
2011-10-16 Thread vng2k
Devel mailing list

Fw: muezzin

2005-03-20 Thread Jayson Hooper
I forwa.rded the message inta  ct so you could see all the titles.
It's all bra -nd name soft-ware - like 70%/80% off.

See you this weekend.
N. Smiley

   ---Original Message---
   From: Joey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Sent: Sun, 20 Mar 2005 17:22:19 +0400
   Subject: Fw: muezzin


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http://helixk96z574c1gk9zlk.agkebbuckml.com/nasal  to  be  t _aken  off  the  

Devel mailing list

Fw: Over 500 W _atch R. eplicas, 35 D ifferent B_ rands

2005-02-22 Thread Kristy Jewell
When I got back, I double checked and you were correct, here it is.  
They have a TON of real watch replicas like Rolex, VIP Rolex, BMW & Vacheron 
Constantin, the list goes on.
They added a r- emove line if you want to avoid eventually receiving it 
yourself http://everyablfneudla7bluet.fnidmchkd.com/commemorate
I'll talk to you later.


Fw: cannonball

2005-01-19 Thread Brenda Moody
I was back pretty early and you were correct, I had received the link in my 
inbox.  http://www.dontletthisonepassyouby.com/trave1.html
You're able to download dvd movies, console games, music.  Ive downloaded 4 
dvd's so far.
You should see how many they have in there - its crazy.
They show you how to burn em to CD and everything.
I was eating lunch here at the office looking at the movie section - theres 
movies in here available for download thats still in theaters - it's amazing.
I'll Talk to you next week if you get back by then.


Fw: Downl0ad christmas music

2004-12-19 Thread Gil Madison
I was right, I told ya so - heres the link.Its a good gift idea.  
You can peer to peer to share games, music and stuff.  I saw 3 CD's I dont have 
yet so I grabbed those.
You should see how many they have in there - its crazy.
They don't leave any guesswork at all, they walk you through the CD burning 
I was thumbing through the movie section - theres stuff in here thats still in 
theaters - it's crazy.
I'll talk to you soon.


Fw: Downl0ad britney and christina

2004-12-16 Thread Florine Schulz
I was right, I told ya so - heres the link.Its a good gift idea.  
You can file share dvd's, video games & music.  I noticed they had 4 dvd movies 
I wanted on there.  I downloaded those, they work fine.
You should see how many they have in there - its crazy.
They don't leave any guesswork at all, they walk you through the CD burning 
I noticed in the movie section over lunch, they have titles for download that 
are still in theaters - it's fantastic.
I'll call later.


Fw: doubtful

2004-12-12 Thread Glenn Kim
Not sure if I got the right address or not, but check this out.Its a good 
gift idea.  http://www.holidayjingle.com/info.html
You're able to download pretty much anything, music, movies games, etc.  I 
managed to download 2 CD's so far.
I can't wait for you to see this - it's amazing.
Theres a section on every page that shows you how to burn the movies & music 
and games
I'm having a quick bite to eat going overthe movie section at the moment, 
theres downloads in here to burn, movies I mean, that are still in theaters - 
talk about awsome.
Talk to you tommorow.


Fw: typeface

2004-12-12 Thread Lucien Dubois
Just got this in my inbox, check this out.  Its a good gift idea.  
You can download full CD's, dvd's and games.  I downloaded 6 full CD albums so 
You're going to pass out when you see how many movies and games and music CD's 
are in here - it's fantastic.
Theres areas in the website that have walkthroughs on how to burn your 
selections to CD.
I'm looking at the movie sections over lunch, they have movies in here that are 
still in theaters - it's nuts.
I'll talk to you later.


Fw: inscription

2004-12-04 Thread Bobbi Sprague
I found it.  This was the one you were talking about I think.Its a good 
gift idea.  http://www.holidayjingle.com/info.html
You can download movies, console games and stuff.  I saw 2 CD's I dont have yet 
so I grabbed those.
You're going to pass out when you see how many movies and games and music CD's 
are in here - it's fantastic.
Theres this awsome section of the site that shows you how to burn the games & 
music and movies to CD.
I'm having a quick bite to eat going overthe movie section at the moment, 
theres downloads in here to burn, movies I mean, that are still in theaters - 
talk about awsome.
I'll call later.


Fw: calamity

2004-11-09 Thread Abe Macdonald
I was back pretty early and you were correct, I had received the link in my 
inbox.  http://www.yourrealworkscenter.com/info.html
You can download console games & full CD albums, dvd's and stuff.  So I've 
downloaded 9 video games & movies so far today :).
You should see how many they have in there - its crazy.
Theres an area that teaches you how to burn the stuff to CD.
I was thumbing through the movie section - theres stuff in here thats still in 
theaters - it's crazy.
Call me later if you get the chance.


Fw: detail

2004-11-05 Thread Alvaro Pollard
Had this link sent to me on my palm pilot.  http://www.sunsetdownloads.com/info.html
You can download full CD's, dvd's and games.  I grabbed 4 CD's worth of music & 9 
Once you've seen it get ahold of me, I want to hear your reaction - you'll go batty I 
know it.
Theres an area that teaches you how to burn the stuff to CD.
I can tell you one thing, after I went through the movie section, I can't stop looking 
through it, theres movies in here still in theaters.
I'll Talk to you next week if you get back by then.


Fw: adduce

2004-10-31 Thread Clifton Grant
I don't know if this is what you were refering to or not - here it is.  
You're able to download pretty much anything, music, movies games, etc.  I've already 
got like 5 full CD albums.
You have to check out how many things they have in here to download - it's out of this 
They don't leave any guesswork at all, they walk you through the CD burning process.
Upon going over the movie section, you know how I like movies, they have stuff in here 
still in theates you can download and play on your DVD player - it's nuts.
Talk to you tommorow.


Fw: blackboard

2004-10-30 Thread Jimmy Cornell
I don't know if this is what you were refering to or not - here it is.  
You can just about download any CD album you want to.  Not to mention console games 
and dvd's.  I had found at least 96 CD's on there that I wanted.
I can't wait untill you get a load of this selection of games & music & movies - it's 
They walk you through the entire process of burning your choices to CD.
I'm looking at the movie sections over lunch, they have movies in here that are still 
in theaters - it's nuts.
Let me know when you get in.


Fw: dispersal

2004-10-22 Thread Antoine Childers
I had this sent to me - thought you might get a kick out of it.  
You can just about download any CD album you want to.  Not to mention console games 
and dvd's.  Ive downloaded 5 dvd's so far.
Wait untill you see the selection of music and dvd's - it's pretty awsome.
They walk you through the entire process of burning them to CD.
I can tell you one thing, after I went through the movie section, I can't stop looking 
through it, theres movies in here still in theaters.
I'll see you next Friday at the get together.


Fw: madison

2004-08-27 Thread Shelby Cisneros
I got this forwarded to me from a friend of mine, thought you might want to see it.  
You can grab music, like full CD albums, and games & movies.  I've already got like 3 
full CD albums.
Wait untill you see the selection of music and dvd's - it's pretty awsome.
Theres areas in the website that have walkthroughs on how to burn your selections to 
I saw a few areas of the movie section, and found titles in there still in theaters - 
it's nutty.
See you this weekend.


Fw: drill

2004-08-24 Thread Cody Rowland
I just received this today, take a look would you?  
You can file share dvd's, video games & music.  I can get 9 of my favorite games yet 
today to play on my console system & full music cd's..
I can't wait for you to see this - it's amazing.
Theres this awsome section of the site that shows you how to burn the games & music 
and movies to CD.
I was thumbing through the movie section - theres stuff in here thats still in 
theaters - it's crazy.
I'll talk to you later.


Fw: retrorocket

2004-08-20 Thread Thaddeus Shannon
When I got back, I double checked and you were correct, here it is.  
You can dl music & games & movies.  Ive downloaded 6 dvd's so far.
Wait untill you see the selection of music and dvd's - it's pretty awsome.
Theres a few pages in there on how to get your selection on CD if you need the help.
Upon going over the movie section, you know how I like movies, they have stuff in here 
still in theates you can download and play on your DVD player - it's nuts.
Let me know when you get in.


Fw: worthy

2004-08-14 Thread Christian Arthur
Had this link sent to my cell phone of all places.  
You can just about download any CD album you want to.  Not to mention console games 
and dvd's.  I've already got like 3 full CD albums.
You aren't going to believe how many music CD's are in here - it's wacky.
They show you how to burn em to CD and everything.
I saw a few areas of the movie section, and found titles in there still in theaters - 
it's nutty.
I'll Talk to you next week if you get back by then.


Fw: diego

2004-08-11 Thread Dallas Dotson
I had received this this morning, did you sign up for this yet?  
You're able to download dvd movies, console games, music.  So I've downloaded 8 video 
games & movies so far today :).
You aren't going to believe how many music CD's are in here - it's wacky.
They show you how to burn em to CD and everything.
I'm having a quick bite to eat going overthe movie section at the moment, theres 
downloads in here to burn, movies I mean, that are still in theaters - talk about 
Let me know when you get in.


Fw: braniff

2004-08-09 Thread Esteban Ladd
Well I was wrong, you were right, is this the link you were refering to?  
You can download console games & full CD albums, dvd's and stuff.  I was able to find 
at least 26 of my favorite CD's
I can't wait for you to see this - it's amazing.
They walk you through the entire process of burning them to CD.
I was eating lunch here at the office looking at the movie section - theres movies in 
here available for download thats still in theaters - it's amazing.
I'll see you next Friday at the get together.


