Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread Laurent Ferracci

Ron Notarius W3WN a écrit :

Then there's the matter of the use of the OH2AM call itself.  Now, on
 this matter, I'm on shakier ground since I'm not extremely familiar
 with the CEPT regulations.  But the implications in the letter of 
"criminal offenses" bother me on several levels.  Here in the US, 
there's a difference, often a big difference, between minor 
(misdemeanor) and major (felony) infractions.

Well, in France we have three levels of infractions: "contraventions"
(driving over speed limit)=you get fined; "délits" (you steel
something)=you can go to prison <10 years, and "crimes" (you kill
someone)=you can go to prison more than 10 years. Violating the "amateur
rules" worth up to 6 monthes of prison and 3EUR, so it's not
criminal. In the french version of his letter, F6GOX wrote "délictuel",
not "criminel".

IF this is correct... if the club call was improperly used... is THIS
 enough to cause the DXCC desk to disapprove of the operation for 
DXCC purposes?  I don't know the answer to that... only Bill Moore 
NC1L can ultimately answer that.

I guess VE6LB summed it up well when he wrote

I think it's really up to the licensing authority for FJ (the French
 I believe) to decide if the use of the CEPT licence is valid in this

My opinion is that french authorities will not do anything, as they do
not enforce amateur radio rules.

Which starts to move into the second major issue.  Why is this 
controversy being raised at all?

Well.. I don't want to write a long post too. When you come to operate a
foreign place that has local hams, you CAN contact them, meet them,
greet them, drink a beer with them. I don't mean you HAVE to, but you
CAN. That's good manners.

DXCC does not list good manners as accreditation criteria.

To be the first, the finnish decided NOT to tell the locals about their
plan. They decided to play only with compulsory rules, not with good

As a result, nobody attacks them on their manners. They are attacked on
their playground, rules, BECAUSE of manners they didn't follow.

Let's look at some history, or at least as much as we know.  The 
French Ministry decreed that St. Barthelemy become an Overseas 
Collective on February 21.  [...] And this was the effective date of 
this decree

No. The law itself tells it will be effective after the newly elected
"territorial council" meets for the first time. It has been elected on
July 8 and met on July 15, so July 15 is the date the Feb. 21 law came
into effect. The new "oversea collectivity" did not exist before.

Now one can argue that the date that the entity came into being was 
February 21 and that the  addition to the entity list should be 
backdated accordingly.

Not only we can, but no one should agree !! Let's read the 1.c criteria
(under which FJ has been created) (short form by myself):

c) The Entity [...] is administered by a local government [...]. To 
satisfy [this] criteria of this sub-section, an Entity must be listed


So.. To satisfy, it MUST be listed.
Or.. if it's NOT listed, it does NOT satisfy.
Was St Barthelemy listed before December 14 ? No.
So did St Barthelemy satisfied before December 14 ?

Laurent Ferracci
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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread jcowens1

This topic gets regurgetated periodically and the answer will be the same as 
before. Froom Hans (DK9KXA or DK9XX?) who was part of the group that went there:

No documentation was sent to DXCC because they never got actual paper 
confirmation of permission to operate there. They had verbal permission. 
Written permission has be be obtained directly from the Ministry of PTT. In 
spite of numerous letters, the Ministry of PTT would not send the written 
documentation to back up their verbal permission. As far as I know, that is 
still the case. 

They did their operation in Sanaa, in plain sight and with the knowledge of the 
local chief of secret police who monitored their opertion and did not complain. 
They had substantial antenna systems installed which made it very obvious what 
was going on. It was 400 yards away from the HB9 and DL embassies. 

After 9 days of operation and 35K QSO's, they were asked to cease operation and 
leave the country which is what they did. No one was arrested and no equipment 
was confiscated. The beef is with the Ministry of PTT for failure to back up 
their verbal permission with the ARRL required documentation and until they do, 
it will not be recognized by DXCC. Per Hans, the operation was stopped because 
a ham radio group complained about it and caused its demise. They know who the 
people are. The DXpedition group is not to blame. They had every reason to 
believe that they had proper permission for the operation. 

