Re: GStreamer and D

2017-06-16 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 16 June 2017 at 16:33:56 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

gst-inspect-1.0 is an executable that comes with the 
installation, however that is done. What are you thinking of 
when saying "ported"?

gst-inspect is a good demonstration of iteration through the 
available gstreamer elements and their options. I want to modify 
that code to generate a model that could be used for persisting a 
pipeline configuration.

So far, I've looked up about 80 calls used in that program, and 
only these few don't have c aliases in the d interfaces.  I 
haven't looked to see if these are macros, or perhaps I could be 
looking at an incompatible version of gst-inspect.c.  Anyway, 
looks pretty good so far.


Re: GStreamer and D

2017-06-16 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 16 June 2017 at 06:45:38 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
Welcome to the group of people using GStreamer from D. I 
suspect I may be the only other member of that club.

Looks like gst-inspect hasn't been ported...  I'm looking at that 

Re: GStreamer and D

2017-06-15 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
wow! I hadn't tried this gtkd library before. I was hunting for 
the gstreamer in particular.

The hello_world alsa-sink audio example failed on Windows.  The 
debugger indicates no sink, which I guess is reasonable.

With very little effort, though, I converted the hello_world 
example to generate a video test pattern and use vidoeconvert and 
autovideosink, and that popped up right away on Windows in a 64 
bit build ... so, nice going!

The gstreamer example built without error in msvc 2013 with 
visualD and DMD32 D Compiler v2.073.2

foreach(i,ref val; ndim_arr)??

2016-05-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I noticed some discussion of Cartesian indexes in Julia, where 
the index is a tuple, along with some discussion of optimizing 
the index created for cache efficiency.  I could find foreach(ref 
val, m.byElement()), but didn't find an example that returned a 
tuple index.   Is that supported?

Re: Async or event library

2016-05-06 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
The tnfox cross-platform toolkit had some solution for per-thread 
event loops.  I believe this was the demo:

Re: relative benefit of .reserve and .length

2016-04-29 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 29 April 2016 at 10:10:26 UTC, sigod wrote:
How about `assumeSafeAppend`? Does it have any positive impact 
on performance?

assumeSafeAppend made it even slower ... about 20x instead of 10x 
worse than the indexed assign.  Release build, win32.

relative benefit of .reserve and .length

2016-04-28 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I timed some code recently and found that .reserve made almost no 
improvement when appending.  It appears that the actual change to 
the length by the append had a very high overhead of something 
over 200 instructions executed, regardless if the .reserve was 
done.  This was a simple append to an integer array.

The only way I found to avoid this was to set the length outside 
the loop and update the array values by index.  That was on the 
order of 10x faster.

version pairs?

2016-04-10 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
Seems like there should be an extra level to the version 
statement, something like version(arch,x86).

I must be missing something about the intended use of the version 

Re: multi-dimensional dynamic arrays

2016-02-19 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 19 February 2016 at 14:26:25 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

Try ub[0].length = 3. You are trying to change the length on 
one of the static arrays.

yes, right these compile.  I was surpised it wouldn't accept the 
append with just an int.

int[1][][1] ubb;
ubb[0].length = 3;
ubb[0] ~= [5];

If you had more than 1 as a static dimension, then you would 
have to change the length of *each* of the elements.

Arrays in D, are actually quite simple. Any time you see:


It's a dynamic array of T. Any time you see:


Where N is a compile-time integer, it's a static array of T.

So dissecting your type:


So the outer-most T is int[1][]. You have a single instance of 
this, in a static array.

At the next level, T is int[1], where you have a dynamic array 
of these.

Finally, at the 3rd level, T is int, you have a single element 
in a static array of int.


Re: multi-dimensional dynamic arrays

2016-02-19 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 19 February 2016 at 07:59:29 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

.. Or you could do something really wonky like

auto arr = new int[][2][](5);

which would be a dynamic array of length 5 which holds static 
arrays of length 2 which hold dynamic arrays which are null.

In my case, int [1][][1] ub;, there is only one dynamic 
dimension, but if I try to use .length to change the length,  
ub.length = 3, the compiler doesn't like that.

int[1][][1] ubb;
ubb.length = 3;
src\app.d(13,5): Error: constant ubb.length is not an lvalue
dmd failed with exit code 1.

So, is there some supported syntax to set the length of the 
internal dimension, or to append to it?

multi-dimensional dynamic arrays

2016-02-18 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
Strange to me that this compiles, since I would expect there to 
be some C-like limitation on the position of the unspecified 
dimension.  Is allowing this somehow useful?

int[1][][1] ub;

foreach( i, e; a) vs ndslice

2016-01-18 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm playing with the example below.  I noticed a few things.
1. The ndslice didn't support the extra index, i, in the foreach, 
so had to add extra i,j.
2. I couldn't figure out a way to use sliced on the original 'a' 
array.  Is slicing only available on 1 dim arrays?
3. Sliced parameter order is different than multi-dimension array 
dimension declaration.

import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.ndslice.slice;

void main() {
int[4][5] a = new int[20];
foreach(i,ref r; a){
foreach(j,ref c; r){
c= i+j;

auto b = new int[20].sliced(5,4);

int i=0;
foreach( ref r; b){
int j=0;
foreach( ref c; r){
c= i+j;


Re: ndslice, using a slice in place of T[] in template parameters

2016-01-10 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 11 January 2016 at 00:50:37 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
I will add such function. But it is not safe to do so (Slice 
can have strides not equal to 1). So it is like a hack (&ret[0, 
0, 0])[0 .. ret.elementsCount]).

Have you made comparison between my and yours parallel versions?
-- Ilya

Thanks.  No, I haven't studied it previously, but I see how you 
used the 'hack' in your code, and it works out to the statement 
below in my case.

medians[i] = median(vec, (&slb[task,0])[0 .. bigd]);

which compiled.  It ran in the faster time without the .array 

parallel time medians msec:87

That 'hack' seems to be related to the third from below.
b = a;
b = a[];
b = a[0 .. a.length];

Re: ndslice, using a slice in place of T[] in template parameters

2016-01-10 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 23:31:47 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:
Just use normal arrays for buffer (median accepts array on 
second argument for optimisation reasons).

ok, I think I see. I created a slice(numTasks, bigd) over an 
allocated double[] dbuf, but slb[task] will be returning some 
struct instead of the double[] that i need in this case.

If I add .array to the Slice, it does compile, and executes, but 
slower than using the buffer directly.

medians[i] = median(vec, slb[task].array);
parallel time medians msec:113

original version using the computed slice of the original 
allocated dbuf.

medians[i] = median(vec,dbuf[j .. k]);
parallel time medians msec:85

The .array appears to make a copy. Is there some other call in 
ndslice to return the double[] slice of the original array?

Re: ndslice, using a slice in place of T[] in template parameters

2016-01-10 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 22:23:18 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

Could you please provide full code and error (git gists)? -- 

ok, thanks.
I'm building with DMD32 D Compiler v2.069.2 on Win32.  The 
dub.json is included.

ndslice, using a slice in place of T[] in template parameters

2016-01-10 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I cut this median template from Jack Stouffer's article and was 
attempting to use it in  a parallel function.  As shown, it 
builds and execute correctly, but it failed to compile if I 
attempting to use

medians[i] = median(vec,slb[task]);

in place of the
medians[i] = median(vec,dbuf[j .. k]);

Is there a cast needed?

import std.array : array;
import std.algorithm;
import std.datetime;
import std.conv : to;
import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.ndslice;

shared double[] medians;
double[] data;
shared double[] dbuf;
int numTasks;
const int smalld = 1000;
const int bigd = 10_000;
const int fulld = bigd*smalld;

r = input range
buf = buffer with length no less than the number of elements in 

median value over the range `r`
T median(Range, T)(Range r, T[] buf)
import std.algorithm.sorting: sort;

size_t n;

foreach (e; r) {
buf[n++] = e;

buf[0 .. n].sort();
immutable m = n >> 1;
return n & 1 ? buf[m] : cast(T)((buf[m - 1] + buf[m]) / 2);

void f3() {
import std.parallelism;
auto sl = data.sliced(smalld,bigd);
auto slb = dbuf.sliced(numTasks,bigd);
foreach(i,vec; parallel(sl)){
int task = taskPool.workerIndex;
int j = task*bigd;
int k = j+bigd;
medians[i] = median(vec,dbuf[j .. k]);

void main() {
import std.parallelism;
numTasks = taskPool.size+1;
data = new double[fulld];
dbuf = new double[bigd*numTasks];
medians = new double[smalld];

for(int i=0;i

Re: sliced().array compatibility with parallel?

2016-01-10 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 03:23:14 UTC, Ilya wrote:
I will add significantly faster pairwise summation based on 
SIMD instructions into the future std.las. --Ilya

Wow! A lot of overhead in the debug build.  I checked the 
computed values are the same.  This is on my laptop corei5.

dub -b release-nobounds --force
parallel time msec:448
non_parallel msec:767

dub -b debug --force
parallel time msec:2465
non_parallel msec:4962

on my corei7 desktop, the release-no bounds
parallel time msec:161
non_parallel msec:571

Re: sliced().array compatibility with parallel?

2016-01-10 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 11:21:53 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

I'd say, if `shared` is required, but it compiles without, then 
it's still a bug.

Yeah, probably so.  Interestingly, without 'shared' and using a 
simple assignment from a constant (means[i]= 1.0;), instead of 
assignment from the sum() evaluation, results in all the values 
being initialized, so not marking it shared doesn't protect it 
from being written from the other thread.  Anyway, the shared 
declaration doesn't seem to slow the execution, and it does make 
sense to me that it should be marked shared.

Re: sliced().array compatibility with parallel?

