Re: Request assistance converting C's #ifndef to D

2016-05-13 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 22:51:17 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
The following preprocessor directives are frequently 
encountered in C code, providing a default constant value where 
the user of the code has not specified one:

#ifndef MIN
#define MIN 99

#ifndef MAX
#define MAX 999

I'm at a loss at how to properly convert it to D. I've tried 
the following:

enum MIN = 0;
static if(MIN <= 0)
MIN = 99;

it works as long as the static if is enclosed in a static 
this(), otherwise the compiler complains:

mo.d(493): Error: no identifier for declarator MIN
mo.d(493): Error: declaration expected, not '='

This however, does not feel like the right way to do thinks but 
I cannot find any documentation that provides an alternative. 
Is there a better way to do this?


One thing you could try is compile the C code without the 
#ifndef's and see if it compiles without issues. If it does, 
simply use a D enum and don't worry about translating the 

(Alternately check the C code to see if there really are 
differing definitions of MIN/MAX -- if there are, then the code 
is already messed up and you need to implement your D code taking 
into consideration the implications of that -- maybe use 
different variable names in each section of the code for the 
MIN/MAX that takes the different MIN/MAX values. I've typically 
seen this kind of ifdef'ing to quick-fix compile issues in new 
code without having to rewrite a whole bunch of existing code or 
code-structure and it is never to have differing values for the 
defines -- if differing values are used with the same name, then 
the code is bad and it's best to cleanup as you migrate to D.)

Re: Need help understanding exception...

2016-02-20 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 February 2016 at 06:24:54 UTC, sanjayss wrote:

On Sunday, 21 February 2016 at 01:06:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:


Thanks. That helps. I am making the stdin non-blocking (but 
reverting it back before doing the readln()) -- maybe that is 
causing some problems. Will follow this line of reasoning to 
see if I can figure out the problem.

Just doing a "stdin.clearerr()" after switching back from 
non-blocking mode helped. Thanks again.

Re: Need help understanding exception...

2016-02-20 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 February 2016 at 01:06:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 02/20/2016 04:45 PM, sanjayss wrote:
> [...]
basically "line
> [...]
is saying.
> [...]
ioctls and
> [...]
this, but
> [...]
am doing
> [...]
> [...]
std.stdio.readlnImpl(shared(core.stdc.stdio._IO_FILE)*, ref
> [...]

Judging frome the fact that the exception object does not 
contain a message, it must be coming from one of several of the 
following checks:

if (ferror(fps))

For example:

And the only meaning is that the input stream is in error 
state. :-/


Thanks. That helps. I am making the stdin non-blocking (but 
reverting it back before doing the readln()) -- maybe that is 
causing some problems. Will follow this line of reasoning to see 
if I can figure out the problem.

Need help understanding exception...

2016-02-20 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
I got the following exception on a line of code that is basically 
"line = readln()" and need help in understanding what the 
exception is saying. (I am playing around with stdio prior to 
this using unix ioctls and maybe I am messing something up in the 
process resulting in this, but understanding the exception will 
give me a clue as to what I am doing wrong -- a basic D progam 
with readln() doesn't have the same issue). This is on linux with 
DMD version 2.07.


??:? void std.stdio.StdioException.opCall() [0x4c8891]
??:? ulong 
std.stdio.readlnImpl(shared(core.stdc.stdio._IO_FILE)*, ref 
char[], dchar, std.stdio.File.Orientation) [0x4c89e5]
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d:1547 ulong 
std.stdio.File.readln!(char).readln(ref char[], dchar) [0x4acd95]
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d:1408 immutable(char)[] 
std.stdio.File.readln!(immutable(char)[]).readln(dchar) [0x4acca2]
/usr/include/dmd/phobos/std/stdio.d:3377 immutable(char)[] 
std.stdio.readln!(immutable(char)[]).readln(dchar) [0x4acc2f]
telnetc.d:1572 void telnetc.handleEscapeMode(telnetc.TelnetInfo, 
ubyte) [0x4a6638]
telnetc.d:1591 void telnetc.handleKey(telnetc.TelnetInfo, ubyte) 
telnetc.d:1603 void telnetc.handleKeyPress(telnetc.TelnetInfo, 
ubyte[]) [0x4a6788]
telnetc.d:1740 bool telnetc.readSocket!(void 
function(telnetc.TelnetInfo, ubyte[])*, 
std.socket.Socket, void function(telnetc.TelnetInfo, ubyte[])*, 
telnetc.TelnetInfo) [0x4adb18]
telnetc.d:1802 void 
telnetc.receiveAndProcessData(telnetc.TelnetInfo) [0x4a6f00]

