urban citizens who can afford to
engage in activities like fun runs and then actually harvest energy
and store them in such devices, how do you then transport this
harvested excess energy to the people who actually need them? :-/
That's the other problem of this kinetic harvesting question &
commercial products... they're pretty niche to people who have the
excess resources to go engage in energy-expensive activities, and as
such aren't very affordable to the people who need them the most in
remote areas...

And yes, this is one of the biggest importances of the XO 1.75 going
ARM and improving "normal" Linux (meaning not Android) ARM support ->
low power consumption which is what's needed for sustainable remote
ICT4D, and for the mere fact that the world is facing a fuel/energy

rock on


carlos nazareno
Devel mailing list

re: OLPC 11.2.0

2011-07-25 Thread Carlos Nazareno
I'd just like to say congratulations to the team - the newly
re-activated resistive stylus mode makes making accurate drawing much

Fantastic job!

carlos nazareno
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

Re: Sugar Commander

2011-07-25 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> I have not found it to be so. I find that the Journal's search capability
> is frequently more useful than a hierarchical view of my files. When I
> want to look at the file system directly, apart from trying to teach it to
> students, I prefer the Midnight Commander.

Journal model completely breaks down once more when you have multiple
files with the exact same same filenames placed in different
directories :-/

Not an uncommon situation if the USB Stick/SD Card is in frequent use
with more traditional systems and used to pass multiple files around.

What if you also don't know the exact filename you're looking for?
What if a friend hands you a USB stick containing hundreds of books
arranged in different folders named by subject/topic? There is a
serious information overload problem with the Journal, more on that

> You can archive a group of files for transfer under a name that will
> appear at the top of the list, or one easy to remember and search for.

This doesn't work. I want to transfer PDF ebooks to XOOS-Sugar. How do
I unzip them and get Sugar to recognize and index them in the journal
once they're in the local filesystem?

> a major reason why kids can't read or edit the source
> code of the OLPC -- because it isn't visible in a journal, and if it
> was in there, it would be painful or impossible to find or organize.

How can we expect kids to open sourcecode and tinker with them (we
have a dedicated key for that on the XO, right?) if we don't want them
to think in terms of traditional files and directories, a concept
that's not hard to grasp?

Another problem is the accumulation of junk journal entries when the
XO is in heavy use. There was mention a while back on working on the
Journal's ability to automatically forget "unimportant" entries, but
honestly, I don't think it's a currently implementable goal because
the definition of "important" is fuzzy -> something the algorithm may
arbitrarily decide should be forgotten might be important to the user.

It's all about information overload, and that's the thing that
heirarchical directories solve: it allows the user to browse and
organize files in easily categorized presentations.

How about adding the following alternate view to the Journal also?
1) The ability to view entries by activity -> extremely useful for
obvious reasons when the journal gets cluttered with too many entries
and the user
But then, wouldn't that make the journal look more like using
traditional files? How about just putting an additional tab view in
the journal to allow users to view removable media as a traditional
file system?

Again, one shouldn't have to go into the command line and/or use
Midnight Commander to perform highly used everyday tasks like
transferring files -- it destroys the Sugar model and breaks basic
usability/UX principles. I reiterate, those two are hacks and not real
solutions - akin to opening the house/building utility fusebox & using
the circuit breakers instead of using the light switches in the room
to turn lights on/off. You can do it that way, but you *shouldn't*.


carlos nazareno
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

Re: Sugar Commander

2011-07-22 Thread Carlos Nazareno
>You can see the contents of thumb
> drives and SD cards as a hierarchical file system instead of as imitating
> the Journal.  You can copy files into the Journal from anywhere on the file
> system.  It is my idea of what the Journal should be like.  You can check it
> out here:

*thank god*

I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruffle any feathers, but the flat journal
is a really broken model when you stick in a USB stick with 2000+
files in heirarchical directories and you want to copy files to XO's
journal (like ebook pdfs).

It just becomes plain unusable.

It's fine when you have a few files on your USB stick, but if it's a
USB stick that's in common use with hundreds of files and you just
want to sneakernet a few files to XOOS-Sugar from one machine to the
XO, it's a real pain (so much so that I just backed up the contents of
my USB stick, deleted everything except the files I wanted to transfer
to XO-Sugar, then did the transer).

Telling people to just use the command line or midnight commander is
not a solution, it's a hack because you're breaking out of the sugar
model/system. The better solution would be something like the above,
an alternate file browser that's a native sugar app.


carlos nazareno
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

re: kids + heirarchical directories

2011-05-22 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Preschoolers, I said. Where would you have preliterate preschoolers start?

Sorry, didn't catch that part :) Preschoolers are a bit more difficult
 to teach with this manner :) Sorry, I might be talking about
something else, just mostly the concept of [heirarchical files,
directories and links], not how the system actually writes to storage
+ binary data.

Well, anyway, here's one way to work with it...

Before the "mac/windows" GUI paradigm came along, all of us were
working with the command line (and still are).

Here's the interesting thing: command lines share a very high
similarity with text adventures like the games made by infocom (Zork,
etc), so this might be one effective way to get kids to start thinking
 of the filesystems:

Describe directories as virtual rooms where kids can navigate around,
and files as the contents of the "rooms". Kids have a natural tendency
 to explore, and this might be a more natural way to describe the

You can then describe the filesystem heirarchy as a house or building
with different floors and entrances/exits to different rooms. When the
filesystem is mapped to a GUI like Gnome/KDE/Mac/Windows, you can then
show them how to navigate around the "rooms" (directories) and look at
the objects inside the rooms.

It will be a little like "Myst" adventure games where you navigate
from room to room with buttons, except the kids need to use their
imagination more.

If you can get kids to visualize this in their minds, it could be a
good way to get it to stick.

When you get to first to third graders, it becomes a little simpler.

Another (horror?) story (sorry about the one with 6 year old
streetkids playing violent video games), my neighbor's kid and her
friends are on facebook (mostly playing facebook games) and they're
thereabouts in that third-grader age demographic.

If these kids can navigate websites, then they can navigate filesystems.

> What is the reinforcement for third-graders to learn a file system when
> XOs provide the Journal?

Well, the journal's not a very good place to learn filesystems. The
dual boot to Gnome is though.

> Who in
> the preschool to third grade age group wants to know badly enough, and
> why?

Preschool would be a bit difficult, but age 7+ will do. When they
start creating files, they can be taught how to make folders so that
they can organize their files. The journal can get pretty messy when
you reach logs in the hundreds.

> A single folder is simple. The entire Windows or Linux file system is
> insanely complex. For one thing, essential system files have different
> names and locations in every version of Windows, and in many Linux
> distros, and sometimes in successive versions of the same distro.
> Here is a simple exercise for you. You are to imagine that you are helping
> an amazing third-grader understand how the filesystem relates to Sugar
> activity development, packaging, QA, and deployment, since it is all so
> simple to you.

Well, this is a different story altogether. Tinkering with the engine
"under the hood" + Sugar dev is a little bit scarier and might be
beyond the average third-grader. Even some would adults have
difficulty with this. :)

For simple stuff like creating notes with a text editors & making
drawings with image-editing apps, they should be good with that.
(teach them directories to make their workspace tidy from all the

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

Re: Filesystems for kids

2011-05-20 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> I don't know where you get the idea that files, hierarchical file systems,
> and text editors are simple concepts. I would be willing to discuss
> introducing the Linux file system in middle school, but our issue is
> programming for third-graders, or even earlier. Preschoolers can grasp the
> ideas behind turtle art by acting the part of the turtle. Where would you
> have them begin?

Filesystems are not very hard to grasp. Do not underestimate first to

I think I've mentioned this before, but here in the Philippines we
have streetkids pooling money to take turns playing games in low-cost
internet cafes, (rates of about $0.40 an hour or so) and I have
personally seen 5-7 year old steetkids playing the 3D first-person
shooter game Counter-Strike and the real-time strategy game Command
and Conquer 3, things which are much much complex than simple windows

Third-graders are what, 8-year olds?

Filesystems should be no problem for them at all. It's very simple to
explain: just show them to concept of books/notebooks or folders in a
shelf or bag.

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

China devices, XO-3

2011-04-16 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys. As I was walking in one of the less upscale malls over here
in Manila and passed the hawkers & vendors selling cheap cellphones &
gadgets from China, what caught my eye was that they were now selling
small netbooks, the domain of computer stores.

I checked 'em out because one of them was running what appeared to be
completely Win98. Wasn't able to tinker with it much, but it according
to the vendor it was running WinCE (haven't touched one of those
devices actually since the early 2000's) so it was very surprising to
me. Is that what WinCE looks like now?

Not sure what speed it was running, but I could launch the command
prompt & it had the proper PC windows directory structure & stuff. It
had 128MB RAM according to the stall owner and could support up to a
16GB SDCard. Not really enough to surf the bloated AJAX-laden internet
we have today, but good for typing documents and you can stick in .Txt
or .RTF ebooks and other stuff that could be run on a circa '96-98 PC.

At $90 it was very interesting. This was what I was talking about when
I said OLPC will be battling it out with cheap devices from China, so
OLPCs needs to step up the game, especially with applications.

Here's another thing that caught my eye: beside it was an Android
tablet ($80) that was turned into a netbook in a way similar to the
OLPC by having an external keyboard attached.

You know how most people now carry their iPads or Samsung Galaxy tabs
in leather cases? That was the clever part with this Android
"netbook": It was packaged in a leather case which you could stand at
an angle and on the opposite side of the case was a USB keyboard that
was attached to one of the Android tablet's USB ports with a thin
unobtrosive cable.

Pretty clever :)

Anyway, that's something that could possibly done with the XO-3 in the
future... because typing on tablets still currently suck and can't
beat keyboard speed :P

(touchscreen really does change the game so can't wait for the XO-3!)

Anyway, these devices don't have all the features that the XOs do, but
they've done it: the sub-$100 laptop.

Congratulations OLPC. You got the ball rolling and finally the world has it.

It can be done, it has been done. Success! :)

With some time + economies of scale, I believe OLPC in Peru can do it too.

To more innovation. Rock on!


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

Re: XO-1.75 -> Flash, Java?

2011-04-14 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Carlos -- please make sure you chase Adobe on this topic. And Skype.
> m

Will re-initiate talks w/ Adobe folks.

Btw, congrats on the recent developments in South America guys! Really
cool stuff! :)


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

XO-1.75 -> Flash, Java?

2011-04-13 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Will Flash Flash Player & Java SE (not JavaME) run on the XO-1.75, it
being non-x86?

For Android, Flash Player requires an ARMv7 (Cortex) + to run.

Flash Player 9 was running on the N900 which ran Maemo.

Video calls & streaming over internet is now one of the most important
uses for developing countries and for children to talk to family
members like parents who work overseas like here in the Philippines.
Aside from Skype, Flash facilitates this for streaming.

AFAIK Youtube will also be rolling out more livestreaming soon and
will probably do full streaming for anyone a la Ustream in the future.

By the way, one of the routes I pass is a depressed area/squatters
area and there are at least 6 internet cafes along the 1.5km stretch
of road I pass.


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

XO-1 hangs upon yum update in Gnome

2011-04-03 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys.

Running 10.1.3 on an XO-1.

When I do a:

> su -
> yum update

The machine will download the info + list of files to be update, asks
if I want to continue, then when I say yes, at around the 3rd (out of
23 updates), the machine will go sluggish and more or less hang/be
unusable and I have to do a hard power-off.

Any tips?



carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

animated doodle infographic: changing education paradigms

2011-03-08 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys!

Please check this video on a neat talk given by Sir Ken Robinson at
RSA, illustrated by progressive animated doodling with a sharpie on a

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

Re: Flash

2011-02-03 Thread Carlos Nazareno
>> I successfully installed the latest version of Flash on an XO-1.5 running
>> 10.1.3 (860). fI followed the instructions on this page:
>> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Adobe_Flash

Hi guys. Sorry for the long hiatus.

I had some very personal issues I had to attend to, and I haven't been
able to update the wiki.

Anyway, i'd like to open source this game I did some time ago and give
OLPC and its affiliates the rights to just use it. Not GPL, more of
creative commons.


It runs on the XO-1, but slow since it's unoptimized (will need to
change all vector art to Bitmap in order to speed things up, tested on
Latest XO-1 OS inside Opera Browser in Gnome).

It's going to be better as an AIR app though, as it can be installed
locally on everyone's XO, and will probably have better performance
than in a browser (not sure about how this will work out with Sugar

I'm really swamped at work right now, but I'd like to clean up the
source files a little bit (strip out the ad engine, replace assets
with bitmaps, etc) before I release the source files because it's a
bit of an embarassing hack job as it currently is. It'll take around 3
months to do this because of my schedule.

The dictionary used inside can be swapped out for a different one,
just not sure how it'll work out with european characters as I only
built it for the US alphabet.

In the meantime, maybe someone would like to come up with re-skinning
concepts to rename and re-brand it as an OLPC game? I can just stick
those inside the game once I get cracking on it again.

