Re: this is null

2019-03-10 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 March 2019 at 14:25:56 UTC, spir wrote:

There is a typo in this instruction:

T* ptr = this.list.getFisrtFreeOrAdd(memViewLen).getPtr!T();
(may this explain your null? the compiler should complain)


Good catch! But I have the same typo within the definition of the 
method. I believe DMD screams about undefined method if it 

Re: this is null

2019-03-09 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 March 2019 at 21:00:51 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

I haven't run the code but which pointer is null? Try adding
I mean `this` by "this" word. You can see that `this` is null if 
you run gdb and before that line make `p/x this` [0]

this check as well:

  auto node = this.list.getFisrtFreeOrAdd(memViewLen);
  assert(node !is null);

I get segfault in `getFisrtFreeOrAdd` method. Before the line I 
have an assertion [1]. It looks like the program misses (I have 
no idea how) `list` object while calling its method 


Re: this is null

2019-03-09 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 March 2019 at 20:04:53 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

struct S
bool isThisNull() { return  is null; }

void main()
S* p = null;
writeln((*p).isThisNull); // true

Interactive version:

Anyway, thank you! I didn't know about the feature.

Re: this is null

2019-03-09 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 March 2019 at 20:04:53 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

You can end up with a null `this` reference if you dereference 
a null pointer to a struct and then call a method on the 
result. For example:

I can but my reference is not null before calling. Take a look at 
the line of code [0]. There is a check before the line. [0]

this is null

2019-03-09 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello everyone! I've encountered the problem which I already 
encountered before. Unfortunately, I had no time in the previous 
time to report and to talk about it. So I decided to play making 
my own "malloc" function in pure D (betterC) at this time. And I 
encountered the issue one more time. `this` can be null. How? 
Please take a look at my project [0]. It gets the current heap 
break and tries to increase via a free list. So the segfault I 
meet happens there [1]. Tell me, please. What do I wrong?


Get variables with call stack

2018-09-21 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I need to make a some sort of error report system for an 
application. I want to catch base Exception class instance and 
report call stack and with the call stack I want to report all 
variables with their values. There are a couple of services that 
make report using call stack and provides variables' values., New Relic etc.

I see how to get call stack, the book Adam Ruppe writes helps me. 
How to get all variables from every layer of call stack?

Re: Windows 7 x64. Prevent appearing of console with GUI application

2018-07-24 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 09:20:22 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 08:09:33 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

Anyway, if you are using OPTLINK or the MS Linker, try a test 
program without gtkD to make sure it works standalone for you.


void main() {
MessageBoxA(null, "Look, Ma! No console!", "It works!", 


You partially are right, the issue is related to the application 
internals but not to GTKD. I forgot that I launch the second 
application inside. I recompiled both of the with 
-L/SUBSYSTEM:windows -L/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup and that's it.

Thanks a lot everyone!

Windows 7 x64. Prevent appearing of console with GUI application

2018-07-24 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I'm trying run my GUI application getting a console 
hidden. The application is on top of GTKD, compiled with dmd 
2.081.1 in Windows 7 x64. I read a few threads on the forum and 
StackOverflow and I got that I need to add a module definition 
file [1] or to add -L/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS -L/ENTRY:mainCRTStartup 
options to compiler [2] or to add only /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS [3] or 
use a command getting console hidden [4].

Actually no one case works properly. The first one doesn't 
affect, the second "unbinds" appeared console giving ability to 
close it without closing the application, the third one raises a 
linker error about unresolved symbol WinMain, the fourth one 
hides a console but it does it with delay. Also, I tried to use 
`editbin /SUBSYSTEM:windows myapp.exe` but I it doesn't affect 
anything. Here is my dub.json [5]

So... how prevent appearing of console on the startup of the 



GTKD release event in windows

2018-06-24 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn


Has somebody ever encountered continually triggering of key 
released event while the key is pressed with GTKD? I have the 
same issue for key pressed event but it's not so critical for me. 
The problem is occurred for all key keys except a key-modifier 
like alt, ctrl and shift. Also, it is occurred for Windows only, 
I don't see the problem using Linux.

DMD 2.079
GTK 3.22.1
Windows 7

Unfortunately I can't find version of GTKD with windows

Thanks in advance!

Re: DerelictVorbis and string pointer

2018-06-23 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 June 2018 at 01:54:52 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

On Sunday, 24 June 2018 at 01:43:41 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

On Sunday, 24 June 2018 at 01:26:48 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

Actually I get it worked replacing `string filepath2` by 
`char[] filepath2` but filepath is string still and it works 

It doesn't work

Vorbis is a C library, so you need to null terminate your 
string using toStringz. The reason why the one from the command 
line works is because it is already null terminate.

It works! Thank you!