telnetc.d:2165 _Dmain [0x4a7831]
??:? void rt.dmain2._d_run_main(int, char**, extern (C) int 
function(char[][])*).tryExec(scope void delegate()) [0x4b9680]
??:? void rt.dmain2._d_run_main(int, char**, extern (C) int 
function(char[][])*).runAll() [0x4b96fe]
??:? void rt.dmain2._d_run_main(int, char**, extern (C) int 
function(char[][])*).tryExec(scope void delegate()) [0x4b9680]

??:? _d_run_main [0x4b95dd]
??:? main [0x4b3827]
??:? __libc_start_main [0xf762ec4]

Problem with release build.

2016-02-08 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
In the following sample program (which tries to set terminal to 
raw mode and check for key presses), compiling as usual (dmd 
t.d), the program works, but compiling in release mode (dmd 
-release t.d) and the raw mode doesn't seem to work. Where do I 
start looking to figure this out or if it is obvious, what am I 
doing wrong? (In the release mode output, notice the character 
getting echo-ed before the "Got").

MacBook-Pro:$ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.069.2
Copyright (c) 1999-2015 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
MacBook-Pro:$ dmd t.d
MacBook-Pro:$ ./t
Got: a
Got: b
Got: c
Got: d
Got: q
MacBook-Pro:$ dmd -release t.d
MacBook-Pro:$ ./t
aGot: a
bGot: b
cGot: c
dGot: d
eGot: e
qGot: q
MacBook-Pro:$ cat t.d
import core.thread;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.sys.posix.fcntl;
import core.sys.posix.termios;
import std.stdio : writeln;

int oldf;
termios oldt;

termios newt;

assert(tcgetattr(0, ) == 0);
newt = oldt;

newt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHONL | ISIG | IEXTEN);
newt.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | ISTRIP | INLCR | ICRNL | 

newt.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
assert(tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, ) == 0);

oldf = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(0, F_SETFL, oldf | O_NONBLOCK);

fcntl(0, F_SETFL, oldf);
assert(tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, ) == 0);

main(string[] args)
int ch;

scope(exit) makecooked();

while ((ch = fgetc(stdin)) == EOF)
writeln("Got: ", cast(dchar)ch);
} while (ch != 'q');

Re: Problem with release build.

2016-02-08 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
Ignore this -- this is probably due to how I am doing the 
assert(). In the release build, it is getting compiled out and in 
the process compiling out the tcgetattr and the tcsetattr.

On Tuesday, 9 February 2016 at 05:08:20 UTC, sanjayss wrote:
In the following sample program (which tries to set terminal to 
raw mode and check for key presses), compiling as usual (dmd 
t.d), the program works, but compiling in release mode (dmd 
-release t.d) and the raw mode doesn't seem to work. Where do I 
start looking to figure this out or if it is obvious, what am I 
doing wrong? (In the release mode output, notice the character 
getting echo-ed before the "Got").

MacBook-Pro:$ dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.069.2
Copyright (c) 1999-2015 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright
MacBook-Pro:$ dmd t.d
MacBook-Pro:$ ./t
Got: a
Got: b
Got: c
Got: d
Got: q
MacBook-Pro:$ dmd -release t.d
MacBook-Pro:$ ./t
aGot: a
bGot: b
cGot: c
dGot: d
eGot: e
qGot: q
MacBook-Pro:$ cat t.d
import core.thread;
import core.stdc.stdio;
import core.sys.posix.fcntl;
import core.sys.posix.termios;
import std.stdio : writeln;

int oldf;
termios oldt;

termios newt;

assert(tcgetattr(0, ) == 0);
newt = oldt;

newt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHONL | ISIG | IEXTEN);
newt.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | ISTRIP | INLCR | ICRNL 

