Re: Using D for Raspberry Pi expirements

2019-09-29 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 29 September 2019 at 11:36:00 UTC, aberba wrote:

I have no idea how to do that from D. Any help/resources on 

You should be able to use the techniques at to declare the C 
functions that you wish to use in your *.d source files, and 
then, when you compile, pass `-lpigpiod_if2` to the linker.


Re: Using D for Raspberry Pi expirements

2019-09-25 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 25 September 2019 at 23:56:45 UTC, aberba wrote:
I'm looking for resources on using D for basic Raspberry Pi 
programming...stuff like turning on and off an LED light. I 
believe it requires being able to call the Raspberry OS core 
APIs from D as available in Python.

Anyone here tried something like that using D?

I haven't tried with D yet, but I use C# and mono calling into 
the pigpio C library ( 
and it workes great.  You should be able to do the same with D.


Re: Is betterC affect to compile time?

2019-07-25 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 July 2019 at 18:37:49 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

There's probably at least one bug report on it, but as I 
understand it, it's not a bug in the sense that the 
implementation is currently expected to handle such a case. 
It's an area where betterC should be improved upon, but it 
would be an enhancement, not a bug fix.

Yes.  The point is that libraries have to be written with betterC 
and compile-time evaluation in mind.  If they aren't the code is 
likely not going to work in those use cases.  Much of the code in 
Phobos was written long before betterC was introduced.

There are probably changes that could be made to Phobos so the OP 
could get a build, but that requires someone with enough interest 
in the issue to volunteer their time and talent to improve the 
implementation for betterC and compile-time use cases.

We have a GSoC student making changes the druntime to help with 
this matter and I have been picking away at it too.  It will take 
time and could use more contributors.


Re: Is betterC affect to compile time?

2019-07-25 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 25 July 2019 at 12:01:40 UTC, Oleg B wrote:

Hello everyone!

I try build this code with betterC

import core.stdc.stdio;
import std.format : format;

extern(C) int main()
mixin(format!`enum str = "%s\0";`("hello"));
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str.ptr);
return 0;

but compilation fails

Error: Cannot use try-catch statements with -betterC
Error: template instance 
`std.format.checkFormatException!("enum str = \"%s\\0\";", 
string)` error instantiating
onlineapp.d(6):instantiated from here: format!("enum 
str = \"%s\\0\";", string)

 while evaluating: static assert(!e)
Error: TypeInfo cannot be used with -betterC

Is this a bug?

If you read the documentation for betterC 
( you'll see 
that there are features of the D language which are not 
supported. Therefore, libraries that use such features (e.g. 
std.format, std.array) are also not supported, and that is why 
you are encountering such errors.

There are some features of Phobos which can be used in betterC 
builds, but you're going to find that it's hit-and-miss.


Re: Stack-based @nogc dynamic array

2019-05-17 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 16 May 2019 at 12:16:26 UTC, Marco de Wild wrote:

Or are there any tips to roll my own implementation?

I took a stab at it:


struct NoGcArray(size_t maxSize, T)
private T[maxSize] _buffer;
private T[] _slice;
private size_t _frontIndex;

size_t length() const
return _slice.length;

void opOpAssign(string op)(T element)
static if(op == "~")
_buffer[_frontIndex + length] = element;
_slice = _buffer[_frontIndex..(length + 1)];
static assert(false, "Only concatenation supported");

T opIndex(size_t index) const
return _slice[index];

T front() const
return _slice[0];

void popFront()
_slice = _slice[1..$];

bool empty() const
return _slice.length == 0;

void main()
import std.algorithm : sum, map;
NoGcArray!(4, int) array;
array ~= 420;
array ~= 42;
assert(!(x => x*2).sum == 924);


Re: Do @property attributes not allow postincrement operators

2019-04-13 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 14 April 2019 at 01:54:39 UTC, Jamie wrote:

Do @property attributes not allow postincrement operators?

import std.stdio;

struct Foo {
@property bar() { return 10; }
@property bar(int x) { writeln(x); }

void main()
Foo foo;
writeln(; // actually calls; = 10; // calls;

// following doesn't work; // would expect this to call + 

// have to use: = + 1;

It's a long standing issue (going on 7 years old)

There's an implementation at

It requires a DIP, which you can find at

However, in preparing that DIP other issues were discovered with 
@property, so we need to create a DIP to fix those issues first.

I plan on getting to it, but there are other pressing things I'm 
trying to get out of the way.


Re: Where is GDC being developed?

2019-03-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 March 2019 at 22:51:21 UTC, James Blachly wrote:

Thanks -- I also tried to figure out how to install GDC just 
yesterday and gave up. All wiki links and google top results 
seemed dead ends.

I'm also a little puzzled by how GDC is structured, but I have 
learned a few things with the help of some of the GDC developers, 
and I'll share my understanding below (though be aware that my 
assumptions may be wrong).

