Re: Jan 18 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread David Bruant

Le 20/01/2012 00:54, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant
January 19, 2012 1:15 AM
Le 19/01/2012 02:27, Waldemar Horwat a écrit :

Brendan: Kill typeof null.  Replace it with Ojbect.isObject?

What would be the semantics of this?

It was not obvious but the precedent stems from the strawman that led 
to my proposal to change typeof null: 

This week we considered the draft spec:

  Object.isObject = function isObject(value) {
  return typeof value === 'object'  value !== null;

to be deficient because a function is also an object, so one might 
rather have

  Object.isObject = function isObject(value) {
  return (typeof value === 'object'  value !== null) || typeof 
value == 'function';


That would be perfect (for me at least).

Object.isObject(null); // false
Object.isObject({}); // true
// so far so good :-)
Object.isObject(function(){}) // ?
I'd like to advocate true for the last case. For now, the best way 
to test if something is of type Object (as defined in ES5.1 - 8.6, so 
including function) is to do o === Object(o) (an alternative being 
o !== null  (typeof o === 'object' || typeof o === 'function'), 
which is rather long and I have not seen much) which is a bit hacky 
and not straightforward to read for those who are not familiar with 
this trick.
If an Object.isObject is introduced, I'd be interested in seeing it 
covering the 8.6 definition.

Or maybe introduce another function for this?

That came up too: Object.type(x) would be the new typeof. But it will 
take a while to get adoption, it's not built-in so monkey-patchable etc.
If Object.isObject has the second definition you showed, I don't think 
an Object.type will be necessary, because every type will be testable in 
one instruction. Strings, numbers, booleans have typeof, undefined and 
null are unique values (testable with ===) and Object.isObject will test 
for ES5.1 - 8.6 definition of objects. It won't be consistent as an 
Object.type method would be, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't care.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Claus Reinke

But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated
freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable 
objects. Not just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and 
meta-data properties. Freezing is not wanted by default.

Another example: when defining parser combinators, I've re-defined
.toString, to make it easier to identify the parser combination in question
during debugging.

This would be less of an issue if core JS operations weren't biased
towards mutation. If it was easy to create modified function objects
without in-place mutation, freezing functions would be more acceptable.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Jorge
On 19/01/2012, at 22:14, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
 Suggestion: a community-edited page where we collect the rejected syntaxes 
 (= less running in circles) – simply copying emails (such as yours below) 
 there would probably suffice.

Has a backtick/accent grave ever been considered and/or rejected ?

Anonymous function expression:

setTimeout( '(){ ... }, 1e3);

Named function expression:

setTimeout( 'name(){ ... }, 1e3);


`(){ ... } // error: can't declare anonymous functions

`name(){ ... }
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Jan 18 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread David Bruant

Le 20/01/2012 00:57, Brendan Eich a écrit :

David Bruant
January 19, 2012 1:43 AM

Every time I've been thinking of an issue like this, the solution 
I've found was whoever runs first wins.

This is not relevant to the example I showed.
All in all, regardless of data or accessor, or the guarantee you put in 
which object can or cannot have its prototype changed, it seems that at 
the very least, security relies (at least partly) on __proto__ being 
deletable (configurable). And deleting it is something that the first 
code that runs gets to decide. If it's trusted code, it can delete it, 
if it's an attacker, it can make it non-configurable.

We have a de-facto standard with SpiderMonkey
I'm not sure I agree with the idea of a de-facto standard with 

In Chrome (V8):
var o = Object.create(null);
console.log(o.a); // undefined
o.__proto__ = {a:1};
console.log(o.a); // 1
If something is de-facto, it's SpiderMonkey implementation, not a standard.
And as I showed in an earlier message, there is out there code running 
in node.js (V8) using __proto__, hence making V8's version also worth 
not breaking.

that protects an object from having its [[Prototype]] changed once it 
has cut itself off from Object.prototype. Reflecting __proto__ as an 
accessor breaks this guarantee.

In the strawman [1], the security of an object is not bound to what is 
or is not in the prototype chain, but rather whether or not the object 
is extensible or not. Why wouldn't that be enough?

Does this matter? Clearly, it does cross-frame in the web embedding

I'm not sure I understand. Can you provide an example please?
Specifically, an example that would show a threat for the accessor 
property case, but not the data property case.

Regarding cross-frame issues, I can't think of how one case is worse 
than the other. Data or accessor, a new frame defines a new Object, a 
new Object.prototype and a new Object.prototype.__proto__. This one has 
to be deleted by the parent.
If in the parent, trusted code run first, it can make sure to be the 
only entity allowed to dynamically create frames and to be the first to 
access them (to delete Object.prototype.__proto__). If in the parent, an 
attacker runs first, it can make sure to be the first one to access the 
frame.Object.prototype and do whatever it wants to its __proto__ property.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Does private(expr) create a private storage block?

2012-01-20 Thread Herby Vojčík

Sorry, misunderstood the question.

Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 2:24 AM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

Let the object created is foo. When calling foo.method(), it is
accessing private(foo), not private(objectWithPrivates), since this
is foo. If yes does not happen. Errors may happen since foo
probably does not have private space (my proposal in this thread is
touching this issue).

2. what if Object.create(objectWithPrivates, descriptor) ? would
descriptor methods be able to invoke objectWithPrivates.method()
with private(this) access in the function body? If yes, would that
private(this) refer to the objectWithPrivates? This would violate
the objectWithPrivates private concept, isn't it?

Object.create accept the __proto__ and a descriptor, I am not sure a
 descriptor will/should ever have a private(this) configured unless
there is not a class for the descriptor but the list of
configurations won't make much sense, i.e.

{value: function () { this instanceof OuterClass /* not possible, it's
just an object */ }}

It is an error to use private keyword outside the class block. So, no 
extension with private(this) using methods at all outside it.
If aforementioned Object.create would appear inside class block, then 
according to actual state of the proposal, as I understand it, it is an 
error to use private keyword, too. It can only be used in methods (and 
constructor). But with I am less sure.
My proposal is to make use of private keyword much more liberated, in 
that case if your Object.create would appear inside (any) class block, 
it would work and added (that class's whose the class block is) private 
access, outside class block it would not.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Grant Husbands
Jon Zeppieri wrote:
 Is there a version of this desugaring that deals with recursive
 bindings in the initializer expression of the loop?

How about something like this?
(given for (let varName = initExpr; testExpr; updateExpr) { body } )

  let varName = initExpr;
  while(true) {
if (!testExpr) { break breakTarget; }
let tempVar = varName;
  // There might be a better way to copy values to/from shadowed variables
  // (using temporaries seems a bit weak)
  let varName = tempVar;
  continueTarget: { body }
  tempVar = varName;
varName = tempVar;

That way, all of the variable references in initExpr, testExpr and
updateExpr refer to a singular copy and all of the variable references
in body refer to the iteration-scoped ones.

So, looking at your example:
 for (let [i, inc] = [0, function() {i++;}]; i  n; inc()) ...

I think it now has the desired behaviour. However, people calling inc
from inside the body will still be surprised. I think solving that
probably requires something more advanced than a desugaring, as it
means the loop variables captured by that function (or, alternatively,
ones captured inside the body) need to point at different variables at
different times.

There's also an abstraction leakage if one breaks in the body, in that
the inner varName doesn't get copied to the outer one. All in all,
not a great desugaring, but I thought it might be worth offering.

Maybe disallowing capture in the for (let ...;...;...) head would be easier.

Grant Husbands.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread François REMY
I must say you globally got my point (even if, after re-reading it, it wasn't 
as clear as I intended). I hope others did, too.

To respond to your questions :

(1) On the usage of the arobase (@) symbol
  The @ is used in some languages as a function introductory keyword. Have a 
look at the very popular (among engineers) Matlab/Octav, for exemple. To me, it 
also carry a vlid semantic since At X corresponds X.toString() is a nice way 
to say @(X) X.toString().

  I've had a look at the current private name proposal, and, since last time I 
checked, there's still no mention of the @ symbol in it. If I guess correctly, 
it could replace the # sign used currently on the page. In that case, I don't 
see where's the problem with using the @() syntax since you can't actuall call 
the # symbol in the current proposal, you just need to access his ‘properties’.

  By the way, I don't say we should use @, just that it's a possible choice 
(and that if # has a semantic issue that would make it a bad choice, it can be 
used instead). I’ve been using the @ symbol quite a lot in the past to 
introduce functions so it feels natural for me (don’t take me responsible if I 
continue to use it in my mails) but if the comitee choose to use # (or another 
symbol like %, µ or § (which is the key just after the opening parenthesis on 
my keyboard BTW)), I would be perfectly happy.

