Re: [marketing-events] Intro & Offer of presenting material at OOo Miniconf Downunder

2005-01-20 Thread Ian Laurenson
Thanks Jean & Jonathon for your replies.

Has there been any research done into what topics people would like at
the conference?

Are computer labs going to be available for running workshops?

As I am updating the Migration Guide for OOo 2.0 (or at least for the
latest snapshot) I could add Migration Issues as another potentially

Thanks, Ian

Re: [marketing-events] Intro & Offer of presenting material at OOo Miniconf Downunder

2005-01-17 Thread Jonathon Coombes
On Tue, 2005-01-18 at 07:54 +1000, Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
> Ian Laurenson wrote:
> >
> >The purpose of this e-mail is to ask/discuss whether my skills could be
> >useful at OOo Miniconf Downunder, and if so what form should that
> >assistance take.
> Ian! Great to see you here. I'm not (yet) an official organiser of this 
> conference, so my comments in this note are all my own opinion.

Hi Ian,

I had hope that Jacqueline would have responded to your email, but her
time is obviously taken up with RegioCon at the moment. As one of the
co-organisers, I would like to reply to your email and say "Yes, we
would like you to talk at the conference!". :)

> Yes, your skills would definitely be very useful at OOo Miniconf in 
> Canberra. Do put in a proposal (or several) for papers and/or workshops -- 
> I think something on macros / components would be great. Btw, I recommend 
> proposing more than one session, so that the organisers can choose a topic 
> that best fits in with the rest of the program.

I agree with Jean here. I think you are recognised, by the OOo community
at least, as one of the top macro developers for the OOo package. I
would certainly back Jean here in saying, submit a number of papers
and possible workshops. Again, if there are too many papers/sessions,
we can choose the best out of the lot, and have an even better 
MiniConf overall :)

> >I am happy to offer assistance in whatever other way that I can.
> Excellent! I'm sure we'll have lots for you to do.  ;-)

Glad to hear that. At this stage, we have completed the initial planning
steps and are moving into the second stage. Will let you know how you
can help, if needed, in the next few days.

> >The LCA fees, even at hobbyist level are very steep for me. 
> >Is there anyway of my
> >attending the OOo Miniconf Downunder without attending LCA and paying
> >such high registration fees? I confess the air tickets are enough of a
> >struggle.
> There may be some expense subsidies available for speakers, as there have 
> been for other OOo conferences. This hasn't been announced, so I'm only 
> speculating. I suggest that when you send your proposals, you mention how 
> much of a subsidy you need.

There will certainly be some form of help to get speakers here into
Australia. Jacqueline would have more details regarding this, but I 
think I am safe in saying this. The amount of money available for
this however, is not known at this stage, so it could be limited to
a select few. This choice would of course be based on the speaker
and their standing within the community and business, and also the
distance, and therefor cost, required to help subsidise their arrival
here in Australia.


Re: [marketing-events] Intro & Offer of presenting material at OOo Miniconf Downunder

2005-01-17 Thread Ian Lynch
On Mon, 2005-01-17 at 21:54, Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
> Ian Laurenson wrote:
> >
> >The purpose of this e-mail is to ask/discuss whether my skills could be
> >useful at OOo Miniconf Downunder, and if so what form should that
> >assistance take.
> Ian! Great to see you here. I'm not (yet) an official organiser of this 
> conference, so my comments in this note are all my own opinion.
> Yes, your skills would definitely be very useful at OOo Miniconf in 
> Canberra. Do put in a proposal (or several) for papers and/or workshops -- 
> I think something on macros / components would be great. Btw, I recommend 
> proposing more than one session, so that the organisers can choose a topic 
> that best fits in with the rest of the program.

What are the dates for the Canberra miniconf. If I survive my round the
world trip I'd like to try to get there. 

Ian, where abouts in New Zealand are you? I'm coming over to Rotorua to
meet with Graham Lauder in a couple of weeks. Probably a long shot but
if you are in Aukland or between their and Rotorua, maybe we could say


Re: [marketing-events] Intro & Offer of presenting material at OOo Miniconf Downunder

2005-01-17 Thread Christian Einfeldt
On Sunday 16 January 2005 21:13, Ian Laurenson wrote:
> I have been using OOo for about 2.5 years, was part of the
> OOoAuthors team that wrote the Migration Guide, have been active
> on the oooforums (iannz) and to a lesser extent on the users mail
> list, have a web page for my OOo work:

Ian, you forgot to mention that you wrote a really good macro 
simulating Reveal Codes.   ;-)   

Re: [marketing-events] Intro & Offer of presenting material at OOo Miniconf Downunder

2005-01-17 Thread Jean Hollis Weber
Ian Laurenson wrote:

The purpose of this e-mail is to ask/discuss whether my skills could be
useful at OOo Miniconf Downunder, and if so what form should that
assistance take.
Ian! Great to see you here. I'm not (yet) an official organiser of this 
conference, so my comments in this note are all my own opinion.

Yes, your skills would definitely be very useful at OOo Miniconf in 
Canberra. Do put in a proposal (or several) for papers and/or workshops -- 
I think something on macros / components would be great. Btw, I recommend 
proposing more than one session, so that the organisers can choose a topic 
that best fits in with the rest of the program.

I am happy to offer assistance in whatever other way that I can.
Excellent! I'm sure we'll have lots for you to do.  ;-)
The LCA fees, even at hobbyist level are very steep for me. 
Is there anyway of my
attending the OOo Miniconf Downunder without attending LCA and paying
such high registration fees? I confess the air tickets are enough of a
There may be some expense subsidies available for speakers, as there have 
been for other OOo conferences. This hasn't been announced, so I'm only 
speculating. I suggest that when you send your proposals, you mention how 
much of a subsidy you need.

Regards, Jean