GDC is in a weird state right now where it needs to boostrap 
itself.  The bootstrap compiler has a front-end written in C++, 
but the lastest GDC on GitHub has a front-end written in D.

My understanding is that this bootstrap compiler with the 
front-end written in C++ is what is being released with GCC 9.  
Since GCC always needs to be able to be built with a prior 
version of GCC, GCC 10 will be the first release with the latest 
D frontend.

So, to build your own GDC compiler, you need to first build the 
bootstrap compiler.  I have a script for that at

Then, using the bootstrap compiler, you can build the latest GDC 
with the D frontend from GitHub.  I have a script for that too, 
but it is only for building an ARM cross-compiler.  See


Re: Where to start with SafeD?

2019-02-13 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 13 February 2019 at 22:29:18 UTC, solidstate1991 
When I tried to apply to a position at Symmetry, I've got a 
criticism from Atila Neves that some of my code relied too much 
on memcpy, thus making it unsafe. After digging into std.array, 
I found some function that could possibly replace it to emulate 
writing in the middle of a file, but at least for VFile, I need 
some type agnostic solution.

I don't understand your use case, but for me, I try not to escape 
the type system.  Instead of using void*, I recommend templating. 
 That is the approach I took here:  It still does explicit casts 
to prevent code bloat, which is still escaping the type system, 
but at least it avoids pointer arithmetic.

I'm not sure if that's helpful, but regardless, there it is.


Re: is this a betterC bug ?

2018-08-15 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 08:14:53 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:

It's not a bug, it's all about how the type system is set up. 
The type of an array literal expression like `[1, 2, 3]` is 
`int[]` (a slice of an array of ints), so no matter if you do:

auto readonly(T)(const(T)[] x) { return x; }

auto arr1 = [1, 2, 3];
auto arr2 = [1, 2, 3].readonly;
constarr3 = [1, 2, 3];
enum arr4 = [1, 2, 3];
static immutable arr5 = [1, 2, 3];
scopearr6 = [1, 2, 3];

In all instances the type will be `int[]` modulo type 

Static arrays are completely different types, that just happen 
to accept

assignments from slices. Their two defining properties are:
1. Their length is fixed at compile-time, meaning that you can 

import std.array, std.meta;
auto x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].staticArray;
enum length = x.length;
pragma (msg, length);
alias seq = AliasSeq!(0, 42, length);
static foreach (i; 0 .. length) { }
static foreach (i; seq) { }

2. Where slices are reference types, static arrays are value 
types which means that each assignment will copy an entire 

Basically they behave like a `struct { int _arr_0 = 0, _arr_1 = 
1, _arr_2 = 2; }`.

Thanks for the detailed explanation; it make sense now.


Re: is this a betterC bug ?

2018-08-14 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 August 2018 at 17:22:42 UTC, Seb wrote:

FYI: staticArray will be part of 2.082, it already works with 

That just seems wrong.  Isn't the fact that `staticArray` is 
needed a bug in the compiler?  I think the compiler could have 
lowered to something like that automatically to avoid the library 


Re: Concat enum of strings into one string

2018-08-14 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 14 August 2018 at 13:42:04 UTC, Andrey wrote:

I have a enum:

enum Type : string
One = "Q1",
Two = "W2",
Three = "R3"

I want to concat it in compile-time:

enum result = doConcat!Type();

And get this result:

writeln(result); // output: "Q1 W2 R3"

Delimiter here is space symbol.
How do do it?

I think you just need to use the concatenation operator `~`.

enum Type : string
One = "Q1",
Two = "W2",
Three = "R3"

enum concatenation = Type.One ~ " " ~ Type.Two ~ " " ~ Type.Three;

void main()
import std.stdio: writeln;


Re: Where is TypeInfo_Class.m_init set

2018-07-30 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 July 2018 at 22:40:21 UTC, Hakan Aras wrote:

I'm trying to use extern(C++) classes with -betterC and I would 
like to initialize their members properly.

I would also like to be able to use `extern(C++)` classes without 
the runtime, but I haven't been able to allocate any time to it 

If you're trying to use `extern(C++)` classes with betterC, and 
the compiler is complaining about `TypeInfo` give me an example 
illustrating the problem, and I might be able to submit a fix to 
the compiler.


Re: Where is TypeInfo_Class.m_init set

2018-07-30 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 31 July 2018 at 00:29:45 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

I'm not sure if this is right, but check

Actually, this looks more like what you're looking for:


Re: Where is TypeInfo_Class.m_init set

2018-07-30 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 30 July 2018 at 22:40:21 UTC, Hakan Aras wrote:

Sorry if this is the wrong category.

Where in the druntime is m_init of TypeInfo_Class set? I'm 
trying to use extern(C++) classes with -betterC and I would 
like to initialize their members properly.

