Re: org-pop-mode

2020-03-22 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 3/18/20 3:00 AM, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Any feedback?

>From the first glance it does not look too different from inline
headings. Could you highlight the difference?


Oh! And I forgot a crucial feature that org-pop has over inline tasks: 
you can put any amount of org-mode tree-structure inside an org-pop 
digression.  Inline tasks seem to be limited to just body text; you 
can't put sub-headings inside them, etc.  Org-pop digressions can 
contain sub-headings and whatever other structure, even further 
digressions and "pop"s.  So that's something significant that inline 
headings lack.


Re: org-pop-mode

2020-03-18 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 3/18/20 4:24 PM, Adam Porter wrote:

BTW, in the body of your email, the text you write has these two
characters between sentences: "  ".  The second is a plain space, but
the first is a Unicode non-breaking space, or "C-x 8 RET a0".  I noticed
because it's displayed in Emacs as an underline character next to the
plain space.

Huh!  Interesting.  Because I know for a fact that I'm hitting the space 
bar twice and not a NBSP.  (I use and maintain so I can type all kinds of things; 
NBSP is Multi-Key Space Space).  I guess because my mailer has me 
composing things in HTML mode, and I double-space my periods, and it's 
thinking "strings of whitespace are collapsed into a single space in 
HTML!  I'd better do something to make sure those extra spaces, which he 
took so much care to type, aren't lost!" and makes on a NBSP to take up 
extra space.  (There was recently a whole discussion on the Unicode 
mailing list about how 0x00A0 is almost universally used as a 
fixed-width space when the specs say it should be flex-width, sigh.)


Hiding emphasis markers

2020-03-18 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 3/18/20 4:58 AM, Norman Tovey-Walsh wrote:

Mark E. Shoulson  writes:

On 2/19/20 2:39 AM, Bastien wrote:

- org-hide-emphasis-markers => t

Just to note: I've been working on a minor-mode in which the emphasis
markers are "invisible" but not hidden (i.e. they still take up space,


size, so the extra space is not quite as obvious.  Does this sound
interesting to anyone?  Right now the code is kind of a mess, but it
could be refined.

Sounds interesting to me.
All right, then, you asked for it.  It's really very sloppy code right 
now; I'm just playing around to see what works.  Comments are kind of 
stream-of-consciousness, they may be out of date wrt what works and what 
doesn't etc.  But hey, have fun.


Re: Spaces in bare URLs?

2020-03-18 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 3/18/20 5:43 AM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


"Mark E. Shoulson"  writes:

So... what is one supposed to do about spaces in URLs?
When they're in [[link format]], with or without a description, it's no problem, but 
org-mode has a long tradition of support for "bare" URLs too.  We're used to 
being able to type a URL or other link format
and have it work, right?  And that doesn't seem (to me) to be a thing
that we'd want to abandon.

In org-mode 9.1.9, I can type "info:elisp#Syntactic%20Font%20Lock" and it'd 
work.  (Maybe not the greatest example, since %-encoding is seen more with http-based 
URIs, but still).  The
percent-encoding is well-established and reliable

Unfortunately, that wasn't reliable. As it is not idempotent, you can
never know how many times you need to decode an URL before sending it.

Well, any form of escaping is pretty much by definition not idempotent.  
That's the whole point of escaping: you have something you can't say, so 
you make some magical character that changes the meaning of nearby 
characters so you can describe it in characters you can't say.  And the 
price you pay is that now you can no longer say your magical character 
plain, you have to use another form of escaping to express it (usually 
the same form as the others).  It's like how it's impossible to compress 
*every* file to make it smaller and some even have to get bigger.  The 
pigeonhole principle shows _why_ it isn't possible, and escaping shows 
(one way) _how_ it isn't: say you use high-ascii bytes to represent 
common strings or something.  How do you represent them when they're 
really in the text?  You have to escape them... which makes your file 

The thing is URL encoding is not for human consumption, i.e., we
shouldn't have to deal with it.
This is a good point.  While on one hand it makes sense to be able to 
type URLs that have spaces in them without spaces, it is sort of 
ridiculous to expect users feel "natural" about typing "%20" instead.  
(I think this is why the specs say that you can also escape a space by 
using the "+" character, in order to make it easier for this most-common 
of characters... but that weird exception has caused all kinds of 
hassles in code from that day to this; I know from my own experience.)

and you can *count* on it when nothing else works, because you can
always fall back on plain ascii.

Current backslash escaping is also well established, and as much
ASCII-like as anyone would expect.

Really?  As ASCII-like as I could expect?  What if my URL isשלום_עליכם ?  If I am in some backward 
environment (still all too common) where all I can rely on is ASCII, I 
can percent-encode the UTF-8 representation and it will work.  Can we 
count on being able to backslash-quote things clear down to ASCII?  I 
don't see a way in the docs I've seen.

But that won't work in org-mode 9.3.6.  Nor will
"info:elisp#Syntactic Font Lock" or "info:elisp#Syntactic\ Font\ Lock"
or any other variant I've tried, short of putting it inside [[]]s or
<>s (in other words, no longer using a bare URL).

True, but that's a minor annoyance.

You apparently prefer to encode a URL manually, replacing each space
with %20 (and other characters with more baroque escape sequences),
rather than adding <...> (or [[...]]) around it and be done with it.
Perhaps this one was the bad idea, after all?

Yes, using <>s works, as does [[]].  And yes, I do have to concede that 
claiming it should be "natural" for a user to hand-escape things with 
%20s is sort of ridiculous.  Having to reprocess all old org-files for 
such a common notation still seems like more trouble than it was worth, 
but then you didn't ask me (and you were QUITE RIGHT not to do so!)  I 
guess a converter-script should also enclose bare URLs in <>, at least 
if they have spaces or other whitespace.

Still don't know about org-protocol and store-link, because I'm lazy.  
Right now, at least some of the emacsen I'm working with still use 
org-9.1.9, so I haven't converted anything.


Re: org-pop-mode

2020-03-18 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 3/18/20 3:15 PM, Adam Porter wrote:

"Mark E. Shoulson"  writes:

This is something I've wanted for years in org-mode, but which in some
ways could actually be _offensive_ to its ideals.  If you're an
outline purist, look away.


So, I present a pre-alpha version, of
org-pop-mode.  To "pop" back up, create a headline at the level you're
popping back to, and give it a tag of "contd", and the headline text
should not be something important.  Instructions and explanations are
in the comments of the file (the part about installing from MELPA is a
lie, though).

Any feedback?

Hi Mark,

Indeed, this is something that is frequently asked about.  I probably
wouldn't use it myself, but it looks like you've done a good job on it.
Here is some feedback:

1.  I'd suggest a more descriptive name, especially if you plan to
publish it to MELPA.  org-pop doesn't seem to convey anything about what
it does.  :)

Heh; fair enough.  The filename originally was "org-level-end.el", I 
think; I started using the catchier "org-pop" because... well, it was 
catchier.  It made sense in my mind, in the "push"/"pop" sense used with 
stacks in programming, that you "push" to a deeper level and this 
library would allow you to "pop" back up to a higher one.  I'll see if I 
can think of something better, thanks.

2.  In the code, I saw you comment about cl-flet, and I see you using
fset and unwind-protect in the org-pop-with-continuations macro.
Instead, use cl-letf with symbol-function, like:

   (cl-letf* (((symbol-function 'foo)
  ((symbol-function 'bar)
   (lambda ()

See also Nic Ferrier's package, noflet.

I'll take a look, thanks.  It's questionable whether I really should 
even be messing about with that macro anyway.  I must have removed the 
comments, but I had a whole thing there about how I had been trying with 
cl-letf and/or cl-flet and it didn't work. Thing is, cl-flet, according 
to the docs, (info:cl#Function Bindings) is strictly *lexical* binding, 
which is not going to cut it.  cl-letf might be different; the docs are 
different about it, but I am pretty sure I tried it and it didn't work, 
or didn't work "enough of the time."  But maybe I had it wrong, and 
maybe noflet will succeed.



Re: org-pop-mode

2020-03-18 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 3/18/20 3:00 AM, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Any feedback?

>From the first glance it does not look too different from inline
headings. Could you highlight the difference?


Well, it's true there is similarity.  I even found in my notes where I 
noticed inline tasks and their similarity, but all I wrote there was 
"but mine is different," so maybe that isn't so helpful.  I have not 
used inline tasks, and was only barely familiar with them (I did know 
they existed, though), so that is my excuse for having invented my own 

In terms of differences, let's see:

inline tasks are, from a strict outline point-of-view, a zillion levels 
down (approximately), which makes them indent wy over if you're 
using org-indent-mode.  My org-pop is the "normal," expected single 
level down.

inline tasks mark the end of the task with a special header at the same 
level as the task.  Org-pop marks the end of the digression with a 
special header at the same level as the "base" (the surrounding text).  
Your call as to what makes better sense.

inline tasks are well-integrated and worked deep into the innards of 
org-mode, to the point that it seems from looking at code that they 
cause something of a headache to developers with their exceptional 
behavior.  On the plus side, that means that many/most packages will Do 
the Right Thing in the face of inline tasks.  My org-pop is new and 
non-standard, with hacks to make a few key things work right with it, 
but doesn't have the support of... well, anything else.  I'm pretty sure 
exporting works well with inline tasks, but currently org-pop has no 
special tweaks for it (I'm not even sure what they should be).  This is 
a reason to stick with inline tasks.

Both approaches sinfully break the underlying outline-mode structure, 
which explicitly forbids exactly what we're trying to accomplish with 
them.  Inline tasks have (way) more seniority and support and indulgence 
for doing so, though.

I haven't experimented much with inline tasks as regards the two or 
three behaviors that I actually cared enough about to write org-pop; 
have to see if they do something like I would have wanted.




2020-03-17 Thread Mark E. Shoulson
This is something I've wanted for years in org-mode, but which in some 
ways could actually be _offensive_ to its ideals.  If you're an outline 
purist, look away.

It's something we can do with plain lists: work on a list item at level 
X, then make a sublist at level X+1, and then "pop" back up to the same 
list item you had been working on at level X, without needing a new 
header.  You just adjust the indentation.

  + Some stuff at this level.

  + More stuff at this level.

    Might even have multiple paragraphs.

    - a sublevel, for a digression

    And back to the same higher level, even without a new bullet.