2016-01-10 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 12:11:39 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

 foreach( dv; dvp){
 if(dv != dv){ // test for NaN
 return 1;

I am not convinced these "Tests for NaN" actually test for NaN. 

believe you have to use isNan(dv).

I saw it mentioned in another post, and tried it.  Works.

Re: sliced().array compatibility with parallel?

2016-01-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 01:54:18 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:

ok, thanks.  That works. I'll go back to trying ndslice now.

The parallel time for this case is about a 2x speed-up on my 
corei5 laptop, debug build in windows32, dmd.

parallel time msec:2495
non_parallel msec:5093

import std.array : array;
import std.algorithm;
import std.datetime;
import std.conv : to;
import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.ndslice;

shared double[1000] means;
double[] data;

void f1() {
import std.parallelism;
auto sl = data.sliced(1000,100_000);
foreach(i,vec; parallel(sl)){
means[i] = vec.sum / 100_000;

void f2() {
auto sl = data.sliced(1000,100_000);
foreach(i,vec; sl.array){
means[i] = vec.sum / 100_000;

void main() {
data = new double[100_000_000];
for(int i=0;i<100_000_000;i++){ data[i] = i/100_000_000.0;}
StopWatch sw1, sw2;
f1() ;
auto r1 = sw1.peek().msecs;
auto r2 = sw2.peek().msecs;

writeln("parallel time msec:",r1);
writeln("non_parallel msec:", r2);

Re: sliced().array compatibility with parallel?

2016-01-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 01:16:43 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

On Saturday, 9 January 2016 at 23:20:00 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:
I'm playing around with win32, v2.069.2 dmd and 
"dip80-ndslice": "~>0.8.8".  If I convert the 2D slice with 
.array(), should that first dimension then be compatible with 
parallel foreach?


Oh... there is no bug.
means must be shared =) :

shared double[1000] means;

ok, thanks.  That works. I'll go back to trying ndslice now.

Re: sliced().array compatibility with parallel?

2016-01-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 00:47:29 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

This is a bug in std.parallelism :-)

ok, thanks.  I'm using your code and reduced it a bit.  Looks 
like it has some interaction with executing vec.sum.  If I 
substitute a simple assign of a double value, then all the values 
are updated in the parallel version also.

import std.algorithm;

double[1000] dvp;
double[1000] dv2;
double[] data;

void f1() {
import std.parallelism;
auto sla = new double[][1000];
foreach(i, ref e; sla)
e = data[i * 100_000 .. (i+1) * 100_000];

// calculate sums in parallel
foreach(i, vec; parallel(sla)){
dvp[i] = vec.sum;

// calculate same values non-parallel
foreach(i, vec; sla){
dv2[i] = vec.sum;

int main() {
data = new double[100_000_000];
for(int i=0;i<100_000_000;i++){ data[i] = i/100_000_000.0;}

// processed non-parallel works ok
foreach( dv; dv2){
if(dv != dv){ // test for NaN
return 1;

// calculated parallel leaves out processing of many values
foreach( dv; dvp){
if(dv != dv){ // test for NaN
return 1;

Re: sliced().array compatibility with parallel?

2016-01-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 January 2016 at 00:41:35 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

It is a bug (Slice or Parallel ?). Please fill this issue.
Slice should work with parallel, and array of slices should 
work with parallel.

Ok, thanks, I'll submit it.

Re: sliced().array compatibility with parallel?

2016-01-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

for example,
means[63]  through means[251] are consistently all NaN when using 
parallel in this test, but are all computed double values when 
parallel is not used.

sliced().array compatibility with parallel?

2016-01-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm playing around with win32, v2.069.2 dmd and "dip80-ndslice": 
"~>0.8.8".  If I convert the 2D slice with .array(), should that 
first dimension then be compatible with parallel foreach?

I find that without using parallel, all the means get computed, 
but with parallel, only about  half of them are computed in this 
example.  The others remain NaN, examined in the debugger in 
Visual D.

import std.range : iota;
import std.array : array;
import std.algorithm;
import std.datetime;
import std.conv : to;
import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.ndslice;

enum testCount = 1;
double[1000] means;
double[] data;

void f1() {
 import std.parallelism;
 auto sl = data.sliced(1000,100_000);
 auto sla = sl.array();
 foreach(i,vec; parallel(sla)){
  double v=vec.sum(0.0);
  means[i] = v / 100_000;

void main() {
 data = new double[100_000_000];
 for(int i=0;i<100_000_000;i++){ data[i] = i/100_000_000.0;}
 auto r = benchmark!(f1)(testCount);
 auto f0Result = to!Duration(r[0] / testCount);

Re: UFCS vs auto-completion support

2016-01-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 9 January 2016 at 16:00:51 UTC, cym13 wrote:

I may be very naive but how is the second form more complicated 
than the first?

Pretending these were regular function implementations ...







I wouldn't be surprised if auto-completion provided correct 
possible parameter type lists for the last three, but obviously 
the first two would provide no help, and I'd be pleasantly 
surprised if the third form provided the parameter type list 
without the first parameter.

anyway ... I'll just try some simple cases in VisualD and eclipse 
DDT and see what they come up with.

UFCS vs auto-completion support

2016-01-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm reading Jack Stouffer's documentation:

considering the UFCS example below and how it would impact 
auto-completion support.

auto slice = sliced(iota(1000), 5, 5, 40);

auto slice = 1000.iota.sliced(5, 5, 40);

Seems like auto-complete support for the second form would be 
complicated.  Do any of the auto-completion implementations even 
attempt to support that second form?

Re: each! vs foreach parallel timings

2015-12-27 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 December 2015 at 23:42:57 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
That does not compile because i is size_t but apply_metrics() 
takes an int. One solution is to call to!int:

foreach( i, ref a; parallel(samples[])){ 

It builds for me still, and executes ok, but must be because 
size_t and i are both 32 bits on Win32 build.

Re: each! vs foreach parallel timings

2015-12-27 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 December 2015 at 23:42:57 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 12/27/2015 11:30 AM, Jay Norwood wrote:

>  samples[].each!((int i, ref a)=>apply_metrics(i,a));

Are you using an older compiler? That tuple expansion does not 
work any more at least with dmd v2.069.0 but you can use 


>  foreach( i, ref a; parallel(samples[])){

That does not compile because i is size_t but apply_metrics() 
takes an int. One solution is to call to!int:

foreach( i, ref a; parallel(samples[])){ 

To not answer your actual question, I don't think it's 
possible. :)


The code I posted was compiled with v2.069.2.  It isn't creating 
a tuple return value in this code. I'll re-check it.

each! vs foreach parallel timings

2015-12-27 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm doing some re-writing and measuring.  The basic task is to 
take 10K samples (in struct S samples below) and calculate some 
metrics (just per sample for now).  It isn't evident to me how to 
write the parallel foreach in the same format as each!, so I just 
used the loop form that I understood.

Measured times below are for processing three simple metrics 100 
times on 10K samples. This parallel mode could be very useful in 
my work, which involves processing a bunch of hardware 
performance data.

This is on windows, corei5, DMD32 D Compiler v2.069.2, debug 

each! time:59 ms
parallel! time:20 ms

import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.range;
import std.typecons;
import std.parallelism;
import std.array;
import std.traits;
import std.datetime;

struct S { int sn; ulong a; ulong b; ulong c; ulong d; double e; 
ulong f; ulong m1; double m2; double m3;}

void apply_metrics(int i,ref S s){
m1 = a+b;
m2 = (c+d)/e;
m3 = (c+f)/e;
sn = i;

int main()

S[1] samples;
// initialize some values
foreach ( int i, ref s; samples){
int j=i+1;
with (s){
a=j; b=j*2; c=j*3; d=j*4; e=j*10; f=j*5;

auto sw = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes);
	// apply several functions on each  sample, also number the 

samples[].each!((int i, ref a)=>apply_metrics(i,a));
writeln("each! time:", sw.peek().msecs, " ms");

auto sw2 = StopWatch(AutoStart.yes);
// do the same as above, but in parallel
foreach( i, ref a; parallel(samples[])){ apply_metrics(i,a);}
writeln("parallel! time:", sw2.peek().msecs, " ms");
return 0;

Re: specifying an auto array type

2015-12-27 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 December 2015 at 07:40:55 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

It looks like you need map(), not each():

import std.algorithm;
import std.typecons;
import std.array;

void main() {
auto a = [ 1, 2 ];
auto arr =!(e => tuple(2 * e, e * e)).array;

static assert(is(typeof(arr) == Tuple!(int, int)[]));


ok, thanks.  This does work, using the uint i ahead of the map 

uint i=0;
auto arr = samples[].map!(a => 


= output
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(0, 
3, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(1, 
6, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(2, 
9, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(3, 
12, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(4, 
15, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(5, 
18, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(6, 
21, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(7, 
24, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(8, 
27, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(9, 
30, 0.7, 0.8)

However, I was trying to use each!, with the intention of then 
moving to parallel processing by samples blocks. My guess is this 
would be more efficient than using parallel map or amap, which 
would parallel process by function application, if I understand 

It isn't clear to me from the examples if something like below 
can be rewritten to use the chained calls.

foreach(i, ref elem; taskPool.parallel(samples, 100))

specifying an auto array type

2015-12-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
This is getting kind of a long example, but I'm really only 
interested in the last 4 or 5 lines. This works as desired, 
creating the array of tuples, but I'm wondering if there is a way 
to have the Tuple array defined as auto instead of having to 
specify the types.  I tried using .array() at the end of the last 
samples.each!, but couldn't find an implementation that worked.

