Re: authentication by email

2012-03-19 Thread Felipe Prenholato
I'm not a dev that contribute too many directly to Django Project, but aniway I use Django since 0.96, so here is my 2 cents. While Clay's idea have many cool changes and is a really nice idea that should be evaluated I share more Tom's and Daniel's point. Any Django Developer on World that

Re: Python 3: should we apply unicode_literals everywhere?

2012-08-30 Thread Felipe Prenholato
Here at PDG (Brazil) we are migrating our software to Djang 1.4 and already using unicode_literals. I can count in my fingers places that I needed to use 'b' for byte code string (most on In my experience, maintain byte code strings isn't that hard and we should than go to option 2.

Re: #16630: Support for HTML5 input types

2012-10-09 Thread Felipe Prenholato
If matters, +1. People can easily change from $('input[type=text]') to $('input[type=text],input[type=email]'), it's a easy, no pain change, with various benefits of HTML5 fields. I would only suggest that people can do something like number_field=IntegerField(html5=False) in form (at least in

Re: Proposal: ModelForm API improvements

2013-03-19 Thread Felipe Prenholato
+1. (+10 if I can) This kind of customization will help community to integrate many css/js/html frameworks into Django with custom apps. Felipe 'chronos' Prenholato. Linux User nº 405489 Home page: | GitHub: |

Re: URL dispatcher fallthrough?

2013-03-19 Thread Felipe Prenholato
Hi Julian. My 2 cents. What you want is: urlpatterns = patterns('', url_fallthrought(r'^(?P[-\w]+)$', views=[(ProductView.as_view(), CategorView.as_view(), OccasionView.as_view())], name="my_super_url"),) But you know that we don't have it. To

Re: Django split settings and environment variables

2013-03-21 Thread Felipe Prenholato
You can use both. If you put exports in your .bashrc you will have it for all your terminal session. When you run a bash script to load uwsgi from supervisor as example, you need to load this .bashrc with source. It's same as use a command line like: SOMEAPP_DB_USER="someapp"

Re: URL dispatcher fallthrough?

2013-04-03 Thread Felipe Prenholato
Jacob, I know that Django don't refer to third party packages in docs, but is possible to have something in doc or wiki (and doc linking to wiki) about this url helper (and possible others)? I ask because I see functionality proposed by this thread and by your app good enough to be cited in some

Re: Kickstarter for Django Admin?

2013-04-03 Thread Felipe Prenholato
I have a point about kickstarter powered projects. Anyone can send one, but in my opinion only projects extensively discussed here with a complete roadmap can have success. Actually I think that it also should have mentors, like GSOC, while aproved by community via money. Also, Andrew proposal is

Regression tests and translations for new localflavor feature.

2010-05-05 Thread Felipe Prenholato
Hello people. Last night I opened ticket 13473 that aims easy use of model fields for Braziliam CPF and CNPJ fields (as showed in ticket). After initial work, I need to construct tests and make translations. My first point is: what is right place to

Re: Regression tests and translations for new localflavor feature.

2010-05-08 Thread Felipe Prenholato
Keith-Magee <> > On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Felipe Prenholato <> > wrote: > > Hello people. > > Last night I opened ticket 13473 that aims easy use of model fields for > > Braziliam CPF and CNPJ fields (as showed

Re: Adding optional SITE_DOMAIN and SITE_NAME variables in

2010-05-18 Thread Felipe Prenholato
About idea of use to set a default site, -1 About ask to user what is yours default site, +1 This thing only runs at syncdb, so I really don't think that a entry in is needed. 2010/5/18 Oldřich Jedlička > Hi, > > 2010/3/19 dalore

Re: Decision required: PostgreSQL minimum versions

2010-06-09 Thread Felipe Prenholato
+1 for options 1 and 2. I think that change for 1.2.x is to close and we probably have some users that not want this change now. Set Postgres 8.0 to 1.3 give this users time to move. And, as Jacob said, do retroative changes from this category now isn't a good idea. 2010/6/9 Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Re: Suggestion of exception Http301 add as new feature

2010-06-28 Thread Felipe Prenholato
-1 ... IMO that's a change that we really don't need :), and isn't hard to implement if developer prefer 'exceptions' way. 2010/6/28 Sergej dergatsjev eecho > -1 > > 2010/6/28 kernel1983 : > > There is exception Http404 in the system. > > > >

Re: Suggestion of exception Http301 add as new feature

2010-06-28 Thread Felipe Prenholato
Hello. I wrote the .. at time that I did it I don't know about django.core.exceptions.PermissionDenied, but it can be used at Http403Middleware. The real idea behind this code is allow developers at company,

Re: New admin feature: Delete and replace with existing object

2010-07-07 Thread Felipe Prenholato
Just last week I need to implement something like option 2 in a generic crud (people that command project doesn't liked admin ...), so what I simple customized delete of model and force app to call delete of model when deleting more than one object. So, I really vote +1 for this kind of change.

Ticket #13844 - Errors when using character fields for aggregation

2010-07-21 Thread Felipe Prenholato
I wanna to call attention to this bug. When using a aggregate in a CharField, we get a value_error because returned value are cast to float, so a single query like Link_A.objects.all().aggregate(Max('short_link')) raise value error and need to be done with connection.cursor().execute(...). All

Re: [Discussion] Legacy documentation / Boken docs Django v1.2

2016-02-16 Thread Felipe Prenholato
that is easy to find and so users can download it. Maybe some page like "Older versions" inside documentation. Well, just a thought :). Thx, Felipe. Felipe Prenholato. Home page: | GitHub: | Twi