RE: [docbook-apps] down

2014-03-12 Thread Mauritz Jeanson is unreliable. Right now it is actually working
(albeit very slowly), but just moments ago I got this error after a 2 minute

Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /.

Reason: Error reading from remote server

And gives me "It's not just you! looks down from here" all the time.


|  -Original Message-
|  From: David Cramer []
|  Sent: den 9 mars 2014 16:49
|  To: Peter Eisentraut;
|  Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] down
|  On 03/09/2014 07:59 AM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
|  >
|  >
|  > Is anyone looking into this?
|  I just restarted apache and it seems to be back up (for now).
|  David
|  -
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RE: [docbook-apps] initial pdf view with index side pane

2013-09-20 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Richard Henwood []
> Is there a switch I can throw to force the PDF that is generated to default
> to displaying the index as a (left-hand) side bar?
> The best I could find from my searching was:
> but I am unsure how
> to interpret this page. Any help would be gratefully appreciated!

That FOP wiki page contains ideas for future extension development. If you use 
FOP, then I don't think there is a solution today. Some prototype work was done 
a long time ago:

Another FO processor, XEP, has a special processing instruction for specifying 
the initial PDF view. The following is understood by XEP and makes the 
bookmarks panel visible when opening the resulting PDF (it works in Adobe 
Reader; there may be PDF readers that don't recognize this):



The DocBook-XSL stylesheets can insert this and other processing instructions 
in the FO output via customization of the "user-xep-pis" template in xep.xsl.


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RE: [docbook-apps] What is Xml ?

2012-07-30 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Kerry, Richard 
|  Please can someone direct me to an authoritative explanation 
|  of what constitutes a valid XML file ?
|  I've been provided with some "XML" files which are a bit like this :
|  They are described as "XML", together with a note that "... 
|  file can be created using any XML editor providing the 
|  format and tags required are used", though I get various 
|  errors from emacs+nxml-mode, XmlMind and Serna.
|  I think that they are not well-formed, on account of having 
|  two "root nodes".

That is right. The above is not XML. An XML document must have a single root


|  I'm also a bit surprised by the lack of the usual version, 
|  encoding and standalone attributes in the xml PI, though I 
|  suspect they are actually optional.

The XML declaration cannot be just . If present (it doesn't have to
be), the version must be given.

See (production 23).

|  And I've just found that it starts with (hex) ef bb bf, 
|  before the "


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RE: [docbook-apps] Cannot resolve SVG DTD for FO output

2012-04-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Xmplar 
|  3. Downloaded "resolver.jar" and associated files to 
|  c:/xml-commons-resolver-1.2/. Added "resolver.jar" and 
|  "" to CLASSPATH: 
|  .;C:\Program 
|  Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext\;C:\xml-commons-resolver-1.
|  2\resolver.jar;C:\svg_dtd\

It is the *directory* where resides that should be
on the classpath. You should not give the full path to the file.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Cannot resolve SVG DTD for FO output

2012-04-21 Thread Mauritz Jeanson

What JRE do you actually use? In your setup, there are references to both
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6" and "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7".



|  -Original Message-
|  From: Xmplar [] 
|  Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2012 8:34 AM
|  To:
|  Subject: [docbook-apps] Cannot resolve SVG DTD for FO output
|  Setup: DB 1.76.1 ns, XEP 4.19, Saxon 6.5.5. 
|  I have produced SVG 1.1 files from Adobe Illustrator CS3 and 
|  am linking to these from XML (not embedded). I can only 
|  display these in FO if I remove the DTD from the SVG file - 
|  problem with this is that fonts are substituted (e.g. 
|  ArialMT becomes substituted with Helvetica). 
|  So I've attempted to set up an XML catalog using the steps 
|  in The Definitive Guide. My results are:
|  1.  SVG 1.1 DTD "svg11.dtd" put into c:/svg_dtd/.
|  2.  Catalog file "svgdtd.xml" put into c:/svg_dtd/:
|  log.dtd" 
|   >
|   >
|  3. Downloaded "resolver.jar" and associated files to 
|  c:/xml-commons-resolver-1.2/. Added "resolver.jar" and 
|  "" to CLASSPATH: 
|  .;C:\Program 
|  Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext\;C:\xml-commons-resolver-1.
|  2\resolver.jar;C:\svg_dtd\
|  "" contains:
|  catalogs=c:/svg_dtd/svgdtd.xml
|  relative-catalogs=yes
|  verbosity=4
|  prefer=public
|  static-catalog=yes
|  allow-oasis-xml-catalog-pi=yes
|  4. And the xep.bat file was modified (this is what I'm 
|  unsure about - whether I need to specify certain config options):
|  @echo off
|  rem   This batch file encapsulates a standard XEP call. 
|  set CP=C:\Program 
|  Files\RenderX\XEP\lib\xep.jar;C:\xml-commons-resolver-1.2\res
|  olver.jar;C:\Program 
|  Files\RenderX\XEP\lib\saxon6.5.5\saxon.jar;C:\Program 
|  Files\RenderX\XEP\lib\saxon6.5.5\saxon-xml-apis.jar;C:\Program 
|  Files\RenderX\XEP\lib\xt.jar
|  if x%OS%==xWindows_NT goto WINNT
|  "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java" 
|  -Dcom.renderx.sax.entityresolver=org.apache.xml.resolver.tool
|  s.CatalogResolver 
|  \
|  alogResolver \ -classpath "%CP%" com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver "-
|  DCONFIG=C:\Program Files\RenderX\XEP\xep.xml" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 
|  %6 %7 %8 %9
|  goto END
|  "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java" -classpath "%CP%" 
|  com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver "-DCONFIG=C:\Program 
|  Files\RenderX\XEP\xep.xml" %*
|  :END
|  set CP=
|  Thanks!
|  -- 
|  Dave Gardiner

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RE: [docbook-apps] Re: iso699 bibliography link broken

2012-03-05 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: David Cramer 
|  That docbook wiki page is now at the following url (the old wiki had
|  /topic/ in the url):
|  However, that page links to an attachment that is no longer available
|  from the page. Perhaps somoene has the file that was attached and can
|  restore it.
|  I know nothing about ISO 690 btw, just a little about the 
|  DocBook wiki.

Jirka, perhaps you can re-upload the missing attachment?

I'm looking at


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RE: [docbook-apps] Suppressing "title" attributes in HTML

2012-01-07 Thread Mauritz Jeanson

That would be revision 9134:



|  -Original Message-
|  From: David Cramer [] 
|  Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2012 1:12 PM
|  To: 'DocBook Apps'
|  Subject: Re: [docbook-apps] Suppressing "title" attributes in HTML
|  Hash: SHA1
|  Btw., Bob fixed this in svn a while ago.
|  David
|  On 01/07/2012 05:47 AM, Mauritz Jeanson wrote:
|  > |  -Original Message- |  From: Lars Vogel | |  I generate
|  > my tutorials from Docbook source. Several readers |  complained
|  > that the "title" element is annoying as it |  creates a popup over
|  > the text. | |  See attached screenshot. | |  Is there a way to
|  > avoid the generation of the title element?
|  > 
|  > 
|  > 
|  > You can suppress "title" attributes using the following
|  > customization (the original template is in html.xsl):
|  > 
|  > 
|  > 
|  > Mauritz
|  > 
|  > 
|  > 
|  > 
|  > 
|  > 
|  > 
|  > 
|  > 
|  -
|  >
|  > 
|  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
|  > For additional commands, e-mail:
|  >
|  > 
|  Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
|  Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
|  qX3C8NYdqRm5HN7JL3usKSddyZWa8c7kuXKe85to771A+gWghkxunvf956d8QWmU
|  RqxsJBBuIw+TQxf2uVz/KFsy8xFieODNyLilW6RfhreXAKYnK9Y3f0TfJOx5p1MR
|  2GI6wEy4CeylCkbVc1EMWJZOuuCcw3FYksKkDbH0LytaADltvGGy2HAQIXZCvCy4
|  5DGqFDT6i/6wuB4CEhxOyFIDAMyvurZWancMKgqGFllU7nQOE1wvLVevF/R9Zz2u
|  zyLcGAYn+4v40M8CJKGtdHhVL/KGTLKa0vQcNKmh5vil7Z/Fy9OK5w/mFd5Xw48=
|  =KZJ0
|  -
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[docbook-apps] Suppressing "title" attributes in HTML (was: RE: [docbook-apps] Generated title elements in HTML output)

2012-01-07 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Lars Vogel 
|  I generate my tutorials from Docbook source. Several readers 
|  complained that the "title" element is annoying as it 
|  creates a popup over the text. 
|  See attached screenshot.
|  Is there a way to avoid the generation of the title element?

You can suppress "title" attributes using the following customization (the
original template is in html.xsl):



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RE: [docbook-apps] MSV validation?

2011-11-29 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Bob Stayton 
|  I've used Sun's Multi-Schema Validator with the Schematron 
|  add-on for DocBook5 files. 
|  The version with add-on was in a 'relames.jar' file.  I am 
|  no longer able to locate a 
|  download for such a file.

