Very unsurprisingly, the Israeli banks' Web sites failed accessibility testing

2005-12-08 חוט Omer Zak
Accessibility Israel's note:
The above note is linked to article in Ynet:,7340,L-3177164,00.html

First FireFox, then people with disabilities, finally the world!
My own blog is at

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Re: Teaching standards [Fwd: courses]

2005-12-08 חוט Shlomi Fish
On Tuesday 06 December 2005 21:34, Shoshannah Forbes wrote:
> (forwarded with permission )
> Can anyone assist? 

Let me see. Most of my presentations leave a lot to be desired. However, I can 
recommend the following materials:

1. The HTML Dog HTML and CSS Tutorials:

I went over most of them and they are excellent. They are written in English, 
but I don't mind co-ordinating and taking part in an effort to translate them 
into Hebrew. (I already E-mailed their author about it).

2. My "Designing for Compatiblity" section of my "Web Publishing using LAMP" 

Covers support for non-MSIE browsers, standards, and keeping the site clean of 
unnecessary embellishments.

3. I can opt to prepare such a presentation, but I need to know exactly what 
you want me to cover. I should note that while I use CSS a lot, I often don't 
understand why certain things I try don't work. (I still have to read "CSS - 
The Definitive Guide" os a similar book.)

4. If no-one else can, I can give it, but I'd prefer not to, or at least 
prefer to rehears one or two times in front of Telux or whatever.


Shlomi Fish

> This is a great opportunity for spreading use of web 
> standards.
> Thanks!
>    Forwarded Message 
> From: dvorah weisman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: courses
> Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 14:27:29 +0200
> Hello Shoshana,
> I just got a request to organize a class for administrative staff to
> improve their skills at web development.
> In the past, they've taken classes in html, javascript, photoshop, and
> flash, but it's not clear how much of it has stuck. I am not pleased
> with some of the classes that have been organized here in the past,
> which treat standards and platform independence as quaint folk customs,
> not suitable for serious (microsoft owned) professionals. I think they
> would appreciate a class in css (to give them an idea how to do things
> like the zen garden pages ( combined with
> a photoshop (or gimp) refresher, and
> xhtml with emphasis on following standards.  Do you have any
> suggestions about people or organizations that could give such as
> class? It would be here at our campus.
> Thanks,
> Deborah Weisman
> ===
> Computer Center
> Faculty of Agriculture
> Hebrew University of Jerusalem
> P.O.B. 12
> Rehovot 76100 ISRAEL
> phone:972-8-9489232
> fax:   972-8-9469857



95% of the programmers consider 95% of the code they did not write, in the
bottom 5%.

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Re: New Look for

2005-12-08 חוט Nadav Har'El
On Thu, Dec 08, 2005, Ido Abramovich wrote about "Re: New Look for":
> Is the "shell background" REALLY that necessary?

Yes, having a background in shell is indeed necessary for every Unix user!

> All of these fighting shows me how relevant "Hamakor"
> is nowadays, and is part of my reasons (and not all,
> there are other issues too) on deciding not to renew
> my donation this year. 

It is sad you feel that way, because Hamakor I believe that Hamakor is as
relevant as it ever was.

It is still our only chance to organize things that cost money and need legal
paperwork (organizing events, printing and distributing CDs, etc.); And
it is needed so that other organizations, when they need to find "free
software people", will have an address to turn to (for an example of this,

And I hope you realize, by the way, that Shlomi's and Alon's fighting
doesn't cause any waste in the money you contribute. Nobody in the Amuta
(not even the board) takes any salary; We don't pay a webmaster or for
web-hosting, or per modification to the site. The only thing that Shlomi
and Alon wasted was their own personal time. Every penny you contributed
went to worthy causes, like printing free-software CDs, helping Welcome-
to-Linux lectures in local clubs, helping Free-Software-in-Schools projects
with hardware, and other expenses I'm sure the board will be happy to tell
you about. If for some reason you don't trust the board not to waste your
money, please at least trust us comptrollers: It is our duty to make sure
the board doesn't waste money. And we take this job seriously.

Nadav Har'El|  Thursday, Dec 8 2005, 7 Kislev 5766
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |The two rules for success are: 1. Never   |tell them everything you know.

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Re: New Look for

2005-12-08 חוט Shlomi Fish
On Thursday 08 December 2005 12:11, Ido Abramovich wrote:
> Is the "shell background" REALLY that necessary?

Not absolutely, but I feel that an image background will add a lot of life to 
the site.

> Nobody understands what it is now since it is covered
> almost entirely by the nav-bar, 

This is now fixed in, in which the navigation bar 
was converted into a floaty.

> what we do see is a 
> flashing disturbance on the peripheral when scrolling
> down. I'm in constant fear that I'll develop epilepsy
> by the background ;)

This can be solved using the CSS "background-attachment: fixed" property.

> Besides, I'm sorry Shlomi, but the shell background is
> just plain ugly. 

