Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Kevin Smith

 because the right-side-up way to say that is:

 e - a * c

Yeah, I was waiting for someone to point that out, after I hit send.  : )
 I should spend more time setting up a better examples...
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Kevin Smith

 x ** y ** z is easier to read/write than x.pow(y.pow(z))

That might be cherry picking.  Trying to make up something a little more

a**b * -c**d + e

Math.pow(a, b) * -Math.pow(c, d) + e

a.pow(b) * -c.pow(d) + e

I don't have strong feelings on this issue, but the third option looks
pretty good to me.  If we had some form of pipelining syntax (yet to be
proposed), then we could have:

let { pow } = Math;
a-pow(b) * -c-pow(d) + e;

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Fabrício Matté
You don't need to be a language guru to know which operation will be
performed first, you can (and should) check an operator precedence and
associativity table such as MDN's
Knowing operator precedence and associativity is very important when
reading code written by others, and many projects use the no unnecessary
parens linting rule.


On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 8:35 AM, Bill Frantz wrote:

 On 8/27/15 at 11:51 PM, (Niloy Mondal) wrote:

 x ** y ** z is easier to read/write than x.pow(y.pow(z))

 As a language guru, you know which operation will be performed first. As
 Joe programmer, I don't and I would need to write it as x ** (y ** z).

 With some operations, like +, the order doesn't matter and x + y + z is
 not confusing.

 Cheers - Bill

 Bill Frantz|We used to quip that password is the most common
 408-356-8506   | password. Now it's 'password1.' Who said users
 haven't | learned anything about security? -- Bruce Schneier

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Jason Orendorff
On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 9:04 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
 a**b * -c**d + e

I don't think people use unary - like this very often. It's nothing to
do with exponentiation. You don't see people write:

a * -c + e

because the right-side-up way to say that is:

e - a * c

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Computed Property Name Shorthand Proposal

2015-08-27 Thread Jeremy Martin
I'm usually lousy at interpreting the spec (yet here I go!), but I think
the behavior is explained here [1]:

PropertyDefinition[Yield] :
PropertyName[?Yield] : AssignmentExpression[In, ?Yield]

PropertyName[Yield,GeneratorParameter] :
[+GeneratorParameter] ComputedPropertyName
[~GeneratorParameter] ComputedPropertyName[?Yield]

LiteralPropertyName :

ComputedPropertyName[Yield] :
[ AssignmentExpression[In, ?Yield] ]

There are aspects to that grammar that I don't fully grok yet, but your `{
[foo] }` example appears to be trying to combine the `IdentifierReference`
form (which *doesn't support* an `AssignmentExpression`) and the `PropertyName:
AssignmentExpression` form (which *requires* the `AssignmentExpression`).

In other words, all paths in that grammar that lead to a `
ComputedPropertyName` being valid also require the right-hand `


On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 12:25 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:

 I'd expect the following to work, given that the prop expression evaluates
 to 'bar', and bar is in context.

 var foo = 'bar'
 var bar = 'ponyfoo'
 var baz = { [foo] }
 // - { bar: 'ponyfoo' }

 Hmmm...  I'm not sure I would expect any such thing.  It seems like you're
 proposing some kind of dynamic eval-ish variable binding lookup, which is
 probably going to be a no-go.


 es-discuss mailing list

Jeremy Martin
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Steve Fink

On 08/27/2015 09:25 AM, Dean Tribble wrote:
Ideally syntax proposals should include some frequency information to 
motivate any change. Is there an easy search to estimate the frequency 
of Math.pow? In my application codebase (financial app with only 
modest JS use), there are very few uses, and there are as many uses of 
Math.sin as there are of Math.pow.

Frequency relative to what, though? If code that does nontrivial math is 
a very small proportion of total JS code, and yet the exponentiation 
operator makes that code much more readable, then what is the 
conclusion? I would argue that ** precedence confusion is irrelevant to 
code that isn't going to use Math.pow in the first place. So it's a 
question of whether ** is a big enough readability win in code that 
computes exponents.