Here it is (even though it's not exactly last night's build... :-)):


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RE: [docbook-apps] syntax highlighting with xslt2/pygments/jython/saxon

2011-11-02 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Andreas Reuleaux
|  java \
|  -cp 
are/java/jython.jar" net.sf.saxon.Transform \
|  -init:docbook.Initializer \
|  -s:myfile.dbk \
|  -xsl:fo-xslt2.xsl \
| \
|  -xi:on \
|  -ext:on \
|  use.extensions=1 \
|  fop1.extensions=1
|OK, my toolchain still works, but no highlighting yet

At present, highlighting does not work for XSL-FO. There are two reasons as
far as I can tell:
1. The code for calling Pygments via Jython only handles (X)HTML output. 
2. Pygments does not provide an XSL-FO formatter.

For XHTML, it took me a while to figure out how to make highlighting work
(Saxon HE on Windows XP). These points were particularly important:

1. Add role="pygments" to the  element in the source XML.

2. Add 


to the "java" command. This was necessary in order to avoid "ImportError: No
module named pygments".

3. Add the output generated from this snippet,

 from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
 print HtmlFormatter().get_style_defs()

to a CSS file, and ensure that this file is referenced in the output (see
the docbook.css parameter).

Below is the contents of my Windows BAT file. I run it from the root
directory of the 2.0.2 relase downloaded from

-Dpython.path=c:/Java/jython2.5.2/Lib/site-packages/Pygments-1.4-py2.5.egg ^
2/jython.jar ^
net.sf.saxon.Transform ^
-init:docbook.Initializer ^
-s:verbatim.xml ^
-xsl:./xslt/base/html/docbook.xsl ^
-o:verbatim.html ^
-xi:on ^
-ext:on ^

|  * Also there is mention of some python.path setting in ~/.jython 
|what does that look exactely (the path to the script maybe)?

As an alternative to '-Dpython.path=...' at the command line, you can add 


to ~/.jython.


|  * I use neither Saxon PE or EE, but saxonb and/or saxonhe
|so I guess I don't have to set 
|  org.docbook.extensions.xslt20.Cwd
|  org.docbook.extensions.xslt20.ImageIntrins
|  org.docbook.extensions.xslt20.Pygmenter

That's right, configuration files cannot be used with Saxon HE. See


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RE: [docbook-apps] Linebreak in Header line

2011-10-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Lars Vogel 
|  I have for one of my Docbook documents a longer title for 
|  one chapter, e.g. "Distributed Version control with Git". As 
|  the result the pdf output show this chapter title in two rows.
|  Is there a parameter for the XSLT sheets to prevent this? It 
|  feel to me that there is sufficient space in the header for 
|  this title. 



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RE: [docbook-apps] linenumbering in programlistings with FOP

2011-10-10 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Lwam Berhane 
|  Does somebody experienced that with FOP linenumbering is possible?
|  I tried it with the params from here 
| but 
|  it does not work!

Just setting some parameters is not sufficient. Line numbers are inserted by
an XSLT extension function. To make it work, you must use one of the Java
processors Saxon 6 or Xalan, and the processor's extension jar file must be
added to the classpath. 

for more information.

Does this help? 


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[docbook-apps] RE: [docbook] How to remove headers

2011-10-02 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Lars "Bjørndal" 
|  Can someone please advice me in how to completely remove all headers
|  from a PDF generated from an article written as DocBook xml. 
|  I've tried
|  to put the following in the stylesheet file used by xsltproc:
|  However, the headers are still printed.

(Redirecting to docbook-apps, which is the appropriate list for stylesheet

Override the original header.content template so that it is a no-op:


More details about headers and footers:


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[docbook-apps] Alternative syntax highlighter

2011-08-20 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
Hi all,

DocBook-XSL comes with support for syntax highlighting using the XSLTHL
package. I recently discovered an interesting alternative that uses the
Pygments syntax highlighter. 

I haven't had time to look very closely at this, but the full story is here:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Odd column resizing issue

2011-08-01 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Bill Burns 
|  I have been working on retrofitting 
|  the webhelpindexer to work with an older set of stylesheets 
|  (the HTML XSLT from v1.36). I've been eliminating little 
|  XHTML errors here and there, but this last one has me stumped.
|  I moved table.xsl  to my customization layer folder and 
|  added the XHTML namespace declaration to eliminate the 
|  delimiter problems I was encountering. However, an odd thing 
|  happened with the calculations for my col widths.


|  When I'm producing plain old HTML, the result is 
|  However, when I add the XHTML namespace, I get this result:

I'm sorry, but it is a little hard to understand what you are doing. May I
ask why you need to retrofit webhelpindexer to work with a very old version
of DocBook-XSL? 

I don't know how to reproduce the table columns problem. You mention the
adjustColumnWidth extension function from in your follow-up post,
so I presume that you use Python to do the transformation. Is this right?


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RE: [docbook-apps] Areaoverlay problem

2011-06-13 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Kirill Churin 
|  Hello! i'm trying to use areasearch/areaoverlay suite from
|  docbook-trunk/imagecon.
|  Areasearch works fine and provides , but when I run 
|  areaoverlay on my XML it says: "Can't parse callout data".

This is a little strange. With Perl 5.10, the areaoverlay script works for
me. But with Perl 5.12, I get that same error message. The problem is in
this snippet from the makeOverlay subroutine:

 while (@coords) {
while (split(/\s+/, shift @coords)) {
my $conumber = shift || die "Can't parse callout data.\n";
my $llcorner = shift || die "Can't parse callout data.\n";
my $urcorner = shift || die "Can't parse callout data.\n";

I was able to make it work by changing the above to 

 while (@coords) {
  my @tmp = (split(/\s+/, shift @coords));
  while (@tmp) {
  my $conumber = shift @tmp || die "Can't parse callout data.\n";
my $llcorner = shift @tmp || die "Can't parse callout data.\n";
my $urcorner = shift @tmp || die "Can't parse callout data.\n";

The 5.12 behaviour makes sense IMHO (see Without an ARRAY argument,
the shift function returns the first element of @_, which is the wrong


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RE: [docbook-apps] MathML in docbook 4.3 errors

2011-03-29 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Matt Dew 
|  The html and txt look good but the pdf doesn't.
|  fop now gives me these warnings:
|  Mar 29, 2011 12:05:23 PM 
|  findFOMaker
|  WARNING: Unknown formatting object 
|  Ideas?

I think you need to install the JEuclid FOP plug-in


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RE: [docbook-apps] MathML in docbook 4.3 errors

2011-03-24 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Matt Dew 
|  /home/fcarrijo/softwares/repositorio/xorg/proto/kbproto/specs
|  /ch04.xml:417: 
|  namespace error : Namespace prefix mml on math is not defined

You need to define the mml prefix in the source document:";>

|   Trying system delegate file:///etc/xml/docbook-xml.xml
|   Resolve URI 
|   I/O error : Attempt to load network entity 
|   warning: failed to load external entity 
|  "";
|   validity error : Could not load the external subset 
|  "";
|   Document 
|  /home/fcarrijo/softwares/repositorio/xorg/proto/kbproto/specs
|  /xkbproto.xml does not validate

Are you sure that there is an entry for the public or system ID for
dbmathml.dtd in the catalog file?

Something like this is needed:


Furthermore, dbmathml.dtd contains a reference to, hosted by W3C. They do not
like repeated requests for the same resource. See

So you should have a catalog entry for mathml2.dtd too.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Serializing DB 5 with XOM: wrong encoding

2011-03-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Denis Bradford 
|  I've been trying to preprocess xincludes in my DocBook 5 
|  build with xom, 
|  using the incantation in Bob Stayton's "Complete Guide":
|  $ java -cp "xom-1.2.1.jar:xom-samples.jar"
|  nu.xom.samples.XIncludeDriver source.xml > serialized.xml
|  The xincludes resolve just fine, but the serialized doc's 
|  encoding comes 
|  out as ISO-8859-1, so xom complains about UTF-8 characters in the 
|  source. The output doc ends, incomplete, with a cascase of xom 
|  Serializer errors.
|  According to the XOM api doc, it should be possible to specify the 
|  encoding as UTF-8, but I haven't found how to do it from the command 
|  line. Anybody know how (or if there's a better solution)? 
|  I'm assuming 
|  the failure is on account of the encoding problem, since the 
|  document 
|  seems to process normally otherwise.

I just tried to process a couple of UTF-8 documents with XIncludeDriver
(using XOM 1.2.6), and there were no errors. Unencodable characters were
escaped as numeric character references in the output.

The encoding is hardcoded in 

 Serializer outputter = new Serializer(System.out, "ISO-8859-1");

This may be a little unfortunate (and not too hard to fix), but
XIncludeDriver is just a sample application after all. 


