Re: [O] [OT] A new web browser‽

2016-04-10 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Marcin Borkowski writes:

> Did anyone hear about it?  Any thoughts/experiences?  "Taking notes
> while browsing" seems to be something close to org-capture, no?
> Keyboard-driven might mean either vim-like or emacs-like bindings, or
> (hopefully) configurable ones.  I, for one, would like to try it out,
> though I do not have too high hopes.
> Best,

It looks interesting, but not interesting enough to replace
Icecat/Firefox for me.

What would be interesting enough to replace it for me: getting browser
sandboxing in place.  This is the one thing that makes Chromium more
appealing than Firefox/Icecat right now... but since all we have is
Icecat, that's what I'm using here!

 - Chris

Re: [O] FSF copyright assignment

2016-01-19 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Rasmus writes:

> Arun Isaac  writes:
>> How long does FSF copyright assignment typically take? I sent a request
>> around 2 weeks ago (on December 26), but haven't received a reply yet.
>> Does it usually take this long? Should I resend my copyright
>> assignment request?
> Are you talking about a physical letter or an email requesting to get the
> form?  If the latter, I think you can ping them again.  Though, it was
> just holiday, so they might have a backtrack.
> Rasmus

I believe there is now also a GPG based signature option available in
many cases for copyright assignment.  It may be worth asking about.

Re: [O] Problems with habit graph in the master branch

2015-03-20 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Bernt Hansen writes:

> Hi,
> I tried out the master branch today and the habit graph seems to be
> broken.
> Habits display as normal repeating tasks in commit
> 40f2b88 (Open outer link on nested links, 2014-11-20)
> and work normally in commit
> 7429f35 (Merge branch 'maint', 2014-10-22)
> Sorry I don't have time to track down the problem commit at the moment.
> Regards,
> Bernt

org-habit graph also not rendering here in master.

Re: [O] Turn subscript off by default?

2014-10-22 Thread Christopher Allan Webber

Sebastien Vauban writes:

> Christopher Allan Webber wrote:
>> In more documents than not, it seems I see someone do something like
>>   foo_bar
>> Common, of course, because most orgmode users are programmers.
>> Of course this results in the super awkward rendering of
>> foo(subscripted:bar).
>> I can't remember *ever* making use of subscript in an orgmode document,
>> though I and many others have run into problems with it... why not
>> switch the default for subscript to off?
> Put
>   (setq org-use-sub-superscripts '{})
> in your .emacs file.
> Best regards,
>   Seb

Helpful!  And indeed, I was discussing defaults, since I get a lot of
exports from others who don't know about this variable... maybe this
should be default behavior?

[O] Turn subscript off by default?

2014-10-16 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hello all,

In more documents than not, it seems I see someone do something like


Common, of course, because most orgmode users are programmers.

Of course this results in the super awkward rendering of

I can't remember *ever* making use of subscript in an orgmode document,
though I and many others have run into problems with it... why not
switch the default for subscript to off?

 - Chris

Re: [O] habit-only agenda that doesn't remove tasks when done?

2013-11-21 Thread Christopher Allan Webber writes:

> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Hello,
>> I'd like to have a habit-only agenda view, if possible, that looks a bit
>> like:
>> Morning habits
>> --
>> life:  TODO Shave   [   * *  ** !]  habit::morning:
>> rsi:   TODO morning stretches   [  **   ****   *!]  habit::morning:
>> Night habits
>> life:  TODO Exercise[   * *  ** !]  habit::night:
>> ... and maybe an other category for cathing the rest.
>> I'd also like to have these habits not drop off the agenda view when I
>> move them to DONE if possible.  However, I'm getting the sense that this
>> isn't possible... it seems like the habit system works with
>> agendas-only, and there's no way to say "give me an agenda with only
>> these certain things on it".
> Did you try the following custom command?
>   ("h" "Habits" tags-todo "STYLE=\"habit\""
>((org-agenda-overriding-header "Habits")
> (org-agenda-sorting-strategy
>  '(todo-state-down effort-up category-keep
> Thanks and Regards
> Noorul

Never noticed this reply till now...

Yes, I tried it; unfortunately it does not show the habit graph, that
only displays in the agenda, and the above version uses tags-todo.

I'd like to be able to show habits, *with* the graph though.  The only
way to do that seems to be through the agenda, and the "match"
parameter of agenda custom commands doesn't seem to support the agenda.

I finally figured out a solution:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (defun cwebber/skip-unless-habit ()
"Checks to see if the style at point is \"habit\""
(if (not (equal (org-entry-get (point) "STYLE") "habit"))
; Skip till the next heading
(progn (outline-next-heading) (1- (point)
  (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
'(("h" "Habits"
 ((org-habit-show-all-today t)
  (org-agenda-skip-function 'cwebber/skip-unless-habit)))

This solution works.  It allows me to pull up just the habits, including
those that have already been done today.

There's only one thing left to do that would make it awesome, and that
would be to make it so that the ones that are now already done said DONE
instead of TODO still.

Other than that, this seems to be kinda working-ish.

[O] habit-only agenda that doesn't remove tasks when done?

2013-07-12 Thread Christopher Allan Webber

I'd like to have a habit-only agenda view, if possible, that looks a bit

Morning habits

life:  TODO Shave   [   * *  ** !]  habit::morning:
rsi:   TODO morning stretches   [  **   ****   *!]  habit::morning:

Night habits

life:  TODO Exercise[   * *  ** !]  habit::night:

... and maybe an other category for cathing the rest.

I'd also like to have these habits not drop off the agenda view when I
move them to DONE if possible.  However, I'm getting the sense that this
isn't possible... it seems like the habit system works with
agendas-only, and there's no way to say "give me an agenda with only
these certain things on it".

Or, alternate option: is it possible to highlight a task with a certain
tag with a certain color?  Like, highlight tags with "morning" as blue,
or something?  I've looked at the way org-habit does it, it looks like
I'd have to do something like the following:

 - add a hook to org-agenda-finalize-hook
 - walk through the agenda and highlight the "morning" tasks manually

I could do that.

The reason for this is I have morning-specific tasks, and I always
narrow just to the morning tasks and then ignore the rest of the habits
for the day.  I'd like to get a view where I see both so I don't forget
to do the rest of the habits for the day.  Yes, I know that sounds
strange :)

There probably aren't easy answers to this, but if there are and I've
been missing them, I'd love to know! :)

 - Chris

Re: [O] advice needed: how do you guys sync org files between devices?

2013-07-08 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Ian Barton writes:

> On 01/07/13 13:06, Xebar Saram wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have been using dropbox since i started using orgmode a few weeks ago
>> (yeah im a neewb :)), which kinda works but i find it very annoying as
>> it keeps creating conflicted copies, isnt reliable on my Linux main
>> machine etc etc..
>> I was wondering what you guys do for syncing org files between PC's,
>> Os's, devices (android etc)..
> I used to use Dropbox and git. However, as you have found I often got 
> "Conflicted Files". This is a particular problem if it happens in your 
> .git folder, because it can lead to a corrupt git repo. Even though I 
> have a remote git repo, this still lead to lots of wasted time trying to 
> sort out the mess.
> Recently I have been using BitTorrent Sync from 
> So far this works 
> really well. If you are using Linux you need to do a bit of fiddling to 
> get it to run as your local user, as it doesn't preserve file 
> permissions. So if you are running it as a daemon files at the remote 
> end all get up being owned by root.
> The default is for two way synchronization. However, it's easy to set up 
> one way sync. This is useful for backups. If you accidentally made a 
> change in your backup, you wouldn't want it pushed back to your aster 
> version.
> I also run a cron job on my laptop, which is my main work machine. Every 
> hour this commits my org files to my git repo and pushes the changes to 
> my remote on a different computer.
> Ian.

Have you considered using git-annex with git-annex assistant?  I'm doing
this now... it automatically syncs on each file save.  I also have it
set up so that orgmode files get checked in as if regular git files
rather than moved to the annex like:

# uuid and "version" keys up here
largefiles = largerthan=100kb and not (include=*.org or 
include=*.org_archive or include=*.txt or include=*.tex)

This will thus commit any files < 100kb and orgmode / latex files as
just plain git files instead of moving them to the annex.

I highly, highly recommend this setup.
 - Chris

Re: [O] [PATCH] Respect org-export-babel-evaluate on export

2013-06-03 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Here's such a file.  The exact contents of it don't really matter.

What's significant is you should see a "lol" appear in your *Messages*
buffer... which shouldn't happen when exporting to anything while
  (setq org-export-babel-evaluate nil)

* Statistics

*** Last month's graph

#+name: org-diet-graph-month
#+headers: :var data=org-diet-info()
#+begin_src gnuplot :file /tmp/weight_month.png
  set xdata time
  set ylabel "weight (in pounds)"
  set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
  set term pngcairo font "Sans,10" dashed
  plot data using 1:2 with lines lt 3 title "weight",\
   data using 1:3 with lines lw 3 lt 1 title "average weight"

#+results: org-diet-graph-month

** Support funcs

#+name: org-diet-info
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (message "lol")
  '(("2013-05-17" "216.4" "217.23" "80%")
("2013-05-19" "217.4" "217.03" "80%")
("2013-05-20" "218.0" "217.13" "90%")
("2013-05-21" "218.0" "217.36" "90%")
("2013-05-22" "217.0" "217.24" "90%")
("2013-05-23" "217.0" "217.13" "90%")
("2013-05-24" "217.0" "217.33" "90%")
("2013-05-25" "215.0" "217.09" "90%")
("2013-05-26" "213.8" "216.62" "90%")
("2013-05-27" "216.4" "216.62" "90%")
("2013-05-28" "216.4" "216.60" "100%")
("2013-05-29" "215.8" "216.44" "100%")
("2013-05-30" "215.8" "216.22" "100%")
("2013-06-03" "215.6" "215.54" "70%"))

#+RESULTS: org-diet-info
| 2013-05-17 | 216.4 | 217.23 |  80% |
| 2013-05-19 | 217.4 | 217.03 |  80% |
| 2013-05-20 | 218.0 | 217.13 |  90% |
| 2013-05-21 | 218.0 | 217.36 |  90% |
| 2013-05-22 | 217.0 | 217.24 |  90% |
| 2013-05-23 | 217.0 | 217.13 |  90% |
| 2013-05-24 | 217.0 | 217.33 |  90% |
| 2013-05-25 | 215.0 | 217.09 |  90% |
| 2013-05-26 | 213.8 | 216.62 |  90% |
| 2013-05-27 | 216.4 | 216.62 |  90% |
| 2013-05-28 | 216.4 | 216.60 | 100% |
| 2013-05-29 | 215.8 | 216.44 | 100% |
| 2013-05-30 | 215.8 | 216.22 | 100% |
| 2013-06-03 | 215.6 | 215.54 |  70% |

Eric Schulte writes:

> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Hiya,
>> I was running into troubles where regardless of my setting on
>> org-export-babel-evaluate, it was evaluating babel code anyway.  Here's
>> a patch that seems to fix this.
>> For convenience: I've signed the emacs/orgmode papers already.
> Can you send an minimal example in which evaluation takes place on
> export?
> Thanks,

[O] [PATCH] Respect org-export-babel-evaluate on export

2013-06-02 Thread Christopher Allan Webber

I was running into troubles where regardless of my setting on
org-export-babel-evaluate, it was evaluating babel code anyway.  Here's
a patch that seems to fix this.

For convenience: I've signed the emacs/orgmode papers already.

>From 5f2621aeda0fa1eb1b976ce85bad7006f45921ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christopher Allan Webber 
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 11:16:54 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Respect the "org-export-babel-evaluate" variable while

For some reason, this variable existed, but wasn't being respected on
 lisp/ox.el |3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ox.el b/lisp/ox.el
index 0e32cf3..a1f8058 100644
--- a/lisp/ox.el
+++ b/lisp/ox.el
@@ -2949,7 +2949,8 @@ Return code as a string."
 	 ;; added some new ones.
 	 (org-macro-replace-all org-macro-templates)
-	 (org-export-execute-babel-code)
+	 (if org-export-babel-evaluate
+	 (org-export-execute-babel-code))
 	 ;; Update radio targets since keyword inclusion might have
 	 ;; added some more.

Re: [O] How to set C-o back to open-line?

2013-05-17 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Carsten Dominik writes:

> On 17.5.2013, at 00:38, Christopher Allan Webber  
> wrote:
>> I really hate org-open-line... I can see why people might want it, but
>> it's messed up my workflow.  I'd like to set C-o back.
>> However, I have no idea what org-defkey is doing, but I expected this to
>> work:
>> (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-o") 'open-line)
> This one will work if you do it in org-mode-hook.

Ahah... okay, great, thanks :)

> We could also introduce a variable to turn off the special behavior,
> just like we do for C-a, C-e, and C-k.  This seems to me a better
> option than to introduce additional context dependencies or use
> prefix arguments to influence the behavior.
> - Carsten

I think that would be nice.  We have options for everything else, why
not this? ;)

Thanks for the help, all!

Re: [O] How to set C-o back to open-line?

2013-05-17 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Nicolas Richard writes:

>>   (setq org-open-line 'open-line)
> How could that possibly work ?

It didn't... my bad :)  I had both set that and done a redefinition of
org-open-line to just call open-line like:

(defun org-open-line (n)
  (interactive "*p")
  (open-line n))

Guess which one actually did anything ;)

Re: [O] How to set C-o back to open-line?

