Re: [e-users] e16 help viewer doesn't use font in ttfonts under current theme

2009-02-28 Thread Yasufumi Haga
On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 17:38:11 +0100
"Kim Woelders"  wrote:

| On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 15:10:46 +0100, Yasufumi Haga  
| > Hi all
| >
| > I'm using svn version of E16 (, and recently I noticed
| > that e16 help viewer, which was included in the svn version of E16,
| > looked like it didn't use a font in ttfonts directory under
| > $HOME/.e16/themes/ while it uses a font in  
| > /usr/local/share/e16/fonts .
| >
| > I added some Japanese characters to the contents of e16 help along with
| > a Japanese font name, say kochi-gothic, at  tag like
| > . And then I copied the font
| > which was in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType to the former directory,
| > but the viewer didn't show those Japanese characters correctly. They were
| > messed up. On the other hand, a font in the latter directory seems to be
| > used by the viewer and the characters are shown normally.
| >
| > I would like to know if it is a normal behavior of E16 help viewer.
| > Thanks.
| A while back I did some changes around where fonts are searched and 
installed. The purpose was to reduce the number of .ttf files installed by e16 
packages and make it easier for distributions to substitute Vera[Bd].ttf (and 
other theme fonts) with links to whichever font is currently preferred.
| So, yes, things work as you describe, and there has been a change here. Theme 
fonts are only used for /ABOUT stuff.
| The font used in the e16 help pages should be in /e16/fonts. Is that 
a problem?.

No, it's not a problem at all. All I need to do in my environment
is just to copy a font used by the help viewer into the directory
you mentioned. I just tried the way described in "Fonts" section
of README-0.16.8:

1) "/", e.g. "Vera/8".
In this case e16 must be able to find "Vera.ttf" in /ttfonts or
/usr/share/e16/fonts.   ^^^

I just thought this could also be used for the help viewer.
| Btw., I'm not a huge fan of the e16 help pages in edox. I think it would be 
better to ship it as html, and maybe even merge the old help stuff with 

Good idea!

| I think the primary purpose of edox is to allow viewing the "About this 
theme" pages for all the existing e16 themes out there.
| /Kim


Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] can i use e with opengl engine?

2009-02-28 Thread The Rasterman
On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 22:27:43 +0800 bear tung  said:

> hi,
> i found evas, ecore had opengl  engine,  but i can find opengl engine for e.
> enna can use opengl engine evas and ecore, it's so cool.
> anyone can help me with this?

it can't because of limits of the gl engine. it doesnt support dest alpha or
shape masks (thus no shapes or translucency which are needed for drawing across
multiple windows). also it doesn't support multihead (where e needs to). so e
doesnt offer it as an option.

- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] e17 "keywords"???? Sabayon/gentoo

2009-02-28 Thread Bill Ellis
Your expectations to foresee the future is questionable.  Enlightenment can 
only show you the present.  And that is dependent on the past.  The future 
composed on a infinite number of choices to be made each instant by each 
person.  We can make those choices on scientific knowledge.  So each of us has 
to consider what role s/he will play.

For some 2000 years or more civilization has been ruled by a social 
paradigm on which all aspects of the EuroAmerican cultures are been based -- 
the “dominator paradigm.”  In the past 2 two decades a new social paradigm has 
been emerging  that could have the most, deep, fundamental impact on human 
civilization since huminids first came down from the trees.   The old paradigm 
placed humans in a purposeful universe created  by some super normal power for 
the domination and use by man.  The new paradigm we’ll call “A Gaian Paradigm,” 
suggests a spontaneously self-organizing universe in which humanity is but one 
of the created interdependent webs of being.


The “dominator paradigm,” has had a long evolution.  It grew from the Jewish 
creation myth that held that the earth was created for the use of and 
domination by man.  It was strengthened by Greek philosophy with its postulate 
that "Man is the measure of all things.”  The early Church held that a "chain 
of being"  put man at the top of a hierarchy with only a few celestial being 
above. Below were women, children, other races, animals, plants and the Earth.  
Each there to serve and be dominated by the rungs above.  The “dominator 
paradigm”  was stamped in the minds of Europe by the thousand year Inquisition 
that burned some one million people, mostly women, at the stake for believing 
in Earth as our creator.  It was spread to the East by the crusades that 
destroyed “infidel” humans, cities and nations.  During the Age of Colonization 
and Discover it  was perpetuated and made worldwide by the sword (technology), 
the cross (Christianity), and the flag (nationalism). Newton’s clock work 
concept of that cosmos, and Darwin’s development of evolution of humans were 
interpreted to “prove” the  validity of the dominator paradigm.  It was fixed 
in our moral secular system by the acceptance of Adam Smith's economy that 
claims that human "self-interest" competition and materialism should, and does, 
dictate all human actions.  This abomination as the essence of humanity now 
rules the world.