(2) Arrow between args and body
  Would be complex to parse. I don’t think it’s possible, and even if it is, it 
could be horribly confusing in some cases :

  ? array.filter((x)=x5) 
  ? array.filter((x)=(x5))
  ? array.filter((x)={return x5;})

  var list = { 
  append: (x) = {


(2) Function, block-lambda semantics

  Maybe I wasn’t that clear on the point, but something I hate is 
non-future-proof/unstable coding. When I write a piece of code, I want it to be 
as maintainable as possible. By maintainable, I mean that if I need to change 
the code, a small change should never trigger changes at different locations in 
my code. Small change, small fix.

  The problem with the block-lambda used as a ‘local function’ (sorry, I don’t 
see a better way to define the concept, ie a function which is only used in an 
action-related, controlled context) is that a small change could require major 

  Let’s imagine that I wrote that code :{|x|while(x.previousSibling) x=x.previousSibling;});

  Then, let’s imagine that I should change my code to include an early return. 
Using block-lambda, it can be rather complex.{|x|
let shouldReturn=false;
while(!shouldReturn  x.previousSibling) {
if(isValidStart(x)) { shouldReturn=true; }
else { x=x.previousSibling; }
  Boom, the code has become very complex and is not easily readable anymore. 
Even if I wanted to modify my code to transform the block-lambda in a function, 
it would involve a lot of rewrite (changes are highlighted here, but I think if 
I face the case, I just delete the whole code and restart from scratch) : {
while(x.previousSibling) {
if(isValidStart(x)) return x;
return x;

  But, according to me, if a small change can trigger a block-lambda to become 
a function, it’s because it should not have been a block lambda from start. It 
should have been a function.

  Lets consider the case where we use a short function notation instead, from 
beginning : { 
while(x.previousSibling) { x=x.previousSibling; }
return x; 
  It’s a big longer but it’s futur-proof. To make my small change, I just have 
to add one line of code. {
while(x.previousSibling) {
if(isValidStart(x)) return x;
return x;
  For the first time, the code was stable. A small change only shifted slightly 
the balance. 

  I can acomodate with ‘function’, but, let’s face it, in some simpler cases, 
if I don’t have a short function notation, I’ll use a block-lambda and will 
face the problem. And be sure I’ll dislike it :-D

  Even allowing the @(x) x.toString() syntax is not a problem since if I need 
to change the expression into a list of statement, there’s just one place to 
perform the changes (I have to replace x.toString() with a new code), so I can 
write my code in one continuous typing stream, and I don’t have to use the 
mouse (or CTRL+Arrows) to move the spot to different places. An expression has 
to be small anyway so I don’t loose a lot of code even if I choose to scratch  
redo. The @ and the arguments are already there.
(3) Short function ‘desugaring’ preference
  If I could choose, I would set the short function syntax to imply automatic 
binding. But since it makes them unusable for script 

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Andreas Rossberg
A couple of remarks/questions...

On 20 January 2012 01:40, Waldemar Horwat wrote:

 Allen:  Do top-level let and const create properties of the global object?
 DaveH (channeling Andreas):  No, but functions do.

If that is referring to me then there might have been a
misunderstanding. I don't think I ever suggested making a distinction
between different forms of static bindings. That would be terrible. :)

 Sam:  If they don't then the T-shirt Erik is currently wearing wouldn't
 Many agreed that we can't break the T-shirt.

Let me guess: that T-shirt is saying let is the new var?

 DaveH:  What if there are duplicate top-level bindings?
 MarkM:  Top-level let should behave as much as possible the same as
 concatenated scripts.

There are some serious issues lurking here. I would like to float
another idea for reforming the top-level, but I'll do so in a separate

 Also, function (e) {let e;} should always be an error.

Is there a good reason to do this? It would be an unnecessary
irregularity with block scoping, and seems like overly nanny-ish (in
stark contrast to other parts of the language).

 Discussion about scope of for-bindings.
 for (var x = ...;;) {...}  will, of course, retain ES1 semantics.
 for (let x = ...;;) {...}
 Allen: This will behave as in C++: x is bound once in a new scope
 immediately surrounding just the for statement.
 DaveH: Strangely enough, this creates a new x binding in Dart at each

Why strange?

 Those opposed earlier to new-binding-per-iteration hop back onto the fence.
 Waldemar, Brendan, and DaveH hop off the fence to now support it, as it will
 cure an annoying gotcha in practice.  Looks like we have support for it now.

I'm happy to hear that. Given lexical closures, I think it clearly is
the far superior semantics. Just need to get the V8 implementation in

es-discuss mailing list

The global object as the global scope instance object

2012-01-20 Thread Andreas Rossberg
From the TC39 notes:
 DaveH:  What if there are duplicate top-level bindings?
 MarkM:  Top-level let should behave as much as possible the same as
 concatenated scripts.

It's my claim that it is impossible to reconcile all of the following
three goals in a way that is even remotely sane:

1. Top-level bindings are aliased as data properties of the global object.
2. Top-level bindings allow redefinition of existing properties of the
global object.
3. Top-level let/const have a temporal dead-zone.

Abandoning (3) essentially means abandoning a reasonable const
semantics for the toplevel (and future hostile to guards), so we don't
want to do that. (For V8, we had long struggles with defining and
implementing a const for the (current notion of) top-level that
actually makes any sense. We failed.)

Hence, I would like to suggest another, more moderate idea for a
global scope reform: treat the global object similar to a module
instance objects. That is:

- Top-level bindings (other than var) are reflected as accessor
properties on the global object.
- They are defined on the global object before the script starts executing.
- Their getters/setters simply delegate to the bound variables.
- For const bindings, there are no setters.
- These properties are non-configurable.
- Unlike a module instance object, the global object is extensible
(multiple scripts!).

This disallows lexical bindings to redefine existing non-configurable
properties of the global object (including ones reflecting bindings
from earlier scripts), which is checked before the script starts
executing. Likewise, let/const-defined properties cannot later be
deleted from the global object.

Apart from that, not much should change in practical terms. You should
pretty much be able to replace var with let. At the same time, static
scoping actually is maintained, and there is no issue with temporal
dead zones. Moreover, concatenating scripts would not affect the
meaning or validity of bindings, AFAICS.

Regarding scope pollution, I think this is best solved by making the
global object be a fresh empty object that has the object containing
all primordials as its prototype. Overriding is allowed according to
the standard defineProperty semantics. No special rules necessary.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Herby Vojčík

Andreas Rossberg wrote:

On 20 January 2012 01:40, Waldemar  wrote:

Also, function (e) {let e;} should always be an error.

Is there a good reason to do this? It would be an unnecessary
irregularity with block scoping, and seems like overly nanny-ish (in
stark contrast to other parts of the language).

+1. I see no point why let e; should not shadow argument e here.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Wes Garland
On 20 January 2012 09:22, Herby Vojčík wrote:

 +1. I see no point why let e; should not shadow argument e here.

I do.  It is a virtual certainty that this form was used accidentally by
the developer, which indicates a flaw in the developer's thinking --
probably due to cut-paste/refactor code having a variable name collision.
It should be an early error/warning, just like it is in C.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Wes Garland
On 19 January 2012 23:02, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Yes kids, this means we are going with MarkM's lambda desugaring from:**pipermail/es-discuss/2008-**October/007819.html

 So any closures formed in the body of such a for(let...;...;...) loop will
 capture the binding created afresh for that iteration.

Thank you, Lord!  \o/Can I get a Hallelujah?   \o/

for (i=0; i  alerts.length; i++) {
  setTimeout(function(i) { return function() { m.add(alerts[i]) } }(i),
(i+1) * 10);

Here ^^ is a real loop I wrote last week, weeping the entire time.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 So any closures formed in the body of such a for(let...;...;...) loop will 
 capture the binding created afresh for that iteration.
 Thank you, Lord!  \o/Can I get a Hallelujah?   \o/  
 for (i=0; i  alerts.length; i++) {
   setTimeout(function(i) { return function() { m.add(alerts[i]) } }(i), (i+1) 
 * 10);
 Here ^^ is a real loop I wrote last week, weeping the entire time.

I agree. If you are willing to add two more lines, you can make the code a 
little more readable:

for (i=0; i  alerts.length; i++) {
(function (i) {
setTimeout(function() { m.add(alerts[i]) }, (i+1) * 10);

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: The global object as the global scope instance object

2012-01-20 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 5:55 AM, Andreas Rossberg rossb...@google.comwrote:

 Regarding scope pollution, I think this is best solved by making the
 global object be a fresh empty object that has the object containing
 all primordials as its prototype.


very pedantic -- you've been warned
Just a pedantic terminology point for now: Presumably you mean global
primordials other than the global object itself. Object.prototype.toString
is a primordial, but presumably there is no direct binding from your
proposed object to Object.prototype.toString. (An alternate interpretation
of your containing might be reachable, in which case it would apply to
Object.prototype.toString, but IMO that's a confusing way to specify

I would classify Object as a global primordial, because it is initially
bound, according to ES specification, to the global variable named Object.

