URLField should allow scheme to be empty

2013-04-03 Thread SteveB
How to avoid those browser warnings about mixing secure and insecure 
content on a web page?
Wouldn't it be great to be able to specify a URL for a resource (be it a 
script, image, iframe etc.)  such that if the current page is insecure 
(using a http:// scheme) the content would be fetched using the same scheme?
And when the current page is secure (using a https:// scheme) the resource 
would also be fetched as if it had a https scheme?

Well you can, just leave out the scheme in the URL. That is, specify it as 
"//example.com/some/path/" and the browser will apply the same scheme as 
the parent page.

Great! - But, it is not possible to specify a URL such as this in a Django 
URLField. Thanks to https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/5331, a blank 
scheme will be cause the field verification to insert "http" as the scheme, 
and you lose the flexibility described above.
It is currently not possible (in Django 1.5.1) to get a URLField validating 
with a blank scheme, so the ability to specify a URL for a resource which 
can be follow the scheme of the parent page is not possible.

I content that the 5331 ticket may not have taken into account the 
flexibility which the empty scheme offers on web pages, and I urge that it 
be reconsidered.

What do folks think?

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Re: Django 1.5 using a cached HttpResponse with WSGI has an empty body

2013-04-03 Thread SteveB
I created a ticket for this problem: 

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Re: Django 1.5 using a cached HttpResponse with WSGI has an empty body

2013-04-03 Thread SteveB
Hi Aymeric,

Thanks for your reply.
Actually I'm just using a memory cache for the response, so I'm not 
pickling it.

My thoughts are:

   1. The __iter__ method of a HttpResponse should create an instance of a 
   separate iterator class to iterate over the container. It should not return 
   self. The iterator class instance can return self in it's own __iter__ 
   method. This, I think, would get around the issue raised in 
   2. I accept that StreamingHttpResponse instances can only be iterated 
   once, and are therefore not suitable for caching. That's something that my 
   application can handle.

Do you think this would work OK?

I'll create a ticket to track this.

On Tuesday, 2 April 2013 20:03:49 UTC+1, Aymeric Augustin wrote:
> On 25 mars 2013, at 18:02, SteveB <smbr...@gmail.com > 
> wrote: 
> > I suspect this is a bug. Any thoughts? 
> Yes, it's annoying, all the more since Django exposes response.content as 
> an attribute. 
> > This works, but makes my code dependent on the internals of the 
> HttpResponse class, which isn't great. Any better ideas? 
> I assume you're pickling the response to cache it. We could define a 
> __getstate__ method to remove _iterator from what's pickled, like this: 
> def __getstate__(self): 
> state = self.__dict__.copy() 
> state.pop('_iterator', None) 
> return state 
> Could you file a ticket so we don't lose track of this problem? 
> -- 
> Aymeric. 

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Django 1.5 using a cached HttpResponse with WSGI has an empty body

2013-03-25 Thread SteveB
With the change to HttpResponse made in Django 1.5, I'm finding that in my 
code, which caches a generated response, results in an empty body when that 
page is requested a second time. The first time the page is requested, it 
is not in the cache, and the page is generated normally and added to the 
cache. A subsequent request for the same page finds the response in the 
cache and that response is returned, but with a content length of zero.

The reason is that the HttpResponse in Django 1.5 *does not reset the 
content iterator* when the content is requested to be iterated over again 
(the next time the response content is required).

I note the comments made about the way an iterator should behave when 
requested to iterate again:
and the code which was added to explicitly prevent a reiteration from 
resetting the iterator. However, that causes a problem when using cached 

The HttpResponse in my case was not created by passing an iterator to 
HttpResponse. It is just using a string.

The problem is that the __iter__ method of HttpResponse contains the line:

> if not hasattr(self, '_iterator'):
>   self._iterator = iter(self._container)

> This prevents the iterator being reset the next time it is required to 
iterate over the content.
_container still has the original content, but __iter__ does not reset the 
iterator as _iterator exists as an attribute since the first time that 
response was returned. The cached response is returning a used iterator, 
which returns no content.

I suspect this is a bug. Any thoughts?
What about a work-around in the meantime?
When I retrieve the response from the cache, I could do:

> response._iterator = iter(response._container)


> del response._iterator

This works, but makes my code dependent on the internals of the 
HttpResponse class, which isn't great. Any better ideas?

Kind regards,
P.S. I posted a message about this on Django users group about a week ago, 
but got no reply, hence posting here to get the views of the Django 

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2013-01-23 Thread SteveB
Can anybody provide an update on the request to define a BigAutoField in 
We could really use this model field type without having to do workarounds 
and customizations.
Can any of the Django developers comment on when this will be released?


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