Re: DerelictVorbis and string pointer

2018-06-23 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 June 2018 at 01:26:48 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

Actually I get it worked replacing `string filepath2` by 
`char[] filepath2` but filepath is string still and it works 

It doesn't work

DerelictVorbis and string pointer

2018-06-23 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello D community!

I'm developing an application that must work on audio especially 
playback Ogg files. So I took library DerelictVorbis [0] testing 
basic functions like `ov_fopen`. The tests were successful so I 
decided to implement core components of the application using D 
and Derelict libraries.

Today I encountered a problem, the `ov_fopen` returns -1 instead 
of 0. It means that something goes wrong and the file that is 
pointed by a string is not opened. I figured out it so there is 
the error is not occurred when a file path is pointed by a string 
variable from CLI input arguments but it is occurred when the 
path is pointed by a string variable filled dynamically (for 
example file path is read from another file).

Here code goes

public import derelict.vorbis;
public import derelict.vorbis.file;

void main(string[] args) {
OggVorbis_File _ovFile;

immutable filepath = args[1];

import std.file;
import std.string;
string filepath2 = "./name.txt".readText.strip;
assert(filepath2 == filepath);
int res = ov_fopen(filepath2.ptr, &_ovFile); // res == -1
// int res = ov_fopen(filepath.ptr, &_ovFile); // res == 0
assert(res == 0, "ov_fopen returns %d".format(res));

Actually I get it worked replacing `string filepath2` by `char[] 
filepath2` but filepath is string still and it works correctly.

So what detail The devil is in? Is there an issue in 
DerelictVorbis or in compiler. Don't I know something about 
implementation of strings or pointers in D?

Thanks in advance!

DMD 2.080
DerelictVorbis 2.0.0-beta.2


Re: UFCS syntax I never saw before.

2018-05-22 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 21 May 2018 at 18:53:19 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Monday, May 21, 2018 14:00:55 ANtlord via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

If someone wrote an good DIP on the subject, I expect that 
things could be accelerated, but it's not much a real paint 
point in practice, and the chances of @property actually ever 
meaning anything like it was originally intended to mean are 
pretty much zero. UFCS killed that.

- Jonathan M Davis

First of all thanks a lot for the response. It cleans something 
for me. I need a few time to think.

Re: UFCS syntax I never saw before.

2018-05-21 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 21 May 2018 at 11:38:12 UTC, SrMordred wrote:

After all this time I saw this:

writeln = iota = 5;


I never saw that before!

This is interesting, there is something useful that i can do 
with this kind of call?

What the hell is this? I don't figure out why are there so many 
syntax features? It doesn't make the language more easier. Is it 
any reason to support 2 additional cases of function calling? We 
have no literal for a tuple but we call a function via 3 cases. 
I'm frustrated.

D has a lot cool features, I like D, but that is one of those 
which make me doubt the language future. I don't play a big role 
in the project but I talk to all my python co-workers: "You 
know... so there so cool language, it's called D. It can do this 
and that... It supports convenient static typing so you 
definitely know what happens in a piece of code.". But something 
like this make doubt about what happens in a piece of code. There 
is static typing so I know that type a variable has, but I look 
at a method calling and I ask: "Is it data field? No. Is it 
property? No. Is it method? No. It's UFCS! Okay." And now I see 
that UFCS can works the same way as a property!

Global hotkey with GTK based application under Windows

2018-04-01 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I implement a GTK-D based application for Windows and 
Linux. In case of Linux there isn't any problem, I use binding[1] 
for libkeybinder. In case of Windows I can't find convinient way 
to implement global shortcuts. There is a way to get it done is 
use of WinAPI but it's not convinient by a couple of things.

WinAPI provides RegisterHotKey method[2] but I have no idea how 
to get HWND using GTK-D. If I get it done I get a problem to 
handle it. Design of WinAPI means handling of hotkey in a loop 
like so[3]. I could get the thing done using tick callback[4] but 
I use the callback for another stuff, and I don't know whether 
GTK-D supports multiple tick callbacks, I can't get it at least.

If anyone has an idea, please tell me because I ran out. Thanks 
in advance!



importPaths option in dub

2018-03-27 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello! I work using Linux.

Is it possible to use environment variables like $HOME in option 
importPaths of Dub project file? I tried it but dub concatenates 
the path and current path so I get something like this 
/develop/project/$HOME/.dub/packages/gtk-d/generated/gtkd or 
/develop/project/~/.dub/packages/gtk-d/generated/gtkd. I can use 
$HOME in lflags-posix so it work perfectly.

Dub 1.8.0
DMD 2.079

Thanks in advance!

