Some testing notes for OS10 for the XO-1

2010-01-02 Thread James Smith
All seems to work pretty well. except powermanagement. I'm running os10 updated 
today with kernel, modules, firmware from 12/28 . the default setup with powerd 
gives the previously described problem, losing keyboard and mouse upon wakeup. 
ohmd gives similar results. pm-suspend ends immediately prior to actually 
suspending to ram after blanking screen and disconnecting wireless. The 
keyboard but not the mouse is almost always lost when using pm-suspend. Suspend 
with hal directly from the command line gives the same results:
dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.Hal \
 /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer \
 org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.Suspend \
Why does this command not work? More importantly, why does powerd work (except 
for the wakeup problems)? I'm guessing it doesn't use hal or dbus at all. I'd 
like to help work on this problem but I don't know much about power-management 
and I don't really know how to test it further. Is there a place where os10 
development issues are tracked or is it just this mailing list?

Devel mailing list

Re: Some testing notes for OS10 for the XO-1

2010-01-03 Thread James Smith
Its quite hackish but you can get your mouse and keyboard back after suspend by 
telling i8042 to unbind and rebind. I haven't tried altering powerd itself but 
you can see for yourself what i am talking about by executing the following 
command before immediately suspending for a few seconds then waking it:

sleep 45 ; sudo sh -c 'echo -n "i8042" > 
/sys/bus/platform/drivers/i8042/unbind' ; sudo sh -c 'echo -n "i8042" > 

even if this isn't a real solution I hope that it can be used to make a some 
alteration to powerd's wake process to get it working for now. My suspicion is 
that a fix to the i8042 driver would be better but I know nothing about that.
Devel mailing list

Modifying olpc-kbdshim for simplicity

2010-01-08 Thread James Smith
With the 20100107 kernel power management seems to work just fine in f11 xo-1 
os10. I am working on a project called Deborah which is a debian system with 
lxde for the xo-1 borrowing heavily from f11 for the xo-1. It's coming along 
nicely and I think it works pretty well but I still have to get power 
management working properly. I'm using powerd which relies on olpc-kbdshim to 
report keyboard and trackpad inactivity. Unfortunately kbdshim also does alot 
of other things that I don't want or need. The volume and brightness keys 
already work fine without kbdshim, for instance. I want to use kbdshim but 
disable all of its functions execpt reporting keyboard and trackpad inactivity. 
Is there an easy way to do this. I don't know enough yet about how kbdshim 
works to figure this out. Great work, I'm very impressed with f11 for the xo-1.
Devel mailing list

Re: Powerd comments

2010-03-16 Thread James Smith
> - if on battery, the laptop will auto-shutdown after its been
>   asleep for 1 hour.  if plugged in, it will sleep forever.
I've used powerd and really love how it works, especially how easy it
is to configure and hack. I agree with the design decisions for the
most part but auto-shutdown after sleeping for an hour, seems like a
problem. When someone puts their laptop to sleep they expect that
they'll be able to resume. The XO uses so little power in sleep mode
and booting takes long enough on the XO that maintaining the ability
to quickly resume should take priority. I understand that there is a
desire to avoid hard shutdowns due to empty battery, but isn't there
way to make it sleep until battery is criticaly low. I know that it is
difficult to poll battery level when in sleep mode but maybe you could
have rtcwake bring the computer out of sleep not after 1 hour but
after a time powerd estimates that the battery can support sleep.
Since we have power consumption controlled in sleep it should be easy
to estimate how long we can keep the computer in suspend at the
battery level immediately before sleep. Wake a little short of this
time and poll the battery and see if we need to shutdown, if not
snooze until shortly before we think the battery will run out. Its all
there in powerd already except shutdown time should be determined by a
function to estimate how long the battery will last in sleep instead
of reading from the config file.

Also, is there a reason the config file has to be in /etc/ and not
/home/olpc . It seems like it would be useful to let the user edit
powerd settings as user and not as root.

Thanks again for all the work on powerd

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