newt.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
assert(tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, ) == 0);

oldf = fcntl(0, F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl(0, F_SETFL, oldf | O_NONBLOCK);

fcntl(0, F_SETFL, oldf);
assert(tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, ) == 0);

main(string[] args)
int ch;

scope(exit) makecooked();

while ((ch = fgetc(stdin)) == EOF)
writeln("Got: ", cast(dchar)ch);
} while (ch != 'q');

std.socket question

2016-02-03 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
Are the functions lastSocketError() and wouldHaveBlocked() from 
std.socket thread-safe? i.e. can they be reliably used to see the 
status of the last socket call when sockets are being 
read/written in multiple threads?

Re: core.sys.posix.sys.ioctl

2016-01-27 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 15 January 2016 at 21:49:38 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 15 January 2016 at 21:21:26 UTC, sanjayss wrote:

Is the contribution process straightforward.

For this, yes. Should be able to just fork druntime and edit 
the ioctl.d that exists to flesh it out to be more complete.

Make sure it matches the original C names, values, etc., and 
there should be no real friction in getting it in (just 
remember to use spaces rather than tabs lol)

So I got round to doing this -- -- 
it's not clear what happens now -- is there a set of people that 
reviews pull requests and comment on it or is it open to all?


2016-01-15 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there any reason that this module is not complete for 
platforms other than Linux -- the ioctl() system call is common 
across all Unix-like OSes, so it doesn't make sense that this is 
only partially supported. (I am using the latest DMD).

Re: core.sys.posix.sys.ioctl

2016-01-15 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 15 January 2016 at 18:34:14 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 15 January 2016 at 18:32:22 UTC, sanjayss wrote:
Is there any reason that this module is not complete for 
platforms other than Linux

Nobody has written it up, except the parts they use.

Is the contribution process straightforward. Since I am mucking 
around in this area on OSX, I could attempt creating a more 
complete ioctl module for OSX...unless ofcourse someone else has 
already tried it and there are too many gotchas or there already 
have been too many discussions on the right way to do this and 
there is no consensus (I don't want to get into too much of these 
types of discussions -- not enough time).

concurrency and standard logger of std.experimental.logger

2016-01-09 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there a way to include some form of thread-id in the standard 
logger log messages without resorting to the use of the 'f' 
functions to log this info too?

Re: std.experimental.logger

2016-01-05 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 09:18:21 UTC, Robert burner Schadek 

On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 02:44:48 UTC, sanjayss wrote:

I'm doing the following:

import std.experimental.logger;

main(string[] args)
sharedLog = new FileLogger("logfile.log");

log("Test log 1");
log("Test log 2");
log("Test log 3");

sharedLog = new FileLogger("logfile.log", LogLevel.all);

calling log uses the globalLogLevel, which is LogLevel.all by 

The default LogLevel of a new FileLogger is
So the new FileLogger drops the log messages.

This is an inconsistency I will fix.

Thanks -- seems like you found my bugzilla issue and fixed the 
problem. I'll try using your diff above and see if that helps me.

Re: std.experimental.logger

2016-01-04 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 02:49:01 UTC, Mike wrote:

On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 02:44:48 UTC, sanjayss wrote:

I'm doing the following:

import std.experimental.logger;

main(string[] args)
sharedLog = new FileLogger("logfile.log");

log("Test log 1");
log("Test log 2");
log("Test log 3");

and I expected the logs to be seen in the logfile.log, but it 
seems like my reading of the docs on this is incorrect and the 
logfile.log is not populated at all (though it is created). 
What am I missing or using incorrectly?

Basically I am trying to have the default logger log to a file 
instead of stderr.