Anecdotally, my eyes caught on: -Math.pow(2,-10*a/1) (from a 
charting library) which makes me not want to have to review code where 
I'm worried about the precedence of exponentiation.

I'd have to write that out: -2**(-10*a/1). That doesn't seem too bad.

For myself, I do very much prefer Math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) to 
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2)). The verbosity and uneven 
density of notation is really bothersome -- for any equation like the 
second one, I guarantee that I'll rewrite it on paper to figure out what 
it's saying. (Ok, maybe not for that specific formula, but even there 
I'll mentally render it.) I would not need to do so with the first one. 
Jumping between prefix and infix is jarring.

Then again, I could make the same argument for Math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) vs 
(a**2 + b**2) ** 0.5. And I don't like the second one much. But people 
don't interchange those when handwriting formulas, either.

Math.sqrt(a.pow(2) + b.pow(2)) is an interesting middle point. I 
initially thought it struck the right balance, but seeing it written 
out, it still looks far inferior to me.

A more complex example might help:

  a * (b - a)**(x - 1/2 * (b - a)**2)


  a * Math.pow(b - a, x - 1/2 * Math.pow(b - a, 2))


  a * (b - a).pow(x - 1/2 * (b - a).pow(2))

For me, the middle one is a mess. I can't make sense of it, and I can't 
spot the common (b - a) expression at all. The first one is as readable 
as such formulas ever are when written out with ASCII text. The third 
one is somewhere in between. I can see the common (b - a), and perhaps 
if I got more used to seeing .pow I could mentally make use of it 
without writing it on paper, but for now I cannot. Part of the problem 
is that I can easily translate x**2 into x squared, but x.pow(2) 
is raising x to the power of 2.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Nathan White
Anecdotal evidence via a quick github search

A significant number of the usages are unit tests. Many others are repeats
from popular libraries like D3.

The most extreme use case I could find:

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 11:19 AM, Steve Fink wrote:

 On 08/27/2015 09:25 AM, Dean Tribble wrote:

 Ideally syntax proposals should include some frequency information to
 motivate any change. Is there an easy search to estimate the frequency of
 Math.pow? In my application codebase (financial app with only modest JS
 use), there are very few uses, and there are as many uses of Math.sin as
 there are of Math.pow.

 Frequency relative to what, though? If code that does nontrivial math is a
 very small proportion of total JS code, and yet the exponentiation operator
 makes that code much more readable, then what is the conclusion? I would
 argue that ** precedence confusion is irrelevant to code that isn't going
 to use Math.pow in the first place. So it's a question of whether ** is a
 big enough readability win in code that computes exponents.

 Anecdotally, my eyes caught on: -Math.pow(2,-10*a/1) (from a charting
 library) which makes me not want to have to review code where I'm worried
 about the precedence of exponentiation.

 I'd have to write that out: -2**(-10*a/1). That doesn't seem too bad.

 For myself, I do very much prefer Math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) to
 Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a, 2) + Math.pow(b, 2)). The verbosity and uneven
 density of notation is really bothersome -- for any equation like the
 second one, I guarantee that I'll rewrite it on paper to figure out what
 it's saying. (Ok, maybe not for that specific formula, but even there I'll
 mentally render it.) I would not need to do so with the first one. Jumping
 between prefix and infix is jarring.

 Then again, I could make the same argument for Math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) vs
 (a**2 + b**2) ** 0.5. And I don't like the second one much. But people
 don't interchange those when handwriting formulas, either.

 Math.sqrt(a.pow(2) + b.pow(2)) is an interesting middle point. I initially
 thought it struck the right balance, but seeing it written out, it still
 looks far inferior to me.