The global object itself is bound to top level this, which isn't exactly
a global variable, so it is unclear whether the unqualified phrase global
primordials should include it. Hence the qualification.

Although the global object is often also bound to a global variable like
window, this does *not* make it a global primordial, since that binding
derives from the hosting environment rather than any ES spec.

Were we to adopt your proposal, this new object would itself be a new
primordial, reachable directly from the global object but not named by any
global variable. Indeed, it would be one of the very few primordials not
named by a naming path rooted in a global variable. (Another example is the
ThrowTypeError object of 13.2.3. Are there any others? I can't think of
/very pedantic -- you've been warned

Substantive comments later after I've mulled over your very interesting

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Jan 18 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

Andy Wingo
January 20, 2012 7:43 AM
I had a hard time following the conclusions here. There does seem to 
be some uncertainty regarding ES6 features in non-strict code, but is 
in strict mode and in modules is this (DaveH's new proposal) the 
consensus? Thanks, Andy

I listed every harmony:proposals (eventually -- some eluded me) on the 
white board and we worked through them, evaluating how they could work 
in non-strict code. That was the list with ? or x next to any proposal 
with questions or overt (we thought) compatibility problems.

We eventually solved all the cases that survived (typeof null == null 
died). This means new ES6 features work in non-strict code. Great news!

We need some experiments to prove that those early x marks can be 
removed. For instance, const and function-in-block require 
experimentation by SpiderMonkey and JavaScriptCore in nightly builds to 
switch to the ES6 semantics in non-strict code and see what breaks.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Jan 18 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

David Bruant
January 20, 2012 12:51 AM
Le 20/01/2012 00:54, Brendan Eich a écrit :
That came up too: Object.type(x) would be the new typeof. But it will 
take a while to get adoption, it's not built-in so monkey-patchable etc.
If Object.isObject has the second definition you showed, I don't think 
an Object.type will be necessary, because every type will be testable 
in one instruction. Strings, numbers, booleans have typeof, 
undefined and null are unique values (testable with ===) and 
Object.isObject will test for ES5.1 - 8.6 definition of objects. It 
won't be consistent as an Object.type method would be, but as far as 
I'm concerned, I don't care.

We want consistency along the major dimensions for new features, if we 
can. Having a bunch of isFoo predicates does not help switch on an 
enumerated type value. On the other hand, we can't make a categorical 
sum for all types or classes without a catch-call category within 
which further subtype tests will be required anyway.

I think given existing practice we might justify

  Object.typeOf(x)  - typeof with Object.typeOf(null) == null.
  Object.classOf(x) -, -1) 
using the original value of O.p.toString.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 20, 2012, at 6:22 AM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

 Andreas Rossberg wrote:
 On 20 January 2012 01:40, Waldemar  wrote:
 Also, function (e) {let e;} should always be an error.
 Is there a good reason to do this? It would be an unnecessary
 irregularity with block scoping, and seems like overly nanny-ish (in
 stark contrast to other parts of the language).
 +1. I see no point why let e; should not shadow argument e here.

In general, the binding rules for function parameters were decided at the Nov. 
2011 meeting (see Nov 16 meeting notes):  

 MarkM: Two-scope model (one scope for parameters, an independent inner scope 
 for let, const, and var bindings).  This model is upwards-compatible with 
 ES5.1 strict because the latter disallows shadowing of a parameter by a 
 binding in function scope.
 Allen: Two-scope model, but with inner scope prohibited from shadowing 
 MarkM: Likes this.  Any program that is accepted works with either of the 
 two-scope model intuitions.

Whether you view this has two scopes with static semantic rules that prohibit 
inner declarations from shadowing or a single scope with appropriate static 
semantic rules that prevent redeclaration of  formals, the effect is 
essentially the same.  The current specification draft actually uses a single 
environment record and appropriate static semantic rules. However you model it 
in terms of scopes, the intent is that the function formal parameters and the 
top level declarations are treated as a single naming contour for the purposes 
of allowing or disallowing duplicate declarations. 

Also we have the following rules such such naming contours:
We don't allow duplicate let declarations for the same name.
We don't allow a let binding and a var declarations for the same name.
There may be multiple var declarations for the same name.  They all refer to 
the same binding.

Given those rules, how to we think about formal parameters?  If they are 
equivalent to let declarations, then the first rule would disallow function(d) 
{let e}.  If they are equivalent to var declarations, then the second rule 
would disallow that function.


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Jan 18 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Wes Garland

 Object.classOf(x) -
 (x).slice(8, -1) using the original value of O.p.toString.


Including the name of the module that the class comes from might be nice.

We do that for classes implemented in C in GPSEE modules today by being bad
-- we modify JSClass::name after JS_InitClass() returns -- and it's helpful
during debugging.


Wesley W. Garland
Director, Product Development
PageMail, Inc.
+1 613 542 2787 x 102
es-discuss mailing list

Multi-line quasi literals

2012-01-20 Thread Luke Hoban
One of the valuable use cases for quasis that we've discussed is multi-line 
string literals.  It was just pointed out to me that the current proposal page 
mentions an open issue which calls into question multi-line string literals and 
the exact semantics of them.  This is in Line Continuation and 
Line Terminators.

The concern raised there is about trailing whitespace at the end of lines, and 
in particular issues related to source control and end-of-line escapes.

My feeling is that:
a) Multi-line string literals are important and should be supported in quasis.
b) Trailing whitespace should be allowed and preserved.   It is a useful for 
quasis to be as literal as possible.

This came up in side conversation at the TC39 meeting today - wanted to send 
mail to see if the open issue can be resolved.


es-discuss mailing list

Fixing instanceof (Array.isArray() etc.)?

2012-01-20 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
This JavaScript pitfall is still mind-boggling to me. It is clear what happens 
(each frame has a different copy of Array etc.), but I find it hard to wrap my 
mind around the consequences in practice. Is there a plan on how to make this 
less painful in the long run? Initially, a cross-frame version of instanceof 
might help (as opposed to Function.isFunction, Date.isDate, RegExp.isRegexp 

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

shortcut for private(this)

2012-01-20 Thread Herby Vojčík


I think private itself could be used as a shortcut to private(this). It 
may look for example like this:

class Foo {
  leq(other) {
return private.weight = private(other).weight;

It is not unprecedented, there already is a keyword that represents this 
as well as other object in a strange manner (super). So private can also 
be such a word.

I don't see any grammatical/parsing/syntanctic problems with this for 
the moment. Maybe you find one.


P.S.: Since it is very similar (and works everywhere, not 
only in constructor), it may be though of to remove 'private foo = bar;' 
in constructor in favour of ' = bar;'. But it is only sort of 
afterthought. Also, 'public baz = moo;' could then be changed by simple 
'this.baz = moo;' to make code in constructor more akin to code used 
everywhere else.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 20, 2012, at 7:13 AM, Wes Garland wrote:

 On 20 January 2012 09:22, Herby Vojčík wrote:
 +1. I see no point why let e; should not shadow argument e here.
 I do.  It is a virtual certainty that this form was used accidentally by the 
 developer, which indicates a flaw in the developer's thinking -- probably due 
 to cut-paste/refactor code having a variable name collision.  It should be an 
 early error/warning, just like it is in C.

This was essentially the conclusion that was reached when this was discussed at 
the Nov. TC39 meeting.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Multi-line quasi literals

2012-01-20 Thread Mike Samuel
2012/1/20 Luke Hoban
 My feeling is that:
 a) Multi-line string literals are important and should be supported in quasis.
 b) Trailing whitespace should be allowed and preserved.   It is a useful for 
 quasis to be as literal as possible.

 This came up in side conversation at the TC39 meeting today - wanted to send 
 mail to see if the open issue can be resolved.


Some IDEs provide mechanisms that automatically strip whitespace on
save, but I think those will have to change for anyway.

For javascript got to 'save actions' select Perform the selected
actions on save
Check Additional Actions and click on configure.
choose the code organizing tab

Check Remove trailing whitespace

This will remove trailing white space from all lines every time you
save. You can optionally ignore empty lines.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Herby Vojčík

Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

On Jan 20, 2012, at 6:22 AM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

+1. I see no point why let e; should not shadow argument e here.

In general, the binding rules for function parameters were decided at
the Nov. 2011 meeting (see Nov 16 meeting notes):

MarkM: Two-scope model (one scope for parameters, an independent inner
scope for let, const, and var bindings). This model is
upwards-compatible with ES5.1 strict because the latter disallows
shadowing of a parameter by a binding in function scope.

Allen: Two-scope model, but with inner scope prohibited from shadowing
MarkM: Likes this. Any program that is accepted works with either of
the two-scope model intuitions.

