Re: Benevolent Dicta^H^H^H Designer for Life

2011-03-21 Thread varikin
Congratulations Idan! I look forward to see what you have in mind for the 
admin and forms. 

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Re: Benevolent Dicta^H^H^H Designer for Life

2011-03-21 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Hi folks --

Thanks for the intro, Idan!

I thought I'd just fill in a few things from my point of view and give
a bit of background to this:

It turned out that quite a group of core devs ended up coming to PyCon
a couple weeks ago so we ended up having an impromptu lunch and
meeting. One of the topics that came up was the role of design and
designers within the Django community. We talked about the fact
there's been some frustration lately over our general lack of motion
on UI/UX issues. Adrian pointed out that one of Django's long-standing
principles has been that design is fundamentally something that
doesn't work the same was as open source: many eyes may make for
shallow bugs, but many hands make for shitty design. So from the very
beginning we treated design differently and let one person, Wilson, be
in charge.

Of course, Wilson had to go and join a startup* that got successful.
Stupid success. But we all pretty agreed that we still think the model
of having a design BDFL to vest authority on UI/UX issues was a good
model. So we talked about people to fill that role, and Idan was the
unanimous choice. He's been contributing to Django for a while now,
and most of the core developers have worked with him closely in some
capacity or another and all have great things to say about him, his
work, and his aesthetic. Most importantly, Idan is great at listening
to input and criticism, so we feel strongly that he'll be able to take
the design input from the community, digest it, and produce great

I know that generally we try not to operate in a top-down manner --
and most of our other workflow changes over the last few years have
been to *divest* individuals of too much power -- so this may come
across as a bit weird to some. Fair enough: it's a bit weird to me,
too: I wish we could treat design no different than code. But for
whatever reason we've seen time and time again that
design-by-committee doesn't work, so we're going to keep doing things
this way.

So welcome, Idan, and best of luck. I'm really excited to see what happens next!


* Rdio, which everyone should use because it's awesome.

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Benevolent Dicta^H^H^H Designer for Life

2011-03-21 Thread Idan Gazit

And lo, the core team spake amongst themselves, crying: "Who shall
take up the mantle of designer among us? Wilson departed many moons
ago for the land of Rdio, and the people cry out for one to provide
succour to those who want a more beautiful Django, and yea, a Django
that listens to their needs."

-- The book of Django, 22:4

Recently, I was approached by the core team about joining them to help
address design issues within Django. I'm excited to announce that I've

I've long felt that one of Django's greatest assets was Wilson's
involvement early in the development of Django. It led to a sensible
separation between the concerns of python and frontend developers, a
template language that is (warts and all) a pleasure to use, and an
admin interface which was light-years ahead of its time.

In the same way that good documentation and tests emit a pleasing
smell for passing developers, these features make Django pleasing for
designers because they broadcast a message: "your needs are
anticipated; your kind is welcome here."

Sadly, Wilson is super-busy, and Django hasn't had an in-house
designer advocate in a while. From now on, that's me! I'm here to
shepherd efforts touching on UI/UX issues with Django, solicit
feedback, engage designers, and break up bikeshedding whenever it
stands in the way of Getting Things Done.

High-Level Goals

1. Figuring out how to best hear the needs of designers in our
community, and advocating for solutions which address those needs
inside Django.

2. Figuring out how to attract a community of design-oriented
contributors to Django.

Right now, contributing to Django is really about contributing _code_
to Django; everything from the tools to the process are geared towards
the sensibilities of developers. I'd like to find a system that will
facilitate the collection of feedback from the community of designers
using Django.

Furthermore, there's no reason why we can't foster a vibrant community
of designer contributors alongside the existing code contributors.
This is an opportunity for Django to lead the way in showing that the
efforts of designers are welcome (and sorely needed) in the open-
source world.

Some Practical Tasks

The Admin

The most obvious user-facing aspect of Django is the admin. It is
getting long in the tooth, and I've been witness to several fruitless
attempts to initiate a refactor.

The truth is that the admin is a relatively large chunk of code which
(in the main) "just works". Simply ignoring it while starting a
ground-up rewrite is a recipe for two failures. Incremental
improvements and bugfixes are the way forward on this. A fresh coat of
paint for the admin could count as an incremental, though cosmetic,

That being said, it's time to start considering what a rethought admin
might look like -- less in terms of visual look'n'feel, more in terms
of what audience the admin serves, what use-cases it should try to
address, and how best to serve that audience and those use-cases. I
have some thoughts on the matter (which I'll share in a separate
thread), but this is an opportunity to get UI and UX contributors to
the table. Whether and how to rewrite the admin is a decision we can
only make after we have a good idea of where we want to go.

To that end, I'll be setting up some tools for collecting feedback
over the next few days, and will announce them here. Learning from
existing efforts in this space (Grappelli and django-admin-tools
spring to mind) is a pretty good place to start.

