Re: subjective reality

2005-08-24 Thread Russell Standish
On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 10:34:30AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> [RS]
> Interestingly, someone pointed me at a paper by Esche the other day,
> arguing that alternative "projection postulates" are compatible with
> the MWI. The precise alternative projection postulate they supplied
> turns out to be riddled with white rabbits - which makes me speculate
> that the Born rule is precisely what you need to kill off all the
> white rabbits in the MWI.
> [GK]
>  I can't say I follow you here. MWI + Projection postulates should 
> reproduce
>  regular Copenhagenian QM since MWI is basically QM - Projection 
> Postulates!
>  Now killing white rabbits with the Born rule!??? If that could be 
> done, seems to
> me, would obviate all the need for MWI in the first place, no?

Don't worry too much - I'm indulging in a bit of idle speculation for
the benefit of Brent, amongst others. See my post msg07791.html
(available from
as the other archive appears to be out of action).


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A/Prof Russell Standish  Phone 8308 3119 (mobile)
Mathematics0425 253119 (")
International prefix  +612, Interstate prefix 02

Description: PGP signature

Re: subjective reality

2005-08-24 Thread scerir
'MWI + Projection postulates should reproduce
regular Copenhagenian QM since MWI is basically 
QM - Projection Postulates!'

Imagine a superposition like this

|'spin_z' +1> |'detector' +1> +
|'spin_z' -1> |'detector' -1>

It describes a superposition of spin up/down 
states, and the entagled (or relative) states of a

Now imagine a second - whatever, human? - device, 
to measure a specific observable of the above 

Let this observable be such that the ray generated by 
the above superposition state is an eigenspace of this
observable, corresponding to a definite eigenvalue, 
the eigenvalue 'yes'. Since neither component of 
the above superposition state lies in the eigenspace 
of this observable, this observable fails to commute
with the 'spin_z' observable, and fails to commute
with the 'detector' observable.

We can write (canonically) ...   
|'z-spin' +1> |'detector' +1> |yes> +
|'z-spin' -1> |'detector' -1> |yes>

In a MWI, a world should instantiate an eigenvalue 
for an observable if the superposition term associated 
with that world is an eigenstate of the observable 
corresponding to that eigenvalue. 

So, after the (second) measurement, what would 
an Everettista write? 

This one?

|'z-spin' +1> |'detector' +1> |?>  <=> world A
|'z-spin' -1> |'detector' -1> |?>  <=> world B

(Since, in each world, the observable measured by 
the second - whatever, human? - device does not 
commute with the 'spin_z' observable, so it has no 
predeterminate value, that is to say that the outcome 
of the (second) measurement must occur by chance.)

Or this one?

|'z-spin' +1> |'detector' +1> |yes> <=> world A
|'z-spin' -1> |'detector' -1> |yes> <=> world B

(In this case the fact that the second device would later 
record the state |yes> seems to be fixed ... in advance 
of the measurement itself. And this is magic. White Rabbit?
What else?)

'I believe that YD is incompatible with 
the whole formalism of QM which I don't quite 
think is simply reducible to Unitary Evolution 
plus Collapse, by the way.'



[It is too late here, I cannot write more, and I cannot
check the above :-)]

Re: archive?

2005-08-24 Thread Wei Dai

I'm not sure what's going on with, but there's a second archive

- Original Message - 
From: "Hal Ruhl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 9:14 PM
Subject: archive?

Hi All:

I have not been able to access the list's archive for awhile.  Is there a

Hal Ruhl

Re: subjective reality

2005-08-24 Thread Hal Ruhl

Hi Godfrey:

At 03:10 PM 8/24/2005, you wrote:


Hi Hal,
 My first comment was directed at your previous sentence which read 
something like: "The list of course would have properties that seem 
incompatible as simultaneous properties of a single object, but 
nevertheless definitions create such objects as the "is not" member of 
the definitional pair. So the All is - in total - self incompatible, but 
so what? " I thought, from it, that you meant to say that your Everything 
list contains contradictory attributions like "X is a car" and "X is not 
a car" for the same X. I obviously

misunderstood you.