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RE: [docbook-apps] Saxon linenumbering extension in programlisting

2010-12-17 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Dick Hamilton 
|  So, the question is, should the extension treat a final newline this
|  way?
|  I'm inclined to think that it should not do this. It's not a 
|  big deal if
|  your content is inline, but with xi:include, it means you need to
|  manipulate your file to remove the newline character, which I suspect
|  can cause problems if you're trying to use that content 
|  elsewhere (for example, to test a function).
|  Any thoughts?

Try Bob's whitespace-trimming customization:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Need recommendations for the best modern Linux backend tools for DocBook

2010-11-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Alan W. Irwin 
|  > I think you should look into XSL. And you already know about
|  >, judging by 
|  the link on
|  >, so there 
|  is no need for me
|  > to expand on the subject :-).
|  Our reference was to the DocBook definitive guide. 

Yes, sorry, I was too hasty.

|  A quick skim seems to indicate the above reference only 
|  deals with the
|  html and pdf case.  What about dvi and PostScript? Do we have to
|  give those up if we switch to XSL?

Not necessarily, but I suspect that you will need more than one formatting

dblatex can produce DVI:

FOP has a PostScript renderer, but I have never tried it:

|  Also, the above reference (published in 2007) mentions three
|  open-source possibilities for the XSL-FO processor (FOP, PassiveTeX,
|  and xmlroff) and seemed to lean toward FOP in terms of the example he
|  used later.  Is FOP the open-source XSL-FO processor you would
|  recommend now?

Yes. PassiveTeX is defunct, and xmlroff development seems to progress very

Among commercial FO processors, I can recommend XEP:
Another commercial vendor is Antenna House:


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RE: [docbook-apps] xhtml/docbook.xsl performance

2010-11-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: David Link 
|  What concerns should we have for upgrading to 1.7.6?

Hard to say. Why not just try it out? :-) 

The release notes for 1.76.0 and 1.76.1 are here:

(Changes under the "HTML" heading apply to both HTML and XHTML.)


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RE: [docbook-apps] Need recommendations for the best modern Linux backend tools for DocBook

2010-11-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Alan W. Irwin 
|  Our man pages are generated with a home-brew perl script. That script
|  uses XML::DOM::Parser to parse the combination of plplotdoc.xml (The
|  core file where our entities are defined) and api.xml (the subset of
|  our DocBook source files which describes our core library's API) to
|  obtain the information used to generate the man pages.

|  For the man pages (1.) I have already found via a google search a 
|  discussion of xslproc + docbook-xsl/manpages/docbook.xsl 
|  which sounded
|  promising.  Is there a way using that technique to exclude 
|  large parts
|  of our documentation that is in chapter form rather than a 
|  description
|  of our API (the only part of our DocBook documentation we want to
|  appear in manpage form)?  Or does that exclusion happen 
|  automatically?

Is the documentation that you want output as manpages written using
? Then it will be amenable to processing by manpages/docbook.xsl.
But if you're happy with the Perl script, then it seems fine to just
continue using it IMHO.

|  From the above list of backend tools, openjade is used to help
|  generate html, dvi, PostScript, and PDF documentation results. I have
|  recently noticed that openjade (for our particular command-line
|  arguments at least) chokes on UTF-8 in the DocBook source. Before
|  investigating that issue further, I want to be sure that openjade
|  (whose last release was in 2003) is the definitive choice for all the
|  use cases above so I hope especially that somebody will comment on that.

There's nothing wrong with DSSSL, but it is not a popular technology these
days. OpenJade is no longer maintained. The same holds for the DocBook DSSSL

I think you should look into XSL. And you already know about, judging by the link on, so there is no need for me
to expand on the subject :-). 

But then again, if your current documentation process works, then you might
want to avoid "fixing something that isn't broken" after all.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Docbook XML and Catalog

2010-11-13 Thread Mauritz Jeanson

The "CatalogResolver is not a URIResolver" message is strange. There is a
bug or a mistake (or misunderstanding) lurking somewhere, but I don't see

Maybe you'll get a better answer by asking on the saxon-help mailing list:



|  -Original Message-
|  From: SriKrishnan [] 
|  Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2010 7:31 AM
|  To: 'Mauritz Jeanson'; 'Dave Pawson'
|  Cc:
|  Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Docbook XML and Catalog
|  Hi Mauritz,
|  Is there anyway to fix this in my case?
|  If it is possible can you give me any alternate sample coding?
|  Thanks,
|  Srikrishnan
|  -----Original Message-
|  From: Mauritz Jeanson [] 
|  Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 9:22 PM
|  To: 'Dave Pawson'; 'SriKrishnan'
|  Cc:
|  Subject: RE: [docbook-apps] Docbook XML and Catalog
|  |  -Original Message-
|  |  From: Dave Pawson 
|  |  > 
|  |  > F:\ADVENT\APP\xslf0_samples\DOCBOOK-samples\completed>java -cp
|  |  > "C:/saxon/saxon.jar;C:/docbook-xsl-1.76.1-RC2/extensions/
|  |  > 
|  saxon65.jar;C:/xml-commons-resolver-1.2/resolver.jar;C:/fop-1.0/"
|  |  > com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet -x
|  |  > ols.ResolvingXMLReader -y
|  |  > -r
|  |  > ver -u -o 
|  |  ""
|  |  > "DK1182_C003.xml"
|  |  > "file:///L:/xml/docbook-xsl-ns-1.76.1-RC2/fo/docbook.xsl" Class
|  |  > is not a 
|  URIResolver
|  |  The message (again) is correct
|  |  " is not a 
|  URIResolver"
|  I'd say that it is a surprising message. CatalogResolver is indeed a
|  URIResolver (the CatalogResolver class implements the URIResolver
|  interface):
|  /apache/xml/res
|  olver/tools/CatalogResolver.html
|  See also
|  ticle.html
|  Mauritz
|  -
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RE: [docbook-apps] xhtml/docbook.xsl performance

2010-11-13 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: David Link 
|  We are using docbook/xhtml/docbook.xsl, to convert large 
|  d:sections of xml into html in real time for users using an 
|  application in a browser.
|  This can take the better part of a second to do.
|  Are there known ways to improve performance of these 
|  transforms?  Are some parts of the transform more expensive 
|  than others?  Should I look for docbook features we do not 
|  support and try to eliminate them from the standard 
|  transform to make it faster?
|  Are there other light way tools which can also turn docbook 
|  into html quickly?

What version of the stylesheets are you using? 

Maybe the following can help. The performance of the gentext/localization
machinery was improved recently. The improvements are available in
DocBook-XSL from version 1.76. 

Here is a thread where this was discussed:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Docbook XML and Catalog

2010-11-12 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Dave Pawson 
|  > 
|  > F:\ADVENT\APP\xslf0_samples\DOCBOOK-samples\completed>java -cp
|  > "C:/saxon/saxon.jar;C:/docbook-xsl-1.76.1-RC2/extensions/
|  > saxon65.jar;C:/xml-commons-resolver-1.2/resolver.jar;C:/fop-1.0/"
|  > com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet -x
|  > ols.ResolvingXMLReader -y
|  > -r
|  > ver -u -o 
|  ""
|  > "DK1182_C003.xml"
|  > "file:///L:/xml/docbook-xsl-ns-1.76.1-RC2/fo/docbook.xsl" Class
|  > is not a URIResolver
|  The message (again) is correct
|  " is not a URIResolver"

I'd say that it is a surprising message. CatalogResolver is indeed a
URIResolver (the CatalogResolver class implements the URIResolver
See also


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RE: [docbook-apps] PNGs not appearing in PDF (appearing fine in HTML)

2010-10-27 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Nathan Bailey 
|  Mauritz,
|   I didn't realise I was on the legacy platform :-)
|  FWIW, I have used fink to install them, and fink says:
|i   docbook-dsssl-n  1.79-4   Norman Walsh's DSSSL DocBook  
|  stylesheets
|i   docbook-dtd  4.5.0-1  DocBook SGML/XML DTDs official  
|  releases
|  (i)  docbook-utils0.6.14-1008  Utilities for 
|  manipulating SGML and  
|  XML
|i   docbook-xsl  1.74.3-1 Norman Walsh's XSL DocBook  
|  stylesheets

Yes, docbook-xsl is what I meant by "XSL stylesheets". The latest version is
1.75.2 (and 1.76.1 is in the works). See

|  So I have the XSL's installed - but I also have the DSSSL's, so  
|  perhaps I'm referring to the wrong ones?
|  The top of my file says:
|  ]>

Here you are not referring to any stylesheets. You have references to a DTD
and a couple of entities.

See this indispensable guide for everything you need to know about using
DocBook XSL:

|  BTW, the links on this page:
|  result in 404 errors. Is there a better place to go to find 
|  out how to install the latest and greatest docbook on Mac OS X?

I hope there is... But I know very little about Mac OS X, sorry. 


