Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Changes (and proposed changes) regarding the Code of Conduct

2018-12-11 Thread Arnulf Christl (aka Seven)
Adding one more comment: Please, I implore you: Do not remove the 
assumption of good faith from OSGeo's principles!

"Assumption of good faith" and "Quietening down somebody" are totally 
different things. In her blog on Annalee somewhat hastily 
mixes the two up when she says:

"The harm is that telling people to “assume good intent” is a sign that 
if they come to you with a concern, you will minimize their feelings, 
police their reactions, and question their perceptions."

OSGeo and any open and welcoming community cannot exist without 
assumption of good faith. The opposite to assuming good faith is perfect 
paranoia which is only destructive. It is also quite impossible to set 
up rules to regulate everything without suffocating. So let us talk and 
interact as best we can from all our gender, cultural and individual 
background. If it starts to get out of hand - and this will happen again 
- look at it closely, have concerned people on a functioning CoC and 
repair the damage.

Unfortunately I have not followed the issue which Sara Safawi indicated 
as her reason to want to leave OSGeo closely enough to be able to 
understand all the intricacies. But it actually did not feel good, even 
from a distance. Maybe a functioning CoC could have helped? People on a 
CoC have to take every complaint serious (reverse citing Annalee): Do 
not "minimize their feelings, police their reactions, and question their 

And lastly, sometimes it is also time to let things go. If Sara has no 
intention of picking this up again we may want to let it rest.



Am 11.12.18 um 02:09 schrieb Daniel Morissette:

I agree with Jonathan here. I also have my own similar personal story 
from ~20 years ago where I used a French expression as the opening 
line in an email where all the rest was in English... and some of the 
recipients (co-workers) could very rightly have been offended. 
Actually some wondered if I might have been mad at them, but instead 
of jumping the gun, they asked me directly, I explained the meaning of 
the French expression and why I used it in this context, they 
explained that there was a corresponding slang word... that day they 
learned a new French expression and I learned a new word of English 
slang. I was not being careless, I simply had no way to know at the 
time that there was a corresponding English slang word that could have 
been offending, because I am not a native English speaker.

We all had a good laugh in the end, but if it was not for their 
assumption of good faith this could have turned into a huge mess.

I realize that not everybody will agree and I am not planning to enter 
this CoC debate... I just wanted to relay an experience.

Stepping out of this thread now.


On 2018-12-10 7:44 p.m., Jonathan Moules wrote:

Hi Maria,

Just a thought, but I'm not sure getting rid of the assumption of 
good faith is a good idea. To do so would be basically assuming 
people are guilty until proven innocent which runs counter to how 
these things should work.

To use a personal anecdote, many years ago I had a black flatmate who 
I was joking around with and I made a comment that it turns out is a 
negative racial epithet. Being young and unworldly, I didn't know 
that at the time and certainly didn't mean it in that context, it 
also has a perfectly innocent context - the only one I'd ever been 
exposed to - which is how I was using it.

Now, reading your link, I can see that the author there 
would suggest I be pilloried for what was an honest mistake. They'd 
say I was being "careless" or "ignorant" and stepping on their toes. 
But I don't think either is fair because it's not reasonable to 
expect people to know everything that could offend everyone, 
especially somewhere as multicultural as the internet.

For example, consider this symbol: 👍a simple thumbs-up emoticon 
that's commonly used to signify "it's all good" and "thanks". Well, 
it turns out that it's "an obscene insult" in some cultures! I didn't 
know that until a few seconds ago when I went searching for a simple 

I have learnt over the years from experiences in both directions that 
it's best to always assume good faith if possible. Humans may be the 
species with the most complex communication on the planet, but that 
doesn't mean we don't fail often.

@Ben - Thanks for sharing World Human Rights day. I'm a long time fan 
of the UNDHR!


On 2018-12-09 12:49, María Arias de Reyna wrote:

Dear OSGeo community,

As you may already know, I have been working for the last months in 
improving our community procedures[1] to make it a safer space. 
Recent events in the community have shown that we have a lot of work 

We all, as OSGeo, must remove the recent bullying and campaigning 
mentality that is unfortunately gradually become a part of our 
culture. Disclosing private data or hinting threats is not helpful 
and can only m

[OSGeo-Discuss] Kudos to the CRO, Board, Members and OSGeo in general

2018-11-29 Thread Arnulf Christl
This is just a big Thank-You and Well-Done to the CRO, current Board,
new nominees, SAC and whoever else may have been involved in setting up
this year's election.

Having been a CRO earlier in the life of OSGeo myself and knowing how
much work this involves I can just bow to the amazing job all of you
did. The future of OSGeo looks bright with such a great team, members
and nominees!

Thank you All!


Spatially enabling your business.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] (no subject)

2017-03-29 Thread Arnulf Christl
thanks for your thoughts but I cannot quite follow your argument. Or
rather, you are just reiterating an old claim by some proprietary
vendors stating that their software provides more operations security
/due to being developed in a proprietary model/. This claim has never
been evidenced and probably cannot be proven anyway.

Please excuse me if I misunderstood your argument.


Am 29.03.2017 um 05:50 schrieb Kiringai Kamau:
> Steven this has been the experience of many corporates as theyrise the   
> ladder of visibility. Indeed from an operations security perspective 
> proprietary solutions end up being cheaper and secure making corporates 
> migrate to proprietary ones. 
> However, if the desire is to just collect data fir value added analytics it's 
> best to retain the open source dynamic. Proper planning always guides the 
> best model to use. 
> Kiringai 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 25 Mar 2017, at 20:06, Steven Feldman  wrote:
>> Implementation, customisation, integration, training, ongoing support, 
>> maintenance and hosting are the main costs regardless of whether the 
>> underlying software is proprietary or open source
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Spatially enabling your business.

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Registration for STDM Code Sprint 2017 opened

2017-03-21 Thread Arnulf Christl
Dear All,

the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) is a concept to model a continuum
of people-to-land relationships in informal environments. Legacy
cadastre and land registry software from the developed world has proven
to lack flexibility and literally does not meet the bill, financially.

The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) has closed this gap by developing
fit-for-purpose STDM software tools under an Open Source license based
on well known core technology including QGIS, PostGIS, GDAL/OGR and
Sahana Eden. To further extend the functionality of these tools and also
to improve the know-how in the region, GLTN organizes a code sprint.

The code sprint is free of cost to attend thanks to the kind sponsorship
of GLTN and OSGeo. A formal application is required including a CV and a
list of practical  experience in the field. Find more details here:
There are limited travel grants available for applicants who fit the
profile and preferably come from Africa, Asia, and South America.
Application closes on March 31st. Register here:

Please apply soon, seats are limited. This is hot. With FOSS4G 2018
coming up in Africa we really, really want to support and grow the
African OSGeo Local Chapter!

Please feel free to forward to your domain, we are trying to avoid lots
of cross postings.

Considered keywords include: land innformation, land administration,
cadastre, social tenure, land rights, open source GIS, QGIS, PostGIS, LADM.

Thank you and best regards,

Arnulf Christl
(OSGeo GLTN Liaison Officer, Organizer)

Spatially enabling your business.

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial at the 2017 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty

2016-10-24 Thread Arnulf Christl
Dear Open Source geo and spatialists,
it appears that the last mail on this topic was too heavily loaded with
URLs and got intercepted by a variety of Spam filters. This is an
abbreviated version. Find the full text and information on the web site
of the 18th Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty held from
March 20 to 24, 2017 in Washington D.C. at

The theme of the conference is "Responsible Land Governance: Towards an
Evidence-Based Approach and invites submission of abstracts." At the
last FOSS4G conference in Bonn Klaus Deininger (Lead Economist at the
Development Research Group of the World Bank) specifically asked for
support from the Open Source Geospatial Community to support the Land
Information Domain with technical know-how.

Two of the Key topic areas of the conference are perfects matches for
our community:

2. Harnessing geospatial data, cloud platforms and other data technologies

Policy application automated data analysis; combining administrative
data, statistics and geospatial data; consistent use imagery; standards
and interoperability; block chains; UAVs; mobile phones; participatory
mapping; open data; open source; spatial data infrastructure; data access.

4. Delivering land administration services at scale

Cost effective and fast expansion of coverage; reliability;
transparency,  monitoring performance;  linking land information systems
to tax, courts, land use, financial institutions; business models for
service delivery; addressing capacity gaps, fit-for-purpose.

Please consider submitting an abstract until end on Midnight October 31,
2016 (Eastern Standard Time). Abstracts require 800 to 1,500 words.

There will also be an "Innovation Fair" with a sessions of Lightning
Talks on geospatial, cloud and data technologies and a session with 90
minute MasterClasses.

Best regards,

Spatially enabling your business.
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] 2017 World Bank Land and Poverty Conference CfP and Registration

2016-10-21 Thread Arnulf Christl
following up from the FOSS4G 2016 conference in Bonn where "Land
Information" was one of the four key topics this CfP from the World Bank
may be of special interest to us.

I have personally attended the last three editions of this conference.
Land Information is obviously all about geospatial and location but the
community is widely unaware of the potential of geospatial software and
even less so about Open Source. There are only a handful of software
vendors in the domain and practically no Open Source providers.

In his keynote at FOSS4G Klaus Deininger (Lead Economist at the
Development Research Group of the World Bank) specifically asked for
support from the Open Source Geospatial Community to support the Land
Information Domain with technical know-how (see the video of his
If we (from the Open Source community in general) manage to get in a
dozen of talks then we may even get a separate conference thread.
Software tools from the FOSS4G domain like QGIS, PostGIS, OpenLayers,
etc. already permeate many projects but are oftentimes not sustainable
because of a lack of service providers and direct contact to the
communities. This domain has basically been waiting for us.

Please note that the deadline for abstracts is approaching fast! See
below for details:

The 2017 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty

will be held from *March 20 to 24, 2017* in Washington D.C. under the
theme of /Responsible Land Governance: Towards an Evidence-Based
Approach/*. *

*Reminder call for paper abstracts *

Please note the deadline for individual paper abstract submission is
*Midnight October 31, 2016 (Eastern Standard Time). *Please check the
conference website

for more information on conference themes, submission instructions and
review process.

*Call for lightning talk proposals: innovation day on March 23*

The conference is partnering with the Open Geospatial Consortium
 to organize the 'Innovation Day'
("lightning talks" presenting use cases, followed by hands-on
demonstrations). Please submit proposal for a lightning talk through
theconference website

(see also priority themes, submission instructions

and review process).

*Call for MasterClass proposals: learning & knowledge sharing day on
March 24*

The knowledge sharing and learning day (March 24) is an opportunity for
presenting and discussing cutting edge tools, research approaches, and
methodologies during focused 90 min sessions. Please submit proposal for
a MasterClass through the conference website (please view the submission

*Early bird registration*

We encourage you to take advantage of the /early bird registration rate
of $250/, which will expire on December 15, 2016.

The conference brings together technical experts, government
representatives, academia, CSO and industry from all over the world.

We very much look forward to your abstracts and meeting you at the

Best regards,
Land Conference Team

Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo and Open Data?

2016-10-17 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hey Jachym,
maybe that was a misunderstanding. Yes, OSGeo focuses on software but we
also have an official geodata committee (sometimes called Public
Geodata, sometimes Open Geodata):

It is not active currently but there have been some activities like
signing an Open Letter regarding the INSPIRE Directive and signing an
amicus  brief for an open data court case in California (2012):

OSGeo supports and partners with OpenStreetMap in several events, some
local chapters support both organizations (like FOSSGIS e.V. in Germany,
currently discussing whether to also become an official OSMF local

So yes, some things have been going on but less actively and maybe more
on a reactive basis. Kind of: If somebody approaches OSGeo with a good
cause we are happy to support it.

And Open Data is always a topic on FOSS4G conferences.


On 17.10.2016 11:37, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
> Hi Sanghee,
> I was told some months ago (and I believe, it was Jeff), that we
> ( are solely software foundation - therefore we do not care
> about open data
> maybe things have changed?
> J
> po 17. 10. 2016 v 5:08 odesílatel Sanghee Shin  > napsal:
> Dear all,
> Can anybody share presentation file about the OSGeo and open data,
> if any? I’m invited to give a keynote talk at ‘Open Data in Action
> Conference’[1] in Korea and I don’t want to make the file from the
> scratch.
> FYI, OSGeo Korea[2], R Korea[3], Open Data Institute(ODI) Seoul[4],
> Open Knowledge(OK) Korea[5] will co-host the event on 15th Nov near
> Seoul. The main theme of the conference is ‘Experiment on Open Data
> based Society.’ Anybody who has similar interest can join this
> conference.
> Kind regards,
> 신상희
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> ---
> Shin, Sanghee
> Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Spatially enabling your business.
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4GNA - Someone is watching you :-o

2015-12-16 Thread Arnulf Christl
trident Location Tech 
>> bashing going on, and it is getting to be tiring. Let's stick to 
>> keeping OSGeo a fun, useful champion of free and open geospatial 
>> without becoming anti-anything-free, partisan and possibly
>> irrelevant.
>> -- Puneet Kishor Just Another Creative Commoner 
>> ___ Discuss mailing
>> list <> 
>> ___ Discuss mailing
>> list <> 
> ___ Discuss mailing list 

- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Director)
The metaspatial Institute Certification:
Open Source - Open Data - Open Standards
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] NSA - Someone is swatting you :-o

2015-12-16 Thread Arnulf Christl
>>> -- 
>>> Ian Edwards
>>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 9:56 AM, Puneet Kishor >> <>> wrote:
>>> > On Dec 16, 2015, at 3:07 PM, Pat Tressel >> <>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > If you want to point at a company as being the Evil Empire
>>> these days, you'd be more accurate pointing at Apple (cancelling
>>> licenses for Mac clones, suicides at Foxconn, restrictions on gettin
>>> apps on iTunes, removing fitness tracker products from their stores
>>> because they might compete with the Apple Watch, etc. -- do a search
>>> for "apple anti competitive practices")
>>> You were doing fine until above. The rest of your post is indeed
>>> very relevant and useful and argues correctly for sanity instead
>>> of knee-jerk accusations (until the above assertions, of course)
>>> The point is, there seems to be a fairly strident Location Tech
>>> bashing going on, and it is getting to be tiring. Let's stick to
>>> keeping OSGeo a fun, useful champion of free and open geospatial
>>> without becoming anti-anything-free, partisan and possibly
>>> irrelevant.
>>> --
>>> Puneet Kishor
>>> Just Another Creative Commoner
>>> ___
>>> Discuss mailing list
>>> <>
>>> ___
>>> Discuss mailing list
>>> <>
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Director)
The metaspatial Institute Certification:
Open Source - Open Data - Open Standards
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4GNA - Someone is watching you :-o

2015-12-16 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Paul, Daniel,


Arnulf (OSGeo President Emeritus)

On 16.12.2015 18:16, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Agree w/ Daniel in all ways. We want our events to succeed, no? So we
> use marketing techniques to do so. Emails and so on. And we track who
> opens them so we can get better at marketing. Like any other business
> trying to succeed. Mail chimp is currently convenient, in the past
> other technologies were convenient (I spammed people in 2007 using a
> custom perl script, because I am a God Among Men), in the future
> different technologies will be convenient. But they are all going
> towards making a good event.
> Naturally the first targets of marketing the event will be people who
> have attended past events under the same/similar umbrella. I provided
> the 2007 attendance list to foss4g events for a number of years until
> it had grown entirely stale. I felt good about it. I revelled in the
> goodness of it.
> I have spammed. I will spam again, in the service of a good cause.
> That is my weakness. That is my strength.
> P.
> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 7:20 AM, Daniel Morissette
>  wrote:
>> On 2015-12-16 10:00 AM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
>>> On 2015/12/16 18:37, Pat Tressel wrote:
>>>> MailChimp is a very popular product. If you have a provable accusat
>>>> against them -- that they were acting **independently of the accoun
>>>> administrator** to alter lists, then that would be significant. As 
>>>> has stated, MailChimp did not do something by itself. The list was
>>>> aggregated from previous lists and events in which people participa
>>> I have also received a similar unsolicited mail. I would like to kno
>>> who has authorized
>>> the aggregation and usage of email address from "previous lists and
>>> events in which
>>> people participated". I think every event has a privacy policy and
>>> e-mail address provided
>>> are only to be used for communicating about the specific event and n
>>> for aggregating for
>>> future use.
>> For the record, the use of such mailing services for FOSS4G promotion
 is not
>> new. Even FOSS4G 2015 (Seoul) used MailChimp in a very similar way, I
>> have some of their mails in my archives, and I'm sure other past even
ts did
>> as well but I didn't bother digging any further.
>> How can you realistically expect to do outreach to new people if you 
>> announce your event on osgeo-discuss?
>> This anti-anything-locationtech-does drama is becoming boring, please
>> get over it.
>> --
>> Daniel Morissette
>> T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
>> - Location Intelligence Made Easy
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Director)
The metaspatial Institute Certification:
Open Source - Open Data - Open Standards
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board election: no re-elections this year?

2015-09-25 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

There are several really good answers to this question. Michael Gerlek
provided the stats and Hans Gregers Peterson nailed it in his post here
(thanks to both!):

This is a really good insight and worthwhile to read.

Some more personal notes here:


On 23.09.2015 09:17, Gert-Jan van der Weijden wrote:
> Hello list,
> Preparing to cast my vote for the board election, I noticed that all 4
> (Jáchym, Bart, Gérald, Jorge) board members who reached the end of the
> 2-year term are not standing for re-election. (besides that: Anne
> decided not to stay for her 2nd year of her 1st term)
> Some questions arise:
> - Is the board membership such a demanding job that members always
> resign after 2 years?
> - Is this a good thing, to make sure we dont'have board members who ar
> tied to their seats?
> - Or is this a bad thing, with board members switching too fast to rea
> their goals?
> Respones from anybody are as always appreciated, but the 4+1 resigning
> board members and the current candidates are especially invited to giv
> their humble opinion on this.
> Regards,
> Gert-Jan
> Gert-Jan van der Weijden
> Voorzitter Stichting
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Director)
The metaspatial Institute Certification:
Open Source - Open Data - Open Standards
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] 2015 Charter Member elections

2015-06-30 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

thanks from here too for this very useful recap. I posted it more or
less verbatim to the discussion page of the Charter Members article in
the Wiki:

on the OSGeo Wiki we currently have 605 "self categorized" OSGeo members:

This is the best we can currently do for anybody who is interested in
becoming an OSGeo member apart from subscribing to the Discuss mailing
list or being nominated as a "Charter Member" to be then elected by an
eclectic group of geospatial whizzes.

Just to reiterate: "Charter Members" are usually those who set up the
charter of an organization:
"A charter member of an organization is an original member; that is, one
who became a member when the organization received its charter."
- From

After signing the Charter they can continue to participate actively in
the organization, go away or even die - without any of this actually
changing the Charter.

