Re: KIM 2.3 (was Re: Time)

2009-01-04 Thread Thomas Laursen

I admit that consciousness is a bit special but what about time as
(nothing but) a space dimension? Do you agree on this? (put aside
whether time/space is only in the mind, as you think, or really exist)

On Jan 3, 10:39 am, Bruno Marchal  wrote:
> I disagree, and your remark singles out the problem with the bird's  
> eye/frog view of Tegmark. Those two views remains "third person point  
> of views". Consciousness is intrinsically a first person view. You  
> cannot describe it in any third person point of view. This explains  
> why the Aristotelians want so much eliminate consciousness.
> But you are right for memories and the the possible discourse *about*  
> consciousness, this can be compared to marks on some block-structure.  
> Consciousness itself will be more a "distributed" logical feature in  
> the whole of the block reality. Consciousness, even consciousness of  
> time and space, is not something you can effectively relate to time  
> and space. Assuming comp you can relate it to fixed point of self-
> observation and other "logical" (but non geometrical) things. Then  
> discourses made by conscious entities have themselves invariant  
> pattern, like "we cannot define it", "we cannot explain it " that you  
> can (with luck) recognize in the (more geometrical) marks.
> Bruno Marchal
> On 03 Jan 2009, at 06:46, Thomas Laursen wrote:
> > If I understand the "standard" MWI right (with my layman brain) Abram
> > Demski's view of time is very much in accordance with it, except that
> > time should be looked at simply as a fourth space dimension. A bird's
> > eye view on the whole universe (= all it's "actualized" worlds) would
> > be like a static picture where, lets say, the beginning (big bang) is
> > at the left side (or right if you're Chinese), the present in the
> > middle, and the future at the right. Of course this (2-dimensional)
> > picture is extremely simplified but the idea behind is true (if I
> > understand Everett and others, mainly Deutsch and Tegmark in their
> > popular papers, right). Memory is then nothing but "marks" in the
> > brain, and consciousness just like other moving things in nature with
> > a (relatively) stable structure (a body, river, plant, etc), only more
> > complex.
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Re: Boltzmann Brains, consciousness and the arrow of time

2009-01-04 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 04 Jan 2009, at 03:09, Stephen Paul King wrote:

> Hi Günther,
>Nice post! Coments soon.
>Speaking of Svozil's work, please see: Cristian S. Calude, Peter H.
> Hertling and Karl Svozil, ``Embedding Quantum Universes in Classical  
> Ones'',
> Foundations of Physics 29(3), 349-390 (1999) [abstract], [CrossRef
> DOI:10.1023/A:1018862730956], [pdf], [pdf], [tex], [ps].

Nice work. It is in the line of the beautiful theorem of Kochen and  

>How can we derive quantum logics from purely integer (or even real
> number) based logics? This paper seems to yeild a no-go theorem!

And this confirms the MEC prediction (or re-prediction) that the logic  
of the physical reality cannot be boolean.
I recall you that the material hypostases, when interpreted in  
arithmetic, gives quantum like logics. There is no reason to suppose  
they can be embedded in Boolean logics. The no-go theorems shows that  
quantum logic cannot be embedded in classical logic in observable  
value preserving way.
Such no go-theorems cannot be applied to the AUDA arithmetical  
quantization, which concerns the way self-observing machine have to  
structure the comp physical reality. Remember the result by  
Goldblatt(*) 1974: there is a boolean way to interpret "epistemically"  
quantum logic (by the modal logic B). The arithmetical quantization,  
which captures the first person (plural) points of view, gives a modal  
logic B (without necessitation rule). It would be a nice research  
project to show that this extends the no-go theorems to the comp  
physical quantum logics. This would confirm the highly non boolean  
(and non Aristotelian) nature of matter, or appearance of matter.

The mechanist quantum logic is not derived from numbers, but from  
numbers personal points ov view: what numbers can observe and share  
when they observe themselves, and this with a very general notion of  
It is like the MWI, the most weird is the quantum world, the more we  
can believe that comp is correct, given that comp entails a rather  
highly non classical view of the physical reality.

All right? More generally and perhaps more simply  the no-go theorems  
forbid a classical reality, it does not forbid a classical *theory*  
about a non classical reality. The (meta)logic of quantum mechanics  
itself is classical. If you believed that the non go theorems is a  
problem for comp, it means that you could be confusing levels with  
metalevels. All right?



PS Kim, Günther, I will comment your posts with some details asap, but  
I have some new year activities ...

(*) Goldblatt, R. I. (1974). Semantic Analysis of Orthologic. Journal  
of Philosophical Logic, 3:19-35. Also in Goldblatt, R. I. (1993).  
Mathematics of Modality. CSLI Lectures Notes, Stanford California,  
page 81-97.

> - Original Message -
> From: "Günther Greindl" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 5:53 PM
> Subject: Re: Boltzmann Brains, consciousness and the arrow of time
> Hi Bruno,
> first of all thanks for the long answer, and yes, it was very helpful.
> You described the production of all reals with a very vivid imagery;  
> it
> showed a glimpse of the vastness of the UD. And, I agree, _in the  
> limit_
> there will be an infinite number of histories. So, as we have to also
> take into account infinite delay, we must take this limit into account
> and have infinite histories going through a "state" (do I understand  
> you
> correctly?).
> As to the interacting programs: do you consider them purely because  
> they
> are part of UD or do you think this is a possible way to share  
> histories?
> (I am interested in this because I find COMP very convincing, though I
> am still a bit worried about solipsism).
> I am also preparing a few thoughts (in a later post, but see hints
> below) on how consciousness might supervene on large parts of past
> causal histories, thereby also steering a bit away from solipsism
> (arguing via the concept of external realism from analytic philosophy,
> summarized by Putnam's "meaning is not in the head").
> I also have another question (related to the above issue of  
> solipsism):
> We have considered COMP and MAT and seen that the two are not really
> compatible.
> But you also say that with COMP, the universe itself is not computable
> (I understand why, and I agree with your reasoning as you have  
> presented
> it).
> But I have one "worry": what if the subsitution level is "at the  
> bottom"
>  of the universe - (for a moment drawing on materialist intuitions,  
> the
> universe in the "normal" sense and not considering infinite histories
> for the moment).
> If the universe is a computation, then also an individual in the
> universe is part of this computation. But this individual can't be
> "duplicated" because of the quantum no-cloning theorem (that is what I
> mean with "at the bottom" - not above the quantum level).
> Svozil for