The distinction is between existence and reality.  While the whole list is 
taken as existing the assumption does not hold that every "is" and "is not" 
definable object can also have reality.  I find it difficult to accept some 
combinations of "X is ***..." and "X is not ***..." as being simultaneous 
properties of the same object that can have reality or of any of its sub 
components but "round square" is perhaps not so unacceptable.  For example 
in a discrete point universe where for one of its components half the 
applicable points are arranged "square" and half "round" this being a state 
in some sort of transition sequence of states wherein that component goes 
from being round to being square.  Now when this particular state has 
reality in a sequence of such states does it not contain a "round square"?

 About your first assumption, as you restate above, I would venture to 
say that QM suggests that the existence of such list is very unlikely if 
by 'reality" one understands "physical reality" as defined by EPR, that 
is, as composed by distinct elements
 bearing properties that are independent of the means of observation used 
to assign them to such objects. This is the gist
 of Einstein's famous question "Is the moon there when nobody looks?" and 
all that folklore.

I am making a distinction between existence and reality.  Reality is a 
transitory state that some definable objects can have.  Further I think it 
is incorrect to try to exclusively argue from a very small sub set [sample] 
of the objects that can have reality - presumably the states of our 
universe - back to the system that embeds them.

If it turns out that quantum mechanics is part of the valid description of 
our universe [The issue is I believe an open one] then the embedding system 
should allow for that.  This does not preclude other universes for which 
quantum mechanics is not part of the description.

Now if by "reality" you mean
 platonic reality, I think it is a good question whether such list may 
exist or not. You will have to ask a mathematician...

I am of the opinion that the line items on my list are just numbers.  I 
believe that most participants in this venue would allow that "Numbers 
exist" is a possible starting point and that this is could be considered a 
type of Platonism.  I just renamed numbers as "properties" so as to include 
all their interpretations [sets of other numbers].

(I am assuming it is contains an countable infinity of entries, no?)

Well there is a difference between listing and counting.  I may not be able 
to count the reals [at least in this universe] but I think a mathematician 
who allows for continuous dimensions in a 3D space will also allow that in 
such a space I can list the reals just by drawing a line segment of 
arbitrary length on a note pad.  Since my list has no dimensionality 
restrictions I suspect it can be one for one with the continuum.

Hal Ruhl

Re: subjective reality

2005-08-24 Thread kurtleegod

-Original Message-
From: Hal Ruhl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 14:15:43 -0400
Subject: Re: subjective reality

Hi Godfrey:

At 12:03 PM 8/24/2005, you wrote:
>Hi Hal,
>Just a minimal comment to what you state below.
>I erase a bit of the previous exchange.
>Godfrey Kurtz
>(New Brunswick, NJ)


 > If I understand you correctly your List-of-Everything is pretty much 
> like our own everything-list (;-)! So it contains YD, CT and AR and 
also > their negations which makes it self-contradictory a priori and 
thus > imprevious to any charges of contradiction and in
 > all likelyhood beyond any argument that anyone may devise (since it 

obviously contains it too).

My first assumption says:

 "There exists a list of all possible properties of objects that can 
have reality."

 Are you saying that this list taken as a whole is necessarily self 
contradictory and therefore you can not show it does not exist due to 
this internal self contradiction and this is your proof that it does 
not exist?

 Let me first point out that the list is just a list - not a system of 
logic. I give it only one property by assumption - existence.

Hal Ruhl


Hi Hal,
 My first comment was directed at your previous sentence which read 
something like: "The list of course would have properties that seem 
incompatible as simultaneous properties of a single object, but 
nevertheless definitions create such objects as the "is not" member of 
the definitional pair. So the All is - in total - self incompatible, 
but so what? " I thought, from it, that you meant to say that your 
Everything list contains contradictory attributions like "X is a car" 
and "X is not a car" for the same X. I obviously

misunderstood you.

 About your first assumption, as you restate above, I would venture to 
say that QM suggests that the existence of such list is very unlikely 
if by 'reality" one understands "physical reality" as defined by EPR, 
that is, as composed by distinct elements
 bearing properties that are independent of the means of observation 
used to assign them to such objects. This is the gist
 of Einstein's famous question "Is the moon there when nobody looks?" 
and all that folklore. Now if by "reality" you mean
 platonic reality, I think it is a good question whether such list may 
exist or not. You will have to ask a mathematician...