Re: Building Derelict based application under windows

2018-03-23 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 March 2018 at 01:18:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Thursday, 22 March 2018 at 20:51:36 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

Thanks in advance. Please feel free to ask any question

Your errors with the derelict libs are linker errors, with the 
early ones being this one:

"warning LNK4003: invalid library format; library ignored"

At the top of the output, DUB is warning you that you've put 
-m64 in the package file and shouldn't do that. I would guess 
that's your problem. The libraries are being compiled as 32-bit 
OMF, which is default on the prepackaged DMD binaries on 
Windows, but the -m64 in your dflags is causing your app to 
compile as 64-bit. Try taking -m64 out of your package file and 
put -ax86_64 on your DUB command line instead.

Thanks a lot. I tried it later but forgot to write about it to 
the forum. I fixed it adding --arch=x86_64 so a command for 
building is `dub build --arch=x86_64`

Building Derelict based application under windows

2018-03-22 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! First of all I don't know what my problem is but please 
don't close the thread and give me a chance.

I have been working on DMD under Linux since I met D. Short time 
ago I got a reason to make an application for Windows. I took 
DerelictAL[1], DerelictOgg[2] and DerelictVorbis[3] implementing 
basic prototype under Linux. So everything ok under Linux. 
Unfortunately I get a couple of issue under Windows 7. The 
Windows is launched under VirtualBox.

The first one is target architecture the application is compiled 
for. I installed DMD 2.079 and Visual Studio 2015.2 so I 
corrected sc.ini consider the article[4] from the wiki. The file 
has the content that is available by the link [5]. But I'm not 
sure that dmd compiles code for 64 bit architecture because an 
address of any pointer consists of 6 symbols instead of 16. A 
pointer in C++ application consists of 16 symbols. There is D 
code [6].

The second one is warnings and errors during compilation of my 
application. Typical messages shows up inability of linker to 
recognize any direlict library so there are a couple of errors 
about unresolved symbols of direlict libraries. Full list of 
errors and warnings is available by the link [7].

Please help me to figure out how I can fix the issue. I don't 
want use another language to create the application.

My environment
Windows 7 64bit (under VirtualBox)
DMD 2.079
Visual Studio 2015.2


Thanks in advance. Please feel free to ask any question

Return value in BetterC mode.

2018-02-17 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

Yesterday I found an interesting issue for myself while I was 
implementing unique pointer for my project in BetterC. When I was 
trying to return new instance from a `move` method I got calling 
of destructor the instance. When the instance is out of scope the 
calling is happens again. I also see that addresses of an 
instance that calls destructor are same.

That thing doesn't happen when I don't use BetterC mode. Is that 
bug or feature?
Please checkout code and try it in 
BetterC mode and in usual mode.

But if I return result of a constructor directly instead of 
saving the result to variable and returning the variable from the 
`move` method I don't see double calling of the same destructor.

I. e.
auto newObject = Box(this);
return newObject;
is replaced by
return Box(this);

So... is that bug or feature?

How to use containers in lock based concurrency

2017-11-03 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I can't get how to use double linked list in concurrency. 
Please help.

Providing code

import std.stdio;
import std.container;

synchronized class SocksQueue {
private shared(DList!string) _queue;
public void f(string data) {

void main(string[] args)

I get a compile error onlineapp.d(8): Error: template 
std.container.dlist.DList!string.DList.insertFront cannot deduce 
function from argument types !()(string) shared, candidates are:

std.container.dlist.DList!string.DList.insertFront(Stuff)(Stuff stuff)

struct/class generation

2017-10-11 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello dear community!

I've met a little issue. How can I generate struct or class 
copying some fields and methods from another struct or class? 
I've found methods to get fields. They are 
std.traits.FieldNameTuple and std.traits.FieldTypeTuple but I 
can't find a method allows getting methods from struct or class.

Other words I want to get fields and methods by string values and 
copy them to my struct. Is it possible? Or do I want something 

Thanks in advance. Sorry if my English is not clear.

Re: Create class on stack

2017-08-07 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 6 August 2017 at 15:47:43 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:

If you use this option, do be aware that this feature has been

 > scheduled for future deprecation [1].
It's likely going to continue working for quite a while 
(years), though.


I can't understand. Why is moved a scope allocation to a library. 
I'm pretty sure it should be a language feature.

Re: Exception handling

2017-07-15 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 14 July 2017 at 20:22:21 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 07/14/2017 12:36 PM, ANtlord wrote:

All you need is to catch Exception there as well:

catch(Exception) {
assert(false, "throwable_fn threw something 



Thank you, Ali! You answer for my question again.

Again, this depends on the exact internals available at the 
semantic analysis time, but in theory, it should be possible 
that when a ThrowStatement is encountered, the surrounding 
scope aggregates the exception's type in it's aggregated 
exception set (ignoring things not inherited from Exception).

