Wiring restlets internally (2.0snapshot from 2009-07-09)

2009-07-15 Thread Fabian Mandelbaum
Ouf... I couldn't think of a good title for this mail (sorry). Here's the situation: I have the following URI routing (simplified resource class names for this example, both classes extend ServerResource): router.attach(/workspaces/{wksp}/releases, WRR.class);

Re: Wiring restlets internally (2.0snapshot from 2009-07-09)

2009-07-15 Thread Rob Heittman
For inter-resource communication we tend to use the RIAP pseudoprotocol: http://wiki.restlet.org/docs_1.2/13-restlet/48-restlet/86-restlet/45-restlet.html This correctly provides all the relevant routing and construction behavior. It is cheaper than making an actual http request to localhost or

Re: Wiring restlets internally (2.0snapshot from 2009-07-09)

2009-07-15 Thread Fabian Mandelbaum
Rob, thanks for your answer. I don't still understand how to implement this RIAP pseudo-protocol, can you please provide me with an example based on my classes? Also, I'm not trying to avoid duplicating code, but to have a different resource handle the original request, only for one method: GET

Re: Wiring restlets internally (2.0snapshot from 2009-07-09)

2009-07-15 Thread Fabian Mandelbaum
Answering myself: I've finally decided to go back to the basics. I've realized (sometimes it takes longer than expected...) that both WRR and WRFR are actually the *same* resource, there's no need to separate them, at least not in my application. I would like to see some docs with an