[Orgmode] MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released

2010-09-10 Thread Richard Moreland
Hi All,

I just wanted to pass along that MobileOrg 1.4 has been released on
the AppStore.  It now supports iOS 4.x for fast app switching, in
addition to native support for iPad.

Link with some screenshots for iPhone and iPad:


There are also a few bugfixes, including:

- A bug in the Dropbox login page that prevented the password from
being initialized properly
- "Bad file encoding" bug in mobileorg.org when using Dropbox and
capturing notes

Let me know if you find any problems or have any feedback.


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[Orgmode] Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows

2010-09-10 Thread John Hendy
Hi all,

This is a spin-off of the Worg babel-gnuplot announcement:

In my hunting it seems that there is some history for
gnuplot/org-plot/Windows issues?
--- Thread from 2007; no resolution:
--- Thread from 6/09; suggestion to check with gnuplot-mode maintainer:

I just set up org-mode on my work Windows XP computer and installed gnuplot
as follows:
--- downloaded gp440win32.zip from sourceforge.net
--- unpacked the zip file to C:\Program Files\gnuplot
--- opened up and read the README.windows file for instructions
--- added C:\Program Files\gnuplot\binary\ to my PATH variable
--- added an env variable called GDFONTPATH and set it to C:\Windows\Fonts
--- added an env variable called GNUPLOT_FONTPATH and set it to
--- added this to init.el: (setq exec-path (append exec-path '("C:/Program

During my searching, this page came up:
--- It appears that the downloadable file, org-check.org, needs to be
updated. The checks for gnuplot and the other babel languages are not
actually in the downloaded file. When viewing the page, one (at least me)
somewhat expects that the full pass/fail chart will be produced in the
downloaded file, but instead it's only checking LaTeX, make pdfs, and

I can run gnuplot fine from the Win command line. When trying either
org-plot/gnuplot or executing a simple babel block, Emacs completely hangs,
though. Org-plot produces a *gnuplot* buffer with only "reset" in it and
after a babel execution is done hanging I have a completely blank *gnuplot*

I'm also unable to use gnuplot-mode, though I've not ever used it before. I
can enter the mode, but things hang when trying to send the buffer to
gnuplot. I also found this thread which seems to say the same:
--- There is a reference to using gnuplot through Calc. I quasi-tried this
but was as mystified by Calc as the first day I touched emacs. I got nothing
to happen except for g-f to indeed open a gnuplot window.

Is anyone able to help diagnose this further? I'll include any results in
ob-doc-gnuplot and perhaps it can even get put on Worg on org-plot as well.
There's got to be a way to make gnuplot play nice with Org...

Does babel require gnuplot-mode to work properly? I realize that org-plot
does, but don't recall about ob-gnuplot.

I sent an email to Bruce Ravel, the author of gnuplot-mode, to ask him for
any input.

*Lastly, is this not even for this mailing list? My apologies if so!*

Best regards,
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[Orgmode] Mediawiki and org-mode

2010-09-10 Thread Alex Kozak
Hi all,

I'm an org-mode novice, but in learning to use it I've seen that there's
this lingering community desire for org-mode and wiki compatibility (it
comes up at the end of the 2008 Google talk and on this mailing list

In case it isn't very well known, I wanted to let you all know that there is
an emacs client for editing MediaWiki pages (mediawiki.el) [1]. There are
some open bugs and plenty of features to add, but in general it seems like
it could be a bridge between MediaWiki and org-mode files. I'm considering
using a private MediaWiki installation to store my org-mode files.


[1] https://launchpad.net/mediawiki-el

Alex Kozak
Program Assistant
Creative Commons
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[Orgmode] Re: Proposed New Syntax For Calling Code Blocks was

2010-09-10 Thread Jambunathan K


I have typed enough. You or the Mailing list wouldn't get any more
unsolicited mails from me on this little idea of mine.

Some concluding remarks.

As I see it, the crux of my articles is in highlighting the unique and
(much needed role) that Babel could play or plays within the org

In my view (which could be incomplete, flawed or warped),

1. Babel is predominantly a macro environment for 'mashing up of'
   textual content within an orgmode document. 

2. The syntax/grammar of Babel macro calls should not deviate
   significantly from existing Orgmode syntax and more specifically it
   shouldn't invent new syntax (so that parsing becomes spaghettish).

3. The noweb/literate programming face of Babel may not be of much
   interest to 'compositional' demands of Orgmode users and
   vice-versa. i.e, One predominantly writes articles or does literate
   programming. Not both simultaneously. Text mashups are interesting
   for set of first set of users and noweb expansion to the second set.

Just sharing my thoughts ... More of what my mental model of Babel is

Jambunathan K.

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[Orgmode] Re: Proposed New Syntax For Calling Code Blocks was

2010-09-10 Thread Jambunathan K


In line with my earlier posts, I would like to think of Babel codeblocks
filters that take as a textual content and produce another textual
content. Think of babel codeblocks as indeed custom exporters.

Power of Babel is the flexibility that the user gets in associating
different code blocks with the same content and have different
representations produced for the same.

Let's revisit the original example. Let me walk through the whole
sequence ...

# Input Textual Content

# User need not say that the content is table. It is obvious. In other
# words babel is dynamically typed and tables are one of the primitive
# datatypes within Babel runtime environment. Name of the table is the
# name of the headline.

* tableTestBabel
  |   0 | 4.40 |
  |  30 | 4.54 |
  |  60 | 7.09 |
  |  90 | 9.40 |
  | 120 | 9.22 |
  | 150 | 6.65 |
  | 180 | 4.22 |

# Output Textual Content 

# Babel block named 'charPolAngle' is the custom exporter which would
# act on the input text and produce an output text. 

# Note that the signature of the chartPolAngle and the use of a reserved
# babel keyword 'this' which stand for the input textual content.

#+srcname: chartPolAngle()
#+begin_src R
  angle <- this[,1]
  energy <- this[,2]
  energy.model <-  nls (energy ~ a1 + a2 * (sin(pi / a3 *(angle-a4)))^2,
start=list(a1=3.0, a2=7.0, a3=180, a4=0.0))
  lines(spline(angle, fitted.values(energy.model)), lwd=2)

# To make a call, the user executes the headline and passes it the
# custom routine.

# Transform text

With this shift in call syntax one could do these with obvious

<> # identity mapping 
<> # map to csv 
<> # map to latex

To summarize Babel srcnames takes the following params as a must (they
could be implicit)

1. A 'this' parameterw which is input text content. An headline entry in
   the above example.

A babel invocation line takes a ':fmt ' param. It could be one of the
inbuilt exporters like text, org, latex, pdf etc or left unspecified if
the babel srcblock always produces only one format.

It would also be usefult to specify how the transformed text is handled
by a babel srcblock. Let's denote this param as :results

If :results is nil then the exporter creates a side-effect. i.e., it
produces a pdf file. 

If :results is inline then output text content is inserted inline i.e.,
wherever the macro invocation occurs.

If :results is a Org Headline then output text content is inserted in
that headline.

To summarize, Babel macros acts on text blocks and produces text

A babel macro with names outfmt is invoked as 

or as 

[[outfmt][input text content]]

Let me know if you have questions.

My lack of understanding of Babel's internals prevents me from being
more specific or anticipate the issues involved. 

Nevertheless a shift in perspective from



intxt(babel-src) is what is required.

I invite you to go through my earlier mails[1]. Each one of them takes
examples that have already surfaced in the mailing list and tries to
reconcile what the user likes to accomplish with Babel macros with what
the Org's existing world view is.