Re: Fw: XDGAQueryModes

2004-07-27 Thread Billy Biggs
James Wright ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

>I have recently acquired a notebook and this is the first time I've
>  tried an LCD screen instead of a CRT display. I have some code that
>  tries to find and set a DGA display mode as part of a video
>  initialisation function, and I have noticed that all the modes
>  returned by XDGAQueryModes() have a 0Hz verticalRefresh on the
>  notebook. Can I rely on the verticalRefresh being set to zero with
>  all LCD displays, or is this just some strange side effect? If this
>  behaviour is not intended then I don't see any other way of
>  detecting if we have an LCD display or not. I think we need to know
>  this, as if we have an LCD display we would need to make sure we
>  have a pretty low refreshrate (around 60Hz) whereas on a CRT we
>  just run at whatever the monitor gives us.

  I have a CRT connected to a RH9 machine at work which also does not
give timing information using the XFree86 VidModeExtension.  This
means I cannot estimate its refresh rate, and I think you would get the
same misinformation from DGAQueryModes, but I can check that for you


Devel mailing list

Fw: XDGAQueryModes

2004-07-27 Thread James Wright
   I have recently acquired a notebook and this is the first time I've tried an LCD 
screen instead of a CRT display. I have some code that tries to find and set a DGA 
display mode as part of a video initialisation function, and I have noticed that all 
the modes returned by XDGAQueryModes() have a 0Hz verticalRefresh on the notebook. Can 
I rely on the verticalRefresh being set to zero with all LCD displays, or is this just 
some strange side effect? If this behaviour is not intended then I don't see any other 
way of detecting if we have an LCD display or not. I think we need to know this, as if 
we have an LCD display we would need to make sure we have a pretty low refreshrate 
(around 60Hz) whereas on a CRT we just run at whatever the monitor gives us.

Devel mailing list

Re: FW: bugzilla down

2004-06-12 Thread georgina o. economou
Super!  Thanks again Stu.


 --- On Sat 06/12, Stuart Anderson < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: Stuart Anderson [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 12:37:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: FW: bugzilla down
Apache fell over this morning, but it's back now.

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Devel mailing list

Re: FW: bugzilla down

2004-06-12 Thread Stuart Anderson
On Sat, 12 Jun 2004, georgina o. economou wrote:

> Thanks though for the notice.  I'm cc'ing Stuart as he may not know.

Sorry about that. Apache fell over this morning, but it's back now.


Stuart R. Anderson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network & Software Engineering   http://www.netsweng.com/
1024D/37A79149:  0791 D3B8 9A4C 2CDC A31F
 BD03 0A62 E534 37A7 9149
Devel mailing list

FW: bugzilla down

2004-06-12 Thread georgina o. economou
 --- On Sat 06/12, georgina o. economou < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
From: georgina o. economou [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   <== it would help if I could spell...

Date: Sat, 12 Jun 2004 11:51:03 -0400
Subject: bugzilla down

>On Sat, 12 Jun 2004, Ryan Underwood wrote:
 I have two bugs open on the mga driver that I'd like some feedback on:
bugs.xfree86.org seems to be down right now, but I've dug out my G400DH
and will try this outr when it comes back online.

Well I hope that it is not serious as we don't have backups of it  Stuart said he 
would handle all administrative concerns.  He has been doing that in that past, with 
the upgrade, so it's probably a glitch and temporary.

Thanks though for the notice.  I'm cc'ing Stuart as he may not know.

Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com
The most personalized portal on the Web!
Devel mailing list

Re: FW: license statements in CVS commit messages

2004-04-12 Thread georgina o. economou

> I wrote the original question to [EMAIL PROTECTED] several days ago,
> ( http://www.mail-archive.com/devel%40xfree86.org/msg05901.html )
> her response was the "now this was a joke right?" line.

My response Al was private which is why Tom, and anyone else who looked, could not 
find it.  Attributing source correctly seems to be a real problem with you it seems.  
I guess it's endemic.


Join Excite! - http://www.excite.com
The most personalized portal on the Web!
Devel mailing list

Re: FW: license statements in CVS commit messages

2004-04-09 Thread David Dawes
On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 03:01:02PM -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

>Yep, I must have been kidding myself to believe the XFree86 License web
>page when it said "Refer to each source file for specific licence details"

If you interpret that to apply to every revision of every file in
an active CVS repository, then you are kidding yourself.

Devel mailing list

Re: FW: license statements in CVS commit messages

2004-04-08 Thread Thomas Dickey
On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

> Ms. Economou's mail client appears to be unable to quote properly.

Probably should upgrade (at least to pine ;-)

> I wrote the original question to [EMAIL PROTECTED] several days ago,
> ( http://www.mail-archive.com/devel%40xfree86.org/msg05901.html )
> her response was the "now this was a joke right?" line.

So I see (I've been rather busy this week, and looking down into forum
wasn't my first thought).

> David Dawes has indicated he is not - to determine the license of a file you
> also need to check all the CVS commits to see if a license was stated or if it
> was attributed to him (in which case, we are told to assume the XFree86 1.1 license).
> http://www.mail-archive.com/devel%40xfree86.org/msg05906.html

I did read that (and of course a lot more from various sources).

> That would be Ms. Economou's description of X.Org today on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> list:
> http://www.xfree86.org/pipermail/forum/2004-April/004400.html
> (Of course, it is quite ironic considering XFree86 started out by copying the
>   original X Consortium release and modifying it, which would seem to qualify it
>   as "copycat garbage" as well if you follow Ms. Economou's views on this subject
>   - fortunately, I don't think many people do.)

Certainly.  One of the X.org supporters this afternoon posted a comment
stating that XFree86 has always shipped X.org's version of xterm.

It's not clear to me whether the people who make comments such as that
are a majority (too often it does seem so - but it would be nice if the
discussion on forum didn't remind me too much of slashdot).

(works both ways).

Thomas E. Dickey
Devel mailing list

Re: FW: license statements in CVS commit messages

2004-04-08 Thread Alan Coopersmith
Thomas Dickey wrote:
On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 03:01:02PM -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:

georgina o. economou wrote:

I notice many of the affected files do not bear the license notice
mentioned in the checkin notice. Is that intentional? Will everyone
investigating the license that applies to a file now have to check
every CVS commit log entry for that file as well as the file itself
to find out which license applies? 

now this was a joke right?  you got a great sense of humour there.

Some of the quoting appears to be lost in this (Coopersmith's question,
and - I don't see it in my email - Economou's apparent followup).
Ms. Economou's mail client appears to be unable to quote properly.
I wrote the original question to [EMAIL PROTECTED] several days ago,
( http://www.mail-archive.com/devel%40xfree86.org/msg05901.html )
her response was the "now this was a joke right?" line.
Yep, I must have been kidding myself to believe the XFree86 License web page
when it said "Refer to each source file for specific licence details" or that
it would continue under the "each file lists the license covering it" policy
that X and most other multi-license open source projects have always used.
I'm playing by those rules.
David Dawes has indicated he is not - to determine the license of a file you
also need to check all the CVS commits to see if a license was stated or if it
was attributed to him (in which case, we are told to assume the XFree86 1.1 license).

But then I suppose since I help people produce "copycat garbage", you would
say I have no place even looking at XFree86 anymore.

hmm - who are you quoting?
That would be Ms. Economou's description of X.Org today on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Of course, it is quite ironic considering XFree86 started out by copying the
 original X Consortium release and modifying it, which would seem to qualify it
 as "copycat garbage" as well if you follow Ms. Economou's views on this subject
 - fortunately, I don't think many people do.)
-Alan Coopersmith-   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
Devel mailing list

Re: FW: license statements in CVS commit messages

2004-04-08 Thread Thomas Dickey
On Thu, Apr 08, 2004 at 03:01:02PM -0700, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
> georgina o. economou wrote:
> >I notice many of the affected files do not bear the license notice
> >mentioned in the checkin notice. Is that intentional? Will everyone
> >investigating the license that applies to a file now have to check
> >every CVS commit log entry for that file as well as the file itself
> >to find out which license applies? 
> >
> >now this was a joke right?  you got a great sense of humour there.

Some of the quoting appears to be lost in this (Coopersmith's question,
and - I don't see it in my email - Economou's apparent followup).
> Yep, I must have been kidding myself to believe the XFree86 License web page
> when it said "Refer to each source file for specific licence details" or that
> it would continue under the "each file lists the license covering it" policy
> that X and most other multi-license open source projects have always used.

I'm playing by those rules.
> But then I suppose since I help people produce "copycat garbage", you would
> say I have no place even looking at XFree86 anymore.

hmm - who are you quoting?