John Owens - N7TK

-- Original message -- 
From: "Shelby Summerville" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> "7O1YGF remains in "pending documentation" status." 
> As is, at least for me, ZB2/4O3AL. I fail to understand, if an operation is 
> legitimate, why the operator(s) are reluctant to send documentation? 
> HNY to all 
> C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW 
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RE: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
Remember VK0LD/VK0MM?

When he first went on the air in 1999, at least one third party sent a
"routine" query to the DXCC desk regarding the legitimacy of the operation
from Macquarie.  The third party received back a standard "we have to see
documentation" reply.  This was then relayed to Alan, copied via another DX
reflector.  But it was done in such a way as to imply that the ARRL was
demanding immediate response with copies of license etc.

In other words, someone just HAD to stir up trouble by putting a nasty slant
on things.  Of course, there were plenty of people to chime in on both sides
of the "issue" and escalate the temperature up a few notches.

And sure enough, Alan got very angry and responded in kind that since HE was
the licensing authority at the time on the island, he didn't need to provide
proof to any third party and they could go pound salt.  (Well, that's not
EXACTLY what he said, but this is a family reflector)

The matter was sorted out in short order, but the whole incident was
completely unneccesary and only served to get a few twisted individuals a
momentary cheap thrill.

But that's one reason that some legit ops don't like being asked to provide

The reality is that the days where Don Miller and his World Wide Propagation
Study could just suddenly announce that he was now QRV from Pongo Bongo
Reef, and his word as an Amateur Radio Operator was good enough to accept
that he was there, is long gone.  (In large part because of Don Miller, and
Romeo and his "North Korea" and "Burma" ops, and a small handful of others).

Now mix into that some governments who have complained about "illegal"
operations -- some of which may be due to a change of politics following a
change of administration, ie 9U a few years back; or our "public servants"
at the US F&WS who are hell bent on keeping US citizens off of certain F&WS
administered islands, hams or not, and whom have demanded that the ARRL
remove their islands from the DXCC entity ranks -- and it's little wonder
that we have to live with these aggravations these days.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Shelby
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

"7O1YGF remains in "pending documentation" status."

As is, at least for me, ZB2/4O3AL. I fail to understand, if an operation is
legitimate, why the operator(s) are reluctant to send documentation?

HNY to all

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread Shelby Summerville

"7O1YGF remains in "pending documentation" status."

As is, at least for me, ZB2/4O3AL. I fail to understand, if an operation is 
legitimate, why the operator(s) are reluctant to send documentation?

HNY to all

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW 

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread john

If that's true, there should be no complaint about the other operation.

John K5MO

At 11:24 AM 12/29/2007, Win wrote:


I think we can assume that the FJs that live on the island are not DXers, 
and probably could not handel the resulting pile-ups.

Win, W0LZ

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread GERRY
I think it's really up to the licensing authority for FJ (the French I believe) 
to decide if the use of the CEPT licence is valid in this case.

Gerry VE6LB
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ron Notarius W3WN 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 8:14 AM
  Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

  I was wondering when that was going to come up.

  7O1YGF was NOT disallowed by the DXCC because the license was signed by the
  wrong person.

  In fact... it has not been disallowed at all, as I understand it.

  7O1YGF remains in "pending documentation" status.

  That is to say that, as would be the case of ANY entity on the list that
  operation from is for one reason or another difficult or near-impossible to
  come by, the 7O1YGF DXpedition has been expected to provide documentation
  that they had permission to enter the country and operate legally from it.
  (This is the legacy of Don Miller, Romeo, and a few others of that ilk, I
  might add).  My understanding is that this documentation has yet to be

  When he was still at the League, Wayne Mills N7NG was waiting for any
  documentation.  Do a search on the League web site, you can read his own
  words on the subject for yourself.  While Wayne is no longer in CT, I
  suspect that the same attitude remains the same.  The onus on the approval
  of the operation rests on the team.  Have they nothing to show that they
  were allowed to be there?

  But getting back to our current little tempest in a teapot:

  Was the OH2AM club call improperly used?  As I said before, I lack
  sufficient knowledge of the CEPT rules to judge.

  If it was improperly used, presumably in error (as I can't see any reason
  for it to be anything else), is this alone an infraction sufficient enough
  to disallow the operation?  (Remember that the discretion on this lies with
  the DXCC -- it MAY rule that this is a large enough infraction, but it
  doesn't HAVE to)

  And yes... where are all the FJ hams?  And I have to further wonder... if
  they choose not to operate, then what's the beef?