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RE: [docbook-apps] PNGs not appearing in PDF (appearing fine in HTML)

2010-10-26 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Nathan Bailey 
|  docbook2html -u myfile.docbook generates an HTML file that 
|  includes my  
|  pictures.
|  docbook2pdf -u myfile.docbook generates a PDF with only the text  
|  alternates/captions/etc.
|  I have tried a variety of ways of specifying the picture, 
|  drawing on  
|  similar reports on this list archive to no avail. I've 
|  looked at Nik  
|  Clayton's Makefiles but am not currently using them. I suspect the  
|  stylesheets reflect his suggested changes now?

The last release of the DocBook DSSSL stylesheets was in 2004. The
stylesheets are still available for download, but they are no longer
actively maintained. Very few people ask about them these days. It may not
be the answer you were hoping for, but I would recommend you to consider
switching to the XSL stylesheets.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Custom numbering scheme for a DocBook document (legal style stylesheet)

2010-10-14 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Néstor Amigo Cairo 
|  But I am stuck because I cannot change the element xsl:number without
|  having to rewrite a new template from scratch.
|  I would just like to change  element to have the 
|  attribute
|  "level=any" inside a  element.

You don't have to write a new template from scratch. You need to copy an
existing template to your customization layer and make a small modification
to it. In DocBook-XSL (and DBLaTeX too) it is the template with
match="section" and mode="label.markup" in common/labels.xsl. You need to





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RE: [docbook-apps] Implementing pop-ups in PDF and HTML

2010-09-18 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Steve Johnson 
|  With DocBook 5, is it possible to implement text pop-ups like:
|  "Blah blah blah general information about something or other.
|  For specific information about implementing on Linux, click here.
|  For specific information about implementing on Windows, click here."
|  Clicking on the text would show or hide some additional paragraphs.

The DocBook stylesheets can generate pop-ups for annotations (in HTML
output). See annotations.xsl and

There is no pop-up support in FO/PDF output, but this section from The
Complete Guide might be of interest:


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RE: [docbook-apps] FOP error after upgrading from 1.75.1 to 1.76.0

2010-09-16 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Bergfrid Skaara 
|  I get the following error when transforming my valid and 
|  well-formed DocBook 5 files to PDF after I upgraded the 
|  stylesheets from 1.75.1 to 1.76.0:
|  ERROR - inline area not allowed under flow - ignoring
|  This happens for indexterms that are direct children of the 
|  root element of a file. Let me illustrate with an example:
|   ==> error 
|   ==> no error
|  The behavior is the same when preface, chapter, or appendix 
|  is the root element.

I cannot reproduce the problem with any of these documents:"; version="5.0">
  PARA"; version="5.0">


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RE: [docbook-apps] simplelist type="vert" causes FO error in 1.76.0

2010-09-16 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Bergfrid Skaara 
|  It seems like something has changed for simplelist between 
|  stylesheet versions 1.75.1 and 1.76.0. I had no FOP errors 
|  prior to upgrading the stylesheets. When the type attribute 
|  of simplelist is inline or horiz, I get no error, but when 
|  type is vert I get the following from FOP (0.95):
|  ERROR - Ignoring property 
|  :column-width="proportional-column-width(1)" (file:[...] 
|  proportional-column-width() function may only be used when 
|  fo:table has table-layout="fixed" [...])
|  How can I fix this locally in the stylesheets to hide this 
|  error from our users?

I cannot reproduce this problem. Nothing has changed for simplelist between
1.75.1 and 1.76.0.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Can XOM's XIncludeDriver use an XML catalog?

2010-09-03 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Peter Desjardins 
|  I'm trying to use XInclude from the XOM package
|  ( to resolve xi:includes. 
|  Sometimes it
|  works perfectly. I'm seeing frequent intermittent failures to resolve
|  my documents because XInclude can't access DTD components on the
|  Internet.
|  I am invoking XInclude as shown in Bob Stayton's book
|  ( Is
|  there a way to configure the class to use an XML catalog? 

It seems like it should be possible. See

One of the constructors of the Builder class takes an XMLReader argument:

So you could try something like this in


Builder builder = new Builder(new ResolvingXMLReader()); 


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RE: [docbook-apps] Segmented list issue with FOP

2010-08-26 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: deannelson 
|  After looking closer in the 1.75.2 stylesheets, the 
|  segmentedlist template in fo/lists.xsl has a problem when 
|  used in FOP. It specifies the table as an "auto" table and 
|  it needs to be a "fixed" table since FOP doesn't support 
|  that feature yet. So, in this case I modified the template 
|  from
|  to 
|  Is this something that should be addressed in the standard 
|  stylesheets (i.e bugtracked)?

I committed a fix a few weeks ago:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Re: docbook-slides-3.4.0 vs. 1.75.1/slides

2010-08-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Jochen Hayek 
|  I don't want to be offensive,
|  but "what the heck" is 
|  /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh5/1.75.1/slides/html/
|  frames.xsl ?
|  Something "incomplete"?

Yes. Incomplete. Not usable. Sorry!

Do not use the slides stylesheets in the "xsl-ns" package (which appears to
be called "nwalsh5" on openSUSE). You should use the "xsl" package
(codenamed "nwalsh", I presume).

|  > In the xsl-ns package, the README says:
|  > --
|  > Note, the stylesheets in the directories listed below 
|  > have not yet been converted to use the DocBook
|  > namespace:
|  >   slides
|  >   website
|  >   roundtrip
|  I certainly trust your word,
|  but ... ???

Please trust me on this one :-D. 
Three components in "xsl-ns" are not yet namespace-aware. I agree that it is


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RE: [docbook-apps] JavaHelp index

2010-08-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Laitinen Joni 
|  I'm trying to generate a JavaHelp index from my DocBook 
|  document, but I'm having trouble creating a tree-like 
|  hierarchy of the indexterms. I'd like the index to be like:
|  -Term1
|   --Term2
|   --Term3
|  +Term4
|  With Terms2 and 3 nested inside Term1. So far I've only 
|  managed to make a plain list of the terms without hierarchy. 

Currently, the stock javahelp.xsl stylesheet only outputs a plain, flat

Below is an attempt at generating an index with nested secondary/tertiary
items. The code is intended as a replacement for the template with
match="indexterm" and mode="idx" in javahelp.xsl. Maybe you'll find it

By the way, my impression is that interest in JavaHelp is waning. Nothing
much seems to happen with the technology and discussion forum activity is
low. But perhaps you have another opinion?




































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RE: [docbook-apps] Re: DocBook Slides : a "single quote" character within .* must get escaped in the Javascript for the nav. ToC ...

2010-08-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Jochen Hayek 
|  My new problems now look like this (namespacing...):
|  xsltproc \
|  html/docbook.xsl \
|  slides.xml

Here it looks like you are trying to process a DocBook Slides document with
the regular HTML stylesheet...

|  Writing frames.html for slides
|  Writing toc.html for slides
|  Element author in namespace '' encountered in 
|  authorgroup, but no template matches.
|  Element firstname in namespace '' encountered in author, 
|  but no template matches.
|  Element surname in namespace '' encountered in author, 
|  but no template matches.

...but judging by these messages you are in fact processing a slides
document with the namespaced version of a slides stylesheet. And that
doesn't work, because there is no such thing as a namespaced slides

In the xsl-ns package, the README says:

Note, the stylesheets in the directories listed below 
have not yet been converted to use the DocBook


Since no slides schema based on DocBook 5 has been officially released yet,
there is currently no need for namespaced stylesheets. Perhaps it would be
better if the slides, website, and roundtrip stylesheets were not included
at all in the xsl-ns package as long as they are not namespace-aware.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Re: DocBook Slides : a "single quote" character within .* must get escaped in the Javascript for the nav. ToC ...

2010-08-14 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Jochen Hayek 
|  >>>>> Mauritz Jeanson writes:
|  > OK, now I understand (it would have helped
|  > if you had said from the start
|  > that you are using the "dynamic ToC" feature).
|  didn't I?

You did not say that you had set the dynamic.toc parameter to 1 (the default
is 0).
If you don't set this parameter you still get a TOC of course, but not a
dynamic one.

|  would that be 1.75.1 ?
|  or anything far newer than that?


|  well, the single quote character problem is still alive and 
|  kicking with 1.75.1, which I tried right now.

That is strange. If you do a diff between frames.xsl in Slides 3.4.0 and
frames.xsl in DocBook-XSL 1.75.1 (or 1.75.2), you can see for yourself that
the single quote escaping of titles is fixed (by calling the string.subst
template) in the latter file.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Re: DocBook Slides : a "single quote" character within .* must get escaped in the Javascript for the nav. ToC ...

2010-08-14 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Jochen Hayek 
|  Pls have a look at the Javascript code in toc.html,
|  actually *just* *any* toc.html,
|  e.g. take any of your own :
|  subList.addItem('<\/img>Recap and What s 
|  Next<\/a><\/div>');
|  myList.addList(subList, '14. Scala Tools, Libraries, and IDE 
|  Support<\/a><\/div>');

OK, now I understand (it would have helped if you had said from the start
that you are using the "dynamic ToC" feature).