2013-05-17 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Andreas Röhler writes:

> Installing this instead should fix it:
> (defun org-open-line (n)
>"Insert a new row in tables, call `open-line' elsewhere.
> With \C-u NUMBER `open-line' is called the common way also in table context"
>(interactive "*P")
>(cond (n
>   (open-line (prefix-numeric-value n)))
>  ((org-at-table-p)
>   (org-table-insert-row))
>  (t (open-line (prefix-numeric-value n)
> Cheers,
> Andreas

Hm, alright.  Sadly there seems to be no way to change the key (very
un-emacs like?)  So if redefining it is the way, I replaced with the
much simpler:

  (setq org-open-line 'open-line)

Much better!  Hopefully no tooling ever makes use of org-open-line,
shooting me in the foot... :)

Re: [O] How to set C-o back to open-line?

2013-05-16 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Suvayu Ali writes:

> Hello Christopher,
> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 05:38:11PM -0500, Christopher Allan Webber wrote:
>> I really hate org-open-line... I can see why people might want it, but
>> it's messed up my workflow.  I'd like to set C-o back.
>> However, I have no idea what org-defkey is doing, but I expected this to
>> work:
>>   (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-o") 'open-line)
>> it isn't working!
>> How to get the standard-ol-open-line behavior back?
> Does using org-defkey instead make it work?

org-defkey doesn't seem to work.

> That said, I'm curious what is so different about org-open-line?  The
> docstring says the following:
>   It is bound to C-o, .
>   (org-open-line N)
>   Insert a new row in tables, call `open-line' elsewhere.
> So unless you are in a table, it should be the same as normal.  Is that
> broken?  Anyway, I never use open-line myself, but I was curious after I
> saw several people mention it on unrelated threads on a few lists.
> Cheers,

Right, exactly.  The way I use org-diet often involves me splitting
apart and rejoining tables and the whole "adding a new line in between"
is part of expected behavior for me.  The new system is driving me crazy!

[O] How to set C-o back to open-line?

2013-05-16 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
I really hate org-open-line... I can see why people might want it, but
it's messed up my workflow.  I'd like to set C-o back.

However, I have no idea what org-defkey is doing, but I expected this to

  (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-o") 'open-line)

it isn't working!

How to get the standard-ol-open-line behavior back?

Re: [O] agenda: personal priority for today

2013-04-21 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Bastien writes:

> Hi Christopher,
> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Just store the property on the item itself
> But this solution is task-based, not agenda-based.
> The "Sorting" property you describe would be useful in one
> agenda and not in one other -- so this does not really fit
> for the OP use-case I guess.

That's true...
I gues it would still be useful for me on my main agenda ;)

Re: [O] New maintainer

2013-04-19 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
You've done great work Bastien!

And I look forward to Batman Returns!

Bastien writes:

> Dear all,
> I'm stepping down as the Org maintainer.
> Carsten accepted to step up, if the community agrees.
> Please raise your thumbs up or your concerns, if any.
> I'm glad I had this opportunity to work as "Robin" and
> I'm even more glad "Batman" may strike back!
> :)

Re: [O] agenda: personal priority for today

2013-04-16 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Bastien writes:

> Hi Christopher,
> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> I wonder if we had a property that was basically sorting on very large
>> numbers?  When you add something to the agenda and there aren't any
>> sorted items, it creates a property with some median-ish very large
>> number.  As you move things up and down on the agenda it sorts in random
>> ranges between the chunks of huge number space per item.  This would be
>> a goofy but workable solution?
> I don't know -- it's hard to make sure we speak about the same things
> when brainstorming like this.  Where would you store the property you
> are talking to (for example)?  Sorry for the non-romantic question :)

Just store the property on the item itself, like:

* My Tasklist

** TODO This task second
   :Sorting:  5029662198291

** TODO This task last
   :Sorting:  4362296268052

* Another tasklist

** TODO This task first
   :Sorting:  6495792999082

in theory, if you have numbers large enough, you should be able to
usually find something that's above or in-between to generate sorting
between things.

So if we wanted to move the last task to the second task, and we're on
our agenda and we see the following tasks:

sometask   Sched.4x:  TODO This task first
sometask   Sched.4x:  TODO This task second
sometask   Sched.4x:  TODO This task last

and we ask to move third up between second and first, it'll just pick a
new random number between that range, like:

random.randrange(5029662198291, 6495792999082)

so if we got 6417343542884 back, we would set that as the sorting
property for the task named "This task last" (which would then no longer
be last, it would be second! ;))

Re: [O] agenda: personal priority for today

2013-04-10 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Bastien writes:

> "John Wiegley"  writes:
>> You'll have to change the positions of the items within the Org file itself.
>> It would be great if there was a single key to do this and then very quickly
>> update the agenda view.
> This is tempting in imagination but I think the real implementation
> would be limited and a bit fragile.
> Limited because you would have to restrict moving around agenda
> entries to Org entries of the same level, and a bit fragile because
> you'll have to 100% that (folded) entries are not corrupted when moved
> around, e.g. from one org agenda file to another.
> So, better to play with something non-interactive and have a property
> for sorting in the agenda only.

I wonder if we had a property that was basically sorting on very large
numbers?  When you add something to the agenda and there aren't any
sorted items, it creates a property with some median-ish very large
number.  As you move things up and down on the agenda it sorts in random
ranges between the chunks of huge number space per item.  This would be
a goofy but workable solution?

Re: [O] converting people to Emacs and org-mode

2013-04-09 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Eric Abrahamsen writes:

> Russell Adams  writes:
>> My experience has been that after watching me manage a project in Org
>> for a few weeks, I have customers beg me to help them install it on
>> their PC. I've had quite a few converts through working together and
>> by example.
> Perhaps the web incarnations of org could help here too. Say the manager
> of a small group project were able to create a web-version of an agenda,
> and project members could filter that by clicking on javascript-enabled
> versions of tags corresponding to their TODOs, and even click the TODOs
> to change state, that could be a nice introduction to project management
> in Org. It might require too much org functionality to be re-written in
> javascript though? Dunno.
> E

I think a web application that allowed for
orgmode-as-a-group-todo-management-system thing would be huge.  It would
require a lot of thinking of how to approach it in a way that would be
nice and make sense.  I'm not really sure what it would look like.  But
hook that up to git and you'd have a really interesting bug tracking

There was that relevant GSoC project, but I'd be interested in this
happening in python or similar.  Now that we have the standard for
orgmode as a file format...

Re: [O] Org as a static site generator

2013-04-06 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Cool, thanks for that info!

Ian Barton writes:

> On Fri, Apr 05, 2013 at 11:02:56AM -0500, Christopher Allan Webber wrote:
>> Ian Barton writes:
>> > On 01/04/13 13:08, Vincent Beffara wrote:
>> >
>> >> Yes, I mean, I know which html you need for that, simply within o-blog 
>> >> you need to manage between relative paths, absolute paths, canonical 
>> >> paths and so on in the template, to match the right section,  - mainly it 
>> >> should be a matter of let-ing the right variable to the right value at 
>> >> the right point in the template and catching it when generating the toc, 
>> >> but I never took the time to get it right ...
>> >>> I've also just found this, which uses Org only as a markup tool and
>> >>> Jekyll to generate the site:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >> I had a look at the too, but it felt just a little bit too convoluted 
>> >> compared to managing everything from Org. Besides, it seems to lose 
>> >> fontification of code snippets and the like?
>> >>
>> >> /v
>> >>
>> > As the original author of that page, I agree that using Jekyll is
>> > convoluted, but it gives you much more control. However I now use
>> > Pelican:
>> >
>> > There are a few reasons for this. Pelican is written in Python, which I
>> > find easier to hack on. It is more flexible than Jekyll, which I found
>> > hard to get to work the way I wanted with categories and tags.
>> >
>> > I wrote a yaml importer for Pelican so I could use my old jekyll posts.
>> > However, Pelican understands Markdown, which I think the new exporter
>> > supports.
>> >
>> > So my work flow now is Emacs-> export as html -> run Jekyll
>> >
>> > Ian.
>> Heya Ian,
>> I've been planning to switch my blog over to pelican.  It's cool to hear
>> you say this.
>> Is there any special elisp you use for the export, including converting
>> things like the title, etc?
>> Thanks!
>>  - Chris
> Hi Chris,
> No, nothing special. I just use org's standard publish functions. However, I 
> publish only the body part of the html and place the yaml tags in the org 
> file. A typical org file for a blog post would look like:
> #+STARTUP: showall indent
> #+STARTUP: hidestars
> #+OPTIONS: H:2 num:nil tags:nil toc:nil timestamps:nil
> ---
> title: My Fire Steel Crumbles to Dust.
> date: 2013-02-17
> tags: [gear]
> category: blog
> ---
> After my walk over Moel Famau and Moel Arthur I was looking forward
> to making a hot drink. My brew kit lives permanently in the boot of
> org pubish then creates a file with a yaml header and html body text. Then I 
> just run Pelican to publish the post. I have written a Pelican yaml reader 
> which converts the yaml files to allow Pelican to process them. I'll document 
> the whole process over the next couple of days and put it on Worg. I keep 
> meaning to contribute my yaml reader back to Pelican, but it's quite specific 
> to publishing org-mode files and not really a general purpose yaml importer.
> --
> Best wishes,
> Ian.

Re: [O] Org as a static site generator

2013-04-05 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Ian Barton writes:

> On 01/04/13 13:08, Vincent Beffara wrote:
>> Yes, I mean, I know which html you need for that, simply within o-blog you 
>> need to manage between relative paths, absolute paths, canonical paths and 
>> so on in the template, to match the right section,  - mainly it should be a 
>> matter of let-ing the right variable to the right value at the right point 
>> in the template and catching it when generating the toc, but I never took 
>> the time to get it right ...
>>> I've also just found this, which uses Org only as a markup tool and
>>> Jekyll to generate the site:
>> I had a look at the too, but it felt just a little bit too convoluted 
>> compared to managing everything from Org. Besides, it seems to lose 
>> fontification of code snippets and the like?
>> /v
> As the original author of that page, I agree that using Jekyll is 
> convoluted, but it gives you much more control. However I now use 
> Pelican:
> There are a few reasons for this. Pelican is written in Python, which I 
> find easier to hack on. It is more flexible than Jekyll, which I found 
> hard to get to work the way I wanted with categories and tags.
> I wrote a yaml importer for Pelican so I could use my old jekyll posts. 
> However, Pelican understands Markdown, which I think the new exporter 
> supports.
> So my work flow now is Emacs-> export as html -> run Jekyll
> Ian.

Heya Ian,

I've been planning to switch my blog over to pelican.  It's cool to hear
you say this.

Is there any special elisp you use for the export, including converting
things like the title, etc?

 - Chris

Re: [O] I have terminated my assignment

2013-04-05 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Vikas Rawal writes:

>> >> You also stated that the main reason for your current behavior
>> >> is to delay Org 8.0, to create chaos and to annoy me.
>> >
>> > Yes.
>> >
>> I would suggest that further emails from Jambunathan be ignored.  The
>> more effort expended "reasoning" with him, the more time wasted by
>> members of the Org-mode community who are valuable contributors.
> +1
> Vikas

Could someone please just ban Jambunathan from the list?
These emails are not productive and are wasting everyone's time.

If Jambunathan wants to discuss policy stuff with the FSF, he can do
that; there's no reason to do it here on-list.  However, what
Jambunathan has said very explicitly is: I want to troll this list and
waste everyone's time.  And he said it very explicitly here:

Jambunathan K writes:
> Someone - it may not be you yourself - from within the community would
> have paid the price for annoying me.  I will try hard to extract a
> price.

Please stop letting him waste our time and community energy.  There's no
reason to keep the troll well fed by allowing him to continue these
emails on-list.

 - Christopher Allan Webber.