 A more complex example might help:

   a * (b - a)**(x - 1/2 * (b - a)**2)


   a * Math.pow(b - a, x - 1/2 * Math.pow(b - a, 2))


   a * (b - a).pow(x - 1/2 * (b - a).pow(2))

 For me, the middle one is a mess. I can't make sense of it, and I can't
 spot the common (b - a) expression at all. The first one is as readable as
 such formulas ever are when written out with ASCII text. The third one is
 somewhere in between. I can see the common (b - a), and perhaps if I got
 more used to seeing .pow I could mentally make use of it without writing it
 on paper, but for now I cannot. Part of the problem is that I can easily
 translate x**2 into x squared, but x.pow(2) is raising x to the power
 of 2.

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Ethan Resnick
Long-time esdiscuss lurker; hopefully this perspective is helpful.

I think the problem here is that traditional mathematic notation uses
visual cues to imply precedence that JS can't take advantage of. When -3 **
2 is written out on paper, the 2 is very clearly grouped visually with the
3. In fact, the superscript almost makes the 2 feel like an appendage of
the 3. That makes it more natural to read it as two items: the negative
sign, and (3 ** 2).

By contrast, when (-3 ** 2) is written out in code, the negative sign is
way closer visually to the 3 than the 2 is, so I find myself
instinctively pulling out a -3 first and reading the expression as

Treating -3 ** 2 as -(3 ** 2) seems technologically possible and
mathematically sensible, but also like it's going against the grain of the
human visual system. I think that's at least one reason to value the
binary precedence should be
lower than unary principle.

The `Number.prototype.pow` approach might be an improvement, as it has the
effect of mandating parentheses on some cases that might otherwise be
confusing (e.g. x ** y ** z)  and it offers most of the conciseness of
**. But -x.pow(2) still feels unpredictable to me as an everyday programmer
switching between languages. (Also, pow() requires an extra set of
parentheses if I want to operate on a literal.)

Maybe it's ok if the operator surprises some people in some cases, and the
guidance will just become to use parentheses if you're unsure. That
occasional uncertainty for the vast majority of JS programmers that aren't
doing much exponentiation might be worth it if ** makes a minority of JS
programmers much more productive. I don't know.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Assignment of global variables deleted by their RHS in strict mode

2015-08-27 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Aug 27, 2015, at 1:03 AM, André Bargull wrote:

 A fix for this would be in, insert between the current steps 4 and 
 4.5  If S is true, then
a.   Let stillHasBinding be ObjRec.HasBinding(N).
b.   ReturnIfAbrupt(stillHasBinding).
c.   If stillHasBinding is false,  throw a ReferenceError exception.
 I think the check should go into SetMutableBinding. That way the 
 similar issue for object
 environment records gets also fixed:
 var scope = {x: 1};
 with (scope) {
  (function() {
use strict;
x = (delete scope.x, 2);
 Except for SpiderMonkey, all other engines tested (Edge, Nashorn, JSC, V8) 
 already throw a
 ReferenceError for the above snippet. But that's probably because engines 
 don't implement the
 'correct' Reference type semantics 
 - André

I think you are probably right. In which case it becomes step 2.5 in


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Computed Property Name Shorthand Proposal

2015-08-27 Thread Kevin Smith

 I'd expect the following to work, given that the prop expression evaluates
 to 'bar', and bar is in context.

 var foo = 'bar'
 var bar = 'ponyfoo'
 var baz = { [foo] }
 // - { bar: 'ponyfoo' }

Hmmm...  I'm not sure I would expect any such thing.  It seems like you're
proposing some kind of dynamic eval-ish variable binding lookup, which is
probably going to be a no-go.

es-discuss mailing list

Computed Property Name Shorthand Proposal

2015-08-27 Thread Nicolas Bevacqua
I'd expect the following to work, given that the prop expression evaluates
to 'bar', and bar is in context.

var foo = 'bar'
var bar = 'ponyfoo'
var baz = { [foo] }
// - { bar: 'ponyfoo' }

The following works

var foo = 'bar'
var bar = 'ponyfoo'
var baz = { [foo]: bar }
// - { bar: 'ponyfoo' }

Sorry for not being quite spec-speak versed, this is my first message here.