I don't think it is set in druntime, but rather directly emitted 
to the binary by the compiler as part of the object code 
generation.  I'm not sure if this is right, but check  Afterall, the initializer is static data, so there's no need to expend resources setting it at runtime.


Re: Windows 7 x64. Prevent appearing of console with GUI application

2018-07-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 24 July 2018 at 08:09:33 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

So... how prevent appearing of console on the startup of the 

Here's my test
module HelloMsg;

import core.runtime;
import std.utf;

auto toUTF16z(S)(S s)
return toUTFz!(const(wchar)*)(s);

extern (Windows)
int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR 
lpCmdLine, int iCmdShow)

int result;
void exceptionHandler(Throwable e) { throw e; }


result = myWinMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, 

catch (Throwable o)
MessageBox(null, o.toString().toUTF16z, "Error", MB_OK | 

result = 0;

return result;

int myWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR 
lpCmdLine, int iCmdShow)

MessageBox(NULL, "Hello, Windows!", "Your Application", 0);
return 0;

main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol MessageBoxW 
referenced in function WinMain

dmd -L/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS main.d User32.lib

Executing from PowerShell: no console
Executing from Command Prompt: no console
Double-clicking in Explorer: no console

Windows 10 64-bit


Re: Find out druntime/import and phobos folder on Linux

2018-07-14 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 14 July 2018 at 19:04:01 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:

Somehow also the DMD executable needs to know which 
Phobos/DRuntime it should use.

How does DMD is working here? Maybe I can do the same...

DMD determines default import and library paths from the dmd.conf 
file typically at /etc/dmd.conf.


Re: scope(success) lowered to try-catch ?

2018-06-17 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 17 June 2018 at 10:58:29 UTC, Cauterite wrote:


// main.d
void main() {
scope(success) {}

dmd -betterC main.d

Error: Cannot use try-catch statements with -betterC


You can see what the compiler is doing at and clicking on the "AST" button.  
It produces the following:

import object;
void main()
bool __os2 = false;
catch(Throwable __o3)
__os2 = true;
throw __o3;
if (!__os2)
return 0;

The compiler could probably lower that to something more 
intelligent so it could be used in -betterC.  I rule it a bug.


Re: implicit or module-wide @nogc

2018-06-13 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 07:19:24 UTC, Gokhhy wrote:

Nevermind, it doesn't affect functions inside classes and 

Yeah, that's kindof unfortunate isn't it.  Just do the same thing 
within the class/struct scope.

class C {

   void nogcMethod1() {}
   void nogcMehtod2() {}

I would be interested in what influenced the design decision to 
make opting out of garbage collection so difficult.

Because D is more evolution then intelligent design, 


Re: implicit or module-wide @nogc

2018-06-13 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 06:45:27 UTC, Gokhhy wrote:
Is there a way to define an entire module as @nogc or otherwise 
make it so I don't have to qualify every single function as 

You can put attributes at the top of a module followed by a ":" 
to have them apply to everything below them.

module mymodule;


void nogcFunction1() { }

void nogcFunction2() { }


Re: Using stdin/out in a windows application bugs only when compiled to 64bit.

2018-06-07 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 7 June 2018 at 19:19:55 UTC, realhet wrote:


The following narrow test program works fine when compiled with 
DMD to 32bit target:

import std.stdio,, core.runtime;
extern(Windows) int WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE 
hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int iCmdShow)

stdout.flush; //exception
readln; //exception
return 0;

It shows the console window and waits for user input at readln.

If I try to compile this to 64bit target or with LDC (both 32 
and 64) it gets privileged instruction exception at 
stdout.flush. If I comment out flush then it fails at readln.

Is there a way to fix this? I don't wanna lose the console 
window even on 64bit.


You might be running into this issue:

I recall similar issues with a project I was working on, but I 
don't remember all the details now.  Anyway, I ended up with this 
in the end.


Re: Conditionally set nothrow: for a block of code.

2018-05-28 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 24 May 2018 at 18:51:31 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
I'm trying to find a way to declare a block of code `nothrow:` 
when compiling with -betterC, but not `nothrow` when not 
compiling with -betterC.

The solution is needed for this PR:

Walter came up with a solution to this; put the code that is 
conditionally `nothrow` in a template and mix it in in the 
appropriate branch.

void test() { }

mixin template code()
extern(C) void main()
test();   // This should throw an error in -betterC 
because `main` is

  // `nothrow` but `test` isn't. It doesn't work

mixin code;
mixin code;

Thanks, Walter.