Re: [O] Spreadsheet calculations (24.3/8.0-pre)

2013-03-18 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
I've posted here before about it, but it looks like you're trying to do
the same thing as I am; see

Here's an example of an org-diet file entry:

| Food / Exercise| Calories | Quantity | Total |
| thin & crispy flatbread|   16 |2 |32 |
| tbsp neufchatel cheese spread  |   35 |1 |35 |
| tbsp apple butter  |   30 |   .5 |15 |
| tbsp jam   |   50 |   .5 |25 |
| Tea w/ agave & creamer |   40 |1 |40 |
| cedarlane eggplant parmesan|  240 |1 |   240 |
| goldfish cracker   |2 |   20 |40 |
| bequet wrapped caramel |   48 |1 |48 |
| Beverage w/ sugar in the raw & creamer |   40 |1 |40 |
| pecan half |   10 |3 |30 |
| orange |   62 |1 |62 |
| presliced aged swiss cheese|   70 |1 |70 |
| starbucks tall latte low fat milk  |  109 |1 |   109 |
| 1 pkt sugar in the raw |   20 |1 |20 |
| amy's cheese lasagna   |  380 |1 |   380 |
| baby carrot|4 |3 |12 |
| cup low fat cottage cheese |  180 |   .5 |90 |
| tofutti cutie  |  130 |1 |   130 |
| Total  |  |  |  1418 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$2*$3;%.0f::$LR4=vsum(@2$4..@-I$4)

That's not answering your question but might be useful given the type of
things you appear to be entering :)

Oliver Večerník writes:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to do some simple calculations, but the results are plain
> wrong.  I started the minimal example with `emacs -Q -l minimal.emacs
> org/'.  My Emacs is 24.3 with Org-mode version 8.0-pre
> (release_8.0-pre-116-g65cde8 @ /home/ov/p/org-mode/lisp/):
> #+TITLE: Nutrition Facts
> #+CONSTANTS: b=100 j=4.182
> #+TBLNAME: nf
> | Product   |   kJ | kcal |
> |---+--+--|
> | Bread | 1372 |  328 |
> | Butter| 3054 |  730 |
> | Marmalade |  926 |  221 |
> #+TBLFM: $3=$2/$j;%.0f
> Here are some calculations per portion (plain wrong):
> | Product   |g |   kJ | kcal |
> |---+--+--+--|
> | Bread | 50.6 |  658 |  157 |
> | Butter| 11.5 |  150 |   36 |
> | Marmalade | 19.7 |  256 |   61 |
> |---+--+--+--|
> |   |  | 1064 |  254 |
> #+TBLFM: $3='(* $2 (/ (org-lookup-first $1 '(remote(nf,@I$1..@II$1)) 
> '(remote(nf,@I$2..@II$2))) 100));N%.0f::$4=$3/$j;%.0f::@>$3..$4=vsum(@I..II)
> Expected:
> | Product   |g |   kJ | kcal |
> |---+--+--+--|
> | Bread | 50.6 |  694 |  166 |
> | Butter| 11.5 |  351 |   84 |
> | Marmalade | 19.7 |  182 |   44 |
> |---+--+--+--|
> |   |  | 1227 |  294 |
> #+TBLFM: $4=$3/$j;%.0f::@>$3..$4=vsum(@I..II)
> Using the constant b is also totally wrong:
> | Product   |g | kJ | kcal |
> |---+--++--|
> | Bread | 50.6 |  0 |0 |
> | Butter| 11.5 |  0 |0 |
> | Marmalade | 19.7 |  0 |0 |
> |---+--++--|
> |   |  |  0 |0 |
> #+TBLFM: $3='(* $2 (/ (org-lookup-first $1 '(remote(nf,@I$1..@II$1)) 
> '(remote(nf,@I$2..@II$2))) $b));N%.0f::$4=$3/$j;%.0f::@>$3..$4=vsum(@I..II)
> These results are achieved using `C-c C-c' on the first column of the
> format line.  If I use `C-u C-c C-c' in the tabel I get different
> results *every* time.  E.g. pressing `C-u C-c C-c' three times on the
> `B' of `Bread':
> | Product   |g | kJ |  kcal |
> |---+--++---|
> | Bread | 50.6 |  32606 |  7784 |
> | Butter| 11.5 |  59888 | 14297 |
> | Marmalade | 19.7 | 110192 | 26306 |
> |---+--++---|
> |   |  | 202686 | 48387 |
> #+TBLFM: $3='(* $2 (/ (org-lookup-first $1 '(remote(nf,@I$1..@II$1)) 
> '(remote(nf,@I$2..@II$2))) 100));N%.0f::$4=$3/$j;%.0f::@>$3..$4=vsum(@I..II)
> If I go to the end of the format line and press `C-c C-c' I get totally
> different results as at the beginning:
> | Product   |g | 1064 |  254 |
> |---+--+--+--|
> | Bread | 50.6 | 1064 |  254 |
> | Butter| 11.5 | 1470 |  351 |
> | Marmalade | 19.7 | 2790 |  666 |
> |---+--+--+--|
> |   |  | 5324 | 1271 |
> #+TBLFM: $3='(* $2 (/ (org-lookup-first $1 '(remote(nf,@I$1..@II$1)) 
> '(remote(nf,@I$2..@II$2))) 100));N%.0f::$4=$3/$j;%.0f::@>$3..$4=vsum(@I..II)
> If I use `M-x org-table-recalculate-buffer-tables' even the headl

Re: [O] emacs export org-mode to wiki: especially for the org-mode tables

2013-03-11 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
I think the old org wiki exporters were pre the new exporter?  I could
be wrong.

Would be nice to see a new mediawiki exporter to be written for the new
exporter code!

filebat Mark writes:

> hi all
> I badly need the feature of exporting org-mode to wiki(like mediawiki).
> After google for a while, I found some links but they don't work for me.
> Do you guys have any suggestion for this? If no option, I may use lisp
> to implement them by myself.

Re: [O] Org and Habits

2013-01-17 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
The right way to be using org-habits is not to have tasks that are being
marked as done... they are meant to be repeating tasks.  See:

  [[info:org#Repeated tasks]]

in the orgmode manual to set these up.

J. David Boyd writes:

> I think these are working, but how do I tell for certain.
> If I am in the file with the habit, and I changed it from TODO to DONE,
> it stays DONE, and I get an entry in PROPERTIES about 'last repeat',
> yeah, seems to be fine.
> But if I mark it DONE in the agenda, it stays DONE, I think.  I was
> interrupted halfway through, and am not certain what I did.
> Should it work the same from the agenda that it does from the file?   I
> mean, I don't expect to see it say DONE, I expect it to disappear.
> What should I see?

Re: [O] org-gnome-calendar

2012-12-06 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
OH MY GOODNESS, this is VERY exciting to me!

Do you have any screenshots of this in action?  I've been thinking of
similar things for some time!

Lluís Vilanova writes:

> It's just barely working and quite slow, but here's an initial tentative on a
> package to get the agenda in Org mode to show up in GNOME's calendar:
> Lluis

Re: [O] [OT] ELNODE is soon to be released as version 1.0

2012-08-14 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
>> Is elnode a Free Software - AGPL?

If elnode is under GPLv3 or later, it's still free software.

> I was looking for a license but it seems to have it under COPYING.
> Anyways, should it be AGPL?

I'm a big fan of the AGPL... my own personal project uses it... but I
might be somewhat cautious about releasing a web framework under that
library.  There's a huge scope of things you may be unintentionally be
forcing people to share (such as passwords, etc) especially since
configuration is done in lisp.  I think complying with the distribution
requirements of the AGPL may be hard for a lot of elnode projects in
ways that are not intended without carefully crafted exceptions.  I
think AGPL makes a lot of sense for web applications, but I'd be
cautious about using it for libraries as such.

But that's just my two cents and I know not all AGPL supporters would
agree with me on this.

Re: [O] [GSoC] Org-sync v0.2

2012-08-13 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Aurélien Aptel writes:

> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 7:34 PM, Christopher Allan Webber
>  wrote:
>> This is *very* exciting.  I'm definitely interested in using this for
>> MediaGoblin if I can.
> Thanks. I've just looked at MediaGoblin but I don't think it fits what
> Org-sync was designed for, which is sync with bugtrackers or anything
> equivalent i.e. a list of something with an open/closed state with at
> least a title and a unique id.

Just to be clear: by this I meant I'm the lead developer of MediaGoblin
and I meant I wanted to use it to help me keep track of MediaGoblin's
bugtracker stuff, not that I wanted to use it for interacting with
MediaGoblin the application. :)

>>  - I'd like to pull down the description and keep the TODO states in
>>sync, but I'm not sure I want editing local descriptions to affect
>>the description remotely.  In fact I'm pretty sure I don't want to do
>>that!  I'd just like the initial state then be able to munge it
>>however.  Is that possible?
> That's possible and should be easy to implement, I'll see.

That would be really great!  Let me know if you make progress on that.

Re: [O] [GSoC] Org-sync v0.2

2012-08-12 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hey Aurélien,

This is *very* exciting.  I'm definitely interested in using this for
MediaGoblin if I can.

Several thoughts after watching the video:

 - I tend to take notes and local subtasks on bugs.  Is there any way to
   do that?
 - Does org-sync also pull down comments?
 - I'd like to pull down the description and keep the TODO states in
   sync, but I'm not sure I want editing local descriptions to affect
   the description remotely.  In fact I'm pretty sure I don't want to do
   that!  I'd just like the initial state then be able to munge it
   however.  Is that possible?
 - I'd really like to write a trac backend!

Aurélien Aptel writes:

> Hi all,
> I'm releasing a new version of Org-sync, the tool to sync Org
> documents with external bugtrackers/TODO-list system.
> There are functional (although not complete) backends for:
> - Github
> - Bitbucket
> - Redmine
> And I'm currently working on Remember the Milk.
> I've updated the installation procedure in the tutorial. It should be
> easier now if it was bothering you before.
> I've also made a short (~4mn) demo video covering the Bitbucket
> backend and conflicts. On a side note, making this video was a painful
> experience and I now realize the lack of good stable and free(dom)
> video editing software on Linux.
> Demo:
> Tutorial: 
> Webpage: 

[O] Conditionally archiving to subtree or archive file (depending on parent ARCHIVE property)

2012-06-25 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hi all,

I've written a snippet of elisp which I'm finding very helpful.  I've
replaced the archive keybinding with it.  Basically, I found that when I
had something like this:

  * Task tree
:ARCHIVE: %s_archive::* Task tree

  ** TODO Some task
  *** TODO Some subtask
  *** DONE Another subtask
  ** DONE This is done

... on something like "This is done", I'd want that whole tree moved to
the archive file.  On something like "some task", if I eventually
finished the whole tree, I wanted it moved to the archive file, but if I
had subtasks within that subtree, I might want to move them out of the
way, but not have them disappear from the bigger subtask... that would
be confusing!  So I wanted them to move to the archive subtree so I
could clean up that bigger TODO structure, like so:

  * Task tree
:ARCHIVE: %s_archive::* Task tree

  ** TODO Some task
  *** TODO Some subtask
  *** Archive   :ARCHIVE:
   DONE Another subtask

But I wanted this logic to happen automatically.  So I wrote some
trivial elisp to do this.  Maybe someone else will find it helpful?

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

(defun org-archive-subtree-depending-on-property ()
  "Conditionally archive the subtree to a file or archive sibling
If the parent subtree has an ARCHIVE property, archive to a file.
Otherwise, archive to an archive sibling.
  (let* ((current-level (org-current-level))
  (if current-level
(org-entry-get (point) "ARCHIVE")
 ; If there is no current level, do nothing
 ((not current-level) nil)
 ; If we're at the first level, subtree archive it
 ((or (eq current-level 1)
  (not parent-archive-property))
  (let ((org-archive-default-command 'org-archive-to-archive-sibling))
 ; Otherwise, archive to a file
   (let ((org-archive-default-command 'org-archive-subtree))

Re: [O] Org Mode TOOD two way sync tool

2012-06-25 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Christopher Allan Webber  writes:

> Ah, I've stopped using that theme!  But it was a small extension to
> color-theme-snow.  Here it is. :)

FYI, the theme I use now is naquadah-theme, which I *highly* recommend.;a=summary

Re: [O] Org Mode TOOD two way sync tool

2012-06-25 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Sriram Karra  writes:

> On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 10:37 PM, Christopher Allan Webber 
>  wrote:
> Hey Aurélien,
> This is great.  I formerly worked on something similar:
>  Nice color-theme, there. If you use color-theme.el, can you share it?
> Otherwise, what's your config?
> -Karra

Ah, I've stopped using that theme!  But it was a small extension to
color-theme-snow.  Here it is. :)

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

(defun color-theme-snow-better ()
  "Because `color-theme-snow' is so awesome, except for when it isn't."
  (let ((color-theme-is-cumulative t))
   ((background-color . "snow2")
(background-mode . light)
(border-color . "black")
(cursor-color . "cadet blue")
(foreground-color . "black")
(mouse-color . "black"))
   (emacs-wiki-link-face ((t (:bold t :underline "BlueViolet" :foreground 
   (muse-link-face ((t (:bold t :underline "BlueViolet" :foreground 
   (info-xref ((t (:bold t :foreground "BlueViolet"
   (region ((t (:background "light steel blue"
   (cursor ((t (:background "cadet blue"
   (fringe ((t (:background "white"
   (planner-high-priority-task-face ((t (:foreground "red"
   (planner-medium-priority-task-face ((t (:foreground "green"
   (planner-low-priority-task-face ((t (:foreground "blue"
   (planner-canceled-task-face ((t (:foreground "gray" :strike-through t
   (org-todo ((t (:foreground "red2" :bold t
   (org-done ((t (:foreground "SpringGreen3" :bold t
   (org-special-keyword ((t (:foreground "sienna"
   (org-column ((t (:background "gray85"
   (erc-input-face ((t (:foreground "brown"
   (erc-notice-face ((t (:foreground "SlateBlue" :bold t
   (erc-current-nick-face ((t (:foreground "DarkTurquoise" :bold t
   (erc-prompt-face ((t (:foreground "Black" :bold t :background 
   (planner-note-headline-face ((t (:bold t :foreground "azure3"

Re: [O] Org Mode TOOD two way sync tool

2012-06-24 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hey Aurélien,

This is great.  I formerly worked on something similar:

However... my solution was pretty hacky.

I'd be interested to see if you come up with a generic solution that
could have mapppings for multiple bugtrackers, and that could sync with
bugtracking states so if the bug gets closed, the TODO does also, or at
least that it warns as such, etc.

Aurélien Aptel  writes:

> Hi,
> I'm working on a bugtracker sync tool for org-mode [1]. I'm using
> org-element to parse org files, it does everything I need.
> It turns this
> * TODO blah <2012-06-25>
> :foo: bar
> :END:
> Foo bar
> into this:
> (org-data nil
>   (headline
>(:raw-value "blah <2012-06-25>" :title
>("blah "
> (timestamp
>  (:type active :value "<2012-06-25>")))
>:level 1
>:todo-keyword "TODO"
>:todo-type todo
>:timestamp "2012-06-25"
>:foo "bar" :category "???")
> ()
> (property-drawer
>  (:properties (("foo" . "bar"
> (paragraph
>  ()
>  "Foo bar"
> I've removed irrelevant stuff for the example but you can get get the
> start/end point of each element from this structure.
> Just call org-element-parse-buffer.
> 1:

Re: [O] Why doesn't this calc org-babel code work?