Finally, I'm skepctical that a "newadmin" can be realistically
completed in the 1.4 timespan. With the exception of incremental
improvements, the newadmin process is a long-term thing, which means
we need to think about how it can be developed without interfering
with Django's release cycle.


Another topic ripe for some love is Django's forms API; it is an area
where the bright line between Python and frontend code gets blurry.
Form widgets are a good example of this: their HTML is hardcoded in a
Python file, replacing them requires writing more Python, and they
default to XHTML-style tags, causing conflicts for sites with non-

I'd like to make this a goal for 1.4; there are already some great
developments in this space:




This is a beginning; obviously the list of issues I haven't written
about eclipses those above. Take this opportunity to get your
wishlists in order.

If you've got a relevant project that I've neglected to mention, don't
get upset. Keep an eye on the -dev mailinglist for announcement of
resources we'll be using to track existing code and new ideas.

Finally, if you know of somebody that might be interested in
contributing to Django in a design capacity, ple

Re: Composite primary keys

2011-03-21 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss
On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 2:33 AM, Christophe Pettus  wrote:
> I'd like to make one more pitch for a slightly different implementation here. 
>  My concern with CompositeField isn't based on the fact that it doesn't map 
> one-to-one with a field in the table; it's that it doesn't have any of the 
> semantics that are associated with a field.  In particular, it can't be:
> - Assigned to.
> - Iterated over.
> - Or even have a value.

Obviously there's no code here yet, so we don't know exactly. I'd also
be -1 on an implementation of a CompositeField that didn't have those
values. However, it's reasonably easy to come up with a CompositeField
that is assignable, iterable, and has values. Here's the basics::

class CompositeField(object):
def __init__(self, *fields):
self.fields = fields

def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name):
nt_name = "%s_%s" % (cls.__name__, name)
nt_fields = " ".join( for f in self.fields)
self.nt = collections.namedtuple(nt_name, nt_fields)
setattr(cls, name, self)

def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance:
return self.nt._make(getattr(instance, f, None) for f
in self.nt._fields)
raise AttributeError("Composite fields only work on instances.")

def __set__(self, instance, value):
for (field, val) in zip(self.nt._fields, value):
setattr(instance, field, val)

It works, too::

class Person(models.Model):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
name = CompositeField(first_name, last_name)

# ...

>>> p = Person(first_name="Jacob", last_name="KM")

  : Person_name(first_name='Jacob', last_name='KM')

  : 'KM'

>>> = ("John", "Doe")

>>> p.last_name
  : 'Doe'

>>> for f in
..: print f

Fields even sorta get saved correctly to the DB with just these few
lines of code. Of course there's a lot missing here to correctly
handle actual composite keys -- this tiny example won't work in
querysets, for example -- but the basics of the Python-side behavior's
right there.

> My suggestion is to create an Index type that can be included in a class just 
> like a field can.

I think we're talking slightly different concerns here: I'm mostly
interested in the Python-side API, and to my eyes a composite field
matches more closely what's happening on the Python side of things.
Python's not generating an index, after all, so using something called
"index" for compositing multiple attributes together seems weird to
me. But at the DB level, "index" makes perfect sense. Thing is, we've
always tried to make Django's APIs behave well in Python *first*, and
then think about the DB concerns. And again, to me "composite field"
matches more closely the behavior we want out of the Python side of

All that said, there's a lot to like about your Index proposal.
Perhaps there's a way we can merge these two things together somehow?


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Re: secret key from file...

2011-03-21 Thread Matthew Roy
I don't think needs to be any more complicated by default.
Personally, I do keep my db passwords in the settings file under version
control. It seems pretty clear that it shouldn't be under *public* revision
control. I also do (nearly) exactly what you describe to load the secret key
from the filesystem.

For the base installation the compromise of the actually isn't
all that bad. MySQL defaults to listening only on localhost and the database
user is mapped to localhost if you follow the tutorial. Memcache is a
non-default addition, and IIRC also defaults to localhost. If I understand
how it works the compromise of the SECRET_KEY alone doesn't put you in
serious hot water unless the attacker can also intercept traffic. This leads
me to the conclusion that a novice users really doesn't need to worry about
heavily securing the values in until the are ready to grow their

That said, an automated tool to write a secret key to the file system and
update to load it could make sense as a way to help users bridge
the gap between the simple and moderately complex deployments.


On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 13:07, Matt Harasymczuk  wrote:

> Thats right,
> there should be a file with db credentials and
> secret_key
> also a warning that it should not be added to version control
> --
> Matt Harasymczuk
> On Mar 21, 5:07 pm, Kristaps Kūlis   wrote:
> > "real" config should not be in version control system, only reference
> > config should be stored in version control.
> >
> > Consider database credentials - they should not be publicly available
> > / downloadable from internet and they fall in same category -
> > sensitive information in .
> > Memcache credentials - in many cases memcache is unprotected .
> >
> > I think docs should be updated to reflect sensitive
> > variables, which are confidential and provide "best practices" way
> > ({local|secret} ?) for deployment :). Perhaps
> > command to generate adequate strenght / randomness secret would be
> > beneficial .
> --
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Re: secret key from file...