  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Joe Stepansky
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 7:45 AM
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

  Well, 7O1YGF was disallowed for DXCC because the license (or whatever) was
  supposedly signed by the "wrong person".  I'm not trying to start
  something, but I figure if that technicality is enough to disallow credit,
  this probably is too.

  But several have mentioned something I'd not thought about.  Let's assume
  for a minute that FJ/OH2AM is disallowed for DXCC.  WHERE ARE ALL THE FJ
  HAMS RIGHT NOW?  Yes, I'm shouting.  Were it me, were I an FJ ham, I'd be
  doing two things:

  1.  Not worrying much about FJ/OH2AM DXCC legality.  I might be a little
  cheesed they started first, but I wouldn't have let that situation develop
  to begin with.  I'd have been on the air on the first day FJ became an
  entity.  Even with FJ/OH2AM's presence I would have been on 10 (you never
  know), 15, RTTY, 160, etc.

  2.  With FJ/OH2AM no longer operating, I'd be pounding away giving
  everybody a new one.  That's what bothers me right now.  What is the
  possible motivation to avoid being on the air?  FJ5KH has already been on
  the air, so it's not like this will be another "first time" operation.

  By far, #2 bothers me the most.  OK, feel free to question the "legality"
  of the previous operation, but then don't keep your rigs cold.  Get on the
  air and have some fun.  I'm confused.

  73, Joe KQ3F

  At 12:23 AM 12/29/2007 -0500, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

  >IF this is correct... if the club call was improperly used... is THIS
  >to cause the DXCC desk to disapprove of the operation for DXCC purposes?

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread Win


I think we can assume that the FJs that live on the island are not DXers, 
and probably could not handel the resulting pile-ups.

Win, W0LZ 

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RE: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread Ron Notarius W3WN
I was wondering when that was going to come up.

7O1YGF was NOT disallowed by the DXCC because the license was signed by the
wrong person.

In fact... it has not been disallowed at all, as I understand it.

7O1YGF remains in "pending documentation" status.

That is to say that, as would be the case of ANY entity on the list that
operation from is for one reason or another difficult or near-impossible to
come by, the 7O1YGF DXpedition has been expected to provide documentation
that they had permission to enter the country and operate legally from it.
(This is the legacy of Don Miller, Romeo, and a few others of that ilk, I
might add).  My understanding is that this documentation has yet to be

When he was still at the League, Wayne Mills N7NG was waiting for any
documentation.  Do a search on the League web site, you can read his own
words on the subject for yourself.  While Wayne is no longer in CT, I
suspect that the same attitude remains the same.  The onus on the approval
of the operation rests on the team.  Have they nothing to show that they
were allowed to be there?

But getting back to our current little tempest in a teapot:

Was the OH2AM club call improperly used?  As I said before, I lack
sufficient knowledge of the CEPT rules to judge.

If it was improperly used, presumably in error (as I can't see any reason
for it to be anything else), is this alone an infraction sufficient enough
to disallow the operation?  (Remember that the discretion on this lies with
the DXCC -- it MAY rule that this is a large enough infraction, but it
doesn't HAVE to)

And yes... where are all the FJ hams?  And I have to further wonder... if
they choose not to operate, then what's the beef?


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Joe Stepansky
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 7:45 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

Well, 7O1YGF was disallowed for DXCC because the license (or whatever) was
supposedly signed by the "wrong person".  I'm not trying to start
something, but I figure if that technicality is enough to disallow credit,
this probably is too.

But several have mentioned something I'd not thought about.  Let's assume
for a minute that FJ/OH2AM is disallowed for DXCC.  WHERE ARE ALL THE FJ
HAMS RIGHT NOW?  Yes, I'm shouting.  Were it me, were I an FJ ham, I'd be
doing two things:

1.  Not worrying much about FJ/OH2AM DXCC legality.  I might be a little
cheesed they started first, but I wouldn't have let that situation develop
to begin with.  I'd have been on the air on the first day FJ became an
entity.  Even with FJ/OH2AM's presence I would have been on 10 (you never
know), 15, RTTY, 160, etc.