2012-05-24 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
I guess what I'm saying is that assignment would be really nice.
However, I'm now seeing that this would take a lot of work.

What I'd really like to do is something like the following:

# Total BS financial projection, don't read into this at all
#+BEGIN_SRC calc
derp_expenses := 1234
derp_income := 4315

monthly_balance := derp_income - derp_expenses
monthly_balance =>
monthly_balance * 12 =>

: monthly_balance => 3081
: monthly_balance * 12 => 36972

I guess I could use calc embedded mode, but I haven't figured out how to
do that yet. ;)

 - Chris

Christopher Allan Webber  writes:

> I see now.
> #+BEGIN_SRC calc :var foo=5
> foo + 5 =>
> : 5 + 5 => 10
> However, this isn't as useful as I'd like.  I'd really like to be able
> to see it say "foo + 5 =>" in the output.  That's clearer which line is
> being referred to...
> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Hey all...
>> I have:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC calc
>> foo := 5
>> foo + 5 =>
>> #+END_SRC
>> : foo + 5 => foo + 5
>> What I'd like, obviously, is for it to result in:
>> : foo + 5 => 10
>> I guess I really don't understand how calc support works in org-babel.
>> Could someone enlighten me?

Re: [O] Why doesn't this calc org-babel code work?

2012-05-24 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
I see now.

#+BEGIN_SRC calc :var foo=5
foo + 5 =>

: 5 + 5 => 10

However, this isn't as useful as I'd like.  I'd really like to be able
to see it say "foo + 5 =>" in the output.  That's clearer which line is
being referred to...

Christopher Allan Webber  writes:

> Hey all...
> I have:
> #+BEGIN_SRC calc
> foo := 5
> foo + 5 =>
> : foo + 5 => foo + 5
> What I'd like, obviously, is for it to result in:
> : foo + 5 => 10
> I guess I really don't understand how calc support works in org-babel.
> Could someone enlighten me?

[O] Why doesn't this calc org-babel code work?

2012-05-24 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hey all...

I have:

#+BEGIN_SRC calc
foo := 5
foo + 5 =>

: foo + 5 => foo + 5

What I'd like, obviously, is for it to result in:

: foo + 5 => 10

I guess I really don't understand how calc support works in org-babel.
Could someone enlighten me?

[O] Conditionally archiving to an archive file or archive tree?

2011-11-10 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hiya all,

Is there an easy way to conditionally archive to an archive file or
archive tree?  I guess I should write my own tool but often times there
are builtin things and I end up rewriting tools without knowing it, so
querying on that before I go ahead and write something.  (Might also be
good to know if this is a need of other people than just me.)

Basically, imagine an orgmode file of the following structure:

#+begin_src org

* No archive file tree
** TODO Some task!  Should archive to sub-tree
** TODO Some task!  Should archive to sub-tree also!

* Archive things in here to an archive file
  :ARCHIVE: %s_archive::* Somethingorother

** TODO Archive me to an archive file!
** TODO Also archive me to an archive file!
*** TODO However not subtasks!
*** DONE archiving this subtask should move to an archive subtree
*** Archive:ARCHIVE:
 DONE See, like so

Is there a nice builtin way to do this, or should I write it myself?
Also, if I should write it myself, would anyone else find this
functionality useful?  Personally, I think this is a good way of doing
things to keep files from getting full of cruft but also allowing big
projects full of subtrees to stay coherent as you move things out of the

 - Chris

Re: [O] notify, when something to do

2011-10-24 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hey Peter,

I also do appointments with orgmode.. I have it hooked up so that it
sends me messages via XMPP/Jabber.  Possibly useful to you: (Peter Münster) writes:

> Hello,
> I would like to be notified[1], when a todo item enters the warning
> period, scheduled time, or deadline.
> I can imagine writing a function, that executes every 5 minutes, that
> scans all agenda files calling `org-get-[scheduled,deadline]-time', but
> I hope, that there is already something, that I can use more easily.
> TIA for any help,
> Peter
> Footnotes: 
> [1]  For notifying, I'll use an external program, for example
> "notify-send", because the emacs window is not always visible.

Re: [O] Calendar-like view of the org-agenda

2011-07-05 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Also, cfw:open-org-calendar works, but things seem really slow... it
looks like you're recalculating the entire orgmode agenda for every day.
I wonder if things could be sped up if the orgmode agenda was calculated
for the entire period all at once and then broke that up into days?

SAKURAI Masashi  writes:

> Michael Markert> writes:
>> On 4 Jul 2011, Kan-Ru Chen wrote:
>> > Michael Markert> writes:
>> > :
>> > I just find this emacs-calfw project today.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > It looks very interesting and supports org!
>> Indeed. Not quite what I was looking for but interesting nonetheless.
>> What I miss:
>> - It lacks some org support (e.g. org-contacts anniversaries -- they
>>   look horrible)
>> - a week view
>> - a time grid
> Just yesterday in JST, I released calfw v1.0.
> I will write and append the documents.
> In the latest version (v1.0), this program can display
> the 1, 2 week view and daily view. Key bindings are following:
> - M Monthly view
> - W 1 week view
> - T 2 week view
> - D Daily view
> And, pushing SPC key, a daily view is displayed, like the Quicklook in Mac.
> The handling of the time grid is a new task.
> Because the calfw is designed with focusing on the replacement of the 
> calendar.el, I should consider the extending schedule data.
> I have not used orgmode so far, so I'm not good at the schedule management in 
> the orgmode. Comments and patches are welcome.
> --
> SAKURAI Masashi

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Re: [O] Calendar-like view of the org-agenda

2011-07-05 Thread Christopher Allan Webber

I'm very excited about this project!  However it doesn't seem to work?

Calling M-x cfw:open-calendar-buffer results in:
  let: Symbol's function definition is void: cfw:create-calendar-buffer

It seems that this function isn't defined anywhere?

I'm running off of git master.

SAKURAI Masashi  writes:

> Michael Markert> writes:
>> On 4 Jul 2011, Kan-Ru Chen wrote:
>> > Michael Markert> writes:
>> > :
>> > I just find this emacs-calfw project today.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > It looks very interesting and supports org!
>> Indeed. Not quite what I was looking for but interesting nonetheless.
>> What I miss:
>> - It lacks some org support (e.g. org-contacts anniversaries -- they
>>   look horrible)
>> - a week view
>> - a time grid
> Just yesterday in JST, I released calfw v1.0.
> I will write and append the documents.
> In the latest version (v1.0), this program can display
> the 1, 2 week view and daily view. Key bindings are following:
> - M Monthly view
> - W 1 week view
> - T 2 week view
> - D Daily view
> And, pushing SPC key, a daily view is displayed, like the Quicklook in Mac.
> The handling of the time grid is a new task.
> Because the calfw is designed with focusing on the replacement of the 
> calendar.el, I should consider the extending schedule data.
> I have not used orgmode so far, so I'm not good at the schedule management in 
> the orgmode. Comments and patches are welcome.
> --
> SAKURAI Masashi

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Re: [O] particular capture method for a diet .. ?

2011-04-23 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Stinky Wizzleteet  writes:

> I cap the caloric deficit at a 500 kcal deficit per day, because for me 
> and my genetic background of overweight family this is probably
> not a diet but a lifestyle and I understood that at higher deficits ones
> metabolism is trying to adapt, trying to defeat the dieting
> purpose. (citation needed) -I cannot provide proof nor reference to this 
> statement-  

I've heard a lot about this, and when I started my diet I was at about
2600 calories on metabolism and set myself to approximately 1250
calories / day.  A bunch of people told me that my body would go into
starvation mode and it would count against me and it simply didn't
happen.  Advice: just don't overworry about it.

I think if you're at approximately 45% of your metabolism or more for
your daily caloric needs, it'll be fine.  I wouldn't recommend anyone
going lower than 1200 calories per day though.

Anyway, I'm at 1300-1600 calories / day now, it's not quite as super
fast of weight loss (about 7 pounds / month, still not bad!), but still
quite a bit of weight loss.  I think if you have a lot of weight to lose
you probably don't need to worry about it too much.

Also note that I barely exercised at all during my diet... when I did
exercise, I lost weight a little bit faster, but I simply don't believe
it's necessary for weight loss.  If you want to do it, great, but it's
simply easier to figure out how to eat the right amount of foods to feel
satisfied while having a serious calorie deficit.

> Your approach is *exactly* what I was meaning to eventually throw together.
> I would love to take a look at your code, as a total noob I may be able
> to hack a workable system for myself -eventually, but help maintaining will be
> possible only on the long term. Once I've mastered lisp and org.
> However, as I am not the only one interested in your system you might
> want to consider dumping it loosely unorganized on github. but mailing
> us a tar package would be cool too.

I've gone and done it.  I haven't finished writing but I've
added a base org-diet file to start with, the capture template in the
orgmode file, etc.

I've even checked in my whole embarassing file for you to see.
You'll notice that a few months into the thing I became a vegetarian,
but that was for ethical, not dietary reasons. :)

Once I am completely not a fat guy, I will upload the final

As for how to find out how many calories things are I usually took three

 - I used the program Food File, to which I made a couple of patches to
   make it run on GNU/Linux... I guess I should make those available
   soon.  It *was* released as free software under the GPL, not sure if
   the version online is still released as such.
 - Reading the back of packages
 - Looking at pre-existing data in my orgmode file.  Usually I'd split
   the file vertically and in one pane have my current daily diet table
   at point, in the other I'd be isearching for things I've already
   eaten... usually while dieting I tend to eat the same types of things
   a lot, but I've collected a vast amount of caloric information in
   there... maybe you can find how to eat a satisfying daily amount of
   calories by looking at some of my example days with successful
   CAL-OUT "clocking"
 - I just googled for things I didn't know.

Hope this is helpful to people!  I'll add more docs later.

(PS: the elisp is hacky, don't say I didn't warn you.)

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Re: [O] particular capture method for a diet .. ?

2011-04-22 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
So I've been meaning to put something up on this in worg for a while.

I've been dieting using orgmode, basic calorie tracking, and something
resembling the ideas out of "The Hacker's Diet" for the last year
(actually 2.5 years with a 1.5 year "break" in which I continued to
weigh in mostly but didn't follow my calorie goals ;)) and have lost >
60 pounds so far (originally was 275, not all that's recorded in my
files during the first few weeks of dieting, anyway at 210 now), going
from morbidly obese to just overweight, and I'm still losing weight
(soon enough, being a fat guy will be far behind me).  Here's the
org-babel generated gnuplot graphs to show it (regenerated and pushed to
my site every morning):

Here's a screenshot:

Roughly in the terrible amount of hacks that compose "org-diet" I've
wrapped together these ideas/tools:
 - calorie tracking
 - recipe calorie calculation
 - weigh-in via org-capture
 - calorie "clocking" (clock out at the end of the day to verify you've
   got accurate numbers for that day)
 - habit tracking of whether you've met your calorie goals
 - weight graphing with 10 day moving averaging to remove some of the
   "noise" from a daily weigh in/out
 - bmi calculation
 - a really shitty calories-per-day-to-lose-to-meet-your-goals estimator

It's really nothing complex, and mostly it's not software, just a
methedology with a *slight* amount of poorly written software in elisp
and org-babel, but the system works great.

I planned after meeting my diet goals (hitting normal weight) that I'd
release the whole thing (including my present diet file for reference)
under GPLv3, document it in worg, and put my own diet file out there
under CC0, but maybe I should do it sooner... problem is I don't have
time presently while trying to work on on
weekends to make a "proper" release, but I could at least bundle
together everything you need to have a full system using my hacks for
now if you want, with really terrible but usable documentation, without
taking up too much time. :)

Interested?  I could probably throw together a terrible tarball this
weekend if you want to use it and post it to the list.

One thing that's clear from the diet I've collected: whenever I've
followed the system, without fail, I've lost weight.  When I've deviated
I've stayed level or I've gained weight (the no-movement middle of the
diet graph I linked to).  Follow the system, use habit tracking and
stuff, stick to your calorie goals (I shoot for a lower occasional-goal
of 1300 calories and an absolute minimum goal of 1600 calories), and it
*fucking works* without any support of the bullshit diet industry.

I've heard a few people saying they have interest in the stuff I have so
maybe I should just do that crappy release for now; better than nothing?

Hopefully being useful while making embarassing admissions about my
 - cwebb

Stinky Wizzleteet  writes:

> Hi all,
> I am too fat.
> And I found in the past that the best way for me to loose weight is to
> log my eating habit every day and make sure that I eat between 1800 and
> 2200 kcal/day, no more, but also not less.
> I want to figure out a way how to create a custom capture template to
> keep track of my daily intake.
> The result should be a diary-style org file were every day would be
> filled with a table that features an updated total and an item list:
> TOTAL:  1965 kcal
> |apple  |   80|
> |orange |   65|
> |energy drink   |   300|
> ... etc
> (gnus: y u no tables ?)   
> capturing would consist of two entries, item and specific caloric
> value, and these values would be inserted into a table that would
> automagically update its daily total.
> Every day a new table should be started.
> Is this possible ? And how ?
> Pointers, tips and snippets are greatly appreciated.
> Best,
> wzzl

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Re: [O] [ANN] neo - No Emacs Org in Python

2011-04-19 Thread Christopher Allan Webber

Neat!  Only browsed it briefly but looks like it has some cool ideas :)q

One comment: it seems strange that the package name is neo and
yet I'm "import org"'ing.  Maybe the namespace should be neoorg?