What is OSGeo's Charter? My guess is that the section "About the Open
Source Geospatial Foundation" contains what we would consider our Charter.

As a legal body incorporated in Delaware, USA we needed to implement how
the newly founded organization should support this charter. This has
been written into the bylaws:

In "ARTICLE VII Members" of our bylaws we specify how we plan to manage
membership. There is no talk of "Charter Members", just "members".
Looking at what we did almost 10 years ago it was probably the right
thing to do at that time. But it may be good for an update. My
suggestion is to change this section into regular membership and remove
the self-pollinating aspect. At the same time we could update our
"About" section into a proper Charter and then go ahead and operate as
any regular member association.

On a personal note: I do not see any danger of a hostile take-over. This
was an important catch we put into the DNA of OSGeo when we founded it.
There never was a hostile take-over and I cannot really see it coming.
We are big enough to not need to fear this anymore. And we would make
OSGeo a much more open and welcoming organization if we moved away from
this somewhat strange self pollinating system.

I am not really passionate about this and only consider it an overdue
maintenance patch to how OSGeo functions. If there is no broad interest
I am happy to drop the ball, otherwise I am as happy to help build a
more appropriate member mechanism.

Best regards,

- -- 
Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
OSGeo President Emeritus
OSGeo Founding and Charter Member

On 30.06.2015 13:24, Gert-Jan van der Weijden - Stichting wrote:
> Vasile: thanks for this very useful recap. 
> A few remarks from a relative newbie as I am ;-)  
> - the name of the wiki page with the charter members is already called
> "voting members" ;-)
> - the charter member list grows and grows. Over the year only 1 person
> retired from the charter member list
> - charter membership seems to drift towards a title of honour, instead of a
> mechanism for proper board elections and prevent a hostile take-over
> - the voting participant rate for the board elections is low over the years:
> 70% - 85%. I would expect 100%!
> Therefore, I'd suggest a voting membership with:
> - a fixed number of seats (e.g. 72)
> - with a certain numbers of seats reserved for each region [51], (e.g. 6*6,
> and thus 36 remaining "wildcard"-seats).
> - in case of not enough candidates, or note enough votes for a candidate
> from a certain region, seats can remain empty
> - a 3 term (instead of a lifetime membership, re-election possible)
> - and a mechanism in which not all seats are elected every year, but
> one-third every year, and thus all seats once every three years
> Just my 2 eurocents,
> Gert-Jan
> [51]
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van:
> [] Namens Vasile Craciunescu
> Verzonden: maandag 29 juni 2015 15:08
> Aan: OSGeo Discussions
> Onderwerp: [OSGeo-Discuss] 2015 Charter Member elections
> Dear all,
> First of all, please accept my apologies for the delay in sending this
> message to you and, again, apologies for the length of the message.
> Let's start with some basic information about the charter member elections
> followed by a little bit of history. I know that many of you already know
> the details but the 

[OSGeo-Discuss] MYGEOSS - Open Data Challenge

2015-03-21 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

this may be interesting for our open geodata group. Have an application
using and leveraging Open Data, preferably in the EU? Then check this out:

Have fun,
- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Director)
The metaspatial Institute:
Open Source Data Standards
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo in Belgium

2015-03-18 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

On 17.03.2015 23:34, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Dirk Frigne  
> wrote:
>> 1. Do you agree with the fact that we investigate how we can join forces
>> with the open knowledge foundation Belgium to start up the Belgium
>> chapter of OSGeo
> We should definitely work together. I believe we should first set our
> goals with OSGeo Belgium and then choose whether it makes sense to be
> under their umbrella.
> Kind Regards,
> Johan

...sounds like a good plan.

This mail is purposefully cross posted to the Local Chapters Mailing
List [0] since that is the place where we try to collect information for
folks interested in acting locally.

Just a few notes from experience: Running a legal entity to organize
things actually eats up a good chunk of volunteer resources which could
be better used to actually promote Open Source, organize conferences and
so on.

The "German language chapter" as we call it, operates a legal entity,
the FOSSGIS e.V. [1]. This did not prevent us from having the 2013
edition of the annual FOSSGIS conference take place in Rapperswil,
Switzerland [2] (Note to foreigners: Swiss are *not* Germans and
typically also speak French, Italian and Romansh).

Same for Austria where we have an OSGeo Day at every AGIT [3] conference
since 2006 and will have a full fledged German language FOSSGIS
conference in 2016 (a few months prior to FOSS4G in Bonn). Next note to
foreigners: Never ever even suggest to an Austrian that she is "German" :-)

So we (the OSGeo tribe at large) try to cater for everybody who speaks
the same language here and at the same time minimize the effort we need
to put into operating a legal entity. Even OpenStreetMap likes us and
uses the FOSSGIS e.V. as the legal body to manage their local budget,
fund their servers, accounting, GPS rental and so on.

This is just an example how things can work together even across
cultural differences and that you do not need to have a legal entity in
place to organize national or regional conferences and meetings.

Have fun,


- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Director)
The metaspatial Institute Certification:
Open Source - Open Data - Open Standards
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Unable to Upload JPG on Wiki

2014-11-23 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

On 23.11.2014 08:04, Ravi Kumar wrote:
> Pl solve the problem of uploading Jpg/png on wiki.
> Has the method changed from the one on Wiki ?
> Ravi

this link works fine for me. What is not working for you?

Best regards,

- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Director)
The metaspatial Institute Certification:
Open Source - Open Data - Open Standards
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Hacking OSGeo

2014-09-15 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

I believe that Daniel is actually right in what he says - given that I
understand the point he is trying to make. There are differences
between OSGeo and LocationTech and trying to talk them away will not
get us anywhere. And its not "bad" or "goo" either way, we just
operate differently.

The point is that in OSGeo you cannot move anything at all as a
business, not directly. In LocationTech you become a corporate member,
pay money and in return have influence over certain things and get
support. Directly geared towards your specific needs. OSGeo does none
of those things.

As an individual (with or without business) you can become the
committee chair and an OSGeo officer with absolutely no preconditions,
no money needed, no organizational backing and no other hierarchy.
Just because othes think you are doing a cool job and have accumulated
enough merit to go ahead as a leader. This would not work in this way
in LocationTech.

Both ways have reasons to exist and are good. Right?


Am 2014-09-15 10:45, schrieb Jeff McKenna:
> On 2014-09-15 1:22 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> the members in OSGeo are individuals and the members in 
>> Eclipse/LocationTech are businesses
> Daniel this statement is not true, regarding OSGeo.  OSGeo members
> are made up of all walks of life, and many are running private
> businesses all around the world.  I have visited their
> organizations/offices myself in my FOSS4G travels throughout the
> years.
> However I cannot change how you feel.
> This part is unfortunate, these strong statements made publicly,
> which I feel are made to divide our community.
> Let me reinforce: our OSGeo community and our FOSS4G events (of
> all sizes) are geared for everyone and anyone, with no sole focus
> on one type of community.  And as the President of OSGeo, I am
> happy to represent all of the members, of any kind :)
> -jeff
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Membership fee (was: Proposed process for selecting OSGeo charter members)

2014-06-24 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

good points, thanks. I strongly believe that paying a fee for one type
of membership must not estrange anybody else who wants to participate.
And I don't think that this is in the interest of anybody proposing a
paid scheme.

Trying to gauge the volunteer effect to decide whether somebody is
"worthy" or not takes somebody to actually measure. Who would be this
poor sod? What should she measure and how? Mission impossible and no
fun, so forget it. :-)

I guess the paid membership - if it comes, will just be complimentary
to what we have. Ideally we can somehow carry all Charter Members over
to a paid model, just because it would simplify our process so much.
And maybe this is also a perfectly sound step to more professionalism.
This does not mean that those who do not pay are less professional,
instead they will also profit from a more professional environment.

Having said that, all who use the word "professionalism" have probably
just run out of sound arguments. :-)


On 06/24/2014 02:38 PM, María Arias de Reyna wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been reading this conversation silently and for my point of
> view, if paying helps OsGeo, then subsctription fees are welcome.
> But there is a big but: for students and people who are
> unemployed, subsctription fees can be very discouraging. It
> happened to me with IEEE and I still haven't returned to them after
> so many years. Once I couldn't pay the membership, it was like
> forcing me to go away. I know that OsGeo is more open and that even
> people who is not a member can participate actively on mailing
> lists and projects but... it helps if you feel that you are part of
> the community.
> So, couldn't we add some kind of volunteer work to compensate the
> fee on some cases? For example: people that work on maintenance of
> the servers, or translate very hard or help on conferences, can
> they get a discounted or even free subscription?
> This way, all OsGeo members will contribute to OsGeo (with fees or
> work) and people who are very active but cannot pay the fees will
> have also recognition.
> Just a random thought.
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Mateusz Łoskot
>>> wrote:
> On 24 June 2014 14:02, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas  > wrote:
>> El 24/06/14 13:26, Mateusz Łoskot escribió:
>>> Shortly, I see nothing wrong in expecting as an organisation 
>>> that if an individual aims and agrees to be nominated for OSGeo
>>> Charter Member she/he also agrees to donate on
> yearly/monthly basis.
>> Yes but I see that as different things, one is being nominated
>> and elected as member, and other being an active sponsor of the 
>> organization.
>> They are complementary, some people want to be involved on the
>> organization donating time, others maybe just want to donate
> funds,
>> and finally some crazy people both :-)
> So, you prefer that Charter Members and non-Charter Members is not
> differentiated (among other things) by paid membership.
>> But when it comes on deciding who is on the board or any other
> important
>> issue, I prefer having a membership that has been in one way or
>> the other elected by the community, not one that has paid their
>> annual
> fee.
> AFAIU, nobody proposed to replace Charter Members election with
> membership fees, but to complement the former with the latter.
 Ha! Not exactly that, but maybe doing better outreach effort
 to show where the money is used would help to a better
 understanding of
> the need
 of funds.
 Budgets are published and anyone willing to ask can reach
 them, but maybe being more proactive on showing the need for
 money could
> help to
 increase the perception that maintaining OSGeo is not free
> free beer).
>>> Yes, but that is more a technical issue. So, it's the easiest
>>> one to solve, I think.
>> It's not important now but anyway I didn't explain well myself.
>> I
> see it
>> as an organizational and marketing issue. As our treasurer, the
> task of
>> publicly remembering where the money comes and goes is probably
>> one of most ungrateful jobs anyone can have here, only for a
>> tireless
> special one.
> The books show where the money comes from and where it goes, so
> still technical issue, but yes it requires hard work to maintain. 
> However, the marketing a different issue that is much 
> harder to work on than the former one, I think.
> Best regards, -- Mateusz  Łoskot, 
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list  
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposed process for selecting OSGeo charter members

2014-06-23 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

On 06/23/2014 09:33 PM, wrote:
> I am very dissapointed in this whole membership/fees discussion.
> In reading the emails one does not see the international volunteer
> community I would like to think OSGEO is (should be), but it rather
> seems we are dealing with a US-based professional organisation,
> mostly keen on not paying US taxes, and that is not what I want
> OSGEO to become...

Hey Barend,
if it makes you feel any better - I can still see the volunteer driven
OSGeo and have no intention to drop out just because there are ideas
to move to a more consistent way of mapping members. I have been CRO
in two consecutive years and cannot see any advantage in sticking with
the non-system we have had so far. Instead, my hopes are that a fee
based membership can broaden the base we are one. It would make so
many things so much easier.

I also believe that we have grown to a size where we do not have to
fear a hostile takeover so that a lot of the self-referencing and
sustaining mechanisms we put in place to start with are not required
any more.

It would be a pity if others and especially existing OSGeo Charter
Members would feel negatively about the proposed suggestions so I beg
you all to voice your concerns now. And we should make sure that we
pass any changes of this format by the existing Charter Members and
make sure there is a fat majority of support for it. Otherwise we
would betray our principles which is exactly what we tried to prevent
with the existing system in place.

Have fun,

> -- Barend Köbben ITC - University of Twente PO Box 217, 7500AE
> Enschede (The Netherlands) +31-(0)53 4874 253 @barendkobben
> On 23-06-14 21:00, "Alex Mandel" 
> wrote:
>> On 06/19/2014 11:58 AM, Peter Baumann wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> good - and important! - discussion! Being Charter Member I am
>>> somewhat concerned:
>>> - I am surprised that the common democratic procedure of
>>> election is perceived as creating "dissent".
>> Well it's somewhat conjecture without public confirmation that
>> someone walked away from OSGeo because they didn't get picked.
>>> - yes, democracy is expensive, but generally it is considered
>>> worth the effort. - is "lifelong membership" compatible with
>>> community participation?
>> Nope and we've actually have discussed in the past what the rules
>> should be to weed out charter members who no longer particpate in
>> the community.
>>> - "Recognised OSGeo Community Leaders" seem to get determined
>>> in a very special, selective way (as compared to standard
>>> election procedures).
>>> Altogether, the criteria seem to make OSGeo a self-sustaining
>>> group: insiders will remain insiders for a lifetime, outsiders
>>> will...well, face a hurdle.
>>> So the contrary of "open".
>>> Just an idea: what about applying the OSGeo incubation
>>> checklist to OSGeo itself to determine feasible procedures?
>>> cheers, Peter
>> I think the discussion of membership fees is timely this year now
>> that we officially have our IRS 501c4 status. Why, well when we
>> were aiming for 501c3 that would have given us donations as tax
>> write offs for US members. Without that incentive to donate,
>> membership now seems like it might be the way to push individuals
>> to donate.
>> The amount should be researched quite a bit though, factoring in
>> how to reach maximum membership, with lowest overhead (collecting
>> and tracking membership will incur a cost).
>> Since we don't maintain a huge office, an in print journal, a
>> lobbyist or things like that we should be able to be much lower
>> that other professional societies. I agree it should be relative
>> to country of members, and there probably should be some sharing
>> in places where local chapters exist - or the local chapters
>> trust us to split the money back to them for things they need.
>> I'd suggest something in the $20-$30 US, students $5-$10. Maybe
>> with a sliding scale like PBS or Kickstarter, where if you
>> voluntarily pay more in a given year you get swag of some sort.
>> I'm trying to avoid the syndrome (I'm guilty of this) where one
>> pays for membership only in a year when it will get you a
>> discount worth more than the membership for the conference.
>> I agree with Arnulf that these decisions should probably go to
>> e-vote of all the current charter members, the boards
>> responsibility is to put forward a coherent plan for the vote.
>> Obviously if the board all hates the ideas it should stop there
>> for now.
>> Thanks, Alex
>> ___ Discuss mailing
>> list 
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposed process for selecting OSGeo charter members

2014-06-23 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

On 06/23/2014 08:46 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> Comparing to is somewhat 
> challenging (seems to be in no particular order, perhaps random
> order on purpose).
> Thanks, Alex

What do you mean "random order"? The list is carefully ordered by
surname except in those cases where the concept of a given and surname
and the order does not apply in which case the order is - erm -
probably random... :-)

Here are the names with nationalities and year-joined in a spreadsheet:

I am happy that this conversation started and can see good ideas
coming in.


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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Proposed process for selecting OSGeo charter members

2014-06-17 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

> Is the board going to vote on this proposal or all charter
> members?
> Thanks, Alex

This is actually a good question and maybe points towards a new way of
leveraging our Charter Membership. I would think that it would be
worthwhile to pass major changes in the way the organization operates
by the Charter Members. They basically "own" the organization and
(should) have vetted interests in how it takes shape. In the long run
[1] I can see an electronic voting tool where every now and then
something bubbles up the board deems relevant enough that all (a
majority, quorum, etc.) of our Charter Members wrap their heads around.

Have fun,

[1] The definition of "long" is directly proportional to the level of
interest we can trigger in Charter Membership, so maybe indefinite. :-)

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Anyone available to speak about OSGeo at FIG in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia?

2013-11-18 Thread Arnulf Christl
>> <>
>> *From:*Claudia Stormoen Pedersen *Sent:* 18. juli 2013 11:00 
>> *To:* Claudia Stormoen Pedersen *Subject:* FIG Congress 2014,
>> Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – CALL FOR PAPERS
>> Dear friend and colleague,
>> It is our great pleasure to invite you to the*XXV FIG
>> International Congress 2014* which will be held at the *Kuala
>> Lumpur Convention Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 16th to
>> 21th June 2014*. The Congress is hosted by the International
>> Federation of Surveyors, FIG and the Association of Authorised
>> Land Surveyors Malaysia, PEJUTA as the local host. The main
>> partners of this Congress are the partnering agencies and bodies
>> of United Nations and the World Bank, allied international and
>> regional professional and non-governmental organizations are also
>> supporting this FIG Congress in 2014.
>> The overall theme of the Congress is “*Engaging the Challenges – 
>> Enhancing the Relevance*”. There is a specific reason for
>> choosing this theme. A wise man once remarked, “In every Failure,
>> therein lies the Seed of Achievement’”; we share the opinion that
>> “In every Challenge, therein lies the Seed of Enhancing
>> Relevance” for Surveyors across the Globe, who have been
>> diligently enhancing skills and knowledge, whilst exploring new
>> technological platforms to deliver quality services, and
>> contributing to the nation building success of their respective
>> countries.
>> The technical programme will include a broad professional and 
>> scientific programme: during 4 consecutive days, offering up to
>> 10 parallel sessions and workshops. This will allow more than
>> 700 presentations in the entire broadness of the surveying
>> profession. The carefully prepared Technical Programme will offer
>> both specially invited high profile presentations and papers that
>> are selected through the open call for papers procedure.
>> This Call for Papers is announced both for *peer review* papers
>> and *non-peer review* papers. Detailed information and important
>> dates are attached.
>> We invite you to submit abstract and full paper for *peer review
>> paper by 1 November 2013 *and abstract for*non-peer-review paper
>> by 1 December 2013. *Please use this link 
>> Submission of abstract
>> will open end of August 2013.
>> You will find more information in the attached invitation and on
>> the conference
>> <>. At this stage we do not have all
>> information needed but the website is continuously updated.
>> We look forward to receiving your abstract.
>> Kind regards,
>> *Claudia Stormoen* FIG Office and Events Coordinator
>> Description: Description: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: 
>> cid:image001.jpg@01CC1EEC.0552F660
>> International Federation of Surveyors Fédération Internationale
>> des Géomètres Internationale Vereiningung der
>> Vermessungsingenieure
>> International Federation of Surveyors Kalvebod Brygge 31-33 
>> DK-1780 Copenhagen V Tel: + 45 3318 5505 Fax: + 45 3886 0252 
>> <> 
>> <>
>> Description: Description: Beskrivelse: 2014_logo_simple_150 *FIG
>> Congress 2014 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16-21 June 2014* Web site:
>> <>
>> Description: Description: FIG_Sofia_2015_logo_200
>> *FIG Working Week 2015 – Sofia, Bulgaria 17-21 May 22, 2015*
>> Web site: <>
>> Subscribe monthly FIG e-Newsletter at: 
>> <> Join FIG
>> at LinkedIn: 
>> Join
>> FIG at Twitter:
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 
Arnulf Christl
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Inaugural webinar of ”Open Geospatial Science & Applications” webinar series on 18th October

2013-10-18 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

I support your initial bewilderment, no need to appologize. The OCG is
also stuck on gotomeeting and I always have to borrow a Mac or
participate from my mobile phone which makes the whole effort suck. I
think we should try to avoid these solutions as widely as we can.