Yes, I know, some of these imports aren't required (yet).

import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.range;
import std.typecons;
import std.parallelism;
import std.array;

struct S { ulong a; ulong b; ulong c; ulong d; double e; ulong f;}
ulong f1(ref S s) { with(s){return a+b;}}
double f2(ref S s) { with(s){return (c+d)/e;}}
double f3(ref S s) { with(s){return (c+f)/e;}}

int main()

S[10] samples;
// initialize some values
foreach ( int i, ref s; samples){
int j=i+1;
with (s){
a=j; b=j*2; c=j*3; d=j*4; e=j*10; f=j*5;

// apply several functions on each  sample
	samples.each!((int i, ref 

// output the function results to an array of tuples
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)[] arr;

	samples.each!((int i, ref a)=> arr ~= 

return 0;

Re: How to instantiate a map with multiple functions

2015-12-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 December 2015 at 03:22:50 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:
I would probably want to associate names with the tuple metric 
results, and I've seen that somewhere in the docs in parameter 
tuples.   I suppose I'll try those in place of the current 
tuple ...

This worked to associate names with the tuple values. Just the 
one line modified.
samples.each!((int i, ref 

=== output
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(0, 
3, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(1, 
6, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(2, 
9, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(3, 
12, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(4, 
15, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(5, 
18, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(6, 
21, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(7, 
24, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(8, 
27, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, "sample", ulong, "f1", double, "f2", double, "f3")(9, 
30, 0.7, 0.8)

Re: How to instantiate a map with multiple functions

2015-12-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm playing around with something also trying to apply multiple 
In my case, a sample is some related group of measurements taken 
simultaneously, and I'm calculating a group of metrics from the 
measured data of each sample.

This produces the correct results for the input data, and it 
seems pretty clear what functions are being applied.

I would probably want to associate names with the tuple metric 
results, and I've seen that somewhere in the docs in parameter 
tuples.   I suppose I'll try those in place of the current tuple 

import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.conv;
import std.range;
import std.typecons;

struct S { ulong a; ulong b; ulong c; ulong d; double e; ulong f;}

ulong f1(ref S s) { with(s){return a+b;}}
double f2(ref S s) { with(s){return (c+d)/e;}}
double f3(ref S s) { with(s){return (c+f)/e;}}

int main()

S[10] samples;
// initialize some values
foreach ( int i, ref s; samples){
int j=i+1;
with (s){
a=j; b=j*2; c=j*3; d=j*4; e=j*10; f=j*5;

// apply several functions on each  sample
	samples.each!((int i, ref 

return 0;

== output is

Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(0, 3, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(1, 6, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(2, 9, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(3, 12, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(4, 15, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(5, 18, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(6, 21, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(7, 24, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(8, 27, 0.7, 0.8)
Tuple!(int, ulong, double, double)(9, 30, 0.7, 0.8)

Re: basic interactive readf from stdin

2015-12-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 27 December 2015 at 00:20:51 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 12/26/2015 12:11 PM, karthikeyan wrote:

> I read and inserted a
space before %s
> but still no use. Am I missing something here with the latest

The answer is nine chapters later. :) (Use readln() and strip() 
(or chomp())).


Yes, thank you, strip() appears to be more useful than chomp() in 
this case.

Re: basic interactive readf from stdin

2015-12-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 26 December 2015 at 20:19:08 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
On Saturday, 26 December 2015 at 20:11:27 UTC, karthikeyan 
I experience the same as the OP on Linux Mint 15 with dmd2.069 
and 64 bit machine.  I have to press enter twice to get the 
output. I read and 
inserted a space before %s but still no use. Am I missing 
something here with the latest version?

Oh, I'm sorry, it isn't buffering, it is readfing into a string 
here which is weird. Maybe try readln instead of readf.

The use of readf into a string is demonstrated in a stdio.d unit 
test.  I assumed it might also work with stdin.

string s;
auto f = File(deleteme);
f.readf("%s\n", &s);
assert(s == "hello", "["~s~"]");
f.readf("%s\n", &s);
assert(s == "world", "["~s~"]");

I did get this below to work with readln, although since readln 
didn't consume the terminator, I had to add the chomp() call.

import std.stdio;
import std.string;

int main(string[] argv)
  string nm, nm2;
  nm2 = nm.chomp();

  nm2 = nm.chomp();

  return 0;

Re: basic interactive readf from stdin

2015-12-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 December 2015 at 20:38:52 UTC, tcak wrote:
On Saturday, 26 December 2015 at 20:19:08 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
On Saturday, 26 December 2015 at 20:11:27 UTC, karthikeyan 
I experience the same as the OP on Linux Mint 15 with 
dmd2.069 and 64 bit machine.  I have to press enter twice to 
get the output. I read 
and inserted a space before %s but still no use. Am I missing 
something here with the latest version?

Oh, I'm sorry, it isn't buffering, it is readfing into a 
string here which is weird. Maybe try readln instead of readf.

As far as I remember, in C, if I was to be putting "\n" in 
scanf after %s, that double entering was happening. I guess 
that's the same problem. Trying same code without \n in readf 
can fix it I guess.

import std.stdio;

int main(string[] argv)
 string nm;

 return 0;

ok, I tried above, adding both the stdout.flush() and removing 
the \n from the format. It didn't write to output even after a 
couple of enter's.  When I  entered ctrl-Z,  it output below.

 output running from command prompt



Re: basic interactive readf from stdin

2015-12-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 26 December 2015 at 19:52:15 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
On Saturday, 26 December 2015 at 19:40:59 UTC, Jay Norwood 

Simple VS console app in D.

If you are running inside visual studio, you need to be aware 
that output will be block buffered, not line buffered, because 
VS pipes the output making the program think it is talking to 
another program instead of to an interactive console (well, 
because it is!)

Add a stdout.flush(); after writing to force it to show 
immediately. I really think the read functions ought to flush 
output too because this is such a FAQ. (indeed, my terminal.d 
does flush output when you request input)

It doesn't make a difference if I run in VS or from a console 
window.  I had also already tried various forms stdout.flush().  
It doesn't make a difference ... still requires two extra enters 
before it outputs the data.  I haven't tried it in linux yet.

basic interactive readf from stdin

2015-12-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
Simple VS console app in D.  Reading lines to a string variable 
interactively. Object is to have no extra blank lines in the 
console output.  Seems very broken for this use, requiring two 
extra "enter" entries before the outputs both appear. Version 
DMD32 D Compiler v2.069.2

import std.stdio;

int main(string[] argv)
 string nm;
 return 0;

 io shown below


Re: ndslice of an array structure member?

2015-12-21 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 22 December 2015 at 01:13:54 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
The problem is that t3 is slicing a1 which is a dynamic array, 
which is a range, while t4 is trying to slice a static array, 
which is not a range.

ok, thanks.  I lost track of the double meaning of static ... I 
normally think of static as variables with static preceding the 
type, allocated at start-up, but in this case it refers to 
structure members that will have a fixed size after the 

Re: ndslice and limits of debug info and autocompletion

2015-12-21 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
The autocompletion doesn't work here to offer epu_ctr in the 
writeln statement either, so it doesn't seem to be a problem with 
number of subscripts.   writeln(a1[0].   does offer epu_ctr for 
completion at the same place.

import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.ndslice;
import std.experimental.ndslice.iteration: transposed;
struct sample{
ulong [10] core_ctr;
ulong [32] epu_ctr;

void main() {
auto a1 = new sample[60];
auto t3 = a1.sliced!(;

ndslice and limits of debug info and autocompletion

2015-12-21 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to determine if the debugger autocompletion would be 
useful in combination with ndslice.   I find that using visualD I 
get offered no completion to select core_ctr or epu_ctr where 
epu_ctr is used in the writeln below.

I take it this either means that there is some basic limitation 
in the debug info, or else VisualD just punts after some number 
of array subscripts.

The code builds and executes correctly ... but I was hoping the 
debugger completion would help out with an exploratory mode using 
compiled code.

import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.ndslice;
import std.experimental.ndslice.iteration: transposed;
struct sample{
ulong [10] core_ctr;
ulong [32] epu_ctr;

void main() {
auto a1 = new sample[60];
auto t3 = a1.sliced!(,4,5);

ndslice of an array structure member?

2015-12-21 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to learn ndslice.  It puzzles me why t3 compiles ok, 
but t4 causes a compiler error in the example below.  Should I be 
able to slice a struct member that is an array?

import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.ndslice;
import std.experimental.ndslice.iteration: transposed;
struct sample{
ulong [10] core_ctr;

struct block{
ulong[60] samples;

void main() {
auto a1 = new sample[60];
auto t3 = a1.sliced!(,4,5);
auto b1 = new block;
auto t4 = b1.samples.sliced!(,4,5);

== results in error
  Building D project: nd4  

Running: "C:\Program Files\dub\dub.exe" build

Performing "debug" build using dmd for x86.
dip80-ndslice 0.8.4: target for configuration "library" is up to 

nd4 ~master: building configuration "application"...
src\app.d(16,58): Error: template 
std.experimental.ndslice.slice.sliced cannot deduce function from 
argument types !(cast(Flag)false)(ulong[60], int, int, int), 
candidates are:

std.experimental.ndslice.slice.sliced(Flag mod = ReplaceArrayWithPointer.yes, Range, 
Lengths...)(Range range, Lengths lengths) if (!isStaticArray!Range && !isNarrowString!Range 
&& allSatisfy!(isIndex, Lengths) && Lengths.length)
std.experimental.ndslice.slice.sliced(Flag mod = ReplaceArrayWithPointer.yes, uint N, 
Range)(Range range, auto ref size_t[N] lengths, size_t shift = 0) if (!isStaticArray!Range 
&& !isNarrowString!Range && N)
std.experimental.ndslice.slice.sliced(Names...) if (Names.length && 
!anySatisfy!(isType, Names) && allSatisfy!(isStringValue, Names))
dmd failed with exit code 1.
  ^^^ Terminated, exit code: 2 ^^^

Re: use of typeof to determine auto type with ndslice examples

2015-12-20 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
So, the extra confusion of the typeof(iota) Result return goes 
away when slicing arrays.

auto a1 = new int[100];
auto t3 = a1.sliced(3,4,5);
pragma(msg,typeof(t3)); //This prints Slice!(3u, int*)
Slice!(3u, int*) t4 = a1.sliced(3,4,5); // and this works ok

Re: use of typeof to determine auto type with ndslice examples

2015-12-20 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 21 December 2015 at 04:39:23 UTC, drug wrote:

You can use
alias Type = typeof(t0);
Type t1 = 1000.iota.sliced(3, 4, 5);

IIRC Result is the Voldemort type. You can think of it as a 
detail of implementation of ndslice that isn't intended to be 
used by a ndslice user directly.

ok, well this worked, so it seems to be something lacking in the 
description of iota's type rather than an issue with ndslice.

alias RESULT = typeof(1000.iota);
Slice!(3u, RESULT) t1 = 1000.iota.sliced(3, 4, 5);

auto t2 = 1000.iota();
pragma(msg, typeof(t2));
This just prints Result.

