Re: right pilgrim setup for 8.2.1 staging builds

2009-02-09 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Ties,

> we need to base a release on the latest 8.2.1 changes here in Nepal,
> however I can't find a public pilgrim repo that is actually configured
> right.

If you wait about a day, cjb is doing a signed release based on staging
version 30 of 8.2.1, which is pretty good.

Devel mailing list

Deployment weekly meetups - starting Tues January 20th 2009

2009-01-17 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

As a person running some OLPC trials, I have been struck by the lack of
communication and technical peer support of deployments. I thought it would
be useful to kick off weekly meetups between people doing deployments to
share knowledge, ask and answer questions, and to generally touch base with
others doing similar projects :) Anyone is welcome, and I expect we'll also
see people from developer and other communities come along, but the focus
will be on deployers' needs.

Considering deployments are happening all around the world in all different
time zones, I've committed to running two meetings a week. One at 3pm
Tuesday Boston time, and one at 3am Wednesday Boston time and are expected
to last about an hour. This way no matter what time zone you are in, you can
meet up with others. If one meeting ends up being far more popular than the
other, then we'll just do just one meetup, and I've tried to choose a pair
of times that balance different regions I know are doing deloyments today.
Because I'll be facilitating both meetings, I hope to ensure we don't lose
information transfer between the different groups.

Appropriate info gathered will be documented publicly and hopefully the
deployment guide continually updated for others out of this process.
Feedback from deployers will also be fed back to developer groups and
hopefully this will help facilitate developers better understanding the
needs of deployments.

Meetups will be via IRC (which will make it a little easier to script into
other languages and to record) and a basic agenda will be maintained on the
wiki here:

Meetings to commence January 20th, and all details are on the link above.

Looking forward to meeting more deployment gurus out there and hearing about
the awesome successes we are all having around the world!

Please forward on to any lists or people you think will be interested. Thank


OLPC Friends
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
  "What are we doing today brain?"
  "We're taking over the world like we always do."
   - Pinky and the Brain
Devel mailing list

Urgent need of wireless certification

2008-11-27 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

Could someone please point me to any wireless certification the XO has
(European if possible) which should have been a requirement for selling them
in the UK. I urgently need this certificate to complete the registration of
the device in Australia and the Pacific. I completed the EMC certification
process, but to register the device I need the wireless certificate.



OLPC Friends
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
"If you have any trouble sounding condescending, find a Unix user to
   show you how it's done." - Scott Adams
Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC XS 0.5 Released

2008-11-26 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> OLPC XS 0.5 is ready! -- the release was quietly made available about
> a week ago now but the week was insanely busy, so the announcement was
> held a bit.
> So if you haven'tdownloaded it yet, go now to

Yay!!! thanks to all, this is great.


OLPC Friends
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
   "We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution." - Bill Hicks
Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Backup of laptops

2008-10-20 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Douglas,

> Do any files under /library/users/ have the wrong ownership?  (perhaps
> owned by a different laptop).  If so, then the problem might well be
> fixed by this patch:

They have the right ownership, and the on my 767 image doesn't
look the same as in that trac log. I'll look into it some more.

Thanks Douglas.


Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day

Devel mailing list

Re: [Health] VideoChat is working now - hooray!

2008-10-16 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> true. plus a good broadband network connection,

The video is relatively small and the broadband requirements don't appear to
be ridiculously high. I guess I would ask that you all download and test the
app, see what it is capable, of, post to the list and VideoChat page your
findings, and the potentially pitch in to making it better :)


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
   "He who loves the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire."
 - Lao-tzu
Devel mailing list

Re: [Health] VideoChat is working now - hooray!

2008-10-16 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> exactly. There's a lot of fun to be had, and a lot to learn with this.
> Might be useful in some cases (perhaps growing number of cases, if
> connectivity improves over time) and more things become viable.
> For health purposes, it will probably not be useful, except for a tiny
> % of cases. If people want health tools, that's a different project.
> Let's refocus that camera on collaboration and education.