The nice thing is that it would run on any platform that supports the
latest Flash. Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to, it will not run
on Gnash because it's in AS3. Every bit of speed counts when you've
got lower-spec machines, and AVM2 can be up to 100x or so faster than
AVM1. Also, XML is hell to parse in AS2. AS3 makes it a joy to work

Would really appreciate it too if someone could post instructions on
how to install AIR on the latest versions of the OS as I haven't had
much luck.

As I said, I'm not much of a Linux person, and it's a little hard
absorbing everything because of time constraints. Learning gets a
little harder as you get older, and sometimes, the brain can't absorb
information as easily as little kids can anymore.



carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

re: harvesting energy

2011-02-01 Thread Carlos Nazareno
If we're talking about kids powering their own devices, I think the
way to go is to turn "work" into play. The merry go round/hard bar
swing would fit in this category.

So basically, let's look at activities where energy exerted is ambient
anyway? What I mean is that the energy is being used up by the kids
anyway, so why not tap into those. An example is to give them some
variant of those "dance straps" meant to power cellphones before they
go off to run and play during recess and lunch break.

One way to tap into this would be to create new playground
installation toys which can be used for harvesting energy.

Q: how much abuse can a kinetic energy harvester withstand? A soccer
of basketball has a lot of kinetic and impact energy bouncing around.
I'd imagine that's too much abuse though, and whatever harvesting
mechanism would break from the forces.

Would piezo work there?

I think I remember a concept where a dance floor would have piezo
harvesters and when people dance on the tiles, they light up?

Another problem is battery... how efficient and how much can a battery
really store from these small bursts of energy?

Sorry guys, I can't do math anymore since I got traumatized in
college, so would appreciate it if these were translated into
equation-less layman's terms.

(btw, really appreciate the PDF human-powered energy harvesting! It
was a really nice surprise that some of the solutions I'd been
thinking off for years were in there :) )


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

Re: foot power

2011-01-26 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hey guys.

I haven't taken that much look into foot pedal chargers and do know
what their internals look like -- I just remembered coming across the
link I posted so I shared The efficient way to do a foot pedal powered
generator would probably be to have a small weighted wheel spin as a
dynamo when you step on it?

You just keep pumping on the pedal to keep the wheel spinning and it
shouldn't take much effort, the wheel's momentum should keep power

I have a small LED camping flashlight that does the same thing.
There's a push grip on the side, and then when you squeeze it, it
makes a wheel inside spin to generate power and it's pretty easy to

Yep, raising your thigh with your toes down and stepping down with
your heel is so much easier than pumping with the foot muscles.

It doesn't take much effort and a number of people I know do it when
they're excitedly thinking or discussing stuff when brainstorming
while sitting down -> push leg up with ball of foot, step down with

Well, how about this ridiculous idea?

Hanging out in friends having fun thinking of hypothetical situations,
one subject that came up was "What if... we strap kinetic energy
harvesting generators to kids when recess starts, then just letting
them loose in the playground and put all energy to good use? ->
kinetic harvesters connected to small batteries to be charged, to be
collected after playtime" :)

(I don't know what the internals of that thing look like)

Anyway, basically, kids have so much energy and just it up when they
run around having fun. Why not tap that as a power source?

Q: how much power would something like that be able to harvest if you
strap a few of them to someone playing basketball for 2 hours?

Ideal placement would be angle and wrists as those will have the most
motion. One of the bigger problems of that set up I think is that the
forearms and feet generate so much force when rapidly changing
directions that the device would break. (one I'm thinking of is
something like one of my other camping flashlights -> has a magnet in
the middle, generates power when you shake it & the magnet moves up
and down the tube).


carlos nazareno
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phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Re: Version numbers for XO-1/XO-1.5 vs XO-1.75 releases

2011-01-19 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Subject:
> OTOH, we could drop the "year/major" token and replace it with a
> Fedora token, leading to "F14.1" (or perhaps F14.1.1) which I think is
> a better name. Tracks what we actually do.

This sounds the like least confusing option IMHO. People new to the
OLPC software ecosystem will have a better time understanding the OS
version if it's like this and help standard linux users "at a glance"
on the name.

Downloading different packages built for different base OS (Fedora,
Ubuntu) versions has been a problem for me.

carlos nazareno
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phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

Re: foot pedal power

2011-01-19 Thread Carlos Nazareno
>> Hey Wad, re: human power, there's at least one company that makes the
>> mobile foot pedal charger already, and is marketing it to laptop and
>> cellphone users.

On 1/19/11, Martin Langhoff  wrote:
> Do you have a google? Apply to wiki.laptop.org for best results :-)
> m

Here's one that's less bulky than the Freeplay Weza that's already on the wiki.


I can add it to the wiki, but where should I add it?

Here ?

Should it have its own page like the Weza?

Would it be better to make a new page cataloguing known foot pedal
solutions out there?



carlos nazareno
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phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Re: request: Release/build naming consistency

2011-01-19 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Long filenames are patented ???


o_o what the...






Flawed though...

Well, one can always increment using the alphabet instead of just
numerals for point releases...

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

request: Release/build naming consistency

2011-01-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys.

Is it possible to "unify" the release names? It becomes extremely
confusing for wiki navigators, wiki editors trying to document pages,
people looking to update their software, or people just plain looking
for information.

For example, can build 860 just be renamed to 10.1.3 ?

Or the filename become:

os10_1_3.img.fs.zip ?

What is the reason behind the disparaity of release/build names?
What's the naming convention?

This is a really big source of confusion for users, and it would be
much better to just unify release/build names (maybe tack on an extra
decimal point for WIP builds)



carlos nazareno
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phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Re: advantage of full linux over android for OLPC

2011-01-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> They are dev machines. There are people using them for exactly that.
> They also support the full java stack although its probably somewhat
> slow on the XO-1.
> Peter

Yeah, I was using Processing on the XO 1.

It worked fine under Sugar, you just had to launch it via command line
and it was a little tricky with the windows.

Kudos on the switch and getting stuff to run on ARM. Low power = big big deal!

(btw, is the battery tech still the same between the XO-1, 1.5 and 1.75)?

Anyway, the next someone asks about "why not android?" the simple
answer is that we want users to be able to be fully able to generate
content for a wider variety of platforms (Python, C, C++, Java, etc),
and full linux has tons of tools at users' disposal :)


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

advantage of full linux over android for OLPC

2011-01-17 Thread Carlos Nazareno
While browsing the new slashdot coverage on OLPC, there was a very
good point made regarding Android vs. full Linux:

There's no JRE/JDK running on Android, so that's a plus for not
switching to Android, given that so many cool stuff is being
taught/done in Java. (i.e. http://processing.org )

It also locks out university students/scholars (who are in need of
low-cost affordable laptops for education too) and budding students
who want to learn computer science.

XO machines should also be capable of being dev machines that are
capable of building apps for the XO (both for students and adult
content creators (teachers, volunteers)), instead of just "consumer"
machines like the iPad & Android devices. (developing apps for
different platforms using Android devices still seems some ways off)

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

OLPC XO 1.75 on Slashdot again

2011-01-17 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Coverage on Slashdot again!


Hey Wad, re: human power, there's at least one company that makes the
mobile foot pedal charger already, and is marketing it to laptop and
cellphone users.

It looks pretty efficient compared to the yoyo-dual strings (using 2
arms so one can charge during both clockwise and counterclockwise) and
already natural to people since sewing machines have used foot pedal
power for over 100(?) years now?

carlos nazareno
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Re: XO-1.75 A2 information

2011-01-09 Thread Carlos Nazareno

Sweet! :)

Really neat for experiments and alternate app interfaces/controls

> XO-1.75 A2 bringup is currently ongoing and going well.
> I just added some documentation to http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XO_1.75_A2
> including an annotated photo of the A2 motherboard.
> Cheers,
> wad

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

OLPC on Slashdot again

2011-01-08 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Congrats guys!

Kudos on the work on switching to ARM.

Comments are a little more sane and less FUD-y now on Slashdot:


This would be a good time for people here to hop on and comment on the
Slashdot thread to help educate/evangelize to the geek world more on
what OLPC's been doing (and stop FUD from resurfacing again).

FUD has really generated a lot of badwill for OLPC, this'd be a good
opportunity to help rectify that.

Have a great weekend!


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

Free MeeGo IdeaPad S10-3t for developers as Intel get open-source serious

2010-11-15 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hey guys. Looks like Lenovo's making a major push for developers too a
la contributors' program in that they're giving away units to
developers (at the conference)

Free MeeGo IdeaPad S10-3t for developers as Intel get open-source serious

The Lenovo IdeaPad is particularly interesting because it has almost
the exact same form factor as the XO with the rotating foldable screen
that makes it go into tablet mode, except that it has a touchscreen.

Again, IMHO (and usability-wise) it would be better to ship the 1.75
with a touchscreen as the XO is awkward to use in tablet mode without
it (when using the Read activity, I keep having to go back to lifting
the screen and using the touchpad to click around the menus)

Looks like a number of manufacturers are now doing unit giveaways to
attract developer mindshare: attendees at Adobe Max 2010 each got a
free Motorola Droid 2, RIM announced free Blackberry Playbook tablets
for developers of accepted AIR apps at the Blackberry app store, and
then now Lenovo giving away MeeGo IdeaPads to conference attendees.

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

Re: XO-1.75 progress, touchscreen, developers, audience

2010-11-11 Thread Carlos Nazareno
>> IMHO the next XO would be irrelevant to the public without it
>> as it would offer no significant change outside the hood from the 1.5.
> No, but an XO-1.75 that uses half the power and therefore provides twice the
> battery life is an XO that is now available to many children who don't have
> the electrons to use XO-1.5 machines, or for whom a 4-hour battery life is
> inadequate but an 8-hour battery life would be quite useful.
>   - Ed

Well, that is very big :)
The battery life of the Kindle, iPad & other tablets are incredible.

Here's the thing though:

The XO is now competing with the existing and growing slew of Android
Tablets from China that cost $100 and under.

Here's just one for example:

Add to that the growing legion of Android developers - as I said
before, OLPC needs to attract more 3rd party developers as it's still
lacking apps.

IMHO, something tablets cannot compete with that XO can do is the
reconfigurable dual keyboard-touchscreen setup. Touchscreens are
complete gamechangers, but for typing papers (and coding! I hope
underprivileged kids grow up and start playing with code early!) - I
think virtual keyboards are up to par yet.

Although adding touch would significantly add to the cost, it will
help developers get more used to and familiar the multi-touch
paradigm. This way also, devs will be having huge familiarity with it
once the XO-3 rolls out.

Well, OLPC is still setting trends :) RIM/Blackberry is already
starting to do a "contributors' program": at Adobe Max 2010
(http://max.adobe.com), Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis announced that
developers who get their Adobe AIR apps approved for the Blackberry
App store would be eligible for free Blackberry Playbook tablets.

Apps, apps apps! For Children, OLPC is competing with other platforms
that have a growing library of kid-friendly apps.

With regards to 3rd party developers, perhaps a wide press release
making the contributors' program more visible might help? OLPC really,
really needs more evangelism as sad to say, it has lost a lot of
mindshare over the past few years due to FUD, and it really needs to
be more competitive.

Another thing I find sad is people raving on the different screen
technologies like with Kindle & its "incredible sunlight readability"
when Pixel Qi much, much superior.

OLPC needs to win more hearts and minds. I really don't think OLPC can
win the price war anymore, so I think the focus should be building on
and carrying on with its core strength of producing a superior
innovative platform. Another big thing is the hackability,
customizability & ownability that corporate outfits like Apple will
not let you do with their locked-down devices.

Another food for thought:
Whenever I bring the XO-1 with me and friends who have kids see it,
first reaction is:
"I want one for my kid. Where can I get one?"

Sad part is that currently, the answer is "You can't."

I know that the G1G1 program had many problems, but the Philippines is
so near to China & Taiwan that customs + taxes aside, it would be
ridiculously easy logistics-wise to ship units here compared to the
U.S. and Europe. G1G1 would not be feasible here though, because it's
really too expensive for people who can pay here.

Would it be possible to do a small "available to consumers" Buy 1 Get
1 (B1G1) pilot here for a "cost + some margins to help support OLPC"
program? A big help to evangelize OLPC would be to actually get people
to experience it and own it.

Another thing that's completely wrong:
Reverse-gadget envy - that underprivileged kids & public schools can
get something for free that taxpayers pay for when governments shell
out for XO units, and yet tax-paying citizens cannot get their hands
on them and provide them to their own kids. I think it's also sad and
wrong for OLPC to just surrender a big audience demographic to other
netbook makers as some people here in the list have suggested because
the XOs still pack features that are unavailable with other platforms.

These can be remedied, right?

I love OLPC and the platform it provides. I want it to succeed and
keep leading the revolution. I hope I didn't offend anyone, but this
is insight coming from a member of a third world country where poverty
is a big big problem and ordinary citizens struggle to make ends meet.