Well, ugly is a matter of opinion. I heard from two people besides me who 
liked it. And the important thing is to have some kind of background, not 
necessarily the clamshell one.

> It's nice that you like it and that 
> you have the power to decide, but remember that the
> page is not ment for you, and that a lot of people
> already said that it gives the page an unprofessional
> look.

I see. If you can suggest a better background that I'd like, I'll replace it.

> I'm sorry that I'm using harsh words, but softer words
> where said by others with no effect.

No offence taken.


Shlomi Fish


95% of the programmers consider 95% of the code they did not write, in the
bottom 5%.

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Re: New Look for

2005-12-08 חוט Shlomi Fish
On Thursday 08 December 2005 12:30, Alon Altman wrote:
> On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, Ido Abramovich wrote:
> > And if I'm already out of "lurking mode", I have to
> > say that all the arguing and fighting around these
> > mails are getting tired, Alon and Shlomi's online
> > fight over the webpage, the fight over which mailing
> > list to use, Meta or Discussions (I mean, god, is that
> > really so important?! ), the fight over mailing list
> > or board, etc...
>The fight over the webpage never was a "fight". It was a problem
> regarding a person having more technical permissions than actualy
> authority, and the abuse of these permissions. I would have never pushed
> this stupid
> disagreement outside the personal forum between myself and Shlomi, and I am
> very sorry that he chose to out it this way.

Well, there are two sides to every coin and I'm afraid Alon's POV is 
completely wrong. But I won't put my case here. I should not argue with a 
fool as people would not know (and have not known) the difference.

>The meta list started in order to pervent useless fights over topics
> people have no idea about. The problem was people refused to use this list.
> If you do not like the discussions on the list, you are free to leave the
> list.
> > All of these fighting shows me how relevant "Hamakor"
> > is nowadays, and is part of my reasons (and not all,
> > there are other issues too) on deciding not to renew
> > my donation this year.
>The mailing lists have nothing to do with the use of Hamakor funds,
> including your donation. The donated funds are mostly used for the W2L and
> School projects, both of which were quite successful, and need more funding
> in order to continue next year. I regret that you have decided not to renew
> your membership, as any donation helps us deal with the important issues
> for which Hamakor was founded.

I agree with Alon here. Hamakor has been essential to many FOSS activities in 
Israel, which often need a legal and financial back. Hamakor does much more 
than just argue in mailing lists, and it is essential that it will have as 
many members/friends as possible and also receive as much money as possible. 
Your membership helps both of these causes.


Shlomi Fish


95% of the programmers consider 95% of the code they did not write, in the
bottom 5%.

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Re: New Look for

2005-12-08 חוט Alon Altman

On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, Ido Abramovich wrote:

And if I'm already out of "lurking mode", I have to
say that all the arguing and fighting around these
mails are getting tired, Alon and Shlomi's online
fight over the webpage, the fight over which mailing
list to use, Meta or Discussions (I mean, god, is that
really so important?! ), the fight over mailing list
or board, etc...

  The fight over the webpage never was a "fight". It was a problem regarding
a person having more technical permissions than actualy authority, and the
abuse of these permissions. I would have never pushed this stupid
disagreement outside the personal forum between myself and Shlomi, and I am
very sorry that he chose to out it this way.

  The meta list started in order to pervent useless fights over topics
people have no idea about. The problem was people refused to use this list.
If you do not like the discussions on the list, you are free to leave the

All of these fighting shows me how relevant "Hamakor"
is nowadays, and is part of my reasons (and not all,
there are other issues too) on deciding not to renew
my donation this year.

  The mailing lists have nothing to do with the use of Hamakor funds,
including your donation. The donated funds are mostly used for the W2L and
School projects, both of which were quite successful, and need more funding
in order to continue next year. I regret that you have decided not to renew
your membership, as any donation helps us deal with the important issues for
which Hamakor was founded.


This message was sent by Alon Altman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ICQ:1366540
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Re: New Look for

2005-12-08 חוט Ido Abramovich
Is the "shell background" REALLY that necessary?

Nobody understands what it is now since it is covered
almost entirely by the nav-bar, what we do see is a
flashing disturbance on the peripheral when scrolling
down. I'm in constant fear that I'll develop epilepsy
by the background ;) 

Besides, I'm sorry Shlomi, but the shell background is
just plain ugly. It's nice that you like it and that
you have the power to decide, but remember that the
page is not ment for you, and that a lot of people
already said that it gives the page an unprofessional
I'm sorry that I'm using harsh words, but softer words
where said by others with no effect.

And if I'm already out of "lurking mode", I have to
say that all the arguing and fighting around these
mails are getting tired, Alon and Shlomi's online
fight over the webpage, the fight over which mailing
list to use, Meta or Discussions (I mean, god, is that
really so important?! ), the fight over mailing list
or board, etc...
All of these fighting shows me how relevant "Hamakor"
is nowadays, and is part of my reasons (and not all,
there are other issues too) on deciding not to renew
my donation this year. 

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