2011-03-21 Thread Łukasz Rekucki
On 21 March 2011 18:07, Matt Harasymczuk  wrote:
> Thats right,
> there should be a file with db credentials and
> secret_key
> also a warning that it should not be added to version control already has a warning:

# Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody.

I usually keep the generated default in VCS, so that anyone other team
members don't have to put it in their Staging and
production servers have their own settings anyway, so it's not really
a problem.

I'm not sure what exactly are you proposing. Do you want to change the
default project template or the docs ?

Łukasz Rekucki

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Re: secret key from file...

2011-03-21 Thread Matt Harasymczuk
Thats right,
there should be a file with db credentials and
also a warning that it should not be added to version control

Matt Harasymczuk

On Mar 21, 5:07 pm, Kristaps Kūlis   wrote:
> "real" config should not be in version control system, only reference
> config should be stored in version control.
> Consider database credentials - they should not be publicly available
> / downloadable from internet and they fall in same category -
> sensitive information in .
> Memcache credentials - in many cases memcache is unprotected .
> I think docs should be updated to reflect sensitive
> variables, which are confidential and provide "best practices" way
> ({local|secret} ?) for deployment :). Perhaps
> command to generate adequate strenght / randomness secret would be
> beneficial .

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Re: Improving Class based views names

2011-03-21 Thread Carl Meyer
On 03/21/2011 09:14 AM, daonb wrote:
> On Mar 20, 4:49 am, Carl Meyer  wrote:
>> Those last five characters in "get_context_data" actually serve quite a
>> useful purpose, IMO. They clarify that the return value is just the data
>> that will go into building a context (a dictionary), as opposed to being
>> the Context or RequestContext object itself, which is what I'd expect
>> from a method named "get_context".
> Good point. I might be splitting hairs, but _data isn't clear enough -
> both a dict and a Context objects satisfy `data`. Looking at
> RequestContext code, I found __init__ gets a `dict` parameter, so how
> about making it get_context_dict?

Sure - except that these decisions were made several months ago, and
these kinds of considerations needed to have been raised then. We've had
a beta and an RC release with these names, and will have 1.3 any time
now; there's simply zero chance that we'll break things for everyone
who's already started working with CBVs in order to make tiny
improvements to method names.


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Re: secret key from file...

2011-03-21 Thread Matt Robenolt
What we use is a settings.cfg, which is an ini file for global 
configurations. Database settings, etc. We need to share these settings 
across different languages and parts of our application.

You can set up your ini file as such:


ini files are easy to parse with the ConfigParser in Python. You can simply 
parse it in your

import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

SECRET_KEY = config.get('secret', 'key')

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Re: secret key from file...

2011-03-21 Thread Kristaps Kūlis
"real" config should not be in version control system, only reference
config should be stored in version control.

Consider database credentials - they should not be publicly available
/ downloadable from internet and they fall in same category -
sensitive information in .
Memcache credentials - in many cases memcache is unprotected .

I think docs should be updated to reflect sensitive
variables, which are confidential and provide "best practices" way
({local|secret} ?) for deployment :). Perhaps
command to generate adequate strenght / randomness secret would be
beneficial .

Kristaps Kūlis

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Matt Harasymczuk  wrote:
> I had an idea.
> From time to time I find on the Internet a django app source code with
> secret_key shown.
> how about creating an secret.key file next to in main
> project module, which should be added by developer
> to .gitignore, .hgignore or equivalent
> in settings we read key from file to SECRET_KEY and we go as usual.
> SECRET_KEY = open("secret.key").read()
> then, a django-admin startproject should give a warning "add
> secret.key to your version management system ignore file", it should
> automatically put generate secret phrase to this file
> what about downloading an app from the Internet
> createsecret
> will ask if we want to generate new secret file
> if file exists, and overwrite an existing one
> dajngo has to be pythonic, therefore
> cat
> SECRET_KEY = "as it goes usual"
> and in settings file
> from .secretkey import *
> What do you think?
> IMHO both this ways are good
> --
> Matt Harasymczuk
> --
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Re: Summer of Code 2011: students wanted!

2011-03-21 Thread Alex Gaynor
On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Raphael Passini Diniz <> wrote:

> Is needed be an undergrad student to join in the GSoC?
> 2011/3/21 Andrew Godwin 
>> Hello everyone,
>> Django has once again been accepted as one of the participating projects
>> for Google Summer of Code, and so we're now looking for student projects!
>> I've taken over the role of GSoC administrator from Jannis this year;
>> feel free to email me directly (or catch me on IRC) if you have
>> any problems or want to discuss something about the program.
>> For those who aren't aware: Summer of Code is Google's program to pay
>> students to work on open source projects over the summer. It's an
>> excellent
>> chance for you to get involved in open source without worrying about
>> having to get a summer job for income; Django have been doing GSoC
>> since 2006 and several core committers are former GSoC students.
>> For more details about Summer Of Code, including the timeline,
>> payment amounts, and how students are expected to participate,
>> check out Google's FAQ:
>> If you're interested in working on Django as part of GSoC please
>> read this whole email (much thanks to both Jannis and Jacob for
>> providing previous iterations of much of this text).
>> Important dates
>> ---
>> The whole timeline can be found on Google's GSoC site, but there's a
>> couple of
>> important dates you should be aware of right now:
>>  The student application period opens March 28th and ends April 8th
>> (19:00 UTC).
>> Remember, the April 8th deadline is a *hard* deadline: no applications
>> filed
>> late will be considered. This means you've got a little more than two
>> weeks to
>> prepare your application, so the time to start is *right now*.
>> Picking a project
>> -
>> The first thing you need to do is choose something to work on. Hopefully
>> if
>> you're reading this you've already got an idea; if not, there's some
>> ideas at
>> However, if you just pick something there and throw together a quick
>> application, you're going to get rejected immediately. There's a lot
>> more to
>> choosing a project that just throwing something together.
>> We've found over the past years that the pickier we are about application
>> quality, the better the final projects are. Because we want success this
>> year,
>> we're going to be exceedingly picky about only accepting good
>> applications, so
>> it's vital that you put your best foot forward. Here's how:
>> Think of the process as applying for a job. You're trying to convince us
>> that you:
>>(a) understand the problem you're attempting, and
>>(b) have some chance of achieving something realistic in the 12 week
>>period you've got to work.
>> This can be hard, particularly for people haven't been involved in Django
>> development before; while some projects require a history of involvement
>> before
>> applying, we let anybody apply. So it's really *now* that you want to
>> start
>> getting involved. You have to put in a little bit of work to work out
>> how your
>> problem might be approached, or what the current problems are. Don't
>> just pick
>> something from the ideas page -- you could also look through Trac and
>> view the
>> tickets grouped by component and see if there's a bunch of things in a
>> similar
>> area that suggests something needing more holistic attention.
>> Most importantly, though, when you have some kind of idea, start a
>> discussion
>> on django-developers. This will let us help you understand what you're up
>> against, and it'll help us see that you've got the knowledge to tackle the
>> problem. It also helps if you mark the discussion subject with [GSoC], so
>> we
>> can easily see that you want feedback relatively quickly.
>> The applications that have been most successful in the past -- in terms of
>> producing working code at the end of the period, rather than just being
>> accepted -- are those where the applicants have engaged a bit ahead of
>> time to
>> see if their ideas stand up to review and/or tweak those ideas a bit.
>> Once you've had one of these discussions, *then* you're in a position to
>> write
>> an application that can lay out your cunning plan and point to a
>> discussion
>> showing it kind of holds up under scrutiny. We have much more confidence
>> voting for a student who's done the preparation than somebody with no
>> history
>> whatsoever. Many SoC students are only starting to get into Django, which
>> means you  have to do some work here and get a feeling for what
>> you're up against.
>> In short, the application isn't a "convince us to let you work on this
>> for the
>> summer" as much as "convince us you understand the problem you're
>> proposing to work on and that your solutio

Re: Summer of Code 2011: students wanted!

2011-03-21 Thread Raphael Passini Diniz
Is needed be an undergrad student to join in the GSoC?