The new paradigm, which I’ll call “A Gaian paradigm,” not only has many 
roots but, can be, and is becoming, the underpinning of a new global network of 
cultures replacing the now dominant and domineering man-centered Industrial 
cultures.  The new cultures will, like all cultures,  be holistic unified 
coherence of interdependent components == religion, economics. social and 
others.  The emergence of the Gaian paradigm is resulting in a deep fundamental 
transition of our world-view, our social institutions and  our lifestyles.  The 
need for this transition is being made obvious by the growing numbers of  
dangers inherent in  industrialism.  And the transition is  happening, and 
being made real,  in the introduction of many positive and creative  social 
This  millennium is being looked upon as a time of radical and 
fundamental change.  Minds are opening to new ideas.  People are looking for 
new  actions.  It is in this spirit of a hopeful deep fundamental  social 
transformation  that this book is addressed. These are the concepts we’ll 
explore in the next few chapters.


Many basic scientific observations led to this new scientific/social 
paradigm.  The advancement of the Gaia theory; the establishment of Chaos and 
Complexity theories and new concepts of evolution were among them.

The observation that biological evolution did not progress as Darwin 
predicted by a series or minute changes which led over time to the emergence of 
new species.  Rather, biological evolution happened in quantum leaps.  Major 
biological changes and new species are created in relatively short periods of 
time after long periods of stability.  This observation was designated by 
Stephen Jay Gold as "punctured equilibrium".

  James Lovelock, a scientist working for NASA, observed that the 
biosphere of the Earth was radically different from all other planets.  It  
stayed amazingly constant, and within ranges which supported life.  Lynn 
Margulis, a microbiologist, at the same time, was studying the evolution of 
micro organisms over the billions of years before animals appeared on the face 
of the earth.  She found that life forms were interdependent.  Life was able 
exist on Earth because of a symbiosis among all life forms.  Everything was 
interdependent with everything else.  Life created its own biome.  Lovelock and 
Margulis proposed that the whole earth was a self-organized, self-sup

Re: [e-users] e17 "keywords"???? Sabayon/gentoo

2009-02-28 Thread Joe(theWordy)Philbrook

It would appear that on Feb 28, Alan McKinnon did say:
> On Saturday 28 February 2009 09:54:00 Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > emerge --newuse enlightenment
> >
> > Before I install anything else???
> That will work fine the first time, as enlightenment has all the EFL libs as 
> dependencies, and they in turn have their own dependencies, so they will all 
> be pulled in correctly, including eina, eet, evas, etc


> I used to have a convoluted script thingy that listed every e17 app and lib 
> and emerged them all. Now with portage sets I just stick everything in the 
> set 
> and 'emerge @e17'. It also keep my world file uncluttered.

I'm guessing '@e17' identifies the "set" that portage 2.2 or higher is to use.

> > 1) he says to: "emerge e"... But on my laptop where I've added the
> >overlay (but emerged no part of e yet) I just did an "emerge --ask e"
> >to see what it offered. "no ebuilds" As far as I can see the only E it
> >wants to give me is x11-wm/enlightenment (says I've got
> > Which must be e16... is correct for E17??? And if
> >I do the emerge on that laptop won't I lose e16?? (I like to switch
> >off...) On my desktop I've enough hard drive space to run two copies
> >of Sabayon if need be to have both e16 and e17 available...
> Ah. That's because vapier changed the name of the ebuild from 'e' to 
> 'enlightenment'. They should also be slotted so e16 and e17 do not clobber 
> each other when portage figures out what to build.
> version is the current release of e16

I was hoping that was a typo... I just mounted the partition where the
test installation of Sabayon I've been trying to "emerge" e17 on is
located. On which I thought I'd succeeded in emerging e17. But since I
was concerned about the keywords and hadn't added any components, I
hadn't built it an .xinitrc nor ran startx to test that theory...

