Re: "not an lvalue"

2011-05-01 Thread CrypticMetaphor

On 5/1/2011 3:53 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Ehm.. Well, first things first: you shouldn't use classes for
lightweight & plain data things like vectors. There are structs for
that. In general, structs are value-like objects living on the stack
while classes are reference-like objects living on the heap.  Your
current code is going to allocate on GC heap new vector in every
GetColumn and I suspect also when adding two vectors.

Yes, I will change that, thank you. Btw, I'd like to mention that in 
addition to being allocated on the heap, classes also be 2 pointers 
larger because of the hidden __vptr and __monitor.

Re: "not an lvalue"

2011-05-01 Thread CrypticMetaphor

Yes, you were right:

// ...
/// Binary operator for operator + and -
public Vector3 opBinary(string op) (const ref Vector3 rhs) const if (op 
== "+" || op == "-")

mixin("return new Vector3(x" ~ op ~ "rhs.x, y" ~ op ~ "rhs.y, z" ~ 
op ~ "rhs.z);");

// ...

I removed ref and it worked. I'm a bit confused by this, I'll go read up 
on the ref keyword.

"not an lvalue"

2011-05-01 Thread CrypticMetaphor
Hi, I've been away from D for a while, but now I'm back and I'm stuck 
with an compile time error.

I've got a Matrix33 class and a Vector3 class, but something is wrong 
with the way I return my Vector3 in my matrix class:

If I do this I get an error:

Matrix33 mtest = new Matrix33();
Vector3 test1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 test2 = test + mtest.GetColumn(2);

I get the error "Error: mtest.GetColumn(x) is not an lvalue"

But the following works:

Matrix33 mtest = new Matrix33();
Vector3 test1 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 temp = mtest.GetColumn(2);
Vector3 test2 = test + temp;

// GetColumn method
// ...

  /// Get a matrix column, horizontal line
  Vector3 GetColumn(uint index)
assert(!(index > 2), "index is too high");
return new Vector3(cell[index * 3], cell[index * 3 + 1], cell[index 
* 3 + 2]);

// ...

My questions:
What changes do I have to make to make the first example compile?

Re: import from subdir

2010-12-23 Thread CrypticMetaphor

On 12/23/2010 1:38 PM, spir wrote:

Is there a way to import util&  data from test?

I think this should work:

util.d first line:
module util;

data.d first line

test.d first lines
module test.test;
import util;

Disclaimer: I don't know if directory names and file names may overlap, 
maybe you should rename them.

d programming environment tutorial.

2010-12-21 Thread CrypticMetaphor


I've known D for about two weeks right now, and I kind of like it, a 
lot, but, I had a lot of trouble figuring out how to set up a 
programming environment. I mean, there were a few choices but some were 
abandoned, some things were only for D1(tango??) and others were so bug 
ridden that I could not really use without wanting to punch a hole in a 
wall every 10 minutes :P. Anyway, I did manage to set up a satisfactory 
programming environment with programmers notepad.

I know I'm not the best programmer here by a long shot, but I still like 
to support D so I made a video tutorial on how to set it up:

I've set up a basic SDL project with a little help of Derelict, I think 
I'll be making more tutorials in the future, It'll be about simple 
things like, programming a particle system in d or maybe a simple ray 
tracer. Don't have anything planned out yet, But whatever, I can think 
ahead later! Hope you find my video useful.

Re: rdmd bug?

2010-12-19 Thread CrypticMetaphor

So, should I report this as a bug?

What am i saying!? of course I should. It annoyed the hell outta me >_<
*goes to report*

Re: rdmd bug?

2010-12-19 Thread CrypticMetaphor

Add -Ifullpath_to_projectfolder\src. It's the way it works IMHO, if you import 
something it must be relative to search path or to current dir. There may be a 
better way (replace current dir with the dir where source is, but it will take 
away control), but this works.

There is a bug though, I can't make it work with -Irelative_path_to_src. Looks 
like .deps contain paths relative to where rdmd was ran, while dmd interprets 
them as paths relative to where .deps file is.

I've tried -I"path to src" but this doesn't work either, but I've found 
a workaround. I start a batch file that goes to the correct directory 
and then executes rdmd with the argument(the absolute path) I pass to 
the batch file, this works :D

Thanks for the help!

So, should I report this as a bug?

rdmd bug?

2010-12-19 Thread CrypticMetaphor
Hello, I'm being driven nuts by this problem, I don't know 100% if it's 
it's a bug or if it's intended behavior, I'm new to D( also new to 
reporting bugs ) so I can't really tell.