A nice start!  Look forward to seeing more!

Olivier Schwander  writes:

> Dear Org users,
> I am pleased to do the first announce of neo, which stands for "No Emacs
> Org". The goal of this project is to provide a full implementation of
> Org usable in Python.
> Current features 
> ~
>   - Org file parser
>   - Agenda builder
>   - Todo-list builder
>   - Custom todo keywords
>   - Command line interface for agenda and todo-lists
> Limitations 
>   - Read-only (no org file modifications support)
>   - No drawers parsing
>   - No exporters
>   - No formaters parsing (like ==, //, ** and so on, it will wait for 
> exporters)
>   - No filtering support
> Roadmap 
>   - Filtering based on tags
>   - Write support for changing todo keywords
>   - Capture action in the cli
>   - Exporter for HTML
> Ideas of possible applications 
> ~~~
>   - Command line interface
>   - Web applications (for GTD like, or even a wiki)
>   - Batch export on a server without emacs
>   - Integration with others tools (like vim)
>   - Qt/Gtk user interface
> This is not a release (I need to do more tests, and add some
> documentation), but more a request for comments, ideas or possible
> improvement. You can fetch the sources with
>   darcs get
> and have a look at the repository on
> The package can be installed with the usual Python tools (python
> build/install). Then launch the command 'neo' to see the help (or
> simply launch neo in the sources directory).
> Cheers,
> Olivier

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Re: [O] Occurance property, or some similar name?

2011-04-13 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Michael Brand  writes:

> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 16:43, Christopher Allan Webber
> Are your concerns concrete?
> I have thought about and tested this already before: The three example
> items above show up in the agenda, and are still correct even after
> changing with `S->'. So this "newer/future" Org file format works even
> with the "older/today" Org software. This is because the Org software
> of today flexibly binds the special property TIMESTAMP per item to the
> first active timestamp (i. e. "<>", not "[]") that is not prefixed
> with `SCHEDULED: ' or `DEADLINE: '. This binding is the reason why I
> would stick to the name TIMESTAMP when it comes to possibly new
> features that should write this special property keyword explicitly
> for this kind of timestamp. The sibling (not `C-c .') of `C-c
> C-s'/`C-c C-d' that you suggested originally would be such a feature.
> Michael

That's interesting, and no, my concerns weren't concrete.  I just tried
inserting the timestamp property via C-c C-x p and saw that it error'ed,
and wondered if there were further blocks around orgmode's system than
just the property insertion tools.

The bottom line.

Re: [O] Occurance property, or some similar name?

2011-04-13 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Michael Brand  writes:

> Yes, I suggest to remove this limitation and would prefer TIMESTAMP
> much over OCCURANCE, APPOINTMENT (not every occurrance is an
> appointment) or any other name to avoid a second name for the same
> behavior of the existing special property TIMESTAMP and to avoid
> confusions/collisions at other places like e. g. selecting a property
> for a column view. In the sense of special properties I also suggest
> to allow different formats:
> * _appointment_ that _occurs_ at bike shop (keyword inside drawer)
>  :TIMESTAMP: <2011-04-12 Tue 19:00>
>  :END:
> * _appointment_ that _occurs_ at bike shop (keyword outside drawer)
>  :TIMESTAMP: <2011-04-12 Tue 19:00>
> * _appointment_ that _occurs_ at bike shop (keyword-less, at least for
> backward compatibility)
>   <2011-04-12 Tue 19:00>

Interesting, I like that style.  My main concern is that newer orgmode
files written in this form might break in older versions of orgmode.

The bottom line.

Re: [O] Occurance property, or some similar name?

2011-04-13 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Michael Brand  writes:

> The name could be critical. To avoid any confusions/collisions I would
> recommend to use just that name TIMESTAMP for easy get/set access:
> * _appointment_ that _occurs_ at bike shop
>   :TIMESTAMP: <2011-04-12 Tue 19:00>
>   :END:

Maybe you're already aware, but since TIMESTAMP is a "special property"
it currently isn't legal to use it as a property.  But maybe you're
suggesting changing that?

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Re: [O] Occurance property, or some similar name?

2011-04-13 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Matt Lundin  writes:

> O.K. I wasn't clear what you meant by property in the original post.
> What about :APPOINTMENT:? 

"Appointment" makes a lot of sense.  +1.  Better than "occurance" I
think. :)

The bottom line.

Re: [O] Occurance property, or some similar name?

2011-04-12 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Matt Lundin  writes:

> There is a special property name for active timestamps: TIMESTAMP. You
> can access the first active timestamp in an entry (either with column
> view or org-entry-get) via the special property TIMESTAMP. Inactive
> timestamps = TIMESTAMP_IA.

Hm, that's interesting.  But I'm not talking about a way to access it
via elisp, I'm talking about a place to actually put it in say, the
property drawer.  Say:

** Pick up bike from the shop
   :OCCURANCE: <2011-04-12 Tue 19:00>


It's nice to know there's a meta-property for TIMESTAMP, but I'm
specifically looking for a nice place to put that timestamp away.  This
is for cleanliness / easy get-set purposes.

>>  - Maybe if we formalize this property, we should make a command for it?
>>Maybe C-c C-S-o?
> There is currently a command to change plain active timestamps from the
> agenda. (In fact, this will also change SCHEDULED and DEADLINE
> timestamps when on a SCHEDULED or DEADLINE line.)
> org-agenda-date-prompt (>)
> AFAIK, there is no similar built-in function to call on headlines in org
> files. One can, however, navigate to the timestamp and use the
> Shift-arrow keys or C-c . to change the appointment.

That's useful, and would change this property even if I put it in such a
drawer... provided that property already existed.  But what if I want to
insert something on a currently un-OCCURANCE'd (or whatever) thing?  I
don't want it to go on the headline, that looks gross.

>>  - It would be nice to formalize this so we could actually steer people
>>in the right direction in the docs.
> What would you suggest adding to the following pages?
> (info "(org) Creating timestamps")
> (info "(org) Special properties")

That's entirely dependent on if we can suggest a property for this
behavior.  It doesn't have to be mandatory.

I'm partly trying to see if other people want this as much as I do.
Surely I'm not the only one who finds putting active timestamps on the
headline or scattered just anywhere in the entry kind of gross?

I do appreciate your useful reply, though!

 - Chris

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Re: [O] Occurance property, or some similar name?

2011-04-12 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
theo  writes:

> Hello,
> On 12/04/2011 00:42, Christopher Allan Webber wrote:
>> I was once one of the many people who apparently originally
>> misunderstood what "SCHEDULED" meant, and used to set it to like, an
>> appointment time.
> That's what I do.
> Maybe I lack background, but why do you think it's not appropriate for
> this use?

So when it comes to TODO like things, SCHEDULED is when you should start
working on it, DEADLINE is when it's due.

One side effect of doing it "wrong" is that non-TODO items that are
SCHEDULED stay on your agenda forever (or until archived, and still
forever with archive view on), which is nasty.

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

[O] Occurance property, or some similar name?

2011-04-11 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
I was once one of the many people who apparently originally
misunderstood what "SCHEDULED" meant, and used to set it to like, an
appointment time.

It seems the appropriate thing for what I actually meant was to just
put a timestamp anywhere in the entry and that works out well.  A lot of
people put it on the header apparently, and that seems insane to me.

I kind of miss how nice it was back when I misunderstood how events work
(escept for all of those non-TODOs staying around forever on my
agenda..) where I had a dedicated property for this, and pressing
C-c C-s would always change that property.

What I'm saying I guess is:
 - Is there a popular property name for when something should be
   happening, in a non-TODO way?  I've thought of "OCCURANCE" but maybe
   that isn't the best (I suspect not)
 - Maybe if we formalize this property, we should make a command for it?
   Maybe C-c C-S-o?
 - It would be nice to formalize this so we could actually steer people
   in the right direction in the docs.

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

[O] [BUG] Markup such as *emphasis* in HTML exported links contain tags like [7.5 (release_7.5.34.g6a369)]

2011-04-06 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
An html export of:

I am [[][so *ERRATICALLY* /excited/ about this *LINK*]]

Results in:

excited about this LINK

Whereas it *should* result in:

I am";>so ERRATICALLY excited
about this LINK

Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.1)
 of 2011-03-18 on grumps
Package: Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.34.g6a369)
𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Re: [O] T-shirt idea

2011-03-25 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
I do think they are both very cute :)

Jason Dunsmore  writes:

> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> What about mom's orgmode file?
> Good point.  Here's one for the Moms:

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Re: [O] T-shirt idea

2011-03-25 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
What about mom's orgmode file?

Jason Dunsmore  writes:

> T-shirt idea for babies/little kids:

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Re: [Orgmode] Capture while Buffer is narrowed to subtree

2011-02-18 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hello Memnon!

I've definitely been experiencing this problem as well.  It's a frequent
annoyance.  It keeps breaking the flow of my orgmode files, since I
narrow to subree all the time, and capture all the time. :(

I don't think this is an intended feature, though I wonder if it's
fixable?  I hope so... I haven't had the chance to investigate the code
(and my fsf papers still haven't arrived so I couldn't fix it even if I
knew how).

Memnon Anon  writes:

> Hi,
> I've been working on a large subtree of my main orgfile while it was
> narrowed [C-x n s]. While doing so, I wanted to capture some information
> which usually ends up under "* Inbox" at the bottom of that file. This
> time, the information ended up in the narrowed buffer with a new "*
> Inbox" added. I only noticed after a while that my captured TODOs were
> not where I expected them to be.
> I know why this is happening (I guess :) but I was wondering if this was
> intended behaviour. If so, maybe a footnote should be added to the
> manual that hints at possible side effects of `C-x n s'?
> Memnon
> capture template
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (setq 
>'(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline "~/life/" "Inbox") "* TODO 
> %?\n  %U\n  %i\n  %a")
>   ("o" "Someday" entry (file+headline "~/life/" "Inbox") "* 
> SOMEDAY %?\n  %U\n  %i\n  %a")
>   ("a" "Appointment" entry (file+headline "~/life/" "Inbox") 
> "* APPT %?\n  %^T\n  %U\n  %i\n  %a")
>   ("b" "Bookmark" entry (file+headline "~/life/" "Inbox") "* 
> %a %?\n  %u")
>   ...))
> #+end_src
> Org-mode version 7.4
> GNU Emacs 23.2.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.20.0) of 2010-12-11 on 
> raven, modified by Debian
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Nice python listings colors, or solution to beamer + minted brokenness?

2011-02-14 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Dan, all this information is super helpful.  Thanks!  My presentation is
going to look great now, I think!

I really appreciate your help!
 - cwebb

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Nice python listings colors, or solution to beamer + minted brokenness?

2011-02-14 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Dan Davison  writes:

> Hi Christopher,
> I believe I have just fixed the problem with minted and beamer. Please
> pull latex org from git and restart emacs, or
> (setq org-beamer-fragile-re "^[ 
> \t]*begin{\\(verbatim\\|lstlisting\\|minted\\)}")
> Personally I think that minted will be preferable to listings for your
> application.
> Dan


It works!  That looks *fantastic.*  Thank you *so* much! :D :D :D

 - cwebb

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Nice python listings colors, or solution to beamer + minted brokenness?

2011-02-13 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hi Chris,

That'll work well enough for now I think.  Thanks much for the response!

Chris Malone  writes:

> Also, it's not an elegant or automated solution, but check out Section
> 2.8: Emphasize Identifiers in the listings manual.? You could
> basically add something like
> emph={ReferenceDeskPanel}, emphstyle=\color{blue}
> to your =lstset= to get that particular class to have a blue font.?
> You could add such a line for /every/ class you have by putting in the
> optional  argument as described in the manual.? I don't
> know how one could do this for every word that follows the Python
> =class= directive, as the =lstset= /key-value/ setup doesn't allow for
> such things...
> HTH,
> Chris
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 8:46 PM, Chris Malone  
> wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I doubt this will fix the problem (it is more of a curiosity), but why in 
> your =lstset= do you have the language as "\Python" instead of "Python"?
> Chris
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 7:35 PM, Christopher Allan Webber 
>  wrote:
> Hello all,
> I currently am trying to export something vaguely like this for a
> presentation in beamer:
> #+BEGIN_SRC python :exports code
> class ReferenceDeskPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
>  . .bl_label = 'Reference Desk'
>  . .bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
>  . .bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'
>  . .def draw(self, context):
>  . . . .layout = self.layout
>  . . . .row = layout.row()
>  . . . .row.prop(
>  . . . . . .context.scene, 'refdesk_search',
>  . . . . . .text="", icon='VIEWZOOM')
>  . . . .search_string = context.scene.get('refdesk_search')
> I've tried using listings with:
> #+begin_LaTeX
>  .\definecolor{keywords}{RGB}{255,0,90}
>  .\definecolor{comments}{RGB}{60,179,113}
>  .\lstset{
>  . .language=\Python,
>  . .keywordstyle=\color{keywords},
>  . .commentstyle=\color{comments}emph,
>  . .procnamestyle=\color{blue}\textbf,
>  . .emphstyle=\color{black}\bfseries,
>  . .}
> #+end_LaTeX
> in my document but I can't figure out how to get the class name
> (ReferenceDeskPanel) to be highlighted in any form. ?I've read through
> the listings manual but I can't find any reference on how to do this.
> I also tried using minted, but I'm running into the problem discussed in
> this thread:
> I'm at wit's end... I just want to figure out how to syntax highlight my
> whole python snippet! ?Any examples of good color sets in listings to
> use would be *greatly* appreciated! ?Or a solution to that minted +
> beamer problem! ?Either one!
> Super, ultra thanks in advance,
> ?- cwebb
> --
> ??? ? ??
> ___
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[Orgmode] Nice python listings colors, or solution to beamer + minted brokenness?

