Hi Kelly,

I don't think the article had an unbiased view on the issue of funding -
to compare funding that people receive from oil and gas companies with
funding that researchers receive after a peer reviewed process of research
proposals is like comparing apples with oranges.  Of course many
researchers these days like to focus on climate change, because it is
horribly hard these days to receive any funding, and many people's salary
completely rely on external funding.  We need to trust that those projects
that do get funded will indeed help to better understand issues that are
of critical importance for solving the climate crisis. Of course not all
funded projects always deserve the amount of funding they receive, that's
true for all areas of research, but all in all, I trust scientists do the
best they can for their own career sake, and reviewers do the best they
can to weed out those proposals that do not deserve funding.

Even if for some scientists the motivation for climate change related
research were indeed just the money and the fame, at least they do still
help solve the crisis, or at least don't stand in its way; whereas that
cannot be said for those people funded by oil companies.

Luckily, the link is off the California webpage.


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