Congrats again with the progress! Rock on!


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

Re: XO-1.75 progress

2010-11-11 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Yes, the touchscreen is very important and is a complete gamechanger.

The natural reaction for everyone is to try to use the screen as a
touchscreen, especially children nowadays.

Painting activites like colors are more natural and it becomes easier
to use point-and click games/activities that don't use the keyboard
with a touchscreen.

Touchscreens are just so... natural, ergonomic and, usable.

Here's another big, big, big thing with regards to schoolwork:

With a touchscreen, you can draw diagrams & doodles when taking notes
which are essential in school + the creative process and are why
laptops as they were cannot replace notebooks.

It's a big shame the stylus for the XO-1 was never built and
functioned. That would have solved it.

Also, everyone here has to remember that despite the world going
digital, penmanship is still a skill young children need to master,
especially for every different culture - moreso chinese with its
complex writing system. Writing is just too awkward with the touchpad.
Did I mention drawing & coloring is an important skill for young
children? (I want to build a coloring book app - I can easily do it in

If the stylus will still not be made to run on the XO-1.75, a
touchscreen is a *must*-have. It's just broken without it and will
make the machine a bit less relevant.

IMHO it's better to delay the release of the 1.75 and force putting in
a touchscreen. With the onslaught of cheap Android tablets coming from
China, IMHO the next XO would be irrelevant to the public without it
as it would offer no significant change outside the hood from the 1.5.

There's just so many creative things app-wise one can do with multitouch :-/

That being said, congrats on the progress!


> Back in July there were plans to have a touchscreen in the XO-1.75:
>   "the XO-1.75 will have a touchscreen, as will future OLPC tablets based 
> on
> its design"
>   http://lists.sugarlabs.org/archive/sugar-devel/2010-July/025376.html
> So this has been tabled?
> - Bert -

carlos nazareno
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phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Learning by Playing

2010-09-16 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys. Interesting paradigm-changing case studies of video game use
in elementary classrooms + curricula & how today's tech-savvy children
are different. (NY Times free registration required)

Learning by Playing: Video Games Win a Beachhead in the Classroom

I don't agree with some of the things in the article (horrific stuff
such as doing away with handwriting and spelling), but there there are
many interesting tidbits in there such as “failure-based learning”:

"children who persist in playing a game are demonstrating a valuable
educational ideal. “They play for five minutes and they lose,” he
says. “They play for 10 minutes and they lose. They’ll go back and do
it a hundred times. They’ll fail until they win.” He adds: “Failure in
an academic environment is depressing. Failure in a video game is
pleasant. It’s completely aspirational.”

On the subject of handwriting, I think the rise of tablets &
touchscreens may bring a new revival of penmanship (at least with
block print). The increasing non-standardization of keyboards due to
the plethora of computer & device form factors is actually destroying
touch-typing & making it obsolete. (IMHO, mobile is the future of

Don't you guys find the system of emphasizing fast typing on a layout
purposely made to slow down typing absurd? (QWERTY).

The wonderful thing a virtual keyboard provides is the ability to
re-map/reskin keyboards. I wonder how fast kids would be able to type
if it became ABCD instead of QWERTY? (I miss the Texas Instrument
Speak & Spell) -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speak_%26_Spell_(toy)

Oddly enough, I text faster on a traditional cellphone keypad (which
is technically ABCD) than on a Blackberry-style qwerty phone keypad
due to muscle memory & layout confusion.

Anyway, I've come across astounding "kids + computers" stuff over here myself.

While walking around the talipapa market in a visit to Boracay island
here in the Philippines last month, I saw a tiny 6-year old local
playing Counter-Strike deathmatch (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-strike ) and holding his own
against his older friends (ranging from 8-11 year olds) in a small
internet cafe. I'll upload the video to youtube once I find my phone
data cable.

A couple of years ago, I also saw three 8-year old street kids pool
together money to play Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_%26_Conquer:_Red_Alert_3 ) taking
turns hot-seat style at a cheap internet cafe

Cue gasps of horror aside on videogame violence, I mean wow. At 8
years old, I could barely grasp running and jumping at the same time
with Super Mario Brothers.

Just goes to show how flexible kids are on computers and how they can
easily get around supposedly "complex" interfaces.

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

OLPC XO-2 -> Acer dual touchscreen

2010-09-13 Thread Carlos Nazareno
And here we go:


Wonder what kind of support Win7 is using for this, as in how to
customize the keyboard & pop up interface widgets there.

The best part of dual touchscreens is the new kinds of interface
changes and toys you can make...

carlos nazareno
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phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

Re: multitouch

2010-06-08 Thread Carlos Nazareno
a) Ratio - 4:3 -> is it possible to use a more normal/accepted
resolution that actual monitors use so that in the future, if
emulation works well on PCs, developers w/o XO machines can design
their apps/GUI better?

Like say 1280x960 or 1280x800 (WXGA) instead of 1200x900? That's not
so big a difference except that 1280x960 or 1280x800 are resolutions
that common monitors can actually use.

b) Capacitance vs. pressure
IMHO, touch with any kind of object w/ pressure rather than
capacitance which requires a human finger or a frozen sausage as
stylus ( http://www.tuaw.com/2010/02/12/frozen-sausage-as-iphone-stylus/
) is better.

One of *the* killer apps for touchscreen is drawing, and using a
stylus for precision is more natural for proper drawing than using
fingers a la finger painting. The thing is, if you use your fingers,
you won't be seeing the actual X-Y pixel you're drawing on becaue your
finger is covering it, and there's the problem of which X_Y pixel is
being detected by the OS since a finger is so wide.

Seriously, drawing on a touchscreen rocks.

I use the Colors activity of the XO http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Colors!
on my Nintendo DS http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Colors!
and drawing with the stylus on a touchscreen is an absolute joy.

Wacom sells their Cintiq touchscreen drawing panels for about $1000 and up.

You bring that ability to draw the XO with the proper app, and
interest will skyrocket!
(I can write one in AIR. It'll be slower than native code, but ought to work)



carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
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Devel mailing list

Re: multi-touch

2010-06-08 Thread Carlos Nazareno
can't wait for this enough to happen.

Is it possible for this to arrive in the XO 1.75? Hope it's done a la
Notion Ink Adam w/ a Pixel Qi multitouch screen :)

Tablet mode on the XO just screamed for a touch interface. First
instinct when using it is to try to see if touchscreen worked :) it
gets a little awkward when you have to use the mouse in tablet mode

Anyway, that being said, F12 has multi-touch right? How many points
does it support?

If possible, go for a minimum of 5 touch points capability, which is
what Apple has I think.

I can't wait to play with multi-touch w/Flash 10.1 -- I want to make a
musical instrument/toy using multi-touch + Flash/AIR. FAQ on Flash
multi-touch: http://theflashblog.com/?p=1678 It supports any number of
touch points limited only by what the system allows.

Does anyone know how many inputs Android can recognize if that's where
XO-3 is going? (and possibly XO-1.75 if it's going to be an ARM

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Flash,Gnash,AIR: which builds to test against?

2010-06-06 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys!

There's a number of different builds up on the OLPC pages right now:

* OLPC 802 (Sugar 0.84)
* OLPC F11 - OS11
* Paraguay  F11 + Sugar 0.88
* Sugar Labs F11 OS11-OS15

For the purposes of keeping the Flash Platform wikis updated, which
are the snapshots I should use for long-term testing of Flash, Gnash &

Should I still test against 802 or should I just test against the
Paraguay build?
I have 2 XO-1s I can do testing on, with a third one is on loan to a
Phlashers teammate who's also doing some testing.

We're going to install Adobe Flash on 2 of the Machines and Gnash on
the 3rd machine.

Which OS builds should we install on the 3 machines given the above
I'm thinking 802 + Adobe Flash, F11 Paraguay + Adobe Flash, F11
Paraguay + Gnash. Are these the optimal configuations we can test
against for the purposes of reporting back results on the wikis given
3 XO-1 machines? We'll be using latest stable builds of Flash, Gnash &



carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

Re: XO-1 build + Gnash update

2010-06-06 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Well, in Paraguay, I understand that it is an official build, as large
> deployments can sign their own builds.

Hi Walter! Thanks again, but I was thinking of global official builds
rather than localized builds like with Paraguay (even though from the
looks of things, it's the most advanced build right now?)

> I don't know the exact time
> frame for OLPC's official release of their F11 builds for the XO 1.0
> and XO 1.5, but I suspect it is going to happen soon. cjb will know.

Q: Does this mean that the Sugar-only builds are going to be
deprecated in favor of the F11 builds? (which seem to still have
issues and so do not qualify as "Stable builds" yet)

Back to the topic:

For those in charge of the official stable build:

Is it possible to just release a new official version of 802 with one
simple change -- just package the latest stable version of Gnash with
it? (I think Rob Savoye has such a build and has it working well).

This should help solve some of the Flash issues and should warrant a
little less complaints.


Devel mailing list

Re: Adobe AIR troubles

2010-06-05 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> We actually got in touch with some of the Flash people at
> Adobe and they're interesting in looking into things.

bah, typo! *interested* in looking into things
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AIR + Flash/AIR issues wikis

2010-06-05 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys. Just created the wiki page for Adobe AIR and will populate it
with data.

For those of you who've successfully installed AIR, can you email me
in private with the steps you went through (and on which OS/image) so
I can put it on the Wiki?

Also, there was a discussion before here on the list about how the AIR
installer was placing the files in the wrong directories during
installation. For those guys in the know, can you PM me so I can place
details on the AIR Issues page?

Next, I'll update the Flash issues wiki page
[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Adobe_Flash_Issues] with data from the bug
tracker over the next few days.

There's probably more Flash bugs listed at the bug tracker, but using
just "Flash" as a keyword search turns up too many other unrelated
pages (like Flash as in memory storage).

Hope to make the Flash & AIR issue wikis more presentable by next week
so that the Adobe folks can start looking into them. (they'll probably
also need access to XO machines)


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

Re: create new XO-1 build with Gnash update?

2010-06-05 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Thanks Walter, Mikus!

Sorry I need to clarify.

What I meant was create a new *official "stable build"* for the XO-1
with a newer version of Gnash pre-installed. One that does not need a
developer key.

I installed the Paraguay build about a month ago but there were still some bugs.
http://people.sugarlabs.org/~smparrish/ -> That's the one, right?

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
poverty is violence
Devel mailing list

create new XO-1 build with Gnash update?

2010-06-05 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys!

Last update for the XO-1 was build 802 from over a year ago.

Is it possible to release a new official build with the latest version
of Gnash included?

>From what I gather from Rob Savoye of Gnash, he has a build of the XO
OS with most of the Gnash issues worked out because it's simply using
a newer Gnash build.

There's a bit of frustration coming from the Gnash team because a lot
of issues with Gnash stem from the latest XO OS build having a very
old version.



carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
"poverty is violence"
Devel mailing list

Re: Adobe AIR troubles

2010-06-05 Thread Carlos Nazareno
>Hi guys,
>I'm developing flash applications on OLPC using adobe air. We have some
>troubles with our flash application when we are playing sounds : randomly,
>the sound channel is down, and we need to restart application to have sounds
>again. We have noticed that it's happen after the standby of the laptop...
>Any idea on how to solve this problem?

Hey Thomas.

We actually got in touch with some of the Flash people at Adobe and
they're interesting in looking into things.

Sorry for the long hiatus guys, had some personal things to attend to.

I've created and started editing 2 wiki pages to get the ball rolling
again on Flash platform + XO issues:
*Adobe Flash Issues
*Adobe AIR Issues

Adobe peeps said they'd look into things but didn't know where to
start. Wiki's the best way to keep them updated and to organize known

Thomas, can you email me what's happening and I'll try to put it in
the Wiki? I'll PM you too on installing AIR on the XO (I haven't had
much success).

Other guys who have bugs/quirks on Adobe AIR/Flash, e-mail me too so I
can compile them and put them on the above wikis.


Devel mailing list

Google just open-sourced VP8 codec!

2010-05-20 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys! This is big!

Google just open-sourced the On2 VP8 codec and formed a consortium around it:

the beta/nightly builds of Chrome, Firefox & Opera now support it as
and HTML5 video tag codec and Flash will support it.

Great news for the Open web! HTML5 video codec impasse is broken can
finally move  forward!

I'm wondering at its CPU requirements though. Back when Macromedia was
licensing the VP6 codec from On2 , they had the option to license the
newer VP7 instead, but they went with VP6 because it was more
CPU-friendly. VP7 compressed video better at higher quality, but it
was more CPU-hungry.

Given that history, there's a possibility that high-quality VP8 video
might not run fast on the XO-1.

