Re: Blog post: What D got wrong

2018-12-18 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 15 December 2018 at 19:53:06 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
Not the case in Rust, not the case in how I write D. TBH it's 
not such a big deal because something has to be typed, I just 
default to const now anyway instead of auto. @safe and pure 

I'd be interested in seeing some of that Rust code. My impression 
from Clojure is that an all-immutable style requires leaning 
heavily on the garbage collector and as far as I know Rust has 

Re: Blog post: What D got wrong

2018-12-14 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 13 December 2018 at 10:14:45 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
My impression is that it's a consensus that it _should_, but 
it's not going to happen due to breaking existing code.

I think it would be a bad idea for `immutable` because more often 
than not it would need to be turned off. I've heard Java called a 
"BSDM language" because it forces the programmer to type reams of 
unnecessary characters to accomplish ordinary tasks. This reminds 
me of that.

Re: usable @nogc Exceptions with Mir Runtime

2018-10-31 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at 10:57:27 UTC, 9il wrote:

Release v0.0.5 comes with

 - mir.exception - @nogc MirException
 - mir.format - @nogc formatting


Re: Article: Why Const Sucks

2018-03-09 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 5 March 2018 Jonathan M Davis wrote at
What Java has instead is `final`, which IMHO is borderline 

In Java `final`  is extremely useful for efficient threadsafe 

Re: Release D 2.078.0

2018-01-10 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 10 January 2018 at 21:32:55 UTC, Nathan S. wrote:
On my mac laptop running DMD 2.078.0, building and running the 
mir-algorithm unittests takes 8 seconds normally but takes ~3 
minutes 49 seconds with dub options "releaseMode", "optimize", 
"inline", "noBoundsCheck".

When I remove the "inline" option the build + test time becomes 
<10 seconds. So the weirdly slow part is related to inlining.

Re: Release D 2.078.0

2018-01-10 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce
DMD64 2.078.0 on Linux and macOS is taking wildly longer to build 
and run unittests for mir-algorithm. The extra time appears to be 
related to release mode optimizations.

Build logs:

DMD 2.077.1 for linux32: 3 min 20 sec
DMD 2.077.1 for linux64: 3 min 16 sec
DMD 2.077.1 for mac64: 5 min 4 sec

DMD 2.078.0-rc.1 for linux32: 13 min 30 sec
DMD 2.078.0-rc.1 for linux64: 9 min 39 sec
DMD 2.078.0-rc.1 for mac64: 10 min 56 sec, then the job was 

The above tests all include a non-release build and a release 
build. On my mac laptop running DMD 2.078.0, building and running 
the mir-algorithm unittests takes 8 seconds normally but takes ~3 
minutes 49 seconds with dub options "releaseMode", "optimize", 
"inline", "noBoundsCheck".

I don't see any new compiler optimizations in the changelog. Any 
idea of what could be causing this?

Re: Proposal for a standard Decimal type in alpha

2017-12-22 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 13:59:28 UTC, Jack Stouffer 
I just finished getting the type into an alpha version, and I 
wanted to solicit people's opinions on the API and if I'm 
heading in the right direction with this.

The dub page:

The docs:

What you can do so far:

* Control behavior with a Hook type a-la 

* Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
* Construction from a strings and built-in number types

I think it would be clearer if the precision, the rounding mode, 
and the error behavior were three separate parameters instead of 
a single Hook. Predefined settings named "Abort", "Throw", and 
"NoOp" would then be self-explanatory, and it wouldn't be 
necessary to entirely rewrite them if you wanted precision of 10 
or 20 decimal digits instead of 9 or wanted to use a different 
rounding mode.

Mir Random v0.3.0 release

2017-12-21 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce

About package
Mir-Random [1] is a random number generator library that covers 
C++ STL [2]. It is compatible with mir.ndslice, std.algorithm, 
and std.range. In the same time mir.random has its own API, 
which is more secure and safe compared with std.random.

Release 0.3.0
You may find the release notes with hyperlinks more useful:

Performance Increases
We now use Daniel Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction. 
Compiling with LDC 1.6.0 for x86-64, Mt19937_64 randIndex 
throughput increased 40% for uint and 136% for ulong. 
Xoroshiro128Plus randIndex throughput increased 73% for uint and 
325% for ulong.

The required mir-algorithm version has increased to v0.7.0 
because extMul is necessary for the ulong version.

New since v0.2.8
- New engine: SplitMix64 / Splittable64
- Convenience functions related to thread-local randoms: rne 
(like std.random rndGen); threadLocal!Engine for arbitrary 
engine; & ways of mucking about with the bookkeeping state that 
most people won't need but a few have requested in the past.
- Made some engines compatible with APIs that expect 
std.random-style UniformRNG. Compatible as-is: Xoroshiro128Plus; 
all predefined PCG engines; and the new SplitMix64/Splittable64 
engines. For any others there is an adaptor. Copy-constructors 
are disabled so they will only work with functions that "do the 
right thing" and take PRNGs by reference and don't make implicit 
copies of them.

Fixed since v0.2.8
- Changed many parts of the library to be @safe.
- Linux GETRANDOM in unpredictableSeed now works on 
non-x86/x86-64 architectures.
- Removed endian-dependency when producing 64-bit values from a 
native-32-bit PRNG.