I use org-mode to keep daily notes at work, sometimes almost 
stream-of-consciousness, and often wished I could digress and then pop back.

So, I present a pre-alpha version, of 
org-pop-mode.  To "pop" back up, create a headline at the level you're 
popping back to, and give it a tag of "contd", and the headline text 
should not be something important.  Instructions and explanations are in 
the comments of the file (the part about installing from MELPA is a lie, 

Any feedback?


Re: Survey: changing a few default settings for Org 9.4

2020-03-17 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 2/19/20 2:39 AM, Bastien wrote:

- org-hide-emphasis-markers => t

Just to note: I've been working on a minor-mode in which the emphasis 
markers are "invisible" but not hidden (i.e. they still take up space, 
they're just in 'org-hide face or something similar), except when the 
point is closeby, at which point they become visible.  The extra space 
is pretty ugly, I'll grant, but this does avoid the sudden jerks as text 
shifts when characters become visible.  Also, in 
org-variable-pitch-mode, the emphasis markers are also reduced in size, 
so the extra space is not quite as obvious.  Does this sound interesting 
to anyone?  Right now the code is kind of a mess, but it could be refined.


Spaces in bare URLs?

2020-03-17 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

So, in the "new" org-mode, we've done away with standard
  percent-encoding of URLs, in favor of a more... idiosyncratic
  method using backslashes.  So... what is one supposed to do about
  spaces in URLs?  When they're in [[link format]], with or without
  a description, it's no problem, but org-mode has a long tradition
  of support for "bare" URLs too.  We're used to being able to type
  a URL or other link format and have it work, right?  And that
  doesn't seem (to me) to be a thing that we'd want to abandon.

In org-mode 9.1.9, I can type
  "info:elisp#Syntactic%20Font%20Lock" and it'd work.  (Maybe not
  the greatest example, since %-encoding is seen more with
  http-based URIs, but still).  The percent-encoding is
  well-established and reliable, and you can *count* on it when
  nothing else works, because you can always fall back on plain
  ascii.  But that won't work in org-mode 9.3.6.  Nor will
  "info:elisp#Syntactic Font Lock" or "info:elisp#Syntactic\ Font\
  Lock" or any other variant I've tried, short of putting it inside
  [[]]s or <>s (in other words, no longer using a bare URL).

I think dropping percent-escaping of URLs was a bad idea, in
  terms of breaking past usage and lack of consistency with the
  standard used for URLs everywhere else.  But I don't know what
  impelled the decision to drop it, so I might well be missing
  something important.  At any rate, it does leave a hole in what
  org-mode can do, a thing it used to be able to do and can't
  anymore.  Is there a right way to do this?  (without using

I haven't yet looked at how this interacts with org-protocol's
  store-link transaction.



[PATCH] strike-through text in tables

2020-03-10 Thread Mark E. Shoulson
I didn't see a response to this, and I hope it's just because I sent it 
wrongly or something.  If not, is there something amiss with this?

Make a org-mode table.  In one of the cells of the table, have some text 
that is +struck out+.  Note that the struck-out text is default text 
color (black, for me), and not org-table text color (blue, for me). 
It's even worse if you're running org-variable-pitch-mode, because the 
text also won't be set in a fixed-pitch face, and so will screw up the 
alignment of table text.  I found out why.

When org-do-emphasis-faces constructs the new face that it applies to 
the text, it passes the lookup value from the org-emphasis-alist to 
font-lock-prepend-text-property, which makes a list, composing it with 
the existing face.  This would fail for strike-though mode in a table, 
since the org-emphasis-alist lookup would return (:strike-through t), 
resulting in a face of (:strike-through t org-table), which is an 
invalid face, and then emacs has no choice but to render it unfaced.

Attaching a patch for the issue.  Rather than try to figure out how to 
make org-do-emphasis-faces somehow smart enough to deal with this 
situation (I'm not sure it's possible, in general), I took the easy way 
out and defined an org-strike-through face which can be used in 

Humbly submitted for your approval...

From 9a489ddf9d411bfc907a5b765d015e757b0b6903 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Mark E. Shoulson" 
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:03:37 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] org-faces.el: Add org-strike-through face

org-faces.el: Create org-strike-through face.
org.el: Use org-strike-through-face in org-emphasis-alist.
 lisp/org-faces.el | 4 
 lisp/org.el   | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-faces.el b/lisp/org-faces.el
index d78b606ec..107ea9763 100644
--- a/lisp/org-faces.el
+++ b/lisp/org-faces.el
@@ -427,6 +427,10 @@ For source-blocks `org-src-block-faces' takes precedence."
   :group 'org-faces
   :version "22.1")
+(defface org-strike-through '((t (:strike-through t)))
+  "Face for struck-through text."
+  :group 'org-faces)
 (defface org-quote '((t (:inherit org-block)))
   "Face for #+BEGIN_QUOTE ... #+END_QUOTE blocks.
 Active when `org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks' is set."
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 31133c554..8b27e4708 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -3677,7 +3677,7 @@ You need to reload Org or to restart Emacs after setting 
 ("_" underline)
 ("=" org-verbatim verbatim)
 ("~" org-code verbatim)
-("+" (:strike-through t)))
+("+" org-strike-through))
   "Alist of characters and faces to emphasize text.
 Text starting and ending with a special character will be emphasized,
 for example *bold*, _underlined_ and /italic/.  This variable sets the

[PATCH] strike-through text in tables

2020-03-05 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

Make a org-mode table.  In one of the cells of the table, have
  some text that is +struck out+.  Note that the struck-out text is
  default text color (black, for me), and not org-table text color
  (blue, for me).  It's even worse if you're running
  org-variable-pitch-mode, because the text also won't be set in a
  fixed-pitch face, and so will screw up the alignment of table
  text.  I found out why.

When org-do-emphasis-faces constructs the new face that it
  applies to the text, it passes the lookup value from the
  org-emphasis-alist to font-lock-prepend-text-property, which makes
  a list, composing it with the existing face.  This would fail for
  strike-though mode in a table, since the org-emphasis-alist lookup
  would return (:strike-through t), resulting in a face of
  (:strike-through t org-table), which is an invalid face, and then
  emacs has no choice but to render it unfaced.

Attaching a patch for the issue.  Rather than try to figure out
  how to make org-do-emphasis-faces somehow smart enough to deal
  with this situation (I'm not sure it's possible, in general), I
  took the easy way out and defined an org-strike-through face which
  can be used in org-empasis-alist.

Humbly submitted for your approval...



>From 9a489ddf9d411bfc907a5b765d015e757b0b6903 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Mark E. Shoulson" 
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:03:37 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] org-faces.el: Add org-strike-through face

org-faces.el: Create org-strike-through face.
org.el: Use org-strike-through-face in org-emphasis-alist.
 lisp/org-faces.el | 4 
 lisp/org.el   | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-faces.el b/lisp/org-faces.el
index d78b606ec..107ea9763 100644
--- a/lisp/org-faces.el
+++ b/lisp/org-faces.el
@@ -427,6 +427,10 @@ For source-blocks `org-src-block-faces' takes precedence."
   :group 'org-faces
   :version "22.1")
+(defface org-strike-through '((t (:strike-through t)))
+  "Face for struck-through text."
+  :group 'org-faces)
 (defface org-quote '((t (:inherit org-block)))
   "Face for #+BEGIN_QUOTE ... #+END_QUOTE blocks.
 Active when `org-fontify-quote-and-verse-blocks' is set."
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 31133c554..8b27e4708 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -3677,7 +3677,7 @@ You need to reload Org or to restart Emacs after setting this.")
 ("_" underline)
 ("=" org-verbatim verbatim)
 ("~" org-code verbatim)
-("+" (:strike-through t)))
+("+" org-strike-through))
   "Alist of characters and faces to emphasize text.
 Text starting and ending with a special character will be emphasized,
 for example *bold*, _underlined_ and /italic/.  This variable sets the

Bug: org-ellipsis does not work as a local variable [9.3.1 (release_9.3.1-95-gf93020 @ /home/mark/git-repos/org-mode/lisp/)]

2020-01-16 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

The "org-ellipsis" variable is specifically marked as (potentially)
safe local variable, so obviously someone intended for it possibly
to be
used that, and believed that it might be useful to someone as a

However, there is no setup that I can find which makes this work.

:  #  Local Variables:
:  #  org-ellipsis: "XXX"
:  #  End:

at the end of the file, or setting it in the top line, makes no
in the ellipsis, even if you do M-x org-mode again or reload the
(with find-alternate-file).  Indeed, M-x org-mode clears the local
assignment altogether.  Setting it by hand with setq-local doesn't
(it is cleared when you do M-x org-mode again anyway, as mentioned.)

So, is org-ellipsis really not meant ever to be a local variable? 
so, that likely should be documented, and certainly the :safe
on it should be removed, as it strongly implies that using it as a
variable is acceptable and useful.

I ran this with emacs -Q, using using the code from the git
commit f93020d5e6d7594c335cc129ad02c21ac26ed58a (as you can see by
local filepath below.)  I hope I have explained the bug clearly



Emacs  : GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 1, x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, GTK+
Version 3.24.13)
 of 2019-12-10
Package: Org mode version 9.3.1 (release_9.3.1-95-gf93020 @

current state:
 org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer
 org-link-shell-confirm-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
 org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer)
 org-reveal-start-hook '(org-decrypt-entry)
 org-mode-hook '((closure
          (org--rds reftex-docstruct-symbol
           org-element-greater-elements org-clock-history
           org-agenda-current-date org-with-time org-defdecode
           org-read-date-inactive org-ans2 org-ans1
           org-columns-current-fmt-compiled org-clock-current-task
           org-clock-effort org-agenda-skip-function
           org-agenda-skip-comment-trees org-agenda-archives-mode
           org-end-time-was-given org-time-was-given
           org-log-note-extra org-log-note-purpose
           org-log-post-message org-last-inserted-timestamp
           org-state org-agenda-headline-snapshot-before-repeat
           org-agenda-buffer-tmp-name org-priority-regexp
           org-mode-syntax-table buffer-face-mode-face org-tbl-menu
           org-org-menu org-struct-menu org-entities org-last-state
           org-id-track-globally org-clock-start-time texmathp-why
           iswitchb-temp-buflist calc-embedded-open-mode
           calc-embedded-open-formula calc-embedded-close-formula
           align-mode-rules-list org-emphasis-alist
           org-export-registered-backends org-modules
           org-babel-load-languages org-indent-indentation-per-level
           org-element-paragraph-separate ffap-url-regexp
           org-inlinetask-min-level t)
          (add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook)
           (quote org-show-all) (quote append) (quote local))
          (org-src-window-setup *this*
           org-src-preserve-indentation org-src-lang-modes
           org-link-file-path-type org-edit-src-content-indentation
           org-babel-library-of-babel t)
          (add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook)
           (quote org-babel-show-result-all) (quote append)
           (quote local))
         org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
 org-archive-hook '(org-attach-archive-delete-maybe)
 org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
 org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
 org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
 org-bibtex-headline-format-function #[257 "\300\236A\207" [:title]
3 "\n\n(fn ENTRY)"]
 org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
 org-tab-first-hook '(org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe
 org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
 org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide

[O] Org-file "path"-type links

2019-07-25 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

Hey.  New to this list this time around... I've been tinkering
  with a custom link-type and I'm curious if anyone else is at all
  interested in it.