Sounds good. It doesn't appear too hard for implementation. But I 
tried to understand dmd architecture at least 5 times. 
Unfortunaly I can't get it. If there is a thing for talking 
closer then it can help to ask mini questions. I mean something 
like Slack or Telegram.

Exception handling

2017-07-14 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I've tried to use nothrow keyword and I couldn't get a 
state of function satisfied the keyword. I have one more method 
that can throw an exception; it is called inside nothrow method. 
Every type of an exception from the throwable method is handled 
by the nothow method.

ubyte throwable_fn(ubyte state) {
if(state < 2) {
return 1;
} else if(state == 3) {
throw new MyException1("qwe");
} else {
throw new MyException2("asd");

void nothrowable_fn() nothrow {
try {
auto val = throwable_fn(3);
// do success staff
} catch(MyException1 e) {
// handle error 1
} catch(MyException2 e) {
// handle error 2

I can't compile this. I get an error says nothrowable_fn function 
can't be nothrow. I get the message until I handle Exception 
class. But it is not appropriate for me because I can get another 
exception of another type. I mean case when code will be updated 
and new exceptions will come with a new piece of code.

How can I achieve nothrow statement without catching of an 
instance of Exception class? Thanks. Sorry if my English is not 

Re: Garbage collection and closures.

2017-06-17 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 17:15:50 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 14:19:34 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
Excuse me, I can't get what does it mean "deepest-referenced". 
What the deep you mean? The deep of a closure or deep of the 
function where the variable is defined. Can you give an 
example code?

Where the variable is defined that is referenced in the closure.


void uses(void delegate() dg);

void foo() {
   int a;
   foreach(b; 0 .. 10) {
  uses( () { a++; } ); // #1
  uses( () { b++; } ); // #2

In that case, #1 would only be allocated once, at the start of 
the foo() function. It only uses `a`, so it doesn't have to 
allocate again after the point a is defined.

But #2 might allocate each time through the loop. (It currently 
doesn't, but this is filed as an open bug because it is 
supposed to.) Since it uses `b` which is defined inside the 
loop, it will have to allocate a new copy for each iteration.

Is this function called every time when allocation happens in 
a heap?

Not any allocation, it is just the function the compiler uses 
when it needs to make a closure.

Thanks a lot, Adam! Everything is clear. Except for the bug. I've 
got an expected result of a value of the variable from #2. The 
value equals to number from sequence plus one in each iteration. 
There are ten iterations.

What's wrong? Are there should be five iterations? It doesn't 
make sense for me due to the variable assigned value from the 
sequence 0..10. Or do I look at the wrong place? Can you give me 
a link to the bug?

Thank you again!

Re: Garbage collection and closures.

2017-06-17 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 13:13:17 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 13:03:28 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

Is GC called every iteration of this loop?

No, it will once on scope entry; where the deepest-referenced 
variable that is actually captured is defined. The compiler 
allocates heap space instead of stack space for the locals, 
then runs the function normally using that space.

Excuse me, I can't get what does it mean "deepest-referenced". 
What the deep you mean? The deep of a closure or deep of the 
function where the variable is defined. Can you give an example 

It will only alloc once. You can prove this with a debugger 
btw, set a breakpoint on `_d_allocmemory`.

Is this function called every time when allocation happens in a 

Thank you. Sorry if my English is not clear.

Garbage collection and closures.

2017-06-17 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I can't understand one thing related to closures and 
calling of GC. I have the following demo snippet, where a closure 
is passed to `receive` function in a loop.

bool isDone = false;
receive((bool val){ isDone = val });

Is GC called every iteration of this loop?

I know that I can move the code to a method of a struct and make 
the closure and variable "isDone" as fields of the struct. It 
avoids GC calling definitely. But I want to get how many times GC 
is called in case of a closure in a loop.


Re: Top level associative arrays

2017-05-02 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 16:34:15 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, May 02, 2017 at 02:37:20PM +, ANtlord via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 12:41:01 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> Note that when declared as "enum", all places it's 
> referenced, a new associative array will be allocated.

If it is allocated at all places I can move initialization to 
module ctor as says evilrat but how can I make an immutable 
associative array?

Just declare it immutable. The module ctor can still initialize 
it, because ctors are allowed to initialize immutables:

immutable string[string] dict;
static this() {
dict = [
"abc": "def",
"ghi": "lmn"
void main() {
import std.stdio;


Thanks a lot!

Re: Top level associative arrays

2017-05-02 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 14:37:20 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 12:41:01 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Note that when declared as "enum", all places it's referenced, 
a new associative array will be allocated.

If it is allocated at all places I can move initialization to 
module ctor as says evilrat but how can I make an immutable 
associative array?

I think it will be more suitable to create singleton of structure.

