[ECOLOG-L] Help make science understandable to everybody

2012-03-05 Thread Maiken Winter
Dear eco-loggers, isn't it amazing how we pile up more and more knowledge, and still, change is so slow that it becomes less and less likely that we will manage to turn in time before major tipping points in the earth's system have been transgressed? As the German Advisory Council on Global

Re: [ECOLOG-L] A call to action from Nobel laureates to ALL scientists

2009-05-31 Thread Maiken Winter
Dear Anders, Absolutely, we urgently need a change in the structure of how scientists are evaluated. The fact that at the moment people who just publish, without any involvement in public education, even within the fields of ecology and conservation, are regarded as better scientists than

[ECOLOG-L] A call to action from Nobel laureates to ALL scientists

2009-05-29 Thread Maiken Winter
The fierce urgency of now, the fact that we are just short of passing irreversible tipping points in our climate system, the fact that emissions have to peak in 6 years, led to this statement from Nobel Laureates and scientists that participated at a symposium last week: All scientists should

[ECOLOG-L] The urgency of global warming

2009-05-18 Thread Maiken Winter
I must admit I am a bit amazed that even within our community of well-educated ecologists, learned in understanding connections between different parts of nature, and able to think critically and independently, we again and again encounter people who dare not to open their eyes to the facts.

[ECOLOG-L] One more thought on scientists and action

2009-03-09 Thread Maiken Winter
Dear Ecologgers, I greatly enjoyed the discussions last week. I did note, however, that people who feel strongly opposed to what I am saying feel a lot more compelled to comment by private email than those that agree (which - based on the survey - greatly outnumber those that oppose). I believe

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Climate change and Agroecosystems

2009-03-06 Thread Maiken Winter
That's an interesting question which I recently discussed during a presentation of mine at a church. Of course we are part of the natural system. But we have the ability to think about what we are doing, know our impact in the future, and thus make decisions about the well-being of our children

[ECOLOG-L] Risk assessment in climate change

2009-03-05 Thread Maiken Winter
The precautionary principle is probably THE best all-encompassing argument to act in the face of climate change. For those interested in further exploring this argument, and for great short movies on the issue of risk management, please see The Manpollo Project (http://www.manpollo.org/). As

Re: [ECOLOG-L] Thank you for responding to the survey!]

2009-03-04 Thread Maiken Winter
Dear Robert, You are absolutely right that habitat loss is one of the major problems of today. Focus on climate change is not because it is the only problem the world faces. There is a number of planetary boundaries that all will lead to catastrophic outcomes if we continue on our non-sustainable

[ECOLOG-L] Thank you for responding to the survey!

2009-03-03 Thread Maiken Winter
to best stand on that rope, and that our priorities at the moment are often too selfish and short-sighted, myself included. Thank you to all those who have participated in the survey so far! And thanks for those who will. Maiken Winter

[ECOLOG-L] Please participate in short survey on the role of scientists in climate action

2009-03-02 Thread Maiken Winter
for your participation! Maiken Winter -- The significant problems we face cannot be solved with the same level of thinking we used when we created them (Albert Einstein) 350 - know it and do something about it! www.350.org The question I've been asking is, why didn't we save ourselves while we

[ECOLOG-L] 350 - the most important number to know

2008-05-14 Thread Maiken Winter
Dear all, I am afraid that in the midst of yesterday's heat island effect the important post about 350 might have been neglected. Let me just shortly introduce it to you again: 350, as in 350 ppm, as in yes, we are way above that already (385 ppm) is the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere

Reduced solar activity ... and some Internet search

2007-12-08 Thread Maiken Winter
Interesting article. It would be almost too good to be true. A decrease of 1.5 C due to lower sun-spot activity? That would just about balance out the about 1.5 – 2 C warming that we can expect to happen even if we reduce all greenhouse gas emissions today. What a wonderful coincidence! So we

Re: Climate change funding

2007-10-26 Thread Maiken Winter
Dave's message reminded me of a comment from a friend that I didn't take to heart, and didn't apply yet: tell people that you earn nothing by giving talks on climate change, not for any of your work. Ok, I tell you know. If anybody wonders, Al Gore's cavalry, how he called us, the climate project