I use org-mode (among other things) to keep a sort of log or
  daily journal at work.  Things are entered in by date: I have "*
  2019" as a top-level head, then "** 2019-07 July" and "***
  2019-07-25 Þursday" (actually not exactly that since I use
  odd-only mode, but not the point), and so forth.  (Note that the
  headlines are *not* date-links; the docs say that's a Bad Thing.) 
  My formatting is pretty free-form beyond that, and I don't always
  remember to sub-head subjects below that, or I use plain lists or
  whatever... also not the point.  What matters is that sometimes I
  *do* make proper sub-headings, and sometimes I may want to link to
  them.  I know I can make a link to [[*Best Firing Ever]] to link
  to a particular headline, but often there are many headlines with
  the same text, like " Weekly Shouting at Boss" or something,
  and [[*Weekly Shouting at Boss]] won't necessarily link to the one
  I want.  I want the one that was under "2019-07-24 Wednesday" for
  this link, and not any other.  I don't know of any way that
  org-mode has to distinguish such things (apart from "name the
  headlines uniquely, moron," which to be sure is one way to do it),
  so I have been making a "path"-type or "tree"-type link.  So I can
  have a hyperlink that links to [[tree:2019*2019-07 July*2019-07-24
  Wednesday*Weekly Shouting at Boss][really told him off this time]]
  and that links to *this* particular headline, following the tree
  down link by link, separated by *'s.  And you can also have a
  filename, of course, like say
  [[tree:/home/me/*Solitaire Games*Best
  One Ever]] or something.

The code at this point works, including the store-link code
  (though adding it in overshadows the default store-link code for
  org-mode, which might be a problem), but it's still just a PoC,
  needs documentation, etc.  And probably a better name; I have
  "tree:" as the keyword but it's probably awful... maybe something
  like "orglink:"?  I know there's already a library by that name.

I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks this is a good idea. 
  Maybe it's just for my unusual way of using org.  There are other
  ways to do this, probably (maybe a "link-store" function that
  stores an ordinary org-mode link *and* also creates a unique
  target at the point?); this is what I did.  If I put this up on
  github or elpa, would anyone else use it?



Re: [O] Smart Quotes Exporting

2012-06-05 Thread Mark E. Shoulson
Update on the smart-quotes patch.  Supports the odt exporter now too, 
which I think covers all the current major "new" exporters for which it 
is relevant (adding smart quotes to ASCII export is a contradiction in 
terms; should it be in the "publish" exporter?  It didn't look like it 
to me).

Added an options keyword, '"' (that is, the double-quote mark) to select 
smart quotes on/off, and a defcustom for customizing your default.  Set 
the default default [sic] to nil, though actually it might be reasonable 
to set it to t.  Slight touch-up to the regexps since last time, but 
they will definitely be subject to a lot of fine-tuning as more special 
cases are found that break them and ways to fix it are found (the 
close-quote still breaks on one of "/a/." or "/a./")

It's pretty good on the whole, though, usually guesses right.  I know 
there's some work being done on the odt exporter; hope this fits in well 
with it.

How does it look to you?


>From e6df2efd1a9ce36964a20fc06aa2a688acd87efb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Shoulson 
Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 23:01:12 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add `smart' quotes for onscreen display and for latex and
 html export

* lisp/org.el: Add `smart' quotes: custom variables to define
  regexps to recognize quotes, to define how and whether to
  display them, and org-fontify-quotes to display `smart-quote'
  characters when activated.

* contrib/lisp/org-export.el: Add function org-export-quotation-marks
  as a utility function usable by individual exporters to apply
  `smart' quotes.  Also add keyword '"' for customizing smart quotes,
  and custom default for it.

* contrib/lisp/org-e-latex.el: Replace org-e-latex-quotes custom with
  org-e-latex-quotes-replacements and make org-e-latex--quotation-marks
  use the org-export-quotation-marks function in org-export.el.

* contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el: Replace org-e-html-quotes custom with
  org-e-html-quotes-replacements and enable org-e-html--quotation-marks,
  using org-export-quotation-marks function in org-export.el.

* contrib/lisp/org-e-odt.el: Replace org-e-odt-quotes custom with
  org-e-odt-quotes-replacements and make org-e-odt--quotation-marks
  use org-export-quotations-marks function in org-export.el.
 contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el  |   57 
 contrib/lisp/org-e-latex.el |   67 ++---
 contrib/lisp/org-e-odt.el   |   68 ++---
 contrib/lisp/org-export.el  |   38 
 lisp/org.el |  101 +++
 5 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el b/contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el
index 4287a59..c49608d 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el
@@ -1043,37 +1043,24 @@ in order to mimic default behaviour:
  Plain text
-(defcustom org-e-html-quotes
-  '(("fr"
- ("\\(\\s-\\|[[(]\\|^\\)\"" . "«~")
- ("\\(\\S-\\)\"" . "~»")
- ("\\(\\s-\\|(\\|^\\)'" . "'"))
- ("\\(\\s-\\|[[(]\\|^\\)\"" . "``")
- ("\\(\\S-\\)\"" . "''")
- ("\\(\\s-\\|(\\|^\\)'" . "`")))
-  "Alist for quotes to use when converting english double-quotes.
-The CAR of each item in this alist is the language code.
-The CDR of each item in this alist is a list of three CONS:
-- the first CONS defines the opening quote;
-- the second CONS defines the closing quote;
-- the last CONS defines single quotes.
-For each item in a CONS, the first string is a regexp
-for allowed characters before/after the quote, the second
-string defines the replacement string for this quote."
+(defcustom org-e-html-smart-quote-replacements
+  '(("fr" "« " " »" "‘" "’" "’")
+("en" "“" "”" "‘" "’" "’")
+("de" "„" "“" "‚" "‘" "’"))
+  "What to export for `smart-quotes'.
+A list of five strings:
+ 1. Open double-quotes
+ 2. Close double-quotes
+ 3. Open single-quote
+ 4. Close single-quote
+ 5. Mid-word apostrophe"
   :group 'org-export-e-html
   :type '(list
-	  (cons :tag "Opening quote"
-		(string :tag "Regexp for char before")
-		(string :tag "Replacement quote "))
-	  (cons :tag "Closing quote"
-		(string :tag "Regexp for char after ")
-		(string :tag "Replacement quote "))
-	  (cons :tag "Single quote"
-		(string :tag "Regexp for char before")
-		(string :tag "Replacement quote "
+	  (string :tag "Open double-quotes"); "“"
+	  (string :tag "Close double-quotes")   ; "”"
+	  (string :tag "Open single-quote") ; "‘"
+	  (string :tag "Close single-quote"); "’"
+	  (string :tag "Mid-word apostrophe"))) ; "’"
@@ -1459,15 +1446,7 @@ This is used to choose a separator for constructs like \\verb."
   "Export quotation marks depending on language conventions.
 TEXT is a string containing quotation marks to be replaced.  INFO
 is a plist used as a communication channel."
-  (mapc (lambda(l)
-	  (let ((start 0))
-	(while (setq start (string-match (car l) text st

Re: [O] Smart Quotes Exporting

2012-06-02 Thread Mark E. Shoulson
All right, preliminary patch is attached, *maybe* good enough for more 
serious consideration now, but might need some fixes. Still only uses 
ordinary regexps and plain-text strings, but can now handle the example 
with formatting-breaks next to quotes. Things have been moved into more 
appropriate locations, made customs, docstrings and types fixed, etc, etc.

It supports onscreen display of "smart" quotes (when enabled); I have 
the quotes displayed in org-document-info face so they are slightly 
distinct, to make it clearer that they are "altered" from what they are 
in the plain text. This may or may not be a popular (or good) idea. I 
have also built it into the new export engine in org-e-latex and 
org-e-html as proofs of concept. I'm not positive the latex one will 
work properly for German, though; there might need to be something 
enabled in LaTeX for it to format ,, into „.

It should probably be set not to smartify quotes onscreen in comments; I 
haven't done that yet.

Comments welcome; I hope I didn't complicate matters in the export 
engines too much.

>From 1bc507cf69c94d5645436abc6e28e7d96999083e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Shoulson 
Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 23:01:12 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add `smart' quotes for onscreen display and for latex and
 html export

* lisp/org.el: Add `smart' quotes: custom variables to define
  regexps to recognize quotes, to define how and whether to
  display them, and org-fontify-quotes to display `smart-quote'
  characters when activated.

* contrib/lisp/org-export.el: Add function org-export-quotation-marks
  as a utility function usable by individual exporters to apply
  `smart' quotes.

* contrib/lisp/org-e-latex.el: Replace org-e-latex-quotes custom with
  org-e-latex-quotes-replacements and make org-e-latex--quotation-marks
  use the org-export-quotation-marks function in org-export.el.

* contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el: Replace org-e-html-quotes custom with
  org-e-html-quotes-replacements and enable org-e-html--quotation-marks,
  using org-export-quotation-marks function in org-export.el.
 contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el  |   57 
 contrib/lisp/org-e-latex.el |   67 ++---
 contrib/lisp/org-export.el  |   26 +++
 lisp/org.el |  101 +++
 4 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el b/contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el
index 53547a0..d4a505e 100644
--- a/contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el
+++ b/contrib/lisp/org-e-html.el
@@ -1077,37 +1077,24 @@ in order to mimic default behaviour:
  Plain text
-(defcustom org-e-html-quotes
-  '(("fr"
- ("\\(\\s-\\|[[(]\\|^\\)\"" . "«~")
- ("\\(\\S-\\)\"" . "~»")
- ("\\(\\s-\\|(\\|^\\)'" . "'"))
- ("\\(\\s-\\|[[(]\\|^\\)\"" . "``")
- ("\\(\\S-\\)\"" . "''")
- ("\\(\\s-\\|(\\|^\\)'" . "`")))
-  "Alist for quotes to use when converting english double-quotes.
-The CAR of each item in this alist is the language code.
-The CDR of each item in this alist is a list of three CONS:
-- the first CONS defines the opening quote;
-- the second CONS defines the closing quote;
-- the last CONS defines single quotes.
-For each item in a CONS, the first string is a regexp
-for allowed characters before/after the quote, the second
-string defines the replacement string for this quote."
+(defcustom org-e-html-smart-quote-replacements
+  '(("fr" "« " " »" "‘" "’" "’")
+("en" "“" "”" "‘" "’" "’")
+("de" "„" "“" "‚" "‘" "’"))
+  "What to export for `smart-quotes'.
+A list of five strings:
+ 1. Open double-quotes
+ 2. Close double-quotes
+ 3. Open single-quote
+ 4. Close single-quote
+ 5. Mid-word apostrophe"
   :group 'org-export-e-html
   :type '(list
-	  (cons :tag "Opening quote"
-		(string :tag "Regexp for char before")
-		(string :tag "Replacement quote "))
-	  (cons :tag "Closing quote"
-		(string :tag "Regexp for char after ")
-		(string :tag "Replacement quote "))
-	  (cons :tag "Single quote"
-		(string :tag "Regexp for char before")
-		(string :tag "Replacement quote "
+	  (string :tag "Open double-quotes"); "“"
+	  (string :tag "Close double-quotes")   ; "”"
+	  (string :tag "Open single-quote") ; "‘"
+	  (string :tag "Close single-quote"); "’"
+	  (string :tag "Mid-word apostrophe"))) ; "’"
@@ -1497,15 +1484,7 @@ This is used to choose a separator for constructs like \\verb."
   "Export quotation marks depending on language conventions.
 TEXT is a string containing quotation marks to be replaced.  INFO
 is a plist used as a communication channel."
-  (mapc (lambda(l)
-	  (let ((start 0))
-	(while (setq start (string-match (car l) text start))
-	  (let ((new-quote (concat (match-string 1 text) (cdr l
-		(setq text (replace-match new-quote  t t text))
-	(cdr (or (assoc (plist-get info :language) org-e-html-quotes)
-		 ;; Falls back on English.
-		 (as

Re: [O] Smart Quotes Exporting

2012-06-01 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 06/01/2012 01:11 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


"Mark E. Shoulson"  writes:

Oh, certainly; they're all a disaster.  I think I said that in the
writeup at the top.  This is just proof of concept, nothing is in the
right place, nothing is properly documented.  They have to be
defcustoms, there needs to be a good :type in the defcustom as well as
a proper docstring.  You'll get no argument from me about the lack (or
inaccuracy) of docstrings and such.  I hadn't gotten that far yet.
I said the patch was only if you wanted to tinker with the development
as this progresses.

No worries, I was just making some comments before forgetting about

Ah, ok.  Good!  Thanks.

+(defun org-e-latex--quotation-marks (text info)
+  (org-export-quotation-marks text info org-e-latex-quote-replacements))
+  ;; (mapc (lambda(l)
+  ;; (let ((start 0))
+  ;;   (while (setq start (string-match (car l) text start))
+  ;; (let ((new-quote (concat (match-string 1 text) (cdr l
+  ;;   (setq text (replace-match new-quote  t t text))
+  ;;   (cdr (or (assoc (plist-get info :language) org-e-latex-quotes)
+  ;;;; Falls back on English.
+  ;;(assoc "en" org-e-latex-quotes
+  ;; text)
Use directly `org-e-latex-quote-replacements' in code then.

Not sure I understand this comment.

Since `org-e-latex--quotation-marks' just calls
`org-export-quotation-marks', you can remove completely the former from
"org-export.el" and use the latter instead.

Well, that was done on purpose, and maybe the reason will make sense.  
As I see it, each exporter should be able to have its own smartifier 
function, and the export engine should make no assumptions about that: 
just call the individual exporter's function.  On the other hand, many 
(but perhaps not all!) of the exporters may find themselves using 
essentially the same code just with different replacement strings.  So I 
thought that "general-purpose" should be in org-export.el, just for the 
convenience of exporters should they choose to make use of it.  So, many 
of the exporters' smartifier functions will really just be calls to the 
more general-purpose function.

Does that make sense?

So... there's the filter-parse-tree-functions hook gets applied within
the parse tree... so a back-end can add a function to that list which
looks over the parse-tree and watches for these border cases (and also
the ones within ordinary strings).  Looks like it's going to be tough
to work in any flexibility to define further per-language or
per-backend cleverness to handle anything beyond the "canonical set"
of open-double, close-double, open-single, close-single, and mid-word.

To be sure, anything we do will most assuredly fail even on some
fairly reasonable input, in which case the users are pretty much on
their own and will have to do things the hard way.  And I could use
that as the answer here, that, "well, it'll work only within
plain-text strings" (and I might possibly still have to use that
answer), but I would rather include the situations you bring up in the
supported set and not throw up my hands at it.  So, yes, will look at

Actually it isn't very hard to handle this problem. But it will be
different than the fontification used in an Org buffer.
Yes, the fontification on-screen is different, and uses a rather 
different function--but if I can help it, the same regexps!  So things 
work the same everywhere.

I also started thinking a little about what you write below, how we can 
inspect the characters just after or before quotes at the very beginning 
or end of each chunk.  It would be nice if it could all be encapsulated 
neatly in the regexp(s).

As a first approximation, I can imagine a function accepting an element,
an object or a secondary string and returning an equivalent element,
object or secondary string, with its quotes "smartified". The algorithm
could go like this:

Walk element/object/secondary-string's contents .

Need it be element/object/secondary-string?  At the bottom level it's 
always about strings; the higher levels don't affect the processing of 
each string in isolation.  Do we need to intercept it at the element 
level or just wait to grab things in the plain-text filter, since we 
have access at that point too?

(Might also be that my understanding of the process and the nature of 
elements is faulty or limited.  Will have to see what works.)

   1. When a string is encountered:

  1. If it has a quote as its first or last position, check for
 objects before or after the string to guess its status. An
 object never starts with a white space, but you may have to
 check :post-blank property in order to know if previous object
 had white spaces at its end.

Hmm, this may in fact answer my question above: y

[O] Smart Quotes Exporting (Was: Re: (no subject))

2012-05-31 Thread Mark E. Shoulson
Sorry for messing up the thread subject header; I think I misused 
gmane's posting.

On 05/31/2012 09:38 AM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


Mark Shoulson  writes:

+(defvar org-e-html-quote-replacements
+  '(("fr" "« " " »" "‘" "’" "’")
+("en" "“" "”" "‘" "’" "’")
+("de" "„" "“" "‚" "‘" "’"))

A docstring will be required for this variable. It should be
a defcustom.

Oh, certainly; they're all a disaster.  I think I said that in the 
writeup at the top.  This is just proof of concept, nothing is in the 
right place, nothing is properly documented.  They have to be 
defcustoms, there needs to be a good :type in the defcustom as well as a 
proper docstring.  You'll get no argument from me about the lack (or 
inaccuracy) of docstrings and such.  I hadn't gotten that far yet.  I 
said the patch was only if you wanted to tinker with the development as 
this progresses.

+(defun org-e-latex--quotation-marks (text info)
+  (org-export-quotation-marks text info org-e-latex-quote-replacements))
+  ;; (mapc (lambda(l)
+  ;; (let ((start 0))
+  ;;   (while (setq start (string-match (car l) text start))
+  ;; (let ((new-quote (concat (match-string 1 text) (cdr l
+  ;;   (setq text (replace-match new-quote  t t text))
+  ;;   (cdr (or (assoc (plist-get info :language) org-e-latex-quotes)
+  ;;;; Falls back on English.
+  ;;(assoc "en" org-e-latex-quotes
+  ;; text)
Use directly `org-e-latex-quote-replacements' in code then.

Not sure I understand this comment.

+;; Probably a defcustom eventually.
+;; Each element of this consists of: car=language code, cdr=list of
+;; double-quote-open-regexp, double-quote-close-regexp,
+;; single-quote-open-regexp, single-quote-close-regexp,&optional
+;; single-apostrophe regexp?
+;; Just about all will be the same anyway, so mostly language DEFAULT.
+;; For testing purposes, poorly-designed at first.
+(defvar org-export-quotes-regexps
+  "\\(?:\\s-\\|[[(]\\|^\\)\\(\"\\)\\w"
+  "\\(?:\\S-\\)\\(\"\\)\\s-"
+  "\\(?:\\s-\\|(\\|^\\)\\('\\)\\w"
+  "\\w\\('\\)\\(?:\\s-\\|\\s.\\|$\\)"
+  "\\w\\('\\)\\w")))

I'm not sure this variable can be used for both the buffer and the
export engine. Export back-ends will only see chunks of the paragraph.

For example, in the following text,

   He crossed the Rubicon and said: "/Alea jacta est./"

Plain text translators will see three strings:

   1. "He crossed the Rubicon and said: \""
   2. "Alea jacta est."
   3. "\""

In case 1, you have an opening quote with nothing after it. In case 3,
you have a closing quote with nothing before or after it. Plain regexps
can't help here.

The only solution in can think of is to do quote substitutions in
paragraphs within the parse tree before they reach the translators (i.e.
with `org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions').

That's the only way to know if "\"" is an opening or a closing quote,
for example. The current approach won't work.

Hm.  OK, this may indeed be (a) a problem and (b) an indication that I 
really don't understand the process as I thought I did... ... ...  Ah.  
So when the "plain" text is being exported, the exporter passes along 
the text in chunks as divided up by the formatting.  So string #2 is 
broken out from the others due to its being in italics.  That is indeed 
an issue.  Moreover, I never even properly considered the effects of 
formatting characters (as opposed to punctuation) right next to the 
quote-marks, even if this weren't a problem.