2011/3/21 Andrew Godwin 

> Hello everyone,
> Django has once again been accepted as one of the participating projects
> for Google Summer of Code, and so we're now looking for student projects!
> I've taken over the role of GSoC administrator from Jannis this year;
> feel free to email me directly (or catch me on IRC) if you have
> any problems or want to discuss something about the program.
> For those who aren't aware: Summer of Code is Google's program to pay
> students to work on open source projects over the summer. It's an excellent
> chance for you to get involved in open source without worrying about
> having to get a summer job for income; Django have been doing GSoC
> since 2006 and several core committers are former GSoC students.
> For more details about Summer Of Code, including the timeline,
> payment amounts, and how students are expected to participate,
> check out Google's FAQ:
> If you're interested in working on Django as part of GSoC please
> read this whole email (much thanks to both Jannis and Jacob for
> providing previous iterations of much of this text).
> Important dates
> ---
> The whole timeline can be found on Google's GSoC site, but there's a
> couple of
> important dates you should be aware of right now:
>  The student application period opens March 28th and ends April 8th
> (19:00 UTC).
> Remember, the April 8th deadline is a *hard* deadline: no applications
> filed
> late will be considered. This means you've got a little more than two
> weeks to
> prepare your application, so the time to start is *right now*.
> Picking a project
> -
> The first thing you need to do is choose something to work on. Hopefully if
> you're reading this you've already got an idea; if not, there's some
> ideas at
> However, if you just pick something there and throw together a quick
> application, you're going to get rejected immediately. There's a lot
> more to
> choosing a project that just throwing something together.
> We've found over the past years that the pickier we are about application
> quality, the better the final projects are. Because we want success this
> year,
> we're going to be exceedingly picky about only accepting good
> applications, so
> it's vital that you put your best foot forward. Here's how:
> Think of the process as applying for a job. You're trying to convince us
> that you:
>(a) understand the problem you're attempting, and
>(b) have some chance of achieving something realistic in the 12 week
>period you've got to work.
> This can be hard, particularly for people haven't been involved in Django
> development before; while some projects require a history of involvement
> before
> applying, we let anybody apply. So it's really *now* that you want to start
> getting involved. You have to put in a little bit of work to work out
> how your
> problem might be approached, or what the current problems are. Don't
> just pick
> something from the ideas page -- you could also look through Trac and
> view the
> tickets grouped by component and see if there's a bunch of things in a
> similar
> area that suggests something needing more holistic attention.
> Most importantly, though, when you have some kind of idea, start a
> discussion
> on django-developers. This will let us help you understand what you're up
> against, and it'll help us see that you've got the knowledge to tackle the
> problem. It also helps if you mark the discussion subject with [GSoC], so
> we
> can easily see that you want feedback relatively quickly.
> The applications that have been most successful in the past -- in terms of
> producing working code at the end of the period, rather than just being
> accepted -- are those where the applicants have engaged a bit ahead of
> time to
> see if their ideas stand up to review and/or tweak those ideas a bit.
> Once you've had one of these discussions, *then* you're in a position to
> write
> an application that can lay out your cunning plan and point to a discussion
> showing it kind of holds up under scrutiny. We have much more confidence
> voting for a student who's done the preparation than somebody with no
> history
> whatsoever. Many SoC students are only starting to get into Django, which
> means you  have to do some work here and get a feeling for what
> you're up against.
> In short, the application isn't a "convince us to let you work on this
> for the
> summer" as much as "convince us you understand the problem you're
> proposing to work on and that your solution has a chance of working
> and being accepted by the core body of developers".
> Our goal this year is for *every single project* to result in code that
> gets
> committed back to Django. We'll accomplish this goal by *

secret key from file...

2011-03-21 Thread Matt Harasymczuk
I had an idea.
>From time to time I find on the Internet a django app source code with
secret_key shown.

how about creating an secret.key file next to in main
project module, which should be added by developer
to .gitignore, .hgignore or equivalent

in settings we read key from file to SECRET_KEY and we go as usual.

SECRET_KEY = open("secret.key").read()

then, a django-admin startproject should give a warning "add
secret.key to your version management system ignore file", it should
automatically put generate secret phrase to this file

what about downloading an app from the Internet createsecret
will ask if we want to generate new secret file
if file exists, and overwrite an existing one

dajngo has to be pythonic, therefore

SECRET_KEY = "as it goes usual"

and in settings file

from .secretkey import *

What do you think?
IMHO both this ways are good

Matt Harasymczuk

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Summer of Code 2011: students wanted!

2011-03-21 Thread Andrew Godwin
Hello everyone,

Django has once again been accepted as one of the participating projects
for Google Summer of Code, and so we're now looking for student projects!
I've taken over the role of GSoC administrator from Jannis this year;
feel free to email me directly (or catch me on IRC) if you have
any problems or want to discuss something about the program.

For those who aren't aware: Summer of Code is Google's program to pay
students to work on open source projects over the summer. It's an excellent
chance for you to get involved in open source without worrying about
having to get a summer job for income; Django have been doing GSoC
since 2006 and several core committers are former GSoC students.

For more details about Summer Of Code, including the timeline,
payment amounts, and how students are expected to participate,
check out Google's FAQ:

If you're interested in working on Django as part of GSoC please
read this whole email (much thanks to both Jannis and Jacob for
providing previous iterations of much of this text).

Important dates

The whole timeline can be found on Google's GSoC site, but there's a
couple of
important dates you should be aware of right now:

  The student application period opens March 28th and ends April 8th
(19:00 UTC).

Remember, the April 8th deadline is a *hard* deadline: no applications
late will be considered. This means you've got a little more than two
weeks to
prepare your application, so the time to start is *right now*.

Picking a project
The first thing you need to do is choose something to work on. Hopefully if
you're reading this you've already got an idea; if not, there's some
ideas at

However, if you just pick something there and throw together a quick
application, you're going to get rejected immediately. There's a lot
more to
choosing a project that just throwing something together.

We've found over the past years that the pickier we are about application
quality, the better the final projects are. Because we want success this
we're going to be exceedingly picky about only accepting good
applications, so
it's vital that you put your best foot forward. Here's how:

Think of the process as applying for a job. You're trying to convince us
that you:

(a) understand the problem you're attempting, and

(b) have some chance of achieving something realistic in the 12 week
period you've got to work.

This can be hard, particularly for people haven't been involved in Django
development before; while some projects require a history of involvement
applying, we let anybody apply. So it's really *now* that you want to start
getting involved. You have to put in a little bit of work to work out
how your
problem might be approached, or what the current problems are. Don't
just pick
something from the ideas page -- you could also look through Trac and
view the
tickets grouped by component and see if there's a bunch of things in a
area that suggests something needing more holistic attention.

