Re: [DQSD-Users] Update to Windows 7 RC 64 Bit Installation

2009-05-26 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi James,

On Tue, 26 May 2009 17:57:05 -0400, you [James Nix] wrote:

}Which version of Win 7 64 bit are you running?
}What is your UAC setting?

This is the RC version.  I believe that I have turned the UAC off. I
am in Vista at the moment, but will check later and if different will
let you know.

I cheated a little on the Win 7 install of DQSD.  I originally
installed the 64bit version on Vista and extracted the distribution to
a folder I named DQSD64 in the root.  I then ran the DQSDx64.cmd
application from a DOS console which installed DQSD in the Program
Files folder.

For Win 7 I just copied the Vista root DQSD64 folder across to the Win
7 root and ran the DQSDx64.cmd in a DOS console.

My Win 7 DQSD is running fine - the only exception is the lack of
control of the taskbar window.

Hope some of this helps...

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Re: [DQSD-Users] Update to Windows 7 RC 64 Bit Installation

2009-05-26 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi James,

On Tue, 26 May 2009 16:44:16 -0400, you [James Nix] wrote:

}One update to the steps outlined below (no the 64 bit IE problem is
}not solved).

My installation of DQSD is not behaving the same as yours under Win 7

Normally my default browser is Firefox.  I changed the default browser
to Explorer 64bit.  DQSD brought up the 32bit Explorer when asked for
a search.  I then reverted to Firefox, as default, with no problem.

I seem to recall that you went through a rather convoluted install of
DQSD while I used the procedure as outlined by Kim Grasman in
 on Tue,
10 Feb 2009 14:49:52, which worked well.  Maybe a re-install is in


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Windows 7 RC 64 Bit Install Help needed

2009-05-15 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi James,

On Fri, 15 May 2009 09:19:02 -0400, you [James Nix] wrote:

}I am still looking for a way to "trick"  DQSD into staring IE 32 bit but no
}joy so far.

If you don't have any objection to using Firefox as your default
browser it appears to solve the problem.

The problem I am having with Win 7 (64) is that DQSD will not stick on
the taskbar between boots.  Quick Search still remains in the list of
Toolbars - but is unticked.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Failure to Instantiate - instantiate_failure.png

2009-03-09 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Charlie,

On Sun, 8 Mar 2009 22:32:52 -0700, you [Charlie Russel] wrote:

}The x64 version of DQSD always uses the 64-bit version of IE. (This is because 
it's a 64-bit DLL, and can't call a 32-bit EXE.)

Thanks for that.  Currently DQSD and both x32 and x64 versions of IE
are operational.  In the past when DQSD failed IE x32 went with it.
Just who or what was responsible for the failure is a mystery.

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Re: [DQSD-Users] Failure to Instantiate - instantiate_failure.png

2009-03-08 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Kim,

On Sun, 8 Mar 2009 20:44:07 +0100, you [Kim Gräsman] wrote:

}1) Open regedit
}2) Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/DQSDTools.Launcher and open its CLSID sub-key
}3) The default value should be '{FA8211C1-F85B-4CCD-8C51-1587A37E566A}'
}4) Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID/{FA8211C1-F85B-4CCD-8C51-1587A37E566A}
}and open its InprocServer32 sub-key
}5) Check its default value, it should be the path to your local
)DQSDTools64.dll -- is it?

Yes.  After a fresh install the CLSID default value and file location
were correct, as above.  DQSD is now fully operational - including the
help which I assume is using IE, but is it the x32 or x64 version of

If this follows past experience DQSD will remain working for a while,
it may even be a couple of days.  I am not going to tempt fate by
making changes to the local*.* files and will just let it run as is.

I have my fingers crossed...

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Re: [DQSD-Users] Failure to Instantiate - instantiate_failure.png

2009-03-08 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Kim,

On Sun, 8 Mar 2009 17:00:52 +0100, you [Kim Gräsman] wrote:

}Have you always had this, or did it start recently? I remember we got
}your Vista x64 system running earlier over this list, and I can't
}imagine it running very well without DQSDTools.Launcher...
}What changed?

I honestly don't know what was the initial cause, but I suspect it is
related to IE7 (32) being inoperative.  IE7 (64) runs just fine.  My
default browser is Firefox, which is also ok.