So... there's the filter-parse-tree-functions hook gets applied within 
the parse tree... so a back-end can add a function to that list which 
looks over the parse-tree and watches for these border cases (and also 
the ones within ordinary strings).  Looks like it's going to be tough to 
work in any flexibility to define further per-language or per-backend 
cleverness to handle anything beyond the "canonical set" of open-double, 
close-double, open-single, close-single, and mid-word.

To be sure, anything we do will most assuredly fail even on some fairly 
reasonable input, in which case the users are pretty much on their own 
and will have to do things the hard way.  And I could use that as the 
answer here, that, "well, it'll work only within plain-text strings" 
(and I might possibly still have to use that answer), but I would rather 
include the situations you bring up in the supported set and not throw 
up my hands at it.  So, yes, will look at that.

+  (let* ((start 0)
+ (cdr
+  (or
+   (assoc (plist-get info :language)
+  org-export-quotes-regexps)
+   (assoc 'DEFAULT org-export-quotes-regexps

Use `assq' instead of `assoc' in the second case.

Good call.

+(subs (cdr (or (assoc (plist-get info :language)
+  replacements)
+   (assoc "en" replace

Re: [O] "Smart" quotes

2012-05-29 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 05/29/2012 01:57 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


"Mark E. Shoulson"  writes:

I guess it doesn't actually matter, but it starts to get weird if you
find yourself looking arbitrarily far back, and then you start
building in exceptions for crossing paragraph boundaries...

True. I had the exporter in mind, where you always start at the
beginning of the paragraph. It would be more difficult with search
starting in the middle of the paragraph.

Maybe the on-screen stuff is no harder; will just have to see.

And then there's the fact that multi-paragraph quotes usually have an
open-quote for each paragraph but only one close-quote at the end...

Some french typographers suggest to use a close-quote at the beginning
of the paragraph to avoid that confusion, or to simply drop them (since
they are a pain to maintain anyway). I don't know about other languages
but, if that's the same, is it a good idea to bother implementing it?

I've never heard of it.  But I think we may be overthinking this; we can 
drive ourselves crazy trying to compress a dozen different typographical 
traditions (and informal customs) into a few Elisp rules.  On the other 
hand, I don't think we need to throw up our hands and give up either! :)

Actually keeping count of what level you're at, accurately, is
a classic example of a non-regular language; you need a push-down
automaton to keep count, and regular expressions don't cut it.

This is limited to 2 levels.


I'm rambling.  In sum, I'm going to start off /not/ trying to solve
that problem, and assume the writer is going to use alternating " and
as typography requires and not try to second-guess what level we're

You are right, the problem will be easier to solve with both " and '.

Though, "as typography requires" is not true. In France, the /Imprimerie
Nationale/ suggests to use guillemots at both levels. Remember that
typography is localized, which is the main difficulty of the

Also a good point.

All right, bottom line, this is sort of what I'm seeing.  I'm not 100% 
sure which files should house these things, but something like this:

1) a variable containing for each language regexp for each of: open 
double-quote, close double-quote, open single-quote, close single-quote, 
and maybe mid-word apostrophe.  Odds are these regexps are going to be 
the same for just about all languages (the regexps detecting them, mind 
you), so probably should have some sort of default that the alist can 
just reference.  A language should also be allowed to define other quote 
regexps in its list too.  We need these to be ordered, with a standard 
set, so that we can have...

2) for each *exporter* (including on-screen display), a variable that 
defines, for each language, what the *substitution* will be for 
open-double-quote, close-double-quote, etc.  Other extras can be defined 
too.  That way we can have an exporter-independent way to detect quotes 
to be smartified, but each exporter has its own way to smartify them.

3) Since most exporters are probably going to be handling doing the 
process approximately the same (match the regexp, stick in the 
associated substitution), org-export.el should have a generic function 
that does this which each exporter *may* call in (or as) its 
quote-smartifier in its text translator, unless it needs something more 
specific which it can provide itself.

In terms of what is handled, the idea in my head is that we would expect 
the writer to be using " or ' to surround their quotes, regardless of 
what their native custom is (if they're doing it using their 
language-specific quote-marks, we don't need to bother with all this 
anyway).  Goal is to handle either "quotes" or 'quotes' in either 
nesting (or no nesting, if someone does "quote' for some reason), and 
with any luck not get too confused with other uses of apostrophe.

It makes sense to me, but I bet I explained it badly and people are 
going to have all kinds of issues with it. :)

No telling when (if?) I'll be able to produce something along these 
lines, but it's something to start thinking about anyway.


[O] [PATCH] Add \asciicirc entity

2012-05-28 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

Per prior emails, added \asciicirc entity in org-entities.el, to
  expand to ascii "^" character, or \textasciicirc in LaTeX.  Also
  fixed bug a few lines earlier, wherein \circ (org entity) would
  expand to \circ (latex entity) in LaTeX export, even though the
  former indicates a circumflex accent and the latter a small
  *circle*.  (The expansion to ˆ (html entity) is correct.)



>From deebb683e8d46a87247aa17c0fad8bef7b7b14a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Shoulson 
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 22:48:07 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add \asciicirc entity

* org-entities.el (org-entities): Added \asciicirc entity for ^;
  also fixed \circ expansion in latex.

 lisp/org-entities.el |3 ++-
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-entities.el b/lisp/org-entities.el
index fce3b68..b1c8ad4 100644
--- a/lisp/org-entities.el
+++ b/lisp/org-entities.el
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ loaded, add these packages to `org-export-latex-packages-alist'."
 "* Other"
 "** Misc. (often used)"
-("circ" "\\circ" t "ˆ" "^" "^" "ˆ")
+("circ" "\\^{}" nil "ˆ" "^" "^" "ˆ")
 ("vert" "\\vert{}" t "|" "|" "|" "|")
 ("brvbar" "\\textbrokenbar{}" nil "¦" "|" "¦" "¦")
 ("sect" "\\S" nil "§" "paragraph" "§" "§")
@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ loaded, add these packages to `org-export-latex-packages-alist'."
 ("plus" "+" nil "+" "+" "+" "+")
 ("under" "\\_" nil "_" "_" "_" "_")
 ("equal" "=" nil "=" "=" "=" "=")
+("asciicirc" "\\textasciicircum{}" nil "^" "^" "^" "^")
 ("dagger" "\\textdagger{}" nil "†" "[dagger]" "[dagger]" "†")
 ("Dagger" "\\textdaggerdbl{}" nil "‡" "[doubledagger]" "[doubledagger]" "‡")

Re: [O] "Smart" quotes

2012-05-28 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 05/26/2012 02:48 AM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


"Mark E. Shoulson"  writes:

The regexp may be able to tell level 1 from level 2 quotes.

Do you mean that the author would use the same characters for both
first and second level quotes, and the regexp would be smart enough to
distinguish which level each was at?  I don't think that's possible,
and you probably don't either.

Actually, I do. Since you can tell an opening quote from a closing one
by the position of the white space (or parenthesis, beginning/end of
line) near it, I think you can deduce the quote level. I may be wrong,

Maybe, if it's all on one line.  But if the quote is several lines long, 
can you sensibly count the levels?  I guess it doesn't actually matter, 
but it starts to get weird if you find yourself looking arbitrarily far 
back, and then you start building in exceptions for crossing paragraph 
boundaries... And then there's the fact that multi-paragraph quotes 
usually have an open-quote for each paragraph but only one close-quote 
at the end... Actually keeping count of what level you're at, 
accurately, is a classic example of a non-regular language; you need a 
push-down automaton to keep count, and regular expressions don't cut 
it.  Then again, Emacs regexps are more powerful than simple regular 
expressions, and we only would want to keep track of even vs odd level 

I'm rambling.  In sum, I'm going to start off /not/ trying to solve that 
problem, and assume the writer is going to use alternating " and ' as 
typography requires and not try to second-guess what level we're at.  As 
that progresses, maybe I'll come to understand better what can and can't 
(and should and shouldn't) be deduced by the regexps.

"this is a 'quote', and that's all you need to know."

becoming, for instance

«this is a ‹quote›, and that’s all you need to know.»

"this is a "quote", and that's all you need to know" is as parsable to

As a side note, at least in French, many typographers would recommend
"this is a /quote/, and that's all you need to know" here. Oh, and
I know that was just an example.

I see; because I can tell that the second " must be an open-quote and 
not closing the first, due to its position relative to the spaces.  It 
does seem possible, but I think I'm going to try not solving that 
problem first.

(And French typography raises other problems, since French puts lots of 
space around the quote-marks, to the extent that French typists typing 
plain-text will often put a space on both sides of a quote-mark, making 
it hard to see whether it opens or closes... another issue, not 
necessarily solvable, to watch for.)


Re: [O] "Smart" quotes

2012-05-25 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 05/25/2012 01:14 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


"Mark E. Shoulson"  writes:

Hm.  I like the idea, but it raises some questions for me.  It would
be particularly good if this could share code/custom variables with
the pieces of the (new) exporter that make smart quotes on export.
That way we could be sure that what it looks like onscreen would also
be what it looked like when exported.

I could be interesting, but keep in mind that no matter how "smart" your
quotes are, they will fail in some situations. So, it will have to be
optional for export, independently on their in-buffer status.

The OPTIONS keyword may be used, with q:t and q:nil items.

"Smart" quotes absolutely have to be optional, and probably disabled by 
default.  They're going to fail sometimes, so they should only be there 
when you ask for them.  Smart-quotes-for-export and 
smart-quotes-onscreen need to be settable independently, yes.  
Smart-quotes-for-export needs to be settable per-file/per-buffer, with 
OPTIONS or something.  Smart-quotes-onscreen doesn't have to be 
buffer-local, though it might be a good idea.  Using q:t or maybe ":t in 
options seems perfectly good for setting exporting smart quotes.  It 
still would be good if onscreen and export could share code.

Looking at contrib/lisp/org-e-latex.el at an upcoming exporter for
such things, I see a variable org-e-latex-quotes, which has nice
language-aware parts... but misses an important point.  Each language
gets to define one regexp for opening quotes, one for closing quotes,
and one for single quotes.  But don't we want to talk about (at least)
two levels of quotes, see your own reference[fn:1]?

Probably. But that's going to be somewhat harder.