Q: Has anyone here tried playing high-quality/resolution H.264 on the
XO-1? What was your experience?



carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
"poverty is violence"
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

_Why: A Tale Of A Post-Modern Genius

2010-05-16 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys. Please check out this article:

_Why: A Tale Of A Post-Modern Genius

"Why the Lucky Stiff (or _Why for short) was one of the brightest and
most inspiring programmers in activity. He became famous through a
series of blogs and through the incredible amount of open-source
projects that he maintained over the course of more than seven years.

_Why’s popularity grew along with the Ruby programming language’s
popularity. When the Rails hype took off in 2005, a great number of
young developers started looking to learn about Ruby, and that’s when
most of them found Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby, a Creative Commons
book in both HTML and PDF that embodied all of its author’s
characteristics: an uneasy artistic mind with a different take on what
programming is all about."

Read the article here:

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
"poverty is violence"
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: F11 on XO-1: keyboard + mouse not responding.

2010-05-15 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hey Paul!

> there are a bunch of "F11 for XO-1" releases around these days -- can
> you be specific about what you installed?

I'm using os11.img from http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Rawhide-XO.

> to clarify your symptoms:  after the keyboard/touchpad stop working,
> the system will detect a USB keyboard and mouse when they're attached?
Yup! The system will detect the USB Keyboard + Mouse, and then
built-in keyboard + trackpad  still won't work.

> as hal suggested, be sure to disable automatic power management
> in the control panel.  unlike previous XO-1 releases, the default
> configuration is to do aggressive idle-suspend

It seems to now be working properly now that I disabled automatic power
management in Sugar. Now to test Flash, Gnash, etc on F11/XO...


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
"poverty is violence"
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

re: F11 on XO-1: keyboard + mouse not responding.

2010-05-14 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Ok. After a couple of reboots  unplugged from the power supply,
keyboard & trackpad worked  in Sugar again.

When I switched to Gnome, both stopped  working again.

Attaching an external keyboard and mouse work, but it's irritating
that the built-in ones don't.

I'd like to hear ideas before I reflash the XO & reinstall F11 so you
guys can track this bug.


carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
"poverty is violence"
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

F11 on XO-1: keyboard & trackpad stopped working

2010-05-14 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys. I just installed the official Fedora 11 you guys are working
on for the XO-1.

For some bizarre reason, the trackpad and keyboard stopped working on
both Gnome and Sugar.

Sticking a USB mouse works, and if I press ESC during boot to show the
"OK" prompt, I'm able to type fine at the boot console though.

Trackpad and keyboard work fine too when I stick in Teapot's Ubuntu
8.10 on an SD card.

Any ideas what happened? Last night after I freshly installed Fedora,
the trackpad was working (albeit flakily... doing the four-finger
corner keys salute wouldn't reset the trackpad).

carlos nazareno
core team member
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
"poverty is violence"
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Flash Lite Community for XO, Gnash, Free RIA Tools

2010-04-14 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys!

Just made an invite to the Flash Lite community to work on Flash for OLPC and am
starting to get a trickle of volunteers.

I take it back about AS2 as a dead-end technology that should be
abandoned. It's much easier to learn for newbie-coders & AJAX/DHTML
devs since it's Javascript (AS3 syntax is more or less Java), and all
the current phones that have Flash Lite still use AS2. Processing
non-coder enthusiasts should have an easy time w/ AS2.
Also, Gnash support is important and bleeding edge SWFs do not run on Gnash.

Also, forwarding from Rob Savoye of Gnash. This is very important for
Flash Dev on the XO, can you guys see about this and getting the Gnash
packages on the latest OLPC builds updated? I'm not on the Gnash dev
list since the 99% of the under-the-hood Gnash discussions are
gibberish to me, so maybe John Gilmore can liaise.

>From Rob:
> > http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Projects/Flash_Gamedev
> > (sorry, needs to be updated. haven't touched  it in a while. will try to
> > update it this weekend) -Naz

  I see one thing I should point out on this page, Gnash 0.8.3 is
ridiculously ancient, and should be avoided. Much of the problems of
Gnash on the XO are because the packages on the XO are *years* out of
date. :-( If you'd upgrade, most of the problems mentioned go away. This
has been a continual problem with the XO and Gnash functionality.
Seriously, 0.8.3 is so old, I wish it wasn't shipped at all as it just
makes for a bad experience.

  So I have an rpm repository where I build weekly packages for the XO.
Go to http://www.getgnash.org/packages/, (the XO packages are listed at
the bottom) These have fully working sound, etc... much better AVM1/swf
v9 support, better video performance, many compatibility bugs fixed,
etc... I strongly recommend using a newer Gnash, it just works so much

  Just as a note, the Gnash team loves bug reports, we just prefer
they're on a recent version... Bug reports can go here:

- rob -

Finally, I just remembered: Flex Builder (the Flex AS3 IDE, aka Flash
Builder) is free for non-profit educational use.

"We provide free copies of Adobe Flash Builder 4 Standard to:
Students, faculty and staff of eligible educational institutions"

There's a Linux beta of Flex Builder, not updated to the latest
version, but good enough for a lot of stuff I think. Haven't tried it
out since I'm not really a Flex Person, I use the Flash CS Pro IDE
mostly for my projects.

I'm asking if OLPC & the deployment teams as well as the kids are
elegible for this.

carlos nazareno
Core Team Member
Phlashers: Philippine Flash Actionscripters
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: FLASH on sugar 0.82 and XO 1.0

2010-04-13 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> exist some study for adobe FLASH on sugar 0.82 and XO 1.0 ?
> requirements? considerations to develop activities?

Hola Esteban!

Check out the Wiki entry we started here on Flash Edu-game dev for the XO:

We'll be updating the wiki soon.


carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-13 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> We're not demanding anyone is giving away anything for free. We simply
> choose to do that ourselves, and we want to enable others to do the same, so
> we make available everything someone else might need to build on our work.
> But nobody is forcing you to do as we do, so don't whine.

I'm fine with open-sourcing my own stuff and I have been.

The argument is relevant because if the kids access 3rd-party flash
games on the web, they won't have access to the sourcecode.

The VM brings the exact same situation as Apple allowing "unapproved"
apps running on the iPhone.

If we're talking about OLPC's official policy for apps that will be
distributed in official main builds, there are no arguments about open

Local deployments are free to do with their machines as they want.

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

re: open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-13 Thread Carlos Nazareno
"How could you justify to not include source code?
That's evil. As evil as suggesting the use of a platform that children
would be unable to use if they wished to."

I'm really sorry for cluttering the list again, but I had to
immediately reply to this.

Some developers need to put food on the table and feed themselves and
their family.
Do you think that's evil?

Do you think that it's fair that the legendary genius Sean T. Cooper
who made http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syndicate_(video_game) at
Bullfrog who's now making a humble living as an indie Flash game
developer (http://www.games.seantcooper.com) is forced to give away
for free to everyone his isometric game engine that he's selling
(http://www.games.seantcooper.com/Develop.aspx) which he worked on for
over a decade? He's already freely giving to everyone via tutorials &
free as in beer games to enjoy, but must you take away his livelihood?

Not every developer can be as fortunate to be as successful as John
Carmack to afford a Ferrari and play with actual spacecraft to give
away his game engines for free (we owe a great debt to this man).

About code/apps as art: can't you respect the artistic wishes of an
artist? Is it evil for a magician to keep secret the tricks of his

Code is art. If you are the author, it contains a part of your soul.

Is it fair to invade JD Salinger's privacy against his wishes and
demand he give an interview just to get ?

I agree about the security issues of not having the sourcecode for review.

That is why it is dangerous for governments to be completely reliant
on closed-source technologies.

How about this: provide the sourcecode/files for private review to the
governing body (like the OLPC dev team or organizers of local
deployments) to make sure it doesn't contain malware, backdoors, etc
and plays nice with the system, but not open to the whole world
because it can also be exploited for the wrong reasons (hacking, kid
cheating without learning (my multiple choice math puzzle example)) or
prevent the author from feeding himself?

Or maybe for the author to give his utmost assurance that the software
contains no malware if he/she is unable to legally give reveal the
sourcecode or if it will truly impair his ability to feed and clothe
himself and his family.

Is that acceptable?

This is a hypothetical situation, but what if none of you guys or the
kids speak the language the program was written in?

What if the app was written in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge ?
Aside from the admiration of the sheer craftsmanship and awesome
display of a true work of horror, what good is it to anyone who wants
to patch and improve the software?

What I think is evil is people who freely take other peoples' work and
not give anything back in return, use it for good/productively, give
credit or contribute to the community. For example, pirates and
black-hat hackers who do it for profit and not for reasons of limited
finances or without the intention of giving back something in return
when they have the opportunity to do so later on.

I'm sorry if I offended you guys, but I hope you can see that some of
my points are very valid.



carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list


2010-04-12 Thread Carlos Nazareno
sorry to bother you guys again.

Sorry for the mixup, the game Snow Farm plagiarized by the Beijing
Olympic Committee dev team is by The Pencil Farm, not Ferry Halim.
Pencil Farm is one of the other guys plagiarized too. I was in a rush,
lack sleep and just quick-copy pasted from years-ago-memory-google
without re-reading the article.

Here's more about it:

"Yes, it seems that you have a skill you can't yet use, because
someone else is needed first to prepare something you can build on. If
there's any way we're stopping that someone else from working, let us

Hi James! It's more of needing help documenting the technical hurdles
we need to overcome. So we can forward them to Adobe & they can give
us help. Busy with work, will set up/edit the Wikis later in the
week, give a buzz & hope those of you guys in the know can help
document what's needed.

"I look for function, not for attractive interfaces."

And that is where the open source community fails. You guys have to
realize how important UX is (user experience), it's why the mac &
iphone succeeds despite their hardware being "inferior"/less bang for

I know a lot of us would rather date the less attractive girl over the
dumb blonde, but are you guys saying the smart blonde is less hawt?
(go Natalie Portman!)

Quick question and raise of hands: who else here is a professional  designer?

Talk to you guys later in the week. Good luck with the release!


carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

open source vs. constructionist learning

2010-04-12 Thread Carlos Nazareno

A) Syntax vs. Algorithms

Scenario 1:
complex XO game is built in C, binary, complete C sourcecode + all
source files + minimal documentation are included. Kid only
understands Python. Sourcecode is complete gibberish. Kid enjoys game
anyway & learns from content.

Scenario 2:
complex XO game is built in C, binary, no sourcefiles or C sourcecode
included, but algorithms/principles used to create the game +
mechanics in English tutorial + pseudocode are included so users can
create their own version of the game using any language. Kid only
understands Python. Kid enjoys game anyway & learns from content.

Which of the 2 scenarios is constructionist?

B) Engaging vs. Spoonfeeding

Scenario 1:
Closed binary of new free fantastic game is provided, contains
chockful of puzzles & easter eggs for kid to explore and discover.
There are no spoilers available on the net. Kid explores and
collaborates with friends & classmates to solve the game, gain
inspiration from the game & implement their own inspired version in

Scenario 2:
Sourcecode is included, kids peek into the sourcecode to get all the
answers to the puzzles without having to explore, collaborate or flex
their mental muscles or creativity. Basically no effort. Game over,
game is done. They have a good laugh and move on to the next game.

Which of the 2 scenarios is constructionist?

Alternately, replace game with multiple choice math puzzles. Available
multiple choice answers had no explanation, just the plain answers
(e.g. 5, 12, 3.5, etc)

C) Artistic Vision

Scenario 1:
I am an artist. This is my vision of a game, this is how I implemented
it. This is my artistic statement, and I hope it inspires the audience
to create their own artistic statement (hopefully games themselves
too) inspired by it. I do not want users to tinker with and modify the
sourcecode game itself I made, I want them to flex their mental
muscles and creativity and create their own original games using any
tool they want.

Theoretical Example:

Scenario 2:
Kid changes some of the text like the names of the characters, reskins
some of the art assets, but game is unchanged. Laughs and enjoyment
are had by friends, but nothing groundbreaking or original is

Real-world  Example:

The *Official* Beijing Olympics committee hired programmmers who
reverse engineered & plagiarized Ferry Halim's game snow Day
(http://www.orisinal.com -> Please check it out, the Ferry is a truly
gifted pioneering artist/game developer), not even bothering to
replace some very obvious art assets.

Which of the 2 scenarios is constructionist?

(please note that I am into the mod community. I love to death the
games & mods that starting hackers & budding game developers made in
doom, quake, half-life & unreal. Counterstrike & Team Fortress  would
not exist without the mod community or the support ID software or
Valve gave them.)

I know you guys are sick of my voice, so I'm going to refrain from
posting for a while. Please give the above serious thought, and I
would really really appreciate it if I could hear your thoughts.

Please have a great week, continue to rock on, you guys are my heroes.

All the best,


carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Adobe Flash vs. Gnash -> very important bug

2010-04-12 Thread Carlos Nazareno
There's been so many changes and additions ever since Flash 9 and AS3
was introduced. Among them is byte-level manipulation which allows us
to do really funky creative stuff, especially if combo-ed with AIR
which allows you to read & write to the local filesystem.