Re: Top level associative arrays

2017-05-02 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 12:41:01 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

Note that when declared as "enum", all places it's referenced, 
a new associative array will be allocated.

If it is allocated at all places I can move initialization to 
module ctor as says evilrat but how can I make an immutable 
associative array?

Re: Top level associative arrays

2017-05-02 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 08:24:09 UTC, evilrat wrote:

Making enum means that value should be available at compile 
time and AA's are fully dynamic. But if my memory serves me 
well, you can declare empty AA and delay initialization. So the 
closest solution is to move initialization of AA to shared 
module ctor(note that there is difference between shared and 
non-shared, refer to documentation) such as in this example:

static shared this() // <-- module ctors run before main()
 dict = [
   "s": "q",
   "ss": "qq"

string[string] dict;

void main()
{ ... dict is already initialized ... }

I know about D's enums and I know about module ctors but my 
question is about difference between array and associative array 
in case of definition in top level of module. Why DMD allows to 
define array and doesn't allow to define associative array.

Re: Top level associative arrays

2017-05-02 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 07:48:35 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
Hello! Is it possible to define associative array on top level 
of module?
I try to compile this code and I get message `Error: 
non-constant expression ["s":"q", "ss":"qq"]`

import std.stdio;

auto dict = [
"s": "q",
"ss": "qq"
void main()

I solved it by replacement of word `auto` by `enum`. It is 
acceptable for me. But I notice some inconsistency of logic. 
When I define simple array I don't get same compile error and 
it doesn't lead to define this array using enum. What is key 
difference between them in this case?

Thanks. Sorry if my English is not clear.

By the way I notice some strange compile error when I try to 
change associatove array defined using enum.

import std.stdio;

enum dict = [
"s": "q",
"ss": "qq"

void main()
dict["sss"] = "qqq";

Compilation of this code returns the error

& el:0x3237ab4 cnt=0 cs=0 &  TY* 0x3235794
 el:0x3235794 cnt=0 cs=0 call  TY* 0x3235744 0x32356f4
  el:0x3235744 cnt=0 cs=0 var  TYC func  _d_assocarrayliteralTX
  el:0x32356f4 cnt=0 cs=0 param  TYvoid 0x32356a4 0x3235654
   el:0x32356a4 cnt=0 cs=0 param  TYvoid 0x3234c44 0x3234d34
el:0x3234c44 cnt=0 cs=0 rpair  TYucent 0x3234ba4 0x3234bf4
 el:0x3234ba4 cnt=0 cs=0 relconst  TY*  0+& _TMP8
 el:0x3234bf4 cnt=0 cs=0 const  TYuns long long 2LL
el:0x3234d34 cnt=0 cs=0 rpair  TYucent 0x3234c94 0x3234ce4
 el:0x3234c94 cnt=0 cs=0 relconst  TY*  0+& _TMP5
 el:0x3234ce4 cnt=0 cs=0 const  TYuns long long 2LL
   el:0x3235654 cnt=0 cs=0 var  TY*  _D16TypeInfo_HAyaAya6__initZ
Internal error: backend/cgcs.c 352

But when I try to change simple array defined using enum

import std.stdio;

enum arr = [1, 2, 3];

void main()
arr ~= 4;

I get the clear error `Error: [1, 2, 3] is not an lvalue`

Re: Top level associative arrays

2017-05-02 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 07:48:35 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
Hello! Is it possible to define associative array on top level 
of module?
I try to compile this code and I get message `Error: 
non-constant expression ["s":"q", "ss":"qq"]`

import std.stdio;

auto dict = [
"s": "q",
"ss": "qq"
void main()

I solved it by replacement of word `auto` by `enum`. It is 
acceptable for me. But I notice some inconsistency of logic. 
When I define simple array I don't get same compile error and 
it doesn't lead to define this array using enum. What is key 
difference between them in this case?

Thanks. Sorry if my English is not clear.

Sorry. There is should be `writeln(dict["s"]);` instead 

Top level associative arrays

2017-05-02 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! Is it possible to define associative array on top level of 
I try to compile this code and I get message `Error: non-constant 
expression ["s":"q", "ss":"qq"]`

import std.stdio;

auto dict = [
"s": "q",
"ss": "qq"
void main()

I solved it by replacement of word `auto` by `enum`. It is 
acceptable for me. But I notice some inconsistency of logic. When 
I define simple array I don't get same compile error and it 
doesn't lead to define this array using enum. What is key 
difference between them in this case?

Thanks. Sorry if my English is not clear.

Re: Understanding lvalue and rvalue

2017-04-28 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 28 April 2017 at 05:21:26 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:

Instead of removing `in`/`const` from the ref overload, you can 
also add it to the non-ref overload. Again, the overloads will 
have the same match level ("match with conversion to const"), 
and the ref version will win.