Single quotes would be for inner, second-level quotes (if we're using
double straight quotes according to (American) English usage, I would
guess we'd be using single straight quotes the same way).  That works
okay for English, where a single apostrophe not part of a grouping
construct is going to be interpreted as a "close" single quote and
look right for an apostrophe.

The regexp may be able to tell level 1 from level 2 quotes.

Do you mean that the author would use the same characters for both first 
and second level quotes, and the regexp would be smart enough to 
distinguish which level each was at?  I don't think that's possible, and 
you probably don't either.  What I meant, and you probably did as well, 
was that if we use apostrophes for second-level quotes, a regexp can be 
smart enough to tell the difference between a second-level quote and a 
non-quote apostrophe

It might not work so good in French where apostrophes are also used,

There are no spaces around apostrophes, so they shouldn't be caught by
the regexp.

which is what you say here.  They *should* be caught by a regexp, but 
not the same one; they need to be smartified also, just not necessarily 
treated the same as second-level quotes.

but also single guillemets for inner-level quotes.

What are single guillemets? I don't think there is such thing in French.

You're right; the Wikipedia page says that French uses quote-marks or 
the same double-chevrons for inner quotes.  I thought it used \lsaquo 
and \rsaquo, « like ‹ this › ».  Looks like it does in Swiss typography 
for various languages, according to the page.  Danish also uses the 
single-chevrons (pointing the other direction), and Azerbaijani and 
Basque, etc... Whatever.  What I meant was, if people are going to be 
writing using straight ascii quotes and expect them to be changed into 
language-appropriate quotes, they're going to want something like

"this is a 'quote', and that's all you need to know."

becoming, for instance

«this is a ‹quote›, and that’s all you need to know.»

that is, it should be possible to use the single quotes for inner 
quotes, which would mean more than just opening/closing/single in the 
org-e-latex-quotes (and analogous variables in other exporters).  Being 
able to determine when you need ‹› and when ’ might be a little 
uncertain, but it isn't hard to make a regexp that can make a decent 
guess at it.

Should/can we consider extending this for the new exporters?

I think it would be a good addition to the export mechanism, if you want
to give it a try.

I'd love to get org more export-friendly.  I'll see what I can 
understand of the (new) export code.

(I'm looking forward to HTML and ODT exporters that can do smart
quotes; the straight quotes are really the main jarring things about
using Org as a lightweight markup and exporting into something

A function, provided in org-export, could help changing dumb quotes into
smart quotes in plain text. Then, it would be easier for back-ends to
provide the feature, if they wanted to.
That sounds like a possibility, might mak

Re: [O] #+STARTUP: showstars

2012-05-25 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

Enda  writes:

Otherwise is like in vi, the additional stars (like **, opposed to
*) are too noisy, and since I do not want to see them whether
it is in org-mode or in vi, etc, so I wondered was there a way to have
the file like

* first level heading
=C2=A0* second level heading
=C2=A0=C2=A0 * third level heading

There seems to be some confusion getting across.  As I understand it, 
this is what the OP is after:

Problem: doesn't like the look of multiple *s for headline; prefers the 
look of hidestars-mode.

Furthermore, hidestars isn't good enough, because Enda wants the file 
*really to be like that*, without the stars there at all, so that it 
still looks good when being edited in vi or something.  It needs to look 
like hidestars *all the time*, even outside of org, to avoid seeing the 

OP's requested fix: change the syntax so that a line which begins with N 
spaces followed by a star and then more spaces after that acts as if the 
N spaces at the beginning were stars.  That is, * 
at the start of the line should be a third-level headline, as if it 
started with ***.

OP, please let me know if I'm stating your position correctly.

Problem with requested fix: In addition to being a pretty major change 
to start with, it also already conflicts with established usage.  A line 
that starts with spaces and then a star-space is considered an item in a 
plain list.  Using *s for plain lists is discouraged, because of the 
potential confusion with headlines if there are no spaces before it, but 
it is permitted (and if it could have been dropped it would have been 
already).  So, no, this isn't going to happen.

I _guess_ one could try defining something like a NO-BREAK-SPACE 
character to behave like a star at the beginning of the line when it 
comes to determining headlines, so you basically have a character that 
*looks* blank you can use for the non-final stars, but that would also 
be a pretty enormous change and I don't see it looking like a good move 

I hope that accurately portrays the request (and responses thereto).


Re: [O] [PATCH] Add entities for /, +, _, =

2012-05-25 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 05/25/2012 11:04 AM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:

You're right, there could be another entity for ^. asciicirc is good
enough as a name.  Would you want to make a patch for it?

Also, you may want to consider signing FSF papers for more important

Yes, I'll do both those things, so don't worry about the patch.  Might 
have to wait until next week though.


Re: [O] "Smart" quotes

2012-05-23 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 05/23/2012 06:17 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


"Mark E. Shoulson"  writes:

"Smart" quotes can be annoying when they aren't smart enough. But when
they work you can miss them. I'm attaching a patch that defines a
custom variable org-smart-quotes (nil by default), which when non-nil
causes the " and ' characters to display as “smart” quotes, hopefully
the right ones. They're still ' and " in the underlying text, just
overlaid with “”.

This is not related to entities, so code shouldn't be in org-entities.el.


Also, quotes are dependent on locale[fn:1]. English/US only quotes look
like a niche to me. Would it be possible to modify the patch and have
this feature handle LANGUAGE keyword, or at least have a support for it?
Hm.  I like the idea, but it raises some questions for me.  It would be 
particularly good if this could share code/custom variables with the 
pieces of the (new) exporter that make smart quotes on export.  That way 
we could be sure that what it looks like onscreen would also be what it 
looked like when exported.  Looking at contrib/lisp/org-e-latex.el at an 
upcoming exporter for such things, I see a variable org-e-latex-quotes, 
which has nice language-aware parts... but misses an important point.  
Each language gets to define one regexp for opening quotes, one for 
closing quotes, and one for single quotes.  But don't we want to talk 
about (at least) two levels of quotes, see your own reference[fn:1]?  
Single quotes would be for inner, second-level quotes (if we're using 
double straight quotes according to (American) English usage, I would 
guess we'd be using single straight quotes the same way).  That works 
okay for English, where a single apostrophe not part of a grouping 
construct is going to be interpreted as a "close" single quote and look 
right for an apostrophe.  It might not work so good in French where 
apostrophes are also used, but also single guillemets for inner-level 
quotes.  Does the setup there need to be smarter, or at least more 
extensible, to allow for more than exactly three entries?  Clever enough 
regexps could distinguish inner quotes from apostrophes, etc.  
Should/can we consider extending this for the new exporters?

(I'm looking forward to HTML and ODT exporters that can do smart quotes; 
the straight quotes are really the main jarring things about using Org 
as a lightweight markup and exporting into something fancier)


[O] [PATCH] Add entities for /, +, _, =

2012-05-23 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 05/23/2012 05:53 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


"Mark E. Shoulson"  writes:

Also attached is another patch that might or might not be useful.
Sometimes it can be a problem when you can't type, say, asterisks
around a word when you NEED asterisks around the word, not a boldface
word (I'd been getting around it by using Unicode characters that look
like asterisks, like ∗). The way to do it right is to use the \ast
entity, which expands to the right thing but doesn't affect
formatting. There's also already a \tilde entity, to allow putting in
tildes without accidentally setting something verbatim. I added
entities for the remaining markup characters: \plus, \under, \equal,
and \slash. \under might be particularly handy when avoiding
subscripting (which raises the question of if there should be an
\asciicirc (or something) entity for ^ also).

I think they are all useful. Though, asciicirc already exists as circ.

I hadn't counted \circ because it expands under Unicode to ˆ (U+02C6) 
and not to the true ascii circumflex ^ (U+005E); the point of these 
entities is to represent ascii characters that otherwise would confuse 
things.  Maybe \circ should expand to ^; maybe there should be another 
entity for it (maybe neither).

Anyway; attaching the relevant patch (changelog tweaked), once again 
hoping I got the formatting and everything right.


>From 4d6c4ccc90fd181f446ff4c7d56f5c980ec9d940 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Shoulson 
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 21:53:35 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add entities for /, +, _, =

* org-entities.el (org-entities): Add new entities for characters
  which could cause formatting changes if typed directly.
 lisp/org-entities.el |4 
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-entities.el b/lisp/org-entities.el
index 8b5b3f3..fce3b68 100644
--- a/lisp/org-entities.el
+++ b/lisp/org-entities.el
@@ -260,6 +260,10 @@ loaded, add these packages to `org-export-latex-packages-alist'."
 ("lt" "\\textless{}" nil "<" "<" "<" "<")
 ("gt" "\\textgreater{}" nil ">" ">" ">" ">")
 ("tilde" "\\~{}" nil "˜" "~" "~" "~")
+("slash" "/" nil "/" "/" "/" "/")
+("plus" "+" nil "+" "+" "+" "+")
+("under" "\\_" nil "_" "_" "_" "_")
+("equal" "=" nil "=" "=" "=" "=")
 ("dagger" "\\textdagger{}" nil "†" "[dagger]" "[dagger]" "†")
 ("Dagger" "\\textdaggerdbl{}" nil "‡" "[doubledagger]" "[doubledagger]" "‡")

[O] [PATCH] Fix for displaying entities ending in a number

2012-05-23 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 05/23/2012 05:53 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:


"Mark E. Shoulson"  writes:

There's a small bug in rendering the entities when org-pretty-entities
is on (I get the feeling that org-pretty-entities is not a very
commonly-used feature). The entities \sup1 \sup2 \sup3 and \there4 are
not rendered properly. The regex detecting entities apparently doesn't
catch numbers at the end, except for the special case of fractions. I've
added the others to the special-casing and attach a patch for it; I
hope I managed to include the changelog properly (is git format-patch -
-attach the way to go?).

This looks good. You should add a title to your patch, like "Fix
detection of entities ending with a number" or "org-entities: Add some

Also, please capitalize the word after the colons.

I was trying to copy the format seen in other patches on the list; I 
guess I missed some details.  I've set the subject of this thread as 
I've seen done with other patches, and I attach only a single patch, as 
requested by the website, and created the changelog with C-x 4 a and 
everything.  I hope I got it right.

Other patch follows under separate cover.

Could you modify slightly your changelogs before I apply the patches?

Thank you.