Let me know whether or not I make sense.

ps: I haven't really tried to address issues reported by the original
poster. I need to have a buyin from you on what I am proposing before I
am willing to put that effort.

[1] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/30040

Jambunathan K.

> #+call: chartPolAngle[:session testBabel :file 
> testBabel.pdf](pol=tableTestBabel)

> I'd be interested to hear what the community thinks of this new syntax.
> As an unrelated note, we also need to think of a natural way to allow
> the header argument portion of a code block to span multiple lines.
> Best -- Eric
> Christopher Witte  writes:
>> I'm having a bit of trouble with org bable and R. When I try to execute the
>> code below (C-c C-c on the call line), as you can see, I get the results
>> :nil
>> ---
>> #+tblname: tableTestBabel
>> |   0 | 4.40 |
>> |  30 | 4.54 |
>> |  60 | 7.09 |
>> |  90 | 9.40 |
>> | 120 | 9.22 |
>> | 150 | 6.65 |
>> | 180 | 4.22 |
>> #+srcname: chartPolAngle(pol)
>> #+begin_src R
>>   angle <- pol[,1]
>>   energy <- pol[,2]
>>   plot(angle,energy)
>>   energy.model <-  nls (energy ~ a1 + a2 * (sin(pi / a3 *(angle-a4)))^2,
>> start=list(a1=3.0, a2=7.0, a3=180, a4=0.0))
>>   lines(spline(angle, fitted.values(energy.model)), lwd=2)
>>   summary(energy.model)
>> #+end_src
>> #+call: chartPolAngle(pol=tableTestBabel) :session testBabel :file 
>> testBabel.pdf
>> #+results: chartPolAngle(pol=tableTestBabel)
>> : nil
>> but If I move the header arguments to the source block, as in the code
>> below, everything works fine. I also get asked "ESS [S(R): R] starting data
>> directory? ~/doc/org/" which I don't get with the code above.

[Orgmode] Re: Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-10 Thread d . tchin

Just to follow previous discussion about having city.

Julien Danjou add a new entry in org-google-weather-format
that allows to get City for which the weather is asked for.
It is possible to customize this variable. 

The default format is "%i %c, %l-%h %s" . 
If you can add %C for city : "%C %i %c, %l-%h %s".

For example I have the following entry :

#+CATEGORY: Meteo 
%%(org-google-weather "Caen" "FR")

When I display agenda, I have the following :

 Meteo:  Caen, Lower-Normandy icon  Couverture nuageuse partielle, 12-22 ℃

Curiously, I have the city following by the region in english whereas the 
other outputs are in french as expected.

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[Orgmode] Export function to Vcal file

2010-09-10 Thread d . tchin

I see that there is org-export-icalendar-* functions. 
Is there a function that allows to export to *.vcs file
which are recognized by Palm Os ?


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[Orgmode] Re: Babel+gnuplot on Worg

2010-09-10 Thread d . tchin

> Forgive me... not sure I'm tracking completely.
> - When you say "It doesn't work under Windows" are you referring to the org-
plot method?
> - But org-babel does work if you use "session none"
> --- Sorry, what is "session none"? I've not heard of that before.

Don't be sorry, I wasn't clear. In fact org-plot doesn't on emacs running 
on Windows OS. 
With org-babel implementation it doesn't work (emacs freeze) except 
when I use option of :session none and direct output in png file.
An example below that was in post I gave in link in previous mail :

--8<---cut here---start->8---

#+begin_src gnuplot :session none :file out.png
set terminal png
set xlabel "gx";set ylabel "gy";set zlabel "gz"
set grid xtics ytics 
set view 0,0
plot cos(x)

--8<---cut here---end--->8---



> My apologies if I'm being dense! Just not sure exactly what it is you're 
looking for. I have access to a Win machine (though am normally using Linux), 
so if you present your problem I can try to figure out what it is and include 
a note about it on Worg.

In fact I am interested to know if you have same kind of problem. 
I thought that could be mentioned if it is the case.

Many thanks to you.


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[Orgmode] org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs

2010-09-10 Thread Erik Iverson


Does anyone use org-exp-bibtex.el from the contrib directory
to get bibtex citations in both exported HTML and PDF?

If so, how do you deal with the PDF generation process,
since it requires multiple runs of latex/bibtex?  Do
you do that within org-mode, or just do it through the

Thanks for any tips,

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Re: [Orgmode] plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request

2010-09-10 Thread Rainer M Krug
Hash: SHA1

On 10/09/10 20:40, Eric Schulte wrote:
> Hi Rainer,
> If you could send me an example of how to generate an svg image using
> plantuml on the command line, I'll add that functionality to
> ob-plantuml.el.

from org:

#+begin_src :file test.svg :commandline -tsvg

command line:

java -jar plantuml.jar -tsvg -p < sequence.plantuml > sequence.svg

with direct conversion to pdf when using rsvg-convert:

java -jar plantuml.jar -tsvg -p < sequence.plantuml | rsvg-convert -f
pdf > sequence.pdf

Options for rsvg-convert:
 -f , --format=[png, pdf, ps, svg] save format [optional; defaults
to 'png']

the others are not that relevant.



> Thanks -- Eric
> Rainer M Krug  writes:
>> Hi
>> I just saw that a bug in plantuml is fixed - namely that -tsvg is
>> compatible with the -pipe optin. Therefore it should be possible top
>> produce svg vector graphs from plantuml.
>> In a second step, these could be converted to png, pdf or ps with the
>> packagelibrsvg2-bin (I am using ubuntu), therefore producing high
>> quality graphs.
>> As I don't know how to implement it, would it be possible to implement
>> - that, depending on the :file name specified, either a .png or a .svg
>> is produced by plantuml
>> The conversion to ps or pdf could then be done in a second bash script.
>> Thanks,
>> and I really like the plantuml integration for quickly documenting with
>> flowcharts while programming - brilliant.
>> Rainer

- -- 
Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Natural Sciences Building
Office Suite 2039
Stellenbosch University
Main Campus, Merriman Avenue
South Africa

Tel:+33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +27 - (0)8 39 47 90 42
Fax (SA):   +27 - (0)8 65 16 27 82
Fax (D) :   +49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44
Fax (FR):   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44
email:  rai...@krugs.de

Skype:  RMkrug
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Babel+gnuplot on Worg

2010-09-10 Thread John Hendy
Forgive me... not sure I'm tracking completely.

- When you say "It doesn't work under Windows" are you referring to the
org-plot method?
- But org-babel does work if you use "session none"
--- Sorry, what is "session none"? I've not heard of that before.

Lastly, the link is to a post of you referring to another thread where Eric
presents a way to use babel to plot someone's table and everything seems to
go alright. What was the solution in that thread that worked for you? Babel?

My apologies if I'm being dense! Just not sure exactly what it is you're
looking for. I have access to a Win machine (though am normally using
Linux), so if you present your problem I can try to figure out what it is
and include a note about it on Worg.