The problem is in frames.xsl. The output of title or titleabbrev should be
wrapped in a call to the string.subst template, but it isn't. This has been
fixed since Slides 3.4.0 was released, in the version of frames.xsl that
comes with the regular DocBook-XSL release.   


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RE: [docbook-apps] DocBook Slides : a "single quote" character within .* must get escaped in the Javascript for the nav. ToC ...

2010-08-13 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Jochen Hayek 
|  ... as otherwise it's in the middle of a single quoted string, 
|  which obviously breaks it.
|  The effect is then, that the navigiational ToC does not show 
|  up at all.
|  Who would be so nice to fix this?

I don't notice any problems with single quotes in titles. Please provide
more details, such as a small sample document and the exact steps needed to
reproduce the error.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Docbook 4 to 5 conversion issues

2010-08-11 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Iwan Aucamp 
|  I would really like to not have this happen and retain order 
|  of the nodes so indentation stays where I put it originally.
|  So my question is - how would I go about fixing this, 
|  without changing too much of the style sheet ?

I think it would be quite hard to get every bit of whitespace to appear
exactly where you want it. But the following might help a little. Add


immediately before 


You could also try a pretty-printer such as xmlformat


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RE: [docbook-apps] + area coords

2010-07-30 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mathieu Malaterre 
|I am wondering if dbfo and area coords are supposed to work well
|  together. If I use it in a simple example, the position of 
|  the callout
|  bullet does not seems to as far to the right as possible.
|Is this something people have done in the past ? Should I just use
|  full coords (with column number) ?

Have you tried to change the value of the callout.defaultcolumn parameter?


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RE: [docbook-apps] itemizedlist indenting in PDF output

2010-07-30 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Tim M 
|  I am trying to create a PDF output using a2x from asciidoc 
|  => docbook xml => PDF(using dblatex).  I have found that 
|  when outputting PDF, the first level of an itemized list 
|  will not be indented at all.  I would like to indent this 
|  first level but am not sure how to do so.  I have not found 
|  a way to do it in my asciidoc source so I am trying to find 
|  a way to do it by customizing the docbook XML output of 
|  asciidoc, and/or by customizing the docbook styles.

>From this description, it is hard to say where the problem is. 

Please show us the XML output from asciidoc. That would help in narrowing
the possibilities down.


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RE: [docbook-apps] dbfo / example

2010-07-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mathieu Malaterre 
|I am looking at the documentation of example at:
|I cannot tell from this page, that this particular docbook element
|  supports the  processing instruction.
|Am I reading this page incorrectly ? Where is the list of 
|  processing instructions supported for a particular docbook element ?


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RE: [docbook-apps] sample DocBook Website "anywhere"?

2010-07-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: 
|  I guess I'm blind, but I didn't find the sample web-site 
|  from docbook-website-2.6.0 installed in a proper public place.
|  I thought, it would make sense being able to use that for 
|  demonstrational purposes.



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RE: [docbook-apps] chunking or splitting for non-html files

2010-07-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: 
|  However I am running into an issue when I use this following 
|  stylesheet to sections and have a nested section 
|  it errors saying it cannot write out to same URI.
|  Here is the Style Sheet 

Try changing  to 


Or perhaps you'll prefer



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RE: [docbook-apps] blogging using DocBook articles or so ...

2010-07-18 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: 
|  So far I have been blogging on a couple of "" 
|  blogs of mine,
|  and I got quite used to the capabilities there,
|  I mean WYSIWYG is not that disgusting, even for an 
|  open-minded emacs guy as me,
|  but then .
|  . maybe there has already been an attempt to use DocBook for 
|  blogging?

Norman Walsh writes his blog in (a customization of) DocBook:

Here is an old (obsolete?) article describing the machinery:


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RE: [docbook-apps] How to Adjust Table Column Widths with xsltproc

2010-07-18 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Tom Browder 
|  How can I affect table column widths with the current db 5, xsltproc,
|  and fop tool chain without hand modifying the fo file?

Are you sure that you really need to adjust column widths? That is not
supposed to be necessary for FO output (even though the stylesheet extension
also works for FO). See


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RE: [docbook-apps] article / info / author / address - how do I make it appear?

2010-07-18 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: 
|  I searched Bob's book for that (paper and online),
|  but to no success.
|  I wrote a little document,
|  and it's necessary, that it shows my address.
|  Any pointer pls?

The stuff inside  is part of the "titlepage", which has its own
customization system:


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RE: [docbook-apps] tablecolumns.extension

2010-07-16 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mathieu Malaterre 
|I discover today that I cannot use libxml2 anymore because
|  tablecolumns.extension is not supported for this XSL engine.
|I am reading the documentation for the option at:
|  lecolumns.extension.html
|I do not really understand what this refer to ? Does anyone knows
|  what this extension is supposed to do (it is on by default).

See these references:

Most of the DocBook XSL extensions require Saxon or Xalan. The only non-Java
extension is tablecolumns.extension, which is implemented in Python using
the Python bindings for libxml2/libxslt. Maybe you can use that. See
extensions/README.LIBXSLT in the DocBook-XSL distribution for more


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RE: [docbook-apps] Centering Figures in Html With CSS: No Luck!

2010-07-08 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Tom Browder 
|  Do you have a pointer to any other css tricks for firefox?


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RE: [docbook-apps] Centering Figures in Html With CSS: No Luck!

2010-07-08 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Tom Browder 
|  In my css file I have tried these:
|  div.mediaobject {
|align: center;
|  }
|  div.mediaobject {
|text-align: center;
|  }
|  Neither work.  

CSS has no "align" property. 
"text-align: center;" works in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox. The
following non-standard setting works in Firefox: "text-align: -moz-center;".

| But if I add in my fo file in the mediaobject block
|  attributes "align='center'", the figure centers nicely.

Yes, that's right (the "my fo file" bit confused me for a while, but I'm
sure that you meant "my DocBook file").

|  I have tried to find where DocBook does the translation from 
|  css to fo so I can intervene ("customize") but haven't had much luck.

Many FO properties are modeled on similar CSS properties, but the DocBook
stylesheets do not perform any kind of CSS->FO translation. There is some
common code used by all stylesheet variants, but otherwise the stylesheets
for HTML and FO are separate.


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RE: [docbook-apps] XSL-FO and unicode

2010-07-06 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Fabien Tillier
|  But that does not change a thing though in the fo, I 
|  have"; font-family="serif,Arial
|  Sans Unicode,Symbol,ZapfDingbats" font-size="10pt" 
|  text-align="justify"
|  line-height="normal" font-selection-strategy="character-by-character"
|  line-height-shift-adjustment="disregard-shifts" writing-mode="lr-tb"
|  language="en">
|  I must be doing something badly
|  Using saxon9he, FOP0.95, DB5

The cause of the problem might be FOP's lack of support for

Perhaps you can use this workaround, or something similar:


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RE: [docbook-apps] problems in the translet compilation of the fo\docbook.xsl

2010-06-30 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Tapanainen Mika 
|  Is there any chance to get the compilation work with Xalan? 

If you mean "compile into a translet", then the anwser is probably no. Other
people have had similar problems:

But you can use the interpretive Xalan processor instead. See


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RE: [docbook-apps] adjustColumnwidths error?

2010-05-29 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mauritz Jeanson 
|  Two options:
|  * Use a processor that supports the table columns extension 
|  (Saxon 6 or
|  Xalan-Java) and make sure that the extensions JAR file is in 
|  your classpath.

Sorry, I forgot:

A table columns extension function is also available for use with the
libxml2/libxslt Python bindings (see extensions/README.LIBXSLT in the
DocBook-XSL distribution).


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RE: [docbook-apps] adjustColumnwidths error?

2010-05-29 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Dave Pawson 
|  No adjustColumnWidths function available.
|  Processing terminated by xsl:message at line 403
|  is the error reported.
|  Using latest snapshot of docbook-xsl-ns with db v 05.
|  Any suggestions please?

Two options:

* Use a processor that supports the table columns extension (Saxon 6 or
Xalan-Java) and make sure that the extensions JAR file is in your classpath.
* Disable the table columns extension, or all stylesheet extensions.

More information:


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RE: [docbook-apps] get the total page of a document

2010-04-28 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: rabarivelo solofo 
|  I want to have the total page of a document but this message 
|  was shown: "Unresolved id reference "last-page" found." I 
|  couldnt find  the way how to get first the last page. It 
|  would be nice if someone can help me to solve this problem?

Here are some hints:


I have not tried to understand your stylesheet logic, but this can't be
right. I guess that you really mean  (or


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RE: [docbook-apps] epub generation

2010-04-26 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Jacques Foucry 
|  I'm trying to use the ThreePress python scripts which call 
|  the docbook/epub xslt.
|  It should be possible to use a custom stylesheet which 
|  import the epub.xslt file.
|  And I have a trouble with my informaltable :
|  lxml.etree.XSLTApplyError: No adjustColumnWidths function available.
|  I know what to do with Xalan or Saxon in this case, but with 
|  python and those script, I don't.
|  Is there any body who can help me ?