Most importantly, though, when you have some kind of idea, start a
on django-developers. This will let us help you understand what you're up
against, and it'll help us see that you've got the knowledge to tackle the
problem. It also helps if you mark the discussion subject with [GSoC], so we
can easily see that you want feedback relatively quickly.

The applications that have been most successful in the past -- in terms of
producing working code at the end of the period, rather than just being
accepted -- are those where the applicants have engaged a bit ahead of
time to
see if their ideas stand up to review and/or tweak those ideas a bit.

Once you've had one of these discussions, *then* you're in a position to
an application that can lay out your cunning plan and point to a discussion
showing it kind of holds up under scrutiny. We have much more confidence
voting for a student who's done the preparation than somebody with no
whatsoever. Many SoC students are only starting to get into Django, which
means you  have to do some work here and get a feeling for what
you're up against.

In short, the application isn't a "convince us to let you work on this
for the
summer" as much as "convince us you understand the problem you're
proposing to work on and that your solution has a chance of working
and being accepted by the core body of developers".

Our goal this year is for *every single project* to result in code that
committed back to Django. We'll accomplish this goal by *rejecting*
applications that don't show us good odds of success.

What a good proposal looks like
Once you've got some discussion done, and have a handle on the task,
you'll need to submit your proposal on the GSoC website

Re: Improving Class based views names

2011-03-21 Thread daonb
On Mar 20, 4:49 am, Carl Meyer  wrote:
> Those last five characters in "get_context_data" actually serve quite a
> useful purpose, IMO. They clarify that the return value is just the data
> that will go into building a context (a dictionary), as opposed to being
> the Context or RequestContext object itself, which is what I'd expect
> from a method named "get_context".

Good point. I might be splitting hairs, but _data isn't clear enough -
both a dict and a Context objects satisfy `data`. Looking at
RequestContext code, I found __init__ gets a `dict` parameter, so how
about making it get_context_dict?


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Re: Improving Class based views names

2011-03-21 Thread daonb
> The names used by the generic views are (as far as I am aware)
> internally consistent within the views, and with the old generic
> views. The choice to use pk instead of object_id was quite deliberate,
> because every object responds to pk, but not necessarily to id.

I don't believe it's backward compatible with the current generic
views -
IMHO, it's the other way around: every viewable object got to have
some kind of an id, but not necessarily a pk. In the case an object
comes from the db the object_id is the primary key, in case I choose
to override the get_object method I can use the object_id to retrieve
an object from a dataset that has no  primary keys.

> Compatibility with third party libraries isn't really a consideration
> unless the general community has converged on a convention which a new
> Django feature has blindly ignored. In this case, I would argue that
> pk is the convention, and Django-backlinks is in need of an update.

hmm, I was under the impression `object_id` is the convention for urls
and views while pk is used for models. Maybe, I'm wrong, but searching
the docs, I found it was referenced by admin, contenttypes, comments
and of course generic views.


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Re: Composite primary keys

2011-03-21 Thread akaariai
On Mar 21, 1:20 pm, Michal Petrucha  wrote:
> > My suggestion is to create an Index type that can be included in a
> > class just like a field can.  The example we've been using would
> > then look like:
> > class Foo(Model):
> >    x = models.FloatField()
> >    y = models.FloatField()
> >    a = models.ForeignKey(A)
> >    b = models.ForeignKey(B)
> >    coords = models.CompositeIndex((x, y))
> >    pair = models.CompositeIndex((a, b), primary_key=True)
> > We could have FieldIndex (the equivalent of the current
> > db_index=True), CompositeIndex, and RawIndex, for things like
> > expression indexes and other things that can be specified just as a
> > raw SQL string.
> > I think this is a much better contract to offer in the API than one
> > based on field which would have to throw exceptions left and right
> > for most of the common field operations.
> I don't see how ForeignKeys would be possible this way.

In much the same way:

class FooBar(Model):
a = models.ForeignKey(A)
b = models.ForeignKey(B)
pair = models.ForeignKey(Foo, fields=(a, b))

Note that this is very close to what SQL does. If you have a composite
unique index or composite foreign key you define the fields and then
the index / foreign key. Though I don't know how much value that
argument has in this discussion.

You could add some DRY and allow a shortcut:
class FooBar(Model):
pair = models.ForeignKey(Foo)
# a and b are created automatically.

Now, to make things work consistently pair should be a field. But on
the other hand when using a ModelForm, the pair should probably not be
a field of that form. This is more clear in an example having a (city,
state, country) primary key. These should clearly be separate fields
in a form.

In my opinion, if the composite structures are called fields or
something else isn't that important. There are cases where composite
structures behave like a field and some cases where they do not. The
main problem is how the composite structures should behave in
ModelForms and serialization, should they be assignable, how the
relate to model __init__ method, should they be in model fields
iterators, how they are used in QuerySets and so on. When these
questions are answered it is probably easier to answer if the
composite structures should be called fields or something else.