I like your suggestion to support But I
would like to get some more realworl feedback on folks who have used it,
I have no experience at all with this software.

Having said that - do we really need a full fledged *conference*
software to transmit a webinar? That feels a bit overblown. Even
reveal.js has a server push version to direct slides to many people -
and that is just JavaScript. 8-) Talk through a regular radio stream and
receive questions through IRC, Twitter, or whatever else people throw at

I am probably hilariously oversimplifying things but I really don't
think we need to go webex or gotomeeting for a seminar.


On 18.10.2013 17:08, Margherita Di Leo wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Miles Fidelman
>>> wrote:
> Lluís Vicens wrote:
> On 18/10/13 15:05, Norman Vine wrote:
> On Oct 18, 2013, at 8:57 AM, Margherita Di Leo
>  <>
> <mailto:dileomargherita@gmail.__com
> <>>> wrote:
> Hi!
> looks like the system requirements for the platform
> chosen for the webinar do not support Linux.. I just
> received the confirmation email with the specs. I mean,
> are you kidding?
> Work-arounds (or lack thereof) aside - the "are you kidding" comment
> still applies.  Just as a not, webex DOES support Linux.
> This is absurd.
> I apologize if i sounded too “harsh” in my previous comment, and would
> like to add that I really appreciate the webinar initiative and thank
> all those involved in that. 
> That said, my point is that the technology used for deliver OSGeo's
> message is not a mere detail. Of course, the best choice would be to use
> an open source software for that, honestly I'm not aware if there are
> any (reliable). 
> But, whatever platform you choose, should IMHO at very least not
> discriminate against Linux users, which are often constrained to use
> tricks to access other services elsewhere.. because it's simply
> exhausting [1], and we shouldn't expect to be discriminated against by
> those who are supposed to deliver the very same message that we do.
> Thanks and best regards
> madi
> [1]
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Dr. Margherita DI LEO
> Scientific / technical project officer
> European Commission - DG JRC 
> Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
> Via Fermi, 2749
> I-21027 Ispra (VA) - Italy - TP 261
> Tel. +39 0332 78 3600   
> <>
> Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may
> not in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of
> the European Commission.
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Director)
The metaspatial Institute Certification:
Open Source - Open Data - Open Standards
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Copy Left and Copyright for Geospatial software

2013-10-17 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

On 17.10.2013 08:26, Ravi Kumar wrote:
> How many of the OSGeo Softwares are Copy Left and Copy Right
> Pl give a link where therationale is explained especially for OSGeo.
> I am aware that Free Software Foundation has things explained.
> This is to a great extent true only in countries like USA where software
> can be copy righted.
> In many countries software does not come under Copyright. Example: India.

this is interesting. What kind of rights are attributed (if any) to
software in India?

There is a comparable / yet very different issue in continental European
legal systems. "Copyright" did not exist here until they were introduced
from anglo-saxon jurisdictions in the last century together with patents
and the like. "We" instead had "originator's rights" which is an
intangible asset / cannot be "sold" like copyrights. The concept of
copyright, patents and "IP" is now enforced by WTO, WIPO and the like
and keeps the machine running for good or bad.

Free and Open Source Software licenses come from within the legal system
of Copyrights and re-implements a commons which works perfectly (other
than the tragic materialistic commons). But people lack an understanding
of the difference between sharing material goods and digital goods [7].

I believe the closest to a rationale on OSGeo's take on Free and Open
Source Software (but not an officially endorsed position) can be found
in recursive loops here:



- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Director)
The metaspatial Institute Certification:
Open Source - Open Data - Open Standards
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] UK Interoperability Assessment Plugfest - Reply to Mike Saunt

2013-10-10 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

well said, I agree. But we may want to improve / enhance this message
some more because it is one of the key aspects of Open Source. You
want it? We want provide to provide it. What do we need? A well
defined scope of the problem (outcome of a plug-fest). To get there we
ideally want a concise user story (plan what plugs to test in the
fest). Then we need a commitment to get the funding to implement it.

As a result you get the feature you need in forseeable time - as Open
Source and for all to share.

For us Open Sourceres this is obvious but for many used to proprietary
software thinking this is not obvious at all. Therfore... /me is
preaching to the converted crowd here, sorry about that. :-)


On 10/09/2013 01:14 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
> My point was more that a "negative result" is a positive
> opportunity to fund our open source projects :D -- Jody Garnett
> On 09/10/2013, at 8:12 PM, Ian Edwards  <>> wrote:
>> Hi Jody, all
>> Take a look at the Iris project on OSGeo live for powerful NetCDF
>> handling
>> The OSGeo Live 7.0 version of the NetCDF4 python library
>> dependency is broken, but can be easily fixed with...
>> pip install -I netCDF4==1.0.4
>> Ian
>> On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Jody Garnett
>>>> wrote:
>> For the Sydney "Climate Change Interoperability Plugfest" we had
>> a different kind of response. Much of the climate change data
>> was provided in NetCDF "format" which most of those participating
>> were unable to deal with.
>> This kind of response highlighted an opportunity for funding. -- 
>> Jody Garnett
>> On 01/10/2013, at 6:36 AM, Peter Cotroneo 
>> > <>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'd like to address Mike Saunt's concerns about the negative
>> backlash if software doesn't have a positive outcome during the
>> UK Interoperability Assessment Plugfest.
>>> It’s a valid concern indeed, but the general philosophy of the
>> plugfest is that there should be no negative outcome.  If issues 
>> are uncovered during sprint 1, then vendors have time to either 
>> fix them or to indicate how they will resolve them in the future 
>> through their road maps.  I believe the latter will be seen as 
>> quite positive in the GI industry.
>>> Peter This email is only intended for the person to whom it is
>> addressed and may contain confidential information. If you have 
>> received this email in error, please notify the sender and
>> delete this email which must not be copied, distributed or
>> disclosed to any other person.
>>> Unless stated otherwise, the contents of this email are
>>> personal
>> to the writer and do not represent the official view of Ordnance 
>> Survey. Nor can any contract be formed on Ordnance Survey's
>> behalf via email. We reserve the right to monitor emails and
>> attachments without prior notice.
>>> Thank you for your cooperation.
>>> Ordnance Survey Adanac Drive Southampton SO16 0AS Tel: 08456
>>> 050505
>>> <>
>>> _______ Discuss mailing
>>> list <> 
>> ___ Discuss mailing
>> list <> 
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 
Arnulf Christl
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] UK Interoperability Assessment Plugfest

2013-09-26 Thread Arnulf Christl
I very much support this activity and believe that it would be quite
beneficial to participate. Ordnance Survey is a powerful multiplier in
the UK geospatial business due to its position as the main data
provider to the public. There is a license program in place called
PSMA (Public Sector Mapping Agreement) entitling all public sector
broad access to OS data. Not Bene - this is a lot more than what is
published through the Open Data program licensed under the Open
Government License. I think it is important to understand what data is
available and also what can be done with the service offering of
Ordnance Survey. The plugfest will additionally allow you to
interoperate with other software you typically encounter in the area.


PS: I am not working for or paid by Ordnance Survey or OGC and nobody
made me say ony of this, it is just my own little gut feeling.

On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Peter Cotroneo
> Hi,
> I'm leading a joint Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and Ordnance Survyey 
> interoperability plugfest to test OGC standards in the UK geospatial 
> community.  So far, there has been a lot of interest from commercial vendors 
> in the UK, and I would very much like that the open source community be 
> represented at the plugfest as well.
> The plugfest will be held at Ordnance Survey headquarters in Southampton, UK. 
>  There will be two sprints, one on the 17th of October and the other on the 
> 9th of December.  There will also be a results presentation on the 10th of 
> December.
> The following link gives more information about the plugfest, including a 
> call for participation document.
> The deadline to participate is the 2nd of October.  I hope that OSGeo can 
> join us!
> Cheers,
> Peter
> Peter Cotroneo CGeog (GIS) FRGS
> Senior Manager - Geospatial Web Services
> Products & Innovation
> Ordnance Survey
> Adanac Drive
> Southampton
> SO16 OAS
>  | 
> Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this email.
> This email is only intended for the person to whom it is addressed and may 
> contain confidential information. If you have received this email in error, 
> please notify the sender and delete this email which must not be copied, 
> distributed or disclosed to any other person.
> Unless stated otherwise, the contents of this email are personal to the 
> writer and do not represent the official view of Ordnance Survey. Nor can any 
> contract be formed on Ordnance Survey's behalf via email. We reserve the 
> right to monitor emails and attachments without prior notice.
> Thank you for your cooperation.
> Ordnance Survey
> Adanac Drive
> Southampton SO16 0AS
> Tel: 08456 050505
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Making sense with your spatial data
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Looking for a one pager write up for Why Open Source is good.

2013-09-12 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

On 09/12/2013 02:43 PM, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 2:29 PM, María Arias de Reyna 
>  wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 4:08 AM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I'm looking for a one pager write-up for a Booth display for
>>> why Open Source Software is a good bet for businesses.
>>> Anything I can use freely or pointers would be appreciated.
>>> This is intended as an informational handout.
>>> I have a start on something below, maybe it's easier for folks
>>> to add to these.  I'll go off and look some on Google
>>> Thanks in advance.
>> Hi,
>> Look for the four liberties of free software. Here are some
>> hints: And don't
>> use open, use free: 
> And don't say 'commercial', say 'proprietary' (if that's what you 
> mean). I'm surprised Arnulf hasn't already jumped in on that
> point!
> Free and open source software can be commercial.
> Barry

Haha, busy preparing my presentation "Introduction to Open Source" for
FOSS4G. Plus I had the hope that at some point the message would get
across and be picked up by others, and - Voila - it worked. :-)

- -- 
Arnulf Christl
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Board Election Results 2013

2013-09-07 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Dear OSGeo Members,
the election 2013 has been completed and we are happy to announce the
new board of directors [1].

Here are the final results from the voting for the open seats of the
OSGeo Board of Directors. There were four seats open and they have been
filled by (no particular order):
* Jáchym Čepický
* Jorge Sanz
* Bart van den Eijnden
* Gérald Fenoy

Thanks to all candidates for going through the elections and exposing
themselves. All six candidates received excellent support with more
then 60 votes each. Overall voting participation was 71% (128 out of
180) and there were no tie scores to arbitrate. Thank you to all who

Your complete resulting Board is:
* Anne Ghisla
* Bart van den Eijnden
* Cameron Shorter
* Daniel Morissette
* Frank Warmerdam
* Gérald Fenoy
* Jáchym Čepický
* Jeff McKenna
* Jorge Sanz

With the election results published the new board of directors becomes
effective as of now.

Congratulations and please welcome the new and and re-elected OSGeo

We wish to thank the outgoing directors for their continued support of
OSGeo and for helping to run a fantastic organizations. We thank all
candidates who stood in this election and all OSGeo Charter Members
for their contribution and votes.

Best regards,
Michael, Jakob and Arnulf


- -- 
Your Chief Returning Officers
on behalf of OSGeo
Arnulf Christl and Michael Gerlek
with the help of Jakob Tworek
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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Reminder: OSGeo Board election phase is coming to an end!

2013-09-04 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

in case you are a Charter Member and have not yet received an email
from our dedicated Charter Member mailing list then it is high time
that you contact us.

Best regards,
your CROs on behalf of OSGeo

- --
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Regional Chapters (was: Re: FOSS4G North America 2015 Expressions of Interest)

2013-09-03 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

NA Local Chaps;
I think it is high time for a North America Chapter. Maybe it suffices
to start with slightly formalizing the existing team which already
selects and organizes the conferences. I am sure that eventually a
full-fledged Regional Chapter will form so it is just a questions of
when to officially start. As we all know publish early and release often
is the way to go. It seems like we are almost beyond publishing early.

we are thinking about similar ideas in Europe with a strong CEE group
already under way and Germany, UK, Spain, The Netherlands and Italy
pretty strong already we will eventually have to coordinate anyway. One
way to go forward would be to have representatives of the existing local
chaps form a higher level group. The Spanish speaking group has gone a
different way and organizes around a language regardless of location.
Both can be good.

If you have ideas how to do this we'd be interested in learning about
them and sharing experiences. Please subscribe to the Local Chapters
list and let us know:

Best regards,

On 30.08.2013 17:12, David William Bitner wrote:
> With the second FOSS4G North America in Minneapolis in the history books
> and looking forward to the "Big Show" in Portland next Fall, I'd love to
> start the ball rolling to drum up interest in hosting FOSS4G North
> America in the Spring of 2015.
> There are two parts here:
> 1) Who's interested? If you have a local community that you think would
> be great to host, speak up! If you have questions as to what it takes,
> ask. If there's a city you'd love to see take this on - start pestering
> them.
> 2) If there is competing interest, we'll need identify the selection
> process/committee. We can take the easy route here and do something
> simple like prior Conference & Program Chairs make up the committee, or
> we can try (again) to create a more formal group for North America to
> handle things like this. If you have $.02 on this - bring it up now!
> I'd love to see us be able to move on this and be able to select a venue
> by the end of November if possible to make sure there is ample time for
> planning. Important thing right now is to start the discussion and get
> folks thinking about what we need to do to make the next FOSS4G NA
> another awesome event!
> Cheers!
> David
> -- 
> David William Bitner
> dbSpatial LLC
> _______
> Discuss mailing list

- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Executive Director)
Open Source Geospatial Software, Data and Services
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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board elections 2013

2013-08-30 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

the board elections are well under way. With still more than a week to
go we already received votes from 50 members (27.6% of the total,
including those who may drop to inactive level by not voting this year).

If you are a Charter member and did *not* receive a reminder and
instructions a few minutes ago through the list - or if are unclear on
how to proceed then please contact so that we can help you.

Best regards,
your CROs on behalf of OSGeo

- --
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Mailmain password reminders

2013-08-26 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

fyi: Markus Neteler already fixed this [1]! All reminders turned off.

/me bows & thanks.

List creators: Please remember using this as the default setting.



On 26.08.2013 13:41, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> Mailman has a bunch of useful command-line scripts:
> I reckon a combination of "list_lists" looped over, calling
> 'config_list' with a file to set the password reminder parameter will
> do it.
> Be happy you aren't using majordomo for list management, you'd
> probably have to do this by sending emails.
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 12:30 PM, Jeff McKenna
>  wrote:
>> I did start to go through each list one by one manually a few months
>> ago to change that setting...but I may have given up at some point.
>> Hopefully some mailman-guru can step up to let us know the magical
>> setting for all lists.  Or could it be some sort of job/script that
>> runs each time a new list is created?  Not sure.
>> -jeff
>> On 2013-08-26 5:44 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
>>> Folks, apparently some lists still have the monthly password
>>> reminder active. I remember that there was general consent that we
>>> should turn these off. But Mailman does not have an option to do
>>> this for all lists at once (or /me too dumb to find the setting).
>>> OSGeo currently operates 200 public plus a few dozen private lists
>>> and I am too lazy to check them all individually. But I did turn
>>> off discuss (this one) and a few other larger onces now.
>>> Please feel free to ping me if you are on a list that still reminds
>>> you and want it turned off by an admin.
>>> If you are a list operator yourself please check the setting "Send
>>> monthly password reminders?" and set it to off - except at least
>>> 51% of your subscribers cry out in pain and want it back on. :-)
>>> Have fun, Arnulf
>>> ___
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

- -- 
Arnulf Christl (Executive Director)
Open Source Geospatial Software, Data and Services
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board or Director Elections 2013

2013-08-22 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Dear Charter Members,
the OSGeo Board or Director Elections start tomorrow:

With more than 180 members it has become necessary to somewhat
streamline the process. To this effect we have created a dedicated
Charter Member mailing list. You will receive the announcement of the
elections in a few minutes through that list again. You cannot
subscribe yourself and you cannot mail to that list. The only purpose
is to help the CRO to manage things. All reminders will also be sent
through this list, a week, 2 days and one day before the elections end.

If you do *NOT* receive an email detailing the elections process
within the next minutes then we do not have your correct contact data.
In this case please contact immediately!

please note that we had to postpone the announcement of the results to
8 September to account for different time zones.

Best regards,
your CROs on behalf of OSGeo

- --
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo as LMO at INSPIRE

2013-08-19 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

OSGeo was registered (again after we already did in 2009) a few weeks
ago [0] and discuss and board were informed 12 July [1]. I am happy to
pass on the contact point role to anybody interested.

I don't think we can register as an LMO for said reasons.



On 08/19/2013 03:04 PM, Rafał Wawer wrote:
> Why not go for SDIC? After all OSGeo is a community and is
> strictly spatially oriented, focusing not only on data but mostly
> on software, which is also an important part of any SDI, isn't it?
> :)
> Cheers: Raf
> DR. Rafal Wawer The Department of Soil Science Erosion Control and 
> Land Protection The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation
> - State Research institute ul. Czartoryskich 8 24-100 Puławy
> Poland
> Member of the OSGeo Foundation: 
> mobile: +48601516434 web:
> -Original Message- From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jachym
> Cepicky Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 2:52 PM To: Rafał Wawer Cc:
> 'OSGeo Discussions'; 'OSGeo-Board' Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss]
> Hi,
> as far as I understand this, we are either "SDIC" (Spatial Data 
> Interest Community) or "INSPIRE stakeholder organisation not 
> registered as an SDIC or LMO" (according to 
> We are definitively not LMO (Legally Mandated Organisations (LMOs) 
> are all the Member States’ public authorities, institutions and 
> bodies, ...) - thank you for the correction
> In this case, I would propose, register OSGeo as "stakeholder 
> organisation not registered as an SDIC or LMO" (?)
> Jachym
> Dne 19.8.2013 14:02, Rafał Wawer napsal(a):
>> HI Joachim, Is LMO status not restricted to national gov units 
>> dealing with SDI or organizations delegate by those?
>> Cheers: Raf
>> DR. Rafal Wawer The Department of Soil Science Erosion Control
>> and Land Protection The Institute of Soil Science and Plant
>> Cultivation - State Research institute ul. Czartoryskich 8 24-100
>> Puławy Poland
>> Member of the OSGeo Foundation: 
>> mobile: +48601516434 web:
>> -Original Message- From:
>>  [] On Behalf Of Jachym 
>> Cepicky Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 12:41 PM To: OSGeo 
>> Discussions; OSGeo-Board Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo as LMO
>> Hi,
>> I would like to register OSGeo as INSPIRE LMO (Legally Mandated 
>> Organization)  for the ongoing Call for Expression of Interest
>> for INSPIRE development. Between 
>> Any hint, blocker, idea, proposal?
>> Jachym -- Jachym Cepicky Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o. 
>> HS-RS: 
> -- Jachym Cepicky Help Service - Remote Sensing s.r.o. 
> HS-RS: 
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 
Arnulf Christl
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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Nomination for the OSGeo Board of Directors

2013-08-19 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

this is a reminder that there is one more day left to nominate
candidates for the board of directors. Nomination period ends on 20
August 23:59 wherever you currently are.