More importantly is the 2-100x increase in performance from AVM1-AVM2
(depending on how you built your app) which is crucial given the XO's
limited CPU & memory.

Gnash mostly supports AS2 and the AVM1 and is really just compatible
up to Flash 8 SWFs and there's a very very big obscure bug that's not
very documented in the AVM1 (AS2 code is ultimately converted to AS1
bytecode -- that's why AS1 & AS2 SWFs are compatible and can
communicate. AS2 & AS3 SWFs are not.):

There's a maximum filesize allowed per class because of the way the
AVM1 compiler works. I forgot the exact number, but once you go beyond
2000 lines of code in a .AS class file, things will just break down
and the app starts to malfunction.

We had one game project where the main Class file was approaching 3000
lines of code. We were wondering why after adding just 10 lines of
code which had completely correct syntax, the app would suddenly break
and just stop working at a certain point. It was because of that very
obscure bug (I don't have the link right now but it's in one of the
old obscure Flash MX docs about limits).

If you're wondering how the heck one reaches 2k+ lines of code for a
class (that class finally weighed in at 67kb plaintext in the final
build), 2k is not very hard to hit if you're developing a  complex

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

re: iPhone comparison

2010-04-12 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Yes, it's a hyperbole. I'm sorry for insulting everyone with the
comparison to Evil Steve but can put your emotions aside, look at this
objectively, and see my frustration?

I want to help, but I can't. This is the skillset that I have, and
thousands of others have the same problem. I'm not a computer
scientist, I'm just a self-taught cowboy coder.

I'm very busy with work and am struggling as it is to keep up with the
insanely rapid developments in my field. I have too much on my plate
to add learning python, sugarization or the other currently available
avenues of building apps for the XO.

I shouldn't have to "do my homework" -- reading the wiki should be
enough to tell me where I can help given my skillset and the fact that
I'm not a Linux person.

Given everything I've said here, why is Flash content (that is
developed to be optimized, not your typical unoptimized fare) not
suitable for the XO? I'm not a Silverlight dev, but if it has free dev
tools available, why not Silverlight too?

Oh, another advantage Flash & AIR gives for the XO compared to DHTML
is that you can have self-contained highly complex apps within single
SWF/AIR file. With DHTML, a lot of projects are done with multiple
HTML files being called, and that just doesn't play nice with the
Sugar's filesystem, nor does it lend well to sharing between students.

Here's the bottomline.

I know many of you hate Flash. I did too, back in the 90s and hated
2advanced with a passion because of its bloat and most flash content
was so bloated they were unviewable on our dial-up network connections

You have to realize that the Flash platform is now a completely
different animal than it used to be. It's very powerful, convenient,
and allows us interaction designers to do things that would've been
impractical/difficult or at least very tedious in any other platform.

I've outlined my points and the potential for the increased
availability of quality content for the users.I want to help,
personally for me, this is how. I'm a Flash game developer, that's
what I'm good at.

For example, I want to modify, optimize and contribute this
boggle-like game I made to the kids:

Yes or No?

Devel mailing list

Re: AIR + other Linux Flavors

2010-04-12 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> There's been all this discussion of AIR.  I am unfamiliar with AIR.
> My question :  "Why would I (as an user) __need__ AIR ?"
> I do not mind using a "browser", nor do I mind installing a
> special-purpose "plugin" into my browser in order to access particular
> material.  But what does AIR provide that for instance the combination
> of "latest Firefox plus latest Adobe Flash plugin" would not provide ?

Hey Mikus! AIR basically extends Flash outside the sandbox of the
browser and into the desktop/mobile device with additional hooks to
the system. For example, you have file read/write access. Think of it
as a cross platform replacement for Flash .EXE projectors on steroids.
It runs on Windows, Macs, Linux, and soon other mobile devices.

> p.s.  People keep showing various Linux platforms (e.g., Ubuntu, Debian,
> etc) running on the XO.  As far as I am concerned, if these people
> *want* to run Ubuntu, Debian, etc., then buying a modern netbook for
> that purpose will give them better performance than using the XO.

1) Because the XO is good ruggedized power-efficient hardware? Because
we believe in the hardware and the incredible engineering work that
went into it?
2) Because we want to support OLPC? Please don't tell me OLPC is
selling units at a loss.
3) IMHO Sugar is limiting for older children and less suitable for
high school and college use. The hiding of the traditional  filesystem
and replacing it with the journal is really too problematic and
unwieldy for sharing files in excess of 50. Copying an html ebook
composed of multiple HTML files becomes a complete mess. Users
shouldn't have to go to the trouble of sugarizing those just to read
them. They should be able to just share them via usb stick and
copy-paste the folders. Also if there are any objections, what's wrong
with providing XOs for high school and college level? Students need
laptops a lot even more then because of reports and papers.

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

tool elitism

2010-04-12 Thread Carlos Nazareno
ause it's Python/Sugar?

And what's so evil with free as in beer if there's no ulterior motive
to raise a generation of locked-in consumers behind it? (sure MS could
benefit. Sure Adobe could benefit. Can you blame them if they make
great tools that allow content creators to express themselves better?)

There's an old saying that goes "beggars can't be choosers."
Why refuse our help? We're here. We want to help. We know you need help.

I'm also being pragmatic. Not all the schools in my country will be
using XOs. If we develop content that's cross-platform, we can target
other platforms like Mac & Windows too. It's a good investment.

Also just because a kid can look at the sourcecode of an app doesn't
immediately make it constructivist. That doesn't mean squat if the kid
understand the code. Just because a kid can't look under the hood of
an app also doesn't immediately mean it's not constructivist. Ever
hear of the term inspiration & curiosity? (how do I replicate that
Flash game in Pygame! :D) Don't just teach the kid syntax. Also teach
the kid algorithms.
I'll write a separate post about this.

Look, I'm also tired of Linux users being treated like second class
citizens, having to make do with home-made stuff and ignored by
commercial product developers. I'm sorry to be blunt, but honestly, a
lot of non-dev apps for Linux are rather mediocre compared to other

Don't you think the kids using the XOs will feel less like 2nd class
citizen charity cases if they can access the exact same content their
more affluent Mac & PC-using peers are?
If we can make the process of creating content for the XO or porting
of existing content trivial so that it becomes an actual target
platform, don't you guys think that's a good thing?

I hope I haven't offended anyone. I really hope you guys see what I'm
trying to say because OLPC needs all the help it can get (and you
don't need to compromise your principles). I'm sorry to be blunt, but
OLPC has already jaded and alienated a lot of supporters (just read
Slashdot, the largest nerd army in the world). By creating additional
avenues for developers to contribute, I hope we can revive and
increase interest for volunteers.


carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Flash + AIR on OLPC

2010-04-12 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Nobody has stated that it can't be done. But experience shows the
> opposite correlation (and I have worked in many edu projects using
> Flash myself, some huge such as TLF's SOCCI).
> Maybe it's a cultural problem (ie: people who get excited with Flash
> things singing and dancing tend to build shiny stuff rather than deep
> rich stuff with "no ceiling").

Martin, how is this Flash's fault? This is a problem with the authors
creating sub-quality content or having poor source material or
terrible developers, not a problem with the platform itself. If your
educational content is poor, it's going to remain poor no matter what
platform you use.

If Flash was such a terrible platform for creating e-learning
materials, how come over 50% of the e-learning demand outsourced over
here is for Flash? (by the way, kids love shiny stuff.  it helps 'em
learn and pay attention if stuff is shiny.)

> Please change our opinion -- build something outstanding for learning
> with low barriers of entry and no ceiling :-)

There are 26,909 *FREE* Flash games on Kongregate alone -- a lot, if
not most of the really fun ones made by amateur self-taught one-man
gangs. How high a barrier of entry is that if those guys were able to
make multimedia games, something even most "real" programmers find
challenging, given that there are now free supported tools?

I don't know what you mean by ceiling.

Also, games, games, games, games, games.
If you can make education fun, kids will to learn better.

I was lucky enough to have had access to a PC in my childhood with a
number of educational games bought by my parents. Because of those
games, I was able to get a leg up on my classmates in Math, English
and creativity & lateral  thinking as opposed to my other classmates.
Because of my exposure to the PC, I also started coding BASIC games at
10 years old (starting with books from the library) and was actually
already messing around with Algebra when almost everyone else only got
exposed to it in freshman high school.

I don't think I would have been as "smart" a kid if all I had were
books, school, teachers and no educational computer games.

Moreover, think of the possibilities for OLPC if you could tap just 5%
of those Flash game developers to volunteer for edu-games.

Head over to the list of submissions to the 2009 Mochi Media +
Dictionary.com word game  contest:

There are some really great word games in there. What if we send an
invite and could get just 20 of those guys to contribute?

I admit, things are very bleak for Flash performance on the XO-1 given
the extremely high resolution (it taxes the vector rasterizing engine
because of the massive increase of pixels that have to be pushed), but
for the XO-1.5, I think the sky's the limit.

Aside from poor performance on the XO-1, what exactly is it that makes
Flash much worse than any other content-authoring platform?


carlos nazareno
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Flash + AIR on OLPC

2010-04-11 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hey Martin! JD also hooked us up with Tom Nguyen, product  manager for
the Flash Player and here's what Tom said:

"Great to meet you. I actually recently graduated with an MA in
Education from Stanford, where I spent a bit of time focusing on
constructionist learning methods, so it's great to hear about Flash +

As JD mentioned, please feel to free to pass along questions you might
have, and I'll see if I can help or connect you to the right folks.
Thanks. --Tom"

Pretty cool, no? Forwarded to Ed & Reuben, waiting for replies. :)

JD was also asking for consolidated info that he could pass along to
the right people & I think the best thing for us to do is edit the
wiki pages (or create separate wiki pages) for the issues (like
installation, etc), suggestions & wishlists to get Flash & AIR
installing & running smoothly on the XOs both for Sugar and Fedora,
and then forward those to the Adobe folks.

I know that Flash has traditionally gotten Flak from the open source
community as not being good for the open web because the only
authoring tools were commercial products from Adobe, but now Adobe has
given open source tools for people to create SWFs and AIR apps via



> From my PoV, Flash is ok installation wise (hey! some optimisation for
> our gpu would be cool, as would finding a way to use xv on linux
> again), but AIR installer needs to be a plain rpm. The current .bin
> installer unpacks itself and builds an rpm on the fly -- this means
> you need to have rpm "dev" packages on the target image, that's
> problematic.
> Maybe forward to jd?

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Google Puts Weight Behind Theora on Mobile

2010-04-09 Thread Carlos Nazareno
I think it's safe to say that with the backing of Google and its army
of lawyers, Theora is now protected from patent litigation.

Google Puts Weight Behind Theora on Mobile

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

re: Flash + AIR on OLPC

2010-04-07 Thread Carlos Nazareno
hey guys! Good news, I was able to get in touch with John Dowdell of
Adobe (email below).

I'll coordinate with Reuben & Ed for the info needed by Adobe to
improve Flash & AIR behavior on the XOs. *crosses fingers*


"> Some stuff OLPC needs to get Flash & AIR running better on the XO-1 & 1.5:
> -installer tweaks -> customizing installation to play better when
> installing files on the XO's modified filesystem
> -performance tweaks, hopefully some hardware acceleration
> -wrappers for Flash & AIR to work with OLPC's Sugar system
> ...  the camera of the XO-1 doesn't work quite properly with Flash 10
> and would need a few tweaks with the Flash player to run well.

Hi Carlos, thanks for the word. I could forward this among the Player
and AIR teams, but they'd likely need more information before being
able to reply. Is there any public documentation on the current blocks
on the project?

Here's the best page I know of, but it doesn't reveal what additional
help they're seeking:

I'll also check with Mike Melanson when I'm back in the office
tomorrow, to see if he has additional perspective.

Any way I can learn more, so I can improve the chances of a successful response?

tx, jd"

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

A 2.5 Year-Old Has A First Encounter with An iPad

2010-04-07 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys. Check out this video. It's pretty interesting in terms of
computing usability for very young children:

A 2.5 Year-Old Has A First Encounter with An iPad

It's pretty interesting to note how the toddler took to it like a duck
to water. (she had previous iPhone experience)

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: fundamentalism

2010-03-25 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hey Bert, no, I'm not calling people here fundamentalists.

You guys are awesome.


carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO

2010-03-24 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Oh dear. Googling HQTube ended up with the top 2 entries being porn
sites :-/ I think something needs a project name change :)

Anyway, wouldn't there be a problem if we bundled HQTube because
VLC/Xine/MPlayer would still need licensed codecs to be able to decode
audio/video streams? (FFmpeg/Gstreamer Ugly). In the case of Flash, at
least we'd have working sound because it's all good and licensed,
unlike in the default GNASH install.

Yeah, actually for the XO-1, I usually used Flashblock on Firefox and
turn off plugins in Opera because of the limited CPU/Memory  (the
machine would actually hang in some cases like if you visit a Flash
Papervision3D site).