On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 11:52 AM, d.tchin  wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for this document. It is really of great help.
> I would like to do one remark.
> I tried to make gnuplot work on Windows system but I never
> really manageg to make it work in interactive way. I first
> started to use org-plot. It doesn't work under Windows.
> In fact it seems related to way inferior process is handled
> in gnu emacs ?
> Anyway I tried to use gnuplot with org-babel. It doesn't
> work very well unless I use session none.
> Below a thread related to this question :
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/28266/focus=28270
> I don't know if this situation is the same elsewhere and if it
> could be corrected. Anyway this solution works for me.
> Perhaps if it is checked elsewhere, it could be mentioned.
> Regards
> ___
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Re: [Orgmode] plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request

2010-09-10 Thread Eric Schulte
Hi Rainer,

If you could send me an example of how to generate an svg image using
plantuml on the command line, I'll add that functionality to

Thanks -- Eric

Rainer M Krug  writes:

> Hi
> I just saw that a bug in plantuml is fixed - namely that -tsvg is
> compatible with the -pipe optin. Therefore it should be possible top
> produce svg vector graphs from plantuml.
> In a second step, these could be converted to png, pdf or ps with the
> packagelibrsvg2-bin (I am using ubuntu), therefore producing high
> quality graphs.
> As I don't know how to implement it, would it be possible to implement
> - that, depending on the :file name specified, either a .png or a .svg
> is produced by plantuml
> The conversion to ps or pdf could then be done in a second bash script.
> Thanks,
> and I really like the plantuml integration for quickly documenting with
> flowcharts while programming - brilliant.
> Rainer

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: org-babel and empty code blocks : publishing html

2010-09-10 Thread Eric Schulte
Hi Richard,

Richard Riley  writes:

> Hmm, I think maybe I am getting confused here then. Maybe its better if
> I show an example:-
> ,
> |  TODO weather in agenda
> |  SCHEDULED: <2010-09-10 Fri>
> |  :DateCreated: <2010-09-09 Thu 15:07>
> | :END:
> | 
> | test me one two 3
> | 
> | #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> | #+end_src
> | 
> | More test
> `
> Note the empty src block. When I export to html I dont want this code
> evaled (it isnt when there IS elisp in there - I just see the code as
> nicely HTML'd) and I dont want a nil in the output when its empty.

When I export the above to html, I get the following...
--8<---cut here---start->8---

test me one two 3

More test

--8<---cut here---end--->8---

In my case the code block is not evaluated.  Do you have any buffer wide
header arguments?  What does the following print for you?

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
   (lambda (pair)
 (list (car pair) (cdr pair)))

for me it returns the following
| :cache| no  |
| :colnames | no  |
| :comments | |
| :exports  | code|
| :hlines   | yes |
| :noweb| no  |
| :results  | replace |
| :session  | none|
| :shebang  | |
| :tangle   | no  |

Best -- Eric

> cheers,
> r.
> ___
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[Orgmode] Proposed New Syntax For Calling Code Blocks was: Problem with Babel and sessions

2010-09-10 Thread Eric Schulte
Hi Christopher,

Thanks for the well documented example.

The header arguments on the call line, are actually being used by the
call line itself, not by the R block which is called.  To unpack that,
on evaluation the call line expands to a trivial emacs-lisp code block
which is equivalent to

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var results=chartPolAngle(pol=tableTestBabel) :session 

So the :session header argument is used by the emacs-lisp code block in
the call line, and never propagates to the R code block which is
evaluated.  Notice that header arguments like :results silent, will have
the expected results.

So for now you will have to place the header argument on the actual R
code block.

That said, I think that we should provide a mechanism for passing header
arguments through to called code blocks making the original
functionality you described possible.  I'm not sure how best to do that,
but currently I think we should expand the syntax used to call code
blocks to be more similar to inline code blocks, s.t. header arguments
can be placed inside of an optional square bracket section between the
name of the code block and the arguments.  Using this new proposed
syntax your example below would be written as

#+call: chartPolAngle[:session testBabel :file 

I'd be interested to hear what the community thinks of this new syntax.

As an unrelated note, we also need to think of a natural way to allow
the header argument portion of a code block to span multiple lines.

Best -- Eric

Christopher Witte  writes:

> I'm having a bit of trouble with org bable and R. When I try to execute the
> code below (C-c C-c on the call line), as you can see, I get the results
> :nil
> ---
> #+tblname: tableTestBabel
> |   0 | 4.40 |
> |  30 | 4.54 |
> |  60 | 7.09 |
> |  90 | 9.40 |
> | 120 | 9.22 |
> | 150 | 6.65 |
> | 180 | 4.22 |
> #+srcname: chartPolAngle(pol)
> #+begin_src R
>   angle <- pol[,1]
>   energy <- pol[,2]
>   plot(angle,energy)
>   energy.model <-  nls (energy ~ a1 + a2 * (sin(pi / a3 *(angle-a4)))^2,
> start=list(a1=3.0, a2=7.0, a3=180, a4=0.0))
>   lines(spline(angle, fitted.values(energy.model)), lwd=2)
>   summary(energy.model)
> #+end_src
> #+call: chartPolAngle(pol=tableTestBabel) :session testBabel :file 
> testBabel.pdf
> #+results: chartPolAngle(pol=tableTestBabel)
> : nil
> but If I move the header arguments to the source block, as in the code
> below, everything works fine. I also get asked "ESS [S(R): R] starting data
> directory? ~/doc/org/" which I don't get with the code above.
> ---
> #+tblname: tableTestBabel
> |   0 | 4.40 |
> |  30 | 4.54 |
> |  60 | 7.09 |
> |  90 | 9.40 |
> | 120 | 9.22 |
> | 150 | 6.65 |
> | 180 | 4.22 |
> #+call: chartPolAngle(pol=tableTestBabel)
> #+results: chartPolAngle(pol=tableTestBabel)
> : testBabel.pdf
> #+srcname: chartPolAngle(pol)
> #+begin_src R :session testBabel :file testBabel.pdf
>   angle <- pol[,1]
>   energy <- pol[,2]
>   plot(angle,energy)
>   energy.model <-  nls (energy ~ a1 + a2 * (sin(pi / a3 *(angle-a4)))^2,
> start=list(a1=3.0, a2=7.0, a3=180, a4=0.0))
>   lines(spline(angle, fitted.values(energy.model)), lwd=2)
>   summary(energy.model)
> #+end_src
> ---
> Org doesn't appear to respect the head arguments on the call. I pulled from
> git a couple days ago. Any ideas why?
> Cheers
> Chris Witte
> ___
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[Orgmode] org-get-local-archive-location

2010-09-10 Thread Ilya Shlyakhter
In the routine org-get-local-archive-location, is the call to
(match-string 1) at the end extraneous?
Seems like you want to return org-archive-location in this case.

(defun org-get-local-archive-location ()
  "Get the archive location applicable at point."
  (let ((re "^#\\+ARCHIVE:[ \t]+\\(\\S-.*\\S-\\)[ \t]*$")
(setq prop (org-entry-get nil "ARCHIVE" 'inherit))
 ((and prop (string-match "\\S-" prop))
 ((or (re-search-backward re nil t)
  (re-search-forward re nil t))
  (match-string 1))
 (t org-archive-location (match-string 1)))

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[Orgmode] Re: error with babel/ledger

2010-09-10 Thread henry atting
On Fr, Sep 10 2010, Eric Schulte wrote:

> Hi Henry,
> ledger should not be requiring Org-mode explicitly, I've just corrected
> this and pushed the fix to the git repo, so a pull of the latest should
> work.
> [...]

Hi Eric,

yes, it works fine now. Thanks.



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[Orgmode] Re: Blogging org entries using google command line.

2010-09-10 Thread Richard Riley

Yavuz Arkun  writes:

> I would like to make one side note:
> Before I could use org-googlecl-blog to post successfully, I had to use the
> command tool 'google' itself once from the terminal, so that the authorization
> step via web browser can be completed. (Otherwise, 'google' starts the web
> browser with the authorization page and waits for user to hit return, which
> never comes.)

I updated the README with a warning about that.

It's now in git and there is a more general googlecl-blog function which
org-googlecl-blog makes use of. It includes all subtrees in any org-item
blog too. 