Re: Getter an lvalue and cannot be modified

2018-05-27 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 27 May 2018 at 23:21:05 UTC, IntegratedDimensions 

I came across a few posts mentioning this after the fact. It's 
been this way since at least 2012 so... It's now may so not 
sure how much longer we'll have to wait. That pull seems to 
have stalled. So close but so far away ;/

It's currently on me to finish the DIP, but I'd rather find a way 
to implement this in the library, so we can deprecate @property 
altogether favoring fewer, more powerful language features.  The 
more I think about it though, that's probably not feasible.

Anyway, after I finish the DIP it will have to go through the 
review process, and given the current rate of review, that's 
going to take a very long time, unfortunately.


Re: Getter an lvalue and cannot be modified

2018-05-27 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 27 May 2018 at 09:23:09 UTC, IntegratedDimensions 

C[] c;
@property C[] get() { return c; }

get ~= something;

errors out, yet

auto q = get;
q ~= something;

is fine.

Why is D thinking that ~= is being applied to get, the 
function, rather than what it returns?


When I converted a field in to a property, an AA, it is 
returning null rather than being initialized by default. Seems 
like properties are broke. I'd expect a property getter to 
behave, for all intents and purposes as if it were field. I 
shouldn't have to have a temp variable to be able to use it as 

You'll probably get your answer and more by reading this:

TL;DR:  return `ref C[]`


Conditionally set nothrow: for a block of code.

2018-05-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to find a way to declare a block of code `nothrow:` 
when compiling with -betterC, but not `nothrow` when not 
compiling with -betterC.

The solution is needed for this PR:

Attempt #1
void test() { }


extern(C) void main()
test();   // This should throw an error in -betterC because 
`main` is

  // `nothrow` but `test` isn't. It doesn't work

Attempt #2
enum isNoThrow = true;
enum isNoThrow = false;

void test() { }

static if (isNoThrow)

extern(C) void main()
test();   // This should throw an error in -betterC because 
`main` is

  // `nothrow` but `test` isn't. It doesn't work

Attempt #3
enum nothrowValue = "nothrow:";
enum nothrowValue = "";

void test() { }


extern(C) void main()
test();   // This should throw an error in -betterC because 
`main` is

  // `nothrow` but `test` isn't. It doesn't work

Given that the PR above is for object.d, I can't turn the entire 
object.d source file into a string and conditionally mix that in. 
 Does anyone have a solution to this?


Re: property += operator

2018-05-10 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 21:16:12 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

IIRC, there's a DIP for trying to make += work with just 
getters and setters, but I don't know if we're ever going to 
see anything like it in the language.

Yes, the DIP is here:

It's currently stalled while I elaborate on the merits, or lack 
thereof, of a library solution.  The best library implementation 
I've seen is

I'm exploring the idea of continuing with the DIP, or adding 
features (or removing limitations of the language) to make a 
library implementation more appealing.  IMO, it'd be great if we 
could add more composable primitives to the language, and get rid 
of quirky features like @property.


Re: `this` and nested structs

2018-05-09 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 10 May 2018 at 06:22:37 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Structs don't have that.

Should they?

`this` and nested structs

2018-05-09 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

Consider the following code:

struct S
// intentionally not `static`
struct SS
int y() { return x; }  // Error: need `this` for `x` of 
type `int`


int x;
SS ss;

void main()
S s;;

If I change `return x;` to `return this.x;` then of course it 
emits the following error:

Error: no property `x` for type `SS`

My understanding is that `SS` should have a context pointer to an 
instance of `S`, but how do I navigate the members of `S` and 
`SS`.  Is this a bug?


My understanding is that nested structs have an implicit context 
pointer to their containing scope.

Re: Warning on self assignment

2018-04-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 01:20:13 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

It appears a bug has already been filed 
(  I'll see if 
I can fix it.

We'll see what happens.

Re: Warning on self assignment

2018-04-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 01:08:46 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran 
So I was telling my colleague that D would warn on self 
assignment, but found that I was wrong.

module a;

import std.stdio;

void main() {
string a;
a = a;  // Can the compiler warn at this line that 
there is no effect?


Are people using self assignment of structs as a way of 
force-running the postblit?  Is there a valid use case for that?


Re: Warning on self assignment

2018-04-24 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 at 01:08:46 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran 
So I was telling my colleague that D would warn on self 
assignment, but found that I was wrong.

module a;

import std.stdio;

void main() {
string a;
a = a;  // Can the compiler warn at this line that 
there is no effect?


It appears a bug has already been filed 
(  I'll see if I 
can fix it.


Re: dynamically allocating on the stack

2018-04-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 22 April 2018 at 00:41:34 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

You're not using the C library version of it, the compiler does 
the stack space reservation inline for you. There is no way 
around this.

I'm not convinced.  I did some no-runtime testing and eventually 
found the implementation in druntime here:


Re: dynamically allocating on the stack

2018-04-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 21 April 2018 at 19:06:52 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

alloca is an intrinsic, and part of the language technically -- 
it has to be.