The Videochat app will largely be used for counselling, speech pathology,
and generally for remote support to students in regions where they don't
have easy access to any of the above. Obviously they'll also have fun with
it, and we are looking at connecting up classrooms of children to do
cultural exchanges and learning. I believe it will play a basic eHealth role
in future where children/adults can communicate with health professionals
for basic remote health service, which, although would require very high res
for anything particualrly complicated, would  be better than what some of
these communities currently have.


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
  "What are we doing today brain?"
  "We're taking over the world like we always do."
   - Pinky and the Brain
Devel mailing list

VideoChat is working now - hooray!

2008-10-12 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

We now have Videochat v9 which works. This is a great thing that will help
children connect, and in particular help with remote support for children.
It could assist with eHealth, remote education, speech therapy and any
number of useful functions.

Anyway, it also needs more hacking, so anyone interested in helping should
have a play and get involved. Currently it only does basic video
conferencing between 2 laptops but the vision (as it states on the webpage)
is for whiteboard functionality and more.

Anyway, thought there would probably be a few of you for whom this would be
useful :)

Download and information:


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
"We all pay for life with death, so everything in between should be
free." - Bill Hicks
Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] physical security issue

2008-10-10 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> > I'm doing a reasonable AA trial and I'll post how it goes to the list soon.
> > It seems to be working quite well though in initial tests.
> How many XOs?

At the moment the most to one AA is 45, and it was weird because with an
earlier version of the XO software only up to 20 at a time could talk to
each other, but the newer images all talk just fine (no changes to the AA or
server). So 45 now work perfectly with 1 AA. It will likely grow to a 120
laptops to 2 AA's in a month or two, both will be fully documented.

I'm plannning on writing up all my network diagrams, configs and the rest on in the coming week or two as the initial implementation is
being finalised this week.


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
   "We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution." - Bill Hicks
Server-devel mailing list

Major power concern

2008-10-02 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

I've just noticed that release candidate 765 when fully charged tells me I
have 2 1/2 hours of usage. This is a major concern, and something we really
need to fix for this release. As I tested it, it appeared to get about a
minute or two to each percentage of battery. Below are some initial results
as I know people want them sooner rather than later :)

I was asked in #olpc to see if ohmd is running. It is. Anything else I can
check for? I found that by default the "power savings" option was turned
off. I turned it on for one of the test laptops below.

All laptops were simply turned on and the mouse hovered over the battery
symbol for status, no apps were run nor other activity run.

The % is the indicated remaining battery time.

Test 1 - default 765 image

765 started at (98%) fully charged
64% 1.48hrs remaining @ 65 mins running time
50% 1.24hrs remaining @ 98 mins running time
45% 1.16hrs remaining @ 108 mins running time

Estiamted time = ~2 1/2 - 3hrs

Test 2 - default 765 image but with power savings on

765 started at (93%) mostly charged with power savings turned on 
and rebooted
93% @ 0 mins running time
92% @ 2.35 10 mins running time
90% @ 2.32 35 mins running time
90% @ 2.32 41 mins running time
90% @ 2.32 50 mins running time

Estimated full time = ~10hrs+

Test 3 - default 711 image

711 build started at (97%) fully charged (no percentage available)
94% @ 10 mins running time
89% @ 23 mins running time
84% @ 35 mins running time
73% @ 68 mins running time

Estimated time = 4-5 hrs

Please note these are initial results and I won't know for sure until
another few hours for the first round, and a few repeats, but at least this
gets other able to start testing :)

This issue could be a major problem for this new release and if unfixed
would seriously undermine the awesome efforts of all involved in the great
changes for 8.2.0.

Just for reference I've seen trials for primary schools with other devices
and one of the main benefits of the XO over them was better power, so we
need to maintain that :) If you are interested the other main reasons were
screen size, the ease of prepacking a full suite of apps/content, the
relative cost of the wireless infrastructure needed, and the community
around OLPC.


Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
   "He who loves the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire."
 - Lao-tzu
Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] XS_0_4 install]

2008-10-02 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> What's more concerning to me is that ejabberd has never once worked for
> me "out-of-box." I have always had to reinstall it before getting it to
> work. Has anyone out there gotten ejabberd to work consistently on new
> XS installs w/ reinstalling it?

I've only had to reinstall once out of 5 servers I've built/deployed. I
found this strange. Did it not work straight away, or did it fail down the
track a little? You've got me concerned now :)


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
"Watching television is like taking black spray paint to your third
 eye." - Bill Hicks
Server-devel mailing list

Re: Peru and Microsoft announcement

2008-10-02 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi SJ,

> >> We don't have to frame it as us vs. them. We can just announce the
> >> state of current deployments, and discuss plans for future deployments
> >> and G1G1, including whatever can be said in public about the Microsoft
> >> trials. Everybody wants to know what's up with the Amazon deal, too.
> We could have a formulaic "please check out our latest public
> announcements" email, and a list that media orgs can sign up to to
> receive regular pointers to longer announcements.  Something between
> the sporadic Press Release and the detailed weekly community-news
> blurbs.

Yes, that'd be awesome. Perhaps a monthly digest with highlights from the
community news, and anything that OLPC wants to communicate to the wide
world. It was mentioned the community news has only 2000 subscribers. I
didn't even know it was public although I've heard about it, and I've had
people be tentative about forwarding it thinking it was an "internal"
resource, so it probably needs to be promoted more as an open public
resource, if that is it's purpose.

> > I believe there is an internal newsletter, why doesn't OLPC have a monthly
> > public news feed that is on the main website that talks about stuff
> > happening which would give the world (and community trying to support OLPC)
> > the information we all need :) The amount of times I've had people both from
> > the FOSS community and the general community ask me what is going on is
> > crazy, and damaging. And I'm not even on the inside, I'm just involved with
> > some regional projects!
> As mentioned elsewhere, we have a community-news list
> (,  but it only goes
> out to some 2000 people.  It might be valuable to have a list for
> shorter, more specific announcements that includes a regular link to
> the community-news archive, and any major essays or press pieces,
> which we can broadcast to a much larger audience.

Definitely. An in which you can carefully message around the the successes
and taboo topics to help people get it right. I think most of the problem at
the moment is simply that people don't know what's going on half the time.

> > If it is any help, Im sure there are many people in the community who would
> > be happy to help (including me) with something like this, with keeping the
> > general public and community informed in a more public fashion. There is
> > generally a lot of good will towards the project around the world but real
> > and positive public information is key to maintaining that good will.
> This is a good point.  For instance, it would be useful to post and
> wikify the community-news archives on the wiki (this would both give
> them much higher google rank and help highlight red-links for a number
> of efforts, deployments, or concepts that deserve public descriptions
> but don't have their own page yet on our wiki).

That'd be cool. It'd be great to have the latest post of community news and
this regular update on the front page with a link to the subscriptions. Why
don't you blog the updates so people can subscribe to the rss feed (and it
can be aggregated for instance).


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
"Women hold up half the sky." - Mao Tse Tung
Devel mailing list

Re: VideoChat-7 release

2008-09-19 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> I'm pleased to announce that I've had a successful Video conversation, and
> am releasing the .xo file that is the result of this weeks hard labour.

I just wanted to say a big thanks to Stephen for all his work. I believe
this app will really make a huge difference to people as it has distance
education, communication, health and many other wonderful implications.

Great work! I'll update the Activities page now.


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
   "We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution." - Bill Hicks
Devel mailing list

Re: mechanisms tied to mesh: "under a tree" collab

2008-09-19 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Stephen,

> This means two laptops from neighbouring schools who each have their 'own'
> schoolserver set up as their jabber server will not be able to share any
> content if they are close enough to receive wireless signal to the internet.