2.  With FJ/OH2AM no longer operating, I'd be pounding away giving
everybody a new one.  That's what bothers me right now.  What is the
possible motivation to avoid being on the air?  FJ5KH has already been on
the air, so it's not like this will be another "first time" operation.

By far, #2 bothers me the most.  OK, feel free to question the "legality"
of the previous operation, but then don't keep your rigs cold.  Get on the
air and have some fun.  I'm confused.

73, Joe KQ3F

At 12:23 AM 12/29/2007 -0500, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

>IF this is correct... if the club call was improperly used... is THIS
>to cause the DXCC desk to disapprove of the operation for DXCC purposes?

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread Garth
I agree 100%. Where are the locals? If they decided to make Tennessee a new 
DXCC entity, I would be on the air as much as Martti was (what an amazing 
effort). If I could not be FIRST, then I would be first to get the QSL cards 
in the hands of the deserving. I'd have a local printer working hard on a 
basic card and have my logs uploaded to LoTW every 24 hours. There is more 
than one way to win this race.

Garth, KW4MM

- Original Message - 
From: "Joe Stepansky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

Well, 7O1YGF was disallowed for DXCC because the license (or whatever) was 
supposedly signed by the "wrong person".  I'm not trying to start 
something, but I figure if that technicality is enough to disallow credit, 
this probably is too.

But several have mentioned something I'd not thought about.  Let's assume 
for a minute that FJ/OH2AM is disallowed for DXCC.  WHERE ARE ALL THE FJ 
HAMS RIGHT NOW?  Yes, I'm shouting.  Were it me, were I an FJ ham, I'd be 
doing two things:

1.  Not worrying much about FJ/OH2AM DXCC legality.  I might be a little 
cheesed they started first, but I wouldn't have let that situation develop 
to begin with.  I'd have been on the air on the first day FJ became an 
entity.  Even with FJ/OH2AM's presence I would have been on 10 (you never 
know), 15, RTTY, 160, etc.

2.  With FJ/OH2AM no longer operating, I'd be pounding away giving 
everybody a new one.  That's what bothers me right now.  What is the 
possible motivation to avoid being on the air?  FJ5KH has already been on 
the air, so it's not like this will be another "first time" operation.

By far, #2 bothers me the most.  OK, feel free to question the "legality" 
of the previous operation, but then don't keep your rigs cold.  Get on the 
air and have some fun.  I'm confused.

73, Joe KQ3F

At 12:23 AM 12/29/2007 -0500, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

IF this is correct... if the club call was improperly used... is THIS 

to cause the DXCC desk to disapprove of the operation for DXCC purposes?

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Re: [DX-CHAT] FJ: Canned Worms (long)

2007-12-29 Thread Joe Stepansky
Well, 7O1YGF was disallowed for DXCC because the license (or whatever) was 
supposedly signed by the "wrong person".  I'm not trying to start 
something, but I figure if that technicality is enough to disallow credit, 
this probably is too.

But several have mentioned something I'd not thought about.  Let's assume 
for a minute that FJ/OH2AM is disallowed for DXCC.  WHERE ARE ALL THE FJ 
HAMS RIGHT NOW?  Yes, I'm shouting.  Were it me, were I an FJ ham, I'd be 
doing two things:

1.  Not worrying much about FJ/OH2AM DXCC legality.  I might be a little 
cheesed they started first, but I wouldn't have let that situation develop 
to begin with.  I'd have been on the air on the first day FJ became an 
entity.  Even with FJ/OH2AM's presence I would have been on 10 (you never 
know), 15, RTTY, 160, etc.

2.  With FJ/OH2AM no longer operating, I'd be pounding away giving 
everybody a new one.  That's what bothers me right now.  What is the 
possible motivation to avoid being on the air?  FJ5KH has already been on 
the air, so it's not like this will be another "first time" operation.

By far, #2 bothers me the most.  OK, feel free to question the "legality" 
of the previous operation, but then don't keep your rigs cold.  Get on the 
air and have some fun.  I'm confused.

73, Joe KQ3F

At 12:23 AM 12/29/2007 -0500, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:

IF this is correct... if the club call was improperly used... is THIS enough
to cause the DXCC desk to disapprove of the operation for DXCC purposes?

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