From what I can tell `alloca` is only available in the platform's 
C standard library (actually for Linux it appears be part of 
libgcc as `__builtin_alloca`; `alloca` is just and alias for it). 
 Of course I can use 3rd party libraries like C to do this, but 
it seems like something useful to have in the language for 
certain use case and optimizations.  Also, my immediate use case 
if for bare metal microcontroller programming where I'm 
intentionally avoid C and looking for a way to do this in 
idiomatic D.


Re: dynamically allocating on the stack

2018-04-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 21 April 2018 at 07:37:50 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
Does D have some way to dynamically allocate on the stack?  I'm 
looking for something roughly equivalent to the following C 

int doSomething(size_t len)
char stackBuffer[len + 1];

dynamically allocating on the stack

2018-04-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
Does D have some way to dynamically allocate on the stack?  I'm 
looking for something roughly equivalent to the following C code.

int doSomething(size_t len)
char stackBuffer[len + 1];


Inner Classes vs. Inner Structs

2018-03-11 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

This works:

class S {
int n, m;
int sum() { return n + m; }
Inner!(sum) a;

class Inner(alias f){
auto get() {
return f();

This doesn't:

struct S {
int n, m;
int sum() { return n + m; }
Inner!(sum) a;

struct Inner(alias f){
auto get() {
return f(); // Error: this for sum needs to be type S 
not type Inner!(sum)


The only difference between the two is one one uses classes, the 
other uses structs.  My question is, under the current semantics 
of D, shouldn't the two work the same?  That is, shouldn't the 
inner struct in the second example have an implicit context 
reference to the outer struct?  Is this a bug?

Thanks for the help,

Re: LDC / BetterC / _d_run_main

2018-03-09 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 10 March 2018 at 02:25:38 UTC, Richard wrote:

I've been trying to see if I can get an mbed project to work 
with Dlang

basically compiling D code for use on a Cortex-M Proccessor

You might be interested in the following, if you're not already 


The STM32 demo only supports GDC right now, but I'll be updating 
it to support LDC when 2.079.0 lands there.  2.079.0 removes some 
coupling of the compiler to the runtime, so I should be able to 
avoid the following bugs:

so I tried this instead
extern (C) int _d_run_main(int argc, char **argv, void* 
mainFunc) {

MainFuncType mFunc = cast(MainFuncType) mainFunc;
return mFunc(null);

but nope that didn't seem to work ether, compiles okay but the 
code in main() (D space) isn't called

I'd imagine this should be a simple thing, anyone got any ideas?