UnderTree =-> pwd
UnderTree =-> ls e1*
UnderTree =-> ls en*
enc2xs   enchant-lsmod  encode_keychange  enum_chmLib env
enchant  encodedv   enscript  enumdir_chmLib  envsubst
UnderTree =->

So since e16 doesn't install from the dvd, I'm thinking THAT is what I
actualy emerged. (sigh) 

> You might find versions 0.16. in various places, that will probably be 
> e17 
> which is of course an entirely different thing altogether and merely shares a 
> common name. You can easily run a recent e16 and e17 on the same machine 
> (just 
> like gnome and kde can co-exist) becuase all the files have different names

Since I'd have to reboot to see this on that /dev/sda11 Sabayon
install where I've been mucking with such things... It was easier to
forward this output to myself from the laptop where I'm a few steps
behind the test install. Since the laptop only has room for ONE fully
personalized Sabayon installation I don't do it there till I tried it on
the test install without borking it.

localhost layman # layman -S
* Running command "/usr/bin/svn up "/usr/local/portage/layman/sabayon""...
At revision 2791.
* Running command "/usr/bin/svn up "/usr/local/portage/layman/enlightenment""...
At revision 270.
* Success:
* --
* Successfully synchronized overlay "sabayon".
* Successfully synchronized overlay "enlightenment".
localhost layman # emerge --search enlightenment
[ Results for search key : enlightenment ]
[ Applications found : 1 ]

*  x11-wm/enlightenment
  Latest version available:
  Latest version installed:
  Size of files: 1,815 kB
  Description:   Enlightenment Window Manager
  License:   BSD

localhost layman # emerge --search e17
[ Results for search key : e17 ]
[ Applications found : 0 ]

localhost layman # 

I think that confirms two things.

1) The enlightenment overlay IS in place...
2) emerge still isn't offering me e17 ??? 
> You could always grab a recent portage ebuild, copy it to your local overlay 
> and emerge it. It's been completely reliable for me, the last time portage 
> broke something on any of my machine was in 2005 :-)

Perhaps that would solve the problems. I don't usually go outside of
whatever package versions my distro maintainers see fit to put in the
repositories. (adding the enlightenment overlay was new ground for me.)
Though I did add repos to OpenSuSE and Kubuntu to get E17. Still
emerge is a powerful tool. And this is the first thing I've wanted bad
enough to risk mucking with it for. (And at that on a test installation.)

You say 'grab', I'm thinking 'wget'? (from where?)

> Let me know if you haven't read up yet on local overlays and need some 
> pointers.

Please! Any pointers you care to share will be MOST welcome.

(Along with any recommended reading. Though I must say most of the
official documentation I've found ever since I starting using linux has
usually s

Re: [e-users] kde app fonts

2009-02-28 Thread Matthew Morgan
> On Friday 27 February 2009 21:01:55 Matthew Morgan wrote:
>>> > > On Friday 27 February 2009 15:52:05 Matthew Morgan wrote:
> > >> > Sorry if this has already been answered sometime on this list, but
> > >> > I've searched google for an hour now, and can't find the answer.
> > >> >
> > >> > I recently switched from KDE to enlightenment.  When I use kde
> > >> > applications in e17, the font settings don't get loaded.  For
> > >> > instance, the fonts in Quanta are very small.  I've tried using
> > >> > qtconfig; it has no effect.  I noticed that if I run kcontrol and
> > >> > change the font size, then change it back, my font settings get
> > >> > loaded.  Is there a way to make this happen at startup?
> > >> >
> > >> > Also, when using the kcontrol work around, my gtk fonts get 
> > >> > changed.
> > >> > This is sort of annoying, but I guess I could live with it.
>>> > >
>>> > > When I still had kde-3.5.* I found that running kcminit at start of
>>> > > session fixed both the kde and gtk fonts. I have no idea why this 
>>> > > worked,
>>> > > only that it produced the results I wanted.
>> >
>> > Ah!  This is exactly what I needed.  It still makes my gtk fonts too
>> > big, but I think I can fix that in kcontrol.  Thank you very much!
> If you manage to figure out *why* it works, please tell me. I tried, and got 
> hopelessly lost. Understanding all the bits that go to make a KDE or Gnome 
> session start up and work coherently is beyond me.
I don't plan on trying to figure it out.  It works.  ;)

Anyway, my gtk fonts looked fine as soon as I removed the custom stuff I
put in .gtkrc to fix them.  I think KDE is managing both KDE-QT and GTK
when you start kcminit.  It'd be nice if it wasn't so complicated.