It works. I don't know why I've decided to make rvalue parameter 
non-const. It makes sense.

It's clear answer. Thank you very much!

Re: Understanding lvalue and rvalue

2017-04-27 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 28 April 2017 at 04:46:00 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
Does make sense for me because it is more obvious in client 
code, but I want to understand reason of error pointed above.

Typo fix.

It makes sense for me*

Understanding lvalue and rvalue

2017-04-27 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! Short time ago I've met strange thing at least for me. I 
have a non-copyable structure and two methods for it with same 
name. I mean that I use function overloading.

First method takes rvalue of this structure. Second method takes 
constant lvalue structure. But when I try to use this function 
with instantiated object I get compile error.

struct MyStruct
@disable this(this);
int a;

void process(MyStruct obj) {
writeln("incoming rvalue");

void process(in ref MyStruct obj) {
writeln("incoming lvalue");

void main()
MyStruct obj = {a: 1};

Text of the error is "struct app.MyStruct is not copyable because 
it is annotated with @disable"

Also I try to change word `in` by `const` and I get same result. 
But when I remove `in` program is compiled. Is this mug or 
feature. If feature, please help to understand it. Should I pass 
structure instances by pointer? Like

void process(in MyStruct* obj) {
writeln("incoming lvalue");

void main()
MyStruct obj = {a: 1};

Does make sense for me because it is more obvious in client code, 
but I want to understand reason of error pointed above.

Thanks. Sorry if my English is not clear.

Re: Creating Tuple or AliasSeq

2017-04-07 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 07:46:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Here is a solution:

auto objectFactory(ObjectType, Args...)(Args args) {
import std.algorithm : cartesianProduct, map;
import std.array : array;

return cartesianProduct(args).map!(a => 


struct Pair {
int number;
string name;

import std.stdio;

void main() {
auto pairKit = objectFactory!(Pair)([1, 2], ["qwe", "asd"]);
auto pairSet = pairKit;


I can't understand. Documentation of cartesianProduct points out 
about finite arrays. At least one of arrays must be a inifinte 
array. As far as I know finite arrays is `int[3]` and infinite is 
( Am I right?

If I am then I can't understand why DMD return error about finite 
ranges compiling following code.

struct Hay {
int a;
@disable this(this);
@disable this();
this(int a){
this.a = a;

Hay[] params = [ Hay(1), Hay(23) ];
auto products = cartesianProduct(params, params);

Error text:

static assert  "cartesianProduct involving finite ranges must 
have at least one finite forward range"

I noticed that removing disabling default constructors helps. 
Does that mean an array contains objects of a struct with 
disabled default constructor is finite?

Re: Creating Tuple or AliasSeq

2017-04-07 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 07:46:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Here is a solution:

auto objectFactory(ObjectType, Args...)(Args args) {
import std.algorithm : cartesianProduct, map;
import std.array : array;

return cartesianProduct(args).map!(a => 


struct Pair {
int number;
string name;

import std.stdio;

void main() {
auto pairKit = objectFactory!(Pair)([1, 2], ["qwe", "asd"]);
auto pairSet = pairKit;


It's great! Thanks a lot!

Creating Tuple or AliasSeq

2017-04-06 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I've got an issue related to making a Tuple or AliasSeq 
using income template arguments. I want to create template makes 
an array of objects from array of arrays have different sizes and 
different types of values.

I created temporary solution. It is a concatenation of strings 
that will be passed to mixin.

But I just want to reorder parameters and pass them to ObjectType 
using AliasSeq or Tuple. Does it possible?

import std.stdio;

template objectFactory(ObjectType, Args...)
static string loopGen() {
string code = (ObjectType[]).stringof ~ " res = []; ";
foreach(i, _; Args)
enum level = to!string(i);
code ~= "foreach(elem" ~ level ~ "; Args[" ~ level ~ 

code ~= "res ~= " ~ ObjectType.stringof ~ "(";

foreach(i, _; Args)
enum level = to!string(i);
code ~= "elem" ~ level;

static if(i + 1 < Args.length)
code ~= ", ";
code ~= ");";

return code;

static ObjectType[] factory()
in {
static assert(Args.length > 0);
foreach(argumentCases; Args)
static assert(argumentCases.length > 0);
enum codeString = loopGen();
return res;

alias objectFactory = factory;


struct Pair {
int number;
string name;

auto pairKit = objectFactory!(Pair, [1], ["qwe", "asd"]);
auto pairSet = pairKit();
assert(pairSet.length == 2);
writeln(pairSet[0]); // writes Pair(1, "qwe");
writeln(pairSet[1]); // writes Pair(1, "asd");

Thanks. Sorry if my english is not clear.