 - Anssi

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Re: Default project layout / directory structure

2011-03-21 Thread Matt Harasymczuk
I suggest this structure:

 - apps
 - libs
 - conf
 - public


 - all third party modules

  - media
  - static
  - admin
  - django.wsgi

each app structure:
 - admin
 - backends
 - commands
 - context_processors
 - decorators
 - feeds
 - forms
 - management
 - managers
 - middleware
 - models
 - signals
 - sitemaps
 - templates
 - templatetags
 - tests
 - views

most of above are unnecessary for simple project, so I suggest to add
a switch to startapp to do this.
I am suggesting that app should have directories not files...
When you develop large app (CRM) you have to write tens of models,
with overriding saves, __unicode__, Meta and custom methods it becomes
hard to read and maintain

I solve this by adding app_label to each of my models in separate
files and models/ imports all models. It works like a
I think it should be by default :}

I created skel/django/project and skel/django/app folders, where I
have this file structure
when I start project I simply copy folder, rename it, and adjust

Matt Harasymczuk

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Re: HTTP methods in

2011-03-21 Thread Matt Harasymczuk
Then forget about ajax.*

What I am thinking is to change url dispatcher
to create three as many lists as the http methods is

GET = ()
POST = ()
ALL = ()

And then while parsing an it appends fitting matches to those

When goes request, for example GET, than dispatcher lookup regexp
pattern in GET lists,
if its find, we have a hit, if not go to ALL dict, if it isn't there
throw 404

This Classed based view method is good, but you have to create one
abstract view and then inherit in all your views to do so. Unless you
want to write a lot of boilerplate code per view

Matt Harasymczuk

On Mar 21, 8:44 am, Russell Keith-Magee 
> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 9:09 AM,  wrote:
> > It would be nice to have possibility to distinguish a HTTP method in
> > IMHO it would be clearer and more extensible in future for
> > example:
> >  ajax ('POST', r'/user/(?P\d+)$', 'views.view2'),
> >  ajax ('GET', r'/user/(?P\d+)$', 'views.view2'),
> >  ajax ('DELETE', r'/user/(?P\d+)$', 'views.view2'),
> ...
> > I think this is a good way of getting rid of nested ifs in each view:
> > if request.is_ajax:
> >  #do stuff
> > else:
> >  if request.method == "POST":
> >     #do something
> >   else:
> >     #do else
> > Hence my true code is almost two indents inside those boilerplate if
> > structure. Which is always the same... it takes a lot of python beauty
> > and readibility from code.
> While I can see where this request comes from, I agree with the triage
> review that the ticket has received -- that this isn't necessary. This
> is for three reasons:
>  * As noted on the ticket What you are describing can already be done
> with class-based generic views, and a class-based resource structure
> is a much better way of gathering concerns than three lines in a URL
> config file
>  * Even if you don't want to use class-based resources, you could
> easily generate a wrapper function to direct to subviews as required
> based on request methods:
> def dispatched_view(get_view=None, post_view=None):
>     def _view(request, *args, **kwargs):
>         if request.method == "POST":
>             return post_view(request, *args, *kwargs)
>         return get_view(request, *args, **kwargs)
>     return _view
> and then, in your
> url(r'/user/(?P\d+)$', dispatched_view(GET=get_view, 
> POST=post_view))
> Your definition of ajax_view could be a lot more complex than that,
> including handling for the is_ajax flag, other HTTP verbs, and so on.
>  * Lastly, even if the previous two approaches didn't exist, the
> proposal you have made requires a pretty egregious duplication of
> regular expressions. This is both a performance hit (since you need to
> match the same regular expression pattern multiple times), as well as
> a potential source of error (since you are repeating yourself).
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Composite primary keys

2011-03-21 Thread Michal Petrucha
On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 12:33:01AM -0700, Christophe Pettus wrote:
> I'd like to make one more pitch for a slightly different
> implementation here.  My concern with CompositeField isn't based on
> the fact that it doesn't map one-to-one with a field in the table;
> it's that it doesn't have any of the semantics that are associated
> with a field.  In particular, it can't be:
> - Assigned to.
> - Iterated over.
> - Or even have a value.
I disagree. The CompositeField would need to have a value to be able
to implement a ForeignKey pointing to a modedel with a composite
primary key.

The CompositeField itself would be just a proxy to the actual atomic
fields. You should be able to assign a tuple (or namedtuple) to it,
specifying the actual values for the fields. Similarly, you'll be able
to retrieve its value which is a tuple or a namedtuple.