>From 9b8e1b56c5c60720f985ea2b26952702c6c730a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Shoulson 
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 20:17:40 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Fix for displaying entities ending in a number

* lisp/org.el (org-fontify-entities): Fix bug: The entities \sup[123] and
  \there4 were not "prettified" when org-pretty-entities was enabled.

 lisp/org.el |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 0b00851..c44c7ab 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -5966,7 +5966,7 @@ needs to be inserted at a specific position in the font-lock sequence.")
 (when org-pretty-entities
   (catch 'match
 	(while (re-search-forward
-		"\\(frac[13][24]\\|[a-zA-Z]+\\)\\($\\|{}\\|[^[:alpha:]\n]\\)"
+		"\\(there4\\|sup[123]\\|frac[13][24]\\|[a-zA-Z]+\\)\\($\\|{}\\|[^[:alpha:]\n]\\)"
 		limit t)
 	  (if (and (not (org-in-indented-comment-line))
 		   (setq ee (org-entity-get (match-string 1)))

[O] "Smart" quotes

2012-05-21 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

(I seem to be winding up fixating on non-asciisms for org-mode;
"Smart" quotes can be annoying when they aren't smart enough. 
  But when they work you can miss them.  I'm attaching a patch that
  defines a custom variable org-smart-quotes (nil by default), which
  when non-nil causes the " and ' characters to display as “smart”
  quotes, hopefully the right ones.  They're still ' and " in the
  underlying text, just overlaid with “”.

  I started working on parallel patches on the export end (in the
  -e- files in contrib); it would really help org-mode's standing as
  a lightweight markup language, imo, but then I saw that's already
  underway; I had just looked in the wrong exports.

  I also note that my post here dated May 9
  ( ) has gone
  completely without comment, good or bad.  Did I miss something? 
  Did it not get through (it shows up on gmane)?  At least one of
  the changes submitted there I would think is pretty



diff --git a/lisp/org-entities.el b/lisp/org-entities.el
index 8b5b3f3..ee54abc 100644
--- a/lisp/org-entities.el
+++ b/lisp/org-entities.el
@@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ in backends where the corresponding character is not available."
   :version "24.1"
   :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom org-smart-quotes nil
+  "Non-nil means display ' and \" characters as Unicode \"smart\" quotes.
+Org-mode will try to figure out if a quote character is opening or closing.
+Note: this does not affect export, only on-screen appearance."
+  :group 'org-entities
+  :type 'boolean)
 (defcustom org-entities-user nil
   "User-defined entities used in Org-mode to produce special characters.
 Each entry in this list is a list of strings.  It associates the name
diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 05f5375..213490e 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -5926,6 +5926,7 @@ needs to be inserted at a specific position in the font-lock sequence.")
 		 '(1 'org-archived prepend))
 	   ;; Specials
+	   '(org-smartify-quotes)
 	   ;; Code
@@ -5948,6 +5949,33 @@ needs to be inserted at a specific position in the font-lock sequence.")
 		   '(org-font-lock-keywords t nil nil backward-paragraph))
 (kill-local-variable 'font-lock-keywords) nil))
+(defconst org-smart-quotes-regex
+  ;; ' is a word character, " is punctuation.
+  "\\(\"\\<\\)\\|\\>\\s.*\\(\"\\)\\|\\(?:\\W\\|^\\)\\('\\)\\|\\w\\s.*\\('\\)")
+(defun org-smartify-quotes (limit)
+  "Make 'smart quotes' out of straight quotes."
+  (let* (start end subst k)
+(when org-smart-quotes
+  (catch 'match
+	(while (re-search-forward org-smart-quotes-regex
+		limit t)
+	  (cond ((match-string 1)
+		 (setq k 1 subst "“"))
+		((match-string 2)
+		 (setq k 2 subst "”"))
+		((match-string 3)
+		 (setq k 3 subst "‘"))
+		((match-string 4)
+		 (setq k 4 subst "’")))
+	  (add-text-properties (match-beginning k) (match-end k)
+			   (list 'font-lock-fontified t))
+	  (compose-region (match-beginning k) (match-end k) subst nil)
+	  (backward-char 1)
+	  (throw 'match t))
+	nil
 (defun org-toggle-pretty-entities ()
   "Toggle the composition display of entities as UTF8 characters."
2012-05-21  Mark Shoulson  

* lisp/org.el, lisp/org-entities.el: added org-smart-quotes
for displaying ' and " characters as "smart quotes."

[O] Entities

2012-05-08 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

There's a small bug in rendering the entities when
  org-pretty-entities is on (I get the feeling that
  org-pretty-entities is not a very commonly-used feature).  The
  entities \sup1 \sup2 \sup3 and \there4 are not rendered properly. 
  The regex detecting entities apparently doesn't catch numbers at
  the end, except for the special case of fractions.  I've added the
  others to the special-casing and attach a patch for it; I hope I
  managed to include the changelog properly (is git format-patch
  --attach the way to go?).

  Also attached is another patch that might or might not be useful. 
  Sometimes it can be a problem when you can't type, say, asterisks
  around a word when you NEED asterisks around the word, not a
  boldface word (I'd been getting around it by using Unicode
  characters that look like asterisks, like ∗).  The way to do it
  right is to use the \ast entity, which expands to the right thing
  but doesn't affect formatting.  There's also already a \tilde
  entity, to allow putting in tildes without accidentally setting
  something verbatim.  I added entities for the remaining markup
  characters: \plus, \under, \equal, and \slash.  \under might be
  particularly handy when avoiding subscripting (which raises the
  question of if there should be an \asciicirc (or something) entity
  for ^ also).


>From 5070e37aaae6f952bab022c71212fabb7549105e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Shoulson 
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 15:15:10 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Fix for displaying certain "pretty" entities
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=""

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=fixed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

* org.el (org-fontify-entities): fix bug: The entities \sup[123] and
\there4 were not "prettified" when org-pretty-entities was enabled.

 lisp/org.el |2 +-
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Content-Type: text/x-patch; name="0001-Fix-for-displaying-certain-pretty-entities.patch"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="0001-Fix-for-displaying-certain-pretty-entities.patch"

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 66f9c3e..1d2955f 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -5954,7 +5954,7 @@ needs to be inserted at a specific position in the font-lock sequence.")
 (when org-pretty-entities
   (catch 'match
 	(while (re-search-forward
-		"\\(frac[13][24]\\|[a-zA-Z]+\\)\\($\\|{}\\|[^[:alpha:]\n]\\)"
+		"\\(there4\\|sup[123]\\|frac[13][24]\\|[a-zA-Z]+\\)\\($\\|{}\\|[^[:alpha:]\n]\\)"
 		limit t)
 	  (if (and (not (org-in-indented-comment-line))
 		   (setq ee (org-entity-get (match-string 1)))


>From 58d18562f39ed64a547fa2d60510cae5983bcbef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Shoulson 
Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 15:22:48 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Add entities for /, +, _, =
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=""

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=fixed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

* org-entities.el (org-entities): add new entities for characters
which could cause formatting changes if typed directly.
 lisp/org-entities.el |4 
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Content-Type: text/x-patch; name="0001-Add-entities-for-_.patch"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="0001-Add-entities-for-_.patch"

diff --git a/lisp/org-entities.el b/lisp/org-entities.el
index 8b5b3f3..fce3b68 100644
--- a/lisp/org-entities.el
+++ b/lisp/org-entities.el
@@ -260,6 +260,10 @@ loaded, add these packages to `org-export-latex-packages-alist'."
 ("lt" "\\textless{}" nil "<" "<" "<" "<")
 ("gt" "\\textgreater{}" nil ">" ">" ">" ">")
 ("tilde" "\\~{}" nil "˜" "~" "~" "~")
+("slash" "/" nil "/" "/" "/" "/")
+("plus" "+" nil "+" "+" "+" "+")
+("under" "\\_" nil "_" "_" "_" "_")
+("equal" "=" nil "=" "=" "=" "=")
 ("dagger" "\\textdagger{}" nil "†" "[dagger]" "[dagger]" "†")
 ("Dagger" "\\textdaggerdbl{}" nil "‡" "[doubledagger]" "[doubledagger]" "‡")


[O] Hiding the braces when org-pretty-entities is enabled

2012-05-04 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

It's a very tiny patch, but one that probably should have
  happened before.  When org-pretty-entities is enabled, the
  entities are displayed as Unicode characters, which is nice, but
  if they are in the middle of a word, you need to terminate them
  with {}, which are also still visible.  So you have to write
  something like M\ouml{}bius, and when org-pretty-entities is on
  that is displayed as Mö{}bius, which really isn't what you want. 
  This patch special-cases "{}" following an entity, so they get
  hidden as well.  Hope it helps.



>From 819e66254de18ae78e96b52dee1b5098920c3e31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Shoulson 
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 18:19:06 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Entities: when org-pretty-entities is on, the {} terminating
 entities is also hidden

 lisp/org.el |   11 +++
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 8776664..65dc1ce 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -5938,16 +5938,19 @@ needs to be inserted at a specific position in the font-lock sequence.")
 (when org-pretty-entities
   (catch 'match
 	(while (re-search-forward
-		"\\(frac[13][24]\\|[a-zA-Z]+\\)\\($\\|[^[:alpha:]\n]\\)"
+		"\\(frac[13][24]\\|[a-zA-Z]+\\)\\($\\|{}\\|[^[:alpha:]\n]\\)"
 		limit t)
 	  (if (and (not (org-in-indented-comment-line))
 		   (setq ee (org-entity-get (match-string 1)))
 		   (= (length (nth 6 ee)) 1))
-	  (progn
+	  (let*
+		  ((end (if (equal (match-string 2) "{}")
+			(match-end 2)
+			  (match-end 1
-		 (match-beginning 0) (match-end 1)
+		 (match-beginning 0) end
 		 (list 'font-lock-fontified t))
-		(compose-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 1)
+		(compose-region (match-beginning 0) end
 (nth 6 ee) nil)
 		(backward-char 1)
 		(throw 'match t

Re: [O] Flexible plain list bullets

2012-04-20 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

On 04/20/2012 09:38 AM, Bastien wrote:

Hi Mark,

I agree with Nicolas that a solution based on overlays would be better.

Probably, though very possibly not worth it.

I also agree with you that there are many areas where we let the users
modify the content of Org files in a way that makes them unparsable in
a systematic manner.