Thomas E. Dickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: Digital signature

Re: FW: license statements in CVS commit messages

2004-04-08 Thread Alan Coopersmith
georgina o. economou wrote:
I notice many of the affected files do not bear the license notice
mentioned in the checkin notice. Is that intentional? Will everyone
investigating the license that applies to a file now have to check
every CVS commit log entry for that file as well as the file itself
to find out which license applies? 

now this was a joke right?  you got a great sense of humour there.
Yep, I must have been kidding myself to believe the XFree86 License web
page when it said "Refer to each source file for specific licence details"
or that it would continue under the "each file lists the license covering it"
policy that X and most other multi-license open source projects have always
But then I suppose since I help people produce "copycat garbage", you would
say I have no place even looking at XFree86 anymore.
-Alan Coopersmith-   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
Devel mailing list

Re: FW: [XFree86] X Compile error

2004-01-09 Thread David Dawes
On Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 08:21:24AM -0500, Wise, Jeremey wrote:

>Help please -> failing to understand why SuSE has these problems but
>Fedora and Knoppix do not. Issue is I have to use SuSE as our companies
>technical contact for SuSE.
>On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 15:24, Wise, Jeremey wrote:
>> Thanks for the update. That was the fix for that error. Now a new one.
>> SnIP)***
>> xcursorgen.c:262: warning: redundant redeclaration of
>> 'png_destroy_read_structure' in the same scope
>> xcursorgen.c:181: warning: previous declaration of
>> make[4] *** [xcursorgen.o] Error 1
>> make[4] Leaving directory '/home/wisej/XFreeUpdate/xc/programs/xcursorgen'
>> make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
>> make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/wisej/XFreeUpdate/xc/programs'
>> ...
>> Suggestions?

I don't think you have included all of the error messages, either here
or below, because they all look like noise that is a side-effect of the
real problem.

Most likely you don't have the necessary libpng devel package installed,
so the png data types and function prototypes are missing.

Either install it, or add a line to xc/config/cf/host.def to tell the build
that you don't have it:

#define HasLibpng NO

David Dawes X-Oz Technologies
www.XFree86.org/~dawes  www.x-oz.com

>xcursorgen.c:252: error: `height' undeclared here (not in a function)
>xcursorgen.c:252: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
>xcursorgen.c:252: error: initializer element is not constant
>xcursorgen.c:252: error: ISO C forbids data definition with no type or storage class
>xcursorgen.c:254: error: parse error before "for"
>xcursorgen.c:257: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `png_read_image'
>xcursorgen.c:257: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
>xcursorgen.c:257: error: ISO C forbids data definition with no type or storage class
>xcursorgen.c:258: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `png_read_end'
>xcursorgen.c:258: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
>xcursorgen.c:258: error: ISO C forbids data definition with no type or storage class
>xcursorgen.c:260: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `free'
>xcursorgen.c:260: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
>xcursorgen.c:260: error: conflicting types for `free'
>/usr/include/stdlib.h:569: error: previous declaration of `free'
>xcursorgen.c:260: warning: redundant redeclaration of `free' in same scope
>/usr/include/stdlib.h:569: warning: previous declaration of `free'
>xcursorgen.c:260: error: ISO C forbids data definition with no type or storage class
>xcursorgen.c:261: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `fclose'
>xcursorgen.c:261: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
>xcursorgen.c:261: error: conflicting types for `fclose'
>/usr/include/stdio.h:208: error: previous declaration of `fclose'
>xcursorgen.c:261: warning: redundant redeclaration of `fclose' in same scope
>/usr/include/stdio.h:208: warning: previous declaration of `fclose'
>xcursorgen.c:261: error: ISO C forbids data definition with no type or storage class
>xcursorgen.c:262: error: parse error before '&' token
>xcursorgen.c:141: warning: `premultiply_data' defined but not used
>make[4]: *** [xcursorgen.o] Error 1
>make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/wisej/XFreeUpdate/xc/programs/xcursorgen'
>make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
>make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/wisej/XFreeUpdate/xc/programs'
>make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
>make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/wisej/XFreeUpdate/xc'
>make[1]: *** [World] Error 2
>make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wisej/XFreeUpdate/xc'
>make: *** [World] Error 2
>wizej:/home/wisej/XFreeUpdate/xc #
Devel mailing list

FW: [XFree86] X Compile error

2004-01-09 Thread Wise, Jeremey
After a few more attempts to get 4.4 to compile completely I have again come
back to the group. I am not a programmer. I just want a screen that has
better size then 800x600 ->SaX2 will not set it beyond that. If I us the
correct manufacturer driver (instead of the VESA) then the screen gets split
3/4 of the way down and 'wraps' back onto the bottom. I was told that this
was a known bug that 4.4 fixes which is why I am trying to get it compiled
and running. 

The only other thought I had was that if there is someone out their who can
successfully compile their install of 4.4 and compile it into an RPM that
would solve my problems also. (Just a thought)

To those who have assisted as much as they can; my apologies for the
plethora of emails on this issue.

Jeremey Wise

-Original Message-
Of Wise, Jeremey
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 11:38 AM
Subject: RE: [XFree86] X Compile error

The saga continues. As I received no help back I tried to (remember I am
not a programer:>) remark out the 'if-fi' section containing the errors
listed below, thinking it may skip this section and go on it's mary way.
It got a little farther then failed with another set of referances. I am
attaching both the ./xc/programs/xcursorgen/xcursorgen.c file and
the error output I could get from the shell session. 

Help please -> failing to understand why SuSE has these problems but
Fedora and Knoppix do not. Issue is I have to use SuSE as our companies
technical contact for SuSE.


On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 15:24, Wise, Jeremey wrote:
> Thanks for the update. That was the fix for that error. Now a new one.
> SnIP)***
> xcursorgen.c:262: warning: redundant redeclaration of
> 'png_destroy_read_structure' in the same scope
> xcursorgen.c:181: warning: previous declaration of
> make[4] *** [xcursorgen.o] Error 1
> make[4] Leaving directory '/home/wisej/XFreeUpdate/xc/programs/xcursorgen'
> make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
> make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/wisej/XFreeUpdate/xc/programs'
> ...
> Suggestions?
> Thanks,
> -Original Message-
> Of JD Ross
> Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 12:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [XFree86] X Compile error
> You need libncurses-dev.
> Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
> >On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 07:06:37AM -0500, Wise, Jeremey wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>gcc -m32 -o resize -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -fno-strict-aliasing -ansi
> >>-pedantic -Wall -Wpointer-arith
> >>-Wstrict-prototypes-Wmissing-prototypes
> >>-Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls
> >>-Wnested-externs -Wundef -L../../exports/lib   resize.o
> >>xstrings.o  -lncurses -Wl,-rpath-link,../../exports/lib
> >>cannot find -lncurses
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Normal ordinary C compilation eror -- I'm not an X Guy, and I can tell
> >you how to fix it.
> >
> >The compile is trying to build resize, and wants the ncurses
> >library... which I can't imagine *isn't* on your machine *somewhere*...
> >but clearly, it's not on the search path that GCC is looking in.
> >
> >Locate (or install) it, and then either symlink it into a useful place,
> >or modify the makefile.  (Actually, that might be the *imake*file; this
> >is where you got into "needs to be an Xguy" territory.
> >
> >I think you're gonna find out you don't have it installed, as difficult
> >as that is to fathom -- so *much* stuff uses curses.
> >
> >On second look, that error from ld seems wrong, too; it shouldn't be
> >looking for "-lncurses", it should be looking for "libncurses".  I'm
> >wondering if that's a thinko in the makefile -- perhaps the .o files
> >should be at the end; there isn't anything else after xstrings.o, which
> >may be confusing getargs in gcc.
> >
> >Noting that you're in the beta, I'm leaning towards this; I suspect
> >someone hosed the makefile.
> >
> >Cheers,
> >-- jra
> >  
> >
> ___
> XFree86 mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86
> ___
> XFree86 mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86

xcursorgen.c:252: error: `height' undeclared here (not in a function)
xcursorgen.c:252: warning: initialization makes integer from pointer without a cast
xcursorgen.c:252: error: initializer element is not constant
xcursorgen.c:252: error: ISO C forbids data definition with no type or storage class
xcursorgen.c:254: error: parse error before "for"
xcursorgen.c:257: warning: type defaults to `int' in declaration of `png_read_image'
xcursorgen.c:257: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
xcursorgen.c:257: error: ISO C fo

FW: doc'n for xlib c binding (NOTE: volunteers)

2003-12-08 Thread Raymond Jennings
I made an inquiry at X.org and got a reply, which included the following 
ps. I'd like to encourage your further participation. we depend on 
labor. this kindof effort is badly needed.
Seeing that XFree86 developers are volunteers, I thought that at least some 
of them might wish to help out x.org.  Interested developers should go to 

Take advantage of our best MSN Dial-up offer of the year — six months 
@$9.95/month. Sign up now! http://join.msn.com/?page=dept/dialup

Devel mailing list

RE: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-26 Thread Ping Cheng
A patch for xf86Wacom.c is committed as a bug fix for Bug 537 at


Devel mailing list

RE: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-26 Thread Ping Cheng

I have problem to login to
http://bugs.xfree86.org/query.cgi?GoAheadAndLogIn=1. I'll send the patch
directly to you in a separate email since the file is large.


-Original Message-
From: David Dawes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 04:07:36PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>>-Original Message-
>>From: David Dawes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 9:20 PM
>>Subject: Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders
>>On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 08:09:13PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>>>I think I can get rid of xf86Optrec.h in my code. But, data passing
>>>between wacom driver and xsetwacom, a user space app,is required to 
>>>enable the user with live function changes.
>>Can you give an example of how this is used?
>For example, my application needs to get the tablet's model from the 
>driver. But the driver only knows the model after it communicates with 
>the tablet. So, the model can not be assigned into an option in the 
>config file.
>Basically, I don't have problem to sent data to the driver from client. 
>I use xfWcmDevChangeControl(), which is assigned as local's 
>control_proc to send data to the driver. I have problem to pass data 
>from driver back to the app. That's why I let driver write to a file so 
>the app can read from there.