The DocBook-XSL distribution comes with an adjustColumnWidths function that
can be used with the default libxml2/libxslt Python bindings (see
extensions/README.LIBXSLT). However, this won't work in your case since the
ThreePress epub tools use lxml (which is a different libxml2/libxslt Python

You should be able to make the error message go away by setting the
tablecolumns.extension parameter to 0.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Saxon: Failed to interpret image: Sketches/Site.svg

2010-03-18 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mathieu Malaterre 
|  ...
|  Failed to interpret image: Sketches/Site.svg
|  ...
|I looked at the output using firefox and everything seems ok. Am I
|  missing something ? Is there an option to remove this warning ?

The warning comes from the Saxon graphic size extension, which does not
support SVG images. The only way to remove the warning is to set the
graphicsize.extension parameter to 0.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Compile xsl with xalan

2010-03-02 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Compagnon Christopher 
|  I try to compile a docbook xsl with xalan and XSLTC option 
|  but it does not work.
|  java -jar E:\Programmes\xalan-j_2_7_1\xalan.jar -XSLTC -XJ 
|  bk2html.jar -XSL 
|  E:\Programmes\docbook\docbook-xsl-1.75.0\xhtml-1_1\docbook.xsl
|  ERREUR :  'null'
|  ERREUR BLOQUANTE : 'Impossible de compiler la feuille de style'

XSLTC is known to have problems with DocBook-XSL. I have tried to make it
work, but without success.

Some more information:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Specifying table column widths using HTML table elements

2010-01-21 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Laitinen Joni 
|  I would like to know if it is possible to specify column 
|  widths in FO output tables when using HTML table elements. I 
|  can do this by using the colwidth attribute in CALS tables, 
|  but is it possible to do the same when using HTML table 
|  elements in pdf output?

Yes, it's possible. Column widths in HTML tables can be given in pixels,
percentages, or as relative values (2*, 3*, etc.). See


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RE: [docbook-apps] improve DocBook's HTML output

2009-12-02 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Bob Stayton
|  I have had a long standing goal to modernize the HTML output 
|  from the 
|  DocBook XSL stylesheets. We have too many instances of 
|  hardcoded styles like 
|   and other transgressions of modern HTML practice.

One important point is to ensure that 100% valid and conformant output can
be generated (both HTML and XHTML). Sometimes that is harder than it should

And perhaps someone has an opinion on the claim that the current (X)HTML
output suffers from "div-itis" (excessive use of  elements). See


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RE: [docbook-apps] Customizing Generated Text with No Context

2009-11-19 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: John Green 
|  However, the text I want to customize doesn't seem to have a 
|  context. I want to customize the "Table of Contents" string 
|  to "Contents". I found the gentext entry for 
|  "TableofContents" in en.xml, and it seems to be outside of 
|  any  element. 
|  How do I make the code work without specifying a context? I 
|  tried removing the l:context lines, and I tried setting the 
|  l:template name attribute to "", "/", and ".", but nothing 
|  works. How do I do this?

Just use :";>


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RE: [docbook-apps] The LATEX \renewcommand function counterpart in Docbook XSL

2009-11-03 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Nancy Brandt 
|  Has anybody seen/created something similar to the LATEX 
|  \renewcommand function? This function redefines an element's 
|  default look&feel within the source file.

What would you expect a "\renewcommand function counterpart" to accomplish? 

XML has processing instructions (PIs). DocBook XSL recognizes a set of
predefined PIs, and you can also create your own as part of your
customization. See

You could also use the role attribute as a "hook" for customizations. See


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RE: [docbook-apps] customizing glossaries (as list, FO output)

2009-07-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Bergfrid Skaara 
|  1. I've set the glossary.sort parameter to 1, but I would 
|  like space and hypens to be ignored when sorting (so that 
|  you get ca, car, ca-range and not ca, ca-range, car). 

Use the sortas attribute on glossentry to indicate how you want the entry to
be sorted. For example:



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RE: [docbook-apps] HTML Column Width Trouble

2009-07-13 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Bob Stayton 
|  The real solution is for Norm or another Java programmer to 
|  update the Java source for the tablecolumns.extension 
|  function to work with elements in the XHTML namespace as 
|  well as the null namespace.  

I have committed an update to the Java source that fixes this issue. It
should be available in the latest snapshot release by now, but some defect
in the snapshot build system is preventing the extension from being properly


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RE: [docbook-apps] -> HTML problem

2009-05-20 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: 
|  as I'm still trying to figure out how to do what I want 
|  (and, for that
|  matter, trying to figure out what I want as well), I wasn't entirely
|  sure where the problem is (me, the tool, or the stylesheet).
|  So, I have this simple class synopsis:

The "class" markup looks strange. "class" is a keyword,
but it is not a modifier in the same sense as "public" or "private". 

You should not have to include the literal word "class" anywhere in a
classsynopsis; it should be automatically generated by the stylesheets. At
least that's how I think it's supposed to work. 

This open bug report is related:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Bug #1640440

2009-05-14 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Eric Johnson 
|  I was wondering if someone could look at bug #1640440. 

I have added some comments.


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RE: [docbook-apps] TextFactory import failing under Saxon 9.1

2009-04-07 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Shane Handford 
|  We're not switching back to Saxon 6.  Using XSLT2 And the 
|  error handling 
|  / validation is far superior in Saxon 9.

Hmm. I don't understand what you mean by "using XSLT2" and the error
handling/validation stuff. What is it that you validate? 

The DocBook stylesheets are written in XSLT 1.0, and I am not aware of any
real benefit of using an XSLT 2.0 processor on those stylesheets. But I
could be missing something, of course. 

|  We've had to comment out the use of TextFactory from our 
|  Docbook XSL source.
|  How will this be handled when Docbook releases an XSLT2 version?

I don't know for sure, but some extensions will probably not be needed since
they can be implemented in pure XSLT 2.0.

BTW, there is a set of experimental XSLT 2.0 stylesheets. If you're curious,
download from


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RE: [docbook-apps] TextFactory import failing under Saxon 9.1

2009-04-05 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Shane Handford 
|  docbook-xsl-1.74.3/fo/graphics.xsl
|  xmlns:stext="";
|  Results in:
|  java.lang.ClassCastException: com.nwalsh.saxon.TextFactory
|  Full error message attached.
|  Using:
|  docbook-xsl-1.74.3/fo
|  Saxon 9.1
|  Same results under Saxon 8.8

The TextFactory class is part of the DocBook extensions for Saxon (packaged
in saxon65.jar). These extensions do not work with Saxon 8 or 9. You must
switch to Saxon 6.5.5 if you want to use them. 


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RE: [docbook-apps] bookmark (left navigation pane) comes as expanded by default on PDF report docbook 1.74.3

2009-03-27 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Bob Stayton 
|  OK, FOP uses the fo:bookmark element to create bookmarks, 
|  and it supports the starting-state="hide" property, which 
|  hides the children of that bookmark (not that bookmark 
|  itself).  To collapse all the top level elements in the 
|  bookmarks list, you'll need to customize this template from 
|  fo/fop1.xsl:

I intend to create a general solution for this. The plan is to add a new
parameter (bookmarks.starting.state) that specifies the initial state of the
bookmarks (collapsed or expanded). 

See this feature request:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Inline markup in table of contents

2009-03-15 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Sam Varshavchik
|  When using older stylesheets (I don't remember the version of XSL 
|  stylesheets that I used before), in the resulting XHTML output from 
|  onechunk.xsl, the "authshadow" part was marked up in the 
|  table of contents 
|  portion of the output using :
|  The authshadow
|  authentication module
|  After rebuilding with 1.74.0, this markup is gone:

This is caused by a bug fix that seems to have been a little careless.

In common/titles.xsl, there is a test that looks like this: 



The problem should go away if you change 'ancestor::title' to
'(ancestor::title and (@id or @xml:id))'.
This allows inline elements in titles to be properly formatted in the TOC,
provided that they don't have id or xml:id attributes. Not allowing
id/xml:id attributes feels awkward, but I can't think of a better solution
at the moment.

Can you please test this?


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RE: [docbook-apps] Saxon ignoring output directory params

2009-02-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mauritz Jeanson 
|  |  
|  |  
|  You need to put a trailing slash at the very end of the path.

You also need to make the select attribute a string (note the single




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RE: [docbook-apps] Saxon ignoring output directory params

2009-02-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mike 
|  > 
|  > You are probably looking for the base.dir parameter:
|  > 
|  ase.dir.html
|  > 
|  > It seems as if you might be confusing regular chunked 
|  output and Website
|  > output. They are similar, but different. 
|  > 
|  > See and
|  >
|  > 
|  > Mauritz
|  > 
|  No, actually, I think chunking is what I want- I want to 
|  make one giant 
|  xml file rather than a bunch of smaller ones.  But in the 
|  output I want multiple html files.