Thanks for all the nominations, seconds and endorsements so far, we
already have a great list of candidates:

Please note that elections will start on Friday 23 August. Only
Charter Members are eligible to vote, we will start to contact Charter
Member in the next days.

Best regards,
Your CROs on behalf of OSGeo

- -- 
Arnulf Christl
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Board Election 2012 Results

2012-08-14 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Dear OSGeo Members,
the election 2012 has been completed and we are happy to announce the
new board of directors [1].

Here are the final results from the voting for the open seats of the
OSGeo Board of Directors. There were five seats open and they have been
filled by, in alphabetical order:
* Anne Ghisla
* Jeff McKenna
* Daniel Morissette
* Cameron Shorter
* Frank Warmerdam

Thanks to everyone for running, all candidates received good support (>
40 votes each). The voting participation was 68% and there were no tie
scores to arbitrate. Thank you to all who voted.
Your complete resulting Board is:
* Peter Batty
* Michael Gerlek
* Anne Ghisla
* Mark Lucas
* Jeff McKenna
* Daniel Morissette
* Cameron Shorter
* Frank Warmerdam

Congratulations and please welcome the new and and re-elected OSGeo

With the election results published the new board of directors becomes
effective as of now.

We wish to thank the outgoing directors for their continued support of
OSGeo and for helping to run a fantastic organizations with a great
memberships and lots of energy. We thank all candidates who stood in
this election and all OSGeo Charter Members for their contribution and

Best regards,
Michael and Arnulf


OSGeo Chief Returning Officers
Arnulf Christl and Michael Gerlek
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board Elections 2012 closed, results to be published tomorrow (2012-08-14)

2012-08-13 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hello OSGeo,
the OSGeo Board election 2012 period has closed. We are now tallying
votes, double checking them and will publish the final results tomorrow.

Best regards,
Arnulf & Michael

OSGeo Chief Returning Officers
Arnulf Christl and Michael Gerlek
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Board Elections 2012

2012-08-03 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Dear Charter Members,
we are approaching the end of the 2012 elections [0]. The Board
nomination period has ended and all nominees listed on [1] have
confirmed that they are happy to stand for election.

Please take your time to read through the nomination, the acceptance
and thoughts from each candidate and then proceed to vote for 5
different candidates by adding them one per line to an email to be
sent to

Voting closes at 23:59 (your timezone) 12-August-2012!

Please caefully follow the instructions given on the Wiki [2] in order
to be able to submit a valid email and MAKE SURE TO SEND IT TO ONLY. Otherwise your vote may become public or just
disappear somewhere. You will receive a confirmation of your
successful vote. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24h of
submitting your mail please contact

Thank your for taking on this responsibility,
Your CROs
(Arnulf Christl & Michael Gerlek)


- -- 
President, OSGeo
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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Cancellation of FOSS4G 2012 conference to be held in September in Beijing

2012-07-26 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Dear Community,
it was announced on July 10, 2012 by the FOSS4G local organizing
committee that the FOSS4G 2012 conference that was scheduled to be
held in September in Beijing has been cancelled. The OSGeo board was
of course disappointed to hear this. Like anyone who follows the OSGeo
conference or board public mailing lists we have known for some time
that the local committee was facing various challenges. But we wanted
to give the local team the maximum chance to try to pull together an

FOSS4G has been successful being a truly global conference, taking a
major event around the world with most of the work done by local
volunteers. We've had great success with this approach, with excellent
events in cities including Sydney and Cape Town - but this approach
also has its risks. We will look carefully into what we can learn from
this year to mitigate the risk in future.

Despite this setback, the FOSS4G event has continued to expand around
the globe this year: The global FOSS4G 2011 event in Denver was the
largest yet, with 900 people from 42 countries and great reviews from
attendees. Plans for FOSS4G 2013 in Nottingham are already very
advanced with a very strong team which will beyond any doubt organize
a great event.

FOSS4G has also evolved into multiple regional events in addition to
the global one. We already had several successful regional FOSS4G
events this year; one for North America in Washington DC, one for
Central and Eastern Europe in Prague and FOSS4G Japan will take place
in November. Many regional geospatial conferences now also include a
strong OSGeo or FOSS4G steam. As an example find a list of events
where OSGeo Live was distributed:

OSGeo normally presents the Sol Katz award at the annual FOSS4G
conference, to recognize an individual as a leader in the geospatial
Open Source community. The Sol Katz award will also be awarded this
year, but it is still to be determined how, when and where the
presentation will take place. The same applies for the OSGeo Annual
General Meeting which will be rescheduled in due course, several
options are already on the table.

With kind regards,
the OSGeo Board of Directors

- -- 
President, OSGeo
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Board nomination starts 2012-07-23

2012-07-07 Thread Arnulf Christl
Dear OSGeo Charter Members,
the Board nomination period starts 2012-07-23. Until then candidates can
present their ideas to give us an idea what to expect from them if we vote
them into the board.

Best regards,

Seven (aka Arnulf)
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] New Charter Member Nominations

2012-07-02 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Dear OSGeo members,
this is a gentle reminder that the new member nomination ends on Friday
this week [0]. If we have more than 20 nominations this will be followed
by the two week elections period starting on Saturday 7 July and ending
on 20 July.

One questions came up a few times, this is to clarify things:

> I have a question about supporting candidates, I know in person the
> majority of them and am glad to see their candidature. Shall I second
> their nominations in each thread, or can I send a global mail
> mentioning all the candidates I wish to support?

There is no formal need (as in "required") to second nominations to the
CRO. If you wish to express your support for any candidate please do so
on the discuss list. Whether in one or in many emails is up to you.

A request:
PLEASE be so kind and send the email address of the nominee along with
the nomination to ! ! (as is clearly noted in the
instructions... :-).
It makes it so much easier for us to send out the confirmation emails
and maintain the nominee list. And if you really want to make it easy,
please also send your own OSGeo Wiki user page and the nominee's along.
And while you are at it check out the OSGeo Advocate [1] page.

Thank you,

(*) On the New Member Nomination page it incorrectly said 5 July,
changed now to 6 July. My bad, apologies.

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Arnulf Christl, President
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Elections 2012

2012-06-22 Thread Arnulf Christl
Dear OSGeo Community,
it is time for the 2012 OSGeo elections [1]. As in earlier years we will
again first nominate new OSGeo Charter Members with the aim to broaden
and diversify OSGeo's global representation.

To start with we have 2 weeks to nominate new candidates. Anybody can
nominate candidates, there are no restrictions. After nomination closes
on 7 July 2012 we will have the first round of elections. Only Charter
Members are eligible to vote. The elections will add up to 20 candidates
to the group of currently 125 existing OSGeo Charter Members.

In the next round of elections the Charter Members elect directors to
the OSGeo board. The board consists of nine seats, 5 of which will be
open for this election.

Please note that the whole process is scheduled to be completed before
the annual global FOSS4G 2012 in Beijing so don't hesitate to become
active now. This is your chance to decide who is going to represent your
interests in the leadership of OSGeo.

Please take your time to read the election process in the Wiki [1] and
learn which qualifications are desirable for Charter Members and directors.

If anything is unclear or if you have questions, feel free to voice them
here on the Discuss list or send them to

All nominations and votes have to be sent to the email address This year the Chief Returning Officers are Michael Gerlek
and Arnulf Christl.

Thank you for your contribution!

Best regards & have a nice weekend,
Your Chief Returning Officers


President, OSGeo
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Local-chapters] Spanish Language Local Chapter elections results

2012-06-19 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
thanks for this update and congratulations to the new Board!

This mail is also a forward to OSGeo Discuss in case there are Spanish
speaking folks not aware yet of your activities. Please consider joining
the mailing list [1] and becoming active in the community. There are
currently also lots of activities focusing around a Latin American
FOSS4G, get involved.

Best regards,


The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Arnulf Christl, President

On 18.06.2012 17:18, Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses wrote:
> Hello,
> last week ended the election process for the Spanish Language Local
> Chapter and the Community has elected new Local Chapter Charter
> Members and a new Local Chapter Board.
> The new  Local Chapter Charter Members are:
> Maria Aryas de Reina
> Jose Gomez Castaño
> David Mateos
> Juan Ignacio Garcia Varela
> Francisco Perez Sampayo
> Leonidas Hernan Oliveira
> Right now we have 80 Charter Members in the Local Chapter.
> And the new Local Chapter Board members are:
> Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
> Mauricio Miranda
> Santiago Higuera
> Maria Arias de Reyna
> Cesar Medina
> All the process has been documented in the wiki [1] (in spanish)
> The new board hasn't already meet so right now I'm still the acting
> Local Chapter Liaison Officer.
> Bests regards,
> [1]
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Governance

2012-05-26 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Dear Members of OSGeo,
we have an important issue on governance coming up again and again. It
suggests that OSGeo Board decisions should be complemented by votes from
the Charter Members when "important" and "strategic" decisions have to
be taken. Something like this:

>> For such important decisions, I think that it would maybe
>> worth making Charter members vote too, just like to get an
>> major orientation decided by 120 people instead of only 8.

Initially this sounded like a good idea to me so we discussed this in
Denver and then again in Seattle at the last f2f board meetings plus on
the list and during regular IRC board meetings. We have come to a
different conclusion and want to explain why and ask for comments.

Introducing another level of voting introduces a hierarchy to OSGeo
which we have so far avoided and which we should - in my personal
opinion - continue to avoid. We have committees for all important areas
of work. If we lack a committee any member can suggest to form it. Most
decisions are taking in the committees and they are pretty open to
everything. Some committees function better, some not so - but this is
entirely up to the regular members who make up the committees.

We have a functioning board of directors for some of the day to day
operations and to approve or reject decisions taken by committees. This
is a health check and makes sure we do not go astray. The board is
recruited and elected by trusted Charter Members. This is their role and
it is their only role. There is not need for another role at this level.
If any regular member wants to become active, go for it. Same for ex
board members. Whenever they think the current board is wrong they can
say so. And they can suggest how to do it better, just like any regular

Whenever a committee does not function but a decision has to be taken
the board steps up and takes over. This is one reason why we have the
board, to keep rolling. All other decisions, especially strategic and
important ones are taken by regular members who do things.

By introducing a new level of decisions - for example the Charter
Members - we gain nothing. Instead we introduce an artificial hierarchy
which does not help anybody. Instead it will discourage regular members
to speak up and become active. And it is anti do-ocratic because it is
easy to say yes or no to a motion but so much harder to formulate that
motion in the first place. We need people who creatively bring up new
things and not decide over what others have done.

Thank you for your attention,

Apart form this only very few Charter Members actually speak up at all -
a big thank you to those who do! Running a Charter and Board election is
always a major pain and takes weeks to complete. It is impractical to do
this more than once a year.

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Arnulf Christl, President
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Future perspectives for OSGeo

2012-05-02 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
the OSGeo board of directors has been working hard on finding ways
forward in those areas where we do not perform well. These are
especially on the business side of things. Our annual revenue has come
down considerably in the last years and we seem to lack high level
contacts to global players. Without the single sponsor Autodesk we
honestly wouldn't be where we are now but they have considerably reduced
their focused on geospatial.

We see new opportunities by starting joint activities with the Eclipse
foundation - which is in the process of spawning activities explicitly
focused on geospatial. They have lots of high level contacts but lack a
noteworthy community. This is where we in turn did exceptionally well,
we are perceived as *the* global voice for open source geospatial.

In between the community and business work (if we take them as extremes)
is a long range of things we did well and not so well and obviously
everybody will have their own opinion. If you are interested in learning
more about what the board is thinking and want to share your ideas I
suggest you subscribe to the board list and become active there. (Please
refrain from telling us "you must be doing this and that" but reckon
that whatever will happen does so because you also commit to actually
doing it).

Once we come to a more coherent point of view we will again share it
with this discussion list but for now would like to keep it at the
"strategically interested" level of things, just as open as all in OSGeo
- but not cluttering the Discuss list.

The board will start to post a few threads in the next days summarizing
the thoughts shared so far.

Best regards,

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Arnulf Christl, President
Discuss mailing list

FOSS4G South America (was: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] GeoBolivia - hiring personal)

2012-02-13 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hi Conference Committee,
there are several mails related to having a FOSS4G in South America.
Mabye we can keep an eye on this and support them from OSGeo.


On 02/13/2012 05:24 AM, slesage wrote:
> I hope we will succeed in having a close collaboration between
> GeoBolivia and the OSGeo community in some way, this is very important
> for us. And like you say, we are very enthusiastic in seeing and
> contribute to a regional FOSS4G!
> El 2012-02-12 22:25, Alex Borrell escribió:
>> Thanks for your nice reply, Sylvain.
>> I would certainly like to Bolivia (People say it's beatiful). Anyway,
>> if there is something I coul do to help,
>> count on it! Probably we'll see the day of a Latin American FOSS4G.
>> Regards
>> 2012/2/10 slesage 
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> all the personal need to work in La Paz, Bolivia. But you can
>>> compete and come to discover Bolivia for one year, you'll be welcome
>>> :)
>>> And like you say, there is much to do, but it's very useful to have
>>> a growing users community, with additionally some users switching
>>> from users to developers. Much to do too in translating to Spanish,
>>> hope we will contribute a lot this year.
>>> Sylvain
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

President, OSGeo
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Board] Resignation from Board

2012-02-08 Thread Arnulf Christl
this thread is growing way too big in my opinion. If you want to know
why Jeff resigned, please ask him.

I am not going to thank and farewell him because I don't think that he
is leaving and I want to leave a door open for him to just continue
doing what he is good at. This is not an employment situation where you
kicked out or go and that's it.

And I certainly do not want to make it feel like I am relieved that he
resigned from two important roles. It is going to be hard to impossible
to quickly fill the vacancy in the conf committee - anybody interested?
Jeff acknowledged that he sent a mere two emails to the conf committee
since FOSS4G and that this is simply not enough to run this committee.
Now before more speculation start: The board has NOT suggested him to
step down from the committee, neither explicitly nor implicitly - he did
this on his own. So we might say that he was not happy in the lead of
both the conf committee and board and that both eat up quite some time
which he currently is not prepared to spend, so he decided to resign.

All else is speculation and currently it is being done to the detriment
of the board and OSGeo as a whole which I find inappropriate. It is
probably just a coincidence that he chose to do this right after the
board meeting. He as well might have done it when he decided to not
attend to the board meeting about a week ago but chose not to. Lets get
on with things, again thank Jeff for all he has done welcome him back
whenever he feels like it.

Best regards,

I am writing this as Seven of Nine, not as the president of this
organization. If anybody thinks the board really screwed up I know that
Arnulf is prepared to take the consequences and step down as president.
This won't help anybody and I don't feel at all like stepping down but
if we are collectively interested in growing this into a major
demolition then I am happy to follow suit.

This is all you are going to hear from me in a while because I am away
from the Web now. This is an annual measure I take to avoid burning out
and has nothing whatsoever to do with OSGeo.

And thanks to several people who thanked the board for the work done and
the report to the discuss list and reassuring that we are on track.
Unfortunately these mail only come in personally, so I thought I'd
forward here to also thank the other board members for their good work.
Including Jeff for the time he was with us there.


On 02/08/2012 02:37 AM, Ravi Kumar wrote:
> Hi Board,
> pl do discuss this in the OSGeo Discuss list. I feel sorry to loose Jeff
> (from the board) who has showcased OSGeo in non-english speaking China,
> Vietnam and many more.
> Is there any connection with FOSS4G 2012. 
> Remember his talk at Cape Town, and the thunderous applause received. 
> Ravi
> *From:* Tim Sutton 
> *To:*
> *Cc:* osgeo-board List 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 8, 2012 1:51 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Board] Resignation from Board
> Dear all
> I have also been watching this thread from the sidelines and feeling
> like things are being mishandled.
> If Jeff was leaving because of e.g. family obligations or something
> far removed from the activities of the board there would be no issue
> here. However it seems quite clear that he is leaving due to finding
> the internal machinations of the board untenable. My perception is
> that the board happily accepted his resignation rather than trying to
> understand why one of it's leading lights is leaving - and what can be
> done to remedy the situation so that he will stay on. I am sure others
> share this feeling.
> While it may be the case that the board is acting within its
> guidelines, it is important that from a public relations point of view
> that you try to address this issue in a better way. Take the time to
> do some PR to explain what is going on rather than simply quoting
> bylaws. At the very least some publicity (mailing lists, web site
> etc.) thanking Jeff for his time with the board and showing your
> appreciation for all the work he has put into OSGEO would be a nice
> send off for Jeff.
> Best regards
> Tim
> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 8:56 AM,   > wrote:
>> Dar All
>> I agree with Venka and Jeroen and I'm also very sad because Jeff has
> done a
>> lot for our community.
>> Bset.
>> Maria
>> Def. Quota Venkatesh Raghavan  >:
>>> On 2012/02/07 20:21, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

 Jeff's decision to resign from the board and the conference
> committee was
 his own decision, and I think his two emails covered what needed to
> be said.
  This is sad, of course, but Jeff has his reasons and beyond that we
> should
 respect his privacy.
>>> Jeff has made most of his recent views public

[OSGeo-Discuss] Report from the Board Meeting in Seattle

2012-02-07 Thread Arnulf Christl
ees a need to improve the communication with the very active
Chinese conference team (a beta version of the web site is online now).
Frank Warmerdam was appointed Liaison officer which he has kindly
accepted to take on, thank you.

== Marketing ==
We have put together a comprehensive list of activities touching
outreach, marketing, education, open geodata policy and many other
topics under the lead of Peter Batty (Thanks!). We felt this is
necessary to be able to point the the Marketing Committee which is
currently without a chair, into a concrete direction. Please register
with the Marketing mailing list and join the next meeting, there is a
budget in place and interesting things coming up.