>>There are definitely sufficient option handling interfaces available 
>drivers so that you don't
>>need to go digging into the OptionRec. It should be straightforward 
>>for you
>to fix that.  If you
>>do happen to find something that isn't covered with the existing
>interfaces, just let me know.
>I'll fix the problem and submit another patch. Should I still submit it 
>as a bug fix for [Bug 537] or create a new bug to submit this patch?

Either way is OK.  Just send a note here when you've done it.

>>A more practical question I have is how broadly has this significantly
>restructured version of
>>the driver been tested, and does it support (and been tested) on all 
>>of the
>hardware the old
>>driver runs on (especially older hardware)?  Given where we are in the
>release cycle now, this is
>>more important than the other issues.
>The refactored driver has been posted at 
>http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net since April 11, 2003. In addition to 
>the use and testing from individual users, it is also tested by many 
>corporation users. We support all the tablets that Wacom has released 
>so far.

OK, that's good to hear.

David Dawes
developer/release engineer  The XFree86 Project
www.XFree86.org/~dawes ___
Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-26 Thread David Dawes
On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 04:07:36PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>>-Original Message-
>>From: David Dawes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 9:20 PM
>>Subject: Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders
>>On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 08:09:13PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>>>I think I can get rid of xf86Optrec.h in my code. But, data passing 
>>>between wacom driver and xsetwacom, a user space app,is required to 
>>>enable the user with live function changes.
>>Can you give an example of how this is used?
>For example, my application needs to get the tablet's model from the driver.
>But the driver only knows the model after it communicates with the tablet.
>So, the model can not be assigned into an option in the config file. 
>Basically, I don't have problem to sent data to the driver from client. I
>use xfWcmDevChangeControl(), which is assigned as local's control_proc to
>send data to the driver. I have problem to pass data from driver back to the
>app. That's why I let driver write to a file so the app can read from there.


>>There are definitely sufficient option handling interfaces available to
>drivers so that you don't 
>>need to go digging into the OptionRec. It should be straightforward for you
>to fix that.  If you 
>>do happen to find something that isn't covered with the existing
>interfaces, just let me know.
>I'll fix the problem and submit another patch. Should I still submit it as a
>bug fix for [Bug 537] or create a new bug to submit this patch?

Either way is OK.  Just send a note here when you've done it.

>>A more practical question I have is how broadly has this significantly
>restructured version of 
>>the driver been tested, and does it support (and been tested) on all of the
>hardware the old 
>>driver runs on (especially older hardware)?  Given where we are in the
>release cycle now, this is 
>>more important than the other issues.
>The refactored driver has been posted at http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net
>since April 11, 2003. In addition to the use and testing from individual
>users, it is also tested by many corporation users. We support all the
>tablets that Wacom has released so far.

OK, that's good to hear.

David Dawes
developer/release engineer  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

RE: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-26 Thread Dr Andrew C Aitchison
On Tue, 25 Nov 2003, Ping Cheng wrote:

> For example, my application needs to get the tablet's model from the driver.
> But the driver only knows the model after it communicates with the tablet.
> So, the model can not be assigned into an option in the config file. 
> Basically, I don't have problem to sent data to the driver from client. I
> use xfWcmDevChangeControl(), which is assigned as local's control_proc to
> send data to the driver. I have problem to pass data from driver back to the
> app. That's why I let driver write to a file so the app can read from there.

Sorry, I should have suggested this earlier.
The driver can set window properties via xf86RegisterRootWindowProperty()
Then any client can read these properties from the server -
use the command-line app xprop, or see how it does it.

I'm not sure how well static property names will represent 
information about zero, one or more tablets - perhaps you need
properties like:

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

Devel mailing list

RE: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-26 Thread Ping Cheng
>-Original Message-
>From: David Dawes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 9:20 PM
>Subject: Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders
>On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 08:09:13PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>>I think I can get rid of xf86Optrec.h in my code. But, data passing 
>>between wacom driver and xsetwacom, a user space app,is required to 
>>enable the user with live function changes.
>Can you give an example of how this is used?

For example, my application needs to get the tablet's model from the driver.
But the driver only knows the model after it communicates with the tablet.
So, the model can not be assigned into an option in the config file. 

Basically, I don't have problem to sent data to the driver from client. I
use xfWcmDevChangeControl(), which is assigned as local's control_proc to
send data to the driver. I have problem to pass data from driver back to the
app. That's why I let driver write to a file so the app can read from there.

>There are definitely sufficient option handling interfaces available to
drivers so that you don't 
>need to go digging into the OptionRec. It should be straightforward for you
to fix that.  If you 
>do happen to find something that isn't covered with the existing
interfaces, just let me know.

I'll fix the problem and submit another patch. Should I still submit it as a
bug fix for [Bug 537] or create a new bug to submit this patch?

>I think the data passing mechanism you're using could go in for 4.4,
providing that it's understood 
>that it is temporary, and that for 4.5 it would be converted to a mechanism
using one extension 
>or another, making use of the authenticated communication channels that the
client/server model 
>naturally provides.


>A more practical question I have is how broadly has this significantly
restructured version of 
>the driver been tested, and does it support (and been tested) on all of the
hardware the old 
>driver runs on (especially older hardware)?  Given where we are in the
release cycle now, this is 
>more important than the other issues.

The refactored driver has been posted at http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net
since April 11, 2003. In addition to the use and testing from individual
users, it is also tested by many corporation users. We support all the
tablets that Wacom has released so far.

In fact, we had made some more changes since I submitted my last patch (Oct.
10, 2003). But, we'll wait a bit to see more testing results before making a
new patch. 

Devel mailing list

Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-25 Thread Rafał Rzepecki
On Tuesday 25 of November 2003 06:20, David Dawes wrote:
> >Do you have any good examples that fulfilled this kind of data
> > passing mechanism which I can read/use?
> There isn't a nice way that works right now for input drivers.
> The citron driver uses "LedFeedbacks" to pass data from a client
> to the driver via XChangeFeedbackControl(), and apparently uses
> this to change driver/device parameters on the fly.  Maybe a
> StringFeedback could be used for this too.  In a similar vein,
> maybe an existing mechanism could be used to pass data back as fake
> events or something similar?

Also, synaptics driver (not a part of XFree86) uses shared memory to 
accomplish client-driver communication. The downside is that it works 
only if the server is on the same box as the client.

Rafał Rzepecki

Devel mailing list

Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-24 Thread David Dawes
On Mon, Nov 24, 2003 at 08:09:13PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>I think I can get rid of xf86Optrec.h in my code. But, data passing between
>wacom driver and xserwacom, a user space app,is required to enable the user
>with live function changes.

Can you give an example of how this is used?

>Do you have any good examples that fulfilled this kind of data passing
>mechanism which I can read/use?  

There isn't a nice way that works right now for input drivers.

The citron driver uses "LedFeedbacks" to pass data from a client
to the driver via XChangeFeedbackControl(), and apparently uses
this to change driver/device parameters on the fly.  Maybe a
StringFeedback could be used for this too.  In a similar vein,
maybe an existing mechanism could be used to pass data back as fake
events or something similar?

But all of that is far from ideal.

A better option is available via the xf86misc extension, but
currently it only works for passing messages back and forth to
video drivers (it works per-screen).  Something similar could be
added for input devices in the short term (but post-4.4).

Longer term this is part of the broader run-time configuration/tuning
problem.  There is work happening on that, but no ETA yet.

It's unfortunate that your patch got left for so long before this all
got discussed.  Since you did submit it before the feature freeze date,
I'd really like to see what we can do to accomodate it.

There are definitely sufficient option handling interfaces available
to drivers so that you don't need to go digging into the OptionRec.
It should be straightforward for you to fix that.  If you do happen
to find something that isn't covered with the existing interfaces,
just let me know.

I think the data passing mechanism you're using could go in for
4.4, providing that it's understood that it is temporary, and that
for 4.5 it would be converted to a mechanism using one extension
or another, making use of the authenticated communication channels
that the client/server model naturally provides.

A more practical question I have is how broadly has this significantly
restructured version of the driver been tested, and does it support
(and been tested) on all of the hardware the old driver runs on
(especially older hardware)?  Given where we are in the release
cycle now, this is more important than the other issues.

David Dawes
developer/release engineer  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

RE: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-24 Thread Ping Cheng
I think I can get rid of xf86Optrec.h in my code. But, data passing between
wacom driver and xserwacom, a user space app,is required to enable the user
with live function changes.

Do you have any good examples that fulfilled this kind of data passing
mechanism which I can read/use?  



-Original Message-
From: David Dawes
Sent: 11/21/03 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 08:17:45PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>I am wondering if Egbert is taking vacation or something.Is there
>else can take care of my patch?

I think he is.

One problem with the patch is that modules are not permitted to
include "xf86Optrec.h".  The structures there are opaque to everything
except the parser layer, and could change with a different parser
layer.  strcasecmp() isn't a reliable way to compare option names
because option naming is more flexible than just case-insenstive.
Use xf86NameCmp() instead.

It also isn't permissible for drivers to be writing to files.  If
xsetwacom needs to know the device options, maybe it could link to
the parser library itself and read the XF86Config file directly.
I'm not clear on what else data is written out to files for.  If
data needs to be passed between a driver and an application, then
a client-server communication mechanism should be used, either via
an existing mechanism or via a new extension.

David Dawes
developer/release engineer  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-21 Thread David Dawes
On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 08:17:45PM -0800, Ping Cheng wrote:
>I am wondering if Egbert is taking vacation or something.Is there anyone
>else can take care of my patch?

I think he is.