(I am assuming it is contains an countable infinity of entries, no?)



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Re: subjective reality

2005-08-24 Thread Hal Ruhl

Hi Godfrey:

At 12:03 PM 8/24/2005, you wrote:

Hi Hal,

Just a minimal comment to what you state below.
I erase a bit of the previous exchange.

Godfrey Kurtz
(New Brunswick, NJ)


 If I understand you correctly your List-of-Everything is pretty much 
like our own everything-list (;-)! So it contains YD, CT and AR and also 
their negations which makes it self-contradictory a priori and thus 
imprevious to any charges of contradiction and in
 all likelyhood beyond any argument that anyone may devise (since it 
obviously contains it too).

My first assumption says:

"There exists a list of all possible properties of objects that can have 

Are you saying that this list taken as a whole is necessarily self 
contradictory and therefore you can not show it does not exist due to this 
internal self contradiction and this is your proof that it does not exist?

Let me first point out that the list is just a list - not a system of 
logic.  I give it only one property by assumption - existence.

Hal Ruhl


Re: subjective reality

2005-08-24 Thread kurtleegod

Hi Hal,

Just a minimal comment to what you state below.
I erase a bit of the previous exchange.

Godfrey Kurtz
(New Brunswick, NJ)

-Original Message-
From: Hal Ruhl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 10:33:45 -0400
Subject: Re: subjective reality

Hi Godfrey

At 01:09 PM 8/22/2005, you wrote:

 I do not derive YD, CT or AR. The model is based on a list of 
properties that objects can have. Definition divides this list into two 
sub lists. The Nothing has the sole property "empty", the All has all 
the remaining properties. The list of course would have properties that 
seem incompatible as simultaneous properties of a single object, but 
nevertheless definitions create such objects as the "is not" member of 
the definitional pair. So the All is - in total - self incompatible, 
but so what?

 If I understand you correctly your List-of-Everything is pretty much 
like our own everything-list (;-)! So it contains YD, CT and AR and 
also their negations which makes it self-contradictory a priori and 
thus imprevious to any charges of contradiction and in
 all likelyhood beyond any argument that anyone may devise (since it 
obviously contains it too).


 As to falsifiability of my model I will try to list my assumptions, 

 1) There exists a list [call it the Everything] of all possible 
properties of objects that can have reality.

 2) The list is divided into two sub lists by the process of definition 
[definition forms a definitional [is:is not] pair].

 3) The definition resulting in the [Nothing:All] definitional pair is 
unavoidable and thus this pair has simultaneous existence with the 

 It is then noted that the Nothing can not respond to any meaningful 
question about itself and there is such a question: Does it persist? 
Thus the Nothing is incomplete. The necessary attempt at resolution of 
this incompleteness by the Nothing by accessing [incorporating] parts 
of the list [a symmetry breaking?] results in a random dynamic within 
the All producing a randomly evolving Something [that which the Nothing 
has become by incorporating parts of the list] [an evolving universe]. 
But by #3 the Nothing must be restored so the process of creating 
randomly evolving Somethings repeats [a form of an MWI]. A random 
evolution can produce long strings of states of universes that can 
support Self Aware Structures [SAS], YD, comp etc. [A state of a 
universe is one side of a definitional pair - a sub list, and I have in 
the past called sub lists "kernels" [of information] to tie in with 
some of my previous posts.]

That is my model in a nut shell.

 Sounds solid to me! And because it includes Everything and more(!) 
what can I possibly add beyond the suggestion that you name it the... 
"Whatever Theory" (:-).

>I don't want to sound like a big stickler for Popper or
>anything but I am sure you are familiar with the infamous
>libel often directed at String Theory that "it is not even false!"

 I believe that particular description is actually more like "that is 
not even wrong" [citation unknown] and may be older than string theory. 
In any event I think we should be careful how we use descriptions such 
as true/false, right /wrong, compatible/incompatible, in contradiction 
with, etc. because they seem to have different domains. I am now 
interested in how you and Bruno use such terms re comp, YD, UDA, QM, 
MWI, etc.