== Financial Situation ==
The Finance Committee under the lead of Daniel Morissette (thanks for
your work on this rather dry topic!) is happy to report that we are in a
financially sound state. In a way we can also confirmation that our hard
decision last year to let our ED go was the right thing to do. Had we
not done this step we would not have lasted throughout this year.
Another interesting note is that we (that is the broader community) have
a much larger budget than the one OSGeo just published. It is a virtual
cumulative budget that the community of OSGeo moves. This includes the
Local Chapters, OSGeo/FOSS4G related conferences and even the software
projects. This budget is not what an OSGeo board can "spend" but it is
an interesting measure of what financial assets are being moved in the
Geospatial FOSS world. We came across this when we - again - discussed
how to raise more sponsorship money and had to admit that OSGeo (this
globally active yet lightweight organization) does nto really have a
good sponsorship proposition. A lot more money comes in through FOSS4G
events around the world, is funnelled through software projects (where
the money belongs). Many activities that we could take on globally would
cannibalize local activities and that is exactly what OSGeo does not set
out to do. (I might look into this topic personally in a blog in a few

== Outlook ==
One primary focus of the meeting was to check whether we need permanent
staff to do what we think needs to be done. After the two day meeting we
came to the conclusion that for now we will not hire permanent staff
because the work ahead will be so diverse that it is better distributed
over many shoulders and no single person could do what is needed.
Additionally we are a do-ocrazy and not centrally run and with so many
different cultures joining under the umbrella it feels impractical to
have one or a few selected individuals do work. Having said that it may
still be practical to hire staff or outsource work to professionals
(hinting at marketing, fund raising) on a temporary basis but this will
be a need that has to be formulated in the committees.

All of these decisions are bound to cause discussions and we invite
everybody to take part and collaborate to leading OSGeo in a sustainable
and meaningful way.

Best regards,
Arnulf Christl


President, OSGeo
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board of Directors meeting minutes

2011-11-18 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
On 18.11.2011 12:41, Bart van den Eijnden wrote:
> Hey Arnulf,
> I had no idea this was happening behind the scenes, so e-mails like this
> are good IMHO.
> If I was OsGeo I would ask the current set of regular sponsors if they
> would be interested at all to sponsor in Beijing. Or has such a survey
> taken place already?
> If the outcome is negative, I personally would not take the financial
> risk, even with a great FOSS4G organizer as Jeff taking it on.
> Best regards,
> Bart

all of this has already been done and the conference committee voted 9
to 7 for Beijing in the third go. So now it is "too late" to change
anything. The board vote was the last chance to stop it but it passed
with just one -1.

Now that we have decided to go for China it is not anymore a question of
"if" but "how". I am absolutely pushing FOSS4G Beijing now and hope that
all in OSGeo will do the same. And we will have yet another great event
in a great location - I am sure of that - becasue so far we have always
managed to bend things so that they fit us well.

But thanks for your comment that none of this has caught your attention
up to now. Knowing that you are more than average attentive for this
type of issues shows that the need for broader communication is even
bigger than expected.

Have a nice weekend,

> -- 
> Bart van den Eijnden
> On Nov 18, 2011, at 12:28 PM, Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) wrote:
>> Folks,
>> the OSGeo Board of Directors meets once a month in a public meeting on
>> IRC. We then discuss the agenda which has been prepared on the OSGeo
>> Wiki [1]. Thanks to Gary Sherman the meetings are logged [2]. We hold
>> the meetings openly and every now and then somebody outside of the board
>> has an interjection - which can be very helpful indeed. At the last
>> meeting Gary Sherman suggested that we should circulate the results from
>> our meetings because not that many people follow the board mailing list
>> [3] read the minutes [4] or even the logs [5].
>> Currently we meet every second Thursday of a month at 17:00 UTC on IRC.
>> We also aim at meeting in person at least once each year, usually during
>> the FOSS4G conference.
>> One item I was explicitly asked to highlight to the broader community
>> relates to FOSS4G 2012 in Beijing [6]. There has been a lot of talk
>> about the challenges of this next edition of FOSS4G, these include
>> language and cultural differences, sheer physical distance of the venue
>> for many active OSGeo members, competing regional FOSS4G events,
>> including a new one very likely in North America and that we are already
>> very late in planning (we never had this little time to prepare).
>> Therefore in a mail from September [7] I voted against having FOSS4G in
>> Beijing but at the same time proposed a motion to hire Jeff McKenna for
>> money to help organize the FOSS4G 2012 in Beijing. Jeff is the chair of
>> the conference committee and helped organize every single FOSS4G we
>> have celebrated so far, so he is a perfect fit. But he cannot spend as
>> much time as will be required for FOSS4G in Beijing as a volunteer. The
>> motion was not accepted by the board and so there was no decision but
>> it started some thinking.
>> Jeff is a member of the board of directors and to avoid a conflict of
>> interest he will abstain from any decision as suggested here [8]. The
>> next step will be a proposal from Jeff describing the required work load
>> and budget to get going. Then the board of directors will have to decide
>> how to go forward – and all of this must happen asap.
>> You can see, this is a long ongoing process and all of it is openly
>> available but, as Gary pointed out, many will probably not know anything
>> about this.
>> So what do you think in general. Is this type of informative mail
>> enough, or should we blog about the meetings in more detail, make a
>> video or fully socialmedialize them? (...please bear in mind that we
>> will then not be able to do other stuff, so it should better be
>> important, not just a nice to have).  Suggestions are welcome.
>> Thanks,
>> Arnulf
>> [1]
>> [2]   ...starting at 17:03:02
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> [6]
>> [7]

[OSGeo-Discuss] Board of Directors meeting minutes

2011-11-18 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
the OSGeo Board of Directors meets once a month in a public meeting on
IRC. We then discuss the agenda which has been prepared on the OSGeo
Wiki [1]. Thanks to Gary Sherman the meetings are logged [2]. We hold
the meetings openly and every now and then somebody outside of the board
has an interjection - which can be very helpful indeed. At the last
meeting Gary Sherman suggested that we should circulate the results from
our meetings because not that many people follow the board mailing list
[3] read the minutes [4] or even the logs [5].

Currently we meet every second Thursday of a month at 17:00 UTC on IRC.
We also aim at meeting in person at least once each year, usually during
the FOSS4G conference.

One item I was explicitly asked to highlight to the broader community
relates to FOSS4G 2012 in Beijing [6]. There has been a lot of talk
about the challenges of this next edition of FOSS4G, these include
language and cultural differences, sheer physical distance of the venue
for many active OSGeo members, competing regional FOSS4G events,
including a new one very likely in North America and that we are already
very late in planning (we never had this little time to prepare).
Therefore in a mail from September [7] I voted against having FOSS4G in
Beijing but at the same time proposed a motion to hire Jeff McKenna for
money to help organize the FOSS4G 2012 in Beijing. Jeff is the chair of
the conference committee and helped organize every single FOSS4G we
have celebrated so far, so he is a perfect fit. But he cannot spend as
much time as will be required for FOSS4G in Beijing as a volunteer. The
motion was not accepted by the board and so there was no decision but
it started some thinking.

Jeff is a member of the board of directors and to avoid a conflict of
interest he will abstain from any decision as suggested here [8]. The
next step will be a proposal from Jeff describing the required work load
and budget to get going. Then the board of directors will have to decide
how to go forward – and all of this must happen asap.

You can see, this is a long ongoing process and all of it is openly
available but, as Gary pointed out, many will probably not know anything
about this.

So what do you think in general. Is this type of informative mail
enough, or should we blog about the meetings in more detail, make a
video or fully socialmedialize them? (...please bear in mind that we
will then not be able to do other stuff, so it should better be
important, not just a nice to have).  Suggestions are welcome.


[2]   ...starting at 17:03:02

The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Arnulf Christl, President
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member nomination: Martin Landa

2011-11-15 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

On 14.11.2011 18:35, Anne Ghisla wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have the pleasure to nominate Martin Landa [0] for OSGeo charter
> membership.
> Martin is a PhD student at Czech Technical University in Prague,
> Faculty of Civil Engineering, study program Geodesy and Cartography,
> and he also teaches open source GIS and programming.
> He's well known for his long time contribution to GRASS GIS and GDAL.
> He participated with success to Google Summer of Code both as student
> and as mentor of GRASS projects. 
> Among important geospatial events in Prague, he organised the first
> GRASS community sprint [1] that was a great success!
> I believe Martin's experience and contributions make him a valuable
> candidate for charter membership.
> [0]
> [1]
> Anne

I second the nomination of Martin. He comes from a vibrant community
which he helped to build up and he will be a valuable charter member of

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[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSSGIS Konferenz 2012 in Germany

2011-11-10 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
FOSSGIS e.V. [0], the German language Local Chapter of OSGeo is proud to
announce the Call for Papers [1] for this year's edition of the FOSSGIS
Konferenz. (basically FOSS4G in German - yes we have a legacy name, but
- well, we are Germans...).

This local edition of FOSS4G every year attracts around 500 attendees
from business, public administration, adademia and research. This year
it will take place in Dessau [2], better known for it's Bauhaus [3]
history and a worthwile place to visit.

Please feel free to spread word in your German speaking communities
(word of mouth still accounts for three quarters of all marketing).

Have fun,


The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
Arnulf Christl, President
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Nomination of Nicolas Bozon

2011-11-10 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

On 10.11.2011 01:01, Markus Neteler wrote:
> I would like to nominate Nicolas Bozon:
> Nicolas Bozon is specialized in design of GUIs for FOSS4G based
> applications, he has contributed to various FOSS4G projects and used
> OSGeo tools for scientific research projects. He actively promoted
> OSGeo during many trainings and workshops in France and participates
> actively in national and international conferences (OSGeo fr + jp + th,
> ...), giving talks and teaching workshops. Nicolas has contributed in
> several ways to OSGeo such as conducting workshops at FOSS4G events,
> regularly participating in FOSS4G as well as active participation code
> sprints. His work has led popularizing the WPS standard around the world
> and paved way for the next generation GIS on the Cloud.
> Best regards,
> Markus Neteler

I absolutely second this momination.

Vested regards,
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] charter member nomination: Tim Sutton

2011-11-09 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

On 09.11.2011 13:13, Duarte Carreira wrote:
> I would like to nominate Tim Sutton.
> I?m probably not the best person to introduce Tim, but here goes. I know
> Tim mostly as Developer, Project Steering Committee member and project
> co-administrator of Quantum GIS, from his educational materials (Gentle
> Introduction to GIS excellent videos come to mind), great blog posts,
> active community building activities, and using open source in his
> projects. I think Tim is one of the main promoters of open source gis
> today.
> I think he is based in South Africa, so the plea to diversify charter
> members geographically is also catered for.
> Best regards,
> Duarte Carreira

I wholeheartedly support this nomination (even although Tim is white,
male and about my age and thus a best fit for what we already have in
the charter membership... :-) He will be a great bridge to Africa.

Best regards,

I had to recheck  because I was sure that he must already be a Charter
Member but he is not - yet.
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Report from the OSGeo Board meeting

2011-09-20 Thread Arnulf Christl
this is a short report from the OSGeo board meeting held in Denver, USA
after FOS4G 2011. We had a crammed agenda [1] with many things to talk
about and will continue to do so on the board mailing list [2] over the
coming weeks and months. Feel free to join us there and chime in if you
are interested in helping to shape the future of OSGeo. The full minutes
of the meeting will be on the Web soon, the following bullets only give
a short overview of the most important items.

* We have reconsidered the way the organization is run and came to the
conclusion that it is time for a change.
* We would like to diversify our outreach and fundraising and address a
wider range of activities.
* As a result we have decided that the existing role of a single
Executive Director is no longer the best use of our funds and we will
discontinue this role.
* We thank Tyler Mitchell for his great contribution in launching and
bringing OSGeo into operation over the last five years. We look forward
to his continued contributions in coming years.
* We will make supporting code sprints a higher priority of our goals
and draft guidelines [3] to that effect.
* As a first step we decided to financially back-up the Islandwood Code
Sprint (sign up here [4]).
* Beijing has been confirmed as the venue for FOSS4G 2012
* FOSS4G 2011 in Denver was such a great success that we will consider
hosting more regional events, including options for an ongoing North
American conference and a Central and East European FOSS4G.
* The Conference Committee list [5] will be a hot place for talking
about how to organize this.
* We adopted two Memoranda of Understanding with the International
Cartographic Association (ICA) [6] and The GIS and Remote Sensing
Centre, The University of Girona, Spain (SIGTE) [7].
* Our new treasurer is Daniel Morissette. We thank Frank Warmerdam for
the good work he has provided in this position beforehand.
* We welcome Alex Mandel as the new chair of the System Administration
Committee and thank Howard Butler for chairing the committee so far and
welcome his continued support in the System Administration Committee.
* The board confirmed Daniel Morissette as chair of the Incubation
Committee and thank our outgoing chair Frank Warmerdam for launching and
running the Incubator for more than 5 years.
* The nomination and election of up to 20 new OSGeo Charter Members are
going to take place in the coming weeks.
* We thank Peter ter Haar, product manager from Ordnance Survey and
sponsor of OSGeo [8] for sharing his insight on the adoption of Open
Source by public administrations in Europe during the board meeting.

We appreciate the momentum that has carried over from the many talks we
had with OSGeo members and friends at the conference and look forward to
a productive coming year.

On behalf of the OSGeo board of directors,
Arnulf Christl


Arnulf Christl
President, OSGeo
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] 2010 Charter Member Selection

2010-11-12 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Paul Ramsey  
> wrote:
>> OSGeo members,
>> The 2010 process is complete, and the new charter members are, in
>> alphabetical order:
>>• Alex Mandel
>>• Andreas Hocevar
>>• Anne Ghisla
>>• Astrid Emde
>>• Danilo Furtado
>>• Gavin Fleming
>>• Hirofumi Hayashi
>>• Jo Cook
>>• Maria Brovelli
>>• Milena Nowotarska
> Congratulations - I am very happy that the global distribution of
> OSGeo + gender is now better represented also in the charter
> membership.
> Markus

I want to join the congratulations to all new Charter Members, thanks
for standing up and showing this active support!

Another big thank you goes to all who have been nominated but could not
get elected due to the limitations in our process. To me all nominees
would have been a great addition underlining the great diversity of
people deeply involved with OSGeo. As Puneet sais I hope that you will
contineu to actively support OSGeo as so many regular members do.

Last but not least I want to thank our Chief Returning Officer Paul for
taking on the responsibility of organizing the Charter Member elections

Looking forward to another exciting year of OSGeo.

Have fun,

- --
Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo
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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSSGIS 2011 Call for Papers eröffnet

2010-10-21 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

the FOSSGIS conference (FOSS4G's small sibling) has opened the Call for
Papers [1]. It will be in German language but we all manage some
English, so feel free to come visit beautiful Heidelberg from  5th to
7th of April 2011.

Best regards,


- --
Nothing makes sense, except we make it.

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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Geopaparazzi released

2010-09-27 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

Andrea, All,
this is an excellent example of how the OSGeo trademark is being
"protected" by the community. At the same time constructive discussion
on the trademark policy is helpful to evolve how we deal with these
questions. It is good to see growing interest in using the graphics.

And please by all means please feel free to use the standard OSGeo logo
to link back to OSGeo.

As a side note to the broader community: Whenever you feel that you come
close to using the trademarked version of the OSGeo logo and colors or
want to explicitly use it in a context you are unsure of, feel free to
let the marketing mailing list know so that we can discuss this up front.

Best regards,

andrea antonello wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> today we finally released the first version of Geopaparazzi on the
> android market. The project is released under GPLv3 an available on
> the homepage of the project [0].
> Geopaparazzi is a tool developed to supprot very fast qualitative
> engineering/geologic surveys. It integrates completely with the BeeGIS
> digital tablet extentions, i.e. the data are imported straight into
> the GIS from the phone for further processing [1].
> Geopaparazzi is sold on the Android market and supports the
> development of Geopaprazzi itself as well as the projects developed by
> the same team: JGrass, JGrassTools and BeeGIS.
> That said, I leave you to the documentation on the main website.
> Thanks for the attention,
> Andrea
> [0]
> [1]
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

- --
Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo
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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: OSGeo Board Election 2010 Results

2010-08-26 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

thanks again for organizing the board elections. It is great that we
could get this done in time prior to FOSS4G so that the new board can
meet there in real life. This promises to become a very productive meeting.

Howard, Ari,
thanks to both of you for serving on the board for two full years and we
hope to continue to see you give advice to the OSGeo board in your
specific domains. We will lack the European and education background of
Ari and miss Howard's direct engagement from our systems committee.

Tim and Daniel,
welcome to the board and be prepared for lots of activities in the
coming months. We need to look into funding and acquire new and more
sponsors. The local chapters of OSGeo are developing great but many
would like to see a closer relation to the OSGeo Foundation. The public
geodata committee is developing interesting ideas around cataloging that
could turn into a new OSGeo service and last but not least we will want
to improve the incubation process to better serve the projects and the

thanks all for trusting me with another term on the board of directors
and I am excited to get going with the new team. See (hopefully most of
you) in Barcelona.