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] e16 help viewer doesn't use font in ttfonts under current theme

2009-02-28 Thread Kim Woelders
On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 15:10:46 +0100, Yasufumi Haga  

> Hi all
> I'm using svn version of E16 (, and recently I noticed
> that e16 help viewer, which was included in the svn version of E16,
> looked like it didn't use a font in ttfonts directory under
> $HOME/.e16/themes/ while it uses a font in  
> /usr/local/share/e16/fonts .
> I added some Japanese characters to the contents of e16 help along with
> a Japanese font name, say kochi-gothic, at  tag like
> . And then I copied the font
> which was in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType to the former directory,
> but the viewer didn't show those Japanese characters correctly. They were
> messed up. On the other hand, a font in the latter directory seems to be
> used by the viewer and the characters are shown normally.
> I would like to know if it is a normal behavior of E16 help viewer.
> Thanks.

A while back I did some changes around where fonts are searched and installed. 
The purpose was to reduce the number of .ttf files installed by e16 packages 
and make it easier for distributions to substitute Vera[Bd].ttf (and other 
theme fonts) with links to whichever font is currently preferred.

So, yes, things work as you describe, and there has been a change here. Theme 
fonts are only used for /ABOUT stuff.
The font used in the e16 help pages should be in /e16/fonts. Is that a 

Btw., I'm not a huge fan of the e16 help pages in edox. I think it would be 
better to ship it as html, and maybe even merge the old help stuff with 

I think the primary purpose of edox is to allow viewing the "About this theme" 
pages for all the existing e16 themes out there.


Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] can i use e with opengl engine?

2009-02-28 Thread Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 11:27 AM, bear tung  wrote:
> hi,
> i found evas, ecore had opengl  engine,  but i can find opengl engine for e.
> enna can use opengl engine evas and ecore, it's so cool.
> anyone can help me with this?

not e17.

Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri embedded systems
Skype: gsbarbieri
Mobile: +55 (19) 9225-2202

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] can i use e with opengl engine?

2009-02-28 Thread bear tung
hi, anyone there?

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 10:27 PM, bear tung  wrote:

> hi,
> i found evas, ecore had opengl  engine,  but i can find opengl engine for
> e.
> enna can use opengl engine evas and ecore, it's so cool.
> anyone can help me with this?
> thanks
> Bear
Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] can i use e with opengl engine?

2009-02-28 Thread bear tung
hi, anyone there?

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 10:27 PM, bear tung  wrote:

> hi,
> i found evas, ecore had opengl  engine,  but i can find opengl engine for
> e.
> enna can use opengl engine evas and ecore, it's so cool.
> anyone can help me with this?
> thanks
> Bear

软件工程师  Software Engineer
Douban Inc.
office: +86 8479 9008
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No.14 Jiuxianqiao Road, Area 51 A1-1-2106, Beijing 100016 , China
Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
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enlightenment-users mailing list

[e-users] e16 help viewer doesn't use font in ttfonts under current theme

2009-02-28 Thread Yasufumi Haga
Hi all

I'm using svn version of E16 (, and recently I noticed
that e16 help viewer, which was included in the svn version of E16,
looked like it didn't use a font in ttfonts directory under
$HOME/.e16/themes/ while it uses a font in /usr/local/share/e16/fonts .

I added some Japanese characters to the contents of e16 help along with
a Japanese font name, say kochi-gothic, at  tag like
. And then I copied the font
which was in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType to the former directory,
but the viewer didn't show those Japanese characters correctly. They were
messed up. On the other hand, a font in the latter directory seems to be
used by the viewer and the characters are shown normally. 

I would like to know if it is a normal behavior of E16 help viewer.

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
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enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] kde app fonts

2009-02-28 Thread Alan McKinnon
On Saturday 28 February 2009 07:03:07 Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:


> > Well that certainly sounds reasonable enough. Running kcminit in an
> > established e17 session pretty much does to fonts what adjusting the dpi
> > in kcontrol does.
> Hi, I'm a multi-boot guy ( used to be a dedicated kde guy until I
> figured out that the future of kde {>=4.x} is NOT my cup of tea.)

I rather like KDE4 :-)

I really like the 'big picture' of where they want to go, best described as 
"we give you a framwework to do awesome stuff and break away from the classic 
desktop metaphor. We have no idea where the desktop is going to go, but we 
hope these libs let you build something new and cool".

But, this is an e17 list and e17 is a classic wm. So, back on-topic:

>   2) Does anybody know if kcminit still works in kde4.x???