Unless they join each others school server for "collaboration activities" :)
that is how I'm planning on linkin gup a few schools here who are hundreds
of kilometers apart, but having the teachers know how to connect to the
other schoolserver for short activities, and then back to the local server.


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
"If you have any trouble sounding condescending, find a Unix user to
   show you how it's done." - Scott Adams
Devel mailing list

Re: Peru and Microsoft announcement

2008-09-16 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> This would be even more useful as the basis for an article or
> editorial in one or more of the computer magazines or Web sites, or a
> fact-filled press release. All of the media people I have talked with
> say they would like to hear from OLPC.
> We don't have to frame it as us vs. them. We can just announce the
> state of current deployments, and discuss plans for future deployments
> and G1G1, including whatever can be said in public about the Microsoft
> trials. Everybody wants to know what's up with the Amazon deal, too.

I just want to support what Edward is saying and say that OLPC could avoid a
lot of misinformation and drama by pre-emptively releasing news about what
is going on, which means OLPC wouldn't constantly be on the back foot of
having to respond to misinformation.

I believe there is an internal newsletter, why doesn't OLPC have a monthly
public news feed that is on the main website that talks about stuff
happening which would give the world (and community trying to support OLPC)
the information we all need :) The amount of times I've had people both from
the FOSS community and the general community ask me what is going on is
crazy, and damaging. And I'm not even on the inside, I'm just involved with
some regional projects!

If it is any help, Im sure there are many people in the community who would
be happy to help (including me) with something like this, with keeping the
general public and community informed in a more public fashion. There is
generally a lot of good will towards the project around the world but real
and positive public information is key to maintaining that good will.


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
Devel mailing list

Re: Videochat - any status?

2008-09-14 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi SJ,

> Alex looked into this in July, I don't think much has been done with
> the original videochat code since the last git commit:

Cool, we'll update the documentation and put up anything new we create to
get it working over the coming few days.


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
  "What are we doing today brain?"
  "We're taking over the world like we always do."
   - Pinky and the Brain
Devel mailing list

Re: Videochat - any status?

2008-09-14 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Guillaume,

> Few months ago I posted this mail [1] explaining the current status of
> VideoChat. The situation didn't evolve since but I guess it should still
> be basically usable.
> [1]

Cool, I saw that and linked it to the Activities page but had trouble making
it work. I've got someone working on it now and I'll get him to post an
update soon. Thanks for that Guillaume!


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
   "He who loves the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire."
 - Lao-tzu
Devel mailing list

Videochat - any status?

2008-09-10 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

I have a great need for the video chat application to use for remote speech
pathology and other services to remote communities through chat. Does anyone
know the status of this project:

It looks like nothing has happened with it for several months. If there is
anyone leading this, could they post a status of the project?


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
 "I dig your vibe." - Rove McManus to Ice T
Devel mailing list

Re: recognizing a previous connection

2008-09-10 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> It is my understanding that deployments with larger schools will be  using
> WAPs and possibly some active antennas (currently a shortage of these).
> These large schools are more like the G1G1 situation as  the pupil moves
> from one area of the school to another they may  connect to another AP.  I
> have informed a person involved with deployment at large schools of  this
> thread (and the other thread). I am hoping they will respond  with
> information about the wireless topography.

Actually, you can overcome this in a large school by using a WDS network, or
by simply giving all the access points the same name, then as the student
moves around the campus they seamlessly switch from AP to AP, as it is
effectively the same wireless network.

I did this at two schools of ~200-250 students each with a WDS setup (as
they didn't have ethernet to the classrooms), and it worked perfectly. If
you have ethernet to the classrooms, then APs with the same ESSID would work
even better. Details here:

OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day

  Jeff: Whatchootalkin'boutwillis?
Pia: What's Willis?

