Re: [Elecraft] HP calculators

2005-04-18 Thread Mike Markowski
HP now makes the HP33s (~$45), which is a slightly enhanced 32sii does RPN or algebraic. Looks like marketing was at work, though, since they put the buttons in a strange V pattern. I've also read that the decimal point is tough to see. And for matrices, differential eqns, etc., you can now

[Elecraft] Wow - calibrate align

2005-04-14 Thread Mike Markowski
This note is to urge new K2 builders like me to take the time to calibrate the 4 MHz master oscillator with the WWV method and to align your filters using Spectrogram or similar software. (See's Builder Resources page.) The assembly instructions get you in the ballpark, but fine

[Elecraft] K60XV Manual suggestion

2005-04-11 Thread Mike Markowski
I finished putting the 60m board together over the weekend - it works fine, no problems there! - and thought I'd post a small suggestion to improve the manual. On p. 10 it says, Re-install the heatsink panel. No sooner is that completed than you find on p. 11 the directions, If you'll be using

Re: [Elecraft] K2: 12m alignment problem - FIXED!

2005-04-07 Thread Mike Markowski
of the optional boards... My thanks to Don, Walt, and Gary for their help in speeding me along to track down the one naughty component. What a great way to end the work day! 73, Mike AB3AP Avondale, PA Mike Markowski wrote: I was doing testing alignment tonight with everything going perfectly

[Elecraft] K2 manual suggestions

2005-04-06 Thread Mike Markowski
Now that my K2 is just about complete while it's still fresh in my mind, I thought I'd offer a couple suggestions that might make the already fantastic manual possibly even a little friendlier. These are very, very minor, though. The manual makes it incredibly easy to start from a bag of parts

[Elecraft] Oops - email instead of post

2005-04-05 Thread Mike Markowski
I just meant to send a post but think I sent it as email to someone on the list (regarding the K2 Manual). For some reason this list defaults to direct email when replying, and I've made this mistake a couple times. To whoever I mistakenly emailed, could you send me my note if you haven't

[Elecraft] K2: 12m alignment problem

2005-04-05 Thread Mike Markowski
I was doing testing alignment tonight with everything going perfectly until 12m alignment, the very last band on the list. All other bands had no problems during alignment, but with power set at 2.0 W the power output on 12m shows just 0.2 W. Bumping the power setting up has no effect on power

[Elecraft] K2 L33 (BFO) - aesthetics adhesives

2005-04-01 Thread Mike Markowski
Here's a very minor concern, so minor I almost didn't post it. I'm ready to put my K2 together for the RF bd Part 2 testing alignment, and first must put tape over the prewound L33 toroid to prevent it from contacting the chassis. The manual says electrical tape can be used, but that seems kind

Re: [Elecraft] K2 L33 (BFO) - aesthetics adhesives

2005-04-01 Thread Mike Markowski
On Fri 01-Apr-05 at 1152 EST, Mike Markowski wrote: [...] must put tape over the prewound L33 toroid to prevent it from contacting the chassis. [...] On second thought, I'll put the tape on the chassis itself! :-P Mike AB3AP Avondale, PA

Re: [Elecraft] Delaware! AGC (was: Elecraft CW Net Announcement)

2005-03-28 Thread Mike Markowski
Kevin, Kevin Rock wrote on 03/26/05 23:15 ET: Now to get someone from Delaware or South Dakota to check in to the Elecraft Net. I don't believe folks use amateur radios in Delaware. Prove me wrong tomorrow evening ;) I live in PA but will be glad to operate from my parents' or sister's

Re: [Elecraft] AGC 8 volts? (Nope)

2005-03-28 Thread Mike Markowski
Thanks very much, Don, for your ideas. My email had faulty numbers as a result of a faulty (human!) memory. I remeasured voltages just now at Control Board locations you measured and got these results: - U2 pin 5: maxes out at 3.792 Vif you believe that many

Re: [Elecraft] L31 10 uH vs 12 uH (was: K2 #4830 IS ALIVE)

2005-03-24 Thread Mike Markowski
Good going, Ken! Can't wait till I'm saying the same about #4834. I've noticed a few notes regarding L31, and I'm not at that point yet in my K2 build. It seems the concensus is that 12 uH should be used rather than 10 uH in the notes I've read, so I wonder why the kitted component was

Re: [Elecraft] Magnifiers

2005-03-22 Thread Mike Markowski
Wow, Robert, *that* is fantastic! I'm looking forward to your QST article - I can't imagine them not printing it there or in QEX. You justly deserve your Mad Scientist title. :-) Thanks, Mike AB3AP Avondale, PA Robert wrote on 03/21/05 16:19 ET: Mike and all I built this unit to solder

[Elecraft] New K2 arrived

2005-03-18 Thread Mike Markowski
Hey gang, K2 #4834 showed up here today! Did anyone else like making words out of 7 segment calculator numbers years ago? Let's see, 4834 would be 'hEBh', which must stand for Hey!Elecraft Boxes're Here! or is it HaveElecraft? Builder's Heaven!or more likely it just

Re: [Elecraft] OT: Looking for Linux experts

2005-03-11 Thread Mike Markowski
Hi Martin, I don't use samba much so I'm not positive what the problem is, but do a man lpoptions if you're using CUPS to manage your print services. It sounds like you might want to do something like lpoptions -o job-sheets=none to turn off banner page printing. If you're not using CUPS,

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft Product Selection ..Dummy Run..

2005-03-09 Thread Mike Markowski
Hi Andy, I've been doing this a whole lot lately leading up to my real order. Go to the order page and just check the boxes of the gadgets you're thinking about. When you click add to cart and then give your country mailing info, you're led to a page showing the cost including

Re: [Elecraft] SSB Removal

2005-03-08 Thread Mike Markowski
For someone new to K2 building - like, say, someone who just ordered his first one yesterday :-) - would you recommend building the K2 as directed and then desoldering parts to add additional boards? The directions seem to recommend that after a quick skim. But it seems to me it'd be much

Re: [Elecraft] Prep time

2005-03-06 Thread Mike Markowski
Many thanks for the very helpful replies to my question. I'll be placing an order to get my workbench in shape, and will then place the B-i-g O-r-d-e-r for a K2 and a few add-ons. Thanks again, Mike AB3AP ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to:

Re: [Elecraft] Roger Daltry

2005-03-06 Thread Mike Markowski
Mike Harris wrote: I was stopped in my tracks momentarily when I was told I sounded like Roger Daltry! Now did he actually say you sound like Roger Daltry or did he just ask, Who Are You? A ha ha... Hmm... Sorry, couldn't resist. :-) (Apologies to those unfamiliar with The Who's songs.)

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