Re: Interfacing C++ to D

2017-04-03 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 April 2017 at 16:03:51 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:

Funny thing: If I replace interface with abstract class, it 
works as it should.

Also I noticed that removing inheritance in library and in 
application makes unexpected results. When I try to output field 
`field` I get incorrect random value. It looks like that the 
field is got by wrong address. For clearance I created branch 

Re: Interfacing C++ to D

2017-04-02 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 April 2017 at 09:58:19 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

On Saturday, 1 April 2017 at 16:39:28 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
This page has many examples. Which exactly do you try to run 
and how do you build it? Which compilers, OS?

My bad. I've tested example under caption Using C++ Classes 
From D. I used several combinations of compilers, and no one 
works for me.

OS: ArchLinux
D compilers: DMD 2.073.2, LDC 1.1.0
C++ compiler: gcc 6.3.1, clang 3.9

Also I've created reposotory contains test project. Anyone can 
take a look on that for clearance.

I've tested also on Ubuntu 16.04 and DMD v2.073.1 with gcc 5.4.0

Re: Interfacing C++ to D

2017-04-02 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 1 April 2017 at 16:39:28 UTC, FreeSlave wrote:
This page has many examples. Which exactly do you try to run 
and how do you build it? Which compilers, OS?

My bad. I've tested example under caption Using C++ Classes From 
D. I used several combinations of compilers, and no one works for 

OS: ArchLinux
D compilers: DMD 2.073.2, LDC 1.1.0
C++ compiler: gcc 6.3.1, clang 3.9

Also I've created reposotory contains test project. Anyone can 
take a look on that for clearance.

Interfacing C++ to D

2017-04-01 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn


Can somebody give a relevant example shows how to use C++ classes 
in D? I've used the exmaple from but I get a 
segmentation fault as result of D application. My application 
shows "Program exited with code -11"


Re: Delay allocating class instance in stack.

2017-03-22 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 22 March 2017 at 13:19:32 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 

On Wednesday, 22 March 2017 at 08:57:34 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

You still have the buffer (the class has to go somewhere!), but 
it is implicit (you can't refer to it directly only through the 
class reference) and so is the destructor call, as opposed to 
the emplace + explicit buffer combo. In the latter case the 
class destructor will not be called automatically so you must 
do it yourself with `destroy`.

My bad. It appears I need to clarify. I mean the case that I 
create object without delaying. I mean simple construction.

scope myObj = MyClass(1);

Answering own question:
In this case object is allocated using stack (according 
documention Function `destroy` used for cleanup object from heap (according documention

Re: Delay allocating class instance in stack.

2017-03-22 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 22 March 2017 at 06:47:26 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 03/21/2017 09:57 PM, ANtlord wrote:
> Thank you for clarification. But I have one more question. Do
I have to
> use destroy for deallocating object from stack?

Yes because what is going out of scope are two things:

- A buffer
- A MyClass reference

Oh I got it. I have to use `destroy` in this case. If I use 
`scope` I haven't buffer and MyClass reference then I can don't 
use `destroy`. Do I understand correctly?

Re: Delay allocating class instance in stack.

2017-03-21 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 March 2017 at 12:30:57 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

Try scope obj = new MyClass(flag ? 1 : 2);

In essence you should never need to delay construction.
Just construct the object as soon as you have everything to 
construct it.

which includes conditions.

Yes I know it. I prepare all input variables before construction 
of object usually. I just want to know possibilty of the case 
described above.

Re: Delay allocating class instance in stack.

2017-03-21 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 March 2017 at 08:46:43 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Another option is std.conv.emplace:

import std.conv : emplace;

class MyClass {
this(int) @nogc {

~this() @nogc {

void method(bool flag) @nogc
void[__traits(classInstanceSize, MyClass)] buffer = void;
MyClass obj;

if(flag) {
obj = emplace!MyClass(buffer, 1);
} else {
obj = emplace!MyClass(buffer, 2);

// Unfortunately, destroy() is not @nogc
// scope(exit) destroy(obj);

Thank you for clarification. But I have one more question. Do I 
have to use destroy for deallocating object from stack?

Re: Delay allocating class instance in stack.

2017-03-21 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 March 2017 at 08:12:36 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
You probably want[0] to allocate a class on the stack instead 
of doing this.


If I will use it I won't use @nogc. Is the only one case?

Delay allocating class instance in stack.

2017-03-21 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I read documentation about memory management and can't 
find description about delay allocation of instance. I have a 
method marked by @nogc. This method takes boolean variable. If 
this variable is true I want to construct object with one set of 
parameters else I want to construct object with another set of 
parameters. Take a look at code for clearance.

void method(bool flag) @nogc
scope MyClass obj;
if(flag) {
obj = new MyClass(1);
} else {
obj = new MyClass(2);
// using obj

But this code CAN'T be compiled. How should I declare object for 
delay construction.