I can sometimes get DQSD to run after a fresh install but eventually
it will not load giving the initial error that I posted.  That error
is followed by three or four others.  DQSD will still be present in
the toolbar showing white space and lifeless.

Does this help at all?

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[DQSD-Users] Failure to Instantiate - instantiate_failure.png

2009-03-07 Thread bill . hewitt

The attached error message on DQSD startup is causing me endless
grief!  Is this some kind of stack problem?  This is a Vista x64

Any help will be much appreciated...
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Re: [DQSD-Users] Adjust Clock Font

2009-02-12 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Charlie & Kim,

Kim pointed me in the right direction and I now have it working to my
satisfaction with only the following in localsearch.css:


I have changed the clock display in localprefs.js to suit my taste and
it looks better centered.

Thanks to you both for all the useful pointers.

'Till the next time... ;)

On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 08:43:51 -0800, you [Charlie Russel] wrote:

}Bill (and Kim) -- For some clues on how and where to change, take a look at 
}the Vista CSS file we did. (Look under Themes, Vista in the installation 
}We had to do quite a bit of tweaking to get fonts where we wanted them in 
}Vista, and I think you'll find some good clues in that directory.
}- Original Message - 
}From: "Kim Gräsman" 
}To: ; "DQSD users mailing list" 
}Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 1:07 AM
}Subject: Re: [DQSD-Users] Adjust Clock Font
}> Hi Bill,
}> The clock is governed by the CSS class "clock" in search.css. Here are
}> the relevant portions:
}> --
}> .txtfld, .clock
}> {
}> font : menu;
}> background-color: window;
}> color: windowtext;
}> border-style: inset;
}> border-width:1px;
}> padding-top:2px;
}> padding-left:2px;
}> padding-right:2px;
}> padding-bottom:3px;
}> margin:0px;
}> position:absolute;
}> overflow:hidden;
}> word-break:break-all;
}> }
}> .clock
}> {
}> background-color: menu;
}> color: windowtext;
}> cursor:hand;
}> text-align:right;
}> }
}> --
}> You should be able to set the font size, by adding something like:
}> .clock
}> {
}>  font-size:15px;
}> }
}> to your localsearch.css, but I don't know CSS well enough to say that
}> that's the final truth.
}> The idea, anyway, is that you overload whatever class you want to
}> change in localsearch.css -- the specifics of what you want to do
}> should be CSS mechanics.
}> Good luck,
}> - Kim
}> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 20:23,   wrote:
}>> Hi,
}>> I wish to enlarge the clock font to about 15px, and I understand that
}>> the default settings are contained in search.css.  I also follow that
}>> the setting to be changed must be copied to localsearch.css and the
}>> changes made there.
}>> What I can't fathom is what section of the search.css contains the
}>> section to be adjusted.  My knowledge regarding css (and probably most
}>> other things) is nada.  Attempts so far have been unsuccessful.
}>> Would a Guru please be so kind as to point me in the right direction.
}>> Thanks...
}>> --
}>> Bill

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[DQSD-Users] Adjust Clock Font

2009-02-11 Thread bill . hewitt

I wish to enlarge the clock font to about 15px, and I understand that
the default settings are contained in search.css.  I also follow that
the setting to be changed must be copied to localsearch.css and the
changes made there.

What I can't fathom is what section of the search.css contains the
section to be adjusted.  My knowledge regarding css (and probably most
other things) is nada.  Attempts so far have been unsuccessful.

Would a Guru please be so kind as to point me in the right direction.



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Re: [DQSD-Users] DQSD Install Problems - Vista 64

2009-02-10 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Charlie,

On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 10:37:53 -0800, you [Charlie Russel] wrote:

}That should work. At least it did here. (and no, I'm now on Win7 and that 
breaks it again. I've about given up. Unless we create a Gadget for Vista/Win7, 
I think we're doomed to be playing hopeless catchup. 