Re: Climate change funding

2007-10-26 Thread Maiken Winter
26, 2007 5:53 am, Maiken Winter wrote: Dave's message reminded me of a comment from a friend that I didn't take to heart, and didn't apply yet: tell people that you earn nothing by giving talks on climate change, not for any of your work. Ok, I tell you know. If anybody wonders, Al Gore's

Re: Denial * 2: Climate Change and Economic Growth

2007-10-24 Thread Maiken Winter
There are all kinds of types of deniers. There are those who don't believe cc exists, some believe it is not human-caused, some believe the main cause is population growth, some that it is too expensive, some that they don't have time to do something, some are scared of loosing scientific

Re: Climate change funding

2007-10-23 Thread Maiken Winter
Hi Kelly, I don't think the article had an unbiased view on the issue of funding - to compare funding that people receive from oil and gas companies with funding that researchers receive after a peer reviewed process of research proposals is like comparing apples with oranges. Of course many

Re: Heads up: The new Global Warming Denial Front

2007-10-21 Thread Maiken Winter
Hi Malcolm, Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I will forward the information to people in The Climate Project in California - they have connections to levels that will make it easy to give that study a more adequate place on the webpage, if at all. I don't think there is any place on an

Scientist letter to congress - please circulate

2007-10-18 Thread Maiken Winter
Here is a call for scientists to address congress about funding research on how to best protect species in the face of climate change. - Maiken October 16, 2007 Dear Colleague: We are inviting researchers and practitioners from the various disciplines of biological science to join in a letter

Scientists vs activists revisited

2007-10-15 Thread Maiken Winter
Thank you for all your responses. I am quite intrigued by the variety of thoughts and opinions, and it partly reconfirms my impression that we as scientists are trained to be critical to a degree that might sometimes make us forget our responsibility and wisdom. Even if we do not fully

Scientists versus activists

2007-10-10 Thread Maiken Winter
Dear all, One issue in the states which I don't understand is, why the other side is mostly a lot more outspoken, and has a lot more aggressive strategies to get their point across. The urgency of combating climate change is huge, we are risking not just our children's future, but our own. But I

Free lecture on climate change in your class

2007-10-10 Thread Maiken Winter
As an addition to my previous post: Just at the right time, this editorial was published today: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/10/opinion/10friedman.html?_r=1hporef=slogin What I see as the job of academic scientists is to instill students with enough inspiration, understanding, commitment,

Re: The greatest misallocation...

2007-04-05 Thread Maiken Winter
Hi all, After spending 1 hour trying to find valid proof of what I had written 2 days ago about Larouche and Kunstler, I must shamefully admit that I could not find a single webpage that clearly describes a connection between the two. The search engine's results gave quite the wrong impression,

Re: the greatest misallocation of resources in history

2007-04-02 Thread Maiken Winter
I would like to caution not to put too much weight on people who speak about the end of civilization. James Howard Kunstler used to be part of LaRouche's political organization which is more a sect than anything else. They preach the end of civilization and total chaos, and the only way to

Re: Gas smash

2007-03-26 Thread Maiken Winter
We all are hipocrits. And we all have our one thing that we just cannot give up. Such as for me flying to see my family. We all can feel tremendously bad about many part that we and others do. But that does not help. The trick is, I think, to make it fun, and to give people choices to do what

Re: Energy use and blaming

2007-02-05 Thread Maiken Winter
Hi all, I believe it can be dangerous to rely on politicians whose main interest is their own profit, especially for us living with Mr. B. I do strongly believe that our behavior could have the power to influence politicians and industries. If we consume less of energy wasting appliances and

Cahnging technologies and life styles

2007-01-30 Thread Maiken Winter
Hi all, In addition to the book Stan recommended, there is a book by George Monbiot, Heat, that is sitting on my desk to be read, and was highly recommended to me to read. It is available in the Canadian and British Amazon.com. On its back it says: To those who say that the requirements of the

Ethanol (in)efficiency

2007-01-29 Thread Maiken Winter
is a hoax, shouldn't we speak up, also for the sake of the remaining prairies that might be at stake? Maiken Maiken Winter Cornell Laboratory of Orntihology Ithaca, NY 14850