Should do. kde4 puts it there in /usr/bin/

Alternatively, you could repeat what I did to find kcminit in the first place: 
'ps axuf' and study the output, plus read through my distro's kde session 
start-up script.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
enlightenment-users mailing list

Re: [e-users] e17 "keywords"???? Sabayon/gentoo

2009-02-28 Thread Alan McKinnon
On Saturday 28 February 2009 09:54:00 Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> It would appear that on Feb 27, Alan McKinnon did say:
> > Look in /etc/layman/layman.cfg and find the "storage" directive. You will
> > find your layman overlays inside that directory. It's not necessarily set
> > to /usr/portage/local/layman/ (and might even default to below $PORTDIR
> > at install time)
> Am I glad to be talking with you! Perhaps I can even do this without
> borking another install...   ;-7
> You helped me find the actual currently in use location where (thank
> God!) the overlay (with the scripts) does exist...
> On the test installation of Sabayon where I'm doing this I've already
> emerged "enlightenment" without the keywords in place. I have not yet
> tried to emerge eine, eet, etc... Should I perhaps be best off getting
> the keywords file in place and then running:
> emerge --newuse enlightenment
> Before I install anything else???

That will work fine the first time, as enlightenment has all the EFL libs as 
dependencies, and they in turn have their own dependencies, so they will all 
be pulled in correctly, including eina, eet, evas, etc

The next time you run 'emerge enlightenment' it will build only the window 
manager, not the EFL as well. The reason is that the EFL may have changed but 
portage has no way to know that. It normally decides if it should rebuild some 
dependency by looking at version numbers, but the e17 svn ebuilds all have 
version  and it never changes. The only reliable solution is to rebuild 
everything every time you update. It takes about 90 minutes on a decent modern 

I used to have a convoluted script thingy that listed every e17 app and lib 
and emerged them all. Now with portage sets I just stick everything in the set 
and 'emerge @e17'. It also keep my world file uncluttered.

> > Please don't believe anything you read at, it is
> > hopelessly outdated, was entirely lost a good while back and has been
> > regenerated from search engine caches. It's uncertain whether that page
> > is relevant anymore. The correct reference is from the maintainer of the
> > overlay:
> >
> >
> Thank you, Site is now bookmarked!
> Ummnnn. I noticed two things.
> 1) he says to: "emerge e"... But on my laptop where I've added the
>overlay (but emerged no part of e yet) I just did an "emerge --ask e"
>to see what it offered. "no ebuilds" As far as I can see the only E it
>wants to give me is x11-wm/enlightenment (says I've got
> Which must be e16... is correct for E17??? And if
>I do the emerge on that laptop won't I lose e16?? (I like to switch
>off...) On my desktop I've enough hard drive space to run two copies
>of Sabayon if need be to have both e16 and e17 available...

Ah. That's because vapier changed the name of the ebuild from 'e' to 
'enlightenment'. They should also be slotted so e16 and e17 do not clobber 
each other when portage figures out what to build.

version is the current release of e16
You might find versions 0.16. in various places, that will probably be e17 
which is of course an entirely different thing altogether and merely shares a 
common name. You can easily run a recent e16 and e17 on the same machine (just 
like gnome and kde can co-exist) becuase all the files have different names

> 2) He mentions "export E17_WANT_AUTOMAKE=1.9"...
>Ummnn I just did an "emerge --search automake" it's only offering
>1.10.1 & 1.10.2... Is setting this environmental variable still
>going to help?

I haven't used that hack for ages. There was a time when it was needed as not 
all the e17 code had been fixed to use recent autotools. Obviously the 
intention is to gradually fix everything so hacks are not needed. This may 
even have happened by now. All I know is that I don't do anything variable 
hacking to get stuff to build.

Perhaps someone else more familiar with the code itself could comment on if 
this hack is still needed.

> > What you really want to do is:
> >
> > emerge layman
> > layman -L
> > layman -a enlightenment
> >
> > The current location of vapier's sample package.keywords is in scripts/
> > inside the overlay directory. You don't need his though, so to help you
> > out I've attached a working one.
> Thank you! But now that you've helped me find the script I'll use
> Vapier's recommended symlink. After all if the overlay gets updated with
> updated use flags in the updated included script of the same pathname,
> I'd get the updated keywords automatically. Right?

Correct. vapier also supplies int he overlay the scripts he uses to build the 
keywords file. It's quite simple - it finds ebuild names, mangles the name 
into shape and spits out a list which you store on disk. If you manage to 
damage it, just rerun the script

> There is one thing. I found several sites with instructions to set up