Thanks for the info, Charlie.  I've now got it working, thanks to Kim,
on Vista 64.  I'm beginning to regret ever leaving XP 32 for this PITA
system!  I don't even want to think about the place that you are at


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Re: [DQSD-Users] DQSD Install Problems - Vista 64

2009-02-10 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Kim,

On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 15:15:38 +0100, you [Kim Gräsman] wrote:

}SourceForge didn't have any generic 64-bit available, so we had to
}pick AMD-64 to signify that it was a 64-bit build. We've tested it on
}Intel, as far as I remember, so it should work.

Well, it does...

}Try starting up a command window (start -> run... -> cmd) and CD into
}your temporary "unpack" dir. Then run setupx64.cmd from there and see
}what it outputs.

Ok, I managed to install from the cmd console, but not without some
hassles.  The main problem was trying to do this install without full
admin privileges.  Once that had been sorted away (and ignoring all
the MS threats) the install went smoothly.  However, upon reboot I
lost all keyboard and mouse input (they were wireless).  I tried
replacing them with wired components to no avail.  A hard shutdown was
done, and of course the 'not a proper shutdown' screen appeared upon
startup but after that all appears to be fine.

DQSD looks good blending into the Aero taskbar nicely.  Now once I
have transferred over my personal settings from the old drive I will
be a very happy camper.

Thanks for your patience and help, Kim


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Re: [DQSD-Users] DQSD Install Problems - Vista 64

2009-02-10 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Kim,

On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 14:49:52 +0100, you [Kim Gräsman] wrote:

}Did you use the from:

Not exactly, the URL got mine from was as above with
'&release_id=618124' added to it.  They both appear to be the same

}We could've done a better job on documentation, but you're supposed to
}unpack that zip to a temp directory, and then run the embedded
}setupx64.cmd batch file to install DQSD.

I have now done that with no result whatsoever.  Nothing on screen,
nothing installed.  Please bear in mind that this is an Intel
processor and not an AMD as the install file suggests.


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[DQSD-Users] DQSD Install Problems - Vista 64

2009-02-10 Thread bill . hewitt

I have just moved to a Vista 64 system and am finding it 'difficult'
to install DQSD.

I have tried both the 32 and 64 (even though it says for AMD) bit
betas and the latest release version.

All seems to go well during the install.  DQSD appears as an option in
the toolbars, but when ticked does not appear.  Upon checking DQDS's
folder all appears to be in order - but there is no dqsd.exe present.

Help is desperately needed, this is worse than missing your morning


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Addons

2008-07-21 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Kim Gräsman,

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 14:04:43 +0200, you [Kim Gräsman] wrote:

}Is anybody using the DQSD addons [1], and do they still work?
}I've never really gotten my head around them...

I only have ShowIP (ShowIP Ext) installed in /addons for the latest
release of DQSD.  It is working, and I find useful on that odd
occasion when you just need to know your external IP.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] DQSD 4.0 released!

2008-05-30 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Kim,

On Fri, 30 May 2008 16:48:07 +0200, you [Kim Gräsman] wrote:

}After a long hiatus, we've finally gotten our act together and
}released DQSD 4.0, with support for the new Internet Explorer as of
}Windows XP SP2.

Mine now says: 
Dave's Quick Search Deskbar
Version - May 30, 2007

I don't think that the '2007' is quite right though.  ;)

Unfortunately the Active X warning is still present on the Help

I am using Win XP MCE Sp3.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] cut & paste & firefox error

2007-05-17 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Tom,

On Thu, 17 May 2007 23:08:08 +0100, you [Tom Corcoran] wrote:

}Note I got it after 2 clean installs on 2 different machines.  anyone 
}using this version successfully with the latest Firefox?

Sorry to have to tell you that I am having no problems with either
Firefox (ver nor with ctl-v pasting into the taskbar with
DQSD (ver


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Support for WinXP themes - Royale, Royale Noir, and Royale Zune

2007-02-03 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi Glenn,

On Fri, 2 Feb 2007 16:23:14 -0700, you [Glenn Carr] wrote:

}BTW, here is the attachment that didn't make it:

Thanks Glenn.  The Royale theme is also known as Energy Blue when
shipped with XP Media Center Edition.