Ok, so what is the reason for not being able to know the type of 
a specified iota?

Re: use of typeof to determine auto type with ndslice examples

2015-12-20 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.ndslice;

void main() {
import std.algorithm.iteration: map;
import std.array: array;
import std.range;
import std.traits;
auto t0 = 1000.iota.sliced(3, 4, 5);

pragma(msg, typeof(t0));
Slice!(3u, Result) t1 = 1000.iota.sliced(3, 4, 5);

darn, I didn't duplicate the problem correctly.  It should be as 

and the error is:

Slice!(3u, Result)
src\app.d(12,2): Error: undefined identifier 'Result'
dmd failed with exit code 1.

use of typeof to determine auto type with ndslice examples

2015-12-20 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I pulled down the std.experimental.ndslice examples and am 
attempting to build some of the examples and understand the types 
being used.

I know don't need all these imports, but it is hard to guess 
which ones are needed, and the examples often don't provide them, 
which I suspect is a common gripe here.

Anyway, I was expecting to be able to use the typeof pragma to 
print a type that could use as a fully specified type, and that 
doesn't seem to be the case.  I get a compile error instead.

DMD32 D Compiler v2.069.2 on win32, "dip80-ndslice": "~>0.8.4"

Is there some other way to get a valid fully specified type for 
these sliced auto variables?

import std.stdio;
import std.experimental.ndslice;

void main() {
import std.algorithm.iteration: map;
import std.array: array;
import std.range;
import std.traits;
auto t0 = 1000.iota.sliced(3, 4, 5);

pragma(msg, typeof(t0));
Slice!(3u, Result) = 1000.iota.sliced(3, 4, 5);

Slice!(3u, Result)
src\app.d(12,2): Error: undefined identifier 'Result'
dmd failed with exit code 1.

Re: dataframe implementations

2015-12-03 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 21 November 2015 at 14:16:26 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 

Not sure it is a great idea to use a variant as the basic 
option when very often you will know that every cell in a 
particular column will be of the same type.

I'm reading today about an n-dim extension to pandas named xray.  
Maybe should try to understand how that fits.  They support io 
from netCDF, and are making extensions to support blocked input 
using dask, so they can process data larger than in-memory limits.

In general, pandas and xray are supporting with the requirement 
of pulling in data from storage of initially unknown column and 
index names and data types.  Julia throws in support of jit 
compilation and specialized operations for different data types.

It seems to me that D's strength would be in a quick compile, 
which would then allow you to replace the dictionary tag 
implementations and variants with something that used compile 
time symbol names and data types. Seems like that would provide 
more efficient processing, as well as better tab completion 
support when creating expressions.

Re: dataframe implementations

2015-11-18 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 November 2015 at 22:46:01 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
My sense is that any data frame implementation should try to 
build on the work that's being done with n-dimensional slices.

I've been watching that development, but I don't have a feel for 
where it could be applied in this case, since it appears to be 
focused on multi-dimensional slices of the same data type, 
slicing up a single range.

The dataframes often consist of different data types by column.

How did you see the nd slices being used?

Maybe the nd slices could be applied if you considered each row 
to be the same structure, and slice by rows rather than operating 
on columns.  Pandas supports a multi-dimension panel.  Maybe this 
would be the application for nd slices by row.

Re: dataframe implementations

2015-11-18 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
One more discussion link on the NA subject. This one on the R 
implementation of NA using a single encoding of NaN, as well as 
their treatment of a selected integer value as a NA.

Re: dataframe implementations

2015-11-18 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 November 2015 at 18:04:30 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:

vector.  I'll try to find the discussions and post the link.

Here are the two discussions I recall on the julia NA 

Re: dataframe implementations

2015-11-18 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 18 November 2015 at 17:15:38 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
What do you think about the use of NaN for missing floats?  In 
theory I could imagine wanting to distinguish between an NaN in 
the source file and a missing value, but in my world I never 
felt the need for this.  For integers and bools, that is 
different of course.

The julia discussions mention another dataframe implementation, I 
believe it was for R, where NaN was used.  There was some mention 
of the virtues of their own choice and the problems with NaN.  I 
think use of NaN was a particular encoding of NaN.  Other 
implementations they mentioned used some reserved value in each 
of the numeric data types to represent NA.  In the julia case, I 
believe what they use is a separate byte vector for each column 
that holds the NA status.  They discussed some other possible 
enhancements, but I don't know what they implemented.  For 
example, if the single byte holds the NA flag, the cell value can 
hold additional info ... maybe the reason for the NA.  There was 
also some discussion of having the associated cell hold repeat 
counts for the NA status, which I suppose meant to repeat it for 
following cells in the column vector.  I'll try to find the 
discussions and post the link.

Re: dataframe implementations

2015-11-17 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

I looked through the dataframe code and a couple of comments...

I had thought perhaps an app could read in the header info and 
type info from hdf5, and generate D struct definitions with 
column headers as symbol names.  That would enable faster 
processing than with the associative arrays, as well as support 
the auto-completion that would be helpful in writing expressions.

The csv type info for columns could be inferred, or else stated 
in the reader call, as done as an option in julia.

In both cases the column names would have to be valid symbol 
names for this to work.  I believe Julia also expects this, or 
else does some conversion on your column names to make them valid 
symbols. I think the D csv processing would also need to check if 

The jupyter interactive environment supports python pandas and 
Julia dataframe column names in the autocompletion, and so I 
think the D debugging environment would need to provide similar 
capability if it is to be considered as a fast-recompile 
substitute for interactive dataframe exploration.

It seems to me that your particular examples of stock data would 
eventually need to handle missing data, as supported in Julia 
dataframes and python pandas.  They both provide ways to drop or 
fill missing values.  Did you want to support that?

Re: dataframe implementations

2015-11-02 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 2 November 2015 at 15:33:34 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

Hi Jay.

That may have been me.  I have implemented something very 
basic, but you can read and write my proto dataframe to/from 
CSV and HDF5.  The code is up here:

yes, thanks.  I believe I did see your comments previously.
That's great that you've already got support for hdf5. I'll take 
a look.

dataframe implementations

2015-11-02 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I was reading about the Julia dataframe implementation yesterday, 
trying to understand their decisions and how D might implement.

From my notes,
1. they are currently using a dictionary of column vectors.
2. for NA (not available) they are currently using an array of 
bytes, effectively as a Boolean flag, rather than a bitVector, 
for performance reasons.

3. they are not currently implementing hierarchical headers.
4. they are transforming non-valid symbol header strings (read 
from csv, for example) to valid symbols by replacing '.' with 
underscore and prefixing numbers with 'x', as examples.  This 
allows use in expressions.
5. Along with 4., they currently have @with for DataVector, to 
allow expressions to use, for example, :symbol_name instead of 
6. They have operation symbols for per element operations on two 
vectors, for example a ./ b expresses applying the operation to 
the vector.

7. They currently only have row indexes,  no row names or symbols.

I saw someone posting that they were working on DataFrame 
implementation here, but haven't been able to locate any code in 
github, and was wondering what implementation decisions are being 
made here.  Thanks.

Re: an example of parallel calculation of metrics

2015-10-01 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
This is another attempt with the metric parallel processing. This 
uses the results only to return an int value, which could be used 
later as an error return value.  The metric value locations are 
now allocated as a part of the input measurement values tuple.