Whether you view this has two scopes with static semantic rules that
prohibit inner declarations from shadowing or a single scope with
appropriate static semantic rules that prevent redeclaration of formals,
the effect is essentially the same. The current specification draft
actually uses a single environment record and appropriate static
semantic rules. However you model it in terms of scopes, the intent is
that the function formal parameters and the top level declarations are
treated as a single naming contour for the purposes of allowing or
disallowing duplicate declarations.

Single scope, args are lets view is making sense of this. Ok, thanks.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

 Single scope, args are lets view is making sense of this. Ok, thanks.

Another case together with this one seems to force us into Single scope,
args are vars:

function foo(e) { var e ... }

The var e is currently accepted in both strict and non-strict as a
redundant declaration of the same variable, no shadowing or error. We can't
break this. And we can't explain it if params are let bindings.

If it turns out to be practically backwards compatible, we would like to
explain } catch (e) { as a let binding of e, leading to a simpler
explanation of its block-local scope. The hard case is

  } catch (e) { var e ... }

which would have to become an error. We don't yet know if this new breakage
would create actual problems in practice.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

January 20, 2012 1:22 AM

Has a backtick/accent grave ever been considered and/or rejected ?

Rejected, that is used by 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 20 January 2012 18:26, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 On 20 January 2012 01:40, Waldemar  wrote:
 Also, function (e) {let e;} should always be an error.

 Is there a good reason to do this? It would be an unnecessary
 irregularity with block scoping, and seems like overly nanny-ish (in
 stark contrast to other parts of the language).

 In general, the binding rules for function parameters were decided at the
 Nov. 2011 meeting (see Nov 16 meeting notes):

 MarkM: Two-scope model (one scope for parameters, an independent inner scope
 for let, const, and var bindings).  This model is upwards-compatible with
 ES5.1 strict because the latter disallows shadowing of a parameter by a
 binding in function scope.

 Allen: Two-scope model, but with inner scope prohibited from shadowing
 MarkM: Likes this.  Any program that is accepted works with either of the
 two-scope model intuitions.

 Whether you view this has two scopes with static semantic rules that
 prohibit inner declarations from shadowing or a single scope with
 appropriate static semantic rules that prevent redeclaration of  formals,
 the effect is essentially the same.  The current specification draft
 actually uses a single environment record and appropriate static semantic
 rules. However you model it in terms of scopes, the intent is that the
 function formal parameters and the top level declarations are treated as a
 single naming contour for the purposes of allowing or disallowing duplicate

Here is a simple model: a function expression introduces one local
scope(*), which contains the parameters and the var variables hoisted
from its body (as in ES5). The function is evaluated by evaluating its
body _as a block_ (which it is, syntactically).

This is a simpler, more compositional rule with fewer special cases.
In effect, you have two scopes, but there is nothing special at all
about the inner one. In particular, var-bound vars are hoisted out of
this block like they are hoisted out of inner blocks.

This is fully backwards compatible, AFAICS.

(*) Ignoring the extra scope for the optional function name.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 20 January 2012 18:28, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

 On Jan 20, 2012, at 7:13 AM, Wes Garland wrote:

 On 20 January 2012 09:22, Herby Vojčík wrote:

 +1. I see no point why let e; should not shadow argument e here.

 I do.  It is a virtual certainty that this form was used accidentally by the
 developer, which indicates a flaw in the developer's thinking -- probably
 due to cut-paste/refactor code having a variable name collision.  It should
 be an early error/warning, just like it is in C.

 This was essentially the conclusion that was reached when this was discussed
 at the Nov. TC39 meeting.

How is

  function(x) { let x }

any different in this respect from

  { let x { let x } }

? The same argument can be made in either case. The latter is allowed,
the former isn't. In both cases, a block-local let shadows a variable
from outer scope.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

Mark S. Miller
January 20, 2012 10:15 AM
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

Single scope, args are lets view is making sense of this. Ok,

Another case together with this one seems to force us into Single 
scope, args are vars:

function foo(e) { var e ... }

The var e is currently accepted in both strict and non-strict as a 
redundant declaration of the same variable, no shadowing or error. We 
can't break this. And we can't explain it if params are let bindings.

Exactly -- sorry I didn't raise this yesterday. Allen, IIRC we've 
discussed it. This was the reason ES4 equated let and var at top of 
function body or Program production (but that was in the bad old days).

If it turns out to be practically backwards compatible, we would like 
to explain } catch (e) { as a let binding of e,

ES5 doesn't include let but essentially specifies this, and engines do 
it (those that support 'let' use exactly the same machinery).

leading to a simpler explanation of its block-local scope. The hard 
case is

  } catch (e) { var e ... }

which would have to become an error. We don't yet know if this new 
breakage would create actual problems in practice.

Pretty sure we can break this. We should.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

Andreas Rossberg
January 20, 2012 10:17 AM

Here is a simple model: a function expression introduces one local
scope(*), which contains the parameters and the var variables hoisted
from its body (as in ES5). The function is evaluated by evaluating its
body _as a block_ (which it is, syntactically).

This is a simpler, more compositional rule with fewer special cases.
In effect, you have two scopes, but there is nothing special at all
about the inner one. In particular, var-bound vars are hoisted out of
this block like they are hoisted out of inner blocks.

This is fully backwards compatible, AFAICS.

(*) Ignoring the extra scope for the optional function name.

+1. I do not see how we can make parameters be let-bound, given function 
f(x) { var x; ... } being allowed in ES5 non-strict and strict.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcut for private(this)

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich
Let's not bikeshed class private syntax just yet. I mean, we could 
(es-discuss, right?) but I don't think it is productive.

And again, we do not want a reified private state object, so private 
could not be a free expression. This also hurts private(other).weight -- 
'weight' is not an identifier in a private state object, it has to be 
a private name object binding. Therefore we should avoid any syntax 
suggesting a first-class reflection of a private state object.

This is why @foo for private name object bound to lexical identifier foo 
has been proposed. It also has the benefits of being shorter and 
matching some other languages near to JS.


Herby Vojčík
January 19, 2012 9:58 AM

I think private itself could be used as a shortcut to private(this). 
It may look for example like this:

class Foo {
  leq(other) {
return private.weight = private(other).weight;

It is not unprecedented, there already is a keyword that represents 
this as well as other object in a strange manner (super). So private 
can also be such a word.

I don't see any grammatical/parsing/syntanctic problems with this for 
the moment. Maybe you find one.


P.S.: Since it is very similar (and works everywhere, not 
only in constructor), it may be though of to remove 'private foo = 
bar;' in constructor in favour of ' = bar;'. But it is only 
sort of afterthought. Also, 'public baz = moo;' could then be changed 
by simple 'this.baz = moo;' to make code in constructor more akin to 
code used everywhere else.

es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Fixing instanceof (Array.isArray() etc.)?

2012-01-20 Thread Herby Vojčík

Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

This JavaScript pitfall is still mind-boggling to me. It is clear what
happens (each frame has a different copy of Array etc.), but I find it
hard to wrap my mind around the consequences in practice. Is there a
plan on how to make this less painful in the long run? Initially, a
cross-frame version of instanceof might help (as opposed to
Function.isFunction, Date.isDate, RegExp.isRegexp etc.).

Inspired by Smalltalk messages like #isInteger (defined in Object as 
returning false, defined in Integer as returning true) one possible 
solution would be to use variation of it. Its problem (or advantage, as 
one sees at it) is that it is designed for overwriting and possibility 
have forest, not only tree of objects that return isXxx as true; the is, 
for duck-typing. But if recent discussion of read-only inheritance 
proves true, then it can be protected by defining isArray property on 
(every) Object.prototype as non-writable, non-configurable, value:false, 
and similar one with value:true on (every) Array.prototype so one can 
not shadow it by mere assignment, but only by (explicit or implicit) 

From the point of security, it is probably too liberal. :-(

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcut for private(this)

2012-01-20 Thread Herby Vojčík

Brendan Eich wrote:

And again, we do not want a reified private state object, so private
could not be a free expression. This also hurts private(other).weight --
'weight' is not an identifier in a private state object, it has to be
a private name object binding. Therefore we should avoid any syntax
suggesting a first-class reflection of a private state object.

How do I do private(foo)[expression]? Or I don't (yes, it can be worked 
around by foo.@store[expression], but)?

This is why @foo for private name object bound to lexical identifier foo
has been proposed. It also has the benefits of being shorter and
matching some other languages near to JS.