Aside from that, I also turn off Javascript -- the amount of AJAX used
on the web these days is simply ridiculous and too much of a resource
hog. Bash Flash all you want, but AJAX is just as bad.

Video-wise, I don't think there's much hope with the XO-1 since a lot
of video is now being streamed in high quality H.264, something which
brings even faster systems to their knees. If we can get the Adobe
guys to do some optimization for at least the XO-1.5 (which is where
deployments are going anyway), that would be a very big thing.

You never know, Adobe might actually take the time out to try to fix
things with the XO-1 and XO-1.5 for hardware acceleration.

Reuben, Ed, I'll try to help you guys on this.

Tiago, thank you so much for Stallman's ebook link.

Free as in Freedom is good. Closed-minded Fundamentalism is not.



carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO

2010-03-24 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hey Reuben!

Thanks for clarifying that.

So should I start talking to some of the Adobe peeps I know about this?

Who shall be the official contact from OLPC they should talk to? (name
+ email address)

Re: AIR on Sugar/Fedora -> yeah, AIR is an iffy proposition due to
Sugar's weird file structure. Flash is all good, though, right?

Also, how about on Fedora 11 for the XO? Maybe put in the same request
to Adobe on Flash + AIR for the F11 remix?



On 3/24/10, Reuben K. Caron  wrote:
> Carlos,
> +1
> Thank you for bringing this up.
> FYI: One of our largest deployments and two other smaller deployments
> have received approval to ship Adobe Flash in their builds.
> IMHO, OLPC would be able to provide deployments with the option of
> including Adobe Flash, while continuing to include Gnash as default,
> if they wish to do so without having to jump through the hurdles of
> applying and waiting for individual approval.
> Regards,
> Reuben
carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO

2010-03-23 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Okay, here's the thing:

AFAIK, the Adobe peeps don't have access to XO machines, that's why
before when I was reporting to Mike Melanson
(http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/ Linux Flash guy at Adobe) the
camera bug with Flash on the XO-1, he couldn't help much.

I'm relatively sure the Adobe peeps would love to help OLPC, and there
should be no problem getting Flash freely distributed for bundling
given the Open Screen Project. (manufacturers used to need to pay a
licensing fee to bundle the Flash player in devices like mobile phones
back in the early Flash Lite).

I'm in touch with some folks at Adobe, and if you guys want, I can
start asking around.

There's a very large international Flash game developer community and
I'm sure a number of Flash game developers would love to help out

Here's another thing to consider:

If there was an easy way to have the equivalent of a shortcut that
launches the browser and runs an SWF file, that should be good enough
for a lot of Flash games.

Given that you can have an entire app/game running in a single SWF
file, that makes it friendlier to the XO given Sugar+Fedora's weird
file management system (as compared to a multi-page HTML educational
content package with JPG, PNG & GIF graphics).

What do you guys think?

Despite the fantastic work Rob Savoye & co are doing with Gnash, a lot
of quality content is inaccessible. Is it really so bad to have a free
as in beer closed-source runtime get bundled by OLPC if it will open
so many doors?


carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO

2010-03-23 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Maybe the reason we're miscommunicating is that you don't understand
> that we aren't willing to expect that our users have access to another
> computer running Windows (because they don't), or for them to use a
> text editor to edit content that was created in a GUI (since that's
> *much* harder, and is treating them as a second-class citizen).
> The XO is all we have to work with.

Thanks, Chris. I understand that.

Well, the XO 1.5 is powerful enough to run Java & compile SWF content
with the Flex SDK (Java is needed to publish w/ the Flex SDK) so I
don't really see that as a problem.

Anyway the main point I'm proposing is opening up an additional
channel for providing content for the XO from amateur & professional

IMHO, the weakest point of the XO (& OLPC) is the lack of compelling
content and the difficulty of creating quality content.

What's wrong with other people who have content creation tools
providing free content for the people who'll only have access to XOs?

It's like saying we can't give books written by other authors to these
people because we want them to write their own books or fanfic.

Also, what's wrong with free as in Beer? (aside from making sure the
beer works well, plays nice and doesn't mess with other stuff or have
backdoors and the like)



carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: my trimming of reply texts

2010-03-23 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys. I apologize for forgetting to trim the quoted text from my replies.

Google's "quick reply" function is evil and quotes the entire previous
messages (which is very bad in my case since I set devel to digest

Sorry. I won't do it again. :-/
Devel mailing list

Re: Devel Digest, Vol 49, Issue 43

2010-03-23 Thread Carlos Nazareno
>The real problem with Flash isn't even the non-free player. It's the non-free 
>tool chain every content creator is locked into, plus that even with the tools 
>resulting flash file is not fully editable. The result is an impenetrable 
>magic gimmick,
>it's not supposed to be examined, deconstructed, rebuilt, improved. It's 
>teaching kids
>to be consumers, not to be creators.

What? Have you guys not been reading what I've been saying?


You have Flashdevelop (opn source Actionscript Editor for Windows),
Flex SDK (all you need is a text editor to make AS3 .as files and a
command line to compile the SWF a la JDK), also, HaXe.


On 3/24/10, devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org
> Send Devel mailing list submissions to
>   devel@lists.laptop.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>   http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/devel
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>   devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>   devel-ow...@lists.laptop.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Devel digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. RFC: change to XO sleep behavior (Paul Fox)
>2. Re: RFC: change to XO sleep behavior (Chris Ball)
>3. Re: RFC: change to XO sleep behavior (Hal Murray)
>4. Re: New XO-1.5 10.2.0 build 114 (James Cameron)
>5. Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO (Martin Langhoff)
>6. Re: RFC: change to XO sleep behavior (James Cameron)
>7. Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO (Carlos Nazareno)
>8. Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO (Chris Ball)
>9. Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO (Bert Freudenberg)
>   10. Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO (Carlos Nazareno)
>   11. Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO (Carlos Nazareno)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 15:16:51 -0400
> From: Paul Fox 
> Subject: RFC: change to XO sleep behavior
> To: devel@lists.laptop.org, sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org
> Message-ID: <22980.1269371...@foxharp.boston.ma.us>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> recent releases of XO-1.5 (and also of F11-on-XO1, if we can ever
> get suspend/resume working properly again) have a new default
> behavior with regard to idle suspend.  i'm soliciting opinions on
> how to fine-tune this new behavior.
> before:
> in the past on XO-1, the screen would dim, and after a
> certain duration of inactivity, the laptop would suspend
> (with the screen dimmed).  a keystroke or touchpad gesture
> would waken the laptop from this state.  in contrast, pushing
> the power button would cause the screen to blank and the
> laptop to go to sleep.  one could leave this state only by
> pushing the power button again (or by closing/opening the lid).
> note that there was no ambiguity as to whether keyboard input
> would cause the laptop to wake up:  if the screen was on, it
> would, otherwise, it wouldn't.
> now:
> in the new scheme, the idle sequence has changed:  after a
> fairly brief period of inactivity, the system will suspend,
> leaving the screen on.  (the user may not even know this has
> happened.)  assuming there is still no keyboard activity, a
> little later the screen will dim, and sometime after that,
> the screen will blank.  (if you care about these timings, please
> comment on #10034, rather than here.)
> now we finally come to the fine-tuning:
> a) currently, once the screen blanks, a keystroke will _not_
> wake the laptop.  as a design, it seemed to make sense that
> if the screen was off, and the power LED was flashing slowly,
> then however we got there (i.e., via power button or
> idleness), the laptop should behave the same.
> b) but having been using the laptop this way for a while,
> several people have requested that if the screen blanks due
> to idleness, that it should remain wakeable with user
> activity.  this makes it feel a lot more like a traditional
> screen saver (but note that your waking keystroke will be
> used, not dropped).  everyone seems to be agreed that the
> power button, like a lid closure, should result in a state
> where the keyboard won't wake the laptop.
> so, what do you think?  'a' or 'b'?  (note that 'a'

Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO

2010-03-23 Thread Carlos Nazareno
crap. hit the send key before proof-reading.


-> There are thousands of Java developers in the world today, and for all
intents and purposes, AS3 has more or less the same syntax as Java so
you now have an additonal large pool of developers who can create
Also, an aside, JRE is a resource hog compared to Flash that's why
Flash is commonly accepted way to deploy multimedia content
(especially for a low-resource environment like the XO).

-> Honestly, I find the reasoning that everything has to be open
source in order for it to be good for kids a non sequitur.

On 3/24/10, Carlos Nazareno  wrote:
> I don't get it.
> 1) Flash is no more "evil" as Java was years ago when it was closed
> source and it was being taught at universities.
> There is now an open-source SDK (Flex SDK (there's 2 versions, the
> closed source and the open source one)) with which you can produce
> AVM2 SWFs, and you can give away your AS3 sourcecode all you want.
> In fact, if Firefox & Chrome did not exist and let's say the only web
> browsers that existed were closed-source ones like IE, Netscape,
> Opera, Safari, would you say that HTML + Javascript is an
> inappropriate tool for creating learning materials? Because that is
> exactly the same situation.
> Martin's previous arguments about the quality of educational content
> is not a problem with a platform like flash, it is a problem about the
> the content that is being deployed.
> 2) You have hundreds of Flash multimedia/game developers that
> outnumber Python game/multimedia developers. Why add an extra layer of
> hassle for them to create content for the XO?
> (I still am not able to get sound running on Gnash on the XO.)
> There are thousands of Java developers in the world today, and for all
> intents and purposes, AS3 has more or less the same syntax as Java.
> JRE is a resource hog compared to Flash,
> Moreover, Flash has authoring tools which make it very easy to create
> integrated multimedia content (vector/raster graphics, sound,
> keyboard/mouse inputs, etc).
> There's a new flame war going on, HTML5  vs Flash and it's the new
> Macs vs PC, but you won't see Flash dying anytime soon. You want to
> know why? The web is ruled by designers and not developers. You don't
> have to be a "real programmer" to create interactive rich media
> content for Flash.
> 3) Honestly, I find the reasoning that everything has to be open
> source in order for it to be good for kids. I mean do you have to be a
> mechanic to be able to drive a car? Do you have to be an electrical
> engineer to watch Sesame Street on TV?
> Does a child really need to tinker with the source code of an
> educational game to be able to gain benefits from it? Moreover, I
> think that's asking too much given the fact that even high school
> students have problems grasping BASIC.
> I think this is a case of open source fundamentalism trumping educational
> goals.
> There are hundreds of multimedia authors out there who can create
> content for the XO, but IMHO sugarization & python + python only is a
> gateway that is hampering the availability of content for the XO.
> In a sense, this makes the XO an environment that is just about as
> locked-in as the iPhone.
> Why is allowing additional tools & a new pool of content creators bad for
> -Naz
>> (This isn't an official OLPC policy; I didn't talk with anyone at OLPC
>> before writing it.)
>> - Chris.
>> --
>> Chris Ball   
>> One Laptop Per Child
> --
> carlos nazareno
> http://twitter.com/object404
> http://www.object404.com
> --
> interactive media specialist
> zen graffiti studios
> http://www.zengraffiti.com
> --
> "if you don't like the way the world is running,
> then change it instead of just complaining."

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO

2010-03-23 Thread Carlos Nazareno
I don't get it.

1) Flash is no more "evil" as Java was years ago when it was closed
source and it was being taught at universities.

There is now an open-source SDK (Flex SDK (there's 2 versions, the
closed source and the open source one)) with which you can produce
AVM2 SWFs, and you can give away your AS3 sourcecode all you want.

In fact, if Firefox & Chrome did not exist and let's say the only web
browsers that existed were closed-source ones like IE, Netscape,
Opera, Safari, would you say that HTML + Javascript is an
inappropriate tool for creating learning materials? Because that is
exactly the same situation.

Martin's previous arguments about the quality of educational content
is not a problem with a platform like flash, it is a problem about the
the content that is being deployed.

2) You have hundreds of Flash multimedia/game developers that
outnumber Python game/multimedia developers. Why add an extra layer of
hassle for them to create content for the XO?

(I still am not able to get sound running on Gnash on the XO.)

There are thousands of Java developers in the world today, and for all
intents and purposes, AS3 has more or less the same syntax as Java.
JRE is a resource hog compared to Flash,

Moreover, Flash has authoring tools which make it very easy to create
integrated multimedia content (vector/raster graphics, sound,
keyboard/mouse inputs, etc).

There's a new flame war going on, HTML5  vs Flash and it's the new
Macs vs PC, but you won't see Flash dying anytime soon. You want to
know why? The web is ruled by designers and not developers. You don't
have to be a "real programmer" to create interactive rich media
content for Flash.

3) Honestly, I find the reasoning that everything has to be open
source in order for it to be good for kids. I mean do you have to be a
mechanic to be able to drive a car? Do you have to be an electrical
engineer to watch Sesame Street on TV?

Does a child really need to tinker with the source code of an
educational game to be able to gain benefits from it? Moreover, I
think that's asking too much given the fact that even high school
students have problems grasping BASIC.

I think this is a case of open source fundamentalism trumping educational goals.