(I am on a Mac (OS-X 10.11.1, 64 bit) and using DMD 2.069.2)

You need to log with sharedLog:
sharedLog.log("Test log 1");
sharedLog.log("Test log 2");
sharedLog.log("Test log 3");

Thanks, that works. But the docs are confusing -- it gives the 
impression that "sharedLog" is something associated with the 
default logger -- so I would expect the above to work with just 
the plain log() call to invoke the default logger. But it seems 
like I am just creating a new logger and using that by saying 

From the doc:

The default Logger will by default log to stderr and has a 
default LogLevel of LogLevel.all. The default Logger can be 
accessed by using the property called sharedLog. This property a 
reference to the current default Logger. This reference can be 
used to assign a new default Logger.

sharedLog = new FileLogger("New_Default_Log_File.log");


2016-01-04 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm doing the following:

import std.experimental.logger;

main(string[] args)
sharedLog = new FileLogger("logfile.log");

log("Test log 1");
log("Test log 2");
log("Test log 3");

and I expected the logs to be seen in the logfile.log, but it 
seems like my reading of the docs on this is incorrect and the 
logfile.log is not populated at all (though it is created). What 
am I missing or using incorrectly?

Basically I am trying to have the default logger log to a file 
instead of stderr.

(I am on a Mac (OS-X 10.11.1, 64 bit) and using DMD 2.069.2)

Re: socketpair

2015-12-31 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 31 December 2015 at 07:48:03 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 

On Thursday, 31 December 2015 at 02:37:07 UTC, sanjayss wrote:
OK; one way I realized was to put the network socket select in 
one thread and the watching for keypress in another thread and 
then use the concurrency primitives to message pass events to 
the main thread -- may be a little expensive, but it probably 
will achieve the effect I desire.

Here is my implementation of this idea:

Thanks, Vladimir...though I didn't fully understand your code 
example, it gave me the idea to use delegates to capture one of 
the socketpair sockets for use in a thread where I could write to 
it and read the other socket to read from in the main task. Just 
beginning to use D and am getting used to the various features...


2015-12-30 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
std.socket supports the socketpair() function, but it seems like 
this api is not really usable in any of the concurrency 
primitives supported by D. So what is the purpose of the 
socketpair() support?

Basically I am trying to create two threads and am trying to use 
socketpair() to create two sockets and use them to communicate 
between the threads, but none of the socket API's allow use of 
shared socket-pair (probably correctly so). So how else can one 
implement a foreground event loop that supports both key-presses 
and network socket events -- I was hoping to do the keyboard 
event in one thread and use the socketpair to communicate to the 
actual foreground event loop via the socketpair sockets.

Any help on how one would code this in D is welcome.

Re: socketpair

2015-12-30 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 31 December 2015 at 02:31:09 UTC, sanjayss wrote:
On Thursday, 31 December 2015 at 02:26:23 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 31/12/15 3:22 PM, sanjayss wrote:


Wrong tool for the job.
You want message passing not sockets to communicate between 
threads in this case.

You're wanting the functions receive and send relating to:

Sure -- I understand the concurrency primitives, but what I was 
trying to achieve was to have a single foreground loop that 
could select on a network socket while also watching for a 
keypress (and in C socketpair is one way you would achieve this 
using one thread to listen for keypresses -- see How do you suggest I achieve this in D?

OK; one way I realized was to put the network socket select in 
one thread and the watching for keypress in another thread and 
then use the concurrency primitives to message pass events to the 
main thread -- may be a little expensive, but it probably will 
achieve the effect I desire.

Re: socketpair

2015-12-30 Thread sanjayss via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 31 December 2015 at 02:26:23 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 31/12/15 3:22 PM, sanjayss wrote:
std.socket supports the socketpair() function, but it seems 
like this
api is not really usable in any of the concurrency primitives 

by D. So what is the purpose of the socketpair() support?

Basically I am trying to create two threads and am trying to 
socketpair() to create two sockets and use them to communicate 

the threads, but none of the socket API's allow use of shared
socket-pair (probably correctly so). So how else can one 
implement a
foreground event loop that supports both key-presses and 
network socket
events -- I was hoping to do the keyboard event in one thread 
and use
the socketpair to communicate to the actual foreground event 
loop via

the socketpair sockets.

Any help on how one would code this in D is welcome.

Wrong tool for the job.
You want message passing not sockets to communicate between 
threads in this case.

You're wanting the functions receive and send relating to:

Sure -- I understand the concurrency primitives, but what I was 
trying to achieve was to have a single foreground loop that could 
select on a network socket while also watching for a keypress 
(and in C socketpair is one way you would achieve this using one 
thread to listen for keypresses -- see How do you suggest I achieve this in D?