I did not know. I have read the class proposal (I need to rework 
Empowered Data not to use @).
I am all for @bar (or something), I like the concise syntax for private 
property name concept. In fact I wanted it, and wanted to propose 
something lot crazier (private keyword itself being modifier of the 
property name, so foo.private bar, foo[private expr]; but @ is better 
(except I don't know if it is []-friendly).


es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcut for private(this)

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

Herby Vojčík
January 20, 2012 10:39 AM
Brendan Eich wrote:

And again, we do not want a reified private state object, so private
could not be a free expression. This also hurts private(other).weight --
'weight' is not an identifier in a private state object, it has to be
a private name object binding. Therefore we should avoid any syntax
suggesting a first-class reflection of a private state object.

How do I do private(foo)[expression]? Or I don't (yes, it can be 
worked around by foo.@store[expression], but)?

No problem -- @foo[bar] is the same in abstract syntax as (@foo)[bar].

es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcut for private(this)

2012-01-20 Thread Herby Vojčík

Brendan Eich wrote:

Herby Vojčík
January 20, 2012 10:39 AM
Brendan Eich wrote:

And again, we do not want a reified private state object, so private
could not be a free expression. This also hurts private(other).weight --
'weight' is not an identifier in a private state object, it has to be
a private name object binding. Therefore we should avoid any syntax
suggesting a first-class reflection of a private state object.

How do I do private(foo)[expression]? Or I don't (yes, it can be
worked around by foo.@store[expression], but)?

No problem -- @foo[bar] is the same in abstract syntax as (@foo)[bar].

No, I asked for something else. How do it do: get a private property of 
foo whose name is computed by expression? Something like 
foo.@[expr]? Or is there no way to do it?

In other words, what is [] syntax for foo.@bar? foo.@[bar]? foo[@bar]?



es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 20, 2012, at 10:22 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Mark S. Miller
 January 20, 2012 10:15 AM
 On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Herby Vojčík wrote:
Single scope, args are lets view is making sense of this. Ok,
 Another case together with this one seems to force us into Single scope, 
 args are vars:
function foo(e) { var e ... }
 The var e is currently accepted in both strict and non-strict as a 
 redundant declaration of the same variable, no shadowing or error. We can't 
 break this. And we can't explain it if params are let bindings.
 Exactly -- sorry I didn't raise this yesterday. Allen, IIRC we've discussed 
 it. This was the reason ES4 equated let and var at top of function body or 
 Program production (but that was in the bad old days).

I think it did come up, which is why I would actually apply the Single scope, 
args are vars (which can not be redeclared via let) rule.

In fact formals parameters are neither let or var bindings (and the 
specification doesn't even distinguish environment record bindings in that 
manner).  Classic non-strict arguments are pretty var like, but strict mode 
forbids multiple formals with the same name ( a let-like characteristic) and we 
have agreed that new syntactic forms for formal (eg destructuring) will also 
preclude multiple declarations of the same name even in non-strict contexts.  

 If it turns out to be practically backwards compatible, we would like to 
 explain } catch (e) { as a let binding of e,
 ES5 doesn't include let but essentially specifies this, and engines do it 
 (those that support 'let' use exactly the same machinery).
 leading to a simpler explanation of its block-local scope. The hard case is
  } catch (e) { var e ... }
 which would have to become an error. We don't yet know if this new breakage 
 would create actual problems in practice.
 Pretty sure we can break this. We should.

From the meeting, this was my understanding of how we will proceed.  All of the 
breaking changes we discussed in the context of enabling ES6 features into 
non-strict code are subject to reconsideration if we discover actual web 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcut for private(this)

2012-01-20 Thread Erik Arvidsson
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 10:46, Herby Vojčík wrote:
 No, I asked for something else. How do it do: get a private property of
 foo whose name is computed by expression? Something like
 foo.@[expr]? Or is there no way to do it?
 In other words, what is [] syntax for foo.@bar? foo.@[bar]? foo[@bar]?

@bar is a shorthand[*] for this[bar]
object.@bar is a shorthand[*] for object[bar]

There is no way to compute a string bar to do the lookup since that
would break private name encapsulation:

let object = ...
  let key = Name.create()
  let secret = {}
  object.@key = secret

There must be no way to get access to secret here.

[*] Using @ does not really invoke []. That is important if private
names are going to work with the extended collection proposals Allen

es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcut for private(this)

2012-01-20 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 10:46, Herby Vojčík wrote:
 No, I asked for something else. How do it do: get a private property of
 foo whose name is computed by expression? Something like
 foo.@[expr]? Or is there no way to do it?
 In other words, what is [] syntax for foo.@bar? foo.@[bar]? foo[@bar]?

 @bar is a shorthand[*] for this[bar]
 object.@bar is a shorthand[*] for object[bar]

 There is no way to compute a string bar to do the lookup since that
 would break private name encapsulation:

 let object = ...
  let key = Name.create()
  let secret = {}
  object.@key = secret

 There must be no way to get access to secret here.

 [*] Using @ does not really invoke []. That is important if private
 names are going to work with the extended collection proposals Allen

Shorter Arv: Private Names are not strings, they're unforgeable
objects.  Thus, it's impossible by design to have an analog of
foo[bar+baz] for Private Names.  I wrote a blog post about the

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Multi-line quasi literals

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich
We should not have any doubts about this point. Quasis mean 
almost-verbatim, including literal unescaped newlines and *all* spaces.

Mike, will you update the wiki?

Thanks for bringing this up, Luke.


Mike Samuel
January 20, 2012 9:47 AM


Some IDEs provide mechanisms that automatically strip whitespace on
save, but I think those will have to change for anyway.

For javascript got to 'save actions' select Perform the selected
actions on save
Check Additional Actions and click on configure.
choose the code organizing tab

Check Remove trailing whitespace

This will remove trailing white space from all lines every time you
save. You can optionally ignore empty lines.

es-discuss mailing list
Luke Hoban
January 19, 2012 11:11 PM
One of the valuable use cases for quasis that we've discussed is 
multi-line string literals. It was just pointed out to me that the 
current proposal page mentions an open issue which calls into question 
multi-line string literals and the exact semantics of them. This is in Line 
Continuation and Line Terminators.

The concern raised there is about trailing whitespace at the end of 
lines, and in particular issues related to source control and 
end-of-line escapes.

My feeling is that:
a) Multi-line string literals are important and should be supported in 
b) Trailing whitespace should be allowed and preserved. It is a useful 
for quasis to be as literal as possible.

This came up in side conversation at the TC39 meeting today - wanted 
to send mail to see if the open issue can be resolved.


es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Multi-line quasi literals

2012-01-20 Thread Mike Samuel
2012/1/20 Brendan Eich
 We should not have any doubts about this point. Quasis mean almost-verbatim,
 including literal unescaped newlines and *all* spaces.

 Mike, will you update the wiki?

Will do.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 20, 2012, at 10:19 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 On 20 January 2012 18:28, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 On Jan 20, 2012, at 7:13 AM, Wes Garland wrote:
 On 20 January 2012 09:22, Herby Vojčík wrote:
 +1. I see no point why let e; should not shadow argument e here.
 I do.  It is a virtual certainty that this form was used accidentally by the
 developer, which indicates a flaw in the developer's thinking -- probably
 due to cut-paste/refactor code having a variable name collision.  It should
 be an early error/warning, just like it is in C.
 This was essentially the conclusion that was reached when this was discussed
 at the Nov. TC39 meeting.
 How is
  function(x) { let x }
 any different in this respect from
  { let x { let x } }
 ? The same argument can be made in either case. The latter is allowed,
 the former isn't. In both cases, a block-local let shadows a variable
 from outer scope.

This is a suability issue. Languages with c-like syntax seem to generally 
disallow top level re-declarations of formal parameters, even when they other 
support block scoped declarations.  Presumably because it is assume that 
shadowing probably not the user intent in most such situations.  I researched 
this last year and captured it in a email exchange I had with Brendan:

On Jun 8, 2011, at 11:23 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:


 On Jun 8, 2011, at 10:48 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:


 On Jun 8, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:



 Does the semantics have any utility:

 I don't believe there is any utility in:

function (x) {let x=; ...}  

 it simply makes the formal x inaccessible.   In all probability this is 
 really a coding or refactoring error.


 That's not the case that arises from the let* semantics we (almost, you 
 demurred after the meeting) agreed on last September at Mozilla:


  function (x) {foo(x); let x = bar(); baz(x);}


 Here (and imagine it is a bigger function), the let semantics from last fall 
 would make a new scope at the let x, as if there were an explicit { before 
 it and one to balance at the end.


 Users of C++ would be surprised, I think, if they couldn't write something 
 like this. Not that C++ users get undue weight, but you get my point: it 
 depends on what language(s) you are coming from.


 According to the C++ specification rule I cited in my message the C++ 
 equivalent to the above function would be an error because it redeclares a 
 parameter name at the top level. Throw an extra level of { } around the 
 function body and the results would be different. It would also be an error 
 in Java and C#.  