Best regards,

Paul Ramsey wrote:
> OSGeo,
> Here are the final results from the 2010 voting for the open seats of
> the OSGeo Board of Directors. There were four seats open and they have
> been filled by, in alphabetical order:
> * Arnulf Christl
> * Daniel Morissette
> * Frank Warmerdam
> * Tim Schaub
> Thanks to everyone for running. The voting participation was 82% and
> there were no tie scores to arbitrate.
> Your complete resulting Board is:
> * Arnulf Christl
> * Chris Schmidt
> * Daniel Morissette
> * Frank Warmerdam
> * Geoff Zeiss
> * Jeff McKenna
> * Markus Neteler
> * Ravi Kumar
> * Tim Schaub
> We will complete the 2010 election process with the selection of new
> Charter Members in September after FOSS4G.
> Yours,
> Paul Ramsey
> 2010 Returning Officer

- --
Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo
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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Comment on OSGeo Project Marketing template before we set it in stone

2010-06-07 Thread Arnulf Christl
> >>
> >> Jason,
> >> some time back we envisaged a project template with a free space in the
> >> lower right corner. At conferences this can be used for some neutral
> >> OSGeo info or business cards for folks appearing at an OSGeo booth.
> >> Companies providing support can use these templates to add their logo /
> >> stamp / business card in the lower right corner.
> >>
> >> Sponsorship prospectus;
> >> We (so far Tyler, Jeff and me) try improve our sponsorship prospectus
> >> and we came up with a related idea to provide these flyer / brochure /
> >> info sheets as readily printed out marketing material as an asset for
> >> OSGeo sponsors. They can use shiny "original" OSGeo material for
> >> marketing and add their brand to it with very little effort. This is
> >> especially interesting for smaller companies who in general do not care
> >> / spend little time on creating marketing material. This would be a real
> >> net added value for them and would mean little extra effort for OSGeo.
> >>
> >> Would that be a type of commercial hint / support that goes better with
> >> your concerns?
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >> Arnulf.
> >>
> >> [1] as examples:
> >> and so on
> >>
> >> Cameron Shorter wrote:
> >>  
> >>> For the OSGeo Live DVD that we are developing for FOSS4G 2010, we will
> >>> be asking all applications to provide a punchy, one page overview of
> >>> their project.
> >>>
> >>> This overview will conveniently double as Project Flier to hand out at
> >>> conference stands, and also be a page in a book of OSGeo projects.
> >>>
> >>> The aim of these overview pages is to have them be consistent, sexy, and
> >>> sell OSGeo in a positive, professional manner.
> >>>
> >>> To support this, I've created the attached pdf template. Please review
> >>> and provide feedback before we set the template in stone, and ask all
> >>> projects to create material against this template.
> >>>
> >>> Template source:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Marketing artefact definition:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Discuss mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> - --
> >> Arnulf Christl
> >>
> >> Exploring Space, Time and Mind
> >>
> >> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> >> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> >>
> >> iEYEARECAAYFAkwKQawACgkQXmFKW+BJ1b1XAQCfVbw5Ko7Y8fE1crf6k71fVedx
> >> 8u8An2pvAL7n2z7mOCYDVn6Xh2KPJ0M7
> >> =wayB
> >> ___
> >> Discuss mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  
> > ___
> > Discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> >

Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source vs Closed source

2010-04-15 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Hash: SHA1

Bob Basques wrote:
> All,
> We've got a discussion going on in the office about the subject line.
> I was wondering if folks here had any pointers to online information,
> both from a superficial view (low detail level, IE Manager speak) as
> well as some somewhat higher level information about costs, in the
> short term/ long term, etc.
> Thanks
> bobb

the subject line and the answers make me wonder whether you are aiming
at free and open access data or software or both?

The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) [1] has recently
released the publication [2] "FLOSS in Cadastre and Land Registration -
Opportunities and Risks" together with FAO. It has two initial chapters
on "Free and Open-Source Software" and "Open-Source Software for
Geospatial Data – The Birth of OSGeo". The publication is directed at
decision makers and lacks most of the tech talk that makes those folks'
eyes glaze over immediately. It is still 7 and 9 pages to read
(coincidences) but fairly straight forward. Maybe you can take some
ideas from them when promoting the Open Source idea.



> ___ Discuss mailing list 

- --
Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Whitebox GAT

2010-03-26 Thread Arnulf Christl (aka Seven)
On Wed, 2010-03-24 at 10:45 -0400, John Lindsay wrote:
> Hello, 
> I wanted to let you know about a new open-source GIS project that I
>  have initiated called Whitebox Geospatial Analysis Tools. Whitebox GAT
>  is a user-friendly and expendable GIS with significant capabilities
>  for spatial analysis. In developing Whitebox GAT I have taken a
>  transparent approach to the open-source paradigm. That is, if the user
>  would like to know how a particular tool's algorithm works, they need
>  not download the source code and wade through the immense code base to
>  find the few lines of relevant code. Instead, each tool has a 'View
>  Code' button that will bring up the specific code related to the tool.
>  Furthermore, they are able to convert the code into other programming
>  languages. The idea is to remove some of the barriers that exist
>  between the developer community and the user community. 

this project is highly interesting, also in view of recent tendencies to
transport code across the web to do things on data instead of the other
way round (good for some funny discussions in the OGC WPS working group

> My analogy is
>  that commercial software 

If I may interrupt rudely and point out that you probably mean
"proprietary software". We try to use correct terminology to avoid
making people believe that Free and Open Source Software cannot be used
commercially. Just a side note...

> is like a locked library where only a few
>  select individuals have the right to access the information contained
>  within; most open source software packages, at least from the
>  viewpoint of the user, is like a public library but there is no
>  cataloging system and the books are all written in Greek; Whitebox is
>  much more like the Internet. You can download Whitebox GAT from:
> I'd certainly appreciate any feedback that you may have.

As already said above, this is a highly interesting approach, thanks for
getting it started. 

Best regards, 

> John Lindsay, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
> Dept. of Geography, Univ. of Guelph
> Guelph, Ont. N1G 2W1   CANADA
> Phone: (519) 824-4120 x56074
> Fax: (519) 837-2940
> Email:
> Department Web:
> Personal Web:
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Exploring Space, Time and Mind

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Generalizing complex 3D vector polygon data

2010-03-23 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Alexandre Leroux wrote:
> Dear list,
> Here's my challenge. I have 3D buildings originally in the AutoCAD
> format which are composed of hundreds of 2D polygons in 3D space.
> Is there any tool that can "generalize" 3D data?
> I found that GRASS GIS offers line generalization:
> but found nothing regarding 3D generalization.
> My feeling is that 'GIS technology' is just not there yet. There's just
> no implemented algorithms to generalize complex 3D to less complex 3D
> data. Am I right?
> Since my team is heavily using FOSS4G, we're looking for a solution (if
> any) that would ideally be 100% FOSS4G.
> Thanks for any feedback,
> Alex

I'd check out OSSIM.

- --
Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Is the integration of FOSS4G and proprietary software good for FOSS4G?

2010-03-17 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

100% support to what Daniel and Brian say.

One mission of OSGeo is to support standards development, another to
interact with all geospatial communities. Even although they have a
different take on licensing proprietary vendors are a valuable part of
the geospatial community. To alienate users who are stuck on
proprietary software for whichever reason would not help any of us.

Best regards,

Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Hi Miguel,
> The answer depends on how you measure success. If your measure of
> success is the number of people who drop their proprietary apps in favor
> of open source packages then you may not want to build this kind of
> bridge since your best tactic may be to play the same vendor lock-in
> game as some proprietary vendors do (note I wrote some vendors and not
> all).
> OTOH, if you measure success by the number of happy users/customers of
> your software (as I do), then by all means, build as many bridges as
> possible. In this case it does not matter if your users continue to use
> their proprietary software in parallel with your open source package,
> what matters is that at the end of the day they could be more efficient
> in doing their work, and in the end become happier campers.
> A good example of this is the GDAL/OGR project which is a success (IMHO)
> in large part because the license and philosophy of the project
> encouraged proprietary vendors to use and contribute to it. As a result,
> it is in use everywhere today, and even ESRI considers it part of "the
> best open source technology" that "it is committed to supporting"
> ( See for a
> list of organizations who have adopted and supported the project over
> the years.
> My 0.02$
> Daniel
> Miguel Montesinos wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I throw out a question some people are debating in Spain [1 (only
>> Spanish)]. Sextante has the intention (or at least have thought about
>> it) of building bindings so that it can be used from proprietary
>> applications, like ArcGIS.
>> 1) Do you think that it may avoid proprietary users to migrate to open
>> solutions, as they can benefit of open-source libraries under their
>> proprietary software? Besides, this give arguments to proprietary
>> manufacturers because of the weakness of open-source software needing to
>> run on top of proprietary ones, or to sell out their compatibility with
>> FOSS4G.
>> 2) Do you think that it may lead proprietary users to try out and
>> migrate to open source solutions due to the good impression they can
>> have after using FOSS4G? Besides, this could generate incomes to improve
>> FOSS4G developments, and offer alternatives to proprietary extensions,
>> drivers, ...
>> What is your oppinion about this tricky question?
>> Best,
>> [1]
>> -
>> Miguel Montesinos
>> CTO
>> mmontesinos [at] prodevelop [dot] es
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list

- --
Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] U.S. Department of Interior soliciting Ideas on improving business practices

2010-03-10 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
> Hi Folks,
>   The U.S Department of Interior has a website up soliciting ideas for
> improvement. Each idea gives registered users options to comment and vote
> on suggestions.  There is a suggestion posted  for the use of open source
> software, and I have just posted a suggestion for regular benchmarking of
> software ( commercial and open source)  for OGC services and processing
> large datasets ( comments welcome!) .

thank you for this information.

One minor clarification on terminology (I will never tire): Using the
wording "commercial and open source" to differentiate proprietary form
free/open license models is misguiding as all Open Source software can
also be used in commercial contexts and is thus also "commercial

This has recently been clarified by the US Department of Defense available
in a document [1], attachment 2 on page 5, §2 a):
"In almost all cases, OSS meets the definition of “commercial computer
software” and shall be given appropriate statutory preference in
accordance with 10 USC 2377 (reference (b)) (see also FAR 2.101(b),
12.000, 12.101 (reference (c)); and DFARS 212.212, and 252.227-7014(a)(1)
(reference (d)))."

(I love to cite those guys, they manage to make everything look dead
serious :-)

The correct term to differentiate free and open source license models from
proprietary license is models is "proprietary", and nothing but.

Best regards,


>   For those who might be interested in making suggestions or
> commenting
> on the existing suggestions, the website is:
> Doug
> Doug Newcomb
> Raleigh, NC
> 919-856-4520 ext. 14
> -
> The opinions I express are my own and are not representative of the
> official policy of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service or Dept. of the
> Interior.   Life is too short for undocumented, proprietary data
> formats.___
> Discuss mailing list

President OSGeo

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] New OSGeo Mailing List: jQuery for geospatial development

2010-03-06 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

if you use jQuery and want to extend it for geospatial then this might
be the right place to find like minded people, add your own hack and
point to other web sites with similar development.

Feel free to join the mailing list at:

Hack the Wiki at:

Tweet it, blog on it. Maybe this is a chance to get the attention of
spatially unaware developers.

Thanks to Till for starting this and to Jan for bringing it into the
Spanish speaking worlds.

Best regards,

- --
Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Mailing List for jquery geo development

2010-03-06 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

we had a good BoF at FOSSGIS about leveraging jQuery in Geo. There
already are several initiatives, single developments and interest from
some projects. Till Adams has set up a Wiki to collect some of them
under the url Feel free to log in and comment.

- From the scope of the idea it seems to make sense to set up a dedicated
mailing list. I suggested to use OSGeo infrastructure as it makes it
easier to find, maintain, etc.

The next BoF will be on March 12th in Girona:

can you please set up a mailing list named "geojquery"? I volunteer as
list admin.

Once the list is up and prodictive we will announce it on this list
again. After that you have to follow progress there.

Best regards,

- --
Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Comparison

2010-02-18 Thread Arnulf Christl (aka Seven)
On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 15:28 +0100, Andrea Aime wrote:
> Rafal Wawer ha scritto:
> > Hi Jovi,
> > For a start you can take a look at the evaluation results of CASCADOSS 
> > project - you will find there also other types of FOSS4G software too.
> >
> >  
> > 
> >  
> > The evaluation is a bit out of date - valid for early 2008, but the 
> > evaluation method itself may provide the clues how to look at  and 
> > compare FOSS4G software projects.
> I am wondering if the GeoServer report was submitted to the GeoServer
> community for double checking? I've noticed a few errors in the report
> (even for beginning 2008).
> For example we had in-build testing since spring 2007, the project
> was already more than 5 years old in 2008 and so on.
> Cheers
> Andrea

I also noticed some inconsistencies and omissions in that document. This
is the general problem with canned information that has not been passed
by the relevant communities. It would be much easier to have this type
of documents available in an editable format like a Wiki. I wonder why
OSGeo has not got around to producing something similar? It is obviously
a hard task but if we (OSGeo folks) do not manage to get it done well,
who will? 

Best regards, 

Exploring Space, Time and Mind

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Software Copyright ownership

2010-02-13 Thread Arnulf Christl (aka Seven)
Cleaning up an older thread... 

>From what I gather from the lists there seems to be no broad opinion in
favor of making projects move their copyright under the hood of OSGeo. 

With the recent discussion of potential export restriction enforcement
by incorporated organizations incorporated in USA the the need for a
more global organization seems to be higher. I am frankly at a loss at
where such an organization would be incorporated and what it could look
like but if it existed I would very much like to support it. If anyone
has a great idea what a truly global OSGeo should look like please speak

We should spend some thought on copyright every time we admit and
evaluate projects in incubation. My personal experience shows that
having the copyright of Open Source projects completely under the hood
of a community owned organization is a good thing. Everything else is
messy. The messy bit only shows when things go wrong so lets keep
fingers crossed and as long as nothing happens we'll all be fine. 

Best regards, 

On Mon, 2009-12-14 at 21:34 +, Chris Puttick wrote:
> The other issue with assigning code copyrights to a US-based
>  organisation is a simple one. The US has the strongest software patent
>  machine and the most supportive courts (if you pick your state
>  carefully ;) ).
> As FOSSGIS applications bite ever harder into the profits of the dominant 
> player(s), the chance of the game being changed to a legal one rather than a 
> sales and marketing one is pretty high; a fight OSGeo couldn't afford to be 
> in.
> Chris
> - "Landon Blake"  wrote:
> > One example of the restrictions Luis is talking about is the
> > prohibition
> > against distributing certain cryptographic software outside of the
> > US:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Don't know that OSGeo would bump into that, but it is one example of
> > a
> > US specific restriction on organizations involved in software
> > development.
> > 
> > Landon
> > Office Phone Number: (209) 946-0268
> > Cell Phone Number: (209) 992-0658
> >  
> >  
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of Luis W. Sevilla
> > Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 10:40 AM
> > To: OSGeo Discussions
> > Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Software Copyright ownership
> > 
> > Hi,
> > one thing must be taken in account, IMHO. If I'm not wrong OSGeo
> > is 
> > an USA foundation (is registered in the States, and must follow his 
> > laws, of course. As USA maintains a commercial embargo to Cuba [1], it
> > 
> > seems there are a lot of things in technology fields restricted to 
> > American companies (and also foundations).
> > 
> > If OSGeo will not became a more global (not so USA laws
> > conditioned)
> > 
> > institution, it doesn't seem so good the idea of giving all and every
> > 
> > copyrights to the foundation.
> > 
> > My two cents
> >Luis
> > 
> > [1]
> > ___
> > Discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> > 
> > Warning:
> > Information provided via electronic media is not guaranteed against
> > defects including translation and transmission errors. If the reader
> > is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any
> > dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is
> > strictly prohibited. If you have received this information in error,
> > please notify the sender immediately.
> > ___
> > Discuss mailing list
> >
> >
> --
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> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Exploring Space, Time and Mind

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] options for getting paid technical/mentoring support on foss geo applications

2010-01-25 Thread Arnulf Christl
maning sambale wrote:
> Hi,
> We are a non-profit research institution in the Philippines providing
> geospatial related research to local partners.  This year we are
> getting more involved with the use of several FOSS geo packages
> (mostly under OSGEO projects).

thanks for the decision to use Open Source software. Contacting this
list is a good idea. All interested parties should feel free to contact
Maning through this list or off directly to offer their services.

> We want to assist local partners in deploying FOSS products within
> their institutions (either as a desktop or server based solutions or
> customized apps).
> In many cases we can get support from the numerous mailinglist.
> However, there maybe cases when we will be needing paid technical
> support or specific application customization.  In the future, we want
> to develop this capacity in house and the give back to the community.
> But for the moment, we are looking for developers or consultants who
> can help us.

You can find a list of Open Source service providers in the OSGeo
directory [1]. None of them are endorsed by OSGeo and the directory is
self maintained, but it may serve as a starting point.

> What we see is a sort of mentoring mechanism.  Our staff will be
> involved with assisting our partners develop their geospatial
> solutions.  But we may need regular mentoring/technical assistance.
> Since we will be using several geo apps (desktop, server), we need
> experts in many fields.
> I'm currently looking at opengeo's services and it seems to provide
> the support we need.

Please notice that although sounds similar to the
two organizations have a completely different background and are not
directly related. OpenGeo is not the official service provider for OSGeo
software but offer services like any another provider listed in the
directory or elsewhere. Sorry for the potentially confusing names.

> Any other ideas/individuals/orgs who can help us?  Note that we are
> not looking for people to develop the applications for us what we need
> are technical advise as we develop the request solutions from our
> partners.
> Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Arnulf Christl.


Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Poland OSGeo Chapter's members will co-organize a conference

2010-01-17 Thread Arnulf Christl (aka Seven)
On Sat, 2010-01-16 at 23:30 +0100, Tomasz.Kubik wrote:
> I am pleased to announce that:
> The OSGeo Poland Chapter is co-organizing a conference on the GIS
> applications of open source software.  The event will take place on
> May 13-14 in Wroclaw, in co-operation with the Institute of Geodesy
> and Geoinformation Science, Wroclaw University of Environmental and
> Life Sciences.
> Foreign guests, including the representatives of national mapping
> agencies of the European Union member states have been invited to
> deliver plenary talks.  
> More info:
> Tomasz Kubik

congratulations for having set up this conference! 

I have added the event to the OSGeo Wiki [1]. If you have more
information feel free to add it to the Wiki, especially dates for
submission (if still open) and any press releases that you publish.
Ideally you can add a short note or report after the conference is

By adding [[Category:Events]] to the bottom of the page it automatically
appears in our events list [2], after the conference please change this
to [[Category:Past Events]]. 

Thank you, 


Exploring Space, Time and Mind

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGEO code

2009-12-22 Thread Arnulf Christl

Christopher Schmidt wrote:

On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 10:29:56AM +, Jo wrote:

I apologise if this is out of topic, but I don't know where else to post
this question.
I'm implementing the OSGEO Tile Map Server

<>and I came across
a SRS named "OSGEO:41001";
since I don't know this authority and code, I was wondering if it is the
same as Google Mercator ("EPSG:900913").
This was also suggested to me from reading in other places:

41001 no longer has any meanng, but what we meant by it at the time is 
what we now call 900913.

Not really relevant but easy to memorize, it "spells" Google:

For a time, this was EPSG:3785; this is now EPSG:3857.

All 4 of those (and occasionally 54004) mean essentially the same thing in
common usage.

it is the same, maybe it would be a good idea to change the code for EPSG
(update the spec), for a matter of inter operability and compatibility with
other services?
If it is not the same, I would really appreciate if you could point me to
other places where I can get more information about this SRS.
Thanks in

 best regards,

"#define QUESTION ((bb) || !(bb))"  (Shakespeare)

Discuss mailing list

Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Software Copyright ownership

2009-12-13 Thread Arnulf Christl
What do folks think about software Copyright ownership? OSGeo could 
suggest that project steering committees move the Copyright of their 
software under the hood of OSGeo as GeoTools and others already did. In 
some cases the respective project steering committees might not be able 
to do such a thing because they do not own it in the first place. Is 
that a good situation?

To my knowledge (this needs verification) Apache has all its projects 
under their own license and owns the copyright for the code. Very 
straightforward. Outside of Open Source in the standards arena Google 
has given the Copyright of KML to the OGC - which is good. In 
OpenStreetMap not doing this has resulted in arguably unresolvable 
licensing problems.

