Hi Godfrey:

At 12:03 PM 8/24/2005, you wrote:
Hi Hal,

Just a minimal comment to what you state below.
I erase a bit of the previous exchange.

Godfrey Kurtz
(New Brunswick, NJ)


If I understand you correctly your List-of-Everything is pretty much like our own everything-list (;-)! So it contains YD, CT and AR and also their negations which makes it self-contradictory a priori and thus imprevious to any charges of contradiction and in all likelyhood beyond any argument that anyone may devise (since it obviously contains it too).

My first assumption says:

"There exists a list of all possible properties of objects that can have reality."

Are you saying that this list taken as a whole is necessarily self contradictory and therefore you can not show it does not exist due to this internal self contradiction and this is your proof that it does not exist?

Let me first point out that the list is just a list - not a system of logic. I give it only one property by assumption - existence.

Hal Ruhl

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