This way, the following code would work for composite primary keys the
same way it works for simple keys:

class CompositeModel(models.Model):
a = models.IntegerField()
b = models.IntegerField()
key = models.CompositeField((a, b), primary_key=True)

class ReferencingModel(models.Model):
cm = models.ForeignKey(CompositeModel)

cminstance = CompositeModel.objects.get(something)
newref = ReferencingModel() =

> My suggestion is to create an Index type that can be included in a
> class just like a field can.  The example we've been using would
> then look like:
> class Foo(Model):
>x = models.FloatField()
>y = models.FloatField()
>a = models.ForeignKey(A)
>b = models.ForeignKey(B)
>coords = models.CompositeIndex((x, y))
>pair = models.CompositeIndex((a, b), primary_key=True)
> We could have FieldIndex (the equivalent of the current
> db_index=True), CompositeIndex, and RawIndex, for things like
> expression indexes and other things that can be specified just as a
> raw SQL string.
> I think this is a much better contract to offer in the API than one
> based on field which would have to throw exceptions left and right
> for most of the common field operations.
I don't see how ForeignKeys would be possible this way.

Michal Petrucha

Description: Digital signature

Re: Composite primary keys

2011-03-21 Thread Johannes Dollinger

Am 21.03.2011 um 08:33 schrieb Christophe Pettus:

> I'd like to make one more pitch for a slightly different implementation here. 
>  My concern with CompositeField isn't based on the fact that it doesn't map 
> one-to-one with a field in the table; it's that it doesn't have any of the 
> semantics that are associated with a field.  In particular, it can't be:
> - Assigned to.
> - Iterated over.
> - Or even have a value.

You would be able to use composite fields normally (as in "normal django 

>>> foo = Foo.objects.create(coords=(0, 0))
>>> foo.coords
(0, 0)
>>> foo.coords = (4, 2)
>>> foo.coords.x # == foo.x == foo.coords[0]

Sidenote:: Subclassing the default implementation of composite field values 
should be easy:

>>> type(foo.coords)

>>> foo.coords.length
>>> foo.coords += foo.velocity


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Re: HTTP methods in

2011-03-21 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 9:09 AM,  wrote:
> It would be nice to have possibility to distinguish a HTTP method in
> IMHO it would be clearer and more extensible in future for
> example:

>  ajax ('POST', r'/user/(?P\d+)$', 'views.view2'),
>  ajax ('GET', r'/user/(?P\d+)$', 'views.view2'),
>  ajax ('DELETE', r'/user/(?P\d+)$', 'views.view2'),
> I think this is a good way of getting rid of nested ifs in each view:
> if request.is_ajax:
>  #do stuff
> else:
>  if request.method == "POST":
>     #do something
>   else:
>     #do else
> Hence my true code is almost two indents inside those boilerplate if
> structure. Which is always the same... it takes a lot of python beauty
> and readibility from code.

While I can see where this request comes from, I agree with the triage
review that the ticket has received -- that this isn't necessary. This
is for three reasons:

 * As noted on the ticket What you are describing can already be done
with class-based generic views, and a class-based resource structure
is a much better way of gathering concerns than three lines in a URL
config file

 * Even if you don't want to use class-based resources, you could
easily generate a wrapper function to direct to subviews as required
based on request methods:

def dispatched_view(get_view=None, post_view=None):
def _view(request, *args, **kwargs):
if request.method == "POST":
return post_view(request, *args, *kwargs)
return get_view(request, *args, **kwargs)
return _view

and then, in your

url(r'/user/(?P\d+)$', dispatched_view(GET=get_view, POST=post_view))

Your definition of ajax_view could be a lot more complex than that,
including handling for the is_ajax flag, other HTTP verbs, and so on.

 * Lastly, even if the previous two approaches didn't exist, the
proposal you have made requires a pretty egregious duplication of
regular expressions. This is both a performance hit (since you need to
match the same regular expression pattern multiple times), as well as
a potential source of error (since you are repeating yourself).

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Composite primary keys

2011-03-21 Thread Christophe Pettus
I'd like to make one more pitch for a slightly different implementation here.  
My concern with CompositeField isn't based on the fact that it doesn't map 
one-to-one with a field in the table; it's that it doesn't have any of the 
semantics that are associated with a field.  In particular, it can't be:

- Assigned to.
- Iterated over.
- Or even have a value.

My suggestion is to create an Index type that can be included in a class just 
like a field can.  The example we've been using would then look like:

class Foo(Model):
   x = models.FloatField()
   y = models.FloatField()
   a = models.ForeignKey(A)
   b = models.ForeignKey(B)

   coords = models.CompositeIndex((x, y))
   pair = models.CompositeIndex((a, b), primary_key=True)

We could have FieldIndex (the equivalent of the current db_index=True), 
CompositeIndex, and RawIndex, for things like expression indexes and other 
things that can be specified just as a raw SQL string.

I think this is a much better contract to offer in the API than one based on 
field which would have to throw exceptions left and right for most of the 
common field operations.

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Re: Default project layout / directory structure

2011-03-21 Thread sirex
On 20 Kov, 22:10, Markus Gattol  wrote:
> That does not seem to work with pip and virtual environment, does it?
> This one does

It does work with zc.buildout.

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