Yes, that's what chunking means, and Website is a special type of chunked
output. But you are working with what I dubbed "regular chunked output". One
of the parameters that you tried was "output-root", which only works for
Website output.

|  base.dir doesn't work either. Am I doing this right?  I put 
|  this just 
|  above the  line in my modified 
|  chunk.xsl file (chunkohp.xsl):

You need to put a trailing slash at the very end of the path.

Also, since getting a clean chunking customization working can be a bit
tricky, you might want to look at this reference:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Saxon ignoring output directory params

2009-02-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mike 
|  I can't, for the life of me, get saxon to output anywhere 
|  but the local 
|  directory. Reading the docs, I found three different params for 
|  specifying the output directory, none of which work.

You are probably looking for the base.dir parameter:

It seems as if you might be confusing regular chunked output and Website
output. They are similar, but different. 

See and


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RE: [docbook-apps] syntax highlighting doesn't work, nor throws errors.

2009-02-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mike 
|  I'm following the instructions here to make syntax 
|  highlighting work, 
|  are these the wrong instructions to follow?

That documentation is not completely up-to-date, unfortunately.

|  java -cp 
|  "/www/notlive/docbook/docbook-xsl-1.74.3-pre/extensions/saxon
|  \
|  -Dhighlight.source=1 \

Here you pass highlight.source=1 as a Java system property, but that won't
work since it is an XSLT parameter. But you also added it as parameter in
chunkohp.xsl, so that's OK.

|  -Dxslthl.config="file:///www/notlive/docbook/xslthldamnit/hig
|  hlighters/xslthl-config.xml" 
|  \
|  com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet ./text.xml 
|  /www/notlive/docbook/docbook-xsl-1.74.3-pre/html/chunkohp.xsl

There are some changes in DocBook-XSL 1.74.3 that haven't been properly
announced and documented yet. This is what's needed to use the syntax
higlighting extension:

1. Use a processor that works with the extension: Saxon 6 or Xalan-J.
2. Add the latest version of xslthl-2.X.X.jar to your classpath.
3. Set the highlight.source parameter to 1.
4. Import two stylesheet modules, highlighting/common.xsl and either
html/highlight.xsl (for HTML output) or fo/highlight.xsl (for FO output),
into your customization layer. 

So you need to fix item 4. 


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RE: [docbook-apps] Changing a figure's title font size without changing an abstract's title font size

2009-02-15 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Juri Memmert 
|  In an article, I have an abstract and a variety of figures. The font
|  size of the titles of both elements ("Abstract" in the case of the
|  abstract and "Figure [Number]: Title...") seem to be governed by the
|  same attribute set:
|  So I changed the attribute set in my customization layer to 
|  get smaller
|  titles for the figures. Unfortunately, that also decreases 
|  the font size
|  for the abstract's title.
|  I was sure that changing the attribute set 
| to
|  contain a font-size more to my liking should fix that.
|  Unfortunately, it doesn't (or I made a mistake, which is 
|  always possible).
|  I am using the stylesheets in version docbook-xsl-ns-1.74.0 
|  for DocBook 5. 

It seems like you have been hit by an old bug. The and attribute-sets were ignored for abstracts inside

I committed a fix today:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Cannot validate a UTF-8 document with

2009-02-14 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Shlomi Fish 
|  I cannot seem to validate the attached document using:
|  {{{
|  xmllint --relaxng
|  hebrew-html-tutorial.xml
|  }}}
|  I'm on Mandriva Linux Cooker. When I comment out the  it
|  validates. My question is why? What am I doing wrong?

I don't think you are doing anything wrong. This looks like an xmllint bug.

Both Jing ( and MSV
( report that your document is valid.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Re:variablelist, delleting blank line

2009-02-13 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Lily Galle 
|  Thank you very much for your advice. I tried the code. I do 
|  not why it does not work. The blank line before the 
|  "variablelist" still exits.
|  I also tried the following code: 
|  0em
|  0em
|  0em
|  It does not work either.

It works for me with this additional customization:




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RE: [docbook-apps] How to include a header on Part titlepage

2009-02-13 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Jeff Powanda 
|  Using Docbook 4.5 and fop 0.93, I'm trying to modify the 
|  header.table template to include a header table on the Part 
|  titlepage, but I don't know how to choose the Part titlepage 
|  because it doesn't have a pageclass. I tried testing for 
|  $element = 'part', but that didn't work.

Using self::part in the test expression should work. Something like this:



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RE: [docbook-apps] No border between multiple tgroups in a single cals table for fo output.

2009-02-06 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Dale Smith
|  Hmm.  Well, the way the code currently is there will never be any
|  border at all between tgroups (unless you customize the stylesheet).
|  And that even if rowsep='1' on the last row a not-last tgroup.
|  My reading of the rowsep attribute is that it applies to the 
|  bottom of
|  each row, except for the last row in a table (not last row in a
|  tgroup), where the frame attribute should be used instead.

Yes, it looks like you may have a point (from looking at But you did not mention rowsep at
all in your original post, so I did not think of that. Tables are tricky


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RE: [docbook-apps] No border between multiple tgroups in a single cals table for fo output.

2009-02-06 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Dale Smith 
|  The calsTable template in fo/table.xsl has (edited):
|  0pt
|  none
|  0pt
|  none
|  I suspect that only *one* of those xsl:if's are needed, not 
|  both.  And
|  in fact, commenting out the first xsl:if gives me borders between my
|  tgroups.

It's probably not very common, but anyone who wants to style the
border-bottom of a not-last tgroup differently from the border-top of the
last tgroup needs both xsl:ifs.

Commenting out the first xsl:if makes tgroup no 1 use the border values
assigned in the table.frame template, including a border-bottom-style of
"solid" (and this value comes from the

Instead of commenting out, you can change the first xsl:if to use (for



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RE: [docbook-apps] Problems with

2009-02-06 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Merchant, Daniel 
|  PN
|  Rev A
|  2009FRA
|  &chapterFRNA1102;
|  When I look at my output I get :
|  Rev A
|  Copyright C 2009 FRA
|  I would expect to see the productnumber, PN, rendered 
|  somewhere.  

 is not included in the default title page setup.

You need to create a title page customization as described here:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Using draft images with fop, and catalogs.

2009-02-05 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Kerry, Richard 
|  I can see how to add the Resolver and Catalog Manager paths 
|  to the local class-path in fop.bat (LOCALCLASSPATH).
|  But its not clear to me how to pass in the resolver options 
|  (-x, -y, -r) - JAVOPTS or FOP_CMD_LINE_ARGS ?  
|  If these are specific to Saxon then there's surely no way 
|  Fop could make any use of them ?  Although I'd expect they 
|  might be generic Java facilities but my knowledge of Java is 
|  very minimal and I don't know how to pass in all the 
|  required parameters.

The -x, -y, and -r options are specific to Saxon. They are not recognized by
FOP (actually, FOP has -x and -r options, but they are for other purposes). 

AFAIK, enabling the resolver requires Java coding:

I have fiddled a bit with the example code, but I have not been able to make
it work. The example uses URN identifiers (such as
""). When
running the program, I keep getting " unknown
protocol: urn" errors.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Compiled xslt

2009-02-03 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mansour
|  Compiler errors:
|The first argument to the non-static Java function 
|  'insertCallouts' is 
|  not a valid object reference.
|The first argument to the non-static Java function 
|  'insertCallouts' is 
|  not a valid object reference.
|The first argument to the non-static Java function 
|  'highlight' is not 
|  a valid object reference.
|Error checking type of the expression 
|  'org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.applytempla...@353c375'.
|  Anyone have seen this or have any idea around this ?

The error messages refer to extension functions that are available in
xalan27.jar (from the DocBook-XSL distribution) and xslthl-2.0.0.jar (from

As far as I can tell, adding these JARs to the classpath does not help; you
still get compiler errors. And turning off the "use.extensions" and
"highlight.source" parameters has no effect either. I have no idea how to
make XSLTC work with the DocBook stylesheets.


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[docbook-apps] Entities and namespaces (was: RE: [docbook-apps] Is it possible to include markup in a general entity?)

2009-02-03 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Mike Broschinsky 
|  The follow up question is, "Where would I have learned this 
|  information?" Is this explicitly stated somewhere, or should 
|  I have been able to derive it from other related statements, 
|  either in TDG or your excellent book?

The treatment of entities and namespaces that you noticed seems to be a
quirk specific to xsltproc (i.e., libxml2/libxslt). I could not reproduce
the problem with Saxon or Xalan.

There is some more information in these posts:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Docbook snapshots stalled?

2009-01-19 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> Quote from
>   The most recent build was of the "xsl" distribution, for revision ,
>   on 2008-12-16 at 2221 PST.

The snapshots are triggered by messages sent to the docbook-checkins mailing
list. Lately, the service that sends those messages has been unreliable. I
have filed a SourceForge support request about it.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Define my own inline.sequence

2008-12-05 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Jacques Foucry 
>  xmlns:fo=""; 

XEP does not support "font-variant".

> font="Windings">

Here, you probably want font-family="Windings". (I hope the spelling is
right. On my laptop, I have a "WingDings" font, but no "Windings".)