(if the git seems a mess its because it probably is - I was fannying
around with tags none too successfully and had to clean it up a bit ;)



> Thanks for the code.
> Yavuz
> ___
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☘ http://www.shamrockirishbar.com, http://www.richardriley.net

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 everything follows thusly."

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[Orgmode] Re: Babel+gnuplot on Worg

2010-09-10 Thread d . tchin

Thank you for this document. It is really of great help.

I would like to do one remark. 

I tried to make gnuplot work on Windows system but I never 
really manageg to make it work in interactive way. I first
started to use org-plot. It doesn't work under Windows.  
In fact it seems related to way inferior process is handled 
in gnu emacs ? 

Anyway I tried to use gnuplot with org-babel. It doesn't
work very well unless I use session none. 

Below a thread related to this question :


I don't know if this situation is the same elsewhere and if it 
could be corrected. Anyway this solution works for me. 
Perhaps if it is checked elsewhere, it could be mentioned.


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Re: [Orgmode] Org-mode Epic Win RPG

2010-09-10 Thread Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
Very cool :) I'd love something like that. And we could also check if
Epic Win has an API that could be used to integrate the two.


On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Jonathan Arkell
> Wow.
> Epic Win indeed.  This is such a good idea, and I'd love to see something 
> similar for org-mode!
> The biggest hurdle I can see is not the developing of the underlying "game" 
> engine, but rather the story-line and world behind it.  That said, Taking a 
> crack at this would be rather fun.
> Is anyone else interested in this?
> __
> Jonathan Arkell
> Tech Lead
> Inspired By Drum & Bass, Scheme, Kawaii
> p. 403.206.4377
> 402 -- 11th Ave SE
> Calgary, AB, Canada T2G 0Y4
> jonath...@criticalmass.com
> criticalmass.com
> On Aug 27, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Rick Moynihan wrote:
>> A colleague of mine has been using the Epic Win Iphone app to get things 
>> done:
>> http://www.epicwinapp.com/
>> It combines TODO lists, with an RPG game...  The more you get done,
>> the more you level up.
>> It made me wonder, has anyone done something like this for org-mode?
>> R.
>> ___
>> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
>> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
>> Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
>> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode
> The information contained in this message is confidential. It is intended to 
> be read only by the individual or entity named above or their designee. If 
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[Orgmode] bug: babel-* dirs

2010-09-10 Thread Samuel Wales
In the last 24 hours, org created 436 seemingly empty directories
named similar to "babel-81922AX" in (I think) $TMP.  I do not actively
use babel.

I cannot do debugging but wanted to report it.

Hope it helps.

Q: How many CDC "scientists" does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: "You only think it's dark." [CDC has denied a deadly serious
disease for 25 years]
Retrovirus: http://www.wpinstitute.org/xmrv/index.html -- PLEASE DONATE
I would like to see the original Lo et al. 2010 NIH/FDA XMRV paper.

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Re: [Orgmode] Org-mode Epic Win RPG

2010-09-10 Thread Jonathan Arkell

Epic Win indeed.  This is such a good idea, and I'd love to see something 
similar for org-mode!

The biggest hurdle I can see is not the developing of the underlying "game" 
engine, but rather the story-line and world behind it.  That said, Taking a 
crack at this would be rather fun.

Is anyone else interested in this?

Jonathan Arkell
Tech Lead
Inspired By Drum & Bass, Scheme, Kawaii

p. 403.206.4377

402 -- 11th Ave SE
Calgary, AB, Canada T2G 0Y4


On Aug 27, 2010, at 5:35 AM, Rick Moynihan wrote:

> A colleague of mine has been using the Epic Win Iphone app to get things done:
> http://www.epicwinapp.com/
> It combines TODO lists, with an RPG game...  The more you get done,
> the more you level up.
> It made me wonder, has anyone done something like this for org-mode?
> R.
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode

The information contained in this message is confidential. It is intended to be 
read only by the individual or entity named above or their designee. If the 
reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified 
that any distribution of this message, in any form, is strictly prohibited. If 
you have received this message in error, please immediately notify the sender 
and delete or destroy any copy of this message.

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[Orgmode] Re: ical export -> google calendar woes

2010-09-10 Thread Rémi Vanicat
Rémi Vanicat  writes:


> The patch I just send here
> (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/30207) should solve this
> issue.

Mmm sending mail too early

With this patch you have to set org-icalendar-use-UTC-date-time to t
for it to work.
Rémi Vanicat

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[Orgmode] Re: ical export -> google calendar woes

2010-09-10 Thread Rémi Vanicat
Neal Thomison  writes:

> All,
> I'm experiencing one of those "the last 10% of the problem takes 90% of
> the time" moments.
> I'm doing a combined ical export over all of my .org files, which works
> fine. I then copy the resulting .ics file off to my web server to which
> I've pointed a Google calendar (an "add by url" calendar) which also
> works, after a fashion. The irritation is that no matter what I try and
> do, Google insists on seeing the calendar timezone as GMT, hence, all of
> my appointments are appearing 4 hours early (my TZ is EST5EDT but EST or
> "America/Indianapolis" or "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" all don't work
> either).

The patch I just send here
(http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/30207) should solve this

Rémi Vanicat

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[Orgmode] Babel+gnuplot on Worg

2010-09-10 Thread John Hendy
Hi all,

This is a continuation from "Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot"
(http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org/msg28995.html) and a
response to Nick Dokos' suggestion that I post whatever solution I found for
the list. My decision to do that resulted in some discussion about putting
up a more formal page on Worg for gnuplot's babel language page.

In any case, Eric Schulte was kind enough to walk me through Worg setup and
create a blank page. I made good progress last night and it's now up and


In looking at some of the great examples already posted I decided to start
with a more basic introduction to setting up gnuplot, some common header
arguments and a quick primer on the basics of gnuplot. Tonight or this
weekend I'll add in the more advanced examples that resulted from my
experimentation a few weeks ago as well as some other tips and tricks that
have come from the mailing list.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts and/or suggestions. I'm sure I'll end
up tweaking things many more times (I already saw some goof-ups :) ).

Best regards,
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Re: [Orgmode] Changing fontsizes in a frame in org beamer

2010-09-10 Thread John Hendy

You want to play around with the \setbeamerfont command.

Grab the manual here:

Check out, in particular, section 18.3.3 entitled "Setting Beamer's Fonts"
- You can direct commands for the whole document at various "parts" of the
Beamer doc
--- \setbeamerfont {title}{size=\large} (or \LARGE or \Huge, for example)
--- \setbeamerfont {frametitle}
--- Scan the manual for all the part names you can fiddle with but for sure
these are frametitle (title on each slide), title (title on the first
slide), author (author's name on first slide), footer/header (the stuff at
the bottom/top of each slide)... and probably subtitle? I forget all of them
and haven't found a great concise list yet...

- You can also set up custom font names like this from page 199
| \setbeamerfont{parent A}{size=\large}
| \setbeamerfont{parent B}{series=\bfseries}
| \setbeamerfont{child}{parent={parent A, parent B},size=\small}
| \normalfont
| This text is in a normal font.
| \usebeamerfont{parent A}
| This text is large.
| \usebeamerfont{parent B}
| This text is large and bold.
| \usebeamerfont{parent B}
| This text is still large and bold.
| \usebeamerfont*{parent B}
| This text is only bold, but not large.
| \usebeamerfont{child}
| This text is small and bold.