The following worked fine for me on my x64 Linux desktop with LDC 
version 1.8.0 (DMD v2.078.3, LLVM 5.0.1)

``` main.d
import core.stdc.stdio;

private alias extern(C) int function(char[][] args) MainFuncType;
extern (C) int _d_run_main(int argc, char **argv, void* mainFunc)
MainFuncType mFunc = cast(MainFuncType) mainFunc;
return mFunc(null);

void main()
printf("Hello, World!\n");

Compile with: ldc2 -defaultlib= -debuglib= -betterC main.d


Re: Generic Property Implementation

2018-03-09 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 March 2018 at 14:46:04 UTC, Simen Kjærås wrote:

This is the best I've come up with in the current language:

struct S {
int n;
mixin property!("field", "get => this.n", "set => this.n = 


Not bad.  Not good, but not bad either.

Sadly, there are issues:

1) Wrong return type:
unittest {
S s;
auto a = s.field;
// Fails - typeof(a) is Property!((get) => this.n, (set) => 
this.n = set)

assert(is(typeof(a) == int));

This looks like a related issue:  That's is a 
deal-breaker for me, but I think it could be fixed.

2) Noisy syntax:
If I had my druthers, mixin templates would be mixin'd 
automatically, and eponymous mixin templates would be a thing.

Yes, this would be nice, but I don't think it's a deal-breaker.

3) Stringy functions:
The string literal functions are an eyesore, but would require 
some compiler work to fix. This fails:

struct S {
int n;
mixin property!("field", get => this.n, set => this.n = 


The reason is there's no 'this' at the point of instantiation, 
since we're in the context of the type, not a function where 
'this' makes sense. It seems to me this should be fixable, but 
I have no idea how much work would be required.

Yeah, that's quite unfortunate; writing code in strings stinks.  
I actually prefer the DIP for this issue alone.

4) 'this' in function bodies
It should be possible to write "get => this.n" as "get => n". 
There's no ambiguity as to which 'n' I'm referring to. Filed a 

Thanks for filing the issue.  I just might be able to fix it; 
I'll try.


You've done some great work here.  I spent about an hour on this 
yesterday, and my implementation started to require more and more 
mixing strings to get it to work.

If all of the issues you've identified were addressed, you'd end 
up with something like this (formatted in a C# way).

struct S {
int n;
get =>
set =>
n = set
) field;

That's actually pretty darn good.  It makes me wonder if I should 
work on fixing those issues or continue with the DIP.

If you don't have any objections I'd like to incorporate this 
implementation and your analysis into the DIP.

Thank you again for doing this; you've saved me a awful lot of 
time, and have done more than I probably could have.


Re: Generic Property Implementation

2018-03-08 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 March 2018 at 01:22:15 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

I would like to know if this can be improved to support the 

* binary assignment operators (e.g. +=)
* unary assignment operators (e.g. ++)
* @safe, @nogc, and -betterC compatible
* at least as good code generation as that proposed in the DIP 
when optimizations are enabled.

 * And should be scalable to data that isn't addressable (e.g. 
bitfields).  See

Re: Generic Property Implementation

2018-03-08 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 20 February 2018 at 14:34:53 UTC, bauss wrote:
Would there be a reason why this wouldn't be a good 

If so what and how could it be improved?

Are there flaws in an implementation like this?
[... snip ...]

I am very interested in this as a potential alternative to the 
binary assignment operators for properties DIP 

I would like to know if this can be improved to support the 

* binary assignment operators (e.g. +=)
* unary assignment operators (e.g. ++)
* @safe, @nogc, and -betterC compatible
* at least as good code generation as that proposed in the DIP 
when optimizations are enabled.

D has the philosophy that the language should strive to provide 
composable primitives, and delegate syntactic sugar to libraries. 
 I like that philosophy and I think it would prevent an expense 
of limited resources if we could find a good library 
implementation for this.


Re: VsCode tutorial

2018-03-07 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 7 March 2018 at 21:39:09 UTC, Apocalypto wrote:

Are there any tutorials about D in vscode?

No that I know of.

Which are the minimal plugins to install to have code 
completion, syntax highlighting and code formatting?

I've been getting by with

Are there any app templates that i can invoke to not start 
every project from scratch?

See the usage of `dub init` here:

How can I debug my app?



Re: Game and GC

2018-02-22 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 23 February 2018 at 01:54:07 UTC, Leonardo wrote:

Hi, I'm new to language and games.
Many people say that GC is bad and can slow down your project 
in some moments.
What can happen if I create a game using D without worrying 
with memory management?

(using full GC)

Don't let the GC prevent you from writing a game in D.  D is the 
most flexible language I have ever used; you just need to learn 
how to deal with the GC in your game.

Jonathan M. Davis gave you some good advice and explained the 
fundamental problem with the GC in real time games (the potential 
for pauses during reclamation).  You can avoid that in a number 
of ways like temporarily disabling the GC during the real-time 
part of your game, just to name one.  More can be found in the 
resources below.

automem ( also gives you 
reference counting in D (C++ style), if that will work better for 
your use case.


Re: Tuts/Aritcles: Incrementasl C++-to-D conversion?

2018-02-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 22 February 2018 at 04:16:44 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:
Are there any tutorials or articles out there for "getting 
started with converting a C++ codebase to D one module at a 
time?" Or at the very least: tips, tricks, lessions learned, 
from those who have come before.

These are the resources I'm aware of:


Re: -transition=safe and DIP1000

2018-01-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 21 January 2018 at 10:04:36 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

What is/was `transition=safe`?  I can't find any documentation 
on it.

Well, I found

But, didn't really clear much up for me.