The Tuple vs struct definitions seem to have a big difference in 
default output formatting.

import std.algorithm, std.parallelism, std.range;
import std.typecons;
import std.meta;
import std.stdio;

// define some input measurement sample tuples and output metric 

alias TR = Tuple!(long,"raw",double, "per_cycle");
//struct TR {long raw; double per_cycle;}
alias TO = Tuple!(TR, "l1_miss", TR, "l1_access" );
//struct TO {TR l1_miss; TR l1_access; };
alias TI = Tuple!(long, "L1I_MISS",long, "L1D_MISS", long, 
"L1D_READ", long, "L1D_WRITE", long, "cycles", TO, "res");

// various metric definitions
// using Tuples with defined names for each member, and use the 
names here in the metrics.

long met_l1_miss ( ref TI m){  return m.L1I_MISS + m.L1D_MISS; }
long met_l1_access ( ref TI m){  return  m.L1D_READ + 
m.L1D_WRITE; }

int met_all (ref TI m) {

with (m.res){
 l1_miss.raw = met_l1_miss(m);
 l1_access.raw = met_l1_access(m);
	 l1_miss.per_cycle =  (m.cycles == 0)? double.nan : l1_miss.raw 
/ cast(double)m.cycles;
	 l1_access.per_cycle = (m.cycles == 0)? double.nan : 
l1_access.raw / cast(double)m.cycles;

return 0;

// a convenience to use all the metrics above as a list
alias Metrics = AliasSeq!(met_all);

void main(string[] argv)
auto samples = iota(100);
auto meas = new TI[samples.length];
auto results = new int[samples.length];

// Initialize some values for the measured samples
foreach(i, ref m; meas){
m.L1D_MISS= 100+i; m.L1I_MISS=100-i;
m.L1D_READ= 200+i; m.L1D_WRITE=200-i;
m.cycles= 10+i;

ref TI getTerm(int i)
return meas[i];

	// compute the metric results for the above measured sample 
values in parallel


writeln("measurements:", meas[1]);
foreach(ref m; meas){


Re: an example of parallel calculation of metrics

2015-10-01 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

I re-submitted this as:

Re: an example of parallel calculation of metrics

2015-10-01 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
So, this is a condensed version of the original problem. It looks 
like the problem is that the return value for taskPool.amap can't 
be a tuple of tuples or a tuple of struct.  Either way, it fails 
with the Wrong buffer type error message if I uncomment the 
taskPool line

import std.algorithm, std.parallelism, std.range;
import std.typecons;
import std.meta;
import std.stdio;

// define some input measurement sample tuples and output metric 

struct TR { long raw; double per_cyc;}
//alias TR = Tuple!(long, "raw", double, "per_cyc");
alias TI = Tuple!(long, "L1I_MISS",long, "L1D_MISS", long, 
"L1D_READ", long, "L1D_WRITE", long, "cycles" );

alias TO = Tuple!(TR, "L1_MISS", TR, "L1D_ACCESS");

// various metric definitions
// using Tuples with defined names for each member, and use the 
names here in the metrics.
TR met_l1_miss ( ref TI m){ TR rv;  rv.raw = 
m.L1I_MISS+m.L1D_MISS;  rv.per_cyc = cast(double)rv.raw/m.cycles; 
return rv; }
TR met_l1_access ( ref TI m){ TR rv;  rv.raw = 
m.L1D_READ+m.L1D_WRITE;  rv.per_cyc = 
cast(double)rv.raw/m.cycles; return rv; }

// a convenience to use all the metrics above as a list
alias Metrics = AliasSeq!(met_l1_miss, met_l1_access);

void main(string[] argv)
auto samples = iota(100);
auto meas = new TI[samples.length];
auto results = new TO[samples.length];

// Initialize some values for the measured samples
foreach(i, ref m; meas){
m.L1D_MISS= 100+i; m.L1I_MISS=100-i;
m.L1D_READ= 200+i; m.L1D_WRITE=200-i;
m.cycles= 10+i;

ref TI getTerm(int i)
return meas[i];

	// compute the metric results for the above measured sample 
values in parallel


TR rv1 = met_l1_miss( meas[1]);
TR rv2 = met_l1_access( meas[1]);

writeln("measurements:", meas[1]);
writeln("rv1:", rv1);
writeln("rv2:", rv2);
writeln("results:", results[1]);


Re: an example of parallel calculation of metrics

2015-10-01 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 1 October 2015 at 18:08:31 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
However, if you prove to yourself that the result tuple and 
your struct have the same memory layout, you can cast the tuple 
slice to struct slice after calling amap:

After re-reading your explanation, I see that the problem is only 
that the results needs to be a Tuple.  It works with named tuple 
members in this example as the result and array of struct as the 
input.  I'll re-check if the multi-member result also works with 
named members.  I'll update the issue report.

import std.meta;
import std.stdio;

// define some input measurement sample tuples and output metric 

struct TI {long L1I_MISS; long L1D_MISS; }
alias TO = Tuple!(long, "raw");

// various metric definitions
// using Tuples with defined names for each member, and use the 
names here in the metrics.
TO met_l1_miss ( ref TI m){ TO rv;  rv.raw = 
m.L1I_MISS+m.L1D_MISS; return rv; }

// a convenience to use all the metrics above as a list
alias Metrics = AliasSeq!(met_l1_miss);

void main(string[] argv)
auto samples = iota(100);
auto meas = new TI[samples.length];
auto results = new TO[samples.length];

// Initialize some values for the measured samples
foreach(i, ref m; meas){
m.L1D_MISS= 100+i; m.L1I_MISS=100-i;

ref TI getTerm(int i)
return meas[i];

	// compute the metric results for the above measured sample 
values in parallel


TO rv1 = met_l1_miss( meas[1]);

writeln("measurements:", meas[1]);
writeln("rv1:", rv1);
writeln("results:", results[1]);


Re: an example of parallel calculation of metrics

2015-10-01 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 1 October 2015 at 18:08:31 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
Makes sense. Please open a bug at least for investigation why 
tuples with named members don't work with amap.

ok, thanks.  I opened the issue.

Re: an example of parallel calculation of metrics

2015-10-01 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 1 October 2015 at 07:03:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Looks like a bug. Workaround: Get rid of member names

Thanks.  My particular use case, working with metric expressions, 
is easier to understand if I use the names.  I converted the use 
of Tuple to struct to see if I could get an easier error msg. 
Turns out the use of struct also results in much cleaner writeln 

Still has the compile error, though.

import std.algorithm, std.parallelism, std.range;
import std.stdio;
import std.datetime;
import std.typecons;
import std.meta;

// define some input measurement sample tuples and output metric 

struct TR {double per_sec; double per_cycle; long raw;}
struct TI {long proc_cyc;  long DATA_RD; long DATA_WR; long 
INST_FETCH; long L1I_MISS; long L1I_HIT; long L1D_HIT; long 

const double CYC_PER_SEC = 1_600_000_000;

// various metric definitions
// using Tuples with defined names for each member, and use the 
names here in the metrics.
TR met_l1_miss ( ref TI m){ TR rv; with(rv) with(m) { raw = 
L1I_MISS+L1D_MISS; per_cycle = cast(double)raw/proc_cyc; per_sec 
= per_cycle*CYC_PER_SEC;} return rv; }
TR met_l1_hit ( ref TI m){ TR rv; with(rv) with(m) { raw = 
L1I_HIT+L1D_HIT; per_cycle = cast(double)raw/proc_cyc; per_sec = 
per_cycle*CYC_PER_SEC;} return rv; }
TR met_data_acc ( ref TI m){ TR rv; with(rv) with(m) { raw = 
DATA_RD+DATA_WR; per_cycle = cast(double)raw/proc_cyc; per_sec = 
per_cycle*CYC_PER_SEC;} return rv; }
TR met_all_acc( ref TI m){ TR rv; with(rv) with(m) { raw = 
DATA_RD+DATA_WR+INST_FETCH; per_cycle = cast(double)raw/proc_cyc; 
per_sec = per_cycle*CYC_PER_SEC;} return rv; }

// a convenience to use all the metrics above as a list
alias Metrics = 

void main(string[] argv)
auto samples = iota(1_00);
auto meas = new TI[samples.length];
auto results = new TO[samples.length];

// Initialize some values for the measured samples
foreach(i, ref m; meas){
		with(m){ proc_cyc = 1_000_000+i*2; DATA_RD = 1000+i; DATA_WR= 
2000+i; INST_FETCH=proc_cyc/2;

L1D_HIT= DATA_RD+DATA_WR - 200; L1D_MISS=200;}

std.datetime.StopWatch sw;

ref TI getTerm(int i)
return meas[i];

	// compute the metric results for the above measured sample 
values in parallel


TR rv1 = met_l1_miss( meas[0]);
TR rv2 = met_l1_hit( meas[0]);
TR rv3 = met_data_acc( meas[0]);
TR rv4 = met_all_acc( meas[0]);

// how long did this take
long exec_ms = sw.peek().msecs;
writeln("measurements:", meas[0]);
writeln("rv1:", rv1);
writeln("rv2:", rv2);
writeln("rv3:", rv3);
writeln("rv4:", rv4);
writeln("results:", results[1]);
writeln("time:", exec_ms);


Re: an example of parallel calculation of metrics

2015-09-30 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
This compiles and appears to execute correctly, but if I 
uncomment the taskPool line I get a compile error message about 
wrong buffer type.  Am I breaking some rule for 

import std.algorithm, std.parallelism, std.range;
import std.stdio;
import std.datetime;
import std.typecons;
import std.meta;

// define some input measurement sample tuples and output metric 
alias TR = Tuple!(double,"per_sec", double, "per_cycle", 
alias TI = Tuple!(long, "proc_cyc", long, "DATA_RD", long, 
"DATA_WR", long, "INST_FETCH", long, "L1I_MISS", long, "L1I_HIT", 
long,"L1D_HIT", long, "L1D_MISS");
alias TO = Tuple!(TR,"L1_MISS", TR, "L1_HIT", TR,"DATA_ACC", 

const double CYC_PER_SEC = 1_600_000_000;

// various metric definitions
// using Tuples with defined names for each member, and use the 
names here in the metrics.
TR met_l1_miss ( ref TI m){ TR rv; with(rv) with(m) { raw = 
L1I_MISS+L1D_MISS; per_cycle = cast(double)raw/proc_cyc; per_sec 
= per_cycle*CYC_PER_SEC;} return rv; }
TR met_l1_hit ( ref TI m){ TR rv; with(rv) with(m) { raw = 
L1I_HIT+L1D_HIT; per_cycle = cast(double)raw/proc_cyc; per_sec = 
per_cycle*CYC_PER_SEC;} return rv; }
TR met_data_acc ( ref TI m){ TR rv; with(rv) with(m) { raw = 
DATA_RD+DATA_WR; per_cycle = cast(double)raw/proc_cyc; per_sec = 
per_cycle*CYC_PER_SEC;} return rv; }
TR met_all_acc( ref TI m){ TR rv; with(rv) with(m) { raw = 
DATA_RD+DATA_WR+INST_FETCH; per_cycle = cast(double)raw/proc_cyc; 
per_sec = per_cycle*CYC_PER_SEC;} return rv; }