Also, see secion 18.2.1 entitled "Choosing a Font Size for Normal Text"
- Essentially you set body text via \documentclass[size-goes-here(e.g. 8pt,
11pt, etc.] ]{beamer}

Lastly, here's a handy page with LaTeX font sizes:


On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Vikas Rawal <
vikasli...@agrarianresearch.org> wrote:

> I am using org to make a beamer presentation and would like to know
> how to change font sizes of different elements in a frame. I would
> like font size specification to apply to different elements of an
> individual frame: the body, the item list, table, captions etc. What
> would be the easiest way to define these for a frame? Can I use
> Attr_LaTex? How?
> Thanks,
> Vikas
> ___
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Re: [Orgmode] error with babel/ledger

2010-09-10 Thread Eric Schulte
Hi Henry,

ledger should not be requiring Org-mode explicitly, I've just corrected
this and pushed the fix to the git repo, so a pull of the latest should

Thanks for catching this -- Eric

henry atting  writes:

> When adding (ledger . t) to 'setq org-babel-load-languages' emacs starts
> with this error message 
> error: Recursive `require' for feature `org'
> and stops loading.
> No problem without babel/ledger:
>  (setq org-babel-load-languages (quote ((emacs-lisp . t)
> (dot . t)
> (ditaa . t)
> (R . t)
> (gnuplot . t)
> (clojure . t)
> (sh . t
> henry

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[Orgmode] ical export -> google calendar woes

2010-09-10 Thread Neal Thomison

I'm experiencing one of those "the last 10% of the problem takes 90% of
the time" moments.

I'm doing a combined ical export over all of my .org files, which works
fine. I then copy the resulting .ics file off to my web server to which
I've pointed a Google calendar (an "add by url" calendar) which also
works, after a fashion. The irritation is that no matter what I try and
do, Google insists on seeing the calendar timezone as GMT, hence, all of
my appointments are appearing 4 hours early (my TZ is EST5EDT but EST or
"America/Indianapolis" or "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" all don't work
either). I've set 'org-icalendar-timezone' and I see X-WR-TIMEZONE set
correctly in the resulting .ics file.

As an experiment, I hand edited the exported .ics file and added a
"TZNAME: EST5EDT" before copying it up to my web server and it works
fine; my appointments are show at the correct times.

I've googled enough to know that there are fair number of people with a
lot of angst over the timezone support in gcal but this feels like a
much more pedestrian issue than what the bulk of those post are focusing

Am I missing a config parameter somewhere? Do I need a special
incantation or naming convention when I do an "add by url"?

My setup is: emacs and org-mode 7.01trans.


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[Orgmode] Re: Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-10 Thread Eric Abrahamsen
On Thu, Sep 09 2010, Julien Danjou wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 09 2010, Sven Bretfeld wrote:
>> I had °F at first instead of °C what I would prefer. I'm in Germany;
>> adding ("DE" . "°C") in the customization of "Google Weather Unit System
>> Temperature Assoc" didn't help. In the screenshot I noticed that you
>> have a string "en-gb" which is not documented. Sounds like
>> "English-GB", although you are in Paris. I also added this string, and I
>> have °C now. Is that the correct way?
> Yeah, but this is totally undocumented. I found the "en-gb" by trying
> various random strings.
> I wanted english text in °C, and that's the way I found. If you put "en"
> you will have °F.
> If you want german in °F… I think you're screwed up I think. :-)

So following suit I set my google weather thing to:

%%(org-google-weather "Beijing" "ZH-CN")

Because I'm in China, right? But when the entries show up in my agenda,
that all look like:

domestic:   icon  Çç, 17-33 ℃

(icon is a sun, "domestic" is the name of the file I put the weather
statement in). So the cedillas... Something's definitely off with
encoding -- where do I start to look? My language environment is utf-8,
I've got Chinese fonts, if that's the problem... What else?


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[Orgmode] error with babel/ledger

2010-09-10 Thread henry atting
When adding (ledger . t) to 'setq org-babel-load-languages' emacs starts
with this error message 

error: Recursive `require' for feature `org'

and stops loading.
No problem without babel/ledger:

 (setq org-babel-load-languages (quote ((emacs-lisp . t)
(dot . t)
(ditaa . t)
(R . t)
(gnuplot . t)
(clojure . t)
(sh . t



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[Orgmode] [PATCH] Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.

2010-09-10 Thread Rémi Vanicat
Define a new variable org-icalendar-use-UTC-date-time that when
non-nil make icalendar exporter to use UTC date-time for better
compatibility with some other software (as GCALDaemon).
 lisp/org-icalendar.el |   16 ++--
 1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-icalendar.el b/lisp/org-icalendar.el
index c374e2e..1e3c798 100644
--- a/lisp/org-icalendar.el
+++ b/lisp/org-icalendar.el
@@ -194,6 +194,13 @@ When nil of the empty string, use the abbreviation 
retrieved from Emacs."
  (const :tag "Unspecified" nil)
  (string :tag "Time zone")))
+(defcustom org-icalendar-use-UTC-date-time ()
+  "Non-nil force the use of the universal time for iCalendar DATE-TIME.
+The iCalendar DATE-TIME can be expressed with local time or universal Time,
+universal time could be more compatible with some external tools."
+  :group 'org-export-icalendar
+  :type 'boolean)
 ;;; iCalendar export
@@ -634,8 +641,13 @@ a time), or the day by one (if it does not contain a 
(setq h (+ 2 h)))
(setq d (1+ d
(setq time (encode-time s mi h d m y)))
-  (setq fmt (if have-time ":%Y%m%dT%H%M%S" ";VALUE=DATE:%Y%m%d"))
-  (concat keyword (format-time-string fmt time)
+  (setq fmt (if have-time (if org-icalendar-use-UTC-date-time 
+ ":%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"
+ ":%Y%m%dT%H%M%S")
+   ";VALUE=DATE:%Y%m%d"))
+  (concat keyword (format-time-string fmt time 
+ (and org-icalendar-use-UTC-date-time 
+  have-time))
 (provide 'org-icalendar)

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[Orgmode] Re: Q : select current org item as region

2010-09-10 Thread Richard Riley
Łukasz Stelmach  writes:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> Łukasz Stelmach  writes:
>>> Richard Riley  writes:
 What would be the best elisp way to select the current org entry? I want
 a hot key to select the current item as current region (not into the

>>> This is mine:
>>> (defun stl/outline-mark-subtree ()
> [...]
>>> it's derived from the original outline-mark subtree but marks an empty
>>> space before a next-same-level-heading.
>> Thanks for the replies.
>> Just for google completeness
>>   (goto-char (org-entry-beginning-position))
>>   (set-mark (org-entry-end-position))
>> seemed the most efficient after digging about a bit.
> It's not the same, it does not include the subtree. Take for example:
> * Top 1
>   Some text in the Top 1 node
> ** Bottom 1
>Some more text.
> ** Bottom 2
>No text at all
> * Top 2
>   Another toplevel entry.
> If you place point on the second line of the above example,
> (stl/)?outline-mark function will mark: Top 1, Bottom 1 and Bottom 2,
> nodes with their content. While the org-entry-(beginning|end)-position
> will provide you only with Top 1 heading and a text before Bottom 1.

Hi Lukasz,

You are right and sub trees should be included. I was just looking at that
while refitting the core blog part to be called more generally.

I used :

  (org-forward-same-level 1 t)

to do the same.


Seems to be working ok now.