There are hundreds of multimedia authors out there who can create
content for the XO, but IMHO sugarization & python + python only is a
gateway that is hampering the availability of content for the XO.

In a sense, this makes the XO an environment that is just about as
locked-in as the iPhone.

Why is allowing additional tools & a new pool of content creators bad for OLPC?


> (This isn't an official OLPC policy; I didn't talk with anyone at OLPC
> before writing it.)
> - Chris.
> --
> Chris Ball   
> One Laptop Per Child

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO

2010-03-23 Thread Carlos Nazareno
>> What do you guys think?
> That you've applied for a job at Adobe, or will do it soon ;-)

No, I'm a flash game developer and there are *A LOT* of flash game
developers out there, and it's now the easiest platform to develop
games for.

I'm 100% sure that a number of Flash game developers (professional or
amateur) would love to contribute game & edugame content for the XO.

Gnash just doesn't cut it. AVM1 is just too slow, especially for the XO-1.

> Look, I have worked for many years on the Shockwave and Flash
> platforms. Unless your clients are paying you real money to develop
> with it, it's honestly a PoS and there is no reason to celebrate it.

I don't think you've developed for it in the past 3 years then. Flash
is an absolute joy to make games in. As a kid too, I got a big
headstart on my classmates because I had educational Math & Word games
on our home computer.

Games in general proven to be one of the best ways to engage students
- make learning fun, and they will learn.

I have a Bookworm-like (Boggle-like) word game that's good to go on
the XO with a few graphical tweaks, but it's in Flash 9 AS3 AVM2 and
will not work with Gnash.


carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Adobe Flash 10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO

2010-03-23 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi guys.

I know most people here prefer free as in Libre as opposed to free as
in beer, but what do you think of coordinating with Adobe to get Flash
10.1 + AIR 2.0 on the XO?

Adobe already supports a lot of open-source initiatives and have
already open-sourced the Flex SDK which you can use to compile SWFs
using text files and a command line a la JDK (or in Windows, using an
open-source IDE like Flashdevelop (needs .NET runtime)).

Flash's spec is open, but they cannot opensource the Flash Player or
AIR because they contain technologies which Adobe does not own but
pays licensing fees for.

With stuff like Youtube (using the camera to record a video, something
you cannot do with HTML5), UStream and games (which kids dig a lot),
the internet experience really isn't complete without Flash.

Moreover, the big difference is that with the Actionscript Virtual
Machine 2 which uses Actionscript 3, the speed difference from the
AVM1 (Actionscript 1/2 like GNASH) is 10x or more, which is very
important since we're talking about low-speed/power devices here.

Also, Flash Player 10.1 has been engineered for mobile devices so it
should run very efficiently on the XO 1.5 (you can only do so much
with the XO-1, but Flash 10 beats GNASH's performance on it

Also (sorry John, Rob), Actionscript 2 is a dead technology which
needs to be put to rest (and there are few practical open source tools
to generate AS2/AVM1 SWFs). GNASH simply cannot catch up with the
features that are being implemented with each new release of Flash..

Also, Adobe is actively pushing Flash on as many devices as possible
via the Open Screen Project http://www.openscreenproject.org and I'm
sure they'd be more than happy to have Flash get bundled on the XO.

Also, Flash is the most commonly used toolset for building educational
apps. Not everyone has the skill or patience to programmatically
animate objects in e-learning applications. What I mean is that it's
very efficient.

What do you guys think?

carlos nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: changing the texture...

2009-10-25 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Yes, a flat area would be nice for stickers/sticker labels or taped labels too.

The bumps are label-unfriendly :-/

> This came up at a recent meeting where we were looking at the XO1.5
> I'm not sure how easy or difficult it is to change the plastic
> texture/bumps, but if the XO 1.5 had a small rectangular area (say, 2
> inch x 3 inch...like a business card) in the back without the bumps,
> it would help with labels and or markings. Writing on the textured
> surface is difficult.
> Just passing it along.
> cheers,
> Sameer

carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Devel Digest, Vol 41, Issue 37

2009-07-21 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> At the moment, OLPC is doing approximately zero work on Windows.  That
> wasn't true last year.  I spent several months last year making it
> possible to boot Windows from Open Firmware.  The reason I did that was
> to prevent Microsoft from "taking over" the XO machine.

Hey Mitch! Great to hear. This actually proves that Nicholas is pro-open source.

May I have permission to post this email or portions of it to Slashdot?

All the best,


On 7/21/09, devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org
> Send Devel mailing list submissions to
>   devel@lists.laptop.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>   http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/devel
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>   devel-requ...@lists.laptop.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>   devel-ow...@lists.laptop.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Devel digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?
>   (Carlos Nazareno)
>2. Re: [Sugar-devel] help about the get_preview function of
>   activity.Activity class to take screenshots (Tomeu Vizoso)
>3. Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here? (Bastien)
>4. Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?
>   (Martin Langhoff)
>5. Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?
>   (Mitch Bradley)
>6. Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?
>   (James Cameron)
>7. Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?
>   (Carlos Nazareno)
>8. Re: Availability of XO-1.5 ATest-2 machines (Martin Langhoff)
>9. Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here? (Bastien)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 15:47:15 +0800
> From: Carlos Nazareno 
> Subject: Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?
> To: Bastien 
> Cc: devel 
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>>> I'm sick and tired of the this OLPC-MS FUD (Fear-Uncertainty-Doubt) on
>>> Slashdot (one of the highest-traffic websites, so high that getting
>>> linked on the frontpage is like being DDOSed) and it would be great if
>>> the record on this could be set straight so that the MS FUD inanity on
>>> Slashdot can be ended as it's destroying the image of OLPC.
>> I'm sick of it as well, but I think there is nothing to do.
> There is. If we could get what the story really is, anytime there's a
> post on Slashdot on OLPC, we can just post the straight beans there.
> The particular story I posted is still active right now, and if anyone
> makes a post, I've got moderator points right now and can mod it up.
> The thing is, most of the people on Slashdot (aka the Internet
> Geek/Nerd Community) who post about OLPC topics know nothing about
> what's going on as they just get their info from 3rd-hand sources and
> haven't even touched an XO.
> Since we know a little bit more, it would be very informative to the
> world at large to set the story straight at these forums.
> --
> carlos nazareno
> http://twitter.com/object404
> http://www.object404.com
> --
> user group manager
> phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
> adobe flash/flex/air community
> http://www.phlashers.com
> --
> interactive media specialist
> zen graffiti studios
> http://www.zengraffiti.com
> --
> "if you don't like the way the world is running,
> then change it instead of just complaining."
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 10:03:34 +0200
> From: Tomeu Vizoso 
> Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] help about the get_preview function of
>   activity.Activity class to take screenshots
> To: sumit singh 
> Cc: devel@lists.laptop.org, sugar-de...@lists.sugarlabs.org,  Martin
>   Sevior 
> Message-ID:
>   <242851610907210103l4898f05fk607a6db84...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 01:08, sumit singh wrote:
>> Martin and Tomeu,
>> Martin, thanx a lot for such a detailed answer. I have got what you want
>> to
>> say. But the problem with me right now is that I think the get_preview
>> function is available only in the latest release of sugar 0.84 because I
>> am
>> on 0.82, and my xo gives an error -- " Activity module does not have an
>> attribute get_preview&

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> That's my point.  We can fix this issue by raising an army of small
> hands that will vote on your (correct) slashdot comment, spread the
> correct vision, etc.

No need for anyone here to have mod points on Slashdot actually. If
anyone here just says something informative and not FUD, and clarifies
where they're getting their information from, reader moderators will
mod the comment up and it will become more visible to readers, thus
fixing FUD ;)

I'm more than happy to post stuff, having a Slashdot account. I just
don't know what to post exactly as stuff is not yet clarified.



carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-21 Thread Carlos Nazareno
>> I'm sick and tired of the this OLPC-MS FUD (Fear-Uncertainty-Doubt) on
>> Slashdot (one of the highest-traffic websites, so high that getting
>> linked on the frontpage is like being DDOSed) and it would be great if
>> the record on this could be set straight so that the MS FUD inanity on
>> Slashdot can be ended as it's destroying the image of OLPC.

> I'm sick of it as well, but I think there is nothing to do.

There is. If we could get what the story really is, anytime there's a
post on Slashdot on OLPC, we can just post the straight beans there.
The particular story I posted is still active right now, and if anyone
makes a post, I've got moderator points right now and can mod it up.

The thing is, most of the people on Slashdot (aka the Internet
Geek/Nerd Community) who post about OLPC topics know nothing about
what's going on as they just get their info from 3rd-hand sources and
haven't even touched an XO.

Since we know a little bit more, it would be very informative to the
world at large to set the story straight at these forums.

carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

is anyone actually doing Windows on XO work here?

2009-07-20 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hey all.

Check out the latest piece:
Negroponte Sees Sugar As OLPC's Biggest Mistake

(The title is bad FUD from OLPC News -- it's actually Negroponte
saying that Sugar should have been run as an application instead of
the main OS layer/frontend and not Sugar itself as the mistake.)

Now everytime there's a piece on OLPC at Slashdot.org, it seems 30% of
the comment traffic is composed of bashing OLPC for caving in to
Microsoft and Windows.

Now AFAIK, there's little to no Windows work being done in-house by
the OLPC team, and it's all or mostly at Microsoft's side that the
work's being done.

And AFAIK, the deal is that "you buy the machine, you're free to run
any software you want on it. We're not stopping you from running
Windows even though we're pushing Sugar."

In this case, OLPC is not really in bed with MS but is more of
allowing MS to run Windows on the OLPC the same way users can install
any software they want on their PCs.

Am I correct in this assumption?

I'm sick and tired of the this OLPC-MS FUD (Fear-Uncertainty-Doubt) on
Slashdot (one of the highest-traffic websites, so high that getting
linked on the frontpage is like being DDOSed) and it would be great if
the record on this could be set straight so that the MS FUD inanity on
Slashdot can be ended as it's destroying the image of OLPC.

All the best,


carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

A1 Motherboard specs diagram

2009-07-19 Thread Carlos Nazareno
In the photo diagram of the A1 motherboard available at this link:

there's a section of the board at the upper right that says "HD Audio
Codec". Does that mean hardware acceleration of audio codec playback?
Will there be software support for this?

Also, according to the diagram, the A1 uses a Via VX855 media system processor:

This chip has a built in Via Chrome9 (formerly S3 graphics brand) 3D
accelerator. Does this mean we'll now have pretty good OpenGL hardware
acceleration on the XO? :) -- Compiz Fusion for Fedora or Ubuntu on
the XO! ;)

Also, the Via page mentions hardware decoding of certain video codecs.
Will we see software support for any of these? (given that these are
proprietary video codecs)

Finally, it says processor is a Via C7-M ULV.
According to the Via page:

This has a power consumption of 3.5W which is significantly higher
than the AMD 0.8-1.3W of the XO-1's AMD Geode LX 700. This is why I
was asking about battery life -- it's a concern for using the XO with
common tasks like as a mobile e-book reader.

I'm pretty certain there's going to be a hit on battery life compared
to the XO-1, but I'm pretty excited about the faster chip + upped
memory as this now means that the XO will now be able to surf sites
heavy with AJAX and Flash as well as be able to watch Flash video
within the browser such as on sites like YouTube -- something not
decently possible with the XO-1.

Best regards,


carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Availability of XO-1.5 ATest-2 machines

2009-07-19 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> You can still give us numbers without resuming and just using clock
> scaling can C-states. That would be a far more realistic battery life
> number to shout out to the world, than what happenned with the XO-1.
> If the laptop can only handle 3 hours without suspend that's fine,
> it's a baseline. If it could do 5 hours than it would be great.

A good test would be just to use the units in ebook reader mode and
try testing how long the batteries would last reading PDFs.

No need for suspend/resume testing in this case.



carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Availability of XO-1.5 ATest-2 machines

2009-07-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Great! How's the power consumption on the XO 1.5s? Battery life under
different activity conditions?

Also, what determines the dynamic clock rate from 400MHz to 1GHz? Is
this auto-scaling on demand like with the old AMD Athlon64's? Does the
software automatically reduce speed to 400MHz when the unit is

Thanks for the info!


carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Build 802 dead wireless

2009-07-06 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi all.

I upgraded to build 802 from build 767 via USB drive (os802.usb,
os802.toc) & 'sudo olpc-update --usb' and now I can't detect any
wireless nodes, whether mesh or access point in neighborhood view.

Anyone know what's happening/happened?



carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

XO OS vs. Teapot Ubuntu Benchmarks

2009-02-21 Thread Carlos Nazareno
Hi all.

Still have to clean up the Teddymark cross-platform Flash benchmarking
tool before public presentation, but strangely, on "default clean
boot", Teddymark gets a little higher FPS in Opera 9.63 browser Adobe
Flash 10 plugin under XO OS (Fedora + Sugar) than on Teapot's Ubuntu
Intrepid build (also Opera 9.63 browser, Adobe Flash 10 plugin).