Thanks again - now DQSD on my task bar blends in.  ;)


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Updated for 2007 - -

2006-12-06 Thread bill . hewitt

On Wed, 06 Dec 2006 17:31:32 +0100, you [MLL] wrote:

}Just a thought: wouldn't it be cooler to build the files for the next 20 
}years, so that we're quit for a while? I did this for the french file 
}and I don't regret the slight additionnal hassle (i. e. finding the 
}algorythms to computed the holidays dates).

I had considered doing just as you have pointed out a couple of years
ago. Then the talk of the US changing the dates for daylight saving
time came up, and here in Canada we were dithering as to whether or
not to go along with the US change or not.  So I postponed work on
re-jigging the calendar.

Perhaps next year - unless something else comes up.  ;)

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[DQSD-Users] Updated for 2007 - -

2006-12-06 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi All,

I have updated the attached Canadian calendar for 2007.

Please include with next beta/rc/final distribution.







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[DQSD-Users] Updated for 2006 -

2005-12-14 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi All,

I have updated the attached Canadian calendar for 2006.

Please include with next beta/final distribution.

Description: Binary data

Re: [DQSD-Users] Updated for 2005 - -

2004-12-08 Thread bill . hewitt
On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 12:35:43 +, I wrote:

}Hi All,
}I have updated the attached Canadian calendar for 2005.
}Please include with next beta/final distribution.

Sorry about that.  The attachment *is* on this one!


[DQSD-Users] Updated for 2005 -

2004-12-08 Thread bill . hewitt
Hi All,

I have updated the attached Canadian calendar for 2005.

Please include with next beta/final distribution.


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[DQSD-Users] Revised 2004 -

2004-01-01 Thread bill . hewitt

I have updated the Canadian calendar for 2004.  Attached.

Please include with next beta/final distribution.


Re: [DQSD-Users] Google's deskbar and miniviewer

2003-11-12 Thread Bill . Hewitt
Hi Christopher,

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 05:30:48 -0800, you [Christopher] wrote:

}I'd also like to see the problem with Win-S (hotkey) in Win98 resolved.

Have you tried hitting F6?  For some unknown reason it works for me -
though it may take a couple of smacks for it to take effect.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] test test

2003-04-02 Thread Bill . Hewitt
Hi Monty,

On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 11:28:26 -0600, you [Monty Scroggins] wrote:

}test test test...  please disregard

Sorry no, I just can't resist. ;)  That was perfect!  Thank you.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] META: Sender e-mail on this list

2003-04-02 Thread Bill . Hewitt
Hi Kim Gräsman,

On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 19:21:42 +0200, you [Kim Gräsman] wrote:

}It's back! Hallelujah!

Not quite!

|To: "'Monty Scroggins'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
|From: Kim Gräsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The To: address should *only* be [EMAIL PROTECTED],
obtained by your mailer from the Reply-to:


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Re: [DQSD-Users] META: Sender e-mail on this list

2003-04-02 Thread Bill . Hewitt
Hi Monty,

On Wed, 2 Apr 2003 11:02:10 -0600, you [Monty Scroggins] wrote:

}test test test

Nearly there!  But there is no Reply-to: set - yet...


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Time Sync Add-on

2003-03-02 Thread Bill . Hewitt
Hi John,

On Sun, 02 Mar 2003 23:21:23 +, you I wrote:

}I have a feeling that my problem is related to my system date
}preference though - will let you know.

Ok, I have tried your and in addition and  All produced the same
effect - a loss of one month.

John, this must be a result of my /mm/dd system date setting in
conjunction with the Active-X control.

Not to worry, it is not a really big deal.  I can easily use one of
the time synchronisers that I have available.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Time Sync Add-on

2003-03-02 Thread Bill . Hewitt
Hi John,

On Sun, 2 Mar 2003 16:33:47 -0500, you [John W. Bairen, Jr.] wrote:

}I will try your ServerName.  I currently use
}ServerName="";  Does that one work any better for you?

I am currently using "".  Will try it with
"" and with some of the navy's ticks and tocks.

I have a feeling that my problem is related to my system date
preference though - will let you know.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Time Sync Add-on

2003-03-02 Thread Bill . Hewitt
Hi John,

On Sun, 2 Mar 2003 00:03:26 -0500, you [John W. Bairen, Jr.] wrote:

}...Time Sync add-on.  Attached is the new installer in a
}zip file.  The installer includes all the latest files including the readme.