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[Orgmode] Re: [babel] ledger tutorial on Worg

2010-09-10 Thread Dan Davison

Sébastien Vauban 

> Hi Eric,
> Sébastien Vauban wrote:
>> "Eric Schulte" wrote:
>>> Sébastien Vauban 
>>>  writes:
 Hi Eric,
 Sébastien Vauban wrote:
>>> as a side note, for experimenting with tangling like in the above, I
>>> find the `org-babel-expand-src-block' command bound to C-c C-v v
>>> (mnemonic "view") to be very useful as it shows the expanded version of
>>> the current code block.
>> Knew about it. But... never used/thought before. Interesting command!
> Though...
> When editing code with =C-c '=, I chose to reuse the current window.
> When viewing the results, I find myself preferring to use another window, so
> that I see what the code is, and to what it gets converted.
> For the first case, I have to write:
> (setq org-src-window-setup 'current-window)
> For the second:
> (setq org-src-window-setup 'reorganize-frame)
> Is it, then, possible to get two vars?  Or is my suggestion a bit silly?

Hi Seb, in the absence of having distinct variables for this, you could
make your own version, e.g.

  (defun my/org-babel-expand-src-block ()
(let ((org-src-window-setup 'reorganize-frame))


 Maybe it'd be good to echo that "no eval" occurs anymore in such a
>>> hmm, but then it would inhibit C-c C-c from performing the next action
>>> in the `org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook'.
>> I mean: if C-c C-c is disabled, but run on code, then echo "I do nothing". If
>> not, do the same as C-c C-v C-e...
>> Feasible?  Interesting (for others, like me, in the future)?
> Echoing that request, so that you can answer both in one post...
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
>   Seb

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-10 Thread Simon Guest
At Thu, 09 Sep 2010 09:30:11 -0400,
George McNinch wrote:
> I had the same trouble at first. Fixed by making sure
> that 
> %%(org-google-weather) 
> isn't literally "at the top" of a .org file. 

Together with the recent patch, this works just fine.  Now using
version 5bea6c8 from Thursday 9th September.  All is good.


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[Orgmode] Re: Q : select current org item as region

2010-09-10 Thread Łukasz Stelmach
Richard Riley  writes:

> Łukasz Stelmach  writes:
>> Richard Riley  writes:
>>> What would be the best elisp way to select the current org entry? I want
>>> a hot key to select the current item as current region (not into the
>>> clipboard).
>> This is mine:
>> (defun stl/outline-mark-subtree ()
>> it's derived from the original outline-mark subtree but marks an empty
>> space before a next-same-level-heading.
> Thanks for the replies.
> Just for google completeness
>   (goto-char (org-entry-beginning-position))
>   (set-mark (org-entry-end-position))
> seemed the most efficient after digging about a bit.

It's not the same, it does not include the subtree. Take for example:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
* Top 1
  Some text in the Top 1 node
** Bottom 1
   Some more text.
** Bottom 2
   No text at all
* Top 2
  Another toplevel entry.
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

If you place point on the second line of the above example,
(stl/)?outline-mark function will mark: Top 1, Bottom 1 and Bottom 2,
nodes with their content. While the org-entry-(beginning|end)-position
will provide you only with Top 1 heading and a text before Bottom 1.

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

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[Orgmode] Re: org-reveal (gpg crypt) and auto saving

2010-09-10 Thread Richard Riley
Eric Abrahamsen  writes:

> On Fri, Sep 10 2010, Richard Riley wrote:
>> Richard Riley  writes:
>>> It is. It shouldnt have to ask you at all in fact.
>>> gpg-agent.
>> I forgot to add : org-crypt-key.
> Yeah, I've got this much set up, but something is borken with the agent
> and I've never bothered fixing it (still get a minibuffer prompt). If
> that would solve this problem, then that's motivation!

The following *might* help


The emacs Keychain package correctly read the running agent "token" or
"cookie" and doesnt rely on env values.

Other things to consider are the contents of ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf.

For me:-

| pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-gtk-2
| no-grab
| default-cache-ttl   3942000
| max-cache-ttl   3942000

Now, an interesting thing .. I am pretty damn sure I had a line
"use-agent" in my gpg.conf. Its not there now. Instead is a comment from
seahorse. Gah. Debian gpg key handling remains a mystery ... There seems
about a gazillion packages or approaches to dealing with this.

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[Orgmode] Changing fontsizes in a frame in org beamer

2010-09-10 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am using org to make a beamer presentation and would like to know
how to change font sizes of different elements in a frame. I would
like font size specification to apply to different elements of an
individual frame: the body, the item list, table, captions etc. What
would be the easiest way to define these for a frame? Can I use
Attr_LaTex? How?



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[Orgmode] Re: Adding entries to Google calendar

2010-09-10 Thread Rémi Vanicat
Eric S Fraga  writes:

> I haven't found a way to "push" an ics file to google; c

There exists Gcaldeamon (http://gcaldaemon.sourceforge.net/), but the
version as a bug that need a patch
But there are still some problems with this.

I'm now trying to make it work, but it's not of release quality yet.
Rémi Vanicat

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[Orgmode] Re: org-reveal (gpg crypt) and auto saving

2010-09-10 Thread Eric Abrahamsen
On Fri, Sep 10 2010, Richard Riley wrote:

> Richard Riley  writes:
>> Eric Abrahamsen  writes:
>>> On Fri, Sep 10 2010, Richard Riley wrote:
 I just opened an org file which has some CRYPT tagged items. When I
 org-reveal them (C-c C-r) they are properly decrypted and visible for a
 second or two but something is triggering a buffer save which then
 causes the "revealed item" to vanish back into gpg haze once more.

 What might be triggering this auto-save? I grepped my code for org-save
 but nothing came up.

 Anyone else using this please confirm it does or doesn't happen to
>>> Well, this doesn't happen to me, but that's because I use
>>> org-decrypt-entry (bound to C-c C-/ at my house) rather than org-reveal.
>>> That goes entry by entry, and once they're decrypted, they stay
>>> decrypted until I explicitly save the buffer. Maybe you could try that?
>>> And if the gods are listening: wouldn't it be nice if
>>> org-decrypt-entries (plural) only asked for your passphrase once for a
>>> whole buffer, when multiple individual entries were encrypted with the
>>> same key? Would that be possible?
>> It is. It shouldnt have to ask you at all in fact.
>> gpg-agent.
> I forgot to add : org-crypt-key.

Yeah, I've got this much set up, but something is borken with the agent
and I've never bothered fixing it (still get a minibuffer prompt). If
that would solve this problem, then that's motivation!

> And my problem solved : it was some junk lying around where I had
> experimented with "real-auto-save".
> cheers
> r.
> ___
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[Orgmode] output of shell command in agenda

2010-09-10 Thread henry atting
I am using ledger to track my finances. I would like to have a brief
summary of some part of it in org agenda.
Something like the output of a ledger command, e.g. `ledger bal cash'.
How can I achieve this?


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[Orgmode] problem with label in latex export

2010-09-10 Thread Indraneel Majumdar

 Hi all,
I'm having some problems with latex export, can someone help me out?

Since orgmode already uses hyperref, is there any reason why 
\phantomsection is not added before \label by default? How can I enable it?

Also, how can I disable <> from printing out the value in the 
latex output from inside numbered lists? ie:

instead of
\label{target} target

It works fine at section headings but not within a list.

I tried this:

#+ <>
Some text
2.  More text [[target][go to]]

and the latex export ignored the target (ie, no \label was generated)


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Get weekly agenda for the current file only, NOT from the agenda list

2010-09-10 Thread James Harkins

Thanks everyone for the fast response.

On 9/10/10 4:42 PM, Manish wrote:

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:13 PM, James Harkins wrote:

(Yay! I get to subscribe to yet another mailing list for [probably] a simple

(Yay! http://orgmode.org/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org is broken for me - 404

Eh?  Wheres is that supposed to point?

From http://orgmode.org/:

Mailing list

There is a mailing list for discussion about org-mode.