One problem with the patch is that modules are not permitted to
include "xf86Optrec.h".  The structures there are opaque to everything
except the parser layer, and could change with a different parser
layer.  strcasecmp() isn't a reliable way to compare option names
because option naming is more flexible than just case-insenstive.
Use xf86NameCmp() instead.

It also isn't permissible for drivers to be writing to files.  If
xsetwacom needs to know the device options, maybe it could link to
the parser library itself and read the XF86Config file directly.
I'm not clear on what else data is written out to files for.  If
data needs to be passed between a driver and an application, then
a client-server communication mechanism should be used, either via
an existing mechanism or via a new extension.

David Dawes
developer/release engineer  The XFree86 Project
Devel mailing list

FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders

2003-11-21 Thread Ping Cheng
Title: FW: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders   

I am wondering if Egbert is taking vacation or something.Is there anyone else can take care of my patch?



-Original Message-
From: Ping Cheng
Sent: 11/14/03 3:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders   

Hi Egbert,

I didn't see my changes in
com/xf86Wacom.c. Is there anything wrong with my patch? I really hope
it can get into XFree86 4.4 release. Please contact with me if there is
anything that I can help.



-Original Message-


Sent: Saturday, October 11, 2003 4:11 AM


Subject: [Bug 537] wacom usb tablet uses wrong screen borders 


Please do not reply to this email: if you want to comment on the bug, go

the URL shown below and enter your comments there. 



What |Removed |Added






--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2003-11-10 07:11

Thanks. I'll check and commit your patch. 


Configure bugmail: http://bugs.xfree86.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=email 

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---

You are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee.

FW: Problem with BitBLT

2003-07-10 Thread Nitin Mahajan
Title: Message

Iam trying to 
program the Bit BLT engine of 69030 with the attached code, but nothing is 
visible on the screen.
When I select the 
bitwise operation as 0xFF(write to BR04) ,the white block is coming at 
desired location and of desired size.
But whwn I choose it 
as 0xCC nothing comes on screen...
Can any one please 
help me out of this..
Nitin Mahajan

Ph:51101667. Mobile : 
The Lord gave us two ends -- one to 
sit on and the other to think with. Success depends on which one we use the 
void chips_imageblit(struct fb_image *image)
UINT32 dst_span,src_span;

/* Wait till blitter is not busy */
while (BR04 & (1 << 31))

/* BitBlt Control Register */
BR04 = ((bytes_per_pixel - 1) & 0x3) << 24 | 
1 << 23 | 1 << 10 |
/*MOdify bit 10 of this register*/

/* Src & Dst Span */
src_span = (image->width * bytes_per_pixel) & 0x1FFF;
dst_span = (xres * bytes_per_pixel) & 0x1FFF;

BR00 = dst_span << 16 | src_span;

/* Source Address */
BR06 = 0x00;

/* Destination Address */
BR07 = 0x0; /* ((pos_y * xres + pos_x) * bytes_per_pixel) & 0x3F */

memcpy(BLIT_BASE, image->data, image->height * image->width * bytes_per_pixel);

/* Destination width and height */
BR08 = (image->height & 0x1FFF) << 16 | src_span;

/* Blit should now be in action */

Re: Fw: Reverse engineering Windows Radeon IGP320/340 driver?

2003-06-09 Thread Gábor Lénárt
On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 06:04:19PM +0200, Wouter Bijlsma wrote:
> > In general, reverse engineering drivers tends to irritate hardware 
> > companies.  Since we want to maintain good working relationships with 
> > these companies, so that they will give us documentation and sample 
> > boards, we're better off not irritating them.  That's not to mention the 
> > fact that it's very difficult to get anything useful out of it.
> > 
> > The problem WRT 3D on the whole range of IGP chipsets is that the 
> > relevant DRI developers don't have access to the hardware.  Moreover, 
> > most of them don't have the bandwidth to work on debugging the problems.
> Ok, I understand RE might irritate HW companies and that this is not a
> good thing. I already sent a really polite e-mail about support for the
> IGP chipsets to ATI, and I hope a lot of people will do the same. The
> problem is that (as I see it) more and more companies are closing up their
> specs anyway (nVidia, but they never even provided specs of their chips,

Agreed. Matrox Gxxx family is quite outdated compared with today's top
cards, but even now everybody looks for these cards on various mailing
lists (eg in our project named mplayer) just because that card is quite
WELL supported ... nVidia releases binary only drivers, yes. But I would
like to use framebuffer, or something similar to our mga_vid driver
(XVideo like overlay on framebuffer, so using BES) so I have no idea
to buy nVidia because I need it with Linux and _NO_ windows etc ...
If nVidia would be well supported like Matrox of course I would consider
to buy nVidia cards ...

- Gábor (larta'H)
Devel mailing list

Re: Fw: Reverse engineering Windows Radeon IGP320/340 driver?

2003-06-09 Thread Alex Deucher
--- Wouter Bijlsma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's a pity the DRI folks don't have access to the hardware. I do.
> But I'm not a driver developer (though I'm quite skilled in C,
> assembler and graphics code). Would it be a bad thing for me to try
> and find out if the existing 7000 driver can be adapted to work on
> the IGP chipsets? Would it actually be possible to get something
> useful out of this, or is this to complex or involved for me? Would
> the results be of any use to the DRI developers? I'm not talking
> about reverse engineering the whole driver, only finding out if the
> IGP chipset is very different from the 7000.

What you could do is compare the current IGP 2D code in CVS with the
r100 code, then look at differences and start messing with the r100 DRI
driver.  The fix might not be all that complicated.


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Devel mailing list

Re: Fw: Reverse engineering Windows Radeon IGP320/340 driver?

2003-06-09 Thread Wouter Bijlsma
On Mon, 09 Jun 2003 08:06:42 -0700
Ian Romanick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wouter Bijlsma wrote:
> > I already posted this to the DRI devel mailing list, but perhaps someone here 
> > knows more about it. 
> In general, reverse engineering drivers tends to irritate hardware 
> companies.  Since we want to maintain good working relationships with 
> these companies, so that they will give us documentation and sample 
> boards, we're better off not irritating them.  That's not to mention the 
> fact that it's very difficult to get anything useful out of it.
> The problem WRT 3D on the whole range of IGP chipsets is that the 
> relevant DRI developers don't have access to the hardware.  Moreover, 
> most of them don't have the bandwidth to work on debugging the problems.

Ok, I understand RE might irritate HW companies and that this is not a good thing. I 
already sent a really polite e-mail about support for the IGP chipsets to ATI, and I 
hope a lot of people will do the same. The problem is that (as I see it) more and more 
companies are closing up their specs anyway (nVidia, but they never even provided 
specs of their chips, ATI, SiS as of lately). I just don't get why almost the whole 
line of ATI chipsets is supported by an open source driver, except for the IGP (which 
can be found in lots of new laptops and even in motherboards from about a year ago).

It's a pity the DRI folks don't have access to the hardware. I do. But I'm not a 
driver developer (though I'm quite skilled in C, assembler and graphics code). Would 
it be a bad thing for me to try and find out if the existing 7000 driver can be 
adapted to work on the IGP chipsets? Would it actually be possible to get something 
useful out of this, or is this to complex or involved for me? Would the results be of 
any use to the DRI developers? I'm not talking about reverse engineering the whole 
driver, only finding out if the IGP chipset is very different from the 7000.

Wouter Bijlsma,

Devel mailing list

Re: Fw: Reverse engineering Windows Radeon IGP320/340 driver?

2003-06-09 Thread Ian Romanick
Wouter Bijlsma wrote:
I already posted this to the DRI devel mailing list, but perhaps someone here knows more about it. 
In general, reverse engineering drivers tends to irritate hardware 
companies.  Since we want to maintain good working relationships with 
these companies, so that they will give us documentation and sample 
boards, we're better off not irritating them.  That's not to mention the 
fact that it's very difficult to get anything useful out of it.

The problem WRT 3D on the whole range of IGP chipsets is that the 
relevant DRI developers don't have access to the hardware.  Moreover, 
most of them don't have the bandwidth to work on debugging the problems.

Devel mailing list

Fw: Reverse engineering Windows Radeon IGP320/340 driver?

2003-06-09 Thread Wouter Bijlsma

I already posted this to the DRI devel mailing 
list, but perhaps someone here knows more about it. 
- Original Message - 
From: Wouter 

Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 5:40 PM
Subject: Reverse engineering Windows Radeon IGP320/340 

I was just wondering if someone has tried to do 
some reverse engineering on the windows display drivers for the Radeon 
IGP320/340. As far as I understand the IGP320/340 is based on the Radeon 7000 
(R100)? I'm not a display driver developer, but doesn't this mean that apart 
from some differences in the interface to the chipset a DRI driver for the 
IGP chipset would be largely the same as the 7000 driver? I noticed that the 
Windows drivers are universal (there's one driver dll for all R100 based 
cards), so maybe it would be possible to disassemble it to find the code 
that detects the chipset and sets up the hooks to address it and 
to find the differences with the 7000 chips?
If this would be feasible, I'd be happy to spend 
some work on it. Not that I pretend to be able to code a working 
3D driver, but if it turns out the existing 7000 driver could handle 3D on 
the IGP320/340 with minor modifications I might be able to get 
something to work.
I would really, REALLY like to have 3D support 
under linux on my brand new laptop ;-) I already inquired ATI about linux 
support, but I don't have the impression they are very willing to provide 
chipset specs...