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es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Dean Tribble
Ideally syntax proposals should include some frequency information to
motivate any change. Is there an easy search to estimate the frequency of
Math.pow? In my application codebase (financial app with only modest JS
use), there are very few uses, and there are as many uses of Math.sin as
there are of Math.pow.

Anecdotally, my eyes caught on: -Math.pow(2,-10*a/1) (from a charting
library) which makes me not want to have to review code where I'm worried
about the precedence of exponentiation.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 7:32 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:

 because the right-side-up way to say that is:

 e - a * c

 Yeah, I was waiting for someone to point that out, after I hit send.  : )
  I should spend more time setting up a better examples...

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Joe Gibbs Politz
On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Alexander Jones wrote:
 Ethan is making my point far better than I did, and I agree completely about
 the issue of unary operators visually appearing more tightly bound than
 binary operators.

 At this point it seems fair to at least acknowledge the prospect of
 significant whitespace.

 -x**2 === -(x ** 2)
 -x ** 2 === (-x) ** 2

One kind of cost that I haven't seen mentioned (and is relevant
re:whitespace) is the impact on minifiers and other tools that use JS
as output, which have to deal with operator precedence/whitespace
rules in quite complicated ways.  There's a nice recent piece about
precedence bugs in a minifier:

Making the creation and maintenance of systems like minifiers harder
is a real cost worth bearing in mind when updating already-subtle
existing rules.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Alexander Jones
Ethan is making my point far better than I did, and I agree completely
about the issue of unary operators visually appearing more tightly bound
than binary operators.

At this point it seems fair to at least acknowledge the prospect of
significant whitespace.

-x**2 === -(x ** 2)
-x ** 2 === (-x) ** 2

On Thursday, August 27, 2015, Steve Fink wrote:

 On 08/27/2015 11:20 AM, Ethan Resnick wrote:

 Long-time esdiscuss lurker; hopefully this perspective is helpful.

 I think the problem here is that traditional mathematic notation uses
 visual cues to imply precedence that JS can't take advantage of. When -3 **
 2 is written out on paper, the 2 is very clearly grouped visually with the
 3. In fact, the superscript almost makes the 2 feel like an appendage of
 the 3. That makes it more natural to read it as two items: the negative
 sign, and (3 ** 2).

 By contrast, when (-3 ** 2) is written out in code, the negative sign is
 way closer visually to the 3 than the 2 is, so I find myself instinctively
 pulling out a -3 first and reading the expression as (-3)**2.

 If we're making ** bind tighter than unary -, then I would hope it would
 be written -3**2, not -3 ** 2. The latter is indeed deceptive.

 For me, x**y**z is rare enough that I don't really care if ** is right
 associative or nonassociative. Parentheses are part of the cost you have to
 pay for rendering things as plain text -- and yet, I see no reason not to
 make x**y**z just do the right thing.

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Jason Orendorff
Don't rely on github searches to turn up representative examples. It
doesn't work that well. Here's my educated guess as to how ** will be

The most common use will be to square numbers.

Math.pow(a, 2)

Currently you might write `a * a`, which is kind of lame.

So where's the benefit? If this trivial thing is the most common use
of exponentation, why bother?

The ability to look at an expression and understand it at a glance is
a big deal.

x² + y²  limit
x**2 + y**2  limit
Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2)  limit
x.pow(2) + y.pow(2)  limit

A big big deal. It's the reason we have arithmetic operators in JS in
the first place.

Exponentiation is common when computing easing functions, curves for
graphics, interest, simulations, random stuff in games. Nth roots are
fairly common too (`apr**(1/12)`). In all of these cases, the user is
doing the same thing: translating a mathematical formula they wish to
use from math to JS. It is not extra hard to translate such a
formula using Math.pow(), but it is harder to read once you're done.
You have to mentally translate back to math.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Steve Fink

On 08/27/2015 11:20 AM, Ethan Resnick wrote:

Long-time esdiscuss lurker; hopefully this perspective is helpful.