Let me predict that the "user community" (remember 2005/11) will 
probably favor such an approach (and with big lamento) and that current 
Copyright owners of code and trademarks might be rather more reluctant.

A recent example that shows what problems can be caused by not clearly 
separating Copyright, business ownership and trademarks is MySQL. The 
company "MySQL AB" operated the project "MySQL" and sold the product 
"MySQL" under a dual licensing schema. Now MySQL AB (the company) is 
owned by Oracle. Who owns the copyright of the project MySQL? And what 
happens to the trademarks?

I generally do not agree with Monty[1] (twittered by James Fee) and 
believe that he has other motivations and should have taken preventive 
measures up front to avoid what is happening right now. But whatever the 
outcome of this fight it for sure has been damaging to the project.

In a response/comment from Groklaw (twittered by Paul Ramsey):

"And on what legal basis would anyone have authority to change the 
license, other than the copyright holder? Are you seriously suggesting 
that a regulatory body decide the license instead of the copyright 
owner? What a reckless idea."

My private opinion on this issue is pretty clear: Move your Copyright to 
OSGeo - all of it including trademarks, logos and designs. That is what 
OSGeo is there for. Get it out of corporate reach, it is none of their 
business (great analogy, hehe). Is their any advantage of keeping the 
Copyright under a private property?

What I get back from corporate users of Open Source software these days 
is the same, they would rather have the Copyright sit with a (real) 
non-profit like OSGeo than anything else.

Just a last note: This thread might grow large (these soft topics where 
everybody seems to be expert are abominable). Please do not use IANAL in 
any post, just argue straight forward to your point.

/me slowly walks off for cover

Best regards,


Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fw: open access resources/Natural Earth Data & Cartography 2.0

2009-12-03 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)

Martin Bunch wrote:


Great resource, thanks for the link.

One slightly off topic comment on the term "non-commercial" further down...:

Martin J. Bunch, PhD
Associate Professor
Faculty of Environmental Studies
York University
Tel: 416-736-2100 x:22630
Fax: 416-736-5679

This electronic mail (e-mail), including any attachments, is intended 
only for the recipient(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain 
information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from 
disclosure. No waiver of privilege, confidentiality or any other 
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Any unauthorized use, dissemination or copying is strictly prohibited. 
If you have received this e-mail in error, or are not named as a 
recipient, please immediately notify the sender and destroy all copies 
of it.

-Forwarded by Martin Bunch/fs/YorkU on 12/03/2009 09:18PM -

To: CAG List 
From: Kristopher Olds 
Sent by:
Date: 12/03/2009 08:05PM
Subject: [Caglist] open access resources/Natural Earth Data &
Cartography 2.0

Hi - Canadian geographers, with geospatial interests, might be
interested in some new open source, non-commercial resources our

The use of the term "non-commercial" in this context is probably meant 
to convey that the sources do not originate from a commercial project. 
It should not be confused with a restriction of use as some Creative 
Commons licenses optionally have. This data has been released to the 
Public Domain and can be used for any purpose. The web site has a 
concise terms of use page:

Thanks for this, it is the maximum possible level of freedom for data. 
Well done, well done.


faculty, staff and students (and their colleagues) have been heavily
involved in developing.

The first is Natural Earth Data, an effort to create a comprehensive
of freely accessible geospatial data. The effort was led over the past
six months by Nathaniel Kelso of the Washington Post and Tom Patterson
of the US National Park Service. The data is now freely available here:

Additional information:

The second is Cartography 2.0, a free online knowledge base and
e-textbook for students and professionals interested in interactive and
animated maps:

We hope these resources are of use to some of you.

Best wishes,


Kris Olds
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin-Madison
550 N. Park Street, Science Hall
Madison, WI 53706
Tel: 1-608-262-5685
GEOG Twitter:
GlobalHigherEd Twitter:
WUN Faculty Coordinator:
Co-editor, Geography Compass:

CAGList mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] books on Web Services

2009-12-03 Thread Arnulf Christl

Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:

Dear All,

Is there any reccomendation for good books on following
topics (with many good examples)

1) Service Oriented Architecture

RESTful Web Services O'Reilly

2) Web Services: XML, WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI

Not sure whether bothering with WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI, is worth the 
while, but that's only me...


3) Web Service Security
4) Ext JS
5) Cloud computing platforms

Thanks in advance.

Discuss mailing list

Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Incubator] [Fwd: Re: Request for OSGeo projects logos]

2009-11-25 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Someone was a lot brighter than me long ago:

Pls. update your links and add our new projects while you are at it.


Arnulf Christl wrote:
> Folks,
> Frank is perfectly right in saying that we might have wanted to have
> people add a pointer in the OSGeo Wiki to their logo on their own
> servers. On the other hand those pages also tend to wither and go away
> (unless you are a solid rock like GDAL).
> What to do?  Diversity wins. I will whip up a Wiki page and add a
> pointer to both places, so jut do one of the two or both. Then we can
> follow up in a year and see which way was better.
> Regards, Arnulf.
>  Original Message 
> Subject: Re: Request for OSGeo projects logos
> Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 12:10:39 -0500
> From: Frank Warmerdam 
> To:
> References:
> <>
> <> <>
> <>
> Arnulf Christl wrote:
>> OSGeo Project Leads (incubating and graduated),
>> please make sure that you upload your logos in high quality SVG format
>> to the OSGeo Marketing SVN repository, please create a sub folder with
>> the name of your project:
> Arnulf,
> IMHO it would have been better to have a marketing wiki page that pointed
> to where projects kept their logo.  The current approach means someone
> from every project needs osgeo svn access, and the chances of their
> remembering to update this copy of the logo if their logo changes is very
> small.
> Best regards,
Incubator mailing list

- --
Arnulf Christl
Spatial Systems Architect
WhereGroup GmbH & Co. KG
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] [Fwd: Re: Request for OSGeo projects logos]

2009-11-25 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Frank is perfectly right in saying that we might have wanted to have
people add a pointer in the OSGeo Wiki to their logo on their own
servers. On the other hand those pages also tend to wither and go away
(unless you are a solid rock like GDAL).

What to do?  Diversity wins. I will whip up a Wiki page and add a
pointer to both places, so jut do one of the two or both. Then we can
follow up in a year and see which way was better.

Regards, Arnulf.

-  Original Message 
Subject: Re: Request for OSGeo projects logos
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 12:10:39 -0500
From: Frank Warmerdam 
<> <>

Arnulf Christl wrote:
> OSGeo Project Leads (incubating and graduated),
> please make sure that you upload your logos in high quality SVG format
> to the OSGeo Marketing SVN repository, please create a sub folder with
> the name of your project:


IMHO it would have been better to have a marketing wiki page that pointed
to where projects kept their logo.  The current approach means someone
from every project needs osgeo svn access, and the chances of their
remembering to update this copy of the logo if their logo changes is very

Best regards,
- --
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Programmer for Rent

- --
Arnulf Christl
Spatial Systems Architect
WhereGroup GmbH & Co. KG
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [Fwd: RE: [OSGeo-Discuss] GDAL and ESRI]

2009-11-25 Thread Arnulf Christl
> HI Ravi,
> There is a nice term describing how GPL works - "viral effect". If you
> "touch" GPL you will be GPeLd to GPL yourself.
> Unlike the flue ... there is not cure (-;
> Best regards:
> RAf

I suggest to not use the term "viral effect" but rather call it a

"Viral effect" reeks of FUD intended to make .us look like bacilli.

Vaccine is more appropriate because people generally consciously choose
to get it knowing perfectly well what they are doing. Viruses instead
are nasty and jump on you without politely asking beforehand.

It may be unconventional to fight a well known Meme like "viral effect"
but that does not make is any more appropriate.


Will need to add this to [[Category:Advocacy]] some day...

Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo
Discuss mailing list

Request for OSGeo projects logos (was: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Looking for OSGeo projects logos)

2009-11-25 Thread Arnulf Christl
OSGeo Project Leads (incubating and graduated),
please make sure that you upload your logos in high quality SVG format
to the OSGeo Marketing SVN repository, please create a sub folder with
the name of your project:

The logos will be used by the Marketing Committee, Local Chapters and
individuals giving presentations, talks, etc. Pushing your logo there in
high quality will add emphasis to your professionalism and help to
promote and add visibility to your efforts.

If you do not have an acceptable SVG file please upload a high
resolution raster image, that will still be better than not having

Best regards,

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas wrote:
> Lars Lingner escribió:
>> Micho Gar schrieb:
>>> Hi all,
>>> the OSGeo spanish chapter are working on making a poster to the 5th gvSIG
>>> conference. We need the logos of the OSGeo projects, but in vectorial
>>> format, like .svg. Do you know where we can find??.
>> There is an subversion repository:
>> Maybe that has some sources you could use.
> This is the place where we *should* have project logos, but at this
> time there are just sponsors and general OSGeo branding stuff. Maybe
> the logos are there, out of the "logo" folder...
> What about asking any project to place there the best/last logo they have?
> Cheers

Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Question about FOSS4G Business Models

2009-11-24 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)

> Hi all,
> A friend of mine at a medium-sized IT company in Japan needs to convince
> his
> company management and finances to invest in FOSS4G technologies
> over the next 5 years. The company presently does a small part of
> its business using FOSS4G tools but is wondering if it should take
> a deeper plunge into the FOSS4G world.
> In order to convince the company management and finance departments, they
> need
> to produce a document with concrete data about *how companies elsewhere in
> the world
> are profiting, growing, increasing market share and the kind of clients
> that they are catering to*. Even company brochures, financial reports
> etc. would help.
> The company also wants to consider marketing broad based services for
> SDI using FOSS4G technologies and would like to know market potential
> in other countries and region for SDI related services.
> Since a part of my Master thesis deals with business models for
> FOSS4G, I find their situation interesting and would like to help
> them to take a deeper plunge into the FOSS4G world. In order to help
> prepare a brief report for them including some statistical information
> about few of the bigger players in FOSS4G business.
> It would be great if some of the business leaders in the OSGeo community
> could
> provide me with inputs for the report. Your input will not only
> help me convince them that FOSS4G is worth it
> (I am already convinced, but need some data to support my
> claim) but also help me to understand the business models better.
> If you want to keep your inputs confidential, you are welcome
> to contact me off-list ( Names, names of companies
> will be kept
> confidential (just call them company A,B,C etc) in the final report. Once
> the report is ready
> It will be shared it as an open document under appropriate
> CC license, if that is desired.
> The report needs to be ready in three weeks, I look forward
> for the inputs.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best regards
> Daniele
> --
> Researcher @ Osaka City University
> Graduate School for Creative Cities
> "My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my
> life there."
> — Charles F. Kettering
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

working from there I have recently published draft versions of two new
papers (and weeks ago promised you to send the links) detailing Open
Source Business processes [1] and the other showing the needs that lead to
the formation of OSGeo [2]. They are more general in tone and do not give
explicit examples but maybe are a good introduction. Hope this helps.

Best regards,


Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Events OSGeo India

2009-11-23 Thread Arnulf Christl

Ravi wrote:

reporting a couple of inspiring events.

Ravi Kumar

thanks for the update. Doing this helps to keep track of what is going 
on in the Local Chapters, this is excellent. Hopefully other Local 
Chapters see you as a good example and start (or continue) to report as 

We might want to tag this kind of news so that Local Chapters liaison 
officers (who we have not really activated at this time) can find 
reports easily. Maybe add a new Category to the Wiki? Ideas 
(do-ocractically implemented) are appreciated.


Trying to sort through mails after longer absence from office. Please 
bear with me.

Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] AGU in December (Volunteers)

2009-11-17 Thread Arnulf Christl (aka Seven)
I will be in SF for the OGC TC meeting in the week before. Unfortunately
my flight back is on the 14th, I did not check back with the event
calendar (which one is that anyway?).

But I'd be interested in meeting with OSGeo folks to share some ideas
the weekend before - if anyone is around & interested.

Best regards,

Alex Mandel schrieb:
> All,
> Tyler is speaking at the American Geophysical Union conference Dec
> 14-18(Booth is 15-18) in San Fransisco.
> I'm interested to know who is already planning to go to the AGU and
> could help at the booth occasionally?
> Several members of the California chapter have volunteered to run the
> booth, we're just looking to make sure we have some additional help
> before we commit the funds.
> We need to know before the marketing meeting tonight, 11pm PST if we
> have enough people to do the booth or not.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Next 5 years for OSGeo

2009-10-01 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
On Wed, September 30, 2009 18:49, Maxim Dubinin wrote:
> Hi
> Local OSGeo chapters are great, but how about existing non-OSGeo groups?
> Does OSGeo have a strategy to
> build communication with them?
> Maxim

yes, OSGeo's intent it to embrace and support existing organizations with
the same vision instead of being exclusive. There is a Wiki page with some
links and always happy to be updated:

Please also feel free to introduce OSGeo to organizations that have not
yet stumbled across us.

In Germany the existing Free Software Geospatial organization FOSSGIS e.V.
(then named "GRASS user's group") meanwhile has become the official OSGeo
Local Chapter and we are working on the same goals and appear jointly at
conferences, trade fairs, organize hack sprints, etc. It is a lively
community and growing strong. It did take some time to work out the
details as is always the case with integrating existing organizations but
now all seem to be quite happy with it.

Best regards,

> Âû ïèñàëè 30 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2009 ã., 11:03:35:
>>> where the cost of software licenses is far to high for the budgets
>>> thay have. Naturally, some of the users use cracks, but it won't be
>>> that easy enymore, especially in the domain of web services. OSGeo
>>> could support education in FOSS4G in those countries - with active
>>> marketing, sending information letters to the bodies responsible for
>>> mapping and environment.
> FW> I am a big believer in folks "pulling up their own socks" in this
> regard. FW> I am dubious about OSGeo trying to seed into countries without
> local FW> advocates, but there are things we can do to help support locals
> who FW> want promotional and training materials, and some introduction
> into FW> international circles.
> FW> Hopefully we can also provide an aura of deserved respectability
> FW> for our projects that will make it easier for decision makers to take
> FW> them seriously.
>>> OSGeo could also participate in dvelopment projects - like
>>> those small grants of GSDI, providing FOSS solutions, not mentioning
>>> European FP7 projects addressing Africa. For know the quite steep
>>> learning curve to get into FOSS4G is very often keeping the potential
>>> users away.
> FW> There are things we can do, but to a large extent the benefits will
> go FW> to those users who realize some investment in learning is
> worthwhile.
>>> Is OSGeo targeting those users now? If you look onto the map of
>>> registered members:,
>>> well, not everyone added himself to the map, but enyway, Africa, Asia
>>> and South America look quite empty (-;
> FW> There are things we are doing now, including holding FOSS4G in South
> FW> Africa last year, and making an effort to involve geographically
> diverse FW> folks in the charter membership and board.  We have also been
> supportive FW> (though perhaps we could be more so) of local chapters
> where they are FW> established by local advocates.
> FW> But, clearly we still have had only modest success getting folks in
> FW> the developing world actively involved in the global OSGeo activities.
> FW> Best regards,
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Board] 2009 Board Election Results

2009-09-30 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
first off a big thanks to our late directors, thanks for all the good
work! Thanks Paul for running the elections.

I will use Paul's words when I say it was a very large field of really
excellent candidates, it's a shame the board isn't bigger! I hope that you
will bring in your excellence within OSGeo all the same and I am sure that
you will have a close look on how the board is doing and let it know if it
goes astray. OSGeo is all about its members, the board should be nothing
but its formal extension.

Lets get going for a cool FOSS4G and next year.

Best regards,

On Tue, September 29, 2009 16:53, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Here are the final results from the voting for the open seats of the
> OSGeo Board of Directors.  There were five seats open and they have
> been filled by, in alphabetical order:
> * Chris Schmidt
> * Geoff Zeiss
> * Jeff McKenna
> * Markus Neteler (re-elected)
> * Ravi Kumar
> Thanks to everyone for running, it was a very large field of really
> excellent candidates, it's a shame the board isn't bigger.  The voting
> participation was middling at 73% and there were no tie scores to
> arbitrate.
> Your complete resulting Board is:
> * Ari Jolma
> * Arnulf Christl
> * Frank Warmerdam
> * Howard Butler
> * Markus Neteler
> * Chris Schmidt
> * Geoff Zeiss
> * Jeff McKenna
> * Ravi Kumar
> Yours,
> Paul Ramsey
> CRO 2009
> _______
> Board mailing list

Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Pictures from Intergeo

2009-09-30 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Intergeo was a great success. There are a few shots available through the
osgeohackingevent2009 account (thanks again to Anne Ghisla):


Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Next 5 years for OSGeo

2009-09-28 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
your list looks good to me. OSGeo should focus on:
* Local Chapters
* Conferences (FOSS4G + many, many localized versions)
* Global strategic binding (that is cross project, journal, marketing, etc.)

I want to add that for me it is also a goal to limit OSGeo's growth wrt
the number of paid staff and budget. We can make good use with 100k more
for hardware, services and to have more reserves for the conferences.
But I believe that we should not let the budget grow beyond ~half a
million - not even in five years. If there is money to make then it
should be made by businesses. They in turn are welcome to sponsor OSGeo.
By supporting FOSS business development OSGeo automagically supports

Local Chapters should grow by themselves, in most cases an small initial
stub created from "within" OSGeo "Global" is enough to get going. And as
Howard said - the life of OSGeo is within the local chapters.


I wonder how many FOSS geospatial core software developers there are?
Any educated guesses? What for? Becasue those are the ones who need
OSGeo global. All the others are well served with LCs.