I think there is strong precedent and good usability reasons for treating the 
formal parameter list and the top-level function scope as if they were the same 
lexical name space.  EG, the top level function body is not allowed to shadow 
(or redeclare) formal parameters.  Also, there are backwards compatibility 
requirements (even in strict mode)  that function top level var statements and 
function declarations  are able to change the values of formal parameters. 
These are defined as SetMutableBinding operations not as creating new bindings.

This is a recurring discussion.  The discussion always seems to resolve 
(perhaps with some unhappy acquiesce) that we want to follow the C++/Java/C# 
(and other similar language) precedent adjusted to deal with legacy var and 
function semantics. 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcut for private(this)

2012-01-20 Thread Herby Vojčík

Erik Arvidsson wrote:

let object = ...
   let key = Name.create()
   let secret = {}
   object.@key = secret

Oh, so all that foo.@bar does is to have different syntax for foo[bar], 
bar being private name? Than it's not as cool as I thought at all.

private keyword in class proposal did something a lot more convenient. 
It created private name behind the scenes and let people to use 
private properties with doing

  prvKeyA = Name.create();
  prvKeyB = Name.create();
for all private keys they wanted to use. This was _the_ purpose of 
private keyword.

It seems I was overjoyed prematurely... :-/


P.S.: Why not to let obj[privateName]? It is fine.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Jan 18 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Isaac Schlueter
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 17:27, Waldemar Horwat wrote:
 Octal constants:
 Useful as arguments to chmod.
 Proposal for 0o123 (as well as 0b01110).
 MarkM: Concerned about 0O123.
 Waldemar: Nothing unusul here. We've lived with 36l (meaning 36 long instead
 of 361) in Java and C++ for a long time.
 Alternative for octal: 8r123 (but then we'd also want 16r123, 2r0101, and
 maybe more).
 Decided to allow 0o and 0b.  Unresolved whether to allow 0O and 0B.
 Persistent weak feelings on both sides on the upper case forms.

On behalf of Node.js, thank you.  This is the right call.

FWIW (ie, not much), I'm personally 100% ambivalent about 0O and 0B.
0O is less visually distinctive than 0o, and caps support isn't really

Nr### is not really necessary. Programming happens primarily in bases
2, 8, 10, and 16.  (And 64, but that's mostly just for serializing.)
If we have 0b, 0o, 0x, and the default base 10, then that's plenty.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Jan 18 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

Isaac Schlueter
January 20, 2012 1:00 PM

On behalf of Node.js, thank you. This is the right call.

On behalf of old Unix people, thank us -- and you! :-)

FWIW (ie, not much), I'm personally 100% ambivalent about 0O and 0B.
0O is less visually distinctive than 0o, and caps support isn't really

See second day notes:

Revisited octal/binary constants.
Waldemar: Note that we currenty allow both upper and lower cases for a, 
b, c, d, e, f in hex literals as well as e in exponents and x in hex 
literals.  Breaking symmetry by forbidding upper case for b and o to 
avoid lookalikes would be nanny language design.  We can't forbid 
lookalikes anyway:

  let y = 3;
let у = 7;
return y;
This is a valid ES6 strict function body that returns 3, of course.  The 
second let defines a local variable named with a Cyrillic letter.

Decision:  Allow upper case B and O to start binary or octal literals.

Nr### is not really necessary. Programming happens primarily in bases
2, 8, 10, and 16. (And 64, but that's mostly just for serializing.)
If we have 0b, 0o, 0x, and the default base 10, then that's plenty.

Everyone agrees -- woohoo!


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread François REMY
Just to add weight to my previous mail, you may find it interesting to 
notice that my proposed syntax match nearly exactly the proposed syntax of 
the new Mozilla-editored Rust programming language:

   call_twice({|| I am a stack closure; });

   call_twice(fn@() { I am a boxed closure; });

It confirms my feeling about {|| ...}: it should only be allowed in a 
context where the function still exists; it's a way to return the control 
back to the calling function when you need to call a callback-able 
function for some reason. At every other place, you should use 'normal' 
closures (the language-agnostic equivalent of ECMAScript functions), for 
which we should have a simplified syntax (aka syntaxic sugar). I don't 
bother if it has to start by @, #, %, µ, § or anyting else, but I feel 
strongly about the fact we need it.

Now, I think everyone got my point, I leave the final discussion to group 
members. But, at least, my message was sent. ;-)

Best regards,

es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Jon Zeppieri
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 7:25 AM, Grant Husbands wrote:
 Jon Zeppieri wrote:
 Is there a version of this desugaring that deals with recursive
 bindings in the initializer expression of the loop?

 How about something like this?
 (given for (let varName = initExpr; testExpr; updateExpr) { body } )

  let varName = initExpr;
  while(true) {
    if (!testExpr) { break breakTarget; }
    let tempVar = varName;
      // There might be a better way to copy values to/from shadowed variables
      // (using temporaries seems a bit weak)
      let varName = tempVar;
      continueTarget: { body }
      tempVar = varName;
    varName = tempVar;

 That way, all of the variable references in initExpr, testExpr and
 updateExpr refer to a singular copy and all of the variable references
 in body refer to the iteration-scoped ones.

It doesn't satisfy Desirable Property #3 from the previously cited email:

 3) The rewrite rules are the *same,* regardless of whether it's a for
 (var ...) or a for (let ...) loop.

But that's the least important property.

 So, looking at your example:
 for (let [i, inc] = [0, function() {i++;}]; i  n; inc()) ...

 I think it now has the desired behaviour. However, people calling inc
 from inside the body will still be surprised.

Yeah, that's a problem.

 I think solving that
 probably requires something more advanced than a desugaring, as it
 means the loop variables captured by that function (or, alternatively,
 ones captured inside the body) need to point at different variables at
 different times.

That's my suspicion, as well, and I'm curious whether this affects
TC39 members' opinion. It's not entirely clear from Brendan's email
what caused him, Waldemar, and David Herman to hop off the fence in
support of the fresh-binding-per-iteration approach, but it sounds to
me like they were initially concerned about needing to specify a
complicated semantics and were persuaded by MarkM's argument that the
problem could be solved syntactically.

 There's also an abstraction leakage if one breaks in the body, in that
 the inner varName doesn't get copied to the outer one. All in all,
 not a great desugaring, but I thought it might be worth offering.

 Maybe disallowing capture in the for (let ...;...;...) head would be easier.

I still think there's something misleading about taking a loop with an
imperative update and re-binding behind the scenes, despite the fact
that the problem it's trying to solve is definitely a real problem
(I've been bitten by it myself). It's one thing if the difference
really isn't observable except in the case where a closure captures
the iteration variable (as Sam suggests), since it's hard to imagine
anyone wanting the current binding behavior in that case. But the
recursive binding cases make me a bit uneasy.


 Grant Husbands.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Jon Zeppieri
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Jon Zeppieri wrote:
 It's one thing if the difference
 really isn't observable except in the case where a closure captures
 the iteration variable (as Sam suggests), since it's hard to imagine
 anyone wanting the current binding behavior in that case. But the
 recursive binding cases make me a bit uneasy.

Heh. Of course, the recursive binding cases *are* cases where a
closure captures the iteration variable... The distinction I was
trying to draw is between the normal case, where the binding is
captured in the body, and the oddball cases I've mentioned, where it's
captured in the loop initializer.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: January 19 meeting notes

2012-01-20 Thread Waldemar Horwat

On 01/19/2012 10:51 PM, Jon Zeppieri wrote:

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:02 PM, Brendan  wrote:

Yes kids, this means we are going with MarkM's lambda desugaring from:

Is there a version of this desugaring that deals with recursive
bindings in the initializer expression of the loop?

In my post 
I used an example like:

for (let fn = function() { ... fn(); ...};;)

There are other, related cases, like:

   for (let [i, inc] = [0, function() {i++;}]; i  n; inc()) ...

In that earlier post, I wrote that the modifications [to MarkM's
desugaring] needed to make these work are pretty straightforward,
though I can't recall what I had in mind at the time.

Waldemar's option (above) solves the recursive function case, but not
the local-inc case. Even as the loop rebinds i and inc, the latter
will continue to refer to (and increment) the initial binding of i.

Yeah, I know about that.  If the updater is something like i++, you want the 
closures to capture the value of the i before the updater runs.  I didn't bring 
up that case (and we didn't discuss it during the meeting) because, if we 
choose to do this approach, its resolution is pretty straightforward and we 
were short on time.  I recall seeing Mark's desugaring that already handles it. 
 We'll revisit the details in the future.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: The global object as the global scope instance object

2012-01-20 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 20, 2012, at 5:55 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 From the TC39 notes:
 DaveH:  What if there are duplicate top-level bindings?
 MarkM:  Top-level let should behave as much as possible the same as
 concatenated scripts.
 It's my claim that it is impossible to reconcile all of the following
 three goals in a way that is even remotely sane:
 1. Top-level bindings are aliased as data properties of the global object.
 2. Top-level bindings allow redefinition of existing properties of the
 global object.

the rules are more complex than this. see There are important distinctions 
between own and inherited properties of the global object and properties 
created using var/function declarations (all we have in ES5) and arbitrary 
properties directly created by the user or host.