I think the problem here is that traditional mathematic notation uses 
visual cues to imply precedence that JS can't take advantage of. When 
-3 ** 2 is written out on paper, the 2 is very clearly grouped 
visually with the 3. In fact, the superscript almost makes the 2 feel 
like an appendage of the 3. That makes it more natural to read it as 
two items: the negative sign, and (3 ** 2).

By contrast, when (-3 ** 2) is written out in code, the negative sign 
is way closer visually to the 3 than the 2 is, so I find myself 
instinctively pulling out a -3 first and reading the expression as 

If we're making ** bind tighter than unary -, then I would hope it would 
be written -3**2, not -3 ** 2. The latter is indeed deceptive.

For me, x**y**z is rare enough that I don't really care if ** is right 
associative or nonassociative. Parentheses are part of the cost you have 
to pay for rendering things as plain text -- and yet, I see no reason 
not to make x**y**z just do the right thing.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Waldemar Horwat

On 08/27/2015 11:58, Alexander Jones wrote:

Ethan is making my point far better than I did, and I agree completely about 
the issue of unary operators visually appearing more tightly bound than binary 

At this point it seems fair to at least acknowledge the prospect of significant 

-x**2 === -(x ** 2)
-x ** 2 === (-x) ** 2

Take a look at the Fortress language ☺.  But that one benefits from operators 
and syntax not limited to ASCII.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Brendan Eich
Not to worry, the significant whitespace prospect was (I trust) a 
warding-off spell. Good of Waldemar to mention Fortress, too.

JS, which as source is and will always be minified, indeed requires 
full-parsing minifiers, so one might naively still entertain the stated 
prospect. But it's a bad idea, since people minify (or just tidy by 
removing spaces) by hand. Keep warding off significant space!


Joe Gibbs Politz wrote:

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Alexander  wrote:

Ethan is making my point far better than I did, and I agree completely about
the issue of unary operators visually appearing more tightly bound than
binary operators.

At this point it seems fair to at least acknowledge the prospect of
significant whitespace.

-x**2 === -(x ** 2)
-x ** 2 === (-x) ** 2

One kind of cost that I haven't seen mentioned (and is relevant
re:whitespace) is the impact on minifiers and other tools that use JS
as output, which have to deal with operator precedence/whitespace
rules in quite complicated ways.  There's a nice recent piece about
precedence bugs in a minifier:

Making the creation and maintenance of systems like minifiers harder
is a real cost worth bearing in mind when updating already-subtle
existing rules.
es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

JSDoc3-style operator to access property of prototype(s)

2015-08-27 Thread Ron Waldon
I've been using JSDoc 3 for documentation of JavaScript code for years now,
and it recently occurred to me that maybe the instanceMember namepath is
a candidate for inclusion in ECMAScript proper:

The # operator would effectively be syntax sugar for .prototype.

Some examples:

MyConstructor#method === MyConstructor.prototype.method; // true

class Child extends Parent {
  method () {
// TODO: do something more than Parent would
// equivalent to;

var args =, 0);

Now, some of these examples may be anti-patterns in an ES2015 world, but I
wonder whether is accessed frequently enough in enough code
(even post-ES2015) that there's some merit here.

For me, it would make argument wrangling and ES5 class code more
convenient, and it would also bring extra parity between my JSDoc content
and the actual code it documents.

Have all use cases for this idea already been squashed by ES2015? I realise
there is a high threshold for syntax changes.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: JSDoc3-style operator to access property of prototype(s)

2015-08-27 Thread Kevin Smith

 class Child extends Parent {
   method () {
 // TODO: do something more than Parent would

This would be written return super.method();

 var args =, 0);

var args = Array.from(arguments);

(or rest params)

Have all use cases for this idea already been squashed by ES2015?

Yes, for the common use cases.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Directed rounding

2015-08-27 Thread Martin von Gagern
On 26.08.2015 23:37, Waldemar Horwat wrote:
 It doesn't make sense to encode a rounding mode such as round down
 into a value type.  If you multiply it by -1, half of the time it will
 start doing the wrong thing.