Anyway, the problem is, if I call rdmd from outside the folder in which 
the main source resides in, and main includes another file in that 
folder, I get an error.



// main.d
module main;
import test.d;
void main()
// end main.d
// test.d
module test.d;
import std.stdio;
void hello()
// end test.d

// If I'm in a shell, and I do this, I get an error:
...\projectfolder>rdmd src\main.d
src\main.d(2): Error: module test is in file 'test.d' which cannot be read
import path[0] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos
import path[1] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import

// but if I do this, it works:
...\projectfolder\src>rdmd main.d

...\projectfolder\src>Hello world

// also works
...\projectfolder\src>dmd main.d test.d

Anyway, I want to be able to compile with rdmd from a different folder, 
is this a bug? or should I use a different tool? :-S


Other info:
OS: Windows
rdmd build 20101220
dmd: 2.050

Re: rdmd executable location

2010-12-15 Thread CrypticMetaphor

On 12/15/2010 8:58 PM, Nick Voronin wrote:

try -of option.

rdmd -ofmain main.d
works too!
Thanks :P

Re: rdmd executable location

2010-12-15 Thread CrypticMetaphor

Sorry, that should be:

rdmd -od%cd%\ filename.d

Notice the backslash there. Otherwise it will create an executable on
the root drive with the name of the folder you're compiling in.

Anyway there are more switches here:

Now that you mentioned it, I did find the executable one folder above 
where I executed rdmd :P, but what you wrote works, yay. Thanks!

Re: rdmd executable location

2010-12-15 Thread CrypticMetaphor
If I run it with the rdmd version that came with the compiler, nothing 
special happens, it just compiles and runs the code, the executable 
doesn't end up in my current folder. ( rdmd build 20100913 ).

If I run it with the compiler version of this code (rdmd build 20101215):

I get an assertion error on line 51, so that doesn't work either.

rdmd executable location

2010-12-15 Thread CrypticMetaphor
Hello, I'm having a bit of trouble with rdmd. rdmd puts the executable 
in a temp folder, even with the --build-only option. Maybe this is a 
silly question but, how can I compile with rdmd so I get the executable 
in the folder I am  currently at?

other info: I'm programming in Windows XP with dmd version 2.50

Re: Calling C functions

2010-12-09 Thread CrypticMetaphor

On 12/9/2010 10:04 PM, Jesse Phillips wrote:

CrypticMetaphor Wrote:
It is a linker bug, so Oplink is at fault. What is the bug number you submitted?

bug number: 5337

Re: Calling C functions

2010-12-09 Thread CrypticMetaphor

On 12/9/2010 5:28 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 10:15:59 -0500, CrypticMetaphor

On 12/9/2010 3:57 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 09:37:03 -0500, CrypticMetaphor

I found this page that describes how to call c functions from D.

I found this page that describes how:

on that page he uses gcc, and I use dmc, but I get different results.
This is what I did

// cfile.c file
extern int globalFromD;

void functionFromC(int a) {
globalFromD = a;
// end cfile.c

// dfile.d
extern(C) { // this is needed to make it available from C
int globalFromD;
extern(C) { // also needed when listing the prototypes for your C
void functionFromC(int);

import std.stdio; // for writefln

int main() {
globalFromD = 100;
writefln("%d", globalFromD);

writefln("%d", globalFromD);

return 0;
// end dfile.d

I compile with:
dmc -c cfile.c
And I get an cfile.obj, which is the object code (.o in gcc).
Then I compile the D code
dmd dfile.d cfile.obj
and I get no errors, so I run it, the result:
// start result

// end result

Why is it still 100? It should be 500. I don't think functionFromC(
int ) is being called, and I can't really find any other sources that
clearly explain how to do this simple stuff, so can anyone explain how
to fix it?

I'm guessing that this is a later D2 compiler? If so, then the default
storage for globals is in Thread Local Storage (local to each thread).
This could explain why it doesn't work, because globalFromD is in TLS in
D-land, but in the normal global space in C-land. But there is no
declaration of the global-space version then, so I'm surprised it would
compile then.

I'm really curious why this doesn't work but does compile.

What version of D compiler are you using?

When using dmd 2.050 on linux I get this error when compiling:

ste...@steve-laptop:~/testd$ gcc -c testc.c
ste...@steve-laptop:~/testd$ ~/dmd-2.050/linux/bin/dmd testcallc.d
/usr/bin/ld: globalFromD: TLS definition in testcallc.o section .tbss
mismatches non-TLS reference in testc.o
testc.o: could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

Maybe it's a bug in Windows dmd?