DMD JSON output

2017-02-25 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I've encroutered intresting tool of DMD. It is dump of AST 
in JSON format (dmd -X main.d). But I it contains only 
declaration of methods, templates and structs. It doesn't contain 
statements like a variables or nested functions inside function's 

Is it possible to make dump with statements inside function's 
body? If yes, how can I do this?


Re: About debugging (again)

2016-10-20 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 17 October 2016 at 19:17:25 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

On Monday, 17 October 2016 at 19:14:49 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
redirect to ddemangle, that's its job.

Do you know the way how to redirect? I've tried as you have 
written above and this makes impossible to type any command to 

Re: About debugging (again)

2016-10-17 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 17 October 2016 at 17:53:30 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

On Monday, 17 October 2016 at 17:46:05 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

On Monday, 17 October 2016 at 15:45:56 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

On Monday, 17 October 2016 at 15:43:32 UTC, ANtlord wrote:


Oh Sorry, I've forgotten about pointing technical parameters.

Ubuntu 14.04
GDB 7.7.1
DMD64 D Compiler v2.071.1

redirect gdb's output to "ddemangle". This is what I do in the 
alpha version of Coedit's GDB commander, now in console mode I 
don't know the exact method.

seems to be:

gdb binary_name | ddemangle

This makes gdb useless. I can't type any command. Propably can I 
use demangle by another way?

Re: About debugging (again)

2016-10-17 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 17 October 2016 at 17:57:19 UTC, Martin Krejcirik 

On Monday, 17 October 2016 at 15:45:56 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

GDB 7.7.1

Use latest GDB, 7.10 has got much better D support.

Tested on GDB 7.11.1. Same case :(

Re: About debugging (again)

2016-10-17 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 17 October 2016 at 15:43:32 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
Hello! I've met an issue related to debugging by GDB. Directly 
when I try to show call stack I get like this How can I make name of methods 
more human readable?

I see part of printed name matches to name of methods from code 
and I can suppose what method was called, but it would be great 
if I can debug application without any supposing.

Sorry if my english is not clear.

Oh Sorry, I've forgotten about pointing technical parameters.

Ubuntu 14.04
GDB 7.7.1
DMD64 D Compiler v2.071.1

About debugging (again)

2016-10-17 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Hello! I've met an issue related to debugging by GDB. Directly 
when I try to show call stack I get like this How can I make name of methods more 
human readable?

I see part of printed name matches to name of methods from code 
and I can suppose what method was called, but it would be great 
if I can debug application without any supposing.

Sorry if my english is not clear.

Calling methods under gdb.

2016-07-24 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello everyone!

I want to contribute some project, but I have inconvenient things 
related to debug. My high level of using GDB is show a variable 
and get type of a variable. In C++ usually I use QtCreator and 
debugging was pretty. In Python I have PDB, that can evaluate 
code. In D I have just GDB. Maybe I don't understand power of 
GDB, but it is so inconvenient for me.

So can you help me? I don't know how to call any method. I can't 
call method, object's method or template method. I've tried 
command `call`, but I get message `No symbol "func" in current 
context`. Although I stand under line, where this method is 


Re: Search Engine

2014-10-09 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 20:15:33 UTC, Chris Williams 

On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 18:15:08 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
It would be stable? I mean program, that will use C++ extern 

Trying to link to C++ code will cause some work to solve build 
issues, but there shouldn't be any stability impacts other than 
recognizing that C++ won't be using memory management.

Ok, I have got it. So... I think, that topic is over. Thank you.

Re: Search Engine

2014-10-08 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 6 October 2014 at 18:54:53 UTC, yawniek wrote:

On Monday, 6 October 2014 at 17:11:51 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
Good day! I recenlty have tried create typical project on 
vibe.d. The web framework is not bad. And I can say, that it 
is better that something another web frameworks. But I have 
met a problem. I can't find search engine.

I use xapian always. It has API for several languages, but 
except D. I know about another search engines, but I can't 
find even one for D. Does D have search engine? Or Have I find 
theme for starting open source project?

Best Regards. Sorry for my english.

you should be able to include xapian via c++ extern interface

or you can use std.json to talk to elasticsearch.

It would be stable? I mean program, that will use C++ extern 

Search Engine

2014-10-06 Thread ANtlord via Digitalmars-d-learn
Good day! I recenlty have tried create typical project on vibe.d. 
The web framework is not bad. And I can say, that it is better 
that something another web frameworks. But I have met a problem. 
I can't find search engine.

I use xapian always. It has API for several languages, but except 
D. I know about another search engines, but I can't find even one 
for D. Does D have search engine? Or Have I find theme for 
starting open source project?

Best Regards. Sorry for my english.