Re: [elinks-dev] Messages lost in spam filter of elinks-dev

2009-11-07 Thread Martintxo

I was touched by this "bug" :-/.

I made a no complete translation of Elinks-0.12pre5 to spanish. See
it at

See more details in the posts bellow (as a matter of "post history").
Greetings. Martintxo.

--> Berbidalitako emaila hemendik aurrera agertzen da:

Data: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 10:27:32 +0200
Nondik: Martin Zelaia 'tik
Asuntoa: Trying to reach elinks browser developers


I'm trying to contact some elinks developer. I send some email to the
elinks-dev mailing list (I'm subscribed too as, to
some developers own email account, with all of my own accounts too
(,, and this last But I don't get any
response. There is something broken in anywhere??

Well, I made a (no-complete) spanish traslation of Elinks-0.12pre5. See the
details in the posts below.

Greetings. Martintxo.

martintxo zelaia 
20 de septiembre de 2009 12:29

Hello again:

I think that we have some problems at, because my
emails aren't arriving to (and now I'm
subscribed). For this, I'm sending this from my gmail account.

In I put an
update of the spanish traslation for Elinks-0.12pre5. See the details
in the post below.

I hope that now I can reach you. Greetings. Martintxo.

Desde: Martintxo 
Asunto: Fw: Elinks spanish traslation
Fecha: Sat, 19 Sep 2009 19:37:29 +0200

Hello again:

I think that this email is'nt arrived to the list. I'm thinking about
something is wrong with my mails to the elinks project :-?

Now, I'm sending the mail without the atachment, to see if this is the

The updated elinks es.po is in the following URL:

Greetings. Martintxo.

Data: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 01:18:36 +0200
Nondik: Martintxo 'tik
Asuntoa: Fw: Elinks spanish traslation


I'm re-sending this mail. Previously I was not subscribed to the list.

Greetings. Martintxo.

Data: Tue, 1 Sep 2009 13:31:12 +0200
Nondik: Martintxo 'tik
Asuntoa: Fw: Elinks spanish traslation


Well, I finish my work with the spanish traslation of elinks.

I fixed all the fuzzy strings, and translate some of the short strings as
well. Now the spanish traslation is at the 55%.

Attached is the es.po updated. I made it with poedit, using the shiped
with the current elinks-0.12pre5.tar.bz2.

Greetings. Martintxo.

Data: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 20:04:49 +0200
Nondik: Martintxo 'tik
Asuntoa: Elinks spanish traslation


I'm a elinks user from ages.

I speak a bit english, but my english isn't so good. My original language is
spanish. So, I'm not a well translator.

I collaborated in the Soma project (, now partly
dead), translating the user interface to spanish.

Now, I have a little time to spend in make a better elinks translation to
spanish. I have a look to the es.po file and view that there are a lot of
fuzzy strings that are incorrect. So my first work may be to correct these
strings and to translate some other small ones.

Are you interesting in that work?. I will made it in the same terms that the
elinks license.

Do I need to keep in mind some advice from you (subscribe to a mailing list,
make a patch...)?

Thanks in advance. Greetings. Martintxo.

--> Berbidalitako emaila hemen bukatzen da

Con la mujer pasa como con la RAM. ¡Nunca hay suficiente!.

Sun, 25 Oct 2009 12:25:02 +0200 eguna,
Kalle Olavi Niemitalo (e)k idatzi zuen:

> I made a mistake in configuring the spam filter of elinks-dev,
> and it seems all messages sent here after August 11, 2009
> have been lost.  I am sorry.
> There was no such problem with the elinks-users list.
> The Mailman software in the mailing-list server uses lists of
> regular expressions for detecting spam messages.  I had added
> some comments and blank lines in the list used for discarding
> spam, to document the history and rationale of some of those
> regexps.  Unfortunately, it seems Mailman 2.1.9 treated those
> blank lines as match-all regexps.  Before the change, I had
> checked from the source code that it supported comments, but
> I didn't realize it didn't support blank lines.

El peligro es el gran remedio para el aburrimiento.
-- Graham Greene. 
elinks-dev mailing list

[elinks-dev] Messages lost in spam filter of elinks-dev

2009-10-25 Thread Kalle Olavi Niemitalo
I made a mistake in configuring the spam filter of elinks-dev,
and it seems all messages sent here after August 11, 2009
have been lost.  I am sorry.

There was no such problem with the elinks-users list.

The Mailman software in the mailing-list server uses lists of
regular expressions for detecting spam messages.  I had added
some comments and blank lines in the list used for discarding
spam, to document the history and rationale of some of those
regexps.  Unfortunately, it seems Mailman 2.1.9 treated those
blank lines as match-all regexps.  Before the change, I had
checked from the source code that it supported comments, but
I didn't realize it didn't support blank lines.

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