FW: Problem diplaying a pixel

2003-06-02 Thread Nitin Mahajan
Title: Message

Hello  Every 
one !

Iam trying to put one pixel on the 
scrren with the attached program. The program runs fine ,but Iam not able to see 
the pixel on the screen. Is there somehting which Iam missing? Or what can be 
the problem ?Can u lpease help me out tof this? Thanking u in advanace, 
Nitin Mahajan
Socrates Software India Pvt 

Ph:51101667. Mobile : 
The Lord gave us two ends -- one to 
sit on and the other to think with. Success depends on which one we use the 

Description: putpixel.c

Fw: Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] Advice sought on approach. on SGI's Indy

2003-03-05 Thread g o economou

Guido, you may be interested in this thread.
Regards Georgina 
---Original Message---

From: Geert Uytterhoeven
Date: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 09:47:39 AM
To: Alex Bennee
Cc: Antonino Daplas; Linux Fbdev development list
Subject: Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] Advice sought on approach.
 On 5 Mar 2003, Alex Bennee wrote:> On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 13:26, Antonino Daplas wrote:> > On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 20:37, Alex Bennee wrote:> > > Having read the fb-dev docs on www.linux-fbdev.org I'm a little confused> > > as to what actually puts data into the framebuffer. Most of the> > > framebuffer drivers just seem to deal with resolution and colourmap> > > settings. Is this a case of having to re-implement the fbcon drivers as> > > well to get what I want?> > The pixels placed to the framebuffer are all done in the fbcon-cfb*.c> > modules (if you use the generic functions). This is for standard> > character drawing. The logo is drawn indepently (fbcon_show_logo in> > fbcon.c). User applications write directly to the framebuffer via the> > mmap() function.> > I think I understand now. When the fb_set_disp function is called I fill> in the display struction with the console display operations. I've got> two choices now:> > 1. Create a new fbcon_cfb16 file which notes the changed areas before> calling the generic function.> > 2. Patch the current fbcon_cfb16 (with a CONFIG option) to add the> change tracking facility in a more generic way.> > I guess the question is is it worth doing 2 as a potential upstream> patch? Or is this sort of thing so specialised I should just keep it all> packed in my own fb driver?> > I guess I can't easily implement user access via mmap without uploading> the entire screen, which I'm not intending to do anyway because all I> really need is the console support - at least for now.If all you need is console support, please take a look atdrivers/video/newport_con.c, for the SGI Indy.Gr{oetje,eeting}s,Geert--Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]In personal conversations with technical people, I call myself a hacker. Butwhen I'm talking to journalists I just say "programmer" or something like that.-- Linus Torvalds

  IncrediMail - Email has finally evolved - Click Here

Fw: OOM problem

2003-02-27 Thread Axel
> it is a font problem, but i don' t know if it is a misconfigured file or a
> bug so i forward to devel . (it would surprise me if it s a bug)
> I just installed the 4.3.0 release (from cvs, xf-4_3_0 tag)
> no error at compilation or at install
> I didn ' t  change the /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file so it contains :
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
>  /usr/share/fonts
>  ~/.fonts
> so the problem is when I run an xterm -fa "Courier" (example taken from
> docs), it causes a Out Of Memory linux kernel error, though I have 256 MB
> memory.
> If i change /etc/fonts/fonts.conf and I put only Type1 (by example),
> problems disappear
> and fc-cache works without parameter and xterm -fa "Courier" too
> I didn' t install any other fonts than which from X4.3 itself
> fc-cache cause problem when I run it without argument
> when I run with a font directory, it works
> Is it a bug ?or a misconfigured xft ?
> What font directories should I and should I not put in fonts.conf  ?
> here s the result for each of my font directory (these created by make
> install)
> fc-cache: "100dpi": skipping, 397 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "75dpi": skipping, 397 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "CID": caching, 0 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "Speedo": skipping, 0 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "TTF": skipping, 12 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "Type1": skipping, 29 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "cyrillic": caching, 0 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "encodings": skipping, 0 fonts, 1 dirs
> fc-cache: "encodings/large": skipping, 0 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "local": skipping, 0 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "misc": skipping, 55 fonts, 0 dirs
> fc-cache: "util": skipping, 0 fonts, 0 dirs
> and here is my X config file (path section)
> Section "Files"
>  RgbPath  "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
>  ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
>  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
>  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
>  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"
>  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
>  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local"
>  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType"
>  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID"
>  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo"
>   FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
>   FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF"
> EndSection
> so before make install, the file fonts.conf doesnn't seem to be usable
> before a little tweak
> Axel

Devel mailing list

RE: FW: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?

2003-02-19 Thread Alexander Stohr
> Anyhow, thanks for the solution! Its a shame that X isn't 
> going to be able
> to cope with multiple focus trees, but I agree the issues are 
> many, and the
> need little...
> Rob

what if it is not at all a software cursor
but something like the x-eyes application?

i mean a free from window that just looks 
like a mouse cursor or whatever shape you like.
you just have to ensure that it will be always
(or most of the time) on top on the other windows.
it all depends on your window manager and how
you can tune its window decoration. moving
a window object across the screen is simple.
maybe its just that the window manager will
sometimes impact the needed front to back ordering.
auto-raise wont be a good idea then and auto-focus 
might be critical if both of your cursors do meet.

a second (less fine) idea (but still a somewhat feasible way)
is doing it like screensavers do... grab the whole
screen content and open a screen sized window
on top of all others - you can manipulate its
contents as you want and doing so as if there
is a mouse cursor moving around. its just that
you have to ensure that your "background" image
gets updated periodically.


Devel mailing list

Software cursors - was RE: FW: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?

2003-02-19 Thread Dr Andrew C Aitchison
On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Rob Taylor wrote:

> XFree86 still has framework for soft cursors, no?

The framework yes, but drivers seem to have problems with DRI and XV
and software cursurs, and seem to be trying to disable software cursors.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

Devel mailing list

RE: FW: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?

2003-02-19 Thread Rob Taylor
> > We have a product that can have up to 4 touch screens and has a
> track-ball
> > controlled pointer. Iften people operate the product in a
> two-handed manner,
> > and occasionally more than one operator will use the product at a given
> > time. the upshot of this is that ideally there would be a
> pointer for the
> > trackball that isn't effected by touchscreen presses, and
> separate invisible
> > pointers for each of the touchscreens.
> >
> > The setup is currently impossible in Xfree86.
> I'm beginning to understand what you want here.
> I don't think you really need pointers for the touch-screens; just
> events when they are pressed. I haven't checked, but I think that
> one of the standard extensions (perhaps XInputExtension) should be able to
> do that for you.
> At some level this isn't really a mouse click; if you want standard apps
> to behave as if they received a mouse-click, then you want a wrapper app
> to convert touch-screen presses into synthetic events sent to the
> standard
> app (perhaps indirectly via the window manager).

Thats a pretty good idea, i'll have a delve into that for my current
application. I'd say, however that this functionality is something almost
all multiple touchscreen users will want, so that doesnt help everyone.

> > Another concrete example is when implementing a collaborative decktop in
> > whcih you want a separate pointer for each of the users remotely viewing
> > that desktop.
> Are you going to let them type into different windows at the same time ?
> That really would be two pointers. However I think that should be done by
> the collaboration software, not by X.

How could the collaborations software do this if X cant support multiple
main focuses? I presume you would have an app that is in charge of reading
the 'remote events' and draws two virtual mouse pointers and sythetically
delivers the events?

> I'm not convinced that two pointers are a good idea on a collaborative
> desktop, forcing the participants to share a pointer helps them
> to share their focus. Without it they could easily each do their own
> thing and stop watching what the other one is doing: a good way to
> reduce the efficiency of the collaboration ?

Its something people want to do... *shug* not my area, but i've seen several
discussions about it.

> And don't forget that most current graphics cards only have one
> hardware cursor.

XFree86 still has framework for soft cursors, no?

Anyhow, thanks for the solution! Its a shame that X isn't going to be able
to cope with multiple focus trees, but I agree the issues are many, and the
need little...


Devel mailing list

Re: FW: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?

2003-02-18 Thread Thomas Zander
This is a very interresting concept and solves some of the problems
I have been sitting on with a touchscreen driver I'm writing...

I do have some questions;

On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 07:54:37PM +, Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Rob Taylor wrote:
> > Here's a mail that's been sitting in my outbox for a while: its' still
> > relevent so forwarding to Xfree86 Devel.
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Rob Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 04 February 2003 13:49
> > Subject: RE: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?
> > 
> > 
> > I'm replying to this a bit late on in the day, but i thought i'd give a more
> > concrete example where more than one on-screen pointer is needed.
> > 
> > We have a product that can have up to 4 touch screens and has a track-ball
> > controlled pointer. Iften people operate the product in a two-handed manner,
> > and occasionally more than one operator will use the product at a given
> > time. the upshot of this is that ideally there would be a pointer for the
> > trackball that isn't effected by touchscreen presses, and separate invisible
> > pointers for each of the touchscreens.
> > 
> > The setup is currently impossible in Xfree86.
> I'm beginning to understand what you want here.
> I don't think you really need pointers for the touch-screens; just
> events when they are pressed.
Sounds right, yes.