Devel mailing list

Re: Expected date for 8.2.0

2008-09-09 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Martin,

> XS-0.4 is already out and done -- safe and sane to install, and
> includes a facility that you can use to install the OS updates to the
> laptops. There is also an extra rpm package (being finished now) that
> you can use to serve activity updates. Both require a bit of manual
> intervention to use the local server, but should be a bit easier for
> large numbers of XOs than a purely USB-based upgrade.

Ok, cool.
> XS-0.5 will be out end of Sept or early days Oct.

And 0.5 has the backup stuff built in? That was the functionality I was
hoping to get by Sept 17th :( I'll play with the beta stuff and see how it
goes by the 22nd when I need to implement.
> Hve you still got those notes on proxy configuration? I want them :-)

Sure. Am updating the server installation wiki page right now. I don't have
the server up in front of me but will update the page with further details
in the next day or two.

Software Freedom Day
Devel mailing list

Re: Expected date for 8.2.0

2008-09-09 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Martin,

> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:29 AM, Pia Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Of course. I'll put the latest joyride on my devel machine now to test.
> Go for 8.2-759 - that's pretty close to being a release candidate, and
> it's fairly good. Two things that hit mainstream usage and are being
> worked on: bad WPA support, odd Out-of-memory situations - activities
> get a kill -9 without so much as a "pardon me".

Cool, will test later today and come back with feedback.

Martin, does that mean the XS release is pushed back too?

Software Freedom Day
Devel mailing list

Re: Expected date for 8.2.0

2008-09-09 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Michael,

> The final weeks of September seem more likely to me at the moment. If
> you want to stay up to date, please watch
> Then you'll receive instant notifications. :)

Erk. OK, thanks! I'll be travelling out to do the rollouts on the 22nd
September. I guess I'll see how it goes :)

> Also, will you be able to help test our next release candidate(s)?

Of course. I'll put the latest joyride on my devel machine now to test.

Software Freedom Day
Devel mailing list

Expected date for 8.2.0

2008-09-08 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

Is the expected release date for 8.2.0 still September 17th? I have a trial
that depends on this coming out (for various functionality, mainly the
software updates and flash) so I just wanted to see whether it was still
looking likely to be released then.

Thanks all! The joyrides are looking great!

Software Freedom Day
Devel mailing list

Hardware certifications

2008-07-09 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

I'm getting the XO certified to the Australian power and safety standard
(which makes it legal and certifiably safe in Australia, Nz and the Pacific
with a little tweaking :)) and I need to know whether the testing page is up
to date. Are there any updates on the certifications pending?

I specifically need access to the European wireless certification for the
XO if it exists.

Thanks everyone!


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
Devel mailing list

Re: Colour blindness

2008-07-08 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi Walter,

> The most typical color-blindless is a red-green confusion. Black-green
> should not be an issue as this is contrast in value, not chroma.
> However, the point is well taken. Some of the on-screen color
> combinations may well be problematic. The general rule of thumb is to
> provide at least two Munsell value steps of contrast to ensure enough
> contrast for legibility. I think we are OK on the keyboard itself in
> that respect.

OK, great. The education specialist said the black on green wasn't a high
enough contrast. I'm happy to follow this up with the local vision and
accessibility authority if that would be useful.

By the way, lovely to meet you :)


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
"There is no darkness but ignorance." - William Shakespeare
Devel mailing list

Colour blindness

2008-07-08 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

I'm not sure this is the right list for this, but I had some feedback on the
XO which I'm not sure has been dealt with. The black on green keyboards
apparently might be a significant issue for children who are colourblind. I
haven't pursued this but had the question posed from an education specialist
I'm working with. 

Has anyone looked at this or have any feedback about it?

Thanks all!


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
  "What are we doing today brain?"
  "We're taking over the world like we always do."
   - Pinky and the Brain
Devel mailing list

Re: Upgrade G1G1 using autoreinstallation method

2008-06-17 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> I'm glad you found a solution.   Can you provide more information (such as
> exactly what model of AP are you using ?  Which versions of firmware
> worked/didn't work.)