I just executed "tsync" and it set my system clock back one month!

My system date setting is /mm/dd.  Could this setting have caused
the tsync update problem?


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Re: [DQSD-Users] : problem

2002-12-17 Thread Bill . Hewitt
Hi Robert,

On Tue, 17 Dec 2002 14:08:53 -0500, you [Robert Lerman] wrote:

}  I think your toolbar is great!  I recently upgraded to the 3.15  but, somehow I got 
two extra search  boxes that have scroll arrows in them that I cannot get rid of - 
Help.When I right click on them the drop down menu is entitled scroll here and 
under it it hasleft edge, right edge, page left, page right,scroll left, scroll right. 
   I cannot close these two boxes.
}  How can I delete them?

Weird!  I had the same problem when I initially upgraded to 3.1.5 over
the previous version.  I simply did a re-install, re-boot, and all was
fine again.  I did, however, wonder what that mini scroll bar was all
about in the DQSD window.

I hope the above helps...


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Browser question

2002-10-14 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Bob,

On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 18:08:27 -0700, you [Bob Ulius] wrote:

}Then, my new browser told me it was NOT the default browser and did I want to
}change that, even though it was and everything other than DQSD knew it.

Just out of curiosity, your 'new browser' doesn't happen to be Avant
does it?


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DQSD-Users mailing list

Re: [DQSD-Users] Crazy windows

2002-09-23 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Marshall,

On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 09:07:00 -0700, you [Marshall Finkman] wrote, in

}I know it's a very frustrating problem, Win-S would be a very convenient
}feature and one I would use often but unfortunately this mystery seems to
}have no leads.

I am using W98 IE5.5 and have long suffered from the same problem.
Neither Win-S nor any alternatives will enable focus on the DQSD

This subject has been discussed many times over many incarnations of
the toolbar but, in my case, without resolve.  I have now learnt to
live without this very useful feature, unfortunately.


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DQSD-Users mailing list

Re: [DQSD-Users] Dictionary Pop

2002-09-22 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Thad,

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 17:29:59 -0400, you [Thad Kerosky] wrote:

}My dictionary portion of DictionaryPop didn't work for about 3-4 days a 
}few weeks ago. I'm not sure if they have a quota (per IP?) that you 
}can't exceed for each portion but it just returned the 'word not found' 
}error for a while.

[snip good stuff...]

Thanks for the comprehensive explanation, Thad.

I have since discovered that my DP is in fact working.  It appears
though that they have cut back on certain categories however.  You
could, previously, enter a country or city name and get a brief
breakdown on population etc.  That feature appears to have been
discontinued and I suspect that there are others.


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[DQSD-Users] Dictionary Pop

2002-09-22 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Is 'Dictionary Pop' inoperative to others?

For the past week I have been unable to obtain results from this
search.  On checking with three other users they report the same, two
on XP and one on W98SE.


This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
DQSD-Users mailing list

Re: [DQSD-Users] pasting

2002-09-11 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Untidy,

On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 21:43:38 +0100, you [Untidy] wrote:

}Is it possible to paste text into the search bar anyhow ?? Whenever I try I just get 
the calendar.

Use Ctrl+V.


In remembrance
Dqsd-users mailing list

Re: [DQSD-Users] suggestions

2002-07-27 Thread Bill . Hewitt

On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 21:17:34 -0400, I wrote:

}On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 19:39:18 -0500, you [Glenn Carr] wrote:
}}> In your localprefs.js enter the following:
}}> clocktooltipform=" EEE, d MMM yy ";
}}> Your mouse-over will then yield: Sat, 27 Jul 02.
}}Unfortunately, it doesn't always work.  It seems to requre that the taskbar
}}be 'active' (i.e., click on it) before the tip will show.
}Yes, unfortunately I too have since found it to be very erratic - even
}if I make the window 'active'.

Try changing the helpMenuToolTipsDisplayTime = 3 to:
helpMenuToolTipsDisplayTime = 5;

It now seems to be working ok here.