This is always a trade-off: user flexibility vs a rigid syntax.
Yes.  And as I noted in my examples, some/many of the cases involved 
were dealing with things that *really are worth* bending parsability for 
(as was pointed out to me on IRC.)  TODO keywords, for example, *really 
do* have to be customizable, and the system has to deal with it.  Even 
with global configuration variables, that in no way follow the files 
around.  I agree that those were worth doing it for.

On top of this trade-off there are many other one to consider, based
on what are the available human (benevolent) resources to maintain Org.

I try to prioritize things this way:

1. fix current bugs
2. improve syntax stability (against current state of flexibility)
3. extend current features
4. integrate new features

Sometimes, a request raises a discussion somewhere between (3) and
(2) -- which is precisely the discussion we have now.  But pointing
at failure in the current syntactic ground does not help promoting
a feature request at (3) :)
Sure.  I'm just noting these because probably nobody would have seen 
them as issues if the importance of hard-coding the syntax hadn't come 
up as a point in answering me.  They (probably) aren't doing much harm 
anyway.  I'd offer to write a patch for some of the more obvious ones, 
to free up that much time from others, but it would be so small, it 
would probably take as long for someone to look over my patch as to 
write it themselves, so it wouldn't save anyone any time really.

"Pointing out a failure in the current syntactic ground does not help 
promoting a feature request at (3)"... It might have, had the failures 
been so widespread as to show that this was the intended mode all along 
(as was not the case, so no, it doesn't).  But getting the feature 
request in was already mostly off the table, I thought.  I found some 
stuff that might be useful to know about; thought I should say so. (I'm 
talkative, yes, but not necessarily a jerk.)

Also, Nicolas is working on a generic parser which will be the
base for future decision on (2), and (consequently) on (3).

That was mentioned, especially with respect to the source-blocks.

So yes, this is complicate.  We have many users.  And an overlay
based solution will *not* be a temporary fix, it will be something
that any user can enjoy.

I played with making the customization only able to ADD new characters, 
which I think would not be so harmful, but really only for my own 
edification; I can see that there really is no desire (outside me) to 
add this feature anyway.


Re: [O] Flexible plain list bullets

2012-04-19 Thread Mark E. Shoulson
I guess.  I spoke with someone on the IRC channel about this too, the 
basic idea being that the Org format should be stable, so the same file 
won't parse or behave differently on different installations.  There's 
something to be said for that, but there are a fair number of 
customizable options that conflict with that ideal already.  Some maybe 
should be there anyway, some might be better being made constants (or 
else reconsider my patch  :) ).  Examples:

 + org-emphasis-regexp-components and org-emphasis-alist are probably 
top candidates.  These affect the parsing of Org in a pretty basic way: 
if you can change what characters to use for emphasis, and worse, 
exactly how they extend (what characters can interfere, etc), it's 
probably at least as potentially disruptive as alternate bullets.  You 
might consider making these defconst instead of defcustom, if at all 

 + org-edit-src-region-extra is also a good example of exactly what 
you're saying shouldn't be there.  First code blocks came in different 
ad-hoc flavors like #+ascii or  or whatever.  Then the #+begin_src 
format came in order to unify them all and keep them from proliferating 
as new languages come up.  And so all of those are quite appropriately 
hardcoded, just as you say they should be, in the 
org-edit-src-find-region-and-lang function.  But that function also 
looks at org-edit-src-region-extra, which throws open exactly the same 
kind of problem you're objecting to.

 + org-drawers is a customization that affects structure and parsing.  
Notably it is also settable in-file, which anything like this really 
needs to be, so a file can carry its special needs with it.  This is 
actually probably a deeper structural change than bullets, but drawers 
can do great things, and so may be powerful enough to be worth it.

 + TODO keywords and the like also affect parsing and export and 
cursor-movement (about the same stuff bullets would) and are settable, 
but again are really important and useful.  The COMMENT keyword less 
critical, but since it's a word, it's only reasonable that people should 
be able to have it in the appropriate language for their file.

Which does bring up one point: it isn't fair to imply that customizable 
bullets would not be "pure plain text."  Apart from the fact that they 
might well be used to make pure ASCII bullets (characters like @ or ! 
seem like possibilities), the fact is that Unicode *IS* plain text, 
that's what it's for.  TODO keywords and such can and should be able to 
take on values that use non-ascii letters for users of other languages, 
and Org files written in Hindi or Hebrew remain "pure plain text".

(I wonder if it would matter if the customization could only ADD 
possibilities, like the org-edit-src-region-extra variable does, and not 
replace or take away the basic ones.)


On 04/19/2012 06:01 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:

On Apr 19, 2012, at 11:40 AM, suvayu ali wrote:
I think this is very well put.  Org must remain parsable,
and all basic syntactic elements should be pure plain text
and not configurable.

- Carsten

However, Nicolas' suggestion about a minor mode to add overlays sounds
like a great idea to me.


Open source is the future. It sets us free.

- Carsten

[O] Flexible plain list bullets

2012-04-18 Thread Mark E. Shoulson

Attached is a patch that adds a customization variable for
  setting which characters you can use as bullets in plain lists. 
  Unicode has all kinds of pretty characters like ❧ or ☞ that would
  be good for bullets, why limit ourselves to just [-+*]?
The variable's "set" function sets associated other related
  variables, regular expressions using it, treating "*" specially
  since it isn't a plain-list bullet at the beginning of a line. 
  Care is taken that the character "-" does not wind up in the
  middle of the character range (but there isn't special processing
  for "]", and maybe there should be).
I put in some example sets to choose from in the customization
  menu, though they probably will not be usable since I understand
  Org-mode still has to support emacs versions that don't support
Please take a look, see if it's worth adding, tell me what else I
  need to do if necessary.  Thanks!



>From 5db3081b9487c09b17c7accfcf1b25f45002aa13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mark Shoulson 
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 20:55:41 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Lists: enable customization for arbitrary characters for
 plain list bullets

* lisp/org-list.el (org-list-bulletcharlist): new custom variable
to set a list of characters for use as the bullets in plain lists.
Entails a few other variables set along with it.
 lisp/org-list.el |   67 +
 1 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-list.el b/lisp/org-list.el
index 882ce3d..c751d1f 100644
--- a/lisp/org-list.el
+++ b/lisp/org-list.el
@@ -360,17 +360,60 @@ specifically, type `block' is determined by the variable
   "Regex corresponding to the end of a list.
 It depends on `org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists'.")
-(defconst org-list-full-item-re
-  (concat "^[ \t]*\\(\\(?:[-+*]\\|\\(?:[0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)[.)]\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)"
-	  "\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)\\][ \t]*\\)?"
-	  "\\(?:\\(\\[[ X-]\\]\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)?"
-	  "\\(?:\\(.*\\)[ \t]+::\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)?")
+;; There shouldn't really have to be two different values here, since
+;; they need to be changed in sync...
+(defvar org-list-bullet-re)
+(defvar org-list-bullet-chars)
+(defvar org-list-full-item-re nil
   "Matches a list item and puts everything into groups:
 group 1: bullet
 group 2: counter
 group 3: checkbox
 group 4: description tag")
+(defcustom org-list-bulletcharlist '(?+ ?- ?*)
+  "Characters used as unordered plain list bullets.
+If nil, defaults to (?- ?+ ?*), i.e. hyphen, plus, and *.  If * is present,
+it only matches when not at the beginning of the line (it must be preceded
+by whitespace).
+Using letters as bullet characters is not recommended, as they also get
+interpreted as ordered lists."
+  :group 'org-plain-lists
+  :type '(choice (const nil)
+		 (const :tag "(+ - *)" '(?+ ?- ?*))
+		 (const :tag "(+ - * ‣)" '(?+ ?- ?* ?‣))
+		 (const :tag "(☞ ❦ ❧ ❥)" '(?☞ ?❦ ?❧ ?❥))
+		 (repeat character))
+  :set (lambda (name val)
+  	 (let* ((val (or val '(?- ?+ ?*)))
+  		;; - mustn't be in the middle!  Place it in front.
+  		(val (if (member ?- val)
+			 (cons ?- (remove ?- val))
+		   val))
+  		(star-p (member ?* val))
+  		(val (remove ?* val)))
+	   (setq org-list-bullet-chars 
+		 (concat (eval `(string ,@val))
+			 (when star-p "*")))
+	   (setq org-list-full-item-re
+		 (concat "^[ \t]*\\(\\(?:[" org-list-bullet-chars "]"
+			 "\\|\\(?:[0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)[.)]\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)"
+			 "\\(?:\\[@\\(?:start:\\)?\\([0-9]+\\|[A-Za-z]\\)\\][ \t]*\\)?"
+			 "\\(?:\\(\\[[ X-]\\]\\)\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)?"
+			 "\\(?:\\(.*\\)[ \t]+::\\(?:[ \t]+\\|$\\)\\)?"))
+  	   ;; * is a special case
+  	   (setq org-list-bullet-re 
+  		 (concat 
+  		  "\\(?:"
+  		  (when star-p "[[:blank:]]+\\*")
+  		  (when (and star-p val) "\\|")
+  		  "[[:blank:]]*["
+  		  (when val (eval `(string ,@val)))
+  		  "]\\)")))
+  	 (set name val)))
 (defun org-item-re ()
   "Return the correct regular expression for plain lists."
   (let ((term (cond
@@ -379,8 +422,8 @@ group 4: description tag")
 	   ((= org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator ?.) "\\.")
 	   (t "[.)]")))
 	(alpha (if org-alphabetical-lists "\\|[A-Za-z]" "")))
-(concat "\\([ \t]*\\([-+]\\|\\(\\([0-9]+" alpha "\\)" term
-	"\\)\\)\\|[ \t]+\\*\\)\\([ \t]+\\|$\\)")))
+(concat "\\(" org-list-bullet-re "\\|[ \t]*\\(\\(\\([0-9]+" alpha "\\)" term
+	"\\)\\)\\)\\([ \t]+\\|$\\)")))
 (defsubst org-item-beginning-re ()
   "Regexp matching the beginning of a plain list item."
@@ -2229,7 +2272,7 @@ is an integer, 0 means `-', 1 means `+' etc.  If WHICH is
 		 (t (org-trim bullet
;; Compute list of possible bullets, depending on context.
-	(append '("-" "+" )
+	(append (mapcar 'char-to-string (string-to-list org-list-bullet-chars))