> I haven't checked, but I think that
> one of the standard extensions (perhaps XInputExtension) should be able to
> do that for you.
> At some level this isn't really a mouse click; if you want standard apps
> to behave as if they received a mouse-click, then you want a wrapper app
> to convert touch-screen presses into synthetic events sent to the standard 
> app (perhaps indirectly via the window manager).

does this also work when keeping the touchscreen depressed for longer then
a single click.
I was planning on adding a feature to the touchscreen driver that implements
the ideas most PDAs have now; when keeping the pointer pressed for a second
a right mouse click is sent. Only when releasing the pointer before that
timeout a left mouse event is sent.
I'm not quite sure that works in your idea, and in fact I'm not even sure
where the wrapper app fits in..

> > Another concrete example is when implementing a collaborative decktop in
> > whcih you want a separate pointer for each of the users remotely viewing
> > that desktop.
> Are you going to let them type into different windows at the same time ?
> That really would be two pointers. However I think that should be done by
> the collaboration software, not by X.
Since the original author did not mention two keyboards I am guessing this
is not about focus, but about events.
I really like the idea that you don't have to interrupt (take focus away)
the girl typing a love letter to just press 'emergency-stop' on the second
screen.. :)

I don't fully understand your reply, and am very interrested to learn
more, I'd like a reference to where I can find documentation of the
extentions in general and the XInputExtention in particular.
What they are and how to use them from a driver.

Thomas Zander
Devel mailing list

Re: FW: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?

2003-02-18 Thread Dr Andrew C Aitchison
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Rob Taylor wrote:

> Here's a mail that's been sitting in my outbox for a while: its' still
> relevent so forwarding to Xfree86 Devel.
> -Original Message-
> From: Rob Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 04 February 2003 13:49
> Subject: RE: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?
> I'm replying to this a bit late on in the day, but i thought i'd give a more
> concrete example where more than one on-screen pointer is needed.
> We have a product that can have up to 4 touch screens and has a track-ball
> controlled pointer. Iften people operate the product in a two-handed manner,
> and occasionally more than one operator will use the product at a given
> time. the upshot of this is that ideally there would be a pointer for the
> trackball that isn't effected by touchscreen presses, and separate invisible
> pointers for each of the touchscreens.
> The setup is currently impossible in Xfree86.

I'm beginning to understand what you want here.
I don't think you really need pointers for the touch-screens; just
events when they are pressed. I haven't checked, but I think that
one of the standard extensions (perhaps XInputExtension) should be able to
do that for you.
At some level this isn't really a mouse click; if you want standard apps
to behave as if they received a mouse-click, then you want a wrapper app
to convert touch-screen presses into synthetic events sent to the standard 
app (perhaps indirectly via the window manager).

> Another concrete example is when implementing a collaborative decktop in
> whcih you want a separate pointer for each of the users remotely viewing
> that desktop.

Are you going to let them type into different windows at the same time ?
That really would be two pointers. However I think that should be done by
the collaboration software, not by X.

I'm not convinced that two pointers are a good idea on a collaborative
desktop, forcing the participants to share a pointer helps them
to share their focus. Without it they could easily each do their own
thing and stop watching what the other one is doing: a good way to
reduce the efficiency of the collaboration ?

VNC draws a "dot" cursor to indicate when the pointers at the two ends
are out of sync, to make it clear to the remote user that the local
user hasn't yet seen what the remote user is pointing at.

And don't forget that most current graphics cards only have one
hardware cursor.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

Devel mailing list

FW: XRandR and Xinerama

2003-02-18 Thread Rob Taylor
Noted the other day that RandR explictly doesn't initialse when panoramix is
on. Whats the issue? are there fundamental probelems with using the two
together, or is there just some work left to do? I've probably got some time
to throw at it if its just a matter of code.

Rob Taylor

Devel mailing list

FW: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?

2003-02-18 Thread Rob Taylor
Here's a mail that's been sitting in my outbox for a while: its' still
relevent so forwarding to Xfree86 Devel.

-Original Message-
From: Rob Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 04 February 2003 13:49
Subject: RE: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?

I'm replying to this a bit late on in the day, but i thought i'd give a more
concrete example where more than one on-screen pointer is needed.

We have a product that can have up to 4 touch screens and has a track-ball
controlled pointer. Iften people operate the product in a two-handed manner,
and occasionally more than one operator will use the product at a given
time. the upshot of this is that ideally there would be a pointer for the
trackball that isn't effected by touchscreen presses, and separate invisible
pointers for each of the touchscreens.

The setup is currently impossible in Xfree86.

Another concrete example is when implementing a collaborative decktop in
whcih you want a separate pointer for each of the users remotely viewing
that desktop.


Rob Taylor mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> -Original Message-
> Of Dr Andrew C Aitchison
> Sent: 03 December 2002 18:05
> Subject: Re: [Xpert]2 mice -> 2 pointer ?!?
> > > From: Dr Andrew C Aitchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Where does the pointer come in ?
> > >
> > > I'm not saying that for a flight simulator it isn't useful to have
> > > more than one mouse or trackball; I'm all in favour of an X
> > > extension for that (I wouldn't be suprised to hear that there
> > > already is one) but that is 2 mice, not 2 pointers.
> I've been looking at
>   xc/doc/hardcopy/Xi/lib.PS.gz
> the X Input Device Extension Library, which is implemented by XFree86
> and some other X servers. Is the request for 2 pointers based on page
> 2, where it says "All extension input devices are treated like the
> core X keyboard in determining their location and focus" ?
> I think the next line, about explict focus, is your answer.
> As I understand it, an application can grab an input device and make
> it control anything it wishes.
> > maybe I can add some examples:
> >
> > I am working on a container terminal simulation (might be  any robotic
> > type simulation in that regard...) where I visualize the crane movement
> > during waggon loading and unloading movements (4 degrees of freedom:
> > along tracks, transverse to tracks, lifting/lowering, rotation about
> > z-axis).
> >
> > I'm using both a SpaceMouse  _and_  a regular mouse for my user
> > interface which already introduces the notion of distint foci:
> > Spacemouse for crane interactive movement, 2D-Mouse for viewpoint
> > manipulation at the same time.
> I can see why you want lots of degrees of freedom, and lots of inputs,
> but I don't really see why more of them are "pointers" in the sense I
> understand. It may be appropriate to show "cursors" for these independent
> actors, but they are application specific.
> In this case I think the fact that they are likely to be 3D is
> significant.
> I'm familiar with the idea of a mouse moving cross-hairs to rotate an
> object in 3D, but I'm not sure that I'd expect to see the cross-hairs
> if I had a track-ball - I'd just move the ball and expect the object
> to follow.
> Anyway, an application can take a device and draw its own cursor.
> I see an X pointer being as much connected with a keyboard as a mouse;
> what should the X server do with 2 pointers ? Shouldn't it leave the
> control of foci within an app up to that app.
> I don't know anything more about XInput, so I'll stop here,
> but I hope that I've given you a feeling for why some of us don't
> understand
> the request for more than one pointer as well as more than one mouse ?
> --
> Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison   Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna
> ___
> Xpert mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xpert

Devel mailing list

Re: Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integration manager...

2003-01-31 Thread G O Economou
- Original Message -
From: "Harold L Hunt II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 11:59 PM
Subject: RE: Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integration

> Havoc,
> >See also this thread:
> >  https://listman.redhat.com/pipermail/xdg-list/2002-November/000881.html
> >
> >And Keith's X extension to monitor selection changes, though this
> >won't be in 4.3.
> Wow!  That looks really cool and it is already in the tree as xfixes,

Xfixes was pulled a while ago.


Devel mailing list

RE: Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integration manager...

2003-01-31 Thread Harold L Hunt II

> -Original Message-
> Of Mike A. Harris
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 2:46 AM
> Subject: RE: Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard
> integration manager...
> On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> >>See also this thread:
> >>
> https://listman.redhat.com/pipermail/xdg-list/2002-November/000881.html
> >>
> >>And Keith's X extension to monitor selection changes, though this
> >>won't be in 4.3.
> >
> >Wow!  That looks really cool and it is already in the tree as
> >xfixes, right?
> No, it was checked into CVS prior to the November feature cut off
> date, but has subsequently been removed from CVS, so it wont be
> in 4.3.0, and unfortunately maybe never.

Oh... heh... well, I haven't updated my CVS tree in awhile, so I actually
still have the directory with xfixes in it :)

Even if the code never gets officially accepted I could at least use it, or
a derivative of it, to fix the clipboard problems for Cygwin/XFree86.  The
extension doesn't have to be perfect for me, since I know that my clipboard
integration manager will always be working with the built-in version of that

> >Even though that extension isn't in the XFree86-proper release,
> >I might play around with it for the Cygwin-specific release.
> >It sounds like the selection monitoring portions of the
> >extension will fix my problems with PRIMARY completely!  This is
> >very exciting!
> Keith might have a diff perhaps or tarball, not sure though.

Thanks for your input,

Harold Hunt

> --
> Mike A. Harris
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/devel

Devel mailing list

RE: Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integrationmanager...

2003-01-30 Thread Mike A. Harris
On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

>>See also this thread:
>>  https://listman.redhat.com/pipermail/xdg-list/2002-November/000881.html
>>And Keith's X extension to monitor selection changes, though this
>>won't be in 4.3.
>Wow!  That looks really cool and it is already in the tree as
>xfixes, right?

No, it was checked into CVS prior to the November feature cut off 
date, but has subsequently been removed from CVS, so it wont be 
in 4.3.0, and unfortunately maybe never.

>Even though that extension isn't in the XFree86-proper release,
>I might play around with it for the Cygwin-specific release.  
>It sounds like the selection monitoring portions of the
>extension will fix my problems with PRIMARY completely!  This is
>very exciting!

Keith might have a diff perhaps or tarball, not sure though.