// a convenience to use all the metrics above as a list
alias Metrics = 

void main(string[] argv)
auto samples = iota(1_00);
auto meas = new TI[samples.length];
auto results = new TO[samples.length];

// Initialize some values for the measured samples
foreach(i, ref m; meas){
		with(m){ proc_cyc = 1_000_000+i*2; DATA_RD = 1000+i; DATA_WR= 
2000+i; INST_FETCH=proc_cyc/2;

L1D_HIT= DATA_RD+DATA_WR - 200; L1D_MISS=200;}

std.datetime.StopWatch sw;

ref TI getTerm(int i)
return meas[i];

	// compute the metric results for the above measured sample 
values in parallel


TR rv1 = met_l1_miss( meas[0]);
TR rv2 = met_l1_hit( meas[0]);
TR rv3 = met_data_acc( meas[0]);
TR rv4 = met_all_acc( meas[0]);

// how long did this take
long exec_ms = sw.peek().msecs;
writeln("measurements:", meas[0]);
writeln("rv1:", rv1);
writeln("rv2:", rv2);
writeln("rv3:", rv3);
writeln("rv4:", rv4);
writeln("results:", results[1]);
writeln("time:", exec_ms);


Re: an example of parallel calculation of metrics

2015-09-30 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 22:24:25 UTC, Jay Norwood 

// various metric definitions
// the Tuples could also define names for each member and use 
the names here in the metrics.

long met1( TI m){ return m[0] + m[1] + m[2]; }
long met2( TI m){ return m[1] + m[2] + m[3]; }
long met3( TI m){ return m[0] - m[1] + m[2]; }
long met4( TI m){ return m[0] + m[1] - m[2]; }

should use reference parameters here:
long met1( ref TI m){ return m[0] + m[1] + m[2]; }
long met2( ref TI m){ return m[1] + m[2] + m[3]; }
long met3( ref TI m){ return m[0] - m[1] + m[2]; }
long met4( ref TI m){ return m[0] + m[1] - m[2]; }

an example of parallel calculation of metrics

2015-09-30 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
This is something I'm playing with for work. We do this a lot, 
capture counter events for some number of on-chip performance 
counters, compute some metrics, display the outputs. This seems 
ideal for the application.

import std.algorithm, std.parallelism, std.range;
import std.stdio;
import std.datetime;
import std.typecons;
import std.meta;

// define some input measurement sample tuples and output metric 

alias TI = Tuple!(long, long, long, long, long);
alias TO = Tuple!(long, long, long, long);

// various metric definitions
// the Tuples could also define names for each member and use the 
names here in the metrics.

long met1( TI m){ return m[0] + m[1] + m[2]; }
long met2( TI m){ return m[1] + m[2] + m[3]; }
long met3( TI m){ return m[0] - m[1] + m[2]; }
long met4( TI m){ return m[0] + m[1] - m[2]; }

// a convenience to use all the metrics above as a list
alias Metrics = AliasSeq!(met1,met2,met3,met4);

void main(string[] argv)
auto samples = iota(1_000);
auto meas = new TI[samples.length];
auto results = new TO[samples.length];

// Initialize some values for the measured samples
foreach(i, ref m; meas){
m[0] = i;
m[1] = i+1;
m[2] = i+2;
m[3] = i+3;
m[4] = i+4;

std.datetime.StopWatch sw;

ref TI getTerm(int i)
return meas[i];

	// compute the metric results for the above measured sample 
values in parallel


// how long did this take
long exec_ms = sw.peek().msecs;
writeln("results:", results);
writeln("time:", exec_ms);


Re: Parallel processing and further use of output

2015-09-28 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 26 September 2015 at 15:56:54 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:

This results in a compile error:
auto sum3 = taskPool.reduce!"a + b"(iota(1UL,101UL));

I believe there was discussion of this problem recently ...

looks like the problem has been reported a couple of times.  I 
probably saw the discussion of the 8/22 bug.

Re: Parallel processing and further use of output

2015-09-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
This is a work-around to get a ulong result without having the 
ulong as the range variable.

ulong getTerm(int i)
   return i;
auto sum4 = taskPool.reduce!"a + 

Re: Parallel processing and further use of output

2015-09-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

btw, on my corei5, in debug build,
reduce (using double): 11msec
non_parallel: 37msec
parallel with atomicOp: 123msec

so, that is the reason for using parallel reduce, assuming the 
ulong range thing will get fixed.

Re: Parallel processing and further use of output

2015-09-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
std.parallelism.reduce documentation provides an example of a 
parallel sum.

This works:
auto sum3 = taskPool.reduce!"a + b"(iota(1.0,101.0));

This results in a compile error:
auto sum3 = taskPool.reduce!"a + b"(iota(1UL,101UL));

I believe there was discussion of this problem recently ...

Re: Are there any Phobos functions to check file permissions on Windows and Posix?

2015-09-08 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 7 September 2015 at 15:48:56 UTC, BBasile wrote:
On Sunday, 6 September 2015 at 23:05:29 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
For example you can retieve the flags: 
archive/readonly/hidden/system/indexable(?) and even if it 
looks writable or readable, the file won't be open at all 
because the ACL for the file don't include the current user 

This guy enhanced the cross-platform fox toolkit capabilities.  
It would be worth looking at it if you intend to write something 

See the section 7. Superior provision of host OS facilities 

Re: Dynamic array and foreach loop

2015-08-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 19:10:01 UTC, Binarydepth wrote:

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 16:42:16 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:
Oooh... I like how this works

import std.stdio : writeln, readf;
void main() {
immutable a=5;
int[a] Arr;
int nim;
foreach(num, ref nem; Arr)  {
readf(" %s", &nem);
foreach(num; Arr)  {

you can also do something like this to accept blank separated 
input values on a single line.

import std.stdio : writeln, readln;
import std.string: split;
import std.conv: to;
import std.algorithm: each;

void main() {
double [] Arr;

Arr = readln().split().to!(double[]);


Re: Dynamic array and foreach loop

2015-08-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 15:37:23 UTC, Binarydepth wrote:

So I should use the REF like this ?

import std.stdio : writeln;
void main() {
immutable a=5;
int[a] Arr;
foreach(num; 0..a)  {
Arr[num] = num;
foreach(num, ref ele; Arr)  {
writeln(Arr[ele]+1);//Using the REF

The reference v is to the array member in this case, rather than 
making a copy.  In the last loop c is a copy.  No big deal for 
this case of int Arr members, but if Arr was made up of struct 
members, you might not want to be making copies.

The i+3 initialization is just so you can see that v is the Arr 
member (not the index) in the other loops.

import std.stdio : writeln;
void main() {
immutable a=5;
int[a] Arr;
foreach(i, ref v; Arr)  {
v = i+3;
foreach( ref v; Arr)  {
foreach( c; Arr)  {

Re: file rawRead and rawWrite in chunks example

2015-08-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 10:40:06 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 00:50:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:


Now benchmarks write and read separately:

I benchmarked my first results:
time write msecs:457
time read msecs:75

This is for 160MB of data. The write includes initialization of 
the values.

The read time is faster than my ssd drive, so I have to assume 
this is win7 or the ssd caching the data.

If I increase double count to 200,000,000 (to 1.6GB of data), the 
times are:

time write msecs:7236
time read msecs:11979

08/09/2015  10:12 AM 1,600,000,000 numberList.db

So that's around 220MB/sec for the writes and 133MB/sec for the 
reads.  That's an intel 520 series 180GB ssd, but in an SATA 
3Gb/s interface in a laptop.  Sequential write speed for that ssd 
should be about 257MB/sec.  Sequential read should be close to 
395MB/sec for this drive on a 6Gb/sec SATA.   So read speed is 
lower than I'd expect.

If I move this program over to my work computer, the same 1.6GB 
measurement returns these times below on a Samsung 840 SSD, which 
is on a 6Gb/sec SATA interface.  I believe the 458MB/sec write 
speeds. I suspect the read timing is again just measuring win7's 
cached data.

time write msecs:3489
time read msecs:579

Re: file rawRead and rawWrite in chunks example

2015-08-09 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 11:06:34 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 10:40:06 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:

Couldn't the chunk logic be deduced aswell?

Yes :)

See update at:

What would a suitable value for `preferred_disk_write_size` be?

Is there a suitable constant somewhere in Phobos?

So, to be clear, I think you must be saying that you want to 
specify the disk chunk size separate from the array size.  Is 
that correct?

I stepped through the original code (with the foreach loops) and 
I see single calls to fwrite and fread for each array.

The rawWrite is executing a single fwrite per array

auto result =
.fwrite(buffer.ptr, T.sizeof, buffer.length, 

The rawRead is executing a sing fread per array
immutable result =
fread(buffer.ptr, T.sizeof, buffer.length, _p.handle);

Re: file rawRead and rawWrite in chunks example

2015-08-08 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 00:50:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

// NOTE: No need to tell rawRead the type as double
iota(10, 20_000_000 + 10, n)
.each!(a => f.rawRead(dbv));


Your f.rawRead(dbv) form compiles, but f.rawRead!(dbv) results in 
an error msg in  compiler error in 2.067.1. The 
f.rawRead!(double)(dbv) form works.