2011-02-13 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hello all,

I currently am trying to export something vaguely like this for a
presentation in beamer:

#+BEGIN_SRC python :exports code
class ReferenceDeskPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = 'Reference Desk'
bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'
bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'

def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout

row = layout.row()
context.scene, 'refdesk_search',
text="", icon='VIEWZOOM')

search_string = context.scene.get('refdesk_search')

I've tried using listings with:


in my document but I can't figure out how to get the class name
(ReferenceDeskPanel) to be highlighted in any form.  I've read through
the listings manual but I can't find any reference on how to do this.

I also tried using minted, but I'm running into the problem discussed in
this thread:

I'm at wit's end... I just want to figure out how to syntax highlight my
whole python snippet!  Any examples of good color sets in listings to
use would be *greatly* appreciated!  Or a solution to that minted +
beamer problem!  Either one!

Super, ultra thanks in advance,
 - cwebb

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

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Re: [Orgmode] export weekly completed/late items

2011-02-09 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
I do this for generating work reports, but all I do is 

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-log-done 'time)
(setq org-log-state-notes-into-drawer t)

To enable logging (second line is to prevent cluttering things up)

Then in the agenda:

press "v l" to enable logging
press "v a" to enable archived trees
press "b" to go back a week.

It also helps that I have

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
; Start weekly view from present day
(setq org-agenda-start-on-weekday nil)

set so that the agenda starts on the current day.

I usually end up generating reports for the last two weeks... I've
considered looking to see if there's a way to set up agenda commands to
generate a list of the last two weeks' tasks so I didn't have to press
back twice, but I haven't tried yet :)

Does that help?
 - cwebb

Kyle Farrell  writes:

> I'm a bit of a newbie to org-mode, so where should I start to look at
> this?  Is there existing functionality in either org-agenda or
> org-export that would be a good starting point?
> Marcelo de Moraes Serpa wrote:
>> This is a great idea, and one I would use myself. I don't think you
>> could configure the agenda to build something like that though, I'd
>> say we'd need to come up with some custom elisp code or a script that
>> parses the org archive file and does the dirty job.
>> Marcelo.
>> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 2:04 PM, Kyle Farrell  wrote:
>> > I'm trying to create a weekly report of items completed or
>> > outstanding.  I'd like to bucket these by status.  I've got my entries
>> > with a DEADLINE calendar date set.
>> >
>> > For example given the org input:
>> >
>> > * TODO Fix bug for software project X
>> >   DEADLINE: <2011-02-07 Mon>
>> > * DONE Update documentation for feature Y
>> >   DEADLINE: <2011-02-09 Wed>
>> > * DONE Scope out new version of Z
>> >   DEADLINE: <2011-02-09 Wed>
>> > * TODO Code new version of Z
>> >   DEADLINE: <2011-02-17 Thu>
>> >
>> > I'd like to bucketize these based on the current date TODO status.  If
>> > the date is 2/11/2011, based on the deadline and the status I'd like
>> > to see:
>> >
>> >  Missed:
>> >  2011-02-07: Fix bug for software project X
>> >
>> >  Completed:
>> >  2011-02-09: Update documentation for feature Y
>> >  2011-02-09: Scope out new version of Z
>> >
>> >  Coming up:
>> >  2011-02-17: Code new version of Z
>> >
>> >
>> > Am I best using an agenda view to create this?  Or would this be in a
>> > custom exporter?
>> >
>> > thanks!
>> > -Kyle
>> >
>> > ___
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>> >
>> >
>> >
> ___
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Re: [Orgmode] [OT] Taskwarrior, nice GTD-oriented CLI thing

2011-02-07 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
As I understand it, D-bus works on windows, OSX, GNU/Linux.

Why reinvent the wheel?

Marcelo de Moraes Serpa  writes:

> Must be something that is really cross-platform. Don't forget there
> are OSX and Windows users around!
> On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Christopher Allan Webber
>  wrote:
>> Dbus bindings?
>> Torsten Wagner  writes:
>>> Hi Marcelo,
>>> Emacs can run as a dameon and as that you could access it via
>>> emacsclient. What is needed is a nice interface to allow to send
>>> simple requests to insert and fetch data from org-mode. Some of the
>>> org-mode function might do this already, however, I guess a decent
>>> layer which hides the complex org-mode routines and provides simple to
>>> use in- and output functions might be more effective.
>>> Greetings
>>> Totti
>>> ___
>>> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
>>> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
>> --
>> 𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

𝓒𝓱𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓹𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓷 𝓦𝓮𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻

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Re: [Orgmode] [OT] Taskwarrior, nice GTD-oriented CLI thing

2011-02-04 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Dbus bindings?

Torsten Wagner  writes:

> Hi Marcelo,
> Emacs can run as a dameon and as that you could access it via
> emacsclient. What is needed is a nice interface to allow to send
> simple requests to insert and fetch data from org-mode. Some of the
> org-mode function might do this already, however, I guess a decent
> layer which hides the complex org-mode routines and provides simple to
> use in- and output functions might be more effective.
> Greetings
> Totti
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

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Re: [Orgmode] Possible Calc support for Org-Babel?

2011-01-26 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
(failed to wide-reply initially)

I just had use for this for some quick calculations I wanted to add to
one of my files, but...

Any idea why variables inside of parentheses don't work, but variables
outside of them do?

#+BEGIN_SRC calc :var testvar=9000
testvar - 200

: 8800

#+BEGIN_SRC calc :var testvar=9000
(testvar - 200) 800

: 800 testvar - 16

"Eric Schulte"  writes:

> Alright,
> I've just pushed up support for variables.  The following should all
> work as expected (or at least as I would expect them to).  Note that
> most all of these blocks would have an effect on the calc stack.  I
> think the next step would be to allow different sessions to specify
> different stacks.
> ** playing with calc support
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
>   (require 'ob-calc)
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src calc :var some=8
>   some
>   some
>   '*
>   1
>   '+
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> : 65
> #+begin_src calc
>   2*(8+8)
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> : 32
> #+begin_src calc
>   2*e
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> : 5.43656365692
> #+begin_src calc :var something=9
>   2*something
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> : 18
> There are very likely some bugs, and as always I'm eager for a calc
> power user to show me the light of how this support could be make more
> "calc idiomatic".
> Cheers -- Eric
> Eric S Fraga  writes:
>> Forgot to CC the list et al.
>> "Eric Schulte"  writes:
>>> Eric S Fraga  writes:
>> [...]
 I now wonder if it would be worthwhile discussing the choices you have
 made regarding stack versus algebraic evaluation.  I would rather have
 the quote mean an algebraic expression, just from the simple reason that
 these will be longer than stack operations and so the overhead of a
 quote is smaller as a percentage of keystrokes...

>>> Hmm, one point against prefixing the algebraic expressions is that they
>>> would be more likely to be used by themselves in an inline code block.
>> Yes, I guess so.  My initial thoughts were that we have plenty of
>> algebraic languages available already through babel (octave, R, python,
>> ...) so why not support a stack based one more directly.   However, the
>> real benefit of calc is that it is *emacs* and not external!  Algebraic
>> is more natural to most people so making it easy for them to express
>> themselves makes sense.
> ___
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Re: [Orgmode] Org-mode Code Blocks Manuscript: Request For Comments

2010-12-05 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hey Eric!

I've greatly enjoyed reading this paper.

One comment: Figure 1 shows its first src block as type "sh", but it's
clearly C (it's tangling to .c at the very least...)

Again, great and fun article!
 - cwebb

"Eric Schulte"  writes:

> Hi,
> Dan Davison, Tom Dye, Carsten Dominik and myself have been working on a
> paper introducing Org-mode's code block functionality.  We plan to
> submit this paper to the Journal of Statistical Software.  As both
> Org-mode and the code block functionality are largely products of this
> mailing list community, and in the spirit of an open peer review process
> we are releasing the current draft of the paper here to solicit your
> review and comments.
> Both the .org and .pdf formats of the paper are available at the
> following locations.
> Thanks -- Eric
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Babel, Python and UTF-8

2010-12-03 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
(Also worth mentioning that python 3 allows you to use actual unicode
characters inside strings in the file, not \xff chars; not sure if
org-babel needs to change its habits between python2 and python3?)

Vincent Beffara  writes:

>>> #+begin_src python
>>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
>>> s = "é"
>>> #+end_src
>> I'm not sure to understand your problem. In fact, the problem is not
>> about "inserting a prefix to the block", it's about the coding system
>> itself, I guess.
>> Your "é" in your Org buffer, how is it encoded?  Is your Org buffer an
>> UTF-8 one, or a Latin-1?
> Doesn't really matter, in fact ... Whenever a python file contains a
> non-ascii character (utf-8 or latin-1) it insists on finding an
> indication of the encoding within the file. If latin-1, it finds \xe9,
> if utf-8, it finds \xc3, but in both cases it raises this:
> # SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe9' in file /Users/vincent/
> # on line 1, but no encoding declared; see
> # for details
> That's even if the character in question lies within a string. That
> makes a lot of sense in terms of portability, but it makes on-the-fly
> evaluation a bit more complicated.
>> In the second, you want an ISO Latin 1 block of text to be tangled or
>> executed as UTF-8. Is this right?
> No, I want everything in utf-8, there is no converting to do anywhere,
> just telling python that it is utf-8.
>> Isn't such a prefix already available through the "shebang" option:
>> can't it be multiline?  Anyway, I don't think it's the problem here...
> Hmm, didn't know about :shebang, but it seems to be ignored (at least
> for python) because this works without a syntax error:
> #+begin_src python :shebang sldfkj
> return 1
> #+end_src
> Anyway, :prefix cannot hurt I guess ...
> /v
> ___
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Re: [Orgmode] Bastien is going to become the maintainer of Org mode in January

2010-11-15 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
+1.  To say orgmode has changed my life is a tremendous understatement.
It has brought powerful order and sense to a person with a strong case
of ADD and far too many projects.

I tossed some money your way via paypal, but I don't think that can show
my thanks enough.

Thank you, Carsten!

Russell Adams  writes:

> On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 12:51:02PM +0100, Carsten Dominik wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> after 7 years of responsibility for Org-mode, it is time for
>> me to let go and step down as the maintainer of Org-mode.
>> *snip*
>> I hope very much that you will all continue to enjoy a life
>> in plain text :)
>> With kind regards
>> - Carsten
> Carsten,
> Your dedication has been incredible, and I often find myself wishing I
> were half the programmer you are in order to contribute more. I wholly
> respect the amount of time you've invested, and am very grateful for
> the great work you've accomplished!
> Bastien has some big shoes to fill, and I'm confident we'll be in good
> hands.
> Thank you for helping us all embark on a life of plain text!
> --
> Russell
> PGP Key ID: 0x1160DCB3
> Fingerprint:1723 D8CA 4280 1EC9 557F  66E8 1154 E018 1160 DCB3
> ___
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Re: [Orgmode] Bridging bugtrackers and orgmode (CC Labs blogpost)

2010-11-10 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Yes, I've seen org-issues, which is very cool.  It's actually almost the
reverse of what I'm describing (using orgmode to make a bugtracker out
of other data), so in that sense it is related. :)

I'll look at adding it, or a link to the post, to worg somewhere then.

Thanks, and glad you enjoyed the post.

"Eric Schulte"  writes:

> Hi Christopher,
> David Maus is maintaining a page on Worg which tracks Org-mode
> development tasks [1] and maintains links to both messages in this
> mailing list and patches in the Org-mode patchwork server [2].  While
> this solves a slightly different problem than the setup you describe in
> your blog post I think the two are certainly related.
> It would be great to add something to Worg (even if it is just a link to
> your blog post).  I'm not sure where this would best fit into Worg, but
> either an entry into the FAQ page or into the Babel examples page would
> certainly work.
> I really enjoyed your blog post, and I'm always happy to see Babel being
> used successfully.
> Thanks for sharing! -- Eric
> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Hello all,
>> I pushed a blogpost today on how I bridge together our bugtracker at
>> Creative Commons with my own private TODO list in orgmode:
>> I'm curious if other people are doing something different or similar.
>> Also, would this be a good topic for me to add to Worg?
>>  - Christopher Allan Webber
>> ___
>> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
>> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> Footnotes: 
> [1]
> [2]

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[Orgmode] Bridging bugtrackers and orgmode (CC Labs blogpost)

2010-11-10 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hello all,

I pushed a blogpost today on how I bridge together our bugtracker at
Creative Commons with my own private TODO list in orgmode:

I'm curious if other people are doing something different or similar.
Also, would this be a good topic for me to add to Worg?

 - Christopher Allan Webber

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Re: [Orgmode] [BUG] [Babel] Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output

2010-11-09 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
I worry about this a bit because of the possible security issue: the
ability to execute arbitrary code, since the structure that gets
constructed is eval'ed.