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Re: [DQSD-Users] suggestions

2002-07-27 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Glenn,

On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 19:39:18 -0500, you [Glenn Carr] wrote:

}> In your localprefs.js enter the following:
}> clocktooltipform=" EEE, d MMM yy ";
}> Your mouse-over will then yield: Sat, 27 Jul 02.
}Unfortunately, it doesn't always work.  It seems to requre that the taskbar
}be 'active' (i.e., click on it) before the tip will show.

Yes, unfortunately I too have since found it to be very erratic - even
if I make the window 'active'.  I am quite sure that it worked as it
should a few versions ago.  I normally don't have the feature active.

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Re: [DQSD-Users] suggestions

2002-07-27 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Sam,

On Sat, 27 Jul 2002 15:13:22 -0400, you [Sam Freed] wrote:

}1) when you hold the mouse over the time, it would be nice if it said
}the date.

In your localprefs.js enter the following:
clocktooltipform=" EEE, d MMM yy ";

Your mouse-over will then yield: Sat, 27 Jul 02.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Windows 98 crashing problems

2002-07-18 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Will,

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 21:21:42 +0100, you [Will Dean] wrote:

}I have found and fixed (I hope) a problem which was causing an Explorer 
}crash in the following circumstances:

Well 'aint that cute!

The problem appears to be solved on this system.  Thanks Will.

However, the convoluted method of getting rid of explorer without a
reboot did cause me some palpitations here.  Not your fault, just the
bizarre way in which the machine is configured for startup.

Thanks again - this one has bugged me for quite some time.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] cyclical events in the calendar

2002-07-18 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Monty,

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 15:15:18 -0500, you [Monty Scroggins] wrote:

}If not enough interest exists to include the link, thats fine too..

I have been meaning to ask what you were going to do with this page!

Please keep it up - it is an invaluable resource to anyone who must
make recurring calendar entries.  For example I use it to keep track
of my cell phone 29 day period lease renewal.  If I miss the deadline
I lose any accumulated credits, plus the per minute rate nearly

Please, please don't lose that page...

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Re: [DQSD-Users] new stuff

2002-05-06 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Glenn,

On Mon, 6 May 2002 14:45:29 -0500, you [Glenn Carr] wrote:

}> I'm at a loss here.  Uncheck what box?
}There's a new checkbox for enabling/disabling each search in the help

Thanks.  Got it. [smacks head]


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Re: [DQSD-Users] new stuff

2002-05-06 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Dan,

On Mon, 6 May 2002 13:32:55 -0500, you [Dan Martin] wrote:

}This isn't isolated.  At home where I've added all the latest Sourceforge
}CVS files, I have the file "disabledsearches.txt".  But here at work, I only
}installed the latest beta.  I have do not have the txt file, and it doesn't
}get written if I uncheck a box.

I'm at a loss here.  Uncheck what box?


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Here goes, give it a try - SnippetErr.png

2002-05-06 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Daniel,

On Mon, 6 May 2002 08:36:09 -0500, you [Daniel Martin] wrote:

}I don't know if it matters or not, but are you running the latest beta,
}2.5.8 b7?

Yes.  If it is of any interest this machine is running W98.

On Mon, 6 May 2002 10:02:14 -0500, you [Martin, Daniel] wrote:

}Also, Bill, when you see this could you type "C:\" into dqsd and tell me if
}you get the same error?

No, I get an explorer window of c:\

Hope this helps.


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Re: [DQSD-Users] Here goes, give it a try - SnippetErr.png

2002-05-06 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Daniel,

On Mon, 6 May 2002 01:08:46 -0500, you [Daniel Martin] wrote:

}For those of you trying the Snippets changes I've made, please download
} again.  This version fixes the known bugs
}and adds a way to get to the snippets folder for deletion/renaming.

Unfortunately the attached script error in search.htm is generated
when Snippet |  is selected from the popup menu.

Anyone else?

Description: Binary data

Re: [DQSD-Users] run command in 2.5.8 beta 4

2002-04-24 Thread Bill . Hewitt

Hi Ryan,

On Tue, 23 Apr 2002 22:45:36 -0700, you [Ryan Edwards] wrote:

}I don't have this problem at all. Running that ping command works
}perfectly, opening a command window and running ping indefinitely.

Perhaps these weird results are OS dependent.  I get an Explorer
window of c:\, but in a configuration of large icons that is not my
default.  Using Win98.

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