Error: template instance rawRead!(dbv) does not match template 
declaration rawRead(T)(T[] buffer)	

Re: file rawRead and rawWrite in chunks example

2015-08-08 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 00:50:16 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

auto f = File(fn,"wb");

iota(10.5, 20_000_010.5, 1.0)
.each!(a => f.rawWrite(a.array));


Thanks. There are many examples of numeric to string data output 
in the docs, saving byLine.   Those are on the order of 30x 
slower than this rawWrite example.  This will be more useful to 
many people.

Re: Dynamic array and foreach loop

2015-08-08 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 8 August 2015 at 18:28:25 UTC, Binarydepth wrote:

This is the new code :

foreach(num; 0..liEle)  {//Data input loop

write("Input the element : ", num+1, " ");
readf(" %d", &liaOrig[num]);

Even better :

foreach(num; 0..liaOrig.length

I believe they usually do something like:

foreach( num, ref elem; liaOrig){


which creates the index num and the reference to the element of 
range liaOrig.

It also seems that a lot of discussion is going on about reducing 
use of foreach loops in their preferred style, so you might want 
to try some of that.

file rawRead and rawWrite in chunks example

2015-08-08 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm playing around with the range based operations and with raw 
file io.  I couldn't figure out a way to get rid of the outer 
foreach loops.

Nice execution time of 537 msec for this, which creates and reads 
back a file of about 160MB (20_000_000 doubles).

import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import std.math;
import std.range;
import std.file;
import std.datetime;
import std.array;

void main()

auto fn = "numberList.db";
auto f = File(fn,"wb");
scope(exit) std.file.remove(fn);
std.datetime.StopWatch sw;

foreach(elem; chunks(iota(10.5,20_000_010.5,1.0),100)){
f = File(fn,"rb");

const int n = 100;
double dbv[] = new double[n];
foreach(i; iota(10,20_000_000+10,n)){

long tm = sw.peek().msecs;
writeln("time msecs:", tm);


Re: std.parallelism example throws exception

2015-08-07 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
Unfortunately, this is not a very good example for 
std.parallelism, since the measured times are better using the calls. I know from past experience that 
std.parallelism routines can work well when the work is spread 
out correctly, so this example could be improved.

This is parallel
time msecs:1242

time msecs:970

I think this example

import std.parallelism;
import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import std.math;
import std.range;
import std.file;
import std.datetime;

void main()

auto fn = "numberList.txt";
auto f = File(fn,"w");
scope(exit) std.file.remove(fn);

foreach (i ; iota(10.0,2_000_000.0)){

std.datetime.StopWatch sw;

auto lineRange = File(fn).byLineCopy();
auto chomped =!"a.chomp"(lineRange);
auto nums =!(to!double)(chomped);
auto logs =!log10(nums);

double sum = 0;
foreach(elem; logs)
sum += elem;

long tm = sw.peek().msecs;
writeln("time msecs:", tm);


Re: std.parallelism example throws exception

2015-08-07 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
and, finally, this works using the, as in the 
std.parallelism example.  So, the trick appears to be that the 
call to chomp is needed.

auto lineRange = File(fn).byLineCopy();
auto chomped =!"a.chomp"(lineRange);
auto nums =!(to!double)(chomped);
auto logs =!log10(nums);

double sum = 0;
foreach(elem; logs)
sum += elem;

std.parallelism example throws exception

2015-08-07 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I tried to create a working example from the std.parallelism code, and it throws with empty strings with length 1 
being passed to to!double.  Anyone have a working example?  I'm 
building on Windows with 2.067.1 dmd.

import std.parallelism;
import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import std.math;
import std.range;
import std.file;

void main()

auto fn = "numberList.txt";
auto f = File(fn,"w");
scope(exit) std.file.remove(fn);

foreach (i ; iota(10.0,2_000.0)){


auto lineRange = File(fn).byLine();
auto dupedLines =!"a.idup"(lineRange);
auto nums =!(to!double)(dupedLines);
auto logs =!log10(nums);

double sum = 0;
foreach(elem; logs)
sum += elem;


Re: std.parallelism example hangs compiler 2.067.1

2015-08-07 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 7 August 2015 at 18:51:45 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 8/7/15 2:37 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

I'll file a bug on this.


Thanks.  The workaround works ok.

Re: std.parallelism example throws exception

2015-08-07 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

This also works.

auto sm = File(fn).byLineCopy()


Re: std.parallelism example throws exception

2015-08-07 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

This appears to work ... at least, no exception:

auto sm = File(fn).byLine(


std.parallelism example hangs compiler 2.067.1

2015-08-07 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
This appears to hang up dmd compiler 2.067.1. Changing 
parallel(s) to s works ok. Is this a known problem?

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.format;
import std.range;
import std.parallelism;

int main(string[] argv)

string s[10];
foreach (i, ref si ; parallel(s)){
si = format("hi:%d",i);

foreach (ref rm; s[99000..99010]){
return 0;

Re: ctfe and static arrays

2015-05-24 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 May 2015 at 18:14:19 UTC, anonymous wrote:

"Static array" has a special meaning. It does not mean "static 
variable with an array type". Static arrays are those of the 
form Type[size]. That is, the size is known statically.


1) static int[5] x; -- x is a static variable with a static 
array type

2) static int[] x; -- static variable, dynamic array
3) int[5] x; -- non-static variable, static array
4) int[] x; -- non-static variable, dynamic array

So, CTFE can't handle examples 1 and 2, because they're static 
variables. 3 and 4 are fine.

From your description, I would expect this to fail since I would 
expect it to be included in 2 above, but it builds and prints ok.

import std.stdio;

struct A {  int me;   int next;   int prev;}

A[] initA(int n)
if (!__ctfe){
A[] v = new A[n];
foreach (i; 0..n){
v[i].me = i;
v[i].prev = i-1;
v[i].next = i+1;
return v;

int main(string[] argv)

enum int N = 100;
static A[] linkedA = initA(N);


return 0;


ctfe and static arrays

2015-05-24 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm a bit confused by the documentation of the ctfe limitations 
wrt static arrays due to these seemingly conflicting statements, 
and the examples didn't seem to clear anything up.  I was 
wondering if anyone has examples of clever things that might be 
done with static arrays and pointers using ctfe.

2.Executed expressions may not reference any global or local 
static variables.

C-style semantics on pointer arithmetic are strictly enforced. 
Pointer arithmetic is permitted only on pointers which point to 
static or dynamic array elements.

Re: How to make a Currency class from std.BigInt?

2015-02-15 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
This library allow to specify the internal base of the arbitrary 
precision numbers( default is decimal), as well as allows 
specification of the precision of floating point values.  Each 
floating point number precision can be read with .precision().  
Also supports specification of rounding modes.  Seems like it 
would be a nice project for a port to D.

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-25 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 26 September 2014 at 03:32:46 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 10:28:05 UTC, Suliman wrote:

string path = thisExePath()

Seems like "dirName" in std.path is a good candidate ;)

You'll find many other path manipulation functions there.

Thanks! But if I want to strip it, how I can cut it?
dirName gives the directory,  baseName the filename, 
stripExtension strips it, so seems like what you want is

dirName  ~ stripExtension( baseName )

easier than that.  Looks like stripExtension handles the whole 

assert (stripExtension("dir/file.ext")   == "dir/file");

Re: Remove filename from path

2014-09-25 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 10:28:05 UTC, Suliman wrote:

string path = thisExePath()

Seems like "dirName" in std.path is a good candidate ;)

You'll find many other path manipulation functions there.

Thanks! But if I want to strip it, how I can cut it?
dirName gives the directory,  baseName the filename, 
stripExtension strips it, so seems like what you want is

dirName  ~ stripExtension( baseName )

exporting analysispoint labels into symbol tables

2014-09-16 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a use case that requires  repeating performance 
measurements of blocks of code that do not coincide with function 
start and stop.  For example, a function will be calling several 
sub-operations, and I  need to measure the execution from the 
call statement until the execution of the statement following the 

So, ideally, I'd like to mark the start and stop points in the 
source code with label pairs, and have these exported as 
symbol/address pairs.

I would read these label names with an external app, and would 
set up the performance measurement start and stop window 
boundaries without modifying the target code.

Does D provide any feature that would allow me to export such 
labels?  I've seen some discussion of use of goto labels within 
the program, but nothing about exporting them for use by an 
external app.  I've also read through the recent info on user 
annotations, but those seem to be associated with data properties 
and it isn't apparent to me if they could provide program address 


Re: dual with statement

2014-07-26 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 July 2014 at 21:10:56 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

Functionally nothing more than an alias? EG:
alias baz =;

Yes, it is all just alias.  So

with ( (d,e,a,b,c) as (ar.rm.a, ar.rm.b, ar.r.a, ar.r.b, ar.r.c)){
 d = a + c;
 e = (c==0)?0:(a+b)/c;

could be instead

  alias d = ar.rm.a;
  alias e = ar.rm.b;
  alias a = ar.r.a;
  alias b = ar.r.b;
  alias c = ar.r.c;

  d = a + c;
  e = (c==0)?0:(a+b)/c;


I guess this means I don't need WITH.

Re: dual with statement

2014-07-25 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 July 2014 at 01:54:53 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:
I don't recall the exact use case for the database expressions, 
but I believe they were substituting a simple symbol for the 
fully qualified object.

The sql with clause is quite a bit different than I remembered.  
For one thing, I have the order reversed, so it would have been 
with (a as something.x.y).