Howard Butler schrieb:
> On Sep 14, 2009, at 4:01 PM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
>> Hi everyone, a recent chat I was asked about our vision for OSGeo over
>> the next 3 and 5 years.  I'd really like to hear thoughts on the matter
>> and pool a few of the ideas together for further discussions amongst
>> committees, projects, chapters and the board.
>> It's also a good way for the board nominees in the upcoming election to
>> get a sense of where other members are thinking these days.
> My measurement of success for OSGeo and priorities I hope it shares in
> the next 3-5 years are the following three items:
> - Continued expansion of the local chapters.  Local chapters make OSGeo
> real in the sense that mailing lists, websites, and an IRC channel can't.
> - The conference continues uninterrupted for the next five years, and we
> start to use it our central fundraising piece.
> - Cross-project collaboration, like the journal, osgeo4w, metacrs,
> benchmarking, system administration, and geodata continues to be
> fostered by us.  From my biased developer's perspective, these have been
> OSGeo's biggest accomplishments along with the local chapter development
> and consolidation of the conference.
> Howard
> _______
> Discuss mailing list

Arnulf Christl
OSGeo President
Discuss mailing list

A reminder on terminology (was: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Lurkers)

2009-09-04 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
lay of the forum's regularly featured
>> fools and sages.
>> If we assume that Maslow was right about what motivates people
>> (self-interest) then lurking in an open source community and not
>> participating is exactly the wrong thing to do. If your business
>> depends on some FOSS tool, then it's in your self-interest to
>> expand the environment in which it operates as much as possible.
>> Because if what you sell depends on tools like OpenJUMP, you want
>> OpenJUMP well supported with a lively user group, a good supply of
>> free data, technologically competitive, and actively being 
>> developed. This is the key to making money out of bits instead of
>> atoms. If you sell services, give away the software and the
>> infrastructure of the environment it runs in. This expands the
>> market for your services and since the tools are free, the more
>> people who download them the bigger your market share gets. If you
>> sell software, give away services that leverage it. But if you lurk
>> and don't contribute to its development or the development of the 
>> environment in which it operates, then you're sort of stepping on
>> your own air hose.
>> - Bill Thoen
>> Landon Blake wrote:
>> I would like to get some comments on a phenomenon I have discovered
>> among the OpenJUMP community. I know for sure of one (1) company
>> that maintains a separate fork of OpenJUMP, but which monitors our
>> mailing list and likely grabs patches form our source code
>> repository. They never participate in the forums or make known
>> their use of OpenJUMP in any other public manner.
>> I think there is at least one other company that does this.
>> I only learn of these companies when I am contacted by private
>> e-mail to work for them on OpenJUMP development, usually by some
>> headhunter. I actually did a little work for one of these companies
>> (which was not a great experience, but that is another story) and I
>> was surprised at how important OpenJUMP was to their operation.
>> They even distributed it to their customers.
>> I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why this company wouldn’t
>> take a more active role in supporting the OpenJUMP community. I’m
>> not necessarily talking about money here, but about writing
>> documentation, contributing their own patches, or answering
>> questions on the mailing lists. Our community is very informal and
>> open, and an organization could likely have a large influence on
>> the direction the program took with an investment of some 
>> resources.
>> Is OpenJUMP the only community with these open source lurkers? How
>> many of these companies do you think there are? (I’m not talking
>> about one guy who downloads an open source app and uses it. I’m
>> talking about actual companies with more than one employee.)
>> Why don’t they get more involved? Are they embarrassed? Do they not
>> want their competition to find out about the open source program
>> they are benefiting from? Are they violating the terms of the
>> license and don’t want to get busted? Do they not understand that
>> their involvement is a key part of the program’s survival?
>> This has become an important question for me recently as the active
>> development of OpenJUMP has slowed. We don’t have any organizations
>> actively participating in development. (Well, maybe one or two, but
>> they have been quiet lately.) I’m the only one working on serious 
>> improvements or changes, and not just bug fixes. I would really
>> like to reach out to these lurkers to get them more involved.
>> Ultimately, the survival of the project may depend on it.
>> What do you think? Send an e-mail to the project list with an
>> invitation to contact me privately about getting more involved? Are
>> these lurkers worth the time?
>> Landon
>> *Warning:
>> *Information provided via electronic media is not guaranteed
>> against defects including translation and transmission errors. If
>> the reader is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified
>> that any dissemination, distribution

[OSGeo-Discuss] Project representation at Intergeo

2009-08-31 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
we have yet again invested lots to make the Open Source Park possible at
Intergeo [1] and it is starting to look really good. This year we managed
to get sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and
Technology (BMWi)[2]. The date of the Intergeo is nearing quickly but
several projects are still not represented well (or not at all). The
submission for presentation ends tomorrow but we will extend it until the
end of the week. That is Friday.

If you are keen on having your project represented please make sure that
you get someone savvy to staff our booth or have someone give a

Feel free to spread word, a short English press release[3] text has also
been prepared.

Best regards,


Arnulf Christl

Exploring Space, Time and Mind

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Examples of Opposition to Open Source/Open File Formats in the United States

2009-08-21 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Landon Blake schrieb:
> It looks like I might have ruffled a few feathers with my earlier post

please keep it up, it is advocacy at its best. As you said before, this
is the OSGeo mailing list.

Would you care to also add some of your thoughts and ideas backed up
with reference links (just link from the mailing list archives) to the
OSGeo Wiki? It provides an easy way to reference and disseminate our
activities wrt advocating Open Source Geospatial and is easily indexed
by search engines.

There is also a dedicated category in the Wiki to tag and organize pages
with explicit advocacy content. Most of the pages there are currently
focused on Open Source, Free Software and some on Business Models. Pages
related to Open Standards and Formats are still missing and would round
of the topic really well.

Thanks, Arnulf.

> about the lack of support for open source software in the United States.
> I was making a generalization, and didn't mean to criticize or downplay
> the efforts of advocates and government employees that are promoting
> open source software. I hope their advocacy continues, and I will do
> what I can to support it.
> I thought I would take a minute to post one or two articles that
> highlight the type of opposition/attitude that I was talking about.
> The first one isn't directly related to geospatial software, but it is
> related to the use of open source software and open file formats by
> government agencies in the United States. It has to do with the adoption
> of ODF (the file format used by Open Office).
> See the section on Massachusetts in this wikipedia article:
> Here is an article about legislation proposed in 2006 to do the same
> thing in Minnesota:
> ml?articleID=184429732
> These articles are old, and there may have been updates and new legal
> decisions that I am not aware of. You could check to ODF Alliance site
> for updates:
> There is no question in my mind that Microsoft opposed the adoption of
> ODF by state governments in the United States. If you don't think this
> is true, I've got a bridge I want to sell you. :]
> My second example involves the Autodesk suit against the Open Design
> Alliance. You can read an article about that here:
> Autodesk may have legitimate concerns about trademark violation, but
> I'll bet they would love to sink the Open Design Alliance ship. The
> majority of CAD data produced in the surveying/engineering arena is
> stored in the DWG format, and Autodesk knows this. Controlling that
> format and programmer's access to it is a key component of Autodesk's
> business model.
> It looks like the legal battle was still on as recently as July 7, 2009:
> Autodesk is certainly entitled to protect is intellectual property, but
> in my mind this is a big obstacle to data sharing among the geospatial
> communities in the US, especially as you move to the engineering/survey
> side of things.
> Let's not kid ourselves. There is a lot of money to be made selling
> software in the United States, and people will do their best to
> influence our legal and commercial systems to serve their own needs. One
> thing I love about open source software development is the sense of
> sharing and community. This is a definite contrast.
> I think OSGeo (and all of us as individual software developers) should
> be aware of this opposition to open source and open technology
> standards, and should do our best to counteract it. A lot of the general
> public doesn't understand the issues involved, or understand how
> governments funded by their tax dollars might benefit from open source
> software. We need to be the voice the people aren't going to hear from
> Autodesk or ESRI.
> Landon
> Warning:
> Information provided via electronic media is not guaranteed against defects 
> including translation and transmission errors. If the reader is not the 
> intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, 
> distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you 
> have received this information in error, please notify the sender immediately.

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Any plan for improving "Service Providers"?

2009-08-06 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Jacolin Yves schrieb:
> Le Monday 03 August 2009 20:13:09 Frank Warmerdam, vous avez écrit :
>> Yves Jacolin (free) wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Anyone could tell me it there are any plan for improving the Service
>>> Provider [1] ?
>>> For instance, add more information about service provided by each company
>>> like formation, support, custom dev, development of OSGeo application,
>>> etc.
>> Yves,
>> There was a plan to add indicators for service providers that had
>> contributed back to the community in a variety of ways (sponsorships,
>> supporting projects with developers, etc), but it never was implemented.
>> I have tried to avoid attempting to describe services in too much detail
>> within the application itself, and instead *hoped* that organizations would
>> provide a landing page that gave a good description of their services
>> appropriate to people coming from the service provider directory.
>> Organizations provide a wide set of services, and it is hard to describe
>> them consistently for searching purposes.  I think it is better to see the
>> SPD as giving pointers to service providers that the searcher can then
>> research more deeply using other mechanisms.
>> Also, keep in mind that we do not currently vette organizations and the
>> more complicated the classification the more inconsistently it is likely to
>> be applied.  We already have the problems that service providers which to
>> list lots of countries where they are willing to operate while we really
>> want that field to indicate countries where they have existing staff on the
>> ground in an office.
>> Best regards,
> Many thanks for your answer Frank, it gives me some interesting information :)
> Y.

Yes, we should pick this up again. A suggestion was floated some time
back to mark those service providers who sponsor OSGeo with a barn
star[1]. This might also get us broader interest in sponsoring as
involved service providers can showcase their activity. It would also
allow us to reward those who do lots of in-kind contributions (e.g. SAC
folks) and thus are reluctant to pay cash to OSGeo as a sponsor.

Apart from this I guess it would be appropriate to add companies to a
map (hey, we are a bunch of mapping folks...) and maybe order the
languages and region section by name, alphabetically. Generally, would
people prefer to have the language in its own name as on the left of the
main web site or rather their English names? My preference tend to the

Too many ideas, no one to do it. Sure. Thats why the SPD still looks as
it does... :-)

Best regards,


Arnulf Christl
OSGeo President
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGC Technical Committee Meeting protocol available Online

2009-07-15 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
the OGC [1] members meet four times a year for a one week long meeting
to work in working groups. At the fourth day the Technical Committee
meets and motions and votes on new standards, change requests, new
working groups etc. The meetings themselves are only open to members and
invited people.

In order to improve communication with other communities the OGC has
started to publish summaries of theses meetings. To make these more
accessible for OSGeo folks I have started a Wiki page with OGC News [1]
from where the latest meeting protocols are linked.

If you have further question regarding OGC feel free to ask and discuss
on the OSGeo Standards mailing list.

Best regards,


Arnulf Christl
OSGeo President

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OGC Technical Committee Meeting protocol available Online

2009-07-15 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
the OGC [1] members meet four times a year for a one week long meeting
to work in working groups. At the fourth day the Technical Committee
meets and motions and votes on new standards, change requests, new
working groups etc. The meetings themselves are only open to members and
invited people.

In order to improve communication with other communities the OGC has
started to publish summaries of theses meetings. To make these more
accessible for OSGeo folks I have started a Wiki page with OGC News [1]
from where the latest meeting protocols are linked.

If you have further question regarding OGC feel free to ask and discuss
on the OSGeo Standards mailing list.

Best regards,


Arnulf Christl
OSGeo President
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Some cialis spam in the wiki...

2009-07-03 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Rene A Enguehard schrieb:
> Deleting or banning the users won't stop them. What you need to do is
> look at where these people are coming from (IPs) and ban those directly.
> Cheers,
> René

Thanks for the tip, all blocked now.

Regards, Arnulf.

> Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) a écrit :
>> Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses schrieb:
>>> I've found several pages and some users spamming the wiki as you can
>>> see in [1]
>>> [1]
>>> Greetings
>> Thanks for the notice, I removed the pages.
>> If you are interested in busting this kind of page yourself you are
>> invited to take on the burdens of the sysop role [1]. This list of
>> people can delete pages.
>> I just checked the user list [2] and deleted a dozen more cialis bust
>> enhancers. If I would gobble all that stuff my bodily dimensions would
>> have grown beyond any imaginable bra sizes...
>> Anybody aware of a way to delete the users themselves (now they only
>> show up as not-yet-edited pages)?
>> Best regards,
>> Arnulf.
>> [1]
>> [2]
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

- --
Arnulf Christl
Spatial Systems Architect

Meet us at AGIT 2009 from July 8.-10.
in Salzburg, Austria -
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Some cialis spam in the wiki...

2009-07-03 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses schrieb:
> ¡Hola Arnulfo!
>> If you are interested in busting this kind of page yourself you are
>> invited to take on the burdens of the sysop role [1]. This list of
>> people can delete pages.
>> I just checked the user list [2] and deleted a dozen more cialis bust
>> enhancers. If I would gobble all that stuff my bodily dimensions would
>> have grown beyond any imaginable bra sizes...
> Nowadays I'm following the wiki changes via RSS so usually I notice
> this kind of pages, may be "tomorrow" I won't attend the RSS so much,
> but in the meanwhile I can do some "dirty job" for the Comunity, if
> you give me "the power"... mhuahahaahahahaha
> And Arnulf, I'm not really interested about your "bodily dimensions",
> for sure mate, "ni de coña" ;-D
> Bests,

Done, thanks for helping out!

Arnulf Christl
OSGeo President
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Some cialis spam in the wiki...

2009-07-03 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses schrieb:
> I've found several pages and some users spamming the wiki as you can see in 
> [1]
> [1] 
> Greetings

Thanks for the notice, I removed the pages.

If you are interested in busting this kind of page yourself you are
invited to take on the burdens of the sysop role [1]. This list of
people can delete pages.

I just checked the user list [2] and deleted a dozen more cialis bust
enhancers. If I would gobble all that stuff my bodily dimensions would
have grown beyond any imaginable bra sizes...

Anybody aware of a way to delete the users themselves (now they only
show up as not-yet-edited pages)?

Best regards,


Arnulf Christl
OSGeo President
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Open Source Park at Intergeo 2009

2009-06-23 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
forgot to add the contact at Hinte-Messe. Please contact Daniel Katzer as
per Cc: above and include me to make sure.

Best regards,

> Folks,
> we would like to invite you to the Open Source Park at the upcoming
> Intergeo 2009 Trade Fair and conference in Germany. As in the past years
> OSGeo is organizing a shared presentation including a community section
> for Open Source Geospatial software projects, a speaker corner and
> presentation area and partner booths. There are still a few partner booth
> slots available. If you are interested in participating please contact
> Daniel Katzer from Hinte-Messe for further details and add me to CC as
> reference.
> Due to organizational learning processes we have been somewhat late in
> sending around this call and apologize that we will probably not be able
> to accommodate all interested parties. So please let us know quickly if
> you are interested in being part of the growing Open Source business
> presence at Intergeo.
> Find out more about past years events at below URLs (mostly in German
> language due to the more local focus of the earlier Open Source booths).
> OSGeo is also seeking active participants for the set up and organization
> of the community area and FOSSGIS booth duty.
> Fell free to contact me directly if you need more information on the
> event, community and project areas.
> With best regards,
> Arnulf Christl
> --
> President OSGeo
> (early planning stage)

Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Park at Intergeo 2009

2009-06-23 Thread Arnulf Christl (OSGeo)
we would like to invite you to the Open Source Park at the upcoming
Intergeo 2009 Trade Fair and conference in Germany. As in the past years
OSGeo is organizing a shared presentation including a community section
for Open Source Geospatial software projects, a speaker corner and
presentation area and partner booths. There are still a few partner booth
slots available. If you are interested in participating please contact
Daniel Katzer from Hinte-Messe for further details and add me to CC as

Due to organizational learning processes we have been somewhat late in
sending around this call and apologize that we will probably not be able
to accommodate all interested parties. So please let us know quickly if
you are interested in being part of the growing Open Source business
presence at Intergeo.

Find out more about past years events at below URLs (mostly in German
language due to the more local focus of the earlier Open Source booths).
OSGeo is also seeking active participants for the set up and organization
of the community area and FOSSGIS booth duty.

Fell free to contact me directly if you need more information on the
event, community and project areas.

With best regards,
Arnulf Christl
President OSGeo (early planning stage)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Wiki Upkeep - Orphaned Pages

2009-04-23 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Jason Birch schrieb:
> Alex Mandel wrote:
>> There should be 0 pages removed from this process, and when in 
>> doubt about a link, just leave it for someone else who knows that
>> topic.
> There are a bunch of old MapGuide links there that were migrated to
> our Trac, and could be deleted.  I can either mark these as deleted,
> or if someone gives me appropriate rights on the wiki, delete them
> myself.
> Jason

I added you to the Sysop group. Take care.

Best regards,
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] parsing coordinates

2009-04-21 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

pere roca ristol schrieb:
> hi all,
> I'm developing a webapplication that let's user upload their point data and
> play with it.
> It currently works with lat/long in a CSV with this format (eg: *0.44, -79.9
> *) but we find users with some of these also valid and acceptable ways to
> write geographic coordinates:
>- 40:26:46N,79:56:55W
>- 40:26:46.302N 79:56:55.903W
>- 40°26'21"N 79°58'36"W
>- 40d 26' 21" N 79d 58' 36" W
>- 40.446195N 79.948862W
>- 40.446195, -79.948862
>- 40° 26.7717, -79° 56.93172
> I'm aware that parsing and interpreting free-text coordinate descriptions is
> quite complex, maybe someone knows a script (or a remote service) that does
> a similar job?
> It would be very helpful.
> Thanks!
> Pere

Potentially adding to your woes you should take into account that people
mix up axis order. It is a well established traditional fight between
developers, geodesists and the rest of the world. This page [1] sums up
the main issue. If you find a script that dares to deal with this, feel
free to add it as a link to that page.

Best regards,

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] What usually your local chapter exhibit in a conference?

2009-04-15 Thread Arnulf Christl
Hash: SHA1

Jacolin Yves schrieb:
> Le Tuesday 14 April 2009 22:46:13 Cameron Shorter, vous avez écrit :
>> Yves,
>> Have you considered using the LiveDVD instead of a USB key? I suspect it
>> would be cheaper. (at ~ $2 per DVD). You can also include all the data
>> and programs you suggested on the DVD as well.
> Hello,
> The usb key was a sponsor from Autodesk Fr and is useful (rewritable) for the 
> user :)
> But we indeed think first using a LiveDVD and I am happy that there is an 
> OSGeo project about this. However, I am not sur if it is so easy to add data 
> and documentation inside the OSGeo Live DVD or others. Am I wrong? If you can 
> redirect me to a wiki page explaining how to do :)
> Regards,
> Y.

the USB key has the great advantage of being writable. This allows
people to carry their stuff home and continue as if nothing happened. We
are currently moving all our curriculum to work with a USB key solution.

For other purposes a DVD version will have its advantages too.

Best regards,
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] meruvian program

2009-03-02 Thread Arnulf Christl

Hey Frans,
I was out of office for several weeks and only now found your mail. This sounds very interesting, I can see that you have been very aactive in the past years! Congratulations. 

Best regards, 

Frans Thamura wrote:

hi there
i just create a slide, still mixed indonesia and english, will create the
english soon
but you can see what am i doing here

i am also create new program here, leadership

this is the slide

right now, because of arnulf training and material of mapguide, i will put a
program of GIS shortly in our program.

meruvian is non profit organization based in Indonesia, we have 8 offices
all over java island and bali island.

we work closely with goverment such as ministery of research, ministery of
education and ministery of infocom, and industry, also with gudang garam the
biggest cigarete company in indonesia, makin group the plantation company,
mitra 2000 a spare part manufacturing, and a lot of education school

i am glad if we can have more firm relationship with all of you in the

NB: we also exchange open education content with blender,

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