* Subscribe to it at the web interface.
* Directly send mail to it. If you are not subscribed, a moderator 
will look at the message before passing it through to the list.


The broken link I posted is "Directly send mail to it." (Hence small 
annoyance about having no option but to subscribe when I already get a 
ton of messages from mailing lists.)

and this great tutorial at
is a better place to get started with custom agenda commands than the

Thanks for the pointers! I know well about the challenges of open source 
documentation... :-)


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal." -- Whitman

blog: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/words
audio clips: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/audio
more audio: http://soundcloud.com/dewdrop_world/tracks

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: org-reveal (gpg crypt) and auto saving

2010-09-10 Thread Richard Riley
Richard Riley  writes:

> Eric Abrahamsen  writes:
>> On Fri, Sep 10 2010, Richard Riley wrote:
>>> I just opened an org file which has some CRYPT tagged items. When I
>>> org-reveal them (C-c C-r) they are properly decrypted and visible for a
>>> second or two but something is triggering a buffer save which then
>>> causes the "revealed item" to vanish back into gpg haze once more.
>>> What might be triggering this auto-save? I grepped my code for org-save
>>> but nothing came up.
>>> Anyone else using this please confirm it does or doesn't happen to
>>> you!
>> Well, this doesn't happen to me, but that's because I use
>> org-decrypt-entry (bound to C-c C-/ at my house) rather than org-reveal.
>> That goes entry by entry, and once they're decrypted, they stay
>> decrypted until I explicitly save the buffer. Maybe you could try that?
>> And if the gods are listening: wouldn't it be nice if
>> org-decrypt-entries (plural) only asked for your passphrase once for a
>> whole buffer, when multiple individual entries were encrypted with the
>> same key? Would that be possible?
> It is. It shouldnt have to ask you at all in fact.
> gpg-agent.

I forgot to add : org-crypt-key.

And my problem solved : it was some junk lying around where I had
experimented with "real-auto-save".



Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: org-reveal (gpg crypt) and auto saving

2010-09-10 Thread Richard Riley
Eric Abrahamsen  writes:

> On Fri, Sep 10 2010, Richard Riley wrote:
>> I just opened an org file which has some CRYPT tagged items. When I
>> org-reveal them (C-c C-r) they are properly decrypted and visible for a
>> second or two but something is triggering a buffer save which then
>> causes the "revealed item" to vanish back into gpg haze once more.
>> What might be triggering this auto-save? I grepped my code for org-save
>> but nothing came up.
>> Anyone else using this please confirm it does or doesn't happen to
>> you!
> Well, this doesn't happen to me, but that's because I use
> org-decrypt-entry (bound to C-c C-/ at my house) rather than org-reveal.
> That goes entry by entry, and once they're decrypted, they stay
> decrypted until I explicitly save the buffer. Maybe you could try that?
> And if the gods are listening: wouldn't it be nice if
> org-decrypt-entries (plural) only asked for your passphrase once for a
> whole buffer, when multiple individual entries were encrypted with the
> same key? Would that be possible?

It is. It shouldnt have to ask you at all in fact.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: org-reveal (gpg crypt) and auto saving

2010-09-10 Thread Eric Abrahamsen
On Fri, Sep 10 2010, Richard Riley wrote:

> I just opened an org file which has some CRYPT tagged items. When I
> org-reveal them (C-c C-r) they are properly decrypted and visible for a
> second or two but something is triggering a buffer save which then
> causes the "revealed item" to vanish back into gpg haze once more.
> What might be triggering this auto-save? I grepped my code for org-save
> but nothing came up.
> Anyone else using this please confirm it does or doesn't happen to
> you!

Well, this doesn't happen to me, but that's because I use
org-decrypt-entry (bound to C-c C-/ at my house) rather than org-reveal.
That goes entry by entry, and once they're decrypted, they stay
decrypted until I explicitly save the buffer. Maybe you could try that?

And if the gods are listening: wouldn't it be nice if
org-decrypt-entries (plural) only asked for your passphrase once for a
whole buffer, when multiple individual entries were encrypted with the
same key? Would that be possible?


> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] org-reveal (gpg crypt) and auto saving

2010-09-10 Thread Richard Riley

I just opened an org file which has some CRYPT tagged items. When I
org-reveal them (C-c C-r) they are properly decrypted and visible for a
second or two but something is triggering a buffer save which then
causes the "revealed item" to vanish back into gpg haze once more.

What might be triggering this auto-save? I grepped my code for org-save
but nothing came up.

Anyone else using this please confirm it does or doesn't happen to you!

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class

2010-09-10 Thread Sébastien Vauban
Hi Eric,

Eric S Fraga wrote:
> On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 23:26:15 +0200, Sébastien Vauban 
>  wrote:
>> The subject of your letter seems right: tangling is broken; at least on my
>> PC. So I don't understand why it works for you...
> Just to add a data point: this works for me with
> : Org-mode version 7.01trans (release_7.01h.493.gece2)
> : GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.0) of 2010-08-14 on
> : raven, modified by Debian

Thanks for the info.

But, as said in another posting, it was just me: I was so silly (or tired) to
fallback on the old key binding (C-c C-c) when trying to evaluate the blocks.
Of course, nothing happened...

> Time to learn isodoc as it looks very useful indeed!

I'll document this on Worg during the week-end, hopefully. And insert some
nice examples.

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-10 Thread Eric S Fraga
Apologies for noise: I got the answer from one of the other messages
in the list .

Thanks again!
Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-10 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Thu, 09 Sep 2010 08:19:17 +0200, Julien Danjou  wrote:
> [1  ]
> [1.1  ]
> Hi folks,
> If anybody is interested, I've wrote an small extension to put some
> weather forecasts in the agenda.
> It can be found here[1]. I've blogged about it yesterday, so if you're
> curious you can read the entry[2].
> Happy hacking,
> [1]  http://julien.danjou.info/google-weather-el.html
> [2]  http://julien.danjou.info/blog/


this works very well!  Thanks.

I have one simple question: how can I ask it to give me temperatures
in degrees C?

Thanks again,
Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-10 Thread Ian Barton
On 09/09/10 19:18, Ian Barton wrote:
>>> "Simon" == Simon Guest  writes:
>>  Simon>  I downloaded google-weather-el-236b269, and stuck
>>  Simon>  %%(org-google-weather) at the top of one of my org files,
>> but
>>  Simon>  when building the agenda, Emacs complains [...]
>> I had the same trouble at first. Fixed by making sure
>> that
>> %%(org-google-weather)
>> isn't literally "at the top" of a .org file.
>> I'm a newbie for org-mode, but it seems that entry needs to be below
>> at least one "*"; the following works, e.g.
>> (top of file)
>> %---
>> * Weather
>> #+CATEGORY: Weather
>> %%(org-google-weather "Boston" "en-us")
>> -gm
> I am also getting the sexp error. This is what I ave in my org file:
> * Weather.
> #+CATEGORY: London
> %%(org-google-weather "London" "en-gb")
> I have tried several other locations with the same result. Any
> suggestions on how to get more debugging info?
Sorted now. It was something to do with the order that things were
listed in my .emacs. Thanks for this great addition to org!


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class

2010-09-10 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Wed, 08 Sep 2010 23:26:15 +0200, Sébastien Vauban 


> The subject of your letter seems right: tangling is broken; at least
> on my PC.  So I don't understand why it works for you...

Just to add a data point: this works for me with 

: Org-mode version 7.01trans (release_7.01h.493.gece2)
: GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.0) of 2010-08-14 on 
raven, modified by Debian

Time to learn isodoc as it looks very useful indeed!

Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Get weekly agenda for the current file only, NOT from the agenda list

2010-09-10 Thread Manish
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:13 PM, James Harkins wrote:
> (Yay! I get to subscribe to yet another mailing list for [probably] a simple
> question.)
> (Yay! http://orgmode.org/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org is broken for me - 404
> error.)

Eh?  Wheres is that supposed to point?

> OK... I'm falling in love with org-mode but I would like to run C-c a a and
> have it make an agenda for only the current buffer. One of the files I use
> routinely is on removable storage and I don't want to add it to the agenda
> list.
> I looked at the FAQ - no answer. Documentation on custom agenda commands is
> too dense for me to parse through just now (I'm under some tight deadlines).

http://orgmode.org/org.html#Agenda-files has some more details
regarding restricted agenda, just in case..

and this great tutorial at
is a better place to get started with custom agenda commands than the

-- manish

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Adding entries to Google calendar

2010-09-10 Thread Eric S Fraga
On 9 Sep 2010 10:56:56 +0200, "Sven Bretfeld"  wrote:
> Hi Matt
> Matt Price  writes:
> > Sven says something about using org-remember to do the same work --
> > it's not clear to me whether you have that working, Sven.  In any case
> > would it be difficult to use org-capture instead of the diary?  That
> > would certainly be better for my workflow, since i'm not in my
> > calendar view very often (htough i suppose if i'm making an
> > appointment maybe i ought to be. 
> No, I don't. It is indeed possible to add an advice to
> org-remember-finalize and I think this could be the right point to start
> from. 

that would seem appropriate but, as you say:

> But we have to find a way to parse the data from the
> remember-buffer. Eric's approach is different, because he uses variables
> that do only occur when using the "agenda to diary" method.

Yes, I used the diary approach because the data I needed were readily

>  However, I
> fear that my abilities are to weak for that. I cannot really read and
> understand complex Lisp packages like org-remember.el or org-capture.el.

and I'm in the same boat, although slowly getting better (but gaining
further expertise in emacs lisp is unfortunately low on my todo list
due to work... sigh).

The key to the code is indeed getting the data needed in the right
form because the google command line tool does the rest...
Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Adding entries to Google calendar

2010-09-10 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Thu, 09 Sep 2010 10:25:31 +0100, Stephen Eglen  


> I was keen to see if I could upload my 'org.ics' file generated by org
> mode using 'C-c C-e c' to google.  So effectively I just use google to
> be a read-only version of my agenda.  That doesn't seem to be possible
> either from what I read, but I thought I saw it was on a list of future
> projects.
> Stephen


I haven't found a way to "push" an ics file to google; however, you
can tell google calendar to add a calendar that is based on a specific
url pointing to an ics file and google will periodically load that
file and update the calendar.  The problem with this is that, although
it works just fine, the url must be generally accessible (no
authentication support).  Of course, you can obfuscate the path to the
file so that it won't be found easily but this is only security by
hiding...  It's also not clear how often or when google checks that
file although it appears, from my limited testing, to be at least once
a day but not much more often than that.
Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Adding entries to Google calendar

2010-09-10 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Wed, 8 Sep 2010 18:23:45 -0400, Matt Price  wrote:


> for a real two-way sync to work with this method, I think we need access to
> uid's of google calendar events.  If I read the documentation properly, the
> underlying gdata-python library doesn't support uid queries.  So I filed an
> enhancement bug:
> http://code.google.com/p/gdata-python-client/issues/detail?id=444&q=uid
> maybe someone with a better coding sense can improve it; in any case, we can
> all follow its progress at that url.

Thanks for this.

I have starred this issue and I would recommend others do so in case
Google pays attention to how many people would find this useful.
Eric S Fraga
GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Get weekly agenda for the current file only, NOT from the agenda list

2010-09-10 Thread Sébastien Vauban
Hi James,

James Harkins wrote:
> (Yay! I get to subscribe to yet another mailing list for [probably] a simple
> question.)
> (Yay! http://orgmode.org/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org is broken for me - 404
> error.)
> OK... I'm falling in love with org-mode but I would like to run C-c a a and
> have it make an agenda for only the current buffer.

Instead of =C-c a a=, use =C-c a < a=. The =<= restricts the agenda to the
current buffer.

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Get weekly agenda for the current file only, NOT from the agenda list

2010-09-10 Thread Manish
Have you tried "C-c a < a"?

-- Manish

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 1:13 PM, James Harkins  wrote:
> (Yay! I get to subscribe to yet another mailing list for [probably] a simple
> question.)
> (Yay! http://orgmode.org/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org is broken for me - 404
> error.)
> OK... I'm falling in love with org-mode but I would like to run C-c a a and
> have it make an agenda for only the current buffer. One of the files I use
> routinely is on removable storage and I don't want to add it to the agenda
> list.
> I looked at the FAQ - no answer. Documentation on custom agenda commands is
> too dense for me to parse through just now (I'm under some tight deadlines).
> Hoping there's a quick, easy way to do it.
> Thanks!
> James
> --
> James Harkins /// dewdrop world
> jamshar...@dewdrop-world.net
> http://www.dewdrop-world.net
> "Come said the Muse,
> Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
> Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman
> blog: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/words
> audio clips: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/audio
> more audio: http://soundcloud.com/dewdrop_world/tracks
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode

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Re: [Orgmode] Get weekly agenda for the current file only, NOT from the agenda list

2010-09-10 Thread Carsten Dominik
On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 9:43 AM, James Harkins  wrote:
> (Yay! I get to subscribe to yet another mailing list for [probably] a simple
> question.)
> (Yay! http://orgmode.org/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org is broken for me - 404
> error.)
> OK... I'm falling in love with org-mode but I would like to run C-c a a and
> have it make an agenda for only the current buffer. One of the files I use
> routinely is on removable storage and I don't want to add it to the agenda
> list.
> I looked at the FAQ - no answer. Documentation on custom agenda commands is
> too dense for me to parse through just now (I'm under some tight deadlines).
> Hoping there's a quick, easy way to do it.

If you have a recent version of Org, you can do

C-c a < a

Hope this helps

- Carsten

> Thanks!
> James
> --
> James Harkins /// dewdrop world
> jamshar...@dewdrop-world.net
> http://www.dewdrop-world.net
> "Come said the Muse,
> Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
> Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman
> blog: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/words
> audio clips: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/audio
> more audio: http://soundcloud.com/dewdrop_world/tracks
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode

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[Orgmode] Re: Blogging org entries using google command line.

2010-09-10 Thread Yavuz Arkun
I would like to make one side note:

Before I could use org-googlecl-blog to post successfully, I had to use the
command tool 'google' itself once from the terminal, so that the authorization
step via web browser can be completed. (Otherwise, 'google' starts the web
browser with the authorization page and waits for user to hit return, which
never comes.)

Thanks for the code.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Get weekly agenda for the current file only, NOT from the agenda list

2010-09-10 Thread James Harkins
(Yay! I get to subscribe to yet another mailing list for [probably] a simple

(Yay! http://orgmode.org/emacs-orgmode@gnu.org is broken for me - 404

OK... I'm falling in love with org-mode but I would like to run C-c a a and
have it make an agenda for only the current buffer. One of the files I use
routinely is on removable storage and I don't want to add it to the agenda

I looked at the FAQ - no answer. Documentation on custom agenda commands is
too dense for me to parse through just now (I'm under some tight deadlines).
Hoping there's a quick, easy way to do it.


James Harkins /// dewdrop world

"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal."  -- Whitman

blog: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/words
audio clips: http://www.dewdrop-world.net/audio
more audio: http://soundcloud.com/dewdrop_world/tracks
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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