It looks more like they are more like creating a temporary tuple 
from some more complicated selection.  It isn't clear what the 
implementation is, but just the that it might be a more concise 
way of stating things so that the expressions inside the body can 
be simple

So, my prior example
  with (ar.rm.a as d) with (ar.rm.b as e) with (ar.r.a as a) with
(ar.r.b as b) with (ar.r.c as c){
 d = a + c;
 e = (c==0)?0:(a+b)/c;

would reduce to something maybe simpler to read.  The sql seems 
to be using this as a foreach type operation, but I was just 
interested in the name substitution so that the expressions 
inside the with block could be simpler, as well as get rid of the 
struct member name clashes.

with ( (d,e,a,b,c) as (ar.rm.a, ar.rm.b, ar.r.a, ar.r.b, ar.r.c)){
 d = a + c;
 e = (c==0)?0:(a+b)/c;

Re: dual with statement

2014-07-24 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 July 2014 at 20:16:53 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

Or did I miss something?

Yes, sorry, I should have pasted a full example previously. The 
code at the end is with the Raw_met members renamed (they were 
originally a and b but clashed).

So, if Raw_met members were still a and b ...
  with(ar.r as v) with (ar.rm as res){
 res.a = v.a + v.c;
 res.b = (v.c==0)? 0: (v.a + v.b)/ v.c;

I don't recall the exact use case for the database expressions, 
but I believe they were substituting a simple symbol for the 
fully qualified object. So they would have done something 
analogous to this ...

  with (ar.rm.a as d) with (ar.rm.b as e) with (ar.r.a as a) with 
(ar.r.b as b) with (ar.r.c as c){

 d = a + c;
 e = (c==0)?0:(a+b)/c;

So, the expressions are simpler to read, and I've fully qualified 
the members only a single time.

  this is the code for one of the metric experiments, with 
the members renamed to avoid the clashes.  I like that the 
expressions can be so simple.

double ref_clock=1_600_000_000.0;
struct Raw_met {long d; double e;}
struct Per_sec_met {double d; double e; }
struct Per_cyc_met {double d; double e; }

struct Raw {long proc_cyc; long a; long b; long c; }
struct Per_sec {double proc_cyc; double a; double b; double c; }
struct Per_cyc {double proc_cyc; double a; double b; double c; }
struct All { Raw r; Per_sec ps; Per_cyc pc; Raw_met rm; 
Per_sec_met psm; Per_cyc_met pcm;}

void calc_raw_met(ref All ar){
   with(ar.r) with(ar.rm){
 d = a+c;
 e = (c==0)?0:(a+b)/c;

dual with statement

2014-07-24 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
I was playing around with use of the dual WITH statement.   I 
like the idea, since it makes the code within the with cleaner.   
Also, I got the impression from one of the conference 
presentations ... maybe the one on the ARM debug ... that there 
are some additional optimizations available that the compiler 
processes the WITH statement block.

Anyway, a problem I ran into was if two structures had the same 
member names, for example struct ar.r and ar.psm in this case 
below.   In this case, there was no way for the compiler to 
determine from which structure to get the member.

void calc_per_sec_met(ref All ar){

   with (ar.r) with(ar.psm) {
  double per_sec = proc_cyc/ref_clock;
  d = (a+c)*per_sec;
  e = (c==0)?0:(a+b)/c;

ok, so I guess I could make all the member names unique in the 
different structures, but that's kind of ugly.

Also, what happens if using two structs of the same type in a 
WITH statement.
Seems like something like this would help, which I believe I've 
seen used in database queries ...

 with (ar.r1 as r1) with (ar.r2 as r2){
   auto sum = r1.a + r2.a;

Re: Function to print a diamond shape

2014-04-23 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 22 April 2014 at 15:25:04 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
Yeah, that's because join actually works on "RoR, R", rather 
than "R, E". This means if you feed it a "string[], string", 
then it will actually iterate over individual *characters*. Not 
only that, but since you are using char[], it will decode them 

"join" is faster for 2 reasons:
1) It detects you want to joins arrays, so it doesn't have to 
iterate over them: It just glues them "slice at once"

2) No UTF decoding.

I kind of wish we had a faster joiner, but I think it would 
have made the call ambiguous.

Ok, thanks.  I re-tried joiner with both parameters being ranges, 
but there was no improvement in execution speed.  I thought 
perhaps from your comments that it might work.

char nl[] = uninitializedArray!(char[])(1);
nl[] = '\n';


Re: Function to print a diamond shape

2014-04-22 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn
Wow,  joiner is much slower than join.  Such a small choice can 
make this big of a difference.  Not at all expected, since the 
lazy calls, I thought, were considered to be more efficient.  
This is with ldc2 -O2.

jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ ./main 

brad: time: 21958[ms]
sergei: time: 24629[ms]
jay2: time: 259[ms]
diamondShape: time: 6701[ms]
printDiamond: time: 194[ms]
printDiamonde2a: time: 95[ms]
printDiamonde2b: time: 92[ms]
printDiamond3: time: 144[ms]
printDiamonde2monarch: time: 67[ms]
printDiamonde2cJoin: time: 96[ms]
printDiamonde2cJoiner: time: 16115[ms]

void printDiamonde2cJoin(in uint N)
int n,l;
size_t N2 = N/2;
size_t NM1 = N-1;
char p[] = uninitializedArray!(char[])(N2+N);
p[0..N2] = ' ';
p[N2..$] = '*';
char nl[] = uninitializedArray!(char[])(1);
nl[] = '\n';

char wc[][] = minimallyInitializedArray!(char[][])(N);

for(n=0,l=0; n

Re: Function to print a diamond shape

2014-04-21 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 21 April 2014 at 08:26:49 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
The two "key" points here, first, is to avoid using appender. 
Second, instead of having two buffer: "" and "**\n", 
and two do two "slice copies", to only have 1 buffer "
*", and to do 1 slice copy, and a single '\n' write. At 
this point, I'm not sure how we could be going any faster, 
short of using alloca...

How does this hold up on your environment?

Yes your solution is the fastest yet.  Also, its times are 
similar for all three compilers.   The range of execution times 
varied for different solutions from over 108 seconds down to 64 

I see that RefAppender's data() returns the managed array.  Can 
write() handle that?  It seems that would be more efficient than 
duplicating the  character buffer ... or perhaps writing directly 
to an OutBuffer, and then sending that to write() would avoid the 

jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ gdc -O2 main.d
jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ ./a.out 

brad: time: 31865[ms]
sergei: time: 28596[ms]
jay2: time: 258[ms]
diamondShape: time: 7512[ms]
printDiamond: time: 200[ms]
printDiamonde2a: time: 140[ms]
printDiamonde2b: time: 137[ms]
printDiamond3: time: 503[ms]
printDiamonde2monarch: time: 86[ms]
jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ dmd -release 
jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ ./main 

brad: time: 108111[ms]
sergei: time: 33949[ms]
jay2: time: 282[ms]
diamondShape: time: 24567[ms]
printDiamond: time: 230[ms]
printDiamonde2a: time: 132[ms]
printDiamonde2b: time: 106[ms]
printDiamond3: time: 222[ms]
printDiamonde2monarch: time: 66[ms]
jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ ~/ldc/bin/ldc2 
-O2 main.d
jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ ./main 

brad: time: 20996[ms]
sergei: time: 24841[ms]
jay2: time: 259[ms]
diamondShape: time: 6797[ms]
printDiamond: time: 194[ms]
printDiamonde2a: time: 91[ms]
printDiamonde2b: time: 87[ms]
printDiamond3: time: 145[ms]
printDiamonde2monarch: time: 64[ms]

Re: Function to print a diamond shape

2014-04-20 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 25 March 2014 at 08:42:30 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

Interesting. I'd have thought the "extra copy" would be an 
overall slowdown, but I guess that's not the case.

I installed ubuntu 14.04 64 bit, and measured some of these 
examples using gdc, ldc and dmd on a corei3 box.  The examples 
that wouldn't build had something to do with use of 
array.replicate and range.replicate conflicting in the libraries 
for gdc and ldc builds, which were based on 2.064.2.

This is the ldc2 (0.13.0 alpha)(2.064.2) result:
jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ ./main 

brad: time: 2107[ms]
sergei: time: 2441[ms]
jay2: time: 26[ms]
diamondShape: time: 679[ms]
printDiamond: time: 19[ms]
printDiamonde2a: time: 9[ms]
printDiamonde2b: time: 8[ms]
printDiamond3: time: 14[ms]

This is the gdc(2.064.2) result:
jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ ./a.out 

brad: time: 3216[ms]
sergei: time: 2828[ms]
jay2: time: 26[ms]
diamondShape: time: 776[ms]
printDiamond: time: 19[ms]
printDiamonde2a: time: 13[ms]
printDiamonde2b: time: 13[ms]
printDiamond3: time: 51[ms]

This is the dmd(2.065) result:
jay@jay-ubuntu:~/ec_ddt/workspace/diamond/source$ ./main 

brad: time: 10830[ms]
sergei: time: 3480[ms]
jay2: time: 29[ms]
diamondShape: time: 2462[ms]
printDiamond: time: 23[ms]
printDiamonde2a: time: 13[ms]
printDiamonde2b: time: 10[ms]
printDiamond3: time: 23[ms]

So this printDiamonde2b example had the fastest time of the 
solutions, and had similar times on all three builds. The ldc2 
compiler build is performing best in most examples on ubuntu.

void printDiamonde2b(in uint N)
uint N2 = N/2;
char pSpace[] = uninitializedArray!(char[])(N2);
pSpace[] = ' ';

char pStars[] = uninitializedArray!(char[])(N+1);
pStars[] = '*';

pStars[$-1] = '\n';

auto w = appender!(char[])();

foreach (n ; 0 .. N2 + 1){
w.put(pSpace[0 .. N2 - n]);
w.put(pStars[$-2*n-2 .. $]);

foreach_reverse (n ; 0 .. N2){
w.put(pSpace[0 .. N2 - n]);
w.put(pStars[$-2*n-2 .. $]);