 Oh, those tired dichotomies, true/false, right/wrong, bla-bla! There 
so confining, aren't they? No match for Everything/Nothing
 that is for sure(/unsure?)! I am sorry, Hal, but I am afraid my views 
may strike you as old fashioned as I am still a bit attached
 to those old notions you have already so dashingly transcended, 
like... common sense (;-)

 In that regard I think it is time you present your argument re YD/QM 
and see what the list has to say about it.

Hal Ruhl

Working on it.



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Re: subjective reality

2005-08-24 Thread kurtleegod

Hi Russell,

Thanks for the clarification on the White Rabbit issue.
That is helpful.

Godfrey Kurtz
(New Brunswick, NJ)

-Original Message-
From: Russell Standish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 13:27:19 +1000
Subject: Re: subjective reality

On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 10:19:34AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My argument is not based on the White Rabbit Problem since I don't
 > even know what that is, in all honesty! From reading Brunos's 

> account" I gather it has something to do with the possibility of
> finding
> unruly or unexpected things once you believe the kind of "theory" he
> and, I guess you, profess. No?

Another name for the White Rabbit problem is failure of
induction. Basically, it is the possibility that any/all of our laws of
science may suddenly stop being applicable. It bedevils most ensemble
theories of everything.

Oh! In that case I don't think my argument qualifies as a White Rabbit
 but you may think otherwise. I have set it up the other way around, 
 is, imagining a situation in which the laws (or consequences) of QM 
 the possibility of the "substitution" envisaged in the YD hypothesis. 
You can
 always appeal for "an exemption from the laws of physics" that would 
still make
 the process go and that would be a White Rabbit, I guess. But I don't 

that qualifies as a loophole...

 There is a subtler style of argument involving the "need" for laws of 
 altogether that occurs sometimes in QM and, blocks out an exit route 
from my

argument which is referred to sometimes as the "Demiurge Problem".

> Without meaning to disrespect your solutions, I think Quantum
> Mechanics
> produces a very good deal of "White Rabbits" on its own, and by this
 > I mean predictions that thwart any of the everyday type of 

> you place on reality!

That is not what is meant by White Rabbits. Predictions of QM are
entirely lawlike even they're unexpected.

Agreed (even if I would put the "lawlike" between quotes).

Interestingly, someone pointed me at a paper by Esche the other day,
arguing that alternative "projection postulates" are compatible with
the MWI. The precise alternative projection postulate they supplied
turns out to be riddled with white rabbits - which makes me speculate
that the Born rule is precisely what you need to kill off all the
white rabbits in the MWI.

 I can't say I follow you here. MWI + Projection postulates should 
 regular Copenhagenian QM since MWI is basically QM - Projection 
 Now killing white rabbits with the Born rule!??? If that could be 
done, seems to

me, would obviate all the need for MWI in the first place, no?

> The argument I believe I have is just a simple working out of the
> premise
 > of YD till you get to a situation that our current knowledge of QM 

> defeat. I am sure there are many more that you can think up with a
> bit of reflection.

No, I have a complete "failure of imagination" in this department.

> [RS]
> So it is time to put up or shut up Godfrey! If you have some genuine
> argument against the YD, let's hear it.
> Cheers
> [GK]
> As I stated before I don't react very well to that style of macho
> pressure
> in spite of my (clumsy) attempts to use it on Bruno!

I'm hardly pressuring you, but it is very frustrating to be constantly
told by you that you have an interesting point to make, without you
ever making the point. This is not an email list for egotistical
posturings - people come here to learn stuff. It is fine to post
poorly thought out speculations, noone think any the less of you -
other bright minds can quickly find the glaring flaws in these, and
one learns something in the process, often including the very person
demolishing an argument.


I get your point and I do agree with you, somewhat.
I am leaning towards sketching the argument even
 if not for Bruno's benefit any longer. Though it occurred to me as a 

in his ointment I think it may play a more constructive role in another
dispute which I find interesting. I am much less certain about that
 last possibility and could certainly use your wits and those of the 

member of the list in checking it out

Please, bear with me for a little longer while I work this out in some
communicable shape.




A/Prof Russell Standish Phone 8308 3119 (mobile)
Mathematics 0425 253119 (")
International prefix +612, Interstate prefix 02

Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and 
industry-leading spam and email 


2005-08-24 Thread Hal Ruhl

Hi All:

I have not been able to access the list's archive for awhile.  Is there a 

Hal Ruhl