 3. Top-level let/const have a temporal dead-zone.
 Abandoning (3) essentially means abandoning a reasonable const
 semantics for the toplevel (and future hostile to guards), so we don't
 want to do that. (For V8, we had long struggles with defining and
 implementing a const for the (current notion of) top-level that
 actually makes any sense. We failed.)

Temporal dead-zone initialization tracking requires extra state and checking 
(except for the common cases within functions where it can be statically 
determined that there are no possible references within the dead zone).  This 
additional requirement is reflected in the specification in the ES5 definition 
of the CreateImmutableBinding and InitializeImmutableBinding environment record 
methods.  In ES5 this mechanism (and state) was only needed within 
DeclarativeEnviornmentRecords for (the rarely used) immutable bindings. For the 
ES6 spec. this has been generalize to also apply to ObjectEnvironmentRecords 
and to track initialization of both mutable and immutable bindings.  

The specification doesn't address how an implementation might represent that 
state but it needs to be somewhere. Closure capturing the state in 
getter/setter functions may be one way to do this for the global scope.  I 
imagine that there are other ways.  For example, global object properties could 
potentially have an implementation specific not yet initialized bit 
associated with properties on the global object.  Or you might shadow the 
entire global object with a special kind of environment record that that 
censors access to instantiated but initialized global bindings (add entry to 
the censor environment when the binding is instantiated, only create a property 
in the global object when it is initialized).

However, I agree that there are still significant issues with rationally 
integrating the semantics of global object property access semantics and the ES 
global declaration semantics.  Both for ES5 and ES6.

 Hence, I would like to suggest another, more moderate idea for a
 global scope reform: treat the global object similar to a module
 instance objects. That is:
 - Top-level bindings (other than var) are reflected as accessor
 properties on the global object.
 - They are defined on the global object before the script starts executing.
 - Their getters/setters simply delegate to the bound variables.

whose access presumably perform the necessary checks to enforce the temporal 

 - For const bindings, there are no setters.
 - These properties are non-configurable.

It is already the case (for ES5) that all properties created for global 
declarations are non-configurable (unless created by an eval).

 - Unlike a module instance object, the global object is extensible
 (multiple scripts!).
 This disallows lexical bindings to redefine existing non-configurable
 properties of the global object (including ones reflecting bindings
 from earlier scripts), which is checked before the script starts
 executing. Likewise, let/const-defined properties cannot later be
 deleted from the global object.

I'm not yet convinced that you need to publicly expose such global object 
properties accessor properties.  I think it is possible to hide the mechanisms.

 Apart from that, not much should change in practical terms. You should
 pretty much be able to replace var with let. At the same time, static
 scoping actually is maintained, and there is no issue with temporal
 dead zones. Moreover, concatenating scripts would not affect the
 meaning or validity of bindings, AFAICS.

Independent of implementation schemes, I think we need to decide on the meaning 
of the following independent scripts (in different documents)

do not use strict;
// does not exist at this point.
foo = 10
const foo=5;  //or let

// does not exist at this point. = 10
const foo=5;  //or let

// does not exist at this point.
const foo=5;  //or let


 Regarding scope pollution, I think this is best solved by making the

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich
Rust is a static language with many guarantees. It's not really 
comparable to JS here.

JS extended with block-lambdas has no way to force downward-funarg-only 
contract on functions called with block-lambda arguments. And indeed, 
nothing goes wrong if those block-lambdas escape via the heap and are 
called after the enclosing function's activation, which passed the 
block-lambda down, has returned. Only if the block-lambda does a control 
effect that would propagate to the enclosing function's activation is 
there a dynamic error.

JS is a dynamic language. When you write it should only be allowed, 
are you seriously proposing a checkable syntax and static check of some 
kind? How would that work?

(Aside: I wish I had used fn instead of function in 1995!)


François REMY
January 20, 2012 1:38 PM
Just to add weight to my previous mail, you may find it interesting to 
notice that my proposed syntax match nearly exactly the proposed 
syntax of the new Mozilla-editored Rust programming language:

   call_twice({|| I am a stack closure; });

   call_twice(fn@() { I am a boxed closure; });

It confirms my feeling about {|| ...}: it should only be allowed in a 
context where the function still exists; it's a way to return the 
control back to the calling function when you need to call a 
callback-able function for some reason. At every other place, you 
should use 'normal' closures (the language-agnostic equivalent of 
ECMAScript functions), for which we should have a simplified syntax 
(aka syntaxic sugar). I don't bother if it has to start by @, #, %, µ, 
§ or anyting else, but I feel strongly about the fact we need it.

Now, I think everyone got my point, I leave the final discussion to 
group members. But, at least, my message was sent. ;-)

Best regards,

François REMY
January 19, 2012 12:19 PM
It may be just a personnal taste, but I've to agree the current 
proposal (#() ...) seems very appealing to me. I did not respond to 
your mail proposing to use the Arrow syntax because it seems obscure 
to me. The distinction between normal and fat arrow is thin, does 
not make sense. You either need a function-object (which doesn't have 
'this' mapping, has expandos) or a local-function (which has 'this' 
mapping, just need to be a [Call] target). If you need the first, you 
need a traditionnal function since you need something not-frozen that 
can be added to objects as a property at a later time. If you want 
'this' mapping, you need something that only makes sense in a local 

Additionnaly, the arrow syntax is illogical. You usually say I want a 
function of (X,Y) which returns X+Y or I want to transform X in 
X.toString, not From X, I want to get X.toString().

Freezing a local function seems as acceptable to me as it seemed to 
others. A LF should only be used in a controlled context where the 
function itself is just used as a function, not an object. But if it's 
not acceptable to other members, I'm not against a @(x) syntax that 
does not offer frozen functions (but I think it's a missed 
optimization opportunity). The point about Conditionnal Compiling in 
IE is not valid anymore since Microsoft has deleted HTML Conditionnal 
Comments because they were not standards (even if they were used a 
lot), so I don't think the obscure and fewly used JScript CC are meant 
to stay, especially if it hurts another proposal.

In my view of the thing, a local function should be used as a function 
in the mathematical sense of the term: you give a parameter, it 
returns its image by the function.

The cases we are trying to solve:

   var inc=#(x) x+1; x.toString());

   array.filter(#(x) isValid(x)); {
   while(x.previousSibling) x=x.previousSibling;
   return x;

For example, I don't see this as a good use-case of a LocalFunction :

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame(#(e) this.refreshLayout(e));

It should be a block lambda instead, because it's meant to 'continue' 
the current function in a sort of async while(true) loop.

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame({|e| this.refreshLayout(e) });

For all of the use cases where a mathematical function is requied, 
you just need some valid [Call]-able item. You will never add expandos 
on an function you don't know (ie that you received as a parameter). 
You'll wrap it before, if you really need that. If you want the full 
flexibility of a function-as-an-object, it means you need a 'true 
function'; LF are not meant to replace functions in the long run, they 
are made to serve the case where you want a short, action-related, 
contextual function. That means 'this' binding, if needed, just like 
it's in languages like dotNET.

However, I would like 

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 (Aside: I wish I had used fn instead of function in 1995!)

How much does the fact that a symbol *could* be used (in theory) matter in 
practice? Most regexes I see for valid identifiers are still of the 
^[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*$ variety.

I’d expect λ to be in use in Greece, but how about ƒ (which has been mentioned 
many times)? It seems very appropriate and is even easy to type on a Mac 
(easier than square brackets on a German keyboard!).

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 20, 2012, at 5:08 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 (Aside: I wish I had used fn instead of function in 1995!)

At the TC39 meeting we were trying to think of pragma candidates.