Also, the Read Activity seems to be snappier displaying PDFs than
Evince under Teapot's Ubuntu too.

Will release Teddymark and do more benchmarking studies when I finish
current project at work.

All the best,


carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Price point plus sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Okay, so those of you who are keen on there being a way for individuals
> to buy XOs at $2xx dollars should place a volume order, set up a web
> site, and start raking in the dough.
> Obviously you guys know something about making a few bucks per machine
> that has eluded the OLPC organization, so go for it.  As the old canard
> says, put your money where you mouth is.

seriously, it would be fantastic if whoever we have to/can talk to, please pm.

* see: Asia-Pacific logistical location of the Philippines
* everyone here pretty much speaks English
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subic_Bay_Freeport_Zone

all the best,


carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Price point plus sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Okay, so those of you who are keen on there being a way for individuals
> to buy XOs at $2xx dollars should place a volume order, set up a web
> site, and start raking in the dough.
> Obviously you guys know something about making a few bucks per machine
> that has eluded the OLPC organization, so go for it.  As the old canard
> says, put your money where you mouth is.

PM me.

carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: price point + sales to individuals

2009-02-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> In summary, you'd like to see a lower price.

No, in summary, I'm thinking maybe this can be a two-birds with one
stone approach to:

a) Save OLPC financially by selling XO units with a little profit to
all takers as Yama said. Why not tie up with and physically stock some
units at computer/electronics stores since there are logistical
problems with shipping to individuals? (this would also entail some
marketing and evangelism to show how the XO is different from netbooks
- I suspect it'd be a hit with the outdoors crowd, much like when GPS
devices were new)

b) Increase the number of software developers, contributors, content
authors and testers by getting XO units into more peoples' hands. (see
homebrew scene popularity and success stories: what more with a
dev-friendly environment like the XO?)

Best regards,


carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

new mailing list for other distros?

2009-02-18 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> I will have my two XO's there, I will try to have them running different
> flavors of DebXO (from USB sticks if nothing else, but quite possibly from
> the NAND), since the future direction is to have them run relativly
> standard distros, having examples of the different distros would be nice.

Would it be good to create a new separate mailman developer list for
non XO OS (Fedora + Sugar) other linux distro ports? (debxo, ubuntu
xo, fedora xo etc) And then keep devel for main XO OS to avoid

In relation to this and other distros, I believe that if more average
people who like to tinker with their gadgets got their hands on XOs,
the OLPC homebrew scene would absolutely explode, be self sustaining,
and I think would actually contribute more upstream to OLPC.

To put things in perspective, the XO IMHO is the
hacker-developer-friendliest "gadget" in existence.

For starters, take a look at the following scenes:
the sidebar of http://dcemu.co.uk/ for gadget homebrew

All these other console/device platforms are very developer-hostile
(except the GP2X) compared to the XO where you can create all kinds of
stuff with so many different kinds of languages, and yet the homebrew
scene is very much lively!

As long as a disclaimer exists that official XO support is only mainly
for deployments and official XO OS (meaning consumers should turn to
the homebrew peeps and not the OLPC team for support), the XO
developer scene would be quite active should the XO be made available
to average consumers.

Maintaining an OS + creating apps for it is a herculean task and I
applaud the OLPC dev team for having accomplished such. The usage of
more standard distros on the XO though, would mean way more developers
available developers. I think the only thing that prevents a more
lively OLPC developer scene is availability of units to techie users.

I really hope OLPC would look into a new model to get XOs into the
hands of average consumers (like the oft-repeated "sell em for minor
profit which would go into funding OLPC"). G1G1 is really too
expensive and the Contributors program is a bit... weird. The
Contributors program entails that the project leader would actively
work on the project you signed on to do, whereas owning an XO would
allow the user-developer to tinker around the XO at his/her own pace
and do all sorts of eclectic dev-hackery.

Also, there really is no substitute for developers getting their hands
on actual XO-1 units because experiencing the CPU & RAM limitations
really, really drive the point home on how optimized apps need to be
for the XO. (I mean wow. Flash apps really need a ton of optimization,
especially since the screen has way higher resolution than smartphones
and thus eat more rasterization CPU power)

Off-topic, $250 a pop would be a sweet spot if that provides enough
profit to fund OLPC considering that the $250-$300 niche is already
filled with models that provide way more horsepower than the XO-1
(yes, we can say "that's not XO's objective niche!", but consumers
will still look at cpu,ram&storage whatever anyone says).

Anyway, just a few thoughts.



carlos nazareno
user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Devel Digest, Vol 35, Issue 85

2009-01-29 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> Really?  Have you done the math?

you don't have to. oldest unbroken civilization with lineage already did.
why reinvent the wheel?

just research the meaning of the term "tubong lugaw" to understand.

i seriously gotta get some sleep. I've been timetravelling all over
the internet since moonday and am not quite sure what day it is
anymore ;P

can't make it for friday's 3am/3pm thing, I have a prior engagement.

Thank you for everything, guys. it has been an honor being in
everyone's presence here and learning from all of you ;)

this is dedicated to everyone:


abracos, i bid thee adeus, good night everyone

rock on, olpc!

"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: Devel Digest, Vol 35, Issue 84

2009-01-28 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:57 AM, Carlos Nazareno  wrote:
>> Support? real men don't need no steeenkin manuals or directions! just
>> ship em in a plain cardboard box with a power adaptor and all will be
>> good to go!
> This unfortunately, is the point of view of a technical elitist (no
> I'm not pointing to you) that results to project failures.


-10,000 geek cred

you, sir, have just lost your manliness points.

real men never ask for directions. real men would rather get lost
driving and end up in the middle of nowhere on some strange road in
the boondocks 30 miles away from civilization after nightfall than to
cave in to their wife and ask the local how to get to the beach

shame shame, jerome. tsk tsk tsk.


carlos nazareno
adobe user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: AMD to stop working on Geodes

2009-01-28 Thread Carlos Nazareno
> People say they buy computers to work, but by and large they really
> buy them to play.  And geodes
> wont run modern games so they aren't selling.

Before the term DDOS came into use, there was only the Slashdot effect
where entire servers would melt down because of the sheer number of
geeks a link to the front page of slashdot.org would bring.

foru simple words can save the entirety of OLPC and the AMD, and in
fact make both filthy rich, rich enough to execute our insane kumbaya

military grade hacker toy

say those four magic words, sell the XO via geek online stores, and
1CC will be so slashdotted to high heck with orders that the waiting
list will take years to fill out. At similar price points, the XO-1
puts the Nintendo DS, Tapwave Zodiac, GP2X, Sony PSP, Chumby and iPods
+ iPhones to shame.

Support? real men don't need no steeenkin manuals or directions! just
ship em in a plain cardboard box with a power adaptor and all will be
good to go!

Start selling current batches of 1GB Nand 256MB RAM. These are
collector's items and will increase in value.
Move out all existing stocks, and then fix fab to ship next version
with 512MB RAM + 4-8GB NAND. Moore's law and Windows Vista have
brought down the price of memory to dirt-cheap levels.

Chipmakers produced so much RAM and opened so many factories in
anticipation of Vista's insanely stupid bloatedness (that was the
first time I ever saw a software company make bloatedness and
inefficiency as a prime selling feature) that when it miserably
failed, they now have so much RAM on their hands they don't know what
to do with it.

Chipmakers are in deep trouble right now and RAM prices have never
been so low. Anyone looking to upgrade RAM, now is the time. OLPC?
Have Quanta start on the XO-1.1 with the increased storage + memory.

My concern with the upped specs is that AFAIK, more ram = increased
power consumption? Or was that only for desktops and sticking
additional sticks in empty memory slots?

Also, here's something Jerome Gotangco over at OLPC Ph has noticed
after sticking in Teapot's Xubuntu XO Intrepid Ibex liveSD: Battery
life seems to have gone down a lot.

I just recently managed to get the same working on 2 of the developer
units with me on different kinds of SD Cards, and it seems that using
the SD for the primary storage/OS cuts the battery life a lot because
of the increased power draw from having to jump electricity through SD
cards? (I haven't timed it yet, but I think battery life went down to
about 2-2.5 hours with an active wifi connection and the screen
brightness set to black and white sunlight readable mode?)

Will do further tests.


P.S. Seriously. Look at the popularity of the homebrew and
retrogaming/emulation scene. Opening up sales of the XO to the geeks
of the world will also provide the EXACT OPPOSITE of drawing away
resources from OLPC. The sheer amount of geekery will give back and
produce the amazing kinds of stuff you see from the homebrew and
emulation hacker scene, creating troves of the much needed content the
XO is lacking.
P.P.S. Beggars can't be choosers. Asking for donations but putting
conditions on it is just twisted ethics. Just sell 'em at $200 and
economies of scale + moore's law will take care of things.

P.P.P.S. Seriously seriously WTF seriously.

P.P.S. All snarkiness aside, will post better on why this is really
extremely ethical and is the proper way to go. I have to sleep. Very
little sleep since monday. nyt all.

P.P.P.P.S. re: multitouch go for it! MPX, keep the "2nd screen" as a
real keyboard -> power draw of 2nd screen + lack of haptics is a
serious functionality problem. thanks to all who replied, such
incredible starting points and I've done research on those 2 things I
said even googling, but am tickled pink that the methods I outlined
are in use :D check out
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQpr3W-YmcQ&NR=1 too :)


carlos nazareno
adobe user group manager
phlashers: philippine flash actionscripters
adobe flash/flex/air community
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

Re: AMD to stop working on Geodes

2009-01-27 Thread Carlos Nazareno
it's the low power part that's very important here. it's the XO's
incredibly low power consumption that really sets it apart from any
other currently in production computer (excluding smartphones and

I'm not really familiar with the new processors from Intel
(silverthorne, diamondville) and Via's, but can they run at as low
power consumption as the Geode and provide the same (and if not
better) MHz bang for the consumption?

Do ARM processors do these things better than anything else on the
market right now? but then you lose the X86 compatibility and this
probably breaks things for cross-platform upstream contributions for
any deved/researched write-once-run-many apps/projects. (correct me if
I'm wrong, am just speculating because I'm not a CE and as well-versed
with computer architecture)

I've always loved AMD's cool and quiet technology and am pretty much
cursing the unrelenting power draw of my core2-quad desktop coz my UPS
battery life has gone down the drain and electric bill has spiked so
high since I replaced my lowly Sempron.

(I do have the need for speed for rendering)

As for games, can we just classify the XO in the same class as
current-gen smartphones horsepower wise and not market it as anything
other than that? That's pretty much how we're running the Flash Dev
for the XO project because that's exactly how the XO performs (and
it's a hell of a lot better than any smartphone in the market for
heavier mobile computing and education!)

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:01 AM, Martin Langhoff
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Carlos Nazareno  wrote:
>> AMD sees no Geode chip replacement in sight
>> AMD on Monday said it has no replacement for the aging Geode low-power
>> chips that are used in netbooks and set-top boxes.
>> http://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/article/274414/amd_sees_no_geode_chip_replacement_sight
> This has been relatively well known in the industry for a while. It
> means they'll keep cranking more Geodes if you want to buy them, but
> there will not be a "next" Geode chip. Maybe they'll come out with
> another low-power cpu line sometime in the future, maybe not.
> Intel and Via are the most interesting options right now in this
> space, and both seem to be working on a "next" chip.
> PCWorld and friends are for the consumer market, so they are about a
> year behind on the news I'd say...
> cheers,
> m
> --
>  martin.langh...@gmail.com
>  mar...@laptop.org -- School Server Architect
>  - ask interesting questions
>  - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
>  - http://wiki.laptop.org/go/User:Martinlanghoff

Carlos Nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
User Group Manager
Phlashers: Philippine Flash ActionScripters
Adobe Flash/Flex User Group
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

AMD to stop working on Geodes

2009-01-27 Thread Carlos Nazareno
AMD sees no Geode chip replacement in sight
AMD on Monday said it has no replacement for the aging Geode low-power
chips that are used in netbooks and set-top boxes.

Looks like AMD's going to be pulling out of the low-power computing
space because of the economic crunch.

This is completely wrong and low-power + efficiency is exactly where
all computing should go. multicore GHz monsters should be sold to
people who really need them and not to joe average who just needs to
surf and do ms office work.

sorry guys, lack sleep, thanks for all the pointers on multitouch &
audio feedback interface - I saw really amazing stuff and am tickled
pink that the precise methods I just outlined are already being worked
on :)

will reply on all these when I get back. This latest piece of news has
been an extremely frustrating development for me and goes completely
against the grain of ubiquitous sustainable computing for everyone +
bridging the digital divide. wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong

see you guys later. zzzz

Carlos Nazareno
interactive media specialist
zen graffiti studios
User Group Manager
Phlashers: Philippine Flash ActionScripters
Adobe Flash/Flex User Group
"if you don't like the way the world is running,
then change it instead of just complaining."
Devel mailing list

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