I agree: If this were implemented using a value type, then I'd envision
myself converting between types all the time, since the rounding mode is
indeed a property of the operation, not the value. User-definable value
types would be very useful to build (multi-precision?) interval
arithmetic on top of the directed rounding, though.

 Instead, you want functions that perform the primitive operations (+, -,
 *, /, sqrt, sin, etc.) in a rounding mode specified by the name of the
 function or perhaps a third parameter.

I wonder which of these would be easier for engines to optimize.

Detecting certain functions and inlining them during JIT compilation is
already established, I think. Turning that third parameter into some
machine-specific code is likely harder, but shouldn't be too hard as
long as the third parameter is a literal or some constant. But this is
my guessing, without too much knowledge about how intrinsics are
actually handled during compilation.

On the other hand, if that parameter might change, i.e. if you want to
perform the same computation repeatedly with different rounding modes,
then a parameter might be better than passing different combinations of
functions as arguments. I can think of no real-world application where
the same lengthy operation would be performed with different rounding
modes, due to the sign change issues you already mentioned. But it might
be worthwhile to investigate open source code which is using fesetround
and friends to see whether I'm missing some application here.

 Martin von Gagern

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Niloy Mondal
x ** y ** z is easier to read/write than x.pow(y.pow(z))
On Aug 27, 2015 8:51 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 6:19 PM, Waldemar Horwat

 On 08/26/2015 15:08, Mark S. Miller wrote:

 The force of that precedent is indeed what my objection is. The yield
 counter-example is interesting, but yield is an identifier not an
 operator symbol, and so does not as clearly fall within or shape operator

 If someone explains a compelling need for ** I would find that
 interesting. But until then...

 ** is a convenience, and that's the wrong criterion to apply here.  If it
 were, then we wouldn't have useful conveniences like Math.cosh or arrow

 I'd rather read

   a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d


   a*Math.pow(x, 3) + b*Math.pow(x, 2) + c*x + d

 Ok, we have a benefit to evaluate. Brevity. With the example contrast

 a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d


 a*Math.pow(x, 3) + b*Math.pow(x, 2) + c*x + d

 Let's also apply Alexander's suggestion

 a*x.pow(3) + b*x.pow(2) + c*x + d

 To help us compare for brevity, and because I'm too lazy to count, I'm
 sending it in a fixed width font.


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Exponentiation operator precedence

2015-08-27 Thread Bill Frantz

On 8/27/15 at 11:51 PM, (Niloy Mondal) wrote:

x ** y ** z is easier to read/write than x.pow(y.pow(z))

As a language guru, you know which operation will be performed 
first. As Joe programmer, I don't and I would need to write it 
as x ** (y ** z).

With some operations, like +, the order doesn't matter and x + y 
+ z is not confusing.

Cheers - Bill

Bill Frantz|We used to quip that password is the most common
408-356-8506   | password. Now it's 'password1.' Who said 
users haven't | learned anything about security? -- Bruce Schneier

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Assignment of global variables deleted by their RHS in strict mode

2015-08-27 Thread André Bargull
 A fix for this would be in, insert between the current steps 4 and 

 4.5  If S is true, then
 a.   Let stillHasBinding be ObjRec.HasBinding(N).
 b.   ReturnIfAbrupt(stillHasBinding).
 c.   If stillHasBinding is false,  throw a ReferenceError exception.

I think the check should go into SetMutableBinding. That way the 
similar issue for object
environment records gets also fixed:

var scope = {x: 1};

with (scope) {
  (function() {
use strict;
x = (delete scope.x, 2);

Except for SpiderMonkey, all other engines tested (Edge, Nashorn, JSC, V8) 
already throw a
ReferenceError for the above snippet. But that's probably because engines don't 
implement the
'correct' Reference type semantics 

- André
es-discuss mailing list