Just wanted to give everyone an update. I bought a DLink DWL-2100AP which is
what David and Ian are trying to implement for their XO rollouts. We found
that we could not get DHCP working on the AP at all for either an XO or for
an IBM laptop running Ubuntu. We tried several different firmware versions
(although the AP is seemingly locked to European firmware and we can't use
the US ones) and the only way we could use it was as an AP that forwards
DHCP requests to the network.

We've spent about 4 hours today trying to troubleshoot the issues and I am
unfortunately going to have to recommend that the APs be plugged into a
network which plugs into an XS server for DHCP to get the XOs connected.
David, where you can't have an XS server you could always buy a different AP
or other DHCP allocation device per site for DHCP resolution as these APs
seem to be inappropriate for the job (at least the Australian ones).


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
 "I dig your vibe." - Rove McManus to Ice T
Devel mailing list

Re: Upgrade G1G1 using autoreinstallation method

2008-06-16 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi all,

> > If one pulls the cable out on the LAN side of the AP the XOs cease  to
> > share and quickly drop out and look for the mesh. So, this duplicated
> > the  problem I described.
> More and more interesting.
> Have you been able to follow up on what Pia Waugh found ?   Does it seem
> relevant ?

I am purchasing one of the exact same APs today to figure it out and will
post to the list what I find and whether the fix I found works. 


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it
   would be a merrier world." - J. R. R. Tolkien
Devel mailing list

Re: Upgrade G1G1 using autoreinstallation method

2008-06-14 Thread Pia Waugh

> I just found this which might help. Similar problem with that AP. Might
> help.

"t works!!! I took a risk and went backwards in the firmware. First I
tried 2.10, which appeared to be just about the same as the mysterious
shipping firmware (2.11) that is not on their website."

It is a slightly different use case but sounds like something to try.


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
"There is no darkness but ignorance." - William Shakespeare
Devel mailing list

Re: Upgrade G1G1 using autoreinstallation method

2008-06-14 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi David,

> To see if we could duplicate our problem, we tried with another AP: We have
> a VSAT set up near the village where we are deploying a trial with 50
> children in PNG. It has a reliable wireless AP and you can associate both
> "grown up" laptops and XOs no problems. The XOs will then see the Internet
> and also other XOs and the activities will share OK. This AP has a DHCP
> server on the wireless side. In fact, there is no other as the AP connects
> straight to the VSAT modem, which does not have DHCP set up, via a switch.
> If one pulls the cable out on the LAN side of the AP the XOs cease to share
> and quickly drop out and look for the mesh. So, this duplicated the problem
> I described.

I just found this which might help. Similar problem with that AP. Might

> I am now told that a jabber service is needed to keep the XOs interested and
> reliably collaborating, that maybe is the cause? Do you concur? 

That shouldn't impact them getting a DHCP address though, I'm not sure.


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy
  condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness
 experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death,
   life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's
Tom with the weather." - Bill Hicks
Devel mailing list

Re: Usage monitoring: any experience?

2008-06-14 Thread Pia Waugh
Hi there,

> Our grassroot at OLPC France made a small "deployment" lately in a school
> (so far with one XO, no more) and we would like to monitor the activity of
> the users (activities, connections, load, etc.) as per day, week, etc.

We have a similar problem in OLPC Australia, and we are planning on using
the backup function of the server to monitor the journals. This way you'll
get an overview of all the users activity. We were planning on either
finding existing efforts or writing some sort of monitoring of the journals
so teachers can keep an eye on the student activities. It turns out it will
also be really useful for monitoring which applications are most popular,
how they are used, etc, etc.

> OLPC France may contribute to such an activity if there is sufficient
> interest among the other developers.

It'll be good to see if others respond, but regardless OLPC Australia would
also like to help with this project.


OLPC Australia
Linux Australia
Open Source Industry Australia
Software Freedom Day
   "He who loves the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire."
 - Lao-tzu
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