Yeah I am using D2

dmc version: 8.42n
dmd version: 2.050

Windows XP. But yeah, it compiles

here is a screenshot:

So I gotta read more about threads eh? But that's all the way at the
end of the book :-(

No, not really. TLS is related to threads, but you don't really have to
understand how threads work to understand where things are stored.

I don't know where it is in the book, but try looking for Thread Local
Storage in the index?

But anyway, it should not compile right?

Should I submit a bug report or something?

Yes please, and be sure to specify that it correctly does not compile on

And how I supposed to call the c function?

Mark the extern(C) integer as __gshared in D. That will put it in the
global namespace instead of TLS.


extern(C) { // this is needed to make it available from C
__gshared int globalFromD;


Alright then!

I submitted a my first bug report and added __gshared in front of 
globalFromD and the output was:


So it worked. thanks!

Re: Calling C functions

2010-12-09 Thread CrypticMetaphor

On 12/9/2010 3:57 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 09:37:03 -0500, CrypticMetaphor

I found this page that describes how to call c functions from D.

I found this page that describes how:

on that page he uses gcc, and I use dmc, but I get different results.
This is what I did

// cfile.c file
extern int globalFromD;

void functionFromC(int a) {
globalFromD = a;
// end cfile.c

// dfile.d
extern(C) { // this is needed to make it available from C
int globalFromD;
extern(C) { // also needed when listing the prototypes for your C
void functionFromC(int);

import std.stdio; // for writefln

int main() {
globalFromD = 100;
writefln("%d", globalFromD);

writefln("%d", globalFromD);

return 0;
// end dfile.d

I compile with:
dmc -c cfile.c
And I get an cfile.obj, which is the object code (.o in gcc).
Then I compile the D code
dmd dfile.d cfile.obj
and I get no errors, so I run it, the result:
// start result

// end result

Why is it still 100? It should be 500. I don't think functionFromC(
int ) is being called, and I can't really find any other sources that
clearly explain how to do this simple stuff, so can anyone explain how
to fix it?

I'm guessing that this is a later D2 compiler? If so, then the default
storage for globals is in Thread Local Storage (local to each thread).
This could explain why it doesn't work, because globalFromD is in TLS in
D-land, but in the normal global space in C-land. But there is no
declaration of the global-space version then, so I'm surprised it would
compile then.

I'm really curious why this doesn't work but does compile.

What version of D compiler are you using?

When using dmd 2.050 on linux I get this error when compiling:

ste...@steve-laptop:~/testd$ gcc -c testc.c
ste...@steve-laptop:~/testd$ ~/dmd-2.050/linux/bin/dmd testcallc.d testc.o
/usr/bin/ld: globalFromD: TLS definition in testcallc.o section .tbss
mismatches non-TLS reference in testc.o
testc.o: could not read symbols: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

Maybe it's a bug in Windows dmd?


Yeah I am using D2

dmc version: 8.42n
dmd version: 2.050

Windows XP. But yeah, it compiles

here is a screenshot:

So I gotta read more about threads eh? But that's all the way at the end 
of the book :-(

But anyway, it should not compile right?

Should I submit a bug report or something?
And how I supposed to call the c function?

Calling C functions

2010-12-09 Thread CrypticMetaphor

I found this page that describes how to call c functions from D.

I found this page that describes how:

on that page he uses gcc, and I use dmc, but I get different results. 
This is what I did

// cfile.c file
extern int globalFromD;

void functionFromC(int a) {
   globalFromD = a;
// end cfile.c

// dfile.d
extern(C) { // this is needed to make it available from C
int globalFromD;
extern(C) { // also needed when listing the prototypes for your C functions
void functionFromC(int);

import std.stdio; // for writefln

int main() {
globalFromD = 100;
writefln("%d", globalFromD);

writefln("%d", globalFromD);

return 0;
// end dfile.d

I compile with:
dmc -c cfile.c
And I get  an cfile.obj, which is the object code (.o in gcc).
Then I compile the D code
dmd dfile.d cfile.obj
and I get no errors, so I run it, the result:
// start result

// end result

Why is it still 100? It should be 500. I don't think functionFromC( int 
) is being called, and I can't really find any other sources that 
clearly explain how to do this simple stuff, so can anyone explain how 
to fix it?