It wouldn't surprise me if JS programmer would happily trade one:

use fn;

per file in exchange for being able to use fn as a synonym for function. In 
terms of character counts, you come out ahead starting with the second function 


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

   	Allen Wirfs-Brock  
  January 20, 2012 
5:41 PM
  At the TC39 meeting we
 were trying to think of pragma candidates.It 
wouldn't surprise me if JS programmer would happily trade one:use
 fn;per file in exchange for being able to use
 "fn" as a synonym for "function". In terms of character counts, you 
come out ahead starting with the second function definition.Allen

I have considered this in the past. It always seemed too little, 
due to return. If it 
enabled another production:

 AssignmentExpression :
 fn Identifieropt ( FormalParameterListopt ) AssignmentExpression

(or we just added this unconditionally, without the pragma -- but 
the pragma is good too) then I'd be happy, finally.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Jorge
On 20/01/2012, at 19:17, Brendan Eich wrote:
 Jorge January 20, 2012 1:22 AM
 Has a backtick/accent grave ever been considered and/or rejected ?
 Anonymous function expression:
 setTimeout( `(){ ... }, 1e3);
 Named function expression:
 setTimeout( `name(){ ... }, 1e3);
 `(){ ... } // error: can't declare anonymous functions
 `name(){ ... }
 Rejected, that is used by 

1.- There are not quasi literals in the language yet
2.- quasi literals could as well use something else (the acute accent ?) instead
3.- a shorter function syntax is almost at the top in the programmers' wish 
list for (unlike quasis)

Isn't it -perhaps- too soon to reject ` for functions in favor of quasis ?
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

January 20, 2012 6:46 PM

1.- There are not quasi literals in the language yet

No, quasi-literals are approved for ES6. Already.

2.- quasi literals could as well use something else (the acute accent 
?) instead

No, that is used for string literals, since JS1 in 1995!

3.- a shorter function syntax is almost at the top in the programmers' 
wish list for (unlike quasis)

So what? No one except you is asking for ` and quasis won. Please adjust 
your expecations accordingly.

Isn't it -perhaps- too soon to reject ` for functions in favor of quasis ?



es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Jorge
On 21/01/2012, at 02:34, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
 how about ƒ (which has been mentioned many times)? It seems very appropriate 
 and is even easy to type on a Mac (easier than square brackets on a German 

setTimeout( ƒ () { ... }, 1e3)
setTimeout( `() { ... }, 1e3)

setTimeout( ƒ name () { ... }, 1e3)
setTimeout( `name () { ... }, 1e3)

ƒ name () { ... }
`name () { ... }
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Jorge
On 21/01/2012, at 03:59, Brendan Eich wrote:
 2.- quasi literals could as well use something else (the acute accent ?) 
 No, that is used for string literals, since JS1 in 1995!

Sorry, I don't follow, with that you mean something else or the acute 
accent ?

str = ´agudo´
• message: Invalid character '\u0180'
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

January 20, 2012 7:15 PM

Sorry, I don't follow, with that you mean something else or the 
acute accent ?

Oh, not ' but the diacritical on é, you mean?

How do I type that on a US or UK keyboard? We are not going to use 
non-ASCII characters, so you are still barking up the wrong tree.


str = ´agudo´
• message: Invalid character '\u0180'
Brendan Eich
January 20, 2012 6:59 PM

January 20, 2012 6:46 PM

1.- There are not quasi literals in the language yet

No, quasi-literals are approved for ES6. Already.

2.- quasi literals could as well use something else (the acute accent 
?) instead

No, that is used for string literals, since JS1 in 1995!

3.- a shorter function syntax is almost at the top in the 
programmers' wish list for (unlike quasis)

So what? No one except you is asking for ` and quasis won. Please 
adjust your expecations accordingly.

Isn't it -perhaps- too soon to reject ` for functions in favor of 
quasis ?



January 20, 2012 1:22 AM

Has a backtick/accent grave ever been considered and/or rejected ?

Anonymous function expression:

setTimeout( '(){ ... }, 1e3);

Named function expression:

setTimeout( 'name(){ ... }, 1e3);


`(){ ... } // error: can't declare anonymous functions

`name(){ ... }
Brendan Eich
January 19, 2012 11:27 AM
Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If 
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the 
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

First, #(params) { body } was proposed by Arv and Alex:

Arv and Alex feel strongly that the shorter function syntax (anything 
shortening 'function' syntax) must not freeze by default.

There was lack of clarity about whether completion value as implicit 
return value was part of the proposal. If so, controvery, since there 
is a completion value leak hazard. TC39 seems to agree the solution 
there is something with different look  feel, such as block-lambdas.

But, making a one-char grawlix shorthand for 'function' while still 
requiring 'return' is not considered enough of a shorthand. A possible 
cure here is to support an alternative body syntax: #(params) expr. 
However, this inverts precedence if done naively. It also runs into 
trouble trying to prefer an object literal over a block statement. 
I've worked on both of these in the context of

This superseded shorter_function_syntax, but ran into grammatical 
issues that have vexed it.

But notice that throughout this, no one advancing a proposal advocated 
freezing by default. JS developers use function objects as mutable 
objects. Not just to set .prototype, also to decorate with ad-hoc and 
meta-data properties. Freezing is not wanted by default.

I agree that for block-lambdas it's easier to say freeze by default. 
For merely shorter function syntax, no. Functions are mutable 
objects by default in JS. This matters for minifiers, which may not be 
able to see all the mutations but would love to use shorter syntax for 
'function' syntax, blindly.

es-discuss mailing list

Axel Rauschmayer
January 19, 2012 9:31 AM

Rationale: wouldn’t freezing by default be OK for 98% of the cases? If 
you want anything else, you can use a traditional function. Then the 
above syntax as the only function shorthand would be OK.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

   	Axel Rauschmayer  
  January 20, 2012 
5:34 PM
 much does the fact that a symbol *could* be used (in theory) matter in 
practice? Most regexes I see for valid identifiers are still of the 
^[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*$ variety.I’d expect λ to be in use in 
Greece, but how about ƒ (which has been mentioned many times)? It seems 
very appropriate and is even easy to type on a Mac (easier than square 
brackets on a German keyboard!).

It's hard to type λ on many keyboards. ƒ is easier, but neither is

js ƒ = 1
js ƒ
js λ = 2
js λ

We rejected these already for these reasons.

I think "use fn;" (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-_expression_ fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do 
you think?

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
Various thoughts:

 How much does the fact that a symbol *could* be used (in theory) matter in 
 practice? Most regexes I see for valid identifiers are still of the 
 ^[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*$ variety.
 I’d expect λ to be in use in Greece, but how about ƒ (which has been 
 mentioned many times)? It seems very appropriate and is even easy to type on 
 a Mac (easier than square brackets on a German keyboard!).
 It's hard to type λ on many keyboards. ƒ is easier, but neither is 
 js ƒ = 1
 js ƒ
 js λ = 2
 js λ
 We rejected these already for these reasons.

My thinking was: If no one ever uses λ as an identifier (not likely in Greece) 
or ƒ as an identifier (likely, given that most people seem to think JS 
identifiers must adhere to the regexes shown above) then one would be free to 
make them reserved tokens in ES6. Counter arguments:

- Hard to type: reading is far more important than typing, it is very easy to 
adapt tools to help with typing.

- Not ASCII: I hardy every encounter non-UTF text files, any more. Non-ASCII 
seems to work well for Fortress.

 I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
 assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do you 

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great if one 
could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one could put legacy 
code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And the weight of the pragmas 
would be negligible. Not sure how to do this, though; reminds me very loosely 
of CSS (centralized management of style).

Would fn make sense as an ES6 breaking change? I’d expect many people to be 
strongly in favor, possibly as many strongly opposed.

Possible research (applies to ƒ, too):
- Poll people for their opinion
- Search JS code bases for how often the identifier fn is used (how?).

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-20 Thread Brendan Eich

Axel Rauschmayer
January 20, 2012 9:24 PM

- Hard to type: reading is far more important than typing, it is very 
easy to adapt tools to help with typing.

ƒ is not particularly readable IMHO. It's florin, not mathematical 
notation I've ever seen. Anyway we can't assume the compatibility break 
is ok since it can occur in operand context in any expression.

- Not ASCII: I hardy every encounter non-UTF text files, any more. 
Non-ASCII seems to work well for Fortress.

Fortress, please. I invite @samth to comment now. I admire Fortress, but 
it is not an exemplar or nearby language for JS.

I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What 
do you think?

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great 
if one could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one 
could put legacy code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And 
the weight of the pragmas would be negligible. Not sure how to do 
this, though; reminds me very loosely of CSS (centralized management 
of style).

You make a good point: use fn; may be too much to require in every 
script element content.

Would fn make sense as an ES6 breaking change? I’d expect many people 
to be strongly in favor, possibly as many strongly opposed.

Don't forget that JQuery uses fn as an identifier (and not just 
following a dot) all over.

Possible research (applies to ƒ, too):
- Poll people for their opinion

These are not decisive. I've been straw-polling audiences for a while. 
Block-lambdas are doing well, but one must ask nothing, just 
'function' and usually get a stronger response than any new syntax.

- Search JS code bases for how often the identifier fn is used (how?).

See JQuery sources. Unconditionally reserving 'fn' is a non-starter 
IMHO. Recall also that we are trying to hew to One JavaScript -- few 
to no refactoring woes moving code in and out of a module {...} 
container or use strict; code block.


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