-transition=safe and DIP1000

2018-01-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
I found the following statement in the DIP1000 document 

NB: this DIP is out of sync with -transition=safe 
implementation available in dmd and pending a rewrite. Most key 
points still apply though.

What is/was `transition=safe`?  I can't find any documentation on 

And what does "NB" mean?


Re: Implicit conversion

2018-01-17 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 17 January 2018 at 23:15:33 UTC, Jiyan wrote:

I want to convert from ints implicit to a struct type, so for 

I'm not sure what your actual use case is, but based on the 
example, you can just template `useV`.

import std.stdio;

struct use
int x;

int toInt()
return x;

use fromInt(int v)
return use(v);

alias toInt this; // implicit conversion to int value

this(int v)
{x = v;}

void useP(int v)

void useV(T)(T v)

void main(string[] args)
use a = use(2);
useV(2); // how can i let this work?


Re: -L--demangle=dlang doesn't work

2018-01-06 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 6 January 2018 at 05:44:28 UTC, Venkat wrote:
Why does gcc say "unknown demangling style `dlang'" ? Do I need 
GDC for demangling to work ?

Check your version of binutils with `ld --version`.  It looks 
like it was added in v2.25:

I tested with 2.29.1 and it worked fine for me.


Re: structs inheriting from and implementing interfaces

2017-12-29 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 29 December 2017 at 12:11:46 UTC, rikki cattermole 

Structs are structs, classes are classes.

I'm talking about interfaces, which are neither structs nor 

C++ had the mixed model similar to what you suggested, we got 
it right and kept it nice and separate. This was done on 

I'm comparing with C#, not C++.  And structs implementing 
interfaces does not blur the two concepts, as C# eloquently 


Re: Adding Toc for the "longish" spec pages.

2017-12-29 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 29 December 2017 at 12:06:12 UTC, tipdbmp wrote:
It seems to me that some of the language reference/spec pages 
that are somewhat long,
could provide a Toc (Table of contents) which should help users 
see an overview of what's
there and improve the searchability and the navigation of the 

The 'Functions' page has a Toc already.

If you have a suggestion for improving the documentation, please 
file an issue at  Occasionally 
contributors go fishing for easy issues like that in the issues 
list and will submit pull requests.

Even better, you may want to file a pull request yourself at


structs inheriting from and implementing interfaces

2017-12-29 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

In C#, structs can inherit from and implement interfaces.

using System;

interface IPrint
void Print();

struct MyStruct : IPrint
public void Print()

public class Program
public static void Main()
MyStruct s = new MyStruct();

But in D it doesn't appear possible.

import std.stdio;

interface IPrint
void print();

// Error: base classes are not allowed for struct, did you mean ;?
struct MyStruct : IPrint   // Error: base classes are not allowed 
for struct, did you mean ;?

void print()

void main()
MyStruct s;

Is that simply because it hasn't been implemented or suggested 
yet for D, or was there a deliberate design decision?

Thanks for your insight,


Re: What is 'scope' in function parameter?

2017-12-25 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 25 December 2017 at 10:42:55 UTC, Sobaya wrote:

import std.stdio;

int[] x;

void func(scope int[] a) {
x = a;

void main() {

This code was successfully compiled and printed '[0, 1, 2]'.

But according to, above 
code must cause a compile error.

After a few hours trying to figure out why the compiler didn't 
catch this, I finally figured it out.  You have to add `@safe`.

import std.stdio;

int[] x;

void func(scope int[] a) @safe
x = a;

void main() @safe {

This is one of the things really ticks me off about D; it has all 
the wrong defaults.

At a minimum, the documentation needs clarification.  I encourage 
you to file a  bug report against the documentation at


Re: What is 'scope' in function parameter?

2017-12-25 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 25 December 2017 at 11:09:25 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

import std.stdio;

int[] x;

void func(scope int[] a) {
 x = a;

void main() {

This code was successfully compiled and printed '[0, 1, 2]'.

But according to, above 
code must cause a compile error.

Could you give me any advice?

Walter has been working on DIP 1000, which broadens scope so 
that it affects a lot more types, and that can be triggered 
with the -dip1000 compiler flag, but it's very much a work in 
progress, and I wouldn't advise using it at this point. Without 
it, scope has zero effect on something like a dynamic array.

But we need people to use -dip25 and -dip1000 and provide 
feedback, submit bug reports, etc.. so we can move the 
implementation forward.

Based on your assessment, is Sobaya's test case an indication of 
a bug in -dip1000's implementation?


Re: Finding equivalent of C++ feature in D documentation.

2017-12-23 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 December 2017 at 15:04:30 UTC, kerdemdemir wrote:

Is there any better way for me to search C/C++ equivalent 
features? As a humble suggestion would it make sense to make a 
table with feature names and corresponding name of the same 
feature in other languages ?

Try this:

... and potentially this:

Those resources are community maintained.  When I was first 
learning D, if I encountered a problem and struggled to a 
solution, I would make an attempt to documented it on the D wiki 
to try and save others from having to go through the same 
difficulty.  I encourage you to do the same.


Re: Don't expect class destructors to be called at all by the GC

2017-12-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 19:43:16 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

The gist is, you cannot expect that destructors will be run in 
a timely manner, or at all.

They may be called, and most of the time they are. But the 
language nor the current implementation makes a guarantee that 
they will be called.

I understand that we can't deterministically predict when a 
destructor will be called, but if we can't deterministically 
predict if a destructor will be called, that seems asinine.