#+BEGIN_SRC python
return [['607', 'Show license short name on the deed'],
['255', "'))(message (concat 'hello ' 'world"]]

That constructs a set of listp objects which are evaluated and look

'(("607" "Show license short name on the deed") ("255" ""))
(message (concat "hello " "world"))

It doesn't seem like the second one is being evaluated but it makes me
nervous that it's being passed through eval like this at all.

Christopher Allan Webber  writes:

> It looks like \' and " are not being escaped in
> org-babel-python-table-or-string, which is the problem.
> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Strings with quotes in them aren't having the inner quotes escaped right
>> while read by ob-python in python.  Example:
>> #+BEGIN_SRC python
>> return [['607', 'Show license short name on the deed'],
>> ['255', '"Smart" 404 pages']]
>> #+END_SRC
>> #+results:
>> | 607 | Show license short name on the deed |   |   |
>> | 255 | | Smart | 404 pages |
>> ___
>> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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> ___
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Re: [Orgmode] [BUG] [Babel] Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output

2010-11-09 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
It looks like \' and " are not being escaped in
org-babel-python-table-or-string, which is the problem.

Christopher Allan Webber  writes:

> Strings with quotes in them aren't having the inner quotes escaped right
> while read by ob-python in python.  Example:
> #+BEGIN_SRC python
> return [['607', 'Show license short name on the deed'],
> ['255', '"Smart" 404 pages']]
> #+results:
> | 607 | Show license short name on the deed |   |   |
> | 255 | | Smart | 404 pages |
> ___
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[Orgmode] [BUG] [Babel] Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output

2010-11-09 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Strings with quotes in them aren't having the inner quotes escaped right
while read by ob-python in python.  Example:

#+BEGIN_SRC python
return [['607', 'Show license short name on the deed'],
['255', '"Smart" 404 pages']]

| 607 | Show license short name on the deed |   |   |
| 255 | | Smart | 404 pages |

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Re: [Orgmode] [PATCH] AM/PM support on the agenda timegrid

2010-11-06 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
And I'm indifferent, am/pm works for me :)

Pushed a patch.

Carsten Dominik  writes:

> Hi Christopher,
> can I convince you to use am and pm instead of AM and PM?  The
> capitals hurt my eyes :)
> - Carsten
> On Nov 6, 2010, at 12:45 PM, Christopher Allan Webber wrote:
>> Based on off-list contact, apparently at least one other person is
>> using
>> this, so FYI I pushed another commit which resolves an issue where
>> there
>> was no space between the time and the event.  That's fixed now, things
>> look correct now like:
>> Saturday6 November 2010
>>   8:00AM 
>>  ccommons:9:00AM-11:00AM Some weekend work
>> :work::
>>  10:00AM 
>>  12:00PM 
>>   2:00PM 
>>   4:00PM 
>>   6:00PM 
>>   8:00PM --------
>> If there's any adjustments I would need to make to get this merged
>> into
>> master, let me know.
>> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I get distracted parsing 24-hour-time into 12-hour AM/PM style
>>> time.  So
>>> I added support for AM/PM style time on the agenda timegrid.
>>> git clone git:// -b ampm
>>> (Check out the "ampm" branch.)
>>> Then:
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
>>> (setq org-agenda-timegrid-use-ampm t)
>>> #+END_SRC
>>> Then just reload the agenda and you're good!
>>> ___
>>> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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>> ___
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Re: [Orgmode] [PATCH] AM/PM support on the agenda timegrid

2010-11-06 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Based on off-list contact, apparently at least one other person is using
this, so FYI I pushed another commit which resolves an issue where there
was no space between the time and the event.  That's fixed now, things
look correct now like:

Saturday6 November 2010
  ccommons:9:00AM-11:00AM Some weekend work  :work::

If there's any adjustments I would need to make to get this merged into
master, let me know.

Christopher Allan Webber  writes:

> Hello all,
> I get distracted parsing 24-hour-time into 12-hour AM/PM style time.  So
> I added support for AM/PM style time on the agenda timegrid.
> git clone git:// -b ampm
> (Check out the "ampm" branch.)
> Then:
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (setq org-agenda-timegrid-use-ampm t)
> Then just reload the agenda and you're good!
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] [PATCH] AM/PM support on the agenda timegrid

2010-11-05 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hello all,

I get distracted parsing 24-hour-time into 12-hour AM/PM style time.  So
I added support for AM/PM style time on the agenda timegrid.

git clone git:// -b ampm

(Check out the "ampm" branch.)


#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq org-agenda-timegrid-use-ampm t)

Then just reload the agenda and you're good!

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[Orgmode] [BUG] org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?

2010-11-04 Thread Christopher Allan Webber

In the latest org master, I get this issue:

#+BEGIN_SRC python
return 33

: 33

#+BEGIN_SRC python :session
return 33

: org_babel_python_eoe

Not really sure what's happening, but I'm seeing inside of *Python*:

: >>> return 33
: open('/tmp/babel-283184et/python-28318XQy', 'w').write(str(_))
: 'org_babel_python_eoe'
:   File "", line 1
: SyntaxError: 'return' outside function
: >>> >>> >>> Traceback (most recent call last):
:   File "", line 1, in 
: NameError: name '_' is not defined
: >>> >>> >>> 'org_babel_python_eoe'
: >>> 

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[Orgmode] [BUG] Making *scratch* orgmode results in unfontified code blocks

2010-11-02 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Not sure if I should mark this as a bug or not... could be PEBKAC, but I
can't figure out how to fix it.

I want to use org-mode as my *scratch* buffer, largely because I like
dumping fontified code snippets into it.  However, if I set *scratch* to
org-mode and also set org-src-fontify, etc, well beforehand, it still
doesn't fontify when I put src blocks in later.

To test, put this in your .emacs:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)
(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t)

(setq initial-major-mode 'org-mode)
(with-current-buffer "*scratch*"
  (if (not (eq major-mode initial-major-mode))
  (funcall initial-major-mode)))
(setq initial-scratch-message
  (purecopy "\
# Scratch!
# This buffer is for notes you don't want to save, etc.

then open emacs, switch to *scratch*, try inserting code.

Over here at least, it doesn't seem to fontify.

Running latest master in git.

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: epresent and Org-mode: using Emacs to run presentations of Org-mode docs

2010-10-28 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Scot Becker  writes:

> I once saw a video of someone doing a live presentation on something
> Emacs-y and he did the presentation by typing headlines, lists and
> detail in a clean Emacs buffer as he went along, similar to the way
> that some teachers might write out subject headings or outlines on the
> chalkboard or overhead projector as they lecture.  I liked this a
> lot. As I see it, for less formal presentation situations, it lets you
> annotate and record class discussions discussions.  It also lets the
> talk proceed in a less scripted manner:  you can for example re-work
> the problem on the fly according to the way the group has defined it
> in the moment, not only according to the way you planned it at home.
> But doing it on the fly means that you don't have any of the
> advantages of typical slide-style presentations: an outline to prompt
> you, important figures, tables and visuals already there, links,
> detail, and the rest, pre-assembled.

I usually do something in-between this at my talks: I just have an
orgmode file that I typed up a brief outline of my talk that I plan to
give inside, along with src code snippets, links, whatever.  This often
works well for a highly technical audience I find.

However, yeah, I've also been interested in a less nerdy presentation
route myself... s5?  One of these others?  There seem to be a lot of
good options these days.  :)

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task

2010-09-17 Thread Christopher Allan Webber

Say I have a couple of entries on my agenda:

  life:   Sched.25x:  TODO Places to notify change of address
  ccommons:   Sched.19x:  TODO Public domain mark:work::

My cursor is hovered over the "notify change of address" task.  I then
filter the agenda to the work tab with "/  work ".

Now my cursor is on the "Public domain mark", but if I do any action
it'll act on the (now invisible) change of address task.  If I press
enter, it'll jump to the change of adddress task, if I press t, it'll
change the TODO state, etc.

I've accidentally mis-closed a few tasks this way...

What I'm guessing needs to happen is somehow after the filtering takes
place that point needs to *actually* get moved, which I'm guessing it
doesn't currently?

I'm experiencing this error in git master.  Thanks!
 - Christopher Allan Webber

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Re: [Orgmode] Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-11 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Adding (require 'cl) seems to fix things; patch included.

diff --git a/google-weather.el b/google-weather.el
index d86165d..bc4c7d0 100644
--- a/google-weather.el
+++ b/google-weather.el
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'cl)
 (require 'url)
 (require 'url-cache)
 (require 'xml)

Christopher Allan Webber  writes:

> There have been a number of complaints about missing sexp that seem to
> be unrelated to the "storm" bug.  It seems that if "loop" from the
> cl-macs package is not already loaded a sexp error appears.
> Julien Danjou  writes:
>> Hi folks,
>> If anybody is interested, I've wrote an small extension to put some
>> weather forecasts in the agenda.
>> It can be found here[1]. I've blogged about it yesterday, so if you're
>> curious you can read the entry[2].
>> Happy hacking,
>> [1]
>> [2]
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Agenda and weather forecast

2010-09-11 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
There have been a number of complaints about missing sexp that seem to
be unrelated to the "storm" bug.  It seems that if "loop" from the
cl-macs package is not already loaded a sexp error appears.

Julien Danjou  writes:

> Hi folks,
> If anybody is interested, I've wrote an small extension to put some
> weather forecasts in the agenda.
> It can be found here[1]. I've blogged about it yesterday, so if you're
> curious you can read the entry[2].
> Happy hacking,
> [1]
> [2]

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python

2010-06-28 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Works perfect now... Thanks! :D

"Eric Schulte"  writes:

> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for catching this.  I've just pushed up a patch which should fix
> the issue.
> Best -- Eric
> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Hm.  I've found a bug with this patch:
>> #+begin_src python
>> return [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ["a", "b", "None of the above"], ['1', 2, 3]]
>> #+end_src
>> #+results:
>> | foo | bar | baz|
>> | a   | b   | hline of the above |
>> | 1   | 2   | 3  |
>> This also replaces the word "None" anywhere with hline, even in
>> strings.
>> "Eric Schulte"  writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> OK, I've applied this patch.
>>> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>>>> Eric,
>>>> Looks good to me!  It's abusing the None type's meaning a little, but
>>>> I think it's acceptable enough.  (If you think of hlines as rows that
>>>> are not rows, you can trick yourself into thinking it is perfectly
>>>> pythonic :))
>>> Yea, this semantic mismatch bothered me, however it looks like Python
>>> doesn't have anything like symbols that could be used here, and I guess
>>> there isn't an issue of wanting to preserve "None" for "nil" mapping
>>> because "nil" can be represented with an empty list "[]".
>>> Thanks for bringing this up! -- Eric
>>>>  - cwebb
>>>> "Eric Schulte"  writes:
>>>>> Hi Christopher,
>>>>> I'm certainly no Python expert, but I implemented your idea of
>>>>> converting "hlines" to and from "None"'s (patch below [1]), and it seems
>>>>> to work (under some definition of work).  See the following example with
>>>>> the new behavior.
>>>>> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>>>>> #+tblname: many-cols
>>>>> | a | b | c |
>>>>> |---+---+---|
>>>>> | d | e | f |
>>>>> |---+---+---|
>>>>> | g | h | i |
>>>>> #+source: echo-table
>>>>> #+begin_src python :var tab=many-cols :hlines yes
>>>>>   return tab
>>>>> #+end_src
>>>>> #+results: echo-table
>>>>> | a | b | c |
>>>>> |---+---+---|
>>>>> | d | e | f |
>>>>> |---+---+---|
>>>>> | g | h | i |
>>>>> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
>>>>> Please, Python people, try this out and if you like the behavior then
>>>>> I'll happily apply the patch.
>>>>> Best -- Eric
>>>>> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>>>>>> Hey Eric,
>>>>>> Thanks for the super helpful reply!
>>>>>> Out of curiosity, is it likely that we will ever get hline support in
>>>>>> Python and etc?  I've been pondering how it might be done, and maybe it
>>>>>> could be like this, using a '|-' string instead of a list for the row:
>>>>>> [['a', 'b', 'c'], '|-', ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i']]
>>>>>> Which would produce:
>>>>>> | a | b | c |
>>>>>> |---+---+---|
>>>>>> | d | e | f |
>>>>>> | g | h | i |
>>>>>> Alternately maybe the same thing could be done by abusing None:
>>>>>> [['a', 'b', 'c'], None, ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i']]
>>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>>>  - cwebb
>>>>>> "Eric Schulte"  writes:

Re: [Orgmode] Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python

2010-06-28 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hm.  I've found a bug with this patch:

#+begin_src python
return [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ["a", "b", "None of the above"], ['1', 2, 3]]

| foo | bar | baz|
| a   | b   | hline of the above |
| 1   | 2   | 3  |

This also replaces the word "None" anywhere with hline, even in

"Eric Schulte"  writes:

> Hi,
> OK, I've applied this patch.
> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Eric,
>> Looks good to me!  It's abusing the None type's meaning a little, but
>> I think it's acceptable enough.  (If you think of hlines as rows that
>> are not rows, you can trick yourself into thinking it is perfectly
>> pythonic :))
> Yea, this semantic mismatch bothered me, however it looks like Python
> doesn't have anything like symbols that could be used here, and I guess
> there isn't an issue of wanting to preserve "None" for "nil" mapping
> because "nil" can be represented with an empty list "[]".
> Thanks for bringing this up! -- Eric
>>  - cwebb
>> "Eric Schulte"  writes:
>>> Hi Christopher,
>>> I'm certainly no Python expert, but I implemented your idea of
>>> converting "hlines" to and from "None"'s (patch below [1]), and it seems
>>> to work (under some definition of work).  See the following example with
>>> the new behavior.
>>> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>>> #+tblname: many-cols
>>> | a | b | c |
>>> |---+---+---|
>>> | d | e | f |
>>> |---+---+---|
>>> | g | h | i |
>>> #+source: echo-table
>>> #+begin_src python :var tab=many-cols :hlines yes
>>>   return tab
>>> #+end_src
>>> #+results: echo-table
>>> | a | b | c |
>>> |---+---+---|
>>> | d | e | f |
>>> |---+---+---|
>>> | g | h | i |
>>> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
>>> Please, Python people, try this out and if you like the behavior then
>>> I'll happily apply the patch.
>>> Best -- Eric
>>> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>>>> Hey Eric,
>>>> Thanks for the super helpful reply!
>>>> Out of curiosity, is it likely that we will ever get hline support in
>>>> Python and etc?  I've been pondering how it might be done, and maybe it
>>>> could be like this, using a '|-' string instead of a list for the row:
>>>> [['a', 'b', 'c'], '|-', ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i']]
>>>> Which would produce:
>>>> | a | b | c |
>>>> |---+---+---|
>>>> | d | e | f |
>>>> | g | h | i |
>>>> Alternately maybe the same thing could be done by abusing None:
>>>> [['a', 'b', 'c'], None, ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i']]
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>  - cwebb
>>>> "Eric Schulte"  writes:
>>>>> Hi Christopher,
>>>>> Thanks for pointing this out, this is an error in the documentation,
>>>>> which I will update.  The code you posted should generate the error you
>>>>> have received.
>>>>> Currently the only language which can handle hlines is emacs-lisp, all
>>>>> other languages will result in errors like the one you pasted below.
>>>>> That's not to say that it wouldn't be possible to add hline handling to
>>>>> other languages, or to maybe do something tricky like session-based
>>>>> evaluation in which an `hlines' variable was pre-initialized to some
>>>>> value, but I digress.
>>>>> Note that it *is* possible to have hlines in the output, using colnames,
>>>>> e.g.
>>>>> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>>>>> #+tblname: 

Re: [Orgmode] Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python

2010-06-26 Thread Christopher Allan Webber

Looks good to me!  It's abusing the None type's meaning a little, but
I think it's acceptable enough.  (If you think of hlines as rows that
are not rows, you can trick yourself into thinking it is perfectly
pythonic :))

 - cwebb

"Eric Schulte"  writes:

> Hi Christopher,
> I'm certainly no Python expert, but I implemented your idea of
> converting "hlines" to and from "None"'s (patch below [1]), and it seems
> to work (under some definition of work).  See the following example with
> the new behavior.
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> #+tblname: many-cols
> | a | b | c |
> |---+---+---|
> | d | e | f |
> |---+---+---|
> | g | h | i |
> #+source: echo-table
> #+begin_src python :var tab=many-cols :hlines yes
>   return tab
> #+end_src
> #+results: echo-table
> | a | b | c |
> |---+---+---|
> | d | e | f |
> |---+---+---|
> | g | h | i |
> --8<---cut here---end------->8---
> Please, Python people, try this out and if you like the behavior then
> I'll happily apply the patch.
> Best -- Eric
> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Hey Eric,
>> Thanks for the super helpful reply!
>> Out of curiosity, is it likely that we will ever get hline support in
>> Python and etc?  I've been pondering how it might be done, and maybe it
>> could be like this, using a '|-' string instead of a list for the row:
>> [['a', 'b', 'c'], '|-', ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i']]
>> Which would produce:
>> | a | b | c |
>> |---+---+---|
>> | d | e | f |
>> | g | h | i |
>> Alternately maybe the same thing could be done by abusing None:
>> [['a', 'b', 'c'], None, ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i']]
>> Thoughts?
>>  - cwebb
>> "Eric Schulte"  writes:
>>> Hi Christopher,
>>> Thanks for pointing this out, this is an error in the documentation,
>>> which I will update.  The code you posted should generate the error you
>>> have received.
>>> Currently the only language which can handle hlines is emacs-lisp, all
>>> other languages will result in errors like the one you pasted below.
>>> That's not to say that it wouldn't be possible to add hline handling to
>>> other languages, or to maybe do something tricky like session-based
>>> evaluation in which an `hlines' variable was pre-initialized to some
>>> value, but I digress.
>>> Note that it *is* possible to have hlines in the output, using colnames,
>>> e.g.
>>> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>>> #+tblname: A
>>> | a | b | c |
>>> |---+---+---|
>>> | d | e | f |
>>> | g | h | i |
>>> #+begin_src python :var tab=A :colnames yes
>>> return [[val + '*' for val in row] for row in tab]
>>> #+end_src
>>> #+results:
>>> | a  | b  | c  |
>>> |++|
>>> | d* | e* | f* |
>>> | g* | h* | i* |
>>> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
>>> which works because the hline, and the column names, are never made
>>> available to python, rather Babel holds onto them and then re-applies
>>> them to the source block's output.
>>> or even to have an elisp block add hlines to your results
>>> --8<---cut here---start->8---
>>> #+tblname: many-cols
>>> | a | b | c |
>>> |---+---+---|
>>> | d | e | f |
>>> |---+---+---|
>>> | g | h | i |
>>> #+source: echo-table
>>> #+begin_src python :var tab=many-cols
>>>   return tab
>>> #+end_src
>>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=echo-table
>>>   (butlast (apply #'append (mapcar (lambda (el) (list el 'hline)) table)))
>>> #+end_src
>>> #+results:
>>> | a | b | c |
>>> |---+---+---|
>>> | d | e | f |
>>> |---+---+---|
>>> | g | h | i |
>>> --8<---

Re: [Orgmode] Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python

2010-06-26 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hey Eric,

Thanks for the super helpful reply!

Out of curiosity, is it likely that we will ever get hline support in
Python and etc?  I've been pondering how it might be done, and maybe it
could be like this, using a '|-' string instead of a list for the row:

[['a', 'b', 'c'], '|-', ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i']]

Which would produce:

| a | b | c |
| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |

Alternately maybe the same thing could be done by abusing None:

[['a', 'b', 'c'], None, ['d', 'e', 'f'], ['g', 'h', 'i']]

 - cwebb

"Eric Schulte"  writes:

> Hi Christopher,
> Thanks for pointing this out, this is an error in the documentation,
> which I will update.  The code you posted should generate the error you
> have received.
> Currently the only language which can handle hlines is emacs-lisp, all
> other languages will result in errors like the one you pasted below.
> That's not to say that it wouldn't be possible to add hline handling to
> other languages, or to maybe do something tricky like session-based
> evaluation in which an `hlines' variable was pre-initialized to some
> value, but I digress.
> Note that it *is* possible to have hlines in the output, using colnames,
> e.g.
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> #+tblname: A
> | a | b | c |
> |---+---+---|
> | d | e | f |
> | g | h | i |
> #+begin_src python :var tab=A :colnames yes
> return [[val + '*' for val in row] for row in tab]
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> | a  | b  | c  |
> |++|
> | d* | e* | f* |
> | g* | h* | i* |
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> which works because the hline, and the column names, are never made
> available to python, rather Babel holds onto them and then re-applies
> them to the source block's output.
> or even to have an elisp block add hlines to your results
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> #+tblname: many-cols
> | a | b | c |
> |---+---+---|
> | d | e | f |
> |---+---+---|
> | g | h | i |
> #+source: echo-table
> #+begin_src python :var tab=many-cols
>   return tab
> #+end_src
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=echo-table
>   (butlast (apply #'append (mapcar (lambda (el) (list el 'hline)) table)))
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> | a | b | c |
> |---+---+---|
> | d | e | f |
> |---+---+---|
> | g | h | i |
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> Thanks for pointing this out!
> Best -- Eric
> Christopher Allan Webber  writes:
>> Hello all,
>> I was going through the tutorial and testing the :hlines yes feature as
>> described in the info manual.  Unfortunately, the example given no
>> longer seems to work for python:
>> #+tblname: many-cols
>> | a | b | c |
>> |---+---+---|
>> | d | e | f |
>> |---+---+---|
>> | g | h | i |
>> #+source: echo-table
>> #+begin_src python :var tab=many-cols :hlines yes
>>   return tab
>> #+end_src
>> #+results: echo-table
>> | a | b | c |
>> | d | e | f |
>> | g | h | i |
>> In the buffer *Org-Babel Error Output* I see:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "", line 6, in 
>>   File "", line 3, in main
>> NameError: global name 'hline' is not defined
>> In emacs-lisp this still seems to work though.  But I also see that in
>> emacs lisp hlines are represented by the hline symbol.  I'm guessing
>> that the python equivalent was trying to do the same thing, but no hline
>> variable exists in python?
>> Thanks!
>>  - cwebb
>> ___
>> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
>> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

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[Orgmode] Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python

2010-06-26 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Hello all,

I was going through the tutorial and testing the :hlines yes feature as
described in the info manual.  Unfortunately, the example given no
longer seems to work for python:

#+tblname: many-cols
| a | b | c |
| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |

#+source: echo-table
#+begin_src python :var tab=many-cols :hlines yes
  return tab

#+results: echo-table
| a | b | c |
| d | e | f |
| g | h | i |

In the buffer *Org-Babel Error Output* I see:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 6, in 
  File "", line 3, in main
NameError: global name 'hline' is not defined

In emacs-lisp this still seems to work though.  But I also see that in
emacs lisp hlines are represented by the hline symbol.  I'm guessing
that the python equivalent was trying to do the same thing, but no hline
variable exists in python?

 - cwebb

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Re: [Orgmode] Org-mode and Nokia N900

2010-03-11 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
BTW, as an update to this ood discussion:

You can run emacs, git and orgmode natively on the n900 phone.  In fact,
this is what I do these days (I run emacs in a terminal, so I can use
the escape key that is part of the bottom menu-bar in place of meta).

Emacs + Git + Orgmode + n900 == awesome mobile orgmode (without needing
a special mobile org application)

 - cwebb

Thierry Guillemin  writes:

> Hello
> This question comes after 
> reading
> and before buying a N900...
> Will it be possible to install Org-mode on the N900 (only Emacs available is 
> Qemacs) ?
> Merci d'avance
> T.
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Any idea why the git repo is so huge

2010-02-03 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
Richard Riley  writes:

> I was under the impression that the one thing that git does not
> advertise is space efficiency - it stores total file blobs for each and
> every change. So I think its efficiency is in terms of speed, not in
> terms of disk usage. And to be honest, if you worry about 54M in a
> development scenario then I'd be surprised when you consider how cheap
> disk is these days.

Git does store those as individual files initially, but once you run git
gc it'll compress them and store only the deltas in the pakfiles.

After I run git gc my orgmode .git/ directory is compressed to 44MB.
Not a huge difference, but a difference nonetheless.
 - cwebb

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: Org-mode and Nokia N900

2009-12-11 Thread Christopher Allan Webber
It should be possible to run emacs on Maemo/the n900.  It's a
mostly-normal normal Debian-derived GNU/Linux system.  Emacs was ported
to older versions of Maemo, and while it hasn't been ported yet, most
likely it should be soon.

I've been a bit busy with holiday related stuff, but its on my todo list
to get emacs running on my n900 soon if nobody else does.  I am hoping
to make a d-bus interface from emacs and either bridge orgmode and
maemo's builtin task / calendar system or just make a separate python
scripted UI.

 - cwebb

Óscar Fuentes  writes:

> Thierry Guillemin  writes:
>> Hello
>> This question comes after reading
>> and before buying a N900...
>> Will it be possible to install Org-mode on the N900 (only Emacs available is
>> Qemacs) ?
> It seems that QEmacs has no Emacs Lisp support. Hence org-mode cannot
> run on it.
> You need either Emacs or XEmacs for running org-mode.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Patch to fix bug where remember template dies w/ non-filename buffer name

2009-11-03 Thread Christopher Allan Webber

So I ran into an annoying bug where if you have an orgmode remember
template like:

("Test" ?e "* foo \n %^{Bar}p" "~/org/" "Test")

Currently, if either is not open, or is open but the
buffer is named something else (say,<2>), orgmode will die when
asking for the property (in this case, Bar).

The issue was that in the org-remember-apply-template function, it would
attempt to get the buffer like so:

  (get-buffer (file-name-nondirectory file))

in other words, it would try to get the buffer with the name of
""... no matter what that buffer was, if exists, or if it was
even called that.

I've attached a patch that fixes the problem.

 - Christopher Allan Webber

diff --git a/lisp/org-remember.el b/lisp/org-remember.el
index ae83bec..193eaec 100644
--- a/lisp/org-remember.el
+++ b/lisp/org-remember.el
@@ -586,6 +586,8 @@ to be run from that hook to function properly."
 		  ((prop (org-substring-no-properties prompt))
 		   (pall (concat prop "_ALL"))
+   (file-buffer (or (find-buffer-visiting file)
+(find-file-noselect file)))
 			(or (find-buffer-visiting file) (current-buffer))
@@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ to be run from that hook to function properly."
 			  (cdr (assoc pall org-global-properties))
 			  (cdr (assoc pall org-global-properties-fixed)
 		   (existing (with-current-buffer
- (get-buffer (file-name-nondirectory file))
+ file-buffer
 			   (mapcar 'list (org-property-values prop
 		   (propprompt (concat "Value for " prop ": "))
 		   (val (if allowed
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Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.