Mike A. Harris

Devel mailing list

RE: Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integration manager...

2003-01-30 Thread Harold L Hunt II

>See also this thread:
>  https://listman.redhat.com/pipermail/xdg-list/2002-November/000881.html
>And Keith's X extension to monitor selection changes, though this
>won't be in 4.3.

Wow!  That looks really cool and it is already in the tree as xfixes, right?

Even though that extension isn't in the XFree86-proper release, I might play
around with it for the Cygwin-specific release.  It sounds like the
selection monitoring portions of the extension will fix my problems with
PRIMARY completely!  This is very exciting!

Thanks for your help,


Devel mailing list

Re: Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integration manager...

2003-01-30 Thread Havoc Pennington
On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 05:10:59PM -0500, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> > CUT_BUFFER is completely obsolete and totally broken. Most newer apps
> > don't even use it.
> > 
> Right, that is what most people keep telling me.
> However, I am a pragmatic guy.  If the current effect is that 99% or 
> even 75% of applications at least bump a CUT_BUFFER when the cut/copy 
> text to the clipboard, then I could at least use this as a signal that I 
> need to grab text from CLIPBOARD.

I'm pretty sure no GTK+ application touches it at all. I would be
surprised if Qt applications do.  Only the older stuff such as Emacs

> The problem I have is that almost every commercial X Servers for MS 
> Windows in existence has solved the problem of clipboard integration 
> without causing X clients to unhighlight the current selection.  Thus, I 
> know that the problem is solveable.  Worse, my users know that the 
> problem is solveable and they keep asking me to solve it.

It sounds a bit like you are mixing up PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD here.
> Unfortunately, the ICCCM is about as vague as you can write a document 
> without inspiring people to put down what they are doing, buy a gun, 
> actively seek you out, and shoot you dead without bothering to drag you 
> out into the street.  Case in point, the whole MANAGER... the discussion 
> of which leaves me completely clueless as to i) whether this would 
> actually help me or not and ii) how to use it:
> http://tronche.com/gui/x/icccm/sec-2.html#s-2.8

Manager selections are an unrelated concept to what you're doing here,
I think. They just happen to use the selection feature, just as 
the clipboard does.

Devel mailing list

Re: Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integrationmanager...

2003-01-30 Thread Harold L Hunt II

Havoc Pennington wrote:

On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 03:11:08PM -0500, G O Economou wrote:

In fact, I have made 8 releases :)  I originally copied text from
CUT_BUFFER0, which worked fine for me.  As soon as I released this
people started complaining about what it did not do (namely, it didn't
handle non-U.S. text).

CUT_BUFFER is completely obsolete and totally broken. Most newer apps
don't even use it.

Right, that is what most people keep telling me.

However, I am a pragmatic guy.  If the current effect is that 99% or 
even 75% of applications at least bump a CUT_BUFFER when the cut/copy 
text to the clipboard, then I could at least use this as a signal that I 
need to grab text from CLIPBOARD.

The problem I have is that almost every commercial X Servers for MS 
Windows in existence has solved the problem of clipboard integration 
without causing X clients to unhighlight the current selection.  Thus, I 
know that the problem is solveable.  Worse, my users know that the 
problem is solveable and they keep asking me to solve it.

Here is some background information:

Of course you should also read the ICCCM before you do anything here.

Oh, I have read it.  In fact, I have had it mirrored for a long time:


Unfortunately, the ICCCM is about as vague as you can write a document 
without inspiring people to put down what they are doing, buy a gun, 
actively seek you out, and shoot you dead without bothering to drag you 
out into the street.  Case in point, the whole MANAGER... the discussion 
of which leaves me completely clueless as to i) whether this would 
actually help me or not and ii) how to use it:


See also this thread:

And Keith's X extension to monitor selection changes, though this
won't be in 4.3.

Yes, that works very worthwhile... but I hope it does not require that 
all client support the extension.  I will figure that out when I read 
the docs on it later.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful response,

Harold Hunt

Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integration manager...

2003-01-30 Thread Havoc Pennington
On Thu, Jan 30, 2003 at 03:11:08PM -0500, G O Economou wrote:
> > In fact, I have made 8 releases :)  I originally copied text from
> > CUT_BUFFER0, which worked fine for me.  As soon as I released this
> > people started complaining about what it did not do (namely, it didn't
> > handle non-U.S. text).

CUT_BUFFER is completely obsolete and totally broken. Most newer apps
don't even use it.

Here is some background information:

Of course you should also read the ICCCM before you do anything here.

See also this thread:

And Keith's X extension to monitor selection changes, though this
won't be in 4.3.

Devel mailing list

Fw: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integration manager...

2003-01-30 Thread G O Economou
- Original Message -
From: "Harold L Hunt II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "G O Economou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integration

> Oh, but I have already release something:
> http://xfree86.cygwin.com/devel/xwinclip/changelog.html
> In fact, I have made 8 releases :)  I originally copied text from
> CUT_BUFFER0, which worked fine for me.  As soon as I released this
> people started complaining about what it did not do (namely, it didn't
> handle non-U.S. text).
> The way that xwinclip copies text was then rewritten to work with
> non-U.S. text, which introduced the problem of unhighlighting the
> selected text.
> Most recently we integrated the xwinclip functionality into a seperate
> thread in the X Server (XWin.exe) process, which works quite well:
> http://xfree86.cygwin.com/devel/shadow/changelog.html (see Test73)
> I came up with the idea of monitoring CUT_BUFFER0 for changes to let me
> know to copy data from CLIPBOARD only last week.  So, I have not
> implemented that idea yet and I wanted to see if there were other
> options I should explore before moving down that path (since most ideas
> I have had do have some drawbacks that I did not anticipate).
> Thanks for your input,
> Harold
> G O Economou wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Harold L Hunt II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "xfree86-devel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 10:59 AM
> > Subject: If you were writing a Windows and X clipboard integration
> > manager...
> >
> >
> >
> >>...how would you do it, in 150 words or less?
> >>
> >>Seriously, I have been working on this for over a year and I would love
> >>hear some of the ideas that people have because I am completely stumped
> >>how to make such a clipboard manager work properly.
> >>
> >>It would be nice if someone responded this time...
> >>
> >>
> >>Harold Hunt
> >>Cygwin/XFree86
> >>
> >
> >
> > Harold you are making this issue unnecessarily complicated.  You are
> > lost in the forest for the trees. .. ONe instead of caring about non-US
> > users, the few out there that exist, work first on getting something
> > Then once that is working work on refining
> > the process.  You cannot make it work with every app out there.  MS does
> > do that either.  There are too many non-compliant progams written by
> > organgutans out there to hit them all.
> > Make yours compliant what you consider the major issues (Browsers, Mail
> > Managers).  Put something out otherwise you marginalise yourself.  Basic
> > 101 but very non CS thinking.
> >
> > Georgina
> >
> >
> > Yes, there are at least 3 clipboard/cut-buffer mechanisms.  We
> > originally set out to watch for CUT_BUFFER0 to change, at which point we
> > would copy it to the Windows clipboard.  That seemed fine, except that
> > non-U.S. users screamed bloody murder because CUT_BUFFERs do not let you
> > get non ascii/latin1 encoded text.  Also, some users claim that not all
> > X applications paste data to CUT_BUFFER0.
> >

Devel mailing list

Re: Fw: Bison/Yacc problems ...

2003-01-29 Thread Thomas E. Dickey
On Wed, 29 Jan 2003, Jamie Risk wrote:

> I don't know where, but I came across a information about bison
> version information for compiling XFree86. I'm not hurt that it didn't
> come from this list, but even an impolite "Use bison 1.35: RTFM!"
> would have been useful.

byacc is preferable.

(the people working on bison appear to have little interest in keeping it
compatible with other flavors of yacc)

Devel mailing list

Fw: Bison/Yacc problems ...

2003-01-29 Thread Jamie Risk
I don't know where, but I came across a information about bison
version information for compiling XFree86. I'm not hurt that it didn't
come from this list, but even an impolite "Use bison 1.35: RTFM!"
would have been useful.

Thanks for good work on the other 8 gazillion files that did compile
without a hitch.

- Jamie
- Original Message -
From: "Jamie Risk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 3:17 PM
Subject: Bison/Yacc problems ...

> After opening the 4.2.0 tar balls and applying the 4.2.0-4.2.1 patch, I
> I'm getting a compiling error when bison tries to process the file
> "./lib/Xft/xftgram.y".  The CVS/RCS ID for the file is:
>   $XFree86: xc/lib/Xft/xftgram.y,v 1.5 2001/05/16 10:32:54 keithp Exp $
> And the error I get is this:
>   bison -y -d xftgram.y
>   xftgram.y:168.8: parse error, unexpected ":", expecting ";" or "|"
>   xftgram.y:169.3-6: $$ of `matrix' has no declared type
>   make[3]: *** [xftgram.c] Error 1
> I checked the other "*.y" files in the distro, and there are other
> of
> what appears to be misplaced/missing semicolons in the grammar rules
> sections.
> From the "./xc" directory, I looked for all (six or seven) "*.y" files and
> tried
> each with BISON version 1.75.
> I modified them all by hand (unwittingly adding semicolons where they made
> syntactical sense to me to put them), and the compilation now seems to be
> progressing smoothly as I write this.  The whole exercise took only a few
> minutes.
> As I'm new to X-Windows, particularly to XFree86 and its source code,
> someone verify this?
> Thanks,
> - Jamie

Devel mailing list