Changed APIs
- The versions of genRandomBlocking/genRandomNonBlocking that 
take a pointer and a length are no longer @trusted. Instead there 
are trusted overloads for both that take a ubyte[].
- mir.random.algorithm has been changed in the interest of memory 
safety. You can still write unsafe code but now if you try to 
write @safe code the library will let you. Instead of taking 
engines by reference and storing their addresses (which could 
result in the stored address outliving the engine), now the 
various functions require arguments to be either objects or 
pointers to structs. For local-scoped engines there are templates 
with alias parameters. This is a major API change so 
feedback/criticism is welcome.


mir-algorithm v0.7.0: new interpolation, optmath, bugfixes

2017-12-12 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce

About Mir Algorithm

Mir Algorithm[1] is Dlang core library for math, finance and a 
home for Dlang multidimensional array package - ndslice.

New Modules since v0.6.21

- Reworked interpolation API, now found in mir.interpolate, 
mir.interpolate.linear, mir.interpolate.pchip.
- New module mir.interpolate.spline for cubic interpolation. 
Warning: multivariate cubic spline with derivatives is still 
- New module mir.interpolate.constant for constant interpolation. 
Warning: multivariate constant interpolant is still experimental.

API Changes since v0.6.21

- Added in mir.math.common function attributes @optmath and 
@fmamath. They only have effect when compiling with LDC but can 
be used with all compilers. (This now also applies to @fastmath.) 
@optmath is similar to @fastmath but does not allow 
unsafe-fp-math. Does not force LDC to replace division with 
multiplication by reciprocal.
- New mir.utility.extMul extended unsigned multiplication that 
makes available the high bits of the result

- New mir.functional.aliasCall
- New mir.ndslice.algorithm.maxLength returns max length across 
all dimensions.
- New mir.ndslice.slice.IteratorOf!(T : Slice) extracts iterator 
type from a Slice
- New mir.ndslice.slice.ndassign assignment utility template that 
works both with scalars and with ndslices.
- In mir.ndslice.slice.Slice: iterator is now inout; opUnary now 
works with - and +; opIndexAssign now returns ref this instead of 

- mir.ndslice.field.MagicField supports length and shape.

Removed Modules

- mir.interpolation, mir.interpolation.linear, mir.interpolation. 
Migrate to replacements (mir.interpolate.*).

Other Changes since v0.6.21

- Uses of @fastmath in the Mir codebase have been replaced by 
@optmath, excepting mir.math.sum
- In mir.ndslice.topology under-the-hood improvements in slide, 
diff, pairwise
- In mir.ndslice.slice.Slice opBinary and opBinaryRight now 
internally use mir.ndslice.topology.vmap instead of 

Fixed since v0.6.21

- Fix in for compilation failing in 
cases where chained map calls couldn't be coalesced due to 
capturing multiple contexts (seemingly a compiler bug in some 
- Made mir.ndslice.topology.flattened backwards compatible with 
LDC 1.2.0 for those who haven't upgraded
- Added workaround in mir.ndslice.algorithm.reduce for DMD 
inlining bug for non-Windows x86-64 (LDC unaffected)

- mir.primitives.shape now takes its argument by reference


Release notes with hyperlinks:

Re: Release D v2.077.1

2017-12-01 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 1 December 2017 at 12:17:38 UTC, Christian Köstlin 

also this link is broken for me i get a 404

Omit the "v" from "v2.077.1.html".

mir-linux-kernel 1.0.0: Linux system call numbers for different architectures

2017-11-10 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce

About package
Linux system call numbers for different architectures. That's all.

Motivating Example
Linux 3.17 added the getrandom syscall. Using it instead of 
/dev/[u]?random was a win. But we didn't think about all of the 
architectures that people might try building our library on, and 
soon we got a report from a user that our latest and greatest 
release was failing to compile on Raspberry Pi.

import mir.linux._asm.unistd: NR_getrandom;

 *   If the GRND_NONBLOCK flag is set, then
 *   getrandom() does not block in these cases, but instead
 *   immediately returns -1 with errno set to EAGAIN.
private ptrdiff_t genRandomImplSysNonBlocking(scope void* ptr, 
size_t len) @nogc nothrow @system

return syscall(NR_getrandom, cast(size_t) ptr, len, 


Re: Mir Random v0.2.8 release

2017-10-23 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 24 October 2017 at 03:30:19 UTC, Nathan S. wrote:
- On macOS, OpenBSD, and NetBSD, use arc4random_buf [4] in 
unpredictableSeed and genRandomNonBlocking.

Since I am not sure whether this is common knowledge, arc4random 
isn't based on RC4 on these platforms. macOS uses AES, and 
OpenBSD and NetBSD use ChaCha20.

Mir Random v0.2.8 release

2017-10-23 Thread Nathan S. via Digitalmars-d-announce

About package
Mir-Random [1] is a random number generator library that covers 
C++ STL [2]. It is compatible with mir.ndslice, std.algorithm, 
and std.range. In the same time mir.random has its own API, 
which is more secure and safe compared with std.random.

Release v0.2.8
- Added xorshift1024*φ and xoroshiro128+ generators [3] 
(mir.random.engine.xorshift : Xorshift1024StarPhi, 

- Mt19937 and Mt19937_64 can be seeded from array or ndslice
- mir.random.engine.preferHighBits!T to query new optional enum 
bool preferHighBits

- When the high bits of a PRNG's output are known to have better 
statistical properties than the low bits, use high bits when not 
all bits of output are required.
- On macOS, OpenBSD, and NetBSD, use arc4random_buf [4] in 
unpredictableSeed and genRandomNonBlocking.

- Fix isSaturatedRandomEngine!T not working when T.opCall is a 
function template.

- Fix address-based increment for PCGs in unique_stream mode.
- Incorporated upstream fix for seeding a MCG with a seed that's 
a multiple of the modulus.