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RE: [docbook-apps] XLink title tags in oXygen (was: ulink in oXygen - 2 newbie-ish questions)

2008-11-18 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Jennifer Moore 
> The transform as a whole does work, which leads me to think I've
> probably got the right files and put them in the right place.  But so
> far, I'm still not getting title attributes in the HTML.
> Example XML:
>"; xlink:title="an example
> title">Link text
> Resulting HTML:
> target="_top">Link text

It was a little premature of me to promise xlink:title support in 1.73.1 or
1.73.2. I apologize for that. 

If you use the non-namespaced stylesheets, you need version 1.74.0. However,
it does work with the XSL-NS variants of 1.73.1 and 1.73.2.


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RE: [docbook-apps] chunktoc.xsl Problems

2008-10-31 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Marvin, Scot 
> Is there any magic I need to know in order to get 
> chunktoc.xsl to work with DocBook 5? I can get one-page HTML 
> from docbook.xsl and chunked HTML chunk.xsl, but not from 
> chunktoc.xsl. 
> I'm using a custom version of maketoc.xsl that generates a 
> valid toc file. All of this has worked in DocBook 4, but 
> since I've gone the namespace route, I'm stuck.
> By the way, I've had to generate a DocBook 4 TOC file because 
> the DocBook 5 elements are not in place as of the NS 
> stylesheets at 1.74.

There are no DocBook 5 elements that need to be in place. This should just
work. However, there is one problem that I know of:

When you use the namespace-aware (XSL-NS) version of chunktoc.xsl, the
tocentry elements in the generated TOC must have the d: namespace prefix.
But because of a bug in the XSL-NS version of maketoc.xsl, this is not what
you get. Try to change all occurrences of "tocentry" to "d:tocentry" in your
generated TOC, and see if that helps.

I have fixed the bug, and an XSL-NS snapshot release is available.
Unfortunately, the regular snapshot URL
( is not up-to-date. To get the
latest snapshot, go to The updated
file is here:


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RE: [docbook-apps] Tables stop flowing with text

2008-10-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Watkins, Peter
> I'm using dblatex and pdflatex to make PDFs from a docbook 
> file.The problem I'm running into is that if I put many small 
> tables on a page, eventually the tables will separate from 
> the paragraphs they're in and they'll end up on one page with 
> the paragraph text on another.

I can confirm this behaviour (using dblatex 0.2.7). But I don't know what to
do about it. Sorry.

When I use DocBook-XSL 1.74.0 + XEP 4.13 (or FOP 0.95) to format your sample
document, the output looks fine. All the paragraphs end up nicely on a
single A4 page.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Re: Docbook with Math ML/Latex => PDF

2008-10-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Bob Stayton
> Since neither XSL-FO nor HTML have the capability to format 
> MathML, this 
> would have to be handled with an XSL extension function.  The 
> extension 
> would have to pass the MathML markup off to an external 
> MathML engine that 
> reads the MathML, generates an image, and inserts a reference 
> to the image 
> in the output.  It would be tied to a particular MathML 
> engine (most likely 
> Java), of course, but it would be convenient.

SVGMath is a Python library that works as a "MathML engine" by converting
MathML to SVG. 

The library comes with a command line script ( that replaces all
MathML markup with SVG in any XML file. You can execute this script with a
FO file as input, and then feed the result to a FO processor that
understands SVG.

> If you are talking only Antenna House and PDF output, then 
> all you need is 
> to buy the MathML extension for Antenna House.  That already 
> works with the 
> MathML pass-through feature in the stylesheets.

Amother option is FOP with JEuclid.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Adding registered trademark to title on book title page

2008-10-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Ken Morse 
> I'd like to add a registered trademark symbol to a title on the recto
> side of a book title page. I don't think changing the contents of the
> title tag makes sense since I'll want to use that elsewhere without
> the mark. In addition, I'll probably want to control how the mark
> prints (maybe a smaller font, etc.) separately from the title.
> Any advice on how best accomplish this?

The block containing the book title on a recto titlepage is output by the
division.title template in division.xsl (it is also used for formatting
titles for set, part, and reference). 

Customize this template by adding the following immediately after


This appends the trademark symbol (here coloured red) to book titles.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Images good in HTML and PDF bad in JavaHelp due to wrong scaling

2008-10-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Darya Said-Akbari 
> I use image file references in my DocBook XML file with 
> scalefit=1 and width=100%. The result looks fine in my HTML 
> and PDF outputs.
> The JavaHelp output shows the images, but unfortunately due 
> wrong scaling they are not recognizable anymore.
> Is there a problem with the attributes scalefit and width 
> when using the JavaHelp DocBook XSL?

Even if I don't know all the details in your case, I hazard a guess that
this is more of a JavaHelp problem than a DocBook-XSL problem. The default
content viewer (HTML renderer) in JavaHelp is the Swing HTMLEditorKit. My
impression is that this component is rather primitive and outdated. 

With some programming, it is possible to plug in other content viewers. See


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RE: [docbook-apps] icon for chapter number on the edge of page

2008-10-23 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Lily Galle 
> My docBook ist double-sided. I would like to set one small 
> icon on the outside of each page.   In the icon is the 
> chapter number. In the CHAPTER ONE there is "1" in the icon. 
> In the CHAPTER TWO, there is "2" in the icon. 
> This icon should be POSITIONED differently. In the CHAPTER 
> ONE it has a distance of "3in" to the top of the page. In the 
> CHAPTER TWO it has a distance of "4in" to the top of the page. 
> Could someone tell me how to manage it? Thanks.

In the message you sent to docbook-apps on 15 October, you explain how you
have failed in using floating sidebars to display a chapter number icon in
the margin (at the outside edge). 

It is possible that a solution involving floats could work. In fact, it's
the only mechanism available for placing content on the "outside" of left
and right pages. However, it seems a bit awkward to use  in the
source document in order to output the floats; it would be more appropriate
to let a customized stylesheet handle that.

But first you need to make sure that your FO processor supports floats. I
presume that you use FOP (from the message you sent on 1 October), which
means that you are out of luck. FOP does not support floats. See

So if you can, try another FO processor. XEP is a good choice. 


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RE: [docbook-apps] Column width specified by *

2008-10-10 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: honyk
> I have two column table. Width of the first column is 
> specified as 1.5*
> while the second *. For XSL-FO transformation Saxon with 
> column extension is
> used, but in result PDF file (produced with XEP) the second 
> column seems
> like of zero width (content of cell is overcrowded at the 
> border of table).
> If width of the second column is set to 1*, everything is Ok.
> I know, it is detail only, but at docbook TDG is written:
> "Proportional measures have the form "number*", meaning this 
> column should
> be number times wider than a column with the measure "1*" (or 
> just "*")."
> I understand with it that * and 1* should be equal. In HTML 
> output width are
> calculated properly...

Try turning off the table columns extension. It should not be necessary with
a compliant FO processor (such as XEP). 


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RE: [docbook-apps] Row spacing in PDF tables

2008-10-05 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Lillian Sullam
> I've got my tables almost totally perfect. I just have one 
> more question (I hope!). There seems to be some kind of 
> padding or spacing below each row that adds unattractive 
> vertical space between the rows.  I could not find a way to 
> adjust this distance in any documentation. I have decreased 
> the cell padding, but that does not get rid of the extra 
> space between the rows.

I can't reproduce this. I don't see any excessive padding between table rows
(using uncustomized DocBook-XSL 1.74.0 and XEP 4.13).

Do you have other customizations besides the table.cell.padding

It might help if you posted a complete and valid (but small!) test document,
instead of just a snippet.


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RE: [docbook-apps] Adding a background image in footers

2008-10-05 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Nancy Brandt 
> I am trying to put a background image in a footer. But the 
> problem is that it does not cover the whole page width (not 
> including the margins of course). Could you please advise me 
> what I do wrong? As far as I understand the problem is that 
> the footer is built as a table, so only one cell is covered 
> by the image. 

You'll have to customize the "footer.table" template (pagesetup.xsl). Modify
the "candidate" variable in that template:






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RE: [docbook-apps] Label numbering for Titles in Header

2008-09-26 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> From: Lillian Sullam 
> In my running header, I include the section titles down to 
> Sect1.  I would like those titles to also include their label 
> numbering.
> Ex.
> 8  Section
> _
> Text in the body of the page.
> What I would like:
> 8  1.1 Section
> __
> Text in the body of the page.

The default section marker does not include the section number (label). You
can add the section number by customizing the "section.heading" template



















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RE: [docbook-apps] call a template for region-start

2008-09-22 Thread Mauritz Jeanson
> -Original Message-
> But now I have the problem to input content. I overwrite the 
> template book.titlepage.verso from DocBook. At this page I 
> try to put on the region-start a xsl:apply-templates with the 
> content match="elem". 
> ... 
> s t a r t 

Are you perhaps confusing  




In that case, he following might be what you really want:


s t a r t 

(But note that  requires a  child.)

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