What condition(s) would cause a destructor for an object that is 
managed by the GC to potentially not be called?


Re: GC in D and synadard library.

2017-12-21 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 10:49:46 UTC, Dan Partelly wrote:

I started to look into D very recently. I would like to know 
the following, if you guys are so nice to help me:

1. What is the performance of D's GC, what trade-offs where 
done in design , and if a in-deep primer on efficient usage and 
gotchas of the current implementation exists.

I've never independently measured it myself, so I can't say.

2. GC is never good enough. What are the current plans in this 
area for D.

The -betterC feature come to mind.  Walter is trying to convert 
the DMD compiler's backend to D (It's still written in C-like 
C++; only the frontend is in D).  For reasons I don't quite 
understand, he wants to use -betterC and RAII:

But the GC isn't required.  D is an extraordinarily powerful 
language with which you can work around just about any limitation.

In general, please point me to the place where current work on 
D is done.

Work on the D programming language is done primarily in 3 
different repositories:

DMD (reference compiler) -
DRuntime (language runtime library) -

Phobos (standard library) -

3. I need to be able to run with GC totally disabled sometimes. 
In the light of this:
   - are there any features of core language which depend on 
garbage collection ? (i.e unbound arrays, strings ..)

Yes, Exceptions, classes, dynamic arrays, and associative arrays 
come to mind.  But, keep in mind that there are always ways to 
word around this.

   - are there any features from standard library which depend 
on active garbage collection?

I'm not a big user of the standard library, but I believe most 
features of the standard library require the GC.

   - Please point me to a list where there is an exhaustive 
enumeration of which language features *and* library features 
requires GC active. Looking at standard library docs I did not 
seen markings which identify clearly and unequivocally what 
requires GC active and what not.

I don't think such a list exists.  You can compile code with the 
@nogc attribute and the compiler emit errors if you attempt to 
use the GC.

The -vgc compiler option will also tell you where you have GC 

4. Is Andrei Alexandrescu's book from 2009 on D still actual, 
or the language evolution made it obsolete ?

I think there is still great information in that book, and Andrei 
is always a fun author to read.  However, "Programming in D" is 
probably the best place to start -

Some D books are currently on sale for $5 at Packt Publishing:


Don't expect class destructors to be called at all by the GC

2017-12-20 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

"Don't expect class destructors to be called at all by the GC"

I was a bit shocked to read that here:

The document tries to clarify with:
"The garbage collector is not guaranteed to run the destructors 
for all unreferenced objects."

Unfortunately, that doesn't really shed much light on this 
oddity.  So, specifically, under what circumstances are 
destructors not called?


Re: Alias example should supposedly be illegal, but runs fine

2017-12-19 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 December 2017 at 10:37:05 UTC, Michael wrote:
On Tuesday, 19 December 2017 at 02:12:29 UTC, Mike Franklin 
On Tuesday, 19 December 2017 at 02:04:34 UTC, codephantom 

 // Error: Instance symbols cannot be used through types.

I don't understand why you would say that is a bug.

I meant that the example is wrong, and a bug report should be 
filed to fix the example.


Hmm.. but the example is explicitly dealing with when it is 
valid to create an alias for a non-static struct member. Should 
it still not be int? Even if you cannot change it via that 

I don't quite understand what you mean.  `s.i` refers to a symbol 
in the compiler's symbol table.  Therefore, I don't see any 
reason it can't be aliased.  `alias a = b + c;` would be a better 
example to demonstrate that expressions cannot be aliased.


Re: Alias example should supposedly be illegal, but runs fine

2017-12-18 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 19 December 2017 at 02:04:34 UTC, codephantom wrote:

 // Error: Instance symbols cannot be used through types.

I don't understand why you would say that is a bug.

I meant that the example is wrong, and a bug report should be 
filed to fix the example.


Re: Alias example should supposedly be illegal, but runs fine

2017-12-18 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 December 2017 at 23:44:46 UTC, Michael wrote:

I have been looking at the following example found right at the 
end of the section here:

struct S { static int i; }
S s;

alias a = s.i; // illegal, s.i is an expression
alias b = S.i; // ok
b = 4; // sets S.i to 4

and it runs fine to me, including if I add:

I think the example is wrong.  Consider this:

import std.stdio;

struct S
static int i;
int j;
S s;

void main()
s.i = 1;
s.j = 2;

writeln(s.i);  // OK: Static symbols can be used through 

writeln(S.i);  // OK: Static symbols can be used through types
writeln(s.j);  // OK: Instance symbols can be used through 
//writeln(S.j);  // Error: Instance symbols cannot be used 
through types.


Please file a bug report at


Re: No line numbers in stack trace (again)

2017-12-12 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 13:43:38 UTC, Nordlöw wrote:
If I get the following stack trace ___without line numbers___ 
(instead ??:?) what's missing?

and using DMD 2.077.1

Re: Temporary objects as function parameters or when-is-this-shit-going-to-end?

2017-12-08 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 17 October 2017 at 19:00:38 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

In this case, an extra destructor call is made without a 
corresponding postblit or constructor.


Does __gshared have shared semantics?

2014-06-13 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn

In other words, is 'shared __gshared' redundant?

HeadUnshared in core.atomic

2014-06-11 Thread Mike Franklin via Digitalmars-d-learn


I was recently exposed to this template in core.atomic:

template HeadUnshared(T)
static if( is( T U : shared(U*) ) )
alias shared(U)* HeadUnshared;
alias T HeadUnshared;

Could someone please explain/elaborate on what this is doing, and 
why it's necessary and used so often in core.atomic?
